The Times-Mountaineer SAICKDAY APRIL 2. 1&92 EDITORIAL NOTES. The Republican party of Whsco -. was never in better condition to secure victory than daring this campaign. . ifvery man on the ticket is a represen tative citizen, and Lossism and fac tional rule have been obliterated. The resolutions adopted by the Re publican convention to-day are in harmony with good - government, and will receive the hearty endorsement of the people. Republicans are in favor of that policy which is for the best in terests of the country, and always oppose corporate greed and oppression. Hon. Binger Hermann, will very . likely be nominated for congress by the state convention, and will be re elected next June. The WillatnevM; ; people have no capable' material for congressional honors except the inde fatiguable Binger, and, therefore, as a - matter 'of necessity, he can succeed himself as often as he desires. The talk about war with England ' is premature, and it is not at all prob able that the English government will - involve herself in a difficulty with the United States to protect Canadian seal poachers. These two Anglo-Saxon na- ' tions can settle their differences with out : appealing to the arbitrament of the sword. The : caucus rule is distasteful to. Voters, because it follows in the line with bossism and ring rule. On dif ' ferent occasions the party attempting to put these methods into operation has been defeated at the polls, for ; Americans believe in the freedom of the ballot, and in representative bodies ful S filling the wishes of those who elected them. This cannot be done while machine methods are being employed, and these are very much condemned by all fair-minded citizens. ' The ticket nominated last Saturday is one that should receive the support of every Republican in Wasco county. It was the result of the defeat cf bossism and ring rule at the primaries. 1 ' and every candidate is well 'qualified . for the office named. There should be a hearty support of the nominees j ' in every portion of the county, and . . every one should be elected by a large majority. Between now and June no time should be wasted, and every -citizen interested in ' the success of the party should do his utmost to secure the election of tbe entire ticket. The reply of Salisbury does not ad mit of the interpretation that is gen- . erally given to it, and no other con clusion can be drawn than that the : . British government is willing to abide by the decision of the arbitration. Of course, diplomatic language is so . worded that it carries a double mean ing; but the people of Great Britain and Ireland are behind the premier, and he can do nothing without ' their : consent '., The people rule in the British empire, and the rights of -Americans, "we are satisfied, will be ' dnly respected. Both countries are . constitutional, deriving their powers from the people, and these must be in harmony before the "dogs of war" are let loose. . . WASCO- ' y A Beaotlfally Situated Towa la Sher man County. Its Progress and Prospects for the Future. '. Inland from the railroad Dine miles from Grant station and eight from Biggs is lo cated the town of Wasco, surrounded by as fine . agricultural country as there is in Eastern Oregon. "Leaving the railroad at ejther of these points the traveler is taken . up a winding canyon in a . vehicle, and, when he reaches' the highlands, from the basalatio bluffs and sand-swept shores of the Columbia, a picturesque scene is pre sented to his view rarely witnessed on the American continent. Behind him tbe bright line of the great river of the west finds its way to mother ocean, and farther away the green Klickitat hills are outlined against the snowy . peaks of the Simcoe mountains in the background. The tints change according to the bonr of day or sea son of the year. In the early morning or at sunset, golden shadows chase and melt I greenish blue color envelopes hill, mountain J TL.. . u :-j . 1 ..; : . spring, but when summer suns have parched vegetation, a dull, light brown covers all except the black, .rock-ribbed sides of the mountains, with an occasional rift of snow, discernible for miles in this altitude. This is tne view upon which the back is turned, but in front, as far as the vision can reach, in any direction, green 'fields with small cluster of trees by the banks of the little streams can be seen. It is Arcadia, aud the cozy ' cottage of the farmer or, as he is termed in Spanish parlance, rancor ivea . lite and reality to the scene. Sjushine is almost a daily visitor and a flood of light illuminates every hill. Gordon ride is on the extreme right, and on tbe 11 1 culti vated fields are lost in the bluish preen mist of the Blue mountains. Here is a vie- of the great Inland Empire, and the traveler is bewildered by the vast area i f arisul- - tnral lands. To one who. has ever jour neyed over the boundless prairiea of South- -ern Wisconsin and Northern Idiuois, the environment appears familiar. G plows . can be seen turning up the soil fur mmmer fallow or preparing for spring gram, while fall-sown wheat, several inches a hove tbe ' ground, dot the landscape in any direction ' with spots of beautiful green. Except tbe . few willows on the banks of streams, or an occasional . orchard, trees aie un known; but in a few years this will change, and we believe tbe home of the farmer will he .hsdnwerl in Slimmer and ahelte-ed in winter by protecting groves of trees. These plaint are wind-swept at all seasons of the year.. In the spring and summer high winds following the gorge of the Columbia blow, taking up the dust in clouds and whirling it through the air; and iu winter playing a sad and dreary song to tbe tour ist. But the seasons are mild and nearly equable. The summers are not extremely hot, nor tbe winters severely cold. Chi nook winds from tbe Japan current tempers 41ia afmnanliiira in Wlnkr and . finnlfl it in , summer. A few miles through a continuous -.lane of fences brings one to the., county town, a thriving, enterprising village of perhaps S00 to 1000 inhabitants. It was our fortune eight years ago to .drive over to Wasco from Poplar Grove six miles distant when the hamlet was composed of tbe store of Mr. Barnett, the residences of Hon. W. H. Biggs, Meth odist church, and one or more other build ings. Four years ago we again visited the place, during the political campaign, and the hall in which speeches were marie was an unoccupied blacksmith shop. The pUce had grown wonderfully since our first vis t, and last Thursday when we again stopped at the town the progress in the past four years was truly surprising. On the hill in a very sightly location is a substantial two-storv school building, under excellent regulations, and presided by a corps of well-qualified teachers. This is the first l uilding that attracts attention, aud it is always important, in American towus, to keep the school house prominent and in the foreground. But, aside trom this there are hotels, stores, shops, charch es, and residences, all in good style of ar chitecture. A bank has been organized, and this, a brick structure, will soon be erected. Contiguous as it is to a rich belt of farming country, the future of Wasco is bright, and with the advent of a railroad it will number thousands of residents where it now numbers hundreds. A lodge of .A. F. and A. M. was lately orgauized, and en the day of oar visit a thriving lodge of K. of P. was instituted.. Western hospitality has become prover bial, and this characteristic is fully exem plified in this community. That gentility of conduct and generous care for the com fort of guests which are more qualities of the heart than of the mind, one meets with here, and there is such a cordiality in the welcome extended that the occasion is rare ly forgotten. ' In the early morning, before the break of day, we left the little town, and dnven at a rapid rate down the dark and dreary canyon by a veritable Hank Monk, we arrived at the station on time for the west-bound train, feeling pleased with our short stay of a' few hours in this charming little town, and only regretting that the comfortable carriages on the railroad could not be en joyed the full distance from Wasco to The Dalles. 0E00E. COUNTY. Items From tne Columns County Paper. of the Eerie. - The present blustery weather is only wel come to those who live in localities where crickets are ' threatening destruction to crops. . To them it is a godsend, as it may kill a large number of the little crickets. The two Indians, on examination before Justice Bell last week on a charge of cattle I stealing were each held in bonds of $100 to answer before the next grand jury. Bonds were furnished by Agent Lnckey and Ben Jones. . ' 1 . Sheep raisers in the north end of the county expect to begin harvesting their lamb crop next week. Their sheep are in excellent condition, and the grass on the range being good, they anticipate a heavy increase. If there is a place needing a railroad worse than Crook county ' does, it has not been heard of yet. Everything we produce for sale has to be hauled or driven from 100 to 150 miles before it is within reach of maiket, and what we boy abroad has to be hauled a like distance. . , Of late there has been some speculating as to the nnmber of voters there are Crook county, and it seems to be tbe gen eral belief that there are about 1100. At last election tbe highest vote cast was for congressman, 1085 in all,, and the highest vote for any county office was on sheriff, the yote being 1035. ' Beaver creek his a real, live ghost. It visited Charlie Bowlaby's place one night not long, ago, and scared Jimmy Woods nearly to death. Jimmy says the thing was at least thirty feet high. However, most of tbe Beaverites think it is the phan torn ot some ot Jimmy vanquished op ponents in the prize ring. .. Postmaster Howard baa been notified by the department that tbe petition for an in crease of service on tbe Prineville-Burns route has been refused.. He is also notified that the route from Prioeville to Haystack will be extended to Warm Springs on July 1st, giving Prioeville direct connection with tbe agency. This has long been desired by tbe people here and at the agency. Prineville Hews. ' At the well-known Hay Creek ranch, thej Baldwin Sheep and Land Company have re- ' cen'tly been engaged in harvesting the wool crop which grew on the backs of their cele brated bucks. ' ' While grubbing at Tom Logan's ranch on McKay, P. G. Milliorn had the misfortune to strike his foot with the mattock, receiv ing a most painful wound. Tbe nnfortunate man was brought into town Thursday and the wounded foot was dressed by Dr. Ges ner. Mr. Milliorn is now keeping close company with a pair of crutches. True, in Summit Prairie the snow may fall deep and' lie through a long stretch of time; .but there, withal the, siege of win ter, a happy commnnity is living this life in peace and prosperity.. Since tbe 13th of December the settlers . there haye been throwing out the bay which in summer they harvest in abundance from the natural grasses of the locality. Feeding still con tinues to some extent, but stock are in good condition, and have come through tbe win ter in good shape. . Grass is growing nicely, and when the ranges once more become solid, there will be abundant feed to turn them loose upon.' ; T. Ragtag and Bob Tail, of Goosequill gulch, were in town this week. They re membered tbe office of this fonr-page dish rag with a pleasant call, which will ever be a green oasis in memory's desert. Bob called to tell us we were a liar and bad en gaged tbe services of Mr. Ragtag to prove tbe assertion. While they were thus en gaged we got bold of an iron side-stick, and quite an animated discussion of various topics of the day ensued. The gentlemen expressed their regret at being unable to stay longer, and left with a dark cloud of sorrow gathering beneath their eyebrows that would remind one of a thunder cloud shooting athwart the summer sky. When we get this issue off and the forms washed, we intend to have the bullets removed frW our person and shipped to the type foundry for "old metal." A Lost Boy, Last fall, about October 15th, Joseph Fremsteid, my stepson, a Swede, aged 21, and myself left Montana for the Jobn Day valley in Oregon. Somehow we became separated and I do not know whether be ever arrived at his destination or not, nor do I have any idea of bis whereabouts. Any information regarding him will be gratefully received by me. Pat Gaevey, Condon, Ore. Who is He? Tygh Ridge, March 24, 1892. Editor Tuos-HocnTAnraaa: Will yon kindly inform me and a few friends around here wbo."Boss" Farley is? We don't know him, and think it strange he wants to run tbe Republican electors of Wasco county. Enqotrk-b. ; Mr. G. J. Farley was formerly . an em. ploye in the blacksmith shops of the O. R. & N. Co., in this city, afterward proprietor tWShr of a harness store, and liter, to the surprise of evtry one, appointed superintendent of t'ie portagt road at the Cascades. He was a self-con sti'tred "boss," and his defeat was merited. Fditor TELEGEAPHIO sews. A Besnlt af Whisky. O'Brien, Wash., March 28. At 11:30 iast evening, during a barroom row that occurred in O'Brien & Cutnmings' saloon, Oai keeper Mike Crawley put a revolver against the bead of Richard Ham and abut and instantly killed him. The mur derer, after his victim fell, gazed on tbe body a moment, and then, seeming to come to a realization of bis crime, turned the revolver to bis own bead. He fired three shots, missing twice, but tbe third took effect. He breathed about an hour. About twenty persons were present, all nf whom fled when Crowley fired the first shet except two, Jobn Hill and Harry Hansen, who witnessed the suicide. The murderer was a single man 40 years old, with no known relations except a brother in New York. The victim was 34 years old, a rancher at Orillu, and reputed tn be worth about $30,000. He leaves a wife and four small children. Crowley was generally liked, and had many friends. He is supposed to bave been crazed by liquor, and had been drinking heavily tbe past week. There was no enmity between tbe two men. The tragedy was but tbe result of an indulgence in too much drink. -JUrs. FarnelFs Fortune. London, March 28 From an authentic source it is learned that tbe teims upon which the Wood O'Sbea will case was settled are aa follows: Mrs. Farnell ob tains tbe whole of her aunt's freehold property, which is situated in Gloucester and Suffolk counties, and is valued at nearly 10,000, also half of tbe 140,000 in cash and securities left by the testa trix. The other goes to the other litigants. Mrs. Parnell is tequired to give Captain O'Sbea, her former husband, a bait lite interest in her 1,000,000. When Mrs. Parnell and Captain O'Shea are both dead this money is to be divided among the children of tbeir marriage. Toe legal expenses of tbe settlement amount ed to one-sixth of tbe entire property in volved. Sir Charles Russell, Solicitor General Clark. Sir Henry James and Attorney-General Webster each received 1000. Mrs. Parneli's costs were 10. 000, toward which she was granted 5000 from her marriage settlement. The ex penses of the other side were mainly me by the wealthy brewer Courage, wbo is related by marriage to tbe parties in interest. ' Is This the Millennium? The following dispatch, dated St. Joseph, Mo., March ' 19tb, gives an ac count of a new and rather novel organi zation : ' . Tbe St. Joseph saloon-keepers today formed an organization for tbe promotion of temperance. It is known' as tbe Liquor Dealers' Benevolent Association, and its aims are: "The promotion of temperance and tbe good order of society by aiding in tbe improvement of all laws and ordinances regnlating . tbe manu facture and sale of liquors; to promote temperance iu tbe use of liquors, especi -ally with those who are addicted to the intemperate use thereof; to create and maintain a fund for tbe relief and aid of tbe families of members in case of death or disability, and to unite fraternally the member of tbe association so tbat tbeir combined efforts may be devoted to the purpose of public usefulness and ben evolence." The membership is composed of the most influential saloon keepers of St. Joseph. Killed in the Pulpit. Augusta, Oa., March 28. Bishop Jones, a noted colored trinjster at Alien dale, was assassinated while id his pulpit the murderer escaped. A difference of faith caused the trouble. ' Lost With All on Board. ,Blainb, Wash..March 28 The iron tug Tippie, while pass'iDg out from Vancou ver, B. Cm Bantf 'with all on board. The number of tbe crew is unknown. Rough weather caused the disaster. The Ladies Delighted.. Tbe pleasing effect and the perfect safety which ladies may use the liquid truit laxative. Syrup of Figs, under all conditions, make it tbeir favorite remedy. It is pleaaintf to tbe eve and to the taste. gentle, yet tnectual in acting on me kid neys, liver and bowels. - Dufur DvmcUch: This is apparently a bad year for political bosses. At the Republi can primaries, last week in Tbe Dalles, Mr. G. J. Barley, and two or three other would- be politicians, attempted to foist a nag ticket on the people, but tbe attempt met with signal defeat. Only one of tbe twenty- seven upon their tickets succeeded in get ting through, and this solitary exception was a scratch. A few of tbe names ap peared on both tickets, bat tbeir election is solely due to the fact tbat those who got op a citizens ticket were willing to trust these few in a convention. it is a good and healthy sign to see bossism thus cast aside; and the Republicans throughout Wasco county bave greatly strengthened their party chances by so doing. AU that is now needed is to present a ticket to the people I that will commend itself to the support of all who favor good and economical govern' meat in patuLc affairs. The voice of the people will be tife beard in the land this year, and it will be a voice of triumph next June. Pronounced. Hopeless, Yet Saved. From a letter written by Mrs. Ada E. Hard, of Groton, S. D., we quote: ''Was taken with a bad cold, which settled on my lungs, cough set in and finally termi nated in consumption. Four doctors gave me up, saying 1 could live but a short time. - J gave myself up to my Saviour, determined if I could not stay with my Mends on earth, 1 would meet my absent ones above. My husband was I advised to get Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. I gave it a trial, took in all eight bottles ; it has cured me, and thank God I am now a well and hearty woman." Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. Regular size, 50c. and f 1. 4 ' Patrick Doyle, who murdered Mike W.Iiih e f Trrw.b-0 Pnlnt S.Trnr fam " j i ' -T . 7 years ago, and whose record as a tough I on tne upper Missouri tor toe past ten years was well known; was killed by bis j son, 9 years old, last Saturday at bis ranch, near tbe Bis Muddy. The cause is unknown. For Over Finy Vears. As Old aud Wbll-Txzto Remedy Mrs. Wioslow's Sootbinsr Byrup has been need for' over fifty years by millions of j mothers for their cnildren while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tbe child, softens tbe game, allays all pain, cures j wind colic, and is the best remedy lor diarrhoea. Is pleasant to 1 the taste. Sold by all druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-rive cents a oottie. its value is incalculable.' Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wmslow's Soothing Syrup, and ; take no other Kind, ziioui . BacKlea'H Araiea Oiiva. - The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, : ulcers, salt rheum, feve. sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skm eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money j refunded. Price. 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes Kineraly. n ' CkkiMtai K..llb Braaa, rENriYROYAL PILLS la Kea IM uoi. I.IIIIIV naM witk blM rtbtea. 7 rfi. iDnqlin.ll la I OIX RE (m. - JP la Buapa for sutlnlan. MImUi a I O eight O "Kelier tmr ZmMem,' mumw. r wtm I Sij, or tr caab, atlsain bllaaaTK I ONB ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pn jiuced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in oOc and $1 bottles by aL leading druggistu Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FSANCISCO, CAL ' ICUI8VIUE. Kt. HEW tOBK. H.1 Land Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. Land Office at Thk Dallrs, Ok-goh, February 24, 1892. Notice is hereby Riven that the following-named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim and that Mid proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on April 20, 1S82, viz: MARGARET M. KRAUSE, widow of Ernst W. KnuiBe. Bd No. 8911, for the SW J. Sec 20, Tp 2 N, R 15 E W M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joseph Southwell. Andrew Linton, Thi-mms Walsh ana William Shelley, all of The Dalles, Or. et29 TOHN W LEWIS. Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Laud Offici at Tus Dalles, Oreoon, February S. 1892. Notice is hereby given tbat the following.named settler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLat said proof win oe maae oeiore tne negister ana receiver oi tne U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on April 7th, 18UX, via: JOBN J. EBRISMANN, D 8 No. 6964, for lots Zand 3, Sec 28, TplNRK ewu. Be names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation OI said land, viz: Andrew Kaller, George Raller, Edward Wicks and Andrew urqunarc, all oi Tne uaues. urejron. feb20 JOBN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or. March 8. 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof win De made before tne Ketnster ana Receiver of tn j U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on May 10, 189?, viz:. UEOKUE W. &TEWAKT, Bd No. 2188) for the SW qr sec 30, Tp 2 N, R 13 ast,WH. He names' the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ana cultivation oi, sa-.a land, viz: Norman McDonald. Wallace - Scrapie, Alex Ander son and Docile Beroux, all of The Dalles, Oregon. mchlg JOHN W LfcWlB, Hemstor. NOTICE TIMBKR CULTURE. ' Laud Office at The Dalles, Orb., February 23, 1892. Complaint having been entered at this office by Georee Mcintosh againet Ihomas J. Hid, for failure to comply with law as to timber -culture entry, No. 1888, dated February 19, 1885, upon tbe NE, See 20, Tp 2 8, R 14 E W M, in VV'ascO county, Oregon, with a view to tho cancellation of saiu entry; con testant alleging that said Thomas J. Bill has not planted any trees, seeds or cuttings on said tract of land, or caused the same to be done, and that said failure still exists; tne saxi parties are nereoy sum moned to appear at this offlue on the 16th day of April, 18S2, at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and fur nish testimony concerning said alleged failure. mens juuo w. Lttwia. uegwter. Legal Notices. Notice to Contractors. T1IDS WILL BE RECEIVED at the offlee ot R. D F. Gibons until Monday noon, April 4th, 1892, for the erection of the superstructure of the First Congregational Church, of The Dalles, according to Elans and specincatious to be seen at Crandall 4k urgett's office. The buildinqr committee reserve tire ngnt to reject any or ail Dtds. . R. r. GIBONS, B. 8. HUNTINGTON. Building Committee. The Dalles, Or., March 14, 1892. Notice to Tax-Payers. STATE and Count) taxes become delinquent Api 1st next. Tax-payers are hereby requested to make payment and avofd going on tbe delinquent list. : DLCATE8, m21d&v 8heriff and Tax-Colle-tor Everything in the line of SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY AND FINK FRENCH CANDIES, CA BE POUNE AT NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE, SECOND STREET. rwi ' i i rr ; -t . -i I V Q Tl ' (XV ft ATI 1( -OLs T till JLl Ul tlCJl TBS LEADING WATCH MAKER QPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING KJ oi rine watches. Mr. Van Norden has adopted a svst. m of repairing; by which old docks, appar ently worn oat, may be made serviceable for year 106 SECOND 8TREE.T ' fHK DALLES, Or. Corner Third and Washington Sta. Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops ,and Teal - Cutlet, in tbe market. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY fr Fresh Vegetables on Sale at the lowest Prices. Je&daw Attention, Sheep Men. T BATE ABOUT 600 POUNDS OF TOBACC X Stems, vbi2h are excellent for sheep dip or for cleansing; cattle or Terrain, which I will sell cheap, For terms apply at Tbe Dalles Citrar Factory. rnchU A. ULLRICH fSO. ; FOR SALE. a BAND OF TWENTY BROKE HORSES, arer? Xa. aging iron iiw to low pourjus our mares aod the balanee fteldings . These will be sold at reasonable pstcea. rer tenss apply to T. J. DR1PPS. mebS Hartiaod, Wash; FOR SALE. IX READ OF WORK HORSEa, from fln to jeaxa oa, la irool coooiuoo. wulaalllor or trad, some of tbem (or atallions. Nansene, Or., Feb. U, 1S8S, -THE GEKMANIA, CHAs. STTJBLING. Prop. FOR THE PRESENT AT S Second Street. fc, Liquors and Cp?. All brands "f Imported Liauors, Ale and Porter, an 6-enoine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. Is' now located af 77 Second Street, to Schutz Justice Office. Repairing a Specialty. He has saved soma of hie best leather out of the fire aud will make the neatest boot or sboe of anyone in the citv. MAIEB & BENTON, Successors to A. Bettingen RETAILERS AND JOBBERS IN hkm, tare, Mma AND GRANITEWARE A complete line of Beating and Cook Stoves, Pumps. Pipe Plumbers and Steam Fitt ere' Supplies; also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmiths' and Farm t, s Tools, AND SHELF HABD WARE. Tinniaj, PlumMny nd pipe work will b 'o on ehort notice. SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OR "WINK THE OTHER EYE. STACEI SHOWN, -THE- WATCH MAKER Hai opened up a Je y nd Repair Shop for the Repairinjr of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. With Byrne, Helm A Co., Druggists andJChem- tsts, successors to v. Hi. uuunam. SECOND AND UNON STREETS F. E. SH0NTELL DEALER IN Fine Cigars, Tobacco, AND CONFECTIONERY. Second Street, next door to the Bed Front tirocery btore. The celebrated Hoffman, General Arthur and 8chil ler Cigars on sale- THE DALLES, OREOON CHRISMAN BROTHERS, accessors to F. Taylor.) Proprietors of the CITY MARKET THIRD STREET. Dealers in all kinds of Meat. Hams, hand. Bacon and Sausage always on .lecSld&wtf , 2XRS. C. DAVIS. Prop. AdjoiniDg the Diamond Roller Mills, on - Second street. MEALS AT ALL HOURS I The tables will be supplied With tbe best tbe market affords. Lodging rooms ap-stairs for guests. A Sonyeirir Thimble Free. ANY LADY eendimr at once the nunes and ad dress of ten married iad. friends or honse- keepers to whom we- can send sample copies of tbe most charming illustrated ladies' newspaper pub- iisnea to-aav, will receive an elegant solid silver sou venir thimble. The "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly" is the handsomest and most entertaining;. publication of its class and is becoming universally popular with intelligent ladies in both Canada and the United States. It contains sixteen targe pages, same sixe aa "Harper s Bazaar" most proiuseiy uiustrateo, and comes each week at only 2 a year. If you de sire a souvenir thimble send names of those you think would be interested in the "Ladies' Weekly" ana enclose mieen u. b. z-cens tumps so cover ex penses oi mailing, etc. w-oay. Aaaress i "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly " Canada Life Buildinar. I o onto. Can. . . n2Sw L.P. OSTLUND I will furnish drafts and estimates on all buildings. aweuinxs ana storea. Mr. Ostlnnd is' a practical mechanic, and the plans ararcea dj nun will prove artistic, cheap anddura- oie. GOAL! COAL THE BEST- Wellington, Eock Springs, ' and Eoslyn Coal 12, sacked and delivered to any part ot tne city. I At Moody 's Warehouse. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. JAS. FERGUSON, rheArtisticShoemaker BBYBfB Restaurant. TlieDiesrdaurant Goods haoled with tbe greatest care to all parts of tbe uty on short notioa., - and XsBaTe orders with Fiah te Bardon te are Si In It." a- WM. BUTLER & CO., Lumber Dealers. We have added to our business the following lines, and will not be undersold. Lime, Plaster, Hair, Cement, BUILDING PAPER. And will furnish anything in the line of Building Material. A liberal discount to the trade in anything we handle. Our stock is all fresh. Front Street, Corner of Jefferson. THE DALLES . Cigar Faetory , FIRST SXREIiZrj FACTORY NO. 105. pininQ of the Best (Brands mannfact UlUHllO nred, and ordeaa from all paita of ,the;country tijled on the shortestnotice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home manufactuaed'article is increasing eyery day. dec24ay-tf A. ULRICH & SON. PI01IEEB GROCERY Northwest Cjr. Secondhand Washington St". i Mi orto coTgeRuch. The Cheapest l?la.ce All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit a share of the public pat ronage, and shail endt-avor to give entire satisfao- fion to our customers Doth old and new. To Young Housekeepers Free to all Brides ! "VT OTICE IB hereby given to a the readers of this J.1 paper and all their friends and acquaintancts throughout tbe United States and Caiuda that THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple bow addrrn and 10 cents to pay pcrtaire is Bent to the publisher witaiD one year ircm me aaie oi weir murwre. i Persons Bending for this present are requested to I end copy ol a paper con tain in sr a notice of their I marriage, or some other eTideuce that shall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine under the abore offer. Address, THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, VL PAU1EBEFT&C0 DEALERS IN- Pafnt$, Oils, Glas3, And the Host Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in W A. TLi Tj PAPER Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None but tbe best brands of the Sherwin-Williams Paint used ia all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly attended to. Shop adjoining Red Front Grocery, THIRD STREET, THE DA-O-nS. JONES. Prop. 85 XJ3NIOJN HTBEET 85 , Adjoining Byrne, Floyd k Co.'i drug (tore. - are supplied with tbe best tbe market affords. MEALS AT ALL HOURS None bnt white help employed. LOUIS PAYETTE, i (Successor to Payette AJFriend.) . THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison 8t& All work work in iron or wood done In tb neatest manner. Anything' in tne waon line, from m wJMelbaxrow to an omnibus, made or repaired. , , 1 HflMO-ShflOinrr a ' Knoma fir """""b " w u. tgr . ' Plows and machinery lenaired in th meat (skill. m ana woramaniiKe manner. mcluldw Sample Rooms, 71 MAIN STREET. Always on band the BesfVVinefs, ljiquors, and Cigars. A Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei on araurni. Mcdonald BRoa, : propr'& W.T.WISEMAN Saceeuor to J. H. XoDonoatrb A C.) DKALKB IM Choice Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. None bat the best brand? of Liauors aod Cigars oa sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Court and Second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. I mHE UNDERSIONBO CAN FURVISH MEDIUM X ud Largre tiplit Oedsr Posts, Q feet lonff. de livered oo cars or boat in East Fortl md. for 7 and 8 cents each. Eastern Oretron and Wsshinirton par ties are oleased with them. We prefer buyers should hare them inspected before the posts are snipped. Address w UIVfibTHeiAT UUM fAfl I , E. QUACEBKBUBH. Pres't. Jan29-dv Irawer 22, Porthuud, Or. x MRS. A. show i arm. t G. NOWAK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and e.' lfcatj.ias tor boildiDe fur nished. Will jdo all ainda of eicavating rradinz. All order abould be"; let t at postomoe box ' dotI? mk Til ON SALE TO .ATXj PRINCIPAL POMS EAST, WEST, -NORTH and SOUTH THE DALLES, E. E. IiYTLB, - - Agent UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEAN, Portland to Mats Franelnco. To Sau Francisco Leaving Steamship Wharf, Port land, at 10 P M., aa follows: Oregon Feb 8. 28 Columbia Feb 12, 20 State Feb 16, 24 Baggage most be checked either at Ash St., during the cay, or by the U. C. A B. Co. No unchecked baggage will be received on the steamers. Han Francisco to Portland. To Portland Leaving Spear St. Wharf, San Francisco at 10 A. M. as follows: Colnmbia. Feb 7,19 State Feb 11, 23 Oregon Feb -6, 27 The company reserves the right to change steam ers oi sailing dates without further notice. For rates, tickets, berth reservations, etc., call on or address any ticket agent of the Union Pacific sy tern. C. S. MELI.EN. T. W. LEE. Oen. Traffic Mana er. Gen. Pay. At. FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS Northern Pac RAILROAD Is the line totaks TO ALL POINTS EAST AN!) OOTH It is the Dinin Car Route. It rune Through Ves tibuled Trainj fcerj Day in C e yor to ST- PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE CAftt.) Compu ed of Dining Cant unsurpassed. oilman Drawing-irom t? lee pern if Lattst Equipment. . TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS. Belt that can b constructed, and In which accom modations are both Free and Furnished - fur holders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with AU Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Meeper reservations can be secured in ad vance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS ' JiVtf England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket omc6 oi tne oomp&ny. Full Information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to anyafren or A. D. CHARLTON, Asst General Passenger Asrt., No. 131 First St., Cor. Wuh, PORTLAND. OlEGON .Ask say aent for W. L. Tloaglaa Shawa. If aat for sale in yoar place ask year dealer te send for eatalesae. secure the agency, and get them for yoa. , ITTiaa NO SVBSTITTJTK.1 . WHY IS THE L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cenPemen THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a seamless shoe, with no backs or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of tbe best one calf, stylish and easy, and because toe mak mors aaoss thii grade than any otaer wuznufacturer, ft equals band sewed shoes costing from auxJ to (S-OO. &S OO Geneine Hand-sewed, tbe finest calf aboe ever offered for (S.0U; equals French imported snoes which cost from t&fln to $12.00. Ct A OO Hand-Sewed Welt Shee, One calf, Pa stylish, comfortable and durable. Tbe best sboe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from t&U) to fuu. -J 9S foiice Bhoei Farmers. Kallroaa Hen andLetterCarrlersallwearthemi flnecalf. seamless, smooth Inside, heavy three aoles, exten sion edge. One pair will wear a year. CO SO fine calf i no better shoe ever offered at ! this price; one trial will convince those who want a sboe for comfort and service. sCO 23 and 91.00 Workinnaaa'e sboes at se are very strong and durable. Tboee who bave given them a trial will wear no other make. DnVfl' Q'&.OO ana 81.73 school shoes are Dv a worn bvthe bovaevervwhAm? UwyimII on their merits, as tbe Increasing sales show. oH ioa s t.uu mitHCwH snoe, oesx hnil Ivq Dongola, very stylus; equalsFreacb. tniported shoes coating from iiM to S&uu. Ladies' S'.vu nae 1.73 shoe tor Hisses are the best fine Dongola. Stylish and durable. Caatiea, See that W. L. Douglas' name and snn are auuapea on tne qonom ox eacn snoe. W. L. DOtJOLaa. Brockton. 1 3. FREIMAN, AGENT; THE DALLAS A FREE TRIP ' TO THE WORLD'S FAIR CommenolntT May 1, 1893 The History Comptny, of San Frmndsoo, Cat, (capital stock 9600,000) the oldest and largest pub lish iDar house ou the Pacific coast, this day announce that they will give, absolutely free, a ticket to the World's Fair atd return, iocludinsr meals en route one week (7 days), hotel accominodations, six admis sion tickets to the Exposition grounds, two tickets to leading i nicago theaters, ana such other privi leges as may imure a pleasant trip to deserving per sons who compiy wiuiuieir requirement!. NOT1CJB. Those desiring to go to tbefWorld's Fair andfwho i cnultlnot otherwise do so, can adoreea us at oooe for full particulara. This offer does not applr to per sons of means who are in a position to meet the ex pense of sueh trip themselves, but to enterprising and intelligent young men and women wbo can ap preciate such an opportunity and make the mot of It. Teachers, clergymen, student, farmers' bright j sons ana a&ugnters m act say ana aii possessing energy enterprise and character will be eligible, TH CUASCK OF A 1IFE-T11IE. Every young man or woman who desires to go to Chicago and see the wonders of the greatest exhib ition the world has ever known, sbonld address ns at oooe. 8uch an ODportunith is rarely offered, and the trip will be the event of a lifetime to those wbo so. Address THE HISTORY COMPANY, TBI. HI8T0BT. MnLDUO, No. 72S MARKET ST., SAN FKAKCISOO, CAL. 2 : 1, UC MIm4 hlf Opprtanltyl BOKT lffltw fit loan, ICeJMlcra Tn mayjoritr neglacfc thair op portnnitiM, and from tbat cadm Ur in poTorty aad tiia In obscnritTl IlarrowHog doapair la thm lot of many, aa thf loom DacK on ion, lorarar ion, ovponanity. aiic u pmmi Ing! Baachoat. Ba up and doinc. ImproTajoor op porta- .ndjMCnr.pmsp.ntr, prominBuc., pe by a pliilo)ib.r, thai "th. Uoddn. elf Ti Eoldea onportanHj to each perao. at torn iminence, pac. uwuwa iroldea onportuoity to each paraoa at some period of Ufa; embraes tha chance, sad aha poor est har ricnea; fail to do ao and aba departs, twaar to return." How ahall you find the aoLovi opportonltyf IaTaaUfiate every chance tbat appears worthy, aad of fair oromisa: that is what all ane- ortoD on ara m ce sfnlmendo. Hera iaaa opportunity, anehas iinotoftee within tbareahot laboring poo pla. Imprurad, it will siva, at leaat, aratid Btart ia life. The OOLdew opportonlty for many la hura. Money to b made capiiily and honorably br anr IndattriooaoorsoB of aitbar aex. All aire. Yoa can I do the work and lire at home, whererer ran are. Eras ba- einnars are easily earn toe; from to SlOnerday. Toe can do bb wall if yoa will work. Dot too bard, but tndnttrt- onsly; and yoa can iaereaaa yoar income aa yon troop. Yaw i can b ire spare time oniy, or an yoar ti me to tne wora. eaay tolaarn. Capital not roqalred. We atartyoa. All ia oom earariTelr new and real It wonderfnL We fnatroct and roa bow, freew Faflare no known among oar work- br rwmrn mail. UnwiM to delar. Addreu at one IV. XIallett ae Co., Itaz Fortlaad, laalBOi eer ZZ year tabaforaMoa fey Joba a. (joodwln,! roj.X.YsU work for oa. Kaadai. yM mj mot make aa madi, but wa caa leach yoa quickly bow torara Promt ti t Sw B tay m laa Mart, ana aaora as yoa ao m. niai NiM) an airaa. la any pan of j imsnn. juu cm fwauiursac. a( ucftnti, fir ihi all vuor lituar mar m omm. m nn.r t 1L work. All te new. Goat pay Mil, tor vry tatker. K alaft on, nimWiina Tr.Ttl.lnc. EASILY, HI KK1UI.I Msmrri i-jtitiiLiLiJtua riu,a. Aaarom nn-v s .Haa jaaMkK THE DALLES ilniiriTAinnin -11 DAILY AND WEEKLY. TIio only' - . Republican Paper In the County Largest Circulation And best Advertising Medium In the Inland Empire Best Equipped Job Office In the City SKIBBE HOTEL F. AV. L. SKIBBE, PAop. The Only Brick Hotel IN THE CITY BEST DOLLAR A DAY HOUSE In the North west. This builainc has been rrfltted since the fire of September 2d. and the rooms an firat-ckw in every particular. Tbe table Is supplied with tbe best tbe market affords. The oar it, connection with the hotel is supplied with the highest irrade of Wines, Liquors anH Im ported and Domestic Cigars. . janSV-w ' HILL, 0'MALLEY & CO. THE LEADING Architects and Builders Office in Skibbe's Brick THE DALLES, OREGON Will take ontr acts and furnish plans and spacifl cations for all builuiinrs,frame brick, or stone. Ua teru.s rumpoed II needed octS F. W.BOLD, Blacksmith and Wagon-Maksr ! At Thompson's oldjitand, 103 Tnlnl St BUCKSMITHIHC OF ALL KINDS DONE NEATLY ; AND CHEAPLY. WOOD-WORK at all kinds, repairing- and making anything, from a wheelb Bel barrow to a carriage. RSE-SH0EING A SECIALTY. m 4l-w SHEEP FOR SALE! 3600 HEHD, To be delivered after shearing. Apply to JAS. II. ERASER, MONKLAND, OREOON. Eatr Wt famih eiy!line. W start you. No riak. You can tlrut yuur spaiw momcaia, or all your time to ilia work. Tbta l entirely rMWltadjiid brio jr onderfnl !- to em? rci k-r. BrfrioDra at aarolnf from fl. to f&O pvvk aad apwsmit, and man aAcr a Hula exprienoe. Wa can furaiah rom ib ent- ploranent and teach yna MtHK. No cparato explain bar. Full O J 1 1 1 1 I I tob ny (aJrlj fntalllireni K I 1 1 I I I mi, sa h eao naa and llal I 1 1 I I laftar Inatroctlon. wit) wort ffej W 0 V W.ow M earn Thro Thaa. '. nndattaka to brMly i penoa or eiinar writa. aad who. rork indrutriofuly, kaaaid PaUara a laar in thairowa aHlaa.whatwT thor Hva.1 will alao fkralah tba aitaaxioD or spio7-mnt,at wbkh yov cam earn thatajnount. o BwOsay m ma uueaa auccaaawi aa aoova. Kaswana quick .j leara ad. I deaira but ana workar troaa aa ch diatriet oreouatv. I hawa aLraad Uuirnt and provided witta amployakeot a tarn Aamber, who ara naalnr orar SlfW a vaareach. It a IV V and R4ILI e. rau parttaoiari rKLK. Addraaa at ooee, 4ILI C. rallpai aUJU.. la mm AIM. Auco4a, Maiaa Stints 'It fcntib4- hav h cnadvai WtMk fwr U, hr Anita Pffe, Anilu, riM, (! Jna, llttnn, I OIUi, ( mio, He cut. Orliraafdo4of;uwell. Why ItiuC wim? Majiw rani orar SUM). AO m xHMitli. Tm nu do th work nd Ufa Ul home, warrstvw yam ara. Kraa bo srHrmara art Mail- aarrrina; fVoan Sti to iHtadriT. Allam. Waahew vouhnw and Mart you. C'n work In par tint or all the Hma. lilf ajBSy ur iork arm. Palluf atiknown amons ttftn. N KW attd wmirtarrail. PartirMilara rYo. CASCADE LOCKS THE ORIGINAL TOWNSTTE OF CASCADE LOCKS NOW ON THE MARKET. LOTS SELLING VERY RAPIDLY. The bufdine of the Portace Railroad Locks a very thriving town in the future. Parties desirous of inventing at that point will be furnished with maps BRADFORD & CASTELLOE, 110 Second St., Portland, Oregon Or Dh. LEAVENS, at Cascade Locks. I5TCOKPOATEU 1HH6. THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY Wholesale nd Retail Dealer and Manufacture f Building" 31aterial and. DRY. Fill, PINE, OAK and SLAB PROMPT DELIVERY TO ANY FART OF HIE CITY. Offlee As, 67 Whlndon m. laid al Old Vsvcrnmenl Barracks VSccds5tPlantsJ wui commend themselves to real lovers of good gardening and us contents so fully ' rn rmv V o mm . wr m w s W tor the Garden, Lawn and Farm and represents one of the most complete m f asaortmenUof aarden snoDliea In the world. For MC we mail with the BOOK. fL L'-"" - J one packet "Chicago Parks" Pansv Seed or one plant BUrufGoM.' WriafbrrrmCATauiairsiiMr. kmtioh p&PBB, VAUGHAN'S SEED STORE, ?? PURE-ttO-JWEEf lfMA3TIFF FLUU LU I was not all, that i5 claimed' torOowj- ebe could: 50 Great a business and" Satehavrj ,de-' 'MoiruA( in Wt ybivvv.lli'vv t 1 :short;a timeniVJ; Apure, ;mildrsweern jsmoke,-; no, wonder ifv Ooesji AilJive storesjteepi Butler's 1,000 APOE 1 1 0 to 200 ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS, ELEGANT BINDINGS. PUBLISHED I' LANGUAGES, POPU'AR PRICES. First Edition, :-: 100.000 Ooplea. TUP. 0RLT AUTHKKTI0 WORK BT ... GEN. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER. Exclusive territory and liberal terms riven to re liable airer-ts. Accompany application for territory with S? for prospectus. THE J. DEWING CO., oct24 San Francisco. Oil. ""J at A Tiut Clam , ...alum.. Tte Urn. Futeflt ud PlMMt to Wrt Ptusantrar accomodation anf-xoeiwa IEW VOBaTlONDGNDERRT AN0 BLAIBOW. very ttatnraay, NEW YORK, 6IBRALTER and KAPLBS, Atremilar Intervals. .. SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERABE - rates on lowest terms to and from the prtnelpla BOOTCH, IX3LI8H, BUSS a ALL OONTDUNTAL POmTS. Kxeorslon tloketa available to return by either tbe ple turseqne Clyde A North of Ireland or Naples Gibraltar Drafts sal Voesy (Men far Any Amotat at enst tttas, HENDX&SON BKOTHKKS, Chios (O), XU. AGENTS WANTED Apply to T. General Agent, The Dalles, Or. HUDSON, Jan&t-M 2 So. 50o. 750. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 FEATHER BONE Is made from QTJTLLR, nature's own toughest material, best whins made for the price. Cheap, Durable, ALL. KTYI.ES. all oirB " FEATKERBOKE. HENRY KUCK, - The Dalles, Or. J. H. LAIISEN, Dealer in all kinds ot hi Grain and M. rj 7 " 7 , At his old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. Tne highest Cash Prloe paid for Sbeen pert. ROOFING! GUM ELASTIC ROOFING FELT coets only S2.00 per 100 square feet. Uakea ..good roof for yavn, and any one can put It on. tend stamp for sample and full particoJais. GUM ELASTIC ROOFING C0.f ' 89 4 41 WdSt BroadwAy, Ne York Clt t3f Local AgmU Wants feblS KMtnHMMnilMnHHlHHI.IIINnNHHtq DOCTOR I TbaM Oebrated KNOLIOIl; IACXERS UwlMkt, BIU-..aa, and; CuUihUUi. Inll, alMai at ai a fimrit. with theS , Udlea. Sold In rnaland for la. I Ho.. In AmOTina for . Qmtt ! PURE ! PINK theia from roar Dnursista, ors Drugglstav ort KIEU A COi. 1 IT, Vow Tor. j iPILLS fcfMUHIIIIII ssndto w. a. HOOKia t 4 Wt Bmi 11 ay. DRESS MAKING. mHOEE DESIRING DREHSRS HADK AT THEIR X homes can be accommodated with flrat-claas wcrk by addrassiug; th. unddrsifrned throuirh III. postofflc. Him, M. A1KKN. mehlO-dlra SHEEP FOE SHE Three thousand Fine Graded Bred Ewes and 3000 Yearlings. Kerr & Buckley. Grass Valley, Or. at this Doint'will make Cascade and price list by applying to Dimension Timber .WOOD -1 ) Book. TTYTAXJAT J I i Haiti m inn ii FOR WJH Art fully described In our beautiful book GABDEltmO ILLUSTRATED for iSos. It conuin. one hundred pages handsomely printed and illustrated with ac curate photo-engravings and colored plates. It is a Mirror ot American nonicuunre to date and shows the recent attainments oi this art, aide by side with the rood old plants of our lather.' nrdena. The descriptions. Dlain and mnnnahlo wsl OWWT mmt i , new French Sum , - rmrir.n