CBOOK. COUNTY , ' Items From tlie Calamus or the rrlnevllle News. A cloudless sky and beautiful, warm growing weather is our portion at present in this neck o' woods. A friendly Chinook last Monday caused the snow to rapidly duappear, and then followed a copious rain. The Rronnd is ttxwnnirhlu fitnrated With Water. There is not now a ease St diptheria in Prineville. Only one death has resulted from this dreaded ailment, all the other cases haying gotten well. Stringent pre cautions of a sanitary kind have been taken by everybody, and it is thought no further spread of the disease will take place. .' Wm. K. Vanderbilt, not feeling well the other day, decided to go to Europe, and he ' paid a physician $10,000 to accompany him. D. W. Aldridge, not feeling well at the same time decided to stay in Prineville, and accordingly expended 25 cents for a box of pills. Rather reckless expenditure of wealth. lost Saturday afternoon "Clel" Loomis, a lad of about twelve years, fell partially into the scalding vat at Cline'e slaughter house near town. He caught the edge of the vat with his hands as he fell and thus saved bis t I 1 1.. S- Umir aAaldsili l(n t: hlR law mu uwy uuut aug , - rig he limb, from the hip to the ankle, was immersed in the hot watr, so also was his left ankle. - Though badly blistered, his burns are not deep, and be will soon be auie to throw more snowballs. It was lucky for the little fellow, however, that is face and body were not immersed in the hot water, - for in that case most likely his death would have resulted. ' ' Last Saturday a scoundrel and swindler, who called himself F. W. Wesley, was ar rested for obtaining money under false pre tense. He laid in jail until Tuesday, on which day he was given a hearing before Justice Bell and discharged. The man came to town a day or two before he was - arrested and represented that "he had been unt hre to fcxamioe the Ochoco mines. He '.. had a pony, saddle and bridle aud some . money. He put np at the Prineville house, - got acquainted with C. S. Smith, told the . ' story of his mission, got a little "full, played, a game or two, got broke aud bor rowed cash from Mr. Smith, offering to draw a check for the amount. In all he - i ' . l C 1 1 ffllfl Thon Via struck genial Bob Harrington and borrowed $25, offering his pony for security-. Then when it got darlPhe spirited the pony out of the stable and left. A warrant was issued .for his arrest, and Sheriff Booth caught his man in the Upper Ochoco coun try and returned him to town, and his hearing resulted as above stated. As it is not a crime to borrow money, no cam could be made against him, but that he is a great anting !. nia Wlthnnf UVl'llff. Hfi left On Wednesday for parte unknown. , . GILLIAM OOTJIfTT. Clippings From the Columns) Fossil Journal. cf the The sheep man, as well as the farmer, has had a most prosperous year. Owing to splendi4 grass the year round,: there has been less loss this year than in any previous nne. and sheen are in good condition to stand a severe winter. - Owing to gross mismanagement some where, the baggage of passengers from the east to Arlington, although checked for Arlington, in many -cases . goes on to ine Dalies or Portland, thereby causing great innnnvAnipnca to ' the . nassenizers. This happened in the case of the Scotch immi grants who recently arrived in this county About four inches of snow fell last Friday morning and as a result a couple of days of excellent sleighing and coasting was en joyed by the young lolks, but a fresh wind Monday dampened their spirits and most everything else, and by eyeniug all traces of the snow had disappeared. Since then large amount of rain has fallen, the first rain to sneak of this fall, and it will do great good. Already the hills are coated with green; to-day it is bright and Bnnny, and moBt too warm for a fire. Bud Knyart loyed Emma Nuckells (both of this neighborhood) and Emma loved Bud, so they say. But Emma was only 15 and her parents frowned on Bud's suit. On several occasions he tried to steal the fair damsel, but the parents were always one too many for him, until last Tuesday, when by the aid of the bright moonlight he suc cessfully made the riffle. When the couple started they were heading for The Dalles, but are probably going yet. The old folks came to town Thursday hunting for the ' truants, and it begins to dawn on tbem now that they have been playing a losing .game. "A Lost Hunter. . Dufur Dispatch. From Mr. Ezra Green we learn that be. his brother and Edgar Burlingame were hunting on Boulder creek, in the Cascades, and Burlingaina in seme way became lost. Like all men when lost, he went directly away from camp, and in his wandering crossed White river without recognizing the stream. After waiting a reasonable time the two Greens started in search of their missing companion, but after a day's search in snow over two feet deep they abandoned the search and came back to Wamio for assist ance. A large party was organized, and went into the mountains, but had Dot pro ceeded far from their first night's camp when tbey were recalled by the glad tidings that the lost had lound his way home Burlingame was out from Thursday morn ing to Saturday morning, wandering aim lessly through the snow, but was fortunate enough to finally reach the ranch of Hon McD. Lewis, and, though in an txbauated condition, was thankful to get out alive. The Union Pacific W. W. Statesman. Since Jay Gould obtained control of the Union Pacific there has been great dissatis faction everywhere along its manifold rami fications at the policy inaugurated by Gould. That the line has been operated for stock jobbing operations has long been suspected. At this end of the line the offi cer of the road haye been mere figure heads and allowed to do nothing without instruc tions from headquarters at Omaha, and in consequence severe losses have been sua tained. The sub-officials have done all they could do, worked hard for their com' pany and geneially are popular with the people but are handicapped in every man ner. The Statesman is pleased to know that there is a strong probability that a new and more liberal policy will shortly be enforced which will redonnd to the benefit of the people and of the company. ' In con nection with the above a New York corre spondent writes as follows: Let me whisper something to yon, because it may have a very important bearing upon the future course of the Union Pacific. There is to be a contest for control at the next election. The Goulds, pack and parcel, will be put . . . n . r. if i - . f cc :n out, ana oianey uuiaa a tenure ui vuiuo wm be limited until next May. On and after that date the Union racino company win oe run in their own integrity, and that system will be made a most valuable one. I am not bearish on Union Pacific now, because I know of the great monetary power and commercial influence that is back of it. Mark what I say: Union Pacific will bear watching, and close watching at that. GHAUT COUNTY. Items From the Columns of the ' 1 Canyon City Sews, We learn that there is a pile of about 500 tons of ore at the Monumental mill as a starter. It was the intention to start the mill for a lengthy run this week. There is a silver lining around Grant county's prospects. With the advent of outside capital into our mines eyerybody feels encouraged to keep on talking mines. : From Deputy Sheriff; Yorgonson we learn that Gov. Pennoyer did not commute the death sentence of Ming How to life im prisonment, therfoie, sad to relate, Ming will swing on January 8tb. Sleighs run on the Baker City stage road from six - miles above Prairie City clear acr033 the mountains. Passengers traveling that route are given the luxury rf .a long sleighride, all for the same price. Report reached this city last Sabbath, cf a great snowfall south. Harney valley was said to be covered with about twelve inches of the beautiful. Stockmen over there have plenty of hay this year, and draw sweet consolation from that fact, in view of a hard winter. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Neal, who live in Diamond valley, Harney county, lost their oldest daughter by death a short time ago. Their dwelling is remote from neighbors, and to intensity their sadness the bereaved parents were obliged to conduct the funeral obsequies alone. There are numerous good locations still in thU county that will make fine "home steads for " enterprising locators, and many of them will be settled on dunng'tbe com ing years. The so-called farming land is small in area, but irrigation will cause the adjacent hills to blossom and put forth fruits. Snow hss already fallen to considerable of a depth in vho different mining centers of Grant county, and the howling blizzards around the mountain summits are drifting it high in the gulches where it will have ample time to settle down and become com' pact before next summer's scorching sun shall strike it. - Bnrklrs'H Aram Salve. The best salve in the- world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, l'eve. sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required, it, is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Jrnce cents per oox. c sale by Snipes 4r Kinersly. ONB BXJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts cently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy oi its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in oOc and $1 bottles by ah leading druggist! u jyianuxactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AM FAANC.I8C0. CAL. tOVSVIU. KY. NEW YORK. M.I. Ask my agents for W. Jj. Donglaa Shoes. If not for snle In your place ask your dealer to send for catalogue, secure the agency, ana set tuem lor you. tW 1AKK NO SUBSTITUTE. .4J WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cenPem EN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? it is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet: made of the best fine calf, stvlish and easy, and txcause we make more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer. It equals nand- KG uu t-ennme 1-1 ana-sewed, tnenne&tcftii PJa shoe ever offered for $5.0U; equals French unpuneu itnoes wmcn cost, irom s&uuio S1X.UU. d Js OO Hand-Sewed Welt Shoe, fine calf. stylish, comfortable and durable. The best snoe ever onerea at tnis price ; same grade aa custom-made shoes costing from $8.00 to $9.00. uv xruiict? snovi rttrinern, flwroaa jueu D wa and LetterCarrlentall wpftrthAm flnAalf. wauuvDB, BU1UUI.U lusiue. iieavy mree Boies exten sion edge. One pair will wear a year. cr n au nne r.a.11 z no neuer snoe ever orrerea ai wai this nrice: one trial will mnvlnM thnaa who want a shoe for comfort and snrvrPA. CO 23 and 94.00 Work! Daman's shoes v"i re very strong ana auraoie. inose woo have given them a trial will wear no other make. ROVC' e-fiUU and 91. 7a school shoes are DUIO worn bv the bo vs everywhere: thevsell on their merits, as the increasing sales show. oHiAC 9iuu tinnd-eewea snoe, nest mCIVI I CO Dontrola. vrvntvlih: mu&Ii Rrpnrb imported shoes costing from $4.00 to t&O). Ladies' 4.50, 4.00 and 81.75 shoe for nisses are ine nest nne uongoia. otynsn ana auraoie. Caution. See that W. 1 Douglas name and fjcwv ttiv Buuupeu uu uie uoiixim 01 eacn snoe. w. r. wuuiiAo! uroczion. Joass. J. FREIMAN, AGENT, THE DALLES Butlers Book. 1.0C0 PAGES, 100 to 200 ORIGINAL ENGRA VING8, ELEGANT ELNDI 4. 8, : ED IK 8 LANGUAGES, POPULAR PRICES. First Edition, :-: 100,000 Copies. TEX OILY ADTOKXTIC WOU BY GEN. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER. Exclusive territory and liberal terms ariven to re liable agents. Accompany application for territory with $2 for prospectus. THE J. DEWING CO., San Francisco, Cal. oct24 A Souvenir TIMb Free. ANY LADY sendimr at once the ounet and ad dress of ten married lady friends or hoi; Ho lt eepers to whom we can send sample copies of the most caanniDg uinsiraceo jaaier newspaper pub lished tc-dav, will receive an elegant solid silver sou venir thimble. The "Ladies' Pictorial Weekly" is the handaoruest and most entertaining Dublication of its class and is becoming universally popular with intelligent ladies in bth Canada and the United States. K contains sixteen large pages, same size as "Harper's Bazaar" most profusely illustrated, and cornea each week at only 91 a year. If you de sire a souvenir thimble send names of thorn vnn think would be interested in the "Ladies' Weekly" and enclose fifteen U. S. 2-cent stamps to cover ex penses of mailing:, etc Forward to-day. Address "Ladies Pictorial Weekly," Canada Life Building, Toronto, Can. - nv28w $10 REWARD. IOST-A BAY MARE, three ysars old, branded A something similar to a Z on left shoulder: weight 1112 pounds. The above reward will be .Aid to any one giving me information that will lead to bar recovery. JAMES MULCORE. decs uonaon, or. Land Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omcl at Vakcocvsr, Wash., November 6, 18U1. Notice U hereby giren that the following named settler lias filed notice of her intention to make tinal proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before W. K. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit Conrt, district of Washington, at Goidendale, Wash., on December 29, 1891, yiz. ELIZABETH E. STKUTHERS, Hd. entrv No. 8121. for the WJ of SEVf. NEJ4 of SW'4, and SES of SVf4, Sec 27, Tp S N, R 13 East Willamette Meridian. fche names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of,"said land, viz: Richard I W. French. James Hinnell, George W. French, Nelson B, Brooks, all of Ilartland P. O. Wash. nli JOHN D. GEUGHEGAN, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ojtics at The Dalles, Or., October SO, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of tb U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on Dec. 18, 1891, vii: GEORGE E. NOUN, Hd- No. 3666, for the SEJ4, Sec 3, Tp 2 S, R 14 East Willamette .Meridian. . He names the following witnesses to prore'his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: John Easton, James Martin, James Eiston and Charles Easton, all of Dufur, Or. OCI31 JOHN W LEWIS. Reirister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Optics at Tub Dalles, Okeoon, October 20, 1891 . Notice is hereby given that the folluwing-uamed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final priKif in support of his claim and that sid proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on December 8, 1891, viz: . ALVIS W. QUINN, Hd. No. 3617, for the SEi of Sec 3. Tp 2 S, R 13 E W M He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Frederick Rsichiein. Manon Thompson, James Le Due, William Heisler, all of Diriur, Or. oct24 HiHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Office a t Tns Dalles, Or., November 19, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on Jan. 7, 1892, viz: RICHARD SIGMAN. Homestead No. 3800, for the S NEi and W SElf S-c IS, Tp 1 south, range 13 east W M.. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Malcolm A Moody, A A Bonney, Rodort Mays and W H Butts, all of The Dalles, Or. novao JOHN W. LEWIS. Register. NOTICE FOR RE-PUBLICATION. Laud Offics at Tea Dalles, Oregon, December 8, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the f jllowing-named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim and that sai'l proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on January 18, 1892, iz: FRANK PEABODY, Hd. No. 3167, for lots 1, 2 and 3, and NE SVTX, Sec 18, Tp 2 S, R 15 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and oultivation of, said land, viz: Polk Butler, James Moore, Embry Moore. Fritz Claussen, all of Ninsene. Or. decl2 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Offics at Vancouver, Wash., Nov 17, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of hu intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit Court, disuict of Washington, at Goidendale, Wash., on Jan 14, 1892, viz: DIETRICH 8TEGMAN, Purchase Application No 194 under Sec 3 Forfeiture Act Sept 29, 1890. for the N WJ and SWJi Sec 33, Tp 3 north, range 14 east W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous claim to, said land, viz: John H Harms, Deleven E Brooks, William Wil kinson, of Centenille P O., Wash., and Azatiah J. Pitman, of Hartland P O.. Wash. nov20 JOHN D. GEOUHEOAN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Nov 17, 1891. ' Notice is htreby ghen that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R, Dunbar, commissioner United States Circuit Court for District of Washing ton, at Goidendale, Wash., on Jan 20, 1892, viz: WILLIAM Van VACTOR, Purchase Application No 188, under Sac 8 Forfeit ure Act Sept 29,1890, for the NW Sec 16, TpS Lorth, range 13 east W. M. He nnmes the following witnesses to prove his continuous claim upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: MelvHle M Warner, Angus Campbell, Geo G Lind say, of Hartland P O., Wash,, and Helton B Brooks, of Goidendale, Wash. nov20 JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. PROPOSALS FOR Flour, Bran and Feed. U. S. INDIAN SERVICE, ! WARM SPRINGS AGENCY, OREGON, November 2', 1891. 8ealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for flour, etc.," as the case may be, and addressed to the un dersigned at Warm Springs, Crook county, Oregon, will be received at The Dalles or as this agency, un til 1 o'clock P. M. of December 21st, 1891, for furnishing and delivftinfr at this agency about &0.C00 pounds of Flour, 30,000 pounds of Bran, and 50,000 pounds of Feed. Feed must be of clear oats and barley, fresh rolled and of good, sound grain. Bran must be of good quality bran and shorts mixed. Flour must be what is known as "straight full stock," of good, sound wheat, grown In the section of country contiguous to tho place of delivery; 60 pounds of wheat to be ground down to 42 pound of flour; no patents taken out; samples of not less than 10 pounds must be furnished by bidders Delivery to be made in such quantities as may be required . The riht is reserved to reject any or all bids, or any ftk-rt of any bid, if deemed for the best interest the service. Bidders must state specifically in their bids the proposed price of each article offered for delivery under a contract CERTIFIED CHECKS. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or draft upon some United States depository or Solv ent national bank in the vicinity of the residence of the bidder r made payable to the order of the Com any bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fair tb-i promptly execute a contract, with good and sum cient sureties, otherwise to be .returned to the bid der. Bias accompanied by cash in lieu of a certified cneck will not be considered, for further particulars apply to J. C. LUCKEY, nov28 U. S. Indian Agent. -THJ GEEMAMA, CHAS. STTJBLING, Prop. FOR THE PRESENT AT 83 Second. Street. Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All-brands of Imported Ltauors, Ale and Porter, and g-enJlDe Key est cigars. A ruu line or CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. To Young Housekeepers Free to all Brides ! "YTOTICE is herebv-eiyen to all the readers of this Ll paper and all their friends and acquaintances u.rouvnoui tne united states ana i;anaaa inav THE HOUSEHOLD , Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whose address and to nu to pay postage is sent to tne puoiisner within one year from the date of their marriage. Persons sending for this present are requested to send copy of a paper containintr a notice of their marriage, or some other es-ideuce that shall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine under tne above oner. Address, 'THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt C. W. ADAMS, Is now'looted af 77 Second Street, Next to Schuts Justice Office. Bepalnna; m Specialty. He has sived soma of his best leather out of the fire and will make the neatest boot or shoe of anyone u the dtv. rheArtisticShoemaker Iegal Notices- Sheriffs Sale. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT of the State of Oregon for Wasco county. Mary Conlon, plaintiff, vs. P. T. Shaip, defend ant. By virtue of an execution, issued out of the said court and cause on the 27th day of Octocer, 1891, upon a judgment rendered in said court on the lt day of August, 1891, I have levied upon, and will seU on Saturday, the 26th day of December, 1S91, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of said day, at the court house in Dalles City, in said county and state, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in hand, subject to redemption, the followine described real property, to wit: The NE qr of SW qr, and S hf of SW qr. Sec 12, an I NE qr of SW qr, Sec 13. Tp 1 N. R 13 E, and fractional lots 3 and i of N hf of NE qr. Sec 12, Tp 1 N, R 13 E; also fractional parts of K W qr of NW qr. Sec 13, Tp 1 N, R 13 E; also N hf of SW qr. Sec 7. Tp lN.it 14 E; al-ri N hf of SE qr, and S hf of the NE qr, Sec 12, Tp 1 K, R 13 E, being and situated in Wasco county, state of Oregon, to satisfy the sum of S57.13, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 1st day of August, 191, and the further sum of SUM, cost of sui', together with accruing costs herein. Dated the 27th day of November, 1891. D. L. CATES, nov28 Sheriff. SUMMONS. STATE OF OREGON County of Wasco J JUSTICE'S COURT, for the Prediiit of Falls. Frank Batifuhr, plaintiff, vs. Jumes Ryan, de fendant. Civil action to recover $243. To James Rvn, the above name.! defendant: In the name nf tlie state of Oregon, you are hereby re quired to appear before the undersigned, a jutice oi the peace for the precinct aforesaid, on the 14th day of Jauuarv, 1892, at 1 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the office of said justice, in said pre cinct, to answer the above named plaintiff in a civil action. . - The defendant will take notice that if he fail to answer the complaint herein, the plaintiff will take judgment againit him for two hundred and forty three dollars (243), and costs and disbursements herein. ' This eummoRB is published by oruer of the court this day mr.de. Given under my hand this 21st day of November, A. D. 1891. TT A. G. BALL, nov2S Justice of the Feace. Exeeulor's Notice of Final Settlemat NOTICE is hereby given that George Ruch, exe cutor of tho estate ot Wi liam Harinan, de cetsed, ha filed his final account in said es'ate, and that the 5tii dav of January, 1892, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, has been appointed as the time for hearing said tinal account and report, t nd that the hearing will be had thereof, together with any ob jections thereto, if any are made, before the Hon. C. i. 'Ihornbun, County Judge, t the county court room ot tne county court bouse in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon. - All persons intere ted in said estate are hereby notified to apfiear at said time and plaee, and i.how cause, if any there be, why sai'l account should not be in all things approved and allowed. This notice is published by order of Hon. C. N. Thornbury, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon foi Wasco county, of date November 4tb, 1891. Dated Nov. 14, 1891. GEORGE RUCH, Executor with the will annexed of the estate of William Harman, deceased. Condon j Condoh, Att'ys for ths estate. nl4-6t Executrix' Notice of Final Settlement. mHE UNDER8IGNED hereby gives notice that l ene naa meu in we uuice ui vu ,uuiikjr .ici of Wasco county, Oregon, her final account in the matter of the estate of Charles Henry Iluynes, de ceased, and that the Honorable C. N. Thornbury. county judge of said county, has made an order that said final account, and the settlement of the estate, as well as any objections thereto, shall be heard at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 5th day of January, 1892, that being the secoud day of the next regular Jann ary term of said county court for the year 1892, pur suant to ,aid order, iuthe county court room in the court house of said count in Dalles City, Oregon. All persons interested in said estate are hereby noti fied to appear at said time and place and show cause, if any there be, why said account aud report should not be approved and allowed. Dated this 30th day of November, 1891. ELIZABETH J. HAYNES, Executrix with the will annexed of the estate of Charles Henry ilayues, deceased, Condon at Condju, attorneys for the estate. Administrator's Sale. rrHE UNDERSIGNED, Administrator of the 'cs I t.ite of W C, Tarljnp. deceased, will on Tnes duy, "ftS'lJui1 Jiv of December, 15U1, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M., 'at the coutfc-house door in Dajlcs City, sell at public auction UT the highest bidder, fifty-seven shares of the capital stock of the V naa yille Land and Livestock Company. Terms of sale, one-half cash and OLC-half in six months with ap proved security. The stock is in three certificates two for twenty shares each, and one for seventeen , hares and of the par value of $100 per share, and will be offered separately and together. This company owns large tracts of land and about eighteen thousand head of sheep, all in Crook and W asco counties, Oregon . The company is id a flour ishing condition, and the stock is a desirable invests ment and sure to bring good returns. j For further particulars write to the administrator at Bake Oven, Oregon, or W. U. Wilson, attorney for the estate, The Dalles, Oregon. ! HERBERT C. ROOFER, nov28 Administrator Administrator's Notice. IN the matter of the estate of James H. Uagee, deceased. Notice if hereby given to all whom it may concern that the uncersigned has been appointed adminis trator of the estate of James M. Magee, deceased, by the honorable, the' County Court of the county of Wasco, state of Oregon, on the 19th day of July, A. D. 1891, and all bills due fro n the estate must be presented Ha me within six months from date, ac companied by d roper vouchers,; and all debts due the estate will be collected by me. WM. MIOHELL,. Administrator of the estate of James M. Magee, deceased. decl2 The Dalles, Dec. 12, 189L Administrator's Notice. In the matter of the estate of Geo. T. Brickell, de ceased. NOTICE is hereby given to all whom it may con cern, that tho undersigned has fil'dhis final account in the above estate, and that Monday, the 4th day of January, 1892, at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said dy, at the county court room in the .-ourt House in ifaiies vity, wsco county, ure. on, is the time add Dlace fixed bv the Hon. C. N Thorn bury, the county judge of said county and state, for tne nearintr ot objections to said account. Datea October HO. 1891. J. C. BKICKELL, Administrator of the estate of Geo. T. Brickell, deceased. Dufur, Watkins A Menefee, attorneys for admin strator. . nv21 Dissolution Notice. T IO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The firm of Thompson, ft Farjrher has dissolved partnership, Mr. Fargher having disposed of his in torestin the firm to Mr. Geo- ee T. Thompson. All those indebted to the firm are requested to come forward an I settle all bills as Mr. rargner is aoout to leave the city. Mr. Thompson will assume all liabilities and collect all debts, ana continue tne business in his own name. GEO. T. THOMPSON, W. FABGUER. The Dalles, Oct. 3o, 1801. Notice to Creditors. A f OTICE is hereby given that on the 30th day of October, 1891, P. T fhatp assumed to me for the benefit of all his creditors, in uro portion to their respective claims, all of his personal and real prop erty. The creditors of said P. T. Sham are hereby noti fied to present their claims against said ass g-tor duly verified, to me at my office in Dallas City. Or. witnin tnree montns irom cne aate ox in is nonce. DaUid at dalles City, Oregon, December 12, 1891, - J. W. COIDON, dec!2 Assignee. Smoked Salmon for Sale THE BEST in the MARKET And all kinds of fresh Fish. IntheH'a Idron Bui: din. Front DalLw, Oregon. eet, The Orders from a Distance Promptl At tended to, and Fish Shipped Refrigerating Cars. ... MY MOTTO: Cheap Prices and Quick Sales. Ad dim TH DALES F IBH CO. Corner Third and Washington Sts. Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues , And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Teal Cutlets in the market. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY 'Fresh Vegetables on Sale at the Lowest Prices. jeod&w JAS. FERGUSON, Goods hauled with the greatest care to all parts of the city on short notice. Leave orders with Fish Ss Bardo General Expressman LUMBER Wm. Butler & Co. have established a Lumber lard on Front Street, Corner Jefferson, W here may be fonnd a com plete stock of XCougrli and Dressed J ltni ler,JLiM.tli & Sliin-ij-los. at The pocket. Special atten tion given to orders from the country. THE DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA IVa-vlSiat Ion Company's ELEGANT STEAMER, REGULATOR Will leave the foot of Court street every morniiijf at 7 o'clock for Portland and Way, Points. Connections will be made with tho fast steamer, DALLES CITY, At the foot of the Cascade Locks. For passenger or freight rates, apply to the agent, or purser on board. H. R. SIBLEY, Agent THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FIKST STREET, FACTORY NO. 105. ninipQ of the Best 'Brands manufact UlUMllO nred, and ordeas from all patts of the country rilled on the shortest" notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home manufactured article is increasing eyery day. dec24dy-tf A. ULRICH SON. "OLD CERMANIA' OO Second St. C. DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly-on sale the best Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. The finest brands of Imported and Do mestic Cigars a specialty. au7-91dy Opera Eating House, . No. 62, MAIN STREET, Nearly Opp, Umatilla. House, The Only First-Class Short Order House IN THE CITY. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Oysters in eyery style. All kinds of game in eeasou. Spacial rates to sup per parties. WILL S. GRAHAM. Proprietor. Northwest Cor. Second and Washington Stf. y Successors to George Euch.l The Cheapest Place IS TUB SALUtstroa All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit a share ot the nubile rat rouaffe, and Ktia1! end-avor to irive entire satisfac tion to our customers, both old and new. ' yASCO juj AI.OO.'N anu EUREKA RESTAURANT F. W. L. 8KIBBE, PROP. A Hi ines, Liquors & Cigars T -TT-N-P-H 'TT-Q putupfor J-i.U .II .Li.il .1 JTRAVELER3 Cor. Secoud and Madison, near asaongrer d' pot. mv4d-m HILL, O'MALLEY & CO. THE LEADING Architects and Builders Office in Skibbe's Brick, THE DALLES, OREGON, Will take contracts and furnish plans nd spdcifl cations for all builuinga.frame, brick or stone. Ma teri&is iuiuisoed u needed. . octo Watchmaker aad Jeweler. At Ullrich & Son's Cigar Factory, Comer Mainland Court Sts- AH kinds of Watches repaired with neat ness and dispatch. Notice to Wood Dealers. BIDS will be leceived at H. Glenn's fflce unti December 16th, lor the delivery of one hun dred cords of fir wood at the brickyard: forty cords by the first of April, the rest by the first of Mar. aeco-3t HiA BLANK. PLAIN SEWING. I WILL do all kinds of plain sewing, either at my home or sro to ths h-use of the person. Price will be reasonable, and (food work guaranteed s Leave orders at Leslie Butler's Grocery. ' nrziasw una. T. J. KOBlflETT. MONEY TO LOAN . At om 7 to 8 per cent, interest, on well Improved far a. Apply to F. V. ANDREWS CO , 66 Stark an tt Portland, Or. decs Prices to Suit PIONEER GROCERY MAIEE & BENTON, Successors to A. Bettin?en RETAILERS AND JOBBERS IN Hardware, Tin, Wiir';:::, AND GRANITEWARE. A complete line of Heating and Conk Stove. Pump?, , Pipe Plumbers and titeatn Fitters' supplies; also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmiths and Farm ers Tools, AND SHELF HAEDWAKE. All Tinning, Plumbing- and pipe work will , be done on short notice. SECOND ST., THE DALLES. OR CHRISMAN BROTHERS, uccessors to F. Taylor.) Proprietors of the CITY MARKET THIRD STREET. it. SIO Hams, Bacon and Sausage always on hand. dec31d&wtf W. H. Youno. Rudolph Ktss. A. Sixdrock. Young, Kuss & Sanflrock. GENERAL EHI ::i II WORE. HORSE-SHOEING A SPECIALTY. All work guaranteed. All kinds of repairing done on short notice. Third Street, THE DALLES. OR. OpDOflite Liebe'g old stand. Tie Mechanics' Restaurant, SECOND STREET, Ibird door east of A. L. Newman's grocery.' LADY COOKS. No Chinamen employed. Meals, 25 Cents. Mr. and Mrs. P. Howard have opened the above restaurant and desire a share of the public patronage. COAL! COAL! -THE BEST- Wellington, Rock Springs, and Eoslyn Coal. $12, sacked and delivered to any part ot the city. At Moody's Warehouse. L. P. OSTLUND furbish drafts and etllmatei on buildiiigs. dwellings anu stores. Mr. Ostlund Is a practical mechanic, and the plan a drafted by bim will prove artistic, cheap and dura ble. W.T.WISEMAN ccessor to J. H. McDonough AC.) DEALER IN Choice Wines. Liquors. AND CIGARS. None bnt the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Court and Second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. Andrew Yelarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Locjc Box 181. R. E. Saltniarshe -AT THE East End STOCK YARDS. "WILI, PAY THE HighestCashPrice for Hay and Grain. DEALER IN LIVE STOCK. Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, Hoarseness. WhooDlno Couah.Crouo. ion throat. Asthma, and everv affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including; Consumption. Speedy and or rmanmt. Genuine signed "X. Butts." Cl0 FOR OUR CATALOQUCmb PR'CCS ATLAS -ENGINE WORKS. INDIANAPOLIS. IMS. uniauu, VICgUU, A. AT aiUIMIVUg, 1US Branch School: Capital Bus. Coixkob, Salem, Oregon. oame courses or study, same rates ot tuition. Business. Shorthand, Typewriting; Penmanship, and English Department grin session mrougnoui we year, moaenis mitiii at any time. Catalogue from either school, free. Cedar Posts For Sale. 1 HATE 1,000 (rood and solid Cedar fosU on sa' at iba beach Apply to SSdaw A. BIK'ULEB. Contractor and Bunder CURES ! PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST,. WEST, NORTH and SOUTK THE DALLES. E. E. LYTTLE, - - - Agent. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEAN, . Portland to San Frinrlseo. To San Francisco Leaving: Stesmhlp Wharf Fort land, at 10 F M., as follows: SUte Oct S, 15, 27 Columbia Oct 7. 19, 81 Oregon Oct 11, 23 Baggage mast be checked either at Ash St., during the oay, or by the U. C. A B. Co. No unchecked baggage will be received on the steamers. Kan Francisco to Portland. To Portland Leaving SpearSt. Wharf, San Francisco at 10 A. 41. as follows: Columbia : Oct 2, 14. 26 Oregon Oct 6, 18, SO Stole Oct 10, 22 The company reserves the light to change steam ers ot sailing dates without further notice. For rates, tickets, be.th reservations, etc., call on or address any ticket agent ot the Union Pacific sys tem. C. S. MELLEN. T. W. LEE. Oen. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. At. FROM TERMINALfOR IN1ERIOR POINTS ms . Northern Pac. RAILROAD Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SCUTH. It is the Dining Car Route. It runs ThroughJVes tibuled Traius Every Day in the year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARd.) Composed of Dinincr Cars unsurpassed. Pullman DrawinK-room Sleepers of Latest Equipment. TOURIST'S SLEEPING CARS, Best that can be constructed, and in which accom mouatton? are ootn r rro auu r ui uioncu fur holders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. Pullman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad' yance througn any agent oi me roa. ml rT ATTn TT TTPVPTO To and from all IJUVUUUJU points in America, England and Europe can be purchased at any ticket 01HC6 Ol tne company. Full information concerning rates, time of traius, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Ass't General Passenger Agt, No. 121 First St.. Cor. Waih., PORTLAND. OiEGON TO WOOL GROWERS IF YOU WANT - To Keep Tour Sbeep Health; and Insure a ttood UMp use Hayward's Sheep Dips, A SURE CURE AT MODERATE COST. Hayward's "Paste Dip.' Mixes with cither cold or warm water Hayward's Liquid Dip. Is dod-poisonous, improves tbe wool a dots, not btaiD It. CHRISTY &, WISE3 WOOL00IMISaiOl ' MfJtCHAKTS. i lit and Townseod Sts., Sao Francisco General Atrente. LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Payette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in iron or wood done In the neatest manner. Anything' in tne wagon line, irom a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and macblneiy tepaired in thu most skill .til and workmanlike manner. mcniiuw PRICES -AT- American Market O. L4UIt Prop. CRANBERRIES, 60c per Ralloo. LEMONS, 25e per dozen. SALT SALMON, 10c per pound. ANDERSON'S MINCE MEAT, lOo per package. BOOTHS EASTERN OYSTERS, 75c per can.- 71 HECOND TBEBT. PAUL KREFT & CO. -DEALERS IN- Paints, Oils, Cite And the Most Complete and Latest Patterns and Design in WALL PAPER. Practical Painters and Paper Hangers. Hone bat the best brands or the Sherwin-Williams Paint used in all our work.. and none but the most skilled workmen employed. All orders will be promptly acteoaea t". Shop adjoining Bed Front Grocery, THIRD STREET, THE DA4.a: F.W.BOLD, Blacksmith ui W:i!:h! At Thompson's old stand, 193 Tnird 8t BUCKSMITHINC OF All KINDS DONE NEATLY AND CHEAPLY. WOOD-WORK of all kinds, repairing and making anything, from a wheelbarrow to a carriage. HORSE-SHOEING A SECIALTY. m 4d-w G. NOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. TV.nD .nd v.f.icsti.ins tor buildincr fur nished. Will do ail kinds of excayating and (trading. All orders snouio ne. leu at postomce uoa nov!3 THE i DAILY AND WEEKLY - LEADING PAPER OF WASCO Full Report of Local Happenings and General News. REPUBLICAN But is not owned clique Always takes a on all public.questions, AND EXPRESSES ITS OPINION REGARDLESS OF SUBSCRIPTION RATES: IJATI.Y! . PER TEAR PER MONTH, by carrier PER" WEEK, 8IKGLE COPT WKEKLY t ONR TEAR 8JT MONTHS ALL KINDS OF THE 0R0 PINO WINE ROOMS. I. KELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 8i Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 Gi-eeroi-io Vineyard Co. -A ,e xiey . All All Wines and Brandies The Best Wines, Liquors Try the best remedy for S. IF MldDdPUDlT, Gener '1 Commission and 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot) Consignments Prompt Attention to those who The Highest Price paid in Cash CHAS. E. THE DALLES, OREGON, -DEALER DRUGS, MEDICINES rine loilet soaps, iirus&ea, uomus, eic. i mumorj auu xaucy Toilet Articles. Pare Brandy, Wines and Liquon for Medicinal Purposes. Physicians' Prescriptions a. Specialty. THE - COUNTY. IN POLITICS, or controlled by any or ring. DeterminedlStand v y --4 CONSEQUENCES. i.. $8 00 60 15 05 ....$8 00 1 00 JOB PKINTIM Burgundy 83, Zinfandel 84, Riesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret Guaranteed Strictly Pure and Cigars Always on Sale. Dyspepsia, Dandelipn. Tonic" Forwarding Merchant, Solicited ! favor ms with their patronage. for Wheat, Barley, Etc, Eto DUNHAM, IN- AND CHEMICALS,