The Tiines-Hofliitaifleei SATURDAY... SEPTEMBER 3. 1892 CANADA AND THE TREATY. The proposition of the Empire, or gan of the government of- the Domin ion of Canada, that it ia time to give the requisite two years' notification to the United States for termination of the treaty of Washington, will cause no alarm to the inhabitants of the re , public. Indeed, there is a strong feel ing in this country that if Canada do .not serve notice, for termination of the treaty ihe administration at Wash ington should. Old conditions fast . . are passing away and the old treaty should pass away with them. In a very short time, two years at most, and : probably in one, Canada will have its own "Soo" canal. Hence forth the work upon it will be pushed with little regard to the seasons. The need of the United States is a ship canal on its own territory, as the Wei- land is on Canadian territory. This country has natural advantages for - transportation of the products of the northwest to the Atlantic seaboard such as Canada never can possess; but it has been foolishly, almost criminally, negligent of the improvement of its advantages. It has trusted to an an- ,- dent and not very explicit treaty for passage of its own vessels through a Canadian canal upon terms of equality with Canadian vessels. Such terms could exist only in ' time of peace, and the vagueness of them is a continual incentive to trouble. We believe that a complete abroga- - tion of the treaty of Washington would lead to the formation of a new one. the terms of which would be more favorable to the United States, and we are sure that the terms of a new treaty will be more favorable to us if we have a canal on our own side than if we continue to rely on the use of the ' Welland. Hon. A. E. Stevenson, the Demo cratic candidate for vice-president, has stood before the people and outlined : his viewa We are glad to note the fact that he is a Democrat of Demo crats, and traces the party back to Jefferson. If it had an existence at such an early date, it is not Imperti nent to inquire into its history for all these years, and tbe period between 1861 and 1865 is very significant. This epoch of our national history was very eventful, and the action of the party claiming, to be the one of the people, made some queer, black pages on the record. Hereafter, when Re publican papers discuss these events, we hope the Democratic press will not howl "bloody shirt," for Mr. Steven son has opened the gates for a full in veatigation. CROOK. GOUUTY. JUeaafl Frosa the Coli mm ef the Oefcaea Review. The school fund apportioned by Superin tendent Belknap this month amounted to $3115.06-11529.75 state fnnd.and (1585.31 county fund. Thos. Lister waa dowu from bis ranch the first of the week. He said be waa through . harvesting, and his bay crop was abont an average of. tbe county's yield. '. - '... Fanners who have finished threshing re port very satisfactory results. Some of them who two months ago thought they ' would not have any grain have threshed j from 18 to 20 bushels to the acre. lost week one of John Archibald's little girls was run over by a horse and sustained a dislocated shoulder. , Dr. Uesner was called to attend the injured child, and at. , last accounts she was doing nicely. J. H. Garrett was up from Lower Trout the first of the week. He said threshing was done in his neighborhood, and the grain had yielded quite well for a dry season. - He : bad a field of oats that yielded 44 bushels to . the acre, i Bliss Jna Trotter, who is engaged in Pomdexter's restaurant, came near furnish ing an item of news of a serious nature last Sunday evening. She was kindling a fire . jn the stove when her apron caught fireand . was burning rapidly when Mr. Poindezter ' sore it off and pnt out the fire. Had be not acted quickly the result might navel been moat serious. As it was her evebrows and hair were badly singed and her hands slight ly burned. : State Treasurer Metcban : has informed County Treasurer White that owing to decision of the supreme court, rendered June ISth, the assessment of the W. V. & j C. M. W. K. Co., in this county, has been reduced $241,311, tbe amount of the raise made by the. state board "of equalization. This reduces Crook sounty'a state taxes for 1S91 from $7,833.29 to. $8,725.63. The amount of taxable property aa reported by the county board . was $1,338,905, and as equalized by the state board the amount waa $1,486,45. Abont 1 o'clock Monday morning the barn on G. W. Dodson's place eight miles below town was 'destroyed by , fire. . One horsej abont 30 tons of hay and a number of farm implements were also barned. The fire was discovered by the hands working on the Prineville Irrigation" CoTs ditcli,wIio were camped a few hundred yards away. John Lane, a renter, who waa sleeping in : the bouse a short distance away, waa not awakened until the men from the ditch had arrived, and waa much surprised to come out from his slumbers to find that his horse and hay, which was all he bid to represent an entire season's work, were eaten np by the flames. The loss is quite heavy on turn and also on Mr- Dodaoo, the barn being valued at $900, on which there waa only ligut insurance, ine-origin ot toe bre is a , mystery. ; -. 4 '. The Celebration at Grant. From Saturday Daily. - For some time past the citizens of Grant have arranged a plan of exercises for cele brating tbe event of the establishment of tbe Distillery and Milling company in their town, and yesterday was tbe day appointed, A rery lull progmmme waa mapped out, I consisting d barbecue, the presence of - . . . I 1 .1 I I m The Dalle ; and Goldendale brass bands, Barnes, speeches and a Krand ball at - night. The trains Thursday and Friday brought several persons , from neighboring cities, and a large number came from Goldendale and points in Sherman county. . From this -city came a fair delegation on the passenger -train Friday afternoon, and, a "fair estimate of Jhoae m attendance on m . eaerce. wu. tfrfvttMmatef4 to give perfect satisfaction sK. HnmUs nraaant. sat fWHl. 1 r J J . n. - . .... a .a . , -.a, 1 t xne ezerouM wore iuuy wnou vu w j l!!" 1"" pie present. mere was abundance, ami after ail were satisfied the games began. lint a fariooa storm of wind and sand made it almost impossible to proceed any distance with the least degree of comfort. - Tbia con- tinned the entire arternoon, and, although the committee were energetic in its work, the elements waged a determined war against which opposition was fruitless. Several horse races were run under these unfavorable circumstances, and The Dalles ball nine were in position when the game was called. The umpire called time,' and, the Goldendale , nine not appearing, the game was given to the plucky boys from this oity. The dance at night was opened by music by. The Dalles band, and afterwards was furnished by mnsicirns trom Goldendale. Until the wee sma' hours the light fantastio toe was tripped, and all seemed to enjoy themselves. We are satitfied if the weather were fav orable, yesterday would have been a -red letter one for Sherman county; bnt man propose snd God disposes, and the commit tee could not control the elements. THE TEA0HEBS' INSTITUTE. Thk Dalles, Aug. 29, 1892. Editor TnRS-MounTAnnB ' "Each ' morning sees some task begin Each evening see it close. Something attempted, something done Has earned a night's repose." ' Work began this morning with singing. Secretary H. L. Howe reported 28 teach ers enrolled and 24 present.. All other qual ifications being equal the teacher who at tends educational associations should be given the preference when a selection is to be made. The first class formed was by Prof. Rig ler in commission, and very analytical work was the result. ' Irregular forms was the topio of the exer cise in language conducted by Prof. Acker- man. A method of handling irregular forms was illustrated by means of elliptical sentences, the subject being case forms of personal pronouns. Tbe teachers bad some difficulty in disposing of tbe subject of the root infinitive. This drew oat considerable discussion which will be settled to-morrow. In the reading exercise conducted by Ackerman the teachers exhibited a wide acquaintance in the general history of Eng land, France, Spain and America, and with tbe catalogue of characters that figured dur ing tbe reign of George HI. not. Kigler conauocea tne outlining oi North America after the plan . heretofore presented. . "The smooth soft air with pulse-like waves Flows moimurinir through its hidden eaves. Whose streams of brightening purple rust, Fired with a new and livelier Mush; While aU their harden of decay The ebbing current steals away." Prof. Ackerman gave a description of the organs of respiration and called lor repro duction of thoughts. Miss Mary Frasier then traced and described tbe circulation in a creditable manner from Yaggy's anatomical study. Under general discussion Prof. Rigler talked on the art of teaching little children to read. He would teach the associative or objective method by use of script letters in learning a vocabulary of words. Beginning with words containing the short sound of the vowels, teach about seventy-five words, and then begin teaching tbe articulation of each sound with a perceptible suspension of the voice between two sounds slow pro nunciation imitated from the teacher s voice. Space will not allow a full explanation bat he would entirely lay aside the alphabet method and make a judicious combination of word, pnouio and sentence metnod. TUESDAY MORXnro, AUG. 30. Institute opened with singing,after which all joined with Supt. Shelley in repeating the Lord's prayer. Jf rot. Kigler formed a class in interest and gave practical work in computing inter est by the one per cent, method. In geo graphy he finished the map of North Amer ica, dwelling on the primary and secondary axes, and making comparisons with South America both as to highlands and river basins. The phenomena of the prevailing winds of South America and the prevailing westerly and south westerly winds of North America was explained. Prof. Ackerman s irregular pronoun forms resulted in the following rules: The sub ject of the root infinitive is pnt in the ob jective case. Tbe subject of the participial lnnmtiye is put in the possessive case. In physiology he brought out the distinguish ing functions and processes between animal and vegetable life. The divisions of tbe nervous system, functions of the nerves and nerve centers were discussed. ; The teachers in session would be delighted to have more visitors in attendance at the day work. To-morrow evening there will be a discussion and an old time spelling match. ttsroKTER. The Latest From Major Magone. The old pioneer of Grant county has ar rived at Rawlins, and is abont half way on his trip to Chicago, having walked about 30 miles a day since the 4th of ' July. He is over 80 years old, and seema to be in excel lent condition to continue his journey to its end. The following is from the Rawlins Republican: - "Major Joseph . Magone, an old gentle man over eighty years of age, traveling on toot from John Day, Uregon, to Chicago, ar rived in Bawlins Saturday evening and re mained oyer Sunday.- The old man's hair and beard are aa white aa ioy anow, and with the exception of his strength, he ap pears to be fully as old as he says, yot he left home Jnly 4tb and since that time be has averaged about twenty-seven miles per dav. He expects to make tbe entire trip in ninety days. 'Ihe one wish of tbe old man s life seems to be to build a school building in his own county in Oregon, where the yonng may be educated at home. ' - . , I "At the head of a small company he emi grated to Oregon forty-five year ago, and after this trip and a visit to the World's Fair, he will probably write a book. He ia bright, intelligent and' would talk an 'arm off a man in a surprising short time. ' The major lett lor tbe east early Monday morn ing." , An Insane Patient's Snioide. ". ''':' Salem Statesman.' '" John Madden, an inmate of the insane asylum, committed suicide Friday morning. He was found abont 10:30 lying on the lawn in front of the asvlum by an attendant. Dr. Griffith waa called, when it was learned that tbe man' could not. be awakened, and the doctor finally aroused bim aod worked with him until 4 o'clock that evening, when Madden died. Coroner J. S. Stott was notified and came up last night and held an inqnest over the remains at the asylum; The jury was com posed of A. K Crosby, B. Rhoadee, Joseph Bumgartoer, John Whan, jr., H. U. Meyer ana J. t. jjunrman; Alter examining number of witnesses the jury returned the following verdict: "We find that the deceased was a native of Ireland, and Was abont 44 years old; that he came to hia death on the 26th of August, 189 by- an overdose of opium administered by his own band and obtained from an unknown source outside ot ' the institution. We therefore exhonerate the officials and employes from an Diame in tne matter. We have exam ined into the work of the institution and found that due vigilance ia exercised over tne inmates therein. Madden was sent to tbe asvlum two vears ago from Wasco county, the cause of bis derangement being drunkeness. The remains will be buried at the asvlum vuiuvMsry. r ? t. xniormation wanted. . I i - As to the whereabonta of a vnnno-Uri. I who left her father's riri.M wj.- j a -ww i : oay eyeniniT,'2LtSnst imTMHn yea, tall, slim build, brown bair and e,e. XT. J i .t. , , aabu wucu sue ten a oea?T irrev woo en bawl and brown striped circular, black bat and calico dress and orobablv a small I its amount or clothing in a bundle. Infor h n n n . a t , . I I mation will please be sent to J. H. Mc- JjaCDien, city marshal, La Grande, lealt Arauea sutl x ne oest saire in tne world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, Wer sores, tetter, coappea nands. cbilhlainal curnav smia sua nam eruptions, maa pogi- tiTely cure piles, or no pay required. It 1 a tn n v . - . uos. xor uio vj ompea as iuneraly. GHAUT GOUJTTY. We clip the following items from a Canyon City exchange: Yarber was duly captured by Sheriff Combs, and as a result of the preliminary examination held before Judge Robinson, tbe prisoner was held under bonds in tbe sum of 150, for tbe crime of abduction. The experiment of baling bay for mar ket is meeting with success; the advant age in transportation more than equalling the cost of bating. One by one tbe farmers of .our valley are "catching on" to tbe car of progress. Snow mountain, Harney county, is now thought by miners to contain tbe vast deposit of gold and silver so much talked of and sought after this summer. Charles Norton baa made two asstys ut rock found there, one averaged $900 and the other something over $800 per ton. Albert Smith a young man of 18. and a resident of Caleb, was brought to town Monday by Thomas Mote, aod lodged in ibe county jail, lie bad Dis preliminary t-xamination before Justice dhow of Day ville, last week, upon tbe charge of lar ceny of a horse, and disfiguring of brand. Tbe horse was the property of Ralph Fish of Prairie City and was stolen some time in tbe summer. After disfiguring tbe brand young Smith traded tbe horse to Thos. Mute. At tbe preliminaiy bear ing Smith pleaded guilty to the charge, and was placed under a $300' bond to ap pear belore the grand jury, which sum not being his to obtain, be now lan guishes in the county battile. TELEGRAPHIC! HEWS. Serious Runaway. Rosbbuso, Aug 29. A serious and almost fatal accident occurred early this morning about five miles from Roseburg on the Coos bay wagon road, near W. Allen's place. P. B. Williams' team, which was drawing a gravel wagon, be came frightened, running away and throwing bin violently from the wagon onto tbe wheel, which causbt bis cloth ing, revolving bim several times with the wheel. The team dashed on down the road and collided with Mr. Allen's cart, throwing Mr. Allen and wife to the ground. The runaway team passed over and seriously injured Air. Allen. Mr. Williams' entire scalp was almost torn from his bead, banging by small shreds. He was also internally Injured. Mr. Al len's condition is serious. He has several ribs broken and is probably internally injured. Miss McCoy, of Looking Glass, was in the carriage, but was uninjured, and Mrs. Allen escaped with a severe shaking up. Tbe vehicle was consider ably broken up, but tbe horses were un injured. New Cases Reported 1st Cities or I London, Aug. 29- There is no doubt Great Britain is having a visitation of the dreadful scourge. From Gravesend, Swansea, Glasgow and Dundee, towns in England, Scotland and Wales, reports come of death from the disease, showing that tbe efforts of tbe health officials to keep it out of tbe country have proved fruitless, and now this afternoon comes a report that a person bad died from Asiatic cholera at Bolton, a large manufacturing town 12 miles northwest of Manchester. Tbe place is one of tbe principal seats of Elnglish cotton manufacture, and tbons-i ands of mill operatives live there. The permission (riven by tbe health officials at Middleioorougb for the landing of tbe crew ot tDe steamer ueronta, irom Ham burg, promises to nave most tenons re sults. . Three Were Killed. Hatjshton, La., Aug. 29. Maurice Miller, "Bob" Carter and John' Carter were killed in a fight last night at a J dance at Allen Brothers' mill. Tbe trouble arose between the men. : Miller started to dance with Ida Pilkinton, whom "Bob" Carter claimed as bis part ner. The row lasted about five minutes, and at tbe end ot that time the Carters, who bad been shot, were dead; Miller, who ' had ' been ; cut, walked across tbe room . and sat down. and. made and smoked a cigarette. " He was taken to tbe tbe borne of Mr. Pilkinton, where be died. - . . Baker City "Enquirer" Barned Oat. Bakes Citt, Aug. 29. Another fire broke out in this city this afternoon.' A frame building occupied by the Weekly Enquirer caught fire from an unknown cause aBd spread to two other buildings. one a jeweirv store, tbe other vacant Tbe buildings were owned by J. B. Gard ner, whose loss Is abont $1500; insurance. $700. Tbe newspaper plant suffered a loss of about $500, fully insured. ' Aeeldean at the Spekaxie dfc ralaase. Spokane, Wash., Aag. 29. An acci dent occurred this mornino; on tbe 8po kane & Paloose branch of the Northern Pacific railway, where by the engineer of locomotive running on that branch bad his leg broken, besides receiving other Droises, Toe fireman escaped bv tamo ingjasi as me engine leu tne track.. One Cue on a Cosarter. Boston, Aug. 29. The Canard steamer Cephalonioj which docked at East Boston yesterday from Liverpool, bad one case or sickness on board. . A saloon passen ger, a lady of Boston, was suddenly taken ill Saturday, and as a precautionary measure against tbe cholera she was de' tained on board tbe ship to await farther developments. - - - ia Spreading la Oenuaay. Berlin; Aug. 29. Cases of cholera are reported in Ferven, hear Magdenbarg; Striegert. m Mecklenburg, and Einl, in Meek len berg. In ' both tbe disease was imported from Hamburg. A dispatch j from Halle, in Prussian Saxony, states two cases ot cholera bave occurred in that city. One patient went to Halle from Hamburg. ON KlVJOYtS Both the method and results when Syrup. of Figs la taken: it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste and acts gentry yet promptly on tbe .Kidneys, iver ana iJowels, cleanses tne sy tem etfectually, dispels colds. .. nead acnes and levers and cures Habitual - - - - - - - - - . . constipation. Syrup i of Figs ia. the "7'P7. .Wtf- .PfT iuced; pleasing- to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomacn, prompt in action and truly beneficial in its iT - ... ' IT . A . : eiiecua, iiB many exceuent qujutwer i conimend it to alt- Jt is for W ib oOc and $1 bottles by idf leading draggisak . - iUanutaXtiired omj py tne I CALIFORNIA flG SYRUP C0. WANTED. rpO BORROW oa unproved farm propertv, JL . worth four tinwe the amount. .Apply Uuengh i tne poetomce, aox "I, i n lieiiee, vrr. raaxo ' - Legal Notloea. PROPOSALS FOR Hour, Bran and Chopped Feed V. S. INDIAN SERVICE, WAKH SPRINGS AGENCY, CROOK COUNTY. OR.. August 10, 1892. Sealed Droooaels. endorsed "Proposals for Floor. Bran end Chopped Feed," and addressed to the un dersigned at Warm Springe, Oregon, will be received at this agency, until S o'clock f. M. of Wednesday, Sept. 14, 1892, for furnishing and delivering at this agency about 45,000 pounds of Hour, 80,000 pounds of Bran, and 10,000 pounds of Chopped Feed. Flour must be either what ia known as "straight full stock," of good, sound wheat, CO pounds ground down to about 42 pounds flour; low grades to be taken out.or it may be what ia known aa patent fluur, and delivered in extra strong cotton sacks, to weigh eurht ounces to the yard .-amp ea of not lesa than twenty-five pounds must be furnished by bidders; said samples to be distinctly marked with the name of bidder, and number of the sample, if more than one is submitted. Bran must be of good quality equal parts bran and shorts mixed. Feed must be of equal parts, clear oats snd barley, fresh rolled and of good, sound grain. Of the above there is to e delivered at the Bine masho school, located twenty miles north of ths Aarency. 20,000 pounds of Flour. 10.000 -pounds of Bnin. 10.000 pounds of Chop, ed Feed; aud at the Agency, za.ouo pounds of Hour, lo.ouo pound oi bran, 10,000 pounds of Chopped Feed. All articles a ill be subject to a rigid inspection. Proposals must state speciScally the proposed price of each article offered for delivery under a con tract. Ibe right is reserved to reject any or all bids, or any part of any bid, if deemed for the best interest of the service. CERTIFIED CHECKS. Each bid must be accompanied by s certified check or draft upon some United States fiepoeitory or solv ent national bank in the vicinitv of the residence of the bidder, made payable to the order of tbe Com missioner of Indian Affairs for at least five per cent of th amount of the proposal which check or draft will be forfeited to the United Stales in case any bidder or bidders receiving en award shall fail to promptly execute a contract, with good and suffi cient sureties, otherwise to be returned to the bid der. Bias eccompan ed by cash in lieu uf a certified check wii: not be considered. For further information as to time of delivery and other particulars, apply to J. C. LTJCKEY, auglS D. S. Indian Agent. Application for Liqwr Luense. Cabcabs LocesJJFalls Pi scikct, ) Wasco County, V . ftste of Oregon J Notice is hereby given that Watt a Callahui, of said precinct and county, will, on the 4th day of Sept. 1892, apply to the County vourt of the above-named er-unty for a license to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon. . . CascAss Locks, Fails Pssctkct, Wasco County, State of Oregon, Aug. o, lssrc. To the Honorable, the County Court of Wasco county. uregon: We, the undersigned, legal voters of Falls Pre cinct, of Wasco county, Or., respe- trolly petition your honorable court to grant a lieense to Watt et Callahan to sell spirituous, vinous and -aalt liquors ss the town of Cascade Locke, in said precinct, in leas quantities than one gallon, for the period of one jean ; - JUKBS. HAMKS. IMKelliker, Pat Sullivan, Nick Weber N8mith John O Brown Francis Con Ion ' EC Clark C J Cmndiani, H D AJKnightley WLake- .... Tboe Coyle L Presaey 6 W Button John Trana Wm Day M Fitzgerald Ed Bergeron N F Murphy G Wait Peter Trana P Ash J F Stout BF Roger JWAttwell A Fleischhaoer AO Hall . Wra Layoock Trai Morin Jos Shank P W Wettick T F Levens August Peterson Perre Mortal Martin Johnson SUMMONS. In the Justice's Court for West Dalles Precinct, County of Wasco, State of Oregon. . H. -Herhrinfr Plaintiff, rs A. 8. Collins and Mrs. A. 8. Collins, bis wife. Defendant. . To A. 8. Collins and .Mrs. a. Collins, bis wife, tne aoove namea aeienaants In the name of the State of Oregon.' you are here by required to appear ana answer the complaint filed againat you in the above e 'titled action within ten days from the late of tbe service of this sum mona ppon you. if served within this county, or if served within any other county of this state, thee within twenty days from toe date ot tbe fervice of tms summons uion you: snd if served by pnbl ca tion, then on cr before the 80th dv of Ammst. 1882. at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said dav. and it you fail so to answer for want thereof, ths piatntiK will taae judgment ag-unat too lor tne sum at Sao 80 and interest at tbe rate of 10 . per cent, per annum and his costs and disbursements in this action. This summons is published in the Timis-Moc- Taursxa for six eonscuUvs weeks bv order ot . Dcnnia, juroee or. cne reace in ana for wen lmiies rreanct, Wasco county, Orefron. - . . E. 8CHUTZ. Justice of the Peace West Dalles Precinct. Wasob county, urefton. - ....... uatea tms xoia aay ot jury liwz. Notice of Administrator's 1 ' 7 7 Sale.' . BY VIRTUE of an order duly made, rendered and entered, of record, am the 6th day of July. 1892. by the Honorable, the County Court, of the State of uregon, lor tne county of wasco, authorizing and directing me to sell certain real estate hereinafter described an belonging to the estate of John Q. 8taats, deceased, I will, on Monday, the 29tb day ot August, 1892, at the boor of 2 o'clock in the after noon of said day in front of the County Court boose door, at Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, sell at iblie auction, to the highest . bidder, (or casb in ind, all of the north half (K) of the northwest quarter 0i and the north half of tbe nort quarter ()) ot Section enrhf (8) in township two (2). South of range thirteen (13) east. W. M .in Wasco 'County, Oregon, together with all of the buildings j and other Improvements thereon. . - . t Haul sale will be made subject to confirmation by said County Court, and upon confirmation at the sale a sood and sufficient deed will be given oonvying al clear uue to tne porcnaser. E. B. DUFUB. Administrator - of the estate of John G. 8taata. de ceased. julia-aog27 'Administrator's Notice. XTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned XI ' was on the 10th day of June, 1892, duly ap pointed by the county court of tbe state of Oregon lor waaco uounty, administrator 01 the estate ol w, J. Mein, deceased, and that ho has duly qualified as soca and entered uon tne duties tnereof. All jer- sons indented to said deceased are requested to mate-settlement, sad all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present tnesa, properly vanned,, at my residence in tiaiies City, in said countv. or at the office ot W. H. Wil son, in said city, within six months from ths data nereor. j. v. mkin, June 24th, 1892. . . : Administrator. Assignee's Notice. "VTOTICE is nereby given that the undersigned A nss Deea-aDoolnted. bv deed dulv execntea and delivered, assignse of the estate of the Eastern Oregon Co-operative Association ot the Patrons of Husbandry (limited), and has accepted said trust ano ia now quauueo and acting as sucn sssigaee. All persons having claims auainst the said estate are re quested to present the same, duly verified according to iaw. to me at uaues wcv. vrasoo countv. uregon. OT.M.IU limn uitfutiis uuu mic u.w unnH. Dated at Dalles Citv. Oregon. June SO. 1892. Jly2 7t E. N. CHANDLEB, As ignes. Administrators Final . Notice. rpBE UNDERSIGNED HAS FILED HIS FINAL I account as administrator of ths estate of James M. Magee, deceased, in tbe county court of the state of Oregon, for the oounty of Wasco, and. the asms has been set for -hearing and final examination on Monday, September IX, leYA as ill o eiacs A. M. All persons interested, are hereby notified to ap pear at said time and place and file their objections to said report u any tney nave. i ..WM. MICH ELL. Administrator of the estate of James M. Magee, eeaanri.. - -. ' s: j - . TS. Ttmlltm tnl- lPOO ' . '"' P CODHTY TEEASDEEB'S HOTICE All cooLty warrants registered prior to March 13, 1889, will be paid if presented at my office, ' corner Third and Washinstoa streets. ' Interest ceases on and alter this date. r , ; ; i H Tbe Dalles, July 16, 1892. ? v VV1LUAM M1CUKLL, - Treasnrer Wasco Coanty, Oregon. To Whom It May Concern THE FTBU OF WARD ft KERNS have disposed t al their. Livery business Ut. this citv to Bur lingame A Robinson, and those ndebted to us will please eoms lonrara ana sens tneir aceounts. rt Ann m iL&tuio. ., The Dalles, Or.. Aua;. 11, 1882. uglS. V A.tJrW A For Sale at a Baiain. SOVTH HALF OF LOTS 11 and 12. Block 7. Krlow'a addition to the Citv of Tne Dalles. 8ixe of lot, 60x100 feet. Cash offers only entertained. Address v. w. kiuhus, ao281m . Box 108, Walla Walla, Waah FERGUSON, Goods hauled lrithttie ifrreatast oare to all parte of the nty on abort notwe. ?; i ABROWK HOBSK, brandsd rB en left anoul 'der; white stripe in fees: eras shod arneailoat. Finder w be snitablr rewarded by IsarimrsauS Witk rraak H, Sharp, Tttree lleeanen,' Any aoe lenemarinsi -as ao. nia waMsaaraira mm saunkats with Charles Bosby, Fossil, Or. JolySS-laaw Land. Nofi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.: LasD Omcs AT Vancouvxa, Wars., August 8. 1882. Notice is hereby (riven that the fo owing-named set ters have each filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of hi claim and that said woofs will be made before W. R. Dunbar. Commia sioner United Sta es Circuit Court, district of Wash ington, at his office in Goldendale, Wash., on Sep. 6, 1392, iris: . LEON W.' CPBT13S, Purchase Application ITo 616, under Soo. 8, Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 29. 1890, for the NEJ, KJ ot St and SEi of SEi. Sec 6. To 2 M. B IS E. M. He names ihe following witnesses to pn-vs his continuous claim t Pal' land, vis: reter Airedtus, Thrmas H. Gil more, William D Oilmore, William M. it rune, all of ihe Hat lea postofflce, Oregon. ALONZO H. CUBTISS, Purchase Application No. 515, under See. S, Forfeit ure Act. avpt. X9, uwo.lur tne MWU.Seea.TpSM, R 18 EL W M. He namea the following' witnesses to prove his continuous claim to said land, viz: reter Asenius Thomas M Gilmore, William D. Uilmore, William M. urune, au of Ibe liauee posromce, uregon. LEON W. CTJBTISS, Administrator of the estate of Joseph 8. Cnrtiss, de ceased; Purchase Application No. 617, under Sec 8, Forfeiture Act. Sept. 29. 1890. for the NWa. SEhi of SWjf.and SWJ of 8WJ, Sec 6, Tn 2 .. B 11 E, WM. - He names the followin witnesses to prove his enntino ,us claim to sa d land, viz: Peter Agenius, Thomas St. Uilmore, W Ilium D. Gilmere, William If. Biune, all of The Dalles postofflce, Uregon. WILLIAM M. BRUNE, Purchase Application No. 626, under Sec. S, Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 29, 1S90, for ihe fcH of SEI, a d 8K of HE , Sec 1, rp 2 N. R 13 E, and H of MEi, and NK of NWi. Sec 7, Tp 2 N, R 14 B, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous claim to, and cul Ivation of, said land, viz: Leou W. Curtis. l -nzo H. Curtis, WMiam M Crawford, Peter Agedius, all of The Dalles post- omce, uregon. suglS JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN. Regr-ter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Labo Omci ax Vascorvsa, Wash., Auir. 8. 1S92. Notloe is hereby given that tbe following-named settlers bave each filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of ' is claim, and tht said proof will be made before W. B. Dunhar. Com missioner United 8tates Circuit Court for district ot Washington, at hia Oihce in Goldendale, Wash., Sept. 28, 1892, viz: WILLIAM D. GILMOBE, Homestead Entry No. 8893, for the NE& Sec 0, Tp iflua, v a. He namea the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said ana, viz: wn k. aweary, vernon T. Cooke, The iauee poaromce, uregon; Jonn l . i.ucas, Manuel a Leonards, Ceuterville puetoffice. Wash. LEVI B. HILLEABY, Application No. 628, under 8ee. S, Forfeiture Act, jept. 29, 1890, for the bE, 8ec 7, Tp 2 N, B IS Kg He names the following witnesses to prove his claim to aaid land, vis: Vernon X . Cooke, illiam v uumore, ine iraiiea ptietomce, uregon; Jobn i. Lucas, Manuel a Leonardo, Centerville, Wash. VERNON T. OOOKE, Application No. 627, under Bee. S, Forfeiture Act, Sept 29. 1890, for the SW& Sec 7, Tp 2 M, Bs4 E, He names the following witoes es to prove his cia m to aaui land, via: um it. miieary, wiulam D Gilmore, The Hallee postofflce, Oregon; John T. Lucas, Manuel 8. Leonardo, Centerville postotfice. Wash. auglS JOHN D, GEOGHEGAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - Laxd Omcs at ViScorjvaa, Wash., : Aug. 8, 1892. : To George W. Smith and all whom it mav concern! Notice is hereby given that the following-named set- tiers nave each Died notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. B. Dunbar, Commis sioner of United States Circuit Court for district of Washington, at hia office in Goldendale, Wash., on avpMauiHar a, xowfi, via; CHARLES H. BRUNE, ' Purchase' Application No. 620, under See. S, For. full sill Am Cjm. da 1 k.AA A.L. 1IT1 S A a J m citriuvavej, crcp. , rv, iur miss vv 7. ui O, 101 WX of SW, NEJ of NWJ, NWJ of NEJ, andNWl w ill n. Mh IS Bs fT Al. He names the follow lag witnesses to prove bis con tinuous claim to said land, viz: Thomas Bolt, Peter Ageains, vernon 1. uoose, wuilamM. Crawford, all of The Dalles postoffice, Oregon. THOMAS HOLT, Homestead Entry No. 8891, for the SW1, See 11, Tp 2N, &18K, WM. , , He names ths following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, vis: Charles H Erune, Peb-r Agedius, Vernon T. Cooke, William N. Crawford, all ot The Dalles postoffice Oregon. 1 THOMAS HOLT, Purchase Application No. 619, under Sec S. Forfeit ure act, -eut. 29, 1890, for the N WJ, See 11, Tp 2 N, RISK, WM. . , He names the followfng witnesses to prove bis continuous chum to said land, viz: Charlea H. Brone. Peter Agedios, Vernon T. ooke, William N. vrawiora, au oi ine inuies postomoe, uregon. auglS JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. WORLD'S HIE Xt!EXAX Tins. BOOK 1. "Review of Oar Connty,, by Hon. James 6. Blaine. BOOK 2. "New Life of Columbos," by J. W. BneL BOOK 3. -"Complete Histoiy of America," from tbe laudiDg of Columbus to the present time, by Prof. John Clark Ridpatb. BOOK 4. "Piotorial History of the Co lnmbiao Exposition," by Hob. ' Beoj. Botterwortb, The above tour great works by four great authors, every line of which is only just written, have been bound op into one massive volume ot nearly - 900 PAGES and '500 ILLUSTRATIONS, . Under the Title of y . "Cflloios and Coliiiii" The greatest subscription book ever published in this country, and of which A MILLION COPIES Will be sold daring' the next six months. inrUTQ Wanted all over this state. Better AUCRIO terms than ever. We guarantee to tne ngnt parties Woo a wees profit frm now on to Christoiss. snd a first claas BoUKD-TKIP TICKET to tne WOKIJi'8 r A1K and one week's admission 10 the exposition aitotuutti free. Also other vain- able premiums. We hare p enty ot capital at onr command, and can and will do exactly what we say. Send at ones for special circulars and further par. Hcuian to tne DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., Moavttlo, ' ' - "WaSAAlnvton Full Line np LORDEF, m f Cf m SV n,n ft. I I .BoSTois. Gn Be Found s s No. 77 Second St. Suits made to order, aod fit guaranteed. II ar ---- AfiTAsWCnltvf lib " mmr, Bcsr. Ttt tmcrrity Aeckwt ttir op- tBitisksV an frpm that eauMliv la poTrtr mm in sinsi tVssm ihavl asanas. liVB in DOTtxrtr svitwl Tlsn-rwwlwtr ttmrnnmir Its tint lol Of BUBT. I Inokr Ka-W m ItaBaL fnrsiwsw Wat. ftaWrtmntW. IaIAIs Infft KMch ant, uA do inc. Iwvnvyv eppertv- nil, ftnti wear prwpsiri t t , It mj m p nuoypaar. vmw tarn a. oera si aoldea opportaDiw to eaeapersoa at aom. mm w uxa; mbrae.tli.ekaiMe, aawab. boars aatWrlebu; Sulas as aaa4 sh. aapana. a Vaaara." Uewaaallvea Sad tb. OOLPKX oppBrtanltvt ravastlxate averr ebaae. IhaS anxara worth.: aaA Sale uanUa: that ia waateU aaa- easafBl BMdA H ara la aa anaartaairr. saeh aa is Bat .ftaai witDiauiarBacnoiiaooriBaBaoDia. impnmi.avuiiiva at least, a (raod start IA Ufa. Ibe OOLDC .ppanuutj tot maar U am. naeeaew w oe esu rapiaiv ana aoaeraaur bvaDviadastrionsDorsoaraltliara. Allacaa. To. eta da tb. work aad Uva at koaw, tlmmrrnirt BveaJM- CtaaorsaraaafllraarDias rroaBSbioivpra.r. soai eaa daaawanlf von will work. aM loo hard, ant ladaoui- ual 7 ; ao d yoe cam iaoroa. von iaeoaae as roa aa osuTow eaa five spar, timaoolj, orau year time loth. work. Baas' to Uara. Capital not leeskwd, We rtartroe. Alllawsf iMradvaly &.W and nallv woadornU. We iastraet aad show voe kow. fl cab FaOareaaknowa amonr ear work. by rvram i mSL Unwise tm imXmy. AdlrM alone. It Next session beeins on Monday, the loth day of September, ,1892. .r,:n ;-- j TUITION FREE. ; Four Courses: - Clavacal, Scientific, Liter- ary, and -short luigluut Coarse, in which there is ao Latin, Greek, Frcach or Geranan The English ia- pteminewly .a Bawncst Coarser' - ForatarOgneor-ther infonBstkn addrsaa s !. W; JOHNSON, '' jlya 'Wsident.; , mm TailofiBg I nTll7PD0.W nl norfAXT '" FBOll TERMINAL OB INIEBIUB POINTS, Northern Pac. itA.iL.KOA.i J Is ths line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH It is the Dining Car Boots. It runs Through Ves tiboled Trams Lery Day in tbe year to ST. PAUL ana CHICAGO. (SO CHANGE UF CARS.) ' Compu ed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. oilman Drawing-mom Sleepers of Latest ... i Equipment. .. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS. Best that can be corstructed, snd In which accom modation are both Free and Furnished fur-holders of First or Second claas Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and . Uninterrupted Serrice. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad vance through any agent ot tbe road. THROUGH TH'KETS To and from all points in Amei . England and Europe can be any ticket ofiice ot the company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other defeiila furnished on s plication to W. C. ALLOWAY, Agent D. P. A a. Co., Regulator office. The Dalles, Or. A. D. CHARLTON, Asst General Passenger Agt., No. 121 First St., Cor. Wa-h., PORTLAND. OiBQON KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago. St. Louis. AND ALL FOISTS EAST. NORTH and SOUTH. t 8 06 A.M. Leave. The Dalles Arrive at Ths Dalles.. 1 26 P. M. 66 P.M. PULLMAN SLEEPER . COLONIS SLEEPERS, RXCLENI O CHAIR CARS and DINERS ' Steamers trom Portland to San Francisco KVABV FOOB DATS. Tickets to and from Europe. I Fnv ratea and ffenrral infrmatlfm ea2 on R. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. W. H. HUBLBURT, Asst. Oen. Pass. Ant-, 254 Wsrhinirton M., Portland, r ETT IB A D lTrvta srvreyexrraelf aad i y t set the heec ysUae fmr year saai eussaiza la year fsalwear by pareba P sMIBf. s.kss1.sw Ia. nABtrlati KhsMal. ski.k - - C2 Ul teVurV"' - fjkMM ma BTJBnTixmvs, IV. L. DOUGLAS IK BEST SHOE IS THE WQBU) FOi TH MOklt. - A (! stwM Saar wait tut rip, an nan, aamiiisa. budou uaaaa, nexioaa, i rortable. atvllsa and durable than anvoche toldattaepriM R4 safiS, 94 snoststrl unapnaw. . aaeaal custom mans saoaaonaTlSaT Tfaat ail li a 1 lias 1 IT all 11 ss Tli. atviish easy and durable ehoea area eeid thenrlea. "-f IiiiiiiiiIimI skiaaiiiiaillaa CremMtoaa.. , .: . ".' .. . i RO CO rellee SkM,wen by fanners sal 4 Vws otnara wbo want a sood heavy calf, tarea SolsdVeerialoBedsaboaaaay SOWAialsewld sojpiasuetarraaavarav. . i ( atwiew's Shoes eriu aive more wear for tbe) wnwriuasnreuersnn. xnayareinajaeiaraar. vice. Tbe tnni sssliig sales show that worSlnaTasa bavwtsandthtavciat. ' . ' .n . Ilrtvsx' sma Tetla 91.73 8bt a.r oj; bbmb an mn ny ue ix) tb every. warn), alas moaa ajui t iceapie anoea soaa aataepi Ladies' 2122 "frsrlb a. tor Miss areaaadeof the beat Don role, or One Calf, aa oeairaa. inevarwveTj ry stylish, cob qnalarwatom eoBafortabla and dnra. TBe8joaoaqi AXJGtoSeuja. Laxliea wSo wlaA toeoraansala. ui lootvrear are saoiBt uua out. raw w. i Dooaiaa aame ana tb ane on the bet torn ot oaeh saoei look tor It when Ton birr. Dewaieof dealers attempting to sab- -rUira-raskaa f-rthrra aneh amaaua aieooonaaiw fraadnJUmtand anbjeet to proaeuuilun by ijaw torot mrmrrrnnrlfirTBlanfirwIaiiiaa W QV6MA8, JtswokMa. Uaswi- aotls J.FREIMA.N, AGENT. l'UE DALLEo S. L. YOUNG, (Successor to E. Beck. ROCK FORD Quick-Train Tnequalled 0t WATCHES EXACTING SERVICE t7ed I th U. ornised tu TH B Cotwt Bar ker; in U BEST. Sold D Dtisdntt B.ilml MmtoTT:bf T XCitUITa I Aamtt lltk&dinar dactoneUid iUUvaj rail TVWTUUJ. -DEALER IN- batches, Clock, Jewelry, : DIAMONDS SILVE8WARE, ITC. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired i . and warranted. Sooond Straert. THE DALXXS, OR. t MBS. A. JONES. Prop. 85 TTZSIOIS BTUEET SO Adjoioinc Bvrne, Floyd A Co.! d oa store. The tables are supplied witn the best the tnarket anorda. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. :-t - : - '' ' :e ' None but white help employed. L.P. OSTLUND rHI furolahldrafta and eatlsaates 'oa all buildings. aireuuigs saa smtssl Mr. Ostland Is s practical aiacfaarilc. aad the a4sa drafted, bv, ljlmsru proyeiirUatio, cheap and dura t ful WTU8 ry on SALE mm - mmmv r"a m t -u. ,. mmmr jmr HI i mm i bJbSbV'v. v It I !iTN ... - .li.J 'mw fa H A r A. M 'M The Dalles Restauran DlliniCKHillllJDOIIIlIT A TERRIBLE FALL. 'Tis to you, mothers aqd rJaughttrs, that I wish to talk;. - And to tbe children that are just learning to walk; Aod all wbo may need anything in my line I will gire yon prices that you'll hardly decline. One need Bonnets and Ribbons, whilst I others need Hats; Some will need Dresses and Rncbing, and possibly Caps. Possibly Aprons, Collar and Ties there are many wbo do. Sbonld yon want Flowers aod Feathers, you'll find them all new. The Third street Millinery ia the place to buy. I he prices are low, but quality hieh. The styles are the latest give us a call; And nod that prices have taken a tall. wMsBTsTsB A. 1?T VdAia First Clam aA ..rIIMis. lawns. Fs Paawenger touTIoi raateat aaS Ftoest ta.thsj WesU. Braeeomoaationsnneaoeum. ' OMDOMDERRY AHB IUSB0W. NEW TOBK. GIBBAl-TKft'arid KAFLIS, Atmrolar Intervals. ' SAL00II, SECOND-CLASS ANO STEERAIE i.i.. mi biawt uvmi to and from the principle HOKE, KfaUSH, QIBB ALL OOOTmStAL rOKTaV I Ezeoraion tleketa available to return by either the pie-1 tnreaqse Clvd. North ot Inland or Baplea A Gibraltar BraOs sal Kossr Ordsn to Act iausat st ttrstt Satst. Applr to any of onr local Agents or to BBHSKKSON BKOTHEBS, CUeaaro, Zll AGENTS WANTED Apply to T. A. General Agent. The Dalles. Or. HUDSON, jan-Ei-vx SKIBBE HOTEI F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. The Only Brick Hotel Df THE CITY Alf A TT A I DEfiT DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE in the North l)M AHA ID west This boiloins; bas been refitted since tbe in every particular. Ths table Is supplied with, ths best the market affords. The oar in connection with the hotel is supplied. srttb the Ugliest (Trade ol Wines, Liquors ani Inv ported and Domestic Cigars. Jan30-i . J. R LABSEN, Dealer in aU kmdaof Ha j, Grain and Feed, At his old stand, Second street. KAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE Toe lughest Cash Price paid for Sheep pelts. COAL! COAL! THE BK8T- Wellington, .Eock Springs, and Eoslyn Goal sacked and delivered to any part Ol tbe city. i I At Moody's Warehouse. " Successors to Greorge Bach. The Cheapest Place tS THS DALLSS FOR All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC We respectfully solicit a share of ths public pat ronage, and shall endeavor to jrive enure satiafao. tion to our customers both old aad new. AT tTNIVER SIX X PARK. LOCATION Three miles from center of the citv. Elevated, healthful, beautiful site; ealoona pro hibited; best socletv; 6 cents fsre to the city. ' DEPARTMENTS Classical, Uterary. Scientific, Theological, Normal, Business, MJaical, aod Ore torical eenrae taught by specialists, normal sta dents visit and study the methods of Portland pobue achoola, among the beet in the United Stitea, and a'so entitled to 8tate D plomaa, KXPEN8ES Board and Tuition, school year, 100 10 szmi. mition tree to ineoitgicai aruaents Half price to children of ministers. Three from as me family, 10 pr cent. off. TIKE All departments open at TJnlvesrlty Park on September iu, lew. eem lor iMaiogues sna in form tiion to CI. C. 8TRATTOW, D D ., President, or THOO. TAN SCOT, D. D., Dean. Portland, Or ... jBljSO-frt RATBCSBONE U made from OTJ1XU. nature own toucbest material, seat wnlps made for tbe price, Cbsap, Dorabla, Al-L STTLBg. all prlcea. art rour dealer for a ... PPITHPRRrtNC rOB BJL3 'n S7 ua a AJAUurvAiAJa HENRY KUCK. The Dalles, Or. sams 58 ITKOIST fsST- (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CEABLIS IBANK. FB0P. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars. COLUMBIA - BBEWEhT BEEB OK DRAUGHT. W. T. WISEMAN Successor to J. H. MeDonoujrh SO.) UBAXJtB ID , 1$ AND CIGARS. Mine bat the beet brands of Liquors aod Cigara on sal. Temperance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Court and Second streets. TBE DALLES, OREGON. LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Payette Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Seoond and Madison Sta. AO work work tn iroa or wood done tn the neateat tiuec.. Anvtnuuj In tne inanja line, Irosn a wheelbarrow to ao omnibue aisds ; orrepasred. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty, j Plows aod ssaeblpetv repaired in the toost skill. and arorsajiaiillss manner. piojieeb wmi Northwest Oor. Sewnd and Wakhin(rton 8ts. ' mm & era, mn FOR WHIPS TO' r 7ril.oott2t Choice Wines, Lipo CHAS.'H. DODD & CO. IMHRTtM OF HARDWARE IRON, STEEL FARM MACHINERY. FE0NT, FIEST AND VIN1! STS P0ETLAND, OS- BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. Unmnaled for Slmplletir, Jf JPtUltyDsitbUltT. 'J; j;ra M well it Down to acvsl iXMasnent. Thosiaanrta f them Hra g. well SASlOWnt acm awaaaita a .1 meinwrw p uae to-day, ana inn anawnwa "j to-day, tana ine nnirrr proves Salens t be ak HODGES' HAINES HEADERS. ; BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME BINDER. Di tin swished for Strenrtlt ud DnrAblllty Adpianee Host Eeoaonsieaa Binder In sue. Jteanlrea len power, use is any otner. 8BB.-.-. SCHUTTLER AND MILBURN FARM WAGONS FINE CARRIAGES, PHAETONS. TOP BUG- GIES, CARTS, ETC. FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS AND . BUCK-BOARDS. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER. AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE. The most Effective and Snccesfol combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever constructed. Sena for ISM WILLIAM Undertaker Has always on hand a new and complete line of Undertaking Goods. Partio ' nlar attention given Iq embalming and taking care of tbe dead. " PRICES AS LOW PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. Soothwest Corner of Third and WshiDgfrio Streets, NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. 110 Vroat Bfrttt, The Ilalles, Arrroa. At the old stand of R Lusher. CHAS. FRAZER, Prop STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. AU brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and genuine Key West Cigars. A fall line ot CALIFORNIA . : WINES : AND : BRANDIES. COLUMBIA BREWERY . - 86 Second street, lm i aaie9 Beer Sail SECOND STREET, BETWEEN UNION AND COURT LEMKE, PROPRIETOR. JE -KEEPS ON COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER, -AND ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Best Imported Winks, Liquors and Cigars. The One Price Cash House, . COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., J. P. McOEEN Y DEALER IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Battenck Fatterns; also for the HalrRsraar Dress Forms. Successors t Mrs. C E. Dunham, Corner of Union and Second Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. ' DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES Fine Toilet Sosps, Brashes, Combs, Perfumery, Etc .liquor lor Medicinal rnrpoaea. Physicians Prescriptions a Specialty. ALSO DEALERS IN Watehes, Clocks and Jewelry, Silverware, Etc., Etc. All Kinds of Repaikino Niatlt Dojti on Short Notice. Trade Mark. Prleeof Oinna i mi n.w.. . . DT rewfenng iia rutore growui en ulirrlmpoaetbliliy. aeal lromau ' bMUe- mnt ,n safety mailing boses poaUge paid by uVtaeoarely .no7nslrtS?frTn.,'M,0"'T 01 stamps by letter with full liddreWwrlttebplainly. Oorrre eSnilna SSSrS 15?? . IbJ advertlaement to booeat and straight forward In every word It sndtodaT .ZlUZXX'J3 and yoo will And everythlag ae rvpreaented. Cot this out and ttirTo"rll-75?""ll,,CA,- CO" 17ao Street, CINCINNATI, O. Yoo can oflatluN l in.k1. rf om 10 ""r ' ' delivery. Vr will p., soo for any eaae oi tanure or allghteet Injury lo arty parehaaer. Kvery bottle guaravuteed. . e.PECIII'gy.i'S1?1 "evotTodneeandaell among AjJii." . wnb SILK DBBSB, IS c AMD Tbeae Maeklossi m fvjfmM. mm arm. Rca-Dischapgc Binder i twine than HOLLIHCSWORTH & TAYLOR HAND AND 1 SELF-DUMP. RAKES. : DEERE RAY-LOADER AND MUOCETT IM PROVED TEDDER. ' 1 HAY-PRESSES, PORTER'S HORSE HAY- m rnniA sun ninnrrne riMAa Anif OAfiniLr.o. Catalorne, Free. : MICHELL, txiid !Einbalmer, AS THE LOWEST. THE DALLES, OR BEER ON DRAUGHT. ' ' ; ' . rriIK DALLES OR. DRAUGHT- FOR AND CHEMICALS, Pore feltAvravM.sMa.i si si wlw55 HEW. DISCOVERY byAGGIDEfJT Id coropouBdlnc a solution a part waa BceHt-ntly tpUled on tbe band and on washing afterward It wm discovered lhat "n" haS wm iouiJ pletely removed. We at once put tula wonderful prerirallon ob. market and ao great baa been the demand that we ara nnl itwT.w.,. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND "ullmlrlM' SO 8IMPLE ANY CHILD CAM liasr rr I Lay the k air over and applr toe mixture for a few minutes, and Ibe hair dlaappean aa If by magic without the slightest pal a or Injury v. ben applied or ever afterward. It la unlike any other preparation .ver uard fore like purpose. Thousands of LADIES ho have been annoyed m.tXSi?BJ.'HJCK fiECR " ARMS atteet ItVmerl uT OENTLKMfcN wbo do not appreciate a beard or balron their neck. l!dA?r,ee'e" 6010 wsees's Antl-Halrlne which dors away then- Meads as BottlM efQaeen-s AntlJfalrlaa, yards baa el Ik. ' Bxtrs Large Louie,