The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, October 31, 1891, Image 3

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    The - Times-Hountaineer
f:f;'FromWdnedj'i Daily.
' One by one tbe rosea fall.
' Mr. Jones of the Moro Observer, is in
the city.. , ,. .
Hon'.F. Majs, of Portland, 13 in
the city. . . r - '
The sidewalks should be cleaned, of
fallen leaves. - .".." ' ,
' Bain fell copiously last night, and the
- ground is in. excellent ' condition fur fall
. plowing., ;. r-, , -.--; ' -'-f . -.
Mrs. J. Bmitb, of ' Salem, is Visiting at
the residence of Mr. Geo. . W. Rowland,
in this city. " V "y .
Mr. G. W. Smith, of Rockland.' left on
the Regulator this morning :n a short
. visit to Portland, .-
A 1 I A 1 , 1 1 a. T t.
r-vr y., wbi orriveu lu iuo vny je&icruajr,
consigned to Z. F. Moody. ' -..
Mr. Saltmarsbe will ship a carload of
Tlr l z a : . . l . . . a ..
rat nogs this evening to tbe American
Dressed Meat Co. at Troatdale.
Mrs.- Ursula Micbell, 'who has been
very sick at her daughter's residence in
this city for some days past, is improving
verv much.
Two carloads of mutton sheep are in
Saltmarshe & Co.'s stockyards to-day.
They - will ' be shipped this evening to
Mr. H. W. Wells, of Sherarls bridge, is
in the city. He reports cattle in good
condition ; but tbe fall of ram bad been
very light this fall.
Mrs. A. M. Crossen and daughter, wfco
have been visiting friends in Portland for
several days past, returned Monday even
ing on tbe Regulator.
Mr. M. T. Nolan, at the Postoffice Book
Stored has Harper' for November on Bale.
This is a most excellent number, and
should be en tbe table of those desirous
of keeping posted on current literature.
The plat of Central Hood River Water
Ditch Company was filed in tbe clerk's
office to day. This ditch is to be dug
from tbe head of Ditch creek a distance
ot eight miles down Hood River valley.
There are nimrods in Southern Oregon.
Read this from the Roseburg Review:
"Arthur Woodm, of tbe Mountain House,
killed five deer and three bears in a balf
day's bunt last week. Not a bad record
The neat residence of Mr. Frank Egan
in tbe burnt district is nearing comple
tion. It is one of the prettiest cottages
now being erected, and the plans were
drafted by oar well-known contractor,
Mr. L. P. Ostiund.
The attempts to induce the Yakima In
dians to enlist in the army have been
lutile. Said one old buck: - "Twenty
years ago they were forcing us to lay
down our arms lor the plow, and now
they are urging us to lay down tbe plow
for tbe gun."
Albany Herald: Mr. Geo. Hochstedle
had tbe misfortune Monday while oper
ating a bnzz planer at tbe Sugar Pine
Door & 'Lumber Company's factory, to
have his left band caught in the kniveg,
lacerating tne middle finger, so that it
required amputation.
A warrant was issued this morning for
Jeff Sallivan, who, it is claimed, robbed
his room urate -of $25 last night in the
Columbia Hotel: Tbe sheriff searched
tbe city for him, and ascertained that be
left on tbe boat this morning for Port
The city jail had three occupants last
night, and these were safely housed until
this morning, when they were inter
viewed by the recorder. Ot course they
were not furnished with satin coverlets
and spring mattresses ; but tbe way of the
transgressor is hard, and no sympathy
should be exhausted on bim.
The product of a ten-acro apple orchard
in the Bogne river valley, near Grant's
Pass, was sold last week to tbe Ear Fruit
Company, of San Francisco, for 14,60.
The price paid was 65 cents per box, the
buyer did the packing, picking and fur
nished boxes. The apples were of the
rea winter variety ana were packed for
tne Australian ana japan markets.
OreOTiian, Monday : A dispatch receii
last mgnt irom iewiston, Idaho, an
nounces tbe death of Alonzo Leland, who
came to Oregon in 1850 with A. Bush,and
in 1854 began the publication of the
Standard at Porland. He was afterward
editor ot the Oregon Advertiser and the
Portland Tenet. He was also a member
of the first school board of this city.
Articles of incorporation were filed to
day of The Columbia Biyer Fruit Com
pany of Grand Dalles, Wash., and The
Dalles, Ore., capital stock $1,000,000,
divided into 25uO shares ot $400 each;
incorporators, A. E. Dunham, A. T. Hig
by and O. D. Taylor. Also of the East
ern Oregon Fruit Growers' Association ;
capital stock, $356,000, divided into 640
shares; incorporators, D. M. French, C.
N. Thornbury, T. A. Hudson and W.J.
G. Hudson. . .
Albany Democeat: According to bulle
tins posted along tbe line of the Oregon
Pacific Wednesday, C. C. Hogue, paymas
ter for Receiver Hogg, will pay the em
ployes of the road for wages due for
jnarcn, apixi ana may. mis will put
considerable ' money in circulation and
will give the men a big lift In view of
its coming six weeks before the time ex
pected the proceeding is being appreci
ated by the employes. This leaves four
or five months due.
A party of men arrived In this city to
day from California, having driven a
band ot horses from Grant county
during tbe past season. They started from
uayyaiejuiy ist, ana in six weeks ar
rived in .acramenio. wnere tnev were
forced to sell at a very low price. One of
the men, with whom our reporter had an
interview, said some yery fine horses in
tbe band be drove sold for only $15, while
be knew one lot of horses to be sold for
$10 a bead.
We learn frem tbe Eugene ' Guard that
tbe mines on tbe McEenzie river are pros
pecting well, and that Dr. Oglesby re
cently returned from Bohemia with some
specimens of quartz from a new discov
ery which assayed over $1100 per ton. He
is highly elated oyer the discovery and
will return as soon as the weather per
mits to make further developments. Tbe
doctor formerly liyed near Fossil, in Gil
liam county, and is a thorough mining
There was taken to the insane asylum
at Salem Thursday eyening Mrs. R. G.
Patton, from Sunnyside. Her husband
is ' also crazy, and was taken there with
her. He has been trying to work the
mind cure on her, and as a result the
reason ot both bas been dethroned. Tbe
state asylum, which alrealy consumes
balf of the revenue of tbe state, is daily
increasing its number of patients, there
being to-day over 720, more than at any
previous time.
The bealtbfulness of ocean breezes bas
long been acknowledged ; but tbe follow
ing from the Astorian is the first instance
we bave read of general ability causing
death It may be accounted for on ac
count of the extreme age of tbe person,
and if be had been younger be might
bave died of general debility: "Thomas
Thompson, an old, old man, who for
many years bas worked around O'Brien's
hotel, died of general ability last Sunday
afternoon. He was a native of Sweden
and in tbe 81st year of bis age. Tbe
funeral took place yesterday."
Here is a warning to ' strong-armed
young men and also to slender ribbed
girls. Miss Lnlu Smith, an Indiana
fanner's daughter, was taken ill with
what was supposed to be pneumonia. A
physician was sent for, and, on examina
tion, found that she had sustained a
fracture of the seventh r'.b. Then she
admitted that she felt something crack
on Sauday evening when lier lover gaye
her a parting bug. She bad endured
great pain for two days, and next time
will wear some sort of a rib protector.
W. H. DeHaas, of Tacoma, who guided
tbe Frank Leslie party daring the recent
explorations in Alaska, confirms the re
ports of other Alrskan explorers that there
is good placer mining, but he also says:
f'The diggings do not pay when tbe ex
pense of living and of working is consid
ered, and the fact that work is possible
on only sixty days ' out of the year. In
tbe best diggings tbe result is only ten
ounces a day to each man. Most of the
miners up there are barely making wages.
A man earns every grain of gold that be
gets in Alaska." Deflaas speaks highly .
of the natives on the Yukon delta, among
whom ne uvea lor eleven . months
"When I first went among' the flush
waks," He saia, "l was too ill to cut my
own wood, or even to stand on my feet.
They did my work for me, kept my bar-
rabora in order, ana oiten iurnisnea me
with meat or fowl when they were stint
ing themselves or their children to do
Statesman: A man darned Lightle,
work in? on Osborne's tarm on ury creek,
about six miles north of Walla Walla,
met with a very painful accident Tues
day morning. It sowars that ne was en
gaged in cutting wood with a two-edged
axe ancf the same becoming imbedded in
the wood so deep he could not pull it
out; He then placed his right foot on the
log for the purpose or extracting tne axe,
when bis foot sliDDed ana ne was tnrown
on the axe, the blade penetrating the calf
or his right leg, cutting a gasn one ana a
nau mcnes aeep ana iour inoues juug.
.: Baker Blade: A gentleman from the in
terior arrived in the city the other day
and registered at tbe Warsbauer, after
which he proceeded to take in the- sights
of the city. Imbibing somewhat freely
in "tanglefoot" tbe aforesaid gentleman
repaired to his room at the Warsbauer in
the evening with not altogether "a' clear
bead and hjs mental faculties running
somewhat at random. Disrobing he pro
ceeded to extinguish the electric light be
fore getting in bed by blowing it out, but
it wouldn't blow worm a cent, i ne gen
tleman remarked to a friend the follow
ing morning, that "those lig-ta in the
Warshauer were the d dest things he
ever seen." Innocence is bliss.
The Dayton Chronicle has this to say in
reference to the alleged discovery ot
mines on the Tukanon: "It is barely pos
sible, but not probable, that a body of ore
may be found in the Owsley claim, but it
lacks a great deal yet from developing
anything that is of value to either Mr.
Owsley or the country at large. There is
a streak of a mixture of limestone and
other kind of rock running across the cut
in which the workmen are digging,which
contains a small quantity of tale, and if
there was any mineral present it would
indicate that supply of ore was inex
haustible. But alas, in this case, accord
ing to the decision of the prospectors, tbe
ledge and tbe mineral, in a paying qual
ity, are conspicuous by their absence."
Affairs in the neighboring state of
Washington are not being managed yery
satisfactory to tbe public, as tbe follow
ing from the columns of the W. W.
Statesman will show: "The fearful and
wonderful way in which tbe state has
been governed is held to' necessitate an
extra session of. tbe legislature at an
early day. The statement is made that
$50,000 is due to citizen; and cannot be
paid because of technical objections,
There is tbe university muddle, tbe mi
litia muddle, the agricultural college
muddle, the geological survey muddle,
tbe granted . lands muddle and various
other muddles all arising from incompe
tence, carelessness or scheming. . So tbe
brethren think they want another session
and additional appropriations.
Colfax Gazelle: Fruit growers of the
Palouse are on nettles. Some apricots
were received from California a few days
ago and they were fairly alive with what
is known as the apricot scale, under
which were myriads of insects. These
scales are not easily seen with the naked
eye, but a magnifying glass makes them
as prominent as a bird's-eye view ot tbe
Rocky mountains. The cause of the
alarm is the belief that the insects may
invest the native iruit, and in order to
guard against such danger Mr. J. B. Holt
telegraphed Wednesday to Fruit Inspector
Jesse at Walla Walla, requesting him -to
take immediate action towards preventing
tbe insects from ruining Washington
A very sad and distressing accident oc
curred at Moscow, Idaho, on Wednesday,
of last week. Mr. 1j. P. Schuh and bis
men had started over in the southeast
part of tbe city to move a bouse. His
two little boys went along with him, and
were on the wagon, which was loaded,
when Wilbur, the youngest, aged 4 years,
fell from the wagon, the large wheel pa3S
ing directly across bis body, breaking the
spine and crushing him so badly that- be
only lived about twenty minutes. Tbe
little fellow gave one shriek, and imme
diately became unconscious until the
heart ceased to beat. Surgical aid was at
once called, but was of no avail. The
sad occurrence has cast a gloom over the
many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Schuh, the
latter being frantic with grief.
Albina Courier: William McDonald
was committed to the county jail because
be could not furnish bonds in tbe sum of
$400 for his appearance before tbe grand
jury. Saturday night while intoxicated
he met a woman in front of the Conti
nental hotel, to whom be used - insulting
language. Robert Gourley happened
along at .this time and told McDonald to
allow the woman to proceed, whereupon
McDonald turned and struck him a bard
blow on the nose, knocking him down.
He then kicked tbe prostrate man in tbe
ribs and walked off. Gourley was picked
up by Mr. Floriu, proprietor of the Con
tinental hotel, and taken to a room. Dr
Holuomb was called. Several frightful
wounds were found on his face. ' His
nose was broken and four ribs were
fractured. McDonald was arraigned and
held to appear before the grand jury.
He could find no one to go his bonds.
From Thursday's Dally.
Mr. Geo. N. Peterson, of Biggs, is in the
city to-day.
The contract for the Methodist church
has not been let yet.
Mr. A. McLsod, of Eingsley, and Mr. B.
Sigman, of Dufur, are in the city.
Circuit court convenes in this city on the
9th of next month with a full docket.
Judge Bradsbaw returned yesterday from
helding a term of court in Crook county.
The rain during the past few days has
placed the roads to the interior in yery good
condition. '
Union street is still in a very dilapidated
cootition by reason of placing the new pipe
in position.
Mr. H. W. Cooke, of Antelope, one of
tbe prominent sheep men of that region, is
in town to-day.
Hon. BiDger Hermann was serenaded in
Baker City. He was not thus compli
mented in The Dalles.
Iowa has 77 convicted criminals to the
million inhabitants, Illinois has 220, Wis
consin 224, and Missouri 416.
Mr. S. McBride, of Dixon, Calif., is in
the city. He is visiting friends and rela
tives in this portion of the state.
Mrs. A. S. Bennett, who bas been visit
ing relatives and friends at Dayton, Wash.,
for several weeks past, returned yesterday.
Tbe platforms at Biggs and Bufus sta
tions are crowded with wheat from this
year's hat y est, and more is being receiyed
Mr. Ben. Wilson has fitted up his new
saloon in the East End in excellent style,
and is now prepared to attend to the wants
of customers.
Sentinel: Report has reached John Day
of the discovery of a large body of tin ore
on Spanish Gnlcb. Nothing definite has
been learned as yet.
The supply of wheat appears almost in
exhaustible, and, notwithstanding tbe large
quantities received there is yet consider
able to be marketed.
A musical entertainment will be given to
morrow evening in the Baldwin building,
west of the Umatilla House, by Tom Cody,
the celebrated cowboy pianist.
Will S. Graham, of the Opera Eating
House, bought a swan yesterday from Joe
Crate, who ahot the bird near Crate's point.
It weighs 27 pounds and measures 7 feet 2
inches from tip to tip of wing.
Tbe Harney Times state that much ex
citement prevails in Harney City over the
discovery of excellent placer diggings but a
few miles from the town. Preparations are
being made and active operations will begin
at once.
Tbe sheriff's office is a very quiet place
these days, and, aside from feeding the
prisoners in the cage, and serving the pro
cess of tbe court on jurors and litigants,
nothing happens to disturb the peace and
harmony of the place.
We have received from tbe Lewis & Dry
den Printing Co., of Portland, the Railway
Guide for October, 1891. It gives full and
complete information regardingthe arrival
and departure of trains and boats on the
different bnes io the state.
From all portions of the county we learn
that more acreage will be plowed and
planted to grain than ever before. The
agricultural outlook for Wasco county is
promising, and the exports of grain and
fruit in the future will be much larger than
The new hotel of Mr. Skibbe is now
ready for roofing, and if the weather con-
tinues clear for a few days this part of tbe
building will be completed. Ever since tbe
tire Mr. Skibbe and his family have been
living in a tent in the shell of tbe building.
and will continue until tbe edihee is nn
Sidewalks are being laid from Laughlin
to Jefferson street on the north side of Sec
ond, and when these are completed they
will be a great convenience to the traveling
public. It may be a great tax on property-
owners, but sidewalks should be construct
ed in every portion of the burned district at
tne earliest possible date.
And to-day, before the county clerk
Robert Lowe, who is a country man of
Burns. Robert Brace, etc., under oath
swore that he would no longer consider
himself a citizen of Great Britain and a sub
ject of her majesty, Queen Victoria, bnt
would hereafter nphold the stars and stripes
and tbe government of the United Estates.
So mote it be.
Astoria Tall:: Jack Dempsey, the famous
pugilist, came in on tbe Columbia this
morning with $38,000 in his inside - pocket
which be didn t have when he went down
about ten days ago. Xbe dazzling success
of genial Jack is enough to make a minister
who labors 3a years to make that amount
of money feel as though the man who fights
the devil hasn t quite as good a thing as the
man who fights bis fellow man.
recently was given tbe rate ot taxes in
several cities, which were evidently incor
rect. According to a Seattle paper the city
tax there is only 4 mills, and county tax
1U mills, on a valuation of $4b,UU0,UUU tor
tbe city, and $71,000,000 for the county.
In Portland the city, state and county tax
foots up 29 mills. The highest priced lot
in Seattle is given as only $1100 per front
foot, while in Portland $2000 is about the
Eugene Guard: Tbe merchants and grain
buyers of Eugene were notified to-day that
no through shipments of grain to San Fran
cisco via Portland conld be made for weeks
to come. The Portland warehouses are
blocked and the ocean steamships have full
loads. A large grain buyer informs us that
shipments made to San Francisco yia Ya
quina Bay on Sept. 8th have not yet
reached their destination. A railroad 4s
needed to Siuslaw. It would mean cheaper
rates and quicker time. The delays in
shipment mean a loss of several cents a
bushel to tbe producer.
The following residents of Wasco county
bave been summoned to serve as jurors dur
ing the .November term of the circuit court
for Wasco county, convening November 9,
1891: O. T. Angell, farmer, William Floyd,
farmer, Michael Doyle, farmer, H. Her
bring, merchant, W. E. Garretson, jeweler,
G. J. Farley, merchant, J. W. French,
banker, August Bnchler, brewer, The
Dalles; E. L. Boynton. farmer, B. M. Bal
lard, farmer, Frank Graves, farmer. Kings
ley; H. W. Gilpin, farmer, Ben Pratt,
farmer, Joseph Turner, farmer, Boyd;
James Brown, farmer, Mosier; E. L. Craft,
farmer, Nansene; D. A. Turner, farmer,
Wm. Bu'shirk. farmer, Hood Biyer; Lemuel
Burgess, farmer, R. R. Hinton, farmer,
Bake Oyen; Henry Hilgen, farmer, Jerry
Corcoran, farmer, Dufur; Martin Wing,
farmer, Samuel A. Broyles, farmer, Wamic;
W. H. Davis, fawner, F. M. Hunter, farm
er, Wapinitia; A. B. Russell, farmer, Dan
iel Cromley, merchant. Antelope; Kenneth
McKenzie, merchant, Cascade Locks; Clay
C. Butler, farmer, Tygh Valley.
There is a kick on the rates charged on
the portage at the Cascade Locks. The
Baker City Democrat is urging a reduction,
and says: The state of Oregon bas not
built the portage at the Cascade Locks with
the intention of its becoming a money-making
concern, or one that will pay for itself
in the course of three or four years. It
was constructed as a means of relief to the
people of Eastern Oregon from tbe exist
ing high transportation rates, and with the
completion cf the road and the establish
ment of a line of river boats to co-operate
therewith the object sought was accom
plished. The portage can, and should be
economically operated, and if the receipts
are sufficient to meet tbe necessary expenses
and in addition pay a small rate of interest
fund to meet extraordinary expenses, the
great purpose of the road will have been
realized. Even if tbe road should be oper
ated under such tariff regulations as to sim
ply protect it against loss, the benefits de
rived by tbe people of Eastern Oregon
through its existence will be sufficient
recompense to tbe state. Tbe portage road
should not be considered as a money-making
concern and the present schedule of tariff
rates should be materially reduced.
From Friday's Daily.
Common council meets to- morrow night.
Tbe steam-saw is doing a rushing busi
Pile-driving still continues on the new
Wheat still pours into the city in large
If you have steers to shed prepare to shed
them now.
Last night there was a light frost on the
creek bottoms.
New sidewalks in the burnt district are
being laid rapidly.
Miss Lulu Bird is visiting relatives snd
friends in the city.
The Regulator was a half-hour late this
morning in leaving her wharf.
Messrs. Wood tiros., of this city, shipped
a carload of cattle west last night.
The clerk and sheriff are preparing for
tbe approaching term of the circnit court.
Several strangers are in the city, looking
around for the purpose of permanent loca
At tbe Mechanics' restaurantn this city
the only Chinaman employed is Pat. How
ard, and he is a boss mandarin.
Four carloads of cattle went west last
night from Saltmarshe's stockyards. They
came from tbe neighboring state of Wash
ington. Mr. J. E. Hardy,' the painter, is finishing
a large sign for The Dalles, Portland and
Astoria Navigation Co., to be placed in the
Portland office.
Messrs. French & Co. had fourteen cars
ot fine yearlings on an east-bound freight
last night, which came from Clarnie to be
unloaded at Arlington, under charge of Mf.
Snodgrass. and are destined for the ranch
in Gilliam. county.
We bave had occasion to interview sev
eral persons from tbe couutry, and are
pleased to learn the fact that cattle of all
kinds are in good condition. Urass is grow
ing nicely, and there- is every indication
that there will be good fall feed for stock.
From Mr. Hans Laage, one of the solid
farmers of Hood Biver, we learn that the
ground in that vicinity is in good condition
for plowing, and a large acreage will be
put in grain this fall. Property is chang
ing bands quite lively, and tbe town is en
joying a healthy growth.
We received a call to-day from Mr. C. J.
Stuart, general traveling and passenger
agent of the Oregon Pacific R. R. Co. He
offers very reduced rates from San Fran
cisco, via - Portland. With the present
transportation facilities on tbe middle river,
tbe Oregon Pacific offers very good terms to
our producers and shippers.
. There is the frame of a new building at
Rockland being ereoted, the first one that
bas been constructed in that pile of rocks
aud sand with the exception of the shoe
factory for the past five years. We do
not know what it is intended for, perhaps
for a dwelling. We do know that if some
of tbose who have been induced to invest in
this spot of barren ground, could yiew it
from this city, with its sand dunes, sterile
soil, and lack of water and fuel, they would
be very sick of then investments.
East Oreqonian; Articles of incorporation
bave been tiled for the Lone Rock Irriga
tion Company, whose object is to store, dis
tribute and use tor irrigation, domestic and
other purposes, the waters of tbe Umatilla
river, McKay creea. Birch creek, Butter
creek, Wild Horse creek, and other streams
in Umatilla tributary to the Umalilla river.
The incorporators are C. B. Wade, Albert
Wuitzweiler and T. G. Hailey, and the cap
ital stock is fixed at $250,000, divided into
shares of $100 each. The principal office is
Last night two inebriated individuals
found lodgings in the city jail. They had
imbibed too freely of spirits Jermenti, and
in consequence was proper subjects for Po
liceman Howe to take under his careful
surveillance. The city jail is not the most
comfortable lodging in the city; but be
moaning a cold and cruel fate they appeared
before his honor, the recorder, and were
adjudged guilty of an od'ense against tbe
ordinances in such cases made and provided
and fined the usual amount, 'which they did
not liquidate, and in consequence their
muscles will be exercised in improving the
streets of tbe city.
The Timks-Mountaineee still leads in
all matters in which the people are inter
ested. For long years tbe public has ad
mired and endorsed its advocacy of every
thing that would be conducive to the best
interests of tbe county, and place absolute
confidence in all matters it favors. It bas
no particular "mission," except the best in
terests of The Dalles and Waaso county,
and is not in the least influenced by land
boomers, capitalists or bankers; but is in
every instance a friend to the people. For
more than thirty years the Moontainkkb
has lead sentiment in this community, and
will do it for a longer period, irrespective
of the mushroom growths of a day, which
become inflated bv their own egotism and
are only leading in their own vain imagin
Mr. F. C. Sexton, of Dufur, has been in
towll for the past two days. He is here
aellinff hid wheat, and is well satisfied with
the nriee he received. The little town of
Dufur, he says, is rapidly growing into im
portance and shows many signs of substan
tial growth. Urops, this year, nave aevu
quite bountiful, and there will be a large
increase next season in the shipment of
The following is a list of cases on trial in
equity, law and criminal matters during the
coming session of the Circuit court in this
C S Miller vs Mary E Miller.
W G Clelland ys S J LaFrauce.
S J LaFrance vs W G Clelland.
Anson Woods vs W- Lair Hill et al.
Sarah A Moore ys Anna Simonson.
R H Osborne vs Martha A Osborne.
Chas D Butler vs L D Hoy.
Abel H Dufur vs A J Dufur et al.
Ben E Snipes vs W. Schroeder.
Assignment of Lawlor Bros & Coote ys H
Anlauff, assignee.
Orpha E Tieman vs A H Tieman.
M J Wingate vs A M Williams.
Z F Moody ys Mary E Miller.
Mary E Wingate ys M A Williams.
Assignment of Wm Farre & Co vs Chas L
Phillips, assignee.
Wm Farre-& Co vs C I Winnek.
The Dalles Lumbering Co ys C W Den
ton et al.
Emilia Stroud ys Sam Stroud.
The Dalles Lumbering Co vs D Graham,
S E Ferris' vs L J Ferris.
D M French et al vs D J Cooper et al.
J H Jackson vs Geo W Renoe et ab
Geo Rowland et 1 vs Geo Williams et al.
Sarah McAtee ysB C McAtee.
Assignment of A A Bonney vs R Mays,
Stella J Gray vs Edward R Gray.
Board School Fund Commissioners vs A
A Bonney et al.
State of Oregon vs Mary J At well,
Assignment of H Solomon; . I R Dawson
School District No 8 vs Troy Shelley
et al.
Richard Closter as guardian vs Laura
Chas G Pierson vs Wm A McFarland
et al.
J B Condon vs Geo Williams et al,
Bernard, Warren fc Co vs Oregon Lumber
Company. - .
Mollie B James vs W M James.
Adelia C Freeman vs M W Freeman.
Alliance Trust Co vs C W Denton et al
Bagley vs Bagley.
C W Rice vs Laura A Patterson.
The- Oregon Mortgage Co vs R F Wyck
man, et al.
Portland Shipping Co vs J W Hayes.
I R Dawson vs L Newman.
Polk Mays ys Wm Massey.
Z F Moody vs John H Harrow.
Robert Mays ys R B and Wm Galbraith
I B Dawson vs Wm H Barney.
Ben Wilson vs W W Looney et al.
D M and J W French vs Geo Bennett.
J E Atwater vs E T Glisan.
' Moody, and Marden, executors, vs H C
M A Moody vs Geo W Rowland et al.
O D Taylor vs Geo W Young et al.
French & Co vs D L Cates.
Wm Frizzell ys O S L and U N By Co.
J E Atwater vs I H Taffe.
C L Simpson vs A A Bonney et al.
B C McAtee, ex'tor, vs J A Scoggins.
Frank Egan, adm'r, vs O S L and U
By Co.
Minnie J Bonney vs Seraphine Nace.
Geo Williams, adm'r, vs A N Varney.
Agnes H Hope vs Ash and Barrett.
C V Lane, assignee, vs Dalles National
A O McCain vs Irying E Chase.
Fleckenstein & Mayer vs B L Butler.
Mary Condon ys P T Sharp.
J L Thompson vs O Donnell. '' '
Geo W Renoe vs F F Taylor et 1.
. Caroline Patterson et al vs J A Hughes.
A O McCain vs Irving E Chase. v
J L Thompson vs A W Branard.
Klosterman et al ys Al . McFarland et al.
First National Bank vs C O Force et al.
Claus Meyer vs O SX Sc. U N Ry Co.
A M Williams ft Co vs B B Galbraith.
A H Curtis vs James Snakell et al.
Wm H Odell vs Jos Southwell et al.
Brooks ft Beers vs P T Sharp.
Waterhouse, Lester ft Co vs E P Fitz
Lang ft Co vs M C Spear.
John Mesplie vs Wm A Hanna. 1
John Mesplie ys Wm A Hanna et aL
Francesa Dayid vs E H Waters.
W Steiwer and J F Steiwer vs Geo Her
bert. G V Bolton ys P T Sharp. '
W H Williams vs Jasper Thompson et al.
Mrs C E Haight vs J H Larsen.
' Moody and Marden, executors, vs P T
Z F Moody vs W B Hayden ft Co.
Geo Barnl vs M A Moody.
MacEacuern & MacLeod vs Matilda' C
Sichel ft Mayer vs McDonald Bros.
State of Oregon vs Al Lawson; rape.
State vs Thos By an; burglary.
State vs B L Alexander; robbery.
State vs John Jordan and Wm Jordan;
larceny of horses.
State vs E Hart; larceny from the person.
State vs H Miller; procuring money un
der false pretense.
State vs Young Wah; assault with dan
gerous weapon.
State vs Harry Spanning; burglary.
State vs W Morton; assault with intent
to kill. -
State vs H Judkins; larceny of horses.
Stats vs A Cohn and M Cobn; larceny.
State ys W L Freeman; larceny.
State ys C W Denton; appeal from justice
The Next Electoral Vote.
The following table shows the electoral
vote for 1888 compared with that appor
tioned for the different states 1892 when
the next president is to be elected:
Ton ro 1888.
Alabama 10
Arkansas 7
California 8
Colorado . 8
Connecticut 6
Delaware. 3
Florida 4
Georgia 12
Illinois ii
IndUna 15
Iowa 13
Kansas 9
Kentucky .....13
Louisiana 8
Maine 6
Huyland 8
Massachusetts 14
von for 1892.
Alabama 11
Arkansas. 8
California 9
Colorado..... 4
Connecticut 6
Delaware 8
Florida 4
Georgia 13
Illinois 24
Idaho 3
Indiana ..15
Iowa 13
Kansas 10
Kentucky 13
Louisiana....'........ 8
Maine 6
Maryland 8
Michigan 13
Maaaachusettes 16
Michigan...... 14
Minnesota 9
Mississippi 9
Minnesota. . .
New Hampshire..
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina...
Pennsylvania ....
Rhode Island
South Carolina...,
Went Virginia
Missouri 17
Montana 8
Nebraska 8
Nevada 8
New Hampshire 4
New Jersey.
New York ;
North Carolina. . .
North Dakota..
Pennsylvania ....
Rhode Island..,.
South Carolina . .
South Dakota...
West Virginia. . .'.
Wisconsin ,
. S
... 4
... 9
... 4
.. 4
... 4
... 6
... 8
The () indicates new states.
Chinese Mt&tlMtics la Vancouver.
Vancodvbb, B. C, Oct. 28. The col
lector of this port gives from his official
records, a statement of new Chinamen
landed and paying poll tax, and also of
Chinamen taking tickets of leave, show
ing 1159 arrivals and 852 departures in
tbe nine months ending with September.
There are to-day nearly 2000 tickets of
leave unretnrned in tbe last year.
ghaut oouirrY.
Items From the Columns of the
lionE Creek fcagle.
Long Creek's roller process flouring mill
is running night and day. It is turning out
an excellent grade of flour, and is giving
general satisfaction.
The Monumental quartz mill will start
November 1st. Several hundred tons . of
ore taken from the Greenhorn mines are in
readiness for the mill.
Freight for Canyon City and John Day is
now being delivered to tbe teamsters at
McEwanville the terminus of the Sumpter
valley railroad.
The first assay of ore taken from the
Black Diamond mine at Camp Leadville
showed six ounces of silver and $3.38 of
gold. Hendryx ft Foreman have four men
at work, with an excellent outlook.
Long Creek is to have a brass band. A
meeting was held last Saturday evening and
officers were elected and steps taken to pur
chase instruments. The business fraternity
of the town should give the new enterprise
every possible encouragement.
Tom Hinton and Orzo Williams threshing
outfit has come oyer from Morrow county
and is at present threshing in Fox valley,
They informed ye Eagle reporter last Sun-
nay that to date they had threshed over
14,000 bushels. Their new outfit is giving
tbe yery best of satisfaction.
Vince Kelly and S. K. Collins bad a few
words at the Monumental hotel Monday
morning. Kelly expecting tO be assaulted
tbrew an axe at Collins, which fortunately
missed Collins and landed in a well near by.
Collins immediately swore out a warrant
for Kelly's arrest, and upon examination
before 'Squire Everts, was held in the sum
of $100 to appear before the next grand
Due to the efforts of Miss Minnie Bonham
the principal's room in the Long Creek pub
lic schools is now decorated with a silk
banner emblematic ot this great country of
ours. She procured the same by securing
twenty subscribers for the Canteen, and pre
sented it to the school. Much credit is due
Miss Minnie for laboring so earnestly, and
she will, be kindly remembered by every
patron in the district. ,
A special to the Eagle from Camp Lead
ville on the Middle Fork of the John Day,
states that a large body of solid galena has
been found in the top shaft sunk on tbe
Vultura mine at a depth of forty feet. The
galena is of fine quality, and is undoubted
ly the finest discovery that has been made
in Camp Leadville. Several tons of ore
have been taken out and prepared for ship
ment. When the news of this strike
reached tbe stockholders of the company.
the stock at once experienced a boom.
The Famed Blue Bucket nine Said
to be Amone tbo Keeent
.Discoveries .
Harney Times.
Tbe mountains are full of men. The ex
citement is spreading and wagonloads of
eager men are coming into Harney City
daily, from distant localities. The wildest
rumors are anoat of great banks ot gold
dut being found. It is with the greatest
care that the news gatherers can separate
the true from tbe false reports: The dis
coveries are rich enough without any ex
aggeration. Gold has been found in paying quantities
in three gulches on Trout creek. On tbe
Harney City side rich claims have been
located on Soldier creek, Battlesnake, Cof
feepot and Cow Creek.
It is authoratively stated that the long
lost Blue Bucket mine has been discovered
in what is jknown as the Peter Mortimer
canyon northeast of Harney City. It ap
pears that an old prospector named White
has beed tracing the old emigrant trail
through from Snake river, and found the
graye of a woman who died a little oyer
day's drive from the famous Blue Bucket
gold discovery. He has . been about six
months on the work and since finding the
grave has made diligent search in this way
from it. About ten days ago he put a man
on the road to California with orders to
change horses and make 100 miles a day.
White himself packed bis things and start
ed a few days later. The rider told at one
of his stopping places that his boss had
panned out two dunces of gold from ten
pans and had sent bim for friends in Cali
fornia. The parties receiving this informa
tion at once hastened to Harney City and
began hunting for the discovery. On Sun
day morning there was a rush for the Peter
Mortimer canyon. Gold was discovered
there and it is thought that this is a rich
mine. Notices were written and pasted
on stones and men on horseback rode a race
for the first claims. Bill Catterson, Ike
Miller, Bob Cope land and Scotty Hayes
scattered their notices down the canyon
and began prospecting. As expected the
precious metal was found in large quanties,
but at this season there is no water to work
the mines.
The Bells! Bells! Bella!
The following from the pen of Mrs.
Ella Higgihson, written for the Whatcom
Reveille, and dedicated to tbe common
council, is realistic enough to baye a
local application:
Oh I hate the rasping tingle and the cracked, ete-
Of the bells nrjon the cows that nlrhtly roam.
While they saunter and they meet from Broadway
to Holly street,
In the' wild and wooly regions ot my home.
Wh en tbe clock has struck the chime that proclaims
the midnight time.
When the good men are all supposed to be in bed.
When the moon sinks toward the deep, and the
council goes to sleep,
Then I hear a duzen bovines' stately tread.
Then the bells go whangle-dingle, with a wild and
hideous icungie.
And 1 think some thoughts of vengeance by the
And a certain man I know, O he tosses to and fro,
And he swears at cows ana councils loua ana nara.
O dear coundlmen! I pray, read my poetry to-day!
Do I live out in the country, or in town!
Let your native pride aronse take the cow-bell off
. tne cows,
Or myself within tbe bay J'U surely drown.
If you do not stop this klingle, this ko-langle.
I shall pray tor vengeance on yon dire and deep;
May you suddenly be hurled to another, hotter
And may Satan Jingle cow bells while you sleep.
A Victim.
New Whatcom. Oct. 23, 189L
Letters Advertised.
The following is the bst of letters re
maining in The Dalles postoffice uncalled
for Saturday, October 31, 1891. Persona
calling for these letters will please give
the date on which they were advertised.
Beck, W W
Brockman, G A
Case, Mrs Mary
Dannanbauro, Joe (2)
Haggard, J M
Johnson, Mrs Nell
Johnson,' Mrs A M
Keller, Fred
Maya, W C.
Nortan, L
Smith, EJdie
Smith, i D -Smith,
Townsend, James H
Warbar, Fred
M. T. Nolan. P. M.
Buihngton, Kston
Corsen, Win
Haskell, George
Hughes, Newton
Johnson, Miss A M
Kasberg, J & Son
Knowles, TP
McCleary, Uirt VI)
Paff, J T
Smith, Theodore
Smith, Mrs L C
Scott, James M
Wood, Mrs John Jr
Seal Estate Transactions,
Oct. 29 Johrqft Bankin and wife to B T
Hardwick; 12 acres in section 35, township
2 north, range 10 east; $400.
Oct. 29 GB Franklin to JosT Peters;
parcel of land in northwest quarter of sec
tion 20, township 1 south, range 14 east;
Mrs. Lulu Paige committed suicide Tues
day afternoon in her room at 197 Third
street, between Yamhill and Taylor, Port
land, by taking a dose of strychnine. Do
mestic trouble was the cause. Her husband
was an employe in Kohn's clothing house,
The following letter, signed by tbe suicide,
was sent to Mr. W. F. Paige: "1 do not
ask you to take me back, for I could not go
even if you wished it, bat one thing I do
ask; tbat is your forgiveness for all of my
sins. I forgiye you everything.. I have
taken crystal strychnia, and enough to kill
me. I die blessing the whole world, as it
used me so kindly. Farewell for
Mississippi Klver Disaster.
Vicksburg, Miss., Oct, 29. By the
burning of tbe fine steamer Oliver Bierne
at Mil liken 's Bend lauding at an early
hour this mornirje-, thirteen lives are
known to have been lost, and it is feared
more. Tbe boat laid up at tbe landing
abont midnight. She bad quite a num
ber of cabin passengers, and over 200
"deckics" and a number of men, en route
to tbe various levee works. There was a
lot of cotton to be landed and loaded
Tbe mate bid trouble with the roust
abouts and a number of tbem quit work,
after which the mate bired white men.
This enraged the negroes, who made
other threats against the mate and boat,
At 3 :30 o'cloek an alarm of fire was sud
denly sounded, and before any one was
aware the boat was aflame. Tbe blaze
originated on the lower deck, from what
cause is not known, and, communicating
to tbe dry cotton, was soon burning with
great fierceness. The crew of tbe boat
were aroused, and, with the passengers
wno were awake, gave tne alarm to tbose
who were asleep. A rush was immedi
ately made for tbe forward part of the
boat, and many got off in safety, but that
avenue of escape and others were cut off,
and the unfortunate passengers arid crew
were forced to plunge into the water.
Tbe crew of the doat displayed commen
dable coolness, and every effort was made
to rescue tbose who had not reached tbe
shore. - Chief Engineer Ed Burd, laun
ched the yawl of tbe boat, and be, with
other men, succeeded in picking up many
of the struggling unfortunates in tbe
water. Some, . however, were beyond
reach, and were either burned to death,
or sank beneath the water to rise no
more. Wben tbe alarm was communi
cated to the people of Milliken's Bend
the bank of the river was soon crowded
with tbe villagers, who assisted in the
work ot rescue and hospitality, and
threw open their homes to the survivors.
message from Milliken's Bend gives
the following names as those who per
ished in the disaster:
Two children of Dr. Worrall. of Baton
Rouge; Sam Entnckec, son of Valentine
Jiintricken, of New Orleans; two cham
bermaids, names unknown; a Miss
Adams, of Omaha; Mrs. Woolridge of
New Orleans; Mrs. Frazer's nurse; five
cabin boys and a number of roustabouts.
A 4ichost Story.
Jacksohvill, 111, Oct. 29. Late last
night a watchman and three other em
ployes of the Jacksonville & South
eastern railway saw one of tbe big
locomotives glide out of tbe roundhouse,
cross tbe turntable and started down the
main line. They ran after it, but it was
going so fast they did not dare to try to
board it, tbougb they saw there was no
one on it. When tbe mam line was
reached tbe engine whistled and dis
appeared down the track at a terrific
peed. Fisgah was wired to clear the
track. A north-bound freight was side
tracked as tbe headlight ot tbe wild
engine came in view. The truant
whistled, the bell rang, and the engine
stopped directly in front of tbe station.
The railroad men watched tbe engine
frem the moment it came in view. They
saw no one get off, and wben they jumped
on board tbe throttle was found closed
and steam was op sufficient to run twenty
miles farther. The engine ran the twelve
miles in ten minutes. Tbe railroad men
believe that the ghost of an engineer re
cently killed on the road was in the cab.
It. was his favorite engine.
B neTEien Arnica t n v i
The best salve in the world for cuts
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feve,
sores,- tetter, chapped hands, chilblains
corns, and all skm eruptions, and positively
cures piles, or bo pay required. It is guar
anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For
sale by Snipes s Kinersly.
Sheep for Sale.
Four hundred head of ewes, wethers and
lambs. Inquire' at this office.
NEABECK In this city, October 25th, to tbe wile
ui jut. tv . xi .neaoecs a son.
STOUT In this city. October 26th. Mr. Fred.
Stout, of hemorrhage of the bowels, axed about
For Sale on Easy Terms.
will be sold on easy terms. Mr. HcBiide, the
owner, will be at Wasco, Sherman county, or on the
tarm Monday and Tuesday next to receive any prop
ositions to purchase. ecSOdwlw3
Teachers' Examination.
NOTICE is hereby given, that for the purpose of
maldnar an examination of all persons who
may offer themselves as candidates for teachers of
the schools of this county, the County School Super
intendent thereof will hold a public examination at
The Dalles, in the County Court room, on Wednes-
uay, nov. ailii, jswj, commencing at l o CJOcic r. M.
bated The Dalles, Oct, 81, 1891.
County School Superintendent.
Dissolution Notice.
The firm of Thompson ft Fargher has dissolved
partnership, Mr. Fargher having disposed uf his in
terest iri the firm to Mr. Geo-ge T. Thompson. All
those indebted to the firm are requested to come
forward and settle all bills, as Mr. Fargher is about
to leave the city. Mr. Thompson will assume all
liabilities and collect all debts, and continue the
business in bis own name.
The Dalies, Oct. So, 1891.
Laud Omcl at Tai Dalur, Or.,
October 30, 1891.
Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has Hied notice of his intention to make final
proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof
will be made before the Register and Receiver of thj
U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on Dec. 18,
1891, vis:
Hd- No. 3466, for the 8EK, Sec 3, Tp 2 8, R 14 Fast
Willamette Meridian.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said
land, viz:
John Easton, James Martin, James Easton and
Charles Easton, all of Dufur, Or.
octal JOHN W LEWIS. Reiiister.
The Finest Small Arms Ever Mantrfactared. !
a- m
accuracy, raw 1 'V H
iur in.. in im r-sv Li
niiDaDll 1TV
M Beware of cheap iron imitations.
s Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to j
Marble Works,
C. J. Smith, Prop'r. -
Buy at Bern and Sape freights and Agents'
H J 1 V
: Pi'moles. Hsadaches. Loss Df;
: Steep, a Weary Feeling, Pains in-
Body or Limbs, Want of Appetite, j
Eruptions. If you suffer fromj
any of these symptoms, take
WHY? Because Your Blood U Impure I :
Have you ever used mercury? If so,"
did you give yourself the needed attention
at the time? Don't you know that as!
! lone as the mercury is in the system, you
will feel the effects of It? We need uot
tell you that you require a blood medicine,!
S to ensure freedom from the after effects."
Dortor Acker's English Blood
Elixir is the only known medicine that!
" will thoroughly eradicate the poison from 5
;the system. Get it from your druKirfst,
jorwrkoto W. H. HOOKER & CO.
40 West Broadway, Hew York. 5
nftZ n B B P ar B ,r?
a-awaCK n a n o .
Children Cry
for P ITOHBE'fl
' Castoria is so well adapted to children that
I recommend it as superior to any prescription
Known io me." a. a. archer, bl. d.,
Ill South Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y
" I use Castoria in nr practice, and find It
specially aoapiea to anecnons or cnuaren. 1
1057 Sd Ave.,' New ifork.
"From nersonsl knowledge I can av that
Castoria is a most excellent medicine for chil
dren." Vsu u. C Osgood,
Caartoria nromotes XMeestion. and
overcomes Flatulency. Constipation, Sour
Stomach, Diarrhoea, and Feverishness.
Thus the child is rendered healthy and its
sleep natural. Castoria contains no
Morphine or other narcotic property.
And more, loo, saved by
purchasing your winter
supplies from
A new lot of Fancy Gro
ceries just bees received,
which, with my usual
line of Staple Goods,
makes my stock the most
complete in this city.
Call and see for your
self. You will be . well
n ' The Leading Grocer,
Buhach is the only absolutely
and thoroughly effective Insect
Powder upon the market, and is
manufactured solely by the Bu
hach Producing and Manufac
turing Company, of Stockton,
The word "Buhach" is made a
part of the trade mark of said
company, and all dealers are cau
tioned against selling .any other
Insect Powder under the name
of Buhach.
Persons who order Buhach
from their dealers and receive
Insect Powder that is not an ef
fective Insecticide will confer a
favor by reporting the fact to the
Buhach Producing and Manu
facturing Company in order that
all parties guilty of such prac
tices may be exposed and prose
cuted. If your dealer don't keep Bu
hach, don't let them cheat you
by selling you an iijferior and
worthless insect powder, but you
communicate directly with the
Buhach Producing and Manu
facturing Co., Stockton, Calif.,
who will fill your orders by mail
or otherwise, and guarantee sat
isfaction. THE OLD E8TABLI8HEU
Second St., East End,
Haa been refitted throughout with the .
And la now manufacturing
Best Keg and Honied Beer
and Porter
In Eastern Oregon.
Mr. Buchler always alma to adoot the latest brew
inar appamtua and will furnish his customers be.
equal toacv n market: wtt
Then Celebrated ENGLISH;
PUls an a Poalttra Cora lor Btak :
HeaalaelM, BlUouaeaa, and;
OoaattiMStUav. B Basil, fileaa.a
sat Bk4 a favorite with the!
UbUbi. Bold In Ens-land for Is.!
i mi i e
lXd.. In America for a Se. Oetf
them from 7 our DragKism, orS
send to W.I. HOOK 0 I
IM BtreaaW, ttow Tata. S
tt wiwiiwiwi'niii'H'iiiiiisii mip i Mil in ! mmi
YOU Wfl.nt
We keep the Largest and Best Assorted Line
in the city, of Dry Goods and Notions, Gents'
Furnishing Goods and Clothing, Men's, Ladies'
and Children's Fine Shoes.
Wg Wclllt
Of course we will put Prices to suit. Always
do that. Nobody undersells us. Come around
and investigate.
-:- Burned Out, but Again in Businesst -:-
XJiidertttlfei' aud Emlm-liner.
AS again started with a new and complete
stock of Undertaking Goods. Particular
attention paid to Embalming and taking care
of the dead.
Prices as Low
Southeast Corner Third and Washloicton. :
The building of the Portage Railroad .at this point will make Cascade
Locks a very thriving town in the future. Parties desirous cf investing at
tbat point will be furnished with maps
110 Second St., Portland, Oregon,
Or Dr. LEAVENS, at Cascade Locks.
Fall and Winter Dry Goods
Clothing, Gents'
Full Assortment from the Leading
sa ve money by examining our stock and
110 Front street.
At the old. stand of R Lusher. CHAS. FRAZER, Prop
The One Price Cash House,
Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods,
Hats and Caps, Uoota and bnoes, etc.
Agent the Bnerick Pattern, also f or the Hal Bazaar Dress Forms,
J!ine Toilet Soaps, tsrusnes, uomos, eta jreriumery uu fancy
Toilet Articles. Pure Brandy, Wines and Liquors
for Medicinal Purposes.
Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty.
Crockery and Glassware,
J. Frieman's Boot
Besides leading beyond dispute
now carries
Embracine all tbe latest popular
oar line of Fine Tablets the most complete in The Dalles- We confidently innte com
pantM.of, goo'k", gja io7.109 Waahington Streets. M. T. NOLAN.
- YourPiTMs.
Your Patronage.
as the Lowest.
The Dalles. Or.
and price list by applying to
Furnishing Goods,
Manufacturers. CASH BUYERS will
prices before purchasing elsewhere.
The Dallea, Oregon.
ilimnnrinnnnnnr? cfr., . X g .
and Shoe Stce.
in Periodicals and Pape Books.
a ime vi
pieces. Recent additions make