en y r The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY. .JULY 9. 1892 ; EDITORIAL NOTES. - The elections in Great Britain areso far in favor of the liberals, and it is probable that the qrand old roan, Glad stone, may yet lead the government. -";If this is a fact, home-rule for Ireland will be an established fact, and the Irish people will receive what they have so long" desired from a British parliament. The campaign of Harrison and Reid is becoming more popular every day, and the indications are that they will .receive the largest majorities ever given, to a Republican president and Vice president. They are popular as . citizens, and the national policy of the - Republican party ia in harmony with the best interests of the country. Gen. Weaver Las been nominated by the People's party in session at . Omah, and another candidate in in the field requesting the suffrages of citizens in November. Of course he will not be elected; but he may take sufficient from the Democratic or Re publican candidate to throw the elec tion in the house. This maj have been originated by Democratic poli ticians, for that party is well known to adopt, any tactics that will give . them any hopes of success. - Tammany, apparently, is in line -with the nominations made at Chica go, although before the convention it bitterlv ODDOsed Cleveland being the candidate for president-.- But this old ring of machine politicians understand the secret of the Borgia poison, and the Democratic ticket does not carry New York in November, it will never he positively known how or by whom the deadly drug of defeat was admin istered. " ' , . The free-coinage bill has passed the . Republican senate,' and is now in the house to be endorsed or defeated by Democrats, - a large number of whom were elected because they favored such a monetary policy. But this is a presi dential year, and the Democratic can didate is a pronounced monometalist. Will the members of the lower house dare to vote for the 'silver bill, with the heavy weights of Wall street and Grover Cleveland ' hanging on them? Democracy is nothing if . it is not in consistent, and it will be a matter of no surprise if. plutocratic Cleveland and those of Wall street have what action they desire. Such was Dem ocracy in 1860 and such it is in 1892, and such it will be in all coming tima TELEGEAPHIO HEWS, Ntabbed tat a Mai own. - North Yakima, Jul; 8. Robert Ryan a butcher,, was dangerously stabbed to . nigbt by a man named Sherman. Tbe trouble occurred in a saloon, and. the by . stanaors Knew ot no serioas dithcalty ud til Sherman drew a knife and cut Ryan in tbe right breast over tbe nipple. After tbe fracaa Sherman fled, aod the police now are not alter mm. The doctors say Ryan will probably die, as he is sioking Terj just. - Aid for Irelaad. , Mew York, July 1. The executive officers of tbe National Federation of America aod tbe Parliamentary Fund Association met to-n'ebt at the Ilnffmao house and issued an appeal for $150,000, to meet the expenses of the approaching elections in Ireland I or members of par liament Whatever money is received will be sent to Justin McCarthy or John Dillion, for tbe benefit of tbe McCarthy- lie iacuou. . v - ; . Six Yearns reaple ! Drowned. Berlin, July 1. A sad accident is re ported from Warendorf, a town of Rus sian Weatphalia, 10 miles east of Munis ter. A paity of eight young people were boating on the River Ems. The boat sprang a leak and took water so rapidly mat it was impotsihle to reach tbe shore. Six were drowned by the DDsetting of tbe boat, five of tbem being girls. . Jooth the method and remlta wlier. Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste; and acts fenny yet promptly on, the Kidneys, iiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem 'effectually, dispels colda, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. s Srnp of 'Figs is the vmy remeuy oi lis Kuia ever prey ucea, pieasing to the taste, and ac ceptable to the stomach' prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effecto, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. ItisforsaleinoOc and 91 bottles by alf leading druggistii. juanuiacturea orjy oy the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAIf FAANQI3C0. CAL. HEW fOPK. H.f THE DHLLES I -THE LEADING PAPER Of Wasco County. - Subscription; $2 Per Year " W ATElt NOTICE ! OH AND AFTER- APRIU 4 st,' parties putting; in or usirf water losets with a continuous stream of water clll be cjiargei $& per mocth; yd. t ahutoffs at the old rate. Legal Notice. Dissolution Notice. TO WHOM" IT SfAY COSCEftS: " ' - Notion f hereby civen tint tbe firm of Brue Floy . & Co. ia this dav dissolved by muluil consent, Samuel A. Bvrne retlruur from the firm. The btui: new will bo continued at Om lu stand by Wiilum Floyd and Stacev bhown. All HT1H due the lata firm must be p.id to William Flojd and atacey Shown, and all iodehledneui oiir by saH firm will be nettled by tbam. WILLI VM FLOYD, STACEY SHOWN, S A. BYRNE. TheJDsllcs, Or.. Apri , IH)2. apr27 Administrator's Notice. XTOTICB is hereby niven that tbe undersigned was on tbe 10th day of June, 1892, duly ap- pointed Wv tbe County Court of the state of Oregon fur Wasco county, a (minis' rator of tbe estate of W. J. Main, deoe&setl, and that bo has rtnly qualified as auch aitd entered. u, oo the dutus thereof. All (er- one indebted to s.iid d ceased are requested to ne scttltroent. and ail persona navn.g claims against (aid cstato are hereby notified to present thorn, properly vended, at my residence in 'Dilles City, in wid county, or at the ottioe cf w". II. Wil son, in eaid city, within fix month from the dato hereof. J. C. MEIN, June 21th, 1892. - Administrator. Administrator's Notice. "VTOTICE 18 BEBJBY GIVEN THAT THE undertime-! has bt en duly appointed by ihe County G.nrt of tbe State of Oregon for Wasco ccuntv. in or bate, administrator ci the ert-ite of Harrison Co rum, deceased. All persons having: claim against said estate are hereby required to present tbem to me, with proper voiuheis, at the law cffii-e of Condon & Condon, in Dalles City.Wareu county, Or,gon, within fix mcnthi from the cute of tbia notice. Hated May SSrh, 1892. , J. W. CONDON, Administrator of the estate it Harrison Cotum, deceased. nay28td Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby (riven that the law partnership heretofore existing beiweeu E B. uufur. Geo. Watkins and Fr 'lik Menefee. under the firm name and style of Dufur, Watk.ns as Menetee, t- tnis ok d solved ly mutual consent, Ot-orga Wstkire retir ing: from the firm . All persons ko..w tig themselves indebted to sain firm will please call at once uid p iy the same to Frank Menefee, and all persons bavin? claims against ia d firm will present the same to him for payment. The business will be conducted as ntretoiore, unaer we urw imuub.. -fee. K. B. PLPUh, . UF.OKGK WATKINS, FRANK HKNKFfcE. Dated this 25th day of June, 1892. J"j2 Assigilee's Notice. - KOTTCE is nercby given that the undersigned baa been appointed, by deed duly executed and delivered, assignee of the estate of the Eastern Orraron Cmperative Association of the Patrons of Husbandry (limited), aod ha accepted said trust and i now qualified and acting as such assignee. All persons having eiaitns aunst the B lid estate are re quested to present ihe same, duly verified according to law. to me at Dalles City, Wasco cjunty, Oregon, within three months ftom the date hereof. . Dated at Dalles City, Oreson, June 30, 1802. j-.y2 7t . E. K. C1IA.SULER, As iff ate. V Dissolution Notice. mO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: , Notice is hereby given that the partnership here tofore existing between 1. N. Iiuerand 8. F. French, under the Arm name of French st Lauer, is this dsy dissolved by mutual consent. J. N. Lauer will con tinue the business, and pay all bills and collect all moneys doe too ntm. o. r. rutnun, J. n. LAtjtSK. The Dalles, Oregon, April 14, 18i)i. C0U8TY TBEASDRER'S H0T1CE , All conLty warrants retnatered prior to Jan. 17, 1889, wiil be paid if presented at mv office. Interest ceases from acd after tbia dote. Tbe Dalles, May 18. 1892 GEUKGE EUCH, - 4t Treasurer Wasco Onntv. Orpann. Li and No-Joes. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lasd Omci At Vaucodvsh, Wash., Marl9. 1892. Notice is hereby (riven that tbe foUowina named claimant has filed notice of his intention to make Anal proof in rapport of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before W. R. Dunbar, Commissi ner United States Circuit Court, district of Washinjrton, J at uoidenaaie, n aan., juij- is, ism. nz: 1- JOOjH KURE, Homestead entry No, 6830. for the Eht of NEK, sod ni ot HK'i, sec aa, xp a , n i c w . He names the follosring witnesses to prove his 1 eononnoiw residence anon ana cultivation oi said land, tu: Bobert A. Strnthers, Hariar M. 8plawn, William O A. Harckman and William darner, all of Bart- lano r. v., wasnington. may28 JOHN D. CEOGHEGAN, c(rister. NOTICE FOR PTJBtlCATION. Lure Omcs a VAScotrVKB, Wash., . - May 12, 1892. . To James C. Ely and all whom it may concern: settler has filed notice of hi intention to make final pro f in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. ft. Dunbar. Commissioner United States Tircuit Court for district of Washing- ton, at uoidenaaie, wasnington, on iW zsa, van. via; .. - GRANT EMiTHSON (Indian), Homestead entry No. 5845, for tbe WJ o NW, and He names the followins' witnesses to Drove Ms continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said ana. vis; Joseph Klilockum. William Snedis. Martin 8 pedis. iienry Kelson, au oi xiaruana rostomce, wasn. mayU . - JOHN D. GF.OGHEGAN, Begister. . NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION.. Lass Omci at Tm Dallss, Okioost, June 1. 1892. - Notice is hereby given that the followinir-named settler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof a support of Ms claim, and tLatsaid proof wui De mane oeiore tne Register ana ueceirer of tiie V. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on Ju 20. xovz, viz: , H1L1JAH a. SHELLY, Hd. No. 8645, for the BE, Bee 21, Tp 2 N, R 15 E He names 'the following witnesses to Drove hi. vuuuuuuu. resilience aion ana cultivation OI saiu ano, viz: Thomas J. Killer. Celi'o. Or.: Andrew Linton. J. Doherty, The Dalles. Or.: Tbe mas Walsh. Celilo. Jun4 . JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR FDBtilCATION. . Laxs Ona at Tin Dallss, Okksoh, - Jnne 2. 1893. Notice is berebv ffiven that the fnllnwintr-munpH settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that and proof will be made before the register and receiver at The uanes, ur., on July zu, vis: ' JOHN J. EHBISMAN, . D. S. No. 6064, foKlota 2 and 8, Bee 28, Tp 1 N, R 12 Ho names the followuir'witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said iana, vis: . Andrew Killer. Georm Kaller. RHwarH WioV. aiw.vw v i it ui iiu , w iw Allies, ireon. Jun4 lOBN W. LEWIS, Register. TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL; PROOF. UsmD tatss La so Omen. The Dalles, Or. Juno 3, 1892 Notice ia herebv irlven that fTharlM n rnmu. nf The Dalles. Orearon. has fliod notice or inlwnti.in' a make final proof before register and receiver at their ottioe in 1 he Da les, Or, on 'rids v, the 2ri dav ef juiv, was, on umncr eniture api llctition No. 8141, for the awl. .f aec!in 28. tD 2 n. r 15 ease He names as wi'nesses: John Dairvmple, William H Odell, James Fulton, Free'. Wickman. all of Tne uaiiefc.iire-ion. . W LKW13, lunc'.l UetrUter TO "Tl 1RADE AND CONTRACTORS. DES1HF. IT TO BE UNDERSTOOD THAT I A- ue apuoimea nm. snnerSUX tACLUSlVE GETs tat the "Oreeon" Lime at Tne Dall.Ti sumiunuma: country. Older parlies have, thruugh eurrepfttiuu and unbusinesslike methods, obtained a (-mill quan:iiv of this Lime, which rcav natuniiv ciise the i-iea that Wm. Butler Co are not the exeiusivt; cgeuis ior tnese goods. Such, however, is no: tbe f.ict, ana further Stock of this Article can not be obtained from other) than Win. Butler 4 Co. 'Ice Tn e. however, wiil ot losd sight of the fact til J tbe great ttiire to obtain the "Oroiron" I i no l.. uiuer oeaiers proves conciu -iveiv tbat the "Oregon it the bett Lime in the market. T. F. OSBORN, Gen. Agt. Or. Marble Lime Co. L. P. OSTLUND I will tvt JshSdimfte and etim&tefl on all bnildinga. Mr. Ostlond i1 a nrsetical mchr,. nr1 thUw-m u'Mbou uj utui wui iroyt.ftnmie, cneap and dura bid. ja.j 1.1 in , r" S3000 IWthMT fifclliT aVtCllIreilt txrvavo nfeU.CZ ms, who era pmo and write, and wbo. how lb rm Am ThssAA IWil - th wUmtioa rcsnptoymcnlat w hteh pm era Mrn that unoanx. Wo monT far mtm unk acce fnl bor. Esiftllyud qaick.v laMd I detic bat on worker from ecb diMrlet ortoaaw. I ten alrosvir tsnirtil ind mxivided with nnr)Lfjrmnf torn rambar, who ara aakiftf ow IMM a rear each. It'aNW wraiSB, Mklnaa at oama vwt, AmcmImi. Main FnrDaaiifwnrk. twmorably, by thine ol I If J wm m aiilifsr fx,TOflni-rc I I I fl I : -1 w loealtdf,wtaiT VlM ft oa can d (be work.. infr o(a,uM m Uri .Whr'rtrrar tbajr Hre. A-y Wflk. Ess In Wi -A'ti fttmlMb tnttrmMag. 5V Mn K nk. Yon can deV ur mimr montcniA, or( vour tiaM to iht work. TbW is rtitjfrm4s bWoga VowMrfaJ wmm tprety wewker BraiatMn art caniina; frosa IU to IM pt?careek mmd afranis and sMra after a liltia xperiM)Ax Wa eaa AiroMi yoc Lb em- oymetit aod teach too r KtC HerTncaloextriatB hare. ul "We areStill In It" WM. BUTLEB & CO, Lumber Dealers. We have added to our business the following; lines, and will not be undersold; lime, Plaster, flair,. Cement, BUILDISG PAPER, And will furnish anything in" the line "of Building. Material.. A liberal discount to the trade in anything we naudle. Our stock rs all frcsb. Front Street, Corner of Jefferson. n M I) ft . J n 1 1 i- - " : , i - r .. . . .. n:Oni Merchant Tailor, No. 77 Second St. Suits Made to Order, AND FIT3 OUABANTEED. 3IAIEE & BENTON, f3accesors to A. Bettingcn RETAILERS AX1 JOBBERS IX AND GRANITE WAKE A complete tine of Heating and Cook Stoves, Pumps. Pipe Plumbers and Steam Fitters' Supplies; also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmiths' and Farm to Tools, AND SHELF HARDWARE. - Tlnninfr, Plombine; and pipe work will be done on short notice. SECOND ST.. THE DALLES, OR MIONABLJB MIULNERY! AT Urs. De LyleV Emporiun. 114 SECOND STREET. K FULL HSSORTKENT or BTBavrniRo raj HATS, BONNETS AND TRIMMINGS MRS. A. SCHOOLING, Manager. -THIS- CHAS. STUBLIKG, Prop. PORiTHB.PRESEXT AT SO Second. Street. and Ciprs All brands 4 Imported Liooors, Ale and Porter, an .jfenuine n.ey Ttestvigars. A lull line OI CALIFORNIA W.NES & BRANDIES . Milwaukee Beer on Draught. . - THE DALLES . Cigar Factory; ' FIRST KXICElirr.! FACTORY NO. 105, pipipQ of the Beat Brands mar.nrcfr UlUnisU ared. and ordras from all paitx ot the country tilled on tbe shortestootice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, sad tbe de mand for tbe home rnanufaotaaed'article i increasing eyery day. " dec24riy-tf ' ' "A. ULRICH k SON. of Next session begins on Monday, the loth day of September, 1892. , . . ' ' ' , TUITION FREE. Four Courses: Classical, Scientific, Liter. ary, and a short English Course, m wh'ch there is no Latin, Greek, French or German 1 he English is Jre-eminentto a Business Course.' For catalogues or other information address . W. JOHNSON. jb2 . . ' President, Every thiog ia the line of SCnOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY AND FINE FBENCH CANDIE9, AW Bl POtTHS AT t NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE, 8ECOITD 8TB SET best FOUND. GEEMMIA upors A TRAPPING OUTFIT. coosJatins; of Saddle, Pack Saddle, 18 traps, acd cartndtrs, an White rivar. The owner eaa have amA hv tirnvinir nmA. rty ond paving the cost of this sdvertisement. . - F. DKEWS. The Dallas, June s ISM, npi mm, Northwest Cor. I mii ! md Minta ftt. tliiliSIB Successors to Geoige Ruh. 'JTlie C3h.eirest Place IK TnE DULLES VOR All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, C II A IT, Vt'ILLOW WARE. ETC. repjtful'y inhclt a shire of t'ie !ublrc pit- ronaiCH, aod Mm I end-avnr t.piva entire &-vt:8iac- tioQ to our customers ouzo da auu new . PAUL KKEFT & CO., DEALERS 1- Paints, (HIS. And the Mot Complete and Latest Patlcnw aod Designs in WALL P APEK Practical Painters and Paper ilansers. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams Paint used ia a 1 our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly attended t". Shop adjoining Columbia Packing Co.. THIRO STP.EET, THE DALLES MR 3. A. JONBS, Prop. 85 XJJSXOJS STBEErr 85 Adjoining Brrne, Floyd & Co.' d n store. The tables are supplied wiib market affords. the best the MEALS AT ALL HOURS None but white help employed. EBL0IQB19 PjlGKlKfi CO., Corner Third and Washington SU, Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues And the bsst "Beufsteaks. Mutton Chopaj and Test i.'uuets in tne iiwicer. ORDERS DEUYZREO TO ANY PAFJ CF CITY "Fresh Vegetables on Sale at the Lowest Prices. jcod&w LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Payette & Friend.) TIIE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER. Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in iron or wood dono in the neatest - manner. Anything in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus; made - or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery repaired in the most skill- m ana woriamuiiiite manner. - mcnzldw SamplG ROOIIIS, 71 MAIN STREET. Always on luuid the Best Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. A. Pleasant Eyeninx Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beet . on dranrht. Mcdonald bros., : propr's W. T. WISEMAN Successor to J. H. UcDououch AC.) DEALER IN CiioiGB Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. " None but the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all Kinds, Corner of Uourt and Second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. COR, THIRD AND STARK STS., POKTI.ANI), OREGON Has been recently decorated, and is new under th manAemen ot This house being ontral'v located, offers induce- ment o in rsorj visitinir I'ortlsnd to pairculte it, where thov will lwv find pleasant rooms, sirs-le or en su-.ie, specuu.y rcserv.u for transient occu Pncy. . niav21. JAS. "FERGUSON, ; n Expressman ! Goods banled with the srreatest -care to all parts of th uity on short notion.-. " . Andrew Velarde, ' Tho Dalles; Aililrese Luck Box ltil. G. NOWAK. GOHTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and m n i cai ins for bnfldiui; fur- niched. Will do a'l smds of excavatiiiK and uraciiuK. Ail orucre should be lett at pcstolhc box nov-M MILLS COLLEGE, ALAMEDA COUNTY, CALA. Glass The alles Res taurani He were louse, eneral rrHR OLDEST CHARTBRED WLLEGK FOR X Young Women west of the Rocky mountains. Ueliiratftiiljr ntnatea one noar rrom Kan Francis'o. Prenaratorv heminary and Collesre courses with of opportnnitie for Music and Art. Board and ordinary tuition fS20 a year. ana v. i. xiuia, rresiaent. MUls College. P. O. , 18juo6t at WANTED. lO - EXCBAttOR Shire Stallion and Imported u Shetland Tony 8lalUos for driving and work hones. For particulars address tub uiusuun uaju vu., junlMt Salem. Oregon. " Ask my flireots for W. li. Douglas Shoe. If not ior diilo iu jor. place aak your dealer to send fur catalogue, secure the ftgencv, and st'! them for voa, WHY IS THE L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENfefM EN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MOhEV? It Is a seamless shoe, with no acicB or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stvhsb and easy, aod because tee make more shoes of tUU grade than any other manufacturer. It equals hand ffrnae man any o iSffiS hiiDorted shoes w name Haiid-sewed, tne nnestcp.ir ever offered for ft5.(IU: eauals French tuiDorted shoes which cost from lifelt) i2.mL fi UO Iland-Sewrd Welt Shoe, fine calf, stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as cus torn -made shoes costing from &.(K) to $9.00. GQ 30 Police lioe. Farmers, Railroad Men vvi and LetterCarrix-idal! wear them; fine calf. setr-s, smooth inside, heavy three soles, ex leu slon edge. One pair will wear ayear. CO 50 liue cnlfi no better shoe ever offered at this price; one trial will convince tbos who want a shoe for comfort and service. O and $2.00 Vorkinsmans sheet arc very strong and durable. Those whe have given them a trim will wear no other make. 3.AVC '00 and 8I-7r5 school shoes arp vl f 9 worn by tho boys everywhere; theysel. on their merits, as tbe increasing sales show. 1 SkH Sag $3.00 llnnd-Hewed shoe, besi nl vi ICS DonKola, very stylish; equals Frencl hn ported shoes cos tin r from 4.(iU to SG.U. Ladies' .50, '2.00 and 81. 75 "hoe for Hisses are the best fine Dongola. Stvlish and durable Cnntion. See thpt V. L. Douglas' name ug.- price are stamped on the ottom of each r.hoe. W. h. DOUGLAS. Brockton, Mass. ). FREIMAN. AGENT, TBE DALLES CJC fflU his Opportunity! DOPT Mlu laL Tmir.i:fndrr. T'.e m.iloritv neirloct their op portunities, and from that canse live in poverty and die la OD-iCnriiTI iiKiTOWing ueanair is iuo vi umuj, loik bick on lost, forever lost, opportunity. I-li'e Is pass in Vl'nnfh Ant. Rnninii doinir. lm Drove vour ODDorta- nity, art Becnreprosnoriiy, prommeuce.peaca. It was said by a philosopher, that "the Goddess of Fortune offers a jslden opporlnnity to each person at snme period of life; omumce tbe chance, and she ponrs on t her riches; fit to do 50 and she departs, nerr to return." llow shall you find tliecoLOE-fopportnnityf Invest ipite evory chance that npponra worthy, and of fair promi.-ro; thut Is what all sno C2 sf'til men do. II ere ia an opportunity, such as is not often witliintheroiichot laborinepeople. Iinpmvcd, it will give, nt loitst, a prand start in life. The goli:;s opportunity for mnny is here. Money to be made r.-tpiI!y and honorably Lynnylndnstrioos person of either sex. All apes. Voa can do the work and live at home, whwrover t" nm Even be (rinuera are en ily earning from to lO per dity. Toa can do m well if voa will work, not too lutrd, bat indastri i onsly;andyoncanincrenseyonrincme(iayoapoon. Yott crd fdvespare time only, or all ynnr time to the wora. E-asy tolcuni. Capital not reqnirod. WesUrtrou. AlHicom. parauveiy now nnu rsHUT wonuenui. n . nnrici an. sliov yoo bow, Ti-ce. Fftflnre nnknown anions onrvork- ar, No room tn explain Hero. writ, and loam all rm, ntmrn m:iil. iln to JeiaT. AQarona ntonca. 11. uaueu a tyk. asox esvi jrvruaao aiwinffa OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago, St. Louis, ASD ALL rOIMS EASTrKORTH'andSOUTH, ( S 05 A. M 25 P. U. Leave The Dalles. .. . I 4 05 P. M. Arrive at The Dalles. ' J 11 65 P. M PUIiIaMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SEE'FrrS. RXCIJKIK O CHAIR CARS : and SINERSI Steamers from Portland to San Francisco EVSRT FOFS DATS. Tickets to and from Europe. Fnr rates and eenrral information call on E. E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, Tbe Dalles, Oregon. W. H. HDRLBURT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., 254 Washimiton M., Portland, Or. FROM TERMINAL OR IN1ERI0R POINTS forthern Pac. RAILROAD Is the Hoe to take TO ALL. POINTS EAST AND SOCTfl It is the' Dining Car Route. It runs Throoch Vcs tinmen inuns terv Llav in the year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (SO CHANGE OP CAIU.) Compu eJ ol Dminir Cais ursurrrsied. ulhsao urawiUB-rrom Meeptrs oi Lalrat Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Best;;tl.at ran becorstructed,an(:Qin srhkh aesctc u!.4iAn. ... ltl. tV . : lur holders ot First i ccoud ciats Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Continuous line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and , Uninterrupted Service. PulJnian Sleeper reservation 8 can be secured in ad- yanco trrocvb any egeiit of the rood. THROUGH TIfKETS To mud from all TXMlita in AniAi KncrUnd and Eurote can be rnrc(jiui-d m.t nnv tii b-.t oflltt o tho company. T"nll information concerning ntrs. lime r trmiv. routes and ether drt :i!a lurnithed on plkation to W. C. ALLOWAY, Airrat . . 1 P. & A. On., Regulator olhce, The P!lo,'Or. A. D. CHARLTON, Ass'tOrneral Fcssemrer Ayt., No. 121 i in-t St. Cor. Wa h.. -: rtiRTHND. O EGON To YoDDg lioMeeps Free to all Brides! V OTICK is hereby given to a the rent ers of this XI lpr ami all thiir tri.ndsana acquiintanns liiroaichout the United SUlu ani Can.da tliailSSU THE HOUSEHOLD WiiJ be Sent One Year as : A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married conple hose address and ; t pca(t is sent to the puhlisher withiii one year from the date of their marriage. Persons sending for tliis present are requested tu end c py cf a ptper cinuunine a uiuu oi their marrioj.', or some cUier tnde-;ce thst shall au oant to a rtascuahio proof that they are entitled to th ii.tfji.uiuo un.vr me anove ontr, . Aaaress, 'THE JiOUSEHCLD," Bratileb.ro, Vt. NOTICE. lAKTibs holuuvu CLAIMS- AOAIN3T THE undersiroed are no ified to ienLthm to him at the Columbia Candy Factory, and all those maeotea u mm are requestea to settle at tho same place, as be ha. auid out hi, basinras ami wiahea to dose uia ncGUUflU. W. S. CRAM. The Dalles, April 6, 1S92 dw-Tm MW8 F ON SALE STORE FOIl SALE! - AT - Heljon Creel, Skamania Connty, Wash. '7 A most fitting place f ir trade business in CimA Wood, etc For particulars applr to the noatmaatar lie'son postoffice, Washington. junls-Jtyl WANTED. mO BORROW tlSOO on improved fans proper ty. X worth four timei the amount. Apply thrwuirh Hie postofflce, Box "I," The Dalles. Os. jiur .THE, DAILY AND WEEKLY LEADING PAPER CF WASCO 7ull Report of Local Happenings and General News. . REPUBLICAN But is not owned 'or controlled byany clique or ring. ; .. Always takes a on all public questions, - 1 ANE .PRESSES ITS OPINION REGARDLESS OP SUBSCRIPTION KATES: DAILY! S'bR YEAR PER MONTH, by carrier ER WEEK, ilNULE COPY ONR YEAR ... IT MONTHS.. ALL KINDS OF WILLIAM '. Tin ertakei and Embaliuor, alas alwayn on haud a sew And complete line of Undertakins GooiIh. Panic ular attention given" to embalming and taking care cf the dead. PRICES AS LOW r . PICTURES FRAMED TO ORDER. -Southwest Corner of Tbird and Washinrrtoii Srreye, . THE DALLES. Ol HO front Ntrff-r. m i-l IX w a o u. w cc o N a At the old stand of R Lusher. CHAS. FRAZER, Prop I. O. NIOKELSBN, Books and Musical Instruments. T0 s T ?D Stationery, Sorting and Optical Goods, Baty Carriages, Toyu. Daily receiy in tbn latest Books from publisher Everything aeat and low-priced in Jew. elry, Watctes. Fancy Goods. I keep the best Sewing Machine made 'Tbe Domestic." The best Organs the Estey, Packard and Bentley. The Kran iuh b Bach Piano, the Sceinway Piano. Hoods and Covers, Sheet Music Agent for Germaa Mail Steamers to or Hecond Street -THE- COUNTY Determined Stand CONSEQUENCES. .8 00 . 50 15 . . 05 .$3 00 . 1 00 JOB PRINTING WIG'. rn AS THE LOWEST. Tl:i liall.s. ttrrgr.v. H sss in o W z- D C' u TUT ' from Bremen or Hamburg. THE DATES, OREGON POLITICS r lobacco is mn'5 mo5t un wem luxury; the fogranf aroma of ATIFF PLU6 CUT people to pipeomohin, even ho5Q who never wed tobacco before. - (J6.PACC. roMtco CO. RKHMOnD, VA. C. P. STEPHENS, DEALER IN BATS, CAPS, LOOTS, SD0ES. No 134 Second Street, next door east of The Dalles National Bank. Having Just njned In business, and hsvin7 a ful assortment of th(; 1 :lo't poods In my line, 1 detiro a share of tte liuhKc p itruuage. apr C. F. STEPHENS P. WILX.IG, Merchant Tailor, Has removed from his old stand to o. Ol, Mocontl street, A PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED In ever' instance. RifJj-ma'1o Suita on a!e ch'ap. AH work .n the A Souvenir TLiaiHe Free. 4 NY LAIY sciitllnv nt once the Dimes and art- J- arcs of Un inarneu ld fJe'a or house keepers to whom wu ran vend unople cojiies of t e mot tharmi'-g uiuv-rate-J la- iee ntwjaper pno lished to-dav, will receive an elfantsulid lvvrou venir thimb e. The "Lniliee' Pictorial Wetk" it tho hndutni-At and most entcrtaii puMication of iUcikWHand is trecoramiruntver8al popular wiib Intelligent iudies in bo in Canada ai 1 the l:.tr titates. K coniains si tetn jaive pa its. utrae siti as "Harpt'ra Bazaar' mmt profunoiy illiutra ed and comes each week at only 2 a yuar. I f you di aire souvenir thimble veua names ol those V tiiink would be iutcrcstod in the "Ladies' Wct'kl)" and enclose fifteen U. H. 2-cent -tainw to cover e penses of mailing, Ui. Forward to-tay. Ad'lrte "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly," Canada Life Buildii g ootitJ, Cvi. nvjittw FOR WHIPS 25o. 50o. 75o. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 BONE 15 FEATHERRONE is made from QDILT.S. natures own tonirhrst material, oest whips made for tne price. Cheap, Durable, AI L. MTVLKS. all prtoeirsV FEATHERBOSE. HENRY KUCK, - The Dalles, Or. SKIBBE HOTEI F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. The Only Brick Hotel IN THE CITY BERT DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE In tho Nonh west This builciux has been refitted since tl fire of September 2d, and the rojms ara flrnt clu in every particular. The table Is su(.-plied with tL best tbe market affords. The oar in connection with the hotel is suppll witb the highest srade of Wines, Liquors anl I ported and Domestic Cirara. janSS w CHA8..H. D0DD$ CO. Front, First and Vine St8., Portland, Or, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN III fflqCl 1 1 ' HARD- IRON, i . i i .ssjjyiMfoc 1?'") i i t WARE, fek STEEL FAR Rl . A1 AC H I W E R Y. Sole Agents for Oreeon, Washington and Northern Idaho for the t BUCKEYE REAPER . AND vIVIOWER. k These Machines are too well known to need them and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines that will give entire satisfaction to the purchaser, MILLER'S NEW MODEL VIBRATING THRESHER, PHCENIX STRAW BURNER ENGINE, , The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever Constructed. , m BUCKEYE . STEEL . FRAME TWINE- BINDERS. n The features that distinguish this Twine-Binder Is the Lightness of Draft, combined with ltF Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is or tbe Appleby pattern, tne oniy really successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and tbe Platform Binder both excellent both recommended by hundreds of patrons. jKWSssSBiS pieieiy reninve market and so i It throuKbout I IT IS PERFECTLY I V thm hair r 'htif iiiMnnMn aa If WENTLKMEN find a priceless Doti rade Mark. Prleeof Queen's Arrtl-Halrtne tL per bottle, sent In Willi Bnavinc, by sealed from observation). Bend monev or stamps by 1 -S5iw 1 3 T contains. We invite yon to lal with ns and yon will find everyihlnir as iwowniMl Out this -ot and send to-day. Address OUCEN CHEMICAL CO., 174 Rnce Street, CINCINNATI, O. r",.:" rertster yoar letter at may Post Office to Insure lu sate dellvny. W r will pny a." Oil for ar J rata f failure or slls;litest Injury to any purchaser. Ewery bottle sxuaranteea. OTP! 1 1 - ladles who Inrrodnee and s.n .mens their Mends SO Bottles of Queen's "M-Veirlii SrtulSLwewUlprasentwitbaeiLKDBESa.lSyanUbestailk Rxtra Xjirsre Bottle and camples smMsssssasj of silk to select Cross sent with order. Oood Salasy or Comimlsslan to Asents. lSTCOKl'wATKls INMi THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY -.Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufaotureraof Bvilding' .3laterial and DRY. OAK and SLAB V V W V JL PROMPT DELIVERY TO AMY. PART OP THE CITY. A 4 Office Ss 7 Whtasrtea Ut. A TEI&IBLE FALL Tl . lo'trn, mnthr-rs tliut I tu la!k: and daujjhtern, that are just . Ani to t! c il'i'tlren Umnii to Wiiilt; Acd all who may ottil itoythiog ia you'll bard- my lioe I vv.li gie you prices thst ly ti vc line. Ose ncitdJ Bonntts and wliilst otberi need Hats; Some wi'l need Ureses hdi an 'I poffil) r Cn:. Ribbons, Rucblng, P.issilily Aiiinni', 0-ltara and tl.ere Mre tunny who !. Tics ' Jhonld yon wm!! Fl"tr ai d you'll fin( tlum all new. Tiio ftiird-elrott Millicery Feather is tho piuco to OUT. The prici-g ore low, bat quality Tlie styles are tue latist give high us ' St (nil; Aod Bod that uricea have taken a fall.. J. H. LARSEN, Dealer in all kinds Hay, Grain and Feed At his old stand, Seoopd stroet. HAY AND GRAIN FOR MED Toe Highest Cash Pries paid for 8heen pelts. KMT VBLIMIIEU 20 YK.tBH KOSHLAND : BROS,' POltTIjAND, Wool Merchants. Sell on Commiss'on, and Cash Advances made. Consignments. : Solicited 1 1 Wool Bag, Reece and Setting Twin ptv vid'dbu tu pp'2 4mo fetWipii::! allARISTRICIUr f ' If First CLAta ...silunsi. The ImxwU Fastest mn9 Ftaeat tm tfca Weri Paacsenaer accomooatlons unexcelled. IEW TOfia7lONOCNDRRV ANO 6US80W. Every Saturday, ' VKW YOKK, OIBRALTER ssdNAFLXS, At reffnlar Intervals. SAlOtlH, SEC0NO-CLAS8 AND STEERABE rates on lowest terms to and from the prlnctpls isoroa, urousB, suss t all ooimniOTii poan. Sienrstoo tiokets available to retarn by either the ple aireeqne Clyde 4 at Norta of Ireland or Naples uioraiiar JrilU tsA KcBr Msn to Any St I Apply to any or our inoai oon or so OENDEBSON BBOIHfiRD, CbJeaxo, HI AOBTS WANTED Ajpiy to T. General Agent, lb Dalles. Or. HUDSON, . Janfli-H COAL! COAL! THE BE8T- Wellington,s Eock Springs, and Roslyn Coal $12, sacked and the city. , delivered to any put ol At Moody's Warehouse, -k SHEEP TOR SALE. Three thousand Fine Graded Bred Ewes and 3000 Yearlings. Kerr & Buckley, Grass Valley, Or.. FOR RENT. rHE UPPER PART OFA TWO-STORY BUILD in?, consisting1 of, six rooms. For particulars jily at this othco. aprliHltf .AND. ,i comment. Thousands of Farmers have used. Schuttler Farm Wagons, Desre Flow Deere Bulky Flows, Cook Co.'s Car. riages, Fhsotons and Top Buggies, Four. Spring If ountain Wagons, Buokboards, Superior Drills and 8eeders, Oorbin Diss Harrows, Hodgea-Haine Headers, Haish Barbed vVir.. - . " seitp res CBCTlT.m;. NEW DISCOVERY by ACQ iCSIjT. In coroponndlns; a solution a part was accidently spilled on Ihe hand , and on waaning aiiprwaru wa uifH.-uvf.-rru mm me nair v. us ctitni.r' bv manic without thesiiffhlesl ruin r ininiA ft 1 1 n applied or ever afterward. It Isunllkc snvnthr rr jurntli in v r i A 'f J, for like purpose. Thctminds of Mill Sv.mlim Lten ai';:c;y-i 1 V k ? : 1an.votlierprt-psriii.in vtriN f& .. 1) IIS 1st e Lten ai'::c;y-i it V J- fl A It M " r.'.ti-.i in mer;: J . all's biir.! or ln.iron thiriiifc. i - Rtl'Hai !'. ;U Cixr. rf y r ftnivth an inn r iii'po- a:1 : t wbodonotspprerlali in vtnren's Ar.l reniennir us inirre i eafetv mslllnr bosrs rostnee pil bv os 'D-in !y letler with h ull address written plainly, foirr- V. dimension iimocr, ra at 01a ueverBsaeat Msurrsteu' f j .i r class t-i ; tk; - . '.V; it: vi i 'J x ' -A, i ' ,