The -Times-Hoimtalneer SATURDAY. AUGUST 13. 1S92 . ' Congress haa adjourned, nuJ ita ante are a part of the history of the cnun . try. The Democratic lower house promised great reforms at tho liegiu ning of the session, and that it has not fulfilled these - promises is well known to every man in the country. If the : plan of the British .constitution hud been followed ft would have dissolved long ago,' and an appeal been mad e to the country. As it is, the next con. greasional ' election- in the United States will undouBtedlv 'change the complexion . of this branch of tlw- ua- - tional legislature, for - the people have become very tired of the duplicity and chicanery exhibited It was expected that this being a presidential year something very beneficial' to the inter ests of the country would be evolved by these Democrats in council; but ': defeating a free- silver bill and filibust ering -on : the appropriation for th - World's. Fair have been their principal . acts. The historian of the future, in writine of the first pession of the fifty second congress, can sum up the record in a few words, and sirpply say' "Ob -r 'struction to Republican progress.'' Democratic papers are defending their ranks against proselyting to the People's party by quoting tbe language of Gen. Weaver, in which he plainly stated in unadulterated English his opinion of Democracy. Tbe words were more forcible than "elegant, and may have contained more truth than - poetry. Poor old Horace Greely spot of Democracy in nearly the same lan guage; but he headed the ticket in ? 1872. and the Dartv foreave and for- a . got the past in the hopes of victory, which were never realized. -After the treachery of the Democratic hquse re garding the silver bill, the members of 5 the party who are inclined to believe in the ideas of Gen. Weaver regarding the financial question, can easily forget a few hasty words in supporting prin ciples they so heartily endotse. The Democrats appear to labor hard to prove that articles of general use are higher than before ;the-Janfi was inaugurated. This has been proved false in many instances; but they ad here to the old woman's logic, "It's so because it's so," and appear satisfied with the conclusion. - If this proposi tion were admitted for tbe sake of ar gument, it still remains a fact that in no country in the world are wages for skilled and unskilled labor to high, and the relative cost of living in pro portion to the salaries earned, so much in favor of the poor man ; as in the United States. - Tlomrutvaf ia Avnlianryo aava "ft may be. interesting, to those who claim there ia 'no law' for the negroes in the south to know that in proportion to the population there are more than twice as many negroes sent to the pen-. . itentiary in the northern as in the southern states. Mr. Porter's census discloses this fact." Negroes ' are not sent to the penitentiary in the south. They simply hang them to tree, and then perforate their bodies with bul lets. . - . i '" ';. . There is Democratic joy oyer the - election in Alabama, and it is believed the solid south will not be broken ' in November. Give the citizens of that portion ' of the. United Slates a free and fair election, and tbe . states south of Mason and Dixon's line would not be as solidly Democratic as they arc now. : .,- - t .. v -r. GEAUT GOTJJTTY. ltea From the Columns of the ' Canyon City News.' . . 'if ; : k - ; ir. 3 - r. ) '" . ' 1 Grant county haa 1754 children of school age. Over half of these 907 are boys. Summer is snorting along under full steam. The backward season made spring linger. But people realize that this is August. ".' Tbe prospectors from Spokane have lo cated a placer claim upon tbe mountain aide back of town. "Good pay" exists up there, bnt water is difficult to obtain. Mr.' Kenneth MacRae, assignee of the es atate of, Murray Bros., informs us that about 25 or 30 tons of -hay ok the Mascall ranch, belonging to' the estates-Was 'myste riously burned about 1' o'clock one after noon last week. - Mike Gleasoo, an old gentleman formerly of Grant county, fell in front of a mowing machine while at work In his meadow near Parker's station last Thursday, and had one' of his arms completely severed. Dr. Dod son was called . from JJaker, and made the old gentleman as comfortable as possible i Groups of respectable looking men may occasionally ' be seen 'roaming" over our mountain passes, claiming to be "prospect ors.".;' In' this age of progress they are jut as apt to be surveyors looking ont a railroad site. Treat tbeni well, anyway, for in cither case their aim is to help advance the inter ests of our glorious county. The existence in southeastern Oregon, not far from Harney valley, of a regularly or- eanized band of robbers and counterfeiter i has not been generally known,' but never' theless the same appears to have been a fact, until recently. Tne- trial, conviction and sentencing of Virgil Howard and Geo.; Jones in the U. S. district court on a charge of stage robbing, has, it is' thought, effect ually broken up and destroyed this nest of bold lawbreakers. ,; - Idaho's Long-Lost Mine. . ' - 'A remarkable story, the (rath of which is fully vouched for. comes' hero from 'Lemhi county, Idaho.. Early in tbe 60 Bill Smith, E. Mnlkey and F. B. Sharkey "were out hunting 'and ' fishing on William's ranch, near Fish lake. One of the party chanced to uncover a deposit of decomposed gold quartz of marvelous richness.' - At a neigh boring stream they panned ont many ounces of gold,' and then, marking the location of tbe bed of quartz,' they returned to-Salmon City to escapa the rigors of i the "winter which was almost on them. Ia the fallow ing spring, after - having purchased -an'e x penn've outfit, the three went back to Fish lake frith tho inteption of working their bonanza. To their- dismay they'conld not find the. ledge, the storms of winter having. oomoieTe'.v ' onli obliterated all Jormer "and- mirks. , From 1SS5 up to the present time otyioizcd pnrtie of miners have hunted everyn-ftere to lo.ate tlm prizs. Smith and Mulkey long ago gave; np the search in dis gust, lut Sharkey persevered, and last week lie. H-ith I'. A. Mansnn and William lW wughn, found tlie treatura. " Kijiert oay that tin nieu lnv onf of ru'he&t and most iiirxluiixtihSc jjolil mines iu th world, CEOOK. COUNT?. Items Front the Columns of ; the Or ho ro Review. ; . t A new saw mill has been put op on the head waters of Troot crt.ek, aboat twenty miles south of Antelope , Farmers report that the hot wrather the past week has been quite lfionons to cropfc on dtv land 'rt:breveatiD( the Braid from tilling at it sfiould. ' In spite of tbe hot weather, work on the ditch down Crooked river goes right along. and next year the ditch company will be able to -fnroish water to irrigate several thousand acres uf land, ' r Farmers ar pretty well along with their hay harvest, and a'l report a fair yield Hav on wild meadows is not so tall as usual, bat is innuh. thicker on tbe ground, making the crop average about as well as nana). One day this week, while Ed Williams was coming from Powell Battes to' Prine vilie, a dojj, which was- following behind the wagon, wns bittcu by a rattlesnake. The dog sez-l the snake and begun shak ing it, the snako biting him repeatedly about the head and neck. The dog finally released the snakj and, miking a tew steps, fell to the gronnd and instantly expired. It is with pleasure that we chronicle the marriage of Miss Minnie Wigle to Mr. T. H. Larewood at the residence of Miss Wi- gle'i uncle, Ur. H. H. Spanlding, in Al mota, Wah., aa July Zbth., rour years ago Miss Wig'.e wss teacher in the primary department of Prineville's public schools. and all of ber former otndents remember her kindly. She is a most estimable lady. one who commands the respect of all and her host of friends in this county will ex tend their" beat wishes' and heartiest con gratulations, i - ; , .. -' A Card From Mrs. Birgfeld. ' The Dalles, August 7, 1892. EdiiAr Twss-MoDiiTAisssa: .. I see in the Oregoruan nt August 4th a statement that a story- is being circulated here, .' that Mr. Birgfeld, my husband, was with my father in California at the -time of his death, and that certain parties in Tbe Dalles are intimating that my husband had something to do therewith. This story is as unjust and without foundation as are other stories that are being industriously circulated by my husband's enemies. The facts a boat my father's death are sim ply as follows: In May of 1888 my father, who had been ill for over a year, became so much worse that doctors here advised him to go to California for bis health. He thought a great deal of Mr. Birgfeld and desired him to go with him to take care of him, which Mr. Birgfeld consented willingly to do.' Mr. Birgfeld stayed in Sau Fran cisco two weeks, i My father seemed much better and. Mr. Birgfeld interned to The Dalles, where he remained but a short time when my father got worse and telegraphed to him to come down, as he needed him to take care of bim. Mr. Birgfeld went at once to California in response to the tele gram, and, upon consultation with the phy sicians found my father in so dangerous h condition that he telegraphed immediately for my mother, who went down, and Mr. Birgfeld came home, leaving my mother with my father, aud did Hot see him again until he was brought np here for burial. He was not with my father and did not see ihim for nearly two weeks before his death, my mother being with him all of that time. It seems impossible that even a man's most bitter cuemies would start such unjust and malicious reports against him, and, surely, the object of all these fabrications that are going around, without any founda tions, must be for the purpose of deliberate persecution, and to prevent my husband from establishing bis innocence of the terri ble charge now pending against him. I know that my husband has many enemies, bnt it Beems to me thst for my sake and for the sake of our little children, if not for his own, people should accord him common justice and a fair show to prove bis inno cence, and not be constantly inventing aod spreading-these false and unjust stories,vfor the evid.ent purpose of prejudicing his case, Lauba E. Birgfeld. Waseo Hews. : i 'II 2.U 1 "Asco, Mr. v Aug. b, muz. EJttor TiMss-MouxMunKR: ' ' On deck again. - . -Real estate is booming.' ' The hum of the thresher is heard in our midst. Wheat in this section is averaging from five to eight bushels per acre, but most of .it is shriveled some. This will .furnish feed and seed and leave considerable lor the market. , --A -f- - . ,. , " School will begin September 4, 188?.-We look for a large attendance this winter. - Justice Walker baa been Lnsv lately pre siding in his court. The courts are still in- yoked in' the settlements of disputes. -' .Deputy Sheriff M"A. Leslie has been kept busy with legal business of late. ' - Here is an excellent opening for a general merchandise store. Etta Hartley haa been very sick during the last few days. That terrible disease, consumption, is the cause. Col. Hartley (her brother) and his family have been sum- mooed from Hood River. No hopes are en tertained ot her recovery. .Neither youth or beauty is , exempt from the ravages of disease,? ? r . -.' i Prof. J. M. De Moss was in town yester day. He will give a concert at this place soon.- - The frofessor- seems is young as eyer and fully as vigorous. -.J - ' f Reporter." a ' " , . i More Brakemen Needed.'' . i The state board cf railroad commissioners in session at Salem teis week adopted the following resolutions: .Whereas, Tbe board has been informed and has personal knowledge of the fact that the Union Pacific company carries only one conductor auo, ore brakeman on its pasaen ger trains oyer, the -mountain division be tween Portland-and Huntington; therefore, 'Retained, That said company be informed that it is tbe sense of the board that such service is hot sufficient to adequately pro tect the traveling public against, accidents which might result from sacn. serviceand that it be required to' put on two' brakemen between Portland and HantiDgton oo all passenger trains.'.--' W ' " "- ;." 1 . t. ., . -j . . . . - - . t , . ... tr. v-;t'fi Salem Staiematu - Hop men who visited several of the '-yards of .thlaj eeotura of country yesterday report having discovered mould, or mellowttn several of " the yards.' They found it in some of the yards in the vicinity of JuJa anil Uottevilla and else- where. I hey say this is the same kind ot mould Cliat oame laat year just at picking time and did so much damage. It spread rapidly then aud a good portion of tbe crop was a total loss in yards that showed no monld when picking commenced. Laat year they thought it was the effect ot tbe lice", but they are certain now that the lice have nothing to do with it and that in stead of having to 6bt a single enemy the loose tha growers now have a second one with which to contend the mildew. On account of .- judicious spraying -tbe bee are on the decrease in nearly all ot the yards and the bops are making, good growth. Picking will commence about September 1st. TELEGEAPHIO NEWS, One Million loiltrw lm St. Paul, Au. 8 List nighi's bai wind and rain storm was very severe lo rally, bill the greatest ibuntige wss don in other pnrts of the state. FuU reports arc not yet rrcnvcil, but the loss seems likely t.i rcauli $1,000,000. Iu Lii.coId lellow Medicine nml iyon couoties alone, tho damage is estimated at more than $500,000. A- tornado passed over Marshal at a o clock this tnorDinif, takin the same course 89 the ODe last Friday. Several buildings were destroyed, anion others Mieieg' the' Icelandic Lutheru church aod the e-ideuce of a man named Cuuiraiugs, which whs just rebuilt aftef bciD2 ds'rovfd last Fndiv. The hand some cathedral windows in the Congrc gational nod Meihndiet churches were des'rojed. Two Polrs are reported killed at'Marshall. In St. Paul aod Minne apolis a Dumber of bouses were struck by lightning, and more or le?s damage tire lullowed. wnile the damage by win and rain was very great, bimiiar reports have been received from other pirts the northwest. Thn Kobbera at Day., Cal.J Aug. 8 A telephone message just received from Orosi, in tbe foothills, 12 miles from "Reedley, says that the robbers are on Nigger creek. 10 miles from Orosi, surrounded by a posse of over fifty armed men. There arc no new developments, but the ollicers are very sanguine, fethnjr cod fid me of the capture oi the desperadoes li they get no further in the mountains. Provisions were cent to the posce from Yisalm, and the chase will continue with increased vigilance. John Sontng stopped at the New Reedley hotel July 22. and was very talkative snd astonisbijgly profane. He spent the evening in the hotel, drink log beer. A drummer tor a snoe manu facturer in Sin Francisco was there Son tag made bim drink till they emptied four bottles. Soctag told Landlord Ay res he was going to Squaw valley to join his brother, and then tbey wtre going shooting. Killed Them Both. Warsaw, Aug. 8 A governess named Matoscka, employed in the family of high Russian official, entered a cafe I this city jetterday. She approached table where two officers were sitting, and drawing a revolver from the folds' of her gov u, shot one of the men, Lieureoant Golowac, through tbe heart. Before any ooe could interfere, she drew a knife and plunged it into the breast of the other officer, Captain Mutelink, mulcting mortal wonad. When arrested the mur deress calmly declared that she had com mitted tbe acts in vengeance for asper sions cast npon ber honor by tbe two officers. - Here Mlnera to Strike. Fairmont, W. Va.. Aug. 8. To-mor row 3000 miners in this portion of the Monongahe'a valley and the Wheeling district will begin a strike to force rec ogmtion pt tneir labor organizations. Tbe operators throughout this section have made a hard tight against tbe labor nniuo, and they declare that they will close tbeir mines permanently if neces sary to win tbe struggle. Considerable dissatisfaction exists, amoog the union miners of Kanawha valley, and it probable that tbe strike will spread to that section, when 10,000 men will be affected. Killed la a Sawmill. Baker City. Or., Aug. 8. William Clark, an employe in tbe Sumpter Val ley mills in this city, this morning met with a frightful accident which will cost bim bis life. He was rolling a log and in some manner leu into me "nigger" hole. Tbe carnage in coming back caught tbe unfortunate man- tbe iron bead block sinking bis side and disem boweling bim. He arose, walked a few steps and eat down. Ho was unable to explain the accident. Clark is bont 30 years old and has relatives in the east but then residence is unknown. The Honduras lievolotlon. New Orleans, Aug. 8. Tbe steam ship City of Dallas arrived last night from Puerto Corttz, bringing news that tbe Spanish Honduras government had recaptured Ceiba from the revolutionists. Tbe .capture was made mainly by tba steamship. Fjzetti, of the Otero line. plying between here and Ceiba, which was engaged by the - Honduras govern ment some time ago. Tbe steamer loaded at Puerto Cortez with guano aod troops and bombarded Ceina, driving tbe revo lutionists out. ' Destroying; the Baas tehops. Sr. Petersburg, Aug. 8. At Astra bad, Persia, the prie6ts denounced the alcoholic liquor traffic as being the cause of the outbreak of cholera. The pop ulace at once determined to suppress tbe liquor traffic, and raided and plundered all tbe dram shops. The mobs destroyed tbe goods ot a number of Armenian mer chants wboare Russian subjects. Twenty- five mounted Cossacks were summoned from Russia to guard tho Russian consu late, and a Ruseisn gunboat-is now an chored in Ibe river opposite Astrabad Tbe Russian minister baa demanded com pensation. . . Keport of the Cobdea CI oh. London, Aug. 8. Tbe annual report of the Cobden Club is largely devoted to Lord Salisbury's celebrated Hastings speech. Tbe report laments the effect Salisbury's language must have on tbe European conntnes having bigb protec five tariffs, and which were banging out signals of distress at the very moment Salisbury hoisted the protection flag. Tbe report says tbe speech will also have a baneful effect on free trade in the United States. , Killed by a Falliac I J nib. . Rosebdrg, Or., Aug. 8 A few days ago, as John Howard, of Myrtle - creek, was chopping down a tree, a falling limb struck Dim, killing bim almost instantly ' OIVI3 ENJOYS Both the method' and results when Syrup of Figs is taken;, it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts entry yet prompt.lj pq the Kidneja, .iiver' and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, -head aches and fevers' and cores' habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy of its kind ever, pro iuced. pleasinc to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in it8"swtion and truly beneficial in its. effects, its manv excellent oualities commend Hoall4 Itu forsafe m oOo and $1 ISottles by.ali leading druggist. u , , majaiuacturea only by tbe sa- QALiFORMIAFIG SYRUP CO. loumiiu. kt. ... new tostu u drain Injured by Heat. Hansas Citt, Mo., Aug. 8 Hot winds nontiooi ! in Kansas to-dsy, to the great injury of tbe c-Tn crop. Grain men here havo advices tiom till parts of the state, which luri them to tbe belief that only half a crop an be harvested now, even under good conditions for tin) rent of the ea?on. If the hot winds continue they will still fnrther reduce the yield. "orettt Fire Along: a KaJIrottd. New .Whatcom, Wash , Aug. 8 A f( rest fire to-day set fire to tbe shingle mill at Everson. The sbinule mill and depot were destroytd snd the Iielling liatn Ba '& ' British Columbia railroad bridge it' that point partly so. 0er land passengers on the Canadian Pacific bad to be transferred at the bridge. Uitreniitn. and Hen th. If you are not feeling strong aud heal thy try Electric Bitters. If la grippe has left you weak and weary, use E ectric Bitters. This remedy cts directly on liver, stomach and kidneys, gently aiding those organs to perform their functions. It yon are afflicted with tick beadache. you will find speed v and permanent relief by taking E ectric BitteM. One trial wiil convince you that this is tbe remedy you need. Large bolt'cs only 50 cents at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store - C Jegal Notioea. SUMMONS. I: 11m Justice's Court for Wert Dalles Precinct, CVnitrv f Wasco, State or Oregon. II. timl'iintr Plaintiff, vs. A. ' o linn un j lire. A. h. Collins, hilt wife, Defendant. To A. H. Oil. ins and Mrs a. Collins, 'liia wife, the alinvo named defendants In tle r.aiiie of the Stato of Oregon yoa aro here byre(uin.d to appear ana answer the t-ontptaint filed againft ou in tho above e t:t4d action within ten davsfrotn the iate of tbe tervice of this sum mons rpon you, if served within this countv, or if served within any other county of this state, then within twenty days from the date ot the service of this summons ui on you; and if served by pub! ca tion then on cr before the SOth dy of Auirist, 1892. at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and if you faH so to amwer for want th.-r-of, the plaintiff will coke judgment iunst you for the sum of 50.80 and interest at tbe rate of 10 per cent, per annum and his costs and disbursements iu this action. This summons is published in the Tmss-Moun-taikkbr for six Cons -cut'lvs week s by order of K. Schuta, Justice of the Peace in and for West Dal Ks Precinct, Wasco county, Oregon. . SCHUTZ. Justice of the Peace West Dalles Precinct, Wasco county, Oregon. bated this 22nd day of July 1892. Notice of Administrator's Sale. BY VIRTUE of an order duly made, rendered snd entered, cf record, oo the 6th day of Julj", 1892, by the Honorable, the County Conn, of the atate of Oregon, for tbe County ci Wasco, authorizing and directing me to sell certain rtal eutate hereinafter described an I belonging: to the estate of John G. Stiata, deceased, I lill, on Monday, the 89th day of August, 1892, at the hour of 2 o'clock in tbe after, noon of said day. in front of the County Court bouse dour, at Dalles City. Way co County. Oreaon, sell at Sublic auction, to tbe bigbeat bidder, for cash in and, all of tho north half (H) ot the northwest quartered) anu quarter ) of Sei the north half of the northeast Section enrhf (8) in township two (2), aouth of range thirteen east, w . M , in waeco County, Oregon, together with all of tbe buildings and other improvements thereon. . Said sale will be made subject to confirmation by aid County Court, and upon con firm tioo of the sale a good and sufficient deed will be given conn ying a clear title to tne purchaser. K. B. DUFUB, Administrator of the estate of Jobn O. Staate. de- ceased. ' Jull6-aug27 i Administrator's Notice. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned Ji was on the lutb day ot June, 1S92, duly ap pointed by tbe County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, administrator of the estate of W. J. Mein, deceased, and that ho has duly qualified as sueh and entered U.'on the duties thereof.. All per sons indebted to said dt ceased axe requested to mate settlement, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them, properly verified, at my residence in Dalles Ciiy, in said county, or at the ofiiceof W. H. Wil. son, in said city, within six months from the data hereof. J. C. MEIS, June 24th, 1892. Administrator. Dissolution Notice. "VTOTICK is hereby given that the taw partnership heretofore existing between K. ts. uulur, ueo. Watkins and FT ink Meoefee. nnder the firm name and style of Dufur, Watkins & Uenetee, is this d-ty dissolved by mutual consent, George Watkins retir ing from tbe firm. All persons themselves Indebted to sain rirra will please call at once and pay the same to Frank Menefee. and ail persons having claims against sa'4 firm will present the same to bim for navment. The business -will be conducted as heretofore, under the firm name of Dufur A Metjt- lee. b. n. uuruH, GEOKGIS W.V1K1NS, FRANK UENKFtG. Dated this Sath day of June, 1892. jiy2 4t Assignee's Notice. "XToTlCE is nereby given that the undersigned j has been appointed, by deed duly .executed and delivered, assignee ot the estate of tbe Eastern uregon co-operative Association of the matrons oi Husbandry limited), and has accepted said trust and it now qualified and acting as such assignee. All persons having claims against the said estate are re quested to present ibe same, duly verified according so law, to me at naiies taty, wasco county, uregon, wnnin tnree montns nora tbe date nereot. Dated at Dalles City. Oregon, June 30, 1892. jly2 7t E. M. CHANDlB, As-ignee. Administrator's Notice. ATOT1CK IS EERKBY GIVEN . THAT THB underaigneJ bas been duly appointed by the county Court of she State of Oregon for Wasco county, iu probata, administrator of tbe estate of Harrison Coram, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby required to resent them to me, with proper vouchers, at the ,w office of Condon & Condon, in Dalles City, Waeco county. Or eon. within six months from tbe Oats of lus uooca. - - . v - - -- Dated May zsui, iswi J. W. CONDON. Administrator ot tha estate of Harrison Coram. deceased a 1 ; f s -aiavsaitu. Administrators Final . Notice. -: rpHB UNDEH8IQNED HAS FILED HIS FINAL L aooonnt asodraiaistrator of the estate ot James U. Mageev deceased, lit the county court of the state of OreooBr, fur the county W Wasco, and the same nas neen set lor bearing and final examination on Monday, September 12, 189-2, at 10 o'clock A. sf. All persons interested are hereby notified to ap pear at said time and place and file their objections to saia report 11 any tney nave. WM. MICHELL. Administrator ot the estate ot James M. Hagee, de- The Dalles. July SO, 1892. CODHTT TREASURER'S NOTICE AH cont.ty warrants remstered prior to March 13, 1889, will be paid if presented at my otfise. corner Third and Wasbineton streets. Interest - cesses - on - aod after this dst. ' The Dalles, July 16, 1S92. WILLIAM MICHELL, Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon, AT . UNIVERSITY PARK. . - LOCATION Three miler from center of tbe city. Elevated, healthful, beautiful site; saloons pro Dioiteo; oest society; o cents rare to tne city. . DEPARTMENTS Classical, Literary, Scientific, 'ineoiogicai, normal, nusiness, aiuaicai, ano ura torical course taught by specialists. Monnal stu dents visit and study the methods of Portland public schools, among the best in tbe LniteO states, and a 'so entitled to state uipiomas. EXPENSES "Board and Tuition, school year, 100 to sau. 'luiuon tree to meoitgicai stnaents. Half price to children of ministers. Three from seme family, 10 per cent. off. TIME All departments open at Univesrity Park oi September 19, 1892. send for catalogues and in formUion to 0. C. 8THATTOS, D. D., President, or THOH, VAN BCOY, D. D., Dean. Portland, Or. juoau-ot of Next session begins on Monday, the loth day ot September, 1892. " ' TUITION FREE. . ' ; , Four Conrset:: Classical, Scientific, Liter ary, and a snort tngiisn course, in wtuch there is no Latin, Greek, French or German The English is pre-eminently a Business Course, t For catalogues or other information address V V J (.. W. JOHNSONi U jlya President, C P. STEPHENS, - DEALER IN rjjijipoiViW'i BATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES.- So 134 Second Street, next door east of The Dalles . - .- . national tiaas;. - - ' Having just opened iu business, and having a full assortment of tho latest goods ia my line. I desire a share of the public patronage.. . - Mm FASHIONABLE MWJNERY! - . AT Mrs. De Lyles Emporium, 1 14 SFCOND STREET. K FULL ASSORTMENT orsvERrrniNo iJ HATS, BONNETS ANO TRIMMINGS MRS. A. SCHOOLING, ManaKer. Northwest dr. Second and Washington Sts. Succeaso a to George Ruuli. Tlie Clieiipest Place IK THS DALLES FOR All Kinds of Groceries, TLOUfl, GRAI, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We rcsp:lul!y solicit a nhara of the rublic pat- ronajre, ami hs:i enatvor to (five enure Mt.siac tion to our eustn.erri both old and new. LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Payette & Friend-) THE LEADING. BLACK SMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in iron or wood done in the neateet manner. Anytmnjr in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery repaired in the'most skill ful and workmanlike manner. mch21dw W.T.WISEMAN Successor to J. H. HcDonougb C ) liEALEB IU AND CIGARS. None bnt tbe best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Court and second streets, . . TUB DALLES, OREGON. MRS. A. JONES, Prop. 8S TJISIOJN STREET 85 .Adjoining Byrne, Floyd A Co.s d ug store. Tho tables are supplied witb tbe best tbe . market affords. MEALS AT ALL HOURS None bat white help employed. L. P. OSTLUND ilt 1 will furnishdrafts and estimates ron .11 buildingr, dwellings and stores. Mr. Ostlund is a practical mechanic, and the plans drafted by him will prove artistic, cheap and dura tne. P. WELLIG, Merchant Tailor, - Has removed from his old stand to INTo. 64, (Second Street, A .PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED In every instance. . Heady-made Suits on sale ch-ap. AH srork in toe toiloriDj line warranted BrsVolass. tt i fly - ' G. NO WAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and sif iHca" 10s tor building fur nished. Will do all Kinds -of .excavating and grading. AU orders should be left at postoffire. novlS - iJAS. FERCUSON. 1 'Goods hauled witb tbe greatest oara to all psrts of tbe city on abort notion. ' . STORE FOR SALE ....... i AT , Kelson Creek, Skamania County, Wash. A most fitting: place f jt trade business in Cord Wood, etc. For particulars apply to the postmaster Nelson postomee, waacungton. junij-ji l -AT- 81 Third Street. Andrew Velarde, HQUSEjIVIOVER. The Dalles. Address t Lock Box 181. LOST. : BROWK HORSB, branded F BB left snonl. V der; white stripe in face; was shod when lost. Finder will be suitably rewarded by lesvtn as ne with Frank H. Bhatp. Tnree-mile sancn. Anv one possessing; irJurmation as to his whereabouts will pjeaas communkabe with Ohaaies Busby, Fossil, Ur. juiyiimo EOR SALE CHEAP. VERT STRUNG. i. t. FLECK . ' Jy23-lm or terms sddIv to ' ' Chenoweth Creek, July 28, 1892 WANTED. rpo BORROW on rm proved farm property. wortn ioot tunes tne amount. Apply throurh tbapostoffice, Box "1, Tbe Dalles, Or. jun26 . PlOjl GROCERY Choice Wines, Liquors The Dalles Restaurant Contractor and Builder Expressman! FROM TERMINAL OR IN1ERIOR POINTS, northern Pac. K'AILROAD U the lint' to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AM) SOtTB It is the Dining Cer. Route. It i una Thmukh Ves tihuled 1 rains 1 lei) lry in tl eyerto ST. PAUL'cind CHICAGO. (N'O CUAVQE !F CARS.) Cotrpo rd rf Pinire Csis uncun'rera. Prswitij. rwin Meepeis t.i lat. st Equipment. lillnian TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, it tlmt m; be cci 6tiurtd. and In vliiih i co i modaticn ere hoh Fine and Yvrn ithed fcr hoIilfcTfl f f First m Second kIm Tickoty, ai d ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Best A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Ucinterrnpteri Service. Fill' man Mccper reservations can b secured in ad vance tiroutrb any accent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS Z Erlatid and Europe can le purchased, at any titket oflice of the company. Full information conceriilns; rates, time rf trails, routes and other details furnished on ai pliiulion 10 W. C. ALLOW AY, As-ont. I V. fc A. H Co., liegulatar otltce, The Dallca.'Or. A. D. CHARLTON, A9't General rassener At., No, 121 First St, Cor. Wah., PORTLAND. OlEGOX OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago. St. Louis, aso all'foutb EAST, HORTH and SOUTH. j 3 05 A. M. 1 1 25 P. M. Leave The Dalles A(ri7e at The Dalles I 4 0SPX. ."Ill 65P.M. PULLMAN SLEEPER . . COI.ONIS ELEIPEKS, BECUNIs 6 CHAIB CARS and DINERS Steamers from Portland to San Francisco Evsby Fori Days. Tickets to and from Europe. For rates and g-enrnfl information call on E. K. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. W. H. HURLBDRT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt, 254 Washington bt., Portland. Or. WORLD'S FAIR BOOKl. BOOK 2. BOOK 3. BOOK 4. "Review of Oar Country," by Hcd. James O. iilaine. - "New Life of Columbus, " W. Buel. . by J. "Complete History of America,' from the lauding of Columbus to the creeent time, by "rot. John Clark Itidpatd. "Notorial History of the Co- Inmbian Exposition," by Hon. tftDj. Bntterworto. Tbe above four great works by four great authors, every line of which is obiy just written, have been douhu up into one massive volume of nearly 900 PAGES and 500 ILLUSTRATIONS, Under the Title of Golumbus and Colombia." The greatest subscription book ever published in this country, anil cz wmcn A MILLION COPIES Will be sold during the next six months. AGENTS Wanted all over this state. Better terms thn ever. We iruarantee to the right parties $50 a week profit from now on to Christmas, and a first elass ROUND-TRIP TICKET to tbe WOKLD'tj Alll snd one week's admission to the exposition abmluuly free. Also other valu able premiums. We hare pentrof capital at onr command, ana can ana mil ao exactly anas sre say. Snd at onee for special circulars and further par- ttcuiars to the . DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., Heattlc. - "WaBhlnifton . THE DALLES FIHfsT WXHJElirr. FACTORY, NO. 105. 010 ADO ot the Best Branrls mannfsct- X'ee! UlUltnU ured. and c of tbe country filled on The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become nrmly established, and tbe de mand for the home manufactnaed'article is increasing every day. dec2aytf A. ULRICH 4 SON. Pill I i ru?ToM! Clothing I Bo5ToJ.Aass o (an Be Found HT No. 77 Second St. Suits made to order, aod St gaaranUed. PATH KEEFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- Painty Oils, (lla, And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL. PAPER. PnMM Pinters and Paper Haotrers. None but tbe best brands of tbe Sherwin-Williams Paint used in all our work;, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly attended to.. . Shop adjoining voramma racaansi ua, , THIRD STREET THB DALLES jMIfeM iSS - Cigar Factory MM -li him Establishment, 4 IT IS A DTTT yon ew ymrwlf and flans. It to vet the beat yaloe for yoar tnwney. cODomfze In your footwear by purchasing V. L,. Doutrlaa rhoea, which represwM the beat value for price sulked, sta tsi.Hsa.aeU JtTkB NO 8T7BSTITCTB.sstJ VV. L. DOUCLAS S3 SHOE cenfeSro,. Kt BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOH THE HONEt A aennlne sewed shoe, that srtll not Hp, fine talf, seamlcsa, smooth Inside, flexible, more com fortable, stylish and durable than any other shoe erer told at the price. Equals custom made shoe costing rrom B4 ro a: and 5 TTand-arwrd. flnecalf shoes. The sB most styllsu, easy and durable shoes ever sold at the price. They equal flue Imported shoes costing T s stOa others who want good heavy calf, three WU aTOIlCtB DnUrt W1 II VJ iMiuwa u soled, extension edge aboe, eaaj to walk In, aod will seep we xeet ary aaa warm. CO AO Fine Calf, 82.35 and Wertt sa9sfa uynn'a8hnMwlll tIt more wear for tin money than any other make. They are made for ser vice. The increasing sales show that worangmen have found this out. . nA.ff! K2.00 and Ton tba' l.5 School OffB KhA4tsi fira worn br the dots every hAiBr ThAmnttt iiPtliAltrilnahns3iaoid at V.A- IFVanar sawlieahl a ahnaa svilrl aat 1 A TsrifV Ladies' Ss-.iwftA SI iases are made of the best Dongola or fine Calf , as desired. They are very styllRh, oonifortable and dura ble. The 3.01) shoe equals custom made shoes oostlri If from S4.00 to S6.00. Ladles who wish to economise In their footwear are finding this out. Caution. W. L. Douglas' name and the price Is stamped on the bottom of each shoe; look for it when you buy. Bewareof dealersattemptlngtosub. atltute other makes for them. Buch substitutions are fraudulent and subject to prosecution by law ror oo taining money under false pretences. W. 1m DOLliLAM, llrocktoa. Slaaa. Bold by m. HE? Mimed hi Opportunity! BO?TT MIm Vstsitsa. ltssma1sF. Tta mcloritr BOirlect their op, aod from that unit live in poverty and die in obscarity 1 Harrowing despair la the tot of many, aa they Kink harW nn InHsV fnrnvar lost. onnortanitT. ln..t Uonph nuL H HI, slTlfl doinir. I 111 IirOV TUUT OnUOrtO- ni;y, and aecnreproarwritr, prom induct, ppace. Itwasaaid i br philoaopher. that "the Ooddtju of Fortune offer rjolilenonportnnity to eactaperaon atanme period or life; ouibrace the chance, mod iheponn out Iter ricuea ; fall to do an find aha drmArta. nrrrr to retnrn." II oW bIirII vufl find the goldeit opottnnity1 InTcstiffate every chance that spportre worthy, and of fair prom a; mat m wnai ait iao co stnlmondo. llereisanopporiuniry.nnchatUnotofiett within thervuch ot laborinr people. Impruved, It will give, atloast, afrrand start In lifts. Ti.e coldk opportunity for many la bore. Money to be mnde rapidly ntid honorably byanyindustrionaporonof eitli- raex. All apwa. Yoa can oo ui a wora ana uve tu ntnnt, v iti-ruver i in nr rm u einnere are ea.-Ily earning imm t to 1 Oner dny. Yoa can do as wall If yon will work, not too hard, out indus tri ously; and yon can increase y our iotv une ns yon fro no. Yon rnfi ,'ivm Rnrirt, time onl v. or all vonr time to t tie work. Eaar tolojtrn. Capital not required. We aUrtyou. Alliaeom- pnrauveiy bow ana reniiy vonunnui. it nuiraci bdv show yon bow, IVee. Faflnre unknown amona; our work er. 0 room to explain here. Write and iwam ail tVe. bv rarnrn mcitL uowise so oiaj. .mairoaa .once. aa. UaUcU K Co. JSOX BtH JToruand. Jtaine, A TERRIBLE FALL. Tis to you, mothers and daughters, that I wish to talk; ' And to tbe children that are just learning to walk ; ' And all who may need anything in my line I will give you prices that you'll hardly dtclioe. Ode need Bnnorts and Ribbons, whilst others nred Hats; . Some will need Dresses and Ructilag, and possibly Caps. Possibly Aprons, Collars aud Ties there are many who li. Should you -want Flowers - and Feathers, " you II find them ail new. Tbe Third-street Miliioery is the place to buy. . The prices are low, but qualitv high. Tbe styles are the latest gi ye ns a call; And find that prices have taken a tall. at Wats. A nicqy TirstCl LAS itfDVtQKsi Aa tVarm. Vastea aaaV rtaes ia.tta WsslsV EW .OMTuNDONDERRT ANO U580W. NEW TOBK, GIBrsAtTEK'and NAPIAS, ainna. cfromd-elass and STEERAQE mM. tn Ihmii tarmm tA and flflO th. DriDlDla times. BiaLISB. msa a ILL OOBTINXHTaL POOTt- Sxmirslon tloswts avaiiaoi. so ranrs "T K I tnrMoa. OlTd. Hortta of Inland or RaptM ssOlbraitar Dra& aai Ham Mart te lay aassst St Imst Ortsrt te lay aassst st Imst Istsa, Apply to any of our local Ajrants or to BEKDEB80N BBOTHKBS, Vhiearo, IU. AOKNT3 WANTED Apply to T. A. HUDSON, General Agent. Ihe Dalles, Or. FEATHERBONE Is made from QU1XU. natures own tougbest material, best whips mads for the price. Cheap, Durable, ALL STVLES. aU Briees. aak yoor dealer for a - PFITHERRftHR 70S. SA1 "7 B3T S sUAA A UUItW V At sasw HENRY KUCK, The Dulles, Or. SKIBBE HOTEI F. W. L. SKIBBiC Pbop. The Only Brick Hotel IN THE CITY BEST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE In the North west. This builoine has been refitted since the I fire of September id, and the rooms are first-ciaas in every particular. The table Is supplied with tbe oeax tne market anoras. ' The oar in concretion with the hotel at supplied with the highest trrade of Wines, Liquors and Im ported and Domestic Cigars. janSS-' ... H. LARSEN, Dealer in all kindafof Hav, Grain and Feed At his Old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE Tne highest Cash Price paid for Sheep pelts. COAL! GOAL! the best Wellingtoii, Eock Springs, and Eoslyn CoaL $12, sacked and delivered to any part 01 the city. At Moody's Warehonse. Sample : Rooms, 58 l'KOJNT (Near'y opposite Umatilla House.) CUAKLIE FEANK, PB0P. The Best Wines, . Liquors and Cigars. COLUMBIA BBEWEKY BEER OW DRAUGHT J. FRE1MAN, AGENT. THE DALLES t CTf r x sSlai'niir- FOR WHIPS tpSk 25c" 500, IIOUI1L w- I CHAS. H. 00DD C0. I'sout, First and. Vine Sts., Portland, Or. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARD WARE, FARiVl.AlACHIWERV. Sole AgenU for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho tor the i BUCKEYE-REAPER. AND . JMOWER.k These Machines ore too well known to need comment. Thousands of Farmers have uaeo them and speak of them with praise. They are tbe only Harvesting Machines that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHOINIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever Constructed. m BUCKEYE STEEL . FRAME TWINE- BINDERS. The features that distinguish this Twine-Binder is the Lightness of Draft, combined with Its Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, tha only really successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and tha Platform Binder both excellent both recommended by hundreds of patrons. WILLIAM TJiKlertalcer Has always on band a new and complete line of Undertaking Goods. Partic ular attention given to embalming and taking care of thu dead. PRICES AS LOW PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. Southwest Corner of Third aod Wsshington Streets, THE DALLES, OR NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATHROOMS. Il Frost Street, oil :r7 '': s. ' M rr At the old stand of R Lusher. CHAS. FRAZER, Prop STUBLJNG & WILLIAMS," PROPS. . Finft Wines. Liauors and Cierars. s All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale and Porter, and genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of - CALIFORNIA : WINES : AND : BRANDIES. &ti Second Street, miK DALLES, OH. sasasji . ! SECOND STREET, BETWEEN TJTIUN AND COURT ' LEMKE, PROFRIETOR,'' KKF8 OH GOLUtViBIA BREWERY BEER, -AXD ALL KINDS OF Bb8t Imported Winks,: Successors to lira. C E. Dunham, Corner of Union and Second Streets, The Dallpa, Oregon. DEALERS IN ' . '. . DRUGS, MEDICINES Fine Toilet Sosas, Brashes, Combs, Perfumery, Ete. Liqoors for Medicinal Parpose. rhyrsioians' Prescriptions 1 ALSO DEALERS IN Watehes, Cloeks and Jewelry, Silverware, Etc., Etc. All Kinds of Repairing Neatly Done on Short Notice. ....... The One Price Gash House, COB. SECOND J. PIcIIMI -DEAL.EH IN- l?nrai nrn Qnfl DAlTIAQf .A .TlrTr .ftrtAfla 11 "1AVA ivuiwy,iij vj,w Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Buttenck Patterns; also for the Hall Bazaar lreas Forms. NOLAN'S P0ST0FFICE STORE. EVERYTHING IN SCHOOL BOOKS DJID HjlE STUEBI, FRENCH CANDIES AND IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC CIGARS, -CAM BR HI. T. NOLAN'S POSTOITICE STOBE. IRON, i i i STEEL TTT 2 AND '9 ' f Bohuttler Farm Wagons, Deere Flows Deere Bulky Plows, Oook Oo.'s Cats riages, Fhsstona and Top Baggies, Touts Spring Mountain Wagons, Buck boards, Superior Drills and Beedera, Corbin Die Harrovs, Hodges-Bain ea Headers, Haish Barbed Wire. SEND FOB CIECUULLS, : MICHELL, and Euilalmer, . AS THE LOWEST. Tke Hal lea. Ores. H In o M 2 D c . ' . WJW - .1 1 DEAUQHT- FOR SAU BOTTLED BEER. Liquors axd Cigars. AND CHEMICALS, Pare Specialty. ANO COURT STS., 5 THB LINE OF FOUND AT- v.-Vi.JSa;;;