TELEGSAPHIO news. JiEW Whatcom, "Wash., liec. li). L. H. Ling, who sbot his wife and sod in law, Humes, December 2, delivered bin) self up to SJrif PLorimer to day on Lu mini island.) Yesterday he had an in terview with Lewis Stimpson through ihe intertention of his brother-in-law, who lives on the island. To day the sheriff went over there on the steamer Brick, knowing nothing ot Stimpson's presence on the island. While Sheriff DuLorimer was sittiog in Hatlcr's the biolher-in law's house in walked Long and ex Mur shal Stimpson. Hi3 daughter, tlie wife of the man whom Long killed, for the first time showed emotion and cried. Long was on the way to give himself up. He had been living in a hollow cetltr stamp and subsisted on what he could forage. He had run out of fund n&d bad fonnd a dead boar which he had intende 1 to eat before he conelufitid to come in. His daughter had not si-vg hint since the crime He was half starved, and tells the' following concerning the tragedy: He knew bis wife was iiiHtnVe with Humes, and ! was watching the couple. - Tne night before the murder he was at Humes' house, listening to them, and they were plotting how they could get his property. The girl, his daughter, and Humes' wife, he suid, susptcttd her mother, and was crying. The next night, the night ot the tragedy, he went into his bouse and found Humes with hi? arm around his wife, and ihe girl, the wife, he believes' was crying. The door wne locked, and the girl came to the dcw.r end opened it. He entered, and when he saw the situation, said it was a fine state of hffuire, whereupon his wife, who knew he carried a revolver, sprang at him. A scuffle ensued, in which the woman was shot. What followed he does not remcm ter, but thinks be killed Hume. He wrote the letter, which was published the day after, iD his bouse in the dark, then walked up the railroad track and stole a canoe above Squallicum Creek, and went to the reservation, where he got food from an Indian, and then went to Lummi island, where his sister lived. The sheriff doubted that hs was on the island until be came in, as be had bad a deputy -watching the place for five days at a stretch. Long's story differs from xhat of bis daughter, and from the wounds on the woman. His wife was sbot twice and the girl says taat Humes was shot first. A Prominent Californian Dead. Merced, Cat., Dec. 20. Hon. George M. Radcliff, 'a native of. Oaio, C3 rears old, and one of the editors ot a local newspaper, died here this morning. He was prominent in state politics and was a journalist for thirty yeara in Illinois before coming to California, He was internal 'revenue assessor for Northern Illmois under President Grant, and a member of the Illinois legislature during the war. Says an exchange: Henry Benjamin, of Gervais, who is not yet fourteen j ears old, on several occasions has mado a better record at the various shooting matches in thia iiection than auy one, old or yoiinii. In 1883, when only nine years old, ho killml 1163 birds each as are used for fooil, in the space of about eieht months. The. w.v e all killed at odd times'when he coahi spare time from his work to engage in a little . sport. For this and other fine shooting he received a medal from Oakland, California, of which he is very proud and prizes yery highly. At the shooting match here a few days ago, he carried away more turkeys than any one there; beating all of the beet shots present and - there were several of them. There were three ties between him and Charley Jones, said to be one of the bast shots on this prairies. These ties were , shot off and Henry woi. them all. The East Oregonian says: Depnty Sheriff Stamper came down from Athens late Friday night with a prisoner who gives hia name as Victor Raymond, a desperate looking char acter whose face would almost convict him of rascality. Raymond applied for work at the home of Hardee Mansfield, near Athena, and was referred to a place where he might set a job. Bardeo then rode away, being ready to start to town, but kept watch of the fellow whom he saw enter the house of Frank Mansfield, which was nnocenpied. He there stole some blankets, provisions and a far cap, and was making off with the plunder wheu Hardee rode back and arrested him at the point of a shotgun. The prisoner was committed to jail to await the action of the grand jury. . The American youth illustrates the devel '. opment theory, and boys display an aptness in crime that is deplorable. A clipping from the Walla- Walla Statesman illustrates this fact: "Frank Mason, the 16-year-old boy, who was convicted of grand larceny , and sent to the reform school last Septem ber by Judge Upton, and of whom so much has been published lately in the newspapers, was brought back to this city last evening by Deputy Sheriff J. F. Blackwell, from . lhebalis. it is claimed that Mason became so unmanageable while at the school that the trustees decided to send him back to this city, and they ordered the deputy to carry out their instructions." KKT JO Y Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts - gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels coltb, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac cer table to tne stomach, prompt m its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale id oOc and $1 bottles by al' leading druggisttw JUanuiacturecl only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FSANC.ISCO, CAL. toumiiiE. nr. NEW WBK. N.t Fri!:sf little Ibrt hav Twra tnadpet work fur ua, by Anna Ige, Antrif, Texas, and Jna. llonn. Toledo. Ohio. ASee cut. Oilier are doinaa well. WLy "Tf;'tot you? Some earn overtSOO.tlC a month. Ton ean do the work and I ri al Iioroe, wbererer yon are. Even Ie- jrinnera arc easily earninr from 9i tt tflOadav. All aeea. We how von hw nd start yon. Can work i pnf tin.t r an ine time, tug money lor worn rs. Failure unknown itnnnr tht-m. NEW and wonderfiil. I'artirul.irs free. .IJalletr CVBoxb80 1'ortli d.Meice $3000; , A TEAR '- ondertake to brtetH I teach any fairly intelligent person of eitber sex, who can read and write, and who, after instruction, will work indmatrtocilj, how to earn Three Thoasod Dollars a Veintbelrown realities. wherever tkeyllTeJ will also fnrnisa tne situation or employ mentt which you ean earn that amoocL No money for me unless successful as above. Easily and quickly learned. I desire but one worker from Men district or county. I have already taueht and provided with employments lam number, who are making- over 3O00 a year each. It sATV and SOrE9. Full .articalars PJKEK. Address at ones, . ; AlAEST. iiox. vVSfetf. Auswio, MjOika PLAIN SEWING. I WILL do sll kinds of plain sewing, either at ray home or go to tho h use or the person. Price will be reasonable, and (rood work guaranteed Leave orders at Leslie Batter's Grocery. n21dw MBS. T. J. ROBIN ETT. aTIT lTiilir - 1 Land Notices. TICE FOR RE-PUBLICATION. Land Omcs t The Dlles, Orkoos, December 8. 191. Notice iu hereby given that the f llowin$r-named settler has filed nutic - of his iuten iim to make final prOvif in support ot his claim 4tid that sai'1 proof will be made beiore the register and receiver at 'ihe Dalles, Or., on January 13, 1892, tz: FRANK PEABODY, Hd. No. S107, for lots 1, 2 and 3, and NEW BWtf, Sec IS, Tp 2 d, K 15 E W il. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Poik Eutler, James Moore, Embry Moore, Fritz Clauhsen, ail of Ninsene. or. dcrl-2 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATION. - Laho Offici a i The Dalles, Oe., November 10, 1801. Notice is hereby sriven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before the remitter and receiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on Jan. 5, 1S92, viz: - RICHARD SIGH AN. Homestead No. 3800, for the S$ KJ and W SEJ4 Sec 13, Tp 1 south, ranire 13 east W to.. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Malcolm A Moody, A A Bonney, Rodort Mays and W H Butts, all of The Dalles, Or. novtO JOHN W. LEWIS. Register. NOTICE FOS PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., November 6, 1891. Notice is hereby gien that the following named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proot in support of her claim, and that said proof wiil be made before W". K. Dunbar, Commissioner United Slates Circuit Conrt, district ol Washington, at Goldendaie, Wash., on December 29, 1891, y:z. ELIZABETH E. STliUTHEl'S, lid. entry Xo. 8121. for the ft't of SEV. NEK of SW!4, and SEi$ of .Yi4, See 27, Tp 3 n, 11 13 East Willamette Meridun. bhe names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said land; viz: Richard W French. James Hinnell, George W. French, Ntlson B, Brooks, all of Hartlanu P. O. Wash. nU JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash , Nov 17, 1891. Notice is hucby giien that. the fal owing-named sctth r has filed notice of his intention to make find proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, commissioner United states Circuit Court for District of Washing ton, at Goidendale, Wash., on Jan 20, 1S92, viz: WILLIAM VAX VACTOR, Purchase Application No 188, under Sac 3 Forfeit ure Act Sept 29, 189 , for the K hoc 15, Tp 3 north, range 13 east W. M. lie nnmes the following witnessei to prove his continuous claim upon, and cultivation ot, said lind, viz: Melville M Warner, Angus Campbell, Geo G Lind say, of Hartland P O., Wash,, au.1 Nelson B Brooks, of Goidendale, Wash. noviO JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Opticus at Vancouver, Wash., Nov 17. 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final pro I in support of his claim, and that said proof will bo made before W. R. Iunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit Court. di&Uict of W shiDgton, at uuiaenaaie, nasn., oa Jan 14, i&uz, viz: DIETRICH STEGMAN, Purchase Application No li)4 under Sec 3 FoiMture Act sept -zy, iyu. for the iNW and sec 83, Tp 3 nurtb, rane 14 (fast W. M. lie names the following Witnesses to prove bis wnuimuua ujaiui vj, amu hum, viz; John H Jiarais, Deleven E Brooks, William Wil- Kinaon, oi uentekvuie v .t wash.,ADd Aziiao J. ruman, oi uaruana r o., wash. dut20 JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. Notice to Creditors. X? OTICE is hereby given that on the 30th day of S October. 1891. P. T Muro assigned to me for the benefit of all hid creditors, in proportion to tb eir respective claims, all of his personal and real prop erty. The creditors of raid P. T..Shan are herebv noti fied to present their claim 3 a-aiint sain assig or, amy vennea, to me ac my orac-t in Lianas (Jity, ur. witnm three monthB from the date cf this notice, lfcitjd as Lialles City, Oregon, December 12, 1891. J. W. COH DON, decl2 Assignee. Sealed Proposals WICL BE RECEIVED at the Clerk's office at the court house untd January 6th, 1892, for the purpose ot iuinisnintr tne county witn tne necessary election Dootns. Tne court reserves the right to re ject any anu an D1Q4. By order of the county court, C. H. THORNEURY, Judge. 4. Dm lKOSHER, UlCrK. Stockholders' Meeting. THE ANNUAL MEETING of the stockholders of the First National Bank of Thi Dalles will be held at the office ofeaidbank on Tuesday, Januiry 12th, 1692, at 10 A. H., for the election of directors for the ensuing j ear. If. M. BKALL, Cashier. The Dalles, Or , Dec, 12. 1891. , dclu-tt FOE SALE. a IHE WHOLE OR PART of tin h ousel, old furn i ture n w in my dwelling honse. By purchas ing: the whole O. Dart of the lurniture. the Deraon an doing can rent the hoube at the tate now paid $1 2 permomn. t. blaskn, dcl8-d Cor Ninth and Liberty. WANTED. DOY8, physically sound, of good moral character. D 16 yen re of aire or over, and not less tliau five feet in height, to join thn Department of the Pacific, National Cadets, United Mates tf America. Full particulars can be obtained by applying to COL. is. T WEBBER, decl9 2236 Curtis street, Demur, Col. S10KEWAKD. LOST A BAY HAKE, throe years old. branded something similar to a Z on left shoulder; weight 1112 pounds The above reward will be P-ud to any one giving me information that will lead to her recovery. J AiltS 11ULU' IKE. dcc5 Condon, Or. . Notice to Wocd Dealers; BIDS will be leceired at H. Glenn's office unl December 15th. for the delivery of one hun dred cords of fir wood at the brickyard; forty cords oy tne nrst of April, tne rest by the tirst of May dec5-3t . MAX BLANK HOLIDAY GOODS ! -AT THE- Post Mice Store. Tbe attention of . the public is called to our stock of BOOKS, STATIONERY, TOYS, AND FANCY GOODS, JUST RECEIVED 1 OXJTl LINE Olf Photograph Alburn and Christmas Cards Id particular arc complete, and comprise some choice goods at reas onable prices, We ask a careful examination ol out goods and prices, and wo will be satisfied with tbe result. 143 Seconl, and 107-109 Washington Direeia, I ne uaue-, ur. EUREKA RESTAURANT F. W. L. SKIBBE, PROP. A Higli Grade of Wines, Liqnors & Cigars L:U:N:C:H:E:S PUT UP FOR TRAVELERS Cor. Second and Madison, near assen.r depot mv4d-a Branch School : Capital Bus. College, Salem, Oregon. Business. Shorthand. Typewriting, Penmanship, and English Departments gr-in roo uuvugnout toe year, students admtt at anjr time. Catsiogtw from either school, free- -, Sheriff's Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE- STATE OF Oregon for Wasco County. J B Condon, Plaintiff, vs. George Will ims, as Administrator of the estate of Louise Goldstein, deceased, and 'ara L. Schu'ze, Chailes F. Michtlbach, Louts H. Michelbach, Will iam J. Michelbacu and Cecilia M. Micheibach, de fendants. -. Bv virtue of an execution and order of sale, issued out of the Circuit Court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco countv, on the 14tb day of . December, 1S91. upon a judgment and an order of sale rendered in favor of the above-named plaintiff and p gain at ihe above-named defendants (or the sum hereinafter set forth, which decree, among oth r things, ordered the sale of the land hereinafter described, to satisfy said sum, I did levy upon and will sell oil Saturday, the 30th day of January,- 1892, At the court house uoor in Dalles City, in said county and ftato, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. ol said dav, at public auc ion to the highest bidder for cash in hand, subject to redemption, all of the following described land, to-wit: A certain piece or parcel of laud, situated at the southwest corner of block O, in Trevitt's addition to Dalles City, regon, and being eighty four (84) feet in width on D or Fourth street, and one hundred and twelve (112) feet in depth ou Garrison street in said Dalles City, ant being the same property con veyed by Thomas Smith and wife to J--ho Michel bach, i f date 'tbiuary 11. 1869, and oonvejed bv John Michelbach to Louise Micheiba.-h, of dite Dec ember 31, 1837, end situated in aid Trevitt's addi tion to Dalles City, in Wasco county, -tate of Ore gon, together with all and singular the tenement?, heredita-naute ana appurtenances thereunto belong ing or appertaining, being and situated in Dalles City, in Wasco county, Oregon, to satisfy the sum of f 2,490 50, with interest thereon at the rate of in per cent. p-r annum -ince December 10, 1891, and the further sum of $49.55, coats of suit and accruing costs herein. Dated this 18th day of December, 18St. D. L CATE3, d!9 Sheriff of Wasco Countv, Or. Sheriff's Sale. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon L .for Wasco countv. Afcry Con Ion, plaintiff. P. T. Sharp, defend- ant. By virtue of an execution, issued nut of the said court and cause on the 27th day of Octocer, 1891, upon a judgment renderea in said court on the lt day of August, 1891, I have levied upon, and will sell on . Saturday, the 26th day of December, 1891, at the hur of 2 o'clock P. Si. ft said day, at the court house in Dalles City, in said county and state, at public auc ion to the hihe-t bidder fur catdi in hand, subject to redemption, the following described real property, to wit: The NF-qr of qr, and 8 faf of SW qr, Sec 12, an N E qr of ' W qr. Sec 1 3 Tp 1 N, R IS E, and fractional lots 3 and 4 of N hf of NE qr. Sec 12, Tp 1 N, K 13 E; also fractional parte of N W qr of N W qr. Sec 13, Tp 1 N, H 13 E; alen N hf of 8W qr, sec 7. Tp 1 N. it 14 E: al?o N hf of SE qr, and S hf of the NE qr, S c 12, Tp 1 N, R 13 E, being and situated in Wasco countv, state oi Oregon. to satisfy the sum of $857.18, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per antum from the 1st day of August, 1-91, an-l the further sum of 3.02, cost of suii, together with accruing costs herein. J att d tne zun aay oi jxoverooer, issm. - , D. L. CATES, nov28 Sheriff. SUMMONS. STATE OF OREGON a County of u asco J JUSTICE'S COURT, for the Precinct of Falls. frank Jsatuuhr, plaintiff, V3. James Jtyan. de fendant. Civil action to recover $243. To James Rym, the above named defendant: In the name tf the state of Oregon, you are hereby re quired to appear before the undersigned, a justice oi the peace for the precinct aforesaid, ou the 14th day of Jauuary. 1892. at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said dy, at the office of said justice, in said pre cinct, to answer tne above named piaintiu in a civil action The defendant will take notice that jf he fail to anHwer the complaint herein, the piaintiff wilt take judgment again-it him for two hundred and forty three dollar (243), nd costs and disbursements herein. This summons is published by order of the court this day made. Given under my hand this 2Ut day of November. A, D. 1891. A. G. HALL, nov28 Justice of the 1 eace. Exeeutor's Notice of Final Settlement NOTICE is berfiby given that George Ruch, exe cutor of the estate ot Wi liam Harmsn. de ceased, hatt filed his final account in raid estate, and that the 5th dav of Januarv. 1892. at 10 o clock A M. of said day, has been appointed as the time for hearing said final account and report, a nd that the hearing will dp had thereof, together with anv ob jections thereto, if any are made, before the Hon. C. , j nor noun, iunty Judge, at tne county court room ot the county court house in DailesCity. Wasco county, Ort-gon. All persons intere ted in said estate are herebv notified to appear at said time aud plaee, and thow cause, if any there be, why sail nccount should not oe in aii tnings approved and allowed. Thi- notice is published bv older of Fon.C. N. Thornbury, Judge of the County Court of the state oi uregun ioi w asco county, ox date a DVetnbcr 4th, Dated Nov. 14, 1891. . GEORGE RUCH. Executor with the will annexed of the estate of W il I iam Harman. deceased. Condon & Condon, Att'ys for the estate. nl4-6t Executrix' Notice of Final Settlement, mHE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that J she has filed in the office' of the Countv Clerk of Wasco countv, -Oregon, her final account In the matter of the estate of Charles Henry Haynes, de ceased, and that the Honorable C, 8. Thornbury. county judee of said county, has made an order that tnua nnai account, ana tne settlement ot tne e6tate, as well as any objections thereto, sha'l be heard at 10 oclock a. St., on the 6th day of January, 1S92 mm oeimr me secoua aay oi tne next rezuiar Jann. ary term of said county court for the year 1892, pur suant to aid order, iu the county court room in the court noure oi saia count in DiUes City, Orejjon. mi in:rauns imerestea in saia estate are nereoy noti- netl to appe-tr at said time and place and show cause, if anv there be. whv said account and rAi-nrt. Buumu not ue approved aua aiiOAea. listed this 30th day of November, 1891. ELIZABETH J HAVUES Executrix with tbe will annexed of the eatata at tOarJei Henry rlayues, deceased, i;onaon s conajn, attorneys for the estate. Administrator's Notice. IN tbe matter of the estate of James M. Magee, deceased. Notice if herebv iriven to all wham it mxv mnmrn that tbe uuersig-ned has been appointed admiois ! trator of tbe estate of James M. Mane, deceased. by the honorable, the Cuuntv Court of the countv of A asco, state ot Oreeon. on the 19th dav of Julv A. D. Ie9l, and all bills due from the est te most be presented to me within six months from date, ac companied by drtjDer voucher.: nd all debts due the estate will be collected by me. WM. Ml'-H LL, Administrator of the estate of Jamos If Mpo-pp. ; deceased. . ' . . decl2 The Dalles, Dec. 12, 1891. Administrator's Notice. In the matter of the estate of Geo. T. Brick ell, de ceased. VT OTJCE is hereby given to all whom it may con ll cern, that tho undersiened has fll d his final account in the above 8tat,and that Alonaay, the 4to day ol Januazjr, lS9it at the hour or z o ctock p. u. oi said diy, tt the county court room in tne court house in Dalles City, Wkeco county, Ore. on, is the time aad place fl-ed bv the Hon. C. N Thorn bury, the couuty iudife of said county and state, iorS tne neariDsr or objections to said account. uatea uccooer 50, iysn. f. u. i$ttiutvt;iij, Administrator of the estate of Geo. 1'. BrickelL deceased. Dufur, Watkins & Menefee. attorneys for admin- strator. "nv21 Dissolution Notice. rjTO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The firm of Thompson s Fanrber fans oissolved. partnership, Mr. Frgber having disposed of his in tcreatin tne nna to Air. lieo jje r. inomiwon. All those indebted to tbe firm are reoue-ted to come forward ani settle all bills as Mr. Fargber is about to leave tne city. Mr. rtiompson will assume ail liabilities and collect all debt, and continue the business) in his own name. GEO. T. THOMPSON, - W. FABGHER. The Dalles. Oct. So, 1891. PIOfEEB Em Soithwest Ciir. Seooid and Washington St. cams & mm, iw 5?l li Successors to George Ruch. The Cheapest Place IN THR DALLZS2F0R All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN", WILLOW WARE, ETC. Wo respectfully solicit a-shiro of the imblic rat ro.ta;re, and fit 1 end'-avor to ive entire satisfac tion to our customer botb old aud new. . THE DALLES Cigar Factory, first ricivio'r. FACTORY NO. 105. n"jinQ of the Best Brands maru'act Ul jMllO ureri. and from all puits of the fonotry tilled on the shortest,' notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, aad the de mand for the home manufactuaed article is increasing eyery day. dec24ay-tf A. ULRICH & SON. Opera Eating House, No. 62, MAIN STREET, Nearly Opp. Umatilla. House. The Only First-Class Short Order House -IN THE CITY.- OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Oysters in eyery style. All kinds of game in season. Spacial rates to sap per parties. WIX1I1 S. GRAHAM, Proprietor. "OLD GERMAHIA," 0O Second fcst. C. DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on sale the best Wines, Liquors, yVTVD CIGARS. Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. The fitiPSt brands of Imported and Do mestic Cigars a specialty. au7-91dy C 'W- ADA31S, Is now located af 77 Second Street, Next to Scbutz Justjco Office. KeDalrin&r a WDeriaity. He has sived 6om ol his best leather out of the fire aud will make the neatest boot or shoe of anyone in the citv. - ICS SECOND STKEET, Ibird door east of A. L. Newman's grocery. jADY COOKS, No Chinamen employed. Meals, 25 Cents. Mr. and Mrs. P. Howard have opened the above restaurant and desire a share of the public patronage. Butlers Book. 1,0)0 PAGES. 100 to 200 OR'GINAL EXGRAVING8, ELEGANT BINDINGS, III I 3 1KCUACIS, POPULAR PRICES. First Edition, IOO.OOO Copies, TBII OHLY AUTHENTIC WORK BT GEN. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER. Exclusive territory and liberal terms iriven to re liable asre' t?. Accompany application for territory with lor prospectus. THE 4. DEWING CO., San Francisco, Cal. oct24 HILL, O'MALLEY & CO. THE LEADING Architects and Builders Office in Sklbbe'S Brick, THE DALLES, OREGON. Will take contracts and furnish plans and spocifi cations for all builuinsrs frame, brick or stone. Ma tenals fuinjsoed it needed. . oct5 COllBIfl PFCKI1B CO., Corner Third and Washington Sts. Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues And the best Beefsteaks. Mutton Chops and Teal Cutlets in the market. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY 5f Fresh Vegetables on Sale at the Loweet Prices. i - jeod&w A Sonveiiir.TMniMe Free. ANY LADY sendintr at once the n ones and ad dress of t-n married lady fiends or noose- keepers to whom we can send sample copies of the mo-rt tharmiMg- illustrate James' newspaper uub- Ushed to-dav, will receive an elegant solid s Ivtr sou venir thimble. The "Ladies' Pictorial Weeklv" is the handsomest and most entertaiuintr nuhltcattnn of its class and is becoming- universally popular with intelligent ladies in bath Canada and the United States. It. coutains sKteen iare pavs.- same size "Harper's Bazaar" most profnaelv illustrs-ti and cornea each wetk at only 91 a year, if you de sire a .souvenir, tmmoie senu names of those you think would be interested in the ' Ladies' Weeklv" and enclose fifteen U. . 2-cenn t tamps to cover ex penses of mailing, etc. Forward to-day. Address "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly," Canada Life' Building, Toronto, Can. . nv2dw Cedar Posts For Sale. HATE 1,000 Kcod snd' solid Cedar PoBtsonsale at the beach. Apply to 29daw - A. BUCIIIiEB. : "i-. ''' - er is beln mane by John W vi, iolwhtTny,X.yvi for urn. Header, i 'W y"' "ay oit tenke am much, but cbg ffacli jouqulrklf bow to mm from ft tltt a tlay at the irt, aud mom a you uu. iuii k3, mil itn. in any part or America, you can contmencc at liome, piv inr all your time,or aire moments odItIa tbe work. All is new. pay SIR, for every woran, o nan J no, mrnisbm? ererythinp. EASILY, S1'E1IL learned. I'Aia iCLXAKS FHEE. Addreas at onca, 8TIMM& CO., POUTL-Mi, JUlC The Afbsuc Shoemaker GERM All A, CHA -. STUBLING. Prop. FOR THE PRESENT AT SO Second. SsJtreet, Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All brands of Imported Llacora, Ale and Porter,;i:d enjine Key W est Cigars. A full lme ol CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. Smoked Salmon for Sale THE BEST in the MAEKET And all kinds of fresh Fish. In the Yl atdrrn KttPtMn. Fi(i:t I'alles, Oregon. t,Tl.e Orders from a Di1nre Prnmptl tended to. and Fii-h Hiipped Refrifferatins Cars. At- 1IY MOTTO:' dress- Cheap Piices and Quick Sa?es. Ad- dim Til K IIALKS til '. To Yoodi Honsrkp Free to all Brides ! "VJ OTICE is hereby given to all the readers of this Ji jtapfr and all their fri nds an-' acquaintances throughout tbe United States and Cu.nt.da that THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year ss A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whos? ad'Iress and 10 c nts to pay postage is sent to the publi-htr within one year from the date of their marriage. Persons stndin? for thia present are requested to send c py of a p;-per c ntaininif a notice of their marriage, or som oiher evide-.ce tint shall anv-unt to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine under the above offer. Address, 'THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt MAIE11 & BENTON, Successors to A. Bettingen) RETAILERS ANI JOBBERS IX ardware9 Tiawire; Woodenware, AND GRANITE WARE. A complete Hne'of Heating and Cook Stoves. Pumps, Pipe Plumbers and bteam Iitter supplies; also a complete stock f Carpenters', niacKsm:tns ana f arm- iriToIs- AND SHELF HAEDWARE. Al Tinning, PlumMn? and pipe work wilt :Lbt done on snort notice. SECOND ST., THE DALLES.-OB COAL! COAL! THE BEST- Wellington, Eock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal. $12, sacked and the city. delivered to any part ot At Moody's Warehouse. L. P. OSTLUND furLifih drafts and estimates on dwellings aud atiirea. buildings. Mr. Ostlund Is a practical tneiharic, and the plans drafted by him will prove artistic, cheap and dura- oje. W.T.WISEMAN ccessoT to J. H. McDonouh & ) DEALER IN Choice Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. None but the best brands 'of Liquors and Cigara on sale. Temperanep rlrii ks of all Kinds. Corner of Court and Second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. F. W.BOLD, Blacksmith d Wagon-Maker ! At Thompson's old stand, 193 TnirJ St BLAGKSMITHINC OF ALL KINDS DONE NEATLY I AND CHEAPLY. WOOD-WORK ot all k:nds, repairine and making anyuiingr, irom a wneioarrow w a carnafre. HORSE-SHOEING A SECIALTY JAS.. FERCUSON, Goods hauled with the greatest care to all parts of tbe o.ty on abort notice. Leave orders with Fish & Bardo IMkiiker aad Jeweler. At Ullrich & Son's Cigsr Factory, Comer Main and Court Sts- All kinds of Watches repaired with neet- . ness and djspaicli. G. NOWAK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Flans and sti il-eat ica tor building fur nished. Will etc al &mda of excavating and grading. All orders snould be lett at poatoffioe box THE CELEESATED . . . . g SMITH & WESSON i lifEVOLVIHS 11 The Plnet Small Am. c - u f E9 Unrivaled' for nrcitDnrv DURABILITY. EXCELLENCE mm nwnnmnnoiiir ailU n CONVENIENCE in - UinDIUAUCUID I LOADING and SAFETY, B Beware of cheap iron Imitations.) B Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List tog SMITH . VESSON, SPltlKG FIELD, 1LA.88. Contractor and Builder General Expressman ! niiiii brer maiiuiatiui cu, ; ' ' - Guaranteed mm - -- m 1 ID ON SALE PMNCIPA mm 1 .U EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH TfXlC OA.lL.)L.5i. E. E. LYTTLE, - - - Agent UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCH1N, l"crll:'.ii3 to San o To San Francisco Lea'.ine Steo.-mhlp Wharf Port land, at 10 P M., as folluu-a: State Oct 3, 15. 27 Columbia Oct 7. 19, 31 Or iron Oct 11, 2 ) Hatrgasre must le checked ei( her at Ash St.. durintr the uay, or bv he U. C. & B. Co. No uncheck d baggage will he received on the steamers. San KraiH im- to Portiuml. To Portland LeavineSpearSt. Wharf, San Pranciwo at 10 A. M. as follows: Colu-rhia Ocf2, 14. 20 'reon Oct 6, 18, 30 Shve Oct 10, 22 The company reserve the right to chanue steam, ersoi sa-hni; dntis without further no ice. For ra'es, tickets, be th leS'-rvations, etc , ctll o or addres any ticket auent oi the Union Pacific sj s tem. C. S. MEM.EN'. T. W. LEE. Gen. Traffic Mant.rer. Gen. Pass. At. FROM TERMINAL OR 1N1ER10R POINTS Northern Pac. RAILROAD Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dinin? Car Route. It runo Thr ngh.Ves- tibuleu Trains Every Day In the year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARd.) CoinpoBcd of Blnini; Cars unsurpassed. Pullman Drawing-Fiora Sleepers i-f Lattst Equipmeut. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Best that can bs constructed, ani in which accom modatton are both Free and FurmsheJ for hjlders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. I , , . , . . A tontinunus Line, connecting witn All Lines, Affording Direct and Uiiiiiterrnpted Service. Puliman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad. yance through any ajrent of the road. TirrnTTntr TTrxn?TO t0 ai 1U1WUU11 in JVUiO poin,., in America. Et. eland and Europe cau be purebastd at auy ticket omc6 oi tne company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and otber details furnished on at plication to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't General Passenger Atrt., Ko, 121 First St., Cor. Wa-h , PORTLAND, O EGOJJ Ask my asents for W. 1i. nnnirlflfl RIiam. Tf not for Mnle in von? nlnne unit vAnr or Baie ucuier iu nt;iiu mr CHiaiOBfie sveure ine asency ana tree them lor you. . trTAKE NO 8UBSTlTUT.a WHY IS L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cenm EN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? it is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet: made of tbe best fine oalf. atvliah and easy, and because ire make mors shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer, it equals hand eewed shoes costing from 4.00 to Q5.00. cc uuienuiuc uana-sewen, ine nnesc can snoe evor offered for S5.U): eouais French C A OO Haml-Seweri Welt Shoe, fine calf. Fa stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever ottered at this price ; same grade as cus- tom-raaue snues costing irom t.uu 10 .uu. CCO 30 Folire Shoo; Farmers. Railroad Hen S9 Wh and IetterCarrisrsall wenrthem: flnecnlf. seamiess, smootn msiue, neavy inree soiea, exteu- H1UU DUKC, KJUV pUIT Will WTOr B jeftT, 50 fine calf: no better shoe e 9a this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. GO ana &. UU WorkiiiKman'i shoes mOmmm are verv stronir and durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear no other make. 3'uu ana l.7- scnooi shoes are 1 w worn by the bovs everywhere: they sell on their merits, as the Increasing sales show. 3H iac ciivu nnnu-Hewea snoe, oess amm m e uongoia, very stylish; equals French imported shoes costlntrfrom JU.iM) to ftfi.iat. w ladies' 2.50, &2.00 nnd $1.75 shoe for misses are ine Dest nne uongoia. Mtyiisnanaauraoie. CJaution. See that W. L. Dousrlas' name and price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. w. i wuuLAa. AsrocKton, juass. J. FREIMAN, AGENT, THE DALLES Wm. Butler & Co. have established a Lumber lard on Front Street, Corner Jefferson, Where may be fonnd a com plete stock of Hough and .Uresasjeel Jiim- Jiow, at Prices to Suit The rocket. Special atten tion given to orders from the countrv. TBE DALLES, PORTLAND k ASTORIA i"avl8;iitiorj Company's ELEGANT STEAMER, REGULATOR Wit! leave the foot of Court street every morning at 7 o'clock t tr Portland and Way Points. " Connections will be made with the fast steamer. DALLES CITY, At the foot of the Cascade Locks. For or freiKht rates, apply to the agent, or purser on board. I H. R. SIBLEY. Agent JAMES WHITE'S LUNCH COUNTER. In connection with mv Fiuit Stand, on Second St.. near ine corner oi Ataauon, 1 nave openei a luncn counter, and can serve to customers svidwiches pis feet, ovaters. coffoc and tea. Ti) U M mnvei'.i. THE Ient to the paaaenger depot. Have elio Califoni oranire cider, and the heat arle cider. aoe THE OLD ESTABLISHED COLUMBIA BREWERY Second St., East End. AUGUST BUOHLEB, PROP. Has been refitted throughout with the LATEST IMPROVED MACHINERY And is now manufacturing the Best Keg and Jollied Beer and Porter In Eastern Oregon. Mr. Buehler always alms to adopt the latest brew inn apparatus and will furnish his customers bef equal to an n markei: wtf Cor. Court and Front Streets, . THE DALLES, : : OREGON. fa, Lipors and Cigars. None but the Best Quality of Liquors and the Best Brandy of Cigars on sale. Kentucky Straight Whisky From $3 to $5 Per Gallon. A. BETTINGEN, JR., Proprietor R. E. Saltmarshe AT THE East Enff STOCK YARDS, WIXL PAY THE HigliestCash Price for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK LOUIS PAYETTE (-xiccessor to Payette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts. AU work work in iron or woo J done in the neatest manner. Anything in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty, Plows and machiner le paired in th-a most skill- ul and worKnunuke mauujr. mcnzidw Tr 12- ICES -AT American Market J. LAUER. Prop. CRANBEREI F.S, 50o per Kallon. LEMONS, 25c per dozey. SALT SALMON, 10c per ponnd. ANDERSON'S MINCE MEAT, 10c per package. BOOTHS EASTERN OYSTERS, 75o per CJD. 74 SECOND TREET. PAUL KREFT & CO. -DEALERS IN- Painty 011, dla, And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Designs in W A. la XAIER. Practical Pointers nnd Paper FTanfrers. None but tbe best 1 rands of the Sherwin-Williams Flint used in all our work, and none but the most shilleii workmen employed. All orders will be promptly acienaea Shop adjoining Red Front Grocery, THIRD STREET, THE DAa,a: CHRISMAN BROTHERS, nccessoi"s to F. Taylor.) Proprietors of tho THIRD STREET. s in Hams, Bacos tind Sausage alTays oa hand. decSld&wtf W. H. Yoi'so. Rpdolph Kuss. A. Sand roc BC. Young. Russ & Sanflrock, GENERAL HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY. All work guaranteed. All kindg of repairing done on snort notice. Third Street, THE DALLES. OK. OpDOiite Liebe'a old stand. 'Andrew Yelarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock B x 181. Throat. Lunas and Chest, including: ContuniDtlon. Speedy and pumanenu Genuine signed"!, Battt." ATLAS-ENGINE WORKS, NO(ANAPOL!S. (NO. TY BSABKET filjnrP Conght, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, LUnCu Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup, ' Bnra Throat. Asthma, and evrrr affection of the CCD FOR OUR C ATA LOGO Eawo PR-CC3 -THE. DAILY AND WEEKLY -MoHDtai 1 - LEADING PAPER OF WASCO Full Report of Local Happenings and General News. REPUBLICAN But is not owned clique Always takes a DeterminedStand on all pubhequestions, AND EXPRESSES ITS OPINION REGARDLESS OF CONSEQUENCES. . SUBSCRIPTION RATES: DAILY : PER YEAR ;.$6 00 PER MONTH, bv carrier 50 PKR WEEK, "' 15 SINGLE COPT.... 05 WJfiEKLYi ONJ5 YEAR... ST MONTHS. ILL KINDS OF THE MKLY STILL CONTINUES The Most Popular Family Newspaper in tbe West IT 13 THE BEST NEWSPAPER FOR ' THE HOME .-. .-. THE WORKSHOP, oh . THE BUSINESS OFFICE roa THE PROFESSIONAL MAN. . THE WORKINGMAN. or THE POLITICIAN.- IT IB A REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER, end a such la ably conducted. numbering" among itswritera ttie In tne country. It publishes ALL IHE NEWS, ana keeps Its readers perfect' y posted on lmpoitant events Jii over the world. Its LircHAHY Pi3TL(HEd are cgual to thofe of the bset maaaalrjee. Amonp Its contributors are W. D HO W1.1.LB, I KA NX H. bTOCK rou, Mhb. FRANC E.8 HODJbJK BURNETT, MARK TWAIN. BftET H RTE, MAU RICE THOMPS JN, A. W. ToURQEE. RobF.PT LOUIS eTtVtNsON, ROD. YARD KIPLIN3. SHIELE jf UA.RE, MART HAR1WELL. CATHERWOOD. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS, and many otners of BOUND UltHAfiY FAME. It wlU thua be seen mat THE INTER OCEAN publlaUeS THE BEST STORIES AND SKETCHES IN THE LANGUAGE. Its FOREIGN and DOMESTIC CORRESPONDENCE la yery extensive and tbe beet. The Youth' 8 Department, Curiosity Shop, Woman's Kiniriloin & The Home Are Better than a Magazine for the Family. One of the Host Important Features Is the Department ot FARM AND FARMERS. Edited by EXiOOT. W. T. HOARD of Wisconsin. Editor and Proprietor of "Hoard's Dairyman." Tola la anew faiure and an Important onetoAorl culturtats. AN ALLIANCE DEPARTMENT Has also been opened for the special purpose of discussing the questions now agitating the farmers ol tne country. THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN" Is One Dollar per Year, postao paid. THE . . SEMI-WEEKLY .-. INTER .-. OCEAN la published every Monday and Thursday at 9 2.03 per year, postpaid The DAILY INTER OCEAN is $3.00 p&II&nj The SUNDAY INTER OCEAN is 2 00 PSi?AalAPAiii Liberal Terms to Active Agents. Band fcr Ssaipio Copy. Address THE INTEP. OCEAN, Chicaga CHAS. E. DUIIAI, THE DALLES, OREGON, -DEALER DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brashes, Combs, eta Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles. Fare Brandy, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Fhysicians' Prescriptions el Specialty, Deer THE - COUNTY. IN POLITICS, or controlled by any or ring. .$3 00 . 1 00 JOB PEINTING . .1 IN- ITER OCEAN