CH'J 7, u is . Thff- Times-Monntadneer SATURDAY. ......... AUGUST 8. 1892 Watson, of Georgia, a member of the lover house and of the People's party, has committed a breach of par liamentary courtesy in exposing the . mystery surrounding - "congressional cold tea,", by stating in a campaign pamphlet. that "drunken members reel through the aisles and drunken mem bers speak on grave issues." He was called to task by Wheeler, of Alabama; but he declared that he was ready to substantiate every word, and this called forth hisses and laughter on the Democratic side. A resolution was introduced appointing a committee co investigate the charges. . What the re sult will be is yet' to be determined; but -the Democratic house, failing: to pass the free-silver -bill, will surely punish, this exposure of "congressional cold tea.? McKinley measured swords in de bate Thursday . with . St. John .and Warner at Monona Lake, Wis. It is seedless to say that the author of the ' tariff measure knew well how to sub stantiate . his position, and did so to the satisfaction of those present. Pro hibition, as a national' policy, is un tried, and if the states that have adopted it are fair examples of its practicability, it will be an utter fail ure.' ' Tariff reforms simply obstruc tion, and doesViot de6ue its princi ples; but protection is the American system of economics, and has proved successful in every instance. This is where Mr. McKinley had the advan tagetof his opponents in argument. Notwithstanding the fact that the yield per acre of , wheat in Eastern Oregon will be less this year than for merly, the increased acrease will make the outcome of this harvest larger than any previous one. Farming is contin ually increasing in the Inland Empire, and with . an. open river to seaboard there will be doable the number of acres sowa to grain there is now, This portion of the state furnishes every natural faoility for the growth ' of cereals, and the capacity of the soil has never been fully tested Until the locks are completed and the boat rail way inaugurated the development this region will not fairly begin. of The World's fair bill has caused considerable filibustering on the part of obstructionists in the lower house of congress, and its passage still hang: in the' balance. If Democrats imagine that-they are paving the way fpr Mr. Cleveland to the White House by these tactics, they will sops learn their error; for the people will not be satis fied to be taxed for such a purpose. Representatives from the different states are, elected and sent to Wash- ingtoafQity tor the object of legislating for .the benefit of the country, and not of filibustering and obstructing neces sary measures. The notorious Wilson, the murderer of Mamie Walsh, has saved the ex pense of a trial to Clackamas county by committing suicide, and the read ing publio will no longer be regaled by pen-pictures of his jail-life. .Those who took so much interest in this mis erable wretch as to purchase his pho tograph may make annual pilgrimages to his grave, if that can be found. ' OfiOOK OOUBTY." Itenas Prom the ' Colauauss Oehoco Review. of the A fruit peddler from The Dalles dis posed of a wagon load of plums and peaches here this week. He said the fruit crop in the vicinity of The Dalles is better than it hae been reported. Nearly all of Prinyille's residents- who can leave their business have gone to the mountains for a few weeks' outing. Print ers can't leave their posts, hence tbey have to grin and endure life in the "deserted village." i . Last Sunday evening Tom Pain fell off a billiard table in O'Neil's saloon and re ceived such a shock that his arms have been partly paralyzed ever since. The past few days be baa been improving and will be all right in a short time. ' The owners of the Elliott mine contem plate sending samples of ore to Salt Lake City to have it tested. They have out about 100 tons ot ore, and if the test is satisfac tory, they will . prosecute the work of de veloping the mine, and will put in milling machinery." - ' Last winter a saddle was stolen from A. Hamilton's stable,.' and Mr. H. had given up all hope of. ever seeing it again, until last Wednesday when it was found stowed away in an old barrel behind Uren & Son's store. The thief probably got afraid to use it and cached it there. Z1 - Three ot the biggest men in the county Fred Smith," Love Bailey and Alex Conley tried to smash a set of hayacales last Thursday. . They didn't quite succeed, though they give the scales a severe test to register their combined weight which was 802 pounds. What other county in the state can show np three such heavy-weights? ' . Letter of Information. - . Portland, Oregon, July 29, 1892. "To the Press of Oregon and Washington: The .United Suites weather bureau on the Paoifio coast is divided as follows. E. B. Oiney, Olympia, is in charge of the Wash-. ington state weather service; B. S. PagueT Portland, in charge of the Oregon weather service, and J as. A. Barwick, Sacramento, in charge of the California weather service. Each state weather service works independ ent of the other each collecting aod pub lishing climatic and crop data relative to their own state. John P. Finley, lieutenant of the Ninth U. S. Infantry, is on detailed doty from his regiment for duty with the weather bureau. He is stationed at San Francisco, sad his duties have been to make weather forecasts for the Pacifio Coast; bat now under the new arrangement he makes forecasts for California while B. S. Pague at Portland, in addition to his other duties, will make .forecasts for Oregon and Washington. . Congress having made provision for addi 1 tiooal local forecast officials, to meet the demands from -Various sections of the coun try, Mr. B.t Paae at . Portland, Oregon, has been appointed local forecast official, ia addition to his present duties, and be will Aava charge of the preparation and diasem- tuition of local weather forecasts for Oregon anr, Washington.. Mr. PaKue's dntiea here tofore have been, l.a.viu chargo of thefirst class meteorological oTkciTaJJefetaud, Ore., and charge of the Oregon weathei bureau. His tiew duties will be to make weather forecasts for the various secttons of Oregon and Washington. Those weather forecast are of especial value to sgrirmltii at inter ests and the issuance of them from Portland will allow of their reaching the public at an earlier period than ttity heretofore have done, and will also allow of a farther and more extensive system of dissemination. Daily weather uiaps will also be issued and distributed gtatuitioasly, fiviujj the rain and fair weather areas, the movement of storms, changes of temperature, etc. Tbs making of forecasts and iasuiug of maps for "the Pacific Coait has heretofore been done by tho forecast official at San Francisco, who has had charge of that work alone. The new, office being created at Portland does not detract or take anything away from the San Francisco office, except to curtail the area of country to he weather forecasted fur by tit, otticiai at Sin Fran cisco. The division of territory will allow of more careful study and bene better fore casts for California by the oibsial tt San Francisco, aud allow of a better service in Oregon and Washington by the odicial at Portland. For the present co reduction is contem plated by this change iu tho nu.nber of telegraphic reports now received at the San Francisco office, while the reports will be greatly, increased from the present small number for the Portland otSce. The division of territciy was made in order that the public should have the best-service possible by the Weather Bureau, and by the new arrangement Cahfornians will be better served aud Oregon and Washington people will be given the best possible ser vice tor their interests. B. S. Pagne. GSABT GOUJTTY. Items From the Columns Canyon City News. or the Our leo-keepers could ship thousands of pounds of fine honey, made from the flow ers that blush unseen on the lofty hills and in the dells, if the railroad was nearer. Pork ia in great demand for export to Europe. If farmers of America, and espe cially the John Day valley, know any reason why they should not raise plenty of hogs let them speak. Coffins are now made of paper. Dead beats who have all their lives swindled editors out of their paper, can now keep right on after death and swindle under takers out of their paper throagh eternity. Upon inquiry of Assessor Timms we learn that the assessment roll of Grant county for this year will very likely not foot up more than last year, for the reason that there is more exemption for indebtednesss than, was deduced then. A long, dusty trail to the railroad makes it impossible to - deliver Grant county's buncbgrass beef to the city markets in shape to compete with beef from other sec tions. If cattle could be loaded on the oars n this vallty prices would be higher. Think it over. '' Cabell Bros, are shipping several car loads of high grade ore from their Grant county mine, to the Den er reduction works. Ore that will bear transportation such a distance must be rich. What a saving there wonld be to mine owners if this ore could be treat ed at Baker City. Is not the alarming increase of the d structive pests, ground squirrels, attributa ble to the death of their enemies, the bad gers? Farmers, preserve the badger. He likes young chickens, and digs holes in the road, but remember he eats squirrels, too, which destroy your crops. - An extension of the Sumpter Valley rail way into the mines south of Baker and into the coal fields of Grant county is one of the things of urgent importance, recently said H. H. Spencer, of Salt Lake, who is inter ested in the little road. He said investiga tions wonld be made in that direction. Many acres of grain have been destroyed in Grant county this summer by squirrels. The frisky marauders appear to increase at such an alarming rate that farmers at some points are on the ragged edge of despair, and think that if the county court would offer a bounty for squirrel scalps they wonld soon become scarce, lik e Harney's rabbits. One of John Cameron's little boys was se riously injured by a wagon running over him at Dore's mill last Thursday. He was riding on the logging wagon with his father. John stopped the team for a moment and a runaway resulted. The boy held to the eonpling pole for a while, but fell under the wheels. Fortunately, he is recovering One of the horses received a broken leg and had to be shot. A Bow At Gamp Meeting. It seems tbat tbey bad a regular old fashionable knockout at North Powder at a campmeeting on the 11th lost., ac cording to the following from tbe Oregon Scout of Uoioc : On Sunday afternoon a number of those present, but not of the brethren, met somewhere in tbe grove to com memorate the God of distilled corn, juniper berries . aud rain water. The article used was the best distilled spirits to be found in Haines. Tbe corameuora- J tive act being over, tbe parties who were Commemorating . proceeded - to bold - a grand now-wow. The text was: "Eat a little, drink all your tank will hold, and be merry, for in such an hour as ye koow not a scrap will be on bands." And if ever the doctrine of a text was complete ly adhered to, it was this text. In i very short time the spirits began to fer ment and as u result a free for all fight ensued, in which men and wom-sri struck from tlii shoulder in such a style tbat bad Peter Jackson seen tbe combat be would have been ashamed to have acknowl edge! that he ever was in tbe pugilistic ring. A young lady spiritualist tainted into a trance, and as this was her third trance tier friends feared that her demise was near at hand, and were pouring tbe cool mountain water on her by the gal Ion, when she suddenly discovered that one ot ber friends wss coming out second best ' ia a two-round contest without gloves, sod as onerouudmad been fought and time called for tbe second, she im mediately made a leap and bad que of the antagonists by the bair and soon aoded bim on mother earth, but was not awarded tbe fight on the grounds of a foul." Such disgraceful conduct held way among some dozeo or more indi viduals tbe greater part of tbe afternoon. It people can not go to such gatherings without raising such a disturbance thev should stay away. The law should give them a wholesome lesson as regards the duties of citizens on such occasions. , BneaUea'a Arauea Halve. Tbe best salve la tbe world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, lever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cects per box. for sale by Snipes ft Kinersly. ; ,. M. E. Church Notice. The, August 2, 1392. Tho Trustees and Building Committee of the U. K. church beg leave to announce " to the church and to the public, that, for cer tain reasons, they deem it necessary to close the new church bmldiag against all meet ings of whatsoever character, until such time as the bishop may come to dedicate the church, or until we hear from him. Wm. Miohkli., R. B. Hood, Wm. SaITSDEBS, W. H. Vanbibkr, Smith French, .TaS. SCTHEKLAIfO, TruKtees M. E. Church. Wm. Michell, Mas. Esthkb B. French, R. B. Hood, Building Committee. TELEGEAPHIO EEWS. Craned With Fur. St. Petersburg, Ao. 1 . Letters re ceived bere from Aahdend, a town of Asiatic Russia, iu Syrdarea, report that the news with regard to the Bcriiiu riots in tbat plane July 6. in coocecilon with the cholera epidemic, has bceu suppressed by the government, ths strictest censor ship beiog exercised. From these letters it is learned that the native Sarts, believe ing tbat tbe doctor were poisoning pa tients who were tuffenu? from cholera. Iiecime greatly excited, aod determined to put au end to the murderous practices, winch they imagined were being em oloyed iu cases of unfortunates who were s ricken with the terrible disease. Tho wildest rumors were current of cruelties inflicted by medical men in causing the immediate death of their patients, aod these Btories bad the effuct of arousing tbe fury of the people to the highest pitch. Five thousand Sarts suddenly invaded the Russian quarter and wrecked the res idence of tbe deputy governor, who fled on the approach of the howling mob. His flight was discovered, however, and be was pursued and overtaken in the street by tbe infuriated crowd, wno mer cilessly vented their fury on the helpless official, who was maltreated in a terrible, manner. Hi plea for mercy was in vain, and after being trampled upon be was as sailed with a shower, of s' ones, until bis life was beaten out. Tbe authorities, having become aware of the state of af fairs in tbe town, took immediate steps to suppress all disorder aod to protect Other officials. A bodv of foops hurried to tbe scene, and on arriving at the place where the defiant Sarts had assembled, they opened fire, killing several of tbejl Tbe Sarts, armed with pistols and daggers, held their ground and made a desperate resiatence to the soldiers. The two forces closed in on each other, and a furious hand-to-baod fight resulted. USED THKIK DAGGERS. The maddened Sarts, when their pis tols bad been emptied, slashed furiously about tbem with daggers, doing much execution with these weapons. Tbe drilled and better - armed soldiers were unable to overcome their fanatical oppo nents, and additional troops had to be sent to their assistance. Toey were re inforced by - a body of Cossacks, and finally tbe riot wss quelled aod tbe mob dispersed. Tbe oarts were not nisbeart ened, and tbey collected around tbe mosques, and, taking these edifices,defied tbe authorities to do battle with tbem, A large number of soldiers were dis patched to tbe scene and attempted to dislodge them horn their strongnolds, Tbe Sars made a sturdy resistance to every effort of the soldiers to drive tbem from the buildings, and tbev fired from loop boles with telling effect upon tbe invaders. The trooos at last concen trated tbeir forces and, making a grand assault, triunphantly carried tbe mosques, and a scene of cam age ensued. Tbe fighting inside the structures was of most desperate and sanguinary character. Although tbe Sarts found that tbey could not cope with their military opponents, no quarter was asked for, nor was any given, and tbey fell by scores before the weapons of tbe soldiers. The character of the struggle may be imagined when it is known tbat 60 Sarts were killed an 100 of them wounded. Tbe soldiers, too, suffered heavily, tbe Russian loss being 15 killed and many wounded. Many ar rests have been made ot persons con cerned in tbe disorders. It is feared tbat there may be a renewal of the trouble and precautions are being taken accord Murder Mysteries Cleared Up. London, Aug. 1. A prisoner at Glas gow has confessed tbat he was implicated in tbe murder of. Lord Leiinm, shot in April, 1876, from ambush. He also states that be was concerned in killing Lor i Mountjnorris, in County Mayo, In 1880, and also was hired to assassinate the man who killed tbe informer, James Carey. The prison commissioners are carefully investigating tbe story of tbe man, whom . they have subjected to a most searching examination, and are ea deavoring to secure proof of bis state ment s. Tbey refuse to divulge tbe prisoners name, or furnish information regarding bim. None of the persons con cerned in the murders of Lord Leitnm and Lord Mount morris were ever caught. ' Tbe Cast) f Alice Mitchell. Memphis, Aug. 1. Tbe ' clerk of tbe criminal court has issued an order di rected to tbe keeper of tbe state insane asylum to receive Alice Mitchell and ber safely keep until ber reason is restored. and when tbat shall have taken place then to notify the criminal cpnrt so tbat she can be sent for and put on trial to answer the indictment charging ber with tbe murder of Fred Ward. It is general ly believed a nolle prosequi will be ulti mately entered in tbe cate. A Break la Made. .Homestead, Aug. 1. Tbe company announces 27 old men applied and were granted positions to-day ; also that over 100 men came in from tbe JSast. Tbe in flux of unskilled workmen, Superinten dent Potter says, has been so great that be has telegraphed to send do more for the present. "We have broken the strike," be said. Tbe stnsers are apparently un daunted, however, and it is a rash and onwarrented conclusion tbat thev will flock at once to the mill. K)X15 ENJOYS Both the method and results trhen Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and act gently yet promptly on tne lvidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. . Syrup of Figs ia the only remedy-of its Kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its option and truly beneficial in its effects," its many excellent qualities commend it to alL It is for sale in oOc and $1 bottles by alf leading draggistk juaiimaciurea oniy oy wis CALIFORNIA FIG ' SYRUP CO. SAK fSAHOISOO, CAL IDUmiUS. Kt. . . HEW fOBK. JT.K ' LOST, A WOWS HOBSB. branded F J on left shoul der: whits stripe in face: was shod when loss. Under will be suitablr rewarded br les Tina- same with Frank H, Sharp, Three-mile ranch. Anyone possessing- information as to bis whereabouts will please communicate with Charles Busby, Fossil. Or. juiyaw-iano--- Legal Notions- SUMMONS. In the Justice's Court for West Dsdlcs Precinct, Count v of Wasco, btite 01 O recoil. H. Herhrinp Plaintiff, vs. A. S. roihns and Mrs. A. b. Collins, hiswi.e, Defendant. To A. S. Collins and Ura. x. a. Collins, his wife, the above named defendants In the name of the State of Oreco, you are here' hyrequind to appear aia answer Uw rompiaint fttd ayaiu-t yon in tho ab ye e titled action within ten da s from the Jate of the set ice of this sum man ppon yuu, if served within this county, or if served within any other county of t-'is bt&te, then within twenty days from the date ot the sen ice of thi summons u. on you; and if sored hy pubi ca tion then n cr before the 30th U -y of Amrist, 1802 ut the boar of ten o'clock in the forenoon uf aai-i day. and if yuu fail so to timwr.r for wunt thereof, the plaintiff wih take jutitrinfnt atfunt you for the sum of $50 80 aud interest at the rte of 10 p4r cent, per annum and his costs aud disbursements iu this action. Tuia wummnns is published in the Timxs-Moux-TAiNKSiL for six cons -cut:vA woeKS by order cf . SchuU, Justice of the Peace in and lor West DU s rreciuct, Wa:o comity, orejrj. fc. scmuia. Justice of the Peace West D-iliet Precinct, Waac county, Orejro'i. Dated this 22nd day of July 1892. Sheriff's Sale. BT VIRTUE OF AN EXECUHON, Issued outot the t.iruuit Court uf the State of O eguii fnr Wasco county, en the lxtday of Jnne, lb92, in the writ wherein U. WakeSetd iff plaiutiff and L. S. Hvre ii defeudaut. lo me directed, commanding me to satisfy sai'.i demands, and in oheokr.ct thereto 1 levied upon ud will Bell the followim? iiec;ibed land, suliject to redemption, tn-wit: the eW, Sec. JO, T). 1 north. Kange 14 fast W. M., in Wasco Cuunty, State of OrcKOu, on Saturday, the 6th day of August, 1S92, At the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the court hoiue dour in Dalits City, in &d county and state, st put lie auction to the highest bidder, for cash in baud, all the defendant's rmht. title and in terest to ti.e above deneribed Uinii, to wuiffv the sum of $iUG.90, and $40 as'a fcta; al&o the funJicr si:m uf $34.10 cuftta. with interest on the ea'd amou:it duce the 24tn cn. oi aiy, 18, at the rat..- of 10 t:er cent, per annum, togetuer wica co&t aud avtru i'ir emto herein. OaU-ii v-i;e th day of July, litfi. T. A. WARD. ju!9-ij SiicriC .f Wasco County, or. Notics of- Administrator's Sale. BY VIRTUE of an order duly made, rendered and entered, uf record, on the 6th dav of July, 1892, by the Honorable, the County Conrtf of the State o Uregon.lor tne county oi nascu, nuinoTiziiifj anu directing me to sell certain real estate hereinafter described an I beloniriny to the estat c.t John O. Stiats, deceased. I will, on Monday, the 29th day of Auirust, 1892, at the hoar of t o'clock in the afier noon of said day infroitt-f the county Court bouse door, at Dalies Ci'-yVVaco County. Oregon, sell at public auction, to the b ehest bidder, for cash in hand, all of the north hilf H) of the nor'hwe-t quarter 04) a,1d the north half of the HortheaKt quarter (4) of Sec Jon etirhf (8) in township two (2), truutli of ranjre thirteen (13) east. W. M , in Wasco County, Oregon, totretier wiin au oz we Duuaings ana outer tmpreemenw ine.ton. Said Ale will be made subject to confirmation by said County Court, and upon uonflrmttion of the sale a trood and sufficient deed will be given convtying a clear title to tne purchaser. E. B- DUFUR. Administrator of tbe estate of John O. Staats. de ceased. juJl&aiiff27 Administrator's Notice. t "VTOTICE is hereby (riven that the undersigned XN was on the 10th day of June, 1892, duly ap points by the uounty unurt oi tne state ox irejron lor wasco county, administrator oi tne estate oi n J. Mein, deceased, aud tbat he has duly qualiuea ai such and entered uon the duties thereof. All tier sons indebted to said d ceaaed axe requested to mae settlement, and all persons having- claims against raid estate are hereby notified to present them, properly verified, at my residence in Dalies City, ia said county, or at tne orBee of W. B. Wil son, in said city, within six months from the date hereof. J. C. SiElN, June 24th, 1892. ' Administrator. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that tbe law partnership heretofore existing between E B. uufur, Geo. Watkins and Frnk Uenefee nnder the firm name and style of Dufur, Watk.ns A Henetee, i this dy dtatolYed t-y mutual consent, George Watkins retir ing from the firm. All persoin know ng themselves indebted to saiti nrm will please call at once na pay the same to Frank Menefee, and all persons having claims against sa d firm will present the same to him for payment. The business will be conducted as heretofore, under the firm name of Dufur A Meue- lee. - t. e. nuron, CEORGK W.V1KINS, FKANK MENEF&E. Dated this 25th day of June, 1892. j(y2-4t Assignee's Notice. NOTICE is nereby given tbat the undersigned bas been appointed, by deed duly executed and delivered, assignee of the estate of the Eastern Oregon Co-operative Association of the Patrons of Husbandry (limited), aod bas accepted aaid trust ana w now quaiinea ana acting as sncn assignee. All persons havinc claim against the said estate are re quested to present the same, duly verified according to law, to me at vanes uty, wawo county, uregon. within three mouths nom the date Dereoi. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, June 30, 1892. Hyi-U E. N. CHANULEK, As ignee. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been duiy appointed by the County Court of the State ot Oregon for Wasoo county, in pr bate, administrator ot the estate of Harrison Coram, deceased. All persons having claim, against said estate are Dereoy required to E resent tbem to me, with proper vouchers, at tbe tw ofiire of Condon it Condon, in Dalles City .Wasco county, ur.gon, witnin six montns from the oats of wis notice. Dated May 23th, 1892. J. W. CONDON. Administrator of the estate of Harrison Corum, aeoeasea. , aarzsta COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE AH coaLty warrants registered prior to March 13, 1889, will be paid if presented at my ottije, corner lbird and VVasbineton streets. Interest ceases on . and after this dste. Tbe Dalles, July 16, 1892. WILLIAM MICHELL, Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. ; Administrators Fiual Mce. . THE UNDERSIGNED HAS FILED HIS FINAL account as administrator of tbe estate of James M. Magee, deceased, in tbe county court of tbe state oi ureson, for the county ol Wasco, and the same bas been set for bearing and final examination oa Monday, September 12, 189-2, at 10 o'clock A. u. All persons interested are hereby notified to ap pear at said time and place and file their objections to sua report II any they nave. WM. MICHELL." ' - Administrator of the estate of James M. Magee, de ceased. Tbe Dalles. July 80, 1892. t . MBS. A. JONES, Prop. 85 TJ3NIOJN STREET 85 i' . .. Adjoining Byrne, Floyd k Co.'s d ng store. ' The tables are supplied with the best tbe marKet ancras. MEALS AT ALL HOURS None bat white help employed. PORTLAND UNIVERSITY at mivmsnT park. LOCATION Three miles tram center of the dtv. Klevatu. healthful, beautiful rite; saloons pro bibited; best societv; 6 cents fare to the city. DEPARTMENTS Classical, Literary, Scientific, Theological, normal, Business, Mjucal, and On torical couraa taught by specialists. . Normal stu dents visit and study the methods of Portland public schools, among the best in tbe United Btates, and a'so entitled to state D plomas. EXPENSES Board and Tuition, school year, 1 100 to sxou. -iuiuon ires to tneoicgicai students. Half price to children ot ministers. Three from same family. 10 p-r cent. en. . TIME All departments oeu at Cnivesrity Park on oepscmoer iv, icvz. oe:ta lor catalogues and in form ition o C. O. 8TKATTON, D D., President, or iav fan owz, is. L . , ueaii rortianu, ur JnliSO-St of Next session begins on Monday, the loth aay oi septemDer, 1092. ,. TUITION FREE. ; ' Four Courses: Classical, Scientific, Liter ary, and a snort Unglisb Course, in which there is no Latin, Greek, French or German The .English Is" pre-eminently a. Business Coarse. " For catalogues or other information address J. W. JOHNSON. jly2 . ... President MILLS-: COLLEGE, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALA.f i HE OLDEST CHARTERED COLLEGE FOR Toumr Women west of tbe Rocky mountains. Delightfully situated one hour from Ban Francisco. Prenaratorr. seminary and College courses with hat of oooortnnitie for Music and Art, Board and ordinary tuition SS20 a year. MRS. C. T. HILLS, President. " If ills College, P. O. , - IsJunSt Tie Dalles lies kraii PATH KREFT & CO A v -m-m w v v -DEALERS IN- Palnt?,Oil$,(ite And the Most Complete and Lalejt Patterns and Desiipw in ' W ALL V u P 10 If . Practical Painters tad Paper Hauire. o'one but tbe beat hranua of the &berwin-Wii;iaai l'bint used ia all our work, and none hut the mo&t skilled workmen employed. All orders a ill be promptly attended tv - - - -Shop adjoining Columbia Packing Co., THIRD STREET ; THE DAM-ES FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ! " 'AT- Mrs. De Lyle's Emporium, 114 SECOND STREET. FULL HSSORTMENT oFjrviarnruio wj PTC MRS. A. SCHOOLING, Manager. IB GROCERY, Northwedt Car. SoTond and Washington Sts. .SHI II, PROP'S Successors to George Huch. The Cheapest JPl&ce IS THB DALLKS HI All Kinds ot Groceries, FLOUR, ORAIST, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit a share of the public pat ronage, and Miiall entii-avor to give entire satisfac tion to our customers both old and new. THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FIRST HTKJElri FACTORY NO. 105 CIGARS nred, ai Best Brands manufact- and ordeas from all pai of the country filled on tbe shortest notice. - The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAB has become nrmly established, and the de. in and for tee home manucactuaed.article, increasing eyery day. A. ULEICH & SON. Fiji i I r r f chrism Cloth in I J5oSTca.Aa55o (an Be Found HT No. 77 Second St. Suits made to order, and fit guaranteed W.T.WISEMAN Successor to J. H. UcDonocurb & O- ) DEALER m AND CIGARS. None bnt the beet brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds. Uorner of Uourt and second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. Sample Rooms, ; 71 MAIN STREET. Always on hsutd th Best Wines, 1 1 Liquors, and. Cigars. A? Pleasant Evening Resort Colombia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei ; ondranpht. Mcdonald bros., : propr's Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. Sample : Rooms, ! 58 FRONT HT, I (Nearly opposite Umatilla Bouse.) CHARLIE FEANK, PROF. The Best Wines, . ! Liquors and Cigars. COLUMBIA BREWERY BEEB ON DEAUOHT. LP, OSTLUND ilt will furatahjdrafte and estimates ton til buildingf, , dweliings and str-res. air. Oetlund is a practical mechanic and tbe plaas drafted by him will prove, artistic, cheap and dura ble. FOR .SALE CHEAP. A SINGLE-HOUSE CART, VERY STRONG. XV., cor terms apply to 1. F. FLECK jy23-lm Chenoweth Creek, July SB, 1882. M ml f II h Tailoring Establishment, Choice Wines, Liqrs Contractor and Builder JiSaRBSSSSSSsS 7, W. I.. DnntrlBB KhM. which vBMMnt tkS beat value lor prices staked, sua Utoaauda ... - : - - : - w- - UTIAKI HO SUBSTITUTE. VY- L. DOUGLAS ssa shop jpRit t a mmm wen kCIIICtls tHE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOB THE MONET. A a-enulne sewed shoe, thai will not Hp, fine ealf, seamless, amooth lnslae, flexible, more com fortable, stylish and durable tban any other shoe ever told at the price. Equal custom made shoes costing QA miid 5 Hand-iewed, flue calf ho. The IP most stylish, easy and durable shoes ever sold fctthe mce. xney equ&i nne imponea snoes "ng crom OSQ 50 Follro Shoe, worn by farmer! and all 27 w others who want a trood heavy calf, three soled, extension edge shoe, eaiy to walk In, and wUi keep the feet dry and warm. CO iJO Fine Cnlf,S2.33 and S.OO Work -P sfi Inrinen'a Shoes will glye more wear for the money than any other make. They are made for ser vice. The Increasing a&lee show thai worklngmea uve iuuiiu ui m uuu Dnuel tf t.00 ana Vontbs' tl.TS Sebaal S- Ulo Shoea are worn br the bova everr- vhereT The most semceable shoes sold at the prices. kaaieS il.OO and 1.73 Shoes (or Bl Uses are made or the beat DoBgola or fine Calf, as desired. They are very Ktyllsh, comfortable and dura tjla. ThesOOshoeequalscuBtommadeshoesooatlnsr troma4.OOtoS6.OO. Ladles who wish to eoonomlie in tbelr footwear are finding this out. Caution. W. L. Douglas name and tbe price bl stamped on the bottom of each shoe; look for it when you buy. Bewareof dealersattemptlngtosub. atltute other makes for them. Snchsubatltutloiiaara xrauduient ana auojeci co prosecution by law for oo talning money nnder false nretences. W. In DOVGLAS, lirocluan, ill as a. Sold by J i FRE1MAN, AGEN I". i HE DAI LES FROM TERMINAL OR 1N1ERIOR POINTS, Northern Pac. JLi R OAD Is the line to bike TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOCTii It is the Pininp Car Route. It runs Through Yea uouieu Trains r-ery nay in the year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARS.) Compo ed of Dinlnvr Cam nnsurpptscd. oilman IraTiDg-room eleepecs of Latest Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, I Best tliat can be cor.structed, and In wbich acoom modatien. are hoth Free snd Furbished fur holders of First ot Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A ContiDUons Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad vance throiutn any agent of tne road. THROUGH TICKETS To snd from all points in Amei ica. ' England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket omte oi tne company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains. routes and other details furnished on application to W. C. ALLOW AY, Airent D. P. si A. n Co., Regulator office, The DaIlea,!Or. A. D. CHARLTON, Affit General Passenger At., No, 121 First St.. Cor. Wa-b.. " PORTLAND, O iEGON OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago. St. Louis. Am auCronm EAST. HORTH aiad SOUTH. LisaTe xna mues i 20 p, h. Arrive at The Dalles.......... 1 4 06 P M. )U 66P.M. PULLMAN SLXEFXR , COI.ONIS SLEPERS, HiCXXNIK G CHAIR CARS ' sad SLKESS Tickets to and from Europe. For rates and general information call on K. X. Lli'US, liepot 'ticket Agent, roe Dalies, uregon. W. H. HUBLBURT. Asst. Oen. Psss. Art. 264 Washington HU, Portland, Or. WORLD'S FAIR uead this. BOOKl. "Review of Our Conotry," by ilOD. James M. clame. ' BOOK 2. BOOK 3. BOOK 4.' "New Life of Columbus," by J. W. Buel. " . "Complete History of America," from tbe landing of Columbus to the present time, by rrof. Johrj JUIarfc mdpatn. "Pictorial History of the Co lombian Exposition," by Hob. isenj. Bntterwortb. The above (ear arest works bv four ereat authors. everv line 01 wnicn is oniv lost written, nave oeen bound up into one massive volume of nearly 900 PAGES and 500 ILLUSTRATJOHS, Under the Title ot "Coluk and : ColnmMa." The greatest sabscription book ever published lo this country wa oi waica A MILLION COPIES'' Will be sold during the next six months. i firUTC Wanted all over this state. Better AliLII I O terms than ever. We guarantee to the riht parties 960 a week profit trnro now on to Chriatmas, and a first class BOUND-TRIP TICKET to the WtfRLIi'B FAIR and one week's admission to the Kxpoaition abtoluUiy free. Also other valu able premi urns. We have p entyof capital at o'lr command, ana can and mu oo exactly wnas we say.. Srnd at once for special circulars and further par ticulars to tne DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., Hoattle. "Waeliliigrton . He Revere i COB, THIED AND STARK STSM PORTLAND. OREGON Has been recently decorated, and' is now under th manaemea of - MItie. 1. O. FABKKLLT . This bouse beinar oentrsllr located, offers Induce ments lo persons viaiunfr roruana to patronize it, where they will alwava find pleasant rooms, sinrie or en suite, specially reservsa ior tnnsiena occu pancy. . mayxa WANTED. mO BORROW on improved farm propert I worth four times tbe amount. Apply throue the postofflce, Box "1," The Dalleo, Or. JunS la. ONI SALE A TEREIBLE FALL. Tm to v..n. nitth-rs on i daughters, that l Viar lii u;x; An1 t.. !l:e rhiifircn en iust learning I" W;t!k ... - r. Aad a:; wi.o n;;'.v nte anything in mj lie I ts.;i! v ti ju p.-icis that you'll hardly Que nvvf IJ'ncits sud "Ribbons, vrliil. o't i.r. r,i, i! H iti; 8:imt lipi d Irv.-s nri'l IidcUng, and P.issil'i v Air:n9. Citlm anil Ties there rT nmrjo .h S.'ioulf n,i) wnut iriowtr.-" nhd Feathers. yon'!! tii.d tuetn nil ct Tbe Tn'ril street Mil iae-jr U tbe place tu l)UT. The pr:cj-s aro Imv, !u qua Hv liiirh. l"n !ryl -s hn 'ti st g'.se C8 a call; I Vnfi h:i'i tiiar price are lakvn a fall. ARKTRicnv flRST CLais The tara-est, Tastest sal Flaeat In the World. Paadenger accomodations unezcellea. hew tobkTIondcnderry AHO BU8B0W. "Rrorr Ra.tnrdaT. NEW TORE, GIBRALTR and NAPLES, Atretniiar intervals. SALOON. XFCOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates on lowent terms to and from the orlnciole 300TC& IH3LI8H. ISIBa S ALL COHTOttSTAL POrHTS- Exearfllon tlnlceta available to retnm bv either the Die- I tureaqme Clyde A North ot Inland or Naples A Gibraltar I wani au nosey orasri nr ast absui st i ovsn asisa, Apply to any or our local Agents or to OENDEBSON HROTHEitS, Gbieaco, IU. AGENTS WAK'tED Apliiy to T. A. HIT) ON. lienor! dyei.t. .no Dalies, oi. pnn-uz FOR WSSEaS . 25c. 50o. 75c. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 IS PEATHEBBONK Is made from OUII.I.a nature 1 own toughest material, best whips made (ot the price. Cheap, Dnrahie, A 1.1. STYLUS, all price", ask your dealer tor a- - PUlTnUBDftri rOBflAIB' 1 uaxuuauwiim HENRY KUCK, - The Dalles, Or. SKIBBEHOTEI F. W. L. SKIiJE, Prop. mi.. 1 n tt;.j.-i XilU vJLLly JJliL'iX J-LvtOl w IN THE CITY BEST DOLLAR A DAY HODSB tn the North weat This builuins has been refitted since the Ore of September 2d, and ths rooms are firavclasB in every particular. The table is supplied with the best the market affords. ' The oar h, connection with the botel is supplied with the highest srade of Wines, Liquors an" In ported and Domestic Cigars. janS-w UP MImmI hli Opportunity! JMVJPT Miss) I nortimidsMi. avod from that einu Mrm in DOTartv and di ia llaW Dunk, BeaUlcr.' mi ontTihic Mt tMu- I obscurity. HarrowiDg dMptvir l th lot of many, thy iook Dtei ob loat, tcirmvwr ton, appanmnvj. MMtm Inrt Beaeti onk Bap and doioir. ImproTOjour opportn- Di.r, and trarprortiritT, promlnanCfl.pavcf. ( was Mid i oy ft piuiofMipaer, uiu vn uoaaaa oi j Purtan offar golden opportunity to each parMo soma period or tin; eotbnk ibachanca, and ihprarOTithor ricb; (ail to do i ao and abe daparta, furDsV to raCnrn." liuw toall yon find i tho aoujxn opportanitrf InTaatigato otoit ehaneo that appaaro wortny. tMoiwrpromue; U co ifnlmando. Ueralitn onnortanitv. i vithin thantach of laborlntr Deonla. laiDroTod. It will civ a. at least, a tjnuid ttart fai Ufa. Tbft ooLDK.t opportanity for many la har. Uaney to mado rapidly and Lonorably by any indnstriona person of eltber aex. All aoa. Yon can do tb work and lira t bom a, wberaTarrnn ara. Even ba arinnarn ftiw ftsv-llr aftrninc from t& to 8 iO tr dny. Tom can oo fts weu u yon win wone, do voo iiaro, do, mauirv i OTjsf y ; ana yoa can wcraasa yonr incnmo aa 70a iroom. 1 en rail; ill yonr time to tba work. Eaay d. We .tart too. paralrralj B.W and nalr wonderfoL M inMrael and bow too bow, free. Faflareanknownamons our work- no room tn exnlala Sere, w rite and learn all free. bT radim Uawfao to delay. Address at once. It. UaUleat tt Co.. ltaz SwO. Aaulam. LOUIS-PAYXTTE CSuocsssor to Payette A Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in iron or wood dona in the neatest iiner. Anything tn the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus made or repaired. Plows and machinery repaired .lo thVatost skill. fill and workmanlike manner. mchzldw J. E LAESEN, . ' Dealer in an kindsot I Hav . Grain and Feed. At his old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE, Toe highest Cash Pries paid lor Sheen pelts. COAL! COAL! THE BEST Wellington; Kock Springs, and Koslyn Coal. $12, sacked and delivered to any part Ol tbe city. . At Mcody's Warehouse. C P. STEPHENS, DEALER IN Dry My te' Mi, BATS. CAPS, BOOTS, SnOES. Ne 134 Second Street, next door east of The Dalles National Bank. Havinar iust opened in business, and haruur a full aasoruneot of tno latest goods In my line, 1 desire shsre of the public patronaxe. apr v. r. oicrtlrjia "Siier" Sewing Machines -AT- 81 Third Street. STORE FOR SALE! . at Nelson Creek, Skamania Comity, Wash. A noat flttinr vlaee for trade bonnes in Curd Wood, etc. For particulars apply to the postmaster 1 Me'son postomce, wasninswu. juuiu- JAS. FERGUSON, General-Expressman! Goodi hauled with tbe greatest care to all parts of tha city on abort notice. DmWlWllrBPJ I P-flaf!2fi2i! Oa CHAS. llDODDCOS Jfrcht, JPfrst and Vigp Sts., Portland, Or. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARD WARE, FARAI iVl ACH IW ERYI . - Sole Agents for Oregon. Washington and Korthera Idaho for tbe m BUCKEYE REAPER AND MOWER.k These Machines are too well known to need comment. Thousand! of Farmers bay need them and speak or them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines ' that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most Effective and Successful Combination lor Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever Constructed. h BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME TWINE- BINDERS, i- tbe features that distinguish this Twine-Binder is tbe Lightness of Draft, combined with Its Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder Is of the Appleby pattern, the only really successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and the Platform Binder both excellent both recommended by hundreds of patrons. WILLIAM UiKlertalier anil Embalmer, J Has always oo hand a new and complete line of Undertaking Goods, Parlio- i i . . : . i i uiar atieiiiiuu jjiycu w euuuiviiuiug sau laaiug care oi tne aeaa. PRICES AS LOW PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. ' Southwest Corner of Third and Washington Streets, THE DALLES, OR -NEPTUNE SHAVING PARLORS AND RATH ROOMS. 119 Front Street, 3 RIlSfepPa 3 At the old stand of R Lusher. CHAS. FRAZER, Prop TP 7 GEPPIP, STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. AU brands of Imported and genuine Key West CALIFORNIA : WINES COLUMBIA BREWERY 86 Second Street, THE DALLES, OR. SECOND STREET, BETWEEN UNION AND COURT LEMKE, XlROrIitIE:TOR., 13 -KEEPS ON C0LUIV1BIA BREWERY BEER, -AND FOB ALL KINDS OF Bkst Imported Wines, Successors to Mrs. C E. Dunham, Corner of Union and Second Streets, The Dalles, Oregon. DEALERS IN DRUGS, MEDICINES Fine Toilet Soaps, Brashes, Combs, Perfumery , Eto. .Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. ; Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. ALSO DEALERS IN Watehes, Clocks and Jewelry Silverware, Etc., Etc. All Kinds of EepaiRino Neatly Done on Short Notice. NOLAN'S P0ST0FFICE STORE. EVEEYTHING IN 85 BOOKS HUD FlilE STOTIOIIERY FRENCH CANDIES AND IMPORTED1 AND DOMESTIC CICARS, -CAN BE M. T. NOLATJ'S POSTOFTICE STORE. The One Price COB. SECOND AND COURT ST&. J. P. -DEAXEB IJV Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Butteriok Fattems; also l i i. I ROM STEEL .AND- SchntUer Farm Wagons, Deere Flowa Deere Sulky Flows, Oook Oo.'a Car riages, Fheetons and Top Buggies, Tour. Bp ring Monnt.ain Wagons, Buckboards, ' Superior Drills and Seeders, Corbin Slae Harrows, Hodges-Haines HeadarVy Haiah Barbed Wire. SEND FOS BSCUTiABH; ' : MICHELL. r i : . t . i . AS THE LOWEST. The Pallra, nrecoa. Liquors, Ale and Porter, Cigars. A fall line of v i AND : BRANDIES. BEER ON DRAUGHT. -4i DLAUQHT- BOTTLED BEER. Liquors and Cigars. AND .'CHEMICALS; Pure THB LINE OP FOUND AT- Cash House for lbs Hall Bacaar Ureas Forms. McIMENT, C f