The Times-Mountaineer 8ATURDAY...... SEPTEMBER 17, 1S92 MORE DEMOCRATIC TESTIMONY. The Chicago Jlerald, .and every other free-trade paper that seeks to lessen the height pf Commissioner Peck's evidence in favor of the tariff, is informed that onother Democratic official statesman, in another state, has spoken, and that his evidence is in ac cord with that of Mr. Peck. Mr. Peelle is chief of the Indiana bureau of statistics, and has been chief at any time during the last" fifteen years, when the office was in the gift of the Democratic party. He is a Democrat of the Democrats. A sum mary ot his last report is thus made . by the Indianapolis News, which 13 a free-trade paper: Two facta are prominent in Mr. Peelle'a report. 1 he average earnings of wage workers, if these conclusions are trustwor thy, are larger than has generally been be lieved. In Indianapolis the average yearly earnings are estimated by Mr. Peelic to be $555; in Evansville, $541, and in Torre Haute, $923. The weight of published evi dvnee has heretofore indicated an average of annual earnings smaller than here given. So that in Indiana, as well- as in New York, tho testimony of a Demo cratic official is in proof of an increase of wages since the passage of the Mc Kinley bill. - It will not pay the Herald to call Mr. Peelle "a traitor," or anything of that sort. The people of Indiana won't have it that way. They know Mr. Peelle to be an honest man and an honest Democrat. , Neither will it pay to seek to break his evidence by saying that it is based upon the replies of manufacturers to his inquiries, for it is based upon the testimony of toage-earners. ' We pre fer that our free- trade friend, the In dianapolis News, should state the case, It says: . " ?' Mr. Peelle made detailed inquiry concern' ins the cost of living in thirty-six homes i Indianapolis, twenty in Evanaville and fif teen, in Terre Haute. The only pnncipl followed in making selection was to choose. the familes whose support depended on as many different occupations as possible Many of the common wage-earning employ ments are included. Thus we find that stanch Democrat Commissioneer Peelle, of Indiana corroborating the evidence of that other stanch Democrat Commissioner Peck, of New York. And we note that while Peck reached hid conclu sions through correspondence wit capitalists, Mr. Peelle arrived at his conclusions through interviews with wage-earners. So that we have the concurrent testimony of labor in In diana and of capital in New York presented to us by Democratic officials, and in each case the testimony affirms an improved "condition of . labor since the passage of the.McKinley bill - Oregon Press Association. The iftntonal Association ot ine state ' Oregon will be held in this cit'y October 4tb, out ana uui, suit uia- iuuuhuim gramme of exercises, order of business and officers: . TUESDAY, OCTOBSB , lOBi. - 3 p. M. Meeting? called to order. Bol - call and addition of new members. Bead ing minutes' of last seenon. President a an nual address. Secretary's report. Report , of delegates to National Editorial Couven I tiou Report of Committee on Legislation Report of Committee on Grievances. R port of Committee on Resolutions. '.' WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 5. ' Morning session from 9 to 12 Unfinished business. The following practical papers will be read and discussed: "History of Ore gon Journalism." J. B. Eddv: "The Mora Responsibility of the Press," Rev. J. K N BelL - - . .- Afternoon session from' 1:30 to 5 -Tin reading and discussion of practical paper will be continued aa follows: "Personal aud ImDersonal- Journalism " John Michell "Corporations," Mrs. W. J. Plymale. .THITRSDAT, OCTOBER 6.' , . . m n 1(1 TT C T.t. : morning session irum v w w vuimw-w business. New business. . ASSOCIATION OFFICERS 1891. . '. President A. Noltner, Dispatch, Port land. - . ' First Vice President J. B. Eddy, Pen dleton. Smvind Vi President F. S. Ha rdioe. Telephone-HeqisUr, McMinnville. . Third Vice President Ira I Campbell Guard, Eugene. - "' 7 ; " Fourth Vice President W. J. Snodgrass, La Grande. Fifth Vice President Mrs. W. J. Ply- male, Jacksonville... . -. . ; Secretary Albert Tozier, Portland. ' Treasurer Oliver Perry Mason, Portland Sereeant-at-Arma Leo' Peterson, Port land. : ' ' '. f STANDING COMMITTEES. Columbia River Centennial Celebration L. Samuel. Geo. H. Himea. Oliver P. Mason. Mrs. W. J. Plymale, J. F. Halloran. . Resolutions J. B. Eddy, J. R. N. Bell, Robert Johnson. , , . ... -r .- ." Grievances Chaa. Nickell, W. ' J. Snod- praas, E. H. Flagg. Finance Ira L. Campbell, J. M. McCui lom, J. P. Burkhart. State of the Fraternity D. T. Stanley," Albert Tozier, Mrs. Luces. Cisey Watson, - General Arrantrements CCA Douabtv. J. H. Kessler, W. Yoran, A. B. Wester- field. . , ' Legislation Oliver Perry Mason, Geo. H Moflett, F. S. Harding, Leo Peterson, "IV L. Dugger. "A Salmon Farm. Old Celilo was celebrated for its boat building, and tor its activity during the freighting season, when -thousands of tons of goods were changed from the - portage road to boats on . the upper river. But its glory has departed, and, in its stead,- new Celilo has sprung into existence, where sal mon disport in the erystal waters , of toe Columbia, and where tons are shipped east every season.' :- .,'". i X; The cannery plant - and wheels at New Celilo are owned by Mr. L H. Taffe,'and a more princely entertainer -and host cannot be found anywhere in Oregon.. Jumping on the train which leaves this city at 1:25 P. M. in half an hour one ean step off at the duke dom of Celilo, and the open- hand-' of Mr Taffe is sure to give every one a cordial wel come." ' At this season the visit is particu larly interesting because the vast number of aalmsn that congregate blow the rapids. This is the historic, jxiint', where George Franoi tratrj sent his : wprld-renowrjed tele gram a quarter of a feentury'ago, and fiab appear as plentiful now aa then. The Co lumbia here seethes arid foams in its descent over the precipice, and this is an obstacle that the. finuy-tfibe, in low watrr, capnot I Mr. Taffe has several wheels in operation during week days, and these are reaping bountiful harvests. ' His cannery is kept busy putting salmon n proper snaps for shipment, There are a large force of men in.constaot employment, and these earn lib eral wages. Under his guidance one is shown everything in detail, from scooping the hsh out of the river by the wheel to cooking and canning it for market. .We know of no place where one can. spend an hour or two with more del ght aud interest, and we are certain that Mr. Taffe as host will do everything in bis power to entertain guests. - The salmon industry is yet in its infancy on the Columbia, and in the futnre we ex pect to see double the revenue realized from this business than there is now. Being Sat urday afternoon we carefully kept an ac count of the hours; and a? the west- bound train whistle J, heartily' shook the generous Taffe by the hand, promising to visit him again when he would be the fish millionaire and nde in his special palace car, departed and was on the bustlins streets of Tbe Dalles a few minutes after 4 o'clock. Serious Accidents, Idaho Avjlanche, On Wednesday fort neon Michael Cav eny met with a terrible Accident in tbe Rntb mine on War Eagle mountain. While pickingup bottom"' after firing, he struck a small piece c.l giant which bad laiieri to explode wlieu the balance went off. This exploded, filling bis face full of fine panicles of ruck, blowing trie rim of bis hat off, and throwing the pick which be whs aping so that it struck him a fearful (but flat) biow on tbe breast. He crawled out some 500 feet in the tun nel to the wloza. Foreman St. Clair hur ried to town and sent Dr. Weston up, and secured a team to bring Mr. Caveny to town. He is now resting easy, and will undoubtedly pull through. His right eye is destroyed but the doctor thinks tbe sight of tbe left one can be saved. He will lose a finger or two from one band. This is tbe second accident of this kind which has occurred here within tbe past month, and miners are at a loss to account for it. Marion Smith, a freighter, on Succor creek, met with an accident this week which will doubtless prove fatal. He bad the brake rope of bis trail wagon tied to the seat of tbe lead wagon. The coupling between the two wagons broke, and the rope attached to the seat jerked it from its position, throwing Mr. Smith about thirty feet. He is injured inter nally and can bardly survive. Dr. Wes ton was called to attend him. - Diphtheria Again. - . - ' - Ochoos Review. - - '- Diphtheria in its most aggravated form has made its appearance in the Liberty neighborhood, about 40 miles east of Prine- ville. Wednesday Dr. Belknap was sum moned to visit tbe family" of T. J. Stephen aon and others residing in the vicinity of Liberty. On his return the doctor reported diphtheria having appeared in Mrs. Clo ver's family two children and .Miss Clover, who is up ' from Willamette valley on visit, bains; the victims. Yesterday morn ing a messenger came in from Liberty, sum moning Dr. Belknap to again visit tbe diph theria patients at Mr. Stephenson's, an also bringing the sad newa of the death of William the 18-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Stephenson, who died of diph theria last Thursday. ' When this terribly fatal disease will have apent its force in that afflicted neighbor hood, no one can tell. ' It has already brought untold grief to two hearth stones, has quenched life a nre in five young breasts, four of whom were just budding into man and womanhood. Those of. ns who are parent and have never experienced such losses, can have - little conception of the Unutterable grief experienced by the parents of the deceased children. - ; - Was oo Hews. Wasco, Or., Sept. 10, 1892. Editor Tnos-lf ousTACixKa School opened last Monday with an at tendance of 61. A. C Sanford was in town yesterday.. - Notwithstanding the short erop the high ways leading to the river are fnll of wheat teams, and there will be a good deal of grain marketed. ' - Leyi Armsworthy and Jack Dingle are improving slowly and will soon be around again. Each has had a severe attack of ty phoid fever. - - : - - - The town of Grant is potting on metro politan airs. It is having a building boom, and seems to be quite lively.; . - . v Rev. I. M. Denison will start to confer ence Monday next. ' Wonder who will be bis successor? Mrs. Wilkin s, sister of Mrs. V. C. Brock, of this place, has been . here several days past visiting with her auter. , j i . . ' ' Reporter. ! Waaoo, Sept. 12, 1892. j Editor Tnas-MODSTAnnua: Warm days and cool nights. , ' The sick are slowly improving. - ' ' - Rev. R. C. Motor, presiding elder for this distriot," preached- arTeroellent sermon to, a good sised and appreciative audience last evening, v. . . ? - Kev. J. M. Denison and family-- departed to-day for conference The good wishes ef many friends here go with him. Messrs. E. Weld and Edwin Belle leave to-day for Idaho. - May they hve long and prosper. W. C Rntledge, of the South End, fs in town to-day. "V f i i Hons.'W. H. Biggs and John Fulton and families returned Saturday from a visit to tbe xasima country. i Uor schools are flourishing under the tutorship of Mesdames Cooper and Rows. The attendance is nearly seventy at present. Reporter. - Important Circular. i " I Washington, D..C, Sept. 5, 1892. Reguler and Receiver, The Dalles, Ore.: Tbe law governing tbe return of-fees and commissions doei not provide foe re payment in cases, where parties Tolun-i-tarily relinquish or abandon tbeir entries unless they do so witn tbe knowledge that another party has a superior right t6 tbe land, aud such anpenor right was u un known at tbe date of tbe filing or "entry. , Very respectfully, -.. .. i W. M. Stonk, ;." Acting Commissioner. ; Seal Estate Transfers. .' j Sept 12 United States to Chas Koehler; J of riwj and lots 3 and 4 sec 5, tp 2 a. r 11 east; homestead. . ' ' 4 S"i -, V. ' J Sept 12 United States, to Ezra Hensons ne sec 17, tp 3 s, r 14 east; homestead. I Sept 12 Polk Mays and wife to Thos H McGreer; 150.64 acres in sec 3. tp 8 a, r 19 east; 160 acres in seo 4. tp 8 s, r 19 eastf 637.44 acres in seo 6, tp 8 s, r 18 east; one half interest in above; f 1500.-'. - ' : ' " For Orer Efty' rears.;' : An Old and Will-Tried Remedy I 'Mrs. Winslow's': Soothing Syrup"has been UBed for over fifty years by millions of with perfect" success. It' soothes the cbildj softens the. gums, allays all pain, cures, wind colic, 'and is' the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Soldj by all druggists in every part of the. world.: Twenty-five oeots a, bottle." Its t value js iBcaloolable. r. Be ar and; ask . tor-Mrs.'-Winslow's Soothing 'Syrup, and take no other kind, ., ; ' , . , ' '' ':' 'V Tor Sale. Large, commodious house and. 4.loti,' east of fair ground" gate. 'Terms'reasonable. ' Apply to owner on : preaaises until Tuesday ' evening. J. D. Lei. TELEGRAPHIC. A. Pretty ttirl Kill' Herself. 1 Tacoma, Sept. 12. A special- from Buckley says that the toVu was thrown into a fever of excitement by tbe suicide of handsome Miss Annie Pigon, wbicb occurred last evening. ; It appears. that Annie, although 14 years of age, was a prepossessing jouug lady, and it was whispered bad not a few admirers. Her education having been sadly neglected her mother insisted, on her going . to school, which she as persisUDtly refused to do, giving as the excuse that she was too big, and she would be made the laughing stock of the boys. Finally, she was ordered to go to tbe public school or be eot to the reformatory. At this threat she replied that sooner than com ply she would end her life. List evening she was found ia convulsions about 200 yrds from her home. Dr. Sheets was. called, but to no avail, as the girl died in a few minutes. She informed all present that she bad taken poit-OD to escape go ing to tbe reform school. Tbe poison is supposed to have been taken from an old ttunk. four People Burned to Ueatb. Montreal, Sept. 13 Erly this morning a fire occurred in the Cbambly hotel, situated oo St. Jacques Cartier tquare. Boarders in tbe third floor bad to jump from windows, and in 60 doing Maxime FithlabauH, aged 35, Baptist. Cbarbonneau end Julrs Cnrmory sus taioed ir juries more or less severe. When tbe fire was uuder control, not be fore tbe whole building was gutted, a search was made, when the charred re maits of two men were found. One was a sewing machine agent named Turquotte and another a stableman whoee name is not ascertained. "A ' medical student named Cidale was discovered in a room and taken to tbe hospital, but ho died on reaching there. Loss on building and contents, $10,000. " "" ' ' " President Harriswn la Iodiicnant, Washington, Sept. 12 Evidently President Harrison contemplates admin istering a salutary lesson to tbe fficers pf tbe steamship companies, who for tem porary gain, continue to subject the peo ple of tbe United States to tbe cholera infection. . Secretary Foster to day made the following statement: "I received from tbe president late Saturday tbe fol lowing telegram" : "It is an outrage that the steamship companies continue to bring immigrants from infected ports. Say to tbem that it should stop, or it is certain every ship will bring disease, and we may be com pelled to turn ones sucn pest-iaaen ves sels." ' The Health OfMrer's Rounds. Qtabasttse, K. T Sept, 12. The bealtii officer bas retarned from bis ronod of visits, and reports all well aboard 'tbe Amalfi, from Hamburg. She has no passeDgers, 8Dd will go to tbe dock. Tbe steamers Doubbledam, Amania, Kaiser Withelm, Columbia,' Chaionia sod Bumber have all been cleared, and pro ceeded op tbe bay. -Further fumigation is necessary on tbe Wicland, and will be done at once. - No reports have been yet received from tbe quarantine islands. The Belgeland, trom Antwerp, baa 176 cabin and 8,8 steerage passengers. AH are well on board. ' Row at .Kire lelaad. . ; Qoarantxnk,' Sept. 12. Dr. Jenkin bas been informed by telegraph that the Cepheos is anchored at tbe Fire island dock, and 600 men oppose tbe landing of tbe passengers. Tbe doctor has requested uoveroor Flower by wire to call out tbe militia. He has also ordered meals pre pared -at tbe hotel to be delivered on board tbe Cepneus. 8:40 p. u. Two attempts were made to land tbe passengers of tbe Cepbens, which were snccesBlully opposed by tbe Bay men, ' 1 be vessel is now anchored in the channel opposite the hotel. ' Tremble Amaaijr ue Ckecitws, St. Louis, Sept. 12. The latest from tbe Choctaw nation is to tbe effect that Green McCortain treasurer of the nation and' leader of the' progressive party," was taken from bis borne and sbofr. Indian Agent Burnett bas arrived at McAllister, and is taking prompt measures Ao . settle. ue irouoies. - - . , A Case lai Peauylvaila, :; Jkahitettb, ' Pa, Sept. 13. The Bel giau, name not learned yet, who arrived in this place last Saturday from Europe, was 'taken ill to-day and. (tied in a le hours.- Pbysicians in attendance pro nounced tbe case one of Asiatic cholera. A full investigation is being made. . - A. Bridxe Csvrpeaiter FaOJa. , Tacojiv Sept. 12. R. O. Hall, Jforthera pacific . bridga.carpenter-wa instantly , killed to-day by falling from tbe railway bridge near Palmer on tne main lino. He fell upon a pile of timber below. He was fixing -a brace when a rope panea letnng mm arop. The Beesirse ! JUuBbarrX- ' ' Hahbubg, ' Sept. 13.- Yesterday 404 new cases of cholera and 110 deaths were reported. 'Medical experts" fear td-day tne epidemic is somewhat increasing.' '- Ck ' Ao iBeresuie la flawra Q X Havre, Sept. 12. Yesterday's cholera returns show 13s new (casei aod eight deatns. ibis is an increase ofeigbt new cases and five death, ever Saturday. Lokdoh, Septi 12. A' seaman jdiedoi. vriiiuauy uus'liai YCBiciuay VI BV ulBcaSO supposed to be Asiatic cholera. ' . fiTTTf"J TJw---"e,-W" att SmiD of Pies ia taken : it is rjleasant and refreshing to the taste, arid acta gentry yet promptly on the Kidneys,' Liver and Bowels,' cleanses- the sys-' tern enectaaliT, disnela- ooids, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Svruo of Firs ia the only remedy j)f its. Jurid ever ."proi luced,; pleasing fo 'the:1steian4 ax certable to the stomach, 'prompt in its action and trulv beneficial in its effecta, its many excellent qnalitie commend it to all. It is for safe in oOc arid 1 bottles bj aP leading druggist) i. Manntactured only by the r' m i irnosrim ' nn oarnrrn tin r Dissolution Noticed 1 VTOTIUB Is hereby gives that the ana of E. Jae- Obeen k. Co. haa bean diaaolved hv mntoal eon sent. O. 8. Samse haa thia dav sold his ona-half in- tereet in said ana to sVaeobMn, anderni E. tfacote sen is now sole owner of the bosinest and will con tinue the same at the old stand. H will mllet all aooounts due the firm of 15. Jaeobsea a Co. wd far i ucoouiasacsiuM lauMJiau. j. JAttOBU, OTIS 8. SAVAGE. The Dalles, Or., Sept. S, 1392. aeplO-lm Great Exposition of '92 Oi ES H AT PORTtAIIDrSEPt. 21 Continues one solid month, loreranner of tbet The CHICAGO EXPOSITION of 183 MUSIC BT THE FAMOUS AMERICAN-BAND " OF PROVIDENCE; B. I. AN ART COLLECTION Surpassing all former Exp sitio s, and valued at $300,000. A MAGNIFICENT DOUBLE .ECTRICHL : EXHIBIT, Under the combined Thornton Houston and Editon Companies, including the latest adaptations of electricity. . Immense Mineral Exhibit. UMTEb STATES MODELS OF BATTLE - SHIPS! From the Navy Yard st ' Washington. STOCK : DEPARTMENT Excacding all former years, with GREATLY INCREASED PREMIUMS. 80,000 Square Feet devoted to the finest . HORTICULTURAL ; EXHIBIT I Ever nude on the Pacific Coast. Agriculture to the front" Manufactories in full operation. The wonderful Hall of Mystery. "Tbe little WorVt." the result of mechanical renins. Larger n amber of exhibits than ever before. Tbe popular Spwial Says continued. Everything new GREATLY : EEDUCED : HATES i - - - ON AIX. TRANSPORTATION LIKES, A. McINTOSH. -DEALER IN- MORO and GRANT, OREGON. WILL ALWAYS HAVE ON SALR at the above towns the) ehoiosfit Beef . Hnitoa ami Pork. Also pay tho highest ,nuraet price, for .Butter and DEALER IN Dry Gt30tls7 Oests'-Pupaisliings BATS. CAPS, SOOTS, SHOES. Mo 134 Second Street, next door east of The Dalles National Bankv. j Having; just opened in business, and having a full assortmint of-the latest roods ia my line, J desire a share of the public patronage. V apr - C. F. STEPHENS Legal Notice-. SUMMONS. TN THE JU3TICE COURT, West Dalles Precinct, ,a . wasco vouniy, vregon. H. Herlning Plaintiff, vs. A. 8. Collins and lbs. A. S. Collins, his wife, Defendant. To A. 8. Collins and Mrs. b. Collins, his wife, mm wvs aamvu aeiFnoanta n. voii by required to appear ana answer the complaint filed againrt yon in the above entitled action within ten days from tne late of tbe service of this sum saonsppooyoa, if ear red. within this coanrr.or if served within any other county of this state, then within twenty days fsom the date ot 'the rervice of this summons upon you; and if served by pnbl oa-Urm.-thmm cr before the i2d dv of October. I89e. L at. the hour of ten o'clock in "- ' of said daar. jun n yon tau ao ,io answer. lot want taenotvahe plaintiff will take judgment against von for the sum of MMHDd interest at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum and his costs and disbursements in this atlODV:,it:"' o, Oi i.j'j::..-. . iu t , . This summons ia published by order of K. Soiratx, Justice of the Peace for West Dalles Precinct. Waaeo county, Oregon. Made at his o rce in Dalles Citv. said countv aad v wiv lea uav ui oeptemoer, levz. ' Jastice of the Peace lor Test; Dalles a'recmat waaoo county, uregon. seps Administrator's Notice.! NOTICE Is hereby? given 'that the undersigned was on the loth dav of June. 1892. dulv an. pointed by th County Court of the 8tate of tiregou iur naaco county, aomimsuasor oi tne estate of w X Meia, t and thea he lias duly uuattflea ai such and entered upon the duties thereof. All per sons indebted to said deceased ate requested to maae settlement, and all persons having chums against said estato are hereby notified to present pwvpvnj nnwu, a uij jvaoncs in xmiiea Cijgr, ia said county, or "at the WBce of W. B. Wil son, in said city, within six months from the data nereoi. j. u. aiuiN Jane Mth, 1898. Administrator. Assignee's 'Kotlce.' 1 NoIlOE ir nereby fiven that the undersigiMd has been aonointed. bv deed dulv evMnibid weuTcreu, assignee) oi tne estate of tne Eastern wicKwu vwfjcimuvv ABsociation os tne ratrons ot Husbandry tlimited). and' haa accepted said trust ans is now (raalifled and-aottng seHrach aasigBee.iAll persoDS-haviiia claisae aWioat the aafd aetata at re quested to preaentlhe same, duly verified acoording to Jaw, to me-4ia41eHy, Wao county, Oregoa, n.wiiu unv nusiaia Don sue oate Berroi . - iwea at uailes mtv, ureeon, June SO, 1882. jlyS-7t v . N. CHAUDLEB, As ignsa. THE USDERSIGNBI) HA8 FILED -Elh FINAL account as administrator of the estate nf James K. Magee, deoeasedljln the connly court of thaatate of Oregon, for the douuty of Wasoo, and th(iame oas oeen set ror Hearing and nnai examination on Monday , Beptember It, IfiOi, at 10 o dock a, ir. -All persons interested are" hereby notilUd to ap pear at said time and piaee- and Hie theu objections r.w aaiu tvpon u any tncy nave. " ; . ... ... ...... m WM. MICiriILL."' Administrator of the estate, of Janus M. Magee, do- TheDaUes. July SO, UOL I. ii . "COtJHTT TEEASUBER'S "HOTICE All conLty warraats reatstered prior to arab. J3, J889r-wiU "piA if preaeetoeVat my omie,. corner- I bird -, and Wasoiocton streets. Interest ceases am and aftet this dUte. ; v Mte DallesTJafv It 1892. vSw V v'AylllllA'il AlICHKLll . iTreastif er Wasoo CountyrOreeon. jay oa Mi' ft 1 MM It i Plans and tin BeaW ids tor baildins far nished.9 -Will 'dV all kinds of excayating and grading., h -4 ' All orders should be left at postotbre. ' i'.''-"". "' novlJt ' rpB IBE 80WTH BALF OF LOTS 11 aad Ii, Clock, 7. Biirlow'a additinn to the dtv nf The I Size of lot, 60x100 feet. Cash offers only eatertainedk auxSSlm, , Box 108, Walla Walla, Wash. Tia-htiTT Ri'pa fir. f!r Wool & Commission Merchants - f i a I it ."A t a j 610 Atlantic Ave, Boston. " ayOash advance, made on consignment. FOKBENT. iC-l HE. CORNER BUILDING, known as the Wash- lnaton suaxet. ror teixns sppw to . : i. u uauaua witititaaio, Administrator of the estate of John Hichelbach. de- augfl Meats, Butter and Ems ForSalo at a Barnaul WORLD'S mn HEAD THIK BOOK 1. BOOK 2. BOOK 3. BOOK 4. "Review of Oor Country,1 by Hen. James O. Blaine. . "New Life of Coluaibns," by J. VV. Buel. "Completo History of America," from the lauding of Columbus to the present time, by Prof. John Clark Rid path. Pictorial History of the Co lumbian Exposition," by Hon. Ber.j. Butterworth. . The above four great works by four great authors, every line of which is only just written, have been bound up Into one massive volume of nearly 900 PAGES and 500 ILLUSTRATIONS, . Under the Title of ; "Columbas and Columbia." The greatest subscription book ever published in thia country, and of which A MILLION COPIES Will be sold during the next six months. SftrHTfJ Wanted all over this state. Better 10 tereie than ever. We guarantee to the litfht parties 850 a week profit fr m now on to thriftuias, and a first ciass R' UNU-TK1P TICKET to the WORLr.'S FAIR n:l onewtck's slmisaicn to the Exposition alHoinUiy frre. Also other valu able premiums. We haw p t-nty of capital at 0'ir command, and can and tcill do exactly a hat e say. Send at onoe for special eiicolars and further par ticulars to the DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., Seattle, -- - VoMliinrt on . Be Found Rt 1 J 11 1 1 No. 77 Second St. Suits made to crder, aod fit guaranteed Irftad Notice). NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omca at Vahcoovu, Wash. Auamst 8. 1892. Notice is hereby riven that the fol'owinir-named set tlers have each filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of -his claim and that said proofs will be made before W. B. Dunbar. Commis etaoer United 8ta-ee Circuit Court, district of Wash- lngton, at his omoe is Goldeodale, Wash., on Sep. M, 1882, via: LEON W. CUBTI8S, ' Purchase Application No. 510, under Sec. 3, Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 29, 1890, fo the NE1, NJ of SEJ, and KPl At fiVl Tn (K. BUR W af. ; He names the followinir witnesses to prove hU continuous claim to mn una, viz: recer Aireaius, Thomas M. Giimore, William D Oil more. William II. Brune, all of The Oalea postoffice, Oregon. . ALONZO H. CURT18S, Purchase Application No. 516, nnder Sec. S, Forfeit ure Act, fcVpt. 29, 1890. for the N W, Sec 8, Tp 2 N, B13B.WM. He aames the following; witnesses to prove hu continuous claim to sid land, viz: Peter Airedlus, Thjmas M Giimore, William D Giimore, William H. Brune, all of Tbe Dalles postoffice, Oregon. LEON W. CUBTISS, Adminiati-atot of the estate of Joseph 8. Curtis , de ceaaad; rurcbase Application Tie. 617, under See 3 Forfeiture Act, Sept. 2, 1890. for the SWK, fTRM of SWW.aad SWJ ot 6WJ, See 6, Tp 2 N, B IS E, WH. He names the followm witnesses to prove his continuous claim to aa d land, via: Peter Ac-niius, Thomas af. Giimore, W-llhun T. ODmere, William If. Bf une, all of Tbe Dalles pcetofBee, Oregon. WILLIAM M. BRUNE, Purchase Application No-i28, nnder Sec, S, Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 29, 1S90, for the fcH of SEJ, and SK of NE-, , See 1, Tp 2 N, B IS E, and NM of JiKj, and NUel NWt. Beo7. To i N. B U K. WM.,- He names the foUowina: witoeases tor prove Ms continuous claim to, and cul'ivatkm of, eaia lana, viz: Leon W. Curtis. Al uxo H. Curtiss, William N Crawford, Peter Agedius, all of The Dalles post office, Oregon. ,..;r aoglS . JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Begbter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Labs Omca at VaiieorvBa, Wash., AUfr.8.1892. Notice is heiebv eiven that tbe foilowinr-named settler haye each fued notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of iis claim, and: that said proof will be made before W. B. Dunbar, Oom- missioner United 8tates Circuit Court for district of Washington, at bi loiSos in Goldeodale, Wash n on Bept. Z)a180x,.viK , i - . r WILUAM D. GILMOSE, Homestead Entry No. 8893, tor the NE Sec 9, Tp ia,aB,wa, - He names the following" witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation, of, said land, via: - Levi R. Hilleary, Vernon T. Cnoke, Tbe Dalles postoffice, Oregon; John T. Lucas, Manuel B. Leonards, Oenterville postoffice. Wash. . levi b. hilleary, ; Application No. 628. nnder See.- 3, Forfeiture Act,' Septsa, 1890, tot the Sfc, See 7, Tp 2 N, B 1 E, W H. . . He names the following witnesses to prove his claim to said aunt, vis - Vernon T. Cooke, William D. Giimore, The Dalles postoSoe, Oregon; John T. Lucas, Manuel 8. I miliar to, Centerville, Wash. VERNON T. COOKE, ' ' Application No. 627, under 8ec. 3, Forfeiture Act, Sept 29. 1890, for the 8W& 8ec 7, Tp 2 N, B U E, W af. He names the following witnesses" to prove his claim to said land, viz: Levi R. Hilleary, William D. Giimore, The Dalles poetofAoe, Oregon; John T. Lucas, Manuel 8. Leonardo, Ceaterville postoffice. Wash. ' augl8 JOHN D. GEOGHEQAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. lam Orrica at. VAXooovam, Wasa., . ' Aug. 8,1892. i ' To George W. Smith and all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the following-named set tlers have each filed notice of his intention to nuke final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. B. D outer. Commis sioner of United States Circuit Court for district of Washington, at hi office in GcldeadaJe, Wash., on September 24, 1892, via:. - . . . , ... CHARLES H. BRUNE, : Purchase Application No. 520, order Sec. 3, For feiture Act. Sept. 29, 190, for the WU of S WW, and WX ofNWJ. NEJol NWJ, NWJof NEJ, sndSW, ot set, see ia, ip z k, B 13 k, w j. - Be name the follow lac witnesses to Drove his con tne follow lag witnesses tinuous chum to said land, viz: Thomas Bolt, Peter Agedina, Vernon T. Cooke, William N.- Crawford, all Of The Dalles postoSce, Oregon. -- THOMAS HOLT, Homestead Entry No. 8891. for. the 8WI. See U. To 2N. BISK. W M. . .- ; He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and etutivatfon of said land, viz: Charles H Brune, Peter Agedios, Vernon T. Cooke. William N. Crawfurd, all of 111 Dalies postoiBoe Oregon. THOMAS HOLT, ' Purchase Application No. 619, nnder Sec. 3. Forfeit ure Act, .-opt. zv, lew, lor tne Ani, Dec 11, Tp a n, B1SK.WH. . He Lames the followfng wiiuesae to prove hi continuous claim to saia lana, vie unane a. Brune. Peter Agedlus, Vernon T. t ooke, William N, Crawforo, all of Tne Dalle postoffice, Oregon. - w auglS JOHN D. GEOGHBGAN. Begister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . . . Lahb Oman at Thb Daubs, Ob. AUkUSt 27. 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following-named art tier haa filed notice of hi. intention to mak final proof in support of hi claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the Betrister and Receiver of thj U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on October 11, law, via: . . DAVID D. KELSON, D. S. No. 7190, for the 6W qr, Sec 10, Tp 1 8, B II A, W M. - . - Be name the following witnesses to nrovshl conuanou residence upon, ana cultivation or, said no, viz: John Stewart, W. . Harriman, C. A. Davis, W. G. Obrist, all of The Dalles, Oregon. sepS . - JOHN W. LEWIS. Begister. . . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. , " Labb Orrrca at Vaiiooovbb, Wasn., r - - - Sept. . 1892. i Notice is hereby given that the touVnruur named claimant has filed notice of bis intention to make final Droof in snpnort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Klickitat county, Waao., at Goldeodale, Wash., on uctooer zz, lavz. viz; GEORGE W. SMITH. Application to purchase No. 636, nnder See. 8. For- . ' . . ti aa laaA nv . v. uu; ai? l S bf kE qr. Sec 3; a u at qr, sec 11; ana ew qr as qr. nee io,ipz i, 19 n. He name' tbe following witnesses to prove his conunuour reaidenca upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: ii t r - a. 1 '4 William N. Crawford, 7 Charles Brane. Thosnas Holt and WiOfawa M. Brune, all of the Dalle, Waacooouut, Oregon. ' t. - t t teplO JOHN D. GEOCHZGAN JBogitr. NOTICE FOR.PUBLICATION. . X "fLtKFQmcz at Thb'Dalus, Orzoob, . J -i. Sept. 7, 1892. Netir M hereuv riven that the following-named settler his filed notice of hi intention to make final proaf :1a support "Vf his etaim, and tLat said - proof will oe maae oeiore toe negieter ana aeueiver ox tne U. SV Jand office at The Dalies, Or., on October 22, 1892, viz: , , , wiiiuaa a aii, Hd No. 462, for th' N hf NB qr," NE qr N W qr, and 8E qr NE qr, Sec 3S, Tp 1 N, B U E. , , u He' names til following' witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: . t , v ' O. W. Cook. O. 8. Mo. (fan, F. D. Creigfaton and David Creighton, ail of The Dalle, Or. seplO JOHN W. LEWIS, Begister. mm FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS, Northern Pac. RAILROAD Is the line to take TO-ALL POfiNTS EAST AND SOliTB tt in tito Dining Car Route. It rung Tl.rcutb Yes tibuled Trains tery Day in Ue ye.r to ST. PAUL dna CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE t'F CARA) Compo ed of Dining Cars unsitrrsssed. Druwiijg-rioni Slcepeis nf Latest Equipment. oilman TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Bust tlat con be corstnictcd. and in which acoom UKiifitton are I'Oth ireeaiid turniaheu "fr bolders of Fir&t oi Se-xDd- ciata Tickets, and . ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines. Affording Direct and Uiiinteinipted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservation can be secured in ad vance through any agent of the road. lltltUiJUil ill AHiiO point in Amelaa, England and Europe can be any tiikot office of the company. Full information con miner ratrs, time of trains, routes aud other det.iis furnished on application to W. C. ALLOW AY, Asront D. P. b A. C., Regulator olfice.tThe Dalles, Or. A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't General Passenger Act., No. 121 Hrnt St., Cor. Wa h., PORTLAND, OREGON OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, Sr. PAUL, Chicago, St. Louis, AND ALL rOIaTO EAST, NORTH and SOUTH I S 06 A. 1 25 P. Leave The Dalles..... Arrive at The Dalles. 1 4 05 P. a ( 11 66 P. M. PULLMAN SLIZPER . COLONIS EIZEPEKS, P.ICXlKIh 6 CHALK CARS nd DINERS Steamers from- Portland to San Francisco EVBRT FOCB DATS. Tickets to and from Europe. Fr.r rates and central information call on K. E LYTLE, i'epot 'ncKet Agent) Tne, urejpa. W. H. BURLI3URT. Asst Gen. Pass. Alrt., 261 Wahinzton St., Portland, Or LOUIS PAYSTTS (successor to Fayette & Fritiid.) THE LEADING ..... ... BLACKSMITH AND WAGON-MAKER. Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in iron or wood done in tbe neatest manner. Anything in the wagon line, from ' a wheelbarrow to an omnibus made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery repairod la the most skill nl and workman like auutmdT, .-. mcnuaw L. P. OSTLUND I will furniahdrafts and estimates !on ill buildings. aweuings ana smrcs. Mr. Ostlund is a practical mechanic, and the plans drafted by Mm will prove art it tic, cheap and dura hie. . -. W.T.WISEMAN Successor to i. H. McDonough AC.) DEALER IM AND CIGARS. - None but tbe boot brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Court and Second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. Sample : Rooms,1 58 FBONT HT, (Nearly opposite Umatilla Oouse.) CHABLIE . FEANK. PE0P. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. COLUMBIA BKEWEkY BE EH ON DRAUGHT. 25c. 50c 75o. $1.00 $1.29 J0, $1-50 RBdNc is rHATHERBONE Is made trom QUIIXS. nature' own toogaest material, best whips made for tbe pries. Cheap, Durable, ALL STVI.KS. all pncea ask four PRITHERRnini ' roa saj -m Br HENRY KUCK, The Dalles, Or. ST. MARVS. ACADEMY, Tie Dalies, Wasco County, Or. . A school tor romnr Mie nnder the direction of the Bister of the Holv Name of Jesu and Mary. Board and tuition per term, In advance H0 00 Entrance fee, to b paid but onoe 6 00 Drmwinar and Painting, per term 8 00 Mmic, per term... 18 00 Bad and bedding..,..; 00 Telegraphy. Stamaraphv and Typewriting;, extra Pliin and Urnamemal Needle Work, G-rmAa and Freoeh lAnguaEes tautrht free. For further particulars address - BISTER 6UPEB10E. Beopaos tbe first Monday In September. . aujr27-lm Andrew Velarde, HOUSEIOVER. , The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. .pjiciieis Contractor and Builder Choice Wines, Liquo :,.m IT 18 A DTTTY yon wo yonwelf a-v flim fly to fBt the bene Talae lor yoar money. Economize In your footwear by pair hailag V. Ia. DoubIbb 8hoe. whick reoreoent tho Hen value for prices aakedt m thoaeaiidsl will tentlry. Hri'AHl E NO BCBSTITUTK.. VV. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CEN"f.LErVl EN. tHE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOB THE UONtt A tvenolne sewed shoei that will not rip, flna Naif, seamless, smooth Inside, flexible, more com. fortable, stylish and durable than any other shoe ever bold at the price. Equal ouMom made aiaoeaoositlng ranm L1 tn m.. Mtli 1J ilRDasiTrTCUf liucvail BUUCDi A 11a most wylisii, easy and durable ahoas ever eotd price. Xliey equal Haa Imported ahoea costing rice. 1 to 15. trom $s to C& O 50 Fo1i?e 8hoe worn by farm en and all 2pOa others who want a good heavy calf, three soLed, extension edge shoe, easy to walk In, and will keep the feet dry and warm. ffiO AO Fine Calf 82.25 and ft2.00 Work P sat lngtnen's Shoes will give more wear for the money than any other make, xhey are made for ser vice. The Increasing sales show that worlxingmea have found this out, BAue and Vontbs 61.75 School DUf Z (shoes are worn by the boys every WbereT The most serviceable ahoeasold at tbe prices. I QliAe' $3.00 Hand-sewed, tf.50 vxBit4Vi 19 w.uu ana l .7) snoes ior MiMneaaxemadeof the bestDontrolaor fine Calf. desired. They are very stylish, comfortable and d ura ble. The $HiX) shoe equals custom made anoes coatlnfc from ii.00 to $6.00. Ladies who wish to economize in their footwear are finding this out. Caatlon. W.I.Ionglas'name and the price Is Stamped on the bottom of each shoe ; look for It when yon buy. Beware of dealers attempting to sub stitute other makes for them. Such substitution are fraudulent and subject to prosecution by law tot job talnlng money under false pretences. W. aU XOtGliA8 llrocktont ftloaa. Bold by j. FKblMaiN. AGE-Nl. HIE DALLh. v. UP Ml-wed his Opportnnlty! MlM II TourisKeader. Tue majority ncloct their op portnnities, aod trom that cante lire in poverty and die in obscurity I Hurrowingt despair fs tbe hit of many, as they look back on lost, forever lost, opportnnlty. Ilie la pass ing I Eoach out. bm np and doinfr. Ituprovayoor opporta uiiy, and soenro prosperity, prominnco,p,ace. It was said by a philosopher, tbat "the Uoddoss of Fortune offers a jr oldcu opportunity to SAch person at some period of life; umbrace the chance, and she poors ont her riches; full to do so and she departs, twer to retnrn.' How shall ju find UieGOLDaES opportanityf Inveraigat cvory chuncatliat appear worthy, and of fair pro: ii -o; thr.t i wiiat all snc co .srulmen do. Here is an opporioniiy. fcncli as lsnnt ofioa within the reach ot laboring pen- Improved, itwillive, atlcust, aprand start in life. Ti a Goi.nt;f opportunity for many la hore. Bloney to be mi-le ropitlly and honorably by any IndastrionspoMon of ei'.hcr sex. All aa. Yon can do the work and live at home, wi-f-ovor vnq tin. Even be pinnrs are easily samins from to fe lO ter day. Yoa can do mtt well if von will work, l"t too hiird, but indnstri onsly; and you can increase ynrxiiicomensyon (ron. Yoo can give spare time only, or all y or r time to the work. Easy to learn. Capital not required. We start tou. A 11 is com paratively bow and really wonderful. We Instruct and show voa bow, ifcea Failure) unknown smonif onrwork-er-j. ho room to explain bar. Writs and learn all free, byrernrn mnfl. Unwise to delay. Ad.fress at once. If. UaUett fe Co. ito 8ferO PorUaiid, aliaua. - Am wwm. a iTIjTRICnj First Claii stANDOKA I all list rasteat aai Ftaest tn.the Wertt, Paawenger aecomodatlona anexoaueo. IEV YORKalONDONOERRY AND filAXBOW. Every Batorday, NEW YORK. OIBRA1.TER and NAPLBS, At reirnlar Interval. SAinnsj. SrnOMIMILABS AND STEERABE nn InwAat btmR ao and from tbe DrinclDlS tixncH, KsrausH, eusb ill oohtikiotal ronm- Exeoraioa tteketa available to return by eltner the pie tareeqoe Clyde A North of Ireland or Naples Gibraltar Sra&s sad Koasy Orlstt (or iar Amctnt at lowest Sates. Apply to any of our local Agents or to HBNDKBSON BBOTHCB8, CtUemKO, 111. A0EST8 WANTED Apply to T. General Agent. The Dalles, Or. . HUDSON, jaa--Hx SKIBBEHOJEI F.' W. L. SKI15BE, Prop. The Only Brick Hote Df. THE CITY TEST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE In the Nortfa- I west. This b has been refitted since the fire of September 2d, and the rooms are first-class in every particular. The table Is supplied with the best the market affords. The oar iu connection with the hotel ia sunplied with tbe highest grade of Wmea, Liquors an Im ported end Domestic Cigars. jan39 I E. IARSEN, Dealer in all kinds$of Hay, Grain and Feed ' At his old stand, Second street. HAYAND GRAIN FOR SALE Toe Highest Cash Price paid tor Sheep pelts. COAL! COAL -THE BEST Wellington, ; Eock Springs, and Koslyn Coal. ; $12, sacked and delivered to any part ot the city. At Moody's Warehouse. y North vest Oat. Second and Wathinxton St. IliSltl'S Sneocssors to OeDrge Bush. The Cheapest Place Df THB BALLBB M)B All Kinds of Groceries FWtm, oitAiy, wiixow ware, etc. We resoettlultv solicit a share of the public pat ronaire. and shall endeavor to live entire satisfac tion to our customers ouui Ola ana new. PORTLAND UNIVERSITY at uurvERsrnr park. LOCATION Three miles (rem center of th citv. Elevated, healthful, beautiful site; saloons pro hibited; oest socletv; s cent tare v me cuy. DEPARTMENTS Classical, Literary, Scientific, Theological, Normal, Business, MJalc-ll, ana ura torical course tauvbt by specialis's. Normal stu dents visit and study the methods of Portland public acnoola, amonf ue oem in in unitea States, and a'so entitled to State D ploma. EXPENSES Board and 'Tuition, school year, 100 to $20. Tuition free to meoitgicai siuaenca. Rail price to children oi ministers. Three from me family, 10 par cent. off. TIME All department open at Univesrity Park on September IV, ikjz. sena ior iauiioguce ana in form a ion to :. C. 8TKATTON, D. D., President, or THOS. VAN SCO Y, D. D. , Dean. Portland, Or jul?30-6t UNIVERSITY oi OREGON, Next session begins on Monday, the loth day of September, 1893.. . - .- TUITION FREE. ' ! Four Courses: ' Classical, Scientific, Liter ary, and av snort - cngnsn course, in wmcn there is no Xtin, Greek, French or German The English is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or other information address J.W.JOHNSON, j'y -i ' "resident. WANTED. rpo 10 BORROW tsOO on unproved farm property, worth lour tunes tne amount. Appiy uirouen the postoSoe, Boa "1," The Dauest Or. Jun26 P10II EEB HBOBEB CHAS.H.D0DD& 2'Von t, First and 1 ine Sis., Portland, Or. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN 1 M i l. HARD- mh IRON, ill icSgpir "ff i i r WARE, wmkj STEEL FARM .MACHINERY. Sole Agents for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for the i BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER, k These Machines are too well known to need comment. Thousands of Farmers have na4 them and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines . ; that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, . PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning . Grain ever Constructed. -I BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME TWINE- BINDERS. I- The features that distinguish this Twine-Binder is the Lightness of Draft, combined with Its Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, the only really successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and the Platform Binder both excellent-bo th recommended by hundreds of patrons. ,- WILLIAM : MICHELL, XJiislertalcer aud Embalmer, Has always on hand a new and complete lino of Undertaking Goods. Panic nlar attention given to embaliuing and talcing care of the dead. PRICES AS LOW AS TfiE LOWEST. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. 8outhwes t Cfirner of Third- and Wsauingtnn Streets, THE DALLES. OR NEPTUNE SHAVING PAHLOHS AND BATH ROODS HO Front Ktreet. The llallea, Orearon. FKAZER afe WYNDHAM, Ii-oprietorfS. V p. in n i i 1 tVtTr ij!f!iii;rinnoc MM ii -t- -a O RAZORS FOR SHLE iVRf aii if m Tip mWW STUBLING & WILLIAM, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Portrr, and genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA : "WINES : AND : BRANDIES. COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER ON DRAUGHT. SO Second Street. TUTS O TZ. SECOND STREET, BETWEEN UNION AND COURT LEMKE, PROPRIETOR, Keeps on draught COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER, -AND ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED DUiiK. Best Imported Wires, Liquors and Cigars. The One Price Oisii H)u$ COR. SECOND AND COURT STS.. J. P. IcINEKFY Foreign and Domestic Dry, Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Battenck Patterns; slso for the Hall Bnz-iar Dress Forms. 8occussors to Ura. C. E. Dnnham, Corner of Union and Second Streets, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES Fine Toilet Soaps, Brashes, Combs, Perfumery, Kto. Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Ilayisiciaij s' lrescnptions ALSO DEALERS IN Watehes, Cloeks and Jewelry, Silverware, Etc., Etc. All Kinds of Repairing Niatlt Dons n Short Notifg. 'a. wiih Hbavlnf, by rendering Its future errowlh au alter Impossibility. -Halrfne SI. per bottle, sent In safety mailing boiea. postage paid by us (antiri ly on). Send money or sumps by letter with full address written plainly. Correa fldentlal. This advertisement Is honest and straight forward In every word It 'Oil til m-f,V. ... lit m . uan. t,ln mm MnAntl Ctlt t h ! (ill t and a nd to-day. Address QUEESJ CHEMICAL CO.. register your letter at any Pont Office to Insure Its aafe delivery. We will pay aftOO for any cats or failure or sllchtest Injury to any pnrchaaor. Kvery battle sruarauteed. PFnil!To,0,,le" who tnfrodufe xnd srll nmona their friends U Bottles or Qaeen Antl-tralelna. OTLUIBL we will present with a BILK DBE8S, 16 yards beat silk- Extra Large Bottle and samples ESaBB Of silk to select from sent with order. Oood Salary or Commission to Agents. w GO .AND. Bchuttler Farm Wagons, Seer Flows Deere Bulky Flows, Cook Co.'s Car. riagea, Phsatons and Top Buggies, Four. Spring Mountain Wagons, Buckboarda, Superior Drills and Seeders, Oorbin Siso Harrows, Hodgea-Hainea Headers, Haish Barbed Wire. . . SEND FOB CIECULAES. ailW- HT $1.50 HND UP. mm j gmmm sent sai FOB BALE 5 AND CHEMICALS, Pure a. Specialty. HEW DISCOVERY by ACCIDENT In compounding a solution n part was occluently aj.lllrd on tor band and ou waablna afterward It was dtneuvered that 1:1a tialr was com. plrtely removed. We at onoe put tills wonderful preparation, nn the market and ao great baa been tbe demand tbat ws are now Introducing It throughout the world under tbe name of Queen's Antl-Halrine, IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. lay the hair orer and apply tbe mixture for a few minutes, and the hair dlaappeara aa If by magic without tbe allgbtrst palu or Injury wben applied or ever afterward. It la unlike any other preparation ever used for a like purpose. Thousands of LA I) I KS nbo have been annoyed with balr on their FACE. NECK and AKM8 attest Its merits. UUXTXEMEN who do not appreciates beard or hniron tbelr necr, find a priceless boon In Queen's Anti-JIrIi Ine wblrh does away 174 Raca Street. CINCINNATI. O. You ean