The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, April 09, 1892, Image 1

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-. BY -
John Michell, Editor and Proprietor,
Single copy, one year. . . .
SUtfie epy months
-tann itrictlT in aavMioo
... 1M.
Entered at the Pmtoffi.ce at The Dallee, Or., at second
Vlaet Matter for trawmvtnon utrwyn wms
Secretary of state.
Superintendent of
S. Peunoyer
O. Xicbride
. . , Pluitip Meuuban
Pubiicinstraction.. K. B. aicElroy
i J. Ji. Dolph
i. H. Mitchcll
, B. liermann
."" Frank Biker
. Congressman.
State Trincer.
Commissioner. -
, Surveyor
Superintendent of Public Schools,
D. L. Gates
J. B.Croesen
. Geo. Kuch
. . .1 rauk Kinctud
.John E. karuett
; E. F. Sharp
. .. Troy c honey
..William Michell
Professional C rda.
jy&. H, LOO AS.
Physician, and Surgeon,
Booms t and 8 In Land Officii Building
Physician and Surgeon,
Booms over Dalles National Bank.
' Office hours 1C A.M. to 1? M.,and from to 4 P.M
Residence West end of Third street.
Phvsician and Surgeon.
Diseases of Children a speciality. Erskinsville
Ohannan Pit ftnwmn
Physician and Surgeon .
Room No. 1, over Fonts & Wilson's, in Jackson
House, The Dalles. Or. j-nlO
Phvsician and Surgeon,
room 1, Chapman Block, over Nielsen's store.
Office hours 10 to 12 A M and 2 to 4, 7 to 8 P SI
Residence on Union Street corner of Sinth.
Jtil'THKRLAM), M. D., CM , Trinity
. University,-, Toronto; F. 1. M. C.; M. 0. P.
and 8, Ontario;
Physician and Surgeon.
Onus Chapman Block, rooms and 4.
Rbbidbxcb Judge Thornbuiy'e, Second street,
orncs Bodes lu to 12 a. v.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 r. u
vB. . F. TCCKEK,
' Office over French & Co.'s Bank.
J-Nitrous Oxid and Vitilized Ga
painless extracting '
en for
: Physician and Surgeon,
.OFFICE Rooms 6 and S Chapman Block.
RESIDENCE No. 2S Fourth btrett, one block south
. of court bouse. "
- 1 Office hours 0 to 12 A M, 2 to5 and T to 8 P H.
I. B. C0H0OH.
Attorneys at Law.
Office On Court street, opposite the Id Court
House, The Dalles, Or.
Attorney at Law, ,
Office in Schanno's building, up-staira.
T The Dalles - - Oregon.
" Attorney at Law,
Rooms 62 and 63, New Vog-t Block,-
The Dalles, - - - Oregon
Attorneys at Law.
The Dalles, Oregon.
: Ileal Estate.
Insurance and
Loan Agent.
. Agents for the Scottish Union and National In.
uranoe company of Edin iurgh, Scotland, Capita
80,000,000. '
Valuable Farms near the City to' sell on easy
Office over Post Office, The Dalles, Or. -
yyM. J. ROBERTS, .
Civil Engineer and Surveyor
Office in Buch's building, corner of Second and
Washington etrents.
Address Box 107, Tha DJIes, Or.
Title, Abstracts, Real Estate and Firs
IJNSritANC lu.
The only abstracts of titles in Wasco County
Plans for buildings drafted, and estimates given.
All letters coming to me through the poet office will
receive prompt attent on.
Thompson's Addition
Now Ready for Sale on Easy Terms.
Now is the timelto buy while
This tract has been surveyed and platted In acre
tracts with convenient streets and avenues and so
arranged that purchasers can get one block or sev
eral acres in a body. The lanii is comparatively
level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, location
pleasant, beautiful and easy to access and joins the
itv immediately on the east.
Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds.
Tli? Dalles Land and Improvement Co.
For particulars apply at the office of the Company
Rooms 7 and 8, Land Office Building, The Dalles, Or.
. Real Estate Agents.
Denny, Rice & Co.
Wool & Commission Merchants
610 Atlantic Ave., Boston.
f-fyCiah advance made on eonsignment.
ON AND AFTER APRIL pst, parties putting
in or uaig water closets wi h a continuous
atream of water a ill be charged 9S per month; pat
ent shot-OAs at the old rata.
Home office Ashland, Jackson county, Or.
Will insure again.t all diseases or accidents, or any
cause of death or total disability, except by the
. cruel or careless act oi tne owner.
Anv disease or accidnnt which rend rs the animal
unlit for work or use is considered tota 1 satality
and the full amount of the policy will be paid, lu
nmnitt begins from the date of maklliir out poli-v
Animals under ten years old can be insured for
two years.
Terms reasonable and within the reach of al own
inir valuable cnttle, horses or sheep, ho insurance
taken on stock on the range.
Will examine any subject on application in any part
of Eastern Oreiron. Insurance given for three-
fourths of the value uf the animal.
Office, Second St., near the Old Mint.
P. O. Box 347. J. II. LARSEN, The Dalles.
Second St., East End,
Has been refitted throughout with the
-And ia now manufacturing1 the
BesiKeg and Jottled Beer
and Porter
In Eastern Oregon.
Mr. Buchler always aims to adopt (be latest brew
injr apparatus and will furnish his customers bee
equal toar.y u market: wtf
Soecial Prices to Cash Buyers.
Re opened at No. 109, Union Street
First Building north of Court House.
VVJU remove on or about November 1st to
the first door east of Crandall & Burgett s
furniture store No. 170, Second street.
DAN BAKER, Prop'r.
- Near the Old Mint, Second St.,
eeps on band the best
fYines, Lianors and Ciprs.
Me Fire, Life & Accident
lo-TLoy to Xjoaxa.
on RealEstate, Chattel and Personal security.
Will attend to aM hinds qj Land business be-
fore the U. S. liana office.
Rooms 7 and 8, up-staira, U. 8. Land Office building.
Charles F. Lauer,
t Proprietor of the .....
ccond St. Foultry and Fish Market
Will always keep on sale v
Puget Sound FisL,
Chickens, Turkeys,
Also, I-ro visions. Candies. Tobacco .
and CliortJ.
Leave vour orders, as they wUlRreceive prompt
-Manufacturer of and dealer in
Harness and Saddlery,
Second St., near Moody's Warehouse,
A 11
U uranterd te 4lve Sa
Second and Union Streets.
A. X. . NEWMAN. Proprietor
Marble Works,
C. J. Smith, JProp'r.
Buy at Horn, and Save Freights and Agents'
Lock Box 218.
Successor to Speichlnger Bros.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
'ine Confectionery, Nuts,'
Fruits, Tobacco. Cigar, Etc
Proprietor of the
The Dalles, Oregon
General Blacksmiths,
Near Mint building, Second St
Horso-Shod be and General Jobblag
. a Specialty-
Priosi reasonable and to suit the times.
The Dalles National- Bank
...I. F. Moodj
..M. L Moody
General Banking Business Transacted
, Sight Ezchannea sold on
rT Collections made on favorable terms at aJl ac
ce -gilile oinl
. M. BE ALL.
. (Successor to)
D P Thpmfsok, Ed H Williams,
H H Bull.
(Successor to E. Beck.
Used by
the U. 9.
are re
u TH B
Coast 8ur-
TCV: in IT
BEST. Sold
8. Kftval Ob
In orlndDal
nervutorv :by
En in nee r Oo
i leaaiiiff
durtors antl other
jewelers), with a
Full Wjrrruj.
Rauwarmen. xney
batches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired
Second Street. THE DALLES, OR.
Cor. Court and Front Streets,
fa, Lipois and Ciprs.
None but the Best Quality of Liquors and
the Best Brands of Cigars
Kentucky Straight Whisky
From $3 to $5 Per Gallon.
A. BETTINGEN, JR., Proprietor.
f s. gunning:
Gunning & Hoclnnan
In the new shop on Second street, first blacksmith
shop east of French & Co.'s brick block.
Horse-Shoeing a Specialty.
All kinds of work in Iron, whether of agTicultuial
implements or vehicles, doue in the most mechan
ical style, and satisfaction guaranteed. jau2wkv
R. E. Saltmarshe
HighestCash Price for
Hay and Grain.
Is again at his old stand and has on hand
Tanks of all sixes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, made
to order.
tS" Contracts for all kinds of build ing
taken at the lowest firores.
LOST A BAT MA HE, three Tears old, branded
womething- similar to a Z on left shoulder;
weight 1112 pounds. The above reward will be
paid to any one giving me information that will lead
to her recovery. JAMS MULC"RE.
dec5 Condon, Or.
Singer" Sewiii
81 Third Street.
Liqour Dealer
Seooal Street. . -
The Dalle
"'""7 -CTT -?rWa.
in -JJklS
ssavsr it- w nr ji km
A Kansas Tornado.
Kansas City, April i. A tornado
mad with destructiveness swept over
Kansas last night. Butler county seems
to have suffered the greatest havoc.
Tonawanda was wiped off the face of the
earth, and Augusta, a few miles distant,
was buffeted out of all semblance to its
former self. No house or building was
left standing in Tonawanda. The town
was asleep when the storm swept down,
and not a house ' or building was left
standing. The storm razed everything
in its path and left dead bodies lying in
its wake. Four bodies have already been
recovered from the ruins . searched.
Twenty persons were fatally injured, and
forty more or less seriously, besides a
large number slightly. At Augusta Her
man Haskins, James Barns and the in
fant child of Will Rhodes were killed
outright. Fifteen others were hurt more
or less seriously. The wires are all
down and it is impossible to obtain a de
tailed account from either place. In
Kiowa the Missouri Pacific depot and a
number of buildings were demolished.
Though no loss of fife is known, several
mishaps are reported. The damage to
property is great. At Wellington William
Little's house was wrecked, and Little
and four of his children were killed, loe
waiters nouse was . earned trom the
foundation, and thirteen inmates were
more or less injured. Butterworth's
house, with its occupants, was carried
. . . . . . -.
several hundred yards, and some of the
inmates were fatally hurt. From indica
tions the storm swept across the country
lrom Indian 1 erntory, through Barbour,
Frazier, Sumner and Butler counties.
Villages and farm houses were carried
away as it swept along. The tornado
continued in Kansas and Northwest Mis
souri today, but was less destructive.
Southeastern Kansas was also visited last
night bv one of the most destructive
storms in years. .No fatalities are report
ed, but considerable damage was done.
Atchison was visited by a tornado to
day at noon. Several buildings were un
roofed and demolished, and signs and
awnings were scattered in every direction.
The Santa Fe depot was unroofed, the
scholastic convent demolished, Thrall &
Co. s warehouse destroyed and the
grocery store of Taylor & Co. put in
rums. The orison roof was carried off
and the building partially demolished.
A small house m the Missouri Pacific
yards was blown into the river. Hun
dreds of chimneys were blown down.
and a great deal of minor damage was
done. Fruit suffered badly in the country,
but no one was injured. At Leavenworth
the Great Western Stove Works was
partially unroofed, and work will be sus
pended for several days. At St. Joseph
early every telegraph and telephone
wire in the city has been torn down.
Numerous small houses were demol
ished, and many large ones unroofed.
1 housands of dollars damage was caused
by the breaking of plate glass in the store
windows. In the eastern part of the city
brick house was blown down, serisuslv
injuring a child. At the factory of Tootle,
Hosea & Co. there was a stampede of
several hundred girls when the wind tore
portion oi the root on. No one was
seriously injured. A dispatch from Law
rence, Kan., says the wind has been
blowing a gale there since midnight
Many buildines were unroofed and sev
eral houses demolished. The roof of the
Haskell hospital was blown away, and it
was necessary to anchor the building
with cables to prevent it blowing over.
Kansas City the damage consisted
principally of roofs blown away and plate
glass windows beine broken, t The roof
of the High school, at Locust and Twelfth
streets, was blown oft. 1 here was no
panic, but the school was dismissed.
Signs were blown down all over the city,
some of them crashing - through costly
plate-glass windows, ihere has been no
loss of life. . :
tonawanda's death roll.
Kansas City, Mo.. April i. -Late ad
vices from the town of Tonawanda state
that four persons were killed and sixteen
injured by the cyclone which- completely
wiped out that town.
American Tin.
New. York, March 31. The first ship
ment of pigtin to reach this city from San
Francisco has arrived on the Pacific
mail steamship Newport from Colon. It
consisted of 334 pigs, weighing .22,000
pounds. The tin is of the best quality,
equal to the foreign Straits, and will be
sold in small quantities to dealers in this
city as samples of the article which will
soon supply the American market. It is
known as "Temescal tin," coming from
the Temescal mines in California. It is
consigned to Balfour, Adamson & Co.,
in the Cotton Exchange building, and is
the output of two weeks. Mr. Simpson,
of the hrm ot saliour, Adamson & Co.,
This is the first consignment of Ameri
can tin which has reached this city from
San Francisco. The tin is equal to that
from the Straits sestlements, and we have
notified our broker to that enect, author
izing him to sell in small quantities. The
present shipment is a small one, but it is
only the advance guard of what is to fol
low. As there is only one smelter at
work at Temescal at present, it is not ex
pected the market will be flooded at once,
but so soon as we are well at work we
can supply the demand. . The present
price of Straits is from 20 to 22 cents per
pound. We expect to sell our Temescal
at the same rates, and have no idea that
we cannot get it. Of course in the event
of large orders we .might do a trifle better
in regard to the price. The only draw
back at present is shipping overland, the
railroad freight being pretty steep. In
shipping by water to Panama, overland
to Colon, and again by water to this port,
we are able to compete. We deny em
phatically that America cannot produce
tin of the best quality . We have made a
statement to our brokers giving full
particulars regarding the tin.
A Jladman'e Crime.
Ban Francisco, April 1. Cartolonoe
Galiarde, an Italian' laborer, today shot
his wife and - brotber-in- law, Jacob
Canaba. and then killed himself. Gali -arde
lives near Telegraph Hill and has
alwaj been a hard working man, but
rather fligb'y at times. No cause is
known for the crime, and it is supposed
be was insane. Canaba was visiting bis
Bister, Mrs. Galiarde,' when Galiarde
rushed in and fired two shots from a re
volver at Canaba. - Both shots took effect
io the head, and Canaba fell uoconscioua
to tbe floor. Galiarde then fired two
Htiots at his wife, one striking ber in tbe
bead and tbe other missing. He then
struck her with the revolver several
times, stunning ber.' The madman then
fired a bullet through bis own heart, dy
ing instantly. Canaba and bis sister
were removed to tbe receiving hospital,
where tbe sargeons stated their wounds
are very serious and will probably prove
millions In Smoke.
: New Okleans, April 8. -One of the
most destructive cotton fires oa record
broke bat at 10.30 this morning among
some cotton on tbe sidewalk in front of a
fire proof cotton press on Front street,
where 10,000 bales of cotton were stored.
Tiie department promptly responded, bat
the wind was so high and the cotton so
dry that it borned like tissue paper. Tbe
fl imes ran right and left and in a short
time communicated to the press itself.
The firemen worked like demons to ar
rest tbe progress of tbe flames, but their
efforts were unavailing Through tbe
yards swept tbe fire carrying devastation
witb it. After three repeated alarms
geDeral alarm was sent in, and all the
engines in tbe city, witb two or three ex
ceptions, were called out. In half an
hour after tbe flames surfed tbe fire
proof press was totally consumed with
its conients, and the names communiuat
ed to tbe upper press, attacking tbe
building from all sides with wonderful
rapidity. In tbe press were stored 50,
uuu oaas or cotton, some ot wnicn was
saved, but tbe greater portion was de
stroyed. It required but a very short
time to destroy tbe press, several fare
men had narrow escapes from falling
wails. Tbe sight was an awe-inspiring
one. For a space of at least two blocks
a ' sheet of flames shot upward. Tbe
smoke and sparks from tbe fire, blown
down into tbe 'street by tbe wind, cboiied
and singed tbe spectators. Suddenly a
small flame was teen to leap skywhid
from corner ot tbe Independence press.
In a second almost tbe entire block
was ablaZe, and the flames formed a solid
block of fire. In the vara was stored
some 10,000 bales of cotton, which were
consumed in a short time. The place
was gutted and tbe contents, consisting
of about 20,000 bales, destroyed. So
soon as it was apparent there was no
possibility of saving tbe burning struct
ure, the firemen devoted their attention
to the surrounding structures.. Every
engine of both sides uf the river was then
summoned. The people living in tbe
neighborhood took fright and a wild
scene ensued. Houses were dismantled
of their contents - and carried away.
House after bouse went down and tbe
efforts of the firemen seemed in vain to
face the overwhelming odds. Tbe flames
spread in every direction owing to tbe
varying winds, and soon tbe section
bounded by First, Third, Laurel and
Magazine streets, four b ocks, was ablaze,
and tbe wooden buildings devoured as if
they were so much chaff. Every build
iog in tbe four blocks mentioned except
tour was destroyed. Handereds of peo
ple were left homeless by the fire, and in
many cases nothing will be saved from
the burning buildings. Tbe scene pre
sented is truly otie of desolation. Nothing
regains of the many handsome buildings
embraced in the four blocks but the
blackened ruins. The lostes by tbe fire
are estimated $2,500,000. It is believed
the buildings were mostly insured.
The Chicago Disaster.
Chicago, April 2 .One of the injured
in yesterday's terrible disaster, the 8 year
old Alice Hulletr, died today. It is
charged that the Hullett building was four
stones higher than it should have been.
Tbe permit issued to tbe owner, Samuel
Young, was for a three-story structure.
In behalf of the owner it is asserted that
the strength of tbe building was fully np
to tbe municipal requirements. Just be
fore 3 f. it. the first-of the corpses buried
under tbe ruins was taken - out. Tbe
body was so frightfully crushed tbat
identification w well nigb impossible.
The remains were thought to be those of
Miss Walsh. ' Nearly two hours elapsed
alter the discovery before the debris was
sufficiently removed to allow tbe body of
Miss VValsb to be carried out of tbe ruins.
Her left arm was crashed to a pulp, and
her face was swollen and disfigured.
Just before ber body was removed tbe
foreman, who bad been digging in the
kitchen, discovered the body of Mrs.
Keown. She was clad only in a wrapper
and evidently had just arisen from ber
sick bed, and was endeavoring to escape
when tbe crash cane. Her . breast was
fearfully crut-hed, and the iividity of her
features indicated that she died from
asphyxiation. Io about half an hoar,
and near the place wbere Mrs. Keown's
body was found, tbe remains of Samuel
. Risdell were discovered. He bad
evidently been caught under the heaviest
part oi tbe walls. His bead was crushed
almost flat and bis left arm was reduced
to a jelly. Almost touching Risdall's
body on tbe left was found the body of
William Cowan. He was badly crushed.
but tbe appearance of his features indi
cated tbat he was smothered to death"
So soon as taken from tbe ruins tbe
bodies were removed to tbe morgue, and
later viewed by the coroner's jury. After
an examination of tbe bodies tbe ary
adjourned nntil next Friday, when wit
nesses will be heard.
Ureal liOss of Life.
Kansas City, Mo., April 2. With the
cessation of the storm the telegraph is
again brought into, service. Tbe wire
service is still bad, but enough informa
tion has been obtained to show tbe terri
ble destructiveness ' of tbe storm. All
that territory lying west of the center ot
Kingham county is still cut off from tbe
world, and tbe exteut of tbe destruction
of life and property in tbat territory can
not oe learned lor some days yet. The
following is tbe estimate placed on the
dead and wounded as near as can be as
certained at this time.
Dead Injured
Sooth Haven .r....
. 8
. 4
. 6
. 7
. 6
. 2
. 0
Farms between these towns. ,
Tonawanda .-
These towns are tbe only ones from
wbicb anything like a definite report has
been obtained, and tbe possibilities are
tbat when tbe western towns and villages
are heard from tbe dead list, .will be
Bwelled to nearlv 100. Tbe loss in the
way cf property, buildings, stock, fences,
etc., cannot as yet even be surmised, but
there can be no doubt tbat when all re
ports are in figures -will reach bigb np
into the millions. -
Fatal Steamboat Fire.
Cincinnati, O., April 1. The steamer
Golden Rale caught fire yesterday after
noon just as she was leaving tbe wharf.
and a panic ensued among tbe passen
gers, who could not escape. - oo iar tbe
only passenger positively known to have
been lost is JSellle Maloney. Tbe follow
ing persons are believed to be dead:
Frank T. Riley, second mate; Mrs. O'-
Leary, cook; Buck Warner, Billy Madi
son, Mac Hoi man, stevedores. Six to
fifteen roustabouts - perished in tbe Gol
den Rale's hold. One who escaped says
nine were there when be left.
Mrs. Rev. George B. Easton, of Addi
son, is also among the musing. JNone ot
the bodies are yet recovered. Tbe num
ber of unknown deckhands is now be
lieved to be four, making a total ot 11. .
Anarchists in Hadrl.
Madrid, April 4. Great excitement
was cans today by tbe discovery ot an
anarchist plot to blow up the chamber of
deputies. The police bad. received infor
matiorPthat two foreign anarchists were
conspiring witb Spanish anarchists to
blow np public buildings. This after
noon the suspects, a Frenchman named
Duval and a Portuguese named Feiriera,
left tbeir booses, each carrying a parcel
wrapped in a newspaper. Ibe ponce
watched them, and at tbe Cortes building
both placed themselves before ibe door
leading to the chamber of deputies. Tbe
uolice then decided to arrest tbem. 1 hey
bad bombs inclosed in cast-iron cases and
each having a three minute fuse. Tbe
bombs weighed eight pounds each. Tbe
prisoners, who had the appearance , of
workmen, were conveyed to tbe minister
of tbe interior and searcbingly examined
A document was found on tbem contain
mg a plan of the Cosmopolitan socitty
according to wbicb tbey were to blow n
tbe cbamber of deputies, senate, law
courts, council of state, ministry ot war.
royal palaces and tbe Bank of Spain, in
tbe order named, to be completed before
May 1. Each pr.soner made a conies
sion, but it is not known whether they
gave a clue to their fellow-conspirators or
tbe scope of tbe plot.
Cleveland is the Choice.
Chicago, April 4. A distinguished
party assembled Saturday night at tbe
Iroquois Club banquet. The central
committees of eight contiguous Western
states, besides such distinguished Demo
cratic leaders as Governor Boyd, of Ne
braska; Governor Peck, of Wisconsin: ex
Postmaster Don M. Dickinson, of Michi
gan ; Hon. bhermaj Hoar, of Massa
chusetts ; Governor Winans, of Michigan ;
Hon. Uewitt Waruvr, of New York ; were
present The first outburst of applause
came at a fervent reference to Grover
Cleveland, near the end of tbe address.
1 he brst speaker was Hon. Ewing. of
Chicago. Alter nominally speaking to
the toast, "1 nomas Jeitersoo, whose
anniversary tbe club celebrated, be
wound up bis remarks witb an exultant
poetic outbreak to the effect tbat
"Ten thousand times ten tboosaud men
shall name Cleveland."
Don M. Dukioson, whom tbe members
of tbe clnb pointed to as "Cleveland's
personal representative," seemed to feel
tbe importance ot the message be was
about to deliver, whether or not it in
spired the ex president. He began by
eulogizing the valne of party discipline.
and the necessity of yielding to tbe de
cisions of tbe party's accredited repre
sentatives in caucus. Tbe conclusion of
Dickinson's speech was an expression of
the belief that tbe party would choose as
a standard-bearer a man who is surely a
representative ot tbe Democratic party
and of the people.
Bandits Were all Women.
Boise City, Idaho, April 4. The de
tectives who went to a ranch near Sal
mon FoJIs, io search of tbe six women
suspected of being stage robbers, have
placed the women under arrest, and re
port there is no doubt of their guilt.
The women, who claim to be sisters, are
said to have committ-.d many -highway
robberies in tbat section of tbe country.
ibey were dressed as men while engaged
in tbe crimes. Tbe women declare tbeir
father compelled tbem to become ban
dits. Tbe arrest of tbe old man is ex
Tbe name ot tbe family is Harvey.
Tbe girls say they hated tbe work and
are giad it is oter. Tbe proceeds other
than the money -ot the various stage rob
benes in which tbey took part were
shipped East by their father and mother.
This was done so as to avoid exciting
suspicion by using or selling tbe articles
in the vicinity. The sheriff and ten
deputies hid in tbe woods near Harvey's
ranch, and waited for' the stage to be
stopped. As tbe six women, in male at
tire, "held np" the stage driver, tbe posse
held up the robbers, and captured tbem
without much difficulty.
A Canadian Mensailoai.
Ottawa, Ont., April 4. The sensation
this evening in parliamentary circles is
tbe formal impeachment of Sir Adolph
Caron, postmaster general, by Mr. Edgar,
member for West Ontario, who has given
notice of a resolution charging Sir Adolph
witb corruption, and demanding an in
vestigation. , The resolution alleges that
during tbe years between 1802 and 1801,
the Lake St. John railroad received from
tbe Dominion government subsides ag
gregating over $1,000,000; that tbe com
pany of which Caron, while a member of
tbe Dominion government, was a partner;
that Caron corruptly received large sums
of money out ot tbe government sub
sidies, and money was raised upon tbe
security of such subsidies; that . large
sums were contributed out of tbe com
pany's funds at Caron's request, for elec
tion -purposes, to aid in tbe election of
members and supporters of tbe govern
ment. .' .
Trains gnawed In.
Omaha, Neb., April 4. Reports from
western and centrat Nebraska and South
Dakota show a severe blizzard is in prog
ress. Tbe mercury fell 40 degrees in
three hours at Grand Lodge and a
norther is prevailing. The worst snow
storm of the season is reported along tbe
Burlington lu tbe Black Hills. At Alli
ance. Neb., trains are snowed in. A
heavy snowstorm is raging between Val
entine and Cbadron, and also at Senai
and in eastern Colorado. Tbe wires are
down in nearly all directions and trains
are delated. A blockade i feared in .the
north and west.
The Reservations In Oklahoma.
Kingfisher, O, T., April 4. Tbe ex
citement over the opening of tbe Chey
enne and Arapaboe reservations is in
creasing in intensity hourly. A line of
boomers bas been formed at tbe land
office for several days ready to make
filings. Tbe Fifth cavalry is deploying
along the border to arrest trespassers.
Ex-soldiers are here in force to make
declaratory statements. There is a bitter
feeling against these, and there are
threats of riot in case tbe agents file a
large number of them. Tbe land will be
opened for settlement April 15. .
Five fersona Badly "roen.
Jclksbdro, Colo., April 4. Charles
Rosienquest, F. Gorbam and Joseph
Clevet, together with two daughters,
were living in a barn which was blown
away this morning. Tbey were soon
covered in a snowdrift and managed to
keep alive till rescued. They were badly
frozen, bat all will recover. The loss to
cattle and horses in the surrounding
country is very large. The Union Pacific
trains were deladed by a train wrecked in
tbe snowdrifts. No one was injured.
Hembera of Suicide Clnb.
Bucharest, April 4. Five cadets at
tbe military school in Krajova shot them
selves dead in tbeir rooms last nigbt.
Tbey were members of a suicide clnb of
nineteen cadets, organized two weeks ago.
Each member then swore an oath to kill
bimselt when his lot was drawn. The
government will make an inquiry, into
tbe matter.
Oreifou City Enterprise: J. W. Draper
caused a little flurry list week by the an
nouncemeot tbat be bad obtained title to a
small rocky island in the Willamette river
just above Aberoathy island on which the
electric station is located. The claim to tbe
island is based on tbe alleged discovery tbat
a part of tbe spot surveyed as an island had
never been filed on, it being supposed that
the Electric company owned the whole
property. So Mr. Draper took advantage
of his discovery to acquire title to the land
from the state. The upper end of tbe island
having an area of 7 63 acres is what he
bought from the state. He paid $10 and
estimates the valne of the property at $90,
000 or $100,000. Not many people believe
tbat Mr. Draper can substantiate his chum.
From Saturday Daily.
April showers.
Tbe heavens weep, let tbe world rejoice.
The fruit crop never had better prospects.
The constant rains have placed the ground
in excellent condition for crops.
The beautiful gardens and streets of Tbe
Liallea are the admiration of all visitors.
Politicians are beginning work in earnest.
and button-holer's will be frequent on our
Athletic sports are beginning in earnest,
and The Dalies will lead in this as in other
Mr. T. J. Drips, one of the most success
ful farmers in Klickitat couuty, is in the
city to-day.
More acreage will be planted in cram in
Eastern Oregon than any year in the his
tory ot me couutry.
We have received no SDris? poetrv vet.
and this favorable season should infuse tbe
soul with strains of song.
The base-ball fever has began in real
earnest, and The Dalles will soon have tbe
best nine in Eastern Oregon,
The Jubilee Singers will give a perform
ance Monday night, April 11th, for the ben
eht of the Congregational church.
iuers were never Better Drosnecta in
ruiCKitat county than during the present
teason. rains nave oeen abundant, and
nie uuuuub tor aounaant crops were never
Already some little sluicin? haa been
done at Irout creek, and the water supply
is gradually incresing, says the Harney
limes. Preston Armstrontr cleaned nn SIS
irom about two hours run one day last
week, when he was compelled to turn off
the water because of defective boxes. Thn
was not considered a fair teat.
Albany Herald; A warm fight is bein.
waited in Marion countv over the candidacv
of (ieoige Burnett and Jodge Boise fur the
nomination for district judge. Burnett
claims to have 10 out of the 14 delegates
from Marion county while Judge Boise's
friends claim he will have six and will have
enough to nominate him. It will be a close
Boise Democrat: A man named Morrisey
was arowned about nve o clock Friday
afternoon above tbe city where the new
bridge is being constructed. While at work
be fell into the stream. The cold water
seemed to paralyze nun for be made no
effort seemingly to save himself. He leaves
wite and children in destitute circum
stances. They reside oo the south side of
tbe river.
Up in Montana a boy was explaining to
other boys the process of casting a vote at
election. When asked what was necessary
in cane of a challenge, tha experienced
youth said: "Then you have to. swear that
you have been thirty days in the territory
and six months in the penitentiary." Tbe
Australian system, under which we wul
vote this year, does not reouire this latter
Baker Democrat: Mr. Sam B. Kidder, the
extensive sheep owner, came in Thursday
from First and Second creeks, east of this
oitv, where his large bands are ont on the
range He reports no loss bat only averted
the same by fortunately securing a few tons
of hay at a critical niomeot. The hills are
now1 bare and the grass growing rapidly.
Lambing has commenced, and unless an
other storm occurs there is no occasion to
be alarmed.
Dr. J. R. Cardwell, president of the Ore.
gon State Horticultural Society, a short
time ago discovered that a small colony ot
fjuropeau sparrows have in some way been
introduced in Portland. The European
sparrow is an unmitigated pest. In the
cities it fouls tbe honsea.blocK up chimneys.
drives out song birds and disturbs morning
repose by its vigorous chatter. It is not
only extremely destructive to ciops bat it
also drives before it such birds as are the
friends of the farmer.
Mr. John M. Davis, a sheep man of Bake
oven, is to town to-day for medical attend
ance for injuries received from one Ira Stub
blefield, who rode op to Mr.- Davis' house
yesterday, and threatening him with a Win
chester nhV.finally ending by knocking Mr.
Davis and wite lown and injuring him in
such a manner that he may not be able to
do work for several days. This is a very
aggravated case, and if the statements made
to ns are true we hope Mr. Davis will re
ceive fall satisfaction for injuries received.
A peculiar accident happened in Engineer
Raymond's orhce Thursday, says the Astori
an. He had a large , blue-printing press
with a French plate glass six feet square in
tbe ram. - When he went to dinner he
left tbe glass plate standing in his office in
a position tbat the sun would shine on it
through the closed window. When he re
turned from his meal he found the glass
cracked from corner to corner. He is at a
loss to nnderstand why the sun should bave
had such an effect upon the glass at this
time, he having used it for printing for sev
eral months. Tbe plate cost $36, and Mr.
Raymond thinks he made a poor invest
ment. . i i
Moscow Newer Tuesday afternoon John,
me Heath, four-year-old son ot Mrs. S. E.
Heath, who resides on North Washington
street, thoughtlessly put a bean in one of his
ears. The little fellow tried hard to get the
bean ont but all his efforts were fruitless.
Mrs. Heath also attempted to remoye it,
and failing, she, carried tbe bov to Dr.
Blake's ofice and the doctor tried to dis
lodge the bean. Dr. Blake's efforts also
proved fatile and be advised Mr. Heath to
fill the child's ear with warm water in order
to soften the seed and then instruments
could be used to remove tbe bean piece
meal. Tbe doctor desires to remoye the
bean without imperiling the drum of the
ear. The child's suffering Tuesday night
was intense, owing to the fact that the
moisture caused tbe bean to swell io the
child's ear.
Geo. W. Lash, formerly a retail grocer,
committed suicide at Seattle, Wednesday,
hanging himself with a window cord. He
haa acted strangely for the last six months.
His wife foond at different times cords
about tbe house,, all of which were tied in a
dangerous manner. Wednesday afternoon
he went out of doors, and fifteen minutes
later she found him hanging in an oat
house. The cord was so long he could
stand on tbe floor. In order to complete
the work, be hid drawn his legs op close to
his body. Business reverses, despondency
and a weak mind are given as the causes.
He left a paper.dated March 14tb, in which
an administrator of tbe estate is named.
He leaves a wife and two small children,
and property of considerable value, bat
heavily mortgaged,
A fatal explosion secured in the mine
slope at Roslyn, Wednesday morning, jnst
as tbe 7 o'clock shift were going to work.
Henry Gregory, a negro driver, entered tbe
lower end of the slope with a lighted lamp
on his cap and a safety lamp in his hand.
He failed to extinguish the open lamp on
bis cap, and a tremendous explosion fol
lowed his entrance into the cbamber. Gre
gory was instantly killed, almost eyery bone
in his body being crashed by tbe fearful
concussion. Peter Hart man and George
Dunston, two white miners who were
changing their clothes near tbe opening,
were thrown with great violence against the
board partion, and both were badly cutacd
braised. Gregory wis about 50 years of
age, and owned some property at Roslyn
and other points. He was a very indus
trious man and -had accumulated some
From Monday's Dailj.
Zephyrs blow in usual April style.
The weather is quiet cool for April.
Dr. H. A. Leavens, of Cascade Looks, is
in the city.
Hon. J. C. Leisure, of Pendleton, was in
tbe oity yesterday.
Mr. T. H. Johnston and wife, of Dufur,
were in town yesterday.
The beautiful speckled mountain trout are
now on sale in our markets.
Mr. H. S. McDanel, of Moro, is regis
tered at the Umatilla House.
Last Tuesday three inches of snow fell on
Dutch Flat, about seven miles from this
city; bat no injury was done to fruit
Rev. Mr. Mills, the evangelist, who has
been holding meetings in Portland witb
good saccesa, may be expected
to hold a
series of meetings in this city at an early
Mr. J. H. Cradlebaagh, of tbe Hood
River Glacier, is in tbe city.
Tbe foundation walls of thn new Congre
gational church are nearly ready.
Several new tire plugs have been placed
in position in different parts of the city.
Major Ingalla delivered the eermon at the
anion services at the court bouse last even
Mr. C. F. Stephens on Second street haa
received a fall line of dress goods direct
lrom tbe east.
The wool clip will be quite large th
year, and the quality better than it has
been for many years.
Mr. C. S. Miller came into the city from
Granite. He reports mining prospects very
prosperous in tbat vicinity.
Judge Bradahaw and District Attorney
Wilson returned last Saturday night from
attending court at neppner.
Mr. M. H. Nickelsen has been Sick for
some time at his resideuce at Hood River,
At last accounts be was improving.
Mr. Amos Underwood, one of the pio
neers of the Middle Uoluinbia; residing at
bite salmon, Wash., is in the city;
Mrs. F. Huott, of Eight Mile, left yester
day on a tour of California. She will spend
some time in San rrancisco on the trip.
Preparations are being made to begin op
erationa at the Locks on a grand scale, aud
work la expected to commence immediately
. Rev. Mr. Ferguson, of Prineville, occu
pies the pulpit of the MethoJist church
during the absence of the pastor, Rev. A. C
A gang ot torgera bave been at work in
Pendleton and several store keepers, saloon
men, and restaurant proprietors have been
the victims of these smooth workers. Oue
man named Soinmers haa been arrested
aud tbe officers are endeavoring to get trace
ot tbe others.
Sheepmen are complaining of the inroads
of coyotes on their flocks.. Tney prowl
arouud corrals at oiht, ind if any sbeep
are outside the luulosure, their dead car
casses are fouud in the morniug. Tbey
even prey upon young colts aud calves, and
are becoming a great nuisance. ' .
The mining counties in Eastern Oregon
bad never brighter prospects than the pres
ent season. A large amount of snow has
falleu in tbe mouutains, and theie will be
ahuud.tnco of water. Aside from this,
eastern capital is being invested which will
insure development ot our mineral wealrh
Long Creek Eagle; It appears that it
would be money well expended if there was
a bounty offered on squirrels. ' These little
animals are the greatest pest tbat the farm
ers of interior Oregon bave to contend with
It is not exaggerating when stating that
they are a greater detriment to the agricul
tural class than all other animals combined.
The Northern Pauitic is looking toward
Lewiston, and a dispatch from that city
says that a prominent citizen of that place
on Wednesday received a letter from K 11,
Mcnenry. assistant chief engineer of tbe
Northern Pacific railroad, ttatiog that if the
subsidy was paid tbe railroad would be
completed to Lewiston this year. Ezra
Baird, one of the railroad committee, left
for Spokane oo business connected with the
railroad on Thursday,
Localizer: Our coal mines are not being
worked at Roslyn because the coal is sold
too high. People here during the winter
burned wood because of the high price of
coal. Walla Walla people are burning Aus
tralian coal. It does not seem like business
to ship coal from tbat distant land and
drive the home-dag article from tbe interior
of tbe state. Ibey get a better article for
about the same money. Roslyn should
have the trade of Wall Walla and that
also if ' the Union Pacific, but Roslyn bas
. Hood River Glacier: The passenger train
due bere at. 10:30 Tuesday night was
stopped tbe other side of Viento by a big
work hone getting on tbe track and run
oing ahead of the train on to a trestle,
which he traversed safely for perhaps fifty
feet. A rope was procured and the animal
dragged back, but while this was being
done thn horse's mate made an effort to go
out on the trestle to him. Jo beading him
off he became frightened and fell over the
rip rap, a distance of thirty feet. Neither
horse was badly hurt. '
Ellensbargb Localizer: Tbe mines in this
county are showing np better every year.
The Peahastin mines, plaoer, were dis
covered as fir back as 1860. and were
worked to some extent, but were abandoned
after a great deal of preliminary work had
been done. A dam is still in existence, the
old ditches ire there, and a few yerrs ago
tbe cabins tbe miners lived in were there.
This mining camp was abandoned because
of the news of a rich strike haying been
made in the Boise basin. That caused a
stampede thitherward.
A meeting of toe stockholders of The
Dalles, Portland and Astoria Navigation
Company was held this afternoon in Ladd's
building, corner of Second and Washington
street. Tbe object of the meeting was the
election of directors, and D. M. French,
Robert Mays, O. Kineraly, Hugh Glenn, A.
S. Macallister, B. F. Laaghlin and S. L.
Brooks were elected. Mr. M. T. Nolan de
clined,' and Mr.- Brooks was elected in bis
place. The report of tbe treasurer was
read, and this showed a considerable excess
of receipts over expenditures.
At tbe last term of thn circuit court in
Pendleton tbe grand jury investigated a
complaint made by some party or parties
whose names are unknown, alleging cases of
illegal voting at the recent city election in
Pendleton. Greea Estes was indicted, con
victed and is now serving out a sentence in
the county jail. It now transpires that a
true bitl was also toond against Hank
Vanghan, who was then absent in California,
bat lately returned. Hank was arrested
Thursday evening on a bench warrant, and
gave bonds for his appearance at tbe next
term of the circuit court.
From Tuesday s Daily.
Justice courts are not busy.
Constant rains indicate good crops.
Democratic primaries next Saturday. '
The grass on tbe hills furnish excellent
feed for cuttle.
Republican state convention meets m
Portland to-morrow.
Several of our citizens spend a portion of
tbe time each day. fishing in the neighboring
The city jail ia lone and desolate, and the
town haa been quite free from hoboes for
several days.
Mill creek is being thoroughly fished for
trout, and the speckled boaaties can be seen
in our markets.
The movement for hose carts for the East
End and tbe Bluff residents should be en
- dorsed by all citizens.
' The salmon season will open in a few
days, and great preparations are being maderj
for an abundant ran 01 nab.
Rev. B. Fay Mills, the revivalist, has be
gun services at Salem. He may visit The
Dalles before be leaves the northwest.
Very many of our citizens are to-day in
Portland to be present at the Republican
convention which convenes in tbat eity to
morrow. The Yakima Herald issued mammoth
editions on March 31st and April 1st, wbicb
fully demonstrated the enterprise of tbat
Mr. John Roth, of Eingsley, one of the
successful farmers of that garden spot of
Wasco county, bas been in tbe city for the
past two days.
Farmers are 'happy, and tbeir smiling,
agreeable countenances can be seen on eyery
street corner. Tne reason is that the ground
was never in ' better condition, and good
crops are assured.
Mr. A. J. Wall, of Eight Miles, is driv
ing around the city behind one of tbe most
beautiful and best trotters in the county.
Whenever Wall secures anything he gen
erally gets the best in all regards.
Mr. Jos. Silva, of Lyle, Wash., is- in the
city to-day. He says grain is in excellent
condition, and fruit promises an abundant
crop. Tbe past few days bave been cool;
bat not sufficiently so to injure trait.
Oregon City Courier. When heard from
our former genial townsman, Col. J. B.
Fithiau, waa barkeeper at the Theatre Com
ique in Anaoortes. He is not aa spry as he ,
used to be for he broke his leg wbea, as
chief of the Aaacortes fire department, he
rushed headlong to a towering conflagration
and fell through a trestle.
Mr. C J. Stubliog returned this morn
ing from a two weeks' visit in Minnesota
and Wisconsin. He reports the weather
cold, snowy and wintry there, and was glad
to return to this land of perennial spring.
Eagle: J. A. Sparrow, who passed through
Long Creek last week, from Harney county,
displayed several ounces of beautiful nug
gets taken from the Gold Gulch and Trout
creek diggings in that county. It the own
ers of mines in that camp bad access to
plenty of water, ssid Mr. Sparrow, the rich
ness of the camp would rival anything eyer
discovered on tbe Pacilio coast.
Quite a relie of, the late fire was found
yesterday in the ruins of tbe Congregational
church, where the foundation for the new
one is being laid. This waa a bible which
had passed through tbe flames, and at
though completely burned, tbe printing
could ' be distintly read on tbe outside ex
posed pages. It appeared as though tbe
pages were intact, but very little handling
would have caused them to break into vary .
small pieces,
Oregon City Courier: The $00,000 woith
of real estate which, according to the Salem
Statesman, John W. Draper bought from
the state board for $10, proves to bs of very
uncertain value, as it is a rock pile lying in
the river west by north from Onemab and
ia covered by water nine months in tbe
year. The state school board refused a first
filing on the same acqua realty from the W.
F. Electric Co., and Capt. Apperson at Ore-.
gon City did likewise, and therefore, if the
rock pile has any value, it does not seem
now Mr. Draper, either in law or equity.
can hold it . -
Heppner Gazette: During a recess of Dorio
Lodge, No. 20, K. of P. last Taesday even.
ing, Marshal John Rasmus and E. J. Slo-
cuin became involved in a playful souffle, E.
getting thrown, being muoh the lighter.
but in doing so the marshal fell io such a
manner as to dislocate tbe left ankle, and
also breaking the larger bone near the joint.
Dr. a. Li. fox reduced the fracture, alter
which the brother was taken borne wbere
he is doing aa well as could be expected,
under the circumstances. During Mr. Ras
mus' absence from the force. J. J. Roberta
will execute the duties of marshal.
Eugene Guard: Wm. Tbarman. who met
with an accident by jumping from a freight
train at Irving, Sunday evening, March
27th, died from tha results of the same last
Saturday. He never became perfectly oon
acioui after the accident happened. He
was a single man, his parents residing near
Walton postomue on the Siaslaw. and waa -
24 years of age. His death is a hard blow -oo
the parents as they aro poor and needed
his assistance badly. Mr. Tburman was an
iudustnous, sober young man. The funeral
occurred near Irving Monday morning. The
railroad commissioners bays examined into
the oause of the accident and will report in
a few days.
Oiwcgo Iron Worker: Thomas Soollard,
Clark and Frank - Perkins, three em.
plovees of tbe Willamette Falls Eleotrio
Company, at Oregon City, attempted to. .
loosen the moorings at tbe company s sta
tion, Wednesday, and swing the boom ot
logs, used a a bridge, around With tbeir
boat to the east shore. Clark was on the
boom, the other two in the boat. Scollvd
had hold of a rope, makin2 the extremity '
of a pendulum. The boom had swung but
a short Distance when be let go for some
unaccountable reason, and both of them
were swept to their death over the falls.
They dropped a distance of forty feet and
struck where tbe water was bat three feet
aeep. At this writing their bodies have
not been recovered.
Salem Statesman: The latest arrival at
tbe state reform school bare is a young lad
from Roeebarg, whp was committed for dis
obedience. There are now forty-nine boys -son
lined at this institution of reform, all of
whom are employed about the school in
some capacity. There are several in the
laundry and kitchen. Others are in tha '
dining room and about the premises. , , These
incorrigible youths bave all arrived at the
school daring . the past five months and
when one more shall bave been committed , '
there will be acocommodations for no more ' .
nntil preparations bave been made. At tbe
school the youths are taught many things ,
tbat will be. of benefit to them in after life,
nould they oonolude to make men of them
the .hew nsflurf LAW.
Judge Falton. the Anther of the Law,
iHeta Daubts at Beat.
Owing to the doubts which exist regard
ing the new fishery law an Astorian report -
sought the opinion of Judge Fulton
thereon. 1
Judge Fulton said: "Tbe new law went
into effect in January, that is a yesr after it
was passed by the legislature. It requires
that all persons who engage in salmon fish,
ing here shall either be citizens ot the - -United
States or have declared their inten
tion to become suoh a year before tbey an.
dertake to fish on their own sooount.
"No license is.exaoted from oar fisher
su. Bat each one may obtain a certificate
from the clerk of the circuit court or coon.
ty recorder tbat he is qualified under the -law
to engage in fishing. This certificate is
presumptive proof in the courts that tbe
holder bas complied with the law.. Tha fee
therefor is 60 cents, bat that is not collected
aa a license.
"As regards aay attempts in Washington
to impose license or oompel people to take
ont certificates there, I would say that the '
two states bave concurrent jurisdiction ia
the Columbia. An Oregon citizen, there. -fore,
is entitled to flsh on the Washington
shore as well as on that of Oregon." .
The elanse of the fishing law referred to
by Judge Fulton is as follows:
Nothing in this act shall be ooostrud to
prevent citizens of any state having concur
rent jurisdiction with this state over or
upon any river or waters from fishing upon
such riyers or waters.
In Washington the law contains the same
section except that Indians are excluded
from its provisions. In both state fisher ,
men most have been residents for six
months in order to obtain certificates or ex
eruise their1 calling there.
Wmoo Hews.
Wasoo, Or., April 4, 1892.
Editor Tnass-MopirriwB;
The gentle zephyrs blow.
County court is in session to-day.. Com
missioners court will meet on Wednesday.
; The Democratic county' convention met
last Saturday and placed the following can
didates in nomination: . For county judge,
John Fulton, of Biggs; clerk, V. C. Brock,
of Wasoo; sheriff E. M. Leslie, of Wasoot
county treasurer, Jos. Marsh, of Wasoo;
county commissioner, H. Leach, of Grass)
Valley; delegates to rtate convention, J. A.
Smith and John Donaboo. .
The Prohibitionists hold their county
convention next Saturday, April 9tb.
Wm. Kerr, of Grass Valley, ia in town oo
business. - - ,
MK Frank Smith was in town to-day.
Harry Walker, the painter, is treating
the bran new residence of J. A. Smith to a
coat of paint.
Harry Walker will soon erect a 30x00
two-story building. The lower part will be
used as a paint shop and the upper as a &.
of P. ball.
The mason work, laying the bnck, oonw
men ocs on the bank building to-day. a-v
Judge Blackburne is in town to-day bold
ing county court. . .
The boys had a good practice gam of
baseball last Saturday. RxrOkTBs,