The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY. .FEBRUARY 20. 1892 .-. ... EDITORIAL BOTES. '.. We may- look for something in terestiuir over the "big pond" after next Thursday, When . Balfour will introduce his land bill in parliament. v! The British empire is anxiously await ing developments regarding the policy - I of the Tory government. , . The Democrats are hard pressed for s capital during the coming campaign, . and not being able to attack the prea ent administration on any vulnerable " point,-are- trying to make capital be ' .cause President Harrison did not de clare war against the little republic cf . Chili, and sacrifice millions of treasure 'and the lives of citizens in a barbarous conflict with a nation of half-breeds. r - - ' - The Dalles has set the example of V TteTEormation of a Republican club, , and other precincts should do likewise. - In every town in Wasco county a club should be formed for campaign pur poses, and by these means the success . or the party is assured. It is not fair that this city should have the candi dates, and any selfish faction which at- tempts to control matters should not be allowed to be supreme in political : matters. . - - :- .7. Perhaps no better description of the " red tape of official doings was ever -published than the short note about the 1 "circumlocution office" in .one of Dickens' worka Official business in '"' this country and Great Britain is man ' aged in such an intricate manner that it is almost impossible for an ordinary - individual to receive any redress for ' an injury received. In such instances it is far better to suffer wrongs than to attempt their redress.. - - . 'lhe "political pot" in Wasco county ' is rapidly beginning to assume a boil ing temperature, and candidates are . . "bobbing up serenely" in many direc ' tiona By a fair vote the county is 150 Republican, and the candidates of that party will be elected if harmony prevails in the ranks; but care should be taken not to nominate men who simply represent factional interests, -" 'and attempt to ride into office on the flood tide of the majority. 7 ' The sealing season is open, and the ' Behring sea question has not yet been . settled, although the EogliiJi commis sioners have been in Washington some time. -Mr. Blaine, In the peaceful . settlement of this question, proved ' himself a diplomat competent to " handle intricate international prob- ' lems, and it is to be hoped that the -' conference between the commissioners of ; the two nations will place . the matter of the seal fisheries beyond - dispute. We do not know whether Portland will be successful in securing an appro priation", from congress for a deep- - channel from Astoria; but if she does ' it will reduce the amounts for the Cascade Locks and the mouth of the Columbia, and it will only benebt a local enterprise. ' We are favorable to every general improvement in the - northwest, but matters simply of alocal interest should receive support from the community and not from the gen eral government. , Items . GBA3TT COTJITTY. From the Columns Canyon City Sews. of the . H aystacks are diminishing in some locali ties, and stockmen would be pleased to see spring come in earnest. - W. A. Clark, the Montana millionaire mining man, is corresponding with parties with a view to becoming interested in the Greenhorn mining camp. road the "Mecca" to which all eyes south of Kmgsley are turned. ' This long cher ished hope was rekindled by the county court promising a liberal amount for a new -road; on the strength of which a meeting was held in Wamic to discuss the ways and means' to accomplish that result, which was responded to by a large delegation from the live preciuuts of Dufur, &iogsley, Tygh, Wamic and Oak Grove. .-::' - The meeting was called to order at 2 P. M. in the large ball by the ailvered-tongued orator of Dufur, M. J. Anderson, who stated the object of the gathering. Hon. Ym. McD. Lewis was chosen chair man and M. J. Anderson secretary. - Ou motion the meeting took a recess, so that each precinct might select a committee man, and these to select .a route for the new road aud to recommend to the court to ap point the viewers from that committee and take the route so selected. Tbey reported as follows: Dufur, L. dinger: Kingsley, F. C. Sextou; Wamic, Tom Driver; Oak Grove, F. Gable; Tygh. J. N. Moad. , After much discussion it was agreed that each precinct select a man and that they circulate a paper for subscriptions and nrge the county court to make as large au appro priation as possible, and show the urgent need for immediate action while the ground is in condition. A motion endorsing the contracting for such a road provoked a long discussion as to how to have the work done, and was finally left to the committee and the court. Tbe committee selected is M. J Ander son, ot Datur; Kobt. ii.elly, ot Jinsley; flollansdale, of Tygh; A. E. Lake, of Wa mic; W. McD. Liewis. ot Uak brave. It was stated the court wished a petition from each precinct to appropriate their por tion to Tygh) and T. H. Johnston, of Du fur, in a short time secured the signature of every man there to sucb a paper and guar anteed his precinct solid for it. A paper was then prepared for subscrip tions and over $700 was seoured in a short time, each committee-man taking a copy of the paper and guaranteeing a good showing in his precinct. It was also stated that the Warm Spring Indians had promised one huudred men for two weeks. So you see we are "in it. Oak Grove boasts a bran-new Farmers' Alliance branch with a good membership. Stock have wintered well, and prospects were never better for crops. Much sympathy is felt for Mr. W oodcock in the loss of his dwelling and contents on Friday by a fire. Tbe stock inspector killed and burned the horses of Mr. Miller, which were affect ed with gleet, and it comes pretty hard on him to thus lose his work team. . JunxBuo. E. E. Lackey's Disappearance. The Eugene Guard has the following to say about E. R. Luokey, about whom so much has been printed: 'It now seems that be only drew out of the Eugene National bank the morning he left here, $500, of which sum be paid Geo. B. Dorris $375. Instead of giying his wife $300 before leaving, his wife received no money from him, and had to borrow money to go to Portland with. - ''After arriving in Portland last Monday, Mr. Lackey first started for the commission house of Stevens & Jenkins, but on the way to that place be dropped into the wholesale house of Chas. Kohn, and paid that gentle man $100 which he owed; after chatting a while with Mr. Kohn he went to the com mission house and talked with those gentle men for an hour or more about business matters, when be went to the Hotel Per kins. From the best advices he left that place about 7:30 o'clock. " After that be was seen at Fourth and L streets in East Port land, going eastward by Newt Blair, who passed the time of day with him. This was about 8 o'clock P. M. - Although the entire city has been scoured by detectives . and friends, ' nothing since has been heard of him. . No trains leave Portland after 7:30 P. at., hence he could not have left that night on a. tram. The detectiyes of Port land are of the opinion that he haa been murdered, and his body secreted. "Some people still advance tbe idea that he 'skipped.' This seems very remote in deed. He took no money with him, when he could easily haye secured thousands of dollars from friends, for be bad the confi dence of everybody. - His property was en tirely unincumbered, and is worth several thousand dollars more than the attachments now made. : Besides, nothing whatever of a criminal nature has appeared against him. "The article in yesterday's Oregonian on Mr. Luckey'a disappearance was certainly ill advised and should have not been pub lished. The facts are opposite to the asser tions therein contained." . Tygh Hill Boad" Meeting. The meeting held at Wamic on " last Saturday to consider the new grade on Tygh bill was tbe largest and moat en thusiastic ever held in the southern part of tbe county. Representatives were present from Dufur, Tygh, Wapinitia and The Dalles, and everybody in Wamic and vicinity were present. - Tbe meeting was called to order by M. J. Anderson, of Dufur. who 'stated that Dufur's delegatioa came without a candi date and with no political ax to grind that they came to assist in securing a road, and urged harmony, asked that all sectional stnte and petty rivalries be laid aside and one long, strong puil mads for this much needed improvement; the time was short, be said, between now and election, just Ions enough to prove that the powers that are or are not in earnest Nominations for Chairman being called Hon. W. McD. Lewis, of Oak Grove, was alected by acclamation, and in a few words expressed his thanks for the honor and advised that all questions be dis cussed fairly and harmoniously, and that he was satisfied there would be substan tia! aid from the county to help build this grade. Mr. M. J. Anderson was elected secre tary.. Mr. Gourlay stated that be was author ized to say for the county couit that ; all possible assistance would be given and the speaker expressed great confidence that tbe court would keep its very gener ous pledges if the people would only do their part. By request Mr. Anderson ' laid ' before the meeting the plan of action prepared by tbe Dufur delegation Messrs. Kling er, Johnston and ADderson. The plan as outlined was adopted as au order of business, and with some unimportant changes was endorsed by tbe meeting. A committee of five, one from each precinct, was chosen to make a preliml naty survey with Mr. Sharp, to examine carefully all routes and decide which is best. Tbe court will be asked to appoint the viewers from this committee, which consists of L J. Klinger, Frank Gabel, J. N. Mode, Tom Driver and F. C. Sex ton. - . - I A second committee of five, chosen as before, was appointed . to attend tbe March term of court and place before th court all petitions, papers and facts upon which tbe demand for an appropriation is based. This committee was as follows M. J. Anderson, Robt. Kelley, Johij Holiogshead, A. E. Xake and W. McD, Lewis. ' f Tbe motion by Anderson that tbe work be placed under tbe charge of a superin -tendent nominated by this meeting and appointed by the people led to a very spirited discussion on superintendents vs. contractors, and made things decidedly lively for a while. Tbe motion was amended by Mr. Sharp placing tbe mat ter in the bands of the two committees named. Mr. Gourlay amended .again, making it part contract and part by superintendents. Again tbe eloquence of PhillipB, Gourlay, YanDuyn, Kelly, John ston and Anderson made the window glass rattle, and to secuie harmony Mr, Gourlay - withdrew bis amendment; tben J. B. Msgill moved in its stead that the entire matter be left to tbe second com mittee appointed. Ibis was ably sup ported by C. L. Phillips and T. H.Johns- ston, and was carried. Resolutions endorsing tbe 2-mills levy were passed. Petitions signed and subscription paper on the table which all were invited to sign soon showed the sum of $445 cash and $260 work payable on demand and several present prefered to sign tbe list which will be circulated in their respective precincts, making, over $1000 subscription from those present In the bouse. -A list will be sent to Tbe Dalles and should be well signed by the merchants. ' ' - '.- , . Tbe people of .Wamic did everything possible -to entertain visitors irom a dis tance and many remained in that . place until Sunday, ' of the O'no river, from which it would ap pear that he was in the real estate business and as zealous a salesman as the modern real estate shark. In another column of this number is a stray notice which ready like this: "Strayed from town, (Baltimore) last night, six wagon horses and a -man ser vant named Wallace, the property of Leigb Master Esqr., at Pipe creek. Tbe said ser vant appears to be upwards of 40 years of age, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, and tol erably stout. Whoever shall deliver tbe said horses and man to Mr. Pole, in Balti more shall have a handsome reward." Barium's Arai Salve. The beat salve in the world for cuts bruises, ' sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevej sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly. Legal Notleea. , Application for Liquor License. The World's Columbian Exposition. Send 50 cents to Bond & Co., "76 Rook ery, Chicago, and you will receive post paid, a four hundred page advance Guide to the Exposition.with elegant engravings of the grounds and buildings, portraits of its leading spirits, and a map of tbe city of Chicago; all of the rules governing the exposition and exhibitors, and all in -formation which can be given out in ad vance of its opening. Also other engrav ings and printed information will be sent you as published. It will be a yery val uable book and every person should se cure a copy. Astoria Town Talk: Portland is now be fore congress struggling . at tbe national treasury for money to boom herself, and suppress information and distort facts about the moutb of tbe Columbia river. Congress is being importuned by Portland to ran its hand into the pockets of tbe people ot the United States to widen and deepen a channel from Portland to the Pacific ocean, a distance ot 110 miles, to continue that city in her strained position as mistress of the Pacific northwest. To more effectually convince congress that this channel is needed, the Port of Portland was created at the last session of tbe legislature. Herein was tbe "job" part of the programme. Few people who voted to create the Port of Portland bad an idea that she would have the immaculate gall to ask the people of the United States to put up the money for a scheme that is almost wholly for the boom ing and individual benefit of one city and a few parsimonious old moaabacks. If the channel from Portland to tbe sea is to be widened and deepened, and kept so, Port land should be compelled to do it at her own expense. TELEGEAPHI0 SEWS. !oiwrfia. ' Falls Psscikct, ) Wasco County, Stats of Oregon ) OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT t, PAT- nek HcAllenv. of Mid Drecinct. and conntv. will, on tbe 8th dar of March. 1892. aDnli to tha uounty noun oi we aoove-named county for a U oenae to sell epiritnous, malt and vinous liquors in cov 4uaiuuc umui una rauou. Falls Pkzcixct. Wasco Cowitt.EEJ;! State of Oregon, I February S, 189. 1 To tbe Honorable County Court of the County of We. the nnderaiimed taTnVM, anil LmI vn. - iwun, nunr ana etaxe arorasaiu, do hereby resnectfuHv betitiorj and may that aalri MBit hall grant a license to Patrick Mc Allen-to sell pir itunns, malt and vinous liquors in said Falls pre cinct, in leas quantities than one gallon, if ?r tbe period of one yean OItl ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. -. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceutable to the stomach. BromDt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in oOc and $1 bottles by alT leading druggist, i. JYlan mac tured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FSAN0ISC0. CAL. iovsvius. nr. new roBK. H.r. muss DrC J Candlana John O Brown B Black 1 H Graham Louis Gebharrf A Svrinir 1 F Hendrix A B Andrews A O Hall Thomas Coyle r Laney T r Levens C W Fluke HANSS Pat Welsh J C Far-view If W Fitzgerald A i Knightly I X Kelliker B B Crank August Wilson Patrick Sullivan Wm Black H Fitssimmons M McKinnon Ceo J Button - Executors' Notice of Final Settlement THE UNDERSIGNED hereby give notice that they hive filed in the office of the county clerk of Waaco county, Oreron, their final account in the matter of the estate of O. b. Sayasre, deceased, and that the county judge ot said county has ordered that said final account and the settlement of tha . taLe, as well as any objections thereto, shall be heud at 10 o'clock A. M. on the 12th day of March, 1892, being- the regular March term of said court for tbe year 1882. Said hearing, settlement and objections, if any, will be heard pursuant to raid order in the county court room in the court house of aud county, at LuiraiLv, urvguu. xne aoove notice is given by order of the Hon. C. N. Thornbnrv. tadra of aM eounty and court. Dated at Dalles city, Oregon, February 12, 1392 . Z. F. MOODY, JOHN M. MARDEK, -Executors of the estate of O. 8. Savage, deceased. MAIEE & BENTON, Mian's Notice of Final Settlement MSfD on sale A i FREE TRIP ! Ij noaglaui Waissav year slaw yr TO TH PRINCIPAL. POINTS EAST, WEST, 1 NORTH and "SOUTH THE E. B. LTTLB, a.t ; DALLES. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. J OCEAN, '' j' Portland t Haa Franrlmo. To San Francisco Leaving 8teamship Wharf, Port land, at iv r au, as xouows: Oregon Feb 8, SO Columbia Feb 12, 24 Stt Feb 16. 28 Baggage must be checked either at Aah SL. durinr the oay, or by the U. C. B. Co. Mo unchecked Daggage will De received on the steamers. . San Frnrlses tm Portland. To Portland Leaving Spear St. Wharf, San Francisco at lu A. la. aa loUowa: Columbia , Feb T, 19 ouu rtD 11, Z3 Oregon Feb J. XI The company reserves tbe right to change steam ers oi sailing dates without further notice. For rates, tickets, berth reservations, etc., call on or aauress any ucaei aaren t ot ue union radnc sy WORLD'S FAIR O ommenolnir May 1, 1803 I iwnw awe fow,wi ue oraest ana largest puo- uuung nouae on tne PaciHe coast, this dav announce that they will give, attoluMg f, a ticket to tbe World's Fair and return, including meals en mat one week (7 daye), hotel arconunodatiens, six admis sion tickets to tbe exposition grounds, two tickets icauing t nicogo tneatera, ana suett other prfvt. leges a may in-ure a pleasant trio to deeervin nrr- vu nnuHitNr wiui tueir .requirements. Those desuing to go to tbe World's Fair and who could not otherwise do so, can adoress us at once for fullj.a tlrujin This offer lioes not applf to per soiih t ' u.eai. who are in a position to meet tbe tx. pei.b 01 Mieh a trip themselvea, but to enterprisiig and iMelli.-nt young men and women who can ap prcvute ai cii au opportunity and make the meat of It. 'J easier, clergymen, student, fanners' bright sons ui.u tubmen in tact any ana ell rneersaing energy, s.u prine and character will be e iglUe. I . " TBE CI1AXCK OF A LirE-TlBK. Every young man or woman who desires to go to Chlcngo and see the wonders of the greatest ethib itin the v.oi-M haa ever known, sbonld addrcae us at ortcn. au npportunitn is rarely offered, and the trip v,l- bi ti e event of a lifetime to those who gO. AJtdfea - THE HISTORY COMPANY, ' THI BISTOar SOTLDIXO,! No. 72ft MARKET 8T SAN FEANOIKCO, CAL. -Ask say agents aar "W If for sals' Is 'in dealer tm Mad fn. ' mmm vet ineas lor yea. ear -a'Asaja au rl USTlTir', WM T IS THE V. L- DOUGLAS 53 SHOE ctHtTR. THE BEST 8HOK IN THE WQAUI FH THE sluHETf It Is a seamless aooe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt tbe feeti made of the best one eair, at; I tab. sad easy, and safsiiat tes moss mors aos of this srnae tkan amy other tmamtactwnr. It equals band sswed shoes costing from JM to SS.0U, . tR Owaala Hand-Mwed, taefuMstealf 9e shoe ever offered for ss.ouj equals rrenoa, Imported shoe wbien cost from L(10 to U.00i CA M Hsss-Kewrd Welt Hfcss, Hoe calf, styllab, comfortable sad durable. Tlx bast soos stw onerea at mis price i same grade aa ous- tom-mds ahoea coating from msl) to gfou. gO AO Pellee Ktaoet Karmxra. Railroad Hen and LetterCarriers all wear cbemi Bus calf, seamless, smooth Inside, heavy throe soles, ex ten - alon edge. One pair wul wear a year. SO Jiae 'calfi no better shoe ever ceTered at " 9ae this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and aamr. CO IM and S-d.00 WorktngsaaVa shoes alSSMB are verv atronr anrt Mnralilj. T -hn have given them a trial will wear no other make. HnVe' .00 and S1.T3 school shoss are aj Ufo worn bv the hova .wmrhMm. thmv Uu on their merits, aa the lui i,a,lii ikw To Yopi; tempers' Free to all Brides 1 ' I nrlloa S3. 00. linnd-Mwedi aho, hem aoporoa uom tomiiikitori iiam io vuu. l.fBdllsWai' V.HH. safZ.HM I1.T.1 DIM Ttm mil mmtm mrm turn dhh one uoiiioii. bitiuh svna aumni. ! Cm :.. fiae that W. L. DoucIm turn a4 " i prio v imprxl on the bottom of each aho. J- FREIMAN, AGENT, THE DALLES "" iTJCE la hereby given to all the readers of this I J. lr-r ana all uieir menas ana acqusintam throiivtout the United States and Canada that tem. C. 8. MELLEN, Gen. Traffis liana er. T. W. LEE, Gen. Pass. A t. THE HOUSEHOLD FROM TERMINAL OB IN1ERIOK POUfTS Will be Sent One' Year A WEDDING PRESENT Miners are encouraged by the continued prospects of success around the Monument al, and we all rejoice too, and the skeptical begjn to have faith in Grant county's silver mines. . - ' - - - . . The German sheepberder, who accident ally shot himself last week, died from his injuries. . His name was Wm. Luttman, and so far aa we can learn, he had no rela tives in this country. - The alliance is attracting the attention of people in this county, but its resruits ap pear about evenly divided as to Republicans and Cemocratsr It will keep people guess ing the result of next election, however. Tbe products of Grant county's silver and gold mines will cause the fortunate miners to grow bowlegged carrying their pocket books. Let that time speedily come, for miners are generous and no misers when they strike it rich. . ' . Five candidates for sheriff were seen to .3 ,.U;1J1:I.. -. .. U 4 1 ai T- auiu umuuag cauu utucr, tuca cauu ave - cute wink sod then the dark clouJ that for a moment seemed to darken the political skies passed away, and all was shiny and bright again. Boys, that is the true spirit. - i salt ; Timber Land Entries. In the matter of government proceedings against the alleged fraudulent timber land entries in the states of . Washing ton. Oreo-nn - or T!lalifnrriis- tha mm. missioner-general of the land office, with ' the approvaLof the interior, has instituted a ' change of procedure, by which parties claiming title to these lands will hereafter ' hn eennirA1 tn nrru?nf-A thn nrio-inul anlrv. 1 1 a ' J men and their witnesses at the local land euoa w muy vumnwis ur Bj-raucmcuta which may have been made prior to tbe entry for the conveyance of land to corpora- tions or syndicates. : It appears from the records of the general land office that large t..fa nf vatn.hla i m Ka. l.nil in .1 fT., ent localities nave oeen entered on the same day by large number of persons, and-immediately thereafter all the parties transferred to syndicate. It is now' confidently asserted by these syodi- ..taa .hot tha nnvsramAnt Mnnnt imtva that the entries were originally made in their interests. This new order is made with a view of simplifying the procedure in each Eon, Elisha Barnes u Dead. Ochoco Review. Last week word was received of the death of Hon. Elisha .. Barnes, which occured in Missouri recently, though the information received does not give the date ot his de mise, . Mr. Barnes was born in Kentucky in 1826, and at an early age moved to Mis souri. Being attracted by the glowing ac counts of the "Golden West," be, with his family, crossed the plains to California in 1S53, where he engaged in mining, and le mained in that state until 1862. That year he came to Oregon, locating near Lebanon, in Linn county. Here be remained until the fall of 1S67, when the miners of the upper country," as Eastern Oregon was then called, began returning to Willamette valley, and told of the wealth ot the bunch- grass country east of the mountains. These reports inspired in him a desire to push further out on the frontier, and with a little party of brave men came a:ross the Cascade mountains and wintered in Ochoco valley, then the home of the savage. Tbe vicissi tudes and dangers -encountered by this little party have oft been repeated, aud those who enjoy comfortable homes m this vicinity reverence the names of those sturdy pio neers who wrested this country from the Indians. ' During his life here Mr. Barnea took an active part in public affairs, and represented Wasco county in the state senate during two sessions, haying been elected in 1874. Fos a number of yeara Mr. Barnes' health bar been failing, and last fall he went to Missouri, hoping the change would be bene ficial. Mr. Barnes leaves a wife, four sons and three daughter, Geo. W William, Frank, Marsey and Mrs. S. L Belknap, of this county, Mrs. S. T. Richardson, of Salem,' and Mrs. Minor Lewis, of Woodburn. . "- - ' Monmouth Items. - Mojtmouth, Feb. 15, 1892, Editor Tiass-UoaNUniuji: j? The weather is aa fine as could be asked for. . . - - -:. All those afflicted with la grippe are re-, ported as convalescent. ' The first copy of the Northxixst Proyrest, printed at Monmouth, was issued Feb. 5tb. - Tbe drama entitled 100,000 by the Nor-; mal students Feb. 4th waa a success; pro ceeds $25. . - The board of regents met last week' to discuss some important matters pertaining to tbe Normal. They were much pleased with tbe prospects of the school. . j : The Polk County Teachers'," Association met in tbe Normal chapel, Jan. 30th, Prof. Mulkey acted as chairman.' A large num ber of teachers were present, and an .inter eating time waa had. ' '' - ' , Tbe third term of school opened Feb. 8tbi A large number of students returned to their homes, some of them intending to teach; others for their regular spring work. Several of the students went to Lallas Wednesday for the purpose of attending the teachers examination. -J. - With sadness we note the death of Misa Emma Davenport, who came here from Portland in September tor school . advan tages. She was in her seventeenth year ; Her death is not only a sad bereavement to her relatives and nearest friends, but to all who knew her. She passed away at 4 p. M. Jan. 29, 1892, and was taken to Portland for interment tbe following day. The en tire school, headed by the Monmouth cor net band in full uniform, followed by the cadets also in uniform, six of whom acted aa pall bearers, followed the remains to tbe depot. Studbst, Typhus) and Yellow fever. New York, Feb. 15. Three transat lantic steamships have been detained at tbe quarantine station all day by order of the health officers, with a view to mak ing a thorough search lor possible con tagions deseases among the-immigrant on board. These are the City of Berlin Belgeland and Russia.- The former ar rived Saturday with a number of Russian Jews among the steerage passccgers. Tbe Belgeland brought 235 and tbe Rus sia 540 Immigrants, among whom are people from localities near, if. not con tiguous to, the- places whence came the typhus-infected Russian Jews wbo have wrought sucb - consternation among tbe health authorities of this port. Doctors examined each individual on the City of Berlin separately, but found no indica tions of infection. Tbe immigrants are now awaiting an order ot release. It is possible that all will be seat to Hoffman island for twenty days for observation. Ihe Brazilian mull steamer Viailancia arrived today from Rio Janeiro and was detained at quarantine, some of tbe crew having been taken off with yellow fever at Bahia, Suooesiors to A. Bettlnyen RETAILERS AN15J0BBER3 IN AND GRANITEWAKE A complete line of Heating- and Cook Stoves. Pumps. ripe riumeers ana steam f itters; also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmiths' and Farm era Tools, . AND SHELF HAEDWARE. Tinning, Plumbing; and pipe work will be do on snort notice. NOTICE is hereby (riven that Z. F. Moody, guard ian ot tbe person and est tie ct Otis 8. Sav age, a minor, bas filed his floal account in said es tate, and the I2th dav of March, 1092, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, has been appointed as the time for hearing- said final account sad report, and that the hearing- thereof, together with any objections thereto, if any are made, befoia the Hon. C. N. Tbornburv, county judge, at tne eounty court room in the county court house in Dalles City, Waeoo county, state of Oregon. -All persons interested in said estate are hereby J notiued to appear at said time and place and show cauae, n any tnere oe, wny earn anal account snouid not ba in all things approved and allowed. r This notice La oabliahed bT order of th tTnn rl N. Thornbury, Judge of the county court of tne state uregon, lur nasco eona.v, of date Feb. 12, 1882. Z. F. MOODY, Guardian of the Berson and eCnta of Otia fL sv. age, a minor. feblg-M Northern Pac Is the line toftake TO ILL POINTS EAST AND S UTH To even newly married couple whose address dbd I 10 cents to paypoatage is tent to tbe publisher I witmn i:o ou irom tne aatc oi ineir marriage. 1'tiM i.K tending for this present are requested io end c py of a paper containing a notice of their marriage, or mm other ertdercoe that shall amount to a reasonable proof that tbey are entitled to the magaslae under the above ofier. Address, , . ''THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt. TfMflSTifF 4 eV I it I second st., the dalles, or Notice to Creditors. Revere Resiauranl. MRS, C. DAVIS, Prop. Adjoining the Diamond Roller Mills, on Hecona Street. A Well-Aimed Alfle-Sliat.- GftTHRix, O. T, Feb. 15 Three young ladies of this place, Hisses Lidia Hayes, Cora HcPberson and Lulu Saunders, met with a serious accident while horse-back-riding today. Their horses becoming frightened, dashed away at breakneck speed, and tbe equestriennes were soon unseated. Miss. McPberson was badly cut about the bead, and Miss Saunders bad her nose broken. Miss Hayes suf fered even more severely than ber com panions. In falling ber foot caught in tbe stirrup, and sbe was dragged some distance. An unknown man, evidently a crack marksman wbo happened to be in tbe neighborhood, saved the young lady's life Dy bringing the maddened animal down with a well-directed shot1 from a rifle. Miss Hayes, though ber life was saved by - tbis fortune occurrence, was terribly cut and bruised, and bad an eye torn from its socket by tbe horse's boot. MEALS AT ALL HOURS ! The tables will be supplied with the best tbe market affords. Lodging rooms up stairs tor guests. F. E. SH0NTELL " DEALER IN ' Fine Cigare, Tobacco, AND CONFECTIONERY. " Second Street,' next door "to the Bed Front ... uroeery Store, v ... T he celebrated Hoffman, General Ar ler Cigars on sale THE DALLES, - OREGON COIL! COAL! -THE BEST The Tyeh Eoad, Etc t. .......... x. n- hk 14 1 coo Editor Tnrss-Mouitranrasa: - . - Vow. Mr. Editor. ! want to tell von that we are "properly in it;" first from the fact of having a fine productive country with energetio people, and the first rays of the sunshine of hope stealing softly across the summit of that great barrier to onr prosper ity, Tygh moon tain, in the shape of a good Prineyille News: Charles Wesloy Clark died at Muddy station, on a branch of the John Day, about 7 o'clock on the morning of the 5th inst. He had made a fire in the kitchen stove, then arose, when he suddenly fell dead. This occurred in Wasco county. An inquest was held and Ot. Center, of Mitchell, pronounced tbe cause of death to be heart disease. The body was buned on' the 7th inst., in the Antelope graveyard.' Ttavo-iQiad waa tintOT in Qitt in........ Til. . ! - - - ww. vuuubjr, a.uiuuis,f in , 184d. He crossed the plains with his parents in 1853. He drove an ox team nearly all tbe way, though he waa tben but ten years of age. Tbis was the first train of emigrants that went over . what was then called the "New road down tbe Middle Fork,' now called the "Old Military Eoad." His folks located near Cottage Grove, in Lane county, where he lived until the year 1884, when he came with his - family to Crook county. He leaves a wife and four children. Deceased waa a good man in very true sense or tbat term. He was kind, faithful, truthful and honest even to a fault. His many friends in and about Prineville extend their sympathy to tbe be reaved family. ; -; ' - A Birthday Party. A most aeiigauiu surprise party was given at the residence of Mrs. Ellen Wat era on Three Mile creek Monday evening last in honor of Harry Weber. The party was a success and greatlg enjoyed by all, Music, games and social chat caused the evening to pass very quickly and pleasantly. At an early hour refreshments were served The honr of departure came, when all sep arated, hoping they might soon again have the pleasure of enjoying a pleasant evening, Those present were: Mr. Chase. Mrs. Wat ers, Mr. and Mrs. H. Weber, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Bawson, Misses Annie Bawson, Alice Taylor, Alice and Emma Roberts, Jennie and Addie Steele, Lulu Creighton, Nettie and Grace Cook, Ortha Waters, and Messrs. Chas. Bawson, Will and Frank Steel, O. S Morgan, Perry Morgan, Martin Miller, John and Jim Taylor, Ed. Hill, Albert Morgan, Andy Steel, John Miller, Caleb Hill, J. Si- monaon, Frank Chase, Henry Weber, Mas ters Charlie Cook, Arthur Creighton and Baby Bawson.' -'- ' : . ' An Old timber. Darenport Times. -Tbe Timet has a copy of the Maryland Journal, dated August 20, 1773, the make up and contents of which is especially in teresting in comparison with tbe newspapers of to-day. In this number of the Journal is a long article or possibly an advertise ment signed by George Washington, io which he has much to say of tbe fertility aad richness of a tract of land oa the banks They Fell 1st s Heap. New York, Conn., Feb. 15. Rabbi Santos bad just married Bernbard Green berg and Rosali King at the borne ot the bride's, mother, yesterday. Tbe guests were crowding around tbe bappy couple tendering congratulations, when tbe floor gave way witb a sadden crash, and tbe entire party were dumped in a heap into the cellar, a distance of six feet After them came tbe table oa which were tbe wedding refreshments and presents. Tbe exclamations of the men and tbe screams of tbe women brought tbe neighbors to toe spot, ana an were quickly extricated. witn toe exception of slight bruises and torn garments, little damage was doneJ and the wedding festivities were soon resumed in another room. Inhamaa Keeper er a Baby Farm. London, Feb. 15. A coroner's jurv at Plympton after a bearing of seven hours yesterday, returned a verdict of 'man slaughter against Mrs. Hockley, charged with neglecting tbe natural child of a servant. Mrs. Hockley was at one time in good circumstances, ber father having been queen's harbor master at Shanghai. aud four years ago sbe was left a legacv of 4000. . Since then she baa tried vari ous vocations, settling down at last aa a baby farmer. - Other children placed with ber baye died, and : in two instances at least, after sbe bad insured their lives. In the present case the child's limbs bad been bent and broken until tbey grew in u uirecuuns. Wellington, Rock Springs, ancLKoslyn Coal. $13, sacked and delivered to any part ot the city. .' At Moody 's Warehouse. L. P. OSTLUND I will furnish drafts and estimates on all buildings. aweiungs sad stores. Mr. Ostlund is a practical mechanic, and thefplaas aranea dj mm wui prove artisno, cneap anoaura ble. . . , HILL, O'MALLEY: & CO. , . . , " TBK lEASINQ - J ; " Architects and Builders ' Office In Bkibbe's Brick, . " "' THE DALLES, OREGON Win take contract and furnish plans and spec ill cations for all bailaings,frame, serials ruinnned if needed. or stone. - octS The Colnnabla Blver. Washington, Feb. 15. Senator Dolph today reported bis bill for the improve ment of tbe Columbia river, making an elaborate showing why this improvement should be made. About tbe ssme time tbe vice-president laid before the senate a communication from tbe chamber of commerce of Astoria protesting against tbe deepening of tbe Columbia and Will amette rivers from tbe sea to Portland Tbis wilt probably be -brought to tbe at tention ot tbe members of tbe bouse as well. ' In fact, it baa already been placed before tbe committee on rivers and har bors, but it seems to have bad but yery little effect. F.W.BOLD, Blacksmith d Wap-Mabr At Thompson's oldstand, 193 Tnird St : r ; BLACKSMITHINC OF ALL KINDS DONE NEATLY : AND CHEAPLY. J OTICE is hereby given that on the 30th dav of Xv October, 1891, P. T Sharp assumed to me for tbe benefit of all hu creditors, in proportion to their reepeetiTe claims, all of his personal and real ororj- ertv. - The creditors of said P. T. Sham are herebr noti fled to present their claims airainst uia aaanrnar. duly verified, to me at my office in Dalles City, Or. within three months from the date cf this notice. uauo a: uallee jjity, Oregon, December 1, 1891. . W. UOriDUN, decl2 . Asrisroee. Iand Notioew. NOTICR FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Ornci a VAiicocvxa, Wash., Deonmher fifL 1SU1 . Notice is hereby riven that the fnl:nwino-.namwl settlers have filed notice of their intention to make final proof in support of their claims and that said proofs will be made before W. R. Dunbar. Commia sioner United 8 tales Circuit Ceurt, district of Wash ington, at uoldendale, Wash., on February 26. 1392. via: Park S. Plummer, Homestead entry No 8118, in the fractional KEJ see 1, tp 8 H, K IS east. W It. He names the followuur witnesses to nrove. hla continuous residence upon and cultivation of said HUH,, . .. . . ..... James L Syfert. John C Berry. William Grmrtn. William Tate, all of Hartland P O, Washington. Park S. Plummer, Purchase ADDliearkw. Mo 188. nndar net nfU Forfeiture Act of Sept 29, 1890, for tbe fractional WJ sec J, tp 8 N, K IS east, W M. He names the following- witneaaea to nrove hla continuous claim to and. cultivation of said land. and Schil I " u oyten, jonn u Berry, William Courtney, n mi. in Aaac, au oa naruaua r u1 rr asn. . William Tate, , Purchase Application, No 84, under see 8 Forfeiture Act Sept 29. 1890. for the NW1 and Wl of NEW aee w, mi . ii. a i east, if a, ' He names the following- witnesses to nrova his wuwuuuua cuum to ana cultivation oi sua una. 'IK James L SvferL Park 8 Plummer. John f! Bam. William Courtney, all of Hartland P O, Warn. . James L. Syiert, Purchase Application, No 228, under see 8 Forfeit ure Act Kept 29. 1890, lor ths fractions NWi sec 7, tp 8 N, B If east. Wit .... rle names the foDowbur witnesses to Drove his continuous cuum to ana tuiuvauob of saw land. William Tate. ' Park S Plummer. John G Rerrv. William Courtney, all of Hartland P O, Wash. janzca juaa u. utuutuiuafl, tteguter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - Labb Oma ai Vaaeouvn, Wash., February a. 18SS. Notice is hereby riven thdt the foUowinar-named settler bas Bled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the clerk of the sunerior court of Klickitat county, Wash, at Goldendale, Wash., on March 19, 1892, vis: James Hinnell, Hd 8320, for the SW$ Bee 23 Tp 8 N R 18 East W H He names the following- witnesses to Drove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said jami, via: Asarlah J Pitman. Robert Struthera. RirJiard rrencn, ail naruana, AUCKitat couaty, wasn., ana neison o btooks, ox uoioenaaie, wash. etebet JOHN D. GKOGHEGAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Uum Ornca ai Th D all is, Oassoa-, February a. 18SS. Notice Is hereby trlven that the following-named settler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said Droof wui oe maae oaore tne negister ana neceiver of tn U. S. land office at The Dalles. Or., on starch 26th. levz, via: .ii . ; JOUfl KH KIKM a M HI, D S No. 696, for lots t and 8. Tp 1 N. B It E W M. He names the following- witnesses to prove his continuous rfjaiuenoe upon ami cuiuvauon ox land, vis: InitMaValtM rL.M.r.l1M VA J U7I-1 1 nuwvn " , II v.. , Mlwoau nNa,anu I Andrew urqunart, au ot Tne Dalles, Oreron. teou juan w. L.EW18, itesister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Omci ai Tbi Dallks, Oacaoa, February 6. 189S. Notice is hereby triven that the f jllowimr-aamed settler has filed notice of his inten lion to make final proof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dallea, Or., onUarcb 24, 1W yt: LEWIS LAWLET. - Hd. Na 2620. for tbe NEj Beo 8, Tp 1 N, B 18 E. He names the following- witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: William Jordan, Albert Jordan, Charles Denton and James Thomas, all of The Dalles, Or. febl8 JOHN W. LRWIS, Register. It Is the Dining- Car Route. It runs Through Tea- tiDuled Trains fctery Day in the year so ST.-PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARd.) Composed of Dining Cars unsnrpassed. Pullman Drawing-room sleepers of latest Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS. . Best that can be constructed, -and In which acoom modation are both Free and Furnished for holders of First or Second class Tickets, aad ELEGANT DAY COACHES. OLD GERMANIA," , 9Q Second Sit. C. DONOVAN, Proprietor. : V' .'r . i Keeps constantly on sale the best Wines, Liquors. ' AJSI ' CIGAH8. r ' :-: : CLTPLWfi There ; is always a best. even among a score ot good things, and everypipe smoker wno Has tried tne lYlastin brand acknowledges it to be the sweetest, coolest smoking tobacco made. It does not bite the tongue, and is posi tively free from anv foreitm mixture. J. B. Pace Tobaooo Cx, Richmond, Virginia, vviuiuwiie stvnvij ivvi uu iiuuss i a -,v VJ - - A Continuous Line, Connecting with AU Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Flee per reservations can be secured In ad- fance tnroujrn any agent oi tne roaa. TUPiTTniT TinVVr To and from an xjiuvuuii aaualajiu points in America, England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket office of the company. - - The Curst brands of Imported and Do mestio Cic;ars a specialty'. . ao7-91dyQ Full information concernbur rtes. time of trains. routes and other details furnished on ai plication to any ageui, or A. D. CHARLTON, Asst General Passenger Airt., No. 121 First St., Cor. Wa-h., , PORTLAND. OiKCON i-i V75y r::-a 1 1 f" 1 , TJ . a i TtWs. 1 lie Ta hu orimin r WHTT Mai II 1 , fe, V7atlHlCV I ' l"Ta,Maa Saemajorily Ult Mlr f ltfaW -fTa-Ti ffl VSTtlM Jl'l 1 I vOTtaaiUM, .ad tmm ihMoaall. la potm-i? m4 la li i- aW JWWm kl I-R" I -- I DbMarltTl Harrow! tftri the lol of anar. an tT i m s uvz- i Tamil Tm li a Mif auvwimcitljLtionA nnnnalrlfl I EW fOBtTLORDOiiOEIir AM IUM8W. - KviirT MAnrday. XIW TORK, OIBBA1.TKB umA HAPXJ At renlar tntarrala. tALODI, tEOOtiB-OUSt AMD STHRAII reAaa on In araoa aarma So uA from tbe Drtndp kotci. nrsiiitx. wm a all ooirraaifTAL roarat. ATxeamon liua.w wiimn s uia ey nuarvin. Stueeaae Olyde A aorta of IreBiad or Haples A OltwauaaT BrsAs tmt Kaser Men at An AsMsat s Ltvest Apply to aay of mi loeal Agsntaor lev BKXSXAUrOK jWOTHjUU), fiklesuo. THE DALLES Cigar Factory, bv vhilotsMkW. thM - U 04 mm ml Wmtmmm ft 'tfHftV - IBTMl4sMhftBaaWtpl7rM sm rats Bust sAsppsartaa. mmmr wm wmmrwu" mvw wan jins mmm ihm OOUDaUf oppsariaftltTt IftTMtlKi mrf cbnftha4 ppmr worth j. ft4 of tkir prmit tbt to wbat avU mt c)raltna do. H aro ! mm opportvavltf, mcb aa it Ml oftom withlaatborMTfaot UboHaiff ponpl laaprof m H will fin, ml 1m, mymn4 ttmrt tm Ufo, Tko oubh oppartvmii-fbr iDftBjr to bor. MfMrff to bo viodo rp(dljr mo4 hvoTmmly tfmaylmAiMtricumpmnmmmtmUbmrmwiu Alitm Tovoo do lb work oiid tiro oi bom, wborovorroti or. Ktok ot (.monarvoMilyoaRil&f tnmiSmmiwpmrmmj. Ymn coa do wot) If jmm will work, sot VM itu WtatattV ootlr: ftod too cu iseroooo TomrsAonmoM yocoa. Yooj MriTtpswoUzDOoslj,ot'o TfmrUno to Kooy - woftrttorhk Wo tootroart oa4 Iiib1.iowb WM osv work- FACTORY NO. 105. PP ADO of the Best 'Brands manufact UluHnU ured, and ordeas from all parte of ,tbecountry filled on tbe ahorteatjnotioe. ' I I talMra. Capltalaot raemti JXm I parallvaAy utm aad raally 11 aaaw von hew. ft en. FaOi HAOKNT8 WANTED Apply to T. A. BTJDSOrt I iiriiSSJ STdalJ ASlTSilrTt 4 : z 7 S. L. YOUNG, (Suoeessar to E. Beck. ' , ROCIClFORD OsicfcTrtlai dVWCBES PAUL KREPT & CO. DEALKB3 in Painty, OiI$, QIa$$, The reputation of TUB DALLES CIGAE baa become brmly establisbed, and the de mand for tbe home manufactuaed.article is increasing eyery day. dec24dv-tf A. ULRICA & SON. THis- : " GEEMAMA, CHAS. STUBXiINO, Prop. FOB THK PRESENT AT ; S3 Second Street. And the Most Complete and Utest Pasta t Complete and Id and Designs la WALL. PAPER Vnoauallod lit EXACTIMB urtnci Practical Painters and Paper Bangers. None but tbe best brands of the Sherwin-Williams Paint used la all our work, and Dona but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly astenaeasn. . . -. Bbop adjoining Bed Front Grocery, j THIRD STREET, TBK DAiLJba. coast nMt;5( f f jf SrTfc3 ervatoT:M5 -U S Ji eitlanAtowae KctBaaraOoll- Amnti (iMdlna doetora and other --j--- . Swl.n), wltai BaVktwaraMa. Ik ay """ " FaUWainasj. DKALXR IN- C W. ADAMS, The Artistic Snoemaker : Ife, Liquors and Cigari I Isfnow located at All brands of Imported Lrauors, Ale and Porter, land genuine Aey west uigara. A run uueot. CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee) Beer on Drauqht. - 77 Second Street, Hex to Schuts Justiee OIBos. BcMAnsujc a Bpeetaltr.' He has saved some of hu beat leather out ol tha fire and will makalh nsslsst boot or shoe ot anyone in tha dtv. . . . . . .... 1 . - 1 1 W. T.WISEMAN LOUIS PAYETTE, . (Successor to Payette AJFrieod.) '"-' THK LEADING " to J. BV McDohough O.".-'-'- V Wbes, Clocks, Jewelry, DIAMONDS SILVERWARE, ETC. Vatcbes, Clocks and Jewelry Eepalrcl . V , AMD WARBABTnO. 7- SeceidlStr t. THE BAZXES. OR. SKIBBE HOTEL P. W. L. SKIBBE, Peop." :. - '--- '. -; . - ' f.- Choi Vice Linuors. BLACKSMITH I The Only Brick Hotel UIIUI 1150, t-HJUUICA,! WAGON-MAKtR. , f AKO CIGARS. AND WAGON-MAKER. Corner Seoond and Madison Bta. None but the beat brands of Liquors aud Cigars on sale. Tem per no drinks of all kinds. (Joiner of Court and Second streets, THE DALLES. OREGON. WOOD-WORK ef all kinds, repairing and making anyuung, irom a wneeinarrow to a carnage. HORSE-SHOEING A SEC1ALTY. m 4d-w ' ' -'"....'..aou : ": EUREKA RESTAURANT '"" V. W."L. SKIBBK, PROP ' A High Grade of Wines, Liquors & Cigars LlU.NlCH lE iS THAVKLKR3 Cor. Second and Madison, near Killed by Wild Don. Wichita, Kan FeU..45.Johii Pratt and his yonngt daughter, wbo lived near lieooard, Sherman cooptj, were the Tic- timB of wild dogs Which lofest that part I A -r--rrr 17lrt of the state. Tbey were returning home I XLliUl D W T D1CU UO, yesterday from tonard when tbey were set upon by tbe aoimats. . Their remains, horribly mangled, were found about a mile from borne, and the carcasses of deveral dogs show that a fierce battle waa waged before tbey were OTercome. . .. assengfr depot. mydd,a A meant f Aarssrlstlsa. Washington, Feb. IS. The bill introduced in the senate today for the improvement of tne Columbia nver apropnates 1, 745,500. HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181.: S10 KEWAED. OCT A BAT MARE, three yean old. brand ed j something similar aim left shoulder: Jcrht 1111 Bounds. T1m ahoy reward will ba paid to any one giving me tniormation mat will lead to ner recovery. annwa aWk Chlakoatea Kaallah rENHYROYAL PILLS . OtVUalnnd nly Qennlee, A, taw nr OSUkMar- aMUa Sto-AU Im Ited aaS oJt m anlHiVX 7 mmm, Maaat vita Ua. Hbtaa. Take XlaV . Sh V jaeeefcen Mmm , tfi"' mim. AiDraawnilla KaULTurun-. fcrnlein y HaH. 1S.SSS TmlnailiU Mmmt Ay 01 -Iliaealil fl,,M jloaenr amraaiiim una , Watchmaker and 'Jeweler. CHRISMAN, BROTHERS, AtUllrich&Son'.Cig.rFory, Comer Main and Court . Sts AH work work In Iran or wood done In the nmtsst liner. Anything In the wagun line, Iran a wneeloarrow to aa oouubus, mads er reeaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. I Pkirs and machinery leualred Jla the most skill ul aod workmanlike manair. mchUdw ts tbi crrr TJKST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE hi the North- west. This building has been refitted since tha ire 4 September td, and tbe roots, are Sratlaaa In every particular. The table Is supplied with tha bent the market efords. - - - . The aar la ooonrctton with the hotel Is sopplled with the highest grade of Wines, Liquors and Im. ponea ana Aiaaeouo ugars. ncceasors to F. Taylor.) Propnetora of tbe , CITY MARKET : 7TH1HD BT&EBVp1' " -KC I All kinds of Watches repaired with neat ness aod dispatch. . Hams,' hand. Bacon and Sausage always on decSld&wtf Sample Rooms, 71 .MAIN STREET. 7 r Always oa katmd thai 1 Best TVines, iM? ; Laqnors, -- ' and CigSLtrs. A Pleasant ,vening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beet on draught. Mcdonald' bros., : peope'Ri CBUPIfl PIMP CO., ' Corner Third and Washington 8ta. . ' Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues And tbs besg Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Teal i.uueis in ue mar at. , . ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY y Froth Yeffet& oo tUIii ftl the Lowest PrloM. jesossw CEDAK POSTS. mHK TJKDEB8IONKO CAN FURNISH MEDIUM i. . and Urtre Split Cedar Posts, M teet long, de livered on can or boat in East Portland, for T aad S cents each.' Eastern Oregon and Washington par ties are pleased with them. - We prefer buyer. should have them Inspected Before ue posts are shipped, Adilress An v ari nu&r a warm 1 jaa2S-dw ' K. QUACSBicscsa. Prast. Dran a wee tS, Portland, Or. G.NOWAK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. la: Plana and st iFcatoos tor building fur nished. Will do all kinds of excavating and grading. I AU oraera ahould oe.tlett at postomoe box i JAS. FERGUSON, General Expressman ! Good hauled with tbe greateetfoare to all part of tbe city on short DOttoo. ZieaT) orders with 7iab E&rdon J. H. IABSEN, I lit UALUWIU Dealer In all kinds ot , . Hay, Grain and Feed, Cor. Csart ad Frt Hrnctn, b THE DALLES, , OREGON. At his old stand, Seoood street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. I The highest Cash Pries paid tor Sheet) pelts. ' lis, Liprs and Cigare. - i1'1'' '' i-'! ,1 '..-.ii.-. T.A.YanNorden, V TH LKADINQ ' ' 1 WATCHMAKER PECIAL tt Fine Walchea. ATTENTION PAID TO RKPAtlUNQ Mr. Taa Norden haa adopted S' a system of repairing by which aid slocks, appar. enur worn out, mxj oe nios aemceaois lor year None but tbs Beat Quality of liquor aod .. the Best Brands of Cigars oa sals. Kentucky Straight Whisky From $3 to $5 Per Gallon. . A. BETTINGEN. JR., Propriktok. 25o. BOo. : 750. $L00 IU5 US SECOND STREET raS ' DALLKS, A SeDYenir.Thinilile Free. aod ad it NT LADY sanding at ones the aim t dress of ten married bdv trlewls sen ess to whoa we can send aaniDla mniaa rj aa. spost chairaing Illustrated ladies' newspaper pufc. wui receive aa awil soua SUver son venir thimble. The "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly' ia and Boost eotertainW mivitLna. i . rw ana a, mpai nmversauy popular with ibwurm jaqitoj m now i nena anal Uia Biaue. a eoniains sikteea taive taurm. aad comes each week at only 2 a m. sirs a souvenir Uilmble sand names of those roa ' rgATHFRBONt te name frem QV1XIA Karen tn tongbmt milsilsl, heal wkips aaade roe Prion Ohaan, DaraOaa. ALL STTLM9. alt Drtesasakreordfera.. PCITPRRRflTB VOR BAI nt BTT . 'wam HENRY KUCK; The Dalles, Or.- the United I AAflAfl A YWAMi lia.ahi, . same aU. I C" "1 M II 1'"7 fcu1'',",c"wA think would be interested in the 'Ladies Weekly" I Ik. wiu. aaari.raMti .uc r an awi Siteen V. H. tool stsmnsto eaver. I WJ1'L,JL-L,!?l2?!r?-J-fo" peases of mailing, eta. Forward toSay. AAsrem I .' T?rr.r?.?rrlM 'LndW Pietonal Wakl. - l.-ZT... tTT I w..'r -"'. Torsato, Caa. - w t - W . .'14 ' - .-?. 5 '