HOIJST.4IXB1CU, Velume XXXI TIJUSS-aiOPSTAiaiKliB. " PRINTED EVERY SATURDAY " BT . John Mighell, Editor and Proprietor TERMS OP SUBSCRIPTION. Single copy, one year - Single copy ai. months. ' 'i SO-Terms strictly In advanM -S4.0. . 1M. a.ittth Pnibt&ce at The Dallet.Or., at second Clou Matter for trantmitnon through the maus. LIST Of STATE AND COUNTY OFFICIALS. n,., .:... 8 . Ponnover Secretary of Stat iL,;?I?BK Treasurer Phillip iletschau Hnnarinundentof Public Instruction.. E. fl. McKlroy : 1 j. N. Dolpb Senators .. j. H. Mitchell Congressman HUM Frinter . . . " COCST Sheriff Clerk Treasurer Commissioner. B. Hermann Frank Baker ..D.L.Cates J. B.Crossen ...Geo. Ruch ..Frank Kinoaid John K. Barnett suTv. v. .v:.v. v:.v. v.v:.v. v. v:.. . . r f. shP Superintendent of Public Schools iroy.-ucue. Coroner .William Hicheli Professional Crda. jyB.. H. LOGAN. Physician and Surgeon, Oraci: Booms 2 and S in Land Office Building o. C. HOLL1STER, Phvsician and Surgeon, . Booms over Dalles National Bank. Office hours-14 A.M. to 12 M., and from i to 4 P.M Residence West end of Third street. jyt. 8. B. WALTER. Physician and Surgeon. Diseases of Children Sherman Co., Oregon. speciality. Erskiusville B.LC. TATLOR, Physician and Surgeon. Room No. 1, over Fonts Wilson's, in Jackson Bouse, The Dalles, Or. janm , pR. W. E. BINEHABT, '.."' Physician and Surgeon, : Boon, 1, Chapman Block, over Nielsen's store. Office hours 10 to IS A M and to 4, 7 to 8 P M Residence on Union Street corner of Ninth. JtiDTHEBLAXD, M. D.; CM., Trinity , University, Toronto; F. T. M. C; M. C. P. and 8, Ontario; Physician and Surgeon. Omcl Chapman Block, rooms II and 4. . Rbsidskcb Judge Thornbury's, Second street, u rues Hoobs 10 to IS a. M.; 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 r. u TQK. . 17. TBCKEB, ; DENTIST. :55i , Office over French & Co.'s Bank. ' 9-Nitrous. Oxid and Vituiied painless extracting Ga en for ,J-JE. O. D. DOANE, x . Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE Booms B and 6 Chapman Block. RESIDENCE No. 2S Fourth Street, one block south of court bouse. - Office hours 0 to 12 A U, 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 P M. " J. B. OOIfDOS. J. W. 0OSBOT. QONDON As CONDON, Attorneys at Law. Office On Court street, opposite the Id Court House, The Dalles, Or. 8. BENNETT, . .' Attorney at Liaw, .' Office in Schanno's building, up-stsirs. The Dalles t - Oregon. H. WILSON. Attorney at Law, ' Booms 62 and 63, New Vogt Block, The Dallas, - Oregon j. I. STORT. , w. l. bsadshaw. S' TOBY a BBADSHAW, Attorneys at Law. The Dalles, Oregon. G. KOONTZ, J. Real Estate. Insurance and Loan Agent Agents for the Scottish Union and National In u ranee company of Edinjurgh, Scotland, Capita 0,000,000. . Valuable Farms near the City to sell on easy erms. Office over Post Office, The Dalles, Or. ' ' . J. BOBEETS, Civil Engineer and Surveyor Office in Rush's, building, comer, of Second and Washington streets. . Address Box 107, The Dalles, Or. J JL HUNTINGTON a CO,' , : ' Title, Abstracts, Real state and Fire . IN8TJBANCE. The only abstracts of titles in Wasco Coonty . 13S SECOND STREET, THE DALLES, OR. -yynxiAM BLUM, ARCHITECT, . THE DALLES, OREGON. Plans for buildings drafted, and estimates given. All letters coming to me through the post office will receive prompt attention. Thompson's Addition DALLES CITY. Now Ready for Sale on Easy Terms. Now is the tlmeito buy while . PRICES ARE LOW. This tract has been surveyed and platted in acre tracts with convenient streets and avenues and so arranged that purchasers can get one block or sev eral acres in a body. The laml is comparatively level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, location pleasant, beautiful and easy to access and Joins the ity immediately on the east. Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. FOB SALE BY Tie Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For particulars apply at the office of the Company Booms 7 and 8, Land Office Building, The Dalles, Or. COMB AND 8EE THE PROPERTY. ' : THORNBURY & HUDSON, Real Estate Agents. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. Caah wdnnom made on conrixnment, ' WATER NOTICE. 'An AND AFTER .APBIL pst, parties putting II In or usirg water closets wilh a continuous stream of water will be charged 5 per month; pat ent shutofls at the old rate. aaxmmtam.-- . a: x CONSOLIDATED 1882. QREQON LIVE STOCK o MUTUAL o INDEMNITY ASSOCIATION Home office Ashland, Jackson county, Or. J H LARSEN, AGENT, THE DALLES, 01 Will insure against all diseases or accidents, or any cause of death or total disability, except aj toe cruel or careless act of the owner. Anv disease or accident which rend rs the animal unfit for work or use Is considered tots 1 sability and the full amount of the policy will be paia. in nisnM hKri n. from the date of makine out Dolicv Animals under ten years old can be insured for two years. Terms reasonable and within the reach of al own inir valuable entile, horses or sheep. No insurance taken on stock on the ranife. Will examine any subject on application in any part of Eastern Oregon. Insurance iriven for three- fourths of the value of the animal. Office, Second St., near the Old Mint. P. O. Box 347. J. H. LARSEN, The Dalles. HE OLD ESTABLISHED COLUMBIA BREWERY Second St., East End, AUGUST BUCKLER, PROP. Has been refitted throughout with the LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY And is now manufacturing the Best Keg and 3ottIed Beer and Porter In Eastern Oregon. Mr. Buchler alwavs aims to adopt che latest brew Ing apparatus and will furnish his customers bee equal toaxy n market: wtf A. A. BBOWN A FULL ASSORTMENT WE M Ml GROCERIES, AND PBOYISIONS, Soecial Prices to Cash Buyers. Re-opened at No. 109, Union Street First Building north of Court House. , , Wtlf Mmnv, nn rtr arm'tir. KnvpmhAr 1st to the first door east of Crandall & Burgett's furniture store No. 170, Second street. "101 EXCHANGE" : SALOON. BAN BAKER, Prop'r. Near the Old Hint) Second St, THE DALLES, : OR Keeps on hand tbe best , Wines, Iipors and ' Cigars. FREE LUNCH EVERY EVENIHC. N. THORNBURY. : , T. A. HUDSON. THORNBURY S HUDSON, ; INSURANCE lnaxiey. . to Iioa.n. on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to aB hinds oj Land business be fore the U. 8. Land Office. Booms 7 and 8, up-stalrs, U. S. Land Office building;. THB DALLES, OREGON Charles F. Lauer, Proprietor of the , Scccnd St. Pcultry ani Fi:h Market Will always keep on sale Puget Sound Fish, Chickens, Turkeys, Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars. Leave tout orders, as they willrecelve prompt tention. HENBY L KTJCK, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, -THE DALLES, . - OREGON A II sjfketlon ti mrswteed to Cilve Ha CITY BAKERY -AND- 1 Second and Union Streets. A. L. NEWMAN, Proprietor THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smitb., Prop'r. Muy at Horn, and Save Freights and' Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THE DALLES OREGON. w. & EVANS, . Successor to 8peichiiurer Bros. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Fine Confectionery, Nuts, Fruits, To bar ra. nsara. Etc " Proprietor of the QTJA.lt: It UAIRY, The DjJles, Oregon G.T.THOMPSON. A.W. FABUHEB. THOMPSON & FARCHER, ; General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St. Hono-SatM ng and General Jobbing a Specialty- Prices reasonable and to suit the times, s., FMULY GROCERIES Tie Dalles National Bank OF DALLES CITY, OR. President, Cashier, ..Z. F. General Banking Business Transacted Sight Exchanges sold od NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, PORTLAND, OK tS Collections made on favorable terms at all ac cessiljle olnu. 8. SCHENCK, President. H. M. BEALL Cashier. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF THE DALLEH. (Succeaeor to) SCHENCK & BEALL. BANKERS, TRANSACTS A REGULAR BANKING B USINESS BUT AND SELL EXCHANGE. COLLECTIONS CAB E FULLY MADE AND J PROMPTLY ACCOUNTED FOB. DRAW ON NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO AND rUKTliAND. Directors t D P Thompsoh, Ed M Williams, 1 S SCHIHCK, G 80 RGB A LlKBS, H M BRALti. feh Mis cell ail eons ' S. L. YOUNG, (Successor to E. Beck. ROCK FORD Quick-Train. WATCHES Unequal EXACTING SERVICE Used the U. S. cotrnfzt?d u THB Coast 8nr- iy: In BEST. Sold KavaJ Oh-1 in nrinclDal nerratoryiby Locomotive dtlesAtowna exclusive Enaineere Con- dTUTtora and other Jewelers), with m full Warrantj-. BsUlwar men. Thej -DEALER IN- Mk, Clocks, Jewelry, DIAMONDS SILVERWARE, ETC. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired AND WARRANTED. Second Street. THE D AXLES, OR. THE BALDVin Cor. Court and Front Streets. . THE DALLES, : : OREGON. Wis, lipors and Cigars. None bnt the Best Quality of Liquors and the-Best Brands of Cigars on sale. '" ' . . .' C Kentucky Straight Whisky From $3 to $5 Per Gallon. A. BETTINGEN, JR, Pboprietob. F 8. GUNNING. J. D. HOCKMAN. Gunning & flockman . GBNEBAXi Blacksmiths. In the new shop on Second street, first blacksmith shop east of French & Co.'s brick block. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. All kinds of work in iron, whether of sgricnltuial implements or vehicles, done in the most mechan ical style, and satisfaction guaranteed. jan2wkv R.E. Saltmarshe -AI THK East M STOCK YARDS, , 'WXXI. PAT THE HighestCash Price for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. H. GLENN. Is again at his old stand and has on hand FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, made r to order. . . car Contracts for all kinds of build ing taken at the lowest fitmres. 10 EEWAED. LOST A BAT MARE, three Tears old, branded something similar to a Z on left shoulder; weight 1112 pounds. The above reward will be puid to any one giving me information that will lead to her recovery. JAMES MULCoBE. dec5 Condon, Or. "Siflger" Sewing Machines -AT- 81 Third Street. J.O. MACK. WHOLESALE . FRENCH'S Seeoad Street. ' - BLOCK. - The SaJlas III MT r i Ifvr '"" JJ SK. W Ifi Iststwy- V aW w vsif. t sy a. JU Liqour Dealer War With Eoziand. Washington, March 23 The sole sub ject of taik in official circles is tbe dan ger of war with England. Few believe that war will result, but all see the dan ger nf it and look for England to recede from the position she has taken, as the; regard that position as utterly utenable. Tbe prevailing: opinion seems to be that war is preferable to tbe United States re tiring from the position sbe has taken No team are expressed as to the ultimate outcome should a war be declared, but at t,e same time, while Dot expecting it, tht United States will Dot be wholly uo i re pared should it come. Aside from tbe iiC ivity wbicb was displayed by the navy, in anticipation of trouble with Chili, the officials of tbe army are begin uing to bestir themselves in acquainting themselves with tbe strength of tbe -Dt-my. . The United States navy is now Htrnnger than far many years and atten tion is being directed to the army. In the event of war Canada would doubtless be attacked and overrun immediately. THB RELATIVE STRENGTH. The official reports of the Canadian government show it has in tbe militia 36,000 men. On tbe mu star rolls qf tbe talis, there are 140,000 militiamen. Tbe United States army is 25,090 stroDg, and a formidable force is now on the Cana dian border. Tbe Nineteenth infantry is Rationed at Detroit, Mich.; the Ninth in fantry at Sackert s Harbor, N. T.: five companies at Forts Niagara and Potter, and tbe Fourteenth icfantry at Vancouver, Wash. Aside from this formidable force, which could be thrown into CaDada at the several points at a few hours notice, strong bodies oi United States troops are stationed along the Canadian border at Forts Bulord, Spokane, Sherman and Assiniboine. These facts' were very generally discussed at the war depart ment today and created some little en thusiasm as tbe old veterans of tbe last war sniffed the battle from afar.. A .Reply fteeeivea. Washington, March 27. Lord Salis bury 'a reply to. Acting Secretary Whar tou's note of tbe 22d in St., expressing tbe hope of the president that Lord Salisbury would give prompt and lnendly assist auce to a renewal of last year's modus vlvendi for the protection of seal life in the Behrjng Sea, was before tbe presidcut this afternoon. It bears date of the 26tb, and was received by Mr. Wharton today, through Sir Julian Pauncefote. When Mr. Wharton laid it before the president he bad a brief talk with him regarding tbe contents. Ntitber the president nor tbe secretary would indicate through tbe press tbe nature of the communication. ' THB BEPLY IN FULL. London, March " 27. Lord Salisbury, under date of March 26, replied as fol lows to Sir Julian Pauncefote, in response to Mr. Wharton's note of March 22 : "Notice has been given to owners of ships sailing for Bebring sea that the agreements to arbitrate and the immedi ate arrangements . under . discussion be- ween Great Britain ana tbe toned States may affect tbe liberty of sealing in Bebring sea. Tbey bad notice of tbeir liability to interruption and will sail sub ject to that notice. The question of time therefore not urgent. We concur in thinking that wbeu the treatv has been ratified there will arise a new state ot hings. Until it is ratified our contract will be governed bv your note ot June 14, 1890. But when it is ratified both parties must admit that tbe contingent rights, hich both desire to protect, become vested in tbe other. . We think the pro hibition of sealing, if it stands alone, woud be unjust to British sealers if tbe arbitrators should decide adversely to tbe United States. We are willing, however, when the treaty shall be ratified, to agree to an arrangement similar to last year's, if the United State will consent that tbe rbitrators, in the event of a decision ad verse to tne United States, snail assess the damages inflicted on the British sealers during tbe pending arbitration and in tbe event of a decision adverse to Great Britain assess the damages wbicb tbe limitation of slaughter shall during the pendency of the arbitration have in flicted on the United States or its lessees. As an alternative we are willing after tbe ratification of tbe treaty, to prohibit seal log in the disputed waters, if vessels be excepted from prohibition, wbicb produce certificates that tbey have given security for such damages as tbe arbitrators may assess, in case tbe decision in adverse to Great Britain, the arbitrators to receive tbe necessary authority in that respect. In this case the restriction of slaughter on the islands will not in point of equity be necessary. Her majesty's government 13 unable to see any other than one of these two methods ot restricting seal hunting in disputed waters during tbe arbitration, which would be equitable to both par ties." Blaise at the Helm. Washington, March 25. Tbe serious ness of the Bebring sea situation is shown by the attendance of Secretary Blaine at the cabinet meeting today, notwithstand ing his recent illness. The other mem bers were all present. Secretaries Foster and Tracy held a conference prior to tbe meeting, presumably in regard to orders to naval and revenue vessels assigned to the duty of patrolling the sealing grounds. is practically settled the warships Charleston, Baltimore, Boston, Torktown, Adams, Banger and Mohican and the revenue vessels Corwin, Bear, Rush and Albatross will be assigned to this duty. It is understood a decision was reached that tbe government would await tbe reply of Lord Salisbury to the president's 4ast note before proceeding on tbe as sumption that tbe English government will not co-operate in the measures of protection to tbe sealing industry. Coulee IaeenseA at a Gambler's Bash Deed. CorjLEB Crrr, Wash., March 25 There has been intense excitement ' here this week over the shooting of Charles H. Pascoe, a reputable citizen, by John Cor ley, a gambler, in a saloon. Tbe excite ment culminated this morning in a ver dict of murder in tbe first degree, brought by tbe coroner's jury. For three nights past, threats of lynching Corlev aye been made, but tbe lynchers have lai ed to appear. The killing of Pasco wa in one sense accidental, as Uorley was shooting at another person at the its. The prisoner was safely conveyed Waterville tbis morning. - A Nihilities Sntclde. London, March 25 Apotowski, one of the nihilists suspected of having planned and executed the wrecking of the czar's railway, train at Borki a few years ago, has committed suicide while temporarily insane. Jost before tbe affair at Borki be disappeared from his accustomed haunts. He was a doctor by profession and very Old.' He bad always been a somewhat mvs trious pers6o,"tnd did not thotough- lv fraternize with tbe oihilUts, though be r . I J I -' f T - I was one oi tueir ouuiuer. ats was iraueu by tbe Russian police to Berne, and later THE DALLES, OREGON, SATURDAY. APRIL 2, 1892. to Paris. In 18S8 be appeared in London where be baa resided ever since, being constantly under the watcb ot Scotland Yard detectives. For a year or two after coming to London Apotowki was Known to receive assistance from Russian nihi lists. He finally became demented and wrote menacing letters to tbeizar, Prince Bismark and other high personages. His activity in this respect kept tbe foreign officers of Europe busy witb complaints and inquiries. Of late tbe wretched old man had lodged witb a French cook in Chatton garden. Mj aterloaa Asuiault in a Tunnel . kose burg, ur., jtlarcn Zo. .Last eve ning as P. Devine, a Southern Pacific trackwalker, and Miss Eva Daley were coming through tunnel No. 3, on tbe way to West Fork, on a railroad veloci pede, a wire which bad been stretched across the tunnel caught Devine under the chic, throwing both from the veloci pede. Immediately thereafter a man as saulted Devine with a club. After fight ing him some time Devine managed to make bis way out of tbe tunnel and reach tbe station house three miles away. He geve tbe alarm and . the section crew immediately started for the scene of tbe trouble. Mr. Devine was brought to Ro'eburg on tbe overland for medical treatment. The affair is surrounded in mystery, as no cause can be given for the assault. Miss Daley was also attacked. but can give no account of bow it hap pened. Sbe laid in tbe tunnel unconsci ous all night, but at daylight she re covered sufficiently to como to the station at West . Fork, four miles distant, and was brought here on tbe 3 o'clock freight. Sbe is frightfully injured on the head in five places. Deputy Sheriff Dillard went to tbe scene of tbe tragedy on tbe south bound passenger train, bnt tbe result is not yet known. The Chinese Question. Lockpobt, N. Y., March 26. Ung Hong, who has been in jail here for three months, is free and can snap his fingers at tbe Chinese exclusion act. He smuggled himself into this country from Canada with others, and United States Commissioner Pond- ordered that be be returned to Canada. The case was ap pealed to United States District Judge Cox, of Albany, who confirmed Com missioner Pond's decision. Deputy United States Marshal Tom Weaver took Ung to the suspension bridge today and put him safely on tbe queen's domain. When crossing the bridge to Canada the customs officials refused to let Ung over, and told Weaver that if be attempted to put tbe Chinaman oyer tbey would arrest him. Weaver returned to the American side, and having no use for Hong let bim go. Tbe Chinaman with a broad smile boarded the first train for Buffalo. There are now four Chinamen in jail waiting transportation to China; but tbe govern ment has not provided the means for the marshal and bis assistant to made tbe trip. Looking for His) Children. Astokiav Or., March 26. J. I. Louis, a farmer of Deep River, Wash., came to this city today looking for bis four children, Helen, aged 14; James, 18; Albert 11, and Bertha 10. James left home and came to Astoria on the steamer Queen Tuesday. Tbe other tbree left school Wednesday afternoon and have not been seen since to bis knowledge. A divorced wife in Astoria denies all know ledge of the children. The children have always been satisfied witb their borne. Behrloc Sea Arbitration Treaty. ' Washington, March 25. In execntive session today the senate practically com pleted consideration of tbe Bebring sea arbitration treaty. In view of tbe absence of a number of senators, the final vote upon ratification was deferred until Mon day. It is understood a resolution look ing to tbe withholding nt the exchange of nnal ratifications until tbe modus Vivendi is renewed will accompany tbe treaty.- Will Be Batifled. Washington, March ' 28, Lord Salis bury's last communication to tbe presi dent stating the grounds upon wbicb be will consent to renew the modus yivendi, was laid before tbe senate tbis afternoon. In transmitting tbe paper to the senate the president added to the formal letter a statement that Salisbury's reply was very satisfactory and be was preparing a suit able response. The character of this response as indicated in tbe president's letter will be a substantial acceptance of Lord Salisbury's tender, witb a few mod ifications that doubtless will be arranged without difficulty. There ' can be no question the reception of the communica tion largely removed any doubt of tbe favorable action of tbe senate upon tbe treaty and, in fact, when adjournment was had it was the general belief that tbe treaty will be ratified tomorrow. Much of the debate today was devoted to tbe question of damages that might be awarded by tbe arbitrators for or against this country. Senator George took a prominent part in discussing this point, aud, fortified by a number of authorities, proceeded to address tbe senate at length, tbe newest feature of his speech being a eulogistic reference to President Harri son's attitude in tbe negotiations. No specific prediction of the amount of dam ages was attempted, but senators familiar with the subject cite the figures to show that poachers secured 65,000 sealskins last year, which meant tbe destruction of of over 100,000 seals. In dismal places only a small portion was killed, and it is believed tbat not more than 10,000 skins were taken in tbe Bebring sea proper, and taking the government valuation at $10 per skin, the damage we could right fully claim for last year's operations of the poachers would not be considerable. On tbe other band, tbe loss sustained by Canadian vessel-owners, assuming tbey were illegally excluded from tbe seal waters, must be much larger than our ; The Seals are Safte. Washington, March 28. It is said on good authority tbat tbe president and bis cabinet are well pleased with the concil iatory tone of Lord Salisbury's note of tbe 28th inst-, especially as it is held to concede tbe point tbat bas been tbe prin cipal cause of contention, viz.: renewal of the modus Vivendi of last year for the protection of the seal fisheries. The al leged concession is believed to be implied in his proposition, to agree to a moaua Vivendi in case tbe treaty of arbitration is ratified, under tbe' condition that each government shall guarantee the other tor damages incurred tarongn tne suspension of sealing operations. One official, who has been consulted by tbe president in regard to tbe negotiations; said- be was especially pleased witn juora sausDury a admission that Great Britain will bold it self liable for damage resulting to tbe United States because of tbe modus Viv endi in the event tbat the verdict of tbe arbitrators is adverse to the continent. It is said, taking all together, Lord Salis bury's note is satisfactory as indicating a good prospect for an amicable settlement of tbe question at issue. Further corres pondence will be necessary to settle tne method of determining the character of the damage claims. Meeting of the Delegates at - the Court House. LIST OP THB NOMINATIONS A Strong; Ticket Placed Before the . People By the Bepnbiins of Wasco County. The Republican county convention of Wasco county met Saturday morning at the court house pursuant to call, M T Nolan, chairman of the county central committee, calling the meeting to order and reading the official notice for the same. Chairman Nolan, after reading the call, returned his thanks for the confidence re posed in him by the members of the Repub lican party of Wasco county in selecting him to serve as chairman for the central committee for the past four years and ex pressed the hope that the convention would now release him and select some one else, believing as he did tbat two terms in any office was enough for any man. He then announced that nominations for temporary offices were in order. M J Anderson placed in nomination for temporary chairman W H H Dufur, of Du fur, making in tbe defense of that gentle' man a neat speech which was well received T A Hudson, who held a proxy, placed in nomination M P Eisenberg, of Hood River, and asked that the name of this gentleman be substituted for Mr. Dufur. This suggestion brought forth a vigorous protest from Anderson, who said be did not propose to have Dufur's name substituted by any one. Mr. Dufur s name would go before tbe convention on its merits, which remark was greeted with applause. in the suggestion of the chairman the selection of temporary chairman was made by ballot. M A Moody and Robert Mays were ap pointed to act as tellers and created consid erable merriment as tbey met at the secre tary'a table and shook hands. The result ot the ballot was the election of Mr. Dufur by a vote of 38 to 35, and on motion ot T A Hudson his election was made unanimous. On taking the chair Mr. Dufur returned his thanks for the honor conferred on him. and hoped that tbe entire proceedings of the convention would be harmonious and that the result of its labors would be the presentation of a ticket to the voters of Wasco county tbat would commend itself to the hearty support of every Republican, and all others interested in securing good government for the people and one that would be elected from top to bottom. J M Patterson was unanimously chosen as temporary secretary and H C Rooper as temporary assistant secretary. On motion, a committee of five on creden tials was appointed by the chair as follows: Robt Mays, R Sigman, C L Gilbert, C V Lane, Richardson. On motion, a committee of five on order of business was appointed by the chair as follows: M J Anderson, J E McCormick, F C Sexton, H Rice, F Menefee. On motion of M A- Moody convention took recess until 1:30 o'clock. ATTEBNOOir SESSION f The committee on credentials reported finding all delegates present duly elected from the several precincts in the county with the exception of Hood River, which certified to the election of five delegates in place of four as apportioued by the central committee and on motion ot M A Moody that precinct was allowed . the additional representation, and tbe report of the com mittee adopted. The committee on order of business for permanent organization reported as follows. The temporary officers of the convention was recommended to be the permanent offi cers and the following order of business. Election of sheriff, clerk, county judge, assessor, treasurer, superintendent of publio instruction, county commissioner, surveyor, coroner and delegates to the state conven tion. . Robt Mays took exception to the report and moved that in the election of delegates to tbe state convention tbat the county be districted, giving four to tbe precincts out side of Tbe Dalles, as agreed upon by the Friday night caucus, and that The Dalles be diyided so that East Dalles and Bigelow pre cincts constitute one district and W est Dalles and Trevitt precincts another. He offered this as an amendment to the report of the committee and spoke at length in support of his amendment. The proposed amend ment provoked considerable discussion, Mr. Mays insisting upon its being carried while those opposed believed that inasmuch as the county would be allowed' to fix tbeir dis tricts as they deemed beat it was no more than fair that tbe city delegates should be given the same chance to select tbe two del egates apportioned to The Dalles. Mr. Moody offered as an amendment to the amendment tbat the report of tbe com mittee be adopted and tbat the delegates ot the four precincts in Tbe Dalles be allowed to district the same as they saw fit for the selection of delegates to tbe state conven tion. Tbe amendment of Mr. Moody's was carried almost uoaimously, but two or three dissentiug voices being heard. Tbe districting of the remaining portion of the county was then made as quickly as possible. - First District Hood River, Cascades and Baldwin. Second District Dufur.Eight Mile, Nan sene and Columbia. Third District SUngsley, Tygb, Wamic and Wapinitaa. Fourth District Mosier, Antelope, Bake Oyen and Deschutes. Filth and Sixth Districts West Dalles, East Dalles, Bigelow and Trevitt precincts. The chair announced that the next order of business would be the nomination of candidates and appointed Messrs. Mays and Moody as tellers. Tbe following nominations were made for sheriff: C P Balch, of Dufur, H W Steel, of Five Mile, C W Rice, of Wapinitia, and C L Phillips, of The Dalles. The first ballot was as follows: Balch 34, Phillips 15, Steel 13, Rice 11. Second ballot Balch Steel 10, Rice 11, Phillips 14. Balch was declared the nominee, and on motion of C L Phillips the nomination was made unani mous. Nominations for clerk were next in or der and the following names were presented: Alex MacLeod, E N Chandler, J M Hunt ington, J M Patterson. First ballot Hunt ington 30, Chandler 23, MacLeod 16, Pat terson 5. Second ballot Huntington 39, Chandler 24, MacLeod 11, Patterson . Mr.. Huntington was declared the nominee. B S Huntington placed in nomination C N Thornbury for the position of county judge, and there being no further nomina tions he was declared the unanimous choice of the convention. Nominations for assessor were next in order. M J Corkerline, John Barnett, A A Urquhart, J Koonts were nominated. First ballot Kooutz, 32; Urquhart, 17; Corker line, 12; Barnett, 12. Mr. Barnett with drew bia name and tbe second ballot re sulted as follows: Koontz, 41; Urquhart, 19; Corkerline, 14. For treasurer K Jacobseu, Wm Michell and I C Nickeleen were nominated, result' ing in the following vote: Michell 30, Ja cobsen 29, Nickelsen 15. Tbe second bal lot stood Michell 36, .Taoobsen 32, Nickel sen 6; third ballot, Michell 38, Jacobsen 33, Nickelsen 3. Troy Shelly was unanimously nominated for the position of superintendent of pub lic schools. For county commissioner S D Fisher, of Mosier, H A Leavens and E P Ash, of Cas cade Locks were placed in nomination, re sulting as follows: Leavens 46, Fisher 15, Ash 12. E F Sharp was unanimously nominated as candidate for county surveyor. For coroner N M Eastwood was nominated by acclamation. A recess of half an hour was taken for the delegates to meet by districts and select delegates to the state convention. Tbe following persons were chosen as del egates to the state convention: M A Moody, N B Sinnott, George Johnston, M P Eisen berg, Horace Rice, M J McCorkle. RESOLUTIONS. Whereas, This county has been afflicted with drouth and failure of crops to a large exteot for two or tbree seasons, causing a financial stringency among tne farmers, and whereas, ihe time for tbe payment for the railroad lands recently forfeited expires in February, 1893, which will leave one abort year for many settlers to raise crops to pay tor said lands; therefore, be it Hesolved, Tbat this convention is in favor of having the time extended two years. Jtcssolced, lhat the secretary be instructed to send a copy of these resolutions to each of our congressmen, asking them to secure such extension if possible. Kesolvea, 'lhat tbe Republicans of Wasco county, in convention assembled, do in struct tbeir delegates to the Republican state convention to pledge tbe candidates they may nominate for tbe state legislature to work for the passage of a law that shall reduce the fees of the offices of clerk and sheriff of this county, either by cntting off the dda per centum, or by placing these omces uuder a revsonable bxed salary. Kesotved. Tbat this convention is m favor of an open river. Harney Mines. Notwithstanding the deep snow which still remains in tbe mountains, says tbe Harney Timet, people are beginning to come into tbe country and report tbat hundreds more from nearly all localities will soon follow. Preparatory work is still going on at tbe mines. A number now bave their ditches completed and are busy drifting and stripping according to the depth to bedrock. It is now be lieved that the majority of claims will be prepared for work as soon ai tbe water starts in tbe spring. Contrary to the growl of doubting Thomases, each day brings renewed hope. Tbe immense richness ot tbe placer diggings is now assured beyond any question, a dollarto tbe pan in some claims no longer creating any excitement, and, as bigh as ten cents and two bits to the pan have been washed out several miles down tbe creek. Two or three ledges baye been struck and pronounced by expert miners to, be im- imensely rich, and miners in this locality believe tbe Gold Gulcb and Tront creek discovery to be one of tbe best mines ever struck on tbis coast. Iven Moore was tbis week offered 80 ' bead of fine horses and $1800 for one claim in Gold Gulcb which be smilingly declined. Mr, Moore is an experienced miner, and it well aware what bis claim is, and is a man wbo will sell when tbe figures reach es the wealth of his dirt. Several business houses are now under course of erection and more will Boon follow. For the benefit ot those wbo are contemplating coming in tbe spring we will say tbat in the opinion ot old miners now in tbis country there will be dis covered other rich diggings in these here tofore unexplored mountains. There is no question but these mountains will be thoroughly prospected as soon as it can be done after the snow is gone, but tbis ill take several years of diligent work, Everybody is welcome and tbe lucky man gets the prize. Idol City is tbe name of a, new town recently surveyed and laid off on front creek, just above tbe mouth of Gold Gulcb. 8eyeral buildings are already up, and one store and one or more hotels are already in operation. . Zingsley Items. Kinoslky, March 24, 1892. Editor Tims-MouTiini- Not seeing a letter ' for a long time in vour valuable journal, trom luogsiey x thought I would try and send you a few items. . Farmers are nearly through plowing and some have considerable grain sowed. We hope and look for a good crop this season. Its a glorious spring. Glad to see an improvement is to be made on Tygh hill road, but a great many farmers around here believe that the road sbould have been made np what is called and known as McLeod's canon.'theace straight north for five or six miles and coming out on tbe county road at Glavey's ranch. Two great advantages a road running this way would have over the proposed new route would be a never failing supply of good water in two or three places on tbe road, and most decidedly a leveller grade. There is no water on the present road nor will there be on the new route between Dutur and Tvgh Valley (a distance of 15 or 16 miles) during the dry season. We held our primary here on Saturday last 'and bad a large meeting. Glad to - say we elected anti-Farley and Gourlay dele gates to attend tbe county convention on the 26th. Tbey are men of good, sound, common sense, who will not listen or be dic tated to by any clique or ring, but whose sole desire is to have put in nomination for office capable men wbo will command tbe respect, confidence, and vote of their own party. The chain that Farley and Gourlay want ed to bind the electors of this precinct witb has been broken. Their political schemes won't work in Kingsley. I would call tbeir best attention to the following extraot I copy from one of your leading articles in your weekly issue of the 19th, "When any organization becomes so corrupt as to will fully trample on tbe opinion of electors. Us doom is sealed.'' More anon. Libkbtt. ITEMS IN BRIEF. From Saturday Daily. The Republican county convention held in the city to-day. A slight sprinkle of rain to-day laid the dust and made matters very spung-like. During these political struggles the city wears the usual energetic, lively appearnoe. Tbe delegates to the county convention are well represented to-day, and candidates are busy. The amount of taxes paid by the Union Pacific tbis year was S10.2S9 60. This is very liberal sum and will be thankfully re' ceived. ' Mr. W. S. Halvor, an employe in the postothce in Portland, and sou to Mr. G. B. Halvor, is visiting friends and relatives in the city. Mr, Geo. W. Kunyan met with an acci dent one day this week, by striking a pick, with which he was working, into his foot, severely catting and injuring the big toe, and, in consequence, be is forced to use a crutch in perambutlating the city. Ruth Case, the baby cared for by Mrs, Rinebart in tbis city, and taken by her to Missoula, Mont., some time ago, died this morning. A dispatch conveying the sad in telligence was to-day received by Dr. Rine hart. Mr. John P. Case, tbe father of tbe child, is a resident of tbis city. Tbe following are the officers installed at Aurora Lodge, JNo. o4, K. of r., at Wasco, yesterday morning: (J. J. Bright, Jr. (J.; V. C Brock, C. C; J. M. Cummins, V, C: J. M. Denison, P.; H. E. Beers, M. of E.; M. A. Leslie. M. of F; M. A.- Mur- chie, K. of R. and S.; A. Cameron, M. at A. Methodist services to-morrow as follows; 11 A. M. sermon to young converts: Sunday school at 12:20; children's meeting at 4 T, M.; Epworth League at 6: sermon on "The Relation of Spirituality to Success in Every Day Life" at 7:30. The new bell which has just arrived from the McSbane Bell Foun dry of .Baltimore will announce the time of services. We received through the mail to-day an announcement, from Mr. and Mrs. John H Mitchell, of the marriage of their daughter, Mattie Elisabeth to the Duke de La Roche foucauld in Paris, February 11. 1892. We bad been aware of this fact foi tome time; but the official statement from headquarters simply verities the published proceedings ot tbe ceremony. An Ellensburgh dispatch says: There has been considerable excitement here lately over ladies, particularly young girls, being insulted by Uhinamen. One girl was almost assaulted. Last night a Chinauiaa was caught in the act by young men who were watching, and making sure of bis guilt they took him off the street, stripped him, laid him over a barrel and gave bim a hun dred whacks oo the bare back with a barrel stave. He is laid up from tbe punishment and declares be will have them arrested, If hi does, trouble is liable to ensue, as tbe feeling is very bitter against the Chinamen here. Exchange: A woman about 40 years of age registered, at a hotel in Pendleton a few days ago as ''Mrs. C. Ladd, La Grande." She said she was awaiting the arrival of a nephew from Lewiston. For three days she suffered greatly from neuralgia, and tbe last evening was seen to leave tbe hotel and walk down to tbe Umatilla river. A few days after she was found wandering about tbe streets in Pendleton and taken to tbe hospital, where she was kept three days and as she gave evidence of loss of reason sbe was ordered tent to tbe insane asylum by the county judge. Excessive uso of liquor is assigned as the cause of the worn' an s unfortunate condition. From Monday's Dally. 1 Mr. Chas. Tom, oi Grant,' is in town to day. ' Hon. J. D. Lee, of East Portland, is in tne oity. Mrs. P. E. Michell arrived in the city yesterday from Uoiumhus, Wash, Mr. A, Li. Peter, of Seattle, Wash., it in the city, visiting bis sisters, the milliners. The toil in Eastern Oregon is in better condition for crops than it has been for number of ears past. Last Saturday Mr. Geo, Ruch, the county treasurer, paid into tbe state treasury S1U, 289.60, part payment of tbe state tax.. Rey. A. C. Spencer, of the Methodist church in this city, will leave on the east- bound train this evening for Pennsylvania Three attachments were filed in the clerk's office to-day on tbe goods of Wolf Lake, at Cascade Locks, aggregating over $10,000. - Mr. E. H. Graham, arrived from Prine ville yesterday, will leave to-morrow for Flagstaff, Arizona, to visit bis parents, Mr, and Mrs. xt. Graham. Notwithstanding the excitement conse quent upon tbe county convention, there was a clean record in tne recorder s omco to-day, and consequently that official was happy. The delegates to thef state cooyeotion from Sherman county are H. S. McDanel, A. D. MoDonald and F. Kelsay; from Gil n, W. W. Steiwer.J. P. Lucas, Royal, A. A. Jayne. A light frost covered the ground this morning; bnt we learn from parties wno arrived from Mill creek to-day tbat this will not injure tbe fruit crop, and tbe prod' net tbis year will be unprecedented. Tbe little town of Arlhngton baa bngbt prospects for the future. Being contiguous to some of the best lands in Gilliam county, it will be the shipping point for wool and wheat, and this will intuse lite into business of all kinds. The east-bound passenger train, due here at midnight, did not arrive until 6 o'clock this morning. This delay was caused by a landslide near Shell ttock. The tram from the west,due in tbis city at 12.-20 P. X., did not arrive until 1:20 one hour late. In addition to the proceedings of the Re publican county convention published in our issue ot Saturday, resolutions were passed endorsing Hon. W. R, Ellis, for member of oongress in second congressional district, and Hons W, H. Wilson for dis trict attorney. ' Corvallis Gazette: D. R. N. Blackburn, of Albany, has been mentioned by several Re publican papers as a candidate for the office of supreme judge. Mr. tuacKOurn is weu known as a lawyer of ability and integrity and if nominated would certainly make a trong candidate. Dayton Herald: The charge brought against Prof. Lowe for kissing female pupils was investigated Monday evening Detore large number of the patrons and pupils of the school. It was unanimously voted to exonerate Mr. Lowe of the charge, the ac cuser voting as others did. Tne nominations at the Republican con vention last Saturday at Condon, Guliam county, are as follows: i&epresentative, J la. Goodrich; clerk, J. f. Lucas; sheriff, xL M. Johnson; treasurer, M. Halttead; school superintendent,, W. W. Kennedy. Tbe otber names oh the ticket we could not learn. - Mr. Ed. Burkhardt, manager of the American Dressed Meat Co., Troutdale, was la the city yesterday, and purchased 1314 sheep and six carloads ot cattle, r or sbeep 5 cents a pound was paid, and these will average 100 pounds each. These were shipped tram J. JS. Saltmarshe a UO in this city. ' , On tbe high trestle over Mill creek the passenger train ran into a cow tbis morn' ing, and the animal was so thoroughly de molished that it would have been difficult to have 'picked np the pieces. It is strange that no serious accident happened to the train, and it is fortunate that the oars were not derailed. Condon oor. Fossil Journal; Deputy Sher iff Joe Anthony returned Wednesday from Idaho, bringing as his prisoner the redoubt able John scott. scott was bound over to appear before the grai.d jury last fall, in the sum of $100, but skipped his bonds. He is charged with stealing several articles irom a Pine creek sheep cabin. A couple of yean ago "keep your eye on Pasco" was familar to alL Now it is a cheatnnt, and people generally think there is nothing felt there. But there is at least newspaper, as the following gasps from tbe Headlight will proye: "Pasoo is all right; it's you're liver that's out of joint. If a man could subsist on climate alone NUMBER 34. Pa-co would be tbe paradise of the uni verse. What are you doing for Pasco? Get a move on you and don't sit around like a bump on a log. If you want to retain a live paper in tbis city get in with your purses and support it or there will be a funeral. A. J. Littlejoho, of Taooma, was in the city the front end of the week, and predicted a bright and glowing future for the city which bas no optic" Record: Judge O. N. Denny of Portland, one of tbe large property holders of this city, is with os this week. The judge, in vested originally about $10,000 in town property and thinks now that his landed interests here will net him a fair profit. Ha fully endorses the course of the Arlington board of trade on upper river transporta tion. Glacier: Hon. E. L. Smith hat purchased the S toller ranch at Trout Lake, and having a boat made for use in tbe lake the coming summer. This is one of the most delightful camping places in the northwest, and tbe trout fishing it simply immense. Mr. Smith is an ardent fisherman and sbould be content with bis purchase. It is worth the smount paid for the whole place for the fishing pnvileges alone. We understand that Wall's monkey on 'Eight Mile, named Hugh Gourlay after one of our notorious citizens, died last Saturday after being aick for several days.' On tbe -evening of Saturday, March 19th, he suf fered a severe attack of cerebro spinal men ingetis. He rallied somewhat in the morn iug of Saturday, but died' in the evening . soon after tbe Kepubiioan convention ad journed. F. W. D. Mays, of the Pomeroy. Wash.. Independent, wields a vigorous pencil. Here is tbe heading of the leading editorial in his issue of March 10th. "Tbe buzzards ot damnation are packing and the carrion crows of hell are spewing out their filth in order to once more deceive' the people' Then be writes a column article in which he ' invokes all the powers of earth and heaven to arise in their majesty and might and hurl the boodlers into tbe bottomless pit. Bsker Democrat: At a depth of 120 feet, the present depth of the shaft, the ledge of the White Swan mine measures full four . feet wide and samples clear across tbo yeia at $40 to the ton. This is oertainly a won derful showing. The mill is being repaired and will be put in operation again iu a few days. Then the Democrat will be able to record tbe arrival here of bullion shipments from the White Swan and tee the grand output of $60,000 swelled by. thousands more. ' - . A poor, unfortunate tourist applied tor Iodgiug last evening in the city tail and was there ontil 2 o'clock this afternoon without food. He was terribly demoralized when found in the oell, and he wore a woe-begone oouuteDanoe when the kind-hearted recorder and city marshal took him out and gave him a meal.' If ha bad been drunk or a hobo his name would bave been found on tbe register; bnt, as it was, do one knew he was there, until he was found in bit forlorn condition by one of the many vigilant re porters Of the TlalKS-MOONTAINBEB. Arlington Record: Ernest Franks, the 13- year-old son of C. A. Frauka, of this oity, had a narrow escape from drowning in the Umatilla river last Thursday afternoon. He was on bis way from Arlington to Cold Springs on horseback, and tried to ford the river at tbe rapids above town. When in the middle of the stream his horse fell. Tbe boy managed to get dear of tbe saddle, but was carried a quarter of a mile by tbe cur rent. He was finally fished out in a half drowned condition by some railroad men wbo happened to see bim in the river. From Tuesday s Dally. A Webfoot day. Mr. L. O. Ralston, of AUngton, cams down on tbe evening train yesterday. The river is rising rapidly and the Colum. bia is very high for this season of tbe year. Tbe showers of rain during the last tew days hat clothed the hills in a carpeting of green. - Mr. H. McCoy, one of the pioneer resi dents of Fifteen Mile creek, is in the city to-day. Work has besun on the Conoresational chusch and will be prosecuted to comple tion as rapidly as possible. Mr. C. Schott, a former resident of Tbe Dalles, but now of Gilliam county, is registered at tbe Umatilla House. Friendship Lodge, No. 9, K. of P., are taking steps towards the parohase of ground and the erection of a Pythian castle in this city. ' . Judge O. N. Denny, ef Portland, is in tbe city. He came down from Arlington last evening, wbere be bas large property . interests. , Tbe following deed wat filed for record to-day: John R Rankin and wife to D N. Clougb ; parcel of land in section 2 T S N R 10 east ; $240., Tbe rain during the last' two days has been general throughout Wasco, Sherman and Gilliam oounttes, and the prospects , were never better for crops. ; Tbe oitizens of Arlington have undertaken to stop tbe sand from blowing by planting some of the hardier grasses, and hopes are entertained that this plan will betuooessfuL An agreeable rain began falling last night, 1 and continued during the day. Every shower of rata adds to the moisture in the -ground and increases the prospects for crops. We are sorry o learn that Mr. John Cates, father of our sheriff, is quite sick at his residence in 'this eity. xlis many friends will hope that he will soon be re stored to health. About $75,000 remains of the last appro priation tor the lock at tbe Cascades; but tbe water is to high at present that won cannot be carried on in tbe oanaL but stone cutters will begin operations in a few days. Yesterday Mr. James Peters declared bis intention of becoming an American citizen, and thereby renounced bis allegv iance to tbe queen of Great Britain and . Ireland. To-day Mr. Duncan McAuley . did the tame commendable act, and with -in two days ber august majesty, whose sceptre is wielded over more subjects than ever Caesar's was, lost two faithful subjects. We received a communication to-day, signed by "Tax-Payer", but the name was not given, and therefore it was not pub lished. The complaint was made about "large casks or tanks that have been ob- truottng tbe sidewalk on Washington street," and, while tbe newspaper ia tbe proper channel through which matters which cannot be righted in tbe courts should baye a hearing, yet this obstruction complained of could be removed by tbe city ' council, and "Tax-Payer" sbould present bis grievance to that body. Senator Mitchell bas succeeded in ob taining an order from tbe secretary of war, relieving tbe governor of Oregon from responsibility for tbe loss of govern ment property in possession of tbe Ore gon National Guard, and destroyed by fire at Tne Dalles, Oregon, September 2, 1891. Instructions bave been forwarded to tbe governor from tbe war department, authorizing bim to drop tbe destroyed articles from bit annual reports for tbe year ending December $1, 1891. Bast Oregontan: A young Indian brave named "Lacket-il-Pilp" baa been gath ered to bia fathers nnder suspicious cir -cutcstances. Sunday morning an Indian reported finding tbe body of the young man la tbe river at Pendleton. Tbe re mains were taken charge of by hit people and conveyed to bis home, wbere an ex amination by Dr. McKay disclosed the fact tbat bis neck was broken. No marks of external violence were visible. "Lacket-il-Pilp" is supposed to have met his death Saturday evening, being in town tbat day. The body waa lying at tbe water's edge near tbe foot of tbe levee about one hundred yards above tbe Main street bridge. On tbe levee were the prints of moccasin feet as though there bad been an encounter, and tbe sbredt of blankets were found on a wire fence near. Indiana are considerably ex cited over the affair, and suspect font play. An investigation will be held at tbe agency. The dead Indian leaves a young wife to mourn ber lord's untimely ena. 3