The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27. 1892 . EDITORIAL NOTES. The Democracy will not be very popular in the west with its free-wool and protected manufactures bill. If the ' east' were not to be cajoled the : latter would never have been inserted - in the bill, and the party would come out squarely on a free-trade basis. It will not do this, while it can cap-' ' ture a single vote by equivocalio". An open river is the earnest prayer of the northwest, and this can only be accomplished by the completion of the locks at the Cascades and th removal of the obstructions in the river above i this city. All other objects must be sacrificed to this object. With a free river to seaboard,, without breaking cargo, the Inland Empire would le very remunerative- to farmers and sheep-raisers. - The Democrats in congress are hav ing a very-interesting time on the sil yer question, and several stormy scenes have been enacted in the house. It is not such smooth sailing for the ' free-coinage men as was expected, for there are enough Democrats in favor of honest money to cause a little j r in the proceedings. However, it is to be hoped that both the Springer free-wool bill and the free-coinage meawure will poss the lower house of congress; for these will insure success to Republi- -vr i cans in noveaioer. . ,1 I . " The SDeakers at the Republican club Iost night eiunhasized the facts that the party for the past twenty-five years bad advocated the payment of r the national debt as contracted, the ' support of American industries, as contradistinguished from -" any help given to foreign manufactures, and be' lieyed in the protection of American citizens wherever they were. These are the bedrock principles of the party, and they will exist as long as patriot - ism is the actuating principle in the minds of Americans, and love of home is paramount to all others. The land bill in parliament is not meeting with favor from the iberals or home-rulers, and it is doubtful if it will pass. To draft a measure which will eliminate this question from Brit - ish politics will be most difficult, and the Salisbury ministry is not equal to the task. During the lapse - of cen turies many evils have become im bedded in the land system of Ireland and other portions of the empire which it will take long years to eradicate, except by a revolution, and - the British peoples are too conserva tive to pattern after France in 1793. " The Mafia imbroglio, the Behring sea trouble and the Chilian controver- . ay all settled during the present ad' ' ministration without the least disturb ance of our peaceful relations with . foreign nations furnish evidence of the ability of those at the bead of the nation. If any other pol icy had been adopted than . the one that was, the country would have - suffered the effects of war, and extra debts would have been ' entailed npon the citizens of the United States. To declare war, at the least provocation, would . have been disastrous in more ways than one, and the amicable way of settling the difficulty is by far the most desirable. 0B00Z. OOTJITTY. , Items From tbe Columns of the V - Oehoe Review. G, W. Sawtell arrived from The Dalles . on Thursday with an eight-horse team and '7500 pounds of freight. He aaya the roads are in good condition for this season of the year. Stock men on Beayer and Camp creeks are still feeding. ' ' Most of them have enough hay to carry them through for two weeks longer. Then if a chinook don't come cattle will have to starve. Last Saturday Mrs. Jane MoMeekin, a lady 76 years of age, made final proof on a homestead in the Haystack country. She bad lived continuously on the place for five years as the law requires, and bad certainly earned a title to tbe land. Much dissatisfaction is expressed at some of the acta of the county board of examiners in the manner of conducting the examina tion of teachers. Two of the applicants for certificates, who do not think thejc received justice at the hands of . the board, have taken an appeal to State Superintendent McElroy. , XT ."- r IT i . town Wednesday. For some time horses in the north end of tbe county have been - affected! from eating rattle-weed, und Mr. jtiaopin says tne cattle are now Uening on the weed, and some are m a senou ; icii. ' tion from its effect. However. Mr M lupin thinks most of them will recover arid little loss will result. . Some carts of Eastern Oregon. M .ih nr : and Harney counties, the southern part f Grant, the eastern and southern purs of r J . r T i v iuu pari v Asiae ana mamm counties, have had a most severe u-in ttr : that is, heavy snows have fallen an 1 rt- mained on the ground for two months pas', though owine; to the abundance of feed, the '. t -t L. V 4. 1 i. T . 1 - other parts of Eastern Oregon lhf winter has been anuaually light, very, little scow falling, and none of any consequence re ' maing on the ground. Such a hirer is indeed unusual, for when snow falls in one one place it is ordioarially a general storm, and this will long be remembered as the most peculiar winter on record. . - . - . : ; i.j , . . Mr. Gile, who arrived from Shoofjy on Thursday, brought the news of another killing at Mitchell. Mr. Gile knew n jtb- a man by tbe name of Rand Smith, a cousin . of Lee Amis, wbo was killed in Mitchell a - year ago Christmas, and that his slayer waa a Mr. McCornack, marshal cf the - town of Mitchell. The shooting oc- curreu in e oancs nam auont d o cioca Saturday morning, a dance being in pro. gress at the time, and Smith' died on ' Sun day. Mr. Gile was informed that the kill ing was unjustified, and that there was strong talk of lynching McCornack, but tbe authorities had him in charge, and a prelim inary examination waa being held on Wednesday. . j.1 j i II 1 n 11 . . . a n t . A 1augOIUIU AfcUWi . La Grande Gasette. " A letter from Hilgard gives the particu lars of a cutting scrape which took place st ! Bank's saw mill two miles and a half west of Hilgnrd Sunday evening. A man named Win. Hicks came to tbe mill from Hilgard filled up with booze. He commenced to play tlie cowboy act by making the boys dance at the mnzzle of a Winchester rifle, and making threats of violence. Finally Hicks and Edwin Uhlr came to blows. Hicks drew a Knife cutting Uhler two times, once directly over the heart, inflict ing a gash ever three inches in length; the other wound is three inches back of the first in the side, the knife striking between the ribs making a serious wound. About this time Al Uhler, brother of Edwin, came on the scene and w as also threatened with violence by Hicks. Af Uhler finally got the drop ou Hicks with a double-barrel shot gun and fired at him at a distance of four feet. Hicks staggered and came near fall ing. He climbed on his horse standiug near by and left. He was traced by blocd some distance from the camp. The extent of his injuries is not known. Pnneville Stage Line Drivers. Tr-iut Creek Station, Feb. 15, 1892. Editor Tuus-Movxtaisskr: I 'i justice to ouraelyea aud Mr. A. W. Branner we deem it not enly our priyilcge, but oar duty to reply to the letter from An telope published in the Times-Mountaineer of the 13th just. We, the stage drivers, who ought to know, wish to say this: We consider it an unnecessary imposition npon Mr. Branner and the traveling publiu to have to trayel over the roads between Bakeoven and this I station via Antelope, unless thejOhave ea- I pecial business in Antelope. Of course, the roads are not altogether impassable, but ac cording to our judgment, verified by all the passengers who ride with us, (the majority of whom have traveled over the Cow Can yon road) we consider it far from a practi- I cable stae road. Tbe road from Bakeoven to Antelope is v-ry bad when at its best; a I ereat portion of it is too rocky to trot a ,, , , team over at all, and a maiority of the road I so bad to balance that it is a great detn- m,Mt passengers, horses and wagons to drive out of a walk. This is saying nothing .Kmfc fliA mini whinh ifl in PTiafpnfw rnw Lad which hM 0 far worge. We can say about tbe same in regard to the road from Antelope to this station, only that the mud is far worse at times and gummy mud at that, taking sometimes over an honr to travel one-fourth mile, and one ef the sub scribers to the Antelope letter told one of us drivers that he could not haul a load of hay over it ou account of rocks and sideling places. We know that Mr. Branner has lost many dollars on account of having to run his line via Aneelope in passenger fares and express. many refusing to ride over the road or even to send express matter which will not stand to be carried over such rough roads. All passeugers complain terribly of the rough' nesa of the roads and the necessary slow driving. It is necessary to have one more dnver and four more horses at least, besides other expenses and what is lost iu traffic. It takes from 3J to 4 hours more time to make the trip either way and we know we drive faster now than when running via Cow Can yon, and then it has been impossible for us to make schedule time. ' According to our judgement Antelope has not' treated Mr. Brauner, the passengers or the drivers, etc., as they should. Tbe mails are not attended to as promptly . as tbey should be, and there is more unnecessary time lost at Antelope than any other station on the route. When the line run via Cow Canyon, Antelope was supplied six times per week, the same day from both places The dalles and Prineyille even in better time and better hours than now at seyen times per week. Many are discommoded now and we can't see where any one was then. - We can't see where Antelope is benefitted but yery little by a line through there, as the traffic between there and here (or Cross Keys) is not sufficient to speak of. These are all tacts verified by the manager, pas sengers and many residents ot this neigh borhood. Trusting this will appear in your next weekly issue, in justice to all concerned, we subscribe ourselves, Very respectfully, R. P. Patterson, J. S. Miller, T. P. Jones, Thomas Habpeb, Drivers. We Stand Corrected. Prineville News. The editor of the Prineville News has been held before the grand jury for an at tempt to Dlow up a building with dynamite. We believe this is persecution and not pros ecution, and that Bro. Aldridge is innocent of any such crime. . A newspaper man. wncn he incurs the hatred of a community by pursuing a straightforward course, irre spective . of consequences, is liable to have the powers of the evil-disposed, together witn tnose 01 tne internal regions, leagued against him. If he stands by his principles ne win eventually be successful, notwith standing the strength of the .opposition. 1IMES MOUNTAINEEB. . Bro. John, yon mistake in the first sen tence of the above paragraph. We haye not been he'd to appear befoio the grand jury. W e simply knocked the bottom out of the persecutor in the second round in court and became a free man. We are hav ing lots o fun up here, and the end is not yet. We 11 "stand don t you forget it. His Wife the Eulogist. John Campbell, the pioneer who died at Sannyside a few days ago, had no minister to stand over all that was mortal of him and tell of his good deeds. His good wife Elizabeth, whom be married fifty-two years ago, performed these offices oyer him. She talked in a clear unaffected tone and told what a good husband he had been for fifty- two years, and she. hoped that as her chil dren passed away the living would feel to ward the deat as she felt toward her late husband. The ceremony over, Mrs. Camp bell was oyercome with emotion, though she t ho wed no rigu of it while speaking. Mr. Campbell was 71 years old, and came to Oregon - in 1852. Duiinit the Indian troubles of 1855 be was a captain of volun teers. - Yakima Herald: The irrigating ditch affairs in the lower end of the county are getting more lively with each succeeding week. An interesting episode is related as occurring only a' few days ago, when an engineering corps went onto tbe land of a Mr. Black for the purpose of running lines. The owner ordered them off, but they paid no attention to him, and he left with the remark that he would "soon fix 'em.' Shortly afterwards Black appeared mounted on a fiery cay use and swinging a rope to which was attached a long strand of barbed wire. Running bis horse into the group of men he scattered them right and left and chased every One of them off of the field with the exception of Engineer J. G. Fair fowl, and then taking after that gentleman he ran him for more than a mile with the dreaded barbed wire swishing aronnd bis heels at every jump. Mr. Fairfowl waa in the city Monday looking anything but ro bust after his recent exertionB, and his nor mal weight is reduced over twenty pounds. For Over F my Years. As Old asd Well-Tbied Remedy Mrs. Winslow "s Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tbe child, softeos tbe gams, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is tbe best remedy lor diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by all druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-dve cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. 21fb91 TELEGRAPHIC. A Feast End In Madness. Lokkdo, Tex., Feb. 22 Julio Vargas, a ranchman who lives about forty miles across the Mexican border, was in town last week and told a terrible story ot re venge, which bad been taken by an old woman in bis neighborhood. There had been a feud between, two families id bis vicinity, and this feud drew in several other families, until tnete was a regular neighborhood war. Tbe Piiizooas and Morelos were enemus, and in a running battle nve of the male members of the Piozona family were killed and left 00 the held. This was several 7ears ago, and with the killing there were left no male members of tbe Piozona famuy. This caused the feud to gradually die out between the other people who had been drawn into it, and in tact the whole oc currence had been almost forgotten by the people, amors whom a man's life counts lor very little, there was one oath as bindinff as the vendetta oath of the Sicilians. This was old Marguerite Pinzona, the mother of the family. She became a recluse and ws looked upon as r. SB a sort of witch by the people, and lived unmolested. She spent much time among herbs and became famed for her cures. She also became noted as a cook, and whenever any of tbe wealthy families cave a dinner it became customary to call upon old Marguerite to assist in pre paring the dainties. About a mouth ago Marguerite was sent for to superintend the cookiDsr tf a dinner lor a family, nod the guests of honor on the occasion were four male members of tbe Morelos familv. Toe old woman insisted ou waiting on the table as well as cooking the food, and she gave to each of tbe Morelos family a specially prepared dish. Tbe result was that the lour are now raving maniacs haviog eau-n of a decoction ot the deadly lecowced, tbe effects of which are to poison the mind to such an extent that tbe partaker thereof goes raving mad A Lucky Find. Ckeede, Colo., Feb. 22. Prospector Brandt, while working over Batchelor mountain, stumbled 'upon a fiod which raised him in a moment from com para live poverty to opulence. He had as cended an almost perpendicular wall and was nearly at the top when be noticed a crevice like opening closed by a boulder He pushed away tbe stone and fouod an opening large enough to admit bis bod v. He eutered and pushed forward, and, afier a few' steps, wad within a cavern, the roof of which was vaulted and hang ing - with stalactites, which showed croppiugs of Fiivcr ore ruonirg J 10,000 to the ton. This chamber is fifty teet wide and 200 feet lootj, and contains enough ore on the surface to muke Brandt a millionaire. Besides silver, the cavern contains uteosils and skeletons, aud the remains are evidently those of cliff dwellers; but antiquarian discovery is lost in the interest ot tbe phenomeual silver find. Brandt reported tbe find here, and the town, used as it is to re ports of big strikes, went wild. Hun dreds left for the Cliff-Dwellers' claim, as it is called, at once. Brandt and bis backer, Clon:-l Morten, were offered $100,000 cash for tbe claim by a syndi cate ot California capitalists, but tbey re fused. The Chinese question. Washington, Feb. -2?. Representative Robert Hitt, of Illinois, is an authority . on diplomatic service in the house by reason of his connection with the diplomatic service at home and abroad, and also his long service in the committee on foreign affairs. In con nection with the controversy now going on between certain members of tbe house as to who shall have the credit of forcing the pass age of the Chinese exclusion act, Mr. Hitt says the various acts proposed are in direct violation ot the treaty with the Chinese gov ernment, tie is not posing as the China man's friend, but he is disposed to believe that tnere is more political sentiment than anythtng else mixed ud in the Chinese ques tion, inere are men in congress' to-day, trom the Pacific coast, who have small armies of Chinese servants at home, and in private conversation they declare that they could not get along without Chinese domestics. "If the Chinese finally concluded to go," con tinued Hitt, "and there was no further pretext to agitate tne question, some ot our political friends would be out of a job." The same condition of affairs would result, he said, if the tariff and the silver questions were hanlly disposed ol just now. Mr. btump, ot Mary land, and Mr. Geary, of California, are in volved in an amusing, but none tbe less bitter, personal controversy over the authorship of a Chinese bill in the house. While they were disputing as to who would receive the credit for the bill introduced, Senator Dolph, of Oregon, introduced and passed a Chinese exclusion bill in the senate, thus stealing the thunder ot botn ot them. Important Question Decided. bALEM, Ur., reb. 22. In the supreme court to-day an interesting suit was ended. The case of Elliott vs. Oliver is a mandamus proceeding brought by the appellant, as re ceiver of conveyances for Union county, to recover certain records which the appellant claims the right to and custody of by virtue of bis orhce. upon the petition being bled an alternative writ was issued and to this writ the respondent demurred. The demurrer was sustained and the action dismissed. From this judgement, the appellant appealed and assigned as error, sustaining the demurrer and tne judgment ot dismissal. Oliver, the respondent, as county clerk of Union county, had possession of the records in question, and this case is of utmost importance to every county recorder in Oregon. The constitution ality of the office cf recorder of deeds was not passed upon, the court deel ning to consider so grave a qnestion where the record itself was defective, bu the opinion contains a brief dictum that the law creating ; the office of recorder in Union county is probably con stitutional. The tendency, said Tudee Strahan. of this decision is to leave the condition of affairs under the - various acts creating re corders in tne several counties undisputed. Framing nn Humaa Flesh. Atlanta, Ga., Feb., 22. The news of a horrible story of murder and cannibalism near Ray's mills has been received. Lucy President, an idiotic negro woman, left her house to go to work, leaving a 9 months' old babe in charge of all and 9 year old boy and girl, named Monk and Linda. Monk, it seems, was resolved npon putting the infant out of the way, and soon after the mother left he killed and mangled it with an ax. Not content with this he took a fork and gouged out the eyes of the little one, which he roasted, and then taking a slice cout of either jaw ne and bis sister sat themselves down and leasted. Jividentry there is some reciprocity wanted at Newfoundland. Oio of the papers there accuses American fishermen of smuggling quantities of goods into tbe island of fogs, to the detriment of our revenue and of Newfoundland traders." Tbe American fishing schooners toucb at the island of St. Pierre, off the coast be tween Fortune and Placeotia bays. Tbey go there to find out where the herring catch is. Bat somehow when thev come to Newfoundland tbey have on board large quantity "of rum, gin, tea and to bacco." They did not carry these articles from the United States with tbeai, and the said goods never paid duty at St. Pierre. Tbe American fishermen must have fished them up out of the sea. It ghnlt Be In Every House. J. li. Wilson, 371 Clay street, Sharps burg, Pa., says he will not be without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, CoughB and Colds. That it cured his wife wbo was threatened with pneumonia after an attack of la grippe, when various other remedies and several physicians had done her no good. Robert Barber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr. ding's New. Discovery has done him more good than anything he ever used for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try it. Free trial bot tles at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store Large bottles, 60c. and f 1. " - 5 ONB ENJOYS Both the method and results -when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts ?ently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy Ot liS Kind ever pro- iiuced, pleasing to the taste and ac citable to the stomach, prompt in I " 1 I . . 1 ' ' 1 ' I 11s action uuu iruiy ueneiiciai 111 its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in oOc and SI bottles by al' leading druggist k JManuiactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN Fit A HOI SCO, C4L. lOUSmtE. AT. VfiV fODX. M.I Land Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Offic at The Duxes. Orkgok, February 6. 192. Notioe is hereby eiven that the f jllowinz-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final Eroof in support of his claim and that sai'1 proof will b made before the register and receiver at The Dalies, Or., on Marel 25, 182, 1 a: LEWIS LAWL.EY, . Hd . No. 2320. for the NEli Sec 6, Tp 1 N , Ti l"5 E He names the following witnesses to i-r.iv- his continuous residence uj?on and culiiva&iuu of said lano. viz: William Jordan. Alhert Jordan. Charles Denton and James Thomas, all of The Dalles. Or. leois jutifs w. lewis, Kegiste: NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash. February 4. 1892. Notice in hereby iriven that the followiuir-named settler has filed notice of his intention to wake final pro f in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made h fore the clerk of the suoerior cour of Klickitat county. Wash., at Ooldendale, Wash., on Marco iu, isire, viz: James Hinnell, Hd 8320, foi the SWJ Sec 23 Tp 3 N R 13 East W M He names the following; witnesses to prove Ms continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said Aziriah J Pitmin. Robert Stnithers. Richard French, all of HartUnd. Klickitat county, Wmsh , and Nelson B Brooks, of Ooldendale, Wash. efebfit JOHN D. GF.OGIIEGAN. Roister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oreoon, Februar 6, 18.12. Notice is hereby eiven that the following-named settler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of his claim, and tLa; said proof will be made before the Keri.ter and Receiver of the u. s. land otnee at xne fanes, ur., on April 7tn, 1892, viz: JUllJM J. fcHKlSMAJiH, D S No. 6964, for lots 2 and 3, Sec 28, Tp 1 N, R 12 He names the following; witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: Andrew Kaller, George Kaller, Edward Wicks and Andrew Drquhart, all cf The Dalles. Oregon. Legal Notices- Application for Liquor License. Falls Precisct, ) Wasco County, State of Oregvn ) OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, PAT- ntk McAllenv, of said precinct, and county. will, on the 9th day of March, 1892, apply to the County Court of the above-named county for a li cense to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon. Falls Precinct, Wasco County, State of Oregon, February 2, 1892. To the Honorable County Court of 'the County of wasco, state or uregron: We. the undersigned taxpayers and legal voters of Falls precinct,- county and state aforesaid, do hereby respectfully petition and pray that said court shall grant a license to Patrick Mc Alleny to sell spir ituous, malt and vinous liquors in said Falls pre cinct, in less quantities than one- gallon, tf?r the penoa oi one year: NAMES KAHES Pat Welsh J C Farview M W Fitzgerald A J Knightly I M KeUiker B B Crank August Wilson Patrick Sullivan Wm Black H Fitzsimmons H HcKinnon Geo J Button DrC J Candiana Joba G Brown R Black J H Graham Louis Centura? A Svrlnir 1 F Hendrix A BAndrews A Q Hall Thomas Coyle r uney T r Lievens C W Fluke Guardian's Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE Is hereby given that Z. P. Moody, guard ian of the person and estate ot Oiis S. Sav age, a minor, baa Bled his final account in said es tate, and the 12th day of March, 1S92, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day. has been appointed as the time for hearing said final account and report, asd that tne neanng tnereor, togetner witn any objections mereio, 11 any are maae, Dcxore tne Hon. u. IN. Thornbury, county Judge, at tl.e county court room iu tne county court house in Dalles City, Wasco county, state of Oregon. All persons interested in said estate are herebv notified to appear at said time and place and show cause, u any tnere oe. wny said nnai account should not oa in au things approved and allowed. Tins notice is published by order of the Hon. C. N. Thornbury, Judge of the county court of the state oi uregon, lor asco county, ot date eB. 12, 1892. is. l. auuui, Guardian of the person and estate of Otis S. Sav age, a minor. leDl-4C Executors' Notice 'of Final Settlement mHB tTNDERSIGNEO hereby ifiv notice that .1 tney n re Bled in tne omce ol tbe county clerk 01 wasco county, uregon, tneir nnal account in the matter of the estate of O. 8. Say a ere, deceased, and that the county judjfe of said county has ordered that said final account and the settlement of the es tate, as well as any objections thereto, sball be he-ird at 10 o'clock A. M. on tbe 12th day of March, 1892, being; the regular March term of said court for the year 16WZ. Said hearing, settlement and objections, if any, will be heard pursuant to taid order in tbe c-.untv court room in the court house of 8id county, at uaiies miy, uregon. lie above notice la given by order of the Hon. C. N . Thornbury, judge of aaid county ana court. Dated at Dalles City, Oregon. Februarv 12, 1392 Z. F. MOODY, JOHN M. HARDEN. Executors of the estate of O. 8. Savage, deceased. Assignee's Notice. OTICE IS HEL., 1.1VEN THAT JOH.V -Ll Donovan has maae an astiirnment to (he uodortigned for the benefit of all of his creditors. AU creditors of said assignor are there ore herebv notified to Dl-ea:nt thzir claim nnripr oath to me at the saloon fonnerlv occudied bv said assignor in The Dalles, Oregon, within three months irjiu ine (rxw-uereoi. Dalles City, Or., Fb. 18, 1892. FRANK ROACH. Assignee. " Notice to Creditors. OTICE Is herebv given that on the SOth day of J.X October, 1S91, P. T Miai p att&ned to mo for tne benent of all his creditors, in iroportion to their res;ective claims, all of liis personal and real prop- The creditors of aaid P. T. Ht-am n harsh nn. lied to present their claims aminst saia assignor, " J w ".D at, m j uuica in nana I.ILV, ur. within three months from the date of thi. nntiw . fJd A Dalle2.City, Oregon, December 12, 1891. . rf. w. WflllUfi, 2 Aasumee. ' A Souveiiir . Thimble Free. A NY LADY sending- at once the nines and ad- - aress ol ten. married -lady frieuda or faocse- aocpcm iu wnum we can sena sample copies of tbe uiiuHaiw janies- newspaper pub lished to-dar, will receive an el epant solid a lvrr sou Tenir thimble. The -'Ladies' Victoria! Weekly" is mo luuiusomra ana mosi entertaining publication of its class and is becoming- universally popular with intelligent ladies in botb Canada and tbe United States. Ii. contains sixteen unre pafrea. same size M, nujni mur must proruseiv ulustmed. and comes each week at only z a year. Jf you de sire a souvenir thimble aena iumM n h ...... and enclose fifteen U. ii. i-cent stamps to cover ex. wuiia wuuiu u, luwreKoa m Lna "lllps' WMkk penaes oi mailing, etc. forward lo-.lay. Address ncvuruu neeajy, uuiaaa mo Building. - - i nvzcw JAS. FERGUSON, 1 Gooda hauled with the ereateatfeare te all parts ot toe oity on abort notioe. Leave orders with Fish. & Bardon FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS LMorthern Pac ItAILlJOAI) Is the line to' take TO ILL POINTS EAST AND S 11TH His the Din in if Car Route. It runs Through Ves tibule! Trams Eery Day in the year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CAftS. Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. - Pul'tnan Drawing-room Sleepers of Latest y Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Best that can b$ constructed, anl in which acorn modation are both Free and Furnished fur holders of First or Second class Ticket, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman deeper reservations can be secured in ad vance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS EZ England and Europe can He purchased at any ticket offic6 of the company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agout, or A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't General Passenger At., No. 121 First St., Cor. Wa h., PORTLaMO. OitGON TO THE PUBLIC. Having aasoci-it"l myself with the old re liable Real Estate and Insurance firm of Menefee Bros., and lately purchased the. senior memoer s interest, iwnnraiu- te the public that I am at their rlispofsl to transact any business in the Real Eitatc Mid Insurance line which they may control in the new consolidated city of Portland. As a firm, now Menefee & Beppner, I wiali also to mention that we rent and take care of property for non-residents, negitiuta loans, and jjladly render, advise conoeruia. ertv of Portland and vicinity. Forli;: fident of success, but nevertheless ni est desire 13 to pain and maintain a reputa tion, I await yonr k:nd consideration. Very respectfully yours, H. A. HEPPNER, Of Menefee & Heppner, Roil EstUe and Inwiruncc; ollice. Delay u, near Kiuseu, Aiuina-Trnanu, Oregon. feti20 THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FACTORY NO.105. niAinA of the BeBt Erands manufact- UlUMrid urec3.. and ordeaa from all paita I of filled on tbe an ortea tice. The reontation ofTHE DALLES CIGAR has becomo firmly established, and the de mand for the home manufactuaeriarticle is increasing eyery day. dec24dv-tf A. ULRICH & SON. PAUL KBEFT & CO. DEALERS IN Faints, 0IMla$ And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in WALL P A P E It Practical Painters and Paper Hantrera. None hat tbe best lirands of tbe Sherwin-Williams Paint nsed in all our work, and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly attended to. -Shop adjoining Bed Front Grocery, THIRD STREET, THE DAjlc. Is'now located af 77 Second Street, Ncx to Schutz Ju-rtice Office. Kpnalnnc n Hneclaltv. He has saved some of his best leather out of tbo fire and will make the neatest boot or shoo of anyone in the citv. CHRISMAN BROTHERS, nccessors to F. Taylor.) Proprietors of the CITY MARKET .THIRD STREET. - " Dealers in all kinds of Meat Hams, Bacon and Sausage always on hnd. ' i-c8d&wtf Sample Rooms, 71 MAIN" STREET. Always on band the BestWines, Iiqxxors, and Cigris. A. Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beet on itrauiht. Mcdonald bros., : propr's. W.T.WISEMAN (Successor to J. H. McDonougb & ) DEALEB IN Choice Wines. Liquors, AND CIGARS. None bat the lit brands of Liquors arid Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all Kinds. Uoroer or tjourt and becODd streets, THE DJ LLES. OREGON, WANTED. TOYS. physicallr sound, of good moral character. O 16 vtara of age or over, and not less than fivS) leer, in neignt, to join tne department of tbe rac national ejaaets, united Htates if America. ruu pardculani can be obtained by applying to declB - C236 Curtis street. Denver, CoL 810 REWA11D. LOST A BAT MAKE, three years old. branded something similar to a Z on left shoo da-: weight 1112 pounds. The above reward will be paid to any one givis.g me information that will lead w uerr nevrerr. . eaaut ai;iAUBe, rheArtist cShoemaker THE DALLES V miai DAILY AND WEEKLY. The ouly Eepublican Paper In the County Largest Circulation And best Advertising Medium In the Inland Empire Best Equipped Job Office In the City israsssa MC Mlued his Opportunity ! DOvT Mlse lib 1 ourti Kf ader. Tus majority neglect their op nnrttinitlM. and from that canaa lira in novertv and (lis in obienrity I Harrowing; despair Is the lot of many, as tbey look back on lost, forever lost, oaportanuy. slie is psvss- ln-l Irani fa nut Rja nn anit rinln V ImnntVBTOar DDDOrtllt why, ond secrire prosperity, prorumence, peace. I i was said ly a philosopher, that "the Goddess of Fortune offers , fTOUienopporinnuy w men parson uvboihu punvu vi ma, ti.iiin-.ic6 the chance, and sliaponrsoat her riches; fail to do An imii una nenarta. merer EO return." now sua 11 tod una iheCJLDKif opportunity? Investigate every chance that nj-pwire worthy, and 01 fair promi-e; toal iivnai an sno co a Ttil m on do. 11 ore is an opportunity, each as is not often within the reach ot laborio K people. I mproved, it will give, at least, a grand start in life. The COldek opportunity for many is here. JUoney to ds maae rapiui v ana nonarsoir by any Indnstrions person of either sex. Aliases. Yon can do the work tad live at home, whereverrAii are. Even bs rdniiers are eiv-ilj earning from 3 to $1 Oner day. Ton cm do as well if yon will work, not too hard, ant Industri ously ; and you can increase your income as yon fro on. You can irive spare time only, or all your time to the work. Easy to le.irn. Capital not required. We start you. All is com paratively new und really wonderful. He instruct and show yon bow. Tree. Failure unknown among our work era. Ko room to exnlain here. Write and learn all free. by retnm mnll. Unwise to delay. Address at once. II,. ualleit sis fJo. jiox bbv, roruatto, aiaino, "OLD GERMANIA," OO Second St. C. DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on sale the best Wines, Liquors, APfI CIGARS. Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught! The finest brands of Imported and Do mestic Cigars a specialty. au7-91dyJ COAL! COAL! -THE BEST- Wo linrrtrm knl7 I InTnTtora T I OAJXUg UUAAf i,VUUn. f 7AAAAgU and Eoslyn Cudl. $12. sacked and delivered to aay part ot the city. At Moody's Warehouse. SHEEP FOR SALE. Three thousand Fine Graded Bred Ewes and 3000 Yearlings. Kerr & Buckley, Grass Valley, Or. CEDAR POSTS. rnHE UNDERSIGNED CAN FURNISH MEDIUM L and largt Split Cedar Posts, 6 fet Ions;, de livered on cars or boat in East Portland, for 7 and 8 cents each. Eastern renin and Washington par ties are pleased with them. We prefer buyers should have them inspected oerore tne posts are shipped. Address lAVUlSlKAl L.VJHI-ATI I, E. Oi'ACalKBlsil. Pres't. jan29-nV Drawer 22, Portland, Or. HOOFS HG ! " I GUM-ELASTIC ROOFING Fi LT costs only 12.00 per 100 square teet. Makes a good root for years, and any one can nut it on. bend stamp for sample ana full particulate. GCM ELASTIC ROOFING CO., ) 41 Wast Broadway, . New York City EST" Lxal Agcntt Wanted. feblS : DOCTOR Tbeae Colebraied neiau: IACXERS Pills are a Positive Cure (or Blek ; UeaidMaM, BillonaMae, and! Ctlpl . Baaadl, leaa., mat am4 a fovarit. with the! ladle. Bold In Kngbwid (or Is.; lMd-. In imnrVw, (or S. Oet ! PURE ! PINK LPBLLS. aaaaaaaaaaaBaas id to w. au HOOKUt A CO 4 Wait aanaaij, law Tark, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasaaaaaat mmta own urailttrK,u !n rt-rcr thr lirt: J oo tan ! Ih- : i t. Kr Id It )i Vr 5 lVirnifh eef'tbir(r. We itrt yea. r'.-k. You cnu Irt tour mt Tnomcisix, ur all rotir time 10 flic nurb. i I.- Mitireiy newtead.vid brings omJrfnt ucrt :rrrxiw ikrt BVffinnera are e .'ram lo I? 50 ii.'rtvrrk and aptriti'i and axmaner a lit.le cxperienea. tVe can foruitli you tbe t plorment and tMCD run r li7ment and taco run r I' Kl'- Xo ipe,- to e-lnn here. Tnli a. aa a Je a, a. v.. u..i uu.- font . frar U brhir mfi by Jorju ft tVM.Tiii.1 roT.N.Y-t Merk fur u. litufrrr. k f. j m my ixl niKC ai tuucM, bitl-wa cad tt ' Vfji tt-.ti.-it youfuit-Riy uonr turani munCfi 1ft Ii a :ar at tbe iri. a ltd aioif m rtm c on. Jtuili wrse. ail mmr. In inr nar tat afJ Amnica. you can anainiHic at buuia, tiir- .iip all your iitiie.ur aure uiouwnts only to tl.e wurk. All la new. Gfoat y M Kt: for every wirmer. rt e mimn yin, IDPiiaalnt arrrylhlnfr. EASILY. HI KVlHI.V learned! 1'Alal ICUIdAUH KKK. A.W at nti'd ISTUSUS A CO., ItlaLiiAi..' "Ut. ,iii lntn'!M-n n.-atleai wrk for ;, .r A:.:: I'nff, AitKin, fin, fiii.t .fun. !,".. tt. I tiirtlt. ( i cur. Oiliem are slvttiiraa well. Wliy i4 t ttu? l"ottt ewra over 9MK). r c itantli. Tit nit do tlie work inu Hrc int bom, w-brrevt-r Too mm. Even be- plnueni are t-pnily emminpr from to iatlay. Atlairra. we now you now and atari you. Cm work in man or all i lie tunc Bir money for t time work- era. Failure unknown amoDfr them. XKW and wonderful. Pert tea Inr fresa. n.Iflnll'f Cr lfijc ttiO roi-tioed. M mlm $3000 . A YEA R a - un1rrfke to brlefl I MX, wno can nao and writ, and who, eftar iofttrucUon, will work iiiduatrloualy, haw to earn Three TheauMnd DeJlara a 1 issrh smv tkirlv Intel llrt-nt ueraonof tttbor tiwravwn .AMlitsaa-whereeartber Ure.1 will aiao Atrautta tbe altutuioa or em ploy mental which yo can earn that amount. Mo money for mm unless aoocaaaful aa aboe. Eaailyamd quick. learned. I desire bat one worker from each diet rirt or county. I hsre already tatifriit and provided with emotoyment taxrt and HOLH). Full jjartiealsw FKEE. AddffMUono ijU. J ,.V-r -1 01 EL- - A FEEE TRIP TO T H WORLD'S FAIR Commencing: May 1, 1893 The HUtorv Company, of San Francitco, Cal., (capital stock $500,000) the oldest and largest pub lishioff house on the Pacific coast, this day announce that they will give, absolutely free, a ticket to the World's Fair mud return, including meals en route one weok (7 days), hotel accommodations, six admis sion tickets to the Imposition mmnds, two tickets to leading Chicago theaters, and such other privi leges as may in-ure a pleasant trip to deserving per sons who comply with their requirements. NOTIOU Those desiring to go to the World's Fair and who could not otherwise oo so, can adores us at once for full particuars. This offer does nt apply to per sons cf means who are in a position to nifet the ex penses oi sueh a trip themselves, but to enterprising and intelligent young men anl women wh ( cm ap preciate such an opportunity snd make the mot of it. Teacliers, clergymen, students, farmers' bright sons and daughters in fact any and sil possessing energy, enterprise and character will be e iyib e. Tilt: CMANCK OF A Lll'-TltlF. Every youne man or woman who desires to go to Chicngo and see the woniers of the grea'.est e-.hift-itiou the world has ever known, should address us at Such an opportunith is rarely offered, and the trip wilt be the event of a lifetime to those wbo no. Address THE HISTORY COMPANY, TUK BISTORT KU1LDINO, No. 72S MARKET ST., SAN FRAKOI.sCO, CAL. Ask ray ag-enra Tor W. L. Douglas Shsea, ir not lor snle iu roar place ask your dealer to aeud for catnloo-uet secure the agency, and get them lor yon, IT TAKE NO .SUBSTITUTE..! THE m e nm ir-i ac v aWaj v w wi i rn 1 1 S3 SHOE cenHeWn THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It is a seamless shoe, with no acks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and easy, and because toe make more etioea cf thin praae in an any otner manujaciurer, is equals liana sewed shoes cost In or from 4.00 to aVLOO. uu iweiiiiine liatui-ttewed. iiJi shoe ever offered for $5.00; equals French niiponea snoes wnicn cose rrom s.u"U) siz-uu. L M OO Hnnd-SffWMl Welt Kline, flno calf. 3? stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as cus tom-made shoes costing from $6.00 to $9.00. b"3 U roil co rnoe farmers, itaiiroaa Jiieu wu ana LfecEcrearnci.taii wear mem: nneca r. seamless, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edice. One Dair will wear avear. CO 50 fine call ? no better shoe ever offered at sDsms this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. 50 -5 and 2.00 Vorkinsman0 shoes ussfia are verv strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear no other make. Oauc' "vuu and ri.7- scnooi snoes am on their merits, as the increasing sales show. m ws w worn Dvtne Dovsevervwaere: tnev&ui 1 oHiac 9-Suu tinna-iiewea snoe, oest buu IV0 uontcola. verrstvllsh: equals JTeuci unponea saoes cosuiik iruin &.w iu eo.JU. Kisses are vhe best line IXHiKOla. Stylish and durable i.adipr 'Z..1 i. m'z.ihi nnn ni.7.1 snoe 1. f'nntfnn. See that W. L. Douglas' name ai!.. price are stampea on ine DOEiom or eacn snoe. . FREIMAN, AGENT, THE DALLI.S Everything in the line of SCHOOL BOOKS akd STATIONERY AND FINE FRENCH CANDIES, can SB Forms AT NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE. SECOITD STREET. MAIER & BENTON. 3uocesson to A. Bettiuan RETAILERS ASblJOBBERS I- Sites, Tinware, Woadsnwars . AND GRANITE WARE A complete line of Heating and Cook S to vet. Pumps. I'ipe rmmoere ana steam f itters auppuea; also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blackfloii'hs' aud Farm trs Tools. AND SHELF HARDWARE. Tmaiif, PlumMnc and pipe work will be do on short notice. SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OR JO 1 Ifl) HI I si MRS. A. JONES, Prop. I 85 XJIN IOJN fcsTrtlErr 85 Adjoiniiift Byrne, Floyd Co.'s drag store. The tables are supplied with tbe best tbe piarset affords. MEALS AT ALL HOURS. None but white help employed. louIS Payette (nccessor to Payette A.Friena.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sta. All work work in iron or wo-j done in tbe neatest manner. Auvtliiuir in the wagon line, from a whevlbarruw to an omnibus, made or re; Aired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. PlowTtanJ michiusty loui'red -ia th ? inofet B'-. ol an v-kjciyi wiliie mnattit mcii21tj F.E. SH0NTELL -DEALER IS- Fine Cigars, Tobacco, AND COSFCTIOXERY. S.lmh 1 Street, next door to the Red Front Grocery store. 1 be celebrated Hoffman, General Ar and Schil ler Cigars on sale TBE DALLES, OREGOS T. A. Van Norden, THE LEADING WATCH MAKER SPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING of Fine Watches. Mr. Tan Norden kii adopted a aystptn of repainns; br wbica old c:ouks, apjiar ently worn out, made serviceable for year 108 SECOND STREET - fUS DALLES. IIP rSsSSt;- V WHY IS m Dalles Restaurant PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH . TraiU DA.XJL.E-il. E. E. TjYTLE, Agent UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM OCEAN, nr-l i I in Kaa FranrliN-o. To Sau Francisco Leaving- Steamship Wharf, Port' iana, as iu r at., aa louows: OrfBon Feb 8, SO Columbia Feb 12, 24 Stt. Feb 16, 28 Bag;: -I- m':s 1 checked either at Ash St., during the aay, or liv the U. O. & B. Co. No unchecked baggage will be received on the steamers. Kan Frairlsro to Portland. To ri.rt'"-1 tavi.i)c Spear St. Wharf, San Francisco JllOA.) ai.asiouows; Colu 810 . Or.:.:r.: T-. erR - ! or.-! Feb 7, , ten 11, ....Feb 6, r;nir reserve, the riht to change steanv i-iu. ini. s without runner no:ioe. lii:kots, betth reservations, etc., call t :,.--v ijcket atrent of the Union Pacific sy tnv. C. '-. .iF.l.r.BN. UlU l rirti! Mana er. T. W. LEE. On. Pass. A t -Tliii: GMMANIA CP A : STUBLTKG, Prop. f or. THE PRESENT AT SO Second Street. Wines, Lipors and Cigars All brands Imported Liauors, Ale anl Porter, an genuine Key West Cigara. A full line of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. re MRS. C. DAVIS, Prop. Adjoining the Diamond Holler Mills, on becona street. MEALS AT ALL HOURS Tbe tables will b supplied with tbe best the market affords; Lodging rooms op sta:rs tor guests. P. W.BOLD, Blacksmith li Wip-ittr At Thompson's old stand, 193 Tnlnl St BUCKSMITHINC OF ALL KINDS DONE NEATLY ANU UHEAPLY. WOOD-WORK ef all k'nds, repairing and making anyvnnv, irom a wneimrrotr to a carnage. HORSE-SHOEING A SECIALTY. m 4d-w ami EUREKA RESTAURANT F. W. L. 8KIBBE, PROP. k High Grade of Wines, liquors & Cigars L:U:N:C:H:E:S TRAVELERS Cor. Secoud and Madison, nar asMDffpr depot mv4d- L. P. OSTLUND ill will furnish draft and ettimatea on all buildiogf. aweiiinK ana norea. Mr. Oatlund ia a praotlcal mechanic, and the? plana drafted by him wHi prove artistic, cheap and dura- Die. HILL, O'MALLEY & CO. THE LEADING Architects and Builders Office in Sklbbe'a Brick, ' THE DALLES, OREGON Will take e mtricti and furnish plana and (pac 111 cations for all builuhiis.fratnj, brick or stone. 11a teriaia fuinpoed if needed. oct5 Wnnter aod Jeweler. At Ullrich & 8on' Cigtr Pactorj, Comer Main and Court Sts- All kinds of Watches repaired with neat-DL'f-s and dispalcl). COLUlli! PPflG CO.. Corner Third and Washington Sti. Cured Hams and Bacon. Dried Beef and Tongues And the botj Dm'steaks. Mutton Chops .and Teal Cuil.ts in the market. ORDERS DELIVERED T3 ANY PART OF CITY "FresU Vegetables on S.r at ibe Low. Bt f rices. jedd&w Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; L-t-k liox 131. G. SOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plana and aj.i icati as tor building fur niabed. Will di a.' I smda of cxcayatinR aud grading. AU orders should belief t at poatoffice box novl 3 FOE, SALE. SIX HEAD OF WORK HORSEn, from Ave to ebrht years old, In aroo I condition. Will sell for oa.-h, or trade some of them for stallions. C. KOEHLER, Nansene, Or., Feb. 13, 18M. neve Rssiauran Contractor and Builder More solid comfort irivCne package of Mastiff tobacco than you can get out of any ii 1 ti.. i A - Try a package aud be cou vinccd. J. B. Paco Tobacco CoM J'.lchmor.d, Virginia. S. L. YOUNG, (Successor to E. Beck. ROCKFORD Ouick-Trasn WATCHES unequalled EXACTING fiVjin mc watch TJaed by the U. . lira r COffTllSi'd an THI! Coaitt fin r- viv: In IT 8. Maral Ob n Drinrtiaftl cititwAtowna Lono motive Enrtneeni Oon. ductors an 'I otta A if-nta llnnitiiitf Icwi lera. with Full WtUTWMJ. Itailwajr men. Tbey -DEALER DIAMONDS SILVERWARE, ETC. Watches, Clods and Jewelry Repaired AND WARRANTED. Secondf Street. THE DALLES. OR. SKIBBE HOTEL t ' F. W. L, SKIBBE, Prop. The Only Brick Hotel IN TUE CITY BERT DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE In the North wet Thii built in (r has ben refitted since tha fire of September 24. and . the rooms flnit clan Id every particular. The table u supplied with tho beet the ra-rket affordi. T he oar n. cm unction with the bote! is suoDlied with the hitches', trnule of W.iitui, Liquors an Im ported aud Domestic Uigur. jan89-w THE BALDWIN Cor. Court and Tront Streets. THE DALLES, : : s OREGON- Wines, Liporsfacd Cigars. s . None but the Best Quality of Liquor and the Best Brands of Cigars on sale. Kentucky Straight Whisky From $3 to $5 Per Gallon. A. BETTINGEN, JR, Proprietor. To Young Housekeepers Free to all Brides ! "VJ OTICE is hereby (riven to all the readers of this X paper and all their frl nds anil acquaintance throughout Ibe United mates and Cansda that THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whose address and ' iu ct-nia lo pyjiMutRr is cni to ine puDUsner within one year frcm the date of their tuarriave. Persons sending for this present are requested to end copy of a paper coDtaiiiine a notice of their marriage, or some other evidence thst alia 11 amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine under the above offtr. Address. 'THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, VI J. E LAESEN, Dealer In all kinds ol Hay, Grain and Feed, At his old stain!, Second street j HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. Tlie highest Cash Price paid for Bheeo pelts. 25o. 'SOo. 75c $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 -:- .f FEATHERBONE l made from OTH-I-H. nature's own toughest inaierlal. best whins rnade for the price. Cheap, Durable. Al l NTVf.KS. all price., ask roor dealer lor a - FFITHPRRftJiR JVJH S A.J ' ' 11 j 1MU,U1UUIV1IW ENRY KUCK, - The Dalles, Or. mm iTMCTRICTr TIRST CLASS . aa, lUn. , Istarrcct. FwtMt smd Time tm tm WeeUt Faswencrer accomodations unexcelled. IEW TORKaLONDCNDERRy AMO 6LA8B0W. Every Saturday, NEW YORK, GIBRALTKB and HAFIJES, At reirnlar Intervals. . SALOON, SECOND-CLASS AND STEERABI rates on lowest terms to and from the principle SOOTCH, S279IJSB, IBISH a ALL OONTBTINTiX POIHTt Exeoralon tloketa available to return by either the pie toreaque Circle A North of Ireland or Kaplea A Olbralta Crafts ana lfcnsy Onlsn far Aay Assist at lowest Sates, Apply to any of our local Agents or to ELEXJUJKBSON BROTHER!, Cbieatro, XU. AGENTS VI ANTEP A) n'y to T. A. General Agent, 1 he Dalles. (.'. HUDSON, jani-M H. GLENN. Is again at bis old stand and has on hand I M FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT Tanks of all aUea, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, mads to order. gr Contracts) for all kinds of build ids taken at tbe lowest furores. FOR WH fleco . ueaaoa, ur.