The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY. .MARCH 27, 1892 EDITORIAL NOTES. ' The judge in Astoria who sentenced Mr. 0. W. Dunbar, of the Daily Talk, 1 to the county jail for one year and to pay the costs of tbe action in a case of ' criminal libel tried this week, is the same .judicial officer who sent Sandy Olds to the penitentiary one year for killing Webber and sentenced a man . for stealing two salmon to three years. Oregon is the first state to ijive a verdict at the polls in this presidential year, aud it is very' important nat a fall vote be polled next June.. If the ' party , is . freed froai bossism and the control of cliques the Republican na iority this year will be as. large -a it . J&S in HiS, and all persons helievirj in Republican principles should work with this end in view. ; . It is not known whether Salisbury .- will agree, to the modus mvend re garding . the seal fishing "iu Behring . sea, and if this is npt enforced th industry will ' be nearly destroyed, Great Britain is a powerful' maratian nation; bnt the . United Stated have certain .rights in this matter which 'should be protected, and the adminis ' tration will receive the support of the people in so doing.. The country knows how the De mocracy stand. on the tariff, for the , leaders have caused the walls of the : capitol at Washington to echo to their eloquent denunciations of the McKin- lev bill: but they have yet to define . their position on the currency, and this will be more equivocal. They ' ' could denounce protection as advo - cated by Republicans without offend . ing the corporations of New England but when they ' advocate unlimited coinage of silver Wall street will pro test very emphatically. ' While it may be true that wages are'largely governed by supply and demand, it is also a fact that hen there is a good price for articles em , ployers can afford to pay laborers more per diem. This holds , good every- ; where, ' and if. protection was taken from American goods our factors would be forced to lower wages to the mini- . mum in Great Britain to compete with goods from that country. Eco nomic . rules are all right in their sphere; but supply and 'demand is not the only factor in determining .wages, . ' The $435,000 which the dispatches , to-day state will be recommended by ' the committee on Rivers and Harbor for the locks at the Cascades will allow the work to be pushed forward rapidly; and especially - will this .- be . true if the improvement is to be com pleted under the contract ' system. the bill passes the house little feare . need -be entertained that it will not re ceive the necessary, vote in the senate. The manner in which the work has been delayed under the management of the war department has been discouraging to the producers of the northwest, and any change will be acceptable. Tbe Democrats are attempting to secure the vote of the laboring man by representing the Republican party as allied to wealth . and corporations, This is the shallowest of anything they nave said : during tbe present cam paign: - for it is a well-known ' fact that Jay ' Gould was the first to' extend congratulations to Mr. Cleveland on his election, and there has been no adverse legislation regard - ing railroads during- Democratic con trol; of the lower house of congress. This is simply a subterfuge, and will . be laid aside' after this year for use' in . the next presidential campaign. 0B00X. C0U5TI. . Item a From the Columns of the ' Ochoeo Review. J. H. Delore, of Stewart, was in town Tuesday. . He laid the snow bad about all disappeared from Little Gamp creek, and bad left the ground without any bottom to it . The heavy showers of rain the first of the week made the hearts of farmers and stock men glad. The ground is now. thoroughly wet and all kinds of vegetation will grow rapidly. Mr. Lister was down from bis sheep ranch the first of the week. He says be wintered his sheep with very little loss, although he fed for eyen or eight weeKs. He has one band of sheep affected with scab which be, intends shearing about the last of the month. The county court has determined ' to bring water on to the court house yard, and will beautify the block by setting out shade and ornamental trees. The ditch to be built by the county court will tj ia3 along the south side of the school block, and can oe used tor ungating that ground hy noon as tbe district is able to fence tVj ground and improve it. Peter Symantire and Able Gidxha-, two Warm Spring Indiana, hava been occupying cells in the county jail for several djys this week. Tbey are charged with having stolen cattle from Sam Lister, clerk at the agency. They bad a preliminary hearing before Squire Bell, but no decision bad bef o .ren dered at the time of going to pres. So far there has been less tali in this county concerning the coming election than ever before. The people generally are tak ing little interest, and .candidates them selves are' not becoming excited. Whom the Republicans will bring out yet- remains a mystery, but with tbe Democrats, we be lieve, it is expected that tbe present offi cials, with few exceptions, will be re-nominated. A WATJBBLOO. The Seff-Conetllated. Bom or Dalles Defeated In Every JPreeliiRt. " The . Saturday was a red-letter day for Repub licans who would not tamely submit to bossism and machine rule regarding county politics. For several weeks the . boss "bad been manipulating his machine, and boasted that be would dictate the delegates to the county ' convention and those for tbe state convention. - Saturday was a clear day, and curb-stone strikers were busy at their work. Tbe tickets for the. different precincts were "pot up" without consultation with tbe in ' significant?) minority. About 11 o'clock .an opposition ticket was put in the field, and when the votes were counted every person on Farley's ticket was defeated with the exception of Mr. Joles m Higelow pre cinct. It ' was a Waterloo, disastrous anil destructive iu its consequences to those who considered that they carried the Republican party in their pockets. The following are the votes cant: , TSSVITT. J M Patters ,u 76 Ju.'d Fish 73 Wni Hichcll 71 CLP illips 71 P Ik-Huff 71 J 6 Kounti 60 TRSYITT. C C Hobart 22 T A Hud n 19 J S Sehenc 23 1 ' SanjeDt 21 D Howe 1 C N Ih'TDbury 23 A M MacLeod 7 R C Peine 19 W 11 JoDea AST DALLKS. H L Kuck Fratk Conn IIv. . . .70 "C L Phillip ,. CAST DALUfS. .Sfl AG.lohiwoii .57 B F L'inimlin .21 ..36 ..3U ..30 Einorv Cmpbell 51 E F Sharp J W Kooiitz . . : 03 0 Iufur ..41 .25 crank I'roijfhUjn.: S3 . Harris.... Will Rolwrw 72 Fred Ora'nmond 67 The following are the delegate from the two remaining .relucts: BIOKLOW. WK8T DALLES. Frank Meuufoe A A I rquhurt M T Nolau A N Varnev Hugh Chriaraan , Ceo Kunyan B s iiuutinutou J W Marquiss C J Cmmlail 3eon;e Ualver K Mv Tha i.'bD Prices of Wool., The Dalles; Or., March 22. El! tor TiMES-liorxTAiSKKR: . Iijviui' heard several limes nitli;u the past month an erroneous statement freely spread by free trader) as to the relative (;rice of foreign and of domestic wool, that tbe protective tariff did not defend or add to the market value of American grown wool, I - am led to ssk jou to publish the prices of hume and of foreign wool of the same character, which I have (bt lined from tbe report of the American Association of Woolen manufacturers, and if consistent to place them side by sida that the Oregon wool growers may have tbe opportunity of ascertaining facts. Tbe table of prices h&Dded you embraces the medium priced wool grown and offered in onr American . market each year, and the price of foreign wool ot the same grade the same year, from 18S1 . to 1890 inclusive. ' . YEAR AMRRICAN TORSION 1881 38 eta per lb 29 eta per lb 18S2 85 " " 23 " " " 1883 '-. 35 " 25 1KS4 30 " " 24 " " " . 18S5 28 " ' " 24 " " " 18S6 82 " " " , 23 " " 1337 . 31 " " " 24 " " 1888 I " 24 " " " 1889 S6 43 " " ' 1890 37 " ' " 25 " The above shows what false statements are used to enrry ends by enemies of de fended industries. T. 8. Labg- A Vile Case. Walla Walla Union-Journal. A young lady . of the tender age of 15, called upon a medical man of this city for treatment Monday.' She is accompanied by her aunt and tho 'parties are . residents of Wallace, Idaho. About a year ago the young lady being on her way from Philadel phia to join her aunt m Wallaoe, was de tained in Spokane Falls for a few hours to wait for a train to Wallace, She was di rected by her aunt to go immediately to a hotel in case ( detention on tbe way. She stepped out of the car and enquired for a hotel, when a gray haired old lady invited the young girl to go home with her, saying, "a hotel is no place for a Tittle girl like you, come, with me." Tbe old lady turned to a man standing near, who proved to be a wealthy Rambler named Parker, and told him this poor little girl wonld go home with her. lie said "all right, and picked op her , baggage and marched off with it. When she arrived at their vile den she was given a cup of coffee which was drugged from tbe effects of which she did not become conscious for twelve days, during which time she bad been fearfully abused and spirited away to Seattle. Her . trienda finally fonnd her and have brought ber to Walla Walla for. medical treatment. Tbe young lady is suffering from nervous pros tration and in addition a chronic inflamma tion produced by tbe vile brutes interfer ence. The case was thoroughly ventilated at the time in Spokane and Seattle papers and her abductors were tried for tbe crime. County Contention. The following are tbe delegates elected at tbe Republican primaries held in this coun ty last Saturday: Eight Mile W E Campbell and i E Ms- Cormick.' - - ' Columbia H W Gilpin and Kichard- son. . Dufur G W Johnston, W Vanderpooi, B. Sigman, M J Anderson, W H H Dufur. Kingsley E C Sexton, H May hew, E P Williams. Nanseoe J Eaoton and H Hudson.' Bakeoven L Burgess, H C Eooper, H G Jordan. Hood Eiver E S dinger, J W Morton, C L Gilbert, M P Eisenberg, W S Baker. Mosier Lpuis Davenport and C J uPhil- bps. - ' Cascade Locks & .Black, Dr. Candiana, A P Ash, A Watt, P Monn. Deschutes A S Roberts and H Rice. Antelope D S Kinsey, C. N Lane, Grant Mays, J C Murphy, Wm Kelsay, sr. . . . . Base Ball. A game of base ball waa played at Ante lope last Thursday between the Fossil and Antelope nines. Tbe score stood 15 to 19 in favor of the Antelope nine. Following is the score: ismon scorn. C Clarke.. ..: Fred Wallace.'. John Maliiue. WM Gleason Walt Silvertooth,...'. Grant Hays....'... . 1 fleld-4 r field 2 a field-a 2 base S ..shoit stop 2 .....pitcher 0 . . . .catcher 8 3 base 2 Tom -Dawson .. N Burgess B Rogers... : 1 Total. 39 fossil scORB. Ed Tiplev.... Lixht Morris. . ...lfleld-2 c field 0 W Hoovet .snort stop 2 r field- 4 3 base 0 2 base 0 1 base 2 H SGoddaid.. C D Barnard.. F Roval H titokea..... Geo Rose.'..... L Parker.,.-.. ....catcher 3 ....pitcher t Total. 15 7 019 Antelope .. Fossil ...6 ...0 2 0 2 2 116 Specimen Case. S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rhenmatism, ; his stomach was disordered, his liver was anected to an- alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. 'Three bottles of Elec tric -Bitters cored him. Edward Shepherd. Hamsburg, 111., had a running sore on his leg ot eight years' standing. Used three bottles of fi-lectric .Hitters and seven boxes of Buck- len's Arnica Salve, and his leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, Ohio, had five large lever sores on his leg, doc tors saiane was incurable. One bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Salye cured hm entirely. Sold at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store. 8 - The Oontraot System. Washisoton, D. C, Msrch 21, 1892. Col. N. B. Smnott. Have secured in the River and, Harbor bill $435,000 for the Cascade Locks and to complete the same under the contract sys tem. Congratulations! - Bingek Hermann. Card of Thanks. Mr. Gunning desires to return bis heart' felt thanks to his many friends .who ren dered every possible aid to his beloved wife during her last illness, and many spore. I ciable acts of kindness to him and bis I little girl in their ad affliction, . The iron works of Dubnque, Iowa, have undertaken to build a boat on sn entirely new plan, the object of which is to navigate the river and ocean, it will have one bow and two sterns, each of which will have rudder and screw, so if one is disabled there will remain half the power to make a port. She will carry an adjustable centerbof rd, which it is thought will answer the purpose of deeper draught. The boat will be about 300 feet long and from 20 to 35 feet beam. It will be built entirely of steel and' will coat about $200,000. It is expected she will carry a cirgo equaling about 60.000 burhels of wheat in five feet of- water. This vessel heu fiuished will be sent with a cargo to the Amazon. She will than go Tight up the river 500 miles or more to the coffee plantations and take from them direct the products which now hsve to be trana feired half a dozen time before reaching a market. The . leaders- of the euterpribe claim that wherever a market is to be reached, iu the shallow water, the ship will act as a loog-fult want. It is an experiment that will be watched with, great interest, as it will open up a new ei a in combined ocean and liver navigation. For Over Kitty Vears. An Old and Well-T:. .t Remedy Mrs. W;oslow"s Soothing Syrup has been Uocd for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children woile teethini, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the Rums, allays all pam, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy lor diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the teste. Sold by all drugirlets in evrry part of the world." Twenty-nve cents a bottle. 'Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing Syrnn, and take no other kind. 21 (b91 Kewi: Barney O'Neil, of Grants, was brought before Judge Leslie last Friday for selling intoxicating liquor3 without a license. Tbe case was continued over UDtil Saturday, when argument was made by the couiisel.- C. J. Bright ap-' peared for the state and J. L. Story for the defendant. O'Neil was bound over by the court under $300 bonds to appear before the grand jury. O'Neil imme diately got out a writ of habeas corpus, which came up before Judge Blackburn Monday, buc was continued until the following day, Tuesday. On Monday night, however, Barney took French leave of the authorities,' and at the pres ent lime his whereabouts are unknown. Judge Blackburn dismissed the writ, and tbe defendant Is in a worse condition than ever. Should be return now; be will- be compelled to give bond ap pear belorp the grand jury. linemen's ii mini alv. The beat salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feve, sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all shin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or uo pay reuuirfi. it guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or moiiy refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kinerslv, The remains of a man were fonnd yester day afternoon two miles from Dayton, Wash., by two boys, from letters found on his person tbe indications are that his name is Nick Tram pert, of Luzemberi;, Germany, aged, about 35 years. He bad several letters on his person from Peter Tram pert, of Eden Valley, Minn., also had the address of T. D. . Merridith, Portland in a note book. He was seen in Daytoi about three weeks ago last Sunday in a sa loon. Trampert had several twenties an some paper ' money on his person at that time. The coroner's jury returned a ver dict of suicide, but since then the remains have been brought in, and the indications are that Trampert was shot in the back bia bead. . There is likely to be turtner in vestigation to-morrow. Trampert repre sen ted himself as buvma cattle for W, W, Spaulding & Co., of Portland. County Treasurer's ilotioe. All county warrants registered prior to July 7. 1888, will be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. Geo. Ecch, Treas. Wasco Co ha Dalles, Feb. 24, 1S92. 4w Salem Statesman: Cyrus eed, a 15-year- old boy ot Irortland, was taken to tbe re form school last night. This is perhaps one of the best' boys taken to the reform school, but through adverse circumstances he w compelled to go tnere. His mother has been dead sometime and his father is parts unknown, leaying the boy to take care of himself, though he was put under the guardianship of his uncle, who thonght he could not take care of tbe boy and turned him over to the state. The boy was willing to go and seems to understand that it is for his own benefit. , - He is,a grandson of Col. Reed, the builder of Reed'a opera bouse in this city. This addition increases tbe number of boys to forty-four. Tbe Ladles Delighted. Tbe pleasing effect and the perfect safety which ladies may use tbe liquid trnit laxative, Syrup of Figs, ncder all conditions, their favorite remedy It is pleasing to tbe eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kid neya, liver and bowels. Grand Konde Chronicle: Bay .James, the ten-year-old son of Wm. James, o this city, met with a serious accident last Monday. ' Mrs. R. J. Rogers was driving along the street and asked a number 'of little boys to get into her bnggy and ride, Thinking they were all in she started tbe horses and at that moment little Bay slipped into the buggy wheel and bad his leg broken just below the knee. Dr. Bacon was called and bv tbe aid of his skillful treatment tbe little sufferer is in a fair way .to recover as fast as such serious hurts are usually made coo vales pent. One set of bed-room furniture will be sold very cheap if taken within a few days. For particulars call at this office. TVTien Baby, was sick, wo gave ber Castoria, " When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, wTun aha had Children, aha gave- taem Castorja, OPm ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Svrun of Fiers is the only remedy or its kind ever pro- Juced, pleasing to the taste and ac- Ceptable to the Stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent Qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in ftOo land?! bottles by alZ leading druggisfel Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. a ah fhAhcisoo. cal. loumiue. nr. mew tonic .r. Legal Notices. For a Repuhlicao County ConveLtion and Plimary Elections. Notfc is herer-y siren that at a meeting r.f'th Republican Ounty entral Committee of Waco sounty. or., called by autho-iiy ve tell in me ua 1 hairman of fairi committee, and heM at the t'ounty Court K)Aiii in Dalles i ity, Oregon, on the 13th day of February, IfcDi, it was rdered that p ca 1 be 18 eu -d for a Revilb ican ounty C mention, to be lieM at the Court 11 ou e in Dulles (.' n, at 1'IA.M.. uut e 2Gth day of March. 1S92, lir rne purpose m iir-mmolinjr cmdiil ite for the office of CVuntv Judge, Clerk, .hc-nff ,(one County Conimirttioner, 1eainer, Ass-.s-or. .vi-rmtendei.t of Schools, County Mirv.yor-and Coim er. und llit election .f f-ix del- irate to represent Wasco i-ouuty in the Republican fct.te C'-nveiili n, to le Jitui in ihe citv of Portland, dr., en the 6!h day of April, ISM, and to transa t such other and furl her business as may prolerly come, before said Convention. The County'Convention will consist of seventy, tlirce rlelesrates from the various preciucta, uppoi ionid ad 10 lows, to-wit: Kalis Preciuct 6 Dslreates Hood Kiver Precinct 4 " Baldwi ' Mosi ' Weetllsu' " Trivett .- " ' Bur low " Fji'st Dallos " Eiht Mile " Columbia ' Deschutes " Nansene " Dufur " K;neley ' Tyifh Valley " Wautnack " On-k Grove " Bake Oven Antelope " It is further recommende ..8 ..7 -.7 ..i 2 ...5 ... ..3 ..5 , by order of the Ccn- t ai Committee, that nrinrarv etecticnv be nel-i in the various precincts, at the usual i lace of voting, on tbe 19th cIjj of March, 1S92. and that the polls be opened at such primaries througuout the county at 2 o'clock P. M. cf suid day, except wr hin the limits of Dalles City, in which the pri-.iaries will be con ducted under provisions of Primary Election Law and the subjoined uotice. 1 he attention ot electors in the various precincts desiring to ekct Justices of the Peace and f'ontn bles, is cal'ed to the provisions of the new election law as to the marine of nomiiriting their c ndidates at the primaries. M. T. NOLAN, Attest: . Chairman l(ep. Co. Central Com. A G. Johnson, Sec'y. Sheriff's Sale. BV VIRTUE OF AS EXECUTION AND ORDER of sale, issued out of the t ircuit Court of the titatc of Oietron f'r Wasco county, on the 5ih day of February, 1&92, in the uit wherein tbe t olicitors' Loan and Trust Company is plaintiff, and Adam G. Johnson and Mary E. Johnson arc defendants, to tne directed, commanded roe to make sale cf the lands in said execution and order ot sa e, described to-wit: Lots A, B, C, J. K and L, ot block 63 of Fort Halle Military Reservation addition to Dalle; City, Wasco county, Oretron; I hare this day levied upon this land, and will seU on Saturday, the 2Gth day of March, 1892, at'the notir of 2 o'clock P. il.. at the court nuuse door in Vt asco county. State of Oregon, I wills-ell said land and all the right, title and interest which said dctenfants had the-em on the 27th diy of De cember, 1886 (the date o 3ECrtgaB;e described in the compiaim in saia suit, or nave since acquire!, at puouc auction to ins ninesx oiouer tnerefor, to sat isfy the judgment, interest, uttorney's fees, costs and dt-bnrsements in said suit, to-wit: 1,812 73, bearin-r interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum, from the 21st day of November, 1810, together with coats ana accruins; costs nerelD. Hated this Slid day of February, 1692. D. L. CATES. feb27-td Sheriff of Was o County, Or. Assignee's Notice. -VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHN Jl Donovan has -inaue an assiirnmeut to the underused for the benefit of all of his creditors. AU creditors of said assignor ar e there- ore hereby notified to present their claims under oath to me at the saloon formerly occudietl bv said assignor in The Dalles, Oregon, within three months irom tne uate Hereof. Dalles City, Or., Feb. 18, K92. FRANK ROACH. ' feb20-5t - Assiirtee. Land Notioes. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION". - Land Optics at Tub Dam.ks, Or, March 8. 180-2. Notice Is hereby given that the foilowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof win be made before the rteister and Receiver of th U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on May 10, iay, viz: GEORGE W. STEWART, Hd No. 2188) (or the 8 W qr sec 30, Tp 2 N, R 13 east, WM. be names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resiueuco upon, ana cultivation of, said lana, viz: Norman McDonald, Wallaoe Scmple, Alex Ander son ana tiocite tierouz, au ot Tne Dalles, Uregon mchl2 JOHN W. LEWIS, Keinster. NOTICE TIMBER-CULTURE. Lakd Opficb at Tur Dalles, Orb February 28. 1892. Complaint having been entered at this oiice by George Mcintosh against 'ihoms J. Hid, for failure to comply with ta as to timber-culture entry, No. 1888, daied February 10, 1885, upon the &ec Hi, ip z d, n 14 w at, in -vvascu county, uregon with a view to th cancellation of saio entry; con testant alleging that said Thomas J. Hill has not planted any trees, seeds or cuttings on said tract of land, or caused the same to be done, and that f aid failure still exists; th said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at this office on the 16th day of Apiii, 1BU2, at iu ocjock A. m., to m-fooo ana tur nish testimony concerning said alleged failure. mch5 JOHN W. LEWIS. Keuister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Laud Omcs at Tub Dalles, Orkooh, February 5. 1892. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof hi support of his claim, and said proof will be made before the Register aud Receiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on April 7th, Jtjuz, viz: JOHN J. EHRISMaNN, DS No. 6964, for lots 2 and-S, See 28, TplN, R12 is w At. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of aaiu land, viz: Andrew Kaller, George Kaller, Edward Wicks and Andrew urqunart, au of i ne Dalles, uregon. feb20 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Omci at Tub Dallks, Ohrook, . February 24. lnui. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of ber intention to make final proof in support of her claim and that said proof will be made before tbe register and receiver at The Dalles, or., on Apru zu, ie2, viz: MARGARET M. KRAUSE, widow of Ernst W. Krause, Hd No. 2911, for the SW 5A. Sec 20. To 2 N. R 16 E W M. She- names the following witnesses to- prove her contiDuous residence- upon ana cultivation oz said land, viz: i ' Joseph Southwell. Andrew Linton, Thomas Walsh ana William Shelley, all of The Dalles, Or. eb29 tOHN W. LLWIS, Etgitttr. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . , Laud Omcz at Thb Dalles, Obsooh, February 6, 1882. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Ihe Dalles, Or., on March 25, 1892, vis: . LEWIS LAWLEY. Hd. No. 2520. for the NE Sec 6, Tp 1 N, R 13 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lanil, viz: .William Jordan. Albert Jordan. Charles Denton and James Thomas, all of The Dalles. Or. feblK JOHN w. LEWIS, Keguter. To Young Housekeepers Free to ail Brides ! "VT OTICE is hereby given to ail the readers of this X paper and all their friends and acquaintances throughout -the United States and Canada that) THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly' married couple whose address nd 10 cents to pay postage is seat to the publisher within one year from the date of their marriage. Persons sending for this present are requested to end copy of a paper containing a notice of their marriage, or some other evidence that shall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine under the above offer. Address, 'THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt. COAL! GOAL! -THE BEST- Wellington, Eock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal. $13, sacked and tbe city. : delivered to aoy part Of At Moody's Warehouse. XfH. LAESBN, . j Dealer in all kinds of Hay, Grain and Feed At his old stand, Second street. . HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. v ; Tne nlghest Cash Price paid for Sheep pelts. tif mm h T EAST, NORTH and B. E. liYTLE, Agent UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. I'ortlniKl t !a3i FranclMO. Ta Sau Francisco Leaving Steamnhip Wharf, Port land, at 10 V 11., as follows: Orpcron '. Fob S. 23 Columbia i'eli 12, 20 Stite Feb 16, 24 Pairr-pe must be checlced either at Aru St., durinir the any, or by the V. C: & B. Co. No unchecked bajr'jage will be received on the steamers. Nan Frnm-iNCO to rortlaii'l. To Portland Leaving SpearSt. Wharf, tan Francisio ' at 10 A. l. as follows: Columbia :...Feb 7,10 su e Feb 11, 23 Oniron Feb .5, 27 The company reserves the ritrht to change steam ers ot sa.linc; dnts without further no. ice. For rates, tickets, be: th reservations, etc , c-ill on or address any ticket acrent of the Union Tacilic sy tem. C. S. MEM.KS. T. W. LEE. Gen. Traffic Mana er. Uen.P,iSS. At. FROM TERMINAL OR IXT.EKI0R POINTS orthern liAILROAD Is the line to take TO ILL POINTS EAST ANi) 0 - It is the Dininsr Car Rout. It runs Thr"ivh Ves tibule! Trains Ecry Day in the ye..r !.r ST- PAUL and CHICAGO. (XO CHANGE VF OAJU ) Compu ed of Dining Cars unsiirrHA 'i. . J inai Drawin-H-ora Wltcptrt; uf Lit. Bt . Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS. Best that can be corstructed. and in whi h accom znodations aie both Free and Funtidlicl for holders of First or hecond class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad' yance through any agent-of the road. rpUDnTTPtT TTPVOTV ' To and from all J. HVlVUlkJ points in America. England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket omce oi tne company. ' Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agen or A. D. CHARLTON, ' Ass't General Passenirer Asrt., , No. 121 First St.. Cor. Wa-h.. PORTLAND, OiEGON FREE . TO THE TRIP WORLD'S FAIR ' Commencing: May 1, 1893 The History Company, of San Francieco, Cal. (capital stock $600,000) the oldest and larvest put lishingr house ou the Pacific coast, this day announce that they will give, absolutely free, a ticket to the World's Fair and return, including- meals en route one week (7 days), hotel accommodations, six admis sion tickets to the Exposition grounds, two tickets to leading wnicago tbeatera aud buch other privi leges as may insure a pleasant trip to deserving per sona who comply with their requirements. . 3NTOTIOE. . Those desiring to go to the World's Fair and who could not otherwise do so, can address us at once for full particulars. This offer, does not applr to per sons of means who are in a position to meet tbe ex pense oi suen a trip themselves, but to enterprising and intelligent young men and women who can ap preciate such an opportunity and make the mot of it. Teachers, clergymen, students, farmers bright sons and daughters in fact any and all possessing energy, enterprise and cnaractor win be eligible. THE CHAXCK OF A rIFE-TlJIK. Every young man or woman who desires to go to Chicago and see the wonders of the greatest e.vhio ition the world has ever known, should address ns at once. Such an opportunith is rarelv offered, and the trip will be the event of a lifetime to those who go. Address THE HISTORY COMPANY, THS BISTORT BOILDINO, No. 72S MARKET ST., SAN FRANOI CAL Everything in the line of SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY - AND FINE FRENCH CANDIES, , 1 CAN BS rOUKS AT NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE, SECOND STREET. Thimble Free. ANT LADY sendintr at once the nunes and ad dress of ten married ladv frienda or house keepers to whom we can send sample copies of the most i harming: illustrated ladies' newspaper pub- iwneu KHiav, win receive an eiefrant soua stiver sou venir thimble. The "Ladies' tectorial Weekly" is the handsomest and most entertaining' publication of Us class and is becoming universally popular with intelligent ladies in both Canada and the United States. It, contains sixteen laive paires. same sixe -rjarper s- Bazaar" moat nrntu;v liiuatrated and comes each week at only 2 a year. If yon de sire souvenir thimble sena names of those von think would be interested in the "Ladies',, W eekly" uu cociuee uiieeu u. o. z-cenK tuunps to cover ex penses of mailing, etc Forward to-day. Addresi "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly,w Canada Life Building, o onto. Can. nv2ew Miw" ' - - yer t befnr niaoe by Jobu R (indwin,Troy.N.V.t wvrk for u. header, i J" Chi mny not make a tuaHi. but we caa atendi youquickly bow to earn from t t I tHO a i4ay at tbe Hurt, and mure a you po V"- own sw, an apra. in aav part of J America, yoo ran commence at bum, pr. Fmc all vuur tiactr nmn momsnti anlv m SNbV -b wrk- A" iei V7 M UK" for r . i cicr' worker. We a tart mi fnn.;.f,. tivue ""'r' W.wu Kre. Evert 1 ri';nM '"'r carniur from t i. to nan juu. v ill wuir ii apsir uiun or all tin" tim. Itlff tuonrr ior work er. Failure uuknonm atnnap th-nu NEW itdwnii.lerfitl. I'arlt.-ulnr frail. tX.lfalloU feO.,Xaoxeal,rtlantl.fi2aaif S3000 A TEAK t ' anrfrtketobrffl. rch an fiirlr intcllliKnt nmon of either in, who eu Rao and wrlt mnd wbo. afler ioatniction.will workiodaHrioiu!,. how t. cam Thrw Tkoai ait Dalian a f carlo thairowa .ocalitiu,wherpTartlirHveJ wlllalaofaralab tha aibjAliimoreBplurmeiitl which youci earn thatamomtf. hOB9onoy IbraMBoaiaaaaecaaaralaaabova. EaaUjand qa.. learneaV I daaira but ana workar from cch dlatrictoreoun.v. I hare already tanaht and firorided with eniplijjmrnl a :: rn amber, who are raakma: orer SSOSS a rearaach. !l N ,A and SOCIO. Full irUonlar KJBtfcE. Addreae atone, !. C ALbESf. laz Aa. AuKUila, SaiiiaMi HTJKll Auk my agent Tor V. li. Donclas Sh Ii not lor sulein yon? place riK your dealer to himi ir r:'f:iiouie secore itie Hgency, and trot ilieni tor yon. WHY THE L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cen?8ermEn THE BEST SHOE IN ThE WORLD FOR THE MONri'? It U a seamless shoe, with no acksor wax thread ro hurt tbe feet; made of the best fine calf, st.i iisii urA easy, and because ice make more shoes of tiJ.s (."ifde than an) other manufacturer, it equals hand rowed shoes costing from 84.U0 to S5.uu. CC OO Genuine Ilaml-sewed, the finest calf Waa shoe ever ofTtred for equals FrenoJi impfrted shoes which cost from 'to $12.00. t!A OO Ilnnd-Sowed Writ SShoe, flno crJf, stylish, ctmifortable and durable. The bst shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from Sfi.fW to81UR). fei O 50 Police Shoej Farmers, Railroad Men JJ vi and LotterCarrioiriall wearthem; line calf, seainless, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edge. Vme pair will wear ayear. 20 0 fine calf no bftter shoe erer offered itt i7sSkB this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. Str and S.OO Workineman'fi shoes tSna are very strong ami durable. Those who h:ive given them a trial wiil wear no other make. E3nVC' S'i.OO and Ml.?.1 school shoes are BUI O worn by the boys everywhere; theysalt on their merits, as the increasing Bales show. I trl I.OG 3') Ilnndfopwed shoe, bt faCiUlvO LAmgola, very stylish; equalsFreiic imported shoes costinfr"!! S4.U0 to Sfi.iiU. l.adiea' ..'SO, j.QO and $1.75 shoe-for Hisses are the best fine Don ola. stylish aud durable Caution. See that W. L. 1ouKlas' name ai.u price are stamped on the Ir ittom of each F.boe. W. Jj. DOL' utAS, .Brockton. Mass. J.FREIMAN, AGENT, TOE PALLLS 1C Mlwd his Opportunity! IOVT Mtaa ! I'Murs I leader. 'I tie majority marled their op pnrtanities, and frura tbut cnnselive in poverty and die m ob-carityl Hairowinfr despair is tbe lot of ninny, as they look backon lost, forever lost, opportnnity. l.lleinpnsia Iiiat'Koach out BenpundtlninK. Improve your opiwrta ni;y, and secnreprosneritT. prominence, peace. I twit a said by n T-hilosojihrr, thiit "tbo OodJcss of Fona:ie offers a polfi. opportunity to each ioion"nt some period of life; e:m i -ico theclmure, and t,liep'm s out lior rirlu'i; f.iil to do -o;-.n-l t.he departs. wrr to rutnr-.1 IJoWFliutl yon find ;!if,: iLDKSorportnTiityf lTivcs:i--rte every clianco tbut ;,;;. r-.a worthy, r.nd oi fair prort; a; tlmt is wiit nil suc r j ; :ilmendo. ileroisnn of p-nim;tr, melius iinotof:on T. ::l:inUiere:ii:liot li'ljorfnipe-'plij. I:npr.ivcd, it will (riva, i.t loust, afrrand Btnrt in lift. TiiO C"Lr:'.f opr'unny for j'.mny is lioro. Money to bo mmle r.ipi'I'y end honorably y ii.iyind'isirlrtiispi'r-onof eiiliwr fcx. Atl ars. You caa di the wurkaTid livo at homo, wln-vver v'i tire. Even be f :un;r8 uro e' i'.y eartiin from to 5- lf p"r iy. You t':ti uo as well if yon will work, not too L .ril, tut iuiluslri o'j.iiy; andyoiiciininrreitse yoorinc-mo:t3yfmc'oon, Yott rrivotTp.'iretir.ieonly, orr.ll yonrtirueto tliowork. Easy to ltN:m. Capital not required. We siart ya. Alliscom p.irmivoly nw nnd really wondorfuL v' Instruct and sliow youhow, fie Failure unknown Bninnfj onr work er. No room to explain here. Vrite and leiini all Tree bv r; nrn in nil. Unwise to delay. AM.v-3 at once. II. UuUett t Co., lsos 8et, Portluud, TO THE PUBLIC. . Having asfociatcd myself With the old re liable Real. Eat ate and Insurance firm of Menefco Bros., nnd lately purchased the senior member's interest, I wish to inform the public that I am at their dispoeal to transact any business in the Ileal Estate and Insurance line w hich they may control in the new consolidated city of . Portland. As a firm, now Menefee A, Heppner, I wish also to mention that we rent and take care of property for non-residents, negotiate loans, and gladly render advise conc?rping prop erty of Portland and yicinity. Feeling con fident of success, but nevertheless my great est desire is to gain and maintain a reputa tion, I await your kind consideration. Very respectfully yours, - H. A. HEPPNER, Of Menefee & Heppner, Real Estate and Ini ranee; -office. Delay it., near Russell, Albina-Hortland, uregon,. rebZO THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FIRST HTKJEIrL FACTORY NO. 105, PinBDQ f the Best ''Brands manufoct OllliliO ured, and ordeas from all parts of .the. country tilled on the shortestootice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become hrmly established, and the ,de mand for the home manufactuaed'article is increasing eyery day. , ' dec24dy-tf A, ULRICH ft SON. SKIBBE HOTEL F, W. L. SKIBBE, Prop; The Only Brick Hote IN THE CITY BEST DOLL A a A DAT HOUSE in the North west. This builainij has been refitted siuce the fire of September 2d, and the rooms ara nrst-claes in every particular. The table is supplied with the Deai me maricei. anoras. The oar iu cnonection with the hotel is suDDlied wttb the highest mrade of Wines, Laquora , ani Im ported and Domestic Cigars. jan39 pioiiEEB mm, Northwest Cur. Second aud WaaMogton Sta, ortbweat Cur. 3e MM i uccesa ox to corgeRucfa. .4 The Cheapest I?laee IH THB DALLESfFOR All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC, We respectfully solicit a share of the public pat- rout ee. and shail endeavor to (rive entire satisfac tion to our customers Dotn old and new. Andrew Yelarde, HOUSE MOVER. , The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. HILL, 0'MALLEY & CO. ' THE LEADING Architects and Builders Office in Skibbe'. Brick, THE DALLES, OREGON Will take contracts and furnish vUns and Bnocifi cationg (or all buildings, frame, brick or tftone. Ala terials fuinfsoed U needed. oct5 W.T.WISEMAN a Suaceajor to; J. H. McDonoiub & C.' DKALEB IU hoice Wines. Liquors, AVD CIGARS. None but the lwt brands of Liquors and Cigara on sale. TemperaDCP rtriuku of all kinds. Corner of Court and Second streets. THE DALLES, OREGON. Ws? ca, ""iS is te maill J11 II" WM. BUTLER & CO, Lumber Dealers. "a hive adcUd to our t.K-im.-s the fol'i.winj lines. aiiU wih not be uutiersold. time, Piaster, Hair, Cement, G FAi'ER, - And will furnish anything it .Iiuililiiii; Material the line of A liljcral we handle. discoHji; to the trade in anything Uur stock is al! fresh. Prcct Etrset, Corner of Jefferson. 31AIEK t iiKNTON, fijuccessors f A, Bcttimfcn RETAILERS ANI .K'DIiEUS IN - AZTD GRANITEWAKE A complete line of Heating in! Cok Stove?, Pumps. Pipe Plumbers and Meam Vfrt ero Supplies; al?o a rrmplete stock of Carpenters;'. E.ackgnil'.hs' and Frin y xt T(hj!b. AND SHELF HARDWARE. TSaa'n. PUunMn; and pipe work will h) da on bbort Lotice.' SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OR CHRISMAN BROTHERS, peeffO! to P. ..y!r ) Proprietors of the JU'l-liiViO JlJ '. U ilillUO Vi i'iVd lin.-.oa II' 11 i. . a. "w r JLvlULp A.4. a-J 0. U kd 9 (iucoesor to Payeite &.rrienrt.) TKE LEADIN'J BLACKSMITH 1 AND WAGON-MAKER. Corner Second end Madison 3te. All work work in Iron or wovi done In the neatest manner.- Anything in the waun line, from a wheel rxurruw to :tn omuiLU9, mode or rcairil-.i. Horse-Slioein'g a Specialty. Plows und machinery temired in the moat 'skill- ul and workmanlike ra inner. nich21dw F. E. SHONTELL -DEALER IN- AND CONFECTIONERY. Second Street, next door to the Red Front Grocery Store. The celebrated II' ffman, General Arthur and Schil . lcr Citrara on aula THE DALLES, - ' ORCGOJJ PAUL KEEFT k CO. DEALERS IN Paints, Oil&(te And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in. WALL r A. 1? E It Practical Paintera and Paper tTanetra. None but the best brands of the Sherwin-Williams P;iint used im all ourworU, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will ba promptlr attended tn. t bbop adjoining Red Front Grocery, THIRD STREET, THE DAojii. "WINK THE . OTHER EYE. STAGEY SHOWN, -THE WAT H MAKEB Has opened op a Je e y nd Repair shop for the Repaim of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Etc .ALL WORK GUARANTEE D. . With Byrne, Helm & Co., DrugirU a and Chem ists, successor to C. E. Dunham. SECOND AND UNOS STREETS ' nevsre nesfaurani. MRS. C. DAVIS, Prop. Adjoimcg the Diamond Holler Mills, on second street. MEALS AT ALL HOURS Tbe tables will b supplied with the best the market affords. Lodging rooms op stairs for guests. .' . L. P. OSTLUND I will (urr.ish drafts and estimates on all build'rnjr, dwellings and stores.. Mr. Ostlund Is a Dnactical mecharlc. and thelplana drafted by him will prove ariistLc, cheap anujdun Die. I;now located at 77 Second Street, Kcxt to SchutzJ Justice Offloe. Kf paii ma a Jleeiaity. He hat stved some of his b e?t ieuther out f the fire and will make the neatest hoot i r h4oe of anyone ui the oitv. mm mm u., ' Corner Third arid Washington St i. , Cured Hams and Saccn, Dried Oeef and Tongues And tlie beatj Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops .a.ij Veal (.unci in ine mAHket.j RDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CiTY faf" Fresh Vegetables on Sale at the Lmet Prices. i R'tS't . 'A !" Fine Clears Tobacco Contractorand Builder rheArtisticSaoemaker " jww WHIPS 256. 50c. 75c. $1.00 $1.23 $1.50 PFATnrnnoM! is madi- from oril.T.s. natareu own tmi-juwc nt!it.Tial. tnt whips made for the i,ne. O Puiaol. AH STi'l.Ks. all prl.-v. y.'.nr t.val.'r Inr a - p HiiiiriV KUCK. - The Dales. Cr. GEBM1NIA, ': r;; l'KFSENT.AT V oriel ri'treet. &13 im and Gi Alt brands rt Imported Liouor?, Ale and Porter.'an niiine Key e-t tirs. A full line ot CAL!nnViiiS& BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. Rooms, 71 MAIN STREET. A?.vniys on linud the) ' T- Wines, Ilaiqviors. unci Cigars. '. isint Evening Resort lie A C" '".r wan-anil Imported Lager Beet on iiraut'lit. iIcD0y. -LT) BROS., : PEOPR'S. ma liiU MBS. A. JONES. Prop, r 83 Aiij liniiid Co.'i drui' s!ore. tajili s are topplied with the best the Diarlitt affjrJ. B1EALS AT ALL HOURS 'Nona bnt white help employed. T.A.YanTor(leii, TUB LEADING WATCHMAKER SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID fO REPAIRING if Fine Watchea. M". Van Norden haa adopted a syeti in of repairing by whici old clocks. uppr eutiy worn out, m.iy be mule serviceable lor year 100 SECOND STIIEET THE fALLES, Or. FOR SALE. A BAND OF TWENTY BROKE IIOHSES, avpr aKin Irora lioo to 1600 i-ouniJK four mrei and the balance aeldinm Thn-e will be Bold at rcaaonab'.e prices. Fer terms app'-r to .T. J. DR1PP3, mcb5- Ilartlanu, Wash, F. .W. BOLD, Bl&cksmith anJ Wagoa-Maksr! At Tiornpsou's oldjitand, 19S TnirJ St . BLACKSM1TH1NC OP ALL KINDS. DONE' NEATLY " AND CHEAPLY.- WOOD-WORK ef all k'ndt, renairinir and miking anything, from a whe:-!barriiW u a carriaKO. RSE-SH0EINC A SECIALTY. rn 4l-w ' ..GaNOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Pians and pj.fiioa';i.ia tor building fur nished. " Will do a.'l Kinds of excavating and grading. . All orders should be left at postoffire box novl3 . , CEDAR POSTS. THE UNDERSIGNED CAN FURNISH MEDIUM aud Lurife Split Cedar Poets, feet long, de livered on cars or boat in East Portl md. for 7 and 8 cents each. Eastern oretron and Washington par ties are pleased with them. We prefer buyers should hava them inspected before the posts are shipped. Address . INVESTMENT COMPANY. I E. j('ACKKKBUSR. Pres't, jan20-dw Drawer 22, Portuuiri, Or. SHEEP FOE SALE .Three thousund Fine Graded Bred Ewes and 3000 Yearlings. Kerr & .Buckley, . Grass Valley, Or. FOR CASCADE LOCKS THE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF CASCADE LOCKS NOW ON THE MARKET. LOTS SELLING VERY RAPIDLY. Tho building of tjie Portage Railroad at this point will make Ciscade Locks a very thriving town in the future. Parties desirous cf inventing at that point will lie furnished with mops and price list by applying to ' BRADFORD & C ASTELLOE, . 110 Second St., Portland, Oregon Or Dr. LEAVENS, at Cascade Locks. lXCOBIUATCI 1HH0: THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY 1 Wholesale and Retail Dealers sod Manufacturers cf-r Onilding- IMnterial nncl DRY. O.VIv and S3L..VI3 PW)51IT DELIVERY TO OOlrr .o, 07 Mblncion N. IfAUGHAM'S vSeettsprants'l .will commend themselves to real lovers of good gardening and its contents BO fully cover au orancaes 01 tuia aoaorbing subject that we J- IT TELLS THE WHOLE STOlix Garden, Lawn and. Farm and represents assortments of garden supplies in the world. For ajc. we mad with the BOOK f one packet " Chicago Parka" Pansy Seed or one plant new French Rose A btaroiooia. wnte lor i-ree cat alooub now. VAUGHAN'S SEED STORE. x 30 YirAP3 EXPEPIEJICE. lobacco i3 one of he few, articles of manufact ure whose real merit can only be found ouh by actual, use. For al L 1 inirry years wer; have been ma-V A Kino the V ; h raclea$ of o- baccds. and we recommend MASTIFF-PLUG-CUT as a reliable. and superior, article. - ufler's Book! l.OCO A PliE 1 0 to '200 ORlfilSAL ES0UA VINOS,'. ELEGANT LJNDINC, PCBLISIIK-ri IN S LANGUAGES, POPULAR TKICES. ' first Edition, :-: 1CO.OOO Copies. THK OMIT ACT1IRNTIC WORK BT GEX. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER.-' Exclusive territory and 1'bora! terms !ven to re liable aire'.ta. Accompany aj'i!icatUn lor territory with i for prispertus. i TU!5 .1. TiEWING CO.. 1 oct:Tt S(n Frjiic:ttco. Cal. AH STRinur IRSTCLA9. The Iaarceat, Faateat sad Flaeat In taw Warld. PawHinfrer apcomodntlona uoexceiieu. ...... HEW YORK. LONDONDERRY AND GUSGOW. Kvnrr Satnrdajr, NEWIORK, GIBRAl-TKrl and NAPLES, AtTPirolar InUrrala. .... SAIOON, SECOND-CUSS AND STEERABl ratoaon lownt trms to and from th principle 330TCH, IN3USH, tSISH ft ALL CONTDTIltTAl FOItTTB Excursion elRketa arnilable to return by either the plo tureqne Clvde A North of Ireland or Naples Olbraltar Dnftt and Kossr Orttn for Aor Aoout il lowttt BttM, Apply to anf of onr local Airents or to frENUKIWON BKOTUEBS, Chloaco, III. AGENTS WANTED Apply to T. A. HUDSON, General Agent, lh j Dalles, Or. jan&l-ttt ' ' A ' ' ' fil'M-ELASTlC ROOriNG- Kr'LT coeti onlv2.00 r per 100 square feet. Makes a r-(km1 roof for y art, ant anyone can put it on, hend stomp for Bumplft attd full pirticaii. , GUM ELASTIC ROOKING CO., 39 41 Wt Broadway, - New Yoik City tST- local Ayrnts Wanted 1 (oilS Goods hinlcrl with the grratost"L-ar to ill parts of the city on short notion. Leave ordera with Fia& fc Bardon .Notice to Contractors BIDS WILL BE l:FCKIVED at tha offiee V F. Oibous until Monday hoon, April 4th, lRthi, tor the erection of the suprHtniclure of the First Con1 relational Churub of rrhi Ilalles, acoordlnii Ui ilans and tnNlin'mio.s tolifl aern at Crandali at luivett'a ottlue. The bulMiuir commute reserva tli riifht to reject any or all bMs. It. r OinoNS. . It. B. HUNTINGTON, , BuilUliijr Couimittee. ' Tlie DallesrOr., March 14, !8iu. Attention, Sheep f.len. T X Ku-ma, hi:h are excellent fT sheep dip or for cleansinit cattle of verniiu. whlt-n 1 will tall cheap. For terms apply at The Dalles Ciirar Factory. mchl2 A. ILLHICM k SON. fou sale: SIX; HEAD OF WORK HORK.i, (mm Ave to eight years old, in iroo 1 condition. Will soil for cah, or trade some of them for stallions. . C. KOEHLER. Nansene, Or., Feb. 18. 182. DRESS MAKING. TnOSE DESIRING DrlEt-SKS HADK AT TIIEnt bnmea can be aecommoriated with firstlaaa work by addressing the unddrniiined thrmnrh the postofflce. A1HS. 11. AIKEN. mchlO-dltn '! nit Tmn im.r.- fit ruir "T.TT lfnrf woi'a, m "J fitht-f fcs. t rVmjr i.r oid.ctui m t.i- "i BOn luiai iii'V rever .iify llw. Ai y one mn t'o ill m mk. l'.ry to ( m K a furtiiah eerytliinr. We Mart t mi. n riK. YuU run d.i jour pan ntuToctn, or all your tit'i lo tlio work. i hU r n filrreijr new lratl,'iul !iriiii woriU- mi iritiii rvfr- v i iui . lirmuiwrt rj earning trora tpUi lo t j't prui i-M. ami ui.Mt, nd more aftrr a tittle oiir! ?.. We cti f.iniUh jrnu ih rn phirmfllt and teach yii V K'o fTn. c to t fil,.in lipre. tit' (Mliai III.HIIIIIIIHMI S DOCTOR H Colbratod EX LI Ml: ; ."j" PUlaareaPoa1tiTCurforl?h: rflnXFR HdaclM Hill , and: Zl m L Ortjpao Small, lea.: PllK amt 't wllk the! t r If 11 la ladle. Bold In England for la.; S R a If IH4-. in Ajnerioa for S&e. Gt; in A ihena from jvnr Vruf&iMtm, or S fill I C Wd to W. H. HOOKKR A CO flLLdl 4 WM BrMtfwart Vt. lMIMt.ltllIMItltlMtU ItMltltMll Dimen-sioii Timber .WOOD ANY PART OF .7 3 E CITY. Ynit at ON? ov. rimeit Barrack mm ! A 9 .JAS. FERGUSON, General Expressman ! ArefllvdeTibdInourleu'.ifuIbookCAFDi:rIII!0 ILLUSTRATED for 1893. It contain one hundred pages handsomely printed and illustrated with ac curate photo-Jlav"1r, and colored plates. It is a Mirror of Ainerican Horticulture tooiite and shows the recent attainment 01 una art, sine nr side with the rood old plants of our fntliera' descriptions, plain and rea."nual say one of tbe most complete asm annnun rarna, ruirarn UUWIUVi