The Times-Mountaineer SATURDAY. .OCTOBER 17. 1891 A TERBIBLE TBAGEDY. Heary Iasraaa Slain by His Brolher iMMt Taradajr Hixat. Albany Herald. At a late hour Thursday night infor ' mation was received in this city of the killing of Henry Ingram by his brother Frank at the farm of the latter fire miles south of this city. The shooting wm the result of a quarrel over tbe division of the Ingram estate and a contest over the terms of tbe will left by their mother. Threats bad previously been made by tbe dead' brother and several shots had been fired on a former encounter. Several days ago the Herald published an account of a farm hand on Frank Ingram's place . discovering a man prowling around the house, and how he drove him off with gun. Night before last tbe man returned again and was armed, but was again driven off by tbe hired man, after some more shouting. .. ' Late Thursday night the same hired man came to this city in Lot haste on horseback, seeking tbe sheriff and a pby sician, and bearing tbe information that Frank Ingram had shot and killed tbe prowler, who was bis brother, Henry In gram. It appears that about 8 o'clock in the evening, Henry was discovered approach' ing the bouse armed with a gun. Frank Ingram, with a revolver in each band met him and commanded bim to throw up bia bands, and on his raising his gu to shoot, opened fire upon him, killing bim almost Instantly. Tbe sheriff, coroner, Dr. W. H. Davis and others left for tbe scene, but at a late hour bad not returned. Tbe ' quarrel was provoked : by - the brother who was killed, he having laid in wait, for tbe purpose of killing his brother on several different occasions. Frank In gram seemed equally as determined not to c driven awav. and bad asked tbe " sheriff if be would be allowed to carry revolver. Both brothers expected blood shed and were well armed. ' It was most unfortunate family quarrel, which . ended in a deplorable manner. ' LATER FABTICULABP. Tbe above particulars are as obtained from the hired . man. The officers re tamed at 3:30 Friday morning with some additional particulars. llie coroner's jury consisting of Geo, Humphrey, C. W. Watts, Alex Renoey, ETA. Milner, Robt. Strong and John Mullan, found that tbe deceased came to his death at tbe hands of Frank Ingram and that it was a deliberate murder, and that Ingram be held for murder. Tbe evidence showed that Frank In gram bad waited at a tree near tbe bouse for his brother, and when he came cp within eight feet be ordered bim to throw . up his hands and in tbe encounter he shot bim twice through the heart. Ingram claimed tbat be beard another man running and also shot at him. A short time afterwards be heard bis fallen brother make a slight noise, and shot bim again In tbe face. He claimed tbat up to tbat time he did not know who be was shooting at. A shot gun with a discharged shell was found lying by the side of the dead man, ' Ingram was brought to this city " and lodged in jail. ' Both brothers were unmarried and aged about 35 and 38 years, and lived near each other. " '. Coroner Farrell took charge of the dead brother's body. 0B00X. COUNTY Iteaae Fram the Colnaaaa or the Oehoea Review. Sam Nelson, of Mitchell, returned Wed nesday from Webfoot where he had been - with a band of horses. He fonnd tbe horse market dull, hot met with sales for all be had. Messrs. J. J. and R. O. Smith, of Sisters, 'were in town Tuesday. Tbey report an excellent crop having been harvested on Squaw creek this season, and say the wheat . and oats are of excellent quality. One day last week the Brown brothers, ' who formerly bved en Bear creek in this county, drove a band of 46 bead of cattle onto the Lnckiamnte bridge in Polk county, when the bridge gave way and 38 of the cattle were killed. i Last Monday J. B. Fry rear, of Sisters, waa kioked by a horse and sustained a fracture of one of tbe bones of his leg just above the ankle. When last heard from Mr. Fry rear waa goffering considerable pain, though we trust he will folly recover. : ' Sam Hodges returned Thursday from near Stockton, California, ' where he had been with his father and brother with a band of horses. He says they baye sold all of jheir horses but 40 head, and tbe prices received for those they sold were very fair. They expect to return in about a month. Ex-County Clerk Brown is baying cattle in Willamette valley and will bring tham to Crook county. Mr. Brown spent a good portion of the summer looking for a better country than this, having visited Arizona and other stock countries, and the result is he will return here. This is pretty good evidence tbat Crook county is superior to a good many so-called fine countries. . Killed Accidentally. Ochooo Bevew. Last Tuesday morning Patrick; Kelly, who was herding sheep for Thos. Jones, near Trout creek, thirty miles northeast of Prineyille, was fonnd dead in his tent by ocutwo 1ouaiusuD, wu-u s uuueb turuugn O Tt 1 J iL - t 1 1 i .1 1 . his head. Mr. Donaldson came in to wn to notify the coroner, and in the absence of Coroner Woods, Justice Bell, accompanied by Dr.'' Belknap, Chris Cobra and Geo, Cline, went to the scene of the accident ou , Wednesday to hold an inquest. The jury impaneled . by Justice Bell found tbat tbe deceased waa a native of Ireland, about 23 years old, and that he came to his death by accidentally shooting himself either ou the 4th or 5th of the present month. The re mains of tbe dead man were found lying in him IimI in thA tent, with a rifle Ivintr itn hia breast, and a bullet bole through his head Tbe bullet had entered tbe right eye and passed out through the upper part of tbe head, causing instant death. Little is known of Mr. Kelly except that he was a steady, industrious young man, who had been herding sheep in this county for sev eral years, and bad accumulated some money, which be had invested in real estate in Portland. - Prom Prineville. Pkinxvillk. Oct. 10, 1891. Editor Tnfas-MounAnnua: - I write .to inform you. Of course, the information is borrowed; but your readers here will appreciate borrowed tidings, such as we baye. . . Hon. B. F. Nichols, one of our best pill dispensers and a man who has figured in state affairs, is going to be promised to be married. That's some information. J. N. Williamson and Jack' Tetherow, both stout Republicans, are going to five a benefit to seekers after office next June. Jack is making money at bis famous report on the Deschutes, and Mr. Williamson is herding sheep. Bnt Newt is not going crazy, a has been rt ported. Ho raakt-3 money, whether be legislates or not. J. H. Templeton & Sou are running along in the drag business, just like they always have, and are doipg elL The other prominent Republicans here are all doing well. Uncle J. P. Combs in cluded. By tbe way, does Uncle Jim take yonr paper? He was in your city just the other day. We have plenty of money and apprecia tion here, and our stock in store is worth having. Why can't we haye a railroad from yonr place? Hurry up the matter, just as you have been doing. Your editorials for the benefit of the Inlaud Empire are fully appreciated by our people. This is a crazy-quilt letter; but I can't write any other kind. If your space is not crowded, sod your compositors can read, I shall expect to see this in print. ISTOPEIKT. MOBTOH'S STORY. Tbe Prisoner Trlls His 1J or the Cot tins; Affray. From Tuesday's Daily. Wm. Morton, who is confined in the county jail for stabbing Joseph Knebel, is yet awaiting trial, pending the result of the injuries received Sunday nipht. A reporter of the Mountaineer, believing that a state nient made by himself would be but simple justice to tbe prisoner and of interest to the public, interviewed bim to-day. He is a young man of modest demeanor, and is ap parently confident tbat he has not violated any statute and does not regret his action. His statement in substance is as follows: Tbe trouble began Friday night over a sum of money amounting to $5 or $6 which Morton claimed Knebel owed bim. He told Knebel that if be would give him $1 be would call tbe debt square. Knebel then began abusing him, as did a friend Knebel a. threatening bim with bodily in. jury. Saturday night the trouble was re newed and more threats made, Morton avoiding trouble by walking sway. Sunday night Knebel asked Morton to step over to Lemke's saloon, tbat he wanted to see him privately and no one would be present. Morton went over and both entered a rear room. In a abort time several of Knebel's friends entered and also some of Morton's Words were exchanged which led to blows, Morton receiving a blow from a cane. He retreated and was again struck with a chair, and another waa thrown at him, at which juncture seejng that he was in for it, he pulled out his pocket knife, making three lunges at Knebel with 'it ' The first two blows were not harmful and the blade shut upon his hand. 'I do not know whether I cut him the third blow, or not," said Morton, "but I acknowledge such was my intention. You may state this in your psper and I believe I will come out all right if there is such a thing as justice." Morton, by this time, intended to be on bis way to Prineville, where he was to start a saloon with another yonng man of this town. . Barbwire Caused It. . East Oregonlan. Mr. Beiohold Harris, the Walla Walla batcher who has been bera on a business visit for several days, started home on horseback Saturday mgbt about 11 o'clock. After crossing the county bridge above town his horse, a skittish one, became frightened at some campers, and plunged into a barbwire fence which has been built on either side of tbe road.. . ... ... ... . Bemhold staid with tbe horse, bat was carried along the fence for some distance, his. right leg coming in contact with the wire- The cruel barbs-tore a gash at least two inches' deep across the leg about six inches above the knee, just- missing . the main artery, and inflicted two small cats on the knee. Mr. Harris mAaged to ride back to town, and is now Jying at tne Golden Bale, attended bv Dr. Smith. It will be several months before he can walk, so severe is the wound. The Ntatuattoa io Chlmaw London, Oct. 12. Dispatches received from Hongkong announce that tbe pub lication of tbe memorials of tbe Chinese minister to London, addressed to tbe tbrone of China, throws some light upon tbe recent imperial audience granted to tbe ministerial powers. It waa at first supposed tbe granting of this audience was a spontaneous action upon tbe part of tbe emperor, but tbe memorials show it waa only accorded after tbe Chinese minister at Londoa bad strenu ously nrged this step in order to avoid, and in anticipation of tbe resolute com bined demand for an audience, which was to. have been made by representa tives of tbe European powers. Buckles a Anira Salve. Tbe beat salve in tbe world for cut bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feve. sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains coma, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or monev refunded. Price 25 cents per box. h'or sale by Snipes 4 Kineralv. V Notioe. .Notwithstanding tbat the D. 8. Baker was ordered taken off ber regular trip in a few days, the company have since decided te keep her running for tbe present and un til further notice. E. E. Ltttle. Botice. All those indebted to Thompson & targherare requested to come forward and. settle their accounts before Dec. 81st, or they will be placed in the hands ot an attorney. . Thompson & Fabqheb. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays vi eacn wees: oetween Seplember 18th and October 17th, the Union Pacific will sell excursion tickets to Portland and re turn at one and one-fifth fare for tbe round trip. Visit tho exposition. THE DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA i NaTlKaUon Company's ELEGANT STEAMER, REGULATOR ' Will leave tbe foot ot Court street every morning at 7 o'clock for Portland and Way Points. Connections will be made with the fast steamer. DALLES CITY, At the foot ot the Cascade Locks. For passtmrer or freight rates, apply to the agent, S. Le .BROOKS Agent and EUREKA RESTAURANT .' F. W. L. 8KIBBE, PROP. ejof Wines, liqnors & Cigars L:U:N:C:H:EiS -FSSI I Cor. Second and Madison, near aaeengr depot. mvid-w Land Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tux, Okeook, August 29, 1891. Notice is hereby iriven that the following-named ft. ttlei hi? fllafl nttifv nf hi intention to make final prouf ill support uf liU c&im, tid tt.a- s.iu! yrv-.i will be made before the Register and Receiver of the V. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on O tober 28, 1SV1, Tiz: JOHN E. BARNETT, (Hd. No. 3659.) for the dw X Sec 13, T 1 s, r 14 e, W. M. Be names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, via: James J. Woolory and John M. McCully. of Boyd, Oirn., Robert Gilbraith and Elijah W. Trout, of 'Ihc Dalles, Ogn. Miic4 ' JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., September S3, 1891. Notice is hereby gifen that the folio win if named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be nude before W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United Slates Circuit Ounrt, district oi Washington, at Goldendale, Wash., on November 7, 1891, v r Leon W. Curt 188, Homestead Entry No 6837 for the Kfi of HE and N4 of NW1 Soe 4 Tp s N of R IS East W M. He names the following" witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Peter Agredlus, Thomas H Gilmore, William T Gil more aud A H Curtise, all of The Dalles P O.. Or. jlylS JOHa D. UK GUfcGAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Lakd Office at The Dulles, Orkgox. September S. 1X91. Nntiee is herebv riven that the f jllowinii-named settler has filed notic - of his iuten lion to make final proof in support of his claim and that sai'1 proof will be made beiore the register and receiver ai lbs Dalles, Or., on October , 1891, l iz: JUSSIE T. C PLAND, Homestead No. 8664 for the W U :iM and E N W , Sec. 23. Tp. 2 N, R 12 E. He nam-8 the following witnesses to prove hib continuoua residence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: Alexander J. Anderson, Geonje Halvor, Henry Tan Bibber and Ernst Frederick, all of Th Italics, Or. (sU) JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. Op No. 62, MAIN STREET, Nearly Opp. Umatilla. House, The Only First-Class Short Order House -IN THE CITY.- OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Oysters in eyery style. . All kinds of game in season. Spacial rates to sup per parties. WILL S. GRAHAM, Proprietor. COLUMBIA ICE CO. i.104 Second Street. ICS I 1C33! ICE I Having over 1000 tons of ice ou hand; we are now prepared to receive orders, whole sale or retail, to be delivered through the summer. Parties contracting with ug will be furnished ice through tbe entire season, without advance in price, and may depend that we have nothing but pure, healthy ice, cnt om mountain water, no slough or slush ponds in it. Leave orders at tbe Columbia Candy Factory, 104 Second Street. W. S. Cram, Manager Wiseman & Butler, (Successors to J. H. McDonough & Co.) DEALERS IN . Choice Wines. Liquors. AND CIGARS. None bat the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Court and second streets. THE DALLES, OREGON. s THE DALLES, WASCO CO., OR. First-Qass Boarding School for Girls, Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Names ot Jesus and Mary. The fau term opens sept. 7th- or particulars address augla-lm SISTER 8UPERIOR, G.NOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and specifications tor building fur nished. Will do all kinds of excavating and grading. All orders left at postoffice box 322 novl3 JAS. FERGUSON, Expressman'! Goods hauled with the greatest care to all parts of tbe city on short notice. Leave orders with Fish & Bardon Card to the Public. HAVING' DIbPOS ED of my entire gtock of gro ceries, provisions, tod jrood will, to Messrs. Chrisman fc Gorsou. of this city. I cheerfully recom mend them as worthy of the same confidence fO kindly bestowed upon me. While retiring from the grocery bomness, I wish fo express my heartfelt gratitude to my many frends and patrons for their liberal support and pleasant bnsiness relations dur ing these many years. And I bespeak for my suc cessors the same kindly treatment from a generous public. sep21-w4t GEO. BUCH. fl Chlefcestev's EuUik DhsMS- BrmaL TENflYROYAL PILLS --4Cv OrlgtMatf only ttaMmlne. Dragflat r ChicJktmf Awtta Dim-. .musi Brwmd la Hl and Oold mMallle Hi etviu wit mm ribbon. Take athnr JZatAtM ifinin tmm la 6 statu m and iwmitationM. At DrenrlaU. r Mad 4e i tun pa for mrtiemlsn, teKimoaUl mad IteUef IWr Ladle,0 Utur, try retarv af.ll. 1 0.00 TuiimMlLi. tti vn..-. , LT w - M-jt saape. oMar f. a a a ... : DOCTOR v...,..........-..............v Tnese ueiettracea ENttaJBu: LACKERS Pills an a Posture Cure for Slek ; taeke, Bill ess, and; Oeaatlpattea. Small, yleaa." I PURE I PINK mm m fanrlte wit tkeS uUle. Sold tn Kn-iaad for la.! lHo.. to America for Sa. G.t them from-yonr Draggruav, or: send to W. H. HOOIIB CO PILLS. Wt Utmttmm, Saw Tar. ..................uat Portland. Oraron. A. P. Armstrong. Prln. Branch School : Capital Bus. e, Salem. Oregon. oauu. wurae. w stuoy, same nues oi tuiuuu. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, and English Departments H ad auaiinn uurjDGrnonE in. Ttair. Nmnania ajimii. ted at any time. Catalogue from either school, free. MOWI. OS w jtmr Ii blog mad bj John R. Goodwin, I roy, IS. Tt work for urn. ltcadar, you mmy not make mm much, but we can teach you quickly how to earn from S& It SIM day at the start, and mora aa yoa mo oo. Both Msea, all ag-ea. In any pan of America, yoa can commence at borne. iv. ins your timej spar momenta only to tb work. All te new. Gnat pay BIRK for every worker, wa wtmrt yoa, mrniatainc verytbinir. EASILY, SPEEDILY learned! PAIM1CULAK3 FREE. Addreai at onca, STUWOI A CO., roRTLJ.U, rlAlUdT Old Iron Bought. Mr. J. H. Laraen will nev the hurhest cash Dries for Old Iron remaining in any of the buildings since the fire of last Wednesday. He will receive this iron on the vacant space on Second Street, between the brick and frame warehouses of Hon. Z. F.Moody. TAKEN UP By the subscriber, reaidin? one mile southweat ot the city, one red cow with white spots, about Dee. 16th. Tbe owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges for this advertisement, lul W. BIHOFELD For Sale or Lease. Earn mm. 11UIU V Mary General 1 El attLn SEVENTT-fTVE feet ot ground fronting on Sec ond street, between Federal and Laughlin. Apply at this office. Legal Notices. Application for Liquor License. 1'ALiS )';:l!CP.CT, I Wasco (Jounty, btate of Vtexm) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT WE, G. E. Burke 4 Co.. of said precinct, and county, will, on the 4th day of November. 1891, applv to the County Court of the above-named county for a li cense to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors io less cuai.titics than one iraiion, Falls Precinct. Wasco Cohxtt, State of Oregon, StpUsuiber 22, 1891. To the Honorable Countv Court of the County of Wasco, tate of Oregon: We, the undersigned resiients of, and lejral voters In, Falls precinct, countv and state afores-iid, do hereby respectfully petition and pray that said conrt shall Brant a license to i r. aurae s aen spir it iinnft. malt and vinous linuors in slid Falls pre cinct, in less Quantities than one gallon, f r the period or one year: names XAMES J B Guvette H P Aiwick W Lake J W Attwell Richard Woodward J M Mclsaac Ke&l Danflut N W Rayner John Ted'ltboc Thomas Myers G Dimmtck Kenneth McKenzie Er.k llolson G M Alufford .Mis ilsou Aug Sandeis Joh'i Nilson G E Phelps J C Jones Dan Saleson Nate Brown John Bennett A.ex Walt A P Andrews Hans Weicks A J KingBmith G P Harvham 1 homxs W Badder J P McEllany Dr C J Condwin Pat Lahev N P Weber Chas Btumenfeld Chas Gray Ed Shaw Isab.h Morin Peter Dujrgan Win McKenzie Wm Cooper Jimes Stewart James PI vain J Baker Aug- Peterson Charles P Buon P H Kil iker Aug Wilson Osker Crow Olaf Svensen J Kelley Sam'l Gelhard Thoms Hope John G Brown Win Fr .ser H P Harpham Final Settlement Notice In the count! court of the county of Wasco and state of Oregon, sitting as a court of probate. In the matter of the estate of John Dunn. deceased: To whom it may concern: Notice is herebv riven that William Foler.adminis- trator of said estate, has this day filed in said court in said matter hi final account as administrator of Raid catate. an.l that Mondav. November 2. 1891. is the day appointed by sail Court for the hearing of objections to said final account and the settlement thereof. wiLiiiiAAi rujjr.x, Acministrater ot said Estate. Dated October 2, 1891. Administrator's Notice. Tr OTICE is hereby given that at the regular term of the countv court for Wasco county. State of Oregon, held m the court house in this city during Bepiemoer. we unaeraignea wan appuiuwu wiiuiuib trator of the estate of al. Diamond, deceased. All bills due the said deceased, will be collected by the undersigned, and all debts owed by the deceased should be l resented within six months from this date. C. M. Fou rs, . Administrator of estate of SI. Diamond, deceased. The Dalles, Sept. IS, lsvi. FINAL NOTICE. T IO WHOM IT HAT CONCERN: AH parties knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, dither by book aocount or note, arc re quested to call and pay the same immediately, as all claims nut paid in thirty days will be banded to a lawyer lor collection. HacEACHERN & MacLEOD. sl9 Cfflcd 134 Second St., The Dalles, O'e. Dissolution Notice. mO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that the partnership heretofore existing between MesBrs. Bold and Havner in the blacksmith and wagon- making business in The Dalles is this dav dissolved by mutual consent. F. W. Bold will continue the business in his own name. and will pay all debts owed by the firm and collect all Dills due tbe arm. . r . w . hulk, auir28 A.G.HAYNEK. Dissolution Notice. "VT OTICE is hereby given that the partnership Xj heretofore existing between C. M. f outs and Benjamin Wilson, under the fine name of Foots A Wilson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to said firm will be paid to C. M. Fouts, and all bills owing by said firm will be set tled by Benjamin Wilson who will continue the bus- lne at the old stand. usruuia, BKJJ WILSON. The Dalles, Jul) ,1891. Bpard of Equalization. milE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION for Wasco L County will meet in the court house in Dalles City Monday, October 18, lbtfl, ana will continue In session one week. . J. K. uak&evi , sptld - Assessor for Wasco Co. Smoked Salmon for Sale THE BEST in the MARKET And all kinds of Fresh Fish. In the Waldron Ball dine, Front Street, The Xfaues, uregon. Orders from a Distance Promptly At tendee to, ana isn snipped in Refrigerating Cars. MY MOTTO: Cheap Prices and Quick Sales. Ad- dress dim - . TII DAIXES FISH CO, THl GERMANIA, CHAS. STTJBLtVG, Prop. FOR THE PRESENT AT 86 Second. Street. Wines, Iipors and Cigars. All brands of Imported Lianors, Ale and Porterjaad tfenuine &ey west mgars. A ruu line of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Draught.' JOHN PASHEK, -ALSO CLEANSING and REPAIRING, IS NOW LOCATED AT 77 Second Street, Where, oat of a few remnants of cloth he saved out of the lire, he will MAKE SUITS CHEAPER THAN EVER. Would be clad to see all his old patrons. H. STONEMAN, The Leading 1 14 SECOND STREET, ADJOINING FAGAN'S Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done, JAMES WHITE'S LUNCH COUNTER. In connection with my Fiuit Stand, on Second St.. near tbe corner of Madison, 1 have opened a lunch counter, and ean eerve to customers sandwiches Difirs feet, oysters, coffee and tea. This is conveni ent to tbe passenger depot. Have vlio Californi orange cider, and the best apple cider. . no26 For Sale-At a Bargain The Mission gardens, greenhouses, stock and fixtures. 1 am prepared to offer a rare bargain, MERCHANT TAILOR owing to a cnange ot residence, f or terms enquire npon. the premises or of A. N. Varney at the land office. JAMES A. VARNEY. Belieyin HTHAT it has fpu shown J- our advertisement of the last month that the self styled leaders in the Book and Stationary Business are in re ality the ON" and after this date we will pursue the even tenor of our way, from time to time making announcpwents of the adyantagps to he derived by purchasing Boohs and Sta tionery at The Postofflce Stor . The Dalles, Oct. 7, 1891. Wm. Butler & Co. have established a Lumber lard on Front Street Corner Jefferson, Where may be found a com plete stock of XCoiigrli and DrpHsed Xiim ber ,LaitIi fSliin erles. at to , The pocket. Special atten tion given tn orders from tbe country. TO WOOL GROWERS IFYDC WANT- To Keep Yonr Sbeep Healthy and Insure a Good Clip Use Hayward's Sheep Dips, A SURE CURE AT MODERATE COST. Hayward's "Paste Dip." Mixes with either cold or warm water. Hayward's Liquid Dip. Is non-poisonous, improves tbe wool and does not stain it. CHRISTY & WISE Wool Cohhission Mkbcbantk. Fifth and Townsend Sts., Sao Francisco, General Acents. THE DALLES FIRST STRE3KT. FACTORY NO. 105. PIP A DO of the Best Brands manufact- U I tin llO nred. and ordeas from all paita of the country nlled on the shortest¬ice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home mannfactnaed'article is increasing eyery day. dec24dy-tf A. ULRICH & SON. MAIEK & BENTON, Successors to A. Bettingen RETAILERS AN1 JOBBERS IN Earimro, Tinware, WoQdenwa.r8, AND GR ANI TEW ARE. A complete line of Heating1 and Cook 8toves, Pumps, ripe f lumbers and steam Fitterr Mippues; also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmiths' and Farm- erd Tools, AND SHELF HARDWARE. All Tinning, Plumbing and pipe work will (be done on soon notice. SECOND ST.; THE DALLES. OR C W. ADAMS, Is now located at 77 Second Street, , Next to Schatz Justice Office. tfeDalnns: a RDectaitv. Be ha saved some of bis best leather out of the fire and will make the neatest boot or shoe of anyone in the citv. J SECOND STREET " Ibird door east of A. L. Mewman'a grocery. LADY COOKS. No Chinamen employed. ' Meals, 25 Cents. Mr. and Mrs. P. Howard will open the above restaurant to-morrow, and desire a share of the public patronage. F. W. BOLD. HAYNEB. BOLD&HAYNER Blacksmiths' and Wagon-Makors , At Thompson's old stand, 193 Tnlnl St BUCKSMITH1HG OF ALL KINDS DOW NEATLY " AND CHEAPLY. WOOD-WOBK ef all kinds, repairing and making anything, from a wheelbarrow to a carriage.. HORSE-SHOEING A SECMLTY. m 4d-w Watchmaker and Jeweler. ! At Ullrich & Son's Cigar Factory, 7 Corner Main and Court Sts- All kinds of Watches repaired with neat . . . ness and dispatch.' S3000 A. TEAK f loiHlCTtake to briefly leach any fairly intellifrent peraon of either ez, who can read and write, and who, after instruction, will work itdstrkaaUyt bow tn earn Thrw Tbeeaal Dellara a V mt in their own cUi ties, wh ere rert ber UeJ will also faraiak the attnation or cnpJoymentat which you can earn that amount. No money for me unteaa aucceaaful aa above. Easily and quickly learned. I desire but one worker from eech district or county. I have already Uurbt and provided witk employment a lam Amber, who are making over SIOOO a vearearb. li e AT W and HOI-1 i. Full particulars FBEE. Address at ooca, , 4is Box AM Attiwta, Malm by LUMBER Prices M Cigar Factory, cShoemaker pipe and tin repairs HEALTH IS WEALTH ! 1 UtivL BCiUu 1 DR. E. C. WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT MENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria. Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neural tria. Headache, Nervous Prostration caused In the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness. Mental depression. Softenine of the Brain, resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and aeatn, rremanire uiu Age. liar renness. Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntarv Lossfta and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of tbe brain, sell-an use or overindulgence. Eacn box contains one month's treatment. 1 a box, or six boxes lor 90 i?n. a nail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by as tor six ooxtH, accompanira wnn ?o, we will send the purchaser our written guarrntee to refund the money u the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar antees issued nnlv bv BLAKELKY HOUGHTON Sole Agents, 176 Second street. The Dalles, Or. $500 Reward ! WE will pay the above reward for any case of XM Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, indigestion. Cc tipat.on or Costireness wo cannot cure witn West Vegetable Llrer Pills, when the directions arestricti complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and nevu fail to give satisfaction. Sutrar Coated. Large boxes containing 30 Pills, 5 cents. Beware of counterfeit and imitations. Tbe genuine manufactured only b THE JOHN C. WEST COUTANY, CfilCAOO, ILL. Bhkeley & Houghton. Sole Agents. Second Mreet, itie Daiies ur ATTENTION On and after this date cur price for bojks used in the public schools will be as follows: First Reader g 20 Second " 30 Third " 50 Fourth " 70 Fifth " 90 Complete Speller.. 20 Arithmetic No. 1 30 Arithmetic No. 2 CO Elementary Geography 60 Comprehensive Geography 1 25 Sill's Grammar 60 Mental Arithmetic 25 Barnea' Complete Leoson 60 Brief History of the U. S 1 00 Barnes' General History 1 60 Steele's Physiology and Hygiene... 1 00 These orices are for cash with order. Parties ordering by mail will add ten per cent to these prices for postage. E. JAC0BSEN & CO., 162 Second St. Thb Dalles, Sept. 11, 1891. "OLD GERMANIA," DO Second St. C. DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on sale the best Wines, Liquors, AND CIGAR'S. Columbia Brewery Beer on 0 The finest brands of Imported and Do mestic Cigars a specialty. an7-91dy CHRISMAN BROTHERS, (Successors to F. Taylor.) Proprietors of the CITY MARKET UMiird Street. Hams, hand. Bacon and Sausage always on decSld&wtf TEE DALLES, OREGON. Best Kentucky Whiskey, FROM LOUISVILLE. Very Best Key West Cigars, and Best of Wmea English Porter, Ale and Milraake Beer always on band. MAETZ & PUNDT Prop's BUNNELL : BROS., .190 Third Street PIPE WORK. MAINS TAPPED WITH PRESSURE ON. PIIDTC Cought, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, LUn.LO Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, Croup, Sore Throat, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs and Cheat, including Consumption. Speedy and permanent. Genuine signed "L Battt," L. P. OSTLUND Will furnish drafts and estimates' on all buildings, dwellings and stores. Mr. Ostlund Is a oractical mechanic and the nlina drafted by him will prove artistic, cheap and dura ble.. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Aildress; Lock Box 181. Sana- little fbrtnim htvetieen md at work for ua, by Aniut Pa are, Auaiiit, iTeiaj, amt J no. Uona, Toledo, Ohio. cut. Other are dotnaraw well, w iiy yuur oonia yarn over . no. tli. Yon nu do the work and live fmt home, wherever yon are. Kven be rlnBen ere eaaelv earnliir t'rom 9t to lOadav.A II atreat. Weahow von how and start joo. Can work In amre lima or all tlie time. Ufa; money tor work era. Failure unknown imonr tbero. NRW mi.A earnnileH-Ail. Pmrtir-imrw Am 9. Hal I etc A C,,Bai HSwPtirtlaDil.Mato MONEY 'can be earned at oor TTEW line orwv.-i, 'rauidlv and hniorablr. bv tbose of either sea. rounr or old. and in their own localities,, hererer they live. Auy one can do the work. Eaav to learu. iVe furnish everrth tnar. We atact too. No risk. Ton can devote your spare moments, or all yonr time to tbe work. This Is an entirely new leaaattd brings wonderful success to every worker. Becwnera are earnl or from fit to SMf neureek and uDwanla. ana mora aiuramui expenenoe. ne can lur ployment and teach- you r UKK. No space to explain hern. Full fafennarirai VkUUL XJtVScCO. AUiLliTA, MnUUL Samp Rooms Ask nr agent far W. L. Doaa-lasfSlisea. If not for sale in yonr since au yonr denier to nena lor catalogue, neenre cne nsencv, ana get mem lor yon. IW TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. THE VV. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cen?PeWn THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It u ft seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hart the feet; made of the best fine calf, atlisb and easy, and because toe make more ehoem or this grade than any other manufacturer. It equals hand Be wed shoes costing from $4.00 to 5.00. ffLt 00 Genuine Hand-sewed, the finest calf shoe ever offered for $5.00; equals French Imported shoes which cost from $8.00 to $12m ffiA OO Hand-Sowed Welt Shoe, fine calf, stylish, comfortable and durable. Tbe best hoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costinar from SrUM) to 9JaL SO 30 Police Shoe. Farmers, Railroad Men and Letter Carriers all wear them; fine calf, seamless, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edge. One pair will wear a year. CO 0 fine calf no better shoe erer offered at w this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. CO 23 and 92.00 Workln&rraan's shoes 9&a are very strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear no other make. Rove' 92.00 and tM75 school shoes are J Uf o worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits, as the increasing sales show. I orl ioc 93.00 Hand-sewed shoe, best ; haClUlwo Dongola, very stylish; equals French i imported shoes coaling from $4.00 to $6.00. ladies' 2.50, $2.00 and 91.75 shoe for i Hisses are the best fine Dongola. Stylish and durable. vancioD- oee mat w. i. lxragias' name ana price are stampea on tne oottom or eacn snoe. i. FREIMAN, AGENT, THE DALLES To Yois Free to all Brides ! "VTOTICE is hereby given to all the readers of this X paper and all their friends an4 acquaintances throughout tbe United States and Canada that - THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whose address and 10 cents to pay postage is seat to the publisher within one year from the date of their marriatre. Persons sending- for this present are requested to send copy of a paper con tain inar a notice of their marriage, or some other evidence that Bliall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine under the above offer. Address, ''THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt. LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Payette & Friend.) TBE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER,' Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in Iron or wood done in the neatest manner. Anything In the wagon line, from s wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery repaired in the most skill mch21dw ful and workmanlike manner. EPD FOR OUR CATALOGUOno "B'CtS ATLAS-ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS. I NO. . . o. mack; WHOLESAUE Liquor FRENCH'S Secoad Street. - BLOCK, The Dalle a Charles F. Lauer. A Proprietor of tne rclrd Et. F.-i'.r- ::i ?jb M:;:ct 1 Will always keep on sale Puget Sound Fish, Chickens, Turkeys, Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco and CuFara. Leave your orders, aa they will receive prompt WUHUD. . . EAST END SALOON, Near the;01d Mint Building, Second St. The Dalles, Or. Always on hand the Best Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. A Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei on dranrht. HMBTLKUCK. -Manufacturer of and dealer In - Harness and Saddlery, tweona tsc, near aooays warehouse, -r THE DALLES, - - . OBSOON All Wrk Uanraateed to Give H a eractlou CITY BAKERY -AND- Second and Union Streets. A. L. NEWMAN. Proprietor! . - V. BIRGFBLD, TEACHER OF MUSIC. Instruction given on Piano and Violin Rooms over NickeSsen'a store. Third an Wasbineton Streets. nov8wklytf Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave, Boston. ' m FCavah advmnoiM male on oonsiframeni. IVAHTED SALESMEN. .Local and Traveling. A CSoofl Chase; Don't Jflsa It! Yoa need no capital to represent a reliable firm that war rants nursery stock first-class and true to nune. Work all the year, and rood pay weekly to energetic men. Apply quick, statins aire. i. u. may 6X CO., Nurserymen, Florists and 8edsment bt. Paul. Minnesot. , junl3-4wkly FOR RENT. LOT CONTAINING TEN ACRES,' WITH i rood dwelling hooaa. aprinar ot water and other ooiv3nlences. No family with small children need apply. FRANK KREMER. WHY IS Housekeepers FAMY GROCERIES J t vnaannwS3annaMMi i" Wi'iiw WHOLESALE Hardware, M Steel id Farm Machinery. SOLE ACENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. Thass Machines axs too well known to need comment. Thousands of farmers bare need them and speak of them with praise. Thy are the only Harvesting Machines that will give ENTI&E SATISFACTION to the purchaser. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER. The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain Ver constructed. BUCKEYE SIEELFRAME TWINE-BINDERS. 2TTtt Feature that distinguishes this Twine-Binder is the Llrttnets ot Draft, combined with Ha -Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, the only really suooassful one yet known. We have two style, th Elevator Binder and th Platform Binder both xeeUant both wwumwwn oj ounonoi oi patrons. SCHUITLEE FARM WAGONS, BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRIL AND SEEDERS. CORBIN DISC HARROWS. HODGES-HAINES HEADERS. HAISH BARB WIRE arc ruin r ibiii nney Or to E. N. CHANDLER, Agent, The Dalles, Or """"1MMWaMaMaMaMaTaaa THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS AJO. KBLLEH, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Mnscat 83, Angelica 83, : Mountain 83 an Gregorio Vineyard Co. Agency. All Wines and Brandies The Best Wines, Liquors Try the best remedy for PRINZ & NITSCHKE Furniture and Carpets; THE LEADING Stock an Heoond Street, CASCADE LOCKS THE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF CASCADE LOCKS 4 NOW ON THB MARKET. LOTS SELLING The building of tbe Portage Railroad at this point will make Cascade Locks a very thriving town in tbe future. Parties desirous of investing at that point will be famished with maps and price list by applying to BRADFORD & CASTELLOE, 110 Second St, Portland, Oregon, Or De. LEAVENS, at Cascade Locks. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS . P; IcOEEIT, J -DJBA.1L.EII IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for tie Buerici Pattern, also for tire Hal mar Sress Forms, CHAS. E. DUIIAl, THE DALLES, OREGON, -DEALER DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, eta Perfumer snd Fancy Toilet Articles. Pure Brandy, Wines snd Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Iliysicia.ns' Prescriptions a. Specialty. CORtOATEU 1WS. THE DALLES LUMBERING COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealer! and Manafactureri.of 13 v ilding Material and Dimension Timber DRY FIR, PINE OAK and SJLi PROMPT DELIVERY TO ANY Office Ks 07 WaiaUKtoa t mo i Lai, Fust ani Vine Streets, PORTLAND, - OREGON. DEALERS IN AULTMAN'S; STAR TRACTION ENGINE, Deare Flows, Deere Sulky Plows, Carriages. Phaetons, Top Buggies, fg$; "viM.. Burgundy 83, infandel 84, Riesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret Guaranteed Strietly Pure and Cigars Always on Sale. Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic. UNDERTAKERS. Lowest Prices. Tlie Iallet, Oregon VERY RAPIDLY. IN- WOOD - A.13 PART OP THE CITY, cat Ban ark s Yard at 14 Caver bi