Tie Times-Monntaineer SATURDAY MAY 21, 1S92 EDITORIAL XOTE?. The Varni weather of the past three or four days has not produced any serious injury to growing grain, aad it is hoped that the beneficial west winds, which contain considerable moisture, will revive the bright prospects of an abundant harvest which have cheered the minds of our farmers during tne present season. Very high water may be expected, and this is a sufficient warranty for a large export trade in salmon this sum mer. With large wool receipts', boun tiful wheat harvest, and liberal appro priations for the locks and the boat railway, The Dalles will experience a degree of prosperity this year never " witnessed before. . -' t The condition of the Mississippi valley region, recently flooded, is very deplorable, and the unfortunate vic tims, who have been deprived of homes and the accumulated wealth of years in a few hours, should elicit the sympathy of those more favorably situated. In Oregon, in regard to these natural .calamities; we have been highly favored, and ' from our bounti ful stores we should liberally respond for the relief of sufferers. Such sud den misfortunes cannot happen wkb- ouc distress following, and our charit- .- able institutions cannot act too quickly in ascertaining where help is needed. Deeming, the cruel murderer of his wife and. other victims, was hanged this morning in the prison yard in Melbourne. His crimes have' been published in .the daily press of both continents for some time, and it is not necessary to rehearse them. Perhaps his autobiography, ' . when printed, will be eagerly read and command a larger sale than'- if . he had lived an unselfish ' life, unstained by mnrder, and devoted to the amelioration of the misfortunes of his fellow man. .. He has paid the severest penalty known to known to Jaw, and the world may feel thankful , that such a specimen of human depravity is where he can do no more harm. ;. .At the coming June election Oregon will have a fair test of the efficiency of the Australian ballot law, anJ it is to be hoped it will prove satisfactory. The purity of the ballot is of para mount ' importance, as it is the great est safeguard to free institutions. If ' the new) law will accomplish this much desired end, it will be welcomed by every patriotic citizen. Its provisions are somewhat complicated; but electors should possess the necessary intelli gence to comprehend them or be de barred from the privilege of exercising the elective franchise. Wherever in troduced the Australian' ballot has been the means of giving a free and full expression to the wishes of the people, and it may be expected to do this in Oregon. : OREGON WEATHEE SEE VICE, la Co-operation With V. H. Weather Bureau, of the Department of " Agriculture. Central Office Portland,' Oregon. Crop- Weather Bulletin, No. 7, for week ending ... Saturday, May SI, 1892: EASTERN OREGON. Weather From the 1st of the month op to the 15th rains fell in the Columbia Hiver . valley while rain and snow squalls occurred south of the Blue mountains. Since thi 15th there has been warmer weather and ' more , sunshine. About normal weather , conditions now exist. In the latter part of the week there was a decided rise in the temperature. On the 20th the. maximum " temperature ranged from 80 to 90 degrees, with dry east to north winds. From .14 to .36 of an inch of rain fell daring the week. Oops There has been a marked improve- ? ment in the growth and development of all -vegetation.. Wheat especially is. doing finely; in sections the beads are three, fset high. Spring grain is about sown, aud corn planting is being finished. Some early planted corn rotted in the ground. In Sherman county the corn is from 6 to 10 ; inches high. Every county reports very ' wet soil and unusually good prospects. The present weather conditions are welcomed by all. ' Sheep shearing has been greatly delayed, but is new in full progress; the weather re- ' tarded shearing and some contracts for mut- ' ton could not be filled. . The Columbia river and its tributaries ' are slowly and steadily rising, at the rate of one foot a day at The Dalles. Reports - indicate a large amount of snow in the mountains, and the people along the upper river expect high water. -. t ; , B. S. Paoce, Observer U. S. Weather-Bureau. Irrigation Onoe More. The Dalles, May 23, 1392. Editor TutBS-MocsTACUEER: , Thanking yonr for your courtesy in allow ing me to address your readers upon the subject of irrigation, in your daily issue of the J7th, I again ask the privilege of pre senting tbe matterj earnestly urging every man whose business interests are benefited by a prosperous adjacent agriculture, to realizes the absolute necessity there is of tendering to its nnmeious factors an unqual ified liberal policy, if we would have a home for trade, transportation, commerce and the innumerable diversities of industrial and . social life. Labor, skill and art gather an-J become cordial co-workers nnder the liberal policy referred to. . I have no wish to present theories, or simply logical laws of economy; but I wish to insist with your readers, no matter what . their religion or political convictions are, that there must be a joint co-operation in diversifying and increasing the effectiveness of all-of their industrial efforts. A comma- nity that cannot adopt such a progressive course, that will allow neighborhood dis sensions, church disagreements, school troubles, jealousy, or politics to interfere with such co-operation in behalf of diver sity and effectiveness, Bimply confine them selves and their children ' to competition with the wealthiest or the more fortunate who engage id the management of the special interests which surround them. Eastern Oregon is a vast region of arid and semi-arid lands, the productiveness of which is very much qualified by the action of prevailing yet uncertain winds. These winds act npon tbe high plateaus, prairies, ridges and valleys, situated east of the Cas cade range of mountains, in different belts, during the productive months, and some - years, tbe evaporative action of these winds are so intense during tbe productive season as to destroy the grain and grasses depended upon by the husbandman. The action of this wind which is increased by the hot sun in the open land, is materially reduced upon the eastern slope of the Cascade mountains, where the eurf.iee is very largely covered by green timber and large natural lakes, ponds, aud subterranean supplies of water are con stantly maintained.' 1 do not guess at this or theorize upon its probability, no more than I theorize upon the fruitfulness of the whole basin soils, because they are the sedi ment v. Inch settled there as the waters settled and left Eastern Oregon dry land; which sediment is as I have before declared to be from one foot to twenty feet in depth, I have examined personally the most of the natural lakes, ponds, swamps and consider able outlets of subterranean waters, which are 4, 5, 6 and 7000 feet up in the mountain timber, aud upon Alt. Hood up to its glacier line, and believe there to be an abundance of tuiplus water at command easily to be controlled and applied effectively in render ing the whole or the setlimeotary deposits, arid and semi-arid land of Eistera Oregon a region of the most truitful character, with super-abundant resources of wealth of . de posit soils, timber of the best character, and water power for manufacturing and for irri gation, to invita in truthful offering of na ture's best associated gitts, sufficient to snpply physical blesiings for twenty thous and people. GOVERNMENT ACTI N Abundance is not a problem if water, sun light and a fruitful soil are associated. The government entered upon the holding and supplying to the people for their own nse the waters of uatural lakes and sources. April 3, 1892, the president signed the bill which was passed March 27th, and it is now the law concerning the regulation of all natural water supply which can be used for the benetit of settlers in irrigation. This new law so lately put in force by the general government provides that when a ditch, canal or reservoir is constructed bv an individual or association of individuals, there must be filed at the land office of the district where the land lits a map of the line of such - canal, ditch or reservoir- to gather with articles of the corporation or association. Li order that there- be no q iestion as to the scope and application of this new law passed by congress I copy the portion of section 20, furnished in the reg ulations proyided to the laud offices, as fol lows: "By the provisions of thii section it is obligatory upon all corporations, individ uals, or associations of individuals owning, controlling, or operating canals, ditches or reservoirs, whether the same have been con' stracted, or are to be hereafter constructed, in order to be admitted to enjoy the bene fits Drovided for in this statute, to file the necessary capers and maps entitling them t j recognition under this act; and the reg isters and receivers are directed to give notice to all such corporations that may be found within their districts that the condi tions precedent to obtain rights of way over public lands, as enumerated by the statute, must be fully complied with before any easement can bo secured." This law provides that there should be duplicate maps of location of canal or ditch drawn npon a scale of 2000 feet to the inch, and of reservoirs drawn upon a scale- of 1000 feet to the inch, and the termiui of canal, ditch or laterals shall be fully des cribed in the engineer s nam notes Tina iu his certificate. The law is full and explicit and the regulation for its application, which is furnished the land office of this district, has the following point, that "this act does not contemplate the appropriation for reser voir purposes ot natural lakes that are al ready the sonrce of a water supply; but that its intention was to encourage, the much needed work ot constructing ditches, canals and reservoirs in the arid portion of the coontry, and not as granting an ease- : Thus, settlers may see that individuals or associations, even if acting nnder state law, cannot set aside the United States law or monopolize water privileges. Taos. S. Lang. Eepublican Club Organized. Cascade Locks, May 20, 1892, Editor TiHKs-MotrxTAixEER: The Repub icaus of tbis place held an enthusiastic . meeting on tbe 18tb, at Leavens' Hall. H. A. Leavens was elected temorary chairman, and upon bis c'alliog tbe meeting to-order Dr. C. F. Candiana, of tbe county central commit tee, in a few well cbosen remarks stated tbe object fur which tbe meeting had been colled; namely, tbe permanent or ganization of a young men's Republican club. At tbe close of bis remarks tbe meeting proceeded to permanent organi zation with tbe following result: Presi dent, Alex Watt; vice-president, D. D, Callahan; secretary, E. P.. Ash. There are now fottytwo names on the member ship roll and judging from tbe political enthusiasm manifested among our young men there will be as many more before the June elections. We much regret tbat W. R. Ellis, can didate lor congress, did not pay ns a visit while at Hood River,-, and would take tbis opportunity of extending to bim and to all other candidates on tbe Republi can ticket, as well as to the members ot other Republican clubs a cordial invita tion to visit and address us on tbe issues of tbe day. H. A. Leavens. Astorianj On looking seaward yesterday alternoon, the residents ot t t. ijanby were treated to the unusual sight of a mirage, de scribed as being grand in the extreme. An image of Tillamook rock and lighthouse was suspended in tbe air in nn inyerted position, over the real rock-. The pilot schooner, lightship, and several vessels whose real forms could not be (iiscernpd, were appar ently floating around in the air at an eleva tion ot several nuudred teet. Some con sisted of bne image npside do wo; and others bad double images, one being inverted, the other upright over the luverted image. Ihts phenomenon was probably due to an nnueudl variation in the refractive power of the air, arisng trom yesterday s extreme in crease in temperature. Register: Our people were delighted last Saturday with the news from Washington that the senate committee had recommended an appropriation of $33,000 for the improve ment of Vancouver harbor. Dispatches were immediately sent to Senators Squire and Allen, expressing thanks, and a dis patch to Congressman Wilson, urging the necessity of the appropriation. The appro priation will have to pass master in tne house of representatives yet, but it is sin cerely hoped that it will be approved by both branches of congress. Squire's Like Washington caual scheme is recommended for $200,000, and the dalles boat railway for 000. J. he dispatches trom WasuiD- ton city will be watched with interest. LoDg Creek Eagle: The home ot D. R. Shaw, a farmer residing one mile west of Long Creek, was changed to a scene of sad ness last Monday evening, brought about by tbe death of the youngest member of the family, an 13-month-old girl, by drown ing. During the evening the younger mem- j bers of the family had been playing about the house, and about 4 o'clock, it was sup posed, the little one started to meet her brother and. sister on their - return from school, and when passing, the spring acci dentally fell in, and not being able to call for assistance, thus the misfortune. Aa a family medicine, the Oregon Blood Purifier has do equal It has proyed itself a certain arid efficacious remedy for all dis eases caused by an impure state of the blood. mv3 GE00K. COTJITTT. Items I'rom t.ie Columns l'riuevUle atvs. of the Dvid Kennedy, who was so badly hurt last week, is getting along nicely. He is now thoroughly conscious except when only partially, awake. At best lie has several weeks of invalid life ahead of him. The News family U scattered this week. D. W. and his wife are dragrjiug little fishes from the Deschutes, Alpha is up at the. Bend with George Rose, Miss Mina Wilson is caring for the. little girls and the devil is at home keeping the coyotes away from the chickens. Steve Black and Ed. Uurbin left on Thursday for Upper Deschutes on a pros pecting trip. They expect to b absent about two weeks, and Ed. rather hinted that the nature of his find he made would enable him to inform us whether he is a gold bug or a silver beetle. Billy Martin is preparing to start on the trail with his mutton sheep. He has al ready received 6000 head and is waiting on the shearers for the rest of his drove. Les Vanderpool, Lee Kitching and Frank Zcll will accompany him. Mr. Martin is a pleasant young gentleman, aud this paper hopes that it may welcome him back next year. Uearly Bled to Heath. W. V. Statesman. John Gresheiuier, who conducts a shoe shop on Main street, near Fifth, nearly bled to death Friday evening. It appears that about half past 6 o'clock ' some men in Ehler's saloon; heard some scuffling in the shoe shop, and on going to the door of the shop they found an old man, who had been working there, standing in the door who re fused them admittance. Greishheimer was sitting in a chair with blood pouring from a gash in his. forehead in a stream. The po lice were notified who summoned Dr. N. G. Blalock, and when he arrived Greisheimer was very weak from the loss of blood. The doctor dressed the wound and had him re moved to his home on Sixth street. Upon the old man being questioned be stated that Greisheimer was drunk and had fallen on tbe stove and cut his hrad, but the wounded man's friends advance the- theory tbat be was struck in the head with a hammer or some other instrument. A Former Eesident. Early in the sixties a young man by the name of J. B. Bloomingdale rented a room under the Umatilla Souse, and all recollec tion of him had faded frouuhe minds of the old residents until a few days ago when Mr. Sinnott received the following letter: New York, May 16, 1892. Messrs. HandUy & Sinnott, The Dalles, Oregon. Dear Sirs: The writer in looking over a list of tbe citizens of your town recog nized your names. He was a tenant of yours under the Umatilla Honse nearly thirty years ago, that being his first busi ness venture before he was of age. He sends inclosed catalogue with his compli ments. It may be interesting to you to know tbat we now employ 1500 persons in our store and do a business of many millions ot dollars. ' Very truly yours,' J. B. Bloomingdale. A Brother Mason Missing. " Roscoe W. Jennings, an A. 7. & A. M. brother in the lodge at Hull, Iowa, is miss ing and his wife asks all to w-hom this may come to - aid in finding him. He was in Portland, Oregon, about March 9th, .last. Age 32; about 5 feet 10 inches high; weight about 170 pounds; square built, erect car riage; light complexion, light hair, light grey eyes, smooth shaven; quite gentleman ly deportment and not given' to dissipation; injury to nail of left forefinger; a good pen man; good education and good telegrapher md book-keeper. He may be in some hos pital or state institution. If found care for him and communicate by wire or mail with Geo. H. Ireland, W. M., Sapphire Lodge, 427, A. F. & A. M., Hull, Iowa, or I. W. Beach, secretary. Memorial Sermon. H'dq'r. Jas. W. Nesmith Post. ) No. 32, G. A. R. I General Order ( . No. 1 J All members of this post, also comrades soldiers and sailors .of late war, are re quested tobe present Sunday, May 29:h, at 8 P. M. at court bouse, where Rsv. Curtis will deliver a memorial sermon. Also to as semble at post headquarters Monday, May 30tb, at 1 P. M. to participate in Decoration day services W. A. Madoron. Com., C. H.-1SROWXE, Adj. . , A Correction. The Dalles, May 24, 1892. Editor TuiBS-MonHTAUiXER: ln your issue ot tne zlst mat.,-you say tbat the excursion was given for the benefit of the Regulator band. This is cot so. The band tendered their services gratis, and in justice to them the impression created by your notice should be corrected. Kindly do tbis and oblige ' Yours truly, V. C. Allawat, Agt. Astoria Talk: The government engl neers bave decided to build tbe isaaaon lighthouse on Rackiiff rock. This ad- joins the northern jetty and ib opposite the western end of tbe town. It was al ways believed that.this bite was on lands belonging to" John Hamblock, of Fair- Imi bor, who owned tbe lands opposite the town, and when asked what be required for tbe site mentioned a sum tbat tbe authorities would not give. Matters con tinued in tbis fix until some one suggest ed mat toe survey oe made. The sug gestion was acted npon, aod tbe govern ment surveyor sent for. He made a care ful survey and ascertained tbat the Rick- liff rock was 200 feet west of Ham- block's we;ti:rn line, and was therefore on government lands. That settled tbe site. . Hamblock is now sorry that be did uot take what the government was will ing to (jive. Tbe Democratic method of managing the campaign this year in. IVistero Oregon is aptly illustrated by the following from the Biker City Democrat; Out the time has passed when such twaddle is appreciated or tolerated by the citizens of Ejetern Oregon: 'Loyalty' Ellis, chief of the big feel tribe, is on exhibition in tbe interior, here ha invites the people to vote for him because he has neyer - voted anything bat the straight Eepublican ticket for twenty years. He does not eem to catch on to the fact that voters are not taking much stock in that 'loyalty this year." P. B. Johnson, editor of the Walla Walla Union, says: "This year the Walla Walla country will raise the largest crop of grain that ever was harvested there. Why? Well, it is simply because the ground is wetter than it has been for twenty years. Ihe Official record shows tbat there was more rain than - for ten, and that it was colder in April than it has been for twenty years. The result is that the grain fields are a perfect mass of healthy sprouts and an abundant harvest of cereals is as sured." . We have received a copy of the People's Journal, published at . Genwood, . Mills county, Iowa. It is undoubtedly published j in tbe interest of the "Calamity Howlers" as the following headlines over its leading editorials will demonstrate: "Sons of Amer ica!" "Defenders of Freedom and ot Death less Right! Awake! Awake!! Awake!!)" "The Plntocrats Guard and Army And in a Free Country, too!" We expected to find the name of Her Mo9t as editor; but was somewhat disappointed to miss the name of the auarchist, and another tire-cater sup plying the deficiency. The linilies Oeliiihtoil. The p'.er.sing effect aud the perfect safety which ladies may use the liquid truit laxative. Syrup of Figs, under all condi' ions, make it their favorite remedy. It is pieasini' to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet tffL-ctual in acting on tho kid neys, liver and bowels. ? Free Trade In Kuslnncl. Loxdon, May 23. The London braoch of the Imperial Federation League held a meeting to dav, at which several pro tection speeches were uiude. Sir Charles Tupper, the Canadian high commissioner, said if Eugland adopted a small protec tive tax, not a discriminating tariff, no country would complain. Cobden's the ory that all countries would speedily fol low England's example, o adopting free trade had prayed fallacious. ,Concluding, he said Cntiada could produce all of the food the United States now exports to Great Britain. Another speaker, Air. Beckett, said Lord Salisbury struck the rignl note in declaring free trade hud gone too far. He advocated a plan to a o pease Canada by taking all rival imports from that country instead of the United States. MKSTIONKD IN COMMONS. London, May 23. Heaiy in commons to-day called attention to Salisbury's speech at Hastings and asked for some explanation. Goschen replied there was no intention on the part of the govern ment to introduce any general system ot ad valorem duties. Botice to Ice Consumers. As manager of The Dalles Ice Co., I wish to contradict the statement made that I was only acting as agent for an outside com paoy. 1 own one-halt interest in the com. puny, and will sell ice this year and for years to come, and should a crop of natural ice come in this locality, we will put up enough to supply this ciry for three or four years and Spokane ice companies will theD have to withdraw their agents Irom here. Respectfully, 14mylm V. S. Cram, Mgr.- BncSlt-n's Anura naive The best salve in the world for cute bruises, aorca, uluers, salt rheum, feye. sjree, tetter, chapped nacas, cmiwains corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly. Notice to Ice Consumers. Tbe Dalles Ice Company nave now on band a large supply of clear, pure ice . wbicb they are prepared to furnish id any quantity at reasonable rates. Orders for ice left at the Columbia Candy Factory will leceive prompt attention. W. S. Cram, Mgr. Uotice. Having bought the boot and shoe shop of (J. W. Adams on the IZch day ot February, 1S92. I hereby give notice that I will pay and collect all accounts made since that date, aiid continue business at 116 Court St. 30aplm Thos. Adams. "Wnen Baby was sick, we gave her Caste iria, When she was Child, she cried for Castoria, VThen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, Wheu she had Children, she gave tnem Castoria. ONE ENJOYS Both the method and results yiheo Syrup of Fisrs is taken : it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts fently yet promptly on- the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem enectually, dispels colds, head acbes and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy ot its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its jition and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in oOc and $1 bottles by al? leading druggistn. juanuiaciurea oruy py ice CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP. CO. SAN FtiANCISCO, CAU tOUISVlLLE. KY. HEW fOPK. .11.. Auk itfiaffl Cnr W-.T.- Dnnr-lm Ghtta. If DOC OP fUtie in -i-mi. ilnf anlr dealer to ei:i for csitniofrue secure tit muty, auu Kri mum ior you. WHY IS THE L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE rpNmWu THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? s seamiess sooe, with no acK8 or wax thread to hurt the feet: maia nt tho Hoc fin a iif itvah aud easy, aDd because ce make more mhoes of tit is grade than any other manufacturer, It eauals nonU sewed shoes cost in ir from euivi tn kir uu txeoiuue iiand-sewedt tbe finest cnir ' ouw ever uuereu i or ).uu ; equals crencn A OO IlaniUSewed Welt Shoe, fine calf, J7Wa stylish, comfortable and durable- The best auw ever unerea at tn j price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from .uo to SUJJO. ttO 50 Police Mhoet Farmers. Railroad Mm and Letter Car riji.4 all wrarthpm; Aha if RefEuess, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edge. One pair will wearayear. QO 50 fine calff no better shoe ever offered at this price; one trial will convince those t ur nam. euue iiircomion ana service. CO 25 and 82.00 Wo r kin email's shoes 4alr atsj um vprv atrnntr anil Hnpahla Tkm-a 1A iKive given them a trial will wear no other make, Davq' 92.00 and $1.7 school shoes are worn bythe boys everywhere; theyseii me. lis, on i Lit- juL-reatiinKsaiessnow. iiUUlpg Dongola. very stylish; equalsFreoci: Imported ftioes costing from Sl.uu to 6.lS. Ladiea' 2.50, &.0O aud S1.7H shoe tor uaaoc-o a it? o ueat nuu LHjugoia, Mtyusn ana uuraoie. CaUtlOIl. See thpt. V T. nnmrlna nama an . ftKue are suunpea on me oortom or each ftboe. 4 W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Haas. J. FREIMAN, AGENT, THE DALLES Tie (ewe House, COE, THIRD AND STARK STS., Has been recently decorated, and management of is now nnder the This noose beiiiir centrally located, offers induce ments to persons TisitiDjr Portland to patronize it, where they will always find pleasant rooms, sintrle or en suite, specially reserved lor transient occu pancy, may 21 FOR SALE. WIND MILU WITH TANK AND 'TOWER, will be sold cheap. For particulars apply at this office. aprll-dtr FOR .S' laad Not loo. JsOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LaXD OfFKI AT VASCOUVM. WaSH., May 12, 1892. To James C BIT and all (thorn it may concern: Notice in hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intuition to make Hnal pro. if in support of his claim, and that said proof wilt be made before W. R. Dunbir. Commissioner United States Circuit Court for district of Washing ton, at Uoldendale, Washington, on July 23d, 189:2, ,lZ" GRANT SMITIISON (Indian), Homestead entry No. SS15, for the W of NWJ, and of SW J, See 4, Tp S N . R 13 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove Ms continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph Klilockuro, Willhm Spedis. Martin Spedis, Henry fuison, all 01 liartlauu roswmce, nasn. mnyl4 JOHN D. GEOGHEGAV. Register. legal Notices. CITATION. IN THE COUNTY COURT of the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco. In the matter of the estute'of ' John G. Staats, de ceased Citation. To William H. Stints, Emma J. Staats, John W. Staats, Lucy Staats, James W. Stoats Robert J. istaata and all ether heirs of John G. Staats, de ceased, greeting: In the name of the state of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the C- unty Court of the stat j of Oregon for the county of Wasco, at the court room tnereoi, at iaiu-s City, in said county, on Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1S92, At 10 o'clock in the fcrenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any thLy have, why the fol lowing described real estate should not be sold, as prayed for in l he petition o? K B. I ufur, adminis trator of the t state of the said John G. Staats. de ceased: The north half of the northwest quarter, aud the rorth half of the nort heart quarter of sec- tion eight (8), iu township two (2), south of range tiurteen (ieast, v. a,., in uasco county, uregon. Witness the Hon. C. N. Thorubury, Judge of the fKEALl raid Couniv Court, with the seal of said court affixed, this 12th day of May. A. D. 1892. Attest: J. B. CROSSEN, Clerk, ma14-7c By K. Martin, Deputy. Dissolution Notice. mo WHM IT-MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given tbat the firm of Byrne, Floy At Co. is this day dUs lved by mutual c-nsent, bamuel A. Bvrne retiring from the firm. The busi ness will be continu, d at the olu stand by Wiilum Floyd and Stacev shown. All hills due the late tirra must be p. id to William Floyd and stacey Shown, and all indebtedness owi f? by said Arm will be settled by tbsm. w 1LLI M ( LU1 1, STACEY SHOWN, S A. BYK-NE. The Dalles, Or., April 26. 18112. apr27 Dissolution Notice. IJIO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: . Notice is hereby eiven that the partnership here tofore existing between J. N. Lauerand 8. F French, under the firm name of French & Lauer, is this day dissolved by mutual co-smt. J. N Lauer will con tinue the business, and pay all bills and collect all moneys due the him. e. r KbnUH, J. N. LAUER. The Dalles. Oregon, April 14, 189:2. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. All couLty warrants registered prior to Jan. 17, 18S9, wiil be paid if presented at my ottue. interest ceases from and after this dste. The Dalles, May 18, 1892. GEUKGE KUCH, 4t Treasurer Wasco County, Qregonr Everything in the line of SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY AND FINE FRENCH CANDIES, OAM.BS FOUND AT NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE, ; 8ECOIID STREET UP Mimed Ms Opportunity! BOXT MIm life lourti IE exuier lbniajoiitjnegioctthetroj nortnnities. and from that eanse live in toverty and dia i obscurity I Harrowing despair Ja the lut of mnny, aa (hey lookback on lost, foroTerlosi, opportunity. lMt'elapoaa Intrl Roach ouL Be up and doing. ImproTeyour opportu nity, and secure prosperity, prominence, puaca. It was said by a philosopher, that "the Goddess of Fortnn offers s Coltlcn opportunity to each person at soma period of life; eiuuracatuecnanca,ana biio poors ont tier ncne9;iau toao so and she departs, nrrer to return." Uow shall yon find the golden opportunity! Investigate every chance tbat BDDcara worthy, and of fair nroroie: that is what all suo- ce sfulmendo. Uereisanoppurtnuity,snehaaisDotoftea within the reach ot laboring people. Improved, it will giro, at least, a grand start in life. The golden opportunity for many is nere. Aloney to oe made mpiaiy ana nonurabiy by any Industrions person of either sex. All apes. Yon can fin ttiA wnrk unil liva nt hnmA hnrnvflr Tn aria. T!vfi haw . pimiera are ea'tly earning from qU toSlvper dny. Yo can ao as wen u roa win worx. not too iiura. out luauatrv onslr : and too can increase Tonr income as tod coon. Yon ean frive spare time only, orall ynnrtimetotliowork. Easy o lo.irn. iapiuu not reqmreo. nesiartyou. Ailiscom- a iiveiy sew mta renuy wonumai. v mairoct i w Ton how. tVecv Kailnra unknown Tnonr onr vt era, Mo room to explain here, n rite and learn ail free. pyrtunm nan. unwise to aeiay. Aauress at once, it Uallett as Co.. jUox 8bO. Portland. Malna. Corner Third and Washington Sta. Cured Hams and Bacon.Dried Beef and Tongues And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Veal t.-uuets in tne nurKer. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY rFre8h Vegetables on Sale at'the Lowest Prices. A Souvenir Thimble Free, A XT LADY sendinc at once the Dimes and ad J dress of tn married lad fiiends or house keepers to whom we can send sample copies of the most t harming illustrated ladies newspaper pnb- usnea 10-oav, wui receive an elegant soua s iver sou venir thimble. The 4Ladies, Pictorial Weeklv" is the handsomest and most entertaii n publication of its clas and is becoming-universal v popular with intelligent ladies in both Canada ai 1 the United States. K con Fains si teen xaive paea. same size "Harper's Bazaar" most nrofuelv illustrated. and cornea each week at only 2 a year. Jf you de sire a eouvettir thimble tena nsmea of those vou tbink would be interested in the "Ladies' Weekly" and enclobe fifteen U. ti. 2-cent tamps to cover ex penses of mailing, et. Forward to-day. Address "Ladies' Pictorial Weeklyt" Canada Life Building; o onto. Can. nv2bw L. P. OSTLUND Iwill furaiahgdrnfts and estimates on all buildings. aweliinjts aijU sv.rea. Mr. Ostlund in a practical mecharic and theZolans oruiua py nun wiu prove .arngtic, ciieap and dura oie. W. T. WISEMAN Sucoeaior to J. H. UcDonoujrb & C) DEALKK IM Choice Wines, Liquors. AND CIGARS. None bat the best brands of Liquors and Cigars -on sale. . Temperance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Court and second streets. THE DALLES, OREGON. CEDAE POSTS, THE UNDER SIGNED CAN FURNISH MEDIUM and Unn aplit Cedar Posts. 6H feet knur, de livered on cars or boat in East Portland, for 7 aad S cents each. Eastern Oregon and Washington par ties are pleased with them. We- prefer buyers should have them inspected before the posts are shipped. Address UTAOiadAi warAjii, E. QuAOSiNStisa. Prest, Drawer 22, PortlandOr. Jan29-dw tractdrand Builder A nrSn ON-SALE OMAHA, KANSAS CITY, ST. PAUL, Chicago, St. Louis, A3D ALL POUTS. EAST, NORTH and SOUTH. Leave The Dalles. I 3 05 A. M. 1 25 P. M. Arrive at The Dalles. I 4 05 ' 1 11 65 4 05 P. M. P.M. PULLMAN SLEEPERS, COLONIST SLEEPERS. RECLINI" O CHAIR CARS nxtd DINERS Steamers from Portland to San Francisco Evert Four Dats. Tickets to and from Europe. For rates and pen" ral information cal, on E. E. LYTLE, Depot Ticket Ascent, The Dalles, Oregon. W. H. HURLBITRT, Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt, 54 Washington t,t., Portland, (Ir. FROM TERMINAL OR IS1ERIOR POINTS Northern Pac. RAILROAD Is the line to take TO ALL POLMS EAST AND SOUTH It is the Dininjr Car Route. It rung Through Vec- tibnled Trains .ery Day in the year to ST- PAUL and CHICAGO (SO CHANGE OF CABS.) Compu ed of Dioinar Cars unsurpassed. Drawing-room Sleepets of Latest Equipment. oilman TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Bt tliat can be constructed, and In which acccm modatione are hotb Free and r urnisheu fur holders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad. yance through any agent of the road. TUrnTTPTT fTPWTC : To " fron 1UUVUU11 li' AJJi u points in Amet ea. England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket omce 01 tne company. Full information concerning rates, time of traius, routes and other detiils furnished on application to W. C. ALLOWAY, Aarent D. P. ft A. M Co., Regulator office, The Dalles, Or. A. D. CHARLTON, Arc't General Passenger Agt., , No, 121 first St., Cor. Wa-h., PORTLAND. O 1EGON THE GEBMAMA, CHA3. STTJBLING, Prop. FOR THEPRESENT AT SO Second. Street. fines,- Lipors and Cigars. All brands of Imported Luraon, Ale and Porter, "an enaine Key west uigan. Aiuuuneoi CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Brauqht. FASHIONABLE MILUNERY! -AT-!' Ik lie Ljles Emporia, 1 14 SECOND STREET. . K FULL ASSORTMENT or KVK&7TUINO Ul HATS, BOMTS AND TRIMMINGS MRS. A. SCHOOLING, Manager. LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Payette & Friendi) ' THE LEADING ' BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sta. All work work in iron or wood dona in tbe neatest manner. Anything in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plow and machinery repaired Mrf the most skill- nl and workmanlike manner. mch21dw Merchant Tailor, No. 77 Second St. Suits Made to Order, AND FITS QUA B ANT EED. Orders taken for an Eastern house for ail kinds of saits. Call and examine goods. - mch29-tf THOS. ADA31S, TheArtisticShoemaker Is now located at No 116 Court St., Between Second and Third. Repairing a Npeeiaity. He has saved tome of his bust leather out of the fire and will make the neatest boot or shoe of auvone in the citv. HILL, O'M ALLEY & CO. THE LEADING - Architects and Builders OfficejiiifSkibbe's Brick, THE DALLES,. OREGON Will take on tracts and furnish olans and snecift cations for all builainfrs, frame, brick r stone. Ma teriala furnished U needed. oetfi . FOE SALE. S" A CLYDESDALE STALLlON.'alxnt 7 years old; weight about 1400 pounds. Will de sold cheap. ror terms apply to AUGUST BUCHLER. list. roe vaiiea, ur., Apru a, 1882. apr2S-lsn "lure SI Id It" WM. BUTIEB & CO, Lumber Dealers. We have added to onr business the following line a, and will not be undersold. LJme, Piaster, Hair, Cement, BUILDING PAPER. And will furnish anything in the line of Building Material. A liberal discount to the trade in anything we handle. Our stock is all fresh. Front Street, Corner of Jeffrson. MAIER & BENTON, Successors to A. Bcttimjen RETAILERS AXbJJOBBERS IN Hardware, Tinware,Wocdcnware AND3GRANITEWARE A complete line of Heating And Conk Stover. Pumps. ripe riumutns aim aie&iu rinera supplies; also a complete stocK or carpenters , Blacksmiths' and Fftrm t. Tools, AND SHELF HAED WARE. , Tinninjf, PlumMn? and pipe wirk will D3 dons on snort cotice. SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OR THE TRUE BLUE; Second Street, next door to the 'Red FroDt Grocery Store. F. E. SH0NTELL -DEALER IN- AND CONFECTIONERY. The celebrated Hoffman, General Arthur and Schil ler Cigara on sale THE DALLES, OREGON PAUL KREFT & CO. -DEaLERJ in- Painty 0113, Gla$3, . And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALH. PAPER Practical Painters and Paper Hansrera. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams Paint used la all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly aitenuen u. Shop adjoining Red Front Grocery. THIRD STREET, THE DAa-iua Sample Rooms, 71 MAIN STREET. Always on hand thm Best Wines, Liquors, and Cig-ars. 1 A Pleasant , Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beet on draupbt. Mcdonald bros.. : propr's Fine Curs Tobacco J. A. OKCHAKI)PEp!E ADJ0IN1NGJTHE DIAMOND MILLS, THE DALLES, : : OREGON. DEALER IK- E;:::::::, P::?;::::: and Feed. CANNED COODS OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. Quick gales and small profits, my motto. MRS. A. .TONES, Prop. 85 XTISIOPii STKEET 85 Adjoiniox By me, Floyd & Co.' d ox store. Tbe tables are (applied with the best tbe market affords. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. None bat white help employed. TO THE TRADE . AND CONTRACTORS. DESIRE IT TO BE UNDERSTOOD THAT I have appointed Hm. Butler Co. EXCLUSIVE aGE.STS for the "Orwon" Lime at Tne Dalles and surrounding country. Other parties nave, tnruugn eurreutitious and unbusinesslike methods, obtained a email quantity of this Lime, which may naturally Cduse the idea that Win. Butler A Co are not the exclusive a rants for these roods. Such, however. is not the fact, and further Stock of this Article can not be obtained from outers man nm. nuuer e oo. The Tra e, however, will ot lose sgnt of tne tact thai the arreat sti ife to obtain the "urecon" Li Tie bv other dealers proves conclo ively that the Oregon ts the beu JAme tn the market. T. F. OSBUtlN. Gen. Agt. Or. Marble A LimAkk g. nowak: CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Fiansaod stMifccaiains tor building fur nished. Will do a l Ainds of excavating and criidirJE. All ordersshould be 'left at xutoffire box uovi NOTICE. rtARTIES HOLDING CLAIMS AGAINST THE X undersigned are no ified to present them at once to bim at the Columbia Candy Factory, and all those indebted to him are requested to settle st the rme place, as be n&- su.a out nis Diuuurfs sua wibii mj close Ins accounts. tt. s. ikab. The Dalles, April (1, 1892. dw-'m Attention, Sheep Men. TT HAVE ABOUT 603 POUNDS OF TOBACCO 1 Stems. hidi are excellent for sheep dip or for cleansing cattle or vermin, wnicn l wui sen cneap t or terms apply at Tne valles cigar ra-nory. niCJH A. tLJjrUUXl s ou.v FOR SALE. A BAND tf TWENTY BROKE HORSES, aver acinz from 1100 to 1500 pounae four mares and the balance celdinirs These will be sold at reasonable prices. Fer terms.a pplv to it. vn.irr. mcbS Hartiaod, Wash- FOR S.4LR PINK DRIVING ANIMAL SORREL MARE six rears old. Is Derfectlv gentle, and a ra trotter. For terms inquire at the East ' no grocery store. J. A. untojtiu, apr2S rroprietor, Notice to Tax-Payers. TATE and Count) taxes become delinquent Apri 1 1st next. Tax-pavers are hereby requested to make payment and savs of going en the delinquent I L CATES. Id Sheriff aad Tax-Collector The Dies Restaurant THE DALLES Cigar Factory, ITIRST STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. pininn of the Best BrauHs manufact UrjAltO urerf. and oriii-as from all paits of the country tilled on the shortest! notice. I 1 The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home munufjctuaedjarticle is increasing eyery day. dec24ay-tf A. ULRICH & SON. Northwest Cor.JSocondlana Washington St. Mi & HI, PROP'S ixoKrto eotgeRuch. Tlie Cheapest Place i!t nia dalles roa All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAlIf. WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit a share of the rublio pat ronage, and anall end'-avor to (rive entire Batui ac tion to our customer ontn oiu aim new. A TERRIBLE FALL. 'Tis to you, mothers and daughters, . that I wish to talk; And to the children tliat are just learning to walk; Ana all who m2v need anvthiner n my line I will give you prices that you'll hard ly decline. One needs Bonnets and Ribbons, whilst others need Hats; Some will peed Dresses and Ruching, and possibly Caps. ' Possibly Aprons, Collars and Ties there are manv that do. Should you want Flowers and Feath ers, you U find them all new. The Third-street Millinery is the place to buy. The prices are low, but quality high. The styles are the latest give us a call; And find that prices have taken a fall. To Youn2 Hoiisekeepers Free to all Brides ! "VT OT1CE Is hereby tnven to a the reader! of this Xl paper aud all their fritnds and. acquaintance! throughout the United titatea and Canada tliat THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One'. Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whose address and 10 cents to pay l postage is sent to ine puousner wituin one year lrom tne date oi tncir mamave. Persona sending for this present are requested to end eoDv of a Diner contain inr a notice of their marriage, or some other evidence tbat shall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine under the above offer. Address, 'THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattle boro. Vt. AAE CTRICITV First clam ...alunii. KW TOBK OIBRALTEK and NAFLlES, Atrecalar Intervals. SAlOnH, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERAGE hum nn Intrant tArma to and from tbe principle Harca. rsauaa. niaa all oootciiktai. poiotg- EunnriMi tinkAtji ...ll.tiln to ratnrn bT either tbe vie- turesqae Clrde A North ot Ireland or Naplee ft Gibraltar ttafii aat HosfT Man (or Ast iaout tt lewNt SatM, Apply to any or onr toc&i aenie or to HENDBSON BBOTHEJbJS, GUoaco, AO E. NTS WANTED Apply to T. A. HUDSON. General Agent, roe uaiiea, nr. Jini3-V2 RTABliI8HE YEARS. KOSHLAND : BROS, PORTLAND, Wool Merchants. Sell on Commission, and Cash Advances made. Consignments : Solicited ! Wool Bags, Fleece and Sewing Twine pro vided bv us. pr2 4mo I Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. JAS. FERGUSON, Good hauled with theVreatest care to all parts of the city on short notice. : DOCTOR These Oeiebratea KHtiiasu: lACXER'S Pills area Positive Cure for ftlek. Ilesdaehe, BlIloauMss, and! OMutlpatleav Kiaall. pleas-S nt mm a faTerlts with the ladles. Bold In England (or la; lMd., In America, for & Oet them from your Druggists, or? ! PURE 1 PINK : nil i c sand to W. . aOOUB A CO. J 1 riLLOi 4S Wert BrsaSMrk lew Th, S mil IIIHIIHIIIIIIHIIIIIUIIHII SSSSI PIONEER GROCERY General Expressman n id. 75 ' A IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO Tat the hair over find a priceless boon Trade Mark. Price of Queen "a Antl-Halrfne il. per bottle, sent tn csoav sealed from observation), it in nondenee strlctl v ennfldenf l.l eena money or stamps oy This advertisement register yonr letter at any Post Office to insure Its safe r fall ure or slightest Injury to any purchaser. DrPlll 0 ladies who tnrradnee and sen among their friends 5 Bottles of Queen's Antl-Halrlne, Orr-UIIIL we will present with a BILK DRESS, la yards best silk Exti-s Lsrss Bottle and samples .saBBBaaaaa of silk to aeleet tress sent sntb order. Ooed Salary or OomnUssion to Agenta. ISCOBFOATEU 1HHO. THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY ' Wholesale and Be tail Dealers Building: 31aterial and DRY. FIXt, PINE, OAK and SLAB PROMPT DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. 1 Offlee ti 7 WsUastasx Ht. The reputation of fhei ; maker ouohf o $o far to recommend anew article. Our thirty yearaOk; oublic ;r record of leadinO v. brAnds of 'fobaCCOi. b- offered ai .a.-rea'MiojT your tetfin$ J.e.PAO,' JOBAtCO. .C0 RlCrinonB.VAl A FREE TRIP TO TUB WQHID'S FAIR Commencing May 1, 1893 Tho History Company, of Snn Frsncico, Cel., (c-ipital stock 1600,000) tho oldest and Uryert pub lininir house on the Pnciflc cosst, this day announce that i hev will give, abeohittly free, a ticket to the World's Fair ai.d reiurn, inciudins meals en roots one week (7 dsy), hotel scromuiodalions, six admis sion tickets tn the l-xposition grounds, two tickets to leading I hicairo the iters, and such other privi. leges as may in ure a pleasant trip to deservina per sons who comply with their requirements. Those desiring to go to the World's Fsir and who Oiiuld not utherwiw do so. can sdiress us at once for full particulars This offer does n t apply to per sons of means who are In a position to met the ex penses of sueh a trip themselves, but to enterprising and intelligent young men an 1 women whw can ap- ireciate such sn opportunity snd make the nio-t of t Teachers, clergymen, students, farmers' bright sons aiid daughtrrs in fact any and all poesewlug energy, enterprise and character will be e igible. THE CHAXCK Or" A 1.IFE-T1JIK. Every young man or woman who desires to goto Chicago the greatest Sxhio- Itiou the world has ever known, should sddress ns at once. Such an opportunitb is rarely offered, and the trip wi)i be the event of a liletione to those who go. Address , THE HISTOBY COMPANY, . . TUB H1STOET SUILDIKO, No. 72S MARKET ST. KTi FRANCISCO, CAL. RB0NE IS FEATHER BONE U made from QrilT-S, nature own toughest material, best whips made for the price. Cheap, Durable, ALL KTVLKH. all pr'S-osXS Srm " FEATflERBOHE. HENRY KUCK, The Dalles, Or. J. H. LARSEN; Dealer In aU kinds of . Hay, Grain and Feed At bis old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE Tne Highest Cash Price paid for Sheep pelts. C. F. STEPHENS, DEALER IN I : HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SB0E3. No 134 Second Street, next door east of Tbe Dalle National Bank. ' Having utt opened in business, and having a full assortment of tho Utest goods in my line, I desirs a . share of the public patronage i apr C. t. STEPHENS GOAL! COAL! -THE BEST- Wellington, Rock Sprins, ' and Eoslyn Coal. $12, sacked and tbe city. delivered to any put Ot AtMoody's Warehouse. SKIBBE HOTEL F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. The Only Brick Hotel IN THE CITY BERT DOLLAR A DAY HOUSE in the North went. This builainff hu been refitted eiDoe the fire of September 2d, mod the rooms are flnit-claea in every pvrticul-r. The table la supplied with the beet the market Affords. The oar it connection with the hotel is supplied with the highest tirade oi Wines, Liquors an Im ported and Domestic Cigars. janS9-w SHEEP FOB SALE. Three thousand Fine Graded Bred Ewes and 3000 Yearlings. Kerr & Buckley, Grass Valley, Or. 810 REWARD. LOST OR STOLEIf from mj farm near Klntsley, Oregon, about March 8, 18MX. a dark blown borso, with small star in face and branded with letters R K connected on left shoulder. I will im Ihe above rewarj for anv inrbnnation leading to tb recoverj of the above animal. Jiua. JOHN BOLTON, inr? klr.plev,Or. a rial oi 1 1 FOR. WHIPS 25o. 50c OH UV NEW DISCOVERY by ACCIDENT In compounding a solution a pan was accidentia spilled on lbs band and on washing afterward It was discovered mat the balr was com. nl.utlv removed. We al once nut this wonderful rtifnari.tl,. market and so great bss been tbe demand tbat wears now Introduclne it throughout the world under tbe name ot gueen'i Anti-Uatrima. viecSBrDercoYlvajaBu. erco . . n SIMPLE ANY CHILD CAN UE IT. and apply tbe mixture for a few mlnnt mil i 'hair dloappeara as If by magic witbont tbe slightest psln or Injuty when applied or ever afterward. It isonllke any other preparation ever uped for a like purpose. Thousands of LAUI V.H v ho have been annoyed with balr on their FACE, NECK and AltMH atti-st Its merits. GENTLEMEN who do not annreclatea beard or lialron their neck. In Queen's Antl-llali Ine which does awsy vlng, by rendering Its future growth an utler Inipoasibilily. ssiety mailing noxes. postsre pain ny ns (securely safety mailing boxes. Boater rmld by ns (srrure: t-n nls is honest and strulght forwent in every word It leiier witn iuii sanresswniien pisinty. iwrrw cut tbis out ana I.O You can delivery. will pay .00 for any cms Every bottle guaranteed. aod Manufaotureraof Dimension Timber. WOOD Yard at Olt 4t-veraugeHt BarracJa