The Times-MoBDtaineer SATURDAY AUGUST 20. las.ii UNDER TWO ADMINISTRATIONS . There is no branch or government in which the northwest is more inter ested than that controlling public lands, and it is both pertinent and '; proGtable at thin time especially do ' when the administration of national affairs were controlled four and eiiht ' years ago by the. Democratic and He- ' . publican candidates, for president to review the acts of the two administra : tionsin this regard. . The Chicago In ter Ocean speaks truthfully when it . says: "Mr. Sparks, - who was ap- pointed -commissioner of public lands .bj Mr. Cleveland when he was presi . dent, cherished the peculiar delusion that nearly all the entries madv by ' pre-emptors or - homesteaders were . fraudulent. ..He said in plain words that the . number of fraudulent pre emption claims should bs estimated at exactly 100' per cent, of the whole . number of entries, and that the num ber of fraudulent timber-culturu en tries was not less than 90 per cent. ... "Mr. Sparks had a very poor opin ion of the morality of the svestern farmers, for it was by persons belong ing to this class that made by far the greater part of the entries. But be lieving as he did, or as he professed to believe, it was natural that he should interpose all difficulties which the tech nicalities of hiB office would allow or . that his ingenuity could invent in the path of the settler who sought to prove preliminary residence, or compliance with the timber-culture act or other act entitling him to receive a patent from the United States land office. It is true that Mr. Sparks' rigidity to ward the settlers enhanced the value of all railroad lands by driving emi grants from the government lands, where procurement of title was diffi cult, to railroad lands, the title to which was easily granted. But Mr. Sparks was by no means the first Dem ocratic official who did the great cor porations' a good turn under pretense of extreme zeal for conservation of the public interest . "The result of Mr. Sparks' admin istration was that when Mr. Garter was appointed by President Harrison to succeed him - as land commissioner there were 350,953 persons waiting : for confirmation of their titles to gov- '.. ernment lands which they had taken under the homestead, pre-emption or timber-culture acts. It was Mr. Sparks' opinion that all these agri culturists were men willing to perjure themselves that they might obtain fraudulent possession of land. It was Mr. Carter's opinion that men who had complied with the provisions of the . law were entitled to the benefits of the law, and between the date of his ac cession to office in 1889 and the fiscal year that ended June 30, 1892, the 350,953 claims left in dispute by Com missioner Sparks were . disposed of, and 318,016 other actual settlers al lowed to make entry of public lands. "That is to say, the greater part of 1,000,000 of agriculturists have been provided with homeRteads, and the greater part of 1,000,000 of new farms have been opened, in the ' public do main during the present Republican administration." v v GBOOX. OOTHTTT. Items From the Columns Oehoeo Review. of she Gardens are poorer in this county tins . year than for many year put, and farmers say there will enough vegetable raised to supply the home demand. Last Saturday Mrs. Vanclervert organized a Women's Christian Temperance Union in Prineville; ' Miss Emma Hamilton wss elected president . and Miss Mattie Barnes secretary. E. M. Barnett was in town the drat of the week preparing bis threshing machine for operations. Although the crop is light he will get his machinery in shape and thresh what gnin there is. Wallace Post was in town Tnesday. Mr. Post said harvesting was well along oo Newsom creek, and although the crops are ' not heavy, the yield is better than in many other parts of the county. Mr. Stewart says the water is lower in bis mill race than it has bran at any time daring the past thirteeo years.: There ii not sufficient water with which to run his machinery, therefore there will be no rooro grinding done at the flooring mills notil the water rises. . , ': A. W. Branutr, of The Dalles and Prine ville stage line, came up from Nanaene last Thursday. Be says Wednesday's rain storm reached as far north as Bakeoven. Qn Wil low creek and. Upper l'ront the storm as sumed the magnitude of a waterspout, and on Wednesday evening Lower Trout was so swollen as to be past fording. Agent J. C. Lackey, of Warm Springs, was in town Wednesday, and informed the Review that the government bad authorized the construction of a new school building at the agency. The new building will have a 130-toot front, two stories hipb, and will be amused and finished according to the latest style of architecture. . Bids for the new building will be opened on August 21at. and work of construction will begin as sooo as the contract is approved by the depart ment. ... A Strange Bailioad. The following article originated with the Helena Inddpendent and will be read with interest by engineers and everyone who hu given any attentiou to the study of the sin gle track railway problem: ! ( A curious little railroad train goes crawl in? op and down the mountain from Tres Pine to Burt's lime kiln in the Gavilan range, San Benito county, every day. It is probably the strangest ' railroad that was 2. . . t . 1 i ever seen; yet inua jar, nos a worn uat ever been printed regarding it. The train moves on a curious single track, and i drawn by ia engine set low on it. . Both the engine wheels and those which support the ear have a; single, pivot-like piece of teet that sets in the slot track, for it most be borne in mind jthat the track has a slot in it not unlike that seen on a cable track. In addition to this each wheel has a flange on each side of it, so that it cannot get off the track no matter how abrupt the curves. The road : as completed is- now sine miles long, bat when pushed through at intended it will be fourteen miles in length. Three men run it. These enneist oi an engineer, a fireman and a lira k email. In one place there is an 800-foot graile, mcuoted at the rate of six feet to t'ue 100, yet the engine puffa right alo:2 with three loaded cars not in tha leant bothered in any way. There is one uraile a Quarter of a mile long in which nu average of four teet ia gained to the 100. One curious thing about it is that the wheels are in a sense rollers. They reach from one bide to the other. The flung? hold them out, assisted by the pivot, past which each - half of ti e wheel comes down. GBA2ST GOUITTT. Item Krm the Columns ... . I'aujrOK Cllj Xcws. or the T ie emailpox : More oyer en the railroad has al-out sub?iled. The abundant water supply th it was pre dicted ia failing rapidly these Mcorchi-ig day., indicating an early shut down at the Humboldt mine onions rdiu falls soon. Mr. H. A. Cupper, stockman and farmer of Monument, lofunns us that irons cn the Northfork arc liae this seiuoa. Over the ridge in Moirow and Gilliam counties the hot winds from the Columbia's dri.'tiui; smdt', cut cropi short, so we le.tra from par- tie? jnst over A conpie of prospectors are in the mount ains south ot the city, searching for gold aud precioux stones. They are from the opal fields of Morrow county, aud while on former trip over these mountains last sum mor, tney tiiscoverea croppings ot wnat tney consider a large deposit of the beauti ful gem opals. People of Granite hare strong faith in the mines of tectioo, and as a substantial starter for future development, they have tiled articles of incorporation with the sec retary of state, incorporating the Granite and Greenhorn Consolidated Mining and Milling Company,. capital stock (1,250,000. A. G. Tabor, U. S. Miller and J. N. Dit- mar, are the incorporators. Dave Fridman came in Taesday from tour over the western part of Grant aud over into Crook county. , He. reports only about a half crop of hav on Crooked river in the latter county, while the grain crops failed entirely oo many ranches. In Grant county the outlook is much more fayora'ole, While traveling along the highway he fell in with a monster rattlesnake measuring 45 inches in length and 5 inches in circumfer ence, which dieJ under his aveneing hand, Oregon State Fair. The state fair for 1892 commences on the 12th day of September, and lasts one week The state board of agriculture has made, and is now making changes and improve' meats which add greatly to the beauty of the grounds and to the comfort and conve nience of exhibitors, patrons and visitors. There are two electric street railway lines running from Salem to the fair grounds, thus affording pleasant and rapid transit to and from the grounds to the city. The ex dibits in ail departments promise to be large, being stimulated by the offer of lib eral premiums. The grounds and pavilion will be lighted by electricity, and the pavil. ion will be open four nights during the week. Good music will be furnished for the pavilion concerts each evening, and on the grounds during the day.' Entries for premiums will cloee at 3 P. m. the first day of the fair, and all those who can make their entries on Friday and Saturday before will avoid the crowd. All exhibits must be in place by 10 P. M. of the first day of the fair. . Send to G. W. Watt, assistant secre tary, at Silem for a. premium lUt. . Truth Hot Always to be Told. The Dalles, Aug. 15, 189& Editor TmBS-iloojTAisaia - The Liverpool clu, a copy of which was forwarded to me last week, advises its Brit ish free-trade apostles, "if they wish to further the principles they are so proud bf, they should rigidly hold their tongues dor ing the presidential campaign. Their nt teraoces do iccaleu abie barm to the Dem ocratic cause, and if Cleveland is alter all defeated it will be largely owing to the too loudly and indiscreetly expressed sympathy from our shores." England pretends to practice free trade. yet collects $100,000,000 on four articles- tea, coffee, sugar and tobacco. . Subscriber. TElEGBAPHIO hews. Excitement at Waverly. Elmika, N. Y.,'Aog. 15 Great excite ment prevails at Waverly, N. Y, on ac count of ife strike of the. Lehigh Valley switchmen. A collision between the strikers aud tbo switchmen seemed inev itable this morning over an attempt to run. an engine and caboose out of Erie, Pa., just across the line. The men sur rounded tbe engine and refused to let it go. Sheriff Powell turned tbe switch himself, bot it was immediately turned "back by tbe sinkers. Tbe switch was finally made, but tbe strikers pulled tbe coupling pin between tbe engine and cars, and made another delav. The sheriff tried to arrest some ot the men, but they were immediately rescued by their comrades. Superintendent Stephen son and tbe sheriff mounted a pilot, but rould not keep tbe men away from the engine. A union meeting of trainmen was held this -afternoon at Sayre, and it was decided the trainmen would not do switch work north of Sare. The tur moil finally subsided this afternoon, the sheriff admitting -his powerlesine-s More trouole is threatened when he undertakes to make tbe promised arrests with a large force. One striker, William Jones was bnrt in one of the melees with tbe sheriffs forces. He is at Osborne. London, Aug. 15. Gladstone, accom - panied hy Sir A'gernn Edward West, left this morning for the Isle of Wight, to lay before her majesty tbe names of those who compose the new cabinet. Gladstone wss londly cheered on bis departure. When be crossed tbe dockyard at Pons month, on bis way to the royal yacht, the artisans gave him a rousing ovation. On tbe arrival of. the yacht at Etst Cowes. he wss greeted by en enthusiastic crowd. Gladstone entered tbe queen's carriage and was driven to. Osborne bouse. On arrival at the palace. Sir Henry Pon sonby received him and conducted Dim to. tbe apartments that had been prepared for him. After Gladstone bad partaken ot oncheon, the queen gave him an aud ience and be kissed ber band, in accord ance with established usage. Gladstone then submitted tbe names of tbe mem bers ot bis cabinet. Be will return to London to morrow morning. Keveateen tteai Lost. . London, Aug. 15. A large steamer, the ThraeiaA, which was being towed to Liverpool, has been lost off the Isle of Man. The crew of seventeen men. went down with the steamer. , Tbe Thraeian was in ballast, and during a gale last night tbe vessel pitched and rolled heavily.. Tugs towing the vessel were finally compelled to beave to. The gale increased in violence, aud it is supposed be Thraeian capsized. When daybreak came no trace of ber could be seen. More Cenavleta Taraed Loose. , Chattahooga, Teon., Aug. 12. Early this morning 500 miners met at White's ball and proceeded to Inman. where 250 convicts are at work in tbe iron mines of the Tennessee Coal, Iron & Railway Com puny. On the tram were 40 unarmed guards going to Inman t increase the guard tlserer About 150 miof-rs tooK charge of the guaros and the remainder went forward to the stockade, determined i burn it and turn l he convicts over to the guard and sen.l them out of the country on the train. Tb;s was the last heard of them, as the telegraph wires have been cur, hut it is supposed they carried out their purpose. The 40 guards whom tbey intercepted were sent out lest evening from Nashville by Governor Buchanan. Accident to a Torpedo Boat. London, Aug. 15 A correspondent of the Timet aboard the warship ArethuM, lvlng off Belfast, says: ''While the Arethusa wu3 low:rjg a torpedo boat the other night there were suddenly betid, about 2 o'clock in the rnoruinir. shouts of 'stop the ship' coming from the torpedo boat. It was found that th bout had got under the Arelhusa't stem and had been struck by 'tue propeller. The boat was then waterlogged and sinking i two men were ovrruoard. Ail the crew turned out and buoys, .uere lowered and the men rescued. The torpedo-boat was afterward bailed out and hoisted in Owiog to the warships Jiaid and Apollo, the admirably authorities have abruptly stopped the naval maneuvers. government on Top Aeain. New Yokk, Aug. 15. The Herald. correspondent at Cuyaba, Matto G rosso, says that' the government troops under Force bad joined those under Eubank and restored order in the province. There is no flour there and provisions of all sorts "hre scarce, owing to the low water in the river., Tbe revolutionary party committed many outrages, flogging some women night and day for fiye days for carrying cartridges to Ponce's troops. Ponce has received telegraphic fnstruc tions from Bio to shoot ail tha leaders of tbe revolution, especially Major Hanoi bal, who was the prime mover in tbe up rising. Chill Has Agreed to Fay. Washington, Aug. 15. Acting Secre tary Adee to-day received a cable message from Minister Egan at Santiago, saying that tbe Chilean chamber of deputies bad unanimously appropriated $75,000 as in demnity to tbe sailors of the United States steamship Baltimore, and that it bad also approved tbe treaty for tbe set tlement of tbe claims of citizens of the United States against Chili. Tor Over Pify Tears. . An Old and Well-Tried Bemedy Mrs. Wioalow'a .Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, sot tens tbe gnms, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to tbe taste. Sold by all druggists in every- part of tne world Twenty-five cents a bottle. ItB value is incalculable. Be Bure and ask . tor Mrs wmslows boothing Syrup, and taae no other kind. The Grants Pass band has issued the fol lowing challenge: The Grants ' Pass cornet band hereby issues a challenge to any local, resident and regularly orgaoized band in Oreenn, of fifteen years or less, to a contest of $100 a side, for any and all bands. Tbe winning band to take 70 per cent, of the whole amount; tbe next beat M per cent. and tne thirrt iu per cent. Ihe contest is to consist of a series ot concerts to be given at the opera house at Grants Pass. Tbe challenge is open to every town and city in. the state txcept Portland aud Salem. For further information address Frank V, era, Sec., Grants Pass, Or. Jeff- The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, . sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hai.da. chilblains. corns, and all skin eruptions, aad post tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. .Price So ctcts per box. For sale by snipes & Kinersly. The following is taken fron: the Grant's rasa Courier: lav t-mierant, whose baby died on the cars while going through Grant's if ass some month ago, has sued tbe com pany for $30,000 damages. He alleges he was forced . to occupy the smoking-car, and that the fumes smothered -his child.- The conductor avers that the parent betook himself and family to the smoker of bis own free will. It would seem as though the plaintiff had a better case against the smok ers whose fumes killed the child. The prosecutor was so poor that a collection had to be taken up among tbe passengers to bury the infant at Ashland, hut it ho can make b's $30,000 case stick be can ride in the Pullman herea fter. To Dispel Colds. Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse the system effectually, yet gently, when cos tive or billions, or when the blood is lm pure or sluggish to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awasen tbe kid neys and 'liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening them use Syrup of Figs. Earl Price and Arthur Kurtz, 8 year-old boys, of North Lansing, Mich., met with a horrible death in a Biugalar manner last Saturday. The boys were missed and al though- a large crowd of neighbors searched until midnight no trace of them could be fou o. About 1 o'clock the father of young Price thought ot an unused ice chest at his house, into which his children had at. times crawled to play, aud, opening the chest, he found the two boys dead. The interior of the chest was but 2 feet 5 inches long, 18 inches wide and 21 inches deep. . The bodies were crowded into this small space facing each other. It was evident that after the boys squeezed themselves into the box, the movements caused tbe cover to fall, and the clasp on tbe outside locked over the staple, fastening them in so thai escape was impos sible. -. ENJOYS Both the method and results wheD Syrnp of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tbe taste, and acts Esntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. . Syrup of Figs ia the pnly remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tne taste and, ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its tftion and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in oOc and $1 bottles by al' leading druggisdi. Maniaiactured only by tne CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AM FHANOI800, CAU 10UI8VIUE. KY. HEW TOPK. H-7 G. NOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and atfcif'cataobs tor. building fur nished. Will do ail Kinds of excavating and grading. ; , All orders should be lett at postotnee. novl3 - LOST. , A BROWN HORSE, branded W B on left shoul der; white stripe in face: was shod when kM. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving aa ue with Frank H. Sham. Three-mile ranch. Any one possessing information as to his whereabouts will pla a communicate with Charles Busby, Fossil, Or. I .. hili..l.lmn . ... I Legal Notice mOPOSALS FOTt Flour, Bran and Chopped Feei U. S. INDIAN SERVICE, WARM SPRINGS AGENCY. CROOK C'JUNTY, OR., Aumist 10. 1892. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Propobals for Flour, Rran and Chn;ne.l Feed." and addressed to the un- dersijrned at Warm Sprinp, Oregon, will be received at thin atrency, until 3 o ilocK r. jn. oi Wednesday, Ail 31, 1S92, for furnishing and delivrinjr at this aeency about 4500 pounds of Hour, 20.000 pounds of bran, aud 3o,000 pounds of Chopped Feed. Flour rount be titlier what in known a "straight full tock," of roud, aounJ wheat, 60 pounds ground down to about 42 pounds flour; low grades to be taken out.or it mav be wnat n Known as parent, nour, and delivered in extra stronsr cotton sacks, to weigh eUht, ounces to the yard ."amp es of not less thin twenty-five pounds must be furnished by bidders; said samples to be distinctly marked with the name of bidder, and number ot the sample, if more than one i submit tod. Bran mit be of good quality equal parts bran aim suorts mixed. Feed must be of equal parts, c-ear oats and barley, irena roiieu ana ot good, sound grain. Of tbe above there is to t ceiivered at the Sine- mas ho tcliixl, located (wentv miles north of the Agency, 0,0 j0 pounds of Flour 10,000 pounds oi uran, lu.oou pounds of (Jhopi-ed reed; aud at tne Agency. 25,000 pounds of Flour, 10,000 pound of uriii. iu,uuj pounds ot Chopped reed. Alt articles will he subiect to arurid inspection, Proposals must state specifically the proposed price ox eacn article otltirea tor duitvery uuacr a con tract. i he rght is reserved to reject any or all bids, or any part ot any bid. u deemed for tne oerft .uteres; of the service. CERTIFIED CHECKS. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft upon rome Un led States epositorv or solv ent national bank in the vicinity of the residence of thtt bidder, made DavHblo to the ordrof the Com' missions of Indian Affairs for at leaat five per cuut oi thr amount of the proposal v. bicti check or draft will be f.i feited to the United Suites in case any bidder or bidders receiving au award fchull fail to promptly execute a contract, with good and sum cient sureties, otherwise to be returned to me Md dur. :L;f accompanied by cash iu lieu of a certified check wii. not be considered. For further information as to tuna of delivery aud otner paraciiiare, apply to J. U.-L-ljUKr-X, augl3 U. S. Indian Agent. Application for Liquor License. Cascade Locks, Falls Pekctxct, Waco County, t6te ot Oregon Notice is hereby (riven that Watt 4 CaJlahin, of said precmc: and cou..ty, will, on tne 4tn day oi sept lbUJ, apply TO me lA.uuty oun. oi me aoove-iuiieu county ior a license w sou gpintuoa-, m&it aua viuous iiqnors in Jess quantities than one gallon. Cascavk Locks, Falls Prkcinct. Whsco County, State o! Oreeon, auj. 6, 1892. To the Honorable, tbe County Court of Wasco county, Oregon: We. the undersigned, lesral voters of Falls Pre cinct, of weeco county, vr., re-pe uuiiy petition vour honorable court to irrant a license fe Watt & Cftllanaa to sell spirituous, yiunua and "a alt liquors at tne town oi vaeae lhjcks, in mu precinct, in less quantities than one gallon, for the period of oue year: KA1IE3. NAMES. Pat Sullivan, N Smith FrancU Conton V J CuHiiani, If D W Lake L Presscy John Trana M Fitzgerald N F Murphy : Peter Trana J F Stout J W Attwell A G Hall Trai Morin P W Wettick August Peterson - Martin Johusoni I M Kellikor, Nick Weber JnbnG Brown E C Clark A J Kniirntley Thns Coyle U W Button V m Day Ed Bergeron G Wait E P Ash B F Kojfey A Fleiscbhauer Wm Lav cock . Jos tihank T V Levens Perre ilorio SUMMONS. In the Justice's Court for West Dalles Precinct, Uuunty oi wasco, state oi uregon. n. lierbring Plaintiff vs. A; K Collins and Mrs. A. fe. Collins, his wi-e. Defendant. To A. 8. Col.ins and Mrs. i. ;i. . Collins, 'his wife, the a Dove named aeiendunts In the name of the State of Oregon, you are here by reauirtd to appear ana newer the rompiaint filed againf-tyou in tho above e titled action within ten da s from the' late of the service of this sum mons rpon yuu, if served within this county, or if served within any other county of tr is state, then within twenty days from the date ot the service of thi summons ui on you; and if er;rtdby pnbl ca non, tneu n cr oernre tne aucn uy 01 Aturnst, itarz, at the hoar of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day. and if you fail so to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judgment ag-unst you for the sum of $50 80 and interest at tie rate of 10 per cent, per annum and his costs and disbursements iu this action . This ftummwis is published in tbe Ttmbs-Mouh taikkek for six cons -cutivs weeks by order of E. behuue, Justice of toe .Peace in and lor w est faiua Precinct, Wwo county, Oregon. JC. bCHUTZ. Jtutice of the .Peace West Dalles Precinct, wasco county, uregon. l uated tuis zznd day ox July . Notice of Administrator's Sale. BY V1RTCE of an order duly made, rendered and entered, if record, on the 6th tiav of July, 1892, by tf'e Honorable, the County Court, of the State of Oretion. for the County of Wasco, authorizing and directing me to sell certain real estate hereinafter described un neioninnK' to ine estate or jonu u. fitdats, deceased, I will, on Monday, the 29th day of August, 1892, at the hour of 2 o clock In the after noon of said day iu front f the County Court house door, at Italics Ci;y. Wasco County, Oregon, eell at public auction, to the h-gbest bidder, lor casn in hand, all of tho north half OA) of the northwe-tt quarter and the north half of the northeast Quarter (V) of Section eiirhf (8) in township two (2), Hiuth of range thirteen (13) east, W. M , in Watco Cuucty, Oregon, together with all of the buildings and other improvements then on. Said sale will be made subject to confirmation by said County Court, and upon confirmation of the sale a urood and sufficient oeed will be given convyiug a clear uilc to the purchaser. K. B DCFU3. Administrator of the estate of Jotin O. Stoats, de- cjased. jull6-aug27 Administrator's Notice. "VTOTICE is hereby riven that tbe undersigned IX was on the 10th day ot June. 189i. duly ap pointed by the County Court of the btate nf Oregon for Wasco county, administrator of the estate of W. juein, aeceaseu, ana tnat so nag nuiy quaunea as sucn and eutered Ui on the dutirs tnereoi. All ir- sons indebted to said d ceastd aie requested to nuu.e settlement, and all persons havipir claims against aid estate are hereby notified to present them, properly verified, at my residence in Dalles City, in said county, or at the othce of W. H. Wil son, in said city, within six months from the date hereof. J. C. iiElN, June 24th, 1892. . Administrator. Assignee's Notice. "VTuTlCE is nereby (riven that the undersigned i M has been appointed, ny deed duly executed and delivered, assignee of the estate of the Eastern Orwron. Co-operative Association of the Patrons of Husbandry (limited), and has accepted baid trust and i. now qualified and acting as such asaigaee. All persons having claims against the said estate are re quested to present ihe same, duly verified according to law, to me at Danes city, wasco county, uregon, within three months fiom the date nereoi. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, June 30, 1892. jly2 7t E. N. CHANDLER, As ignee. Administrators Final Notice. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS FILED HIS FIX A I, account as administrator of the estate cf James JJ. llagee, deceased, in the county court of the state of Oreiron, for the county of Wnscn, and the same nas been set lor beat in? ana nnai examination on Monday, September 11, 189 i at 10 o'clock A. M . All persons iut&rested ate hereby notified to np. pear at said time and place and file their objections to said report n any they nave. - . - . WM.MICHELL, . , Administrator ot tbe es'jite of James M. Magee, do. The Dalles. Ju!y SO, 1892. COUKTY TREASURERS KOTICE All coouty warrants registered prior .to March 13, 1889, will be paid if prevented at my office, corner Third and Washington streets. Interest ceases on and alter this dat. The Dulles, July 16, 1892 MLLIAM MICHELL, ' Treasurer Wasco O.auty, Oregon. To Whom It pHE FIRM OF WARP & KKRNS have disposed of their Livery business ie this citv to Bur lingame & Robinson, and those indebted to us will please come forward aud settle their accounts. WAttU A aVCItTtO. The Dalles, Or., Aug. 11, 1892. uglS L. P. OSTLUND ontr. r u will fumlsbdrafts anl estimates 'on sit buildinjis aweiuns ana stores. . llr. Ostlund is a practical mechanic, and tbe placs drafted by bun will prove, artistic, cheap and d'ua ble. 1 JAS. FERGUSON, Goods hauled with the greatest care to all parts of the city on short notion. acto and Builder General ; Expressman Land Notloas. XOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lasd Optics at Vascouvr, Wash., ' Aug. 8, 1892. To Geonre W. Smith and all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the following-named set tlers have each tiled notice OI nis intention to mate finl nrnnf in BtitjDort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar. Commis sioner or United States Circuit Court for district of Washington, at his omte iu uciuendaie, tvasn., on September 24, imi, viz: CHARLES H. BRUKE, Purchase Application Not 520, under Sec. 3, For feiture Act. SeDt. 29. 1-90. for the WKol S WV . and Wfc of NV, NE, of Ni. NWJ of HEJ, and JiWi Of Sti, Sec 13, 1 p 2 , K 13 K, W . He names the follow ia? witnesses to prove his con tinuous claim to said land, viz: Thomas Holt, Peter AFreuins, Vernon T. Cooke, Vribiain Crawford, all of The ltelles postoffice, Oregon. THOMAS HOLT, Homestea ! Entry No. 8S91, for tbe SWJ. Sec 11, Tp 2 N, R W K. W M. tie names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles H Brune, Peter Agodiua, Vernon T. Cooke, Wi:iiain N., all ot The Dailes postotSce, Oregou. THOMAS HOLT, Purchase Application No. 619, under Sec. 3. Forfeit, ure Act, - ept. 29, leSO, for the ft YVL Sec 11, Tp 2 S, R 13 F, W M. He Lames the followfnf? wi:uesses to p"ove bis continuous claim to said land, viz: Charles H. Brune, Peter Agt-dius, Vernon T. - 'ooke, William N. Crawfora, all oi Dalles postofHce, Oregon, augls JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laso Orncs at VAXcorvKa, Wash., AUE. 8, 1892. Notice is hereby given that tbe following-named settlers have ech hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support oi is claim, and thtt said proof will be made before IV. R. Dunbar, Cum. niiss;oner United States Circuit Court for district ot W&shinirton. at his oce in Goldenuale. Wash., on Sept. 2a, 1S92, viz; WILUAAI D. CILMOftE, Homesteai Entry No. 8893. for the NEli. Sec 9. Tu 2 N, K 14 ft, W M. fio names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous refcidenceunon, and culiivatiou of, said liud, viz: Levi K. liilleary, Vernon T. Cooke, Tne iUiles pcratortice, Oregon; John T. Lucas, Manuel a. Leonards. Ceuterviile pustotnes. Wash. LEVI R. HILLEARY, Application No. 523, under Sec. 3, Forfeiture Act, Sept. 29, 1890, for the bEJi, Sec 7, Tp 2 IS , K 14 K, WM. He names the following witnesses to prove his claim to taid land, viz: V. rnou T. Cooke, William D. Gilmore, The Dalles p tottiee, Oregon; John T. Lucas, Mauucl S. LeonarJo, Ceuterviile, Wash. VERNON T. COOKE, Application No. 627. under See. 3. Forfeiture Act. Sept. 29. 1890, for.the 8WJ4, Sec 7, Tp 2 A, R 14 IS, r at. He names the following witnea-es to nrove hia claim to sai.i land, viz: Levi K. Hilleary, William u unmore, ine iraiies postoffice, Oregon; John T. Lues, Manuel 8. Leonardo, Ceuterviile postodlce. Wash. auglS JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN. Register. . KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Optics at Vakcocvkr, Wash., August 8, 1892. Notice is herebv iriven that the fot owintr-namMi rau t'.ers have each filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proofs will be made before W. R. Dunbar. Commis siont r United Stages Circuit Court, district of Wash ington, at bis office in Goldeudale, Wash., on Sep. 28, 1892, viz: LEON W. CURTISS, Purchase Application No 516. under Sec. 3. Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 29, 1890, for the NE, Nl of SE1, and SE oi SEJ. Sec 5, Tp 2 N, R IS E. M. He names ihe following witnesses to prove his continuous claim t sail land, viz: Peter Ageditu, inrmas m. unmore, William u. Gilmore, William M. Brune, all ot Tbe Da les postoffice, Oregon. ALOKZO H. CURTISS, Purchase Application No. 615. under Sec. 3. Forfeit ure Act, Spt. 29, 1890, for the NWl, Sec 3, Tp 2 N. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous claim to said land, viz: Peter Agediui, Thomas M Gilmore, William D. Gilmore, William M. Brune, all of The Dalles postoffice, Oregon. LEON W.-CURCISS, Administrator of the estate of Joseph 8. Curtiss, de ceased; Purchase Application No. 617, under Sec 3, Forfeiture Act, Sept. 29. 1890. for theNWH. NE of SWfc.and SW of SW, Sec 6, Tp 2 N, R 13 E, n m. He names the followtn witnesses to prove hia continuous claim to sa d land, viz: Peter Agenius, Thomas M. uilmore, Wtlliun D. Gilmore, William M. Biune, all of The Dalles postoffice, uregon. WILLIAM M. BRUNE, Purchase Application No. 528, under Sec. 3, Forfeit ure Act, Sept. 29. 1890. for ihe tU of SEl. a. d SKI of NE , Sec 1, rp 2 N, R 13 E, anj NW ot ft El. ana N'A of ft Wi. Sec 7, Tp 2 N, R 14 E, W M. He names the follow.nir witnesses to nrove Ma continuous claim to, and cul.ivation of, said land, viz: Lean W. Curtiss, Al -nzo H. Curtiss, Wi.liim N Crawford, Peter Agedius, all of The Dalles post office, Oregon. - augl3- JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN. Regi-ter. THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FACTORY NO. 105. of the Best Brands mannfact- iniiU cred. and ordeas from all patts of the country tilled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for tfce home mannfajtoaeiart!cle is increasing eyery day. dec24iv-tf A. ULRICH 4 SON. Full Lime Dpt : BoSTorW.Mft;"; (an BEF&oNoir i No. 77 Second St. Suits made to order, and fit guaranteed. LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Payette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH 1 AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts. s All work work in iron or wood done In the neateit mannor. Anything In the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machiroTv repaired in th matt skill ful and workmanlike niannt-r. mch'Zldw WHIPS 25c. 50o. 75c $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 -ft BONE 15 PEATHERBONK Is made from omi.1.8. nature's own toughest material, best whips made for tbe price, Cbeap. Durable, AIX STYLES, all prices, ask your dealer for a - Pfl JTHPRRflNR yQjj 13 V" i uaiuiauivimi HENRY KUCK, - The Dalles, Or. W.T.WISEMAN Successor to J. H. McDonooh & C- ) DEALEB IU AND CIGARS. None but the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Tem'erance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Court and Second streets. THE DALLES OREGON. WANTED. mo BORROW SSOO on improved farm property,. I worth lour time tne amount. Apply through th postomce, Box "I," The lalles. Or. jnn2S - 1 A It I I Ui FOR OH U jhoice Wmes, Liquors FROM TERMINAL OR INIERIOR4POINTS, Northern Pac. la the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Ves tibcled Trains hery Day in the yer to ST. PAUL dna CHICAGO. (SO CUANGE OF CARS.) Compu ed of Dinlnc Cars nnrorf-r Bstd. Drawing-room Sleepers f LaUst Equipment. oilman TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Best that con b? constructed, and In hk-h sccom uiwation are ijoth Free and Furnished fur holders nf First or Second do Ticket, aud ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Coutinuoas Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman iVepr reservations can be secured in ad vance tl rouirh any sjrent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS pJnV?nd T, Ki irland and Europe can lie purelisEed at any ticket office ot the coaspany, Vul information conccrninir nt-s, time of trains, routes and other rittrijig iurnislud on a plication to W. C. ALLOVAY, Atrent 1. P. & A. JN Co., Regulator ollicc, The Dalles,' Or. A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't Genera' Passenger Agt., No, 131 First St, Cor. Wa-h., HOIiTHHD. OtEGON OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago, St Louis, AND iLL'rOLMS EAST, NORTH and SOUTH. ( 3 05 A. M. 1 25 P. M. Leave The Dalles Arrive at The Dalles 4 OS P M . 55 P. H. PULLMAN SLEEPER , COLOWIS SLEJPERS, RECLJNI O CHAIR CARS nnd DINERS Steamers from Portland to San Francisco Evibv FOUB DATS. Tickets to and from Europe. For rates ami perr ral infrrmation call on E. E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket A?ent, The Dalles, Oregon, W. II. HURLBtTKT, Asst Oen. Pass. Agt. 254 Washington M., fortland. Or. SIT 18 A DUTY yon owe yonrself and ikmm T to sec the beat value for your monev. conomize In yonr footwear by parchaalns; W. It, Doaglas btaoea, which represent the will tpVti IV P'nea aaaeo, ate tatei irxau MO BUBSTlTU'a? VJ.. L. DOUGLAS en sunp ipx tH BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE HONtX A TfpnDiiif) nw-fl aliafff. that will not Wn. ln fealf, aewnlesflL smooth Inside, flexible, more conn tortable.Kty lish and durable than any other shoe ere oia at we pr rrom$4to5. ffi and 95 XTand-aewedf flnecalf shoes. The most stylish, easy and durable shoes ever sold, at the ice. inej equal nno importea shoes cotting Itom SfrO SO FA ollee) iSIioa. wont br farmers and au 9ui others who want a good heavy calf, three soled, extension edtra shoe, aut to walk. in. And will keep the feet dry and warm. cn ou mne uaii, wt.o ana v..uo wora Wsfii i n trmf n' Hhoes will crivfi mora what for thn money than any other make. Tbey are made for ser vice. The increasing sales show that worJUagmea have found this out. pAie) 9-.00 na Tontbs 1,T5 8 BwlO Shoes are worn by the boys whereZ The most servloeable shoes sold at the 3 schel eTery- nrlces. S.I. OO HnniUMWi S'OU, kdUICa i'lSA tan1 Al.. fthfiM tnm 1)1 iases are made of the best Ponola or fine Calf, as desired. They are Tery stylish, comfortable and dora- Die. lneaix'BDoeeqnaiscusiom maaeaiKesco8Tinj? from $4.00 to &00l Ladles who wish, to economise In their footwear ara flndinsr this ont. . Cantion. W.L. Dongas' name and the price Is stamped on the bottom) of each shoe ; look for It ueu- iwivwev are uduii; Camion. W.L.Dou when yon buy. Beware of dealers attempting to sub etitnte other makes for them. 6nch substitutions are rranauient ana suojecv to prosecution by law for ob fcftiwiTig money under false pretenoes. W ! iOUGiAH, Brockton. Dlaaa. Bold by J. FREIMAN, AGENT. THE DALLES WORLD'S FATE IMSAD THI9". BOOK 1. "Keview of Oar Country, Hod. James G. Blaine. by BOOK 2. "New Life of Columbus," W. Buel. by J. BOOK 3. "Complete History of America," from the landiog of Coin m bus to the present time, by Prof. John Clark Ridpath. "Pictorial History of the Co Inmbian Exposition," by Hon. Beoj. Butterworth. BOOK 4. The above four great works by four great authors, ever? line of which is only Just written, have been bound up into one massive volume of nearly 900 PAGES and 500 ILLUSTRATIONS, Under the Title of "Coluk and Columbia." The greatest subscription book ever published in this country, and of which A MILLION COPIES Will !ie sold during the next six months. ACENTS Wanted all over this state. Better terms ttun ever. We guarantee to the riiflit parti ea 5Q a wuek profit fr m now on to Christmas, and a first class R -UNO-TRIP TICKET to tbe WOKLKS FaIK and one week's admisaion to th Kxpoeition absolutely free. AIs other valu able premiums. We have p cnty of capital at oir command, uid can and will do exactly what e say. St-nd at once fur special circulars and further par UcUaArs to the DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., Weotrtle. "Wasliinicton . UC MlnfU hit Opportaalty! JMTVT Mia iit Yuura.ltf5ii.ilep. Tla maioritvnozlect their od- ptrrtaiiitiea, and from tbat eanaa Live In porarty and dia in ooumntTi nuTowiDg despair ia ue tot as many, tu taey look backonloat, foroTer lost, opportunity.'elapAM. luxtlieacboai. Benpand doioc. I lupitjre yuar opporio- nity, end secure pro-perilT, prominence, peace. It was said by a pbUosopber, that "tne Uoddess of Fortune olTers BjrolUeaoTportnnity to each person at some period of life; ein brace the chance, and the poors out her riches; fail to do so and she departs, nrrrr to return.' How shall yon find thecuLuciropportQnitrr Investigate every chance that n:;Twrirs worth v. and of fair oronii -e: that is what all sae- ca sftilmendo. 11 ere is an opportunity, soch as is not often within tho reach ot laboring poople. Improved, It will giva, at 1 0.1st, a pracd start in life. The OOLDK!f opportanity for many ia here. Money to be tnada rnpidly and honorably jyanyindastriouspersonof either sex. All ages. Yon can do the work and lire at home, whorerer ven are. Evea be fdnnere are easily earning; from cb toSlOper day. Tom cun do as well if yoa will work, not too bard, bat iadostti oasly; and yon ean incroaee yoar income as yon goon. Yon eangivsparetimeonly,oraU your time to the work. Easy to learn. Capital not required. We start yoa. All is eoro new and reallr wenderfoL We Ins tract ud pnraUvelT new and real now on bow, free Fail ore on known amens; oar work- ho room to explain hern. Write and learn all sWe. by refnm mail Unwise to delay. Address at once. 11 UsUleU eft Vo.m UM V fortl. Mwlssni STltt ON SALE IbaaQ culiCrt: fa 1 yY , -7T A TERRIBLE FALL 'Tis to you. motht i9 and daughters, thai I wish to tulK ; And t.. the ctiildiea thai are just learning to walk; And all who may ntud anything ia mj line I will give yoa prices that you'll hardly decline. One needs B'innrts and Ribbons, whilst uei 1 Hits ; Some will need Dresses and Ruching, and potitr Caps. , Possibly A prone. Collars and Tipb there ore many ohn cits. Should yn want Flowers and Feathers, yoii'l! rind them all new. " The Third street Millinery is the place to bu. The prices are low, but quality biffh. The styles are the latest piTe us a call; And find thai prices have taken a fall. i Tl? - at VtBta A iTiMCTRICiT TIRSTCLAt . ..i.lMnb. a.nw The Iawrat, Tasteat and rinest 1 the WccfU. accomooations uneiwiiwj. IEW YORK. ONDONDERRY AND BLAfinOns Venn fiatnnlllT. NEW YOKK. GI BR ALTER and NAPLES, At regular Intervals. SA100H, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates on lowest terms to and from the principle SCOTCH, I89LISB, HUSH ALL OOHTDTIHTAL POINTS Bxenrslon tickets available to return by either the pie tnresqne Clyde North of Inland or Naples A Gibraltar Drifts and Xosy Miii for Air Amont at I owrt Batai, Apply to any of our local Agents or to HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, HI. AGENTS WANTED Apply to T. General Agent. The Dalles, Or. HUDSON, janva-92 SKIBBE HOTEI F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. The OnlyBrick Hotel IN THE CITY BEST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE in the North wert This buUchigr has been refitted mnce the fire of September J. and the ruoms ar- firt claae iu every particular. The table is supplied with tbe best the morket afiVfta. The oar in emwettun with the hotel is suppHert with the highest irnule of Witau, Liquors arirf Im ported and Domes&i'j C'grur.. jan3U w J. H. T 1JB Dealer in all 1 indnf Hay, Grain and Feed, At bis old stand. Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FQR SALE Tne highest Cash Price paid tor Sheen pelts. COAL! COAL! -THE BEST- Wellington, Rock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal. $12, sacked and the if y. dehveri'd to any part of At Moody's Warehouse. Korthwett Cir. Second and WcAhinirton Str. mm i: in im Successoia to Ge.irre Ruch. 'X'lie Cheapest Place uc ma daubs roa Ail Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAiy, WILLOW WARE, ETC Wj respectrully solicit a share of the public pat roonfre, and Mad endavor to sive entire ait J ac tion to our euatimeivi botb old and-new. AT UNIVERSITY FARE. LCCAT.OS Three miles from center rf tho city, f-.iuvattd. healthful, heautUul site; nalouua pro hibited; best society; S cents fare to the city. DEPARTMENTS Classical, Literary, tcienliflo, Theological, Normal, Business, Hjsicil, and Ora torical courte taujrbt by specialists. JNonnal stu. d.-nta visit and study the methods of Portland public schools, amongr the best in the United . St .teg, and a'so entitled to State D plomas. EXPENSES Board and Tuition, school year, 100 to 250. Tuition free to theokgical students, half price to children of ministers. Three from seme lanilry, 10 pr cent. off. TIME All d pertinents open at Univestity Park on Mptunoer IV, 18Wi. aena lor catalogues aud in loimuiou to !. C. XTrtATTON, D I)., President. or Ition. VAJi BUOY, 1). u.. Dean, fortland. Or juij ao-ot Next session begins on Monday, the 191b day 01 septemDer, 1592. TUITION FREE. Four Courses: Classical, Scientific, Liter ary, and a short English Course, in wh'ch there is no Latin, Greek, trench or German The English is pre-eminently a Business Course. For catalogues or other information address J. W. JOHNSON, jly2 President C. P. STEPHENS, DEALER IN Dry Hods, C::l:'' r.:::;ib, UATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. No 13 Second Street, next door east of The Dalles Aatiooal Bank. Havinr just opened In business, and barinir a full assortment oi mo latest amoos In my une, desire share of the public Dal roo aire. apr v. r. cms Sample : Rooms, S I'ROiNT ST, (Ncir'y opposite Umatilla House.) CHAELIjEJ feank, peop. The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars, COLUMBIA BREW'EhY BEES ON DR4UG11T. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalies. Win; V'-i' lix 181. STORE FOll SALE ! Kelson Creek, S&manla County, Wash. A most fitting; place for trade business In Cord Wood, etc. For particuura apply to tne postmast e Kelson postoffice, Washington JunlajU p GHAS. H. DODD & CO. IMPOBTCl or ' HARDWARE IRON, STEEL ano FARjVl MACHINERY. FH0NT, FIRST AND VINE STS., PORTLAND, OR. ( ' BUCKEYE MOWER AND REARER. ... . fEOcuavmccrtll ure 100 weii ti""" I. . to bo the , ....... HODGES' HAINES HEADERS. BUCKEYE iSTEEL FRAME BINDER. IilNtlnarnlHlied tr Mtreuirib and Dnrabllity. Adriancc Host Economicnl Itiniler In use. 17 f-t&KiK. mOc-ps :5w$1-AiffHAr FUKUKS l.0U5t HAT' SCHUTTLER AND MIIBORN FASMWACOHS FINE CARRIAGES, PHAETONS. TO? BU2- CIES, CARTS, ETC. . FGUR-SPniilG MOUNTAIN WAG3KS AND EOCK-BQARDS.-MILLER'S STAR. V13RATIHC THRESHER. AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTIOK mm. Yhe most Effective and Succesliil combination for Threhing and Cleaning Grain ever constructed. ienl for 1803 WILLIAM : MICHELL, XJii1ertfi;leir ziucl Emltvliiici , Has always on hand a new end complete line of Undertaking GooJa.' Partic ular attention given to embalming and taking care of the dead. PRICES AS LOW VAS THE LOWEST. . '. PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. Southwest Cfirner of Third and Wsihington Streets, STUBLING & WILLIAMS. PROPS. ' Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All brands of Imported and genuine Key West CALIFORNIA : WINES : AND : BRANDIES. COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER ON DRAUGHT. SO Second Street, 'XMIF: DALLES, OR. A m n m. . turn hm itanciscQ Beer m SECOND STREET, BETWEEN UNION AND COURT LEMK, PROPRIETOR, IT. -KEEPS COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER, AND ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. BuoMaaon to Mrs. C E. Dunham, ( Corner of Union and Second Streets, The Dallr, Oregon. v " V DEALERS IN - ' " DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soipa, Brashes, Combe, Perfumery, Etc. .Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. ALSO DEALERS IN Watches, Cloeks and Jewelry, Silverware, Etc., Etc. All Kinds of Repairing Natlt Donb rtn Short Notiob. v- NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. 110 Froot Htrert. The Ial Ir a, rr goo. m j tt w a o u. w DC O N K At the old stand of R Lusher. CHAS. FRAZER, Prop The One Price Cash House, COB, SECOND AND COURT 8TS J. P. IcHEMI DEAIiEIl IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, && Agent for the Buiterick Patterns; also for the Hall Baiaar Dress Forms. i " ' Trade Mark. aealea irom observation). Head money or etamns br ooondeatlsl. Thli advertisement jootalna. We Invite yoa to deal with n and von will yoa letter at any Post Offlos to Insure Its sals w isisisii injury to any pareaaaer. SL.vsry pottia rnsrsutCTu. tPFCtil tas wao fatrsonee and sell smanf tbstr Meads fla Bartlss oTQaeen's antl-nstrtn ''"'"i wswill sr.iint wita . nt.r inn, if... k . .111. anrs Lsrcs Bottls and saaaplss sssssaaa m sUk M ssaVsst Craxi seal wlta ordse. Ooed alan' es Oesuatsstoa ta Agsaaj. . S f II 11V. - 1 ...1.C.FI nn iriven bv cheiu moot Dopnlar In in mstrkel. Rear-Discharge Binder Rean're lean power. uwi Irai askiue than otber. ' HOLLISCSWORTH &. TAYLG8 F-ViD SELF-DUMP BAKES. - AND nrrnr ui.fftnro ut rrr'-.n-TT tu ..... FCUKS AtiS CARRIERS. mtnlnarne. Free. THE DALLES, OR . ' Liquor?, Al and Porter, Cigars. A full line of ON DRAUGHT- FOR BALK Pure 01 o 2 O c a mmmmm IE7 DISCOVERY to ACCIDENT In compounding a eolation a part was aeclleotly uplllml on tbe band and on wanning aftrrwanl Uwaa dlAcovrrtl iliut tlm- oalr waa com. piMly rrraoved. We al once pul tbta wonderful preitratlon, on market and ao (real baa been tlie demand thai wears now In trod urine It throughout uie world under tbe name of Queen's Antl-Uairina. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND 80 SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. Lay the hair orer and apply the mixture for a few mtnutrs. and the hair dleappeara aa If by maglcwlibout tbe altgbteat pain orlnjury wlivn ajipllpd or ever afterward. It leonlike anyotber preparation ever um-d fora Ilk parpoae. Thousand! of LAD1FS who bave been annoy? i with hair on their FACE, KECK and AIIMV altit Us merit UENTLEMKN wbo donotttppreciatea heard or hair on their ner-k,' find a priceless booa la Queen's Antl-Hatrin which doe amny with Sbavlng, by rendering IU futore growth an ottrr impouihiiliy. 1 uhuii. . . . . . T 111 . . 1 k. i 1u1.1r.lf letter with Full address written plainly, forro- la bones! and straight forward In every word tl And everything as renresented. Cut tbls ut and delivery. tVe.vrill pay AOO tor any ease