The f Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY.. .JANUARY 23, 1892 fELEGRAPHIO. AIMloxize or right. Washington, Jan, 18. A cabinet of V ficeT is quoted as authority for the state ment that President Harrison will, in bis v message to congress, ask for authority to , send an ultimatum to Chili, and in tbo '. event of iU not being favorably considered by . that South American republic that war will be at once declsrsd. .Tte - character of the ultimatum hich the president proposes to send is said to be such that Chili cannot reply favorably " and accede to its demand even it Prcsi - dent Montt co desired. The warlike party and the anti-government party of - Chili are said to be in such a state that ' they would revolutionize the goviTDnn-nt if Chili should accept the terms de manded by the United States. It is now understood that the nrcsident 'will not . send the full correspondence to congress. but merely a synopsis of it, so that it . mav be readilv understood ar.d acted - upon with very little delay. Senator Dolph has received a lelrpram ' from the Hon. L. M. Olmstead, of Baker Ctty, Or, asking the senator to obtain for him, in case of war, permission to raise a ,- regiment of cavalry, as his section con tained the best material in the wor'd for ' . that arm of the service. Senator Dolph referred the letter to the secretary of war, saying that Judge Olmstead was . veteran of the war of the . rebellion, and amply able to carry put what he proposed A Void WaTf, St. Paul, Minn Jan. 18. The cold weather reported Saturday night as on the way from the extreme Northwest ar rived before the night was over, snd " early yesterday morning the mercury in ' this city was down to 20 deg. below zro once more. Some report of -colder weather have been received. Tne same " reports come from all over the Neribwest, and minus figures are reported froo all parts ot the Northwest last night. At ' La Crosse the mercury was at zero; Huron . reports 16 below. In Montana, at Miles City, it was 23 deg. below, which seems -.' to be the extreme for the state, Helena only reporting 3 deg. below. Fort Bu ford, N. D , last night bad a temperature of 28 below, Bismarck 22 below, and North Dakota points range from 10 below ' at Calgary to 30 deg. below at Qnappelle, Winnepeg and Minnedosa tisch re cording 32 below. -In this state the '- coldest weather was at St. Vincen', where it wag 30 below at 7 o'clock, but otler reports from unofficial sources give cohier weather, although the general range is from zero to 23 below. Colder em her is predicted for to-day. named the Pa'ouse. TDe- Rural N eu Yorker has the following !e-say about this promising newcomer;, In quality it certainty equala any ap ple we have ever eaim. Ia absence of any information we should say that this is a scedliag of the Eopus Spitzenburgh, of even better quality (ban tbat standard of apple excellence. The shape-is oblong conical. The color is a high, rich, golden ysllow, more than half covered with a crimson red, which is itself splashed, lined and dotted with a somewhat darker red. The stalk is an inch long, slender and sometimes straight. ' -The b&no is rather shallow, distinctly furrowed, the furrows often carried to the diep cavity. The caljx is often closed, sometimes partly open. The flesh is yellowish, crisp, exceedingly aromatic, rather acid, rich, juicy and, as we belieye from the specimen sent, unequalled. We have never eaten apples that impressed us as beintr so near tbe perfection as the Palouse. , A nurseryman who lias tested the hard iness oi the Palouse a:ule savs that his tree lias wi'hstood several winters during which the thermometer registered 38 to 40 degrees be'ow zero." GBAKT COUNTY. Items From the Columns of the Jthn May Hentinrl. There are abcat 1000 bushels of wheat remaining at the flouring mill which will be ground oat at the first opportunity. The friends oi Dr.. Fell are glad to see that be has entirely recovered from his re cent illness. He will now attend you and deal out nauseous drugs as of yore. Tbe Duncan boys returned Thursday evening from their trip to Long Creek with a bunch of cattle. Tbe boys report haying had a hard trip of it and lots of snow. Sometimes their cattle would run into snow so deep that they would have to be helped out. They report having passed through one of the worst snow storms at Fox they ever experienced in Eastern Oregon. CEOOK. OOTJHTr. It is considerable of a disappointment to the residenta of Bear valley net to havo the stage running out there after tbe contract was let. But what else could be expected under the circumstances! The road over winch this line was to run is almost impas sable, and this fact was well known to the contractor when he in-iJe his bid. The fact of the contract being sub-let does cot ex onerate tbe original contractor, and he should be compelled to fulfill his contract, Iiri From the Columns Or h Of J Review. of the Owners of ice houses- have busied them selves this week harvesting their annual crop of ice for summer use. The ice they are putting up is not thick but is solid and will keep well. " Odb day last week V. H. Birdsong brought 5J cords of wood to town with four horses and two wagons, which is about the largest load of wood tbat has ever been hauled into this place. Col. Nye has been confined to his room the past week with rheumatism, We are pleased to -state, however, that he is im proving, and his .many friends expect to see him on the streets again in a few days. Refugee Ordered to Calloo ; Washington, Jan. 18 Secretary Tracy has sent a , cablegram to Commander Eyans, of tbe Yorktown, ordering him to proceed to Callao,' Peru, and land the Chilian refugees at that place. Tbe president to day denied himself to all visitors and worked on the Chilian correspondence. He is preparing h.s message to congress. It is still the belief tbat the message and correspondence will be sent to congress Wednesday. The secretary of state was nnable to leave bis bouse to-day, because of an attack similar to that of a week ago. He recovered : from it soon, however. The Chilian minister had an Interview with him last ing an hour. A rumor is circulated to . the effect tbat the Chilian minister notified this government an apolopy from Chili . would be forthcoming. Colonel Remey, naval judge . advocate general, who has been conducting' investigations into tbe Baltimore case at San Francisco, is expected to return to this city to-morrow or Wednesday, with concluding testi mony. - John Circle was in town on Thursday. He 'reported a foot of snow all over tbe Beayer creek country, and all kinds of stock except horses being fed. -. He said the people in that section have enough hay to feed all their stock for two months longer. The weather there is warm, and all kinds of stock are doing well. The first case to be tried for violation of the new -fish law, which provides for the punishment of persona taking salmon from the Columbia river who are not citizens of the state, or having declared their intention of becoming such one year prior to their tak ing such fish, was tried before Justice R. J, Burnett at Goble on January 7th. John Woods, a subject of the Queen of England, on complaint of tome other .fishermen, was arrested, charged with the violation of the fish law, he not being a citizen of the state of Oregon, and was fined 5 and costs. This is only a commencement. For tbe f ret year this new law is in force there w:. be a great number of arrests made for viq lation of tbe law as the larger portion Of the fishermen are not citizens of the United States, and also are ignorant of each a law haying been passed. A great many who have not been citizens the required time to be entitled to fish will endeavor to defy tbe authorities and fish anyway. Tho proper thing for tbe fishermen those who have a right to fish is to make an example ot everyone they eaten unlawfully taking salmon and see to it that be is punished accordingly, Uulcss this is done tbe law will be violated continually. , The ice on tbe river above town has af forded great amusement for the young peo ple during the week. Skating parties have visited the pond each evening, and the healthful exercise of skating has been greal ly enjoyed by those whose weight was cos too great for the frail ice to bear up.- But the treaoherous ice no longer has charms for some,, and especially one young lady who ventured oat on a place too thin for ber weight,' and aa a result was treated to a chilling bath. Tourists. Whether on pleasure bent-or business, should take on every trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as it acts most pleasantly and effectually on tbe kidney?, liver and bowels, preventing levers, headaches and other forms of sickness. For sale in 00c. and $1.00 bottles by all leading druggists. The Torpedo Contract. ; Washington, Jan. 18 George A. Staburnaga, charge d'affaires of tbe Chil -ian legation in Washington during Bal -maceda'g administration, states the tor J. C. Lackey, Indian agent, at Warm Springs, is not only guardian of the Indian's property and rights, but of their persous as well. This was quite forcibly illustrated (upon his head) recently. . A white man and an Indian were fighting at- the" agency, when Mr. Luckey ran in to stop tbe fiqht, and received a heavy thwack from a stick in tbe hands of the white man, knocking him down, making a severe wound on his forehead, while the son of the forest es caped unscathed. Mr. Luckey was in town Sunday, and from the way his head was bandaged one would think he bad been an active participant in an Irish wake. He says the government will hereafter have to raise his wages if he is to be used as a tar get for clubs aimed at Indian's heads. Dis cretion is always the better part of valor. In Days of "Anld Lang Syne." Captain Lewis, during his visit east, met pedoes shipped to Chili, which Admiral I many old comrades of the late war, and Walker cabled from Montevideo on their Salem Statesman, J aa. 15th: The secre tary of state has about concluded the calcu lations and estitimates and the state tax levy and apportionment among tbe seveial counties will be made at the meeting of the state officers to-morrow afternoon. These calculations take for their basis the assess ment rolls as returned by the several county clerks to the secretary of state and correct ed by the state board of equalization. Tbe result of the estimates so far as made war rant tbe conclusion that tbe levy for state purposes will be five mills, as follows: Cur rent expenses, 4 23-35 mills; university tax fund, 5-35 of a mill; military tax, 7-35 mills. linemen's Aruici Salve: - The best salve in the . world for cat bruises, sores, ulcers,' salt rheum, feve, sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all akux eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay reu uireu. It is guar a iteed to give pertect satislacciou, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Kor sale by Snipes & Kinersly, . way to their destination, were ordered by Balmaceda during his supremacy and paid for by money shipped from Chili in an English man o-war, Tbey were in tended tor operations against tbe insur gents and not against the United States. While he deprecates war, be says -the Chilians will light to the last extremity if hostilities are once begun. English and . German influence, he thinks, will be -brought to bear strongly upon Chili in the interest of peace. The statement that this lot of torpedoes was ordered before the trouble of this nation arose, is cor roborated by prominent officials at the war department, who state time has not elapsed since the beginning of tbe Un pleasantness sufficient to allow of a con tract for so many torpedoes to be closed, ana tbe goods be finished and shipped. The Decline In btlver. . " New York, Jan. 18. -Tbe Wall' Street Journal says this afternoon :- - Somebody has evidently received large a buying orders in silver within the last few days. Certain houses are giving at- tention to it in the, board, and. predic tions are made of considerably higher .. prices. Tbe weakness in silver is believed in some circles to have been cansed by tbe pool thrown over its stock at a time - when buyers were unusually scarce. An . authority on tbe subject says the decline in silver is hard to reconcile with the known conditions, such, for example, as the small supply and export of about 200,000 ounces per week to supply the requirements ot British dependences. . l ne stock on hand is now less than 3.51 : 000 ounces, and the price 93 cents against $ 1.07 one year ago. .Dealers in bullion attribute the decline to tbe general lack of interest in the market for that com -modity because no action is being taken on tbe question of free coinage by con . gress. - Wreat Activity Prevail. ' Washington Ja n 18. The navy de partment to-day is still the scene of great activity. Tbe secretary bad frequent consultations with bis bureau chiefs, and outward signs denote great worn is be ing done. The greatest activity prevails in tbe bureau of . naval intelligence, agents of which are said to be at work on the plan of a possible, campaign, besides collecting all imaginable infor mat ion abroad. Through . this bureau the secretary has kept himself thoroughly informed on . tbe movements ' of tbe agents of Chili, who, it is rumored, for some time have been ransacking Europe . tor war material. Comprehensive opera tions are now conducted by the depart ment largely for the purpose of ascertain ing just what the naval system can ac .comolisb in the event of hostilities. spent a very enjoyable time with old frieads of over a quarter century's acquaintance. He could not see all his army friends, bat from the items published regarding his visit nearly all were aware of the fact. Soon af ter his arrival here be received the follow ing from a member of his company: ' ' :- : V. National Homk. Dayton, Ohio, Jan. 10, 1892. Captain John W. Lewie. Deab Sir: I was very much and agree ably surprised to see your name in the American Tribune, an Indianapolis paper, which gave an account of your parting and meeting with Capt. Boyd, one of your tun nel comrades. Dear Captain, it is a long time since you and I rode in a sabre charge together; bat I am glad tbat you are Btill in the land of the living. I wonder whether Lieut. Harper is living or dead. Poor Jim McDonald, your orderly sergeant, died in my arms in Andersonville in June, 1864, after we were moved from Richmond. I belieye that you and myself are the only survivors of the thirteen captured. I have had some queer ops and downs since I saw you last; bnt I am still calling the roll and s till hold my rank as sergeant. I have been in the Home two years, and am ser geant of Company 11 here. Dear me, cap tain, tbe sight ot your name brought up a flood of old recollections. I conclude by wishing you a happy New Year and many of them. . Please write me. ; . Very respeotf ally,, i. ; f Thomas Lynn. Lite Sergt. Co. L 4th Ky. Cav. Eeal Estate Transactions. Jan. 15 Kate Handley to N B Siunott: atrip of land north end of lot 8 and lot 7, block 2, Dalits City; $1. " . Jan. 15 Kate Handley to N B Sinnott; lot 8 and 32 feet of the west side of lot 7, block 2, fronting 108 feet on Main street, Dalles City, occupied by buildings of Uma tilla House: f 13,000. - i '- Jan. 16 Stephen A Kistny et ox to An drew V Anderson; SJ NEJ and NJ of SEJ of NVVJ and NEJ of SWJ of see 11 T 4 S, R13eaat; $500. Jan. IS Columbia Lodge, No. 5. L O. O. F. to Mrs. Jane Howard; 8 of lot 16, row L, Odd Fellows' cemetery; $15.. Milton Eagle: An exchange bas dis covered, an apple-tree on Birch creek near Pendleton, tbat bears fruit, the meat of which is a mottled pink and white, Mr. Benjamin Arthur, who lives one mile up tbe Walla Walla river from this city, bas an apple-tree on bis farm tbat bears frnit, tbe skin of which is of a greenish white, bnt the meat is a brilliant crimson nearly the shade of blood. Tbe variety of tbe fruit we have never been able to learn. but it is supposed to be some seedlin variety. ' " ' East Oregonian: Melbourne, tbe Australi an artificial rain-maker, has made a propo sition to the Farmers' Alliance to furnish rain in Eastern Oregon. He wants $750 for making the test and $200 against tbe ex pense ot nimseit ana another man, but is careful in his blank contract submitted to the Alliance at their meeting in Pendleton about making any condition as to the amount of rainfall to be produced. ' The Alliance will demand a contract to 1 themselves safe on this and other condi tions. t Leader: There. were 92 marriage licenses issued : from the clerk's office' of Benton county daring the year '91, which is a pret ty good showing. However, this being leap year, S will no doubt show an increase in the way of marriages, as the ladies can pro pose, which will be a relief to tbe young men who are so inclined, but too timid to propound the question. There seems to be a number of such about Corvallw, and the girls should come to their rescue. Legal Notices- Sheriff's Sale. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF TUS STATE OF Jk. Oretfou for aco Couuty. J. B Condon, Plaintiff, ve. George Will ams, as Adininisttator of the est -te o Louise Goldstein, decease J, and f.lara L. Schulze, Charles F. Michelbach, Louts H. Uichftlbath, Will iam J. Mi'-'ieltocli and Cecilia M. Alichelbach, ce-tendants. Bv virtue of an execntinn and order of sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the prate of Oregon, for' Wasco countv, on the 14th day of December, 1891, upon a Judgment and an order of sale rendered in favor of the above-named pbintiif and against the atoya-nained defendants for the sum hereinafter set forth, which decree, among othtr thin&s, ordered the sale of the lands hereinafter described, to satisfy said sum, I did levy upon and will sell oa Saturday, the 30th day of January, 1S92, At the court house door in Dalles City, in said oounty and Ftatc, at the ' our of 2 o'clock p. u ot said day, at public auc ion to the highest hulder (or cash in hand, subject to redemptiou, all of the following described land, to-wit: A curtiiiri ieco or iKircul of luiid, situated at the southwest corner of block O, ni Trevitl'a addition to i Dalles City, reijon, and being eighty four (W) feet in width on V or fourth street, and one nunareu and twelve (112) feet in depth on Garrison t. eet in said Dalles City, and being the same property con veved by Thomas Smith nd wife to John Michel bach, of date February 11. 1869, andconveed bv John Micbelhach to Louise Miclielba.'h, of date Dec ember 31, 1837, ind situated in aid Trevitt's addi tion to Dalles City, iu Wasco county, -tate f ure iron, toother with all and singular the ttncnvmtP. hereditaiut& and appurtenances thereunto belong ing or appertaining, being and situated in Dalles Cit, in Waco county, Oregon, to auti-Iv the sura of $2,4VX).60, with interest tneremi at the rate of 10 per cent, p ir annum hince December 10, 1&91, and the ; further sum cf C-9.55, cots of suit and accruing i costs herein toil 18th day of December, 1891. U. Li. VJA 1 .3, dl9 . .. Sheriff of Wasco O.untv, O . v, .. w,i ?. w. i . ?n a, 9 ' 7 1. SUMMONS. state of Oregon; County of Wasco f JUSTICE'S COURT, for the Precinct of Falls. Frank Bitifuhr, plaintiff, vs. James. Ityan, de fendant. Civil action to recover $243. . To James Kym, the above named defendant: In the name of the state of Orcsron, vou are hereby re quired to appear before the undersigned, a ju-tice oi the peace for the precinct aforesaid, on the 14th dry of Jauuary, 1892, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of the office of said justice, in said pre cinct, -o answer the above named plaintiff in a civil action. The defendant will take notice tha; if be fail to answer the complaint herein, the plaintiff will take judgment again -a him for two hundred and forty three dollars (243), and costs and diebursementi herein. This summons is published by order of the court this day made. Given in der my band tl is 21st day of November, a. u. i ay i. A. G. HALL, no28v Justice of the Peace. in--- Both the method and results when Synip of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts geutly yet promptly on the Jiidne3Ts, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem eflect'.tiuly, .dispels cold3, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs i3 the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- certable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its eflecto, its many excellent qualities' commend it to all. It is tor sale id oUc and $1 bottles by alJ leading druggist s. JVlanuiacturea only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FMNCISCO, CAL. 10UISVIUE. KY. HEW YORK. Ask my neents for W. L. nonorlan. Shoes. If not tor snle iu yonr place Rsk your acnier co seiiu lor cnrniogue, secure cue agency, ana eec tuem lor yon. 3-TAKE KO SlllSTlTCTE.O FKEE TO HIB TRIP WORLD'S FAI Commencing May 1, 1893. Administrator's Notice. IN the matter of the estate of James il. Muee, deceased . Notice if hereby given to all whom it my concern that the undersigned has been ftvP'" adminis trator of tho estate of , James U.M.-ee, deceased, by the honorable, the County Court of the county of Wasco, state of Oregon, on the 10th duv of Julv, A. D. 1691, and all bills due from the est tte must be prtt.ented to me within six months from data, ac companied byriri pr vouchers, ; end all debt due the estate will bts collected by me. - - WM. MIOIT tL, : ' Administrator of tho eatite of Jam-.1 M . Matree. deceased. - ' - decl2 The Dalles, D:c.l2. 1S01. Dissolution Notice. T iO WHOM IT MAY COJICEBS: The firm of Thompson & Farcrher bi dissolved partnership, Mr. F.irrher having disposed of his in tcreat in tne rtrra to ait. ueo'gre I . Thompson. All thoee indebted to the firm are requested to come forward ani settle all bills as Mr. Farther is about to leave the city. Mr. Thompsou will atsume all liabilities and collect all debts, and continue the business in his own name. ' GEO. T. THOMPSON, W. FAKGHEKt The Dall-i, Oct. So, 1891. WHY IS THE W. L, DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENTM EN : THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? 1 It Is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and easy, and because tee make more shoes of th is graae man any orner manujacrurer, equals nana sewed shoes eostlncr from 4.u0 to 8.1.00. tte OO Genuine Hand-sewed, the finest calf shoe ever offered for $5.00; equals French linporiea enoes wmca cose irom studio u.w. M OO Hand-Sewed Welt Shoe, fine calf. 35 sty 1 ish, comfortable and durable. Tbe best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from $6.00 to $9.00. CSQ 50 Police (Shoe; Farmers, Railroad Men POa and Letter Carrier 3 all wear them; fine calf. seamless, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten sion euge. une pair win wear a year. CO 50 fine calf; no better shoe ever offered at sV a mis price; one inai win cuaviuco uiutn who want a shoe for comfort and service. tr 2.t nnri '2.4UI Wnrkinfrmnn'o shoes 0&b are verv stronir and durable. Those whft have given them a trial will wear no other make. B-cAVC' e-fuu ana scnooi saoes are UUT O worn bvthe boys everywhere: thevsell on their merits, as the increasing sales show. oHiac 3.i.UU tmna-Heweo snoe, vest kuil Dongola, very stylish; equals i-Tenct Ladies' .50, $2.00 and Si. 75 shoe for Misses are Che best nneuongoia. styusnanaauraoie. Caution. See that W. L. Douglas' name aal price are atKtnped on tne bottom of each shoe. J- FREIMAN, AGENT, TIIE DALLES The Historv Company, of San Franci'co, Cal., (capital stock $500,000) the olih-st and largest pub-li-hiDir house on the Pacific coast, this day announce that ihey will give, abtolutely free, a. ticket to the World's Fair and relorn, iucludi.iir meals en route one werk (7 days), hotel accommodations, six admis sion litkete to the Exposition grounds, two tickets to leading I hica'o thettcrg. and such other privi leges as may injure a pleasant trip to deserving per sons who comply with their requirement?. NOTICE. Those desuin? to ga to the World's Fair and who could not otherwise oo so, can adurt-ss us at once lor full particu are. This offer does n ,t applv to per sons cf means who are in a position to lm'et the ex penses of sueh a trip themselves, tut to enterprising and iotLlli.'nit youiijr men an 1 women who cm ap prei iate such an opKrtunily and make the nioit of it. Teachers, clergymen, students, farmers' bright sons and daughters in fact any and all possessing energy, enterprise and charactor will be e igib e. ' THE CIIAXCK OV A UFK TI11E. Every younff man or woman ho desire to m to Chicago and see the won ters of the greatest e .hio ition the world has ever known, stonld addrets us at once. Such an opportunith is rarely offered, and the trip wilt be tne event of a lifetime to those who lio. Address THE HISTORY COMPANY, TI1K QISTOBY HUILU1'Q, ' No. 723 MARKET ST., SAX UtAXOISCO, CAL. To Young Housekeepers Free to all Brides ! "Vf OT1CE is hereby given to all the readers of this L paper and all their fri. nds an-i acquaintances throughout the United States and Vonada that THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whos address and j 10 cents to pay postage is teat to the public her witnin one year ircin tne date of their marriage. Persons sending for this present are requested to end O'py of a pner containine a notice of their marriage, or tomfl oilier evitie .ee that shall amount i to a reasonable proof that thev are entitled to the magazine under the above offtr. Adilresa, 'THE HOUSEHOLD," Brattleboro, Vt. THE DALLES Cigar Paetory, FACTORY NO. 105 pifRQ '16 Best Brands marnfact UlUnilO uret!, and onitas from all pails of the country tilled on the shortestnotioc. Tbe reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for tbe home manufactuaed article is increasing eyery day. dec24dy-tf A. ULRICH & SON. MAIER & BENTON, 3oooessors to A. Bettingen RETAILERS ANb JOBBERS l!f Hardware, Tinwire, Woodeaware, AND GRANITEWARE A complete line of Heating and Cook Stoves. Pumps Pipe Plumbers end bteam Fitters' Supplies; iou cuuiuicie stucx 01 1 arpenters , Blacksmiths' and. Farm ers Tools, AND SHELF HARDWARE. Al Tinniajr, Plumbimr and pipe work will be done on short notice. SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OR GE.EMAMi, CHA3. STUBLING, Prop. FOR THE PRESENT AT SO Second street. ffioes, tips and Cigars. All brands of Imported Liauors, Ale and Porter, land en aioe Key West Cigars. A hill line of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. "OLD GERMANIA," OO Second St. C. DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on sale the best Wines, Liquors, AND CIGAKS. Columbia Brewery Beer on Dranght. The finfst brands of Imported and Do mestic Cigars a specialty. an7-91dy LOUIS PAYETTE, (Successor to Payette & J Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER. Corner Second and Madison Sts. LUMBER Notice to Creditors. fOTICE is hereby niven that on the 30th day of il October, 1881. P. T bharo as. iirned to me for the benefit of all his creditors, in proportion to their reipective claims, all of his personal and real prop. erty. The creditors of said P. T. Sham are herehtr noti . fled to preisnt their claims against said assignor, auiy verinea, to me n my omc. in lianas City, vr. w torn inree montns rrom tne date oi this notice. ; DaUx) at Dalles .City, Oregon, December 12, 1891. . '-- J. W. CONDON,. decl2 . Assiarnee. " PIOIEEB QBOGEBT Wm. Butler & Co. have established a Lumber lard on '8 Front Street, Corner Jefferfton, SorthwctC r. Second and Wahinxton Stp. RnitflRH WlftW! mm, n Smccv'ois to George Ruch. Cheapest Place IS TBI BALLE8-PX1R The AU work work in iron or wool done in the neatest wanner. Anything in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machiuoiv lenaired in thtt most skill ul and wjrkmmlilte m-inur, mch21dw COAL! COAL! THE BEST Wellington, Eock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal. $12, sacked and delivered to any part Ot the city Li and Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.. Laso Office u Yascocver, Wash., - December 28, 1891. Notice Is hereby (riven that the followinir.namod settlers have filed notice of their intention to make final proof in support of their claims and that said proois will oe made Before W. R. Dunbar, Commie. sioner United States Circuit Court, district of Wash ington, at ooldendale, Wash., on February 26. 1392. '.Park S. Plummer, Homestead entry No 8118, In the fi actional KE1 sec iff o u cas., tt a. . Be names the following witnesses to Drove -his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said iana, viz: James L Syfert. John C Berrv. William Cnrnhnav William Tate, all ot Uartland P O, Washington. . Park S. Plummer, . Purchase Application, No 186, under sec 3 the Forfeiture Act of Sent 29. 1890. for- tha fnu-tin! n n j sec i, ip 3 , k is east, w M. He names tbe following witnesses to nrove his Annt.iminiia oloim ,n nA . - j , , . " w hum MuuiawHl UI NUU lUUU, James L 8yfert, Johii C Berry, William ov'tney WilUam Tate, all of Hartlaud P 0, Wash. . ;: William Tate, Purchase Application. No 34. under sec a FnrfpitnrA Act Sept 2, 1890, for the NW$ and WJ of NEi x 6,tp8N, E 14 east, W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his wuHiiuwH ,inni h, auu enmvauou ox said land, viz: James L Syfert, Park S Plummer. John C Berry. mu vi uwujuiu r j, nasn. James L. Syfert, ., Purchase Application. No 228. nnder nee II Forfeit ure Act sept zu, law, lor the fractional NWJ sec 7, He names the' following witnesses to nrove hl continuous claim to and cultivation of said land, William Tate. Park S Plummer. John r. TWr nmuMii vourtney, an oi nartiana tr u, Wash. ' jaiizKi junn u. UGUUUEUAN, Kegitter. W here may be found a com- plete stock of XCoucrli and Dressed Lum ber ,Ldltli &, SIiiii- eries, at All Kinds of Groceries, At Moody's Warehouse. Prices to Sui The pocket. Spocial atten tion given to orders from the country. FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit a share of the public pat ronage, and shall endeavor to irive entire satisfac tion to our customers both old and new. PRICES AT . American Market J. LAUEK, Prop. W.T.WISEMAN cce: or to J. H. McDonouh C-) DEALER IN Choice Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. 10o per CRANBERRIES, 50c per gallon. LEMONS, 25c per dozen. SALT SALMON, 10c per pound. ANDERSON'S MINCE MEAT, package. BOOTHS EASTERN OYSTERS, 75o per can. 74. SECOND STREET. WINK THE OTHER EYE. None bnt the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance driuks of all kinds. Corner of Court and Second streets. THE DALLES, OREGON. T. A. Van Norden, THE LEADING WATCH MAKER - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONf END FOR OUR CATALOGUE and PR'CCS ATLAS ENGINE ORKS, IN jIANAPOL-lbi. (I4D. JAS. FERGUSON, General Expressman ! S TACET SHOW, THE WATCfl MAKER Has opened np a Jewelry and Repair Shop for the Repairing of Watches, Clocks. Jewelry. Etc ALL Y70RK GUARANTEED. PECIAL ATTENTION PAID TO REPAIRING of Fine Watches. M r. Van Korden bas adopted system oi repairing Dy wucn oja ciocks, appar uy worn out, may te made serviceable tor year 103 SECOND STREET THE DALLES, C W. ADAMS, rheArtist ni i ewmake inanie vv yatr, .nsa an encounter witn a wild hog near tbe Lnmmi reservation on Thursday, says the Fairbayen Herat. He was hunting pheasant, and was only armed with a Bhotgnn, and when the mad beast made a dash at him he emptied the contents of his gun into its carcass. There was a genuine hog howl and the animal fled and Charlie felt more comfortable than before. Hunters tear a wild nog a great deal more than a bear. ' ' Duruisr u iTue. Washington, Jan.' 18. A minor is in circulation nere 10 Dignr mat me iotk- town bas been fired upon in tbe harbor of Valparaiso, by tbe Chilians It caused great excitement for a while, and frequent calls were made " apon tbe Associated Press to ascertain if there was any troth in it. When tbe story was. reported to Secretary Tracy be treated it very lightly, and added, be bad no news to communi cate to tbe press. - " The Mexican Kevolntlon Ended. IiAbedo, Jan. 10. me uarza revolu tion is believed bare to be at an end, for tbe present at least. Armed men re ported to be moving tbrougb tbe country are supposed to be Garza's forces going back borne. Benton Leader: G. C. Peck, postmaster at Lobster, writes us that Wm. W. Wilkin son, on Monday of last week, dropped dead while on his way from the po9toffice. .The old gentleman was accompanied by two neighbors, and near the residence of E. T). bkaggs at tbe- time, and. had then walked about three miles, when he pitched forward aod expired without ottering a word. . His sudden death was no doubt caused by heart disease, to which he bas been subject for years, and more particularly during the last year. air. wiiKinson was an old pioneer of Benton county, coming to Oregon in tbe 40's, and living in this county ever since, except a short time spent in the tjold mines of California. He has a half brother living near Corvallis, also a number of other rela tives, among- which is a daughter - at Junc tion City, a son at Coos bay and another sod living on Five rivers. No doubt all of the old-timers about this city will remember Mr. Wilkinson. Uotioe. We desire to return our sioccre thanks to our many friends for tbe favors we bave received while in) tbe drag business in this city, and take tbis opportunity to signify our appreciation of their liberal patronage." In this connection, we would bespeak for our successors,Messrs; Byrne, Helm & Co. a continuance of the same favors, knowing that in all 'matters satis faction will be guaranteed. - ' Mrs. C. E. Dunbah, By Bert Phelps, Manager. A Sonveiiir Thimble Free.; ANT LADY sending; at once the mines and ad dress of ten married ladv fiieuds or honse- keepers to whom we can send sample eopics of the most charming illustratei ladies' newspaper pub- lisnea to-aav, win receive an elegant soua Silver l vemr tnimDie. i ne - iames notorial weekly' The Palotuo Apple. . A new seedling apple of extreme hard iness baa been originated pear Colfaj and : A visit to tbe justice courts in this city furnish oo items to the reporter. All quiet and serene, and nothing occurs to mar tbe even flow of every-day life. There is no business of a nature with which to make an ilem of information for the reading pub lic Thus drys pass, and the ceaseless news- gatherer must fill the columns of tbe daily paper from an apparent vacuum. , the handsomest and most entertaining publication of Its dais and is becoming; universally popular with intelligent ladies in both Canada and the United States. Ii contains sixteen large pages, same size, aa ' 'Harrier's Bazaar" m nrnfiiiwt.v illrtRtnttAfl andcomes each week at only S2ayear. If you de sire m souvenir uumbie send names or those vou think would be interested in the "Ladies Weekly" and enclose fifteen U. 8. 2-cent stamps to cover ex penses of mailing, etc. Forward to-day. Address "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly," Canada Life Euildin' Torajto, Can. nv28w LtSo Omct at Vancouver, Wash., - November 6, 1891. Notice is herebv given that the foUnwino- nml settler has filed notice of her intention tn ma!in final proof ia support of her claim, and that said proof Will Ho muHa Wnra W H Tlnnka. : 2 I tnited States Circuit Court, district of Wax hi at Ooldendale, Wash oo December 29, 1891,. yii. r ELIZABETH E. STBUTHEBS, Hd. entrr No. 8121. for the Wi of NEli of SWJ4, and SEX of i. W, Sec 27, Tp 3 S, H 13 East che names tbe following witnesses to Drove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, raid land, viz: Richard :W. French. "James fiinnell. OmmW French, Nelson B. Brooks, all cf Hartland P. O. Wash. nl JOHN D. UEOGHEGAN, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Nov 17, 189L Notice is htreby gi en that the fil!owui7-nmiv settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said prf will be made before W. R. Dunbar, commissioner United States Circuit Court for District of Washing ton, at Ooldendale, Wash., on Jan 20, 1892, viz: WILIIAM VauVACTOR, Fjrchase Application No 188, under Bsc S Forfeit ure Act Sept 29,1890, for the NW1 Sec IS, Tp 3 north, range 13 east W. ii. . -He names the following witnesses to nmm htH continuous claim udou, tod cultivation of, said land, viz: ilelv'lle M Warner, Angus Campbell, Ceo O Lind say, of Hartland V u.. Wash,, and Nelson B isrooKs, oi uoiaenuaic, vasn. novzu JOHN D. UCOOHEQAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Optics ai Vakcodves, Wasbw Nov 17, 1891. Notice ia hereby given that the followinir-mmed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit Court, district of Washinirton. at Goldendale, Wash., on Jan 14, 1892, viz: - . DIETRICH STEGMAN, . Purchase Application No 194 under Sec 3 Forfeiture Act Seut 29. 1890. for the KWi and SWV See 33. Tp 3 nurth, range 14 east W. M. - He names the following witnesses to rove bis continuous claim to, Baid ianil, viz: . John a Harms. Deieven B Brooks. Wuliam Wil kinson, of Centerville P 0., Wash., and Azaiiah J. Pitman, of Hartland P O.. Wash. novao ( juua v. ukuuiikuan. Register. : NOTICE FOR RE-PUBLICATION. - Labd Omct atTbs Dllks, Oekooh, December 8. 1891. Notice is herebv given that the f jllowintr-named settler has filed notice of his inten lion to make final proof in support of his claim and that ai'l proof will ue maae Deiore tne register ana receiver at me Dalles, Or., on January 18, 1892, vis: FB ANK PEABODY, Hd." No. 3167. for lots 1. 2 and 8. and NEti SWv. Sec 18, Tp 2 S, R 15 E W M. He nmes the following witnesses -ti prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation or, said land, viz: ' ' - Polk Butler. James Moore, Embry Koore. Frits Claussen, all of Ninsene. Or. dec!2 juan w. lkwis, Kegister. ' Is now located at Goods hanled with-the greatest care to all parts of the city on short notice. - Leave orders with Fish & Eardon With Byrne. ists, successors Helm t Co., DiirjRjis and Chem- SECOND AND UNION II Corner Third and Washington Sts. Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef . . and Tongues And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlets in the market. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY Butler s Book. Fresh Vegetables on Sale at lfae Lowest Prices. Jeod&w Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. 810 EEWAED. T OST A BAY MAKE, three vears old, branded XJ something- similar to a Z on left shoulder; weight 1112 pounds. The above reward will be paid to any one giving me information that will lead to ner recovery. . JAAlbS jiuLCOKb. dec5 Condon, Or. 1,000 PAGES, 1 0 to 200 ORIGINAL ESGRAVING8, ELEGANT BINDINGS, PUBLISHED IN 8 LANGUAGES, POPULAR PRICES. First Edition, :-: 100,000 Copies. TUS OSLT ADTBTKimC WOEX BT ' GEN: BENJAMIN F. BUTLER Exclusive territory and libera terms triven to re liable mreciti. Accompany app ucation tor termor witn 92 lot prospectus. 77 Second Street, Ncx to 3chutx Jiutic3 Office, Kepairtna: a Specialty. He has saved some of hit, bet t, lea Jier out of the fire and will make the neatest boot or shoe of anyone in the cttv. L. P. OSTLUND out actor and Builder OCt21 THE J. DEWING CO., &..n Francisco, Cal. PAUL KEEFT & CO. DEALERS IN . Paints, Oils, (fc And the Host Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in - WALL PAPER I will fur.iish drafts ani estimates on all buildings. nweiuurs anu st. rei. Mr. Ostlund Is a practical mechanic and theiDlana drafted by him wilt prove ar.istic, cheap and dura- Die. WatchmakeF Jind Jeweler. At Ullrich & Son's Cigar Factory, Comer Main and Court Sts- TIIK. DAILY AND WEEKLY Times-Mountaineer -THE- LEADING PAPER OF WASCO COUNTY Full Report of Local Happenings and General News. REPUBLICAN IN POLITICS, Bat is not owned orcontrolled by any . clique or ring. Always takes a Determined Stand on all public questions, AND. EXPRESSES ITS OPINION REGARDLESS OP CONSEQUENCES. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: DAILY! PER TEAR. PER MONTH, by carrier PER WEEK, SINGLE COPT .$6 00 . 60 IS . OS WlfiEItLY: ONE TEAR SJV MONTHS... .13 00 . 1 00 ALL KINDS OF JOB PRINTING THE mm mm ou c4 - . srstr f8!H- . . j-rar !t bHnp; uiboc by John It oodriu,lrojrJ4.iit work for m. )tadr. ytu nty nut titake a much, but w cat. icstii jnamncn now to rm rn from rt t " rty at the aiart. and mom as you go on. aeaea, all arr. Iu an vart of 4inr:oa, you rau euuiuiencc at honia, rir-iita- all your liiuerauHre momrau nnivm cviiyihinir. EASILY, Sl'EElULT rranini Practical Painters and Paper Hang-era. None but tbe best brands of the Sherwin-Williams P. tint used ia all our work, and none but the moat skilled workmen employed. AU orders will be promptly a6benuea V". Shop adjoining Red Front Grocery, THIRD STREET, THE DA-O-cs. tcn i-eearnrtl atourTFIFlinaorwi-i. ' ru iilty aud b.. Monthly, by thus ol m.iiT x. Minns r old.aod in lh ov.'uiot-siutiri.ttiiftrref ibey live. Aim j.jiir aiare iiu michib, all yo::r time t ii..- work. Tin i n rtitiraiy new iCiia,ni cnii;- m Of .dcrml ttn tn vxtrr roi kr. L-aiuners are eamiiip iixm (a to iFaO pt-nvcek and opwaitia, and more after a liuie cipensnc". We can fumih you tbe tm- ploymentaod trath yea HfLE. So tpticeto exnlnin here. Full F. W. BOLD, Blacksffiitl. and Wagon-Maker! At Tionipsan's old stand, 193 Tni.-J St DONE NEATLY WANTED. T0TS. nhvaicallv sonnd. of mod moral character. D 16 rears of aee or over, and not less than Am reei in neujnt, to join uia department of tne Facifle, National Cadets. United 8tates Lt America. Pull parUcD'ars can be obtained by applying to wu. fi. x. WEHBISK, deol : 2236 Curtis street, Denver, CoL JAMES WHITE'S LUNCH COUNTER. In connection with my Fiuit Stand, on Second St.. near the corner of Madison, I bave opened a lunch .viii nter. and can serve to customers sandwiches pigs' feet, oysters, coffee and tea. To is is conveni ent to the passenger depot. Have vlio Qalifom' orange cider, and the best apple cider. - no26 - ftnita; iiittf rumtbbvetWninarTf at w,,nt ttjr us Itv Anna I'airr, Aimiui, St-'.t-Tii . an.) J,i0. Jtonu, loledo, Ohio. ' ' 7. tiT'ee CHt. UlLmarrdninruwr r W 1V 4'?,ljt 'uu? Lottie rani over fSUO.CU a p"- i canuo rue worn ana lira fat bome, wkrrvrer ou are. Even bc- "Ifr a-inner are cnsilr earnine; froco to rLt JT iUai(nv. All mm U.l. . Kw and atart yon. Can work In Mnrr time ail the lime. Ilir tnonev for work era. . Failure unknown araottr lb-m. NhW lldwnndffl'lll. Psirtloi.lnfrn B-liAllettafe Cks1Box HOPurtltta(l,ltiDa BUCKSMITHINC OF ALL KINDS AND CHEAPLY. WOOD-WORK ef all kinds, repairing and making anyuung, irom a wneelbarrow to a carriage. HORSE-SHOEING A SECIALTT. m 4d-w For Sale or Lease. rt KVENTY-F1 VE feet of ground fronting on Sec ond street, lietneon eueraljind Lauglilm. Apply at tbis office. I ENMYROYAL PILLS UrvttiMt far C3biK(r a mltaM war. wkondBrmmdin UA and GoU netallkV exea. aeaJastl wiLh bine nrooa. i ina vnmmnd imitation. At, Draggirta, ar aend 4a. m www mSx Lam atffer in atamna fbr "RelleT fcr tdlM." Utur. bj retva WmlL lO.OAO TuUmoalKl. XmAm OalektterOkSBlesaCslas4ln '' A'l kinds of Watclies repaired vtiih neat ness and dispatch. HILL, O'MALLEY & CO. THE LEADING Architects and Builders Office In Skibbe's Brick, THE DALLES, OREGON. Will take cmtraeti and cations for alt builuinirs, frame, terials imnjsoeu l( needed. furnish plans and specifl oncK or none. II 1 IXaVaVJ A XII a JJ1I I STILL CONTINUES The Most Popular Fanfly Newspaper in the West. IT IS THE BE3 NEWSPAPER FOB THE HOME THE "WORKSHOP, oh THE BUSINESS OFFICE poh THE PROFESSIONAL, MAN, THE WORKLNGMAN. oh THE POLITICIAN. IT IS A REPUBLIC AN NEWBPAPER, and as such la ably conductsd. nomberlnp; among Its writers the ablest in tbo country. It publishes ALL , THE NEWS, and keeps Its readers perfectly posted on Important events all over the world. Its LITliRAHT FEATURES are egual to those of ths best magaUnes. Amono Its contributors are W. D HO WELLS, FEAMZ H. STOCEI ON, MK8. ESUJE.QN J?UHNETTJL MARK TWAIN. BRET HARTE, MAU RICE THOMPSON, AW. TOUROEE. ROBERT LOUTS BTEVENoON. HUD. JA5.D KLPLTNO. SHIRLEY' DARE, MART HART WELL CATHERWOOD, J9?Ji.cS'?,PIiEEHAHBIS- on(1 mny others of SOUND UTERA-RV1 FAME. It will thus be man that THE INTER OCEAN pubUahes THE BEST STORIES AND SKETCHES IN THE LANGUAGE. Its FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CORRESPONDENCE la very extensive and the best. The Youth's Department, Curiosity Shop, Woman's Einpdom & The Home Are Better than a Magazine for the Family . On olthe Most Important Features Is tba Department ot FARM AND FARMERS. Edited by EX -GOV. W. T. HOARD of Wisconsin. Editor and Proprietor of Hoard's Dairyman." This is anewjAuure and an important one tQ Atjrl. culturiata. i ' AN ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT ' Has also been opened for the special purpose of discussing th Questions now agitating the farmers of the country. x THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN" Is One Dollar per Year, postage paid. THE .-. SEMI-WEEKLY ,-. INTER .-. OCEAN Is published every Monday aad Thursday at $2.00 par year, postpaid The DAILY INTER OCEAN is $6.00 pcjstaoe paid The SUNDAY INTER OCEAN is 2.00 poItaeVaiii Liberal Terms to Active Ajents. Send for Sample Copy. Adess THE INTER OCEAN, Chicafld. WACO A LOOTS ......anu EUREKA RESTAURANT r. W. L. 8KIBBE, PROP. i High Grade of Wines, Liqnors & Cigars L:U:N:C:H:E:S -Fkl Cor. Secoud and Madi&on, near assensr"r di poU mv4d- yAUGHAN'S "GARDENING ILLUSTRATED" For 189a is a beautiful book of one hundred pages, elegantly printed, with true Photo-Engravings, Colored Plate, and plain, reasonable descriptions of all subjects indicated by its name. It is a Mirror of American Horticulture to date reflecting the very complete supply of Seeds, Planta and Flowers of oar Stores and Greenhouses. IX TE1.I.H THIS WHOLE STORY IT for the Garden, Lawn and Farm with all additions to date. For 24c. (ia a-cent stamps) we mail one bulb each Jacobian Scarlet Lily and new Tuberous Begonia. Our BOOK with each of these offers. For 40c. we mail one plant Grand Chrysanthemum Waban, (see cut) the seusation of this season's flower shows, mammoth pink flowers ten wasam cwraumumua. inches in diameter, mrntioh this rAPKR. waiTR mow. VAUGHAN'S SEED STORE, vtZL&Zlt CHICAGO.