Tie Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY... .JUNE 11. 1892 EDITORIAL NOTES. i Every Republican vote cast on Mon- ' day is a vote cant in favor of protection ; and of endorsing the administration of President Harrison. From Mai ae to Texas there wiU be anxiety to know 'the result, and it should be the 6ame as in former presidential years Ore- " gem still favorable to protection by . 7000 to 10,000 majority. . Republicans cannot give the . ticket too hearty support Monday, and every .' name should be voted. There is no doubt that Wasco' county is strongly Republican, and when-the nominees are men of such excellent reputations and of acknowledged capability for .the positions there should be no hesitancy in supporting them. The party is well organized in every precinct, aud we expect that every Republican will deposit his ballot in favor of the nom inees. There . can be no excuse for - wavering when hundreds of thousands of protectionists . all over the nation are anxiously expecting an ' encoura- ing resulc from Oregon on the 6ih of '"June. '' - New that the state election is over the next matter of political interest .will be the presidential campaign, acid Minneapolis will soon name the Re publican standard bearer. The conn- ,' try is ' strongly in favor of the doc trines of protection, and no : doubt i . will support these at the polls. With - the administration in Republican hands, and the senate with the usual majority American industries will con tinue to grow and prosper as hereto' fore. It would be disastrous to the country for a policy of free-trade to be . inaugurated . at this epoch in its hia- . tory, and a firm reliance can be placed on the ' good sense of the American ' people in this regard. . j The excitement consequent upon the nomination of a candidate at the Min neapolis convention has begun, and already Blaine and -., administration headquarters - have been established. Americans are undoubtedly or mer curial temperaments, and from the nomination - and ' election of a chief " magistrate to sell ins a corner' lot in : some unknown western town, the peo- . pie are inclined to favor a "boom" as the means of accomplishing the end. Perhaps it were better if matters of a political nature were the result of careful consideration, and the conven tion at Minneapolis were to crystallize on the nominee, without being in fluenced in the least by premature en thusiasm. The Republican party is united, ' and whoever the delegates name will receive a full and. hearty support, be he Blaine, Harrison, Lin coln or McKinley. ' The protection policy in this coun try is the legacy from revolutionary forefathers, and, since it has been the means of unexampled prosperity, there is no reason for a, change During the . history of over a hundred years there is not a single instance in which free-trade has been tried that has not . resulted disastrously to all departments of industry, and that prosperity has always . followed high tariff laws. Theories may appear plaus ible; .but he who has practically dem onstrated a course to be beneficial, is unwise to change his line of conduct. This is directly applicable to the " American policy. , It is simply , the inherent principle of preferring the welfare of our. own family to that of the community, of the community to that' of the nation, and of the nation to foreign countries? ' Common Council. " The regular monthly meeting of the com mon council was held in the recorder's olSce 1 . : . TJ 4. LT T? I b ' major; C. N. Thornbury, Hans Hansen, C. E. Haight, H. J. Maier, Paul Kreft and E. B. Dufur, councilman The reports of the city treasurer, record er, marshal and street commissioner were read and on motion received and placed on , file. ' . . On motion the street commissioner was instructed to repair the cistern at the cor ner of Fourth and Union streets, so that tbe same might be supplied with water, It was ordered that when the council ad journ .it adjourn till Saturday, June 11, 1892, at 8 o'clock p. m. n Petition of Dr. VV. E. Rinehart and others, asking" that steps be .constructed up the bluff at the bead of Laoghlin street waa read and referred to committee on streets and public property. ' Complaint received from citizens in re gard to the arc light in tne eastern portion of the bloff, and a request made that it be removed to a farther distance on the bill, ' where it wonld . convenience many more. . Referred to committee on streets and pub lic property, . Communication read from fire department announcing the resignation of Mr. Geo. C. ' Munger as chief engineer, and the election of Mr. J. S. Fish to fill the vacancy. TI-.j action of the fire department was ratified by the council. " ' . , The bill of J. H. Jackson for night watel; man in East End for time served last fall laid on the table. ' . Tbe bill of Jos. T. Peters & Co. was al lowed to the amount of (10 SO. An ordinance for transferring moneys out of the general fund waa passed by a unani mous vote. . v The following bills were allowed: Frank Menetee, recorder R V Gibons, marshal.... J F Stanials, street com Geo J Brown, fire engineer Geo C Monger, firewarden..... $ 92 00 99 00 75 00 80 00 12 130 60 00 13 00 O Kinersly, treasurer F M King, labor Dalles Lumber Co J Ferguson, hauling.... ASCathcart, . S Klein, lead Water comm'rs water rent , Cnroniele Pob Co, printioK C E Haight, feeding prisoner. . . . J H Blakeney, hauling Con Howe, night watchman........ G C Bills. , . " . : " . - Dallea Eleo L Co, marshal'a office. . Dalles Eleo L Co, streets. Dalles Eleo L Co, engine boose ERiggs, labor Ike Perry. " : Mavsft Crowe, mdse... AS Cathcart, hauling Maier & Benton, mdse. ... ....... Paul Kreft ft Co, Geo J Brown, cash C M Fonts, boilding bose house.... 10 69 4 75 13 75 2 0 32 00 . 3 00 13 40 1 50 75 00 62 00 1 60 270 00 6 35 1 00 2 00 6 52 5 00 ' 4 15 1 75 1 50 159 00 There appearing no further business sonn cil adjourned. . ' - CB00K. COUNTY. Items From tuts . Ochueo Columns Review. of the Snow fell in tho Black Butte eonntry last Wednesday, and qnite a aeyere storm swept oyer the mountains at that time. Nearly all of tfae mutton sheep that were sold in this county have been started on the road for their destinations in California and Nevada. . - This week Mr. Coon passed through town With 11,000 head of sheep which he par chased in tbis county. They will be driven to Stockton, Calif. , . , A lare amount of wool is now being hauled from this county to The Dalles via the horse power ronte the- only transpor tation route e have. . Travel has began on the mountains, but considerable snow still remains. Oa the Santiam route the snow extends fro;r. Crater spring to tbe summit of Sand mountain. A number of freighters, who had loaded their wagons with wool and started to The Dalles, were induced last Mojday morning to tnrn oot their teams and take a reat un til after the election. Yesterday a bund of 14,000 iead of sheep passed through Prineville eu rout to Chey enne, Wyoming, wnere iney win oe ieu during the coming winter. The sheep came from Wasco and Sherman counties. Last Wednesday John Bennett, of Mow- ry, waa thrown iroin a wagon, me woeei running over him causing the dislocation of his hio. Dr. Belknas was summoned who set bis hip and at last accounts Mr. Bennett was doing well. . While separating horses last Wednesday Linn, Nichols, of Hay creek, was thrown from his horse rendering him unconscious for a time. The accident was caused by some of the horses within the corral run ning against him, tbe jar causing him to be come unseated. The fall did not prove serious, though it was a elose call. - , ; GEAUT COUNTY. Item From the Columns of the ' Canyon City Jicws. .' Mr. James Wickiser, supervisor of Rose- bud district, informs us that much damage was done bis road by a cloudburst one day last week. - i The late flood raised1 havoc in the neigh borhood of Prairie City. Mr. Chittenden's . ranch was destroyed and his grain washed away. Several , other ranches were also damaged. . - i- - . -i . A grand thunder storm passed oyer this portion ot - Oregon one day last week, accompanied.-by heavy winds. Up about Pine creek thero was a cloudburst, damag ing the road to some extent. In conse quence of the storm the stage from Baker was twelve hours late. . Fred Mosier informs the Newt that dur ing tne high Water OI laai woea ne en deavored to cross the river at Ingle s place on horseback, wben the borse lost control of himself in the swift current and was drowned. ' Fred swam ashore, but horse and saddle floated down stream and could not be found. ' All Grant county people and their neigh bors resret the failure to secure tbe district fair tbis year, inasmuch as we bad secured the promise of it and had incorporated a company land raised tbe necessary funds. It is not likely that all this waa done while we were laboring under a "misunderstand- ins." As the district fair is calculated to benefit Eastern Oregon at large harmony should Drevail. But sweet concord i does not appear to be in it this season. " The County. - ' , . From Tuesday's Dally. . Returns Jiave been received from Tbe Dalles, Hood River, Tyeb, Nansene, Dufur, Colombia Deschutes, Kingaley and Wapin itia, with a few majorities from the Locks,, but nothing has been beard from Antelope, Bakroven, Warnicand Mt. Hood. The fol lowing is the total vote cast for the candi dates from the places from which returns bave been received: " Supreme Judge Bennett, 1129; F A Moore, 411; Win H Walker, 41; Bsnj P Welcn; 38- Attorney General G E Chamberlaini 878; h R Webster, 840.. . - . Congress C J Bright, 70; W R Ellis, 839; J C Luce, 95; J H Slater, 561. . Circuit Judge Bradshaw, 840; Watkins, 1004. '. Prosecuting Attorney Moore, 684; Wil son, 1U40. , State Board of Equalization W Hughes, 775; J L Lucky, 939. State Senator. ISth district G W Rine hart; 816; W W Stiewer, 896. State Senate, 7th district H S McDanel, 805; i A Smith, 879. Joint Representative S F BIythe, 767; E N Chandler, 886; 1 R Coon, 783,' H E Moore, 819. . County Judge G C Blakeley, 954; C N Thornbury. 662. Clerk J B Croaseu, 891; J M Hunting ton, 832. ' , Sheriff O P Balch, 700; T A Ward.1005. Treasurer W -K Corson, 876; iWm Michell, 822. ' V , Commissioner T M Darnielle, 922; H A Leavens, 756. Assessor J W jloonlz, 901; George T Prather, 793. School Superintendent E P Fitzgerald, 662; Troy Shelly, 1032. Coroner N N Eastwood, 973; J W Moore, 780. - ' . Surveyor E F Sharp, 956; P P Under wood, 857. . ; At the Locks 'Bradshaw received 43; Watkins, 70, Steiwer, 53 majority, Mc Donald 54, Chandler 36, Coon 34, Balch 56, and Michell 54. Since tbe above was in type the following figures have been received from Mosier: Bennett. 27; Moore, 19. Bradshaw, 30; Watkins, 29. Tbornbury, 32; Blakely, 27. Crossen, 23; Huutington, 38. Ward, 28; I Balch, 32. ' Another Eailioad. A telephone message from A. F. Parker, of Grangeville, to the Spokane Review say?: "Railroad matters have taken anew tnrn here. Mr. Howe, of the well-known rail road contracting firm of McDonald & Howe, left this morning in company' with J. P. Vollmer for Ctmas prairie to go over the ronte and estimate the probable cost of bnilding a railroad from Lewiston to Grangeville. The road would, be an exten sion of the Spokane and Palonse, and will follow the route surveyed by the Idaho Transit company some four years ago. In the absence ot authoritative information from the Northern Pacific headquarters con cerning railroad extension into tbis eonntry by that corporation the people ot the great Clearwater basin .'are ; looking to other sources for relief. Prompt action is being taken by the citizens of Nes Perces aod Idaho counties to open negotiations -with a yiew to induce George Hunt, proprietor of the Hunt system, to visit this country and undertake the construction of a railroad to develop the Clearwater basin.' Tbe time is ripe for action and the people will aid liber ally the first company which takes the field. Tbe wheat crop in the fork of tbe Snake , and Clearwater will produce this year near ly. 1,000,000 busheis for export. Asotin county will have about the same quantity, all of which will be chipped through Lew iston. The Union Pacific line of steam boats are being refitted with new machinery in expectation of hauling the crop. The acreage is larger thun ever, and the pros pects for a greater yield per acre were neyer better. The backward spring and long con tinued f pell of cold weather have given the stand a due hold, deep'in the soil. In fact Lewiston and the Lewiston country are strictly in it tbis year. lMtm About a Million. PiTToBDKG, June 6 Tbe lollowiog waa recused from tbe mayor of Oil City: "The loss of life. becomes hourly more apparent Sixty three bodies have bren recovered. With the suiciding flood many more will undoubtedly iu found. Oyer a hundred families are homeless. Tbo loss l from $900,000 to $1,200,000." The Coventor Calls for Aid. . Pittsbuhg, Pa., June C. At 1 o'clock this afternoon, Governor Pattison tele craohed from Harnsburg that he had issued a nrociamatioo asKia" for relief for the citizens jf northwestern Pennsyl vania. Notice to Ice Consumers, As manager of The Dalles Ice Co., I with to contradict the statement made that I was only acting as agent for an outside com pany. I own one-half interest in the com pany, and will sell ice this year and tor years to come, and should a crop of natural i come in this locality, we will puttup enough to supply this city for three or four years and Spokane ice companies will then have to withdraw their agents from here. Kespectfully, 14mylm ' W. S. Cram, Mgr. A leader. Since its first introduction, Electric Bit ters has gained rapidly io populp.r favor until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alteratives. Containing nothing which permits its use as a beverase or intoxicant, it is recog nized as the best ana purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick headache, indigestion, constipation, aod drive malaria from tbe system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refund ed. Price only 50 cents per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly; , , 2 Notice to Ice Consumers. Tbe Dalles Ice Company bave now on baud a large supply of clear, pure ice which they are prepared to furnish tn any Quantity at reasonable rates. Orders for ice left at the Columbia Candy Factory will leceive prompt attention. t W. 8. Cram, Mgr. Bncltlen's Arnica (nlv. The best salve in the world for cutt bruises, sores, ulcers, ,ealt rheum, feve, ores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 .. cents per box. For sale by Snipes A Kinersly. ' . Salem Statesman: The last legislature passed an act providing for the payment by thestateof Oregon of money due Hon. Samuel R. Thurston, Oregon territoiy's first delegate to congress. The way the state happened to become his debtor was that promissory certiScates given to . bim were not paid ' for want . of funds. The act , authorizes the Btate treasurer to place tbe amount, which is $34, to the credit of a trust fund to be held in per petuity. Then the state land board shall loan the sum for six per cent, per annum, the interest to be given to the trustees of the I. O. O. F. cemetery, of Salem, to ex pend in caring for the grounds and repairing the mouDoment erected by tne state ol Oregon to tbe memory of Sainuel R. Thurs ton, who died at Acapulco, Mexico, while on bis way borne irom Washington, the interest amounts to only $2.04 per year, but notwithstanding that, .nothing . baa -been done to keep the grave in order. To. Vtapel Colds. Headaches and Fevers, to cleanse tbe system eftectually, yet gently, wben cos tive or billions, or wben tbe blood is lm pure or smgeisn to permanently cure habitual constipation, to awaKen tbe kid neys and liver to a healthy activity, without irritating or weakening tbem, use Syrup of Figs.t . - Inlander:. A drift log on Snake river took out tbe Eureka ferry boat on Friday,-May 13th, and io consequence the ferry will not be ranniDg again until about July 1st. The log which took out the boat was entirely under water. It caught the boat and pulled tne tower over. J. &. Aooot was - crossiLg to bring over a horseman when the accident happened. He cut the rope, then grabbed a rail ana swam to the shore. Ihe boat was landed about rour miles below. It will be necessary to go to Clearwater for timber for tbe tower. . Lxund Notice. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Land Omcx at Tda Dallbs, Ortcon, lane i, ism. Notice is hereby iriven that the following-named settler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tl.a' said proof win oe maue oeiore tne negiater aua neceiver ol tne U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on Ju 20, lsuz, vis: WILLIAM H. SHELLEY, Hd. THo.pbU, for the SE,, See 21. Tp S N, B 15 E w Jo. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said- land, viz: 4 ' Thomas J. Miller. - Celilo, Or.; Andrew Linton, J. Doherty, The Dalles, Or.; Thomas Walsh, Celilo, Ureuon. Jun - JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Omca at Tbb Dau.es, Okkgoh, -June 2. 1892. Notice is hereby given that tbe following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that sid proof win be made before tne register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on July 20, viz: JOHN J. EHRISMAN, . D. S. No. 6964, for Iota 2 and 8, Sec 28, Tp 1 N, B 12 east. -. He names tbe following witnesses to prove his contiDuoud residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: ' . Andrew tfaller, George Kaller, Edward Wicks, Andrew Lrquhart, au ol rne fanes, uretfon. jun. ' tOHN W. LEWIS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Laxd Omcs at VaacoDvaa, Wash., May 19. 1892. Notice is hereby civen that the following named claimant has filed notice of bis intention to make final nroof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commissi- ner United States Circuit Unurt. a 13 1 net 01 Washington, at Uoldendale, Wash., July e, lbaii. vuk - . JOHN RUEE, - , . , Homestead entry No. -5830. for the EH of NE! and ii ot SEJ4, Bee 32, Tp in, n 13 fc w ju. . He names the following - witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation ox said land, viz: Bobert A. Struthera. Mariar M. Splawn, William O A Marckman aud William Garner, all of Hart- land P. O., Wabhiurton. maySS JOHN D. CEOOHEGAiY. llefrister. . NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Laud Ornca at Vancouver. Wabb., May 12,1892. , To James C. ' BIy and all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby given that the foUowinv-unmed settler has filed notice of his int ntion to malte final pro .i in support of his claim, and that said proof will De maue peiore rr . i . uunuar. vuuimisiMuiitM- United States Circuit Court for district of Washing ton, at uoldendale, Washington, on July zmi, 1892, viz: , GRANT 6MITH8ON (Indian), Homestead entry No. 6845, for the W J of N Wi, and w 01 sw j, sec t, rp s in. is is -w at. He names the following witnesses to prove Ms continuous residence upon, and cultivation ol, said land, vis: Joseph Klilockum, Willitm Spedis. Martin Spedis, aeary JSfeison, au ol uartland Jfoatomce, wasn. mayls JOHN D. GEUGHEGAN. Register. A SoaYeuir Thimble Free. : A NT LADY sendinar at once the nunes and ad- J dress of ten married ladv frleuds orhonse keepers to whom we can send sample copies of tbe most charming- illustrated ladies' newspaper pub lished to-day, will receive an elegant solid silver sou venir thimble. The "Ladies' Pictorial Weekl)" is the handsomest and most entertah n publication of its class and is becoming universal v popular with intelligent ladies in both Canada ai 1 the United States. 11 contains sixteen large paes. same aire as -narper s uacaar- most proiuseiy illustrated, and comes each week at only 2 a year. If yoa de-' sire a souvenir thimble send names of those voo think would be interested in the "Ladies' Weekly" and enclose fifteen U. S. 2-cent stamps to cover ex penses of inailinjr, etc Forward to-day. Address "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly, Canada Life Building onto, Can. nvgbw r OIVIS BXJOYS Both the method and results -when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and -refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its tion and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale n oOc and ?1 bottles by al leading druggistii. Manufactured oidy by the . CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FtiAMOfSCO, CAL. 10UISVILLE. AT. NfW fOPK. H.t JLegal Notices- CITATION. IN THE COUNTY COURT of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco. Id the matter of tbe estate of John G. Staats, de ceased Citation. . To William H. Stints, Emma J. SUats, John "A Staats, Lucy Staats, James W. staats, Robert J. Staats and all other heirs of John G. Staats, de ceased, greeting: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Cuurt of tbe state of Oregon for tbe county of Wasco, at the court room thereof, at Dalles City, in said county, on Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 18921, At 10 o'clock in the fcrenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if aity thty bave, why the fol lowing described real estate should not be sold, al prayed for in the petition ol E B. Inifur. adminis trator of the estate of the said John G. Staats de ceased: The north half of the northwest quarter mud the north half of the northeast quarter of sec tion eight (8), in township two (2), south of range tnirteen (13) east, w. in Wasco county, Oregon. Witness the Hun. C. IT. Tbornbury, Judge of tbe ssal said Count v Court, with the seal of said court amxea, tnis inn day or May. A. a. 1892. Attest: J. B. CROBSEN, Clerk, mayl4-7t By E. Marti. Deputy. Sheriff's Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION, issued out of the circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, on tfae 1st day of June, 1892, in the suit wnerein a. waiceneia u iiaintin ana ju. o.nyre is defendant, to me directed, commanding' me to satisfy said demands, and in obedience thereto I levied upon and will sell the following dcsciibed land, subject to redemption, to-wit: the Sec. 20, T)v 1 north, Kange 14 Fast W. M.t in Wasco county, btate ot ureifon, ou Saturday, the 20th day of July, 1892, At the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the court house dour inx Dalles City, in' said county and state, at public auction to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, au tne deienaant's rignt, title and in terest to" ti.e above described land?, to satisfy the sum of $296.90, and 40 as attorney' fees; also the further sum of $3ti.l0 costs, with interest on the said amount since the 24th da of May, 1892, at the rate of iu per cent, per annum, together with cosu and accruing' costs nerein. UaWd this 3d day of June, ' D. L. CrVTES, . juii4-td . Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS . HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been duiy appointed by the County Cuurt of tbe State of Oregon for Wasco county, in pr bate, administrator of the eetate of Harrison Coram, deceased. AU person having clainu against said estate axe hereby required to fresent them to me, with proper vouchers, at the aw offii-e of Condon & Condon, in Dalles City,Waco county, Oregon, within six months from the date of to is notice. - ..- - . Dated May 2Stb, 1892. J. W. CONDON. Administrator of the estate cf Harrison Coram, deceased. ' mayzotu Dissolution Notice. T O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby riven that the firm of Bvroe. JTioy A Jo. is uiis day di&s'ived y niuiual c-Dsent. bamuel A. Byrne retiring from the firm. The busi ness will be continued at the olu stand by William Floyd and Btacey Shown. All bills due the late firm fuuat be pad to William Floyd and atacey Shown, and all indebtedness owi g by said firm wUl oe settled or tnam. wilj.iah riuu, . - - ' STACEY SHOWN, S. A. BYRNE. . The Dalles, Or.. April 26, 1882. . apr27 Dissolution Notice.' rjtO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: , , Notice is hereby given that the partnership here tofore existing between J. N.Lauerand 3. F. French, under the firm name of French b Laner, is this day dissolved bv mutual consent. J.N Lauer will con tinue the business, and pay all bills snd collect all moneys aue tne mm.. . , . , s. - r. i- KfcflUti, . -. . J.N. LAUEnV The Dalles. Oregon, April 14, 1892. COOHTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. All coULty warrants registered prior to Jan. 17, 1889, wiil be paid if presented at my office. . Interest ceases from aod atei this date. ' - - - j .- .. ( The Dalles, May 18, 1892. : GEOHGE RUCH, 4t Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. Full Line Op -SAMPLES Cloth f nt - . I w f - Qan Be Found Ht Merchant Tailor, No. 77 Second St. Suits Made to Order AND FITS GUARANTEED. To Yob Free to all Brides ! NOTICE is hereby given to a the readers of this paoer and all their fri nda Ann flcnuain tan cost tarocufDout uu umica ecaies ana vaDaaa tbat THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple wfcose addressand 10 c-ntd to pay j postage-is sent to the publisher wunio one year irom me a&ie 01 ueir mamaire. Persons sending (or this present are requested to end enpy of a pf per con tain iiie a uoiice of their marriage, or sohia otner enae:ee tnsvt shall anount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magayiue unoer ine aoove oner, Aaareas, 'THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt. G; NOW AK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and artf ifcai.iaa tor building fur nished. Will (it. all njnrls of excavating and grading. .. . '. . All orders should be left at postomce box . .- ;- 1 uoylrf - Attention, Sheep fen. I Stems. hiah are excellent for sheep dip or for cleansing cattle of vermin, which I will sell cheap. For terms apply at The Dalles Cigar Factory. mchl"1 A. ULLRICH 80N Housekeepers "We are Still In It." WM. BUTLER & CO., Lumber Dealers. Wo have added to our busiues3 the fallow insr lines, and wiii not be uaursoiu. Ume, Plaster, Ualr, Cement, BUILD IHG PAPEH, And wiil furnish anvthing in the line of Building Material. A ifocT.il discount to the trade in anything we uanaie. uur stock is all lresh. Front Street, Corner of Jefferson. mm, Nort'iirest C-jr.TSccondJnd Wasliington bt'. 1M4S 'k'H PROP' 5'? ' i t c r to eorge Ruth. rJ7ho Clieapest Place IX THB DALLXS FOR- Ml Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN'. WILLOW WARE, ETC. We rcspettfully solicit a sliaro of the public pat ronnire, aod shall endeavor to give entire satisfac tion to our customers hotn olu aucl new. EverythiDg in the line of SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY AND FfNB FRENCH CANDIES, BE TOVSB A NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE, 8ECOITD STREET, Tie Revere Bouse, COB. THIRD AND STAKBSTS., POKTLAAD, OREGON Has been recently decorated, and is now under the manaemen of MRS. I. G,.FARRELriY, This houoe being1 centrally located, offers induce ment io persons visit in? rortiana to patronise it, where they will aJwaya find pteasadt rooms, sintrle or en suite, specially reserved for transient occu pancy, may 21 SKIBBE HOTEL F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. The Only Brick Hotel IJI THE ' CITY TiEST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE in the North- Ij vest. This builcin" has been refitted since tbe fire of September 2d. and the rooms ar flrat-clau in every particular. The table Is supplied with the Dest tne market anorus. ' The oar in connection with the hotel is supplied with tne highest irrade ol wmea, mquors ann im- portea ana iiomesuciigars. s . jansv-i THOS. ADAMS Is now located at No 116 Court St., . Between Second and Third. KeDalring s Specialty. He has stved some of hia best leather out of the fire aud will make the neatest boot or shoe of anyone in the citv. FEATHERBONE Is made from QUILLS. nature's awn tongbest material, best whips made for we pnee, (jC8ap, uuraoie, ai l. miles, au prices ask jour dealer for a FEATHEEBOBE. FOB 8A3 BV HENRY KUCK, The Dalles, Or. J. A. 0KCI1AKD, , ADJOININGiTHE DIAMOND MILLS. THE DALLES, : : OREGON, -dbalbs nr- - hi. CANNED COODS OF ALL KINDS OH HAND. Quick rales aod small profits, my motto. Sample Rooms, 71 MA15T STREET. ; Always on liand th BestWines, . Liquors, . and Cigais. A Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei on drauirlit. Mcdonald, bros., : PR0PR'S TO THE TRADE AP CONTRACTORS. T DESIRE IT TO BE UNDERSTOOD TBAT J. have appointed Wm. Butler tk Co. tCLLttlVK AGENTS for the "Oreiron" Lime at Tne Dalles and surround injr country. Other parties hn.vo, thrvuxh surreptitious and unbusinesslike methods, obtained a small quantity of tbis Lime, which mav naturally cuse the idea tbat Wm. Butler A Co are not the exclusive treats for these troods. Such, however. is not the fact, and further Stock of this Article can not oe ooiamea from othcrt than Wm, Butler & Co, Tbe Ira e, however, will ot josc sight of the fact that the irreat sti if e to obtain the "Oreiron" Li ue by other dealers proves conduMvely tbat the "Oregon i Ute best Lime in the market. T. F. OSBORN, Gen. Agt, Or. Marble & Lime Co. Andrew Velarder HOUSE MOVER. Tho Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. PI EER FORWHIPS V2a 25o. . 50c. $l25 FROM TERMINAL OR IN1EKIOR POINTS Northern Pac. Is Oie Hoe to take TO ALL Mm EAST AND SOOTH It is the Dining1 Car Route. It runs Through Vee- uouiea irains tery vay id tbe rear to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (SO CHANGE OF CARS.) Compv cd of Dining Cars unsurraeaed. oliiEan - ira.wii)g-mom Metpeis of Latest Equipment. TOURISFSSLEEPINGgCARS, Best." that can be eorntructed. andf-'n which acccm modation are hotb Free and Furnished fur holders of First or Second clase Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Contfnnons Line, Connecting with AH Lines, Affording Direct and Uiiinterrnpted Service. Pullman S leeper repervatinnn can ho secured in ad yance through any aent of the road. . THROUGH TICKETS AtS EDirluitU snd Europe can be purcbasod at tnv ticket otlic of the company. Full In'or-matim concernin&r rates, lime of trail:?. rout"n and other dtbiils (urnisked on ) plication to W. C. ALLOW AY, Aeent D. P. Si A. IN Co., Regulator o(Bce,.The Ial!eaOr. A. D. CHAKLTOH, Afi't Oineral Posstcper At," No. 121 irst St., Cor. Wa-h.. HOKTLM. OREGON OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, ChicaD, AND ALL FOISTS EAST, NORTH and SOUTH. 3 05 A. M. 1 26 P. M. Leave The Dalles... Arri7eat Tbe Dalles - I 4 05 P. M. 1 11 56 P. M. PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS, RECLINIh G CHAIR CARS nnd DINERS Steamers from Portland to San Francisco Evibt Four Days. Tickets to and from Europe. . For rates and trencral information cal. on E. . LYTL.E, Depot Ticket Agent, Tbe Iialles, Oregon. W. H. HURLBUKT. Asst. Oen. Pan. Art.. 54 Warbiniiton bt., Portland. Or. THE DALLES ninflDQ of the Best Brands manufact vl UnriO nrei, and ordeaa from all paits of the eonntry cued on tbe ebortestnotice. Tlie repntation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home manulactnued'article is increasing eyery day. dec24ftytf A. ULEICH ft SOX. . - ' . i LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Payette it Friend.) V THB LEADING ' BLACKSMITH! : ' AND WAGON-MAKER,, ": Corner Seoond and Madison Sta AU work work in iron or wood done in the neatest manner. Anything in the wagun line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made , or repaired. " Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machineiv le paired in the most skill ol and workmanlike manntx. '. mch21dw FASHIONABLE MIULNERY! -at . ', iIrs. De Lyle's Emporium, 114 SECOND STREET. K FULL ASSORTMENT or BTxarrnraa ui HATS, , BOMETS AND TRI1IMLGS MR3. A. SCHOOLING, Manager. MAIER & BENTON, fjuccestora to A. Bettingen RETAILERS ASI JOBBERS IV Eartae, TiswargJW..i6iiw6 AND GRANITEWARE A coinplete line o- Heatini? ftnd Cook Store?, Pomps. - ripe numwra )uia oMjaiu r lnnrs auppuea; also complete stock tf iirpeuters', Blacksuii'bs and Fumi v Tools, AND SHELF HARDWARE. Tinning, Plum'-Intr and pipe work will be done ou hort notice. SECOND ST.. THE DALLES. OR W. T. WISEMAN Successor to J. H. alcDononsh & C, ) DEALER IM Choice Wines; Liquors, AND CIGARS. None but the best brands of Liquors and Cigar od sale. Temperance drinks of all I muila. Urncr pf Uourt and Second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. L. P. OSTLUND I. will furni&h(drafts and estimates Ton aU Cnildings. nweiiuixs ana stores. Mr. Ostland is) a practical mechanic and thi Inlana omwa oj nun win prove .artistic, cneap and dura ble. JQ ON. SALE Cigar Factory, THE DHLLES Tioies-Maip -THE- LEADING PAPER Of Wasco Countv. Subscription, $2 Per Year. "Ask ib. t--f.t for V7. Ooastlns Shaea. ff not ijf iti vou. iliLce auk vnur dealer to scu-1 for -:ilaloiiie, sec are' the agencr, aan vi'i luenl lur you. - -i;jl.U.IC .U M UTlTUiK.J L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cpntTeWn THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It is a seamleaa shoe, with no tacJu or wax thread to hurt the feet: made of the beat fine calf, atv.isu and easy, aod because toe make mors aboea of this graae inan any mner manufacturer, it equal? nano Bewed shoes costlntr from AAXfH to ft5.au. cc uuuenniue Handnewedt tnennestcnu S9 shoe ever offered for $5.0u; equals French Imported shoes which cost from $3.00 to 12.00. (DA OO Hand-iSewed Welt Hhoe, fine calf, 1 P stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same irrade as cus- wm-nuuie amies cosLing irora b.uu w W?aK "3 au foiice imioai farmers. Kaiiroaa Men 9 w and Letter Carrici a all wear them: fine calf. seam. ass, smooin insiae. iieavy inree soies, exten sion edee. One nalr will wear a vrat. A dtf fin cain no better shoe erer offered at ii this nrlce : one trial will convince thosa I who want a shoe for comfort and service. ! CO and 84.00 Workinaman'a 'shoes ! wmb are verv strone and durable. ThnM who have given them a trial will wear no other make. Dm-c? 9uu ana i.7A scnooi snoes are DVJO worn bv the bovaevervwhere: thev&eii uu meir raen&s, as mv increasiag Baies snow. I qHSoc S3.00 Hnnd-oewed shoe, best null ICO Dongola, very stvllsh; equalsFreuctr -sty 11 4.00 u hnj uuunu Haws cusuuinim 4.uu u goaju. Ladies tf.30, 82.00 and 91.75 shoe for Hisses are the best fine Dongola. Stylish and durable. CaotiaB. See that v. L. Douglas' name aua price are suunpea on tne oot torn or each shoe. - . ; W. 1 UJUvtLtAO, CTOCXtOIl JoaSo. J.FREIMAN, AGENT, THE DALLES A FREE TRIP " . TO THE . WORLD'S FAB! Commenolng May 1, 1893 . The Tltstorv Com nan v. of San Francisco. CaJ.. (capital stock $500,000) the oldest and lares. pub lining1 house ou tne Pacinc coat, tnu day announce that they will pre, absolutely free, a ticket to the World's Fair aiid return, inclufiinir meals en mute one week (7 days), hotel accomuiodations, nix mis sion tickets to the r.xprition grounds, two tickets to leadmif c nicairo theaters, and such other DnvJ- leves as may insure a pleasant trip to deserving per sons woo comply wicn weir requirements. , Those desirintr to jrb to the World's Fair and who could not otherwise do so, can aduress us at once for full particulars. This offer does nut apply to per sons of means who are in a position to nittet tbe ex- Denses of sueh a trio themselves, but to eutenrisimr ana intelligent young men ana women wno can ap preciate sucn an opportunity ana make the niot of it Teachers, clergymen, students, farmers bri&rht Dwuar uiu uauf; iiiAra or ix lava avujr auu sail frsscJeXtAll oucry, enuirpruie ana cuaraciror wiu oe e;igioie. . TUE CHAXCK OP A l.IFE-TlttE. Every vounc man or woman who desires to troto tjnicago me creaiest e.hio- j ition the world has ever known si ould address ns at once. - Such an opportunith is rarely offerei, and the trip will be tbe event 'of a lifetime to those aha o. Address i THE HISTORY COMPANY, ' ' TIIB BISTOaT .BCfLDIKO, No. 72S MARKET ST. IN FKANCISCO. CAL. tVZ MlMed his Opportunity ! IH?PT Mia I louritueaaer. '! majority noglect their op Dortnnitiea. and from that eatiM llva In novArtv ainl din In obscarltTl liarrowinir deanavir ia th lot of inin. mm th usu.-Konsost, loraverioit, opporiDDiiy. JLiieUlpoaa nsiiieacogui. csnpana aoms. jiiiproreyour opporta piiy,andMCtireproiineriif'.proniriince,pac&, I twos said hy a pljtloaoUcr, ttiat "tbe iioduess of Furtiine offers a soiiicnonportntiiiy w eacn parson at mma period of lire; tiuiTac the chance, and ahaiionraont liar rieliea: fail tn Ha 1 si nnu mum uepana, nrrtr 10 return." 11 uw aumil ym Dnd i:mcoLDtt.TopportanitTf Inrestfate every rhaacethat npnears wortlir. and of fair nromi-e: that ia wliaA all mn. co s'.'ulniendo. IlerefsaDoppurtnaity.aachasisnotoftea within the reach ot laboring people. Iinpruvod.itwillfriTa, nt iaiut, a frrand start in life. The colii:.v opportnnliy for "j a.w.B. hiihvj w iuau laiuui; aim iiunursoij by Jiny indatttrioui person of either ecx. All agon, Yoa can do the work and live at borne, wherever vnn are. Evan h. rinriers are ea Hy earning 1mm 3 to fiilO per day. Yoa enn do as well if yon will work, not too ImnL bat iudastri- oasiy; ana yoa can increase your income as yoa fro no. Yoa caoivo spare time only, or all ynr time to tue work. Easy to Itmrs. Capital not required. We start von, A 11 is eom pnraurely new and really wonderful. We Instruct and show too how. free Failure ni dtnown among oar work er. No room tn explain ber. Writ and learn all fW, r - . . . ... .... uu-m " niwreniainnra i dB Co.. Jftox BiiOm PorUmtdL. MiitrTW JAS. FERGUSON, 1 Goods hauled with the'erestest care to all parts of tbe city oa abort notice NOTICE. PARTIES HOLDING CLAIMS AGAINST THE undersigned are notified to nresentthem at cnaa to bim at the Columbia Candy Factory, and all those inaeotea to mm are requested io settle at tne sune place, as be has sold out his businrfls and wishes to close bis accounts. W. 8. CRAM. The Dalles, April 6, 1S92 . dw-'m . ... WHY IS THE w. Genera Express A TERKIBLE FALL. 'Tis to you, mothers and daughters, that I wish to talk; And to the children that are just learning to walk: And all who ma need anything in my line . I will give you prices that you'll hard ly decline. One needs Bonnets and Ribbons. whilst others need Hals; Some will need. Dresse and Ruching, and possibly Caps. Possibly Aprons, Collars and Ties there ae manv that do. Should you want Flowers and Feath ers, you h find them all new. The Third-street Millinery is the place to buy. . The prices are low, but quality high The styles are the latest give us a call; And find that prices have taken a fall. -THJbS GE EM All A, CHAS. STUBXiIIfG, Pro?. FOR TUEtPRESENT AT Second. Street. WllS, UpOFS ailfl Cl'pFS. All brands "t Imported Liouors, Ale and Porter,' an .xenjir.e h.ty went CiKais. A full line of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. PAUL MEET & CO., DEALERS IN Painty, 011$, Gla$$, And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs itv WALL ! A. I 11 It". Practical Painters and Paper Fan iff rg. None but the best hrands of the Sherwin-William Punt uwtl in all our work,' and none but the most sklllen workmen employed. AU orders will be promptly attended tn. Shop adjoining Red Front Grocery. THIRD STREET, THE DAc- MBS. A. JONES. Prop.' 83 UNION STBEKT 85 Adjoining Byrne, Floyd k Co.'s d vt store. The tables are supplied with the lie? t the . market affords. - MEALS AT ALL HOURS None Lut white help employed. COAL! GOAL! THE BEST '. Wellington, Rock Springs, . and Roslyn Coal.' Backed and delivered to aoy put ot the city. , At Moody's Warehouse. SHEEP FOE SHE. Three thousand Fine Graded Bred Ewes and 3000 Yearlings. " Kerr & Buckley, . Grass Valley, Or. The Dalles Restaurant CHAS. H. DODD & CO.V ' ' . . s.' . I IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE," FARM MACHINERY. FSONT, FIRST AND VINE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. I'ucqiialrd for Simplicity, Strensjrtb, are too weit khowb io ni t ommpni. -sDonajancin of in cm are ill nae liMlaj, and the nnirenial sallafacllu. riven by tbeiu prove them to be tbe moat popnlnr In suitrket. HODGES' HAINES HEADERS. BUCKEYE STEEL ' . DJatlng-niabed for fttreiigjth stud Dnrablllty. fldpiance RcaF-Dischargc Binder Hoat Eeonomlcnl Binder la nae. Require leaa power, iims less tuine tbau any SCHUTTLER AND MILBURN FARM WACOHS F!SE CAHRIA2ES, PHAETONS, TOP BUC- CIES, CARTS, ETC. FOUS-SPniHU MOOHTAIN WACOHS AND CilCK-BOARDS. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER. AUITLIAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE. The must Kllcctivc ami Rncceiifnl combination for Tii-evhini; mid Cluing Grain ever constructed. Send for marnvtiuu wiKmi, iiua It Uirougbout Oie world V aT nPnt?-Bl ll lartiircviLi nAKmLtoo Aim SO Tav th. hair over TniflA l fIlr llkah..f. k PrJce oJ Queen's Antl-Halrfne fi. per bottle, sent In sntetv mailing boxes, poslsre piiid by us (securely sealed from observation). Bend monev or stamps by letter with full address w rittrn plainly. Corres pondent strictly confidential. This advertisement is honest and straight forward In every word It contains. We invite yon tn deal with n and yon will find everything aa represented mt this out and a-ndlo-day. Address pUFEN CHEMICAL CO., 174 Race Street, CINCINNATI. O. Voa can i? yoaT leKrT ' y Post Office to Insure its sale delivery. We will pay :00 for any case or failure or slightest injury to any purchaser. Every bottle guaranteed. VBf Pill To ladles who tnrrndoe and sell mmonr w. will pnacnt with a BILK DBE8S. IB v of silk to soleot from sant with ordar. ISVOBrOATEU 1MM. THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY ' Wholesale and Retail Dealer Bnildinsr 31aterial arid DRY- OAK and tSLiVI3 PROMPT DELIVERY TO ANY Office 7 VYMogton tit. ToFacco" varied' in fla? vor and other-qualir fiei accord ind to where orovn itji MAiTIr F PLU6 CUT b a scientific mixture, of he choicest oade selected, by manufacr turers of thirty years experience. itlSiliTRICItf Tibst Class To Iraeat, Fastest aad Ylmeet In tbe WsrlaV Ptuwnffcr ao(HjmrKlftion unexctsJIea. . KEW tORaVlONDCHOERRT AMD 6U8B0W. KTnrr SatnrdftT. NEW YORK, GIBRAXTUK and NAPIJBS. At reirmar intervals. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates on loirent terms to and from the principle I00TCH, INOLISH, IBISH ALL C0OTIK1NTAL FOOTS. Ezeuralon tickets arailable to return br either the pie- tureeane Clvde A North of Ireland or Naples ft Gibraltar Drafts tad Vener Men far AaT Aaotat at Iowstt btss. Apply to any of our local Agents or to HENDERSON BKOTHKKS, Chicago, UU AGEST3 WASTED Applj to T. A. General Agent, Ihi Dalles. Or. HUDSON, JanS3-2 ESTABLISHES 20 VGAB8 KOSHLAND : BEOS., POUTIiAND, Wool Merchants. Sell on Commlpsion, and Cash Advances made. ' Consignments : Solicited! VTnol Bag, Fleece and Sewing Twine pro vided by v. apr2-4mo J. E IARSEN, Dealer in aU IcindsM Hay, Grain and Feed, At hi old stand, Seoond street HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. - Tne hlirhest Cvh Prlos paid for Sheen pelts. C- E STEPHENS, DEALER IN i at BATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SUOKS. No 134 Seoond Street, next door east o Tli Dalles . liational Bank. Havin; just opened In business, and hsvinjf a ful( assorunnc of tho latest ifoods in my line. 1 desire share of U public patroiia. aprt . C. F. STEPHENS CEDAR POSTS. THE UNDER8IONKO CAN FUBN18H MEDIUM and Large T"1 Cedar Poets, ny, feet Ions;, de livered on cars or boat iu Eust Portland, for 7 and 8 cents each. Eastern Oregon and Washington par ties are pleased with them. We prtfer buyer should have them inspected before .the posts ara (hipped. Address INVESTMENT COMPANV, E. (racsKKSrsn. Pres't, Jan29Iw Dtawur '22, Portland, Or. I RON, STEEL BTS., POBTLAND, OB. Utility, Dnrblllty. Tliee Klrchliica FRAME BINDER, otber. , HOLLINGSWORTH & TAYLOR HAND AND SELF-DUMP RAKES. DEERE HAY-LOADER AND MUDCETT IM PROVED TEDDER. HAY-PRESSES. PORTER'S HORSE HAY FORKS AND CARRIERS. - 41 v t jit . . ." il Catnloarae. free. JEW DISCOVERY by ACSIDEfiT In compounding a solution a port was accidently rpllled on the bam and on waabtiiff afterword it was discovered tlut (h bafr was coin pletely rem. vel. We al once put tnis wonderful preparation, on the- ueru nir ucuiilliu auall. we are now iiitroauoiDC under tbe name of tlurrn's Antl-Jtlairiii. W asAnnnia r- rs. Aavaaaa 9 6IMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. and apply In. mizturafora few inlnniM ' ni th. hair disappears as If by magic without tbe slightest palu or Injury when applied or ever afterward. It Isunllke any other preparation ever ued fnra like purpose. ThonaaiKls of L.AIH FS who have been annoyed with hair on their FACE. NECK and AKMM attest Its merits. OEXTI.KMEN who do not appreciates beard or hair on their nerk, find a nrlceloss bot-Q In OueiiB AntUMnlrlnewhlrh diea mar It. li,tH mm-IIi ,,lt.. lmniilhllltV. thetr f - Mend. SB Bottles of Qneon. AnU-Hsinii.. ..n(.wik T.tra i.arM Pottl. and saainisa Good Salary or Commission to Amenta. aod Mannfactureraof - Dimension Timber .WOOD PART OF THE CITY. Yard at Old liovernmeac iiarracka