The TimesMonntaiiieef SATURDAY JULY 23. 1892 COAGBESS AND ITS If BUT. ADJOURN- I L 1 J 1 I . I . . nn -v it u expected lUUfc uru aensiuu . of the fifty-second congress will close in aboat a week,; says the Chicago Inter-Ocean. It began with last winter. ' Two years ago the long session of con gress was protracted until almost elcc , , tion time.- That was a serious- uris . case, politically speasmg, iqr it oe prived the country of the campaign services of the very men of all others most competent to discuss the issues of .' the day. The' result was that instead of a campaign of education the people . had a campaign of misrepresentation, false alarms, and gross perversions. Never in the whole history of Ameri- . Is s t 1 can policies was cne policy or xaisenooa -,(- carried to such triumphant conclusion. The opportunities were exceptionally favorable and were improved with the : eagerness of a starvation appetite. - There is this great difference be tween 1890 and 1892, from a political . point of view: All was then conjecture : as to the practical effect of the Mc- Kialey bill, while now all is definite - r ' i .? t . . i . v ; demonstration, jx is nara to reiuie a , sDeculation. easv to knock out a flat ' lie. Two years ago that bill was con fronted by a theory, now it stands ' . face to face with . a condition. - The . . ories are easily spun on both sides .of a question, conditions are fixed and sure. ' But facta, however plain, are not self- 3 1 i. T. S .1 . U fires of intelligence should be kindled . An PMPTv Ttpnnhliran riparfcriKtnnfi and j hilltop that the people may know just . . how the Republican policy is working, and, withal, wherein the policies of the ' tvn no.rr.ipfi i-Jiffpr and wherein tTiPV agree. Ths adjournment of this con gress mast precede such a comparison, ; for it is impossible to foresee what will " '. ee aone airing cne last iew aays or a legislative or congressional session. - There is at least one thing certain. All that will be so much as attempted fully disposed of long ago. There is no risk in assuming that no further . move will be made, on that chess-board at either end of the capitol. The senate had no with to do any thing. The Republicans were perfectly content to leave the whole subject pre other tariff acts of the fifty-first con- gress left it Even if both branches - ' of congress had been Republican there would have been no tariff tinkering. In one sense, then, it did not make - any difference whether the two ' branches were agreed or not. "Stand a pat "would have been tbe order of the an V wftv ' ' Jnr rlrtea f.YiA ftff.inn ftf . ' the house serve as any criterion to de - termine what would have been done had the senate been Democratic also, - - The recognized fact that no bill on that ' , subject ' satisfactory to the Democrats tka linnea mnnM moat wifli favAin ' the Republican senate acted as a de , terrent. It was thought at the outset that Mr. Springer might introduce and - urge to a passage a general bill, one y reflecting his views and. the present views of tBe Democracy, and thus be - a companion piece for the Mills and , Morrison bills. But either on account of ill-health or for some other cause he did nothing of the kind. The only tariff bill ' which he introduced was trivial, relating to one or two interests, ,. and making no attempt &i general re vision. The wool tariff was to be re : fluced and . a few other unimportant changes made. There was no point, ' apparently, in singling out a few in- . terest8 for assault. The explanation is that it was thought necessary to do something, and it might as well be this . as that. , Certain it is that the Demo cratic party, as it goes into the cam paing of 1892, is sweeping in its hos- ' tility to all protected interests, agri cultural and manufacturing, woolens as well as wool, iron and steel no less than binding twine. There remain three general appro priation bills to be disposed of, two of which are absolutely . necessary to the very operation of government. Failure to make an appropriation for fortifica- , tions would be very unwise, without being absolutely calamitous, but the sundry civil and the general deficiency bills must be passed, and it is not thought possible that . an adjournment could be had without their passage, or, on the other hand, that a final ad journment .. could ' be delayed after those bills had been disposed of. " It now looks as if the last, general ques tion of the session to be decided will be the clauses of the sundry civil bill relating to the Columbian Exposition itind Marine dead in Tus tent. . He-went to Nelsot Miller'" u'aw, several miles distant, and got Mr. and Mrs. Miller to go aud care for tbe corpse while ha summoned the cor oner. VVheu Corouer Kizer arrived he found that Marino had bled to death. The indications wire that he had gone to a piuo tree aotrn distance from his tent to cat some kindlings, and had struct his rfaht foot with the ax, severing an artery. . From the tree he had returned to the tent and had tried to check the" flow o: blood with iour. Not succeeding in this, he had gone to some willows near by and cut two sticks: for crutches, with which he attempted to walk. bat probably becoming weak from the loss of blood, threw away hit cratches and crawled to the tent, laid down on li s bed aud died, he could be traded from place to mace bv -the blood, althnunn there naa been considerable rain Friday - night the blood stains bad not been obliterated. George Marine was a native of Kansas, and was about 36 vears of ago. He had been in this county ten or twelve years, and had followed sheep herding mo ot the tiice. ' He was buried in Frineville ceme tery Monday eveoiug. QUE UEXT LEGISLATURE. An Accurate UkI of the -members of Bili Monties. Below is given the first complete and ae rate list of the legislature. The secretary of state now baa tbe full returns, ant so the exact composition of the next assembly is known. The Democrats have gained three in this legislature. They gain four inrthe senate ami lose one in- the house. ... Tbe Republicans have lost nine two in the house and seven in the senate. The people s party has four three in the bouse and one in tbe senate, mere are si- so two unknown Quantities, as far as vot inz with party is concerned, in Beckley, the deru.-Dro.. of Douglas county; and Woodward, the cit.-dem., of Multnomah county. in tbe house tnere are 3i nepuDiicana, 18 Democrats and 3 People's party; total, 50. In the senate it stands 16 Republicans, 11 Democrats, 1 People's, 1 cft.-dem., 1 dem, nro.: total. oU. ... i r . Tbe ttepurmcans control a majority w u in tne nouse ana z in tne senate over an, 'The names and counties of the senators and representatives are at follows: SENATORS. Bancroft, F A, lep, Multnomah. Beckley, Henry, flem and pro, Dougla s. MBlackman, Henry, dem, Harrow. Butler, ft L. dun, folk, "Cameron. Theo, rep, Jacksun. Cogswell, C A, dem. Lake. Oroano, C B, rep. Benton. -tOroaB, Henry K, rep. Clackamas. Denny. 0 N. rep, Uu.tnomah. DodBon, O M, rep, Baker. "Hilton, v w, rep, uiatsop. Gates, f P, rep, Yamhill. - t flayed, O E, rep, Clack tunas. : . a "Hirech, Edward, rep, Alarion. Huston, D B, dem, Waabiiurtoa. Looney. J B, rep, Marion. tucAiiisier, u a, aem, union. H K McGinn, rep. Multnomah. 'Matlock, W P, dem, Umatilla. Maxwell, J W, rep, Tillamook. '' Myers, J.aem, i.tnn. ... Alley. B F. rep. Lane. t Bale, J H, dom,- Umatilla. ISmitn, John A, dem, Sherman. , : bteiwer, W W, rep, Gilliam. tVanderberg, W C, people's, Josephine. Veatch, K M, dem. Lane. ' WeatherfoiU, J K, de-n. Linn. 'Willis, V L, rep, Multnomah. Woodward, C H, citizen, Multnomah. KKPRESENtATTVES . Baujrbman, D C, rep, Lane. Belknap, h H, rep, Benton. . Bishop, W R, rep, Multnomah. Blevuu, A, dem, Linn. Bolts, Douglas, rep, Umatilla. . : Brown, J N, rep, Morrow. Brown. O C, rep. Uoujflae: ' Buxton, Henry, rep, Washington. Campbell, J , dein, Clatsop. fCbaudler, N, rep, Wasco. f Coou, T K, rep, Wasco. Cooper, P, rep, Doutfaa. Cornelius, B f, rep, Washington. , Curran, George, dem, Clackamus. . tUalr. B. dem, Lake. Day, T G, peoples, Josephine. . Duncan, C H, rep. Baker. Durham, D A, rep, Washington. Elmore, W P. dem. Linn. . ? t oid, Tilmon, rep, Marion. Geer, Joel P. rep, Clakamas. Geer, T T, rep, Marios. - v Gill, John, citiien (rep), Multnomah. Goodrich, L J, rep, Giiiiam. Gullixson, H F, rep, Multnomah, Hauck, J J, dtm, Jackson. . Hobl, J W, rep, Yamhill. Inman, H D, citizen (dem), Multnomah. Jeffreys, 8 T, dem, Benton. Ready, W P, reo, Multnomah. King, W.B, dem, Malheur. tLawsonA 3, rep, Yamhill. ' : Lawton, A 8, rep, Clatkamaa.. , ' Layman, Samuel, rep, Marion. McEvami. J b, peoples, -Coos. - llalnney, H 8, dem, Yamhill. Manle, A B, rep, Multuomab. . Mays, Polk, rep, Wallowa. Merrill, Norman, rep, Columbia. ' Msrritt, J W, rep, Jackson. Meyer, G W, dem, Polk. v. Meyers, G T, rep, Multnomah. Muter, M A, dem, Linn. ' Nichols, B F, rep. Crook. Hickall, Charles, dem, Jackson. Northup, H H, rep, Multnomah. Ormsby, 8 B, rep, Marion. , Paxton, O F, rep, Multnomah, t Richardson, C D, rep, Harney. " Kussell, B N, rep, Union. Sheridan, R 8, uemiDouglas, Staats, John O, Dem, Polk. Stone. Jeremiah, dem, ifmatilla. TrulUnire', J 0, rep, Clatsop. ' Upton, J H, peoples. Curry. Wukins, Jasper, rep. Lane. Wilkinson, C K, dem. Lane. Wright, J A, rep, Union. Wright, John G, rep, Marion. Youae, M, dem, Umatilla. . GEAHT COTJIITT. Item' From - llie Colnmnit 1'anyou City Xcws. of the Important Information. ' U. S. Land Office, The Dalles, July 26, 189: Headers are at work on the Gundlacb tauch west of town taking care of the crop ot wheat and barley. Snow has but recently left the higher ranges of Greenhorn. It has lain so deep that miners could not pack in supplies. Bears are numerous on the borders of tbe valley by that name. Shepherds have a pleasant time protecting the tender lambs of the fold from the cruel fangs of their en emies bcar and coyotes. Major Magffne, who started from the court house in this city on a long tramp to Chicago July 4th, has been heard from. He arrived at Vale, Malheur connty, on the 9th s boat noon and left eastward next morning. With strikes and riots all around ns.what would we do if the boys at the Humboldt mine should g'" on the warpath? We have no state militia, and the V. S. army is busy at Crfeox d'Alene. Is the situation not ap- paling? Everyone readily concedes the fact that gold worth a million dollars lies hidden be neath the mountain back or town, out as yet no one haB had faith sutb.-ieutly strong to remove the mountain and reveal the wealth which they can see by faith. . : Over on the blooming Kosebud tbe weath er has been real cold lately. On a recent trip with the mail, Frank McBean saw fields of frozen grain hay or ratner grain that had been sown for hav. But bunchgrasa in that mountain valley does not freeze soeary. and cattle are ail fat. Tne following is a copy of the act, re cently become a law, in reference to pur chase of forteited railroad lands under Sec tion 3, Act September 29, 1890: Be it enacted bv tbe senate and house of representatives of the Lrnited states of America in congress assembled, that section three of an act entitled, "An act to forfeit certain lands heretofore granted for the pur pose of aiding in the construction of rail roads, and for other purpose?," be, and the same is, amended so as to extend the time within which persons actually residing upon lands forfeited by said act shall be permu ted to purchase the same in the quantities, and upon the terms provided in said section at auy time within three years from the passage of said act. The Elk City correspondent of the Cor- vallia Times tells the following: "Tbe first organ that was ever brought to the bay was brought in from uorvaius over tne xnaian trail before the wagon road was built, on the hick of Mr. Alfred Uloake, a sturdy Euglibhman. Mr. C. was a fine innsician aud a great lover of music, apd, as he was coming to this wilderness, thought he would need- mnxic to cheer his lonely hours and break the monotony. I he Iodinns then occupied the country, and the old saying. : 'music has charms to soothe tne ravage breast,' proved true in this cise, for as tbe soft, melodious music fell on thu ears of the dusky maidens and savage warriors, as tbey h ivered around that lonely cahin on the banks nf the beautiful Ya-juina river, 'their savage fueling were calm el - luto' submis sion and obedience." A custom mill is to be erected in the Cracker Creek country. Tommy MuEwan haying tbe contract to deliver several thou sand feet of timbers to the site, lhe suc cess of the new process of working the ores in that district is giving tbe mining indus try a wonderful stimulus. ; A good wagon roid from this valley direct to tbe rich mining camps north ot us would ba as good as a gold mine at our doors: . Tbe old Susanville road, with the expenditure of a few hundred dollar.', could be made a brat-class road. Then from Susanville np onto the Greenhorn, only a few miles, with promising mines scattered along all tbe way. Our farmers, merchants and flouring mills need this road. Let some good- "rustler. then, take the matter in hand. THE DALLES WORLD'S FAIR A TERRIBLE FALL. Cigar Factory, FACTORY NO. 105 nininn of the Best Brands manufi UiUnllO ured. and crdeas from all paits of the country lilted on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home mannfactuaed'articleis increasing eyery day. dec24ov-tf A. ULRICH & SON, FASHIONABLE MILLINERY ! AT Mr. De' Life's Emporium ii 114 SECOND STREET. K FULL ASSORTMENT oVaVKRTTUIXO LNj mi BONNETS AND TRIMMINGS JIR3. A. SCHOOLING, Manager. PAUL KREFT & CO., -DEALERS IN- TELEGBAPHIO SEWS. Bay City Almost Wiped unt. Bay City, Mich., July 25. The greatest conflagration which ever visited Bay City started at 2 o'clock this afternoon in the lum ber manufacturing establishment of Miller & Turner, on the west side of Water street at the foot of Twenty-ninth. A brisk southwest wind fanned the flames into a roaring confla gration, and they swept across Water .street into the settled 1 district The cast side of Water street was built up with stores, hotels, etc. Nearly all were wood and they bunted like , tinder, The wind increased as the flames progressed, and in an hour the fire had consumed Miller & 1 urners entire plant, in cluding sawmills, salt works, dry kilns aud a large quantity of lumber. The flames also traveled three blocks eastward, cutting a swath two blocks wide. At this point the path broadened, and block after block was swept away with astonishing rapidity. Thousands of men, women and children rushed about, engaged in removing furniture and other household effects. Every vehicle in the city adapted to the purpose was on the ground, and the owners charged fabulous prices tor their services. At 5 o'clock 30 blocks had been burned over, while 20 more were sup plying fuel to the fare. Aid came from sur rounding points and the firemen fought des perately, but with a dozen streams playing the flames swept on, licking up house after house, until at 8 o'clock upward of 300 dwellings were destroyed, and the fire was still sweeping toward the eastern limits of the city. While a majority of the buildings' burned belonged to working people, many fine residences have been consumed. Two chuiches, four hotels and about 40 stores of all kinds are among the other places destroyed. , , At 10 P. m. there were many rumors, of loss of life, but so far as positively known only one death has occurred, a woman' who was sick in a dwelling house, which was a mass of flames before assistance arrived. It is also reported, but not confirmed, that two children were burned to death. Miller & Turner lost about 156,000, mostly covered by insurance. The entire losses Will aggregate upwards of 1,000,000. Orl5 ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts ?ently yet promptly on the Kidneys, " 3 T I 1 uiyer ana roweis, cleanses me sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its jution and truly beneficial in its effects, its manv excellent Qualities ... . . - . . commend it to all. It is tor sale m OUc and $1 bottles by alf leading druggisbk JUanuiactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AM FMWVSCO. CAL. I lOUISVILLE. K. HEW iCBK. M.t Xegal Notice. SUMMONS, Hold-over. Joint. lire at Boras- The store of Mr. M. A. Phelps, at Rutus, was bnrned to the ground Saturday after noon, and also the office of the . Eastern Oregon Co-operative association. It was about 3 o'clock in the afternoon when the fire was discovered, and a - heavy wind was blowing- at the time. - The building was formerly occupied as a hotel, and there were rooms in the second story not being used In one of these the flames were first seen. and the only water available was from well, whioh had little effect in stopping the iwuiflaimHnn' ThA fif-A hnrnA.-l fformlYf whilA it lasted, and stopped only because theie was no other building in tbe direction in which the wind was blowing. , Part of tbe clothing of the family was saved; but the bedding and furniture were destroyed. Tbe , postoffice was in the store, but the mail sacks, etc., by strenuous efforts,' were carried to a place of safety. There were no men except Mr. Phelps around the pre mises at the time, or perhaps other property miebt have been saved. I he books were in the safe, snd these are considered all right. There was some insurance on the building and goods; but the amount of the Jo's can not be ascertained at this writing. It is s heavv loss on Mr. f helps, as ne baa oeen in business but a abort time, snd was build ing np a irery good trade. -. ' ' . Bled to Death in a Sheep Camp. ' Ocboco Review. . Last Monday morning Coroner Kizer was notified that a sheepheider had been found dead in his camp on Wolf creek, about 20 miles east of Prineville. He immediately it tn OTnlf creek and found the dead man to be George Marine, who was herding sheep for E. Davis. The circumstances con nected witb hi death, nsjnear as. cuultf , be learned, were ss follows: Mr. Davis went to the sheep camp Sunday evening and Postal Hews. The following postotfices were established in Oregon between December 15, 1891, and May 31, 1892: Antler, Lake; Bedfield, Klamath; BlantOD, Grant; Braunr port, Co lumbia; Champlain, Multnomah; Chesher, Lane; Delena, Columbia; Derby, Jackson; Dryden, Josephine; Endersly, Waaco; Fair Grounds, Marion; Fisher, Benton; Foster, Linn; Fruita, Wallowa; Garbaldi, Tilla mook; Gates, Marion; Hayward, Idol, Har ney;' Lacy,, Clackamas; Lake, Coos; Leap; Wallowa; lxwt Valley, Gilliam; Minto. Marion; ' Natron, Lane; Olete, Klamath; Orryille, Clackamas; Peris, Columbia; Ra leigh, Washington; Redland, Clackamas; Ridgeway, Wasco; Rosa,' Linn; Roberts, Yamhill: silvies, Harney; steinman, Jack son; Tucker, Wis co; VVurrenton. (Jlatsop. Names chac ged Cbesber, Line, to Varien; Dencer, Marion, to Kosedale; JJorman, Umatilla, to Dale; Hillsborough, Washing ton, to Hillsboro;. Ivie, Marion, to Elkborn; Linkville, Klamath, to ' Klamath Falls; Pittsburgh, Columbia, to Pittsburg; spring er. Jlarney, to .Narrows. jName and site changed Rock ; Creek, Linn, to Gates, Marion county. Discontinued Albina, Multnomah, mail to Portland; Blitzer, Har ney, mail to Springer; Desert, Crook, mail to Haystack; East Portland, Multnomah, mail to Portland; Matney, GiJiam, mail to Condon; - Plevna, Klamath, mail to Keno; Seaforth, Curry, mail to Port Oxford. Cor rection Woodstock, Multnomah, instead of Woodstock, S. " v Kvldence or a riot. . Pittsburg, July 25. The police author ities are convinced to-night that the attempted assassination of Frick was an anarchistic plot that may be as great in scope as that for which Spies, and his companions were hanged. They have the names of a number of persons in New York, Long Branch, Hoboken and other places who they think are implicated, and telegrams have been sent to have them arrested. A number of arrests will probably be made here to-morrow. Six " informations were filed against Alexander Bergman to-' I night by Secretary Lovejoy, of the Carnegie company, charging a felonious assault on Frick and Leishman and entering the build ing for the purpose of committing the assault. If Bergman gets the limit on these informa tions he will have 3years, time to reflect Rumors are in circulation that some anarch ists are coming, here from Chicago, and that I an attempt will be made to pass dynamite in to the prisoner. The authorities take little stock in the story, but will take due precau-. tions. In the Justice's Court for West Dalles Precinct, (Atuniv oi wasco, Btue 01 urecron. B. Herhrin? Plaintiff, vs. A. S. Collins aud lira. A. 8. Collins, nis wife. Defendant. To A. S. Collins and Mrs. j.. b. Collins, his wife, ma aonve named oerpnaants - ' In the name of the State of Oregon, you are here bv required to appear -ana answer the romplaint filed againrt you in the above eotitltd action within ten days from tne date :or tne service of this sum mons rpon you. If served within this counrv, or if served within any other county of this state, then within twenty days from tbe date of the service of this summons upon you; and if served by publica tion, men on or oemre tne sucn uy 01 Aturust. 18!K at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon of said dav. and if you fail so to answer for want thereof, the plaintiff will take judirment airunst vou for the sum of $50.80 and interest at tbe rate of 10 per cent, per annum and his costs and disbursements in this action .1 Tms summons Is cublisoed in tne Tmss-Mouif TaiNKRa for six consecutive weeks bv order of E. Schuts, Justice of the Peace in and for West Dalles rrecmct. Wasco county, uretron. K. BC'HUTZ justice 01 tne reace west Dalies rrecinct. wages county, uregon. Dated this 22nd day of July I8BZ. ; Sheriff's Sale. BV VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, issued out of tbe Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon for Wasco connty, cn tne 1st day or June, 1892, in tne suit wherein H. Wakefield is plaintiff and L. S. Hyre is defendant, to me directed, commanding me to satisfy said uemanos, ana in ooeaienos tnereto 1 levied upon and will sell the following described land, Bubject 10 redemption, to-wit: tne BWia, sec. 20, Tp. 1 north. Range U East W. H., in Wasco county, btate of uregon, on Saturday, the 6th day of August, 1892, At the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the court bouse door in Dalles City, in said county and state, at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, all tbe defendant s right, title and in. terest to tl.e above described lands, to satisfy tbe sum of $296.90. and (40 as attorney's fees: also tbe further sum of $36.10 costs, with interest on the said amounts since the 24 th dav of If ay, 1892, at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, together with costs and accruing costs herein. Dated this ytu day of July, lew. T. A. WAKD, jul9-td . Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. '-' Trying to Save Colonel KJng. - NaSHVILT-E, Tenn., July 25. The at torneys for Colonel H. Clay King, the Mem phis lawyer who is under sentence to be hanged August 12 for the murder of David H.: Poston, took the case into the United States court yesterday on a writ, of habeas corpus, it is alleged that during his trial a bailiff allowed the jury to take a steamboat excursion, and that they landed on tbe Ar kansas shore, and were thus out of the juris diction of the court. The point is an entirely new one. Judge Jackson will hear the case next Thursday. Governor Buchanan to-day received letters from senators Carlisle and Voorhees in favorr of commuting King's I sentence. Notice of Administrator's i . .. Sale. . . .' BY VIRTUE of an order duly made, rendered and entered, of record, on the 6th day of Jnly, 1892, by tbe Honorable, the County Court, of the State of Oregon, for tbe County of Wasco, authorizing and directing me to sell certain real estate hereinafter described and belonging to the estate of John O. Staats, deceased, I will, on Monday, the 29th day ot August 1892, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the after noon of said day, in front of the County Court house door, at Dalles City. Wasco County, Oregon, sell at Eubhc auction, to the highest bidder, for cub in and, all of the north half (K) of the northwest Quarter (VO and tbe north half of the northeast quarter (!) of Section n?bf (8) in township two-(3), south of range thirteen (13) east. W. M , in Wasoo County, Oregon, together witb all of tbe buildings and other improvements thereon. Said Ale will be made subject to confirmation bv said County Court, and upon confirmation of tbe sale a good ana sufficient deed will be given conveying a clear title to the purchaser. - . E. B. DUFUR, . Administrator of the estate of John O. Staats, de ceased... Jull6-aug27 : Visit to Mount Hood. A party consisting of J. S. Fish, N. J, Sinnott, Prof. Liscombe,-1), C. Ireland, of the Chronicle, left the city Saturday evening on a freight train lor the purpose cf paying a visit to Cloud Cap Inn, at tha foot of Mt. Hood. Arriving at Hood River they took the staite at half past 4 yesterday, morning, and made tneir destination in seven hours. After partaking of dinner, in company witb a guide,, they visited the glacier, and climbed on the mountain; but not to the summit. For about four hours they enjoyed themselves in this manner, and started to Hood River, arriving there at 10:15 at night, in time for the west-bound passenger. They were joined by a photographer from Port land at Hood Riyer, and several views were taken. At the foot of the last hill before reaching Cloud Cap Ion they met the Moody coaching party. While on tbe mountain they descried two men from Port land who had reached the summit f om Cooper's spur, whioh is not generally con sidered possible. There were several per sons stopping at the Inn, and tbe accommo dations for travelers they represent as being nrst-ciass. Carnegie Will Say Kotblag. London,' July 25. Andrew Carnegie is at Bannock Lodge, 35 miles from a telegraph office. It has been impossible to get any statement from him in regard to Homestead affairs, or the shooting of Frick. He refuses to answer telegrams or letters. There is much feeling against him here.- A large meeting of laborers adopted resolutions strongly condemning Carnegie's course in regard to the Homestead troubles. . They ex pressed the hope that workmen would con temptuously refuse any further philanthropic guts from turn, ' Administrator' Notice. NOTICE it hereby (riven that the undersigned . was 011 the 10th dav ot June, 1692. duly ap pointed by the County Court of the State of Uregon for Wasoo county, administrator of the estate of W. J. Mein, deceased, and that bo has duly qualified, as ucn ana enierea upon uie auues inereoi. au per sons indebted to said deceased are requested to mate settlement, and all persons ha vim? daims against said entate are hereby notified to present them, properly verified, at my residence in Dalles uiiy, lu said county, or at the office of w. H. Wil son, in said city, within six .months from the data nereoL, j, u. JdUlN,, June 24th, 1892. Administrator. Painty 011$, (Jla And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in AVALL PAPElt. Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but tbe beet brands of the Sherwin-Williams Paint used ia all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly attended tn. Shop adjoining Columbia Packing; Co., THIRD STREET, THE DALLES P101I EEB GROCERY Northwest Cor. Second and Washington Str. CHEISMAH IK! 5'? Successor to George Ruch. The Cheapest Place IK TUI DALLES FOR All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC . We respectfully solicit a shire of the public pat ronage, and shall endeavor to irive entire satisfac tion to our customers both old aad new. ' FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS, Northern Pac. ; r RAILROAD Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH It ia the Dining Car Route. It runB Through Tea UDuiea Trains iery Day in cue year to ST: PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARd.) Compu ed of Dining Can unsurpassed. oilman . . mra wing-room bieepers oi Latest 1 - Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, 3 Best 'that can be constructed, and In which accom modationf are both Free and Furnished for holders of First or fcecond ' class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY CtfACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting witb All Lines, Affording Direct and -Uninterrupted Service. .-. KEAD 'JCIIIs. BOOK BOOK 2. BOOK 3. BOOK 4. "Review of Our Country," ly Hou. James G. Blaine. "New Life of Columbus," by J. W. Buel. "Complete History of America,'' from the lauding of Columbus to the present time, by Prof. John Clark Rid path. "Pictorial History rf t'n j Co lumbian Exposition. " by Hon. lienj. liuttcrvrorth. The above four great works by four great authors, every line ui wnicu is only just written, nave beeu bound up into one massive volume of nearly 900 PAGES and 500 ILLUSTRATIONS, Under the Title of "Columbus , and Columbia." The greatest subscription book ev-pr published in this country ana ct wnicn A MILLION COPIES - - U'ill 'c sold during the next six months. Tu to vod, mclhi-rs hdI daughters, that I wish to talk ; Antl tn the chiuhfti Miat are just ' to walls ; And all who ui:ty n: ct! unytliing ia uiy lino I will u vp run prices that you'll bardly diciiiH-. Oae need Unnnrts an 1 Ribbons, wbils! otl.ers iil-mI lint; Some wi'.l need Dr sses m ! Huci ini, and tlO!l;j C!)3. PossibU Aurrrs, Colin; s mid Ties then- ire many v. m il'. Shonld you want Kiowera and Feither?, you'l! riud them all tiev. The Th'rd stre t SIil isery is the place to luv. The prices are low, but high. I he styli s are tliu iHtrst g:e us HcaU; And li jd that prices have takm a l.iM. tt ia a nrtv... - if --.i I It to set tbe beat value for your money. Economize in your footwear by purchasing V. JL. Douglaa r-Shoea, which represent tbe best Tnlne for prices asked, aa thousand! will testily. Ktr-TAJa-E SO BT7BSTITUTE..C1 AGENTS Wanted all over tins state. I letter terms thn ever. We iruarantoe to the riht partie 6."0 a week profit frm now mi to Christmas, ami a f rut class K'.'UXD-TKIP TICKET t the WOKLUS r AIK nnd one week s admisbion to th Exposition absolutely free. AJho other valu able premium. We have p cnty of capitnl at oir uommanu, ana ran ana mil ao exactly what ve say. semi at uvea tor secial circulars and further par ticulars to the DOMINION PUBLISHING CO., fcJeatt lc. - "Wasliinsftori . "We are Still In It" Si" WM. BUTLEK & CO, Lumber Dealers. , We have added to our business the following lines, ana win not be undersold. limePlaster, Hair, Cement, BUILDING PAPER. And will furnish anything in the line of Building Material. W- L. DOUGLAS tHl BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET. A iren nine sewed shoe, that will not rit. fine fealf, seamless, smooth Inside, flexible, more com fortable, stvlish and durable than an v other shoe ever kold at the Drtce. auals custom made ahcoostlnir from $4 to &). Cyi and 95 TTand-newed.flneealf shoes. Tha P most stylish, easy and durable shoes ever sold at tne price, iney equal poe imported anoes oosung from 8 tot. 2. C5Q 50 Police Shoe, worn by farmers and an. I POa others who want a good heavy calf, three soled, extension edge shoe, easy to walk in, and will seep uie ieei ury buu wana, Boys A liberal discount to the trade in anything we Handle. Jur stock is all lresb. - 1 i ' Front Street, Corner of Jefferson. Ik m Full Line Of i ORDER Cloth mQ Can Be Found r CO 00 Fine Calf, 2.25 and Work-P-Saa Intrmeu's Shoes will give more wear for the money than any other make. They are made for ser vice, una increasing saies snow tna worsungmeii have found this out. f .UO and Yon ths' 81.75 Schaol faili a an wnrn hv thA hsron ovnrv. Where. The most serviceable shoes sold at the prices. s-rl ioc' ?3.uu iianu-sewed. e'j.dUi LdUlCa -2.)Jk nnr ft 1.9. RhrwPa fni M iflscfl are made of the best Doneola or fine Calf, as desired. They are very stylish, comfortable and dura ble. The fSJjOshoeeqnals custom made shoes costing from $4.00 to $6.oa Ladies who wish to economize ia tneir footwear are nnainff tnis out. f 'ntirinn. W. Iourlai' nrma and tha tirfcn ta stamped on the bottom of ench shoe ; look for It when yon buy. Beware of dealers attempting to sub stitute other makes for them. Such substitutions are fraudulent and subject to prosecution by law for 00 taming money under false pretences. 3. FRElllAN, AGENT, THE DALLES CHAS. H.D0DD&C0. Front, First and Vine Sts., Portland, Or. WHOLE8ALE DEALERS IN HARD WARE, IRON, STEEL i 1 i .AND. -FARM MACHINERY; Sole Agents for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for the -i BUCKEYE REAPER AND . MOWER, k These Machines are too well known to need comment Thousands of Farmers have aaed them and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. . , ' MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever Constructed. BUCKEYE . STEEL . FRAME . TWINE- BINDERS, t- The features that distinguish this Twine-Binder is the Lightness of Draft, combined with It Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, the only really successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and tha Platform Binder both excellent both recommended by hundreds of patrons. Bohuttler Far'm Wagons, Deer Flows, Deere . Bulky Flows, Cook ft Oo.'s Car. riages, Fhsetons and Top Buggies, Four Spring Mountain Wagons, Buckboarda, Buperior Drills and Seeders, Corbin Diss Harrows, Hodges-Haloes' Headers, Haiah Barbed Wire. SEND FOB CIRCULARS. ' WILLIAM : MIOHELL, XJiileital:er and Eiriljilmei, H It- 4sPw Tailorii : No. 77 Second St. Suits made to cnler, and fit gaaianteed, is AU First Class Tbe brcest, rutert and Fteeat la the Worid. Fasdcourer accomodations unexcelled. IEW TOrIsLONDCNDERRV and BUSBOW. . Rverr Ratnrdav. NEW TOBK, GIBRALTEK and NAPLES, At refrai&r mwrvais. SALOON, 8EC0N0-CLASS AN0 STEERAGE rates on lowest terms to and from the principle SCOTCH, XK9LI3B, BUSH s ALL CONTINENTAL POINTS- 1 Exonrslon tlckflta available to return DT either the 15 io turesaae Clrde A North of Ireland or Naples A Gibraltar Drafts and kantr Ordtri fcr Abt Amout tt lovnt Batst, Apply to any of oar local Agents or to . HENDERSON BROTHERS, Chicago, 111. AGENTS WASTED Apply to T. A. HUDSON, uenerai agent, i ne uaiie. nr. , janz3-vz i . . . Had always on hand a new and complete line of Undertaking Goods. ' Partic ular attention given to embalming and taking care of the dead. PRICES AS LOW AS THE LOWEST. , PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDEK. , Southwest Corner of Third and Washington Streets, ' THE DALLES, OR NEPTDNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH ROOMS. HO . Front Street, The Dalles, frrson. The Dalles Restaurant . He -into louse, COR. THIRD AND STARK STS., MRS. A. JONES, Prop. X'OifiTJVIN'D, OREGON m tt m a o u. w o N tt i5 J"i yir 'Jf ' H w In o a o c 85 tHNIOJN STREET 85 j Adjoining Byrne. Floyd & Co.'i d uj store. Baa been recently decorated, snd mauaemen of is now under th 1. O. FJLTtRJiilLslJY . Tbe tables are supplied with the beat tbe market attords. MEALS AT ALL HOURS ' Nodc hat white help employed. This house beta? centrally located, offers induce ments to persons visuinfr rortiand to patronize it, r where they will always find pleasant rooms, siuirle or en suite, specially reservea lor transient occu pancy. may21 Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured, in ad- yance tnrouKn any agent of tne road. To and from all mints in Amei As. Eneland and Europe can be purchased at any ticket office of the company. - THROUGH TICKETS Full Information concerning rates, time of trains. routes and other details furnished on application to W. C. ALLOW AY, Arent D. P. a A. . C!o., Regulator officeThe Dalles.JOr. , . A. D. CHARLTON, As8t General Passenger Agt., . Ko, 121 First St., Cor. Wash., t PORTLAND. OitOON 9n: sale Administrator's Notice. Oregon stands fifty-fourth in the numeri cal order of states, according to-the number of prisoners in each charged with homicide, says tne Duuetin on nomiciae recently is sued by the Umted States census offioe. urepoo ana Arizona nave each tne same number. Tbe population ot this state is 313,767; of Arizona, 69.620. Oregon has 440 prisoners charged with ' the crime of homicide and tbey are distributed as fol lows: Native white native parents. 1S7: one parent foreigo, 10; parents foreign, 63; OLfl or notn psrents onanown, &s; foreign born, lw; nativity nn known, 7. Colored Negroe', IP; Chinese, 25; Indians, 5. Of the 440 prisoners. 433 are' males. ' The exe cutions in the several coantiee of" the -state during 1890 are as follows: Coos. 1: Grant. 2; Multnomah, 1; total 4. Of 62,329 nris- oneis in the United States June 1, 1890, the number charged with homicide was 7386 or 8.97 per cent. Of that number, 6958 were men. anff 3a3 were women. As to color. 4425 were white, 2739 negroes, 94 Chinese. 1 Japanese and 92 Indians. Tlie itx In the Senate. WASHINGTON, July 25. Vest introduced a joint resolution authorizing the president to offer Great Britain, Germany and France, as inducement to an international agreement for the free coinage of silver, a,' reduction of 25 per cent in the tariff on textiles, hardware, earthenware and glass; laid on the table.. -lhe anti-option bill was taken up, and tieorge addressed the senate. George said the New Orleans and New York cotton ex changes were composed of men who did not raise cotton,-consume or handle it, and characterized their dealings as gambling. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been duly appointed by the county ikmrt of tne btate of Oregon for Wasco county, in pro Date, administrator or tne estate of Harrison Coram, deceaseo. All persons having; claims against sain estate are nereoy required to resent them to me, with proper vouchers, at the w omi-e of Condon A Condon, in Dalles City .Wasco own fcy, ureKUU. muiui sia montxis irom tne OIU OI tnis notice. . Dated May 2Sth, 1882. - i. W. CONDON. Administrator of the estate of Harrison Coram! ueceasea. nav&jtu : - A Nuepeet Arrested. Pittsburg, July 25. A man, whose name the police refuse to give, was arrested tnis afternoon as an accomplice of Bergman, tne attempted assassin of f nek. ' - Dissolution Notice. : NOTICE is hereby Riven that the law partnership heretofore existing betweeu E. B. Oufur. Geo. Watkins and mnk Aienefee. under the firm nama snd style of Dufur, Watkms Menetee, is this day dissolved hy mutual consent, George Watkins retir ing from tne nnu. ah peraons knowing themselves indebted to said Arm will please call at once and tbe same to Frank Meuefee, and all persons having claims against aad firm will present tne same to him for payment. The business will be conducted as heretofore, under the firm name of Dufur & Meue fee. : E. B. DUPUK, UEUKUE WAT KIN 8, FRANK MENEPKE. " Dated this 25th day of June, 1892. jlyil-u Tor Oyer Fifty Years. An Old and Wkll-Tried Rkmedt-t- Mrs. Winslowt JSoothing Syrup has been used for over fifty' years by millions of mothers for their children while teething. with, perfect success. ' It soothes the child, softens thavgums, allays all pain, cores wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to" the taste. Sold by all druggists in every part of tne world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. . Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslows Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. Assignee's Notice. 'VTUllCE is nereby given that the undersigned i has been appointed, by deed dulv executed and delivered, assignee of the estate of tbe Eastern Oregon Co-operative Association of the Patrons of Husbandrv (limited), and has accepted said trust and is now qualified and acting as such assignee. All persons having claims arainst the said estate are re quested ta potent the same, duly verified .accord inr to lsw, to me at Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, within three months fiom tbe date hereof. Dated at Danes City, Oregon, June so, 1892 Jly2 7t , E. N. CHANDLER, As ignee. FOR 'SALE CHEAP. SINGLE-HORSE - CART, . or terms apply to A Chenoweth Creek, July 6, 1892. VERY STRONG. J, F. FLECK. ' jy23-lm OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL Chicago, St. Louis, Sample Rooms, 71 MAIN STREET. Always on hand the Best Wines, Liquors, ' i andCigars. FOR WJEEIFS lK 25o. 50o. $1.00 $1.25 OH HBONE IS A Pleasant Evening Resort PKATHERBONE la nude from OI7IT.I.S. nature's own toughest material, best whips made for the Drtce. Cheap, Durable. ALL STYLES, all prices, aak jour dealer for a - DD I TUPPPfiVP a uniuiiuuviiui At the old stand of R Lusher. CHAS. FRAZER, Prop STUBLING & WILLIAMS, PROPS., . sr l - mm mt m m m ska a. aa ss. - m m - bsk J. lkXKJ - T T lXXJOj UUI O UUX1JL JXQ KMX Js All brands of Imported Liquors, Ale' and Porter, -and genuine Key West Cigars. ' A full line of ( CALIFORNIA : WINES : AND : BRANDIES. COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER ON DRAUUHT. 83 Second Street,1 vTHE iDA.JL.T.-.ES, Oil. u Columbia Brewery snd Imported Lager Beet on draavbt. Mcdonald bros., V propr's rOB SAI Tl BY HENRY KUCK, Saa Fran mm Mm Hal The Dalles, Or. Sample :Rooms, 58 FRONT X 1 , J (Nearly opposite Umatilla House.) CHARLIE FRANK, PROP. SKIBBE HOTEI F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop.. The Only Brick Hotel IS THE CITY SECOND STREET. BETWEEN UNION AND COURT LEMKE, PROPRIETOR. -KEEPS ON DRAUGHT- COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER, -AND FOR SALE AID ALL FOISTS EAST, HORTHIand SOUTH, ' . I S 06 A, Leave The Dalles. , Arrive at The Dalles.. M. P. M. I 4 05 P M. ' I 11 66 P. M PUIXMAN SI.EPER : COLONI S - SLEEPERS, ' - RECIXNIBI G CHAIR CARS sad DINERS Steamers from Portland to San Francisco - Evbry Four Oats. Tickets to and from Europe. For rates and general information caE on E. K. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. " W. H. HUKLgURT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., 254 Washineton St., Portland, Or. CODNTI TREASDBER'S KOTICE All eoni.ty warrants registered prior to March 13, 1889, will be paid if presented at my otfise, corner Third and Washineton streets. Interest ceases on and after this date. Tbe Dalles, .Inly 16. 1892. WILLIAM MICHELL. Treasurer Wasco Connty, Oregon. TO THE TRADE AND CONTRACTORS. T DESIRE IT TO B8 UNDERSTOOD X have appointed wm stuuer m (Jo. THAT I EXCLUSIVE AGENTS (or the "Oreron" Lime at Toe Dalles and surrounding country, other parties have, through surreptitious and UDbusint-sslike methods, obtained a small quantity of this Lime, which may naturally cause the idea that Win. Butler Co. sn not ths exclusive ageats lor these goods. Such, however, is not the (act, and further Stodc ofthii Article can not be obtained from otkert than Wm. Butler oV Co. The Trarie, -however, will i ot lose sight of tbe (act that the great strife to obtain the "Oregon" Li-no by other dealers proves oonciuewelv that the "Oreoon" it the bent lame in the market. T. Y. OS BORN, Gen Agt. Or Marble & Lime Co. The Best Wines, ' - Liquors and Cigars. COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER ON DRAUGHT. of Next session begins on Monday, the 19th day oi September, 1892. . TUITION FREE. : Four Courses: Classical, Scientific, Liter ary, and a short English Course, in which Ihere is no Latin, Greek, French or German The English is pre-eminently ' a Business Course. For catalogues or other information address . J. W. JOHNSON, jly2 . - President. BEST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE In the North west. This builciuir has been refitted since the fire of September 2d. and the rooms an first-class in every particular. The table Is supplied with the oest tne marset anorus. . The oar in enntrection with .the hotel is supplied witn tne MgheBt grade 01 Wmes. Llouors an Im ported and Domestic Cigars. jan39-w J. E LASSEN, Dealer In all kindsfot Hay, Orain and Feed ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED" BEER. Best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Successors to Mrs. C E. Dunham, Corner of Union and Second Streets, The Dalles, Orrgon. " : DEALERS IN - , , DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, At his Did stand, Second street. Pine Toilet Sosps, Brashes, Combs, Perfumery, Etc. . Liquors for Medicinal Purpose's. Pure HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE Tne highest Cash Price paid for Sheep pelts. GOAL! COAL! L.P. OSTLTJND THE BE3T- Physicians' Prescriptions n. Specialty. . A1J36 DEALERS IN Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Silverware, Etc ;Etc. All Kinds of Repairing Neatly Donk ok Short Ifonvm. . The One Price Cash House, : rack anil Boil ier Wellington, Eock Springs, and Roslyn Coal. delivered to any part 01 $12, sacked and the city. J COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., rwill furnlsh.draftt utd estimates on til buildings. aweuinxs mau nozvm. Mr. Ostium! is ft Dractic&I mechanic, and the plans dratted by nun wiu prove inmic, cneap ana aura Die. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. -The Dalles. At Moody's Warehouse. C. i STEPHENS, DEALER IN Dry ki s, Heats'-Fmisfa P,IcISEMT, DEALEIl IN- AdJress: Lock Box 181. STOEE FOR SALE! AT Nelson Creek, Skamania County, Wash. ... ' t Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c Agent for the Batterick patterns; also for tbe Hall Bazaar Dress Forms. COLUMBIA PACKING COMPANY Corner Third and Washington Streets. Isheep for sale. Cured Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef and Tonraes, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. No 184 Second Street, next door east of The Dalles national Bank. Having lost opened iu business, and harinr a full assoruiifut of tho latest goods in my line, I desire a share of u public patronaa-e. ' apr C. F. STEPHENS A most flttinir plaos for trade business in Cord Wood, etc. For particulars applr to the postmaster person possomce, nasnington. junis-jjyx- Three thousand Fine Graded Bred Ewes and 3000 Yearlings. Kerr & Buckley, Grass Valley, Or. And .the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and . Veal Cutlets in the market. Orders Delivered to Any Part of the City. ' Fresh Vegetables on sale at the Lowest Prices.