The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY FEBRUARY 13. 1892 EDITORIAL NOTES. " The presa and the pulpit should be , the great educators of American thought, and should be in harmony in their objects and aims. ' - The independence of the press is the hope of the nation, and, while Repub lican and Democratic papers exercise the privilege of criticising party lfad- era, a pare ballot may be expected; but when organs only voice the senti ments of the machine and bosses no reformation will be accomplished. ' The little unpleasantness with Chili : brought to the surface American pa : triotism, which has been dormant for . many years. Republicans and Deuio ' crats would have rallied around the flag in this emergency with an unan . imity that bad not been witnessed for long years in the histojy of . the country. The Democrats are having a "monkey and parrot" time regarding the candidate to head the ticket dur ing the coming campaign. Tammany is in control, and the ordinary rank and file musk be subservient. Hill is in harmony with the machine; but Cleveland is not, and the national convention will be an interesting meet ing. - . - . The manner in which tha Chilian imbroglio have been settled is satisfac tory to all Americans. A euccesrful war with that country would have ' been no honor to the United States, and as it is no lives except the two Bailors by the hands of the. Valparaiso mob have been sacrificed, and the ' dignity of the , flag has been main- tained. The Democrats in Wasco county are calculating on an easy victory this campaign; but as Republicans can poll 150 more votes than the opposition, it appears as though the Bourbons were over-sanguine. June is ap- proachingt and as the Australian bal lot law will be in force, there will be a fair test of the strength of the two parties. It is the proper time now, whea an important campaign is about to begin, for politicians office-seekers to crack the party lash over the backs of voters, and attempt to whip them into line by - any and all means. Mugwump "will be construed to mean traitor and vil lain; but American electors think he- - fore they vote, and the ballot will be an intelligent expression of preference. ' The letters of Gov. Pennoyer to the Democratic congress urging appropri ' ations for a portage railroad will work against the Oregon representatives se curing a liberal appropriation for the locks at the Cascades. It is impos . Bible for the Inland Empire to receive what it desires for completion of the work -at the Cascades and $430,000 for . a government railroad from this point to Celilo. , Tha state should build the portage, and congress appro priate sufficient money to finish the improvements in course of construction. tbeir victim.- The boy declared she was ! so nearly exhausted tbat she said sbe couldn't walk much further. The girl was on her way to ber uncle s house at tbe time she must have been captured by the Indues. Her parents felt no alarm, as they thought sbe was with ber uncle. Forty men are search ng through the country int. which tbey traced tbe In- diaus, but there is small prospect of fiodiDg the girl, who is now supposed to be dead. One Indian is thought to be a N avajo, aud another an Apacbe. 1 bey Drobablv Dusbed on till the sirl could so no further, and then killed or abandoned ber. If tbey bave returned to tbe reserva tion, it will be almost impossible to identify them. 0E00E. GOUflTY. Items From the Columns Ochoeo Review. of the nti)ab, Csmment. . London, Feb. 8. The Globe today, in commenting on Blaine's letter in wbicb be declares be is not a candidate for tbe presidential nomination, attributes Lis witbdrawl to the knowledge tbat he would not be successful, and bis course in the Chilian affair bas destroyed bis whole foreign policy, so far as tbe Ameri can continent is concerned. It adds tbat to pretend tbera is any regret felt in Edgiuod because of Blaine's failure would be absurd. He is the enemy of our Irieud, and the lriend of our enemies, lie has never disguised his wish to annoy England, and he has had recourse more than once to tbe most pretty and undignified means to enect this object. This has been a most favorable season for the farmers in the Haystack county. They baye been able to plow nearly all winter, and moat of them bave their ground ready to begin seeding. Last week the county conrt met in special session and made the tax levy on the assess ment of 1891. It was estimated that it would be necessary to raise $17,710 for county purpose, and on an assessed value of 81,580,000 and the 330 polls an assess ment oi 11 mills was found necessary, which together with the 5-mill state tax and 5-mill school tax,' makes the levy 21 mills, Last Monday evening Joe Perry was com' ing down the grade west of town with load of wood, when his team became fright ened and started to rnn. Mr. Terry was thrown from the wagon, and the team ran down tbe bill a short distance and went of! the grade. One of the horses broke a leg and bad to be killed. Tbe otiier was in jured slightly. The wagon was a complete wreck. Two Slinent Burned to Death. Lehigh, I. T., Feb. 8.-Tbe Osage Coal Company's mine here is on fire, and two miners, Robert Thompson and Jas. Smith,, bave undoubtedly perished. When the fire wss discovered early tins morning the miners all started to make their escape, but tbe mine filled so rapid ly witb smoke tbat Thompson and Smith were overcome. Their companions car ried them for some distance, but were obliged to abandon them in order to save theii" own lives. Vast quantities of water bave been poured into tbe mine, but tbe fire shows no sign of abatement. Tbe Osage Company owns tbe mine at Kiaebs, wbere tbe recent terrible disaster occurred. at The Dalles papers seems to think there is no more grounds now for thinking the Ore' gon Pacific will be built than there were few months ago. - This is a strange conclo sion. A railroad company with $15,000,000 of indebtedness and its bondholders all variance is not nearly so liable to build road as one out of debt, and its bondholders nnited as to a plan ot operation. The Ore' gon Pacific Co. is certainly in a better con dition now to proceed with constructing the road to an eastern connection than it has been for many years. Funeral of Kev. Mr Sparseon. London, Feb. 8. Tbe body of Rev. Mr. Spurgeon arrived at Newbaven from Mentone this morning. Notwithstand ing the earliness of the hour there was a large assemblage on tbe quay awaiting the arrival of tbe steamer wbicb brought tbe body from France. Tbe . coffin, which was taken asbore soon after tbe steamer arrived, was enclosed in a wooden case. Before it was taken to the train that was to carry it to London, this case was taken off and broken into small pieces, which the crowd esgerly seized upon sod carried off as relics. Arriving at Loudon, the remains were conveyed to tbe tabernacle, accompanied by an im mense crowd. Twenty-Eight Burned to Death. . Vienna, Feb 8. Tweaty-eight people were burned to dsatb today in one carriage of a Roumanian express train, which caught fire. Ououit Court Docket. It is generally conceded by the press of the state that the governor will call no special session of the legislature, : either for an appropriation for a port age railroad, for the Columbian Expo sition, or to furnish towage to bring sea-going vessels from Astoria to Fort land; . Gov. Pennoyer has arrived at a conclusion on this question of an extra session, and he appears as unchangea ble as the laws of the Medea and Per sians. Of course, it was expected at : the time of his election that he would consult the wishes of his constituents and the best interests of the state at large in his official acts; but it appears that these .must be subservient to his own personal ideas. There can be no doubt that ' Hon. Sylvester Pennoyer has marked individuality, and that he is governor of Oregon. TELEGEAPHIC. Argentine Biota. New Yoek, Feb. 8. The Herald's cable about tbe Buenoa Ayres election says in the evening the National Civica Club held a stormy meeting la Calle Caogelo, Santa Ducia parish. The mem bers became so eiciied - over tbe duap . pointing results of the voting tbat tbey ' ran to the windows of the club-bouse and upon tbe roof and opened, a brisk fire upon the body of police patrolling the street in front of the building. The police promptly .fired back nod with much better aim. . Eight members of tbe club were killed end thirty-six wounded. " Several of tbe injured are reported dying. So soon as tbey bad discharged their' fire arms, the police dispersed tbe mob, which bad surrounded tbe club house and set seige to tbe building, keeping - prisoners tbe 600 rioters gathered there. This state of affairs lasted until 2 o'clock this morning, when, at the urgeot re quest ot President Pelligini and Dr. Irigoven, tbe' police withdrew. In Piedad parish, the police were also at- - tacked by radicals but repulsed them. ' Several persons were wounded. A riot likewise occurred at Losano, but wss ' quickly suppressed. In tbe provinces of Buenos Ayres, tbe coalition party gained an almost unanimous vote. Another ac count states that an armed mob of radi cals marched up and down tbe streets in Santa Lucia parish last night, making threats tbat tbey would attack the police. The city is now comparatively quiet" again. Tbe parties supporting Generals Rocca and Mitre bave 1,400 majority over the radicals in this province. Tbe latter, however, claim tbeir defeat is tbe result of corrupt work at tbe polls in Santa Lucia. At a late hour it is claimed the elec tion will be declared invalid on account of frauds. Further excitement will be caused by tbe proposition of tbe radicals to bold armed meeting to discuss tbe election frauds, aot only in this city, but in all tbe Argentine provinces. LAW. . I R Dawson vs L Newman. - Polk Maya vs Wm Massey. Z F Moody ys John H Harrow. Robt Mays vs R B & Wm Galbraith. I R Lawson va W m H Ramey . D M & J W French vs Geo Bennett. J E Atwater vs E T Glisan. O D Taylor vs Geo W Young et al. J E Atwater vs I H Taffe. B C McAtee, ex, vs J A W Scoggins. Geo Williams, admr, va A N Varney. Gibons, Macallister & Co ys R S Thomp son & Son. C L Phillips, assignee, vs Dalles National Bank. Caroline Patterson et al vs J A Hnghes et al. Klosterman et al vs Al McFarland et al . W W Steiwer et al vs Geo Herbert. Mrs C E Haight ys J H Laraen. Z F Moody va W B Hayden & Co. Geo Barrie vs M A Moody. S B Gibson ys 0 S L & U N R'y Co. B Coyle vs James Kyan. F H Wakefield vs L S Hyre. P C Craft vs Dalles it. Stacy Shown va W E Garretson. Geo Herbert vs E B Dufur. Marx & Jorgenson vs Adolph Kellar. R L Sabin vs Mrs Agnes H Hope. John Klosterman vs Agnes H Hope. Filloon Bros vs L V Wilson. . Lander Evans vs O S L & U N R'y Co. Brooks & Beers vs W S Graham. McFarland & French vs J A Butterfield. 1 C Taylor vs D L Catea. EQUITT. C S Miller vs Mary E Miller. ' , Anson Woods vs W Lair Hill et al. Sarah A Moore vs Anna Simonson. R H Osborne vs Martha A Osborne, Chas D Butler ys L D Hoy. . Abel H Dufur vs A J Dufur et al. . Assignment Lawlor Bros & Coote, H An lauff, assignee. M J Wingate vs A M Williams. Z V Moody va Mary E Miller et al. Mary E Wingate ys Mrs M A Williams. Assignment W Farre & Co, C L Phillips, assignee. . Emilie Stroud vs Sam Stroud. S E Ferris va L J Ferris. Geo Rowland et al vs Geo Williams et al. Assignment of A A Bonney. Assignment of H Solomon, I R Dawson, assignee. . Charles G Pierson vs Wm A McFarland. Bernard Warren et al ys Oregon Lumber company. Tbe Oregon Mortgage Co ys R F Wick ham et al. ' Assignment FT Sharp, J Vt Condon, as signee. . .. F B Wakefield vs h L Cates et al. Eliza B Backus vs Sims Backus. Ella A Ford vs Harry Ford ' Joshua W Ready vs Minnie A Ready. Assignment Apnea H Hope, A B An drews, assignee. Assignment L V Wilson,- B S Huntington, assignee. R L Sabin vs Agnes H Hope. Max Vogt et al vs Jno W Quirk 4 Co. Bridget Coyle vs Frank Bodifer et at. ': J E Arnold va Jno Thomas et al. Phillip Willig vs Miranda J Willig. 1 CRIMINAL. State - of Oregon vs Albert Mesplie and Billy Ayery. Pioneer Journalism. Ellensburxh Localizer, Feb. 6th. To-day the editor and proprietor of this paper begms hia seyenty-fifth year. It forty-seven years since he entered tbe field ot journalism in Mercersburg, Penn., and be has been in the business the major part of the time since. Having immigrated, to Oregon in 1850 be took charge of the Ore gon Spectator, the only paper in Oregon at that time, and indeed the only fne in the northwest. The paper was established at Oregon City in 1845, by tbe missionaries, Rey. Jason Lee being the prime mover in its establishment. It was run fqr five years witb different editors Col. Wm. T. Nault, Judge Aaron E. Wait, Gen. Geo. L. Curry and Rev. Wilson Blain. The latter handed tbe editorial shears over to na. The plant became the property of Hon. Robert Moore, who employed us to manage it for him one year. At the end of tbe year we purchased it. In 1854 the plant was sold to Dr. Wm, L. Adams, who changed its name to that of The Argus. The old press, a Washington is still in Oregon. The Spectator bad a fine time clipping tbe - news from exchanges, which came around the horn and arrived here twice a year. There was no editorial piracy charaed against the editor of the Spectator. The papers came by sailing ves sels. The New York Tribune and Herald were among our exchanges. After we got through witb. them they were loaned to anxious parties who wanted to get the news. It is now nearly nine years that we baye rnn the Localizer, it having issued its first number July 12, 1883.1 Ellensburgb was but a small village then with a store and postoifice. ' The original store stood on Third street nearly direct in front of Han son & Go's saloon, and in its first days was known as the Robbers' Roost, a name famil iar to all tbe old settlers in Kittitas yalley, Islands of the Columbia. Arlington Record. Few people would realize the possible value of the lslande between Arlington and VVauula in tbe Columbia river, iney are best known as good places to hunt sage bens and jack rabbits, and chiefly used by In dians for pasturing cay uses, also, by wild geese as their nightly stamping grounds. Howeyer, it has been discovered that many of them have the right kind of soil for fruit growing, and being low and level are easily irrigated by pulse meters or current wheels. A company is now being formed at Walla Walla to experiment on a large scale. Some of the islands embrace more territory than is generally supposed, Long island, the one on which the boys from here frequently hunt, being al out 10 miles long and con taining considerable land, light sandy soil, but first class when irrigated. It was on this island that one of our townsmen dis covered the wild goose eggs which he suc cessfully batched under a hen and has the domesticated birds now for pets. The Switzer Island, further east, has about 000 acres of good land, neaily all of which is under cultivation. It is probable that here is where the first trial will be made. These islands have all the essentials needed, from food to climate, and are close to market. If this was a farm magazine much might be written in detail concerning tbe islands, bnt we think it will not be long before some of ns will wonder why we didn't find out their value before. A Ghastly Discovery. Grant County News. 1 Last Thursday Mr. Joseph Hodson, while passing through tbe thickets near the river in the field opposite his residence down the river, found a decomposed human body some fifty yards from the county road, and only a short distance above Cole's bridge. Then, in company with his neighbor, Mr. D. W. Jenkins, he returned to make au ex amination of the premises, but could not, without disturbing tbe body, ascertain whether it had belonged to a white man or a Chinaman. There is an old water wheel that was carried down there by high water several years ago, and left high and dry when the river cut its present channel. In ssde of this wheel the body was found, de composed past identification, and with leaves and dry weeds all around it, as though it had lain there for months. The mau,in life, must baye stood 5 feet 8 inches, and weighed not less than 150. Black hair had covered the scalp, and he had worn beard, sandy color and tinged with grey. nigh, du:iog which time both of bis bands were frozen, but to what extent the Eagle is yet unable to say. When day dawned Mr. Sloan was ab'o to locate himself and at xince set out for the nearest ranch, being Austin statiou on the Baker Canyon City stage line, at which place took tbe stage for Canyon, to secure the assistance of a physician. It is stated, whether authentic or not we are not able to say, that the extent of Mr. Sloan's frosted injuries was one finger on one hand and three fingers on the other. The many friends of Mr. Sioan are pained to learn of his condition, but hope tbat tbe frosted members are not injured so badly as to necessitate amputatioD. Yakima Herald: The Herald learns, through a private letter, uuderstood to be from Capt. Chas. M. Holton, aDd received by a gentleman on the Sound, that lie had at last been appointed to a government office. The office which he has been seeking, and for which he has received the appointment, is that of commercial agent in the consular seryice at Swansea, Wales. Captain Hol ton received the indorsement of the Wash ington delegation for this office, but it is understood that bis success is largely due to the active efforts of Senator Dolph, of Ore- eon, for whose committee Capt. Holton has for several sessions officiated as clerk. Swansea is a town in South Wales, that bas come into some prominence on account of its coal, which is peculiarly adapted to smelting, and three-fourths of tbe smelting of Great Britain is done there. The Butte, Montana, copper ores are also sent there in large quantities. Capt. Holton will leave for Swansea in a few weeks, ho having made arrangements with L. E. Sperry to continue as manager of his paper, the Yakima He public. The Stay ton Times says: Wednesday morning, February 3, 1892, Mrs. Susan Crabtree died at her home five miles south of Stayton, in her 82 year. In the death of Mrs. Crabtree this community loses another estimable pioneer lady. Deceased was born in Hopkins county, Kentucky, February 14, 1810, and married in th same state to Washington Crabtree in 1831. In tbe year 1836 tbey emigrated and settled in Cedar county, Missouri, from thence in 1853 to tbe state of Oregon, where tbey have since resided. Mrs. Crabtree became a member of the church of Christ in the year 1835 and until her death lived a 'consistent Christian life. Her dying words were, "No more water until I shall drink the water of Life over yonder." Deceased leaves a husband and three children, one of whom bas always lived with his parents, and the other two, Mrs. A. J. Richardson and J. L C. Crab tree, reside here. Legal Notices. Sheriff's Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon for Wasco Couuly. J. B. Condon, Plaintiff, vs. George Williams, as Administiator of the estate o Louise Goldstein, deceased, and Clara L. Schutze, Charles F. Michelbach, Louis H. Michelbath, Will iam J. Michel bach and Cecilia M. Michel bach, de fendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco cojantv, on the 14th day of Decemher, 1891, upon a judgment and an order of sale rendered in favor of the above-named plaintiff and against Ihe above-named defendants for the aum hereinafter set forth, which decree, among othrr things, ordered the sale of the lands hereinafter described, to satisfy said sum, I did levy upon and will sell oa Saturday, the 30th day of January, 1892, At the court house door in Dalles City, in said county and ptato, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said dav, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, subject to redemption, all of the following' described land, to-wit: A certain piece or parcel of laud, situated at the southwest corner of block C, in Trevitt's addition to Dalles City, regon, and being eighty four (84) feet in widrh on D or Fourth street, and one hundred and twelve (112) feet in depth on Garrison street in said Dalles City, and being the same property con veyed by Thomas Smith and wife to John Michel bach, ot date February 11, 1869, and convened bv John Hichelbacb to Louise Micheibaeh, of date Dec ember 31, 18S7, snd situated in said Trevitt's addi tion to Dalles City, in Wasco county, ftato of Ore gon, together with all and singular the tenement?, heredita'ncints and appurtenances thereunto belong ing or appertaining, being and situated in Dalles City, in Wasco county, Oregon, to sitisfv the sum of $2,4i0.50, with interest tnereon at the rate of 10 per cent, por annum miico December 10. 1S91, and the further sum of $49.55, costs of suit and accruing costs bcrein. Dated this ISth day of December, 18'i.l- D. L. CATES, (119 Sheriff of Wasco Cuuutv, O . Application for Liquor License. Falls Precinct, ) Wasco County, . State of Oregon J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I, PAT rick McAllenv, of said precinct, and connty, will, on the 9th day of March, 1892, apply to the County Court of the above-named coun:y for a li cense to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities than one gallon, SyiSf;: ON SALE PRINCIPAL POMS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH E. E. LYTLE, -.AT Agfint UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEAN, Portland t Wan FranrlKt-o. To 8u Franciaco Leaving Stcumship Wharf, Port land, at 10 P al., as follows: Oreiron v Fell 8, 20 Columbia Feb 12, 24 Sfrite Fob 10, 28 Bat'srapre mnst be checked either at Ash St.. during the oay, or by the U. C. 4 B. Co. No unchecked baggage will be received on the steamers. Kau Franrisro to Portlau.l. To Portland Leaving SpearSt. Wharf, San Francisio at 10 A. il. as follows: Columbia Feb 7, 19 State Feb 11, 23 Oregon Feb ,5, 27 The company reserve the rigrlit to change steam ers ol sailing daU-s without further no'.ice. For rates, tickets, beith reservations, etc., call on or address any ticket agent of the Union Pacific ay tern. C. S. MELLEX. T. W. LEE. Gen. Tratfic Mana er. Gen. Pass. At. LUiUDM I i: Wm. Butler & Co. have established a Lumber lard on Fron t Street, Corner Ji-fTerxon, M'licre may ho found a com plete stock of lioiljjl nnd UreKxed liiiu ler,JLitIi J&c fSliiii jtIom, at Prices to Suit The pocket. Special attfn tion given to orders from the countrv. Falls Prkcikct. Wasco Cohstt, State of Oregon, February 2, 189: To the Honorable County Court of the County of Wasco, state of Oregon: We, the undersigned taxpayers and legal voters of Falls precincL, county and state aforesiid, do hereby respectfully petition and nrav that said con shall grant a license to Patrick MuA.l;enytosell spir ituous, malt ana vinou3 liquors iu said f alls pre cinct, in less quantities than one gallon, f -r the period of one year: NAMES NAMES Dr C J Candiana Pat Welsh John G Brown J C Farview K Black M W Fitzgerald J 11 Graham - A J Kniichtly Louis Gebhard I M Kelliker A.Syring B B Crank J F Hendrix August Wilson A B Andrews Patrick Sullivan A G Ball Wm Black Thomas Coyle H Fitzsimmons P Laney M McKinnon T F Levens Geo J Button C W Fluke FROM TERMINAL' OR INTERIOR POINTS Xhe best salve in tlie world for cut bruises, sores, ulcers, rheum, feve. sore?, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and pot-itively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kiiieraly, Notice to Creditors. NOTICE is her-by given that on the 30th day of October, 1891, P. T Sharp a-sk'ne.l to me for the benefit of all his creditors, in proportion to their respective claims, all of his personal ami real i top. erty. The creditors of mid P. T. St-arp are hereby noti fied to present their claims a--aiiL:t saio ass gnor. uuiy vennea, to me at my onice in Jjaiias uity. or, within three months from the date et this notice. DaLsd a; Dalles ICity, Oregon, Decemher 12, 1801, J. W.CO.NDON, dec!2 Assignee. Iduid Notices. OIW: EXJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts itly yet promptly on the Kidneys, eer and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cares habitual constipation. Syrup of Fies is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for safe in oOc and $1 bottles by al? leading druggistn .uiuiiuiauiureu oiuy dj me CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FSANC.IS0O. CAU IQUI8VLLE. KY. MEW TOBK. N-Y. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Orau at Vancouver, Wash. December 26. 1S)1. Notice is hereby given that the followimr-named settlers have filed notice of their intention to make flnal proof In support of their claims and that said proou win oe mide Before w. K. Dunbar. Commis Bioner United Stales Circuit Court, district of Wash ington, at Goldendale, Wash., on" February 26, 1S92, viz: Park 8. Flu turner. Homestead entry No 8118. in the fractional NEl see i, tp 3 ii, a, 13 eas, vr At. Be names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon anl cultivation of said ianu, viz: James L Syfert. John C Berry. William Courtney. vt miaul late, ail 01 aaruana r u, wasnmgtou. Park 8. Plummer, Purchase Application. No 186. under see S of the r oneiture Act or ept zy, itju, for the fractional xiwi sec 1, tp 3 I, K la cast, W M. Be names the following witnesses to Drove his iMiuuiuiua woilu w 1UU VIUUHUUU W BaiQ l&UU, 'ia: James L Svfert. John C Berry. William Courtney nuiiam late, an oi uaruaua r u v esn. WilliRm Tate, Purchase Application. No 34. under sec 3 Forfeiture Act Sept 29, 1890, for the NW1 and WJ of NEJi sec o, o n, xi i east, w ju. Be names the following witnesses to Drove his I continuous claim to and cultivation of said land, via: James L Svfert. Park 8 Plummer. John f! Rarrv. Willium Clllrtnov .11 f IT,,-! I D It 1'.. I. Jamc8 L. Sytert, Purchase Application, Kb 223, under sec 8 Forfeit ure Act Sent 29. 1890, for the fractiona If WJ sec 7, tp a n, xw t east, n at. Be names the following witnesses to prove his continuous claim to and cultivation of said land. William Tate, Park 8 Plummer, John C Berry, milium vuuruiey. ail ox rtartiaua r wasn. an2td JOHN D. GfiOGHEGAK, BegUter. S. L. YOUNG, (Successor to E. Beck." ROCK&SIFORD Ouick-TrainWATCHES Unequalled in EXACTING SERVICE r hi Jrr& S J m NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omci at Vakcouvir, Wash., February 4. 1892. Notlce is hereby given that tbe following-nnmed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final pro f in support of his claim, and that said 'proof win dc maue neiore tne cierit ox tiie superior cour; of Klickitat county, Wash., at Goldendale, Wash., iu Aaruu itf, Aoea, via; James Eionell, Hd 8320, foi the S WJ Sec 23 Tp 3 N E IS East W M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said utna. vtt: ' Azariah J Pitmin, Robert Struthers, Richard French, all of Hartland. Klickitat county. Wash., and Nelson B Brooks, of Goldendale, Wash. 6feb6t JOHN D. GE'JGHEGAN. Register. Used t the IT. Coast 8ur- a Naval servatoi7:by Looomonre Eairtneera.O dnctoraand other ttauwar mea. xaejr na. Cognised as TH B EST. Sold DiinclDal cltteafttownfl r exclusive Afi-finta fleahnfl jeweierai, wiui a Full Warranty. -DEALER IN- Clocks Jewelry, I DIAMONDS SILVERWARE, ETC. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired AND WARRANTED. Seconds Street. THE DALLES, OR. I SKTBBE HOTEL F. W. L. SKIBBE, Prop. iorthern MAIEll & BENTON, Successors to A. Bcttiugen RETAILERS ANb.JOBDEUS IN' Hardware, Tinware, Woodenware, AND GRANITE WARE A complete line of Heating and Cook Sto vc , Pumps Pipe Plumbers and btcam Fitters' supplies; also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmiths' and Farm er, Tools, AND SHELF HARDWARE. A Tinning, PlumMntr and pipe work will .bo done on short notice . SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OR RAILIJOAD Is the line to take TO ALL POUTS EAST AND MIL PaC iRnflor'c Rnnlr- I yUUUI U EJ.UUfl. It is the Dining1 Car Route. It runs Throuirh Vea- ti billed Trains Ler Day in the yer to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (XO CHANGE OF CARd.) Composed of Dinine; Cars unsurpassed. Pullman UrawiDK-room bleepers f Latest Equipment. 1,0C0 PAGE 1 0 to 500 ORIGINAL ENGRAVINGS, " ELEGANT BINDINGS, PCBL1SHGD IS S LANGUAGES, POPULAR r RICES, First Edition, :-: 100,000 Copies. Tim OFi.7 AUTI.'E.NTIC WORK BT GEN. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER. Exclusive territory and liberal tertrs jriven to re liable aye it-. Accompany application for territory with $2 (ur prospectus. CHRISMAN BROTHERS, nccessors to F. Taylor.) Propnetort of the CITY MARKET THIRD STREET. JUST TOBACC01 Dealers in all kinds of Meat. Hams, hand. Bacon and Sausage always on iec31d&wtf Sample Rooms, VI MAIN STREET. -1.1 ways on band the Bei "Wines, Liquors, Jintl Cigars. ii. i :CP (Kit Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Bed on (lraufrbt. Mcdonald bros., : propr's. W"ACO SALOON 1 t2$llF ' TrlE BEST. EUrlK A RESTAURANT F. W. L. SKIBBE, PROP. Gride of Wines, Liquors & Cigars ki v: L:U:N:C:H:E:S ? r. -Hicn-.iJ au j Uudieon, near PUT UP FOR TRAVELERS aaseneT dpot. mv4d- TiMIGICTfC OI CCD!!'P f uumji j ai.Li.rinu itr oct24 RS, Cat. Best that can be constructed, and in which tcccm modatione are hotb r rue and Furnished I t h ddera of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Continuous Line, Connectingwh All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. PIOHEEB N nrti IS HILL, O'MALLEY & CO. THE LEADING Architects and Builders Office in Skibbe'a Brick, THE DALLES, OREGON The smoker that has once tried "Seal of North Carolina," will have no other tobacco, simply because no better can be made. Imitations lack the delightful fragrance that only can be found in " Seal." Packed in Patent Cloth Pouches and in Foil. rthx-usi C it. Second and Washington! st. '9 y Pul' man- Sleeper reservations can be secured In ad vance ihrougnany agent ot tne road. To and from all points in America. Er gland and Europe can be jmrchastd at any ticket omefc or me company. THROUGH TICKETS Full information concerning rates, time of trains. : routes and other details furnished on plication to any agent, or A. D. "CHARLTON, Ass't General Passenger Acrt., No, 121 first St., Cor. Wah., PORTHHD, CiEGON t I.I 6kla1sii Successors tu Gtorge Euch.l '.The 01ierest 11 ace IS TBS DALL2srOR All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GKAI.S; WILLOW "STARE. EfC. We respectfully solicit hare t miblic rat rouagra, and Hi-a:l endeavor to irfve ire satisfac tion to our customer, both old and WINK THE OTHER EYE." Will tike contracts and furnish plans and spacifl rauona lor aii ouuainsrs,iram&, DricK or stone. Ma term's rumsoed u needed. octo F.W.BOLD, MiiW d Wagon-Maker! At T'lornps m' old stand, 193 TnirJ St. GUCKSMITHWC OF ALL KINDS POKE NEATLY I , .. AND uHEAPLr. WOOD-WORK of all kTnds, repairing and miking uiij'i.uiugf, iruiu a wujtuiiarrow to a carnage. HOaSE-SHOEING A SECIALTY. TO 4d- W.T.WISEMAN cccssor to J. H. McDonough AC.) CftoiG DEALF.ll IN Wines. Liquors, "Wna are Ke nild wavpjayiny AND CIGARS. A FKEE TRIP ' TO THE - WORLD'S FAIi Commencing May 1, 1893. TACEY SHOWN, THE WATOil MAKE it, ITim opened up a Jewel -y ud Kopair sliip fu- the Kepii'-j,.ir of Watch!, Ciocks, Jewelry. Etc 4 ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Kooo bat the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all muds, uorner or Uourt and SecoDd streets. THE DALLES, OREGON. T.A.VanNorden, THE LEADING WATCHMAKER Packed in patent canvas pouches which ' retain ' the natural moisture of -the to bacco; insuring at all times 4 1 1 . a cool, sweet ana lasting smoke. J. B. Face Tobacco Co. Itichmond, Vlrg-inW a i-' is. m , CaL, The History ConiDanv. of San Francico. (capital stock 8500.000) the oldest am) lanreat nut,. lishing house on the Pacific const, this day announce that they will give, absolutely free, a ticket to the World's Pair and return, including meals en route one week (7 days), hotel accommodations, six admis sion tickets to the Exposition grounds, two tickets u leauing I nicugo tneiters, ami such other pnv. leires as may in-ure a ufeasaut trin to deservinie oer- boqs wiio comply wild tueir requirements NOTICE. Those desirinjf to ifo M the World's Fair and who could not otnerwue do so, can adorers us at once for . fulJ particulars Thi? oner does n -t anoU-to ix r- sons of means who are in a position to meet the ex pense or suen a trip tnemseives, out to enterprising' and intelligent young men an i women wh can ap- Sreciate such an opportunity and make the niot of . Teachers, clervmeii. students, farmers' bright sons ana uauntere in race any and ail possessing clergy, enterprise ana cn&racxor wiu oe e lgibie. THE CHAXCIC OK A LlPE-TUftK. Every younir man or woman who desires to iroto Chicago and see the won J era of Ihe greatest ehio- itiou the world has ever known, should address ns at once, buch au opportumth is rarelv Offered., and : the trip wilt be the event of a lifetime to those who ho. Address THE HISTORY COMPANY, TUB BISTORT VUILDUTO, No. 723 MARKET ST.. SAS FRANOLSCO. CAL. With Bvrne. Hnlm & Co.. Druiriris s and Chem ists, successors to C. E. Dunham. SECOND AND UM0N STREET QPECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING k7 of rme n atones. Mr. Van Norden has adopted BYBc?m ot repairing1 oy wnicn otd clocks. aDDir cutty wura out. may De muie aervrceaDie tor year 106 SECOND STREET THE DALLES, GOAL! GOAL! Watchmaker and ' Jeweler. At Ulliich & Son's Cigir Factotj, Corner Main and Court' Sts- 1C Missed hit Opportunity! IMWT Ml portnnltiM, tnd from tbat cans llv In porarty ud die fa obwaritvl HutowIdk despair Is tha lot of many, as they look bark on loat, ToraTar lost, opportoui ty. U le la paa Injrl Koacb oat. Baop and dolnr. Improvayour opporto- -THE BE3T- Wellington, Eock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal. delivered tu any part ot $13, sacked and the riy. All kinds of Watches repaired with neat ness and dupatcu. Ask my agentasjar W. ti. lor sale TtAtfcvla. EIim. Tf nut far .ill in VAnx nlitfii a.lx va.,h dealeP ta Benfl Tol raralnirnn. UMmM kn whcj, uu set men lur you. At Moody's Warehouse. R- E. Saltmarshe 8, nit j, and secaraprotpuritr, prominence, paca. ltwai aaid by apliiloaopher, tUat "tha 4oddaa or Fortona olTan a rldOMopportanlty to aacn person at aotnavenoo oi lira; eiuuracetliachancok and the vonrtontlier ricnoe: fall to do o and eha denarta, nrrer to ratara." How eUall yo flod tbaoOLDEiropportanitTr InTostiRata ovary chance tbat appoara wortlij. and of fan promise; tbat la wbat all mo co itulRiendo. II ere la an opportunity, eorbaa li not often witlitn the reach ot labor Id r people. Improved, It willffiTa, at leant, a grand itart In iifa. Tha OOLUKff opportnnlty for many ia here. Mnnry to be made rapid) and honorably by any fndnatrioua pen-on of either ae. All agoa. Yoa caa do tha work and lire at homo, whrreverrou are. Even ba (tiuiieraaro easily earntne: from ttfi to 910 nor day. Yo can do ax well If too will work, nut too bard, but lndnetri onsly ; and yoa ran incroaae y onr income aa ynn fro on. Yo candvepArotimaon)y,orall yonrtimetoihework. Euy to loiim. Capital not req aired. Wa atart vou. A 11 ia cora pnraUvely new and renlly wonderful. We tottrnct and how yoa bow. IVee Failure unknown em one oar work era. h'o room to explain bora. Writ and learn all IVe. bTWtnm in nil. UnwUe to dfay. Adilreaa at once. II. UoueU & U. Jios oih, roruaio, Miiinai THE BALDWIN Cor. Court and. Pront Street, THE DALLES, : : OREGON. F. E. SH0NTELL East EHi OT I DEALER IN . WLLI, PAY THE Fine Ciprs: Tobacco, HifestCashPricefor ines,:.Liauors and Cigars. AND CONFECTIONERY. Second S'riet, neit door to the R'id Front Grocery Store. None bnt tha Best Quality of Liquor wid . . thctiest Brmods of Cikri on soler - " The cclebrstcd Hcffrosn, Genc-ral Ar ut C-igars on sale dealer in live stock. Kentucky Straight -WMsky and Schil WHY IS THE THE DALLES, OREOOX Everything in the line of SCHOOL BOOKS ahb STATIONERY AND FINE FRENCH CANDIES, ' CAW BI FOCSD AT . NOLAN'S POSTOFFICE STORE. . SECOTID BTUEET. JL Ynas Ciirl's fmte. Pbescott, Ariz Feb. 8. News re ceived last night from Verde valley leaves no donbt of tbe terrible fate of Alice Packard, the 16-year old girl wbo tras seen in tbe company of two Indians last week. It now turns ont tbe boy told tbe trntb, bnt be is feeble-minded and did not tell any of the neighbors until three days after tbe Indians bad left witb The World's Columbian Exposition. Send 50 cents to Bond & Co., r76 Rook ery, Chicago, and you will receive post paid, a four hundred page advance Guide to tbe Exposition.with elegant engravings of the grounds and buildings, portraits of its leading spirits, and a map of tbe city of Chicago; all of the rules governing tbe exposition and exhibitors, and all in formation which can be given out in ad vance of its opening. Also other engrav ings and printed information will be sent you as published. . It will be a very val uable book and every person should se cure a copy. Hpeeiven Caaee. ' S. H. Clifford, New Cassel, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his stomach was disordered, his liver was affected to an alarming degree, appetite fell away, and he was terribly reduced in flesh and strength. Three bottles of Elec tric Bitters cured him. Edward Shepherd, Harrisburg, Til., had a running sore on his leg ot eight years' standing. Used three 'bottles of Electric enters and seven boxes of Buck len 's Arnica Salve, and bis leg ia sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, Ohio, had five large lever sores on his leg, doc tors saia ne was lncuranie. une bottle Electric Bitters and one box Bucklen's Arnica Sal ye cured hm entirely. - Sold at Snipes & iunersly's drug store. 8 Bepublioan Olub. The citizens of VV'uco connty in favor of the Republican party are requested to meet at the connty court room in the new court house on Thursday evening, Feb. 11th, at 8 o'clock sharp, to take such measures as in their judgment may seem best calculated to secure tbe success of the party at tbe comingonnty, state and national elections, and for the'purpose of organizing a young men's Republican club. (Signed) The Only Brick Hotel IK THE CJTT T A Hudson Grant Mays G V Bolton Hugh Gourlay J C Hostetler Ed C Pease SP Fisher E F Sharp W E Garretson Thos H Joles ; G J Farley C L Phillips L E Crowe H W Wells L D Ainsworth A N Varney A G Johnson Wm J Roberts Julius J Wiley Geo W Joles J F Haworth. TenrlMS. Whether on pleasure bent or business, should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on the kidneys, liver and bowels, preventing fevers, headaches and otoer lorms oi sickness. For sale in 60c. and $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. Eagle: Horace W. Sloan, a Republican candidate for the nomination for sheriff of Grant county, was caught out in a blinding snowstorm "while on the road to Granite last week, and being unable to even locate himself or to find a camp, was compelled to lay out during tbe TiEST DOLLAR A DAT HOUSE In the North- JL went. This builcinu has been refitted since the fire of September 2d, and the rooms are first-class in every particular. Tne table la suoDlied with tbe best the market affords. The oar in connection with the hotel ia supplied witb the highest (Trade ot Wines, Liquors an Im ported ana uomegtic cigars. jan39-w J. tt LABSEN, Dealer in all kinds of Hay, Grain and Feed, At his old stand, Second street. To Young Honsekeepers Free to all Brides ! NOTICE la hereby given to all the readers of this paper and all their friends anl acquaintances throughout the United States and Canada that W. L, DOUGLAS 53 SHOE cENtm FN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? it is a seamless snoe, with no tacks or wax thread hurt the feet: marln at th hixr. Una tait ateliuh and easy, and becauae tew mnJcp. mstrt mhsv nf this yruue it tun any otner manufacturer, it equals nana sewed shoes costinar from suahi tst a m uw ueDuine Hana-eewea( meanest can shoe ever ofTered for 5.00; equals French auwa wuiuu cwt rrora ifO-W ' unfLZ.UU. OO Hand-Sewed Welt Shoe, line calf. stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade aa cus- com-maae snoes costing rrom to $9.00. CO 50 Police Shoei Farmers, Railroad Hen and Letter Carriei a a wear them; line calf, seamless, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edge. One pair will wear ayear. CJO 30 fine calf; no better shoe ever offered at this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. SO 23 and $'2.00 Workinffman's shoes are very strong and durable. Those who have given them atrial will wear no other make. RoVC' SH and 91.75 school shoes are wJ w worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits, as the increasing sales show. I fftrliAc3-00 Hnnd-dewed shoe, best t" w w uongoia, very sty iisn; equals Frenci Imported shoes costing from $4.uu to 86X. .uaaiea' and 991.73 shoe Tc lssea axe the best flne Domrola. xtvlinh nH h umha vaaiism. oee mat w. uougias' name ai.r price axe stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton, Mass. J- FREIMAN, AGENT, THE DALLLS L. P. OSTLUND C Ar. ADAMS, ! The Artistic Shoemaker From $3 to $5 Per Gallon. A. BETTINGEN, JR., Proprietor. Whips Contrac tor and Buil Ji now located af der I will fur :'sli d af;s ami eptiuntes on all buildings, ; dwelling ai.ti gt iei Mr". Ost:und is a nctlial ineL-harla and thr?tIns rafted by him wiU prove ar u-tic. theft p uud'titira- Die. A TLimlle Free. 77 Second Street, Ncx to Sihutz Ji;kc Office. Itenalrinc: n Nrt'ria tv. Hf hu s.vedsome of his best leather our tho fire and will make the neatoet boot r f iioo of anne in the utv. FOR I 1 ; KHffll'fei 25o. 50o. 75c $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT Th highest Cash Prioe paid for Sheep pelt. 10 KEWAKD. IOST A BAY MAKE, three years old. branded J romethimr similar to a Z on left shoulder; weight 1112 pounds. The above reward will be paid to aoy one siTiiur me information that will lead to her recovery, . jajjlcjj uu.ubb. deot Condon, ( To every newly married couple whose address and 10 cents to pay postage ia sent to the publisher within one year from the date of their marriage. Persons sending; for this present are requested to end copy of a paper containing a notice of their marriage, or some other evidence that sliall amount to a reasonable proof that tbey are entitled to the magazine under the above offer. Address, 'THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt THE DALLES rFaetory, FinisT SXISEET. FACTORY NO. 105 pipinQ of the Best 'Brands nia uract UlUMnO nred. and or d pas from all paita of .the.conntry tilled on the Bhortestjuotice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR baa become firmly established, and the de mand for tbe home manufactuaenTarticle ia increasing every day. dec24dy-tf - A. ULBICH & SOX. - a NOWAK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and ilcati as tor build.Dir fur nished. Will do a'l itiuda of excavating and grading. AU order ahould be4 lett at poatomoe bo novl 3 A KY LADY sendincr at nce tho n arid ad- J dtass ten married Ud t f ie:'d or house- ktjc,;eri ;o whom u aiimnd enniiile c'pitn of the nio-i inaruiti'ir iiiustrate ia.oiu riewttatcr uub- usr.eii 10-oar. win receive an ciennc sonu s ivc-r f vetur thimb e. The "Ijaoies I'icir.rtai ctkj. tho baudtotne8t and moit entcrtai'iiiij- r-ublicat.on Of its clavi aiitl ut lccoin;ny linivonnaJiy popular with into iiirt nt nu.cs 111 b.itn Uanati ttnU u.o Lmted btatfti. K coii'aine sivUtn lurue paues. mtue eize as 'Httrptri iott piufuj v iliuf-tnited, and eonira ch ve.k :it iiiy a ytfar. It v u de sire & fcOtive; it' Uiiuiltio teu-.i liiiiuc t turns you tuiiik would t iiiterujLcd in the Ladi(V Wttrkly and eucl'HM Attccu L. tan ins t 1 over ex penses if niailit:, i U. Forward to- lay. Address "Ladies lie tonal Weekly. Canada Lilt Build ius. Toronto, Can. nviawj II tVS First Cla iNDA60rlB Tha Urntt, FaatMt aad Finest la tbe Wafia. PaiwenffRr uvnmndjitlniu unexcelled. IEW YORK. LONOGNDERRY AND 6U8B0W. Ef.r RatnnlaT. NEW TOBK, GIBRALTEB and NAPLES, At reeuiar intervals. 8AL00N, SEC0ND-CLAS8 AND STEERABE rates on lowest terras to and from the principle BOOTCE. IH3USB. 12183 a ALL OflNOTIOTAL F0IHI8- xeorsion tickets arallable to return Dr eitner tne nie tureaqoe Clyde A Korth of Ireland or Naples A Gibraltar DtiAi ul Uonsy Orlsn to Aar Amnat at lowsrt Utat, Applj to any of onr local Agents or to OESDHRSOS BBOTHGBS, Chicago, HI. AGENTS WANTED Apply to T. A. HUDSON, leneral Agent, Tin Dalles. O.-. JanU-92 mwm nmn go.. Corner Third and Washington Sn. Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues And the bestj Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Outlets in the market. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY ENGLISH CEMENT H. GLENN, Is again at his old stand and has on hand FISEaT r-RAND OF Ef-Fresh Vegctibies on Sale at ihe Lowest Prices Jeou&w Tanks of all sixes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, made to oruer. Andrew Velarde, tW Contracts for all kinda of buildinir taken at tha lowest fipurea. HOUSE-MOVER,'.- The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. CEDAE POSTS. THE UNDERSIGNED CAN FURNISU MEDIUM and Larcre Uplit Cedar Posts, 6 feet Ions;, de livered on cars or boat in East Portland, for 7 aud g cents each. Eastern Oregon and Washington par ties are pleased with them. We prefer buyers should have them inspected before the posts are shipped, Address INVESTMENT COMPANY, E. QuACiaxsuBH. Pros' t, Jana-dw brawer 22, Portland, Or. ItRBOtiZ 15 01 PKATHEKBONK la made from QCIX1.8. nature's own toiiKuest uiatn-UI, tiest whips made for the price. Cheap, Durable.. AM. STVI.ES. all ""bI-V FEATHERBOSE. HENRY KUCK, -The Dalles, Or. assat chleaMria Kadl.h Dhu.eJi4 Brma. rtfiWYROYAL PILLS MA9K. aJwkft ftHlaVblt. LAOICS UI VruKgitt for CJUcMMfrt BnviiMh maesA Annul in LtA matl Gold ssetaUltaX IbotM, ni'.h blM Hbboa. Take. 1 ftovu anA iamittiont. At Drufii, r Mod 4, in KUtnpa for pavnlcnlsu-, tniiLBeoisUa u4 KfUef for I-ndl" 4 Utter, by wimrm W B All. MW.WV I cauiawiaia. jiavw rapar TblcheaOrkKiclitM4lfM ur inig""s fiiim mm Z- i's ti ,7 t "'i -J ar 7T linear irr. 6$ ft SW if H 4? x.Ui,(, s,.i,tntl u l. it fe2FlVifi d twnilw'''!' MilK'P-wrhv liw. ii-; BlIVl irf rn; tun il-. th- v ..ik. Vm W s ftimUh TPrribinir- Vi'm lirt ;. No rik. You can ik-Toia yur span monirnrB. urill your tn.- to work. ThUia tn nlJrrly new lraMnd brinffa ondv, .'til urraa t trvcry woikFr. Bt-rlnrvcra are aaniiuff horn to ViO (x-tjrt-k and urMS and mora alter Utile ezoerlenea. ran fumiah von the em ployroeut aod teach yrm KltllK. Ko epece W einlain here, f ull A TKAlt i I rmdertaka to brfefr leach aoy Uiriy inlelltfa-nt preoa of either ex. jrbo een reaa and write, and who. (after litatmctlon.wlll work iodnatrioMtyt hnv Mn IkrM Thfisf 4 DnllaM a tear In their owa .ocalltlea.wktievrer thav Uve.l wtn alaofuraieh tha ettuatioo oretnplirysnentat w hi h you ran earn that amount. No aoney for meunlsWMcceaerulasabnve. Faailyeod qoiekl' learned. I deaire btit ona worker from eeck diatrtel oroounty. I hva already tnii:i,t nnd provided witb em lo?oent a tarr aUaraUl $3000: amber, who are maKu.r orer MWH) a Tfarenrh. It'e K E W UN hu li E IP. hull artioalan t-'JCakr-e A a aire ai oocaa. U C AL'. Ibftx AXu. Auatwttt. Mala f my" 'Am -m.i fa betnr ehy Jolmlt. clt in.'rrojr.:.'. Vat work fur ue. Header. ti aae aa ntarD. but we eaa .... tm ninv nut tiH( yMi null k t how lu rrm Onea VA fa 11 a Hay at th etart, and more ae yoa go on. It u tli arte, all a-. In any part of Vm erica, yon caa Mnaimra at home, eiv. inr all your time .or epare saoanesu oni ia the work. All la new. Great ay HI Kk for rrrrj wwmn. ' av.airi yoa, nirniabinc rerythinir. EABILT, HI'KKHII.T lm..L I'Alirirl LAlW HiKK. Addrt, ,t onroT M t:SU 3 ., ItlHiL-AD, Pitt? xilte r.ri'trt haewfttn madoat Ay 7' l,y Anna I'pjf.. Aiteitn, lAtfC ' p ". uiiirti are Outair aa well. Wh r il W A J lilt V.uif k... al-laaa las. 1 m.Ui. Tea reiMlo Ik work and Iha bonta, wltiTt-vft- you are. Iien Im- intier are enaufr eenilny frorn M la de. A II sr.-at. H's alwvaa- . I..a mn Mart you. Cau work In tiwi lima or all ihe time, bff eaoney er work re. l-'allure unknown amo thrva. ft KW and wnrtrlaMfiil PMin..l.ra rVa BajUmllvUtSf Ce,Ifte& (lMlorUMa1,Maiia.