The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY.. r .NOVEMBER 21, 1891 TELEGKAPHIC. The Bosslan .Famine. St. Petkksbuko, Not. 17. Report from the famine-stncken districts of the empire continue to show that despair and suffering are entailed upon tbe poorer classes by tbe scarcity of food. The government is doing everything in its , power to help the sufferers. As already stated, tbe czar bas made & large dona 'tion for the benefit of the sufferers from bis private purse, in addition to turuios over a sum of money presented bim upon tbe occasion of his silver wedding. Tbe czarina, too, has given freely ard other members of the imperial family havo helped to swell the fund for the relief of the poor. As large as the subscriptions are, they are but a drop in tbe octaai o money that required to carry tb thousands upon thousands of RuflercTs through tbe winter. The Salvation Army Tragedy. Omaha, Nov. 16 Tbe coroner s iury , to-night returned a verdict iu the case of Nettie Beidler, who shut Captain Hattie Smith, of the Salvation Army, and then committe.l suicide last night, A verdict of death by suicide was returned. Captain Smith is at the hospital resting easy, and may recover. It is . learned that tbe Beidler girl bad made careful prcpara- - tions before leaving home lor the com mission ofvtbe deed, placing her things . in order and destroying everything tha might give a clue to tbe cause. Canadians are Kxcited. , Halifax. Nov. 16 Yarmouth ship owners are much exercised over the relu sal of tbe Brazilian dictator to permit cable dispatches to be delivered to Cana dian vessels in distress in Brazilian ports. The Yarmouth bark Lettie was recently J compelled to put back to Rio Grande do Bui leaking. Tbe owner cabled bis in structions to tbe captain yesterday, bu tbe message was returned, with the Etate - ment that the authorities refuse to allow ' it to be delivered. Mr. Crosby iminedi ately reported the fact to tbe Canadian government. 4'lre in an Idaho Mining Town. Wallace, Idaho, November, 1G. At 1 o clock this morning an alarm or tare was giyeo. Tbe blaze started ia Lyon's clothing house, on lower Sixth street, and spread to tbe adjoining buildings. Although tbe firemen were out m gooi time, tbe stock in tbe clothing store was totally destroyed. Tbe loss . Is about $5000, partly covered by insurance. The building was owned by Alex Mu;r, and tbe adjoining building, which was oc copied as a saloon, was owned by Joe Cambia. tievernment Troops Kepulsed. Rro Grande, Texas, Nov. 16. News was received here to-day that on the 12th inst. Catanno Garcia and about 100 of bis companions met several hundred Mexican soldiers near Mier. Catnrino beld bid ground firmly. A volley was fired at his forces, but with no damage, and it was returned by tbe revolutionists, causing tbe death of three soldiers and wounding one. The government forces fell back in disorder. , American Pork in Austria. London, Nov. 16 The Vienna corres pondent Of tbe Times says the negotiations ot Colonel Grant, United States minister, with the Austrian government in regard to tbe pork prohibition has made such good progress that, although tbe particu lars are kept secret,, it ia expected a few days will see tbe definite announcement of the repeal of tbe prohibition on the importation of American pork. Hay not be Ctailty. Galena, 111-, Nov. 16 Ralph White, one of the men held at Racine, Wis. under suspicion of being implicated in the train robbery at Western Union Junction, is a member of one of tbe best and wealthiest families of this county, being a sob of J. W. White, president of . tbe Hanover Woolen Co., and a nephew of Senator Cheney of New Hampshire. Terrors or tbe Deep. London, Nov. -16 Intense anxiety prevails among the relatives and friends of tbe crews of tha Bngbtling sea fishing fleet, all tbe vessels of wbicb were at sea when tbe recent storm burst upon the English coast. Not one vessel of the fleet has returned to port since tbe gule began and it is feared tbe whole fleet is lost. GBAHT COUNTY. Items From the Columns of the JLons; Creek Bacle. Tbe scarlet fever is raging in the Prairie City section, so we were informed by a re liable resident of that part ot Grant county. John Moak baa received retarns from the ore taken from his discovery near Magone's lake, which he sent to Salt Lake City to be assayed. It yielded $136 to the ton in sil ver and $6 in gold. . A. C. Frinfe, of Hamilton, was very seri ously injured last week by being kicked by a colt, it is supposed. Mr. Friuk is quite an old gentleman, and it will likely be some time before he will recover from tbe effects of this accident. While Wm. Burnam and other parties, . who are at work on the Jordan mine in Fox valley, were sinking a well near the discov ery shaft, the ledge where it was immensely rich was disclosed ' to view. A pan of the decomposed rock would yield thousands ot colors. Mr. Burnum is, without question, tne luckiest miner of to-day, and tbe par ties with whom he is associated can rely upon receiving handsome fortunes out of this property. Mat. Kerwin'and W. H. Ward came over from the Black Butte sectiion last Saturday, having ceased operations on the Lettie Lewis quartz mine. These-two gentlemen have been employed to develop tnis prop erty, and have done much drifting and work, besides completing a tunnel 65 .feet in length. ' In taking out the amount of rock and other substance they have discov ered several prospects, but it is the opinion of both gentlemen that tbe ledge to be properly disclosed will require the comple tion of tha tunnel several ' feet farther. It is quite likely that work on this property will ba prosecuted during the entire winter, Hhopplax In Cairo. , London Daily News During their stay in Cairo tbe late Canon Liddon and bis sister, Mrs. -King, occasionally went shopping, and the lady gives tbe following account of oriental bartering : De Nicola (tbe courier) asked tbe price of an article and tben offered one-half. Tbe seller protested be sever altered his price. Then De Nicola folded up tbe goods, put tbem on a cbair and said : "Very well, do not waste more words. I shall give you so-and so." The merchant screamed; De Nicola gesticulated. Tben they shook bauds, touched foreheads, etc., aod I thought the matter was arranged, when De Nicola whispered to us, 'Now the real battle is going to begin.' They screamed, stamped, thumped and finally De Nicola tbrew back all our purchases, . and said we would go to another shop, naming it. At once the salesman caved in, and pro tested be would rather give us bis goods than that we should go away empty bended, and so the purchase was con ducted with smile, band-shakings and tbe usual greetings of lip and forehead, and a backsbeesk was given us into tbe bargain P' Agricultural Matters. ' A Farmer's Institute will be beld nnder tbe auspices of the State Agricultural Col lege at Dufur, in this county, November 24 and 25, 1891, and through the kindness of Mr. Wm. Holder, of Grass Valley, state lecturer for the grange, we have received the following programme: r.:Ojy, KOT. 24, 10 A. H. MUSIC Address ot Welcome . A J Dufur, Jr Response Prof H T French Music Political Economy from a Farmer's Standpoint Kon W H H Dufur Declamation Waldo Briham Music tuzsdat, 1:30 P. u. Summer Fallowing.... J B Haverly Comic Essay K t; warren Poultry Raiting- Prof F Bcrchtola Music ' Keading .-. Annie Heisler Recitation Eva Vanderpool Music tuwdav, 7:50 p. u. Music I. imxtment of Household Science at the Aarii- cultural Collfge Prof Margaret Snell Essay, "Woman's Sphere, airs n uinneia Music The Cultivation and Management of Flowers, Mrs O W Johnston Reading Mrs J C Johnson Music WKBXESDAT, HOT. 25, 0 A. H. Music The Farmer and His Horse M J Anderson Farm Fence and their influence on the Neigh borhood W J Harrituan Essay on Horticulture .' E P Roberta Music WEDSB8DAT, 1:30 P. M. Music Zooliarv and Botanv in Our PuDlic Schools Prof A Frazer Should the Principles of Agriculture be Tauarht in our Public Schools? E Harrinian Music . Industrial Education Prof TJ T French Recitation Omer Smith Music WEDNESDAY, 7:30 T. II. Music Questions from question box Should Farmer's Organize? Wm Uolder. Lecturer. Orezon State G ranee Recitation Chia Heisler Music Discussion will follow cub subject presented. A quest ion box will be provided in which questions lor discussion may D6 piacea oy any one preaeubr Engene Guard: Last Thursday afternoon about 2:30 o'clock, Mr. iJehriver, who lives near Crow postoffice, about 12 miles south' west ot Eugene, shot himself. It happened in this hiehlv interesting manner: He was out hunting with his brother and had wounded a chcasant. and both the parties were pursuing it. His brother espied the pheasant and hallooed for him to throw him the shotgun, which was loaded with No. 5 shot. He took the gun by tbe barrels and threw it over a pile of brush, about fifteen feet distant, when one of the barrels went off, the charge striking a fir tree, and three of the shot glanced off.two of them entering bis riL'ht groin and the other entering tne outer edge of the right hip. Dr. Smiley was called and returned Friday morning, after dressing the wound. He reports the wound a dangerous one, but not necessarily fatal. W. W. Statesman: Two horses, the prop erty of Mr. Demans, were killed on tne long trestle of the O. & W. T. railroad near Dixie Thursday night, During the evening four of Mr. Demaris horses by some means walked up on the trestle, when suddenly the recular train from Dayton came in sight. Two of the animals were near the end ot the trestle and were frightened off, but tbe others were so far along the trestle they could not escape. When the engine was within a few feet of the trestle these horses became frightened and started to get across in front of tbe train. One horse slipped and fell, and before the engine could be ttopped it was run over and killed. The other horse became so frightened that it jumped off the trestle to the ground, about 90 feet, resulting in tbe animal being killed Condon bad another blaze on Monday morning about 7 o'clock. It originated in the carpenter shop and sleeping apartments ot w. jr. lurnagle, ana ournea mat ana the blacksmith shop of O. S. Clark, and the old carpenter shop of John Clark, and the unfinished carpenter shop of VV. 1, Thnrnagle was burned and torn down.' It required hard work to save the blacksmith shop of Billie Dunlap, as it stood about 30 teet from tbe tire, and tne wind was diow ins in that direction, Xbo drug store ot Mr. Darling, standing over 1UU yards away, took fire and some ladies turned the hose on and put it out. Everybody worked hard, and special thanks' is due the ladies, aa usual, for their work in pumping and carry idc water. The fire was purely accidental, but just bow it originated 19 unknown, as the men who occupied the building put all fire out before leaving an hour before. A sbeepherder while in the vicinity of the north fork of the John Day a short time since made a discovery of an old tunnel, abandoned long ago by its workers, per haps through fear of Indians, which bas been hunted for years by parties who knew of its existence, until lately, without success, as tbe entrance was overgrown and hidden. The tunnel is about 100 feet in length, and discloses black tand in large quantities con taining flour gold. Some of this sand haa been taken to Pendleton and will be assayed to determine its richness. It has been ru mored that one of tbe original miners was killed and left in the tunnel but bis remains were not discovered. The find is believed to be a valuable one. Following is the data of fruit sold and shipped from Ashland station in 1891 by the regular buyers and shippers. This does not include tbe fruit kept for home consump tion or that wasted by not having canning facilities. Tomatoes, 95,000 pounds; necta rines, 19,000 ponnds, 1000 boxes; cherries. 32,780 pounds, 4556 gallons; apples, 477, 200 pounds, 11,930 boxes; peaches, 1,550, 684 pounds, 86,150 boxes; pears, 104,345 pounds, 2610 boxes; plums and prunes, 68,- 052 pounds, 3403 boxes or 13,610 gallons; currants and gooseberries, 750 pounds, 150 gallons; raspberries, 82y0 pounds, 640 gal lons; strawberries, 4460 pounds, 892 gal lons; blackberries, 40,600 pounds, 8120 gal lons. Hood River Glacier: Peter Peterson, the night track walker at iento, was struck by an engine on tbe trestle Sunday evening ana thrown into the water below, a distance oi thirty feet. The train was stopped, and it was found that tbe man was alive and manaiting to ketp bis head above the water. He was taken out and brought here. Dr. Thomas examined bim and made him as comfortable as possible until the arrival of the evening passenger, whenjhe was taken to Portland. The doctor informs us the man had received a blow in the side and back, some of tbe ribs being broken. He died Monday morning. statesman: Last friday a young man in the employ of Joseph Suttan, near Milton, named John Chamberlain, met with an aa cident which resulted in a badly fractured limb. He was on his way to Milton with a load ot hay, when coming down the hill in to (Jache hollow, tbe horses became unman aceable and in bis effort to stop them from running away they were turned from the road and the wagon npset, Mr. Chamber' lain being thrown & the ground in such a manner that he sustained a fractnre of the left leg below the knee. He was taken to Pendleton and placed under the care of physicians. Ochoco Review: On Thursday Frank Va nina entered complaint against Thos. Porfili for attempting to commit a rape on his ( V anina s) wits and daughter. The com plaint alleges that on Thursday of last week, when Mr. Vanina was away from borne, Porfili came to Vanina's house and attempted to rape Mrs. Vanina, and failing in tnis ne assaultea tne aaugbter, a girl some thirteen years of age. sheriff Booth arrested Porfili on Thursday and brought mm to town. He is an Italian, and speaks very poor English, but is able to stoutly deny the charges against him. A. .Pleasing Sense. Of health and strength renewed and of ease and comfort follows tbe use of Syrup of Figs, as it acts in harmony with nature to cnectually cleanse tbe system when costive or billious. For sale in 50c. or $1.00 bottles by leading druggists. Bneltlen.'a antra Halve. The best salve in the world for cuts braises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feve. ores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly. Land Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land omca at Vancouver, Wash., November 6. 1891. Notice is herebv given that the following named settler has filed notice nf her intention to make final proof in support nf her claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit Uonrt, district ot Washington, at Qoldendale, wasnM on December zv, ishi, viz. ELIZABETH E. STRUT HERS, Hd. entry 'Vo. 8121. for the WJ of SEVf. NEJ of and SEX of W, Sec 27, Tp 3 N, R 13 East Willamette Meridian. She' names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Richard W. French, James Binnell, Geor.'e W French, Nelson B, Brooks, all of Hartland P. O. Wash. nu JOHN D. UEOGHEGAN, Register notice for publication. Laso Office: at Tbs Dalles, Obkoos, October H). ll . Notice is herebv eiven that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final prof in support of his claim and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, or., on iiecemner a, leui, viz: ALVIS W. QU1NN, Hd. No. 3617, for the SEJ of Sec 3. Tp 2 S, R 13 E W M. He names the following; witnesses to prove his continnou3 residence upon and cultivation oi saia land, viz: Frederick Rsichiein. Marion Thompson, James Le Due, William Heisler, all of Duiur, Or. oct24 lOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offici at The Dalles, Or., October SO, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the followingr-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Keinster and Receiver of fchj U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on Dec. 18, 1891, viz: GEORGE E. SOUS, Hd- No. 3666, for the SEJ4, Sec 3, Tp 2 S, I! 14 Fast Willamette Meridian. He names the followingr witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: . John Easton, James Martin. James E-istDn and Charles Easton, all of Duiur, Or. oct31 JOHN W LEWIS. Remster. Legal Notices. Exeeulor's Notice of Final Settlement. vrOMICE is hereby given that George Ruch, eie- cutor of tne estate or wi nam nannan, de ceased, has filed bis final account in said esrate, and that the fitli dav of January. 1892. at 10 o'clock A. it. of said day, has teen appointed as the time for hearing said nnal account ana report, ana tnat tne hearing will be had thereof, together with any ob jections thereto, if any are made, before the Hon. C. . Thornburi, County Judre, at the county court room of tbe county court house in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon. All persons inters ted in said estate are hereby notified to annear at said time and plaee. and show cause, if any. there be, why said account should not be in all things approved ana auowea. This notice is published by order of Hon. C. N. Thornbury, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon foi Wasco county, of date November 4th, 1891. IVibKl Nov. 14. 1891. GEORGE RUCH. Executor with the will annexed of the estate of William Hannan, deceased. Cos do k & Condom. Att'vs for the estate. nl4-6t Dissolution Notice. mo WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: The firm of Thompson Fargher has dissolved partnership, Mr. Fargher having disposed of his in to rest in the firm to Mr. Geo-ge T. Thompson. All those indebted to the firm are requested to come forward anl settle all bills as Mr. r'argner is aoouc to leave tbe city. Mr. Thompson will assume all liabilities and collect all aeocs, ana continue tne business in his own name. GEO. T. THOMPSON, W. FARGHER. The Dalles, Oct. 3o, 1891. Administrator's Notice. XTOTICE is herebv given that at the regular term Xl of the county court for Wasco county, State of Oregon, held in the court bouse in this city during September, the undersigned was appointed adminis trator of the estate of M. Diamond, deceased. All bills due tha said deceased, will be collected by the undersiirned. and all debts owed by the deceased should be presented within Bix months from this date. CM. rUL'TS, Administrator of estate of M. Diamond, deceased. The Dalles, Sept. 18, 1891. NOTICE. TO WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: This is to notify all Dersons to not credit my wife. Laura Ouirk. aa I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by her, sbo having left my Dm ana board. . JJlKli. The Dalles, Oct. 13, 1891. lin THAT it has been shown by our advertisement of the last month that the self styled leaders in the Book and Stationary Business are in re ality the 0" and after this date we will pursue the even tenor of our way, from time to time making announcements of the advantages to be derived by purchasing JBochs and Sta tionery at The Postoffice Store. The Dalles, Oct. 7 1891. THE DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA JVavI nation Company's ELEGANT STEAMER, REGULATOR Will leave the foot of Court street every -- x morning at 7 o'clock for Portland and V7ay Points.' Collections will be made with" the fast steamer. DALLES CITY, At the foot of the Cascade Locks. For 'passtnger or freight rates, apply to the agent, . or purser on boara. S. Li. BROOKS. Agent Smoked Salmon for Sale 'a THE BEST in the MARKET And all kinds of fresh Jrisn. In the Waldron Rolldin. Front Dalles, Oregon. Street, The Orders from a Distance Promptly At- lenuea to, ana isn snipped in Refrigerating Cars. MY MOTTO; dress Cheap Prices and Quick Sales. ' Ad- dim TH I ALICES FISH CO. F. W. BOLD, Blacksmith and ' Wagon-Maker! At Thompson's old stand, 193 Tninl St BUCKSMITHINC OF ALL KINDS DONE NEATLY AND CHEAPLY. WOOD-WORK et all kinds, repairing and making anything, from a wheelbarrow to a carriage. HORSE-SHOEING A SEC1ALTY. m 4d-w Pennyroyal pills MWialiMlralrtmnBa . arc, alwan rellablA, ladies aik Drat rM fcr Calcauur Unglith JMa-j la ate an OoU awullia' BIM I wlLh MM ribBM. I IB. UIiiuH At Drain. arMaale. la murnvt MrtloaUn. fttl maA " Kaiur tmr Ladle., to Utur, bj i fli 1 1 1 h tnr mml w I V t , IT n - i Mk7 Beli eying aai A ijfpj TO Alti' PRINCIPAL POITS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH .1- THE DALLES. E. E. LYTTLE, - - - Agent. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEAN, Portland to Nan Francisco. To Sao Francisco Leaving Stea-tfhlp Wharf Port land, at 10 P M., as follows: Sttte Oct S, 15, 27 Columbia Oct 7. 19, 31 Oregon Oct 11, 23 Bac-iraire must be checked either at Ash St., during the aay, or by the U. C. & B. Co. No unchecked baggage win De receiveu on tne Bteaiuera. San Francisco to Portland. To Portland Leaving SpearSt. Wharf, San Francisco at 10 A. M. as lollows: Columbia Oct 2, 14, 26 Oregon Oct 6, 18, 30 Stale Oct 10, 22 The company reserves the right to change steam ers oi sailing dates without runner nonce. For rates, tickets, berth reservations, etc., call on or address any ticket agent of the Union Pacific sys tem. C. S. MELLEN. T. W. LEE. Gen. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. t. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! DR. E. . WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT' MENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused b the nse oi aiconoi or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental depression. Softening of the Brain, resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age. Bar renness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntar) Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abase or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment. SI a box, or six boxes for $5 i;nt b ' -nail prepaid on receipt -of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES! I To cure any case. With each order received by ua for six boxes, accompanied with 35, we will send the purchaser our written guarmtee to rerund tne money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar antees issued only br BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON Sole Agents, 175 Seor.nd street. The Dalles, Or. $500 Reward ? WE wHl pay the above reward for any case of Complaint, Dyspepsia, faick Headache. J ndipestioa. Con stipation or CostiTeness we cannot cure witn WestV Veeretable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly compiled with- They are purely Vegetable, and never fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. The genuine manufactured only ty TUB JOHN a WST COMPANY, GfiiCAQO, ILL. BHkeley & Houtrhton. Sole Airents, Second Street. The Dalles Or Wm. Butler & Co. have established a Lumber Yard on Front Street, Corner Jefferson, Where may be found a com plete stock of XCoilfifb and Uressed L.iim. ler-,Ltt.tli & Ssliiri- fiTles, at The pocket, tion given the country. Speoial'atten- to orders from TO WOOL GROWERS if you want- to Keep Your Sheep Healthy and Insure a Uood Clip Use Hayward's Sheep Dips, A SURE CURE AT MODERATE COST. Hayward's "Paste Dip.' Mixes with either cold or warm water. Hayward's Liquid Dip. Is non-poisoDODB, improves the wool and does not stain it. CHRISTY & WISE WooL'Cosraisaioir '.Merchants. Fifth and Townseod Sts., San Francisco, General Afcents. THE DALLES FIRST STREET. FACTORY NO. io PIO ADO of tbe Best 'Brands mannfact- UlUftnO nred, and ordeas from all patts of the country tilled on tbe ebortestnotice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become hrmly established, and the de mand for the home manufactnaed'article is increasing eyery day. dec24dy-tf A. TJLRICH & SON. LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Payette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACK SMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and. Madison Sts. AI work work in iron or wood done in the neatest manner. Anything in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made - or repaired. j Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery lepaired in the most skill ful and workmanlike manner. mchSldw HILL, O'MALLEY & CO. THE LEADING Architects and Builders Office in Skibbe's Brick, THE DALLES, OREGON. Will take contracts and famish plans and spscill cations for all ouuainss,inune, DncK or stone. J te rials fuinjsoed if needed. octS aSnnaf litti fortunes bve been mad at wore fur an, by auu rape, auw, Texas, ami Jtio. Honn, Toledo, Ohio. 3oe cut. Otlieraaredouipaawell. hy ioc roar none tira over iioutii. Ti can do tha work and H re lat home, wherever yom ara. Even be friDDers are eaallj eamina; from ft& to lOattay.AII agra. Waahow yon bow and atari jom. Can work In pare time or all the time, B!g money for work era. Failure anknown among tbem. NEW and wonderful. Partlr-u lira free. H.Usaiettft C,,Box H HO Porttauad, JMaUja LIBER Prices to Suit Gigar Factory, Opera Eating House, MAIN STREET, Nearly opp. Umatilla House. The Only First-Class Short Order House -IN THE CITY.- OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Ovstera in every style. All kinds of game in season. Spacial rates to sup per parties. WILL S. GRAHAM, Proprietor. To Young Housekeepers Free to all Brides ! NOTICE is hereby piven to all the readers of this paper and all their friends an i acquaintances throughout the United States and Canada that THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newty married couple whos2 address and 10 cents to pay postage is sent to the publisher within one year from the date of their marriage. Persons sending- for this present are requested to send copy of a paper containing-a notice of their marriage, or some other evidence thit el tall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to th magazine under the above offer. Address, ''THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt. MAIEE & BENTON, Successors to A. Bettinjjen RETAILERS AN !; JOBBER 4 IN E rdware, Tus,Wodsm, AND GRANITE WARE. A complete line of Heating- and Conk Stoves, Pumps, Pipe Plumbers and Steam Fitters' upulies; a iso a complete stocK oi i -arpeDters , Blacksmiths' and Farm er Tools, AND SHELF HARDWARE. All Tinninjf Plumbing and pipe work will (ic done on snort notice. SECOND ST., THE DALLES. OR if OLD GERMANIA. 90 Second St. C. DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on sale tbe best Wines, Liquors, A1VI CIGARS. Columbia Brewery Beer on Brandt. The finest brands of Imported and Do mestic wgars a specialty. ' auv-91dy thh: GE EM All A, CHAS. STUBLTNG, Prop. FOB THE PRESENT AT m SO Second Street. NO. 62, ; fines, Lipors and Cigars. All brands of Imported Lionors, Ale and Porter,?and genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. Northwest Cur. Second and Washington Sts. t 1 J Successors to George Euch.1 The Cheapest Place IH THS DALUSjFOa All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. - We respectfully solicit a share of the public pat ronage, ana shall endeavor to irlve entire satisfac tion to our customers, both old and new. JOHN PASHEK, -ALSO CtEANSINC and REPAIRING, 13 NOW LOCATED AT 77 Second Street, Where, oat of a few remnants of cloth he saved out of the fire, he will MAEESUITS CHEAPER THAN EVER. Would be glad to see all his old patrons. CHRISMAN BROTHERS, (Srtccessors to F. Taylor.) Proprietors of the CITY MARKET UNION STREET Dealers in all kinds of Meat i Hams, Bacon and Sausage always on hand. . dec31d&wtf ICS 4 SECOND STREET, lbird door east of A. L. Newman's grocery. LADY COOKS. No Chinamen employed. Meals, 25 Cents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Howard have opened the I above restaurant and desire a share of the public patronage. C "W. ADA3IS, r X Is now located af 77 Second Street, Aon to a$cnntir;juBUce Office. Kepalmnc a Specialty. He has saved solqa of his best leather out of the fire and wilij make the neatest doo or sooe oc anyone in tne atv. PIONEER GROCERY MERCHANT TAILOR TheArtisticShoemake STACEI SHOWN, FIRST-CLASS .;. Watch Repairer. IN DUNHAM'S DRUG STORE, Cor. Union and Second Sts. ALL WORK entrusted to his care will receive careful and prompt attention, as he thor oughly understands eerythimj in relation to clocks and watches. novlO COAL! COAL! -THE BEST- Wellington, Rock Springs, and Roslyn Coal. $12, sacked and delivered to any part ot the city. At Moody's Warehouse. W.T.WISEMAN (Successor to J. II. McDonou;h tc.) DEALER IN Choice Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. None but the best brand'; of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Court and Ssccmd streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. and EUREKA RESTAURANT F. W. L. SKIBBE, PROP. A High Grade of Wines, Liquors k Cigars L:U:N:C:H:E:S PUT UP FOR TRAVELERS ". assenffT d- pot mv4d- L. P. OSTLUND ilt Will furnish draft and efftimites on all buildings, dwellings and stores. Air. Oatlund Is a practical mechanic, and the plans drafted by him will prove artistic , cheap and dura- oje. fatclimaker ani Jeweler. At Ullrich & Son's Cigar Factorj, Corner Main and Court Sts All kinds of Watches repaired with neat ness and dispatch. Masonic Building, Third St,) Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Teal cutlets in tne maritet. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY Fresh Vegetables on Sale at the Lowest Prices. Xeooaw For Sale-At a Bargain The Mission gardens, greenhouses. stock and fixtures. I am prepared to offer a rare bargain, owing to a change ot residence. . Hor terms cnauire UDon the oremises or of A. N. Varney at "the land office. JAMES A. VARNEY. H. STONEMAN, The Leading and r. 1 14 SECOND STREET, ADJOINING FACAN'S Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. JAS. FERGUSON, 1 Expressman! Goods hanled with the greatest care to all parts of tbe city on short notice. Leave orders with Fish & Bardo THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Hon, and Save Freights and Agent' ' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THE DALLES OREGON. a NOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and si. icati ins tor buildine fur nished. Will do a'l kinds of excavating and grading. AU orders should be left at postomce box 6i . novo for -Safe Oil Easy TOTE IJIB HE POPLAR GROVE FARM. NEAR BIGGS will be sold on easy terms. Mr. McBiide. the owner, will be at Wasco, Sherman county, or on the wra jaonoar ana rueeaav next to receive anv diod. osiHons to purcnase. ecsudwlw $3000; thfl siuaUion or employ , A. TEAR t I ondertake to brfeflv I teach anv fairlv intelllartint Deraon of either I teg, who can read and write, and who, after Inatruction, will work indaatrioaely, Fhowta earn Three Tkouad Dollar a Tear In their own .oeaJiiiee. wherever tfaer lire.I will alas furnish tha atRuuionoremploymentt which you can earn that amount. No money for me unleuaacceeafulaj above. Easily and qoleklv learned. I deaire but one worker from eech district or county. 1 have already taurbt and provided with emnlovntent a lam ttnmber, who are making- over SSOOO a year each. It a ATE W na BUiiiu. run particular JT KJb.rJ. Atiareaa at oncn. sqmirv can be earned at our 1FKW line of week, rai-itilr and honorably, by tbcav of Vg IB ij B ownlocaliVea,wberevrtheyUve.Any I Sr I II oaj 0 one ran do the work. EaaV to learn We furnish verytbinsr- We start vou. No risk. Ton can devote yonr spare momenta, or all your time to the work. This It an entirely new lead .and briarrs wonderful aueceae to every wether. Beginners are e-irninpr from ith to aO pcx.v. e-h anil upwards, and more alter a little experience. We can furnish you the em ployment and teach you r K KK. JCo apace to eipiaJn hare. Full tnwrnaatsoo a wa a ffJ Jc u - ami Contractor and Builder B00I snoemake Genera FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS Northern Pac. RAILROAD Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dininjr Car Rome. It mns Thr. nh Ve- muuicu jnuua every lmt i :- ice year to ST. PAUL and CHIC AG: (NO CHANGE OP CARS ) Composed of Dininir Cars unsurpassed. Pullman Drawing-room Sleepers oi LaUst Equipment. TOURISTS' SLEEPING 'CARS, Best that can be constructed, anl in which accom moUationa are both Free and i- urmsheJ fur holders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. Continuous Line, Connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Uninterrupted Service. ' Pullman i lecper reservations can be secured in ad- Vance through any aent oi the road. TTrPftTTfllT TTPIT T7Ts! To and from all j.-xh,uuaa xn jv.ajju pointa in America. England and Luropc can Le purchased at any ticket I otnu oi me company. Full information concern in or rates, time of trains. routes and other details furnished on application to I any agent, or A. D. CHARIiTON, Ass't General Passenger Agi., No. 121 i-irst St.. Cor. Ha h , PORTLAND, OiEGON. Amir mv nirfnti fnr XV. I.. Tfnntrlnai RhAM. If not for snle in yonr place ask your dealer to nend for cnialo(cne ecare the ageacrt ana eei in em lor you. WTAKE NO SCBSTlTCTEaemtCt Why is The VV. L. DOUGLAS atf4T I I af FOR 90 OniuafCi GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? i It is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt tbe feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and easy, ami because tee make more shoes of this graae tnan any omer manufacturer, it equals nanu sewed shoes costing from 4.00 to O5.0O. (Z OOGennine Hand-sewed, the finest calf shoe ever offered for 5.00; equals French Imported shoes which cost from $8.00 to 12.00. CtA. OO Hand-Sewed Welt Hhoe, fine calf, P"a stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as cus tom-made shoes costing from f6.oo to f9.oa O HO Pollpft Hhofti FarmertL Railroad Men vwi and Letter Carriers all wear them; tine calf, seamless, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten sion eage. une pair win wear a year. 4CO 30 line calf's no better shoe erer offered at X eni this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. OO 25 and 92.00 YVorkinrraan'a shoes i ess are very strong and durable. Tnose wt have s:lven them a trial will wear no other make. 3Vt2 ' 8200 and &1.75 school shoes are E9 UJ 9 worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits, as the increasing sales show. ktlUICS LrOQKola, very stylish; equals French ImrjortAd ahneti con tint? from 4M) tr S.0lL nana-newea sooe, aest Ladles 2.50, 82.00 and Si .75 shoe for susses are iJie best nneixragoia. sty usti ana aura Die. jaucion. eee mac w. l. uougias' name ana price are stamped on tbe bottom or each sboe. W. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Mass. J. FREIMAN, AGENT, THE DALLES THE BALDWIN Cor. Court and Front Streets, THE DALLES, : : . OREGON. Wines, -Liquors and Cigars. None but the Best Quality of Liquors and the Best Brands of Cigars on sale. Kentucky Straight Whisky From $3 to $5 Per Gallon. A. BETTINGEN, JR, Proprietor. Butler's Book. 1,000 PAGES, 100 to 200 OR'GINAL ENGR.WING8, ELEGANT BINDINGS, PUBLISH D IN S LANGUAGES, POPULAR PRICES. First Edition, 100,000 Copies. TUR OBLT AUTHENTIC WORK BT GEN. BENJAMIN F. BUTLER Rxcluaire territory and liberal terms (riven to re liable attests. Accompany application for territory witn az lor prospectus. THE J. DEWING CO., San Francisco, Ca!. oct24 g:i!a!!!iBiiB!;i;a;!:ia:!;;a:!iK:i:a::Ea!!!:aii!:a!iii jj . . . . TJIJS CELT.TiS.ATED . . . . - SMITH & WESSON IREVOLVERS j Tha Finest Small Arm Ever Mannfactored. I accuracy: CTB Jl la g DURABILITY, RaUCla EXCELLENCE otTUl?" I fXs. S WORKMANSHIP and frY'iS CONVENIENCE in J 1 V u V EH I AiniUR ami CICETV J PI Beware of chean iron Imltatlona tja Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to j g SMITH & WESSON, I H SPRINGFIELD, MASS. H PI! DTC Coughs, Colds. Influenza, Bronchitis, yUrlLO Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup, Sore Throat, Asthma, and every aScction of the Throat, Lungt and Chest, including Consumption. Speedy and permanent. Genuine signed " L Butts.' .Ir'dsst'aM'; SEND FpR OUR CATALOGUE o PB-CE3 ATLAS-ENGINE WORKS, !K9!ANAPCLIS. (HO. W. BIRGFELD. TEACHER OF MUSIC. Instruction given on Piano and Tiolin Rooms over Nickcleen'a store, Third an Washington Streets. " novSwkljt Denny, Rice & Co. iVool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. g3FBCa8h advances made on eonaiffnmeiit. .":S5iaStaJ - fir Sar..Sfcsrf.rVc-je.A'A;i-'J iTsanra WHOLESALE Hardware, Iron. Steel aid Farm Maclery. SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHINCTOH AND N0RTHEHH IDAHO FOR THE . BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER; Tbeie Ibtohinei are too well kuown to need comment. Thousands of f&nnora hsrs used tbem and apeak of tbem with praise. Thoy are tne onlj Harreitlnc Machines tnat will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTMAM'S Tbe most Effective and Successful Combination for Tnreghlnr and Cle&nln Grain ver constructed. BUCKEYE sieuame 1aLj?le Fetnre " d'stinsnlshes this rwtne-r.lmler is the Liirhtncts ol Draft, eomblnad with Ha Extraordinary Strenfrth and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, the only really suooeasful on. yet known. We have two styles, tha Elevator liiuJer and the Platform Binder both excellent both imommended by hundreds of patrons. SCHU1TLER FABI WAGONS, tSO&SS. &lSSt BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. CORBIN DISC HARROWS, HODGES-HAINES HEADEf, HAISH BARB WIR. "SEND FOR CIRCULARS.5 Or to E. H. CHANDLER, THE DAILY AND WEEKLY WIT 1111 I nines- - LEADING PAPER OF WASCO Full Report of and General News. REPUBLICAN But is not owned or controlled by any clique or ring. Always takes a on all public AND EXPRESSES ITS OPINION REGARDLESS OF SUBSCRIPTION RATES DAILY : PER TEAR PER MONTH, by carrier! PER 'WEEK, SINGLE COPT WKEKLY: ONE TEAR SIX MONTHS ILL KINDS OF DDDD I iLU. II. Fr.nt, First ani Tine Streets, PG.TTLAND, uncuun. DEALERS IN STAR TRACTION ENGINE. TWINE - BINDERS. 1 3 Agent, The Dalles, Or THE - COUNTY. Local Happenings IN POLITICS. Determined Stand questions, CONSEQUENCES. $8 00 50 15 05 to on i 00 JOB PEINTING mountaineer