Is Times-Mountaineer 8 ATUEDA Y . ; .j ULYW, -18921 STATISTICS OF CRIME. - The admirably compiled statistics of prisoners from tho year 1890, colr lected by the Wardens' association of the United States and Canada, says the Chicago 'jnUr-Ocean, reveal some conditions not only wholly unexpected by the general public, bat diametrically opposed to the belief of the general public. f The belief of the general public is that the pursuit of agriculture tends to innocence, but the. statistics of pri sons show that the percentage of crim inals is greater among the agricultural class than among people: employed in trade and transportation or in mining, manufacturing and mechanical pur suits. The percentage of persons en gaged in agriculture was, by the census of 1880, 400 of the whole popula tion; the", percentage of persons en gaged in. agriculture who were con victed of crime sufficiently heinous to merit imprisonment in 38 of the peni tentiaries of the' States and territories was 15.27." But," while the percent age, in relation to population, of per sons engaged in mining, manufactur ing and mechanical pursuits was 22 06, the percentage of such persons con victed of crime was but 6.55. Which is to say that, while the agricultural population is hardly double that en gaged , in mines, manufactures and mechanics the . criminal population from agricultural sources u nearly two and a half times as great, Tho ocrl- 1 ine agri 1 cultural population is not quite tour ...... - t j. times as great as that engaged in trade and transportation, bat the number of :agriculturalconvictsisnearlyfivetime8 as great These ire astonishing fig- nres. , : - But it is from that class of popula- Unknown in all census records as "personal and professionai,"the waiters barbers, body servants, lawyers.' doc- 1 9 . ' tors and preachers, that the largest percentage of criminals is recruited. These people form less than one-fourth of the population of the country and evolve nearly ;. three-fourths of the y crime. the exact percentages are 23.42 in relation to total population and 72.09 in relation to total number of prisoners for crime. ;. This class is, on the whole, well educated. ; Another surprise ""awaits ns in the discovery that the illiterate form a comparatively small part of the crim inal . population, being but about 10 per cent among white prisoners and only 19.56 among all prisoners. ; Of -9,859 committed to the 38 peni tentiaries where statistics were avail able by the Warden's association, but 1,932 were colored, which certainly is not a bad showing for the race; 1,851 were of foreign birth. ! During the year under notice the Busk peniten tiary of Texas, contained 381 white . . j , - and 14 colored prisoners, ' while the" Gatesville prison, in the same Slate, had 41 whites to 34 colored. Mumis- npi, : South Carolina, . Louisiana, kansas and Alabama furnished no statistics of their prison - population, nor do either of the Virginias. Of 9,652 male prisoners 6,691 were persons who never had been married, 2,533 were married at the time of their conviction, 311 were widowers, and 97 were divorced persons. This would seem to indicate that marriage is a conservator cf morals. ,": Of the 9,859 prisoners of both sexes, inmates of 38 prisons in the states and territories, only 227 were women, of whom 89 were colored. : These figures indicate that, despite of the facilities for divorce, the excitements of modern life, and the growing freedom of the sex from' traditional restraints," the standard of womanly virtue is as high as in the days when "She stayed at home and span her wool" was a wo man's best epitaph. - The work, done for the Columbia river during this session of congress is f principally the result of the efforts of the Oregon delegation; but very little credit is due the representatives of our neighboring state," Washington. ; GHAUT OOUUTT. Item Frwns the Goli aaiss 'sr the' : Canyon City Sews. Prank MoBean Sa now driving the stage, and made his first trip Tuesday. Izee ' Diphtheria ami. scarlet fever are raging over in ! Union county. Ours is indeed a healthy county. ' , The public will be glad to learn that from now on the Hew will take cattle, horses, sheep, goats, etc., on subscription. Spanish Gulch gold mines are yielding handsome returns, we artf informed. The new discovery is farther op the gulch than the old mines were. - Cracker Creek - and Greenhorn mining camps have about 'eclipsed the would-be "Seven Devils" camp in Idaho. -" Biker and " Grant counties will lead. ' The S. V. R. R. Company have quite a force of workmen engaged in establishing their telephone spstem between Baker City and McEweo. the terminus of tbeie road. The - poles have been scattered along the route and many of them placed in position. Major Magone placed his heels against the court house door at an early hour on 4 ot Jul 4th and immediately Vhit to, road for Chicago-, intending to walk I ' every tep ot the way over 2000 miles at ; the rate ot 20 to 30 mtles per day. He 1 reaehed "tHe-rarn sprint;', 26 miles, the f first day Majois past 70 years of age, vbut Wieartl aaoVwiry yet, and i-will reach y- OtHOSBrfmtii fljfifljf colors' low? before the p. anniversary 9I America's discovery October 1 1 12. A suoserrpMon was ctroulatea1 to raise I ttnUm tm his' leintimate expenses while., on . --r- . .r .v 1 , the road.! ; His presence at the worlfl fa will advertise the "wooly west." , -;; In North Fork fossil beds, besides re mains of thiw-toedorsesj fpund an ex : Tinnt aiMuiea of cat the aomnbodns which . once roamed over Oregon, - and''',rtofch' ' amused itself and fed itself by chewing op tbe mighty; reptiles of miHiOnirf Jeers ago : It was" as'big as "the biggest "panther, and bad two teeth in its upper jaw, resembliog daggers, each fiye inches in length. At weapons for penetrating flesh, they are on rivaled among carnivorous animals, recent or extinct. -They are rawer memo tiu of. some huge flesh eating dinosaurs, tne "terrible reptiles" of the mesozoie epoch, which had cutting teeth that nothing could resist. ' Dot) bt less this creature incon ceivably blood thirsty . Wednesday of last week the residence of Frank Lauranee on Fll creek was con tained by fire while the fajnily except his little danghter Msry was absent. She had built a fire in the cook stove in order to prepare aupper for the f iinily by the time they returned, and the fire caught from the stovepipe. The little girl was uoabte to aave anything from the house, and there be ing no neighbors within roach everything the family possessed was consumed. Mr. Lauranee wai a p.ior man before this mis fortune befel him, and the loss of his house and lood and clothing rendered him doubly poor in this world's goods. Mr. John Pow ell was in town Thursday soliciting aid for th nnfrrtnnate family, and our citizens re sponded nobly to toenail to alleviate ois- treat. " A: BUB AWAY OAR. A. Terrible AreUlens Hear the rawer ; Hans tn Portlaac. - - OregonUn, Monday, July 11. ' A terrible accident occurred on the ca ble road last night, which, from advices received at a late hour, is likely to result in the death of one or' more persons. A band concert was held on Portland Heights yesterday afternoon, and the en tire country about there was crowded with pleasure-seekers. They began to and return home late in the evening, and every car that came down the hill was loaded.. . Car No. 13, with ftrinman Erickson at the lever, left the top of the hill about 9 o'clock. It was an open car and every inch of room on it was taken, men even hanging on to the right guard rails. It came down the ctppo trestle all rieht and when nearing the power-nouse tne gnpman iei iww 01 . .. usual. but when he tried to ,take it again he was unaDie to aoso. The car had gained considerable mo- ca The hill at this place is quite steep, and jtfZ!Z7S hurt, but the car was so crowded that it was impossible for those inside to get off, and many hanging on the outside were frightened to act Reaching the cor- J traVeling at the rate of about 25 miles an hour. " TURNED OVER WITH A CRASH. Striking the curve the car turned over with a crash. Then a terrible scene of excitement ensued. The shrieks , and groans of the injured could be heard blocks, and the cries for help from those pinned underneath the car soon brought hundreds of people to their assistance. Nearly ioo men, women and children were struggling to free themselves, and to make matters worse a fire broke out, caused by one ol the lamps exploding, Hut this ihk sonn extinguished. Those who found themselves to be uninjured set to work immediately to. relieve those who were not so fortunate. A SECOND RUNAWAY CAR. But before any work could be done down rushed car No. 18 and dashed into the wreck. This car had also broken loose, and the confusion that ensued .was indescribable. Soon the uninjured were brought to their senses by the appeals from the imperiled ones, and the work of rescue was begun. Bleeding, sense less, crushed beyond recognition, with broken bones, women and men were drao-o-ed from beneath the wreck and taken to neignDonng nouses ana stores. ASSISTANCE SOON ARRIVED. r . 00 ... . i A teleohone message to the police station brought the patrol wagon, several carriages and a corns of physicians, who set about im mediately to relieve the sufferings of the wounded. Doctors Rand, Bevan, Strong, Wilson and others had all they could do for awhile, and as fast as one was attended to, he or she was placed in a carriage and sent home or to some hospital.. By this time a crowd of over iooo had congregated, ana maae it ex tremely difficult for the officers and physicians to work. But they managed to push tbeir wav. and in an hour and a half after the acci dent occured. all the injured had been cared for and sent- away. HOW A PASSENGER DESCRIBED IT. An Oregonian reporter was on the scene shortly after the disaster. He found nearly every one bewildered and they hardly knew how the accident did occur. One man, hat- less and dirty, with his Prince Albert coat badly torn, had recovered sufficiently from the shock to talk. He told suDstantiaiiy wnai riven above as to how the car broke away, and he was afterward corroborated by several others He said he was holding on outside, and as soon as he reached the curve jumped, fell and rolled over, just escaping the falling car. ' He said it was the most thrilling ride he had ever taken, and his sensations as thenar rushed down the hill could not be explained. He was paralyzed with fear, realizing the pos sibility of a terrible death, and it required a supreme effort on bis part to make the jump. Women were screaming .and men shouting, When the crash .came several ladies fainted and were thought for awhile to be dead, but they soon revivedand were found to be all right. ' ONG ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrnp of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts Ejntlj yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses "the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cores habit urJ constipation.. Syrnp of Ifigs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasmg to tne taste ana ac cer table to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effecto, its many excellent qualitiep commend it to all." It is for sale m oOc and $1 bottles by alf leading druggista Manuiactured only by the . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. j SAN FiANOISCO. CAU IPUfSVIUI. xr. HEW rOBK. H.t NOTICE. OARTIES HOI.nrNO. CLalHS AGAINST fHE nnrinmiimad are notified to Dresent them at ones to him at the Columbia Candy Factory, and all those indebted to aim arerequestea 10 seme at me bub plaoR, as be hat sold out his businrss and wishes to close his accounts. W, S. CRAM. The Dalles. April 6. 1802 dw-'m WANTED. nro irnnttiRR Bhirs Stallion and Imi I ShctLuid Pony Stallina for driving- and work horses. For particulars address ; aorses. ror pa. OREOON LAND CO, - . , iun26-4t . -, v,rialfim. .Oregon. WANTED. msxoV'asat oh mrm-oved farm property worth four time, tbe amount, ' Apply through the postofflce, Box Tne Danes, or. . . - junxa 4 fDeniiyj 'Eic & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants ) 010 AUmtic JLte Boston, y IM Oash advaacaa made on consignment. Iiegavl Notice. Sheriff's Sale. By V1BTUE OF AN EX ECU HON, issued out of the t ircuit Court of the State of 0:egon for Ww county ,.oa Uw 1st day of June, 1S92; in the suit wherein H. WakeBeld is plaintiff a-id L. S. Hvre U defendant, 'to" me din-cted, commandinjt me to satisfy slid demands, and in obedience thereto I levied upon and will sell the following dcro ibed land, subject 1o redemption, tn-wit: the SWJi, Sec 20, Ti. 1 nortaw Kimge 14 East W. M-, in Wasco county, State f Orezon, f Saturnoy, the 6th day of August, 1892. At the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the court bouseMoor isf Dalits City, m sard county and sure, at publiev auction -ta tlie highest bidder, for cash in band, all the defendant!) riht, title and in terest to ti-e above describ-d lands, to eatiffy the sum of $296 90, and HO as attorney' fees; also the further sum of 3J.10 cneM. with interest on the said amounts since the 24th da of May, 1892, at the rate of 10 per cet)t. er annum, together with costs and accruing casts herein. - l)ttd this Oth day of July, 1502. ..Dr. Te Am it Artir, jul9-td Sheriff .f Wasco County, Or. Administrator's Notice. NOTKE IS.HERKBY GIVEN THAT THE underside 1 has Ixcn duy a; pointed by ihe County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, in pr bate, administrator of the estate of Harrison Coram, deceased. All person having claims against said estate are hereby required to present lhem to me. with proper voucheis. at the law cffii-e of Condon & Condon, in Dalle City.Wasco county, Oregon, within six months from the aate of this notice. Dated May 23 b, 1802. j w. C0XD0V, Administrator of the estate tf Harrison Coium, deceased. ni.v2std Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby given t-at the law partne-sip . heretofore existing betweeu E B. Uufur, Geo. Watkins and Fnnk Mencfee. nnder the firm name and style of Dufur. Watk.ns Menelee, i- this d iv d stolved l-y mutual consent, G -orge Watkins retir ing from the firm.- All persona know ng themselvis indebted to saio Arm will please cill at on:s nd py the same to Prank Menefee, and all par sous havinsr claims against sa t firm will present the same to him for payment. The business will be conducted as hi ret of ore, under the firm name of Dufur & Mei-e-fee. E. B. DUPUK, OEOKGB W.VIKINS, FRANK MEKKFr.E. Dated this 25th day of June, 1892. i-yi 4t "Dissolution Notice. T 10 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the firm of Byrne, Floy a Co. is this day dissolved liy mutual consent, e.,,,.! Bn rclinno- from the firm. The busi ness will be continu. d at the olu stand by William Floyd and Stacev Shown, ah oins oue uie i k. n',M tn William Flovd and Btacey Shown, and all indebtedness owing by said firm will be settled by them. "i'l "J.VXJ' S. A. BYRNE. The Dalles, Or.. Apri ,1892. apr27 Administrator's Notice. --rvrtr?R ! harebv riven that tne unaersignea j was on the 10th day of June, 1892, duly ap pointed by the County Court ot the State of Oregon lor wasco county, aaminiawwM- w v. .. . J. Mein, deceased, ana toai no naa nmj h""1" such and enured upon the duties thereof. All tier sous indebted to said d ceased are requested to ttiimnt and all neraons havinar claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them, properly veritted. at my residence in DHes Ciiy, in said county, or at the office of W. H. Wil son, in said city, within six months from the dat e hereof. J. CM Eld, June 24th, 1892. Administrator. Assigrieo's Notice. NOTICE is nercby riven that tne unaersijrneu has been appointed, by deed duly executed and delivered, assignee of the estate of the Eastern Oregon Cooperative Association of the Patrons of Husbandry (limited), and has accepted said trust and i now qualified and acting as such assignee. All persons bavins; claims arainst the said estate are re quested to present the same, duly verified according to law, to me at jmiiea iaty, vwu., wtwij within three months ftom the date hereof. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, June au, ink. jly2 7t E. N. CHANDLER, As ignee. Iituut Notices, NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. . . Lass Optics ai Vascouvsr, Wash., Hay 19. 1892. Snuy timhv riven that the following named claimant has filed notice of bis intention to make final in annmrtof his claim, ana was eara prom will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit Court, district of wasningtou at Ooldendaie, Waah., July 18, 1892, via: " JOHN KTJRE, Hnmeataad entry No. 6830. for the EM of NEX, end K4 of BEW. Sec 32, Tp 3 N, B 13 E W 11. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vie: Robert A. SUutbers, Hariar M. Bplawn, William O A. Uarckman and William Garner, all ot Hart- land P. O., Washington. mavSS JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Berfster, NOTICE FOR VUBL1CAT10N. Laud Optica at Vawooovml, Wash., May 12, 1892. . pi r Ttfv and all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby riven that the following-named aettler has filed notice of his intention to make final nrouf in suDDOrt of his claim, and that said pr will ha made before W. R. Dunbar. Commissioner iTnihut ut.t Oirenit Court for district of Washing ton, at Ooldendaie, Washington, on July 23d, 1892, vis: - GRANT BMITHSON (Indian), . Homestead entry No. 6815, forthoWJo NWJ, and WKof 8Wl.8ec4.Tp8Ji.B13E WM. He names the following witnesses to prove Ms continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said l.fwl vis Joseph Klilockum, William Sped is. Martin Bredis, Henry Nelson, all of Hartland fontofflee, nasn. mayU JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Lasd Ornci at Th Dallxs, Orssoh, June 1. 1892.. Notice Is hereby riven that the following-named tattWhu filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLat said proof will He maae oeiore toe ncyuur uu jww.. .... v. .. U. 8. land office. at The Dalles, Or., on Ju 20, 1892. vis: WILLIAM H. SHELLY, Hd. No. 3645, for the 8E J, See 21, Tp 2 N, R 15 E WM. - .. --.-.'I" He names the following: witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Tkmu J Miller. CelDo. Or.: Andrew Linton, J. Doherty, The Dalles, Or.; The mas Walsh, Celilo, Oregon. . jun4 . JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Lasd Optics' at Thb Daucs, Omtsoa, - June 2. 1892 Notice is hereby riven that tbe following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on July 20, 1892, vis: JOHN J- EHRISMAN, D. 8. No. 0964, for lots 2 and 8, See 28, Tp 1 N, B 12 east. He names the following- witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi saio land, vis: Andrew Kaller, George Kaller, Edward Wicks, Andrew Urquhart, all ot The Dalles, Oreon. Jun4 TOHN W. LEWIS, Register. TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF. Uxn-n Statbs Lasd Omcs, The Dalles, Or. June 3, 1892 K.iHm 1. heron triven that Charles C Cooper, of The Dalles. Oregon, has filed notice of intention to n.k. iln.1 nrnof before resister and receiver at their office in The Danes, ur, on rnmj, im zn ut July, 1802, on timber culture application No. S141 ... th niU wwdmi 8A. tD S n. r 15 east. He names as witnesses: rfonn Lraivmpie, nuimiu H Odell. James Fulton. Fred Wickman. all ot The Dalles, Oregon. JOHM WtLBWia, lune'l - Andrew Velarde, HOUSE' MOVER. i! The Dalles Address: Lock Box 181. MILLS i COLLEGE ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALA. rpHE OLDEST-CHARTERED COLLEGE FOR I Younir Women west of tne ttocKy monoauu. Delbrhtfully situated one hour from San Frmnciaco. Pnimratorv ttemlnarv and Coileire eounes with best of opportunities for Music and Art. Board si ordinary tuition 320 a year. MRS. C. T. MILLS, President. Mills Coileire. P.O. : 18junt STORE FOR SALE . at ''.T;':"i'-., Kelson Creek, Slamania County, WasH. A ma SiUnir nlaea for trade business In Cord Wood, etc. ' For particulars apply to the postmaster ' Nelson postofflce, naslungton. junto-jiyi FOUND. "A - TBAPPWO OUTFIT. - esnsistins; el Saddle, J Pack Saddle, IS craps, and eartridgea, on White xirer. The owner can have sane by preetesr prop erty ona paywa vst ot una awwww"", i: F. PRE Wo. The Dalles, Junes 1992, "We are Still In It." WM. BUTLER & CO, Lumber; Dealers. We have added to our business tbe following lines. and will not be undersold. lime, Plaster, flair, Cement, . BTJILDIKQ PAPER. And will furnish anything in the line of Building Material. A liberal discount to the trade in anything we handle. Our stock is all fresh. Front Street, Corner of Jefferson. Sample Rooms, 71 MAIN STREET. Always on lisund the Best Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. A P1.J vwit E veaiag R jsort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei on rlrauebt. Mcdonald bros., : propr's Tif Bflreie COB. THIRD AND STARK ST8., PORTLAND, OKEGON Has been recently decorated, and is now u nder th manatremen oi aCEttd. I. G. PABBELLT. This house beintr centrally located, offers induce ments to isoes visitins- Portland to patronize it. where they will always Una pleasant rooma. or en anite. suecial v reserved lor transient occu pancy. may21 W.T.WISEMAN Successor to J. H. McDonouxb AC.) DEALER IN hoice Wines, Liquors AND CIGARS. None bat the brat brands of Liquors and Uigara on sale. Temperance drinks ot all kinds. Uorner ot uourt ana oecona streets. THE DALLES, OREGON. L. P. OSTLUND I will fumishdrafts and estimates ton all buildings. -.a. iuitnui nnuinl mechanic, and the plane drafted by him will prove, ariistic, cheap and dura. Die. i ' LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Payette ft Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER. Corner Second ana Maaison ssts. All work work in iron or wood done in the neatest manner. Aoyming in tne wnuu m., uw. . a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made . or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery repaired in the most sklll- ul and workmanlike manner. - mchadw TO THE TRADE AND CONTRACTORS. I DESIRE IT TO BE UNDERSTOOD THAT 1 have appointed Win. Butler ft Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS for the "Oregon" Lime at The Dalles and surrounding country. Other parties have, through surreptitious and unbusinesslike methods, obtained a small quantity ot this Lime, which may naturally causa tbe idea that Wm. Butler -ft Co. are not the exclusive aareots tor these goods. Such, however. is not the fact, and farther Stock rftto ArtteU can not os eouttnsa jront outen uum am. wer vv. TneTrse, however, will ot lose sight of the fact that the great strife to obtain the "Oreron" Line br other dealers nroves conclu-ively that tAe "Oregon' is the beat Lime in the market. 1. r. uoDurvn, -' den Agt. Or Marble ft Lime Co. R. E. Saltmarshe . AT THB East M STOCK TflBDS, WlXIa PAT THE HighestCashPrice for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. J. O. MACK. WHOLESALE . Liqour Dealer FRENCH .BLOCK. Seom Street. - v The. Sstllaa $10 KEWAED. -r- fST A DA? MARE, three Years old. branded Ji something similar to a Z on left shoulder; weiirht llli Donnds. The above reward will be oaid to any one giving me information that will lead . 1 I !') uiti rtt .1. f to ner recovery. 4m vwb, decS - Condon, Or. a nowak. ; CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Putns and sifrit'catiios tor building fur nished. Will do all ainds of excavating and (frading. ' AU orders should be left atposto8nr box novi: G.T. THOMPSON. A.W.FARUBEB. THOMPSON & FARCHER. General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second Si. Hor-Rho mc and ----- svSpsMS emerrml JobUsa; '- Prices Wsasonable and to suit the times WATEfi NOTICE. OH AND AFTER APRIL 1st, parties patting is- or usiur water eloseU with a eontinuoui atream of water wilrbe charged S per month; pst t sbut-oss at ins w r. House Contractor and Builder The Dalles Restaurant TM6lS MRS. A. JONES, Prop. A vsjt A ON SALE tfS TJISION HTBEET Adjuinii.x rvrne. FU jd i Co.'s d nj store. Tbe tables are supplied with- tbe best the market auor is. MEALS : ATi TALLRHOURS None bnt white help employed. sorthwust C.r. Second and Wsshinuton Sts. I'? Su. eeasors to George Ruch. 'rii CJliearest fJace III THB DALLBS FOR All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, CRAIV, WILLOW WARE, ETC. nr.. m r,,T.r oil wit . ah&ru of the rubiic pat roiura. and i.a:l eudnavor to mve entire satisiae- tion to our customers both old and new. paul kreft & co, DEALERS IN Paints, OiMte And the Host Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in W A. H L PAPER Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but i . hn. nt th Sherwin-Williams Piunt used is all our work, snd none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly attended to. Shop adjoining uucmnia racauuc w. THIRD STREET, THE DALLES. MAIEE & BENTON, Successors to A, Bettingen KETAILEB3 AND JOBBERS IN him, Tinware, Woodenwre, AND GRANITEWARE A complete line of Heating and Cook Stves. Pumps. j'ipe lumoers ana ounuriMwa suiipuw, . also a complete stock ot Carpenters', Blacksmiths and Farm ers' Tools, AND SHELF HAKDWARE. Tinnlnjr, Plumbinjr snd pipe work will be done , ou short notice. SECOND ST.. THE DALLES, OR r. i a I imp r a i rioTHirrr; Establishment, No. 77 Second St. Saits made to order, and fit guaranteed. FASHIONABLE MIUINERY! AT Mrs. De Lyles Empormm, .114 SECOND STREET. H FULL HSSORTMENT of svstiTuma raj HAT! 8WEIS AND, IRISIMIN6S MRS. A.. SCHOOLING, Manager THE DALLES FIRST HxrtEisrx'. FACTORY NO. 105. Alftinn of the Best Brands mauufsqti UlUArid ored. and ordeas from all poits of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAB has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home manufactuaed. article; U increasing eyery day. dec24ov-tf A.' ULRICA & SON. , JAS. FERGUSON, in Goods hauled with the jrreatest sareto ail parts of the city on short notice. THE DHLLES iesi eei -THE LEADING PAPER iOf ffatco County. Subscription, $2 Per Year. Siier'Sewio -AT- 81 Ttod Street. PIOIIER WEBI Cigar Factory - 1 mountain r v - OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago. St. Louis. A5D ALL FOISTS EASTfNORTH and SOUTH. I 8 06 A. M. j 1 25 P. M. I 4 05 P. V. 1 U 55 P. M. Leave The Dalles..... Arrive at The Dalles., PULLMAN S1VEEPERS. COLONIST SLEIPERS, RECLINI G CHAIR CARS and DINERS Steamers ftom Portland to San Francisco EVSET FOUB DATS. Tickets to and from Europe. r?T. rat.. anA renrral information call on E. E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. W. H. HURLBURT, Asst. Gen. Pass Agt., 254 Waihinuton at., f ortlaud. Or. FROM TERMINAL OR IN1ERI IR;P0INT3 fjorthem Pac. RAILROAD Is the line to take . TO ALL POLNTS EAST AND SOlTil It !s the Dining Car Route. It rune Through Yes U on lea Trains .ery in; m me year w ST. PAUL and CHICAGO; (SO CHANGE OP CARd.) Compvi ed ot Dinlnir Cars unsurpassed. oilman I'rawiUK'-r'Niin Dieepere w mkh Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Best "tliat- can be corstracted. snd in which seeom ' , . 1 . L. 1 C J.I t . fur holders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting, with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured In ad- yance Uirouffnany agent cm uie ivu. THROUGH TICKETS JZJttZZ England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket Omce OI toe wuiyuy. , Tiiil Information concernhur rates, time ot trains. routes and other details furnished on application to W. C. ALLOW AT, Airent D. P. A. Co., Regulator offlaeThe DellesOr. A. D. CHARLTON, Asst General Psssenger Airt, No, 121 First St., Cor. W'h.. PORTLAND. OREGON KSTABliISHEI Q KOSHLAUD : BROS, PORTLAND, Wool Merchants. Sell on Commission, and Cash Advances made. Consignments : oil cited 1 Wool Bag. FUtet and Sewing Twine pre tided byw. apra-4nao J. H. LARSEN, Dealer in all klndaof Hay, Grain and Feed, At his old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE: Toe Highest Cash Price paid for fiheev pelts. SKIBBEHOTEI F. W. L. SKIBBE, pBfip;1 The Only Bnck Hote ' IN THE CITY . BERT DOLLAR A DAY HOUSE In the Hortn west. Tbis baildiofr has been refitted since the fire of September 2d, and the rooma an first-class in every particular. The table Is supplied with the nest tne maraet auoraa. The oar in connection wi th the hotel is supplied with the hhrhest erode of Wines, Liquors and Im ported and Domestic Cigars. JanSB-w ueny pBSfCl (.A ..AM MDnMOlU Bs lawwess. Vastsa sMTIwtJsW wests. jranr YORK. eiBRAirKK and HaFLIS, At resnlar Intervals. tinna acanunlACs Aid tTCERilE T vUlZ. .JZZ. t is -from tba oiindDle OffTCH, XS1USH, W33 s ALL OOHTIimiTAL KOTf. Aw Asu .A A. AM. Lw IMKH or sa BBNOKBSOH JBKOTHKR8, Chieac. H AGENTS WANTED Apply to' T. General Agent. The Dalles, Or. HUDSON, Jan23-V UB Mlaee4 ku OppsjrtsmMyl TKtTtrr lia, YoamJCeaser. Tue maioritv nogUct their ep- portSBltiM, and from that eaose Ut. in PJIM obscnrinl Hurewlns dMpalr is the lot of aar. "i2 TSZSZ? How ah.U M th.60UaoVportaiiiT IaTMliaU .rarj thaace that .ppr. wortfiTTaad .(Mr srombe: thrt to w'Uj: eiVfolmsndo. HailsaopporwmW,achM toaotetMer witbia thareachot Uteris; poople. ImproTtwil iiTa, at U.t, a irraod start Is Ufa. The " "'VmUrtT mu7 is hn M mmry to be made rapidlr "lh""J by anr Iniinurloiia panoa of either sx. All aa. Yoa eaa do the work and lire at home. wtermerTyn are. Eras i be ginners are ea-ily earnlnf from WW1" t" "J-J."? eaa de as well If tos will work, not too hard, bat imhistrt. buslr: andros eaa Increase yonr Income as roa so n. eaariTeoawtiiimimlrvoraUyonrUMiettttiie work.Cav to lrarn. Capital not raqiuraa. " . . 1 1 jS - - ll W aMOjM1U. . SSI 11 Aiiiaeon r.""'"'." J"El:rw .or work. Li i.ri aataheea. .Write and UmraeU SVee 5. mnrn malL tawiae to delay. Addreas at onee, as, UaUett db Csw.Ax II irp-sg-aaasm. Next session begins on Monday, the 19th day of September, 1892. TUITION FREE. Four Courses: Classical, Scientific, Liter ary,' and a short English Course, in which there is 00 JjUia, Greek. French ot German. The English is pre-eminently a Business Coarse. For catalogues or other information address , J. VV. jUMfiaun, jiya President aV. awasBBB ssTJb. A issaaawasw all tes .! tor B rices i nil tr.iliy, . SWXAAVE SU HIJ HSTll UiAii W. L. DOUGLAS smswal wCsT-D Lit CENTLE E IN THE WORLD FOB 1 eW aasvaias iK.n Lament . fHE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOB THE MON&f. A aennlne stowed shoe, that will u talf. seamless, smooth Inside, flexible, i tortable. stvllsh and durable than any otne KAOf vtu no rip, uuo mora oon lold at the price. quiUacutoin made Howcotung rsnm tatA J. a S ST TT J ins nmnu edt flnecalf shoes. The i 94 most stTllsh. easy and durable shoes ever sold at the price. Tnejf equal fine I mportert shoes oostlna t9 AO Vellea Bhee, worn by rarrners.and art 90s others who want a good heavy alf, three. soiea, extension cage aaue, ea7 wwai u,ww wm keep tbe feet dry and warm. tSO SO Fine Calf, 9-2.35 and 91.00 Work. 9 sCa inrmrn'fl Shoes will give more wear (or tba Mniir th .n an v other make. TThev are made for see. vice. The increasing sales show that workingmen, have found this out. . . , . nAU ax.uu ana inisr i.7i ecnwi tlOVB KhaM ars worn br tbe dots every. wnersw The most serviceable shoes sold at the prices. LaaleB .nil sti.vs shoea for M isses are made of the best Dongola or fine Calf, as desired. They are very sty Uah, comfortable and dura, bla. Theasshosequaiscustommadesboeseostiuj from Sl.00 to s&OO. Ladles who wish toecoDomlse Im tk.lfnn...i .m flnrilnff thl. Alit. Caation. W.L.rMuglas'nam and the price Is Stamped on the bottom of each shoe; look (or It wnen yon Day. wwire w uwct.i.cuiii,.uik stltateotber makes for them, finch substitutions are I fraudulent and subject to prosecution uj law xor oo Mninv mrtn.v nnrier fAlM oretences. ......... . a , I.T BaU Wtf ST. AM IfUtUUAqi tWM, llaW tfmm FREIMAN, AGENT. THE DALLE-. If flavor, purity, mild- ne53 and aroma nave no weiohf wim .you elecfinO imohinO to baccos, why not smoke cabbaOe leaves or brown caper 1 It vou appreciate ' l-L ' !! ' ' L quality you win asK or MA5T1FF air; UlWCe TOBACCO CO.. RlCiiMOMO.VA.', A TEKKIBLE EALL. Tis to yon, mothers and daughters, that I wish to talk; And to the children that are just learning to walk; And all who may need anything in tov Hoe I will cive vou prices that you'll hard ly fieoiioe. One need Bonnets and Ribbons, whilst others Deed Bats; Some will need Dresses and Rocbing, and possibly Caps. Possiblr AprODf, Collars and Ties there are many wuo do. Should von want Flowers and Feather you'l! find them all new. The Third-street Millinery is the olace to bnv. The prices are low, but quality high Tbe styles are tbe latest give ca : . And And that prices have taken a fall. COAI! COAL! -THE BEST- Wellington, Kock Springs, find Eoslyn CoaL. $12, sacked and tbe nty. delivered to any part 01 At Moody's Warehoase. C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN Dry Hoods, ErenU' Furmsliiiigs, EATS, CAPS; BOOTS, SHOES. No 134 Second Street, next door east ol The Dalles National Bank. Having just opened in business, and having a full assortment Of tne latest goods m my una, t atwrv share ot tbe public patronage. anr C. P. STEPHENS p. whxig. Merchant Tailor, . Has removed from bis old stand tu No. 64, Hecontl Mtreet, A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED ' - . In every instance. Readj-made BnlU oo ale eh-a?. tailoriuK line warranted firit-cias. All work in tba A Sonveuir Thimble Free. iT LADY sendhw at once tbe nimee and ad- J drese of ten married ladv f'ienda or house keepers to whom we can send sample copies of tbe most charming illustrated ladies' newspaper pub lished to-dav, will receive an eieeant solid silver son eenir thimble. The -Ladies Pictorial Week!)" is the handsomest and most enteruii -publication of its daw and is becoming- universal v popular with intelligent ladies in both Canada n 1 the United 8tatea. It coo tains sixteen larKe pses. same size as "Harper's Bazaar" most profusely illustrated, and comes each week at only i a year. 1 f you de sire a souvenir thimble send names ot those Ton think would be interested in the "Ladies' Weekly" .mi .nrlmui fifteen C. 8. 2 -cent .tamps to corer ez- oenses of mailine. etc Forward bxiay. Address "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly,' Canada Life Building OOatj. L'VL BTiOW FKATHEBBONB is made from QTJILL8. natara own toogbest maierlal, best whips made for tbe price, Cheap. Durable, Al.t STVLKS. all 'ItV - FEATHEMOHE. HENRY KUCK, - The Dalles, Or. SHEEP FOB SALE. Three thousand Fine Graded Bred Ewes and 3000 Yearlings. Kerr & Buckley, . Grass Valley, Or. FOR BENT. rnHl UPPER PAKT OFA TWO-8TORY BUILD J ins, cotuBstiuf of j six noma. For IparticUlars apply at this ofltos. aprll-qn w m . . FOR. WHIPS ajgSytV 25o. BOo. 1 l&fe $100 $1.23 $1.50. : GHAS.H.DODD Front, First and Vine Sts., Portland, Or. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN HARD- i i i WARE, r A n lul J VI C AND i-S Sole AgenU for Oregon, WwhlDgtoB vnd Northern Idaho for tvhe BUCKEYE-REAPER AND MOWER, These Machines are too well known to need them and apeak of them with praise. They are tne oniy .Harvesting jnaciuuws that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. MILLER'S NEW MODEL PHCENIX STRAW The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever Constructed. . ' BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME TWINE - BINDERS, i- The features that distinguish this Twine-Binder is the Lightness of Draft, combined with, its Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The uinaer is oi me Appieuy p, u.. v,, really successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and tba Platform Binder both excellent both recommended by hundreds of patrons. WILLIAM : tjiitlertaker and Einbalmer, .....ill 1 Has al way- on hand a. new and complete . i i ular atteation givea w emoanuiug auu inrting mo ui mc upw. PRICES AS LOW PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. Southwest Corner of Third and Wsshiugton Streets, . THE DALLES, OK NEPTDNE SHAVING PARLORS AND BATH HO rront Street, K W ca o (JL W o N a I 5 rv,.- At the old stand of R Lusher. CHAS. FRAZER, Prop KMKllfflli! nipnitrnTrl O- 1ITII T 1 1 If C Donuu vi-iiki iruiw w Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars All brands of Imported and genuine Key West CALIFORNIA : WINES : AND : BRANDIES. COLUMBIA BREWERY . 86 Second street, Successors to Mrs. C. E. Dunham, - Corner of Union and Second Streets, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. DEALERS IN .t t . . ' ' ' DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Sopi, Brohes, Combs, Perfumery, Etc. T Ui;..;a.I PnrrvuM. XjllJUUrsl IUI Phvtsicians? Prescriptions - AlflO DEALERS IN ' ' ' . Watches, Clocks and Jewelry, Silverware, Etc . Etc. All Kinds of Repairiso Nkatly Dohb ok Shokt Notice. NOLAN S rUbTUrriljE. biun EVERYTHING SCflOOl-? BOOKS iflJID FRENCH CANDIES AND IMPORTED AND DOM STIC CICARS, -CAN BE M. T. NOLAN'S POSTOITICE STORE. COLUMBIA PACKING GOMEMY Corner Third and Washlnflrton Streets. find Hams Karon hftri Mm . flllffllFS. J 1UVUU And tbe best Bsefiteaka, Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets in tbe market. a. Jl Ti.1i.Anr1 4-a Anrr Pairf ftf tllA fKtlT. VaUOAO AOUVoavu w - - . ; r - , FreBh Vegetables on sale at the Lowest Prices, The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND J . P. Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c Agent tot the Butterick Patterns; also for tba Hall Baar Vreas Fonna. - 00 IRON, STEEt M I J 1 L Ia V comment. Thousands of Farmers bare used VIBRATING THRESHER, BURNER ENGINE, ' Bchuttler Farm Wagons, Deere Plows . Deere Bulky Flows, Cook Co.'s Car. riages, Fhsstona and Top Buggies, Tour. Spring Uountain Wagons, Buokboards, Superior Drills and Seeders, Cor bin Diss Harrows, Hodges-Haines Headers, Haisb. Barbed Wire. . -. . SENS FOU CIECTJLAESi MICHELL, 'J-.". line of Cndertakmg Goods. Panic- i . a. : - -.C si... AS THE LOWEST. The Italics, Oregon. H in o W z o c t j i ii.i.iHiii . wi a. - Liquor?, Ale and Porter, ' Cigars. A full line of : BEER ON DRAUGHT.. - - - r - r7. --w -sr -r 1-7CS Ot?. xxmm j'-j Pare iUOUltitwai asjw-w- Specialty. n. IN THE LINE OP FIJIE: S1TITI FOUND AT- AND COURT ST&, B-?r-'-. ----- ti M on -ek a s T A 1 m aaV -'vv-... Q 7 icimii,