The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY JUNE 4. 1S92 EDITORIAL N0TB8. . Congressman Dalzell said ia Jii speech in congress that the protective system recognizes the fact that alone of all. men on God's footstool the American has inherited, as the price of blood, the right to call, himself the equal of a king, and it recognizes, therefore, that there is an American manhood and an American woman hood, thank God, worthy of protec I tion, cultivation and preservation. About 400 delegates to the National Editorial Association, which recently ' met in San Francisco, are now in Port- , land enjoying a hearty welcome from her citizens. These are brain-worker., Mid, after this vacation, will return to their literary pursuits with renewed 'vigor. Oregon should receive substan tial benefit from this visit, and in every town these editors should be the recip ients of that generous treatment to .' which men and women who mould public opinion and direct the course of the nation, politically and otherwise, : are entitled. On street comers and in p!acea of public resort the news was received . to-day with considerable astonishment . that Jackson, the colored pugilist, bed knocked out Slavin, the champion of the Anglo-Saxons, for a purse of $10,- i 000, at the National club in London ' last evening. . If . John ,.L. Sullivan and other sluggers would meet the African hero and . fare . the fate of ' Slavin, it might act as a cooler of the - ardor of English and Americans for the prize ring, and induce them to ' turn their attention to more civilized vocations. It would be far more . ennobling for the youth of .' America ; and other countries to turn their . attention to other matters ' than an ambition to succeed in slugging matches, and if the negro is successful in these it is far more becoming in them than in Anglo-Saxons. But one week will elapBe before the citizens of Oregon will be called upon to cast their ballots for their choice of officials, and this election is of the greatest importance because the at tention of the .United States is fixed upon Oregon in this presidential year. - The choice of county 'officials in ordi nary years is of little political bignifi- . cance; but in the opening of a presi dential campaign may have influences . in determining the administrative ;. policy of the nation. Bhode Island ' being the first state that cast its ballot . ; was eagerly watched by Republicans and Democrats, and Oregon following , soon after will receive equal if not more attention. The protective pol icy is on trial, and if, after the ecc nomio questions have been fairly pre sented to our people, they decide in favor of changing to free-trade, it will have its effect on the election in No vember. Republicans should . support the ticket dh the 6th of June, as by so doing they give evidence of their be lief in the doctrine of protection, and . confidence in the party's administra tion of national affairs. This is de- cidedly a political year, and we hope and expect to see each Republican . "stand up and be counted" in favor of the distinctive American policy now in , operation. . . - . - TELEGBAPHIO HEWS. Destroyed By Fire. ". San Fbancisco, May 29. Fulton iron works, the Hammond car works, Ya Drake's brass foundry and a large num ber of smaller concerns, occupying half block on. Ho ward street, between Pre- . mont and Beale, were destroyed by fire earlv this morning. The loss is estimated at $450,000 . and the insurance only 95, ' 000. Tbe fire started in the Fulton iron works, and spread rapidly to tbe Ham mood car works and then to tbe other buildings. Tbe strnctnres destroyed were all wood and burned fiercely. The - fire raged several ; boars. ' Most of tbe damage, however, was done to expensive machinery. Tbe Fulton iron works will lose $250,000 and the Hammond car works $80,000, and tbe balance is divided up between Van Drake's brass foundry and tbe smaller manufactories. One man was severely injured by falling from a third-story window. Ibe Fulton iron works was one of the largest foundries in tbe city, and has many large contracts on band. . The Hammond car worKs mam factored street cars and railroad cars Four years ago a similar fire destroyed both tbe Fulton and Hammond works, Work of the Flames. Pabis, May 30. The great flour mills of Messrs. Barblay, situated at Corbeil in tbe department of Seine-et-Oise, were burned to day. ' It is feared that 21 of tbe employes were buried beneath the rains. Of tbe injured taken ont tbis afternoon three died on tbe way to tbe hospital, and several more are in a pre carious condition. A special containing firemen, a book and ladder truck and an engine, left Paris for tbe scene of tbe fire scon after tbe first news arrived. Men are working at tberoins to nigbt, but tbe ' total loss of lite will not be known be fore to-morrow. It is thought that some of those now missing may not be dead, ' bat merely injured and waiting at the hoose of friends to have tbeir wound dressed. - THE LOSS FIVE MILLIONS. Pabis, May 30. The last of the tire was extinguished this evening. The lots is much greater than at first reporter, and will fall little short of $5,000,000. Captain Eeans Hiry. . New Yobk, May 30. Captain P. W. Egan, the mariner whose disappearance occasioned another Cronin scare bere, ' returned from Rochester and tells a re markable story. "On the nigbt of tbe disappearance," he 6ays, "I got off the car at Thirty-first street to wa lk. While walking along that street something like a wet towel was puuea suaaeniy ana tightly across my face. Tbis is all I can remember. Tbe next I knew I found myself, dirty and sick, sitting on a stoop in some place wbicb seemed familiar. I inquired of some passers-by and tbey told me I was in Rochester. How I got there I don't know. I don't remember being on any cars. 1 bad tow) in my pocket which I intended to invest, was stolen from me. Tbis Three' Boys Drnratt Boston, May 80. Fred. W. Arbon, aged 18, Phillip Smith, aged 18, .and Henry P. Pawsey, aged 13, were drowned at Rock Island cove, Quincy, on Sunday, by the upsetting of a skiff. Tbeyonng est boy was the son of George Pawsey, a farmer, and tbe other two boys were Pawsey's ctspbews, who carne from Eng land two weeks ago. The bodies weie recovered. The Ladies Jelisbted. The pleasing effect and the perfect gaiety which ladies may use the liquid truit laxnive. Syrup of Figs,- uoder all conditions, make it tbeir favorite remedy. It is pleasing to tbe eye and to the tasie, gentle, yet etfectuul in acting on the kid -uujs, liver and bowels. 'or Over Fifty Veaiu. An Oi.ii ad Wbll-Ti.:t Remedy Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been ued fot over fifty years by millions of mother for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gome, allays" all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by all druggists in every part of tbe world. Twenty-rive cen's a bottle. Ite value is inca'calable. Da sore and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syruo, and take no other kind. 21fb91 A Jlil.lun Friend. A friend in Leed is a friend indeed, and not leis than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. If yon have never used this treat cough medicine, one trial will con vince you thnt it has wonderful curative powers in all diseases ot thnvit, chest and lungs. "Each bottlejs guaranteed to do all that is claimed or money will be re funded. Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Large bottles 50c. and $;. 1 Ucrklcn'H Armrn mxtvn. The bast salve ia the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers,- t alt rheum, ' feve , sores, tetter, chapped hinda,- chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, aud positively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes A Kinerslv. .Notice. Having bought the boot and shoe shop of C. VV. Adams-on the IZth day ot February, 1892. 1 hereby cive notice that 1 will pay and collect all accounts made since that date.iand continue business at 116 Court St. 30aplra Thos. Adams. Both the method and results -when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing ta the taste, and acts Eintly yet promptly on the Kidneys, iyer and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in oOc and $1 bottles by al? leading druggist. i. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FSAN0ISCO, CAL, leWSVILLE. KY. MEW tOBK. H.T Land Notices. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lain Omca at Vajicouvbr, Wash. . ' May 19. 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following; named claimant has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. K. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit Court, district of Washington at uotuenaaie, nasn., juijt o, isuz, viz: j JOIL KURE, - : Homestead entry No, 5830, for the Etf of NEK, and IJ4 01 st'i, sec 3Z, ip a n, a. is . w m. , He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ox said land, Tlx: ' Robert A. Struthers, Mariar M. Splawn, William O. A. Marckman and Wiiliam Garner, all of Hart- land f. -., Washington. may28 ' JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN. Register. . Tifigal Notices. CITATION. TN THE COUNTY COURT of the State of Oregon, lor bile county oe w asoo. In the matter of the estate of John G. Staats, de ceased latauon. To William H. Staats, Emma J. Staats, John W. Staats, Lucy Staats, James W. Staats, Robert J. Staats and all ether heirs of John G. Staats, de- . nwKu, greeting: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the Cuunty Court of the state of Oregon for tbe county of Wasco, at the court room uiereox, at iaues city, in said county, on Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1892, At 10 o'clock in the fcrenoon of that dar. then and there to show cause, if any tbty bare, why the fol lowing described real estate should not ba sold, an prayeu tor in ine petition oi is. uulur, adnunis- waioroi me estate ol uiesald John o. Staats de. ceased: The north half of the northwest onarter. and the north half of the northeast quarter of sec tion eigne in xownsnip two tzi, soutn of range iiurMMui loj easb, w. at., in nasco coumy, uregon. Witness the Hun. C. N. Thornbury, Judge of the SBALl said Coumv Court, with the aeal of saio court amxeu, trus izin day of May. A. D. 1892, Attest: J. B. CHOSSEN, Clerk, mayl4-7t By E. Martin, Deputy Administrator's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GITEN THAT THE undersigned has been du v annointed by iha County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, m pr bate, administrator of the estate of Harrison Coram, deceased. All persons having ciaimi against said estate are nereoy required to present them to me, with proper vouchers, at the law otBce of Condon & Condon, in Dalles City, Wasco county, urtgon, wiuun six meatus irom the date of icua notice. Dated May 2Sth, 1892. J. W. CONDON. Administrator of the estate of Harrison Conim. Dissolution Notice. mO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the firm of Byrne, Floy ' & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Samuel A. Byrne retiring from the firm. Tbe busi ness will be continued at the olu stand by ilium Floyd and Stacey Sbown. All bills due the late firm must be pud to Willipm Floyd and stacey Shown, and all indebtedness owi-.g by said firm will oe settled oy tnem. . yviljiam novo. STACEY SHOWN, S. A. BYRNE. Tbe Dalles, Or.. April 26, 1892. apr27 Dissolution Notice. T O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: . Notice is hereby given that the Dartnershin hers. tofore existing between J. N. Lauerand S. F. French, under the firm name ol French k Lauer. is this riav dissolved by mutual eousent. J. N. Lauer will con tinue the business, and pay all bills And collect all moneys due the firm. 8. P FRENCH, J. N. LAUER. The Dalles, Oregon, April 14, 1892. CODHTY TEEASDREB'S BOTICE. All coutty warrants registered prior to Jan. 17, 1889, will be paid if presented at my otBse. Interest ceases from and after this dite. Tbe Dalles, May 18, 1892. GEUKGE EUCH, 4t Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. Mitt ON SALE OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago, St Louis AND AM. POINTS EAST, NORTH and SOUTH. 3 05 A. M. 1 25 P. 11. 4 "5 P. V. Leave The Dalles Arrive at The Dalles j j 65 P. 11. PULLMAN SLEEPERS. COLONIST SLEEPERS. RECLINIH G CHAIR CARS And DINERS Steamers from Pcrtland to San" Francisco Every Foir Davs. Tickets to and from Europe. For rates unci penrral iiitonrmtion call on E. E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Agent, The Dalles, Oregon. TV. H. HURLBl'RT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt, 54 Washington St., Portland, Or. "We are Still In It" WM. BUTLEB & CO., Lumber Dealers. We hare added to our business the following line 8, ' . and will not be undersold. . lime, Plaster, Mr, Cement, BUILDING PAPER. And will furnish anything in the line of Building Material. A liberal discount to the trade in anything we handle. Our stock is all fresh. Front Street, Corner of Jefferson. J. A. OKCHAED, ADJOININGfTHE DIAMOND MILLS, THE DALLES, : : OREGON. DIALER IN. . Urk liiis and Feed. CANNED GOODS OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. Qaick pales and Btnall profits, my motto. HILL, 0'MALLEY & CO. THE LEADING ArcMtects and Builders Office uYSkibbe's Brick, THE DALLES, OREGON Win take contracts and furnish plans and specif! cations for all buildings, frame, brick or sto ne. Ma terials furnished if needed. , oct5 Sample Rooms, ' 71 MAIN STREET. Always on hand tbe BetstWines, Liquors, and Cierai's. A Pleasant Evening .Resort - . Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei ' ; on draupht. Mcdonald bros.; propr's TO THE TRADE AND CONTACTORS. I DESIRE JT TO BE UNDERSTOOD THAT I have appointed Wm. Butler & Co. EXCLUSIVE AGENTS for the "Oregon" Lime at Tae Dalles and surrounding country. Other parties hv, through surreptitious and unbusinesslike methods, obtained a small quantity of this Lime, which may naturally ciubc the idea that W in. Butler & Co. are not the exclusive agents for these goods! . Such, however, is not the fact, ax further Stock of thia Article can not oe ootatnea jrom other than wm. tsutier & (Jo. TbeTra e, however, will ot lose, sight of the fact that the great sti ite to obtain the "Oregon" Li ue by other dealers proves eonclu-ively that the "Oregon t uie oesi jjirne in me jnarcei. i . . - T. F. OSBORN, Gen. Agt, Or. Marble & Lime Co. L P. OSTLUND lwiU furni8hdrafte and estimates on all buildings. aweiungs ana stores. . llr. Ostlund Is a Draotical jsechanic and thefolans araicea oy nun wui prove .artistic, cneap ana aura Die. W.T.WISEMAN Successor to'J. H. UcDonongh ck CJ) DEALES ID Choice Wines. Liquors, AND CIGARS. None but the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds. (Jorner of Court and Second street?. THE DALLES, OREGON. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. G. NOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and SLCMiFcati ins tor building fun nisbed. Will do a.'l kinds of excavating and grading. All orders anonld be Uelc at postottice box novlS NOTICE. riARTIES HOLDING CLAIMS AGAINST fHE X undersigned are notified to present them at once to him at the Columbia Candy Factory, and all those indebted to him are requested to settle at the same place, as he has sold out his buainrss and wishes to close his accounts. W. 8. CHAM. The Dalles, April 8,1 S92 dw-Tm W ATER NOTICE. ON AND AFTER APRIL list, parties putting in or usirjr water closets with a continuous stream ol water will be charged; 5 per month; pat ent shutous at the old rats. FROM TERMINAL OR IN1ERIOR POINTS orfhern KAILKOAD Is'the line toitake TO ALL l'OLNTS EAST AND SOUTH It is the Diuimr Car Route. It runs Through Vcs tlbllied Trams ticry Do in tl;e year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. . (SO CHANGE .F CA ItS. ) Conpu ed of DliJi'tr Cars unsuri r std. U-IiRan Uruwiii-r'oni SUcpura ti LaUst. Kiuiimiciit. TOURIST'S SLEEPIN'CSCARS. BvSt rtl at nut !? ctir stniotod. an- in v.liith i cui un t!ntinn :ire :olh Frre a no Kun.isheU lr h. ltlers of First or teond- ciau Ticket?, and ELEGAfJT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Puliman Meeper reservations ran be secured in ad vance throusb any agent of the road, j THROUGH TICKETS p England and Euror.e can be puichased at any tiiktt offiui of the company. Full information concerolm.' ratrs, lioic of trair.s, routes and other details furnished on u jiliiaticn to W. C. ALLOWAY. Aifcnt D. P. A. n Co., ' Regulator olBce.iThe Da'.le?, Or. A. D. CHAELTOW, Am't Ceneral I assener Aut., No. 121 First St , Cor. Wa., PORTLAND. U 1EGOV THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FACTORY NO. 105 nip IRQ of the Tsst Brands rrianuCact. Ul JlfifiO ureii. B ui ordeas from all pnitt of the country filled cjn the sliortestTDOtice. C The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR baa become firmly established, and the de mand for the home mumifactuaertarticie is increasing eyery day, dec24dy-tf A. ULRICH & SON, FASHIONABLE MIULNERY! at . De Lyle's Empori 114 SECOND STREET. K FULL ASSORTMENT OF SVUBTTHINQ III Mi BONNETS AND TRIMMINGS MRS. A. SCHOOLING, Manager. MAIEK & BENTON, fSaccessors to A. Bettinen EETAILER3 AN1 JOBBERS IX Hiri ware, TinwargjWosdenwirQ ANJ3 GRANITEWARE . A complete line 61 Heating and Cook Stoves, Pumps. Pipe Plumbers and Steam Fitters' Supplies; also a complete stock of Carpenters' , Blacksmiths' and Farm t, Tools, AND SHELF HARDWARE. Tin muff. Plumbing- and pipe work will be done on short notice. t SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OR PI0J1EER HHY, Northwest Cur. Sedon4and Washington Stf. U M U IV. f 1 1 1 n A 1 1 i i i r to eorge Ruch. The Cheapest Place IN TUB DALLES FOR ' All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit a share of the public pat ronage, and shall endeavor to give entire satisfac tion to onr customers both old and new.- -TI1K GERMANIA, CHA5. STUBLING, Prop. FOR THE PRESENT AT " - SO Second. Street. fc, Lipors and Ciprs. All brands of Imported Liauors, Ale and Porter, 'an .euuiDe Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. ' Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Fayette & Friend.) THE LEADING ' BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER. Corner Second and Madison Sts. AlTwork work in iron or wood done in the neatest manner. Anything' in the waon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus . made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery ieoaired in thu most skill mchiildw ul and workmanlike manner. PAUL KREFT &C0. -DEALERS IN- Paints, m$M$, And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in "W ALL P A P E U . Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but tlie best brands of the Sherwin-Williams Paint used ia all our work, and none but the moat okilla.1 workmen employed. All orders will be promptly attended tn. v . . , Shop adjoining Red Front Grocery. THIRD STREET, THE DAoj SHEEP FOE SALE. Three thousand Fine Graded Bred Ewes and 3000 Yearlings. Kerr & Buckley, Grass Valley, Or. Pac. fwsssai - " 1 mmmmaaiutmm Aok m .ir-.t. for W. I noaulsi Shoe. If not iJr fuv la yoni plncc nH rnur denier l' -t'.iJ for -:i;clnije, iwcure the AIlll .'f flcf'lll HIT VOCC. fcsr-TLiE SO St'BSTlTU'a'E. W. L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENT l?r?M EN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a seamless shoe, with uo acta or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best flue calf, sty hah aud easy, and because ire make more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer, It equals hand scared shoes costing from 64.00 to 5.00. (t e 0(M4'nniue Hand-sewed the finest calf shoe ever offered for 8r-U; equals Freuch I:uiMrted shoes which cost from j.0n to $1:2.00. GLA. HaoU-sSoweil Welt Shoe, fine calf, stylish, comfortable and durable, Tbe best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from $(.ou to $9.00. j2 0 50 Police Shoi Farmers, Railroad 3Ien tPUi aadLetterCarrkMsall wear them; line cat f, seamaess, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edpe. One pair will wear a year. 20 50 fine calf; no better shoe ever offered at 3i this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. CCO 5 ami SvJ.OO Workin&riQaii's shoes C a are very strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear no other make. rjrtyc $-.00 mid 1.73 school shoes are worn by the boys everywhere: they sen on meir merus, s ine ir'Tcaicff kaies snow. 3 ofliAt? 3.00 Mand-cved Bhoe, here htm lv7 Uouitola, very stylish; equals Freuci l.nilipa '2.rl. S i nnd shoe Hisses are ihe best fine Douola. .stylish and dut pt : l nuuoti. tee i.ui,t- u. l.. uoupia.s' name nrice are stamDed on the I attorn of each shoe. W. h. .DOUGLAS. Brockton. Has. J. FREIMAN, AGENT, THE DALLES 1 lip Mimed hla Opportanity! TiOST Mlm Ikk Tounit Keadcr. luo majority neloct their op portunities, and from that can so live in poverty aod die m obscnrityl Ilnrrowing despair is the lot of mnny, as they look back on lost, frruver lost, opportunity. J-Iie lapa iii-I Reach ouL Be up And doing. Improveyoor opporto niiy, nndBocnreprnfmeriiy,'ata. It was avid by a philosopher, that "the lioduuss of Fortune otters a Coltlcuonportonity to each person nt some period of lire; QAihTAce the chance, and sheponrs ont Jut riches; fail to do so and the departs, rr to retom.' How shull ym find the coldkn opportnnitrf Investigate every chance that rppt-nrs worthy, and of fair promi-e; that is what all snc cu -sfulmen do. Ilereisan opportunity, snch as i notoflea within the reach ot laboring people. Iippr.ved, it will give, at lonht, a prand start in life. The GOLvr.s ocportiinlty for tnntiy is here. Money to be ide rnpitily nnd honorably by any industrious parson of either sex. All ago. Yon can do the work and live at home, wherever y"Q are. Even be ginners are oii-ily earning from Jj3 to lO pr day. Yott can do ivt well if yon will work, not too hard, but indnstrl omly ; and yon can increase yonr income as yon goon. Yoo can give spare time on Jy, or all yonr time to the work. Easy to learn. Capital not required. We start yoo. All Is com paratively new and really wonderful. We Instruct and show yon how, free Failure unknown among our work ers, ho room to explain here. Write and learn all free. byrwem-nnmll. unwise io aeiay. Aaaress at once. is. UiaUect Co. lSox BOm jPaniund. Maine. To Youbs Free to all Brides ! "VT OTICE is h Xl paper aud all their friends and acquaintances throughout tne t nited btates and Canada that THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whose address and 10 cents to pay c postape is tent to tbe publisher within one year irom tne date oi tneir marnatre.ij Persons sending for this present are requested tu end cpy of a p.-.per contain me a notice of their marriage, or some other evnie'ice that shall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine uncer tne above oner. Address, 'THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt. SKIBBE HOTEL F. W..L. SKIBBE, Pbop. The Only Brick Hotel IN THE CITY BERT DOLLAR A DAY HOUSE in the North west. This builciiic has been refitted since the fire of September ' 2d, and the rooms ara first-class in every particular. The table is supplied with the best tne market anords. The oar in connection with the hotel is supplied witn tne nignest itraae oi w iues, uquors ani im ported and Uomeatic Cigars. janity- O. WYSS. Merchant Tailor, No. 77 Second St. Suits Made to Order, AND FITS GUARANTEED. Orders taken for an Eastern house for ail kinds of suits; Call and examine goods. mch29-tf MRS. A. JONES, Prop. 85 TJJNIOJN SiTBEET 85 Adjoining Byrne , Floyd & Co.'s d use store. Tbe tables are supplied witb the best the market anords. MEALS AT ALL HOURS None but white help employed. THOS. ADAMS, Is now located at No. 116 Court St., Between Second and Third. Kepainnic a .Specialty. He had mved some of his best leather out of the fire and will make the neatest boot or shoe of anyone in the citv. Heep use, COB. THIRD AND STARK STS., PORTLAlXDi OREGON. Has been recently decorated, and management of is now under the M II fc!. 1. O. PARRELLY. This houie beinz centrally located, offers induce ment, to i rnu vismnjr fort land to patronize ir, whire they will always find pleasant rooms, sintrle or en suite, special. y redexvea lor transient oocu- pancy. mav21 JAS. FERGUSON, Goods hauled with the'greatest care to all parts of the oity on short notice. Attention, Sheep Men. T X Stems, whidi are excellent for sheep dip or for clean ami; cattle of- vermin, which 1 will sell cheap. f or terms apply at roe uaiies cigar rarury. mchl1 A. ULLRICH ck S02f FOR SALE. A BAND O TWENTY BROKE HORSES, mr msLmz from 1100 to lfiCO pouoda four mares aod the balance geldings Theoe will be suld at reasonable prices. Fer terms apply to T. J. DR1PPS, Hartiand, Wash' .a WHY IS THE flonsekeepera The ilk Restaurant rheArtisticShoemaker General Expressman ! TEEEIBLE. FALL. 'Tls to you, mothers and daughters, that I wish to talk; And to the children that are just learning to walk; And all who racy need anything in my line ' ; I will give you prices that you'll hard ly decline. One needs Bonnets and Ribbons, whilst others need Hats; Some will need Dresse and Ruching, and possibly Caps. Possibly Aprons, Collars and Ties there are many that do. Should you want Flowers and Feath ers, you'li find them all new. The Third-street Millinery is the place to buy. The prices are low, but quality high The styles are the latest give us a call; And find that prices have taken a fall. ''.Inn. iTrestrichy TIRST CLA99 ..inlMnii. Toe ) LarcesU Fastest and Flnent In tbe World. IEW YORK. LQNDCNDERRY AND GLASGOW. Every Satnrdny, NEW TOBK. GIBRALTKK and NAPLES, At regular intervals. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE rates on lowest terms to and f rom the principle 3COI0H. ENGLISH, 12133 k ALL CONTINENTAL POINTS Excursion ticketa available to return by either the pic turesque Clyde A North of Ireland or Naples & Gibraltar Drafts ail Uoasy Orian lor A17 Aaosst tt lowest Batsa, Apply to any of our local Agents or to kXENDEBSOBT BROTHERS, Chicago, III. AGENTS WANTED Apply to T. General Agent. The Dalles, Or. HUDSON, janiS-92 RSTAKLISHEU SO YF.AKS, KOSHLAND : BEOS., Wool Merchants. Sell on Commission, and C&sh Advances made. Consignments : Solicited ! Wool Bags, Fleece and Sewing Tvnne pro vided by us. apr2-4mo A Souvenir TLImble Free. ANY LADY sendimr at once the nunes and ad dress of ten married lady fi lends or house keepers to whom we ran send sample copies of the most illustrated ladies newspaper pub lished to-dav, will receive an elegant solid s-lver sou venir thimble. The "Ladies Pictorial Weekl" is the handnomest and most entertaii n publication of itB claas and is becoming' universal vpopular with intelligent ladies in both Canada ai 1 the United States. , K contains sixteen large paes. same size as "Harper's Bazaar" most profusely illustrated, and comes each week at only 2 a year. If you de sire ft souvenir thimble send names of those you think would be interested in the "Ladies' Weekly" and enclose fifteen U. b. 2-cent stamps to cover ex penses of mailing, etc. Forward to-day. Address "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly," Canada Life Building o onto, Can. nv2tiw COAL! COAL! THE BEST Wellington, Eock Springs, and Roslyn Coal. $12, sacked and delivered to aoy part ot the city. - At Moody's Warehouse. CEDAR POSTS. . THE UNDERSIGNED CAN FURNISH MEDIUM and Large bplit Cedar Posts. 6 feet Ions;, de livered on cars or boat ia East Portland, lor 7 and 8 cents each. Eastern uregon and Washington par ties are pleased with them. We prefer buyers should hive them inspected before th posts are shipped, Address E. WOACEXKBUBH. Pres t, jan29-dw Draver 22, Portland, Or. CHAS. H. DODD & CQ. IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE IRON, STEEL , : AND t FARM MACHINERY. . FRONT, FIRST AND VINE STS., PORTLAND, OR. BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. Cneqnitlc'cl for Simplicity, Strrnarth, Utility, Darablllty. Tliee Mnclilnes are too well known to nerd (oninirnl. ThoniutntiH of tliom ire ia .use tolay. sad the nnivenial 0ttHfietlon viven ly tfaem proves tnens to be tbe most popular in market. HODGES' HAINES HEADERS. BUCKEYE STEEL FRAME BINDER. . Distingalsned for Strength and Darablllty. Adtuanee Slost Economical Binder In use. Requires) less power, uses lesw twine tbiia any - ; LOT mmmmmmMmummi. porter's SCHUTTLER AND MILBURN FARM WAGONS FINE CARRIACES, PHAETONS. TOP BUG GIES, CARTS, ETC. FOUn-SPRiliG MOUNTAIN WAGONS AND EUCX-B9ARDS. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESKER. AULTMAB'S STAil . TRACTIOH ENGINE. The most Kuectire and Succesful combination for rhrr.h;ng and Cleaning Oram, ever constructed. &nr for 1S! Trad. Aiarlr with Hhavinv hv Price of Queen's Anti-Balrtne W. per bottle, sent In contains. We Invite yon to da! with no and yon will find everything as represented Cntj this out and send to-day. Address QUEEN CHEMICAL CO., 174 Race Street, CINCINNATI, O. Yoo can register yonr letter at any Post Office to insure its safe delivery. We will pay 500 for any case of failure or slightest injury to any purchaser. Every bottle guaranteed. CrjCPIll -To ladles who lntroduee and sell among their Mends So Bottles or Queen' O rCblaL we w'U present with a SILK DBE88, 18 yard, best silk. Extra Large Bottle and samples. sasssssssss of sUk to select from sent with order. Good Salary or Commiaaion to .agents. IXVOBPUATEU IMS. THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Maoafacturera'of BviildinsT ZMaterial and DRY. FIR, JPITSE, OAK and SLV13 PROMPT DELIVERY TO ANY PART OP THE CITY. 1 Office N 67 Wkisitsa Mt. Tobacco b a' luxury, h quietinc. restful friend fo manhind. The belter rhe aualiTv heweeter and milder y, sm imoKe. In all these Good quali MASTIFF PLUG CUT 3mds at he head, of smohinQ tobaccos. J.B.PUC TOBACCO 10, RlCnnOhO. VA.; TEIP Commencing" May 1, 1893 The History Company, of San Francisco, Cal., (capital stock $50Q,1KJ0) the olHtst and largest pub-li-hin house oti the I'achic coast, this day announce that they will invo, absolutely free, a ticket to the World's Fair -aiid return, fncltiriinfr meals en route one week (7 days), hottl acroniuiodations, six admis sion tickets U "the Fx posit ion grounds, two tickets to leading C hicago th inters, and such other privi leges as may in-ure a pleasant trip tu deservinu per sons who comply with tbeir requirements. NOTICE. Those deirincr to fro to the World's Fair and who could not otherwise do so, can address us at once for full particulars. This offer does uut apply to per sons of means who are in a position to mvet the ex penses of sueh a trip themselves, but to enterprising and intelliyrnt younjf men an1 women whit cm ap preciate such an opportunity and make the mot of it. Teachers, clergymen, students, farmers bripht sons and dauzhters--in fact any and all possessing energy, enterjrise and charactor will be e igible. THE C1IAXCK OK A I-IFE-T1MK. Every youiw rnan or woman who desires to jroto tnicacro the greatest evnio- icion the world has ever known, should address a at once. Such an opportunith in rarely offered, and the twp will be the event of a lifetime to those wbo tro. Acmress THE HISTORY COMPANY, THK DISTORT BUILDIXO, No. 723 MARKET ST. !J PKANCISCO, CAL WHIPS 25o. 50c. 75c. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 RB0NE 15 FEATHERBONE Is made from QTT 1X1,8, nature's own toughest material, best whips made for tne price, uneap, jjaraoie, all ktills, an prto"irV FEATHERBONE. HENRY KUCK, -The Dalles, Or. J. H; IAE8EN,. Dealer In all kinds of Hay, (kip and Feed At bis old stand, Second street. ' HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE Tne Highest Cash Price paid for Sheep pelts. C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN E;j Ms, W kiiizi: HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES. No 134 Second Street, next door east of The Dalles national Bank. Having just opened In business, and having a ful( assortment oi tne latest goods in my line. 1 desire share of ttaft public patronaire. aur4 C. P. STEPHENS A EltEE TO THE WORLD'S FAIR FOR till tcaP-Disehapge Binder otner. KOLLINGSWORTH & TAYLOR HAND A?!3 SELF-DUMP RAKES. DEERE HAHOADER AND MUDCETT.IH , PROVED TEDDER. HORSE KAY- FiRKS AND CARRIERS. C'ntnloaie. FrPP- HEW DISCOVERY ACCIDENT In compounding a solution a part was. accidentia spilled on tbe band and on washing afterward it was discovered that the hair was com pletely removed. We at once put this wonderful preparation, on the market and so great has been the demand that we are now introducing it throughout the world under the name of Queen's Antl-Hairine, 1 1 larcitrcviiLi nxKmLcu Anu SO SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN USE IT. Iav the balr over and apply the mixture for a few minutes, and the hair disappears a3 If by magic without the slightest pain or injury when applied or ever afterward. It isnnllke any other preparation ever nsed fora like purpose. Thousands of LA I 1 F.S who have been.annoyed with balr on their FA CIS, ECK and A It MS attest its merits. GENTLEMEN who do not appreciates beard or bairon tbeir neck, flndanricelcss boon In Queen's Anti-Hairine which does awuy nrirfnir Its future rrowtb an utter impossibility. safety mailing boxes, postage paid by us (securely nd stralcht forward In every word it Dimension. Timber WOOD Vard at Old doTeninidt Barracks iTHE. DAILY AND WEEKLY Times-Moiintaineer LEADING PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY Full Report of Local Happenings and General News. REPUBLICAN But is not "owned clique Always takes a on all public questions, t mi jjvmms its opinion REGARDLESS OP SUBSCRIPTION RATES: DAILYi PliR YEAR... PER MONTH, by carrier ?ER WEEK, SINGLE COPT AVI'JEICLY: ONK YEAR "5T MONTHS 4LL KINDS OF amwuaiiiiiiM i -THE- IF! POLITICS, or controlled hy'&ny or ring. Determined Stand CONSEQUENCES. .$6 00 . 60 10 . 05 .12 00 . 1 00 JOB PRINTING