The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY MARCH 12. 1892 . EDITORIAL NOTES. Oregon will be the first state in this presidential year, aud a large llopub lioan majority should greet the ears of ' out eastern neighbors next June. To accomplish this perfect harmony must prevail in the ranks of the parly, and factional bickerings should le laid aside. s There is very little talk of European war ' now, the greater interest being attracted to the starving poor of Ger many and Austria, who have to be f'd by public charity. The Czar has the same 'difficulty to overcome, and for a time at least gaunt and ghastly f inline J., has driven the war god from this capi tals of Europe. The illustrations of the aiuVrPut, state buildings in Chicago for the Co lumbian exposition appear very beau tiful to an Oregonian, whose state has ." not made the least movement to be represented on that occasion. All ef forts to collect a fund for this purpose have proved futile, and Oregon, in 1893, will be conspicuous in Chicago by the-i absence of any display of' the products of her soil or manufactures. The Behring sea question, which bet been submitted to arbitration by th United States and Great Britain, is beginning to show signs of serious complication by reason of the British ministry contending that seal catching should continue during the negotia tions, between the two countries. Experts state that if this is permitted the seal industry will be crippled for all time to come, and the United States should enfore the modus viv end at all hazards. We have a navy and it should be put to some use. However distasteful it may be to - the independent members of the Dem ocratic party it is very likely that David B. Bill ill be the nominee of the party 'for president if Tammany can maintain its control of politic affairs, which undoubtedly it can. Mr. Cleveland is viewed with greater favor ' by the mugwump contingent but the rule of the caucus and the machine is supreme inside the ranks of the organization, and the Nw ' York ring understands how. to place the wheels of the machine to work out any result they desire. A Democratic exchange has found an easy way of eliminating the ques tion of the tariff by stating that it is a "war of markets." Granted, is it not much better to support a home market than a foreign one, and is it not more patriotic to build up American in dustries than those of great Britain? These are pertinent questions, and ap peal to the patriotism of American . citizens. The Republican party is willing to go before the country on this issue that tariff is a war of niar- lets, and that protection is a stand in favor of borne productions and free trade gives preference to those of for- eign countries. . TELEGBATHIO HEWS. A Day of Delight. Washington, juarcn 7. it has been a day of intense delight for the Republicans. It was a day of triumph for the silver men, but the best elements uf the Democratsc party were trampled under foot. The war was carried on by the Democrats themselves. Only once did the Republicans take any part in the debate. That was when ex-Speaker Reed yielded five minutes to young George Fred Williams, the mugwump from Massa chusetts, and upon the foundation which he made, Reed himself skinned the Democratic party, and svas followed by Boutelle, who poured salt upofl the gaping wounds. The wild, hilarious times were between the Demo crats themselves. It was the Democrats who called attention to the fact that the speaker was far surpassing the speaker of the last house in his arbitrary and -. unconstitutional proceedings. Abusive language, the lie al most direct, and the worst possible feeling prevailed between the Democrats, who op posed ana inose wno lavorea tree 'coinage. But the Democratic house has gone on record There is no doubt, whatever, that the free coinage bill will pass The Democrats, who today voted against its consideration num bered seventy. With all the Republicans . voting with them, there is still a majority of iwenty-eignt tor tie -tree silver men in the entire house. But there are at least a dozen Republicans whp will vote for free coinage wnen it pomes up. lhere is yet a possibility mac tne Dill may be filibustered against when it reaches the stages of a vote, but Bland guranteed that a vote would be had in the house, and did not care to make it ironclad. PlailDK At Vine. Chicago, March. 7. Dr. Henry M. Scud- ' der, who is charged with murdering his - mother-in-law, and who is confined in the detention hospital pending examination as to his sanity, seized a heavy chair yesterday afternoon and with a powerful swing brought it down on the defenseless head of a lunatic The victim dropped as if he had been shot, and the doctor was proceeding to kill him when the attendants rushed up and seized him, It required the combined strength of thiee men to disarm the physician and put him in his cell. When asked why he assaulted the lunatic he said, "Voices told me to do it, because the mun was in league with my wife and the others against me." His son and father called to see him this morning. He seemed pleased to see his son, but would not speak to his father, who, he said, was in league with the people who were tryinjj 10 ruin him. From the doctor's conversation it seems he consideres that he is a victim of a huge conspiracy which began with his arrest for irregularities in the insurance matter. Me appears to class the Dunton family as the chief conspirators. A young woman who has done considerable work as tyijewriler for Dr. Scudder, says: "I have had plenty of opportunities to study him, and 1 believe that he is peafeclly sare. He is a smart man but inclined to be disagreeable and dictatorial.' serve contains the following statement: The delay in tbe completion of the locks can be charced- with justice to Senator-Dulph, on whose recommendation the original plana were enlarged far beyond the first estimates, A fcimilar statement has previously ap ptareil in tha same paper. I do not a a rule undertake to correct in accurate Kiiiteinenta concerning myself, liav iug faitii in the innate eense of justice and fairness ( f the people and being quite will' ing to l.e judged by my record; but this method is one of public interest and the constant reiteration of the statement, if un contradicted, may lead soir.e pertODS not f imiliar with the subject to credit it. Having just learned of the lare iucreaae of the estimate.! cost of comp'etipg the woi k and lor the purpose of lurui-jhiu all those interested with olbYial information concern ing the same, during tbe Slat congress I introduced a resolution, which passed the senate, culling on the secretary of war "to furci-u to the senate such information as he may possess concerning the progress aud condition of the work of the construction of a canal ami locks at the Cascades of the Columbia river, in the state of Oregon, the estimated cost of the completion of the same and the tiu.e which will bo required for sucii completion, together with copies of all reports t f engineers in charge of the wort since bis annual report concerning the same. Iu response to the resolution the secretary of war sent to the senate a letter, w hich was printed as Senate Executive Document No. 72, which contains a full history of the canal and locks. As soon as it was printed I Bent copies to the newspapers and to several prominent persons in Eastern Oregon. I now encloee you a copy. Vou will see from this document that the report of the board changing the plan aud enlarging the lock at the Cascades was mad? November 13, 18S0. eome three years before I received the oath oi office and took my seat in the United States senate. I quote from this official document the fol lowing: "In 1S80 the project for overcom ing the obstructions in the Columbia river at Cascades was changed on recommenda tion of a board which submitted its report under date of November 13, 1880. The new project contemplated tbe improvement of the bed of .the river immediately below tbe foot of the Upper Cascades by removing bowlders and reefs and projections along the banks that obstruct the high-water flow; and changing the two locks in the canal to one, having 1 length of 462 deep, width 90 feet, and hit 24 feet. This was for the pur pose of providing for navigation up to a 20 foot stage of water. In determining these enlarged dimensions for the lock, the board was ittluend by the experience of the various important canals and locks in this country and in Canada, and the prospective demands of tha large commerce of the country tributary to the Upper Columbia river and what seemed to be the desire of persons interested in navigation. At that time this country was developing rapidly and, to avoid the mistakes made in the original construction of the locks referred to, the board deemed it advisable to make the locks amply large in the first instance; that was the time for tbe change, inasmuch a3 no constiuctioD had been commenced " It is not likely that any member of the Oregon delegation in congress knew of tbe appointment of this board or of its report, or had anything to do with the change of tbe plan; but if senators and representatives are to be held responsible for the action of the engineer department the Sua should complain of Senators Grover and Slater and Governor Whitaker, who was at the time our representative in congress. 1 never knew of the change of plan3 for many years afterwards. If I had supposed at the time I entered the senate that the cost of completing this improvement would be so great, I should have endeavored to have had some change made, either smaller locks or the substitution of a boat-railwav. I have been quite as much astonished and annoyed at tbe increased estimates of the eobt as any one. It has been very embar rassing to the delegation in their efforts to secure appropriations for the work. I enclose you a copy of my bill, reported favorably from the senate committee on commerce, to provide for the immediate completion of the canal and locks, and my report thereon. Whatever may be its fate in the hdure its report from the senate com mittee is encouraging as indicating their opinion of the importance of tbe work and their willingness to promote its early com plction, and as laying the foundation for my intended effort to secure the incorporation of the substance of this bill in the River and Harbor Appropriation Bill. I assure you that this favorable report was secured ODly by tha most strenuous ef forts on my part, after, having been strongly presented to the committee at two different meetings. I have observed what 1 will term a criti cism of the provisiou of the bill that not more than one-third of tbe amount shall be used iu any one year. This .provision was not contained in the bill as introduced by me; but the committee said iu view of the report of the secretary of war, copy of winch I enclose you, that if tbe entire esti mated cost of completing tbe work $1,745, 500, could be appropriated at once boats could pass through the Cascade locks with in tbree years, that the money distributed through three years, so as not to make so large an appropriation for any one year. Even with this provision the bill, if passed, would make an annual appropria tion of nearly $600 000, an amount more than double than that heretofore expended in any one year aud probably all that could be profitably expended. If such a bill should pass we would, gain also by having the amount appropriated which could be profitably used each year, whether a river and harbor bill passed or not CB00K. COTJNTr. Items 1'rom tlx Columns of the jPrinrville Iteva. The settlers at Big Meadows have been feeding stock over three mouths; yet nearly everyone will have a considerable quantity of hy left when the snow finally disappears. Two children died of diphtheria iu l'rine ville this week. The usual precautions have been taken to prevent a spread of this dreadful disease, with wiiat'success time alone will tell. Stock that have wintered on the desert look as well, if not better, than those that have been kept up and carefully fed. Fair ly good beef can be selected from the desert range. . Jndge Sumner, assisted by G. W. Dod son, viewed a water ditch route from the planer ditch to the court house on Thurs day. It is the intention to set the court house yard with trees tbh spring and the means referred to will be used to irrigate them. The school house yard should be fenced and treated the same way. Andrew Anderson, of Bear Creek, was thrown from his horse while on his way to Princyille last Sunday, the fall resulting in the dislocation of his right shoulder. The unfortunate man managed to remount his horse aud came on to town, stopping at these headquarters. Dr. Belknap was sum moned and soon replaced the dislocated member. We yisited the Big Meadow country last week. No snow was encountered on the way until we reached the pine timber at Bend. From Bend to Big Meadow the snow grew gradually deeper all the way, finally reaching a depth of about two feet. The snow fell four feet deep up there in cne week, making it very Hiificult to get about, though tbe weather at no time has been exceedingly cold. Tbe settlers were amply provided for any emergency that a rigorous winter might bring, hence there has been no loss of stock. The people go about snow shoes and are as happy and "contented as clams in the shell. ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrap of FigS is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly ou the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effecto, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale id oOc and 1 bottles by al" leading druggists. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FiiANOISCO, CAL. . ICJISVILLE. KY. fiv iORK. H.7 Land Notices. "Warm Reservation Spring's Indian Boundary. A great many inquiries have been mad regarding the report of the Warm Springs boundary commissioners, whose report was forwarded to congress some time since. Tbe following kill, introduced in '' the senate Feb. 11th, by Mr. Mitchell, will explain this matter: A bill defining and permanently fixing the northern boundary line of the Warm Snriugs Indian reservation in the state of Oregon. ; Be it enacted by the senate and house representatives ot the United States America in congress assembled, that, th true northern boundary line of the Warm Springs Indian reservation, in the state of Oregon, as defined in the treaty of June 23, 1S55, made between the United States, represenced by Joel Palmer, superintendent of Indian affairs of Oregon territory, and the confederated tribes aud bands of Id dians 1:1 middle Oregon, in which bound- the aries of tbe Iudian reservation, now called the Warm Springs reservation were fixed. is hereby declared to be that part ot the ine run and surveyed by T. B. Uandley, in tbe year 1871, from the initial point np and including the twenfy-sixth mile thereof thence in a due west course to the summit of the Cascade mountains, as found by the commissioners, Maik A. Fuller ton, William H. H. Dufnr, and James F. Payne, in th report to the, secietary of the interior date June 8, 1091, in pursuance ot an ap pointment for such purpose under a royi flion uf the Indian appropriation act ap proved August 19, 1890. to Of Oeservlng Praise. We desire to say to our citizeDS, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's Iiew .Discovery tor uonsumrtion. Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica halve and Jilectric Bitters.anu nave never bandied remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfaction We do not hesitate to guarantee llieui every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow iheir use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on tneir merits. 1 Snipes Sc. Kinebsly, Drnirgists TO THE PUBLIC. Having associated myself with tbe old re liable Real Estate and Insurance firm of Menefee Bros., and lately purchased the senior member's interest, I wish to inform the public that I am at their disposal to transact any business in the Real Estate and Insurance line which they may control in the new consolidated city of Portland. As a firm, now Menefee & Beppner, I wish also to mention that we rent and take care of property for non-residents, negotiate loans, and gladly render advise concerning prop erty' of Portland and yicinity. ' Feeling con fident of success, but nevertheless my great est desire is to gain and maiutain a reputa tion, I await your kind consideration. Very respectfully yours, H. A. HEPPNEB, Of Menefee & Heppner, Real- Estate and Im ranee; omce, Delay at., near KusseU, Album-Portland, Oregon. feb20 Yours truly, J. A. Dolph. The Boilv Eaten br Coy, ta Austin, Nev., March 7. Leopold Bauman, a young German rancher, left Santa Rosa, Cal., in December last for his ranch, forty miles distant from Austin. He arrived at Cartez, Nev., and January 11 departed lor his home on horseback, distant thirty-live miles. At that time fully thirty inches of snow covered the ground, A searching party lound watch, knife, boots and clothes, which were brother, and two human" hip joints. The supposition is the horse became fatigued, whereupon Bauman unsaddled him to walk the rest-of the jojrney, being but three miles. Under the piercing cold it is supposed he cave np and froze to death. The body was eaten by coyotes. He was about 35 years of ago and married. A Befutation. United States Senate, Washington, D. C. Feb. 28. 1892. ( John Michell, Esq., The Dalles, Oregon. Ml Deab Sib: I enclose you a clipping from tne Waco Hun, which you will ob- Accidental Shooting. A very deplorable accident happened Sunday to Mr. W. H. Groat, the miller ut the ' Diamond Mills 10 this city. He was about eight miles west of town hunting, and, while walking through tha woods. holding In 3 gun about midway of tbe barrel, stumbled over a log. ' This caused the gun to be discharged, and his riant hand slipping over the muzzle re ceived tbe full contents of the barrel, fear fully shattering that memoer and tbe wrist.' As soon as possible a man ide to the citv ana intormed ur. Kiuehart or the accident. Tbe doctor left Ins office with the necessary surgical instruments; but had not reached Second street before he saw a hack being driven up town at a very rapid rate, con veying the wounded man to his rOftn jn early as soon as tne Horseman arrived iu the city the carriage had also, and the doc tor proceeded to Mr. Groat's room. and. assisted hv Dr. Logan, amputated the right arm about two inches above the wrist. Tbe accident happened in the afternoon, and. very soon afterwards, the opt ration was performed. Mr. Groat has lived in the city for a number of years, and has a lame number of frieuds, who will regret tiie misfortune tbat happened him. At last accounts he was resting easily, with pros pects of a speedy recovery. MALEE & BENTON, . Successors to A. Bettiniren RETAILERS AX1JJ0BBEB3 IX Hard ware, Tinware, IMsms AND GRANITEWARE A complete line of Heating1 and Cook Stoves, Pumps. ripe riumDers ana steam r uter aupp tea; also a complete stock of Carpenters'. Blacksmiths' aud Farm t is Tools, AM) SHELF HAEDWARE. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Lanp Office at Tuk Dalles, Orkgon, February 6, 1892. Notice in herel'V triven that the following-named settler hm filed notice of his intention to make final proof in. support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Re&rister and Receiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalies, Or., on April 7th, 1892, viz: JOHN J. EHRISMANN, . D 8 No. 6964, for lots S and 3, Sec 28, Tp 1 N, R 12 EWM. He names the follnwinsr witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Andrew Kaller, George Kaller, Edward Wicks and Andrew Urquhart, all of The Dalles. Oregon. feb20 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - Land Offics at Vancouver, Wash., i-eoruary 4, itsuz. Notice is hereby given that the following-mimed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final pro f in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made- before the clerk of the superior cour of Klickitat county, Wash., at Uoldendale, Wash, on March 19, 1892, viz: James Hinhel!,' Hd 8320, foi the SWJ Sec 23 Tp 3 N R 13 East W M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Aziriah J Pitmin, Robert Struthers, Richard French, all of Hartl&nd. h tick it at county, wash and Kelson B Brooks, of Goldendale, Wa&h. Cfeb6t JOHN D. GKOGHEGAX. Register. Legal Notices- For a Republican County CoDveLtiOD and Primary Elections. Notice is hereby jriven that at a meeting of th; Republican County Central Committee of Wasco county. Or., called by authority vested in me as ' haii man of said committee, ami held at th1 County Court Room in Dalles City, Ore iron, on the 13th day of February, 1892, it was ordered tiiat a ca I be is surtl for a Republican county Convention, to be held at the Court Houe la Dalles City, Oregon, at 10 A. M., on the 26th ilay of March. 1S92, for the purpose of nrnrinating candidntei for the office of County Judre, Clerk, Sheriff, one County Commissioner, Treasurer, Assessor. Superintendent of Schools, County Surwor ai.d Coroner, and the election f six del gates to represent Vaco countv in the Republican State Coiiventi u, to be held in ihe city of Portland, Or., on the 6th day of Apni 1892,aud to transact such other and further busines as may properly com before said Convention. The County Convention will consist of seventy three delegates from the various precincts, appor- Falls Precinct... 5 Delegates nuuu mver r reciiict. .4 Ba'dwin Mostcr , West Dalles ' Trivett " , Big-el. iw " East Dalles " Eight Mile ' Columbia Deschutes Nansene " Imfur " Kimrdey " , Tyjrh Valley " vvaumacK " Ofck Grove Bake Oven Antelope " It is further re omm-nde trai Committee, that prirrarv election be nel-i in the various precincts, at the usual r lace of votinir. on the 19th Uy of March, 1592. and that the polls be op:1 ned at sued primaries throuqout the county at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, except wi'hin the limits or unties uiiy, in wnicn tne Dirnanes will be con ducted under provisions of Primary Election Law ana tne suojoinea nofce J ne attention 01 electors in the various nreci nets iic-mriug iu eit,i;ii us&ices or mo rwfcee cna -onta- blts. is called to ihe provisions of the new eleeti on law as to the maime of numt-intr their candidates at ine primaries. M. T. NOLAN', Attest: Chairman Rep. Co. Central Cora, A G. Johnson, Sec'y. 3 2 .".5 8 7 7 2 ."...'!5 ' 5 3 2 3 3 5 by order of the Cen- AT0TICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tub Dalles, Orkoor, February 6, 192. Notice is hereby given that the f jllowinf-uamed settler has filed aotic ; of his inten tion to make final proof in support o: his claim and that paH proof will ie made before lue register ana rece.ver at ine Dalles, Or., on March 2j, 1892, b: LEWIS LAW LEY, Hd. No. 2520. for tbe NEW Sec 6. Tp 1 N.R 13 E He names th.4 following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lani. viz: William Jordan, Albert Jordan, Charles Denton and James Thomas, all of The Dalles. Or. febl3 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - Land Cfficx at The Dalles, Oueoon, February 24, 1892 Notice is herebv gives that the following, named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final pr.Kjf in support of htr claim and that sid proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on April 20, 1892, viz: MARGARET M. ERA USE widow of Ernst W. Kn.use. Hd No. 2911, for" the SW y Sec 20, Tp 2 N, R 15 E W M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Joceph Southwell. Andrew Linton, in' mas walsn ana William Shelley, alt of The Dalles, Or. eozv uihjn w. unia, Kefrister. ' NOTICE TIMBER-CULTURE. Land Office at The Dalles, Ore., , February 28, 1892. Complaint havintr been entered at this office by Georee Mcintosh against Ihomis J. Hill, for failure to comply with lav as to timber-culture entry, No. 1888, da ed Febrnary 19, 185. upon the NE, Sec 20, tp 2 S, R 14 E W M, in WascO county, OiegoD, with a view 10 th" cancellation t sail entry; con testant alleging that said Thomas J. Hill has not nantea any trers, seena or cuttings on saia ir.ict 01 Mid, or caused the same to be done, and that said failure still exists; th s gid parties are hereby sum moned to appear at this office ou the 16th day of Apiil, 1892, at 10 o'clock A. M., to respond and fur nish testimony concerniiitr said alleged failure. mcn& J on: w. lew lb, KeifiBter. LOUIS PAYETTE, (Successor to Payette &; Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sta. Primary Kiet-tiua Notice. Notice is hereb civen that a orimirv election will be held in each of the election precincts within the limits of Dalles City, Wasco county, Orea-nn, for the purpose of electing delegates from Fast D illes pr v tinci, Ilijrelow precinct, Trivett precinct, and West Dalles precinct, to represent said precincts at the Republican county Convention, to be heltl nt the Court Hou.e in Dalles Citv. Orron. on the iiih il ir of March, A. D., 1692. Said primary election wdi be held on tbe 19th day of March, A. IX, 1892 The polling- places in each of said precincts are hereby designated as follows, to-wit: East Dalles precinct at Wasco Warehouse. Bigelow precinct at Wm. Michell's orhce. Trivett precinct at County Court Kootn. West Dalles precinct at old City Flour Mill. The polling places in each of said precincts will be kept open for tbe reception oi vote 4 fro n 2 o'clock P. M. to 7 P. M. of Mid day, and the follo-in; num ber of delegates will be chosen t said primary elec tion to represent their respective precinct in said County Convention, to-wif , East Dalles precinct 7 Delegates Bigelow ' ' 7 Trivett " s " West Dalles " . . . 5 " The following named electors have been desig nated to act as judges of f lection in each of said precincts respectively, to-wit: (Wm. Tacicman - East Dalles Precinct -i H. W. teel (B. F. Laugulin J. Crandall Bigelow Precinct.. Wm. Sj'ivester - ( Jas. M. Huutiugton fChas L. Schmidt Trivett Precinct W. J. Jotters ( Chan. L. Phillips West Dalles Precinct. , jt (Ge W. Marquitt A. J. Anderson Geo. W. Kuiooo Dated at Dalles City, Oregon, this 4th day of March, M. T. NOLAN, Attest: Chairman Kep. Co. Centra) Com. A. Q, Johnson, tie'y. mchntd Sheriff's Sale. B? VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION AND ORDER of sale, issued ou of the circuit Court of the State of Oiegnn for Wasco county, on the 6th day of February, 1892, in the suit wherein tbe' Solicitors' Loan and Trust Company is plaintiff, and Adam G. Johnson and Mary E. Johnson arc defendants, to me directed, commanded me to make sale i f the lands in said execution and order ot sale, described to-wit: Lots A, B, C, J. K and I., of block 83 of Fort Dalles Military Reservation addition to Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon; I have this day levied upon this land, and will sell on 7 Saturday, the 26th day of March, 1892, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M.. at the court hone. door in Wasco county. State of Oregon, I will fell said laud and all the right, title and interest which said defendants had therein on the 27th day of De cember, 1886 (the date of mortgage described in the complaint in said suit), or have since acquired, at public auction to ths highest bidder therefor, to sat isfy the judgment, interest, attorney's fees, csts and rii-bursemeiits in said suit, to-wit: 112 78. buirinir interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum, from the 21st day of November, 1&0, together with costs and accruing costs herein. luted tnis 23d day of February, 1892. D. L. CATES. f eb27-td Sheriff of Waero County, Or. Everything in the line of SCHOOL BOOKS and STATIONERY AND FINE FRENCH CANDIES, CAN BK FOUND AT NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE. SECOND STREET. THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FACTORY NO. 105. GIOARS t of the country filled on the shorte3tDotice. the Best 'Brands manufact urer . and ordeaH from all naits The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home mauufactuaed'article is increasing eyery day. dec24dvtf . A. ULRICH & SON. PAUL KBEFT & CO DEALERS IS Painty OII3, Glaisjs, And the Most Complete ani Latest Patterns and Designs in AV ALL PAPER. Practical Painters and Paper ITanjers. None but the best 1 rands of the Sherwin-Williams P.iint used in all our work, and none but the n.ost skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly attended t-. - , Shop adjoining Red Front Grocery, THIRD iTRELT, TUB DAJ.M, piojiEER mmi "rthw-t Cr. Second and Washimitm Str. lb MBSfflr-MilTC UM!.- to eorifa Rujh. Tiie Cheapest Place IX TUB DALLB&XFOR All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIX, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit a share of the publ'c pat- ruuara, via snail enaeavor to enve entire 8a t-alal ia uu to our customers ootn oia ana new. "WINK THE OTHER EYE. All work work in iron or wood don in the neatest manner. Anything in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made or repaired, 1 Horse-Shoeing a Specialty, Plows and machinery le paired tin tha most skill m ana workman iiKe manner. mcnziaw F. E. SH0NTELL -DEALER IN- Fine Cigars, Tobacco AND CONFECTIONERY. ecood Street, next door to the Red Front Grocery store. . The celebrated Qofhnan, General Ar and Schii; THE DALLES, OREGON Tia.iia. Plumbing and pipe work will in do J ou short notice. SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OR Watches and Clocks. Mr. SUcey Shown, the jeweler, has re cently added a complete line of clocks and watches of the latest patterns. Any one desiring good time-keepers, either for tbe house or for the pocket, can procure tbe best by calling on him at bis place of busi ness, with Byrne, Floyd & Co., corner of Second and Union streets. For Sent. A four-rosm dwelling hoa nsir N ut street bridge. For particulars apply to :6feb4t Andbkw Donnklxsom. x'tim GEEMAiXJA, v CHAS. STUBBING,'. Prop. FOR THE PRESENT AT 86 Second Street. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All brands f Imported Liauora, Ale and Porter,an genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. GOLUmBIS PHCKINe 60., Corner Third and Washington Sta. Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues And the bestj Beefsteaks. Mutton ( hops and Veal Outlet in tba nurket.J ORDERS DELIVEREO TO ANY PART OF CITY faS?"" Fresh Vegetables on Sale at the Lowest Prices. JeStlAw hill; o'Malley & co. THE LEADING Architects and Builders Office in bk.'iWi Brick, . THE DALLES, OREGON Will take contracts anrl furnish plans and sprclfl cations for all builuinn.framb, brick -or stone. Ma terials himisoed if needed. oct5 Andrew Velarde, HOUS E MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. g.kowak; CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Guardian's Notice of Final Settleiiien NOTICE is hereby given that Z. P. Moody, guard, ian of the person and estate ot Otis S. fiav. age. a minor, baa filed his final account in aairi m. tate, and tne 12tn dav ol M rch, lb92, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, has been appointed as the time lor hearing said final account and report, and that the bearing thereof, tog-ether with any ol'jections .lusrcL.j, it aiiy are maue, Deiore me Hon. u. Tbornburr. countv Iudtre. :.t the ennntv in tne county court bouse in Dalles City, Wasco All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, u anv tnere oe, why said final account should not d in au mines approved and allowed. 'inis notice IS oubusbed bv order of thn TTnn 1 N. Thornbury, judge of the county court of tne state oi uregen, lur n asco county, ot date Feb. 12, 18UZ Z. F. MOODY. Guardian of the person and estate of Otis S. Sav age, s minor. Icbl3-4t . Executors' Notice' of Final Settlement THE UKDERS1GNED hereby irive notice that they h ive filed in the office ot the county clerk oi nasco county, Oregon, their final account in the matter of the estate of O. ti. bavaee, deceased, and that the county judge of said county has ordered Miui, aaiu uuai account ami ine aemement oi cne es tate, as well as any objections thereto, sball b heard at 10 o'clock A. M. on tbe 12th day of March, 1892, oe'ng the regular March term of said court for tbe J ear 16D2. Said hearinir. settlement and oMectiona. if anv. will be heard pursuant to t-aid order in the county 'court room in the court house of said county, at ittiirn uw, ureirun. uie aDove notice is mven nv unieruuienoa. if. i. inornoury, judge ol sou county and court. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon. February 12, 1892 Z. F. JdOODY, JOHN H. HARDEN, Executors of. tbe estate of O. S. savage, deceased Executor's Sale. THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that he will sell at public auction to the hhrbeit bidder lur cagu, ou Thursday, the 10th day of March next, at 10 0 clock A. M., at the premises of the late Alexander riuUson on Crooked nver.Crook county. Oregon, under aud by virtue of an order of sale of the probate court of said cuuntv. tbe following de scribed property, to-wit: 1627 block Sheen, more or less; 6 Horses. 2 Mules. 60 to 60 tons of Hay. 1 Buckeye Moaer, 1 Sulkey iiaae, also natrons, uans. Harness, baddies, bhovela. Spades. Crowbars, Axes. Hoes, Mattocks, Household Effects, Clothing, Provisions, sheep. Camp Outfits, febeep Dip, halt, Sulphur, and numerous other goods and chattels, etc, S9 per advertis -rnent to be seen iu Ocboco Kevieus, of dtte February 10, 1X92. JOS. MacACHRN, Executor of the estate of Alexander Finlavson. deceased. feb2 Notice to Creditors. NOTICE is hereby given that on the SOth day of October, 1891. P. T tthaip assigned to me for tbe benefit of all his creditors, in proportion to tneir rest ective claims, all of his personal and real iiop- erty. The creditors of said P. T. Srarn are herebv noti fied to present their claims ssrainst said assismor. duiy verified, to me at my office in Dallas City, Or. whiuu tiirct: uiofiuis iru.ii tne aaie oi una nonce. Datdd a; Dalles City, Oregon, Decern Der 12, 1891. J. w. UO.IUOJi, decl2 Assignee. QTACET SHOWS, THE" WATOil MAKER, Has opened up a Jewel iy nd Repair sh .p for the Impairing of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc ALL WORK GUARANTEED. With Byrne, Helm & Co., Druggis.s andJChem. tsts, successors to C. E. Dunham. SECOND AND UNON STREETS SKIBBE HOTEL F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. The Only Brick Hotel IN THE CITY BEST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE in the North west. This builcing has been refitted since the fire of September 2d, and the rooms art first-class in every particular. The table Is supplied with the best the market affords. Ihe oar in connection with the hotel is aunnliail with the highest grade of Wines, Liquors and im ported and Domestic Cigurs. - janS9w CHRISMAN BROTHERS, nccessors to F. Taylor.) Proprietors of the , CITYMBKET THIRD STREET. SID Hams, hand. Bacon and Sausige always on ipc31d&wtf W.T.WISEMAN I (Successor to J. HMcDonoiub & C. DEALER IN Choice Wines. Liquors,' AMD CIGARS. mm WHr 0N SALE CtOi TO AT.T, PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH E. THE E. LYTLE, -AT DALLE.S Agent UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEAN, Portland to Nun fr'rnnrli.t-0. To San Francisco Leaving Steamship Wharf, Port land, at 10 P it., as follows: Oregon Feb 8, SO Columbia Feb 12, 24 Stite Feb 16, 2d Bairgage must lie checked either at Ash St.. during the oay, or by ihe U. C. & 13. Co. No unchecktd bagSB vm oe received on the steamers. Kan Franrisro to Porllaiwt. To Portend Leaving WpesrSt. Wharf, San Franristo at 10 A. M. as follows: Columbia Feb 7, 19 State ; Feb 11,23 Oregon Feb .6, 27 The company reserves the right to change steam ers oi sailing datrs without further notice. For rates, tickets, beith restrvations, etc., call on or address any ticket agent of the Union Pacific sy tern. C. S. MELLEK. Gen. Traffic Mans er. T. W. LEE. Gen. Pass. A t. FROM TERMINAL OB INTERIOR POINTS Northern Pac RAILROAD Is the line Uptake TO ILL POINTS EAST AX'J OUTH DAILY AND WEEKLY Times-Mountaineer -THE- It is the Dining Car Route. It run Through Ves- ti billed Tram tiery Day in tlieycr to ST. PAUL -anti CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARS.). Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. Pullman Drawiug-rrotn Strepeis of Latest Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Best that can constructed, and in which accom modution ore tioth Free and Furniulied fwr huldern of First or fecoud class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Full man Heeper reservations can be secured in ad vance ibrouffh any ajrent ol the road. THROUGH TICKETS England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket omce or ine company. Full information concerning rates, time of train. routes and other details furnished on aj plication to anyagen or A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't General Passenger Aist., No, 121 First St., Cor. Wash., PORTLAND. OiKGON 1 It s I ... I p. aJiir a obacco. There is always a best even among a score of good things, and every pipe smoker who has" tried the Mastiff brand acknowledges it to be the sweetest, coolest smoking tobacco made. It does not bite the tongue, and is posi tively free from any foreign mixture. . B. Pace Tobacco Co., Richmond, Virginia. LEADING PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY Full Report of Local Happenings and General News. REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS, But is not owned or controlled by any clique or ring. Always takes a Determined Stand on all public questions, ANL ?YPRESSES ITS OPINION REGARDLESS OF CONSEQUENCES. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: DAILY: PER YEAR PER MONTH, by Carrier PER "WEEK. ' SINGLE COPY..... .$6 00 . 60 13 . 05 LUMBER WJilEItJL.Y: ONE YEAR mm MONTHS. I no Wm. Butler & Co. have established a Lumber lard on Front Street, Corner Jefferson, ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING W hire may be fonnd a com plete stock of Uough and JUi-etjuaect Jiim ber ,JLiitli Sz filiin- jlec, at Prices to Shi The pocket. "Speciallatten- tion given to orders from tbe country. A Souvenir Thimble Free. None but the best brand of Liauora and ligars on sale. I emperance. lruks of all Klaus, jorner or Uourt and Second streets. THE DALLES, 0REO0X. n u OAL! GOAL! NT LADY sending; at once the nunss and ad X dress of ten married ladt Mends or house- Keepers io wnom we ran send samnle ramie nf th most (harming illustrate ! laiies' newspaper pub lished to-dav, will receive an elegant Mid s lTer sou venir Hiirnoie. ine "Ladies' tectorial Weeklj" is tbe handsomest and most entertjtii.i MP mihlinnt.inn ut us vu aim is Becoming' universally popular witb intelliircnt J u dies in both Canarf iri th I '.,( S tti tea. K coD'ains aivteen lunre iHUfea. same aiza .nd oomus each week ut only 4t a year. Jf you de aire 6 souvenir thimble teno. names of those yon think would be interostod In the t,lAu Woltv" an J enclose fifteen U. b. i tamps to cover penses of mailinz-, rtc. Forward to-day. Ad ivse "lauier ri clonal weekiv. v Cam. i.ii n ... -' Pians and 8j. ica; iqb lor building fur cished. Will at, nil Kinds of excavating and eroding. . All orders should be (lett at postomre Dox nov!3 ROOFING ! GUM-ELASTIC KOOFINO FFLT costs on'yftOO per 100 square iee. Maaes agooa roor ior years, and any one can put it on. bend stamp lor sample and lull pi-rticniais. - GUM ELASTIC KOOFINQ CO., 39 a; 41 West Broadway, New York City f3f Lacal Agent Wanted feblS 12 'JIT I"im.- l WCY f all. Pills area PosltlTe Core for Blek" Ueadaehe, Blllouaeas, and! Ooastlpattoa. Bnall, pleas-i aat aad a f.T.rlte with tfcel ladles). Bold in Fngland for la.. 1KL, In America (or SSa. Oat. them from J oar Drnggists, or" sand to W. H. HOOKBS A COif ; saaeaeessasaeBasesSBBSsaaaaas? DOCTOR . iAGXER'S PURE P1HX PILLS. Assignee's Notice. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHK Donovan has made an assiirnment to ihe uodert'jrned ior tbe benefit of all of his creditors. All creditors of said assiirnor are tbere- ore hereby notmsd to pres nt their claims under oath to me at the saloon formerly occudied by said aasigrnor in Tbe Dalles, Oregon, within tbree months fpm the date hereof. Dalles City, Or., Feb. 18, 1892. FRANK ROACH, Ieh20-5t Assignee. IF1. DEHM, Watchioaker .'and "Jeweler: At Ullrich & Son's Cigsr Factory, Corner Main and Court Sts AH kinds of Watches repaired witb neat ness hdq dispatcb. W ATER NOTICE ON AND AFTER APRIL lot, parties pufiiRff in or oaire wler closets wi h a continuous stream of water Ul be charge i 5 er month; pat ant shut-off a at the old rate. -THE BEST- Wellington,- Rock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal. f 12, sacked and delivered to any part of me city. At Moody's Warehouse. T.A.VanNorden,j . THE LEADING WATCHMAKER FOR WHIPS 25c 50c 0 $ 1- 2 5 QH ur CASCADE LOCKS THE ORIGINAL TOWNSTTE OF CASCADE LOCKS NOW ON THE MARKET. LOTS SELLING VERY RAPIDLY. The building of the Portage Railroad at this point ill make Cascade Locks a very thriving town in the future. Parties desirous ot investing at that point will lie furnished with maps and price list by applying to BRADFORD & CASTELLOE, 110 Second St.. Portland, Oregon Or Dr. LEAVENS, at Cascade Locks. . ISIt'OKPOATKIt im, THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers ami Manufacturer of Bvildinsr Material and Dimension Timlipt- s PEC'IAL ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING OI r 1112 Walcftea. Mr. Van Norilen htut a.l(,nfj1 systfin of repainnir bv which old clock, annir cuiijr wum uu,, uiy tie mwe aerv'.caaoie Ior year 106 SECOND STREET ' THE DALLES, Or. FOR S LE. IX HEAD OF WORK HORSEo. from five to eight year old. io iruo i coudition. Will aell for a h, or trade eonie of them for uUlion. Nanaene, Or., Feb. 13, 1892. RBOttf IS FEATHKRRONE Is mad fmn orTTT T a nature1 OWD tOlurhfSX material, boat arhina m.a rnr tbe price. Cheap, Durable, AI L STYLES, all pnem, as your dealer ror a . UpinirrpDDnVI? SOB 8AI 33 V rCiAllUiiLDUM. HENRY KUCK, The Dalles', Or. J. E LARSEiV, Dealer in all kind of Hay, Grain and Feed DRY. Fin, nrsii, OVIC and SSL. A. 13 1HOMPr DELIVERY TO ANY PART OF THE CITY. Offlc fl7 M'Mnarfon t. Vnut rt rt I (inv.i-fimfiit llnrt m WOOD mUGHAN'S VSeeds Plants At hi olcVstaml, Second itreet. S1 HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. Tlie highest Cash Price paid for Sheep pelta. Are folly described inourbeantlfuIbookCiRDEHIllO ILLUSTRATED for 1892. It conlaina one hundred pagea handsomely printed and illustrated with ac curate photo-engraving and colored plate. It is a rc- us American Morzicwture to date and nuwa ine recent attainments 01 tins art. side br aide with the rood old plant of our fathers tardens. The deacHntiona nlain mnA 1 - wiucumnmu . u l . . w j. li. ui (fuwu uiKiuuj ,uu m ffminil W9 stilly cover all branches of this absorbing (abject that we say tO- IT TELLS THE WHOLE STORY for the Garden. Lawn and Farm and represents one of the moat cotnni assortment of garden supplies in the world. For 95c. we mail with the BOOK one packet " Chicago Parks" Pansy Seed or one plant new French Rose &iar ot 001a. write ior f roe catalogue now. mbittioi papks.-w'