; TELEGflAPHIO JtEWS. " ' rartienlars of a Crime. t Sachamenko, Dec. 20. The particu lars of the murder of Cbris 'Westenfeld by Henry Shradder on the Hanson ranch, near Haogtown crossing, last Wednes day, have just reached here. Both We ten it Id and Sucaddei were employed on the Hanson " ranch. Wednesday - tl-.ey were' working at grabbing, when they disagreed and finally came to blows. During the row Sbradder was cut cio?s the back of tbe rtgbt hand with an az. After the fight Westenfeld went to the house and began to pack up his things, . telling Mrs. Hauson that he proposed to , -leave tbe premises, us he desired no fur ther trouble with Sbradder. Mrs. Hm son asked bim to remain and see her bus band, and Westenfeld consented and went out -into the yard to await the rancher's coming. He had no been there a minute, lira. Hanson says, before Sbradder rushed into the hoiue exsla'.m ing: "Where is he? I am going to murder . bim I He looked wildly around as if In search of a gun, but, seeing none, cUrtctl from the bouse again. Mrs. Hansou went ; to the door and shouted to Weston feld to . look oat for bimself. Tbe Utter seized bis blan'cets and started on a run. 8brad der drawing his pocket knife nv,d giinsi in oursuit. It was a race Inr life or death, but Westerfeld was handicapped by his bundle of blankets and Shradder was soon upon bim. When in reaching distance Shradder li'ted h s knife and struck Westenfeld in the back, the blade entering to the bilt, just below the right shoulder blade. Shradder then left, the ranch, and the authorities have as yet been uraole to find mm. Westenfeld a led a iew minutes alter receiving bis wound, A Sad HiKht. Loa Akqeles, Cal., Dec. 17 W. Bert MacGregor, who for some months past ' baa been employed as a reporter on tbe papers in tbis city and San Diego, ennv mitted suicide to day at the hotel ' Ponoma by. taking morphine. MacGre gor came from San Bernadino Christmas day, where be had been working for several weeks and took dinner at 6 o'clock with friends in this city. Yester day about 10 o'cljrk he engaged a loom at the Ramooa, !.: d nothing more was known concernii ;r bim until this alter- noon, when tbe roor ot his room was forced open, and I e was discovered lying in bed dead. AT-ung girl, Leab Benja min. was also ly. ig in bed unconecious from morphiup. Physicians were ca led in and restoratives applied, and at a late hour to mgot it looked as though she would recover. Two empty morphine phials were fouud on tbe tabic, and two small wine glasses, in which poison had . been mixed. MacGregor left a letter to tbe coroner, savins be and tbe.girl hud taken poison with suicidal intent, and , asking that no autopsy be held Mac Gregor and the girl, who is only 17 years of afje, were engaged to be married. MacGregor came to the coast about two years ago from Chicago, where his fanr v reside. It has been ascertained that MacGregor and tbe girl were sccretlv married two months ago, and in a lettor left by the girl she says tbe secret was too great for ber to bear. , liost Him Eycslsht. London, ' Dec. 28. The iDiurics from which Ptince Christian of Schleswig Holstein Souderburg is suffering are the result of an accident. The queen and members of tbe royal family were spend ing the Christmas holidays at Osborne j . House. Isle of Wight. Tbe day before Christmas the party was hunt; Dir. The birds rote between tbe Duke ot Con- naught aod Prince Christian. Tbe former fired, but nofortuaalely did not aim high enough. Three shots entered rnnce Christian's face, destroying one eye. One pellet entered at the top ot the prince's eyelid and descended to the back of the eyeball, causing acute pain until tbe eye was removed. The shooting was purely accidental, and it is uncertain trom whose gun the pellets came, al though the Duke ot Connaugbt is believed to have fired them. Tbe wonnds in tbe prince's face frem tbe other pellets show tbe shot was almost spent, and had glanced from the bough of a tree. Prince Christian is cheerful and able to walk about the room. ' Tales of the Sterna. San Francisco, Dec. 28 Tbe steamers Oregon and Columbia, from Portland and Astoria, arrived in port this morning' after long, rough trips down the coast. Both vessels. encountered tbe fall force of the storm which has been raging for tbe past week. Saturday afternoon a huge wr.ve pitched over tbe Oregon1 shows, smashing in the windows ot the pilot-house, break ing tbe skylight over tbe forward batch and breaking in the forward companion- - way 10 the lower deck. The Oregon will sail again to Morrow morning at 10 o'clock. Tbe officers are rushing things in order to discharge cargo and freight. She was 102 boars making tbe usual run of forty-eight boors. After leaving tbe Oregon a number of passengers met and adopted resolutions highly compli . mentary to Captain Poleman. 'The Col umbia came into port abont eight hours ahead of the Oregon. When off Cape Blanco Christmas night, an immense sea dropped on board over tbe bow. It smashed in the port and starboard iron plate bulwarks, and carried away eyery vestige ot tbe forward rail on both sides. Joining tbe 3f exlran Insurgents. Brownsville, Tex., Dec. 28 It is re ported that a party of armed men are camped near Tampaqnez ranch on ihe dividing line of Cameron and Hidalgo connties. ' They are under tbe command of Francesco Aredandos, a deserter from . tbe Mexican army, and it is supposed tbey intend joining tbe Garza outlaws. Alamo, the Mexican who committed two murders on Padro island, Texas, and who was arrested by tbe Mexican authorities. and was being held pending the issue of ' extradi'ion papers,, escaped with five ctbers from the Matamoras jail last night, ana crossed .tne river to Texas to join Arcdando's band. Garza's men are re ported biding in a chaparral. A Strange Fire. . Walla Walla, Dec. 28 Lit3 this evening there was an alarm of ore from the northeastern part of the chv The residence of T. J. Clancy was totally des troyed. Loss, 2000; to Insurance. The fire is thought to have been the wnrk of an inceudiary. A crash was heard up stairs and a young man- ran up, who found tbe room in flimes. One window toward the street had a sash broken, as though a heavy object bad been thrown through it, which caused the fire. The matter is being investigated. Snow in the Cascades. Tacoma, Dec. 23. Since Christmas six and a balf feet of show have fallen in tbe Cascade mountain, makiog one of the largest snow falls in years. Travelers and railroad men say that the snow is from six to eight feet in the mountain district. - Northern Pacific trains are all t' running on time so far, tbe regular ser vice being made possible by the constant use of large snow plow. In thi way it is believed that a blockade will be prevented. Mexican lnsnrgentd. Washington, Dec. 28 Acting Secre tary Grant said to day that be regarded the situation on tbe Mexican frontier as serious, and that the department was exerting itself to prevent farther viola tions of the neutrality laws by Garcia's hand of revolutionists. If necessary to prevent tbese men from crossing back wards and forwards betwesn Mexico and tbe United States, the entire military iorce under General Staglej's command will be distributed along the north bank of tbe Rio Grande. It is said at tbe war department Garcia's movement is gain ing strength, notwithstanding tbe efforts of tbe Uni ed States and Mexicaa troops to restrain it. Inasmuch as the Rio Grande is fordable stveo months in the year, and ha revolutionists have many friends on each side of tne river, who keep them advised promptly of every move of the government forces, the task before General Stanley s troops et pre venting them from crossing is full of difficulty,. In Kittitas County. Clk Eldm, Wash., Due. 28 The pros peels are that this section will experience the greatest depth of snow in several year9. At Fish lake, twenty. mites above here, the snow 13 eleven feet deep on the level. At Lake Cle Glum, it is eight feet. at .canton seven feet, and at this point about two and a halt feet. Snow is still falling and slightly drifting. GE00E. COUJJTY Ileum aY'rom the Colarans Ochoca Review. of the Winter has overtaken ns at last. The ground is covered with snow, and the pros pects are favorable for more. Stage drivers between here and The Dalles report roads in bad condition, and in consequence arrive here at a late hour. To-day Recorder Summers imposed a fine of $10 and costs ou a party for carrying con cealed weapons. Others in the habit of carrying "guns" had as well lay them aside and avoid a like penalty. Rather a peculiar feature of Inst Mon day's election is that nil of the newly-elect- ec town officials are Republicans. Politics, however, cut no figure in the election, vot ers only expressed their choice of men. Mrs. VV. H. leek, of Haystack, has a turkey heu that will prove a fortune. Since last March she has laid eeveuty-two eugs and raised a dozen young turkeys. A small flock of such proline fowls would support an ordinary family. J. F. Moore returned ou Christmas day from his ranch on Deschutes, lie says there is but little enow on the range, and he found his horses doing well. Air. Moore said the stock of all kinds on the range looked ic excellent condition. Mr. MacEachern, of tbe firm of MacEach. ern & MacLeod, of The Dulles, willbe here eometimo during next month to attend to the settling" up of the estate ot the late Alexander Fmlayson. It is understood Mr. Finlayeou left a will which will be admitted to probate. Tbe deputy sheriff from Harney county was in town last Saturday with subposaias tor some of Crook county's residents. They were wanted as witnessed in the contested election regarding the county seat. He also held warrants of arrest for a few in dividuals of this couuty for fraudulent vot ing in the late contested county seat ques tion. Among the number was Thomas Pro tili who expressed his willingness to no to Harney, but Sheriff Booth was too much attached to him to spare him for that length of time. Scout: . At last it seems there is to be some light thrown upon the manner in which the estate of John MeCann, who died several years ago in Union county, has been administered upon. At the time of Mc- Cann's death his estate was appraised at $16,000. The county court for Union ap pointed as administrators of said estate, W. H. Huffman and John A. Tucker, for the personal property of the deceased, and Willia Skiff for the partnership property of McCann and Skiff. Since that time it is said naraccounting has been rendered by the administrators, Willis Skiff having mys teriously disappeared in the spring of 1886, the particulars of which are familiar to ua all. McCann died intestate and as far aa is known without having any relatives,. and his estate in consequence reverts to the state. Accordingly Gov, Peonoyer has ap pointed Glenn O. Holman, the well known attorney t as special attorney of the state, together with District Attorney Hyde, to inquire into the matter. In consequence an action has been commenced in the county court of Union county against the adminis trators and the case will be heard at the January term. Statesman: Application was made to Gov. fennoyer for a commutation to life im prisonment of Ming How, the Chinatnan who is sentenced to be hanged for the mur der of a fellow Celestial in Grant county. But the governor refuted to interfere and the law will take its course on January 8th next. Tbe governor has "on tile in his office a remonstrance to the petition for ezecntiye clemency and this document is perhaps about the most curious one that eyer found its way into the oliioe of Oregon's chief ex ecutive. The remonstrance asks the en forcement ot the deatn sentence and con tains the sixnatures of seventy-three China men of Giant county. The signers are all merchants and miners of that county. These names are written in Chinese with their English significance accompanying. Among the signers are Man Ark, Yee Pok, Hog One, Man Bun, Duck On, Ah Jim, Man Sing, Ah Hang but it is a waste of space to enumerate them. The last name mentioned is full of meaning, especially to Ming How, who will test the hempen cord iu a few weeks. Loug Creek Eagle: The Eagle bus been apprised of the fact that horse thiei-es have been operating during the past year in dif ferent sections of Northern Grant. It baa come td liuht thai in oue instance a band of about twenty iiead of horses were driven to Fortland where tbey were advertised for sale. But the parties mistrusting that they were watched by the authorities, never put in an appearance on the appointed day aod the animals were all held for stable bills due on them. The Eagle was the recipient ot a call this week from one of our well-to- ranchers, who was out some horses in the transaction, wno inioimeu us mat he ex pected to investigate the matter and brine the criminals ta justice. - The firm of Byrne, Helm & Co., on tbe 1st of January will take possession of the drag store formerly owned by Mrs. C. E. Dunham. Individually the new firm are S. A. Byrne, a graduate of an Ontario col- Leg6 of pharmacy, and a thorough chemist, E. W. Helm and Stacy Shown. These gentlemen are well known to our citizens, and their reputations for fair dealings are established in tbis community. They start in business with tbe most encouraging pros pects, ana we nave no aouut they wilt be succe-sful. Mr. Byrne will attend to the prescription business, with which he is thoroughly acau ainted. Letters Adrertised. The following is the list of letters re maining in The Dalles postoffice uncalled j for Saturday, December 26, 1891. Persons calling for these letters will please (rive the date on which they were advertised. Chester, Geo (2) Dyer, G Fraser, John S Franklin, G B Fouger, Mrs Robert Hagel, J Howard, Mrs P Jobnson, Albert Johnson, Nell Jones, Joseph Martin, C N Moore, C H Moon, G L Mysing, Geo A H McDowell, Miss Ollie McCanley. Geo Notsoo, H C Nichols, I Nenfild, Susan Ray, Roell P Stewart, B Walker.Mias Georgia VYataou, John Westcott, Daane M. T. Nolan. P. M. Legal Notices. PKOPOSALS FOR Flour, Bran and Feed. U. S. INDIAN SERVICE, WARM SPRINGS AGENCY. OREGON, November 2 , 1891. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Pruposala fur flour, etc.," us tbe cane may be, and addressed to the an-de'8-gtied at W.irm Springs, Croulc i-nunty, O.egon, will lie received at I he ialles or ai this agency, un til 1 o'clock P. M. of January 5th, 1892, for furnishirg- and deHverintf at this agency about 50 00 pounds nf Hour, 30,000 pounds of Bran, and 50.000 pounds nf Feed. Fted must be o' clear oats and barley, fresh rolled an t of good, sound grain. Bran must be of good qua'ity bran and shorts mixed. Flour must be what is known aa "straight full stock," nf goud, gound wheat, grown in the section of country contiguous to tho place of delivery; 60 pounds of wheit to be ground down to 42 pound of flour; no patents taken out; samples of not less than 10 pounds must be furnished by bidders. Delivery to be made in such quantities aa may be required. The rucht is reserved to reject any or all bids, or any part of any bid. if deemed for the best interest of the service. Of the above there is to he delivered at the Slne masho hchool, located twenty milea noith of the Airency, about 20.00 pounds of Flour, 15,000 pounds ot Br..n. 25.000 pounds of Feed; aud at the Agency. 30,0(i0 pounds of Hour, 15,000 poundt of Bran, 2a, OO.t pounds of Feed. Bidders must state specifically in tbeir bids tbe proposed price of each article offered for delivery unitr a contract CERTIFIED CHECKS. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some Un ted States oepnsitory or solv nt national bank in tbe vicinity of the residence of the bidder, made payable to the ord-r of the Com missioner of Indian Affairs for at least five per cent oi the amount of tbe proposal which check or draft will he to-feited to the United stales in case any bidder or bidders receiving an award halt fail to promptly execute a contract, with good and suffi cient sureties, otherwise to be returned to the hid der. BUs accompan ed by casa iu lieu uf a certified check wdl not be considered. for further particulars apply to J. C. LUCKEY, nov23 U. S. Indian Agent. Sheriff's Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon for Wasco County. J B Condon, Plaintiff, vs. George Will ams, as Administrator of the estate of ljouiae liolaslein. deceattea, and 1'iara b. scnu'ze, Charles F. Michelbach, Louis H. Micbelbath, Will- lam J. altchelbaca and Cecilia M. Michelbach, de- tendants. By virtue of an execution and order of sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco eountv. on the 14tn day or December, imii upon a iudirment and an order of sale rendered in favnrof the above-named ptnintiff and nirainst the acove-uame-1 defendants for the sum hereinafter set forth, which decree, among oth r thinss, ordered the sale ot tne lands neivinamr described, to aatisrysaia sum, 1 did levy upon and win sell oa Saturday, the 30th day of January, 1892, At the court bouse uoor in Dalles City, in eaid county and Ftato, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day. at public auc iou to the biirhe-t bidder for cash in hand, subject to redemption, all of the following described land, to-wit: A certain niece or parcel of laud, situated at the southwest corner of block O, in Trevitt's addition to Dalles City, regon, an being eighty four (84) feet in widtn un ti or rourtn street, ana one nunareu and twelve (112) feet in depth on Garrison street in said Dalles City, and being the same property con veyed by Ihomaa bmitn and wiro to John Michel ba-h, if date Kebiuary 11, 1869, and conveyed bv John Hithelhach to Louise Michelbach. of date Dec ember 31, 1887, and situated in raid Trevitt's addi tion to Dalles City, in Wasco oounty, ttate ot Ore- iron, together with all and smgmar toe tenement, heredita"nnta.anu appurtenances thereunto belong ing or appertaining, being and situated in Dalles Cits , in Wasco county. Oregon, to satisfy tbe sum of $2,490.60, with interest tnereon at the rate of 10 per cent. p-r annum -nice December iu. lew, ana tne further sum of $49.56, coats of suit and accruing costs nerein. Dated this 18th day ot December, 1891. D. L CATE3, dlS Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. SUMMONS. V STATE OF OREGON I County of Wasco f JUSTICE'S COURT, for the Precinct of Falls. Frank Batifuhr, plaintiff, vs. James Ryan, de fendant. Civil action to recover (243. To James Ryan, tbe above named defendant: In the name nf the state of Oregon, yon are hereby re quired to appear before the undersigned, a ju-tice oi the peace for tha precinct aforesaid, on the 14th day of Jauuary, 1892, at 1 o'clock m tbe afternoon of aid d y, at the office of said justice, in said p re el net, to answer the above namea piaintux in a civil action Tbe defendant will take notice tha. If he fail to answer tb6 complaint herein, the plaintiff will take judgment again-tt him for two hundred and forty- tnree uoiiara lewsi, ana costs ana aisoursemenw herein. This summons Is published by order of tbe court this day made. Given under my hand ttis 21st day of November, A. G. HALL, &ov28 Justice of the feace. Executrix' Notice of Final Settlement. fTlHE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that one dub uieu in tne oiuob or tna ixiancy uierK of Wasou county, Oregon, her final acoount in the matter of tbe e&tate ox Charles Hmry ttaynes, de ceased, and that tbe Houorabe G. N. Thorn bury. ouuoty Judafe ot said oounty, has made an order that aid final account, and tbe settlement of tbe estate, as wen as any objections tn-jreto, ena'i De neard at 10 o'clock a. a. on the 6th diy of January, 1892 that beintr the aecoud day of the next regular Jann- ary term of said oounty court for the year 1892, pur suant to aid order, in the oounty court room in t ie courthouse of said eountv in Dalles City, Oregon . All persons interested in said estate are hereby noti fied to Doer at said time and nlaoe and show cause, if any there, be. why said acoount aud report should not be approved and allowed. llated tnla WKb day of November, 1891 . KL1ZABKTH J. UaTNES. Executrix with tbe will annexed of the estate of Charles Henry Hay ties, deceased, uonaon oona jn, attorneys lor tne estate. tailor's Notice'of Final StttIement. NOTICE Is hereby given that George Rucn, exe cutor of the eotate ol Wi liam Hannan, de ceised, haa filed hu final account in said esate, and that the 6tn day or January. lbVl. at 10 o'clock A M. of said day, has been appointed aa the time for bearinc: said final account and report, a nd that the neannir win oe naa tnereor. togeiner witn anv od- jectioos thereto, if any are made, before tbe Hon. C. is. jnornoun, county juage, at tne county eourt room oi tne county court bouse in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon. ah persons inters ted In said estate are hereby notified to appear at sail time aud.plaee. and show cause, if any there be, uby saiil account should not be in all things approved and allowed. TnN notice is published by oider of Hon. C. N. Thornbury, Judge of tbe County court of the btate of Oregon foi Wsco county, of date M avembor 4th, 18W. - Dated Nor. 14, 1891. UEOKGE KUCH, Executor with the will annexed of the estate of William Harman, deceased. Cos don & Cokdom, All' a for the estate. nl4-6t Administrator's Notice. In the matter of tbe estate of Geo. T. Brickell, de ceased. - 'VfOTICE is hereby given to all whom it may con cern. that tbo undersigned has fil d bis final account in the above estate , and that Monday, the 4lh day of January , 188 ', at the h jurof 2 o'clock f. M. of said d y, the county court room in the court house in Dalles City, Wsco county. Ore i on, is tbe time aud place fi ed by the Hon. C. N Thorn- bury, tbe county judge of said county and state, for cne hearing oi objections to said account. uaten uctotwr so. J. u. tsui(Jlvt.L,L,. Administrator of the estate of Geo. T. Brickell. aeceaseu. Dufur, Watklca & Menefee. attornavs for admin strator. nv21 Administrator's Notice. IN the matter of the estate ot James U. llagee, deceased. . , .notice u hereby given to all hnm it may concern that the uii-eraiirned has been appointed adminis trator n tne estate oi James . juajree, ueoeasea. by the honorable, tbe County Court of the eountv of Wasco, state of Oretron. on tbe 19th dav of Julv. A. D. Ie9l, and all bills due from the est.te must be presented to me witnin six months from date, ac companied by druper vouchers,; and all debts due tbe estate wiU be collected by me. wm. mk:h l.i. Administrator of the estate of James M alafiree. aeceased. . deelz Tbe Dalles, Dec 12, 1891. Dissolution Notice. IJIO WHOM IT MAY COi.CRN: Tbe nrm of Thompson as Fanrher has dissolved partnership, Mr. Fargher having disposed of his in terest in the firm to Mr. Geo- ge T. Thompson. All those indebted to the firm are requested to come forward an i settle all bills ai Mr. Fargher is about to leave the city. Mr. Thompson will assume ail liabilities and collect all debts, and continue the business in his own name. GEO. T. THOMPSON, W. FAKCHEK. The Dalles, Oct. So, 1891. Notice to Creditors. OTICE Is hen by given that on the 30th day of Xl October, lb91, P. T ohaip asiirned to me for tbe benefit of all his creditors, in proportion to their rest ectiye claims, all of bis personal and real prop erty. The creditors of said P. T. Sharp are hereby noti fled to present tbeir claims auainat saia assifrxor. duiy verified, to me at my office in Dallas City, Or, wiuuu inree monins rrom tne oate t-i tnia notice. Datdd at Dalles City, Oregon, December 12, 1891. J. w. IAIKL1UA, dec!2 Assignee. Sealed Proposals WILL BB RECEIVED at the Clerk's office at the oourt bouse tintii January 6th. 1892. for the pnrpose ot furnishinc the eountv with the necesaarv election booths. Tbe court reserves the right to re ject anv and all bids. ay oraer of fae county court. O. N. THORNBURY. Judro. J. B. Ocssaa, Clerk. tbW Land Notice. NOTICE FOR KE-PUBLICATION. Lasd Omci at Tbi Dillis, Oreooh, Decem-jer 8. l9l. Notice is hereby given that the f jllowing-named settler has filed notic - of his intent ion to make final proof in support of his claim and that sal'1 proof will be made beiore the register and receiver at 'ihe IMlles, Or., un January lo, lsuz, iz: FHANK PEA BODY, Hd. No. 3167, for lots 1, ! and S, and NEJ SW , Sec IS, Tp 2 a, It 15 E W U. He names the foilowimr witnesses to prove hit continuous residence upon, and cultivation ot, said land, m: Polk Butler, James Moore, Embry Moore, Fritz Claussen, all oi At .nseue. or. decli JOHN W. LEWIS, Regi-ter. NOTICE FOR FUBUCATION. Land Officb a t Tub Dalles. Or., November 1. 18U1. Notice is hereby given that tne following named settler baa filed notice of his intention to makt final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver ot tne u. o. lanu omce at ine ianea, or., on uan. 7, lbU2, viz: RICHARD SIGMAN. Homestead No. SS00, for the S N tj and Y SE4 bee 14. Td 1 south, ran .re 13 east W al.. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi saio land, viz: Malcolm A Moody, A A Bonney, Rodert Mays and W H Butts, ail of ihe UaKes, or. noviO JoH.N W. LEWIS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Omca ai Vancouver Wash. Nov 17. 1891. Notice is hereby given that the fotlowing-nimed settler has filed notice of his int. ntion to make final oro f in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made htfore W . K. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit Court. disUict of W shington, at uoidenoaie, wasn., oi Jau 14, lsttt, viz: DIETRICH STEGMAJf, Purchase Application No lw4 under Sec 3 Forfeiture Act sept z, ibw lor tne nw) ana SWJt bee: To 3 n rth. range 14 east W. M. lie namea the following witnesses to prove Ms cuuiauiiuu claim I.J, saiu lan , viz: John 11 har s, Deleven E Brook, William Wil kinson, of Centemlle P O., Wash,, and Azaiiab J ritman, oi uartiana r u., wasn. nov20 JOHN D GE JOHEOAN. Rfjrister. NOT1CIS FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Nov 17, 1S91. Notice is h- reby giien that tbe fol owing-named aettl. r has filed uotice of his intention to make flul proof in support of his claim, and that Raid prxif will oe made beiore w. K. loinbar, conimisuoner United stat-e Circuit Court for Ditnct of Wsshinir- ton, at Goldendale, Wash., on Jan 20, 1892, viz: WILLIAM Vas VACTOR, Purchase Application No 183, under Sdc 3 Forfeit ure Act Sept 29, 189 for tbe NWJ Sac 15, Tp3 north, ranire 13 east W. H. He mimes the following witnesses to proveliis continuous Claim upon, alio cultivation oi, said land, viz: Melvlle H Warner. Angus Campbell, Geo G Lind say, of Hartland t u.. Wasn,, aud Nelson B Biookfl. of Gulaendalc, Wash. novzO JOHN D. GCOGHEGAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Officb at Vancouver, Wash., November 6. 1891. Notice is hereby giren that the following named settler has filed notice nf her intention to make final prooi in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before W. B. Dunbar, Commiasioner United States Circuit Cunrt, district or Washington, at Goldendale, Wash., on December 29, 1891, viz. ELIZABETH E. STRUTHERS, Hd. entry No. 8121. for tho WJ of BE4, HE of aw '4, and HE! of a w;4, sec 27, JJ 3 n, K 13 isast Willamette Meridian. sbe names tbe following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation ol, faiu land, viz: Richard W French. James Binnell, George W. French, Nelson B, Brooks, all of Hartland V. U. Wash. nil JOHN D. GEoGHEGAN, Register Stockholders' Meeting. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders nf tbe First Natiooal Bank of Th Dalies will be held at the office of caid bank -n Tuesday, Januiry 12th, U992, at 10 A. M., for the election of directors lor tne ensuing ear. 11. m. ise.AL.Lj, Cashier. The Dalles, Or , Dec. 12. 1891. dolu-4t 1 Souvenir Thimble Free. A NT LADT eendintr at onoe tbe nunesandad- J dress of married Udv fiie'ids or house keepers to wno m w can send sample copies of tne most vnarminfr illustrate i janies newspaper puo liehed to-d&v. will receive an elecant solid s Wer sou venir thimoie. 'ihe -uuiies' notorial weekly" is the handitomest and moet entertainfnir publication of itB clasi and is becoming' universally popular with intelligent Indies in bo in Canada and tne United States. K contains si teen lartre pages, same size "Harper s Uas&ar" most proiiueiv uiustraied. and comes each week at only t a year. If y.o de sire a souvenir thimble sena names of those run think would be interested in tbe "Ladiesr Meekly" and enclose fifteen U. ti. 2-cenfc ctampv to cover ex penses of mailinsft -tc. Forward to-day. Address "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly," Canada Life Building-, Toronto, cau. . nvuow TEE DALLES, PORTLiffl 4 ASTORIA Vavlaratlon Company's ELEGANT STEAMER, REGULATOR Will leaye the foot of Court street every morning at 7 o'clock for Portland and Way Points. Connections will be made-with the fast steamer. DALLES CITY, At the foot of the Cascade Locks. For passenger or freight rates, apply to the agent, or parser ou ouara. EL R. SIBLEY. Agent MAIEB & BENTON, Successors to A. Bettingen RETAILERS AML JOBBERS IN hkmf tars, Wootare, AND GRANITEWARE. A complete line o Heating1 and Cook Stove. Pumpo, .ripe riuiuucrB aim ouauu r itwrs -upputRj, . also a complete stock of arpeotera'. Blacksmiths and Farm er Tools, AND SHELF HARDWARE. Al Tinning, PlumMmr and pipe work will .be done on anon notice. SECOND ST., THE DALLES. OR THI GE EM All A, . CHAS. STUBLING. Prop. FOR THE PRESENT AT 86 Second. Street. is, Lipors and Cigars. All brands of Imported Liouors, Ale and Porter, and gen Jiue Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. . L. P. OSTLUND ill furnish drafts and estimates on dwellings and stores. buildings. Mr. Ostlund Is a practical mechanic, and tbe plans drafted by bim will prove ar.istic, cheap and dura ble. W.T.WISEMAN ccessor to J. H. McDonough C. ) ' DEALER IN Choice Wines. Liquors. AMD CIGARS. None but the beat brand's of Liquors aod Cigars on sale. TemperaDce drinks of all kinds. Uorner ot Uourt and oecona streets, TUB DALLES, OREGON. Notice to Wood Dealers. BID8 will be iscerred at H. Glenn's cflioe unl December 16th, for the deliver? of one hun dred cords of fir wood at the brickyard: forty eords by the first ol April, the rest by the first of Mar. deea-St MAX BLANK Wm Contractor and Builder HOLIDAY GOODS! -AT THE- Post Office store. Tbe attention of the public is called to our stock of BOOKS, STATIONERY, TOYS, AND FANCY GOODS, JUST RECEIVED I OUH LINE OF Photograph Albums and Christmas Cards Id particular are complete, and comprise some clioice triind at reas onable prices, We ask a careful exnoiit atiou ol our gO"ds arid prices, aud we will be satLfiid with the result. 31. T. NOLAN, H3 Seconl. an ! 107 109 Wasliiogti n S retts. The Dalle-, Or. Wm. Butler & Co. have established a Lumber lard on Front Street, Corner Jefferson, Where may be found a com plete stock of ltougs'li and JLrSset J -Mill- elet, at The' pocket, tion given Special attcn- tn orders from the country. Northwest Cor. Second ami Wanning ton st. Successors to Geoige Ruch. f The Cheapest Place IN TBI DALLES K All Kinrk nf, GrnMiiPR FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit a sham of the rublic rat ronajre, and t-ha'l endavor to viva entire satisfac tion to our customers both old and new. THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FIRST HTBEET, FACTORY NO. 105. Ol A DO of the Best Brands manufact- Ul JfiflO nred. and ordeas from all paita of the country tilled on tbe shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, aud the de mand for the home manufactuaed article .is increasing eyery day. dec24nv-tf A. ULRICH & SON. "OLD GERMANIC OO Second St. C. DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on sale the best Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. Columbia Brewery Beer ou Drandit. The finest brands of Imported and Do mestic pilars a specialty. au7-yiiy C. W. ADAMS,' Is now located af 77 Second Street, Next to Schuti" Justice Office. Kenalnnz a Strwcin'ti1. He has sved som. of his best leather out nf the fire and will make the neatest boot or shoe of anyone in the dtv. Butler's Book. 1.0C0 PAGES, 1 0 to 200 ORIGINAL ENGRAVING8, . ELEGANT BINDINGS, , PCBLISHfeD IN S LANGUAGES, -" " POPUUAR PRICES. First Edition, :-: 100.000 Copies. TH 0HLT AUTHENTIC WOKE BT GEN. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER Ficlusive territorr and liberal terms eiven to re- I liable atro tot. Accompany application for territory ! wiuvifz for prospectus. THE J. DEWING CO., San Francisco. CaU oct24 COLDPIB PACKING CO., Corner Third and Washington Sts. Hams and Bacon, Dried and Tongues QUrer Beef And tbe best Beefsteaks. Mutton Chops and Teal i.-uucta in tne maraet. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY pgFresh Vegetables on Sale at the Lowest Prices. jeoa&w JAMES WHITE'S LUNCH COUNTER. In connection with my Fiuit Stand, on Second St., near the corner of Madison, I have opene I a lunch counter, and can serve to customers sandwiches pigs' feet, oysters, coffee and tea. Tbis ur conveni ent to tbe passenger depot. Hare vlio Californi orange cider, and tbe beat apple cider. - - no2e Cedar Posts For Sale. HAVE 1.000 Rood and solid Cedar Posts on rale at tbe beach. Apply to A. BVCHIJEB. LUMBER Prices to Suit PIONEER GROCER PheArt si ic Shoemaker PAYETTE, to Payette t. Friend.) (Sue. THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in iron or woo-1 done In the neatest manner. Anythinic in the waon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made or re; -Hired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and mauhinei ie paired l. an J Wirkmtnlikrt in-tutur. in th- inost skill mch21dw PRICES AT American Market O. LAUMl. rroi. CRANBERRIKS, 50c per Kullon. LEMONS, 25 : per dozen. SALT SALMON, 10c per pound. ANDERSON'S MINCE MEAT, 10u per package. BOOTH;; EASTERN OYSTERS, cau. Too per 74 HECOD STBEET. PAUL KREFT & CO. -DEALERS IN- Painty, 011$, Qla$$, And the Most Complete find Latest Patterns and Designs in . WALL PAI?EK. Practical Painters and Paper FTansrers. None but the beat I randa of the Sherwin-Williams P-unt used in all our work, and none but the n:ost skilled workmen employed. All orderfr will be promptly attended t.. tihop adjoining Red Front Grocery, THIRU STREfcT, THE DA.J.C CHRISMAN BROTHERS nccessors to F. Taylor.) Proprietors of the CITY MARKET THIRD STREET. mi Hams, hand. Bacon and Sausage always on lec31d&wtf W. B. Yooira. Rcdoltu Kuaa. A. Sakphock mi. kdss s Bair GENERA l millllHIK J Mil Mtf HMRff M Willi m WAP WUilL HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY. All work guaranteed. All kinds of repairing done on snors notice. Third Street, THE DALLES. OR. Opnoeite Liebe's old stand. SioM Salmon for Sale THE BEST in the MAEKET - And all kinds of fresh Fish. IotboViUfn Biildin, Front eet, Th Dalles, uregon. Orders from a Distance Promptl At tended to, and Fish Shipped .Refrigerating Cars. MY MOTTO: Cheap Prices and 'QuickfSales. Ad dreae dim TH U DALLES FlHli CO F. W. BOLD, At Thompson's old stand, 193 TnlrJ St BUCKSMITHING OF ALL KINDS DONE NEATLY AND CHEAPLY. : WOOD-WORK ef all k nds, repairing and milting anyuung, irom a wne.ioarrow to a carnage. HORSE-SHOEING A SECIALTY m 4d-w HILL, U MALLLY & CO. THE LEADING Architects and Builders Office in Skibbe's Brick, THE DALLES, OREGON. Will take contracts and furnish Diana and snocifl cations for alt builuintra frame, brick or stone. Ma tenais fumfsoed u Deeded. octo WiDiiter and Jeweler. At Ullrich & Sob's Cigur Factory, Corner Main and Court Sts- AH kinds of Watches repaired with neat; ness and di-patcli. JAS. FERGUSON, Goods hauled with the greatest care to all parts of the city on short uotice. Leave ordara with Fisti & Bardo G. NOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUNDER. Pians and iti ii cat" ids tor building fur nished. Will dt. a'l Kinds of excavatinit and grading. All orders -mould be leit at postoffice box B0V13 EUREKA RESTAURANT F. W. L. SKIBBE, PROP. A Bigh Grade of Wines, Liquors & Cigars L:U:N:C:H:E O TRAVELERS Cor. Secoud &nd MtvdiBon, neu uaengr depot mv4d- WANTED. BOYS, physically aeund, of Rood moral character, 16 years of are nr over, aod not less than Are feft in height, to join the Department of the Pacific, xiauouai .aaeta, L nlu-o biaies if America, run particulars can be obtained by applying; to - COL. t. t. WEBBER. decl9 2234 Curtis street, Denver, OoL LOUIS General Expressman ON SALE TO .A,HiXj PRINCIPAL POMS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTh -yvT DALLE E. E. LYTTLE, - Agent UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEAN, Hnrilnnd to Kan Fran rlM-n ToSau Francisco Leaving- Slcs-.it'hip W harf Port land, at 10 P M-. aa follows: State Oct 3, 15. 27 Columbia Oct 7. 19, SI Or-von Oct 11, 23 BaircruTa must be checked eil her at Ash St.. during; the oay, or bv ihe U. C. 4 B. Co. No unchecked baggage will, be received on tbe steamers. Kan FraiiriM-o to Portlnnd. To Portland Leaving HpearSu Wharf, San Francisco at 10 A. M. as follows: Colun-liia Oct 2, la. 26 'ireiron Oct 6, 18, 30 Stae Oct 10, 22 The compinv reserve" the right to change steam ers ot sailing dat'S without further no ice. For ra'e. tickets, be th rtservations, eic , call on t.r address any ticket aicentol thaATiiion Pacific s tem. C. S. MELT.KJf. T. W. LEE. Gen. TratHi: Manager. Oen.Pass. At. FROM TERMINAL OR INIERMR POI.VT3 lorthern Pac. KAIL.UOAD la the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dininj; Car P.outo. It runs Thr-ugh Ves tibuled Trains Every Day iu the year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARS.) Composed nf Dinincr Cam unsurpassed. Pullman Drawing-room Sleepers ot Lattst Equipmeut. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Best that can bj constructed, ani In which accom modation- are toth Free ani Furnished f . r h.tlders nf First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pul'man Heeper reservations can be secured in ad vance ti.rouKh any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all points in America, Ergland and Europe can 1-e purchased at any ticket otfice of t"hc company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other dcUiis furnished on &j plication to any agent, or D. CHARLTON, Ass't General Passenirer Avrt., No. 121 First St.. Cjr. Wa-h- PORTLAND, OiEGOK Ank tnv nirpnta far W. Ta. Ttanalam NIim. If not for snle In roup place ask your ucuinr iu ncua inr cit i iiOKUC wouv -ae aKeucy. tufi fret luem lor you W TAH NO teL"USTlTlJTK.Al THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cENf?IW,. THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? it is a seamiesa sboe, witn no tacks or wax thread to hart the feet; made of tbe best One calf, sty U ah aud easy, aod beeauss w mutitm mmts aHosa o this IrTooe inan any otnrr maKtamonirw, it culMUS oaoa- sewed shoes oostina: from mtAQ to SVLOQ. fie OO Gen n I no Haad-ewedt th flzkest oalf shoe ever offered for 45.0OI eqnala Freaah un ported aboes which cost from $HJX to MojOO. stylish, comfortable and durable. Tbo best ; so oe ever ottered at this pricei sam Krade as ous- ffiO M Police Mhoei Farmers. Railroad Hen vUi and Letter Carriers ail wearthtMni flnecaif. Beamiest!, Binuuio iBHiae, neavy toree wotm, exten sion edae. One oeJr will wear a vaar. P O w soe calf no better shoeerer offered at s7Sba this urice : one trial will nnavinm thona who want a sboe for comfort and serrftce. ffiQ and &&.00 Werkliisr roaw'e shoe D mm are very strontr and durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear do other make. Rr.VO 9u ana acnooi anoee are mm w j w worn ov tne dovh evervwnerw. snev aau on their merits, as tbe lncreaalna: salea ahow. ibCalU I DomrolA. vpi-v ht vltahr Atnula B?wl snporrea snoes costing rrom m.w to 90JM. Ladies' ,50, M.OO and 91 ,73 shoe for .sees are ai oen nne uoogoia. myiiea and auraote. CaotiOB. Bee that W. L. Dounlaa name and price are stamped on tne bottom of eacn sboe. w. 1 ijuuiA2fc ijrocaton. J. FREIMAN, AGENT. THE DALLES THE OLD esrABLMHKU . COLUMBIA BREWERY Second St., aat End, AUGUST BUOHIxER. PROP. Has been refitted throughout with th. LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY And Is Dow manufacturing; the Best Keg and Jottled Beer and Porter n Eastern Oregon. Ur. Buchler alwavs aims to adont ch la.tnt hrw i intr apparatus and wilt furnish his customers bee I equal to any n marker: wtf TI LDWIfJ Cor. Court and Front Streets, THE DALLES, : : OREGON. fa, Lips and Cigare. None but the Best Quality of Liquors and the Best Brands of Cigars on sale. Kentucky Straight Whisky From $3 to $5 Per Gallon. BETTINGEN, JR., Proprietor R. E. Saltmarshe East M ST6CE YflBDS, WILI. PAT THE niimNiuasjirnceior Hay and Grain. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. " SIO REWAED. LOST A BAT MAKE, three yean old, branded something; similar to a Z on I eft shoulder; weight 1112 pounds The above reward wiU be paid to any one Hiring: me Information that will lead to ner reeoTery. jAMiia muluokk. dees Condon, Or. WHY IS THE 1 DAILY AND WEEKLY ilmes-Mountaineer LEADING PAPER OF WASCO Full Report of Local Happenings and General News. REPUBLICAN But is not owned clique Always takes a Determined Stind . on all public questions, " AND EXPEESSES ITS OPINION REGARDLESS OP CONSEQUENCES. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: DAILY: PER YEAR PER MONTH, fby Carrier! PER WEEK. SINGLE COPY WJhlEKJLiY ONE YEAR ST'' MONTHS... ill KINDS OF m . mm . wm ocean ... STILL CONTINUES The Most Popular Family Newspaper in tbe West IT IS THB BEST NEWSPAPER FOB . . THE HOME .-. .-. THE WORKSHOP, or THE BUSINESS OFFICE for THE PROFESSIONAL MAN, THE WORKINGMAN. or THE POLITICIAN. ITla A EEPtTBtJOAN NEWSPAPER, and aa such ia ablr conductad, nombarlno among lta writers the ablest In the country. Zt publishes Aljl. THE NEWS, and keeps lta readers perfectly posted on Important events all over the world. xta LirtKasy features are Amono its contributors era W FRANCES HODGSON BoHNETT, TAHD KIPUNa. 8HIRLE Y DARE, MART HAITI WELL. CATHERWOOD. JOEL. CHANDLEH HARRIS, and many othera of BOUND UIRABY FAME . It will thuabaaeea that THE INTER OCEAU pubilebea THE BEST STORIES AND SKETCHES IN THE LANGUAGE. Ita FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CORRESPONDENCE la very extensive and the best. The Youth' s Department, Cariosity Shop, Woman's Kinsrilom & The Home Are Better than a Magazine tor the Family. One of the Moat Important Features lathe Department ol FARM AND FARMERS, Edited by FX-GO V. W. T). BOARD of Wisconsin. Editor and Proprietor oi "Hoard's Dairyman." Thla la a new feature and an Important one to Aerl culturlata. AN ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT . Eu also been opened lor the special purpose of discussing the questions now (7ltattna the larmers ot the country. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN" Is One Dollar per Year, postage paid. THE .-. SEMI-WEEKLY .-, INTER .-. OCEAN Xapubllaned every Monday and Thursday at 93.00 per year, postpaid The DAILY INTER OCEAN is $6.00 The SUNDAY INTER OCEAN is 2.00 labaroiTermato AotlTe Aoenta. Send for Bample Copy. Address THE INTER OCEAN, Chicago. ntt AH TV UJlAn. JJJ. the DALLES, DEALER IN- DRUGS, MEDICINES fine a oner, ooapa, rsrosnea, vodiub. etc unuuiwr ou raucj Toilet Articles. Pare Braudy, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes, Physician s Prescriptions a. Specialty. -THE- COUNTY. IN POLITICS, or controlled by any or ring. -. on 60 , is . : os .13 00 . 1 00 JOB PRINTING. equal to tbote of the bast maaaslnea. HOWELLS. FRANZ K . STOCKTON, MfcS. T MAPIT TW4TW nurTHABTE.MAn. PER TEAR ' P081AQE PAID PER TEAR pouxAae pais . OKEGON, AND CHEMICALS, i ) i; , 11 a m. ( it- i 4