The Times-Monntaineer SATURDAY. MAY 7, 1S92 " EDITORIAL NOTES. The 1st. of May passed without serious disturbances in Europe, and, although the military was ready for " immediate action, there was no occa sion, to call upon ita aid. Anarchy was not very rampant, and kept itself within leeal limits. With the ex plosives now in use, a great deal of mischief can be done by these malcon tents, and it ii therefore necessary that they should he closely watched. The Democratic press are given to - quoting from each other any favorable remarKa regarding tneir candidates, . . and if an independent paper has a favorable word regarding one of the.r political nominees it is published and credited to a "rabid Republican or - gan." Of coarse, this is not honest or. fair; bnt it is politics according to the dogmas ot trie democratic creed, as laid down oy St. i am many. ;" i't The instructions regarding the mo dus vivendi of the seals in Behricg : sea are published in the dispatches to day. These are to be enforced by Great Britain and the United States until a . final settlement of the disputed ques tion by arbitration. This is another euccesf for the present administration, onrl ia illrtarvoti va rxt rria nfataflmflnRhir) U U V. .U ...V.UW. .... . W V vuw .rvn.v m of President Harrison and his cabinet. The matter was very complicated at first, and at one time threatened the peace of the two great Anglo-Saxon ' nationa Tnw drnA of ill infi.n1a f no Hnainpea of the Union Pacific, which he man- arrori tsi eonnni nr. t.TiA Iftf A pIpH.inn nf directors by an adroit manipulation of shares of stock owned by an English syndicate. We have no doubt that Mr. Gould is an excellent railroad manager for his own interests; but ' the people of tne northwest are not , favorable to his management, which is country. ; While he controls affairs his railroad will do very little business : in Eastern Oregon, and the trade of the Inland Empire will seek other routes to seaboard. A Portland Democratic exchange ' - reports the price of wool ranging from '8 to 14 cents, and asks, with consider- ' able Bourbon enthusiasm: , "And is 1 VIS,? VUV aw VerUMVelSi (aB WUM . VbUVUWBW effects of McEinlevismP' 'The Dalles is the largest wool shipping point -,direct from the producers iu the state, and no prices have yet been offered, as the product so far received has been some early clips which have - been consigned to San Francisco linnaoa "Wpavlw o will aIovmia . before tne market will be ' fairly nnonAfl on1 KnvaM ' nrfll . nffa onw . -f' - j J , figures, it might be pertinent to ask . our esteemed free trade cotemporary, . voea ine custom nouse duties in cos ton increase the shipments of Aus " ' ' tralian and Argentine wool to that T"V 1 w . "T port) The senate and honsa have reached - an agreement on the Chinese question, . and no-further controversy on this , subject may be 'expected. As now -v presented the bill will continue the exclusion . act in force for ten vearn. j , and at the end of . that time some so-J . lution of this difficult problem may present itself. That coolie labor on the Pacific is an unfair competition - wim American wage-earners no one can doubt, and that these Asiatics can nevAr RnfiimilatA with nnr fraa vtions is also a well known fact. It may be contrary to the spirit of free ;: institutions to restrict immigration . but this country should in no wise be constituted the dumping ground for the refuse of the population of Europe, '. and especially not for leperous Mon golians. A ' w . An open river means wealth in dhnnrlfl T-iatQ fit "Paw Inn1 A t si 4ltA smn J"" tropolis , is doing commendable work . for the locks at the Cascades, and further improvements to the naviga tion of the Columbia. In last Sun days issue the great daily of the North Pacific coast, the. Oregonian, : has this to say regarding the portagi road, from The Dalles to Celilo, for . which it should receive tho unqualified thanks of the Inland Empire: "The state of Oregon ousht to put in a nor - tage road at The Dalles. At the next . session of the legislature provision ought to "be made for this work and the railroad should be built next year. But this will not be the final solution. Urecon and Washington ought to press without ceasing their demands upon the national government for vsnais ana iocks at j.ue .vanes. JLill this work can be completed a portage road will be a help, and Oregon ought . to build this portage road at once." TELEGEAPHIO HEWS. Eseanedl From Jail. Samta. Rosa, May 2 Excitement was caused here by the discovery this morn ing that George W. Bruggy, a condemned murderer, who was to have been sentenced to-day for the third time, had broken jail, His escape is pronounced one of the clev erest on record. The bars in one of the round windows on the west side of the outer wall were cut.leaving an open space large enough for the passage of a man's body. After passing through this open log a person would still be on the inside of tne jail, but outside tbe main cage en closing the cells. An entrance was made here by cutting off two flat bars forming a lattice and then the field would be clear for a person to so to Brueev's cell and cut the screws to admit the sliding of tbe bolts. Whether the entrance was made from the outside in tbe manner described or from the iodide, remains a mystery, Tbe latter theory, however, is given color by tbe escape at the same time of a man known as "JTrencby." Ex-Sheriff Bowies' Condition. Waila Walla, Wash., May 2 Tbe condition of ex-Sheriff Bowles remains tbe same. This morning, in the superior court, Drs. Russell and Bigham made an examination as to his sanity and be was adjudged insane. At tbe request of Mrs. Bowles, tbe nnfortnnate man has been placed in tbe bands nf Dr. Clowe, who baa filed a bond of 15000 and will treat him, belieying he can be cured. Bowles was removed to St. Mary's hospital this morning, wbeie he will be kept for treat ment. X arrow Escape la n Fire. Seattle, Wash.,-May 2 A two-story frame dwelling at Fremont, owned by O, J. Anbnru,burncd to tbe ground to-night, and Auburn, wbo was asleep upstairs, bad to jump from the stcoDd-story window lo save bis life. The origin of the tire is unknown. Tbe house, which was just completed, was valued at $10, 000; insurance, $800, in tbe Home Insur ance Company of Seattle. Heady to Swarm. DETROIT, April 29. The woods are full of Chinese over in Canada. The long-haired heathen in large numbers are dodging behind trees and hiding in . sequestered nooks, ready to make a break for the United States the minute the clock strikes 12 the night of May 3. They all firmly believe that on May 4 the old Chinese exclusion act will expire, and they hope to slip into this country before the new law, now under consideration in con gress, goes into effect. This numerous aggre gation has consequently spread itself out along the border all the way from here to Vancouver, and is only biding its time to get into this great republic. Detroit, however, seems to be the most favorable point at which the celestials can cross the border, for it is the city most adjacent to Chicago, whither nearly all of them seem to be bound. Because of this fact, Detroit has always been a favorite port at which to land after the trip through Canada from the Pacific, and, although there are no statistics to prove it, it is undisputed that more Chinese have been smuggled across the Detroit river at various points than at any other place in the country. Captain Pratt, special treasury agent, says the Chinese are avoiding Windsor because they .know they will be closely watched there. The border is as closely guarded as it can be by the small force stationed here. There is more chance of the Chinese trying to cross at Marine City or the mouth of the river than at Detroit . Afraid of tne Anarchists. Paris, April 29. Owing to the fear caused by the recent explosions, the police have dis suaded Monroe, the American banker, in whose custody the Irish funds are placed, from giving a reception at his residence at the Champs d'Elysees, on the ground that a mag istrate resided in the same house, and the an archists might seize the opportunity to wreck the building with dynamite, and cause a terri ble loss of life. At a meeting of the cabinet to-day, President Caroot said he approved the plan of taking the most stringent measures to preserve order on May day. Great Northern Wreck. Sand Point, Idaho, April 29. Meager reports have been received here of a terrible train wreck on the Great Northern, between two tunnels east of Bonner's Ferry. Several men were killed, but the number is not known yet. Six box cars went into the Kootenai river. All construction trains and men are in here on their way to Albany falls.. They will cross the bridge there to-morrow. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, bead- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrupof Figs is the only remedy of ita kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale m 0O0 and $1 bottles by all leading druggistii. - Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AM FitAHOISOO, CAL ., 10UI8VILLE. AT. MEW fOBK. H.t. "We are 11 In It" WM. BUTLER & CO. Lumber Dealers. We have added to our business tbe following lines, ana wiu not im undersold; lime, Plaster, HairCement, BUILDING PAPER, And will furnish anything in the line of Building Material. , A liberal discount to the trade in anything we Handle. Our stock is all iresh. Front Street, Corner of Jefferson. ' Everything in the line of SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY AND KINK PBENCH CANDIES, ' CA Bl POUHB AT NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE, , SECOND 8TBKET. " MRS. A. JONES, Prop. 85 THNIOJN 8THEET 85 AdJolnlDg Byrne, Floyd Co.'s d ug store. Tbe tables are supplied with tbe best the market affords. MEALS AT ALL HOURS None but white help employed. JAS. FERGUSON, Goods hauled with theVreatest care to all parts of tbe otty on short notice. . Tie Dies Resiauran Express enera Legal Notioes. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE OP Oregon, lor the County ot Wasco. Emma S. Turner, plaintiff, vs. William Turner, defendant. To William Turner, defendant: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby requited to appear and answer the complaint filed aTainat you in the above entitled Suit within ten dars from tbe date of the service of this summons upon you, if served within this county; or if served within aiiv other cvunty of this state, then within twenty days from the date of the tervice of this summons upon you; and if served upon you by publication, then by the first day of the next regular term of this court, to wit: Monday, the 83d day of May, 1892, the same beinar the first day of the next regular term of this court; an if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court tor the relkf de manded therein, to-wit: For a decree dissolving the bonds nf matrimony now existing between you and plaintiff, aru fur the custody ol tne minor child ot said parties. ' This summons is publi'hfd by order of the Hon. W. L. fcradshaw, Judire of the Save nth Judicial Dis trict of the State of Orejon, made at chambers at Dalies City on the eth day of April, 189-2. W. S. MTERS. Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrator's Notice. XTOT1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE JM undersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, in probate, administrator of the eftate of Harrison Coram, deceased. All person having claims against said estate are hereby required to present them to me. with proper vouchers, at the law offii-e of Condon t Condon, in Dalles City.W asco county, Oregon, within six months (rom the date of this notice. Dated Aprd 2d, 1892.. . COSDOf, Administrator of thej estate cf Harrison Corum, deceased. apr2td Dissolution Notice. T 10 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby riven that the firm of Byrne, Floy I & Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, Samuel A. Bvrne retiring from the firm. The busi ness will be continued at the olu stand by William Floyd and Stacev Shown. All bills due tbe late firm must be pad to William Floyd and atacey Shown, and all indebtedness owing by said firm will be settled by thorn. WILLIAM FLOYD, STACEY SHOWN, S. A. BYRNE. The Dalles, Or., April 26. 1E92. apr27 COUNTY TREASURER'S MICE. All couLty warrants registered prior to Nov. 14, 1,888, wiil be paid if presented at my office - Interest ceaaes from and after this date. The Dalles, April 6, 1892. GEORGE RUCH, 4t Treasurer Wasco County, Oregon. Dissolution Notice. T ,0 WHOM IT HAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby civen that the partnership here tofore existing between J. N. Lauerand S. F. French, under the firm name of French ft Lauer, is this day dissolved by mutual coosent. i. N. Lauer will con tinue the business, and pay all bills and collect all moners due the fltm. & F. FRENCH, . J. N. LAUER. The Dalles, Oregon, April 14, 1892. NOTICE. PARTIES HOLDING CLAIMS. AGAINST THE undersigned are notified to present them at once to him at the Columbia Candy Factory, and all those indebted to him are requested to settle at the same place, as he has sold out his businrss and wishes to close bis accounts. W. S. CRAM. The Dalles, April 6, 1892 dw-lm Notice to Tax-Payers. S" TATE and County taxes become delinquent Am 3 1st next. Tax-pavers are hereby requested to make payment and save of going en the delinquent list. , DLCATES, Sheriff and Tax-Collector W ATER NOTICE. ON AND AFTER APRIL 1st, parties putting in or using water closets with a continuous stream of water will be charged $5 per month; pat ent Bhuttos at the old rate Lt&xtd Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' - Land Omci at Thi Dalles, Orboos, ' Aoril 1. 1862. Notice is hereby riven that the f jllowing-nmed settler nas mea notice oi ner intention ia maae nnai Droof in sunoort of her claiu and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The vaues, ur., on Slav iu, lsvz, vis: . KATIE HERKE, . Hd. 25SS, for tbe SWJf, Sec 12, To 1 N, R 12 E W M. ' She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said ami, viz: - George Liebe, J. A. Phirman, J. Wltle, W. Jordan, au ox ine uaues, ur. feblS JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omci at The Dallcs, Or. March 8. 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of thj U. a Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on May 10, 1893, Viz: GEORGE W. STEWART, eHd No. 2188) for the SW qr see 80,.Tp 2 N, E IS east, WM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ana cultivation ox, saia land, via? i ' Norman McDonald, Wallace Scrapie, Alex Ander son and Docite Heroux, all of The Dalles, Oregon. muhlz JOHN w LKWia, uegister. COLUPlBia PflGRING CO.. Comer Third and Washington Sts. Cured Hams and Bacon,.Dried Beef and Tongues And the bestjBeefsteaks, Mutton Chops md Veal .Cutlets in tile market. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY Fresh Vegetables on S&le atjtbe Lowest Prices. FOR SALE. 3 AND 0 TWENTY BROKE HORSES, aver J. aging from 1100 to pounds four mares and the balance geldings These will be sold at reasonable prices. Fer terms apply to . . . . . . . X. J. DR1PPS. mchS Hartland, Wash; FOR SALE. A BOUT 1,360 HEAD OF EXTRA WELL A graded yearling Sheep. Also about 500 Bwes and their lambs. Address JOHN M. DAVIS, Bakeoven, Oregon, Or M. A. MOODY, The Dalles, Oregon. lwkd-ltw FOR SALE. A FINE DRIVING ANIMAL SORREL MARE X six years old. Is perfectly gentle, and a rood trotter. For terms inquire at the East fcnd grocery store. .. J. A. ORCHARD, . apr28 Proprietor. FOR SALE. A CLYDESDALE STALLION, about 7 years old; weight about 1400 pqunds. Will de sold cheap. For terms apply to AUGUST BUCHLER. The Dalies, ur., April zi, lsBz, apnss-lm FOR SALE. SIX HEAD OF WORK HORSES, from 'fire to eight years old, in goo i condition. Will sellffor cadn, or trade some of them for stallions. . .(J.-h-OEULtJl. Nansene, Or., Feb. 1S,'.1892. FOR J3ALE. A WIND MILL, WITH TANK AND TOWER, f will be sold cheap. For particulars apply at this office. aprll-dtf FOR RENT. rpHE UPPER PART OF A TWO-STORY BUILD- X ing, consisting of six roi For- particulars apply at this office. aprii-uu Information Wanted. r . 1 MRS. If. BOHEN LEFT HER HOME on April 6th and has not been heard of since. She is light-eomnlexioned. about 82 years of see. and of rather stout build. Any information regarding her whereabouts will be irladlv rtceived bv by Mr. Chi laxles iom, oi uranc apr23 House and Lot For Sale. Situated near) the Catholic church on Fourth street.- For terms apply at tnis office. mch30dwlm Attention, Sheep Men. HATE ABOUT MO POUNDS ' OF TOBACCO Stems. Whish ara excellent far eheen riln or for cleansing cattle of vermin, which I will sell cheap. For Arms apply at The Dalles Cigar Factory. ni&n ON SALE fnHi! TO -A.T-iTj PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST," NORTH and SOUTH AT. . THE E. E. LYTLB, Agfint UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEV, Portlnnd to (San FranclM-o. To San Francisco Leaving 8temship Whaf , Port land, at 10 P M., as follows: Orp&ron Feb 8,28 Columbia Feb 12, 20 Stite Feb 16, 24 Baggage must lie checked either at Ash St.. during the uay, or by the U. C. & B. Co. No unchecked baggage will be received on the steamers. San Frarjf i8COto JPortland. To Portland Leaving SpearSOVharf'San Francisco at 10 A. M. as follows: Columbia Feb 7,19 State Feb 11, 28 Oregon Feb 5, 27 The company reserves the right to change steam ers oi sailing dates without further notice. For rates, tickets, beith reservations, etc., c .11 on or address any ticket agent of the Union Pacific ay tern. C. S. MELLEN. T. W. LEE. Gen. Traffic Mana er. Gen. Pass. A t. FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS Northern Pac RAILROAD I pi the line to'take TO ALL PiMTS EAST AND OUTH It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Ves tibnled Trams Lery Day in the year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARS.) Compo ed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. oilman Drawing-room Sleepers of Latest Equipment. . , TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Best that can be constructed, and in which accam modations are both Free and Furnished for holders of First or Second- darj Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A 'Continuous Line, Connecting, with All LinesAffording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. : Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in yance through any agent of the road. rpiTDnTTPtr TTnT'PTC To and from all llllVUUUXX A Xv AaaJ a lj point, jn A met ica. England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket office or tne company. -Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agen or A. X. CHARLTON, Ass't General Passenger AgL, No, 121 First St, Cor. Wash., PORTLAND. OlEGON FASHIONABLE MIL.LIKERY! -at M De LjIcV Emporium, 114 SECOND STREET. K FULL ASSORTMENT OF IVSRTTHDta IX HATS, BONNETS AND TRIMMINGS MRS. A. SCHOOLING, Manager. Northwest Cor.fSecondJand Washington Sts. "S t.niurto eorge Ruch. Tlie Cheapest Place a THI SAbLBS ros, .. 4 All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit s share of the public pat ronage, and shall endeavor to give entire satisfac tion to our customers both old and new. LOUIS PAYETTE, , (Successor to Payette &;Friend.) THE LEADING , ' '- BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in iron or wood done in the neatest oner. Anything in the wagun line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus: made , or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery leualred fin the most skill ui ana worKmanuse manner. mcnziuw -THJ GEEMANIA, CHAS. STUBLING.JProp. FOR THE PRESENT AT 83 Second Street. Wines, Lipors and Op. All brands of Imported Liauors, Ale and Porter, an .genuine Key west cigarsw A run una or CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. THE TETJE BLUE. ' Second Street, next door to the Bed Front Grocery Store. F. E. SH0NTELL DEALER IN Fine Cigars, Tobacco, AND CONFECTIONERY. The celebrated Hoffman, General Arthur and Schfl- ler Cigars on sale THEJDALLE8, OREGON $30001 A TEAR f Ti taaeh an flirty fattlllrmt penouof sthsir st. ho cut ru ud writ, and wh. after inatractiim, will work iiidmastrtottalT, how to can Tin. ThtMlutl BaUan a vaf rh-jrAsri jwiiiisawhrnTWlbfr UtJ will alao rmraiah tba ritntiomormpioyvmtM which vow can earn UkaSamooU. ho mm7 for roe anleM M.cafal aa above, Kasiljaosi qoiesUT learned. I desire but one worker from eek diatrkt oreoaaiy. ( have already taught and provided with employment a Jarrra nnnaber. wbo are making crer MOOO a rear each. It's 2V E W and SOLID. Fall particular. FBEE. Addnat at csaoa, ftfi a.MsEnr. sfcaah. -- Malan pion GROCER Auk mv n?entB for W. Ij. Pongloa Shoes. If not ior ule in yoa. place ask your dealer t ed for cocnloRuet secure the agency aud set ;liem lor you. . ITTAliE NO sr BSTiTDTBe J WMT is ine W. L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cENtfWN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a seamless shoe, with no -acta or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best One calf, stylish and easy, and because ire make more ehoet of this grade than any other manufacturer, It equals hand sewed shoes costing from 4.00 to $5.00. U r- OO Genuine Hand-sewed, the finest calf $3, shoe ever offered for t5-00; equals French Imported shoes which cost from $8.00 to $12.00. Jt OO Hand-Mired Welt Shoe, line calf, $ta stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from $6.00 to $9.00. ('9 SO Police (Shoe! Farmers, Railroad Hen 90i and Letter Carriei s all wear them; fine calf, seamless, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edge. One pair will wear a year. n SO flue calf: no better shoe ever off ered at 3)s this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. ffntiS and 84.00 Workingman's shoes 9a are very strong and durable. Those wbo have given them a trial will wear no other make. n wes 84.00 and SI. 73 school shoes are B3UT9 worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits, as the increasing sales show. I -JlaeMO Hnnd-ftevred shoe, best kaulCS ixmgola, very stylish; equalsFrencc Imported shoes costing from 4.oo to. 86.U0. Ladies' 4.30, 84.00 and 81.73 shoe for Hisses are the best fine Dongola. Stylish and durable. Caution. See that W. L. Douglas' name and nrice are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Mass. J. FREIMAN, AGENT, THE DALLES Revere Restaurant, MRS. C. DAVIS, Prop. Adjoining the Diamond Roller Mills, on Second Street. MEALS ATALL HOURS ! The tables will be supplied with the best the market affords. Lodging room3 op stairs for guests. PAUL KEEFT & CO DEALERS IN- Painty 011$, And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL PAPER Practical Painters and Paper Hanjren None but tbe best brands of the Sherwin-Williams Paint used ia all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will, be promptly attended to. .- Shop adjoining Bed Front Grocery, THIRD STREET, THE DAj.rJj L. P. OSTLUND il I will furnish drafts and estimates on all buildings. dwellings and stores. s Ur. Ostlund isl a practical mechanic, and thefplans drafted by bim will prove artistic, cheap and dura ble. F. W. BOLD, Elacksznitli and W::-M:b! AtTbompson's oldtand, 193 Third St BLACKSMITHINC OF All KINDS DONE HEATIY AND CHEAPLY. ; WOOD-WORK of all kinds, repairing and making anything, xrom a wneeioarrow w a carnage. RSE-SH0EING A SECIALTY. m 4I-w FEATHERBONK is made from QUIT.T.S, nature's own toughest material, best whips made for the price. Cheap, Durable, ALL STYLES, all prilLxV - FEATHERBOHE. HENRY KUCK, - The Dalles, Or. Sample Rooms, 71 MAIN STREET, Always on hand tbe Liquors, and. Oigai's. A ' Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei .. on drauc bt. Mcdonald bros., : propr's W.T.WISEMAN Successor to J. H. McDonough fc CJ) SEALEB HI Choice Wines Liquors, AND CIGARS. None bnt the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Uourt and second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. Merchant Tailor, No. 77 Seeond St. Suits Made to Order, AND FITS GUARANTEED. Orders taken for an Eastern house for ail kinds of suits. Call and examine goods. mch29-tf C -V. ADAMS, The Artistic Shoemaker Is now located af 77 Second Street, to achats Justice OfBoe. Kf-TJ&Innsr a Speeialtw. He has saved soma of his best leather out of the fire and will make the neatest boot or shoe of anyone in the cttr. HILL, O'MALLEY,. & CO. . THBaLEADINO . Architects and Builders Office inJSkibbe's.Brick, THE DALLES, OREGON Will take enn tract, and furniah plans and Boccift- cations lor all builaings. frame, brick or stone. Mm tarials'Iunushed if needed. octS Contractor and Builder FOR WHIPS 23c. 50o; "WWIlsSi Slwssr KEPUBLICAN State, District anfl County TIOICET. For Supreme Judge, F. A. MOORE. Fpr Attorney-GeDeral, LIONEL R. WEBSTER. For Member of Congress, Second Diit., W. R. ELLIS. For Circuit Judge, SeventhJUist., GEORGE W ATKINS. For Prosecuting Attorney, Seventh Dist., W. H. WILSON. For Member State Board of Equalization, Seventh Diet., JOHN L. LUCKEY. . For Joint Senator, 17th Dist., consisting of Sherman and Wasco Counties, H. S. McDANEL. For Joint Senator, 18th Dist., consisting of Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco Counties, W. W. STE1WER. For Joint Representatives, ISth Rep. Dist., consisting of Snerman and Wasco Counties, E. N. CHANDLER, T. R. COON. For County Judge, C. N. THORNBURY. For County Clerk, J. M. HUNTINGTON. For Sheriff, C. P. BALCH. For County Commissioner, H. A. LEAVENS. For County Treasurer, WILLIAM MICHELL. For County Assessor, JOEL W. K00NTZ. For Connty School Superintendent, TROY SHELLEY. For County Surveyor, E. F. SHARP. For Connty Coroner,' N. M. EASTWOOD. DAILY AND WEEKLY - LEADING PAPER OF WASCO Full Report of and General News. REPUBLICAN But ia not owned clique Always takes a on all public ' MISPRESSES ITS OPINION REGARDLESS OP SUBSCRIPTION RATES: DAILY: PfcR YEAR.; PER MONTH, by carrier PER WEEK, SINGLE COPY. ONT. YEAR "T M0NTH8 iLL KINDS OF DEMOCRATIC State, District and County For Supreme Judge, ALFRED S. BENNETT. For Attorney-General, GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN. For Member of Congress, Second Dist., JAMES H. SLATER. For Circuit Judge, Seventh Dist., W. L. BRADSHAW. For Prosecuting Attorney, Seventh Dist.. J. F. MOORE. For Member State Board of Equalization, Seventh Dist., WILLIAM HUGHES. For Joint Senator, 17th Dist., consisting of Sherman act Wasco Counties, J. A. SMITH, For Joint Senator, ISth Dist., consisting of Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco ounties, G. W. RINEHART. For Joint Representatives, ISth Rep. Dist., consisting of Sherman and Wasco Counties, H. EMORY MOORE, S. F. BLYTHE. For County Judge, GEORGE C. BLAKELEY. For Connty Clerk, . JAMES B. CROSSEN, For Sheriff, THOMAS A. WARD. For County Treasurer, ' WILLIAM K. CORSON. For County Assessor, GEORGE T. PRATHER. For Connty Surveyor, F. S.J.GORDON. For School Superintendent, E. P. FITZGERALD. For County Commissioner, JAMES DARNIELLE. For Connty Coroner, JOHN W. MOORE. THE - COUNTY Local Happenings IN POLITICS, or controlled by'any or ring. Determined' Stand questions, .... .. CONSEQUENCES. $6 06 60 15 05 ?3 00 1 00 JOB PEINTING A FKEE TRIP TO THE WORLD'S FAIR Oommenolngr May 1, 1803 The Historv Comranr. of San Francisco. Cal.. (capital stock &50O,00O) the oldest and largest pub lishing house oil the Pacific coast, this day announce that ihey will give, absolutely free, a ticket to the World's Fair and return, including meals en route one week (7 days), hofefl acroniinoiiations, six admis sion tickets to the Kxpnsition grounds, two tickets to leading Chicago theaters, and such other privi leges as may insure a pleasaut trip to deserving, per sons who ooutply with their requirements. NOTICE. Those desiring to go to the World's Fair and who could not otherwise do so. can aduress as at once for full particulars. This offer does nt applv to per sons of means who are in a position to meet the cx- imiiiep 01 Rutin a trip tnemaeivea, out w eiifcerpnaujg and intelligent young men and women who can ap preciate such an opportunity and make the raot of it. Teachers, clergymen, students, farmers1 bright sons and daughters in fact any and all posseboiug energy, enterprise and charactor will be eligible. THE CHAXCE OK A LIFE-TIME. Everv voiini? man or woman who desires to go to cmcagoand see tne wonuers or ine grwcsfc omio itlon the world has ever known, should address ns at once. Such an oonortunith is rarely onered, and the trip will be the event of a liietime to those who GO, Address THE HISTORY COMPANY, TUB BBTOBT.BIILOISO, No. 723 MARKET 8T. 8 N FRAXCISC0, CAL. UE Mlaaed hl Opportwnltyl JMJ'V'i; nw lib Youn, Itesuler. Tue majority neglect tnair ej portnniUea, and from that eanaa live la poverty sad dia In obscoricrl Harrowini deipalr la the lot of many, as they look back on lost, forever loet. opportnnity. 1-1 t o la paws . . 1 U tt..n.ni1i1nn. I tnnrove VOur ODDOrtD- niiy, and lecnre proirverity. pramlnence, poaca It" aaid by a phlloaopher, that "the Goddoaa of Fortnne offera frolilun opportunity to each parson at soma period or life; embrace luacuance, ana snapourl ool iter ncnw; iu w w o and alia departa, vrrer to retnrn." Uow akall yoo Ind tha cold ic if opportonltyr Inveetlgate evarj chance that appears wortliy. and of fair promi-e; that Is what all sao-co-slul men do. H ere Is an opportnnlty, each as Is not ofiea within the reach ot labortoir people. Improved, It will five, at least, a rrand start In life. Tbe OOIDM opportnnlly for many is here. Money to be made rapidly and honorably by anylndnstrions person of either sex. All aa-ee. Yon caa do tha work and live at borne, whereverren are. Even ba ainiiera areally earning from $4 to StO per day Yoa can do ill If yon will work, not too bard, but Industri ously ; and yoa can increase your income as yon rooo. Yoa can cive spare time only, or all yonr time to tba work. Easy to loarn. Capital not required. We startyon. All Is com paratively new and really wonderful. Wa instruct and show yoa bow. free Faflare unknown among onr work er, h'o room to explain bare. Writ and learn all (We, hv return mall. Unwise to delay. Address at once. II. tjLallett etc Co.. ISox eao, Portland. UuIua, lajOAfONB W W.aU wail mtWbJrt tm tJlw. WWldl EwlllriSiJtloNDtR Kvery Batnrday, .. NEW TOBK. OIBRALTEB nd NAPLES, Atreirnlar Intervals. SAIOQII, IECOND-CLASI AHO ratea on lowest terms to and from the principle BOOTOH, ZNSU8B, HUSH k AU 00OTIH1OTAL P0INT8 Exeanion tickets available to return by either the ple tureaaae Clyde A North of Inland or Naples A Gibraltar Crafts (at If assy Orlsn to Any Assist at Lcwert IttM. Apply to any of onr local AgenU or to HENDERSON BBOIHEBS, CUloago, 111. AGENTS WANTED Apply to T, A. HUDSON, General Agent, The Dalles, Or. Jan!3-2 KSTAlijUftiHEU SO YEARS. KOSHIAND : BEOS, POBTL.AND, Wool Merchants. Bell on Commission, and Cash Advanoas made. Consignments : Solicited ! Wool Sags, Fleece and Sewing Twine pro vided by us. apr2-4mo A Souvenir Thimble Free. ANY LADT sending at once the nunee and ad dress of ten married ladv friends or house keepers to whom w can send sample eopies of the most charming illustrated ladies' newspaper pub lished to-dav. will receive an elecant solid silver sou venir thimble. The "Ladies', Pictorial Weekly" is the handsomest and most entertaining publication of its class and is becoming universally popular with intelligent ladies in both Canada and the United States. It contains sixteen large pares, same size as "Harper's tiaxaar most proluseiy Illustrated, and comes each week at only 2 a year. If you de sire a souvenir thimble send names of those you think would be interested in tbe "Ladies' Weekly" and enclose fifteen 17. ti. 2 -cent stamps to coyer ex penses of mailing, etc. Forward to-day. Address "lauiier rictonai weekly, - uuiaoa u uunaing oon to, Can. nv28w C P. STEPHENS, DEALER IM Dry hli,kndii HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOBS. No 134 Second Street, next door east of The Dalles National Bank. Having; Just opened ir. business, and having a full assortment of tbe latest goods in my line, I desire a share of tbe public patronage. aprt v. r. oicrnjuis CEDAK POSTS. rE UNDERSIGNED CAN FURNISH MEDIUM and large fcplit Cedar Posts, 6K feet long, de livered on cars or boat in East Portland, for 7 and 8 cents each. Eastern Oregon and Washington par ties are pleased with them. We prefer' buyers should have them inspected before the post are shipped. Address . Qdackbnbubh, Pres't, JanZB-dw Drawer 22, Portland, Or. I I It n T TlBST CUaBI I if x l v 4. rst I i hi ajuft a, bw. f CASCADE LOCKS THE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF CASCADE LOCKS NOW ON. THE MARKET LOTS SELLING The building of the Portage Railroad at this point' will make Cascade Locks a very thriving town in the future. Parties desirous cf investing at that point will be furnished with maps and price list by applying to BRADFORD & CASTELLOE, 110 Second St., Portland, Oregon Or Dr. LEAVENS, at Cascade Locks. iarcoRPOATCu immi. THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers and Manufacturer; of Building- Material and. Dimension Timber DRY. FIR, II3NE OAJK and SLAB PROMPT DELIVERY TO Office Km 97 WhiuKtOB St. VSccdstylaiitsJ will com men a tnemaclves to real lovers of rood earoemna: and IU contents ao lnur cover au orancnea 01 uua aoaoroins; snoject mat we t&" IT TELLS THE WHOLE STORY for the Garden, Lawn and Farm and represents one of the most complete, assortments of garden supplies in the world. For 15c. we mail with the BOOK f one packet " Chicago Parks" Pansy Seed or one Star of Gold. Write for Frrxi CaTatvoona now. VAUGHAN'S SEED STORE, US. TIjndrecB of y thouiandii of smokers re now. u,in9MA3TIFF Plu? LU(. prerernr.9 i iq tobacco.- lJ r to venture a " I . I nai on ucn prec-' 1 edent5.3uppoe you rysi package and ascertain the 'cause of popularity.' .AtPAlf. ToMtt ro. aitunonp. Va. Butler's Book. 1,0)3 APOE I 0 to 200 OR OINAL E.NUBAVinua, ELEGANT BINDINGS, PUBLISHED IS S LAKGUA ES, POPULAR PRICES. . First Edition, :-: 100,000 Coplea tub olt AUTBaxnc woax it GEN. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER. Exclusive, territory and liberal terms given to re liable aarents. Accompany application for territory with $2 for prospectus. THE J. DEWING CO., octn San Francisco. CaL J. E LAESEN, Dealer In all kinds ot Hay, Grain and Feel, At his old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. Tne highest Cash Pries paid for Sheep pelts. i 3600 HEHD, To be delivered after shearing. Apply to JAS. IT. F'ltivsriirc, MONKLAND, OREGON. COAL! COAL! -THE BE8T- Wellington, Rock Sprins. and Eoslyn Coal 12, sacked and delivered to any part Ot tbe city. AtMoody's Warehouse. SKIBBE HOTEL F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. The Only Brick Hotel IN THE CITY BEST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE In the North west. This buildine baa been refitted since the fire of September id, and the rooms an first-class in every particular. The table la supplied with the best ths market affords. . The oar in connection with the hotel is supplied with the highest trade ot Wtuea, Liquors ann im ported and Domestic Cigars. janSS-w faaa Ca,leheatre Eaa-Ileh Br l ENf.Yr.OYAL PILLS .aCatV Wiu waif wcamn w sjt aart. alwaTi railkbaa. ladiCS Ml - DrmtTRlM tar CkiekaUr a MnolUh DU-A mam MrmiU In Ur ud Gold aetalltaV ItWIM, Mil IU DIM IIMOl. '1 ' alasavlliaw. W I fi it llm ultMftaw tions and imUiutvnn. Ai DrvgctMa, r mb4 4ak 1b auvmpc for pvtlottlar, tMUaoaUla mum HHeUef for lmAo,m Uttmr, by rmrm f allll. A rsuawuisis. 1 1 riii t. niri'fcif iMi-r MiJI "it SHEEP FOE SHE. Three thousand Fine Graded Bred Ewes and 3000 Yearlings. Kerr & Buckley, Grass Valley, Or. - LOST OR STOLE If from my farm near Klntraloy, Oretroo, about March 8. 1892. a dark brown boras, with small star in face and branded with the letters B K connected on left shoulder. I will pay the above reward for any infemation leading to tha recovery ot the above animal . MKS. JOHN BOLTON, tort . . . Kingsley.Or. VERY RAPIDLY. WOOD J-JImwa ""a a I . i 'i SHEEP Fii SALE la ANY PART OF THE CITY. 1'ard at Old GneraBet Itarrwrka Are fully devcribed In onrbeantiful book CARDEHIH0 ILLUSTRATED for 189a. It conuins one hundred naees bandsomelr orinted and illustrated with ac curate photo-engravings and colored platea. It is a mirror or American aorricniiurc looaie ana shows the recent attainments ol this art, side by side with the Brood old plants of our fathers wardens. The deacrintiona. plain and reasonable my punt new rrencn suave kbhtioh papbb CHICAGO. -,tr