The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY.... JUNE 13. 1892 EDITORIAL NOTES. The nomination of Mr. Harrison and Mr. Whitelaw Reid for president and vice-president ia receiving the nnaualified endorsement of the lead- ing Republicans in the United States. All the prominent men who were be fore the convention endorse the action at Minneapolis, and the Republican party will enter the campaign in 1892 in a much better and a more harmoni ous condition than it did any previous . year. This is indicative of success in November, and there . is not much doubt that Mr. Harrison will succeed himself in the executive office. The harmony which prevails in the - Republican ranks over the nomina tions made at Minneapolis is- signifi cant of victory in November. . Even those who were prominently before the convention, and who suffered de feat, heartily endorse Horrisou and Reid. This is the spirit that should pervade political parties in free gov ernments; and augurs permanency of the institutions. In the coming presidential campaign there will be no discontent among Republicans, and a fair contest on the issue of protection or free-trade will insure them the victory. Mr. R. J. Hendricks, editor of the Salem Statesman, is a prominent can- . didate to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Hon. R. F. Earhart, col lector of customs in Portland. He is a newspaper man of wide reputation, and is unquestionably en titled to the position as any one in the state of Oregon. Having fought for . the party -. in all emergencies for loner years, be should ! receive the consideration given to a faith ful and intelligent adherent. We hope Mr. Hendricks will receive the appointment, as hi? long and con sistent services merits this recognition. The war cloud has drifted over Europe, and no wars or rumors of war have been heard for ' some time. Latest news contain the .interesting intelligence that the czar of Russia and emperor' of Germany embraced - and kissed each other at Kiel for the space of 20 minutes, and then feasted, perhaps on champagne. . This may be significant as indicating that the "hatchet has been buried" be tween these monarcha; but kings act strangely at times, and if they fight 'to-day may hng -. and kiss to-morrow. Peace is de- airable at all hazards; but the domains of Alexander and William are not governed by the same laws or depend ent on the same conditions,and the next news from the north, after this affec tionate greeting, may contain the in telligence of a Cossack invasion of German territory. It is a great misfortune to Wasco and adjoining counties that the Eegv lalor and Dalles City are not making - regular trips to remove the large accu mulation of wool now stored in this city, and which would act as a-prac- tical demonstration of the benefit of opposition boats on the middle and lower river to a large class of pro ducers and shippers. In a few weeks an immense wheat crop will be har vested, and if these boats were running the great saving to our farmers would verify the importance of an open river. The River and Harbor bill is now be fore the lower house of congreas, and facts could be presented .from the re sult of this opposition on the Columbia - that would almost insure its passage. The stoppage of traffic on the river at this particular season of the year is injurious to wool-growers, wheat rais ers, and works against liberal appro priations for the locks at the Cascades and the ship railway between this city and Celilo. Our people are in earnest in desiring an open river, and regret very- much that the' boats are prac tically tied up during the busiest sea son of the year. GBOOi OOTJUTT. Itenaa From tne . Columns Oehoeo Review. f the So far as we have been able to learn the aheep men of this county have succeeded in ' raising about 90 to 95 per cent of Iambs. The frequent rains this week have been thankfully received by the people of this county. It made all nature smile, a? wall as the hearts of the farmers. Crook connty's wool crop is on the road to market, and though tbe price is not fair, the clip waa good, and the producers will realize quite a snug sum for their crop. ' Agent Lnckey says crickets have not done near so much damage on the reserva tion this year as tbey did laat.however they ' are numerous and are working on the crops. James Wood, of Upper Trout, was in town Thursday. He said the alfalfa crop on Trout creek was fine, but grain was iu bad condition. It was injured some by frosts, and nothing but continuous rains will bring it out. - ' Last Friday while Sanders Logan waa trying to corral some cattle his horse fell witb bim fracturing his collar bone. Dr. Gesner was called at once who set tbe in. jared bone, and we are glad to state that Mr. Logan is now np and around. Owing to the form in which the ballots for this - county were printed, many of the voters overlooked the candidates for attor ney-general their names being out in one corner of the ballots hence the vote for ritantKiplain mnA TO.llrAi m... ilinrt On Friday of last week Justice Bell held D. C. Weaver in bonds of f 1000, on charge of abduction, to appear before the next grand jury. Not being prepared to furnish the required "bonds, he went to Jail, and now Sheriff Booth has four regular boarders at his hotel . back of the oourt boose. - 3 ' ; ".' Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Elkins, of Besyer, passed through town Wednesday en route o Portland. Mr. Elkins said the crops along Crooked river looked badly, the frosts haying injured them to a considerable ex tent, and they were suffering for want of rain. The severe frost last week killed nearly all the frnit in this vicinity and seriously injured grain. Without an abundance of rain in the next few weeks, the grain that was frosted will not come oat, and the crops will be short, though two weeks of rain would briog them out all right, and the grain that is injured would yet make a fair yield. GEAET GOUJTTY. Items From the Columns Canyon City News, or tne The boundless water power afforded by the streams of this valley will make ours a manufacturing community some day. Stick a pin here. For many years past the mountain ranges surrounding this valley have not shown so much snow in June as now graces their summits. Frost one night last week nipped gardens iu exposed localities along the valley. Or chards and gardens on the foothills gener ally escaped. Alfileria, the new forage plant which the News mentioned last summer ia adapted to onr sou and climate, and is destined to supercede the old standby bunchgrass on Eastern Oregon's bills. Mr. J. V. Powell purchased some seed, which he sowed on his Fall creek ranch. The plant has flour ished beyond expectations, and stock will leave a buncbgrass knoll any time to get a nip of alfileria. It is said to grow well on dry soil, where bunchgrass will die. Farm ers, scatter seeds of alfileria, and you will be sowing seeds of kindness for your stock, at the same time. Beal Estate Transactions. May 28 J E Bangs;-to Z T Wright; lot 47 block 3 in Hood Riyer park; $1. May 28 The same to Harry Tibbetts; lot 43 in ' block 3, in Hood River park; $1. May 28 The same to A R Wright; lot 46 block 3, Hood Riyer park; $1. Juue 3 A S Blowers and wife to O W Welle; lots 6 and 7 block 11, second addi tion west to Hood River; $270.50. - June 3 F L Holmes and Sadie M Holmes to The Holmes Mercantile company; ot sej see 17 tp 2 n r 12 east; $350. June 8 R T McLean and wife to Sarah E. Delk; lots 1 and 2 block 11, second ad dition west to town of Hood River; $300. Jnne 3 James Thomas to Hogb Farmer; lota 5 and 6 sec 5 tp 1 n r 13 east; $150. June 8 A J Davis to Cram & Phillips; all fishing rights and privileges, cribbing and improvements on the Colombia river in Klickitat county, Wash; $900. June 9 N Anderton and wife to S W Patterson; 100 feet on Main street and run ning at right angles 200 feet, town of An telope; $4000. June 10 Nathan R Baird and wife to Chas Lewis; 209 feet square from the iw corner of w of swj seo 32 tp 7 a r 17 east; $100. . June 10 N R Baird and wife to Mrs M C Durbin; Iota 9 and 10 block 9, city of An telope; $100. June 8 State of Oregon to Geo G Gib son; w o nwi seo 3 tp l n r 12 east; $103.23. Jane 11 C W Cutting and wife to Peter Anderson; lot F block 52, Ft Dalles Mili tary reserve; $260. " Sherman County. The following is the official count of the vote: Supreme Judge Bennett, 382; F A Moore. 219: Will H Walker.- 50; Benj P Welch, 46. Attorney General G E Chamberlain, 286; L R Webster, 436. Congress C J Bright, 82; W R Ellis, 354; J C Lace, 83; J H Slater, 190. Circuit Judge Bradshaw, 345; Wat- kins, 392. . . Prosecuting Attorney Moore, 244; Wil son, 432. - State Board of Equalization W Hughes, 312; J L Lucky, 414. State Senator, 18th district G W Rint- hart, 289; W W Stiewer, 434. State Senator, 17th district Hibbard S McDanel, 367; J A Smith, 368. Joint Representative S F Blythe, 258; E N Chandler, 387; 1 R Coon, 407; H E Moore, 337. Judge Fulton, 415; Ginn, 283. ClerKBrock, 326; Hayes, 404. Sheriff Leslie, 410; Olds, 328. Treasurer Marsh, 280; Thompson, 440. Commissioner Leech, 368; Wilcox, 358. Assessor Henrichs, 201; Schadewitz, 224. School Superintendent Peddicord, 318; Tyree, 417. ' Coroner W R Moore, 643. Surveyor J R Belshe, 691. County Seat Moro, 414; Wasco, 301. Crook County. Following is the official vote of Crook county taken from the Ouhoco Review: Congress, Bright, 16; Ellis, 393; Luce, 62; Slater, 509. Supreme Judge Bennett, 611; Moore, 284; Walker, 48; Welch, 7. Attorney General Chamberlain, 523; Webster, 312. Circuit Judge Bradshaw, 672; Watkins, 310. District Attorney Moore, 591; Wilson, 376. - .- . Member of State Board Hughes, 500; Luckey,439. '" Joint Senator Cogswell, 552; Snider, 372. . . Representative Nichols, 521; Roberts, 440. Clerk Bolter, 162; Hodges, 796. Sheriff Booth, 570; Williamson, 383. Commissioner Combs, 424; Howard, 522. Treasurer Belknap, 355; White, 598. Assessor Gray, 483; Wigle," 468. Surveyor Huston, 493; Stewart, 444. School Superintendent Belknap, 509; Liggett, 435. - .. - .. ' 'i Coroner Gesner, 428; Woods, 516. Trade Display, July 4th. The committee on- Trade Display for the parade on July 4th have seoured the follow ing names: Maier & Benton, "". Chrisman & Corson, . Jacobsen & Co., Crandall & Bur gett, A. A. Brown, Farley & Frank, Wm. Butler & Co., Mays ft Crowe, J. T. Peters & Co., Pease ft Mays. They will wait on the remainder of the merchants at the ear liest opportunity. To lHapel Colds. Headaches sod Fevers, to cleanse the system eflectually, yet gently, when cos tive or Di i lions, or when the blood is im pure or sluggish to permanently care habitual constipation, to awasen the kid neys and liver to a healthy activity without irritating or weakening them, ose Syrup of Figs. Fourth of July. . ' On July 2d, 3rd and 4tb, good to return until July . 6tb, the Union Pacific System will sell excursion tickets for a radius of 300 miles from all rail stations west of Hun tington at fare one way for the round trip, jelltd E. K. Lytus, Agent. Baejttea'S) amea salve. The best salve in the world for cuts braises, soresv ulcers, salt rheum, fevc, sores,' tetter, chapped bands.', chilblains oorns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures puea, or no psvy required, it is soar an teed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents ner box. For sale by Snipes k Einenly, A Ifurderons Tramp. Harrisbunr Courier. On Saturday evening of last week Mr. A. L. Morris, who lives about two miles feast of Harrisburg, came to town to meet, with the I. O. O. F., leaving home about 8 o'clock. The time he should have been ex pected borne, a supposed tramp came to the window of the bedroom, where Mrs. Morris had retired, and made an effort to raise tho window, wbich was securely fas tened. Mrs. Morris inquired who was there, but no answer was returned. The tramp then went to the east door and shook the knob vigorously and demanded that she should put out the light and open the door, or he wonld break it down and come in. She told him that if be attempted to come in it would be at his own peril, and that she was not alone, and there was a good gun in the house. The tramp told her that she was alone, for he bad seen ber husband and the man stopping with them co away in the cart, and that no woman could run a bluff like that on bim, and that if she did not let him in she would never see her hus band alive again. She told him not to break into the bouse, if he did it would be at the risk of his life. At this he became so angered that he broke the door knob off with an axe, and then rushed back to the bed-room window and com menced to chop it out, and succeeded in clearing the space of two panes of glass. At this juncture Mrs. Morris leveled a Win chester shot gun and fired through the cur tain and shade opposite to where the noise was being made; then nothing more was heard. All through the exciting scenes of this villainons attack, Mrs. Morris stood bravely to the defense of herself and home with a cool courage and steady nerve that is seldqm witnessed. She says that the ten minutes intervening from the time of the shot nntil the arrival of her huebaad, was a period of the greatest suspense in her life, but when he came and made search and found that she had not taken human life, she was greatly relieved. The general be lief is that the tramp was fatally wounded and will be found in the vicinity. A Parent M ay Recover. Oltmpia, Wash., June 13. Tbe su preme court to day reversed the judg ment in tbe Pacific county case of Hed rick versus the Ilwaco Railway & Navi gation Company. The action was brought to recover damages for the loss ot services during tbe minority of tbe son of tbe plaintiff, whose death ia alleged to have been caused by tbe neg ligence of defendant. Tbe answer pleaded that tbe plaintiff bad already, as admicistrator of tho estate of tbe boy, recovered a judgment of $2000. Tbe court below held this judgment to be a bar to another action, but the supreme court decided that under tbe statute, a parent may recover damages for the negligent killing of a minor cbild, in ad dition to tbe damages recovered by the beirs and personal representatives of tbe deceased. Labor and Capital at War. Pittsburg, June 13. One of tbe most bitter contests .between labor and capital in recent years is expected to begin at tbe Homestead steel works of Carnegie, Pbipps & Co. Tbe 3000 workmen have until tbe 24tn inst. to decide whether or not they will accept the new scale ot wages, wbicb, tbey claim, will reduce tbeir earning capacity from 10 to 40 per cent. Tbey have not formally rejected tbe new scale, but no person expects them to accept it, and tbe active bead of tbe Carnegie interest is the man who broke tbe last coke strike and disrupted tbe cokers' organization. He counts upon repeating tbe experience at Home stead. Terrible Thunder Storms In Europe.' Madrid, June 13. Terrific thunder storms pievaiied in many parts of Spain yesterday. Churches in particular suf fered from lightning strokes. At Burgos tbe famous old cathedral founded in 1221 was seriously injured. At Mucieutes a cburcb filled witb worshipers was struck; five being killed and 10 burt. At Melias there was a similar occurrence, and one was killed and 28 burt seriously. Sixteen 3Ilncrn Killed. Munich, June 10. By an explosion in a coal pit near Miesbacb 16 miners were buried in tbe ruins. laad Notices. TIMBER CULTURE, FINAL PROOF. Usitod States Land Orncs. The Dalles, Or, June 0, 1892 Notice is hereby given that Charles C Cooper, oi The Dalles. Oregon, has filed notice of intention, to make nnai proof before register and receiver at their office in The Dalles, Or, on Friday, the 22d day of July, 1892, on timber culture application No. 3141, for the sw4 of section 28, tp 2 n, r 15 east. He names as witnesses: John DalrvmDle. William H Odell, James Fulton, Fred Wiclcman, all of The Dallek, Oregon. . JOHN w LEWIS, June1.! - . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omci at Tub Dallbb, Orsgok, June 1. 1892. Notice is hereby riven that the following-named settler his filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLat said proof will be made before tbe Register and Receiver of tbe U. 8. land office at The be Dalle lies, Or., on Jul 20, 1892. viz: WILLIAM H. SHELLY. Hd. No. S645, for the 8Et, Sec 21, Tp 2 N, R 15 E rr n. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said land, viz: Thomas J. Hiller, Celilo, Or.; Andrew Linton, J. Doherty, Tbe Dalles, Or.; Thcmas Walsh, Celilo, urexou. -. jun JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Lahd Orrica at Thi Daubs, Onsaoa, - June 2. 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof win os maao oexore tne register ana receiver at The Danes, ur on jury m, lbuz, via: - JOHN J. EHRISMAN, D. S. No. 6964, for lots 2 and 8, See 28, Tp 1 N, B 12 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Andrew Kaller, George Kaller, Edward Wicks, ouuniw .uiuuan, iu m xua uaiies, urogon. Jun4 . 10HN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Laud Omci at Vahcouver, Wash., Mav 19. 1892. Notice is hereby given that tbe following named claimant has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will bo made before W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit Court, district of Washington, a uwueuoaie, n asn., rfuiy o, xevz, vis; JOHJI KURE, Homestead entry No, 5830, for the EM of NEH, and r4 or dii., eec 32, -t'p aftuaws. He names tbe following witnesses to prove his conunuour resiuence upon ana cultivation oi said lanu, viz: Robert A. Struthers, Hariar M. Splawn, William O A. Marckman and William Garner, all of Hart- uuiu jr. v., nasnwgton. i may28 JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Lahb Omci at VaNcouvsa, Wash., May 12, 1892. To James C. Bly and all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that tbe following-named settler has filed notice of hU intention to make final proof in- support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar. Commissioner ble. United States Circuit Court for district of Washing ton, at Goldendale, Washington, on July 23d, 1892, viz; GRANT SMITHSON (Indian), Homestead entry No. 5845, for the W j of NWJ, and Ol SWj, oeo 4, Ap IA,B IS JS n Ji. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said jana. viz: Joseph Klilockum, William 8 pedis. Martin Spedis, nenry neiaon, au oi uaruana rostomce, wasn. mayls JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN. Register. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER; The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem enectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual "constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy ot its Kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tbe taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is lor sale m Dlc and $1 bottles by al' leading druggisfu JVlanuiactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FiiANGISCO, CAL ' 10U18VILLE. KY. HtlV tOBK. .V.Z. Legal Notices. CITATION. TH THE COUNTY COURT. of the State of Oregon, JL for tbe County oi Wasco. In the matter of the estate of John G. Staats, de ceased citation. To William H. Stoats, Emma J. Staats, John W. Staats, Lncy Staats, James W. Staats, Robert J. Staats and all ether heirs of John G. Staats. de ceased, greeting: In the name of the state of Oreeon. you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the state of Oregon for the county of Wasco, at tbe court room thereof, at Dalles City, in said county, on Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1892', At 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any thiy hare, why the fol lowing described real estate should not be sold, as prayed for in Ihe petition or . B. Dufur, adminis trator of the estate of the said John u. btaats. de ceased: The north half of the northwest quarter. and toe north half of the northeast quarter of sec tion eight (8), in township two (2), south of range uurteen loj easb, tt.m., iu nw cuuuiiy, lkuu. Witnen the Hun. C. N. Thornbury. Judge of the (scalI paid County Court, with the seal of said court affixed, this 12th day of May. A. D. 189.!. Attest: J. B. CR08SEN, Clerk. mayl4-7t By E. Martin, Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. ni VIRTUE OP AN EXECUTION, issued out of I J tne circuit uourc oi tne state oi uieon lor Wasco county, on tne 1st day or June, 1892, in Uie suit wherein H. Wakefield is plaintiff and L. S. Hyre is defendant, to me directed, commanding; me to satisfy said demands, and in obedience thereto 1 levied upon and will sell the following: desciibed land, subject to redemption, to-wit: the SWi, Bee. 20, Ti. 1 north. Range 14 East W. M., in Wasco eonnty, State of Oregon, on - Saturday, the 2d day of July, 1892, At the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the court bouse door in Dalles City, in said county and state, at public auction to the highest bidder, for casn in nana, an tne aercnoani s ngnt, title ana in terest to tle above described lands, to satisfy the sum of $296.90, and 10 as attorney's fees; also the farther sum of $36.10 costs, with interest on the said amounts since the 24th dav of May, 1892, at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum, together with costs and accruing; costs nerem. Dated this 3d day of June, 1892. D. L. CATES. nn4-td Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. Administrator's Notice. ATOTICB IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been duly appointed by ihe County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, in pr-'bate. administrator of the estate of Harrison Coram, deceased. All persons having I claims against said estate are nereDy required to resent them to me, with proper vouchers, at the ,w office of Condon Condon, in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, within six months irom the data of this notice. - Dated Hay 23th, 1892. J. W. CONDON. Administrator of the estate ' of Harrison Comm. deceased. .nayztna Dissolution Notice. T 10 WHOM IT HAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the firm ot Byrne, Floy i as Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Samuel A. Bvrne retiring from tbe firm. The busi ness will be continue d at the olu stand by William Floyd and Staoey Shown. All bills dne the late firm must be p-tid -to William Floyd and e-tacey ' Shown, and all indebtedness owi"g by said firm wiil be settled by them, w il.i.1 a m riM i u. STAUtJ BHUWK, S. A. BYRNE. "The Dalles, Dr.. April 26, 1882. apr27 Dissolution Notice. T 10 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the partnership here tofore existing between J. N.Lauerand S. F. French, under the firm name - of French & Lauer, Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. N. Lauer will con tinue the business, and pay all bills and collect ail moneys due tne nrm. . r. ( Ktnt'd, J. N. LAUER. The Dalles, Oregon, April 14, 1892. COUHTY TREASURER'S NOTICE All couLtv warrants registered prior to Jan. 17, 1889, wiil be paid if presented at my otnje. Interest ceases irom and alter this date. The Dalles, May 18, 1892. GE'JKGERUCH, 4t Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. : MBS. A. JONES, Prop. 85 UTNIOJN STREET 85 Adjoining Byrne, Floyd & Co.'s d ug store. The tables are supplied with the best tbe market affords. MEALS AT ALL HOURS None bnt white help employed. W.T.WISEMAN Successor to J. H. HcDonougn 4 C- ) DEALER IN Choice Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. None bat the best brands of Liauors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all Kinds. (Jornerof (Jourt and second streets, THE DALLES, OEEG0N. L. P. OSTLUND ill Iwfll fuxnishjdrafta and estimates fon all buildings. aweuings and stores. Mr. Ostlund isl a nractical mechanic and therolana drafted by bim will prove "artistic, cheap aud dura A Souvenir Thimbie Free. A NY LADY sendintr at once the nunes and &d. dress of ten married iad fiieuds or house keepers to wnom we can send sample copies of tbe most chsxmiog illustrated ladies' newspaper pnb- iisnea io-oav, win receive an eiegant sona stiver sou enir thimble. The Ladies' Pictorial Week I v" is the handsomest and most entertaii i publicaaoa of Its daw aod is becoming universal popular with intelligent ladies in both Canada at 1 the United States. Ik contains sixteen iartre paes. same size 'Harness tsacaar- most nroruseiv illustrated. and comes each week at only $2 a year. If you de sire a souvenir thimble send names of those Ton think would be interested in the "Ladies' Weekly and enclose fifteen U. 8. 2 -cent stamps to cover ex penses of mailinir, etc. Forward to-day. Address "tsaoier ricsonai neeiuy, uanaaa idfe Building o onto. Can. nv2Sw Attention, Sheep Men. I BATE ABOUT 600 POUNDS OF TOBACCO Stems, whish an excellent for sheep dip or for cleaunng cattle or vermin, which I will sell i For terms apply at The Dalles Clear Facto rr scat- a. uuduva oust The Dies Restaurant Contractor and Bcilder FROM TERMINAL OR INlERIOIt POINTS Northern Pac. RAILROAD Is. the line to; take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH It b the Dining Car Route, it runs Through Vcs- UDuieu j rains r.ery Day in uie year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (SO CHANGE OF CARS.) Compu ed of Diniui? Cars unsurpsefied. oilman urawiiiK-room bieepera oi LaUst Equipment. TOURISFSgSLEEPINGSCARS, Best;; tLat can be corstructt-d. a ml fin which rccom mouation? are r;otn rreeanci i-urm&ueu for holders ot First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting, with All Lines, Affording Direct and UninteiruptedJService. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad vance tLrouKu any agent oi uie roaa. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all points in A met ca. England and Europe can be any ticket office, of the company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains. routes and other details furnished on application to W. C. ALLOWAY, Asrent D. P.tA. Co., Regulator orfice,.The Dalles,'Or. A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't General Passenger Agt., No. 121 First St., Cor. Wah.. PURTLAMD, 03EGON OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago, St. Louis, AND ALL rOIKTS EAST, NORTH'and SOUTH Dalles I 8 05 A. M. leave The 26 P. It. .1 1 ARP M Arrive at The Dalles 1 up u PULLMAN SLEEPERS. COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECXINIl G CHAIR CARS and DINERS Steamers from Portland to San Francisco Evkbt Foca Days. Tickets to and from Europe. For rates and general information call on E. E. LTTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. W. H. HURL BURT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., 54 Washington bt., Portland. Or. Full Line Hp Cloth fn CPniui J30SToaJ.VVtSSO I .asm . a Can Be Found ftT Merchant Tailor, No. 77 Second St. Suits Made to Order, AND FITS GUARANTEED. IIC Misted hU Opportunity! DOHT Mia ilt TouifalCeader. -Tuo matoritrr neglect their or portanities, and from that eanse 11t in poverty and die ia obscurity. Harrowing despair the lot of many, aa they look back on lost, forever lott, opportunity. Life la pau. Reach oat. Benp and doing. Improve your opporto- , nu sircaro prosperity, prominence, peaca. iiwhi aaia philosopher, that "the tioddaaa of Fortune offers a. ffoltlen opportunity to each person at some period of life; embrace the chance, ana she ponrs on t her riches; fail to do so and she denartsv wmar to return Iiov ahull von And the cold em opportunity!1 Iznratigate every chance that appeara worthy, and of fair promise; that ia what all trao cosfolmendo. Here is an opportunity, such as Is not often within the reach or laboring people. Improved, it will give, at least, a mud start in life. The coldeK onnortnnitv fnr many ia here, nlonew to be made rapidly and honorably' by any Indnstrions person of either sex. All agea. Yon can do the work and live at home, whereveryen are. Even be gin 11 era are eaMly sjarnlng from S to SIO per dnj. Ton can do as well if yon will work, not too hard, bat indnstri onslv: nod von can increase vonr income as von noo. Yon can give spare time only, o.r all yonr time to the work. Easy to learn. Capital not required. We startyon. All is com paratively new and nalj wonderfoL We Instruct and show yon how, fr-ecu Failnre unknown among onr work era. So room to explain here. Write and learn all fr, by re mm mall. Unwise to delay. Address at once. II. uauett B fjo.. liox BeO. Portland. Main I, Northwest CorSecondand Washington Sts. 1 icti:crto eorgeRuch. Cheapest Ilace The ll THI DALLES FOR All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit a share of the nnblic n&t- rooaga, and shall endeavor to (rive entire aatufu;. tion to our customer both old and new. RBONE IS FEATHGRBONE Is made from QTTII.1,8. nature's own toughest material, best whips made fat the price. Cheap, Durable, ALL 8TSXKS. all tuiixrt, m jour unaicr iot a - yPITUPDDnBD fob baj -h; by ILALMJlDuan. HENRY KUCK, - The Dalles, Or. Tfte Qevere douse, . COB, THIRD AND STARK STS., POKTLAND, OHEGON Has been recently decorated, and is now under th manairemen of MBS. r. G. FAR II E LLY . This house beimr centrally located, offers Induce ments to persons TMtins; Portland to patronize it, where they will always find pleasant rooms, simile or en suite, specially reserved for transient oocn- pancy. ,. - may21 WTltt PIONEER Mm FOR WHIPS 25o. 50oi Of ' jO $1.00 $1.25 1892 GRAIN! FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRHTION Tbe people of The Dalles will suitably ob serve the 116th anniversary of Ameri can independence by a GRAND PARADE of all military aod civio societies, including a Triumphal Liberty Car, Trades Procession, Indians in v ar Costume, (Jalatbu pians. Ping Uglies, Etc. The great feature of the day will be the HOSE : TOURNAMENT I In wbich six well-drilled companies will compete for prizes. BAND CONTESTS AND COMPETITIVE DRILLS By the Military Companies for medale. 'Bicycle races. Base ball. Foot ball, and other sports which will make the day one full of enjoyment. THE STEAMER REGULATOR. Will give aa excursion on the Columbia during the day, also one during the evening. from 7 to 9 o clock, returning in time for the FIREW O RKS, Which will be on a scale of magnificence grander than has ever before been witnessed in Eastern Oregon. Ihe people of The Dalles are patting forth every effort to make this occasion the grandest celebratiou of onr Natal Day ever attempted in the Inland Empire, and tbey invite everybody to come and join with them in making it a grand success. One of the leading orators of Portland has been engaged to deliver an oration, and all the best vocal and instrumental music of the city has been secured for literary exercises and procession. "I e mM .In It" WM. BUTLEB & CO., Lumber Dealers. We have added to onr business the following line s, and will not be undersold; lime, Plaster, Hair, Cement, BUILDING PAPER. And Will furnish anything in the line of Building Material. A liberal discount to the trade in anything we nancue. uur stock is all iresn. Front Street, Corner of Jefferson. SKTBBE HOTEI F. W, L. SKIBBE, Prop. The Only Brick Hotel U3 THE CITY BEST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE in the North west. This builaintr has been refitted since the fire of September 2d, and the rooms an first-class in every particular. The table Is supplied with the best the market affords. The oar in connection with the hotel is so rj oiled with the highest grade of Wines, Liquors anH Im ported and Domestic Cigars. jan39-w MAIEB & BENTON, Successors to 'A. Bettragen RETAILERS AN1 JOBBERS IN him, TinwarOsWoodonwre AND GRANITEWARE A complete line of Heating and Cook Stoves, Pumps. ripe riumoeis ana Dieam rwerr supplies; also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmiths and Farm- t Tools, AND SHELF HARDWARE. Tinning, Plumbing and pipe work will be done on short notice. SECOND. ST.. THE DALLES, OR TO THE TRADE AND CONTRACTORS. I DESIRE IT TO BE UNDERSTOOD THAT I have appointed Wm. Butler Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS for the "Oregon" Lime at Toe Dalles and surrounding country. Other parties have, through surreptitious and unbusinesslike methods, obtained a small quantity of this Lime, which may naturally cause tbe idea that Win. Butler A Co. are not the exclusive agents for these goods. Such, however, is not the fact, and further Stock of thi Article can not be obtained from other than Wm. Butler Co. ine ira e, nowever, win ot lose signt of the fact that tbe great atiife to obtain tbe "Oreron" Li-ne bv other dealers proves conclusively that the "Oregon w me oeei jjtme m me marxet. T. F. OSBORN, Gen. Agt. Or. Marble & Lime Co. Sample Rooms 71 MAIN STREET. Always on hjuid the BestWines, JUiquors, and Cigars, A Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei on draught. Mcdonald bros., : propr's J. A. OECHAED, ADJOININGJTHE DIAMOND MILLS, THE DALLES, : : OREGON, -DKALaV IK- tkeriss, him d Feed. CANNED C000S OF ALL KINDS ON HAND, Quick pales arid small profits, my motto. JAS. FERGUSON, ral Expressman! Goods hauled with thefgreatest care to all parts of the city on short notice. NOTICE. QABTIES HOLDING CLAIMS AGAINST IHE ARTIES 1 undersumed are notified to present them at enoe to bim at the Columbia Candy Factory, aud all those indebted to bim are requested to settle at the same place, as be has sold out hia bnainns and wishes to dose his accounts. W. B. CRAM. The Dalles, April , 1B92 dw-Im FOUND. ATBAPPINO OUTFIT, oonsistinr of Saddle, Pack Saddle, 18 traps, and eartridgss, on White river. The owner ou have same bv provinr Droo- erty ond paving the cost of this advertisement. 1776 Gene I. AIAJLWIS. TfasDaUes, Jmwi,182, Ask my neents for W. Domrlas Shoea. Tf not tor sale in youi pluce able your dealer to send for ?ntaloiriiet secure the agency, una yet taeui lor yon. IT-TAKE KO SLUSTITDT.j s A WHY IS THE W. L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cen?Perm EN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt tbe feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and easy, and because tee make more ehoee of this graac inan any otner manu jaczurer, it equal D&uU sowed shoes coat In ir from 4.i)0 to ffifi OO Gen ni lie Hand-sewed, the finest calf Biiufj ever uuereu lor o.uu; equals rrencn uiiponea snoes wnica cost rrom eo.u"iO tu.uu. 4fl A OO Hand-Sewed Welt Shoe, fine calf. stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from $6.00 to tdloo. (4 50 Police Shoe Farmers, Railroad Men e7 andLetterCarrisiaallweartbem; fine calf. setunaess, uniooin lnsiae, neavy inree woiem, exteu slnii edire. One nair will wpnrf.vpnp. tffiO iSO fine calf 1 no better shoe ever offered at D f this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service, GiO 3 and $'.2.00 Workinamen'a shoes 4sssbs) are very strong and durable. Those who have given them a triai will wear no other make. RftVC' '-2.00 and 91.75 school shoea are DUJ O worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits, as tbe Increasing sales show. I 93.00 llnnil-aewed shoe, best um 1 uongoia, very stylish; equals l-re: lmnorted shoes eostlnir from SJ.iht tr mL Ladiear 2.50, and 1.75 shoe for uisdes are tne oest nne uongoia. styiisn and durable. Caution. See that w. L. Douglas' name ouu price are suunpea on tne Dottom or each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton, tfass. J. FREIMAN, AGENT, THE DALLES A EEE TRIP TO THE WORLD'S FAIR Commencing1 May 1, 1893 The Hlstorr Company, of San Frsncico. Cal, (capital stock S00.000) the oldest and lanrest nub li?Mng house on the Pacific coast, this day announce that they will give, absolutely free, a ticket to the norms r air aua return, luciudimr meals en route one week (7 days), hotel accommodations, six admis sion tickets to the reposition grounds, two tickets to leaaing imcago theaters, and Bucn other pnvi legfs as may insure a pleasant trip to deserving per sonswno com pi y witn tneir requirements. NOTIOK. Those desiring to go to the World's Fair and who could not otherwise do so, can aduress ns at once for full particulars. This offer does n -t apply to per sons of means who are in a position to meet the ex- penses of sueh a trip themselves, but to enterprising and intelligent young men an'i women who can ap- ftreciate such an opportunity and make the uio-t of t. Teachers, clergymen, students, farmers' bright sons ana aaugnters in tact any and all 4ossebsing energy, enterprise ana cuaraexor win oe e.upoie, TUG CIIACK OK A 1.IFE-T131E. Every young man or woman w ho desires to goto unicago tne greatest exhib ition the world has ever known, should address ni at onoe. Such an opportune th is rarely offered, and the trip will be the event of a lifetime to those who go. Address THE HISTORY COMPANY, th a HiBToar;, build mo, No. 728 MARKET ST. IN FRANCISCO, CAL. THE DALLES Cigar Factory, tFIJKSsT STREILTX'J FACTORY NO. 105 pipinA of the Best Brands mannfact UlUnitO tired, and ordeas from all paits of the country tilled on tbe snortestnotice, The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become brmly established, and the de mand for the home manufactuaed'article is increasing eyery day. dec24iy-tf A. TJLBJCH & SON. To Young Housekeepers Free to all Brides ! "VT OTICE is hereby given to a the readers of this L paper and all their friends anrt acquaintances mrouifuoui uie united btates ana canaaa mac THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One- Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whose address and 10 cents to pay postage is sent to the publisher within one year.irom the date 01 tneir marriage, tys Persons sending for this present are requested tu end copy of a paper containing- a notice of their marriage, or some other evidence that sltall amount 10 a reasonaoie prooi tnat tney are enuuea to uw magazine under tne above oner. Aooress, 'THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, VL LOUIS' PAYETTE , . (Successor to Fayette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH 1 AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts. AU work work in iron or wood done In the neatest manner. Anything in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus ; made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plos and machinery lepalred ul and workmanlike manner. In the most skill mchaidw Everything in the line of SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY AND FINK FRENCH CANDIES, . as bs ronirs at NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE, SECOND BTltEBT. FASHIONABLE MIUINERY! AT ' Ik De Lyle's Emporium 1 14 SECOND STREET. H FULL ASSORTMENT or Bvaarramo n HATS, BONNETS AND TRIMMINGS MRS. A. SCHOOLING, Manager. G, NOWAK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and SLtriticatioas tor building fur nished. Will do ail kinds of excavating and grading. All orders should be left at postoffice box novI3 W ATER NOTICE. ON AND AFTER APRIL 1st, parties putting in or using- water closets with a continuous stream of water will be chargadf 5 per month; pat ent shut-offs at the old rat. ran ti0 J forThv ME.RI TV The be5t evidence of hioh $rade menr i in continued and increased MA5T1FF , PLUG CUT nai had a more, raoid Growth ot, sales than was even accorded a new , brand of smoKin tobacco, .in. a. similar fime 'J..PACi.-ro6AcCO.C0. fiicnnono. vA BTlKIj(tHKD 0 Y.tBi KOSHLAND : BliOS, POIlTIiAND, Wool Merchants. Sell on Cora mission, and Cash Advances made. Consignments : Solicited ! Wool Bags, Fleece and Sewing Twine pro vided by us. ipr2-4mo Paadengvr acoomodatlona unexcelled. NEW YOBKaLONDGNDEBRy AND 6U880W. ETerr BaturdaT. NEW TOBK, GIBRALTER and NAPLES, At retro lar In terra 1b. SALOON, SEC0H0-CLA88 AND STEERABE rates on lowest terms to and from the principle SOOTflH, XIiaUSB, ISIBH a ALL OCKTDtZKTAL POINT 8 Exenrslon tickets available to return by either the pie turesqoe Clyde A Norta of Ireland or Naples ft Of braltar DnlU asd Vans? Orlsn for Aw AmotBt at Lovtft fatel. Apply to any of our local Agents or to -HENDERSON BBOTHfiBS, Chlesiii, ILL AGENTS WANTED Apply to T. General Agent. The Dalles. Or. HUDSON, Jan23-2 PAUL KEEPT & CO., DEALERS IN Palnt$, 011$, QIa$, And the Most Complete and La teat Patterns and Deaigns in WALL PAPER. Practical Painters and Paper Hantrers. None but tbe best brands of the Bherwln-Williams Paint used iu all our work, and none but the moat skilled workmen employed. All orders will bs promptly attended tn. Bhop adjoining Red Front Grocery, THIRD STREET, THE -THIS GEEMAIIA, CHAS. STUBIitNG, Prop. FOB THEJPRESENT AT "83 Second Street. Wifles,.Lipors and Cigars. All brands 4 Imported Liauors, Ale and Porter, 'an genuine &ey n eat cigars. A roil line Ol CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on.Drsuaht. n Tka taL rutal mm Tfmtmt ta the WvlA CHAS. H. DODD &CO.s iMPORTcrta or . hardware;iron, steel FARM MACHINERY. . j ' FE0NT, FIRST AUD VINE STS., PORTLAND; OR. BUCKEYE. MOWER AND REAPER. I-nequuled for Simplicity, Htrensrtla, are too well auown 10 siotMi iemneDi. auoiiMnwa ws nir iv m dm to-day, sod the nnlveraal sustiafiaetiosi mivvm by tlieui prove tbesa to bo tho snoot popular In market. - . HODGES' HAINES HEADERS. BUCKEYE STEEL nixtlDarnlabed for Streag-tki ! Durability. fldriance Host Economical Binder in nae. Reqnlrea leaa power, naea Icoa twine lima any other. jT - V." QPHIITTIFR AKF1 MIIRIIRN FARM WAGONS VIWHWI FINE CARRIAGES. PHAETONS, TOP BUG GIES. CARTS, ETC. FOUR-SPRINC MOUNTAIN WAGONS AND BUCK-BOARDS. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER. AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE. Yhe most Effective and Succesful combination for Throttling ana Cleaning ornin ever conxnanca. Send for 4i ' T Trnria Murk. with Khavlnr. hv renderine Its future eronth an ullor Inipoasiblllty. Price of Queen's Antl-Halrtne tl. per bottle, sent In safety mailing boiK postare prld by ns (securely gelled from observation). Send monev or stamps by letter with full address w ritten plainly. Corres pondence strictly confidential. This advertisement is honest snd straight forward inevery word it contains. We invite von to doal with n and vou will find everything aa represented Cut this out ana s-Dd to-day. Address QUEEN CHEMICAL CO., 174 Waco 8treet, CINCINNATI. O. Toucan register your letter at any Post Office to Insure Itasafedellvi ry. W e will rT S."0t for any case of failure or ulifrhteat Injury to any Every bottle guaranteed. n"fl 1 1 To ladle, who lnTodu-e and .ell among their friends 9S Dnttl. or Queenls Antl-HalrlM. OrCblfiL we will present wlih a SILK DRESS, 16 yarda best silk Ertr Lrre B-ittlsandaamplas ,wsaawsl of sHr rn n-let fwn "t with erdT. food Salnr nr Pn-" ' ISCORrUATEIi ltfM. THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY Wholesale and Be tail Dealers Ouilding- lo,terlal and DRY. OAIi and SLAB PROMPT DELIVERY TO ANT Offlee Bio 7 WkioBten Ht. . A TEKKIBLE FALL. 'Tis to j ou, mothers and daughters, that I wish to talk; And to the children that are just learning to walk; And all who may need anything in my line I will give you prices that you'll hard ly decline. One needs Bonnets and Ribbons, whilst others need Hats; Some will neefl Dreese and Ruching, and possibly Caps. Possibly Aprons, Collars and Ties there are many that do.- Should you want Flowers and Feath ers, you'll find them all new. . The Third-street Millinery is the place to buy. The prices are low, but quality high. The styles are the latest give us a call; And find that prices have taken a fail. TllOS. ADAMS, The Artistic Shoemaker Is now locata d at No. 116 Court St., Between Second and Thirl. Kppalrins: a Mperlaity. He has saved some of hia beat leather out ot the Are and will make Um neatest boot or sbse ol anyone in the eitvs J. H. LARSEN, Dealer In all klndajot Hay, Grain and Feed, At his old stand, Seoond street, HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE Tne Highest Cash Price paid tor Sheep pelts. a F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN E;j E::::, E::l;' Fd:!::::, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. No 134 Second Street, next door east of Tbe Dalles National Bank. - - Having ust opened in business, and having; a ful lasortment ot the latest foods in my line, I desire a aprs C. F. STEPHENS COAL! COAL! -THE BEST- W"elliiigton, Kock Springs, and Koslyn Coal $12, sacked and tbe city. rlnlivprprl tn anv nart fit At Moody's Warehouse. SHEEP FOR SALE ' Three thousand Fine Graded Bred Ewes and 3000 Yearlings. Kerr & Buckley, Grass Valley, Or. CEDAR POSTS. THE UNDERSIGNED CAN FURNISH MEDIUM and Largo split Cedar Posts, Stt feet Ions;, de livered on cars or boat in Bast Portland, tor 1 and cents each. Eastern Irregon and Wsahington par ties are pleased with them. We prefer buyers should have them Inspected before the posts an shipped. Address INVESTMENT COMPANY. E, QCACsaxscsH. Pree't, Jan2S-dw Drawer 22, Portland, Or. TSIllty, Darabillfy. Ttiene Marblnea FRAME BINDER. Hcap-Dischatge Binder HOLLINGSWORTH & TAYLOR HAND AND SELF-DUMP RAKES. DEERE HAY-LOADER AND) MUDCETT IM-( PROVED TEDDER. HAY-PRESSES. PORTER'S HORSE HAY FORKS AND CARRIERS. O Catalog - no, Free. ' fci ' V i . . . n JEW DISCOVERY byAGOIOENT In com pounding a solution a part was acc'demly anlllpd on tbe hand and on waaning affrward It waa discovered that lb lialr was com pletely removed, we at once put tuia wonaertui prrnarniion. on the market and so great has been the demand that we are now introducloe It throughout the world under the name of tlueeu'a Anll-llmirlite. IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. Lay the bair over and apply the mixture for a few mtnuu-a. and th. hair disappears as If by magic w ithout the allgbteat pain or injury brn applied or ever afterward. It IsunltkeanrolLer preparation ever urid for a like purpose. Thousands of LA I 1KB v. ho have bnn nnoiJ with hair on their FACE. NECK and AIIMS atlint It. merits. GENTI.KMEN who do not appreciate, benrd or hair on their neck, flndaDrlcelsss boiu in tiueen's Antl-Hnli ine v.hlch'Ky snd Manufacture rsof Dimension Timber .WOOD PART OF THE CITY. yaro at OlA eTeranient Baj-rateJkS)