GBAHT GOTUTTY. Itemsr Vrom tke - Columns of the . Lone Creek Eacle. Residents from neighboring counties bave visited the John Dy country this season to prH;ure Iruil. The quality r.f fruit grown in this yalley cannot be sur passed by that grown in any part of the state. . , Lawyer "West, of Pendleton, had his boose tipped into the street last week by some individuals bent on intimidating and comoelline him "to surrender bis warrantee deed and vacate the property. Some ot the parties are known, m the next crand inrv will investigate the matter. . Flour is retailing in Long Creek at present at f 8 per barrel. At this piice the consunters say they collect particles of silver about their teetb. However, they anticipate overcoming the pressure of these bigb biscuits on the pocketbook when our roller process mill gets to run ning. It is generally understood, that Long Creek Mining, Milling and Development company will have to face the muzzle of a Winchester if tbey develop their min ing property on -Boulder creek up in Greenhorn." Such ejaculations are very common now a days, and the company will proceed with development work just as thousrh such trivial exclamations had not been made. C. F. Gofl, Bert Bosworth and Vince Kelley are now in possession of one of the best mining claims in Foz valley, having jumped the quartz mine of H. P. Barber. It appears that the original locator of the claim relocated bis property last Sunday, and tbey being witnesses to some technical point, tbey claim not ac cording to law, posted their notice in due form Monday morning. Both parties are having work done on the same. 0B00K. 00U5TY Items From the ColnmM Oehoeo Review. of the . There is more attention paid to prospect ing in this county now than for several years past, and in all probability there will ' be mines developed that will pay. The recent cold weather has caused sheep owners to brine their flocks out of the mountains, and most of the sheep in this county are now herded on the winter ranees.. They are said to be in excellent dSdition. Dave Barnett left at this office samples of three kinds of field corn raised in the Hay stack neighborhood, which our Missouri friends say is equal to anything that was ever produced in the greatest corn country of tbe world. The ears are large and well filled, and one has on it 608 fine, plump grains. There is no use of our importing corn meal when such corn as this can be raised right at home. .. lost Saturday E. r. Torrey, tbe aasayer at the Ocboco mines, was in town after belting to use on his araatra. He has his steam engine set up, and proposes to make a test of the ore of the Elliott mine with an arastra. Mr. Torrey thinks the rock can be worked by the wet process. He says it .will develop a valuable mine, as the ledgi shows an abundance of low-grade ore. Tbe practice of selling liquor to Indians is a detestable one, and is becoming a nnis . ance in these parts. Persons living on the road between here and the Warm Spring . agency say it is no uncommon thing for in toxica ted Indians to pass their places, go- ing from Pnneyille to the agency. Some of these times the authorities will fasten on to the parties who are supplying the reds with intoxicants, and then there will be a reck oning. P00B AH 100. A. Chinaman 91 ordered by One of Bis Countrymen. a Canyon City News. Last Friday morning as Sheriff Cresap was on bis way down the river on business connected with his office be was hailed by an excited assemblage of moon-eyed breth ren in Chinatown below John Day. A . scared Chinaman climbed into the buck , board, and then it was explained that the fellow. Ah Hy, by name, had murdered bis partner Ah Foo during the previous night, and that tbey had been guarding him to prevent his escape, and that they desired tbe sheriff to take him in charee. The Chinaman no donbt feared his excited coun trymen more tban-American law, for be waa . eager to associate with the shenfi. Mr. Cresap immediately returned to town witn nis prisoner. - .Necessary papers were issued, and Saturday the preliminary exam ination was had before Hon. Recorder Hnli son and Ah Hy was held without bail to await the action of the next grand jury for this county. The Chinese appear to be as a unit against him, those of his own country men being most active in the prosecution, which gives rise to the opinion that he was feared or hated by them for some reason. several Chinamen were partners, and their house was about three-quarters of a mile below Chinatown. It appears that Ah Hy and Ah Foo, of the number, were work ing in a mining claim together, bat had been gamblmg on the night of the tragedy, They returned to the house after tbe others had retired, apd Ah Hy was no doubt awaiting for Ah Foo at the door, for the cook and some others heard an nproar, and on making a light found Ab Foo lying under tbe table in a pool of blood gasping, a large blood-stained knife near bim and Ah II y somewhere around. Ah Foo was ques tioned about bis assailant, but being unable to apeak he simply pointed at Ah Hy, who was taken prisoner by bis partners,. who found blood stains on his face and clothing, and closely guarded nntil morning. Ah Foo' wounda were chiefly in the vicinity of his arms and legs and breast and the lower portion of his body, indicating that be had made no resistance when at tacked, but had endeavored to crawl under the table to escape. The funeral of Ah Foo occurred in Orien tal style in Bonn's cemetery, and Ah Hy is under tbe surveillance ot Jailor Southworrh. An Interesting Book. The well-known writer and historian, Mr. J. W. Buel, author of "The Beautiful Story," "The Story of Man," "Tbe Living World," "Russia and Siberia," etc., baa just completed what is probably the great est of his works, entitled "Heroes of Un known Seas and Savage Lands." The work is a complete record of the discovery of all lands, and contains descriptions of the first visits made by Europeans to the wild races of the world. The descriptions of tbe su perstitions appertaining to the sea and the obstacles "which strange beliefs opposed to extended voyages are most interesting and instructive. The work also comprises an authentic history of the discovery of Amer ica by the Viking Sea-Rovers, and its set tlement by the Scandinavians in the ninth century. It is supplemented with thrilling narratives of voyages, discoveries, adven tures, battles, darings and sufferings of all the heroic characters and bold explorers who have made ocean history, and who have established supremacy over the most savage lands of the eartb. The book, which is a most instructive and entertawing one from cover to cover, contains 600 lar?e quarto pages, and is embellished with more than 300 original engravings and several Urge double pane colored plte, drawn -a artists of the day. It is elegantly bound, and is a book which should certainly find a place in every family. The Dominion JPoblishmg Co., ot Van couver, British Colombia, are the general agents for the work, and their adyertise ment in relation thereto will be found in another column. Beal Estate Transactions. Oct 3 D Heroox to Alina Heroux; w of sw J of k1 of swl and swj of nw sec 25 T 2 N R 12 east; f 1. O t 3 J G Walker and wife to McFai land & French; portion of John A Sim's do nation land claim in T 1 N R 13 east; $500. Oct 3 Dalles City to E B McFarland; lots T and 10 and 36 feet off the west side of lot 8, block 7, original plat Dalles City; 65. Oct 3 Dalles City to E B McFarland; lot 2, block 7, Dalles City original plat; $21.67. Oct 5 James McDonald to August Buch ler; lots 3 and 4 block 12, Thompson's addi tion; $369. Oct 5 United States to Caroline Ken nedy; lot A, block 21, F D. lies military reservation. Oct 5 United States to Alfred Kennedy; lots G, H, 1, J. K and L, block 38 and lota G and H, block 61, Ft Dalles military reser vation. Oct 5 United States to Alfred Kennedy; lota G, H, I, J, K and L, block 11, Fort Dalles military reservation. Oct 5 United States to Alfred Kennedy; lots A, B, C. D and E, block 35, Ft Dalles military reservation. Oct 5 United States to Alfred Kennedy, lots A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, L J, K. and L, block 10, Ft Dalles military reservation. Oct 5 Same to same; lot'F, block 35, Ft Dalles military reservation. Oct 5 Same to same; lots C, D F and F, block 11, and lots G, H and L block 12, Ft Dalles military reservation. Only One Ear. Baker City Democrat. We bave heard the old phrase "putting a tin ear on bim," but instead of carrying ont that to the letter Jack McDonald, of Mitchell, cut off tbe natural ear of an old gentleman in our neighboring city of Mitch ell Saturday night. From tho stage driver, Mr. Wm. Perciyal, we learn that on that evening McDonald and Jim Teller, of Mitchell, were playing cards, when a dis pute resulting from the game arose between them. Teller struck McDonald and threw a revolver in his face, but the fight was in terfered with and prevented then. McDon ald straightway proceeded to fill up on the sheepherder's delight, whijh is dealt out from jogs in that thriving burg. He ap pears to have imbibed "cutter" whisky, for he armed himself with a huge knife and announced bis intention of carvme Teller into small particles. He was no doubt in such a state that he knew not ono man from "another, for the tirst person he began operation upon was an old gentleman named Stevenson, whom McDonald met on the street and assaulted and then ran. Stev enson thought he bad received only a slight cut on the head and went into the hall, where a dance was in ptogress, which was not far from the place where he was at tacked. Then it was found tbat his right ear had been completely severed. A physi cian was summoned and the missing ap pendage found, but the member was then cold, and grafting it to the stub was out of the question, so that Mr. Stevenson Will bave to get along tbroogh life as best he can, short of the nsoal hearing apparatus. Death of an Old Eesident. Mr. John Bolton, an old resident of Wasco county, died at his home at Kings- ley, Saturday. He had been sick for some time, and, although every remedy known to the practice of medicine was used for his relief, be finally passed to the silent shore, For long years he lived at his old home stead, and was highly respected by his neighbors for bis upright conduct and gen erous disposition. Mr. Bolton was aged about 62 years, and leaves a widow and a large family of grown children. He will be buried to-day at Kiogsley in the cemetery at tbat place. Tbe Union Pacific System bave on sale excursion and single trip ticket? of all classes, to til points, which are sold at reduced rates daily for regular trains. UUl-OCtl OPSri$ ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts Esntly yet promptly on the Kidneys, iver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale id oOc and $1 bottles by all leading druggist) k jvianuTacturea only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FRANCISCO, CAL. toviavUE. Kr. mew rornc h.i L.P. OSTLUND ill Will furnish drafts' and estimates on all buildings. uwdiuifra auu stores. II r. Ostlund la a practical mechanic, and the plan drafted by him will prove artistic, cheap and dura ble. For Sale-At a Bargain! Tbe Mission gardens, greenhouses, stock and fixtures. I am prepared to offer a rare bargain, owing to a change of residence. For terms enquire upon the premises or of A. N. Varney at the land office. JAMES A. VARNEY. NOTICE. After thirty davs the accounts due the late Arm o Foutt k Wilson will be placed in .the hands of an attorney for collection. C. M. FOUTS. Thb Dames, July ti, 1891. NOTICE. ALL TH08B INDEBTED to me are requested to come fbrwaad and settle Immediately. BEN. WILSON. -art -Xwis -w st-an J Mm -m-m I J a w UMMlUriUMffl' Land Notice. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lajtd Offics at Thb Dillks, Oregoh, September 8, 1B1. Notice Is hereby given that the f llowinjr-named -tier his flU-d nntic of his inten im t make fln-it tit i i -Ui port ii hscljinund thatsar' p:o.t win be luide bwore the register and receiver ai ine iuiUes, Or., on October is, 1891, iz: . JESSIE T. COPLAND, Homestead No. 8664 tor the W NEJ and E hi NW H, See. 23, Tp. 2 N, E 12 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land via; , , Alexander J. Anderson, George Halvor, Henry Van Bibber and Ernst Frederick, all of The Dalles, Or. (sl2) JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lairo Otpicb at Thk Dalles. Obsooh, August 29, 1891. Notice is hereliv given that the following-named settler his Hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tta said proof will be marie before the Register and Receiver of the U. 8. land office at The Dalles, Or., on O tober 23, 1891, via JOH E. BARNETT, (Hd. No. S659.) for the nw X Sec 13, T 1 s, r H e, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said ' James j Woolery and John M. McColly. of Boyd, Ogn., Robert Gilbraith and Elijah W. Trout, of Ine Dalle Ogn. jQH!j LEW,g BejUter. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., September 23, 1891. Notice is herebvgl'en that the following named settler has filed notice nf his intention to ma-te anal prod in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Cin uit Conrt. district ol Washington, at Ooldenda'e, Wash- on November 7, 1891, V-x: L-on W. Cuniss, Homestead Entry No 6837 for the NM of NEtf and SH of NVV'i sec 4 Tp i N of R 13 East W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: P-eter Agedins, Thomas M Gilmore. William D Gil more and A H Cartiss, all of The Dalles P O, Or, julS JOH.N D. UEt GHEQAN. Register. Legal Notices. Application for Liquor License. Falls Pbscisct, i Wasco County, State of Oregjn J IYT1C.F. IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, U. E KnrlrA A Of R&ld DreCMCl. ABQ CODItW, will . on th Ath dar of November. 1891, applv to tne County Court of the above-named county ror a li cense to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less qua.-titles than one gauon. Falls Precinct. Wasco Con.vrv, State of Oregon, September 82, 1891. To the Honorable County Court of tho County of Wasco, itate of Oregon: We, the undersigned residents of, and legal voters in. Falls precinct, countv and state aforesaid, do hereby respectfully petition and pray that said conrt shall grant a license to G E Burke B Co. to sell spir ituous, malt and vinous liquors ill Slid Falls pre cinct, in less quantities than one gallon, f;r the period of one year: HAHES NAMES J B Guyette H P Awick W Lake J W Attwell Richard Woodward J M Mclsaac Neal Danflut N H Rayner John Ted-ieboe Thomas Myers G Dlmmick Kenneth HcKenzie Erik Melson G H Muffod Ails Mlson Aug Sanders John Nilson G E Phelps J C Jones Dan Saleson Nute -Brown John Bennett Alex Watt A P Andrews HanB Weicks A J Kingsmith G P Harpham Thomas W Bidder J P McEllany Dr C J Condwin Pat Lahey N P Weber Chas Blumenfeld Chas Gray Ed Shaw Isaiah Horin .. Peter Duggan Wra HcKenzie Wm Cooper James Stewart James Plyam O Baker Aug Peterson Charles P Buon P 14 Kil iker Ang Wilson Osker Crow Olaf Svenseo J Kelley Sam'l Gelhard Thomas Hope John G Brown Wm Frser H P Harpham Final Settlement Notice In the count court ol tbe county of Wasco and state of Oregon, sitting as a court of probate. In the rratter of the estate of John Dunn, deceased; To whom it may concern: Notice is herebv riven that William Poley.adminifl trator of said estate, has this day filed in said court in said matter bis final account as administrator of said estate, and that Monday, November 2, 1891, is the day appointed by said Court for the hearing of objections to said final account nd the settlement thereof. vvilijiajii ruubi, Aomuustraterof said Estate. Dated October 2, 1891. Notice to Contractors. T OROSALS. endorsed 'Proposals for Extending I Water Mains." will be received at the office of the Boaid cf Water Commissioners of Dalles City until 2 P. M., Monday, Septemoer 23, 1891, for dig g ng and refilling 3,000 lineal feet of trench in the streets of Dalles City. For laying S.000 feet of cast iron pipe and appurtenances, and for hauling and distributing the same. Profiles ana specifications can be seen at the o nee of the Board. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. sepl7 C, L. PHILLIPS, Secretary, Administrator's Notice. "XTOTICE is herebv riven that at the regular term XM of the county court for Wasco county, State of Oregon, held in the court house in this city during September tbe undersigned was appointed adminis trator of the estate of M. Diamond, deceased. All bills due tbe said deceased, will be collected by the undersigned, and all debts owed by the deceased should be presented within six months from this date. . CM. f OU TO, Administrator of estate of M. Diamond, deceased. The Dalles, Sept. 18, 1891. Dissolution' Notice. VT OTICE is .hereby given that the partnership 1.1 heretofore existing between C. M. Fouts and Benjamin Wilson, under the fim name of Fonts 6s Wilson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to said firm wilt be paid to C. M. Fonts, and all bills owing by said firm will be set tled by Benjamin Wilson who wiil continue the bus iness at the old stand. C M FOUTS, BEN WILSON. The Dalles, Jul) ,1891. Dissolution Notice. mo WHOM IT MVT CONCERN: This is to certify that the partnership heretofore existing between Messrs. Bold and Havner in the blacksmith and wagon-making business in The Dalles is this dav dissolved bv mutual consent. F. W. Bold will continue the business in his own name, and. will pay all debts owed by the firm and collect all bills due the firm. F. W. BOLD, aui-28 A. G.HAYMER. FINAL NOTICE. rpO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: All parties knowing themselves indebted to the undersi fined, either bv book aocount or note, arc re quested to call and py the same immediately, as all claims not paid is thirty bats will be handed to a lawyer lor collection. MACEAua JSKH t& MAC LEO U, 819 Office 134 Second 8t., The D.tUes, O'e. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. G. NOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and specifications tor bnildiag fur nished. Will do all kinds of excavating and grading. All orders left at postoffice box 322 . nov!3 Watchmaker and Jeweler. At Ullrich & 8oa's Cigar Factory, Comer Main and Court Sts- All kinds of Watches repaired with neat ness and dispatch. For Sale or Lease. SEVENTY-FIVE feet of ground fronting; on Sec ond street, between Federal and Laughlm. Apply at this office. A GRAND OPPORTUNITY! 1 he Finest; of Them All. "Heroes of Unknown Seas and Savage Lands," By J. W. Buel. THE grandest subscription book ever introduced on the Coast. Over 600 extra large quarto pages. 800 magnificent irigioal illuntrations. Double page colored plates. SELLS ON SIGHT ! ! ! aMpaivn wanted in this county. As AltlM I d we are determined to extend our bUBinras into this state, we are going to start in by off"r ng better induce ments te live agents than any other bouse has tver offered befor-. Wo deliver the books right at your very door fre of freight charges or any other ex pense, all of which we pay ourselves Don't take an agency for this great w..rk fr m any cher house until you have sent to us for our dtscripti e circu lars and evtra liberal terin and inducements. We will guarantee to do better by you. DOMINION PUBLISHING CO. Vancouver, British Columbia. General Agents for the Publishe s, ATTENTION On aod after this date our price for bo ks used in the public schools will bi as follows: First R-ader $ 2(1 Second " 3" Third " 5" Fourth " : 7l Fifth " 9 Complete Soeiler - 20 Arithmetic No. 1 SO Arithmetic No. 2 60 Elementary Geography CO Comprehensive Geography 1 25 Sill's Grammar 60 Mental Arii bmetic 25 Barnes' Complete Lessons 60 Brief History of the TJ. 8 1 00 Barnes' General His'ory 1 60 Steele's Piijsiology ana Hjgiene... 1 00 These nrices are for catb with order. Parties ordering by mail will add ten per cent ti these prices for postage. E. JACOBSEN & COMPANY, 162 Second St. The, Sept; ll, 1891. JOHN PASHEK, MERCHANT TAILOR -ALSO CLEANSING and REPAIRING, IB NOW LOCATED AT 77 Second Street, Where, out of a few remnants of cloth he . saved out of tbe Are, he will MAE SUITS CHEAPER THAN EVER. Would be glad to see all his old pitrona. MAIEB & BENTON, Successors to A. Bettincr, RETAILERS AN1 JOBBERS IN Mm::, Tinware, Woodenware; AND GRANT TE WARE. A complete line of Heating and Cook 8tove, Pumps. ripe rmmoers ana steam meters" supplies; also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmiths' and Farm ers Tools, AND SHELF HARDWARE All Tinning, Plumbing and pipe work will .be done on short notice. SECOND ST., THE DALLES OB JAS. FERGUSON, Goods hauled with tbe greatest care to all parts of tne city on short notice. Leave orders with Fish & Bardon and EUREKA RESTAURANT F. W. L. 8KIBBE, PROP. A High GraaVof Wines, Liquors & Cigars T .TT.TVT .P .II .17 .C put up for AJ.U .11 .J.ll mXJ iUTRAYELERS Cor. Secoud and Madison, near aasemrpr depot. mv4d- C W. ADAMS, The Artistic Shoemaker Is now located af 77 Second Street, ' Next to Schutz Justice Office. K' Dalnna: a Rreeialtv. He has saved some of his b.'St leather out ot the fire and will make the neatest boot or shoe of anyone in the city. (Third year in Portland). All Chronic, Nervous, Blood, Skin. Private and Wasting Diseases Quickly and permanently cared. Dis ease of men, all ages. Sufferers rrom tne effects or youtomi Indiscre tions or eice&ses of middle life. Loss of Euertrv. Power and Memoir. Physical and Nervous Debility, Stricture. Impedi ments to Marriage, Liver, Kidney, Bladder and itectai diseases. Keller at once. They care all Diseases of Women. Consultation free. Charges nawouaoie. i;uxea ffiiaranieea. DRS. COLE & CO., 132 and 134 Third St. Cor. Aider. PORTLAND, OR. W. BIRGFELD, TEACHER OF MUSIC. Instruction given on Piano and Yiolip Rooms over Nickelsen's store, Third an Washinston Streets. nov8wklytf Old Iron Bought. Mr. J. H. Larsen will pay tbe highest casb price for Old Iron remaining: in any of the buildings since tnenreol last Wednesday, ue will re eive this iron on the vacant space on Second Street, between tne bricK ana xrame warenousesof Hon. z. r .Moody. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. rjTCish adnnees made on conskmment. S3000 A. TEAR f I antfertak to briff ceiehinv fUrlT intellitrentMnonaf lthiw ex, rbo can read and write, and who, after InatrncUon, will work indwtrfoiislr, how to earn Thr Theuaad Dalian a Vaaartn tfcctrowii .Utie.wherer tber UnA will alaofnrniab.. th altaatioa or mnplojrmeotak which youcaaearatiutaunoQnt. Ho nonar for meanieaa ncceaeful as above. Basllj and quickly leaned. I deeire bat one worker from each district or county. I bav already caught and provided with employment a torn Bomber, who are making1 over 8000 a year each. It's If E W and 80L!1 Full particular FK EE. Addnaa at oooa, 2. Ce AXajLEAf. Bmx. AAO, Auctuta, Mallei ijg 4b n SJBQ f can be earned t oar EYT nneorvrrvc 3 I 1 IB i I W rMd.y mad honorably, by tbot of tevJa I I 11 ff B either ees. young or old, and In tht-ii lyl I I IV I I own lcJiLif,wirTtvex they live. An v B 1 1 war 1 mm m one can do the work. Easy to learn We fnrolih erarything. We start yon. No risk. Yon can devote oor epare momenta, or ail your time to tne work. I his is an plormmt and teach yon No space to explain tu General Expressman 9 Wrf'Y'ff' Is PRINCIPAL EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH THK E E. LYTLE, DALLES. Agent. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEAN, Portland to Man Francisco. To San Francisco Leaving Steamship Wharf Port land, at 10 P U., as follows: Orecron 4tate Elder Oregon State - Columbia Oregon June srt " B virago must be checked either at Ash St., during he da, or bv the U C. B. Co. No unchecked i&tTKage will be received on the Steamers Nan Francisco to Fort i and. I'i. Portland Leaving S; pear St. Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. M. as follows: F.lder .' June 4 Oregon ' 8 State " 12 Columbia " 1 Oregon " 20 State " 2 Columbia " M The company reserves the risrht to change steam era or sailing dates without further notice. For rates, tickei-s, berth reservations, etc. , call on or address any ticket agent of th Union Pacific sys. tern. C. S. MELLEi-J, T.W.LEE Gen Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass Agt FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS THK northern Pac. KAILIIOAD Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SlCTII. It is tho Dinine; Car Route. It runs TliroughJVef. tibuled Trains Every Day ia the year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARS. Composed of fining Cars unsurpaased, Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers of Latest Equipment TOURIST BLEEPING CARS. est that can be constructed, and In which accom modations are both Free and Furnished ior holders of First or Second class Tickets, andj ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous line connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Un interrupted Service Potman Sleeper reservations can be secured In ad vance through any agent of the road. TUDflllPU Tlflt'CTO To and from all points InnUUun llUntlOui America, England ard Europe can be purchased at any Ticket omce of s Company Full information concerning rates, time of trains, utes and other details furnished on application to y agent, or A. P. CBAJTOF, Assistant General Passenger Agt., No. 121 First street, cor. Washington, PORTLAND. OREGON. PIOjIEEB GROCERY, Northwest Cor. Second and Washington Sts. 9 Successors to George Ruch. The Cheapest Place IK TBI DALLBS IOR All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit a share of the public pat rouage, and shad endeavor to rive entire satisfac tion to our customers both old and new. "OLD GERMANIA," OO Second St. C. DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on sale the Jbest Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught The finest brands of Imported and Do mestic fjigars a specialty. anv-uldy CHRISMAN BROTHERS, (Successors to F. Taylor.) Proprietors of tbe CITY MARKET Tliird Street. Dealers in all kinds of Meat. Hams, Bacon and Sausage always on hand. iec31d&wtf LOUIS PAYETTE (Successor to Fayette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH ! AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sta All work work In iron or wood done in the neatest manner. Anything in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery repaired In the moat skill ful and workmanlike, manner. mch21dw W, BOLD. A. . HATNEB. BOLD&HAINER lz .nd Wagon-Makers At Thompson's ol J stand, 193 Tninl St BUCKSMITMNC OF ALL KINDS DONE NEATLY AND CHEAPLY. WOOD-WORK et all kinds, repairing and making; anyuung-, irom a wneeioarrow to a carnage. HORSE-SHOEING A SECIALTY. m 4d-w WANTED SALE S MgN. Local and Traveling. A. (ood Chance : Don't HIa It! Ton need no capital to represent a reliable firm that war rants nursery stock first-class and true to name. Work all the year, and rood pay weekly to energetic men. Apply quick, stating age. L. L. MAY CO., Nurserymen, Florists aod Sedamen, St. Paul, Minnesota. , JunlS-4wkJy HEALTH IS WEALTH ! I "3 .CIVf " gAU' , DR. E. C WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT WENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache. Nervous Prostration caused b the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental depression. Softening of the Brain, resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death. Premature Old Age, Bar renness. Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-ahuse or over-indu frence. Each box contains one month's treatment. $1 a box, or six boxes for ?5 mit b nail prepaid on receipt of prico. WE GUARANTEE SIX. BOXES To cure any ease. With each order received hy ns for six box-8. accompanit d with 5, we will send the purchaser our written guar rn tee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar antees iued nnlr bv BLAKELEV & HoL'OllTON, Sole Agents, 17S Second street. The Dalles, Or. $500 Reward ! TTE will Dav thoabovo reward for any case of Liv- Pomnlnint. DvsneDsia. tick Headache, lurtieestio.1. Co xtinatioi. or Costiraness we cannot cure witn Wret Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strict! cnmniird with. ThoT are purely Yejretable, and nevt fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxe: nt.;nin vi Piiio 9- ni.L Tinware of counterfeit and imitations. The genuine manufactured only b THF- JOHN C. WEST COilPANY, OfilCAGU, ILL. Bldkelcv & HO"trhton. Sole Airents, Second Street, The ta lea Or Ask n. j a arent far W. L.. Douglas Shoes, If nnt for snle iii ronr olace aak your dealer to send for catalogue-, secure the agency, ana tree in em ior you. C7-TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. ervo WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY It is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and easy, aDa oecause ice inaiee more tnoea or run grade than any other manufacturer, It equals hand Rewpd shoes cost In tc from 4.00 to &5.00. Or 00 Genuine Hand-Mewed, tbe finest calf PLPa shoe ever offered for &5-00; equals French imported snors wnicn cost irom es.mi to eu.uu. tn m MO Hand-Mewed Welt Sline. line calf. 3w stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from &B.00 to $iJJ0. CO 30 Police Shoet Farmers. Railroad Men 9vi and Letter Carriers all wearthera; flnecalf, seamless, smooth Inside, heavy three soles, exten sion eage. une pair win wear a year, fl A 50 fine calfi no better shoe vail this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. CO nd 200 Workinsman's shoes P mm m are very strong and durable. Those who nave given mem a inai win wear no otuer ma ice. EtWCt ' $-2.00 and $1.7.5 school shoes are UUJ O worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits, as the increasing sales show. Qfllae Hnnd-spwfd shop best LdlllCD Dongola, very sty lleh; equals French fmnratAil hnfl matins from S4.00 to StLOU. Ladles' 2.50, 92.00 and Si. 75 shoe for Kisses are tne oest nneiwngoia. styusa ana aureoie. Caution. See that W. L. Douglas' name and nos are Stsinnea on tne imiam ox eaca snow. W. L. IKTJGIAS. Brockton. Mass. J. FREIMAN, AGEXT, TUJfi DALLES To Yoi Free to all Brides ! "VTOnCE is hereby eiven to a!l the readers of this JN paper and all their fri nds an acquaintances throughout the United bttes and Cau-'ja that THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whos? address and lv C'nts to pay postage is sent to the puoti-a within one year from the date of their marriage. Persons sending for this present are requested to send o-py ox a paper containing a notice of their marriage, or some other evidence thit shall amount to a reasonable proof that tbey are entitled to the magazine under the aoove otter. Address, 'THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt th.1i:- GERM AM A CHAS. STUBLTNG. Prop. FOR THE PRESENT AT SO Second Street. fc, Iiprs and Cigars All brands of Imported Liauors, Ale and Porter, Jand genuine &ey west cigars, a run una or CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES Milwaukee Beer on Draught. BUNNELL BROS., 190 Third Street PIPE WORK PIPE AND TIN REPAIRS jS Specialty. MAINS TAPPED WITH PRESSURE OH. Opposite Thompson's Blacksmith Shop . HENET L. KUCK, -Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, oecona st,, near uooay's warehouse, THE DALLES, ... OREGON All W eruption rk Uus'-onteed to Hive S s (Cor. Court and Third Sts.) Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues And the best Beefsteaks. Mutton Chops and Veal ;aueu in tne marKer. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY 43Fresh Vegetables on Sale at the Lowest Prices. CITY BAKERY -AXD- Second and Union Streets. A. L NEWMAN. ProDrietor W. H. NEABECK. PROPRIETOR OF THE Granger Feed Yard, third street. (At Grimes' old place of business.) Horses fed to Hay or Oats at the loweft possib'e prices. Uood care Lriven to animals left In tnv ere. as 1 bave ample stable room. Give me a call, and I wiii ffu&rintee satisfaction. Juautf W. H. NEABECK. H. STONEMAN, The Leading r. anil 1 14 SECOND STREET, ADJOINING FAGAN'S Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. FAMILY GROCERIES BOO SJ1QB aKe THE GREAT PORTLAND Industrial Exposition WITH ITS WORLD OF WONDERS, Ops Sept 17, 1890; Closes Oct 17IL Music by the GREAT ZAPADQRES BAND From the City of Mexico. Art from the frreat masters of Europe and America, valued at a quarter million dollars. Won derful Electrical Adaptations in full operation. Splendid Series of Mineral Exhibits. Every Department filled with the novel and interesting ART, SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. IX A greater number of exhibiu than ever be fore presented upon the coast. THE STOCK DEPARTMENT Made a promincut feature. $5,000 m PREMIUMS The largest display of Fruit and the finest exhibit of Agriculture ever made m tne racinc Northwest. ALL MANUFACTORIES IN FULL MOTION. EVERYTHING NEW. NO DEAD EXUIB1TS. The Exposition of Expositions. Admission as usual. Greatly Reduced Rates round trip on all passenger lines. for THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FIRST SIUEET. FACTORY NO. ioc CHARS ure the Best Brands manufact urei'. and ordras irom all parts of the country tilled on the shortest notice, The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become tirmly established, and the de maml for the home mannfactuaed article it increasing eyery day. dec24dy-tf A. ULRICH & SON, CO FOR OWn CATALOGUE aMO PrVCM ATLAS-ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS. INO. (!iIH!!IIH!illKi;:ai:Uslll!;H!U!B!!!;HI!liai:i;a:!!!HIIIIf B . ZEE CELEBRATED , . . ji 1 SMITH & WESSON REVOLVERS: H The Finest Small Arms Ever Manufactorad. P ACCURcn TjtHyT g DURABILITY, Tl6sVl rfiJjS. EXCELLENCE o!vj-rSsSXv WORKMANSHIP and THr . vy CONVENIENCE in J J t Ai" H LOADING and SAFETY.' V " IB M Beware of cheap iron imitationa.saiJ R H Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to i SMITH & WESSON, 1 BtttHrGFIELD, MASS. 1 iii!Bii;H:ii:a::!!B!!!:ai:!!:s!!i:B:':!n!!!!H!i!;H:!i:ii J. O. MAGK, WIIOLKfSA JJS Liquor Dealer FRENCH'S Second Street. - BLOCK. Thr Dajlna THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Horn, and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THB DALLES, OREGOS Charles F. Latter, Proprietor of t&e, Will always keep on sal Puget Sound Fish, Chickens, Turkeys, Also, t revisions, Candies, Tobacco and Curara. Leave vouf orders, aa thev will receive Dromnt teuunn. EAST END SALOON, Near the.Old Mint Building;, Second St. The Dalles, Or. Always on hand the Best Wines, Liiqnors, and Cigars. A. Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei on araueht. Wiseman & Butler, (Successors to J..H. HcDonougb & Co.) DEALERS IN Choice Wines. Liauors. AND CIGARS, None bat the best brands of Liquors and Cigara on tale. Temperance driuka of all kinds. Corner of Uourt and second streets. THE DALLES, OREGON. JAMES WHITE'S LUNCH COUNTER. In connection with my Fiuit Stand, no 8econd St., near the corner of Jladi&on, I have opened a lunch counter, and can serve to customer sandwiches' pigs' feet, ovBters, coffee and tea. This n convent' ent to the p&eBenger depot. Hare vlio Califomi orange cider, and tbe best apple cider. no28 St Mary's 4cademy, THE DALLES, WASCO CO., OB. First-Class BoardlDg School for Girls, Conducted by the Sisters ol tbe Holy Names ol Jesus and Mary. The fall term opens Sept. 7th. For particulars address auglB-lni SISTER SUPERIOR. Card to the Public. HAVING DISPOSED ol my entire stock of gro ceries, provisions, and (rood Kill, to Messrs. Chrisoian A Coraou. of this city, I cheerfully recom mend them as worthy of the same confidence ro kindly bestowed upon me. While retiring from the groceiy business, I wish fo express my heartfelt fcratitude to my many f nends and patrons for their Iberal support and pleasant business relation dur ing Uiese many years. And I bespeak for my suc cessors the same kindly treatment from a frenerout public. sep21-wt GEO. BUCH. warn A mmim turn I iuia"is:T-J sL-. f3m npp WHOLESALE HuiuMe.Iron. Steel and Farm Maclery. SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER; Tnese Machines are too well known to need comment. Tnoniandi of farmers hay ' used them and speak of them with praise. They are ths only Harrsstlnc Machines that will give ENTIRE MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTEIAN'S The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshinf and Cleaning Grain "er constructed. BUCKEYE SiEELFRAMI TWINE-BINDERS. sVThe Feature that distinguishes this Twinc-Bindcr is the Lightness o Draft, combined with It Extraordinary Strensth and Durability. Tho Binder is of the Appleby pattern, tho only really successful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and the Plauorm Binder both excellent both recommended bv hundreds ol patrons. SCHUTTLER FARM WAGOES BUCK-BOARDS. FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, C0RBIN DISC HARROWS. HODGES-HAINES HEADERS. HAISH BARB WIRE CSEND FOR CIRCULARS." Or to E. N. CHANDLER, THE ORO '.FINO WINE ROOMS VI. KELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, a Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain .83 an. G re if or io Tineyard Co. Ajfenoy. All Wines and Brandies The Best Wines, Liquors Try the best remedy for ft a e a Funeral JtA. sr?f rrr jt &-r '.'iJftr' Tbe UndereliTned haa Added to his Business a fall line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets. Burial Robes and Shrouds. Trimmings of all descriptions at the Lowest Prices and owns the Most Elegant Hesurse emsnt of the saitaiu with all tbs latest improTomrnts. NO DELAY IN FILLING ORDERS. Place of Business, In Nickelsen's Block, eorner Third and Washington streets. Place Of Residene. Fourth net, corner of Washington. Can ba area at all hours ol ths d a WM. MICHELL. T T A T 7 o rKllNZ, (X Furniture THE LEADING UNDERTAKERS. Best Stock and Lowest Prices. Hecond Htreet, CASCADE LOCKS THE ORIGINAL TOWNSITE OF CASCADE LOCKS NOW ON THE MARKET. LOTS SELLING VERY RAPIDLY, The building of the Portage Railroad at this point wilt make Cascade Locks a very thriving town in the future. , Parties desirous cf investing at that point will be furnished with maps and price list by applying to BRADFORD & CASTELLOE, 110 Second St, Portland, Oregon, Or Dr. LEAVENS, at Cascade Locks. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., . P. IcINEEIT, J -DEALER IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, && Agent for tbe Bnerick Pattern, also for tne Hal Bazaar Dress Forms, chas. e; duihai, THE DALLES, OREGON, -DEALER DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brashes, Combs, eta Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles. Pure Brandy, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Physicians' Prescriptions a. Specialty tw.mmi xLiit, First ana Tine Streets, PORTLAND, - OREGON. DEALERS IN SATISFACTION to ths porchassr. STAR TRACTION ENGINE, Deere Plows, Deere Sulky Flows. I uamagesr .riiaetoiis, a. op uugfies, Agent. The Dalles, Or Burgundy 83, t - infardel 84, Riesling 83, . Hock 83, Table Claret Guaranteed Strictly Pure and Cigars Always on Sale. Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic. WM. MICHELli AND IDijreotcxr. TTTPTTT7r IN 1 1 ov n JLy lL and Carpets. The Dalles, Oretron IN-