The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY,. .JUNE 25. 1892 - N EDITORIAL NOTES. - : Hon. J. G.- Blaine has again Buf fered the loss of a Bon: Emmons Blaine. This is the second member of "bis family "who has been stricken down in the full powers of bis manhood, and the country sympathizes with the great statesman in his affliction. The indeDendeht ticket- in Portland yesterday was successful, because' th people had grievances of former years to settle. " It may be that th Democrats took advantage of this dis integration in Republican ranks to : reap the effects of the victory, and no one can blame them if they did. Fol ticians must learn, by disasters if ncc essarv. : that they cannot inaugurate any method of Caezarism without meet ing defeat, and it would be well for corrupt ring in this city to take warn ing in time and draw a lesson from the examDle of the downfall of Joe . Simon and Jim Lotan in Portland. If reciprocity is an advancement in . the line of free trade, as Democrats claim, why did not that party, during its long years of control of the lower house of congress, attempt to inaugu rate the policy? The fact is, protection is progressive in its tendency, and in favor of sustaining the high wages paid to our citizens, to this end foster ing American industries, and extend ing the commerce of the nation by every possible means. It has been the most successful policy pursued in the historv of the country, and no change can reasonably be expected while the nation increases in wealth and the wage-earner receives the high est Day of any on the face of the globe. . V ' The Democratic national convention is in session in Chicago, and it is ap parent that Cleveland will be 'the leader in November. Of . course De mocracy ' is enthusiastic, and already the plans are laid for a "boom" for this "favorite son" of what stato we cannot determine.- Four years ago Mr. Harrison, of . Indiana, defeated - him, and next November he will do the same. Mr. Cleveland is in favor of a solid circulating medium; but on the economic policy he is an advocate ' of tariff reform and free-trade. The American people,' who have realized great benefits from protection will not tolerate any change. During the four years he was executive of the nation nothing of a reformatory nature was inaugurated, and the only memorable act he ever did was pocketing the . River and Harbor bill, without signi fying his assent or dissent thereto. Harrison and Raid in 1892 will poll a larger vote than Harrison and Morton in' 1888. TELEGRAPHIC HEWS. BU Trouble Oyer. ,. ' Chicago, June 21. It is learned at an early hour this (Tuesday) morning, tbat Dr. Henry Scudder, whe is confined in the county jail awaiting trial on the charge of murdering his mother-in-law, Mrs. Ddnton, took a heavy dose of mor phine last night and died at 12:30 this forenoon. The officials at the jail are of - the opinion that tbo morphine was taken with suicidal intent. The doctor passed Monday, as usual, in reading and talk ing witb tbe attendants, and he was ap parently cheerful in manner. In the eve Dins be ordered a hearty sapper, ate it ; witb relish, and from then till bed time laapbed and chatted with two of the night keepers. About 9:30, a night keeper, while patrolling the ward heard a moan coming from tbe doctors cell His bed was immediately pulled into the corridor and medical aid sumoroned Doctor Bynchon worked for three hours, bnt bis efforts were futile, and at 12:30 this morning Scudder died without re gaining consciousness. The condemned murderer, wbo occupied the cell next to Scudder, said tbe latter bad been given morphine frequently in small quantities by bis attending physician. From re marks made by Scudder, this man thinks tbe doctor saved up the morphine paving suicide in view. -I A. Mississippi lievee Breaks. New Obleavs, June 20. Tbe Bayou levee at tbe town of Bayou Sara gave way at 8 o'clock yesterday morning, and by noon the whole town was under four to five feet of water. Not a single life was lost, and it required great efforts for many to reach the high ground at St. ' Francisvilio. J -Tbe loss to property amounts to many thousand dollars.- Tbe money and labor of tbe people and tbe Mississippi Valley Railroad Company have been expended for three weeks to avert the calamity. Tbe telephone office is submerged to a depth of four feet nine inches, covering the instruments. - - Drowned While Out Salllnf. Sah Fbakcisco", June 2o. Miss Nellie Scbapp and Frank Horn, both aged 13 years, were drowned in the bay yesterday. They were members of a sailing perty on . the schooner yacht - Jessie,'-The water - was very rougb, and when off Aicatraz island Horn lost his footing and fell overboard. In his endeavors to save ' himself from going over he caught Miss jkhapp by the arm and pulled her into tbe water witb bim.-. . Horn kept hold of tbe girl and bravely tried to swim' tt tba yacht, but before tbe yacht could reach . them they were drowned. A Stage Bobber Captured. Woodland, Jane Ruggles, .who, assisted , by , . his ' brother Charlee, . robbed tbe ' Redding stage and killed Messenger Back Montgomery near Red ding a few weeks ago, was captured here last night at 9:30 P. M. by Deputy Sheriff Wvckoff. Rnggles walked into ' tbe Opera restruant to get a meal Wyckoff spotted bim, and in attempting to make tbe arrest Kuggies arew a revoi - ver, but Wyckoff was too quick for him, and shot uim In tbe lace, badly . wound ing him. Great excitement prevails. . A dans of Bookers. Hamburg, la, Juno 20. Forest Hill cemetary, one mile south of this town, is alive with a swarming mass of people, excited almost beyond bounds by tbe discoveries tbat are hourly being made there. ' Yesterday a j examination of a newly-made grave disclosed the fact that it bad been robbed. The examination was quietly proceeded witb, until more than a dozen graves were opened.. In each instance it- was ' found that the body bad been stolen and only tbe empty coffin remained to show that a body bad been buried. The news ot the discovery spread like wildfire, and full j 1000 peo were waiting at tbe cemetary to note the j progress of the investigation. Within the past eighteen months nearly 100 bodies have been buried there. It is be lieved tbat every one cf these graves has been desecrtted by the ghouls. Tbe ex citement is intense. As tbe graves are opened u:id no bodies found, relatives and friends become more and more in -censed., -The evidence points to the ex istence of a well organized and bold body ot graveyard ghouls, wbo have been carrying on a wholesale business. There is no larije medical institution near here, hence the only demand must have come from tanDiug establishments. No mercy will ' he shown if any member of the gaog is caught. Aliened Poisoning-. , Tacoma, June 20. Mrs. Alice McKay, w.lio lut winter abducted ber daughter Mamie from Mr. and Mrs. eenan, of Seattle, who bed legally adopted her, de mands that the coroner exhume tbe body of Mrs. Budinich, another diugbter. aud the tii st woraau born in Taccma. She died last week of consumption, and Mm McKav says she was poisoned. Mr. Budiuicii denies his mother-in-law's charge. The physicians say no trace of poisoning exists.' DEMOCRACY. Tbe Boorbons Have Met la Casvcn. tion and are Preparing: to Xeml nnte a Candidate. CHICAGO, June 21. Tne papers all agree, and the impression seems to lie prevalent among the delegates, that Cleveland will be nominated without material opposition. It is thought, that Gray, of . Indiana, be selected for vice-president. The convention will prob ably conclude its labors to-morrow or Thurs day. .Owens, of Kentucky, will be tem porary chairman. Syracuse, or "anti-snap" delegates, it is said, will not now contest, feeling assured of Cleveland's nomination. It- is claimed, that they consent to this at the solicitation of Whitney. Don. Dickinson, ex-secretary Bayard and Mr. Vilas, will issue a formal reply that they consent in interest, harmony etc. . The convention was called to order at 12:48 P. M. Senator Brice began reading the call for the convention and the names of tbe temporary officers. - Owens, of Kentucky, acted as temporary chairman. - Owens was well received, and said that unity and harmony were the only things necessary to success. The rules of the government of the last national convention were adopted. The roll of states was ordered called for the selection of members of the various com mittees. - - There was tremendous cheering for Whit ney, and, when he came in, hundreds pressed forward to shake his hand. He is the hero of tbe hour. ; Burke Cochrane, is selected for New York, on the credential committee. - Cheering. J The call of - states are proceeding very slowly. At its conclusion the convention will probably adjourn till to-morrow. The resolution : extending - sympathy to James G. Blaine created great cheers all over the hall. The convention adjourned until II o'clock to-morrow. Resulted In Three Deaths. Erie, Pa.j June 20. Alto Stahlein, George Van Allan, Edward Sapper and two others, all molders of this town, while steal ing a ride on a freight train, were put off at Angola by the brakeman, Lorella Newton Stahlein andVan Allen were almost imme diately struck by another freight train and killed. The other molders accused Newton of being the cause of their comrades' death. The trainmen were then attacked by the molders, who used their revolvers. Newton was shot through the chest and will die, Fireman Maguire was also hit, but not seri ously wounded. The assailants were then driven off. Sapper reached Erie yesterday and was arrested last night. He stoutly maintains his ignorance of the aflair. He says he had been put off the train before reaching Angola, but the dying statement of Newton implicates Sapper. The bodies of Stahlein and Van Allen will be brought here to-night, and Newton s body has been taken toJJuttalo. Extreme Penalty Recommended. Klamath Falls, Or., June 20. John Liskusks, who has been in jail .for several weeks awaiting trial, charged with an assault to commit rape on his 14-year-old daughter, was to-day found guilty as charged. ' I he jury was out about 20 minutes, and recom mended that the judge inflict the extreme penalty of the law. The testimony given by the outraged daughter was intensely horrify 1 ing. The prisoner will be tried again to morrow tor an assault with a dangerous weapon on his wife, and also for beating her. Undoubtedly the verdict will be "guilty as charged' and thus he will receive an addi tional sentence. Liskuski and his family have resided in Swam Lake valley for several years. He was engaged in farming, and was recognized as a tough case and a terror to his neighborhood. At tbe Point or a un. SEATTLE, Wash., June 20. Suit was to day begun in the superior court by C. Wente, restaurant-keeper, to recover from Julius Conrad, a saloon-keeper, the sum of J1200, which amount the plaintiff claims the defend ant compelled him to give up at the point of a rifle. Last Thursday morning at 3 o'clock, alter an absence of two weeks, Conrad ar rived home and found .Wente in hi house with his (Conrad's) wife. He was enraged and, it is alleged, seizing a rifle, gave Wente the option of signing 'a check for 1200, which amount he had on- deposit in the First National bank,' or having a hole shot through him. Wente signed the check and was held prisoner usul the bank opened at 10 o'clock, when the check Wis cashed and he was re leased. - - - - Jnlius IjOkus Dead. OREGON ClTV, June 20. A gloom was cast over the community this afternoon by the announcement of the sudden death of Julius Logus, one of the foremost citizens of the city. Mr. Logus had been in his usual health, and his death came without warning. .About three o'clock, he rode in - from inspecting some work, gave his horse to a boy and sat down on the porch with his head in his hands. .Presently he took a book and went to a ham mock and laid down. Almost immediately some mn working near heard him PToanino- and, coming up, found him apparently dying JJr. can! was summoned, but . tound Mr. Logus dead. Apoplexy of the heart was the cause. He leaves three children. Have lioat Their .Reason. Boise, Idaho, June 20. It has been dis covered that more than half the prisoners in Ibaho's penitentiary are insane to-" greater or lesser extent The only noted patient is a man named Hatton. It is. not known' what has produced the dementia of the convicts, as they are well treated and well fed. . Beal Estate Transactions. . June 20 United States to Elizabeth Watkins; lot C block 1, Ft Dalles Military reservation; patent. , . , , June ' 20 United States to Elizabeth Watkins; lot D block 1, the same; patent. Jnne-20-r-United- -States to - Elizabeth Watkins; lot A block 1, the same; patent, June 20 United States to : Elizabeth ITT . I " 1 1 T" LI- 1 . -1. x aiains;. iui x uioqk 1, toe same; patent, Card of Thanls. ' The alnmni of Wasco Independent Acad emy desire to return their tbanks to those frit m)a who so generously aided them in the preparation of the . supper and entertain' ment given last Wednesday to tbe - grad uates of the academy and guests. By order of the president. A. Ions Euch, Secretary. Bnrkleu'M Araica M&tve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, love, aires, tetter, chapped- hands, - chilblain corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guar, anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes oT Kineraly. . v V Fourth of July. -On July 2d,' 3rd and 4th, good, to return until Jnly- 6tn, the Union Paoifio System ill sell excursion tickets for a: radius of 300 miles from all rail stations west of Hun tington at fare one way for the round trip. jelltd E. E. Lytlb, Agent, . CB00 COUHTY. Items From the Columns Ochoeo Review. of the J. C. Hassler returned from The Dalles the first of the woek. He said that he met over one hundred teams loaded with woof between here and The Dalle3. Several good showers of rain this week. If the cloudy, damp weather continues un til the 1st cf July, this county will be as rured of a fair grain yield. It seems to be a little winterish still in the Cascades. Report came in -thii week. that four teams were stuck in the snow on the mountain, and were uoablo to set through nntif assistance reached them. From parties who came across the moun tains this week via the McKenzie route, it is learned that there are about three feet of enow in the mountains and the traveling is very bad owing to the eoftness of the snow. A 25 mile race will be run on the Frine- villa race track on Julv 2J for a purse of 830 Five hoises are allowed to each man. CbaDge of horses not allowed oftener than once each mile. Three to enter two to start. Horses will be started at 2 P. M., sharp. Wednesday D. F. Stewart and W. H. Fuller went to the Ocboco mines to spend a few days. They eay there has been a shaft sunk about 30 feet, and have struck a vein of ore fonr feet wide and assays from ?15 to $5000 to the ton. Six men are employed at the mine now. A large number of cattle have been driven from the valley to this county already this season, and they are still coming. Hamp ton Bros, haye reached this side cf the mountain with a drove and Milhorn and Millican- were in the mountains with a large heid about the middle of the week. Last Wednesday Billy Barnes met with an accident that proved quite serious. He was . holdiog a wild horse for his brother, Morsey, to mount, wh,en the animal became unrnly, and struck Billy a" severe blow on the head, throwing him from bis horse to the ground. He lay unconscious for some time, and did not recover' until Morsey had taken bim to the house and laid him on the bed. He is quite sore from tbe acci dent, but thinks be baa sustained no serious injuries.-: r "-' - The City Election. Monday the election passed off very quietly, and there was no attempt at any disturbance daring the day. There were 660 votes cast, and the following was the result. CANDIDATES. 1ST WARD 2D WARD For Mayor, Robert Mays 219 v 397 Scattering. 14 19 For Recorder, : . " - - " . Frank Menefee.. ....... 139 29 Geo H Knaegs 94 119 For Marshal, ' Lan Maloney 122 ' 204 RVGibons Ill , " 208 For Treasurer, Louis Rorden - 233 . 407- Commissioner atlarge, ,' 3 O Mack .. 266 389 Water Commissioners, OC Hollister.... 218 W H Wilson.... ..... 244 JM Marden 169 For CouneUmen, CFLauer 1. 220 ThosJnles... 202 W E Rinehart.- 199 For marshal, Chris Bills .received 2 votes in the second ward, and one scattering in first ward.- E. Jacobsen received 1 vote for treasurer, second ward, and L. Hubbard 2 for com missioner at large. Prom Maine to Oregon. Albany Herald. - Within a few days a young woman named Mary Edwards will probably ride through Albany on horseback, 'clad in tbe attire of the masculine sex, who will have completed a journey from tbo pine forests of Maine to the firs of Oregon alone and unaided, a dis tance of over 5000 miles, with only her faithful horse as a companion. Many remarkable journeys have been made on horseback, even by women, yet this American girl is now on tbe last stage of a trip such as few men would care to undertake. This is nothing less than jonrney around three sides of the United States from Maine to Oregon via tbe Afe lantic, Gulf 'and coasts.. . Miss Edwards is making this long trip alone, and daring most of the time she has worn roan's attire for comfort and conveni ence, one reached ban X rancisco over three weeks" ago," and is' now on the' last stage of ber long journey. This daring yonng lady is a native of Portland, Maine, and her destination is Oregon's metropolis, Miss Edwards is undecided as to what she will do when she reaches Portland. She will take a month's rest and may then start ont on another jaunt, as she is enamored of this outdoor life. ' " ' " "' : Large Wool Seoeipts. ?J . The receipts of wool at . Moody's ware house are larger than at any time of the previous season, and the clip has come from Crook, Grant, Lake and Harney counties Eyery available nook in the large building is filled with sacks and there is not stand ing room on any ot the platforms. The immense amount of the clip of Eastern Ore gon wnicli this warehouse nas received is astonishing to those who are not acquainted witb the rich country la all natural produc tions to which The Dalles is tributary. It is no object to make a daily item of the usnal receipts, besanse for the past month. not a day has passed that a force of a dozen or more employes have not been engaged handling sacks from the country and piling them to the rafters and on every available foot of room, and also in shipping to tbe east. Tbe prices have -an upward tendency to-day, and tbe quotations are 13J to 15J cents a pound. At tbe eiid of the season we shall pubjish the amount received, and we are fully satisfied this will surpass any former year by a million pounds. Eugene . Guard: Messrs. Martin and Lequan, employes of the insane asylum at Salem, returned from the Wolf creek country Saturday afternoon but their man bad not arrived - in that section. Just after their ' arrival Sheriff Nolar.d received a dispatch from Harrisburgb stating that ' Hutchinson had teen seen east of tbat place, which he delivered to tbe youDg men. . They immediately left for tbat section.-- They got track of bim early Sunday morning and traced him to the .residence of Mr. Spencer in Bear Valley, about eight miles of Harnsburs. A son of Mr. Spencer informed them tbat be wonld kill anyone attempting to ar rest him: 'i Tbey drove to the house and found ' HutcDinson sitting on tbe rear porch. Tbey made a rush on the man and before he could arise they bad bim down and In a very short time had him in shackles and handcuffs, but not until a desperate struggle bad ensued. He was Drought here bunday afternoon and in carcerated in tbe county jail until this morning when tbey took bim to the asylum at Salem on . tbe local train Spencer aud Hutchinson are distantly re lated. - 5 i Oropu Prospects. ,j J. I " " Arlington Record. It is sometimes painful to tell the' simple truth, when it is unfavorable to your own country, yet we are compelled to report tacts as they are. , One month ago there was no country in' the United States that had a better and brighter prospect for a pheaom- esal yield of grain than Gilliam county, and this, too, when a large acreage had been planted at a small expense. Just when the farmer's hope ws brightest and when the wheat crop was "in the boot," there ca'ne a blighting east wind, which rendered hun dreds of aeres almost worthless. It la now believed that the estimate of one month ago will bo shortened one-half. Joe Ward, of Shelby, says that while some of his grain is looking fair a yet, be has 700 acres of summer fallow which looked fine before this hot wind storm, but that he now ex pects no returns from same, it having been entirely burnt up by the east wind. Sever al others of our leading farmers have the same complaint, so that about one-half of last year's yield is about all we can expect under favorable circumstances. However, the effect of these bliehtiui winda is con fined to the locality known as Shuttltr Fiat, where the grain was early and par ticularly thrifty. Other sections of the county have suffered no loss as yet, and will have a fair yield of wheat, barley and oats. John Day Sentinel: Governor Pennoyer has granted a pardon to Sam Wellsche, one of the Indians sentenced to the penitentiary from this county for killing Johnson's sheen. The Indian is a consumptive and can't live beyond a few weeks. - He was re turned to his home in Urant connty. OPJ3 ENJOYS Both the method and results vrheD Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, .Layer turn jxjweis, cieauses me sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy ot its kind ever pro duced,- pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in oOc and $1 bottles by aL' leading druggists HT - 1 T 1 1 j 1 xuanuiaciureu omy uy iuu CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AM FHAHOISCO, CAL. tOUISVILLE. KY. MEW fOMC X.t Laud Notioes. : NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omci at Vaxoouvkr, Wash., Mav 19. 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following named claimant baa filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tbat said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commisair.ner United states Circuit Court, district 01 Wasmngtoo, at Uoldendale, Wash., July 18, viz: JOH- KURE, Homestead entry No, 5830, for the EM of NEM, and U'i or SKfi, aee az, xp a h, h 13 e. w u. - He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said ianu. viz: Robert A. Strutbcra, Manor M. Splawn, William V A. jnarckmaD and William uarner, all or uart- lana r. o., wasnington. may28 ; JOHN D. GEOGHEOAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lass Opfici at Vakcodvso, Wash., May 12, 1892. ' To James C. Blv and all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given tbat tbe following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof I will be made before W. R. Dunbar. Commissioner 1 United States Circuit Court for district of Washing ton, at Goldendale, Washington, on July 23d, 1892, viz: GRANT SHITHSON (Indian), Homestead entry No. 6845, for the WJ of NW, and w4 oi avt, sec 4, i-p a n, k is n w u. He' names tbe foUowing witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation or, said land, viz: - Joseph Klilockum, William Spedis. Martin Spedis, Henry Kelson, all oi jiaru&nd rostomce, wasn. mayM JOHN D. GF.OGHEGAN. Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Omci at Tint Sallks, Oregon, June 1.1892. Notice is hereby riven that the following-named J settler bis filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLat said proof will be made before tne Kegister and Keceiver oi tne U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on Jul 20, 1882, viz: WILLIAM H. SHELLY, Hd. No. S645,ilfor the 8E J, Sec 21, Tp 2 N, R 15 E I n a. . . He names the following witnesses to prove his I continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi saiu land, viz: Thomas J. Miller. Celilo. Or.: Andrew Linton. J. Doberty, The Dalles, Or.; Tbcmas Walsh, Celilo, yregon. jun ' JOHN TV. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakh Omci at Ths Dallrs, Obxoos, June 2. 1892. -Notice is hereby given that tbe following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof I wui oe made Derora tne register ana receiver at xne Dalles, Or., on July 20, 1892, viz: . JOHN J. EHRISMAN, D. 8. No. 6964, forlota 2 and .3, See 28, Tp 1 N, B 12 east. - . j . He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation ot said land, viz: Andrew Kaller. Oeoree Kaller. Edward Wicks. r Andrew urqunart, all oi Toe Danes, Oregon. Jun4 . , TOHN W. LEWIS. Register. TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF. 'If - Uired States Land Omca. The Dalles, Or, June 3, 1892 Notice is hereby given that Charles C Cooner. of Tbe Dalles. Oregon, has filed notice of intention to make final proof before register and receiver at their offlce in The Palles, Or, on Friday, the 22d dav of Julv, 1S92, on timber culture application No. 3141, for the swK of section 28, tp 2 n, r 15 east. He names as witnesses: John Dalrymple, William H Odell, James Fulton, Fred Wickman, all of The Dalies, Oregon. JOHN W LEWIS, . junetl . Register. THE DALLES Cigar Factory, 1 ; , FIRSsT HTRElfTX'J ; - ' , - FACTORY NO: 105. Hip ADO f the Best Brands maaufact- UlunilU ured. and ordeas from all Da its 01 tne country nuea on tbe shortestjnotice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home manufactured article is increasing eyery day. dec24dy-tf . ' A. ULEICH & SON. fiBONE IS FEATHEKRONE la made from QTJ1XI& i nature's own toughest material, best whips made- for vnce, vump, isunois, .ALL STlLaS, all price, askour dealer lor .a, DD imnnnriAirn jobsajkib; rMliUiMUxUi. HENRY KUCK, - The Dalles, Or. Is now located at No. 116 Court St., . ' Between Second and Third. - Ke-palnnaTa Specialty. He has saved some of tua best leather out of the fire and willjmato tbe neatest boot or shoe ot anvooe in th dtr. . . FOR WHIPS $'25 Ignl Notice. CITATION. IN THE COUNTY OCRT of the State of Oregon, for Ihe County of Wasco. In the matter ot the estate of John O. Slants, de ceased Citation. To William H. Staats, Emma J. Staato, John V. Etaats, Lucy Staats, James W. Staats, Robert J. Staats and all etber heirs of Joho O. Staats, de ceased, greeting: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in tbe Ci-unty Court of the state of Oregon for the county of Wasco, at the court room thereof at Dalles Citv, in said county, on Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1892; At 10 o'clock in tne frrenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any tht.y bare, why tbe fol lowing described real estate should not be sold, as prayed for in ihe petition o! E. B. Dufur, adminis trator of the estate of the said John G. Staats. de ceased: The north balf of tbe northwest quarter, aud the r orth half ot the northeast quarter of sec tion eight (8), ill township two (2), south of range thirteen (13) east, W. M.,in Wasco county, Oregon. Witnets the Hun. C. K. Thornbury, Judge of tbe bkal raid Couniv Court, with the seal of said court affixed, this 12th day of May. A. D. 1892. Attest: J. B. CROSSEN, Clerk, ma 14-7 1 By E. Martin, Dei uty. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, issued out of the circuit CourK of the State of O'egon for Wasco county, en -the 1st day of June, 1892, in the suit wherein d. Wakefield is plaintiff and L. S. Hvre is defendant, to me directed, commanding me to satisfy said demands, and in obedience thereto I levied upon and will sell the following described land, subject to redemption, tn-wit: the SWif, Sec. 20, Tp. 1 north. Range 11 East W. M., in Wasco county, State of Oregon, on Saturday, the 2d day of July, 1892, At the hour of 2 o'clock P. 11. of said day, at the court bouse door in Dalles City, in sa.d co-inty and Btate, at pubUc auction to tbe highest bidder, for cash in hand, all the defendant's right, title and in terest to ti.o above described lands, to satisfy the sum of S2V6.90, and S40 as attorney's fees; also the further sum of $3f.l0 costs, with interest on the said amount) since the 24th dai of May, 1892, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum, together with costi and accruing costs herein. DaUd this 3d day of June, lS9i D. L. CATES. jun4-td Sheriff cf Wasco County, Or. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEU1I5Y GIVEN 7 HAT THE uixfersixne-l has bicnduy a pointed by ihe Courty O urt cf the State of Oregon for Wasco county, in pr Date, anminitirator 01 1 ne ettaie 01 Harrison Ccrum, dectaseu. All peisons having claim- against said estate are hereby required to T-reeent tbem to me, with proper voutneis, at the law tiflre of Condon & Condon, in Dalles City.Waeco county, Ortgon, within cix months troin tne aate 01 this notice. Dated May 2Sth, 1S92. j; W. CONDON, Administrator of tbe estate tf Harrison Coium, deceased. -nay-2Std Dissolution Notice. T tO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby riven that tbe firm of Byme, Floy & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Samuel A. Byrne retiring from the firm. Tbe busi ness will be" contimit d at. the olu stand by William Floyd and Stacey Shown. All bills due the late firm must be paid to William Flojd end etacey Shown, and all indebtedness owi- g by said firm will be settled by thsm. WILLIAM FLO if D, STACEY SHOWN, S. A. BYRNE. Thef Dalles, Or.. April 26, 1892. apr27 Dissolution Notice. rpO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Kouce is nereoy given tnat tne parraeninip Here tofore existing between J. N. Lauerand 3. F. French, under the firm name of French & Laner, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. N. Lauer will con tinue tbe business, and pay all bills and collect all moneys due the firm. . 8. F. FRENCH, Tbe Dalles, Oregon, April 11, 1892. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE All cooLty warrants registered prior to Jan. 17, 1889, wiil be paid if presented at my otfbe. Interest ceases from and after this dstp. Tbe Dalles, May 18, 1892 GE'JHGE RUCH. 4t Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. NOTICE. PARTIES HOLDING CLAIMS AGAINST THE undersigned are notified to present them at once to bim at the Columbia Candy Factory, and all those indebted to him axe requested to settle at the same place, as be ha soid out his businrss and wishes to close bis accounts. W. & CRAM. The Dalles, April 6, 1892 dw-:m ' Everything in tbe line of SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY AND FINK FRENCH CANDIES, AS BS FOOTTB AT " NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE, , SECOND STREET. Sample Rooms, 71 MAIN STREET.- . . Always on laand the Best "Wines, Ijiquors, and Cigars A Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beet on draught. - , Mcdonald bros., : propr's J. A. ORCHARD, . , ADJ0INING.THE DIAMOND MILLS, THE DALLES, .... : : '.. OREGON. 'V DCALU IN Ere::;;::, Pre::;;::: :ni Fc:J. CANNED GOODS. OF ALL KINDS ON HAND, Quick rales and small profits, my motto. 1 TO ; THE TRADE " AND CONTRiCTORS. T; DESIRE IT TO BE UNDERSTOOD THAT I have appointed Wm.j Butler Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS for the "Orezom" Lime at The Dalles and surrounding country. Other parties have,, through surreptitious and unbusiopsalike methods, obtained a email quantity ot this Lisas, which may naturally cause tne idea tnat w in. Jiutler Jo. are not tne exclusive agents for these) goods. Snch. however, is not the fact, and further Stock of thit ArticU eon- not be obtained from other m than nui. Butler Je Co. TbeTra-ie. however, will -ot lose sight of tbe fact that tbe great sti if e to obtain the "Oregon" M ne br other dealer proves oonclu-ively that the "Oregon' it the bent Lime in the market. T. F. OSBOBW, Gen. Agt. Or. liarble A Lime Co. L P. OSTLUND Contractor and Builder IOI hiniistfjdnfts'aad estimates fon all buildings. ; Aweinags ana stores. Mr. Ontlnnd W a nraecical mechanic and the pi .Un ura drafted bv him will win 'aniatic. cheap and di DM. SHEEP FOR SILK Tlwee thousand Fine Graded Bred 'Ewes ahd 3000 Yearlings. Kerr & Buckley, Grass Valley, Or. "We mM Id It." WM. BUTLER & CO., Lumber Dealers. We have added to our business the following lines, and will not be undersold. lime, Plaster, Hair, Cement, BUILDING PAPER, And will furnish anything in the line of Building Material. A liberal discount to the trade in anything we handle. Our stock is all fresh. Front Street, Corner of Jefferson. MAIER & BENTON, 3acces ore to A. Bettingen RETAILERS AND JOBBERS IN E::ta, Tinware,Woodenwre AND GRANITE WARE A complete line of Heatinjr and Cook Stoves, Pampa. Pipe Plumbers and Steam Fitters' supplies; also a complete stock of Carpenters' Blacksmiths' and Farm- Tools AND SHELF HARDWARE. Tinninjy, Plumbing- and pipe work will be done on short notice. SECOND ST.. THE DALLES, OR PAUL KREFT & CO., DEALERS IN Paints, 0H&(ta And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in W AIuL. PAPER Practical Painters and Paper Rangers. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams Paint used in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly attended to. Shop adjoining Red Front Grocery, THIRD STREET, THE DALcb -TH.JK- GEEMAIIA, CHAS. STTJBLING, Prop. FOR THEjPRESENT AT 83 Second. Street. Wines, Iiprs and Cigars. All brands "f Imported Liauora, Ale and Porter,'an jonuina Key West Cigars. A full hue of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES .Milwaukee Beer on Draught. Northwest CorSecondjand Washington Eta. . i.u:crto eorge Ruch. The Cheapest Place IH TH DALLBS FOR All Kinds of Groceries FLOUR, GRAIK, WILLOW WARE, ETC We respectfully solid a share of the public pat ronafre, and snail endeavor to give entire satisfac tion to our customers both old and new. LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Payette Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in Iron or wood done in tbe neatest manner. Anything In tne wagun line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery repaired in the most skill' ul and workmanlike manner. mcnziaw MBS. A. JONES, Prop. 85 X3TNIOJN 8TBEET && Adjoining Byrne, Floyd It Co.' d ug store. The tabies are supplied with the best tbe market attords. MEALS AT ALL HOURS None bat white help employed. ' W.T.WISEMAN ' Successor to J. H. HcDonoagh AC.) CBALXB IM Choice Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. None but the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance "Brinks of all kinds, un-ner of Uourt and Second streets, ! THE DALLES, OREGON.- JAS. FERGUSON, Goods hauled with the'ereateat care to all parts of the city on short notice. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. G. NOWAK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and si.f cifcAtiVios tor building fur nished. Will do ail Kinds of excavating and grading. .11 orders should be left at postomce box FOUND. A TRAPPINQ OUTFIT, consisting of Saddle, Pack Saddle, 18 traps, and cartridges, on Whit river. The owner can have same bv proving prop erty end paring the coat of this advertisement. jr. vjacvTO. The Dalles, June 4, 189. PI EEB GBQGEBT The Dies Res tauran General Expressman FftOM TERMINAL CB INFERIOR POINTS MB Northern Pac. RAILROAD Is the line to take TO ALL POKTS EAST AKD SOOTH It is the Dinliisr Car Route. It runs Through Tea tibcled Trains Etery Da; in tbe Tear to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (XO CHANGE OF CARS.) Compo ed of Diuh:g Cars unsurrarsed. Drawiug-rnom Sleepers of Latest Equipment. ullman TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, it "tli&t cf n be coi.Btractcd. sndRin vhub icoom uivumiuii? mrv uoin r recant r urnisilCu fcr holders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be eecured'in ad vance trrougn any agent oi we road. THROUGH TICKETS England and Europe can be purcbascdat any ticket omce or tne company. Full information concerning ratrs, time of trail:: routes ano otner oeuus lurmsncd on ar plication W. C. ALLOWAY, Agent D. P. & A. K Co., Regulator office. The Dalles.lOr. A. D. CHARLTON, ArsI General Fasscnger Agt., No. 121 liret St., Ccr. Wa-h.. POKTLAND. OREGON ON SALE OMAHA KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL Chicago. St. Louis, AKD ALIP0IKTS EAST, KORTH'and SOUTH m J 8 05 A. M. Leave The Dalles -j x 26 P. M. . I 4 06 P. M Arrive at iiie jjiuien.. -j jj gg n PTJLXMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINir O CHAIR CARS nnd DINERS Steamers from Portland to San Francisco Evbbt Four Days. Tickets to and from Europe. For rates and general information calt on E. E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, Tne Danes, uregon. W. H. HURLlil'RT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt, 264 Wa-hiuiiton bt., lorUand, Or. Pui I 0 imf; U Clothing RoSTos.AW' Q.n Be Found Ar Merchant Tailor, " No. 77 Second St. Suits Made to Order, . AND FITS GUARANTEED. FASHIONABLE MHUNERY AT - - - I ; Mrs. De Lyles Emporium. ,114 SECOND STREET. H FULL HSSORT76TEN Of BVIKTTUINS U . HATS, BONNETS AND TRIMMINGS MRS. A. SCHOOLING, Manager. Tf8 ReverB Housb, COB. THIRD AND 6TARKST8.. POKTJLAND, OKEGON Has been recently decorated, andj is now under th managemen or HHA 1. O. FABBELLT. This house being centrally located, offers induce ment to persons visiting Portland to patronize it, whi re they wiil always find pleasant rooms, sisgle or en suite, specially nserrea lor transient occu pancy, uiajn A Souvenir TirimMe Free. A NT LADY sending at once tbe nunes ana aa A dress of ten married lad friends or house keepers to whom we can send sample copies of tbe mint charming illustrated ladies' newspaper pub lished to-dav, will receive an eiegant aoiio ivct vxnir tliimble. The -Ladies' Pictorial Weekly il th.huulMinMtuid most entertail publication of its dam and is becoming universal vpODu'ar with intelligent ladies In Data uanaaa ai t uie i u.itu States. It contains sixteen lanre jmcf. same size as Harper s Bazaar" most profusely uiimraiea. and cornea each week at only 41 a year. If ynu de airo a eoureuir thimble aena names of those yita . i. l- . . 1 1 .. .1 1 . 1 -.1 : UTAAlrtir1 mH nrlnun fifteen II. S. Sent ttarorifl to COVer eX' nenscs of mailiuir. ftc. Forward to.!iay. Ad ireas . .. . r. . TV . . II 1.1.. " .....!.. I ill 14. i 1.1 i ... o onto, Cu nraw uaiw rauuui ncviuj, .hmw" " " I H. LAE&EN, Dealer In all kindsof Hay, Grain and Feed, At his old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE Tm higheot Cub Price paid for Sheep pelt . Attention, Sheep Men. THATE ABOUT M0 POUNDS OF TOBACCO Btrau. vhi-4i are excellent for sheen din or for cleansing cattle of vermin, which I will sell cheap For terms apply at The Dalles Ciear Factory. Secnl" A. lLJnii.a m ova WATER NOTICE. ON AND AFTER APRIL 1st, parties putting la or nelut water doseU wi.h a oonttnuoua stream of water will be chargedjjts per month; pat- t shut-OAs at tns oui.rate. V "V J M $mM 5S0 Si VI mm 50 Ytm SrXPEPlEttCE ' TBbscco is cne of l"he few, ariiclei c whoe real merit can m, only m be found out by aqual use. ror f ww v.- nave been ma- Kin$ the bet orace or ro- eH baccoi. and vje recommend MASTIFF-P1.U6-CUT as a re iable and .superior article. j&PAtt TcwciO co P.:n:n;i!. va. To Young Housekeepers . Free to all Brides ! "V7 OTICE Is hereby given to a the readers f this paper and all their trii nds ano acquaintances throughout the L'nited States and Canada thai(gB TKfE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married ccuple bcae addrces and 10 Cfnts to pay poetafrc 1b f ent to the publisher within one year from the date of thtfr inarriKc.fi9 Persons pending for this 1 resent tre requested tu end oopy of a p: per crniainhit? a rciice of their ma rr ie cr some other evitic:ce that el sit an ount to n reasonable proof that they are entitled to tbe magazine unCcr the above offer. Address, ''THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt. KOSHLAND : BEOS, POKTr,AIJl), Wool Merchants. Sell on Commission, and Cash Advances maJe. Consignments : Solicited I Wool Bags, Fleece and Sewing Twine pro tided by a. f pr2 4mo MAI T!cTRiciry First CLata , tarn. Taatert mm FtaMt I- aa WrlaV PaaoenseraccomodAtloiiaunexcellea. SEW tORaTTDHDOMDERRy AND 8USS0W. Bverv Saturday, .. NEW TOBK. OIBBALTER and ITAPLKS, Atresnlar Intervale. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEER A 61 rate, on lowest terras to and from tne principle B00T0B, IH3LISB, 12133 AIL 00OTK1OTAL PCD5T8 Ezennion tleketa available to return by elthr theplo turfXKjo Cljd. A North of Ireland or Naplea Gibraltar BraSi aal Untj Mm for lav Aaent at IcmtX Ratal. Apply to any tf onr local Agenta or to HENDKBSON BKOTHBS, Chicago, TXL AGENTS WANTED Apply to T. A. HUDSON, Oeoeral Agent. The Dallea, Or. Janet-M SKIBBE HOTEI F. W. I SKIBBE, Prop. The Only Brick Hotel IN THE CITY BEST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE in the North west. This bulldinfr hai been refitted si not the fire ot September 2d, and th. room, an first. clu. tn every particular. The table la supplied with the best the market affords. The oar h. connection vrith th. hotel i. supplied with the highest irrade ot Wines, Liquors an Im ported and Domestic Cigar. JanS9-w -CHAS. H. DODD & CO iMPORTcna or HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL SJO. , FARM MACHINERY. FE0NT, TOST AND VnX STS.; PORTLAND, 0E. BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. L'nMnnled for Simplicity, Strength, tJUIIty, Oarnblltlr. . Thve Nnetilnca Are too well Known to nerd t ttiniuent. Thansands of tlicni are in use to-lny, anil tne nnlveraal aatlnfaciois Klrr by tiilriu ' proves tbem to be tbe most popular In mark!. HODGES' HAINES HEADERS. BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME BINDER. DiatlnKnlsbed fer Strenartb And nrabllty. fldPiancccQP-Dischafge Binder Moat EeonomleiU Binder in nae. Require. less powrr, nuts le twine tlinn any other. PPui'iTTiCD Attn MIIRIIRM FiRMWAflflNR OUllUIIU-ll rtllf IIIIUUWIII, iniun FIHE CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, TCP BUG- GiESr CARTS. fclU. FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS AND BUCK-BOARDS. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER. AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENCINE. Vne most Effective and Succesful combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ever constructed. tend for 1S vl -2? t j- -ij " - --13 I UfcM I l.r..rjt' nuw w'ii;irni(im mira ijtui'i in n iti i wu turn urt r. , Xtiiiia;ii4i' And a priceless bo In Cueen's AntUIInli lir which doe svny -s"'rru.uwopif with HhAvftir hv rpnirine its future an imrr luioossibility. Price of Queen's Antl-Halrlnefl. perboitle, rent In sealed from observation). Send money or stomps by nonaence stnotlv eonnoentlai. 'jnts advertisement contains. We invite ynn to am with n sn.l you will s-nd to-dav. AddresaOUEEN CHE MICAL CO., 174 Ree Street, CIKCIHH ATI. O. loo con reirtsteryoor letter at an v Post Offlce to Insure lis safe delivery. We will rT a-' U for mil cafe of failure or slightest injury to sar pnrehasor. Every bottlo cunriiiitetd. CCCPISI -To ladles who lntro-tr.r sr. wll smong Ihelr Wen ts TB r.vfi.- of nnf rns "'r' rtlllaLwew.l present wilha STLK CRESa, IB vsrds b silk Evtr.i J.nrso P 'Hie and samples tavrrr rrT ofsiktoneleet from sot with order. Good aalary or Corsinisvion to Airsr.ta. JNCOBPOATKIt ltKM: THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manafaoturanof - HiTiilding- 31aterial and Dimension Tiiiiljer DRY FIR, I?JNI2, OAK and SLAB PROMPT DELIVERY TO Office 7 WtUnctsM Mt. . A TEERIBLE FALL. 'Tit to vou, mothers sad dtughtern, that I with to talk; And to the children tbat ' are jtut learning to walk; -And all wbo may need anything in my liue I will give yon prtees tbat you'll hard ly decline. One needs Bonnets and ' Ribbons, whilst otbera need Hats; Some will need Dresses and Racbing, and possibly Caps. ... t Possibly Aprons, Collars . and Tien there are many who do. Should you want Flowers and Feather you'l! find them all new. . Tbe Third-street Millinery is tbe place to boy. The prices are low, but quality bigh The styles are tbe latest give ns a call; And find that prices bate taken a fall. Ask tnv arouia for IV. I.. lloue-tM Rfcema. ii no lot her euie lu vou. liineA auk mmmm dealer lo send for cnfaloxae, aeoBre th RgencTt and sret ilicm lor on. UTT-AiaK KO riL'HSTlTD'X'B.f . WHY IS THE L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cENtm. EN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a acamleM shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt tbe feet; made of the best fine calf, stytiab and easy, and becauae we make more ehoem of this grade than any other manufacturer, it equals band Bcwed shoes costing from 4jju to $.00. CC OO Genu I ue lland-ttewpd the finest calf v? shoe ever offered for fMiu, equals French Imported shoes which cost from $S.0O to $1-00. A OO Hanil-Scwrd Welt 8hoe fine calf. stylish, comfortable and durable. The beet shoe ever offered at this price ; same rrade aa custom-made shoes costing from piMO to $9a IgO SO Police Hhoei Kannera, Kailroad Irn 4wa and LetterCarrlcisall near them i fine calf, se&imesa, smooth Inside, heavy three eoles, exten sion edae. One pair wl It wear a year. dr) 50 line citlfi no better shoe ever offered at 9sCbi this price; one trial will convince those wbo want a shoe for comfort and service. ffiO 23 end 8.00 Worklntrmen'sj shoe ? are very strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear no other make, nuef 800 end 1.73 school shoes are D Uf 9 worn by the boys everywhere; they soil on their merits, as the IncreafUng sales show. I arllee i'l'vO Hnnd-newed shoe, beet Uu UICD uonftola, veryatyUsb;equaiaFrenoll Imported shoes costing from t4XM to t&uu. Ladles' tf.50, 84.00 and 81. 73 shoe for Hisses are the best fine Dougola. Stylish and durable. Centiea. See that W. L. Douglas name and fnce are suunpea on uie omiom oi eacn saoe. 1m WUUlaAS. WWCKHIi J J. FREIMAN, AGENT, THE DALLES C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN BATS. CAPS, BOOTS; SHOES. No 134 Second Street, next door east ot Tbe Dallea National Bank. ' Having just opened In business, and having a full assortment of the latest goods in my line, 1 desire a share ot the public patronage. apr C. F. STEPHENS COAL! COAL! THE BEST ' . .; .. Wellington, Kock . Springs, and Eoslyn Coal. 113, aacked and delivered to any put ol tbe city. - - . ' At Moody's Warehouse. CEDAR POSTS. THE UNDERSIGNED CAN FURNISH MEDIUM and Larg. ripllt Cedar Pons, 6 feet long, de livered on cars or boat la East Portland, lor 7 and I cents each. Eastern Oregon and Washington par tie. an pleased with them. W. prater buyer should have them inspected bstor. th. posts an shipped. Address INVESTMENT COMPANY . E. OnaoBKnosR, Pres't, Jan29-dw Drawer tt, Portland, Or. FOR RENT. THE UPPER PART OPA TWO-STORY BUILD- -ing, eonsistins-olj six rooms. For 'particular apply at this otttoe. aprll-dlt HOLLINCSWORTH & TAYLOR HAKD AND SELF-DUMP BAKES. DEERE HAY-LOADER AND ' MUDGETT iM- proved tedd:r. ',; presses. porhr's horse hay FORKS AND CARnlERS. ' O x T&xh Csttitloirae. Free. tIE7 DISCOVERY tr ACCIDENT In eompoondins; a solution a part was aocdently snlllpd on the r.and and on waahtnK altensard It was discovered that tlie hair aaa cum, pletely removed. We at once put this wonderful preparation, onlh. market and so great has been the demand tbat we are now Introducing Itthroognoul the world nudcrthe name of (luers's Anti-liairiua, IT 13 PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND r. SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. jju the hair over and app'y the mixture for a few mlnutrs. and tli. hair dlntpnean as If by diukIc without Ibe sIlKlxeat pain or Injury w lien applied or evor afterward. Ii Isunllkeenyol! or prrparatlt :i ev r i n d fora like purpose. Thousands of L.A III FN who have te,n ai'iicyt-d wlihbnlr on ihelr FACE, FC'K ami A attest its rnerlla. Sffetv ninlllnr boxes postnee r'd by us(si euic.y It tie wltn full pc.irea writt ;i plainly, tcirrr- is ionm ai:u hiihikli i"'i mi hi nno everyi nins; as rfi resemn Cut this inland V V ANT PART OF THE CITY, Yst t oi 9TernteBt BarraeJii