The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, April 02, 1892, Image 2

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    The Times-Mountaineer
vrmrratr Tiir.rnnTlATli.
It is said that President Harrison's
proclamation reimposmgauues on cer
tain products from Venezuela, Hayti
and Colombia will be made an excuse
for bringing the question of the bus-
- pensive clause before the house of rep
. resentatives. and that it will be the
' policy of those who are interested in
discrediting the McKinley bill to avail
themselves of the opportunity to at-
, tack it, says the San Francisco Chron
icle.- '
A homely but forcible maxim says:
"Don t monkey with the buzz saw. it
' ,1 TV 1 " ll I
ine jjemocrais in congress reajiy nave
any bopes or discrediting tne alcjviii
ley bill or making it unpopular with
the peoDle of the United States they
. had better steer clear of the clause
wuicu una oeen pronouuceu uy uui"-
pean publicists the wisest and shrewd
est piece of legislation of the past fifty
, years, and which has demonstrated its
value and utility to this country so
plainly that the proof cannot be ques
The validity and legality oMhe act
having been settled by the decision of
the highest tribunal in the land, there
la nfirkintv loffc hlir tn aaaAll it. An lihp
question of its policy, and on this score
the Republicans are not only ready but
' anxious for the fray. Everything that
fina nwnr0rl Blnr-P r.rift BnanRnRlVfi
clause went into effect has been a com
plete justification of it until this case
of Venezuela, Hayti and Colombia oc
curred, and that is so insignificant as
not to militate at all against the law
r if a nnorafmn
- j.i tun icmuwiatoaio inou cuuugu
attack the suspensive clause there will
U In f 'Tf Aono
' foreign markets to American products
on terms favorable to us, and the free-
. i l : i il : .. C 1 i. 1
irauer nungers ana luirsas tur wuai no
v calls the markets of the world. In the
second Dlace. the susoensive clause has
7 .
: already caused a loss of revenue to the
British colonies in the West Indies
amounting to over $500,000, which
' must be set down as a distinct gain to
oar pxnnrtfirs. as their products were
admitted on terms which enabled them
. to undersell the foreigner to ' that
am6unt. Unless the Democrats in
congress have lost their heads alto
gether they will not venture to assail
the suspensive clause of the McKinley
. bill.
It may be of some interest to our
citizens to know that the bill amend
ing the charter so as to permit The
- Dalles to 'incur an extra indebtedness
of $25,000 was passed in the last legis
lature, by the efforts of Hon. Cbas.
Hilton, and was opposed by Senator
Wnt.kina. Thn hill, an introduced.
' provided that only tax-payers should
vote on this chaiter, and Mr. Hilton
presented an amendment that water
- oition rt-ina lii.or.lir intoroar.Arl arinnlrl
be. electors on this question. After.
. this passed, Mr. Watkins opposed the
water, bill, and, we are informed, on
' the day of its passage, arose in the
- senate and urgently requested that it
should jbe defeated. In this matter
his harangues will be long remembered
by his former friends those who sup
, i , i i
ported mm tor circuit judge wnen me
i faction in this city were doing every
thing to defeat him. . As regards the
new charter, we have only to reDeat
what we said at the lime, it was the
nearest approach to "Star Chamber"
methods that was ever attempted to
be imposed upon any municipality ip
. this or any other state, and its defeat
was well, merited. Notwithstanding
these facts, the editor of the ' organ,
suffering under hU own defeat at the
primaries,- attempted tne duplicity to
use this as an argument against those
who stood by the interests of the peo
ple during the session of the last leg
islature. But, at the primaries, and
. in. the county convention, the elec
tors the sovereignty of the republic
have spoken in emphjttic terms, and
' the Times-Mount a inker is well satis
fied. It is no longer a handwriting
on the wall, but an emphatic decision
by the sovereign people that bossism
an A r.riA mn.rliinA rnln hftvn. nn Atanrlinfr
1 - " - n
hereafter in - ReDnblican Dolitics in
Wasco county.
, The Democratic lower house of
congress have bowed the pregnant
hinges of the knee to Wall street, aod
failed to pass the Bland free coinage
bill, although having 150 majority.
This is an object lesson for the Demo
urtiLiu preoo mat utiva uccu uuiurucu
with charges against Republic-ins that
they were under the control of cor-
.1 a. i 1 v j i
the American people who oelieve that
Democracy is in favor of reforming
the ills now extant in the republic.
Mr, Bland considered his bill safe at
the convening of congress, and Stealer
Crisp was elected on this is-ue; but
Tammany is very powerful in the
party, and Wall street wields great
influence with Tammany. . So the
wheel within the wheel has moyed the
machinery and produced the result
desired bv 'the bosses. This is De-
uocracv: and fully corrobortes the
traditions of the party from the time
of the Dred Scott decision ami pass
age of the Fugitive Slave law to the
success of the Mills bill giving pro
tection to southern sugar raisiu and
leaving western wool-growers without
the least safegaurds against foreign
We met a Democrat to-day who was
sufficiently honest to say he believed in
absolute free-trade, and we only wish
the party to which he is affiliated
would frankly make thesame declara
tion. On this question, as on all
others of national importance, De
mocracy occupies an equivocal position,
and hides its free-trade tendencies
under what it is pleased to term
"tariff reform." The American peo
ple are protectionists not to the ex
tent to prohibit trade with foreign ,
countries, but sufficiently strong to
infus? life into American industries,
and keep wages to the maximum,
This may lead to reciprocity .with
some nations, which are not competi
tors, as has been demonstrated by the
McKinley bill. But the John Stuart
Mill idea of free-trade commercial
intercourse without restriction or cus
tom house duties would soon bank
rupt thia country, and Democrats dare
not advocate this in the halls or con
gress or on the stump during any
presidential campaign, however much
they may be disposed in its
favor. On the tariff, by duplicity,
they cover over their real designs by
claiming to be moderate protectionists;
but the country is not deceived, and
the election of 1888, with Mr. Cleve
land's ideas fully explained on the
question, emphasized this fact. The
campaign this year will be but a repe
tition of the one four years ago, and
the American voter, by tradition a
protectionist, will not be lulled into
sleep or forgetfulness by the syren
song of these "tariff reformers.
The tactics of politicians tend in
every manner possible to weaken the
standing of opposing candidates with
the people, and these are well under
stood by the leaders of the Democratic
party. This was brought forcibly to
mind by reading an exchange, in which
it was said that the "ticket nominated
last Saturday" by the Republicans
"has a number of good men on it, but
as a whole is weak." We do not un
derstand in what the elements of
weakness consist if the candidates are
"good men." ' It may be true that a
"good man" may not be popular, but
undoubtedly he adds strength to the
ticket on which he runs, morally if not
politically, and all fair-minded men will
so consider the nomination. Party
trickery is too frequently used to destroy
the prospects of efficient candidates, and
in too many instances is successful.
The great question with every intelli
gent American citizen when he casts
his ballot should be whether the can
didate for whom he votes is a capable
and honest man. It makes little dif
ference what church he attends, or
whether he is socially agreeable if he
has the capacity to manage the' affairs
of the office for which he is nominated
in a competent and honest manner.
In county, and even in municipal
affairs, tie elector has a weighty re
sponsibility upon him, and he cannot
be too careful in casting the elective
franchise. '
The answer of Salisbury to the note
of our government regarding the mo
dus, vivendi ii deemed satisfactory, and
the war cloud has drifted harmlessly
over both countries, without deluging
these nations in death arid consequent
ills. This is as it Phould be, for' there
is no more reason for nations to settle
difficulties by killing the subjects or
citizens of each other in the
most expeditious manner than it is for
gentlemen to settle disputes by the
Sullivan method. Men are too civil
ized to willingly furnish food for pow
der, and nations are too far advanced
to consider the logic of canon or rifle
indisputable. -
The delegates to the state conven
tion were carefully belected, and the
result was that some of the most representative-men
were elected. Those
from the city are well known to every
one, and in any emergency can be re
lied upon to make such legislatuie and
judicial nominations as will receive
the unanimous support of Republicans.
The same can be said of those from
the country, and the howling of the
organ on the day previous was simply
the spleen of the editor, who took this
opportunity to vent his chagrin against
those who had defeated him
subservient tool of a "boss." .
The portage railroad bill, which
passed at the last session of the legis
lature received, the support ' of all
members from Eastern Oregon, and
no one is entitled to especial honor.
In this regard Senator Hilton used his
utmost efforts for its passage, having
his property interests' in Gilliam
county, which are largely benefitted by
an open river. The representatives
from the counties east of the Cascade
mountains in no wise neglected the
interests of their constituents, and no
reasonable complaint can be made
against their action.
The ticket nominated by the Re
publican county convention to-day
is composed of representative citizens,
and should receive the full vote of the
party. Nearly three months will
elapse before the election, and during
this time opportunities will be offered
for candidates to become acquainted
with the people and to harmonize all
differences in the ranks. The county
is undoubtedly Republican, end every
candidate on the ticket'inay be elected
if there are no dissention and all work
The supreme court of Wisconsin has
decided . the gerrymander act of the
Democratic legislature unconstitutional
and void, and it is now time for the
Michigan "court to follow this decision.
Democracy may be triumphant fcr a
time in their nefarious schemes to pro
cure votes; but this is a constitutional
government, and there are certain
rights which cannot bo trampled on
. Democrats have been busy for sev
eral months past naming the Repub
lican candidate for president in 1892;
but we do not think the party will pay
little or no attention to these idle pre
dictions of our opponents. When the
convention meets it will carefully con
sider the availability and capability of
the men, and will place the one on the
ticket who will be likely to secure the
greater number of votes.
Hon. Jos. Simon intends going to
Europe in a few days, and there will
be one boss less in June. If he had
gone to Europe xour years ago, Syl
vester Fennoyer would not be gover
nor of the state of Oregon now. I
Our esteemed cotemporary, the East
Oregonian, after quoting an editorial
paragraph in this paper in regard to
the Democratic lower house of congress
crooking the pregnant binges of the
knee to Wall street in refusing to pass
the Blaud free-coinage bill, although
it had 150 majority, makes the fol
lowing comment: "So rattles The
Dalles Times-Mountaineer. This
paper occupies a peculiar position. It
opposes 'free-coinage' and has done so
all along, but it promptly condemns
the Democrats for defeating the meas
ure, and ascribes to them' the burden
of carrying the yoke of Wall street.
The Times -Mountaineer, surely, is
unfair in such strictures, and is simply
doing this for the sake of party, rather
than for the right-. It pretends to be
not an organ of its party, but this is
evidence that it is a servile one and
worthy of little respect unless we
diisunderstand and mibintepret its po
sition. Do we?" This paper is not
an organ of the Republican parly in
any sense of the term. The editor,
from his earliest recollection, has been
in favor of the basis principles of that
organization; but on several occasions
has condemned the resort to unfair
methods to carry elections, and have
always advocated the absolute purity
of the ballot. He is opposed to free
coinage, and has frequently stated his
convictions on this point The Dem
ocratic party, during the Ohio cam
paign and th election of Speaker
Crisp, emphatically placed itself on
record as favoring unlimited coinage,
and when the vote was taken did not
possess the courage of its convictions,
because, as we firmly believe, the
bhadow of Wall street, awed it into
submission. Foremost among the
Democratic papers in the state, the
East Oregonian has charged the Re
publican party of being allied to cor
porations, and when we find a case in
point where Democracy has stultified
itself, because of plutocratic influence,
our cotemporary attempts to attract
attention from the fact by saying that
the Times-Mountaineer is an organ,
and is simply following the dictates of
its party. But this will not answer its
purpose. The party that elected Crisp in
preference to Mills' to the highest posi
tion in the republic except president
because of his free-coinage principles,
dared not voice its sentiments for
fear the plutocracy of Wall street
would not help it to carry New York
in November. This paper does not
believe in unlimited coinage; but it
advocates honesty on all questions,
ind has more respect for a free-trade
or. free-coinage Democrat who dare ex
press and vote his sentiments in con j
gress than those who attempt to de
ceive the people by preaching one doc
trine and voting for the opposite.
But this is the plan that Democracy
has followed from its inception to the
present time. To hide its free-trade
tendencie8,it advocates "tariff reform,"
and at the behest of the money power
of New York tables the silver bill,
one of the "reforms" (J) it preached
last year through the length and
breadth of the country.
The Albany Democrat never equiv
ocates regarding the doctrines of the
party, and it can always be relied upon
as representing the pure principles of
Democracy. When other, papers
howled against Hill as a ' candidate,
the Democrat was true to the time-
honored principles, and has never
wavered in the support of the party at
any time. For this reason we always
read its editorials to tied the status o
the organization in Oregon on all
questions. In its issue of yesterday it
prints as the leading editorial a synop
sis of the speech of Representative
Stevens, of Massachusetts, a large
manufacturer of woolen goods, on the
Springer wool bill, in which he uses
all his eloquence in favor of free raw
materials and protected manufactured
fabrics. We are glad to see the Dem
ocratic press falling in line in favor of
New England corporations, that have
amassed great wealth by the oppression
of the poor, and attempting to legis
late against the farmer, who makes his
living by the products of the soil
the increase of his flocks. Of course,
the eastern manufacturer, if he could
secure free wool from Australia or
South America, aud still retain the
duties on his goods, would reap a rich
harvest. This may be Democracy, but
it is not the policy of the Republican
party. . If the New England manu
facturer has protection against cheap
facilities in Europe the wool raiser of
C&lifornia and Oregon should have
so me safeguard against peoue la
bor in South . America and ad
vantages in Australia. This is
country by the people and for the peo
pie, and the corporations of Massa
chusets should not receive the benefits
of legislation and the farmers of the
west forced to raise wool at the same
price it can be raised in the Argentine
republic or Australia, or be impov
erished and "go to the wall."
The ring organ quotes with favor
able comments the following paragraph
from the Oregonian: "Hugh Glenn,
one of the Democratic warhorses of
Wasco county, came down from Dalles
City yesterday and announced that
the Democrats would sweep the county
in June. lhe .Republicans are di
vided, and the victory ia ours," be
said. ' We are talking of presenting
J udge Bennett's name for the con
gressional nomination, but will not
press him if Senator Raley, of Uma
tilla, will accept Senator RJey
would run well.' " During our resi
dence in this city of over a quarter f
century we never knew before that
Mr. Glenn was a "Democratic war
horse," or really exercised any influence
in politics. He has never been elected
to any office by the suffrages of his
fellow citisens, and- the position he
ow occupies as member of the water '
commission was an appointive one by
the mayor. As one of those named in
the bill he is in the office by
virtue of the adoption of the amended
charter, and not by the votes of the
electors of the municipality of Dalles
Therefore his opinions on po
matters carries little " or no
weight. The theory that tthe "Re
publicans are divided" is very erron
eous. Bossism and the machine have
been defeated, and the party never
had a more favorable opportunity of
securing a victory than during the
coming election. The idea of the
congressional district electing a Demo
crat is preposterous,- for if Eastern
Oregon . went Democratic which
ia not at all probable Mult
nomah's Republican majority would
be sufficient to overcome the
vote. In this district, there cannot be
the least doubt that the meiriber of
congress will be a Republican, and
while we have no personal feeling
against Judge Bennett or Mr. Raley,
the chances of their election are not
worthy of consideration. Either of
these gentlemen, if named on the Dem
ocratic ticFet, will be defeated, and the
acceptance of the nomination will be a
patriotic sacrifice on their part for the
organization. Wasco, Gilliam, Sher
man, Grant, Union and Morrow are
Republican counties, with the proba
bility of Baker being so also, and the
majority given by these will be so
large that it will be impossible for
Democratic Umatilla, . Crook, Harney
and Malheur to overcome. Aside from
a Republican majority which is al
most certain in Eastern Oregon,
Multnomah county is always safe for
2,500 for the Republican congressional
ticket The Democracy has not the least
probability of success in this congres
sional district, and whoever the candi
date may be he will meet with a most
crushing defeat.
The Oregonian reports that thus far
nearly 2000 persons in that city have
confessed conversion, and the number
is daily increasing. This looks very
hopeful for the metropolis, and, if the
good work continues, one may expeo
that the number of honest men will be
sufficient to insure fair treatment of
visitors from the interior. If religion
is taking an upward tendency in
Portland, the people will hope that
there will be less sophistry, chicanery
and duplicity, and that visitors from
the interior will feel safer ia buying
real estate or in purchasing goods. If
Christianity inculcates honesty, it will
make less deception and prevarication,
and if it does not do this, it has done
no good to the community. . '
The Pendleton Tribune truthfully
Bays: it is conceded that ootu tne
Republican and Democratic conven
tions will recognize the reasonable and
just claims of the East Oregon coun
ties and confer the congressional nom
ination upon men resident upon this
side of the mountains. This is right,
but more is due. The increasing pop
ulation here, the rapid material de
velopment and the vitally differing
natural conditions . between the two
sections demand that the vast region
east of the Cascades should be repre
sented npon the supreme bench of the
state. This is reason, not selfishness.
It is in order no for the Demo
cratic press to raise a howl because
President Harrison - did not declare
war against Great Britain before Sal
isbury had an opportunity to explain
his position on the Behring sea ques
tion. If he had it would have been
used against him, and any position he
tatcea win meet witn severe condem
. ... . . .
nation. Like Micawber, the Demo
cratic party is waiting for "something
to turn up" for campaign purposes.
The Prohibitionists are in the field
with a full ticket, and seem deter
mined to keep themselves before the
people if they meet defeat every elec
tion. Fanaticism and perseverance
are closely related by ties of consan
guinity; but these elements are not
the, usual factors of success. Policy
and palaver are more often victorious.
The Silver BUI and the Bhode Island
Kieetlon. .
Washington, March 31. The active
imagination of certain people has been at j
work for a day or two, arid has finally
formulated the story that the silver bill in
the house has only been postponed until
after the election in Rhode. Island, in or-
der to save that state to the democracy if
possible. This is very doubtful, and
probably without any foundation what
ever, because a large number of silver
men, who have already signed the peti
tion asking for the cloture rule in the
house, have quietly given notice that if
the petition ever gets near a sufficient
number of names to induce the speaker
to bring m the rule, that they would have
their names taken off, as they do not
want any further consideuation of the
silver question in the house, previous to
the presidential election. The leaders
of the Democratic party have deliderate
ly determined to sacrifice a lot of South
ern members on the silver question,
whether their places are filled by alliance
men or other Democrats, and they think
they can better afford to do this than to
take the chances of committing the party
by a direct vote in favor of free coinage.
and thus make it impossible to nominate
Cleveland, the only man who stands any
show of being elected in the Democratic
BehrinK Nea Negotiations.
Washington, March. 31. President
Harrison has abandoned his contemplat
ed ducking trip in order to personally
conduct the negotiations for a renewal of
the modus vivendi, having brought the
matter to a point where it seemed prob
able that an early agreement would be
made. He has been busily engaeed
most of the day upon this subject This
afternoon General Foster was with him
some time, and later Senator Morgan, a
member of the senate committee on
foreign relations, spent an hour with the
president. He stated last night there
had been no further written correspond
ence between the two governments. 1 he
negotiations are proceeding wholly by
personal interviews, and the president's
confidence that an agreement will be
speedily reached, is believed to be well
Eight feosle Burned to Besth.
Freiburg. March 31. A family of
eight persons were burned to death in a
house last night through ignition of pe
Freah oysters served in eyery style at
the Columbia Candy Factory.
A Bis flanging Bee.
Butte, MoDt March 80. Startling
news reached here from Lander, Wyo.,
to day. It ia to the effect that in north
ern Wyoming iu a tew days from now
75 cattle rustlers will stretch hemp at the
greatest hanging bee ever recorded iu tbe
country. Iu 1888 in northern Montana
between 40 and 50 cattle and horse
thieves were hanged by tbe ranchers as
rapidly as they could be captured; but
Wyoming promises to beat tbe record,
unless, all signs tail. For ten years past
a band of cattle rustlers have operated in
that region of the country east aod south
of the National Park. Tbe courts have
been powerless to convict, owing to ttiu
perfect organization of tbe trained wit
nesses, whose testimony was always over
whelming in favor of the defendants.
Tbe thieves were so bold that for a long
time the; have been doing business as an
incorporated company with bigb-sound-ing
names. A hundred ranchers and big
cattle companies all over Montana, Wyo
ming and eastern Nebraska, having cattle
south of tbe Crow reserve, have suffered
losses of from ten to seyeral hundred
head of cattle aod horses, and such has
been the extent of the stealing, in some
cases, that whole herds have disappeared.
No maverick ever escaped tbe clutches
of the rustlers. It is evident they have
grown rich from their excursions. At
last tbe cattlemen have got together. A
delegation of thirty from Eastern Mon
tana passed through here a few days ago,
armed to the teetb, and with horses, grain,
etc. They came down on tbe railroad.
At some point of rendezvous near
lander, they will meet by agreement at
least 150 other men, all prepared for the
expedition, and coming from different
polDts ia Montana. Idaho, Wyoming aod
Nebraska. Tbe expedition will be fully
200 strong, and is probably even now
right in toe heart of the cattle country
hanging the rustlers. There are men in
that region who do not belong to tbe
rustlers, but who have been in terror of
their lives to such an extent they dare
not expose tbe thieves. When the ex
pedition gets to work, tbe rustlers will
all be pointed out by these men. and
many a tree will furnish a gibbet upou
which the cattle thieves will meet their
doom. At least seventy-five, perhaps
one hundred men, will thus go out uf the
business. No definite news of this
wholesale banging will reach the tele
graph office for a week or ten dtvs after
tbe clean-un shall take place. Perhaps
many bloody encounters will take place
before the rustlers wilt give up the ghest.
Tbe cattle companies, it is understood,
raised $20,000 to defray tbe expenses of
the expedition. This raid of extermina
tion was planned about two mODths ago,
but it gained such wide publicity that it
was abandoned. Since then the move
was reorganized, and the utmost secrecy
has prevailed until now.
Beady to Settle.
Guthrie, O. T., March 29 Clifford E.
Seay, private secretary to the governor,
has just returned fiom tbe line of the
Cheyenne and Arapahoe reservations.
All of tbe allotments to Indians have
been completed, county seats and lines
finally located and other preliminary
arrangements made. Everything is now
in readiness for the president's proclama
tion. At Kingfisher and Hennessey every
hotel and boarding bouse is packed, and
hnndreds are living in temporary tents.
Every incoming train is loaded down.
Thousands are coming in wagons. Wa
gon trains can be seen going in that di
rection, some of which are a mile in
length. A message from one of tbe vil
lages in tbe Indian country 100 miles east
of here says that nearly 500 negroes
have passed through, coming to
the new lands on foot from Arkansas.
It is estimated that by April 10, the date
fixed for the opening, fully 6000 will be
ready to enter the lands. About one
nrth of these will - be negroes. Tbe
Cheyenne and Arapahoe tribes, who have
been allotted lands to this reservation
number 8200, and note of tbem are civ
ilized in tbe least. It has been but a few
years since they were openly on the war-
Standalsy Burning.
Calcutta, March 30 Dispatches from
Mandalay, tbe capital of Burmab, say a
fire has been raging there since 11 o'clock
last night. Three-fourths of tbe city is
in ashes and the fire is not checked. Tbe
loss of life is great. The rest of tbe city
will be destroyed before morning and
about 25.000 families will be homeless.
Among the buildings destroyed are the
ola palace, the new government telegraph
I uuibg MIU fcl?u IfUUTOUWi
Tbe .whole business portion of the city
will be swept sway. Chief Secretary
Symea baa appealed to tbe English in
Rangoon for aid. He telegraphed that
thousands will die, unless tood and medi
cines for tbe injured are sent at once
Several physicians left Rangoon for tbe
f.ity tonight, and food will be sent to
morrow. The residence of Sir Alexaoder
Mackenzie, chief commissioner, was
burned this morning and two of bis ser
vants were mortally injured. The total
number of those severely burned
thought to be about 2500. ' Tbe latest
reports say that the loss of life may reach
ssuu, ana perhaps more.
Tne Anarrhlsts In France
Paris, March 30 In accordance witr
tbe decision of the government to adopt
most stringent measures to suppress tbe
anarchists, an order for their expulsion
from France was today communicated to
forty of tbe leading foreign anarchists in
Paris. No actual crime is charged, but
the authorities are determined to prevent
them Irom committintr violence here.
j They are known to be hand in glove with
tbe French anarchists, and it is believed
they will be far less dangerous if driven
trom ' the country. Several anarchists,
warned a short time ago to leave France,
paid no attention to tbe warning. Today
they were taken in charge by the police
and conducted to tne frontier.
Wonted in Jortlnnd. .
Helena, Montana, March 30 George
Love, alias Walker, alias J. W. Westlake,
was arrested last nigbt at Granite on tbe
charge of counterfeiting. About a year
ago be was ai rested at Denver under tbe
name of Walker, but managed to escape.
He was arrested again and locked uo at
Kansas City, but again escaped and came
to Montana, tie baa been working at
Granite aa a miner. Upon bis person
was found about $200 in raised bills, and
bid in tbe lining of bis coat be bad a
number of fine saws. A complete set of
burglars' tools were found in his rooms
and also more raised bills. He is said to
be wanted in Portand for embezzlement.
Fonr Killed by One Bullet.
Phcsnix, A. T., March 80. A remark
able accident occurred near Palomas
Mexxo, to a Mormon family Saturday
B. B. Young was riding behind another
wagon when a loaded' gun in tbe front
wagon wag accidentally discharged. The
ball pierced Mr. Yonng's shoulder, then
his son's hip. through tbe baby's head,
and struck Mrs. Mary Roberts.a daughter
of Mr. Young. The bullet seriously
wounded tbe lather and son, killed tbe
baby instantly, and slightly wounded
Mrs. Roberts.
Becrd f a VU1J.
Pabis, Marcb 31. Ravachol, tbe an
archist leader, was subjected to a rigor
ous examination as to bis past life, last
log five boors. . Tbe result showed him a
greater villain than was supposed. He
confessed to tbe murder of tbe old her
mit of Notre Dame, De Grace, but denied
tbe murder of an old man-servant at
Yanaoll in 1885, and bis former wife in
1888.' His denial, however, was not very
strong, and many discrepancies appeared
in bis replies in relation to tbem. The
police are of tbe belief they will yet dis
cover evidence that be killed both. Some
time ago an old man was killed with an
ax. W hen Ravachol was questioned in
regard to this crime, his answer was very
weak. He was a graveyard gboul, and
told of a number of graves he bad robbed.
When the police searched his lodgings
they found among other evidences of
criminal operations a set ot counter
feiter's tools. When questioned regard
ing tbe possession of these unlawful
belongings he cooly acknowledged that
be belonged to a gang of counterfeiters,
but persistently refused to make any ad
mission that would lead to tbe detection
of bis conlederates. It is acknowledged
on all sides the police bad good reason to
believe tbat Ravachol would make a des
perate resistance against arrest, and those
who condemned them for not arresting
him some days ago now admit the police
were right in not attempting to effect a
capture until they had made sure thei-e
was no chance of bia escape. The Echo
states tbat Ravachol admitted he was tbe
author of the Boulevard St. Germain ex
plosion. Tbe chief of detectives asserts
that Chaumartin, an accomplice of Rava
chol now . under arrest, betrayed his
leader and told tbe police tbat Ravachol
intended to blow up tbe house ot Bulot,
one of tbe prosecuting counsel in the
recent anarchist trials. Bulol's residence,
39 Rue Clicby, was the scene of tbe
destructive explosion of Sunday morning.
Ravachol lived at St. Maude, near tbe
Wcod of St. Yincennes, four miles south
east of Paris. He was seen going to
Paris Sunday morning, carrying a small
portmanteau. Ravachol is watched in
prison night and day by three detectives.
He is the illegitimate son of German
parents, born in France.
Fight Between Cenvlcts.
San Francisco, March 31. There was
a bloody affray at San Quentin prison
yesterday. None of tbe guards were at
tacked, for it was a convicts' quarrel.
Martin Gleeson and James Wilkinson,
convicts, engaged in a desperate conflict,
which would have r suited in tbe certain
death of both had it not been terminated
by the timely in'erfereoce of the guards
Both men were ordered to roll a number
of kales of jute from the inclosure into
the jute mill. Everything apparently
went well until alter tne dinner hour,
when tbe men resumed work. It ap -pears
tbat Gleeson accused Wilkinson of
trying to shirk bis work. The accusation
aroused Wiikiuson'a ire, and without
warning he rushed at Gleeson aud at
tempted to strike him with a bale book.
Gleeson was equal to the occasion, and,
also having a bale book in bis band, re
ccived Wilkiusoo by striking him in tbe
mouth with the hook. Gleeson followed
up his temporary advantage, aud before
Wilkinson could retaliate lore his lace in
several places with his wenpou. When
Wilkinson found be had lust all his front
teeih, add on the whole was getting a
good deal tbe worst ot the affray, he drew
his knife, used for cutting hemp, and
slashed bis opponent across tbe throat.
Several guaTds, who noticed the commo
tion, appeared, and forced Wilkinson into
a dungeon, while Gleeson, who was
bleeding profusely, was removed to tbe
prison hospital. Tbe doctor considers
the weund very dangerous.
Oh, What a Difference 1
Philadelphia, March 31. Claus
Spreckels, whose immense sugar refinery
was recently absorbed by tbe sugar trust,,
left for San Francisco with bis family at
noon in a special car attached to a regu
lar train on tbe , Pennsylvania road.
Much disappointment is felt at his de
parture, as his choice of a site in this city
for the location of bis refinery, with
which be proposed to fight tbe sugar
trust, was a source of much gratification
to members of the board of trade and
other organizations working for tbe com
mercial advancement of the city. With
tbem Spreckels frequently showed a de
sire to co-operate, and great expectation
was entertained in consequence. The
"Hawaiian sugar king" always declared
he would maintain bis independence, and
from time to time most emphatically
denied the numerous rumors that bis re
finery had been adsorbed by tbe trust.
With the recent sales of his property to
that organization, however, Spreckels
ha apparently lost all interest in this
city. ,
A Spokane Mystery.
Spokane, March 29. At 3 o'clock this
morning Trix Layton, wife of Al Layton, a
gambler, was found in her rooms with a bul
let through her brain. She had been dead
but a short time, and was not yet cold in
death. Half an hour previous a police officeri
hearing cries from the river, climbed down
the 'bank and found Layton in the water,
clinging to a log and almost dead from the
chill. The man was taken out and removed
to the police - station, and another gambler
went to tbe room to inform his wife, when the
discovery was made that she was dead. On a
table in the room was found this note: "I
love my Al; I am to blame for it all, Al: for
give me, my darling." The opinion is about
evenly divided between murder and suicide.
Layton refused to. talk. The couple had been
quarreling violently for two days. Some be
lieve that in a fit of desperation the woman
shot herself, others believe that she wrote the
note and started to leave Layton, but met him
at the door and was murdered. This belief is
strengthened by the fact that when found she
was clad in a cloak, hat and gloves. The
couple came from San Francisco about six
weeks ago. Layton had been dealing faro in
the Richelieu gambling rooms. He is about
45 years of age, and the woman is less than
A Belgn of Terror.
Paris, Match 29. The police are extra
ordinarily active after the anarchists. The
money loss to the city on account of the recent
explosion is very great. Many visitors are
leaving the city. It is not known where the
next blow will strike. There is no denying
the fact that the expressed intention of the
anarchists to inaugurate a reign of terror has
caused great consternation. An important
meeting of the authorities was held at the
ministry of the interior today.- The situation
was discussed in all its bearings. It was ar
ranged to execute stringent measures for the
prevention of further outrages. The resi
dences of prominent officials are guarded day
and night. Thevenet, ex-minister of lustice.
has received a threatening letter. Judge
isenoit, against whom the recent explosion in
the boulevard St. Germain was directed, has
been notified to quit by his landlord, who says
u tne judge remains the tenants will leave.
rigaro publishes interviews with two lead
ing anarchists. They declare the members of
the party are acting singly on their own re
sponsibility. There was no preconcerted plan
to cause the explosions. Both expressed them
selves del;ghted with the moral effect of the
explosions, which, they said, would direct
greater attention to their doctrines.
Rioting tm Prague. '
Pkaguk, March 29. In spite; of tbe inter
diction by the government, the native Czechs
gathered in great numbers last night to cele
brate tbe anniversary of tbe birth of John
Comenius, a distinguished seventeenth-century
educational reformer. The police charged
the crowd with drawn swords. The latter
resisted with sticks, and were only dispersed
after a desperate Dattle and many arrests.
The crowd assembled at another point, de
nounced Minister of Education Gaulsch and
cheered for Comenius. The police charged
again and another battle ensued, resulting like
the former. The crowd then started for the
Jewish quarter to wreak vengeance on the
Hebrews. On the road they were met by a
detachment of mounted police. Refusing to
turn pack, tne police sparred their horses into
the crowd, slashing right and left with swords.
They met a stubborn resistance, and it was
only after drawing off, re-forming and mak
ing a second charge that the rioters were put
to rout, very many of them with severe sword
wounds or injuries caused by being trampled
upon by the hones. They were removed to
the hospitals and their wounds dressed, and
then locked up. All is quiet today. No
further trouble is feared.
Sirs. Greenwood's Slayer.
Boisx, March 29. The sheriff of Boise
county has in custody W. F. Smith, whom h;
is certain is one of the murderers of Mr.
Greenwood, of Napa, CaL The man answers
the description of one of the men in every
particular; and his actions, both before and
after his arrest, only serve to strengthen the
sheriffs beliel that he is the man wanted.
Smith came to Idaho City several days ago.
He registered at the only hotel in the place
and said he walked across the moun a'ns from
Warrens. At this season of the year no man
could perform this feat and survive. Smith
was at once the object of suspicion. The
sheriff discovered that his signature upon the
hotel register was identical with the chirog.
raphy of the missing murderer, and other
peculiarities were noted. After his arrest,
Smith refused to be photographed, and so
distorted his face that a poor likeness was
secured. The photograph will be sent to the
Napa sheriff. Tomorrow, a man with a
kodac will take a snap shot at Smith, hoping
to get a good likeness.
Oregon City Enterprise: On Thursday, tho
17th of Marcb, Mr. S. W. Moss celebrated
bia 83d birthday. He was born in Paris,
Bourbon county, Kentucky, March 17,
1810. The old gentleman has led an active
life, most of it having been spent in pioneer
work. He has been in Oregon City more
than half a century. He built the first
hotel, the first It very stable, du the first
well, removed first stump, built the brut
board fence in town, and built and ran the
fiist ferry boat on the Willamette riyer, do
ing all this work with his own hands and
unaided by anybody. He harvested wheat
on the land where the city of Saleni now
stands. The old gentleman is remarkably
vigorous for one of his years. He writes a
fist as regular as copper plate. He has- a
retentive memory and is quite a repository
of interesting historical facta pertaining to
tnis country, lie promises to enjoy lite a
number of years yet.
Children Cry
" Castoria Is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
mown 10 me. a. a. archer, u. l-
111 South Oxford St., Brooklyn, M. Y
"I una Cantorla in my practice, aod find It
specially auaineu uMuxecraons 01 cnuuren."
1067 2d Are,, New York.
"Trom persona knowledge I can my that
Castoria is a most excellent medicine (or chit-
oxen." Da. Q. C Osgood,
Lowell, liuM.
Castoria -promotes Digostioii, and
overcomes Flatulency, Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Fevenahnesa,
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep xtntoraX Cnstorls contains no
Jlorphine or other narcotic property.
: Pimples, Hoadaches, Loss of:
Sleep, a Weary Feeling, Pains In;
j Body or Limbs, Want of Appetite, j
Eruptions. If you suffer from:
any of these symptoms, take
WHY ? Cscaura Your Blood U Impure I ;
S Have you ever used mercury? If so.;
did you give yourself the needed attention
at the timer Don't you know that as!
! long as the mercury la in the system, yon
will feel the effects of It? We need not
tell you that you require a blood medicine, !
t to ensure freedom from the after effects.
doctor Acker's English I51ood
Elixir 1b the only known medicine that 2
" will thoroughly eradicate the poi?on from 5
the svstem. Got it from your drugcrist,"
Sorwriteto W. H. HOOKER ACO.;
a : 46 West Broadway, w vorK.
The smoker
that has once tried ;
" Seal of North Carolina,"
will have
no other tobacco,
simply because
no better
can be made.
Imitations lack
the delightful
that only can
be found in "Seal."
Packed m Patat Cloth Pimdiaa ad in TaO.
'Tis to y eu, mothers and daughters,
that I wish to talk;
And to the children that are lust
learning to walk;
And all who mcy need anvthine in
my line
I will give you prices that you'll hard
ly decline.
One needs Bonnets and Ribbons.
whilst others need Hats;
Some will need Dresses and Ruching,
and possibly Laps.
Possibly Aprons, Collars and Ties-
there are manv that do.
Should you want Flowers and Feath-
era, you li find them all new.
The Third-street Millinery is the
place to buy.
Tbe prices are low, but quality high.
The styles- are the latest give us a
And find that prices have taken a falL
j Mill
The l.ev Umatilla
SINNOTT & FISH, Proprietors
Free Omnibus to and trom the Hotel
Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety cf &!! Valuables
Ticket and Baggage Office of the UNION PACIFIC Railway Company, and Office qj the
Western Union Telegraph Company, are in Hotel.
0U Want
We keep the Largest and Best Assorted Line
in the city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents'
Furnishing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies'
and Children's Fine Shoes.
We Want Your Patronage.
Of course we will put Prices to suit. Always
do that. Nobody undersells us. Come around
and investigate. k
AD. KELLER, Proprietor.
Port 81, m
Sherry 81
Muscat 83,
Angelica 83,
Mountain 83
an Gregorio Tineyard Co. A yenoj .
All Wines and Brandies
The Best Wines, Liquors
Try the best remedy for
Best Stock and
Second Htreet,
391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET,
(Adjoining Railroad Depot.)
Prompt Attention to those who
The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc.,' Etc
, , Proprietors of tUe .
' are THE LEADERS in
School Books, Stationery, Notions, Pianos, Organs, Music, Fancy Goods, Ci
gars, Toys, Baby Carriages
lOS Second Htreet,
Gicr&LTicL&Lll & Burnet,
Fine Upholstered Goods
Furniture, CarpeU, aUttinza, Parlor
T7xl.d.exta32iIle . a, Specls,lt3r.
Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc.
Can be found at all hours of the day or night at their place of business,
160 SISOOISD STREET. The Dtilleti.
San' --Francisco' Bser Hall
Buy Imported Winks,
Tour Dry Goods
Burffundv 83. .
ZinfaDdel 84,
Riesling 83,
Hock 83,
Table 'Claret
Guaranteed Strictly Pure,
and Cigars Always on Sale.
Dyspepsia, M Dandelion Tonic."
and Carpets.
Lowest Prices.
1 Tlie Dalles. Oreiron
: Solicited !
favor mo with their patronage.
and Express Wagons.
Ornaments, Window 8hu!, Ete.
Liqwoes and Cigars.
and Forwardm