a- The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY.. .MARCH 19. 18J2 SENATOR MORGAN'S BILL. , Senator Morgan's bill for abrogat ing the United States bonding privi leges now enjoyed by Canadian im porters and leaving Canadian railways to find their outlets to the Atlantic as best they can has a twofold import, says the Chicago Inter Ocean. La the " first place it gives a clear uoto of warning to the too self-asserting Do minion of Canada that there are limits to the patience of this republic. For about eight years our fishermen in t he northeastern waters have been denied their natural rights in Canadian ports . and have met with scant huojauity, and no courtesy when driven by stress or storm to seek shelter or to bay food ' or to make repairs on the Canadian coasts, while at the same time ftVrts of , Canadian poachers have been harrying and destroying seals in waters over which the United States claims ex clusive jurisdiction. Notwithstanding ' their unneighborly acts this country has been more than courteous' in granting the use of its ports and its . custom houses to Canadian commerce that otherwise must have found a dan gerous outlet through the frozen ports of Quebee and Montreal. Senator Morgan's bill is a calm and clear noti fication to Canada that if it wants further accommodation from the ' . United States it must behave itself decently. But tnis is its least important and ' . least pleasant signification. Coding . at the present time and under preseiit . circumstances it means that when the f . -;- arrogance of a foreign power is to be . rebuked, or the honor of the United States 'is to be upheld before the world, there is no north, no south, no east, no west. We rejoice that ., the bill is introduced to the renate :by a Democrat, and by a Democrat from a southern state. A bill so introduced gives evidence of the un diminished flame of American patriot ism. It proves that however much parties or eections may differ, aa to - measures of domestic policy, all Anier ' ica and all Americans are one, and in divisibly united in defense of the . rights of this republic against foreign ' pretensions. We have given much to Canada as a matter of courtesy, and have ' received small thanks for our giving, but when it comes to suffering : organized theft of the most "aluable ' part of our Aleutian property by fleets of Canadian . poachers it is time to make reprisals. . Senator Morgan's bill is well calcu ', lated as a measure of retribution, but 1 protective measures are ' needed in the ' form of large appropriations for war ' ships and coast defenses. ' The Cbilian episode gave us warning, the Behring sea affair repeats and emphasizes it v The spirit that gives "millions for de fense, .not a cent for tribute," still is active in the United States, and it is a spirit that, in the long run, is as pro .duotive of economy as it is conducive to honor. v The solution of the Behring sea question is complicated . by Canadian seal - poacners, who desire to reap every benefit from the fishery while the matter xis being adjudicated. If the British empire and. the united states were the only parties interested .an amicable settlement could easily be reached; but our north ern neighbors, the Kanuckp, are very ambitions for sources of wealth, and pBehring sea affords them a rich har- yest. The premier of Great Britain should turn this matter over to the Dominion, and not jeopardize the peace of lwo friendly nations to gratify ' the avarice of a colony. The cholera is advancing towards Russia, and if it reaches the famine- devastated districts during the sum- , mer, there will be few left to jJant grain .the coming summer. As a' re sult American wheat will commond a high figure the coming year: but it would be cruel to give, thanks for this sad misfortune, from which we will reap the benefit. - GRANT OOTJETY. Items From the . Columns - Canyon City Sews. or the Stockmen about Dayyille have about all turned out their bands for the summer. Grant county will have a railroad sooner or later, and then we ill be "in it," for we have the natural resources. Mr. Porter, of the Prairie C ly mill, brought down a load of flour and lard Tues day. It is their intention to agaia.start the mill next week. ' Coal prospectors will begin to open up the vein of coal up the creek, as so'.n s the snow leaves the bill so they can tit it. Sheepmen in this county who ci.uained tbeir wool to San Francisco hous Unt year have not realized upon it yet, in many in stances, and will patronize home buyers in the future. Proof of our excellent climate is substan tiated in the fact of City Marshal Cnnning- ton having found apples in J-lia Lunn'i orchard that had lain under tua tries a!) winter and were sound and firm. This is a better bee country than many imagine. Bees flourish in the mountains. and run wild. And a number of ranchers np and down the valley give some attention to bee culture. Every industry uf this nature helps to make the pathway of the farmer more pleasant. Mr. O. Guernsey, who is s distiller by profession, has written to tbe proper au thorities to enquire tbe preliminaries to the i successful establishment of a distillery. If not too "binding," Mr. Guernsey will have small distillery in operation before fall. thus adding another to onr growing indus tries. The Stage Held Up. Ochoco Review. Last Saturday morning Ah Doon, propri etor of tbe Prineville Hotel, took passage on the stae for The Dalles, and when the stage was about four miles from town and waa going np a short hill north of Mclsy .creek, six masked mefi rose up in the road, ordered the driver, Joha Miller, to halt and with drawn pistols made Doon get off the stage. Doon returned by Saturday's stage and gives the following account of the affair: He says he was riding with the driver outside the stage, and when near the top of the hill tr.e &tage was stopped by the s;z masked men, three on each side. They had their pistols drawn, and or.lered him to get down, lie thought they wanted to rob him and he got down. A large man, who did all the talkiuir, struck bun, he thinks with a pistol, making a severe cut on his mouth. Then they bound his hands behind his back and hit him several times, and threatened to hang him unles3 be wonld promise to leave the country and take all the China men here with him. One of the party cut off his cue, and after again trying to make him promise to take all the Chinamen out of the country, put him on the stage and ordered the driver to go on. They made no attempt torch him or take any money or papers fronf him. He says their faces were covered with black masks and they cuffed him arouDd so much that he had no oppor tunity nf telling who they were, acd has no knowledge of their identity. This affair caused intense excitement here as soon as it was heard of. The first news of the transaction was brought in by K'lis Wheeler, who came into town from Willow creek Saturday forenoon. lie was informed of the affair st Mr. Cleek's in the morning, and found Doon's hat and cue in the road where the stage was held up. He brought them to town and delivered them to Sheriff Booth, who with a number of others went out to the scene aLd endeavored to find some clue to the perpetrators of the deed. They found where the masked men had pulled up sage brush and built shelters be hind which they were hid when the stage came along. They also found where six horses had been tied some distance from the place where the stage was held up. Further than this Sheriff Booth says he found no evidence to show whom the par ties were. The same night Ah Tye, manager of Quong, Hing & Co's store, says either six or seven men came to bis store and tried to get him out, but he refused to open his doors and they went away. He thinks they wanted to get him out and killhim or cut off his cue. The authorities will make an investiga tion of the matter, and if the parties who did it can be detected they will be brought into court snd made to answer for their rash act. So far nothing is known definite ly as to who the parties are, though some who pretend to know all about it, say they have circumstantial evidence enough to warrant them in saying who the parties are. Botes From the Country. " Matville, Or., March 12, 1892. Editor Tnns-MouKTAiHKKR: Being as I have not much to do I will drop you a few lines, but they will be of little interest as I am a poor writer. Most eyery one is about through putting in their crops as this has been a lovely spring for plowing and sowing. . The ther mometer marke t SO degrees in the shade the past two cr three days.- The green grass is better than it has been for years, and stock of all kinds are picking up. Very little loss in this country last winter, William Keys has built . one ot HaS s portable 'chutes and dehorned about 300 head of cattle the fore part of the week. Geo. C. Sears 4 Son, of Fairview farm. will, commence dehorning next week, and will then turn their -cattle over to K M. Stephens and W. S. Rinehart, who have leased them for the period of three years. W. G. Keys is just recovering from a Bevere attack of la grippe. Mr. Henry Cumming, druggist oi May- ville, who departed some time age, bad not been heard of until a few days ago, when his sister, Mrs. Frank Golden of this place, received a letter from him stating' that he is in Tennessee and has a bran new woman and expects to return soon. v Joseph Pigg left here last summer, and the first and only news his wife has heard of him was that he was found dead on the Sound country somewhere, with a letter in his pocket addressed to Jo. Pigg, Mayyille. No. other particulars have been received. I fail to see in any of our county papers the account of Geo. T. Evans, of Parish ereek, recently of Mayville, getting mar ried' to a lady from the east about three weeks ago, at the residence of Wm. Black, The wedding was a yery quiet affair. ' G. T. Johnson, deputy sheriff of Condon, arrived from California with , Geo. Rose, of Fossil, a few days ago.' At the last term of circuit court the grand jury found a true bill against him for cattle stealing. If all re ports are true it is liable to go pretty hard with George. A. B. Lamb, of Fossil, his brother-in-law, went oyer to Condon and went his bail until the April term of court. This being my first attempt you will have to overlook many blunders. Ranches. Public School Notice. . . To avoid misunderstanding between the patrons and teachers of our school, we desire to place before the patrons an old but important rule of the school. It is this: Teachers are to require excuses from parents or guardians of pnpils, either in person or by written note, in all cases of absence or tardiness, or dismissal before the class of school, and no excuse shall be deemed valid except that of sick ness or very necessary employment. The teacher shall be the judge of the soffi ciency of the excuse, subject to an appeal to the directors. When the unexcused half days1 abstoce and tardy it arks of any pupil shall .aggregate four in any four consecutive .weeks the teacher may suspend biro until be may gain the per mission of the directors and principal for readmi9sioD, or the teacher may employ any other appropriate punishment . Death of an Old Pioneer. V Mr. Florin Debm, who has been sick for some weeks past, died this morning about 7 o'clock. Ke came to the state in 1-852 as a musician m one uf the-regiments of the regular army, and came to The Dalles in 1S62, since which time he has resided in this city. In 1854 be was married at Van couver to Miss Elizabeth Dayidson, who preceded him to the silent shore a few weeks since, Mr. T. J. Dryer, then editor aud proprietor of the Oretfonian, beiDg one of the witnesses, Mr. Dehm has followed his vocation of watch repairer at The Dalles since he came here, and iu the old files of the Mountaineer of the early sixties his advertisement of "F. Dehm, Watchmaker and Jeweler," appeared. He was an enter prising, generous citizsn, and any matter in which he was interested he entered into heartily. His son and daughter, who now mourn his loss, will receive the heartfelt sympathy of the community. His funeral will take place Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Catholic church. Kendnclc Advocate: G. W. Walker, one of the commissioners of Nez Perce county passed through town Thursday. The com missioners have been engaged this week in appraising school land south of Genesee. The remainder ef the school land on tbe Big Fotlatch is to be appraised in a few days. This means of course the sale of the lands ' in thevery near future and an 1 addi tion to onr state school food. Astorian: Leopold Kirchberi?, who has returned from Alaska, where he baa been baying Indian curios for the world's fair, says the grip has again reached the Indians I ; tnoui(iluuii ouaaa, Miu huim year witn re uuuiaiu as ua-u au i x;i y t.i SavJ w io ited there were eight or nine deaths every day. The natives, instead of taking any steps to check the spread of the epidemic, imagine that it is a scourge sent by tneir go.', and that it is their duty to accept and encourage it, so whenever one ot them is attacked he immediately goes and lies naked on the beach in the snow or the wet sand au-.l remains without food until he dies either from hunger or exposure. The use of all herbs and other medicines is stuctly prohibited among many tribes, and the ka koul root, that proved so wonderfully effi cacious last year in checking the spread of the disease, has been torn up and burned wherever it has been found. All of the In dians about Juneuu, Wraugel aud Chilcat are in a state of terror, and at all the camps and villages "Isarkat" (the body devil) holes have been dug, into which the dead Indians are uncermoniously thrown. For Oyer Firty Years. An Old and Well-Tkied Remedy Mrs. Wioslow's Soothing Syrup has been ued foi over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, witb perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the cum?, allays all pain, cures wind r.oiic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. Ia pleasant to the taste. Sold by all druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value ia incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow'g Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. 21fb91 The Plot lMsrovered. London, March 14. A dispatch from Constantinople to tbe Exchange Tele graph Company states that great excite ment has been caused there by what the police claim to be tbe discovery of a plot tn assassinate Sultan Abdinnl Hamid II. Every effort has been made to run tbe conspirators to earth. Yesterday they were rewarded by the capture of two men believed to have been elected by tbe conspirators to carry out the designs against tbe sultan. No doubt in enter tained that it w&s their intention to assas sinate the sultan. . A deader. Since its first introduction, Electric Bit ters has gained rapidly in popular favor1 until now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal tonics and alteratives. Containing nothing which permits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recog nized as the best and purest medicine for all ailments of stomach, liver or kidneys. It will cure sick, headache, indigestion, constipation, and drive malaria from the system. Satisfaction guaranteed with each bottle or the money will be refund ed. Price only 50 cents per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinersl. 2 Watches and Clocks. Mr. Stacey Shown, the jeweler, has re cently added a complete line of cloaks and watches of the latest patterns. Any one desiring good time-keepers, either for the house or for the pocket, can procure the best by calling on him at his place of busi ness, with Byrne, Flovd &. Co., corner of Second and Union streets. BarkJen's Af uira Aalve. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feve. sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay require.1. it is guar anteed to give pellet satisfaction, or moiey refunded. Price 23 cents per box. Kor silu by Suipes & Kinerslv. County Treasurer's fiotice. All county warrants registered' prior to July 7, 1888, will be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. . Geo. Ruch, Treas. Wasco Co. The Dalles, Feb. 24, 1S92. 4w East Oregonian: A fifteen year-old girl who arrived in Pendleton on freight No. 23 from Meacbam was taken charge of by Deputy Sheriff Johnson on a telegram from her father, J. W. Bellew, stating that the cirl was running away from home. The girl afterwaid made some damaging statements against ber father and a Mr. Lee, and swore out a complaint against them. Deputy Sheriff Hailey left for Meacbam this morning to serve the papers, and returned on the noon train with the defendants and several wit nesses, the girl in the meantime having been cared tor in a private family, it was shown by tbe statements of her sis ters and by other witnesses whom - she caused - to he subpoenaed, that tbe girl's charge was entirely false, and tbe case was dismissed this afternoon in Justice Bishop's court. Just what disposition will be made with the wilful maiden, who according' to reports does not seem dis posed to tread the narrow path of recti tnde, is not yet known. A frightful accident happened on Sun day ast to a boy residing on tbe ridge between Eight and Fifteen tnile. . He, with another , boy, was returning borne with a load of wood, when ' be fell on tbe doubletree, wbich started the . horses to kicking. ' clinging to tbe doubletree until tbe team ran some distance, he was thrown on the ground and tbe bcrses and wagon passed over bim. Tbe back of tbe bead was crushed in and other braises were discernible. He died soon after the accident. Tha boy's name was Charlie vuaot;. a Liu uib iiHreniB lire in tile lmtue i diate vicinity. He was a good boy and was Highly respected by tbe neighbors. Salem Statesman: There are two city associations of the Y. M. C. A. in Oregon outside of Portland that are older than the Salem association recently organized, which fact is not generally known. The Albany association was organized in 1888, and now owos a valuable corner lot. The Astoria association ia older than that of Albany. None of the associations, however, started ont with sach bright prospects as tbe one in this city, and if i he interest can be kept op it will no doubt before long own its building acd gymnasium. Amu BIT aimnfa fina. TIT I nni. cat ' If nnt far an It. in ...... . ni n . ." : dealer to fiend for catalogue, secure the - k i. . iucui lor you. a i'Aia.j. xusiJBSTlTUTB.-a TUP VV. L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE ftmivrpM CM THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONET? .-i."-? fg!" shoe, with no lacks or wax thread to burt the teeb made of the best One calf, stylish and easy, and because v make more shoe ofthi (Trade fhas, any other manufacturer, It equals Band- , - - ' '' -.o.... 1; Mill w.w w Qti 00 Genuine Handsewed, theflnestealf shoe ever offered for $5.00: equals trench Rtl 00. Hand-Sewed Welt Shoe, One calf. shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as cus- S3 30 ??"e fehoej Farmers, Kailroad Men f w and Letter Carriers all wear them: line calf, seamless, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edge. One pair will wear ayeax. R2 SO "ne calf 1 no better shoe erer offered at this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. Uj2 " mna Vi.OO Worklnsman's sboea have given them a trial will wear no other make. Knvcr .uw ana S1.70 scnool snoes ere m0W 0 Wnrtl hv r.ha hnva AvawwkAKA. .V. ...I. on their merits, as the Increasing sales show. SJ Oil Id aD m ri ipp nnna-sewea snoe. oess imported shoes coating from ii i.wJTifiTrt A5!- and 1.75 shoo for n5L"JS:525 i5a.t -J Doaglas- name. eZ J.'FREIMAN, AGENT; THE.DALLI.8 DOCTOR -a) These Oelebrmted EN6LJHU- eACKER'S PniarPoalUTClirforlet; Ueaaaehc, ""' i-r andZ Oaastlpattoa. r BauOl, pleas-! at aad a fhvarlt wtta the" lmdlea. Sold la England for la." lHd.,ln America foe as, flat! taeaa from roar BnuuMm. or! PURE PINK P( send to W. H. booku co. " ktht, ssp'rws. The Dalles Restaurant rtr riyS MBS. A. JONES, Prop. ' WHY IS crisis ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts f entry yet promptly on ine xajuneys, iiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures hahitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ao cectable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in oOc and $1 bottles by ali leading druggisau HT 1 1- liL. ju.anuiacr.uxeu oruy ny me CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AH FHAMOISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. Kr. HEW fOBK. M.T Legal Notices- For a Republican Conntv Convention and Primary Elections. Notict is herel y (riven that at a meeting of the Republican County central Committee rl Wasco county. Or., called by authority veteii in me as ('haii man of said committee, and held at th.? County Court Room in Dalles City, Oregon, on the 13th day of February, 18D2, it was ordered tnat ft can De 18 anrd for a Republican fount? Convention, to be held at the Court House in Dalles City, Oregon, at 10 A. M on tbe 26th day of March, 1892, for the purpose of nominating candidates for the office of County Judtre, Clerk, Sheriff, one County Commissioner, Treasurer, Assessor. Superintendent of Schools, County Surveyor and Coroner, and the election or bix delegates to represent wasco county in the Republican state Convention, to be neia in the citv of Portland. Or. . on tbe 6th day of April. 1802,and to transact such other and further business as mav properly come before said Convention. The County Convention will consist of seventy. three delegates from the various precincts, appor- loned as loiiows, to-wit: Falls Precinct Hood River Precinct Baldwin " Moeier " West Dalles Trivett " I Bigelow " East Dalles " Eight Mile " Columbia - ' Deschutes " Kansene " .......... Dufur " Kinesley " Tygh Valley " Waumack " OnkOrove " Bake Oven " Antelope " 5 Delegates 4 s 2 5 8 .....7 7 2 2 2 2 5 3 2 3 3 S It is further recommends ', by order of the Cen tral Committee, that priirary elections be held in tne various precincts? at tnc usual place of voting. on tbe 19th da) of March, 1892. and that the polls be opened at such primaries througqout the county at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, except wi'bin the limits of Dalles city, in which the prraanes will be con ducted under provisions of Primary Election Law and tne subjoined notice. i The attention of electors in tha various precincts desiring to elect Justices of the Peace and Consta bles, is called to the provisions of the new election law as to the manne of nominating their candidates ac tne primaries. M. T. NOLAN. Attest: 7 Chairman Rep. Co. Central Cora. A u. Johnson, sec y. , Primary Election ISotlce. Notice is hereby given that a orimarv election will be held in each ot the election precincts within the limits of Dalles City, Wasco county. Oregon, for the purpose of electing delegates from Kast DUles prj- cmct, uigeiow precinct, Trivett precinct, and West Dalles precinct, to represent said precincts at the Republican County Convention, to be held at the Court House In Dalles City, Oregon, on the 26th day of March, A. D.; 1892. Said primary election will 1 be held on tbe . 19th day of March, A. D., 1892. Tbe polling places in each of said precincts are hereby designated as follows, to-wit: feast uaiies precinct at wasco warenouse. Bigelow precinct at Wm. Michell's office. Trivett precinct t County Court Room. West Dalles precinct at Old Citv Flour Mill. The polling places in each of said precincts will be kept open for the reception oi votes from 2 o'clock J P. M. to 7 P. M. of Raid day. and the following num ber of delegates will be chosen at said primary elec tion to represent their respective precinct in ,aaid County Convention, to-wit East Dalles precinct 7 Delegates Bigelow 7 Trivett " 8 West Dalles " 6 The following named electors have been desig nated to act as judges of elegtion in each of saip J1 C-UlbO l-afKVUT-.IJ W.Ik. Wm. Tackman East Dalles Precinct H. W. eteel (B. F. Laughlin (O. J. Crandall Bigelow Precinct ;..-! Wm. Sylvester ( Jas. M. Huntington ' C Chas. L. Schmidt Triyett Precinct. . . . . W.J. Jeffers ( Chas. h. Phillips W. Marquis West Dalles Precinct. . . A. J. Anderson Geo. W. Kunyon (.Go Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 4th day of March, .a- v., usm. 1 M. T. NOLAN. Attest: . Chairman Rep. Co. Central Com. a. u, -iohbsos, eeu y. mcnotd Sheriff's Sale. BY. VIRTUE OP AN EXECUTION AND ORDER of sale, issued out of the Circuit Conrt of the State of Oiegon for Wasco county, on the 5th day of reuruary, lows, in in suit wnerein tne solicitors' Loan and Trust Company is plaintiff, and Adam O. Johnson and Mary E. Johnson are defendants, to me directed, commanded me to make sal. of the lands in sua execution and order ot sale, described to-wit: Lots A, B, C, J. K and L, of .block 83 of Fort Dalles 0l.lJCi'S ianu, ana win ecu on Saturday, the 26th day of March, 1892, St the hour of 2 o'clock P. M.. at tha i-onrt aoor in wasco county, state of Oregon,'. I will sell said laud and all the right, title and interest which said defendants had the-ein on the 27th day of De cember, 1886 (the date of mortmain described in tha complaint in said suit), or have since acquired, at public auction to ths highest bidder therefor, to sat isfy the lodgment, interest, attorney's fees, ousts and disbursements in said suit, to-wit: tl812.7fL baariiur interest u ine rate or a per cent, per annum, from the 21st day of November, 1860, together with costs mau accruing costs nerein. Hated this 23d day of February, 1892. . D. L. CATES. feb27-td Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. Assignee's Notice. T0T1CE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHN XI Donovan has mans an assignment tn tha undersigned for the benefit of all of his creditor. All creditor? nf said assurnor are there- ore nereoy notinad v nt their claims under oath to me at the saloon formerly occudied bv aaid assignor in The Dalles, Oregon, within three months iir.m tne aate uereoi. Dalles City, Or., Feb. 18, 1S92. FRANK ROACH, feb20-5t . Assignee. 85 XJISXOJN STREET 85 Adjoinlug Byrne, Floyd Co.'s drug, store. The tables are supplied with the best the marfeet affords. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. None but white help employed. JAS. FERGUSON, Goods hauled with the createst'eare to ail parts of the city on short notice. . Loave orders with Fish & Pardon COLDPIfl PH6KIK6 CO., f Corner Third and Washington Sts. ' Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues . Aal the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops nad Yeol . Cutlets in the market., ORDERS CEUVERED TO ANY FART OF CITY General Expressman 'Fresh Tesetables 60 Sale at ihs Lowest Prices. Jeoaajw . TO -A SjILi PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH -AT DALjLEH THE B. E. LYTLE, Agent UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEAN, Portland to Kan Franclaeo. To San Francisco Leaving Stesmship Wharf, Port land, at 10 P M.. as foUows: Oregon Feb 8. 28 Columbia Feb 12, 20 State Feb 16, 24 Baggage must be checked either at Ash St., during the aay, or by the U. C. & B. Co. No unchecktd baggage will be received on the steamers. San Franriaco to Portland. To Portland Leaving Spear St Wharf, San Francisco at 10 A.M. as follows: Columbia Feb 7,19 State Feb 11, 23 Oregon , Feb .5, 27 The company reserves the right to change steam ers ot sailing dates without further notice. For rates, tickets, berth reservations, etc. call on or address any ticket agent of the Union Pacific sy tem. C. 8. MELLEN. T. W. LEE, Gen. Traffic Mans er. Gen. Pass. At. ram GEEMAIIA, CHAS. STUBI1ING.J Prop. FOR THE PRESENT AT 86 Second. Street. ! fa, Lipors and Cim All brands nf Imported Lienors, Ale an1 Porterjan g-enuiue Hey W ess Uigars. A iuu line oi CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES Milwaukee Beer on Draught. re SIRS. C. DAVIS, Prop. Adjoining tbe Diamond Roller Mills, on Second street. MEALS AT ALL HOURS I Tbe tables will hn supplied with the best tbe market affords. Lodging roous op stairs tor guests. L P. OSTLUND ilt I will fuAiish drafts and estimates on all buildings. dwellings and stores. Mr. Ostlund is a practical mechanic and thelplaBS dratted by nun wui prove arturtie, cheap anu'dura- Die. A Souvenir IliimMe Free. A' NY LADY sendinar at once the n lines and ad- J dress of ten married lady friends or house keepers to whom we can send sample copies of the most charming1 illustrated ladies newspaper pub lished to-day, will receive an elegant solid silver sou venir thimble. The "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly" is the handttomest and most entertaimnir publication of its class and is becoming universally popular with intelligent ladies in both Canada and the United States. It contains sixteen large pages, same sise as "Harper's Bazaar" most profusely illustrated, and comes each week at only $2 a year. If you de sire a souvenir thimble sena names of those you think wonld be interested in the "Ladies Weekly" and enclose niteen U. o. 2 -cent stamps to cover ex penses of mailinir, etc. Forward to-day. Addresi "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly," Canada Life Building. o onto, iao. nvzow C. W. ADAMS, Isfaow located af 77 Second Street, Next to Scoutx'JJustice Office. KrnalnnK a (Specialty. He has saved some of his best leather out of the fire and will make the neatest boot -r shoe of anyone in the city. F. W. BOLD, Msfflth&ii Wap4te! At Thompson's oldjjtand, 193 Tnird St BUCKSMITHINC OF ALL KINDS DONE NEATLY AND CHEAPLY. WOOD-WORK f all kinds, repairing and making Kuuuug, inna . woeeiunrrow to a carnage. HORSE-SHOEING A SECMLTY. m 4d-w Sample Rooms 11 MAIN STREET. Always on hand the liest Wines, JUiquors, and Cigars. & Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei on oraupht. Mcdonald bros., : PROPR'a T.A.VanJSTor(lcn, : THE LEADING WATCHMAKER OPEOIAL ATTESITION PAID TO REPAIRING 01 rine naicnea. ar. van norden has adopted By 31.-111 in rcMinu); uy wuci UI U ClOCICS, appar ently worn out, may be m-ule aerv iceable for year 108 SECOND STREET " THE DALLES, Or, G. STOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. ' Plans and sj.nir'caW 10s tor building fur nished. Will do all Kinds of excavating and grading. All orders should be Jleft at postoffice box novi: CEDAE POSTS. TBE UNDERSIGNED CAN FURNISH MEDIUM and tared bplit Cedar Posts. e feet lone, de Reve Resfaurant Contractor and Builder rhe Artistic Shoemaker livered on can or boat ia Bst Portland, for 7 and 8 dents each. Eastern Oregon and Washington par ties are pleased with them. We prefer buyer should bare tbem Inspected before the nosts are shipped. Address IS YJ1&1MJUIX lAiUr&n I , y E. QOACSBSSDSB. PreT ' Jan2Mw Drawer 22, Portland, Or. FROM TERMINAL OR IN1ERIOR POINTS THX , Northern Pac RAILROAD Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND OUTH It is the Dining Car Route. It runt Through Ves tibuled Trains Eery Day in the year to ST.PAUUna CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARS.) Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. ullman Drawing-room Sleepers of Latest Equipment. , TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Best that can be constructed, and in which accom modations are both Free and Furnished for holders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with ah Lines, Anordmg Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad Vance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all points in America. England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket office of the company. Full information concerning: rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any afcen or A. D. CHARLTON, Asst General Passenger Agt., No. 121 First St., Cor. Wain.. PORTLAND. OREGON FBEE TO THE TEIP WORLD'S FAIR Commencing May 1, 1893 The History Company, of San Franc. 'co. Col., (capital stock fSOO.000) the oldest and lucyert publishing- house on the Pacific coast, this day announce that ihey wPl give, absolutely free, a ticket to the World's Fair iid return, inbiudintr meals en route one week (7 days), hotel accommodations, six admis sion tickets to tbe Exposition grounds, two tickets to leading Chicago theaters, and such other privi leges as may insure a pleaivuit trip to deserving per sons who comply with their requirements. 3NTOTIC23. Those desiring to go to the World's Fair and who : could not otherwise do so, can aduress us at once for full particulars. Thie offer does not applr to per- I runs ui luiaMis wiiu are in ft pusiuoD vo uxvut tne ex penses of sueh a trip themselves, but to enterprising and intelligent young men and women who can ap preciate such an opportunity and make the most of it. Teachers, clergymen, students farmers' bright sons nnd daughters in fact any and all possessing energy, enterprise and charactor will be eligible. THE CHANGE OK A I.IFE-TIME. Every young man or woman who desires to tro to I unicogo ana see tne wonders or the greatest 0010- ition the world has ever known, shonld address us at once, bucto an opportumth is rarely offered, and the trip will be the event of a lifetime to those who no. Address THE HISTORY COMPANY, IHB HISTORY ITOTLDIXO,' No. 723 MARKET ST.. SAX FRANOI CAL. UC Mlaaed his Opportmltyt IHOTF MtM nt Yoarc, lteAder. Tne majority neglect their ou- pornmiues, ana irom un cause lire in poverty ana ie in obscurity! HavrrowiDg despair ia tbe lut of many, ma thy look back on loat, rorerer)ost,rpportQsity. Ufolap. ins 1 Keacn a, seap an nity, and secure prosper! ty, Ins! Beach oat. Be-ap and doiof. Improreyoar opporta- nuy, and secure prosperity, prominence, peace. It waa s br a nhilosonber. that "the Goddesa of Fortnna offers prorainence, peace, it waa atua iroldeia ODDortnnitT to each neraon at some neriod of life! embrace the chance, and the poors ont ber riches; fail to de so and she departs, never to return.11 How shall yon find the cold Kit opportunity)1 Investigate every chance that eDDeara worthr. and of fair nrami&a: that la whmt all ma- cotsfal men do. Here Is an opportunity, such as ienotoftesi within the reach ot laborine people. Improved, It will rive. at least, s grand start in life. The COLDBtf opportunity for many is here. Money to be made rapidly and honorably do the work and lire at borne, whereveryen are. Even be ginners are eaMly earninr from $3 to vlO per day. Tow uy ny luunainona person oi eiiasr sex. au ages, ion can can ao as veil u von win wore not too itara. not lndnatrk onsly ; and yon can increase your Income as yon coon. Yea can give spare timeonly, or all your time to the work. Easy touui I von. . to learn. Capital not required. We startvon. AUIseoi naraUvelT new and reallv wonderfaL We fnatrnet j I; wonderfaL We in struct and show yon bow, aVefis Failure unknown among our work- Ko room to exDlain here. Write and learn all tV. bv retnrn mail. Unwise te delay. Address at once, IL. UsUlett fe Co., Aax Fortlsuul, M-'-Tsl THE DALLES FACTORY NO. 105. PIP ADO f the Best IBrands mannfact UlUMnO nred. and ordeas from all parts of tbe country filled on the sbortestDotice. Tbe reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become brmly established, and tbe de mand for tbe home manafactuaed'article is increasing eyery day, dec24v-tf A. ULEICH & SON.. Te YooDf Housekeepers Free to all Brides ! "VTOTICE is hereby giyen to all the readers of this Jl paper and all their friends and acquaintances inrouitQout tne unitea states ana Uanada that THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One"Ycar as A WEDDING PREE To every newly married couple whose address and 10 cents to pavi pogtaee is sent to the Dublisher wihub one year irom ine aate 01 tneir mamaae. Persons sending for this present are requested to end eopy of a paper can lain me a notice of their marriage, or some otner evidence tnat shall amount to a reasonable proof that tbey are entitled to tbe magazine unuer tne a Dove oner. Address, 'THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt COAL! COAL! -THE BEST- Wellington, Eock Springs, and Koslyn Coal. $12, sacked and delivered to aoy part ot j tne city. At Moody's Warehouse. ftBONE IS FEATHERBONK Is made from rTTTT T H i nature 1 own toughest material, best whips made for tha price. Cheap. Durable. A l.T. ktvi.km. all pncee, aas your neater rora - PPIrpiIPDDnVI? HENRY KUCK, - The Dalles, Or. FOR SALE. A BAND op TWENTY BROKE HORSES, an x aging from 1100 to 1500 nounda four mares ana ine osianee geiuings ineie will be sold at reasonable prices. Fer terms applr to T.i. DR1PP3, mchJS Hartland, Wash. r-mtat h.it for:i.rltatf b mttdfat st fir UM, Uy ,U:n4 Vvar Auaiilt, STT KAft, sufl Jus. llono. lolMlo. Jl:lo. ckiiim mnrn r irw-w sj fXi&''uut"- stJUi work and !ir arlnueni arc railv canHna; irom V ro lUada. AllarM. We mbow n bow OIX aixl atart 70a. Can work Iti pstrv lima (O tn una. rufj ssoMj 10c wotk Fail ara stnkaown amoasr them. NKW sndMnriarAiL Partial 1 an tVaav CirPaefnrv mm mW O ; MVUlXJ Northwest Cor. Second and Washington-6ts. ' BEKrj uui & n. pi's FOR. WHIPS VsCjSfe 25c 50o. . ?l.00 $1.25 l3.Ualltr ft C..1IK iawPorUMdsMasiM "The song that touched tils heart,1 t. A pure, sweet, lasting smoke. A universal favor ite among pipe smokers be cause of its absolute purity. Packed in patent canvas pouches, J. B. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia CHRISMAN BROTHERS, uceespora to F. Taylor.) Proprietors of the CITY MARKET THIRD STREET. Hams, Bacoa and 8ausage always on hand. decSld&rflf LOUIS PAYETTE, (Successor to Payette 4J Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH 1 AND WAGON-MAKER. Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work In Iron or wood done In the neatest manner. Anytning in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made or repaired. . . Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Flows and machinery le paired ;in the most 'skill at and workmanlike mmner. mch21dw u WINK THE OTHER EYE." TACEI SHOWN, THel WATCH MAKEa Ha opened up a Jeweliy nd Repair Sh p for tbe Repairing uf Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Eio. ALL Vv'ORK GUARANTEED. With Bvm. Helm Jk ftr rkmcmrare and rKw.- ubui, succussorif w j. n. uooiuun. 8ECOND AND UNON STREETS PAUL KREFT & CO DEALERS IN ! Painty OifeCla, And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns arid Designs in W A Hi Hi PAPER Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. None bat tbe best brands of tbe Sherwin-Williams Paint naed ia all oar work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly attended tn. Shop adjoining Bed Front Grocery, THIRD STREET, THE DAu.iia. c 1 to eorge Ruch. The Cheapest Place nr TBS SAixssroa All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit a share of the public pat ronage, and shall endeavor to give entire satisfac tion 10 our customers both old and new. S Andrew Velarde. HOUSE MOVER; . , . The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. . HILL, O'MALLEY & CO. THE LEADING Office in 8kibbe'i Brick, THE DALLES, , OREGON Will take contracts and furnish plans and specif! cations for ali builoings.frame, te rials ruinuned if needed. brid 1CK or stone. octS W.T.WISEMAN Successor to J. H. afcDonough A C ), SEALER IM Choice Wines. Liquors, AND CIGARS. None but the best brandy of Liquors and j eair. temperaDce nruiKS Ot all Kinas. . uorner of Uoart and Second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. J. H. LARSEJf, ' Dealer in all kinds of Hay, Grain and Feed At his old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. The highest Cash Price paid for Sheeu pelts. ROOFING I GUM-ELASTIC ROOFING FFLT costs only S2.00 per luuKjuare lees, aiaae s goon root lor years, and any oue can put It on. bend stamp for sample ana iuu particulars. GUM ELASTIC ROOFING CO., 88 41 West Broadway, New Turk at Lteal Agent Wanted feblS FPU SALE." HEAD Or WORK HOREn, from fire te eight years old, in goo 1 conditio., wiils.il fori ca h, or ttade some of tbem for stallions. - .. C KOEHLEE. Nansene, Or., Feb. It, 1881. ' ' TO THE PUBLIC. Having associated myself with tha old re liable Real Estate and Iosurance firm of Meoefeo Brca., ard lately purchased the senior member' interest, I wish to inform the public that I am at their disposal to transact any business in the Real Estate and Insurance line which they may control in tbe new consolidated city of Portland. As a Cnu, uon- Meuefee & Beppner, I wish also to mention that we rent and take care of property for non-residents, negotiate loans, and gladly render advise concerning prop erty nf Portland and yicinity. Feeling con fide! t r f snccess, bnt nevertheless my great est tiesi'A is tn gain and maintain a reputa tion, I uk -;it yonr kind consideration. Very respectfully yours, H. A. HEPPNEB, Of Verc'i'i b Heppner, Real Estate and Im ranee; nirfoc. l-.'.v M., near Russell, Alblna-Portland, Everything in tbe line of SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY AND FINK FRENCH CANDIES, CA S FOUir AT NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE, 8BCOITD STREET. f mm In It" WM. BUTLER & CO., Lumber Dealers. We have added to our bwlness the following lines, ana will not De undersold. lime, Plaster, Hair, Cement, BUILDING- PAPER, And will furnish anything in the line of Building Material. A liberal discount to the trade in anything we handle. Our stock is all fresh. ' Front Street, Corner of Jefferson. MAIEK & BEftTON, - 3accessors to A. Bettlnsjen RETAILERS AN1 JOBBERS IX- Mm, tare, Mmm, AND GRAJOTEWARE A eomplete line of Heatintr and Cook Stove , Pumper. I'ipe riumoers ana ovcara r iijts supplies; also a complete stock of Carpenters'. Blacksmiths' and Farm trs Tools, ,. ANT) SHELF HAEDWAEE. Tlniiinff, Plumbinflr and pipe work will oe do on abort notice. SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OR SHEEP FOE SALE. Three thousand Fine Graded Bred Ewes and 3000 Yearlings. Kerr & Buckley, N Grass Valley, Or. Attention, Sheep Men. I HAVE ABOUT 600 POUNDS OF TOBACCO Stems, hid) are excellent for sheep dip or for . cleansing cattle of vermin, which J will sell cheap. For terms apply at The Dalles Cigar Factory. mchl2 A. ULLRICH i SON. dress making: THOSE DESIRING DRESSES HAD AT THEIR homes can be accommodated with fl rat-class wcrk by addressing the unddrsigned through tbe postorBce. MRS. U. AIKEN. mcniu-aim WATEE NOTICE. ON AND AFTER APRIL 1st, parties patting -in or turitur water closets wth a continuous stream of water will be charged 6 per month; pat ent shut-offs at the old rate. , CASCADE LOCKS THE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF CASCADE LOCKS NOW ON THE MARKET. LOTS SELLING The huilding of the Portage Railroad at this point' will make Cascade Locks a very thriving town in the future. Parties desirous of investing at that point will be furnished with maps and price list by applying to BRADFORD & CASTELLOE, J 10 Second St., Portland, Oregon Or Db. LEAVENS, at Cascade Locks. IXCORrOATKt THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers Si-vilding- Material and DRY FIK, PIKE, OAK and SLAB PROMPT DELIVERY OffleA Sis. 67 Wbtnarton Ht. ITAUGHM'S VSeeds plants wiucommena incmsciTe. to real lovers of good Burdening and fas contents so iuuy wrc. mu mmc w uu hitcidui Miqjcct ut.t we amy W9 IT TELLS THE WHOLE STOUT W tor in iraraen, uti ana farm and repiiiuu one of tbe mom complete sv f asaortmcaU of garden supplies ia the world. For sjcwcnusl wttb the BOOK f vuv wrago rarar - ransy eieea or one plane AUUAn i atUJ STOKE. SS. jLstad HoiloeM. NOTICE-TIMBER-UCLTDRK. u urmi ar i H iai.bn, vr.. February 28, 180X. Complaint having been entered at this cflos by George Mclntcsb agabut i bom s J. HI I, for failure to comply with u. as to liniber-cilujre entry, No. I88&,daed Kebroarv 18, Inns, upon the N IrXi, bee ), ip i 8, RUtWM, In Wasco county, Oregon, with a iaw to ih ojnoeliaikn of saib eutrj: eoo testant alleging that aaid Thomas J. Hill i as no planted any trees, seeds or cuttings ua said traut of land, or oaused the same to be done, and that aaid failure still exirU; th a. id parties are hereby sum moned to appear at this otfloe on tbe 10th day at A pi 11, lsvi, at 10 o'clock A M., to rt.pond and fur ni.h tentimony ooocernii.g said alleged failure. mchS JOHN W.LEWIS, lugistrr.' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laid Orrtca a Vaifeooru, Wash:., February 4, 1882. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notioe of hi intention to make final pro f in support of his rhtiu, and that aaid proud will be maia to fore the clerk of the superior court ot Klickitat county. Wash., at tivldei mdi laic. Wash.. on March 19. lttVx, vuk James Uinnell, Hd 8320, tor the SWX Sec SSTpSNR IS East W K He names the following witnesses to prove Ms continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis: ' Asariah J Pitroui, Roi ert Strulhers, Richard French, all of Hartland. Klickitat oounty. Wash., and Nelson B Brooks, oi Uoldendale, Wash. . eiebflt JOHN D. OKOdHEOAN. Register.' NOTICE FOR PDBUCATION. . Land Omcs at Tus Dallis, Oreoo. ' Fe'iruan' 6, li. Notice Is hereby given that the I illowing-namel settler has filed notiee of his iuten lion to make Una! proof in support ol his claim and that sal'1 proof will be made before the regisu-r and roomver at The Dalles, Or., on atarcii is, Usui, is: LEWIS LAWLE7, Hd. No. 520. for the NE 8?oe, Tp t N, R IS R. He names tbe following witnowes to prove his land, vis: William Jordan, Albert Jordan, Charles Denton and James Thomas, all of The Dalles. Or. feblS JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Omcs at Tim Dallss, Oksooh, . February 6, 1HKX. Notice Is hereliv iriren that Che following-named settler his filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tl.at said proof will be made before the Regieter and Receiver of the U. 8. land office at Tbe Dulles, Or., on April 7 th, 1892, via: JOHN J. EHRISHANN, D 8 No. 6964, tor lota t and S, 8ee S8, Tp 1 N, R 12 E WM. He names the following witnesses to prove hie oontfnuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: Andrew Kaller, George Kaller, Edward Wicks and Andrew Urquhart, all of The Ualies. Oregon. feb20 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laid Omci at Tua Dallks, Okmk, February 24, 1882. . Notiee is hereby given that the following-named mun dm mou puim u. uez mwiuun HI m... uuh proof in support of ber claim and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on April 20, leUi, vis: - : MARGARET H. KBAU8E widow of Ernst W. Kreuse. Hd No. 291L for the 8W !i. Sec 20, Tp 1 N, R 1 E W M. She names the following witnesses to prove ber continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: ' Joseph Southwell. Andrew Linton ,.Thumas Walsh ana W illiam Shelley, all of The Dalles, Or. eba HiHN W. LEWIS, . Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Omcs at Ths Dallsr, Oa. March 8, 1892. Notice Is 'hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make nnrt proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe Register and Receiver of thj V. 84 Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on Msy 10, 189?, Tie: GEORGE W. STEWART, (Hd No. 2188) for the SW qr see SO, Tp 1 N, R IS east, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resideoos upon, and cultivation of, said land, vis: Norman McDonald, Wallace Scrapie, Alex Ander son and Docile Heroux, r'l ol The Dalles, Oregon. mchl2 . JOHN W LEWIS, Register. SKIBBE HOTEL F. W. L. SKIUBE, Prop. The Only Brick Hotel IN THE CITY BEST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE in the North west. This building has been refitted since tiie fire of September 2d, and the rooms are first-class in every particular. The table is supplied with the best the market anords. The ami ii. connection with ths hotel Is suppli er rt the highest grade of Wines, liquors and Im ported and Domestic Cigars. JanSa-w F. E. SH0NTELL -DEALER IN- Fine Cigars, Tobacco, AND CONFECTIONEKY. Second Street, next door to the Red Front Grocery Store Tb ctttobntMl Hoffman, General Ar larCiguvooisUs' tnd SchU; THE DALLES, OREQOLf " "Z afrirli Mftsf ikwamhy Johm HV Uood vrln,'l'ru,N.Yfst work for mm. lUadwc, you nw tvit malt u tame, bttl emm tMrli jroa qMlrk ly how to vara from ft ti 10 a Ha at Ittc ansl aa yoa fro on. Hold avic, all aw In mmy part of Antrioa, fom can lomnitfiri at bum, fit, ina all tow tlmar auara totneniU only to . Of work. All la nw. Urtal pay Kl Mk for rvrry worker. W atart voa, ramiaklna; ywrrrthlna:. KABU.Y. H I HklULV rMmM. l'Alirit ULAIW Fkl.K Addraaa a mt n P IMIf. & eti lrtri-fl at mir Una of twfV . 'in I I 1. " I WriUliy d b.iomblr. by ihH ttt V 44 6 B HM I H oi'I'T -. roai.irot; oM, and bilfc.tr w'.'m'l I I In I D walriiir,whribwrU.Atr S I af I mm B otto ran lo ik ws.rk. Eaajr Ivani. U a f umiak avarvtbinr;- Wa atart yu. Ko rtak. Yuq can d:a your aparo tmofncnia, or all yonr tint to h work. Tkla la a nUraly dow Jaadraad-brtafa wondorrn) aajecoaa toavary wotk. Bff-iDnn an aorninf from f X lo f U irjM-k and fiawariia, omd mora after a Uula asperieawo. Wa can furnlak yoo tbo m atiorsMNl and teach jna rHKL No eToto ciprain ham. Kail o o n t n wi,"t1 mm WtwWW laftoVliaatTtM-lloii.wil WW W W lhow I aom Thrao A YEAR I IaMtrtakatobfwp otaiiiawtpwTaaof olihor a&a wnio, ana who, ill work Isdriova., oar La tbotrowa oxIHso,whrtr thj Bt. will alao fkraiak tfao astaaitoaoromploymontrat whlrh youeaa earn thatamaoate Wo aaonar for nu anlraa aaeceoarul aa abowo. Kaallyaad quack. .leans ii I drain but one worker rrom reck dtatrtct oroooDtr. I Iam aaaady Uutrtot and prorfcid with amptoymoal a tora rausber. who ara aaakiua; oror IO0 a roar each. IliNEw a od HOLIU. PuUi vtinLMKUER. Addnaa at ono C AJLJmZS. 28X AVO. AucuMa, M VERY RAPIDLY. and Manufacturers r.f Dimension Timber WOOD TO ANY PJIT OF 7 BE CITY. i Ynrd at OM tievri nrnrnt K.rr.rka ArefonydescribedlaoarbeautlfalbookGARDtlimo IUUSTRATE1) for 180. It contains one hundred page, hands oaaeJjr printed and illustrated with ac curate photo-engraving, and colored plates. It is a hows the meal siuuaiaiaoi tnis art, sloe Dr side with the rood old plants of our fathers' ni... Th riotiona. DUlin and maonahl new maca mobk LH1LAUU. . . ar aj 1