OKOOK. COUNTY Items From the ' Columns of the Priaeville Mews. Flockmasters are now driving their sheep oat of tho mountains to winter quarters. The summer range has been nnusually good, and sheep are in prime condition. The Pinte chief, who took an active part against the whites during the Snake Indian war, visited Prinevflle this ween. Age is making rapid inroads npon his weather beaten yisage. ' Bears appear to be more plentiful than common in the Cascade mountains this year. No less than sixteen ot these huge animals bsve been killed in the mountains, back of Squaw creek, during the past six weeks. Agent Luckey came over from tbe Warm Springs reservation on Thursday. Mr. Luckey says that the crops destroyed by the crickets took a second growth, and the Indians are now catting this new "crop for hay. " Some of the Kansas and Nebraska immi grants who passed through here to the Wil lamette valley last summer are drifting back to this county. They couldn't afford to pay $25 to $100 an acre for a piece ot land down there; so they came back here where it can be bad for the taking. The Prineville public schools opened on Monday with a total attendance of 111 pupils; 33 in the grammar department, 36 in the intermediate and 40 in the primary. Prof. Elliott lacked but one ot baying twice as many students in his department this year as he bad the first day of school last year. .. The Indians themselves are bridging the Warm Springs river at the agency. Every bridge that has been constructed over this stream so far has washed out. Some of the Warm Spring Indians are good mechanics, and they feel certain that the bridge they are now building will stand. There were no less than twenty persons engaged in picking berries at Olalla moun tain this week. The huckleberry crop over there tliis year is very abundant. Olalla mountain stands a few miles west of the great lava bed on the right of the McKen zie road. It is in Lane county. OBE&OIT WEATHER BUREAU. Central Office Portland, Oregon. Crop Weather Bulletin, No. 29, for week ending Saturday. September 26, 1891: - KA3TERN OEEGON. . The fore part of the week was cloudy and occasional showers fell, the latter part was generally cloudless and cool, with frosts on the 20th and 23d, the first general froste of the season. Harvesting and threshing is generally over, except in Union, Wallowa and Baker nniintipji. where threshing is being finished np. Crops have been secured without any damacre from climatic conditions, as is the rule. Large yields are reported from every ' county, varying from 40 to 60 bushels per acre, the average yield varies from 15 bush els ner acre in some localities to 30 and 40 ' bushels per acre ii. others. In Union conntv for exauiDle. one field of -600 acres averaged a fraction over 40 bushels per acre. The corn in Umatilla county is unusually good. The fruit along the Snake river was never so good and plentiful, in Wasco, Uma tilla nd Union counties the orchards are filled with fruit, and the smaller orchards of the other counties, .have done remarkably well. The harvest has been one of plenty, and the quality of cereals and fruit a good average. B. S. Paque, Observer U. S. Weather-Bnrean. Wasco Hews. Wasco, Sept. 28, 1891. Editor Tinas-Moustainbrr.: Mr. M. Randali, of The Dalles, paid . our town, a business visit to day. Mr. Cbaa. McAllister, of Ellensborgb, Wash., bas been in these' parte for several 1 days past looking to his business in terests. He departed for his borne in . Washington to-day. Mr. M. Randall will accompany him to Yakima. ' The carpenters are throwing the lum ber in shape for Mr. J. Dingle. Jack will have one of tbe neatest little build ings in town when completed. Tbe school board are having tbe build ing fully and thoroughly put in order tor the lull term of school to begin Oct. 5th. - The grades and courses of study have been fully reyised and improved and everything indicates a prosperous year. Sheriff Leslie has been busy recently summoning jurors for tbe ensning term of court. The docket will be quite full for Sher -man county this year. There will prob ably be several trials this time. There is a little more money io circu lation here now than formerly. vVheat bas begun to move and that is money. Tbe grain is not all threshed yet but will soon be all ready to be transported. Tbe small boys have been doing a thriving business selling watermelons lately. Neighbor Biggs has a large num ber left aud permits tbe boys to haul them ud town and sell tbem. Several of the little fellows bave labored like Tro jans and bave made quite a raise. Messrs. Calvert and Diekraan from De Moss Springs are in towD to-day. Reporter. Stabbing Affray at Waterman Fos&il Journal. Flat. - On the night of Thursday, Sept. 17th, a serious stabbing affray occurred at Water man Flat, Grant county, in which, John Cunningham sustained severe injuries, in fiicted by a knife in the hands of Joe Hooker. Cunningham and Hooker had had a fist light early in the evening just after the races, in which Hooker was worsted. The fight resulted from Hooker striking a young boy, whose cause was championed by Cui' ningham. About midnight, when Cunning' ham was leaving the beer saloon held during tbe races in McKay's building, Hooker ran up behind him and stabbed him in tbe shoulder. Cunningham turned, and not knowine he had been cut, but thinking he bad received a blow from Hooker, struck at bim, whereupon Hooker stabbed him io the neck.- Cunningham fell to the ground and Hooker stabbed him again in tbe back. The wounded man was carried into Mc Kay's, and Dr. Center, of Mitchell, at tended to hu wounds, which he pronounced serious, but not necessarily fatal. The wound in the back is the most serious, caus ing his body from the hips np to be power less. He is still at McKay's, and ' it is - hoped with good care will recover. Hooker is a vacquero reported to be about the toughest in that section of the country. Cunningham is well regpected and is a generous, manly, fellow. He is well known in Fossil and neighborhood, having , made a number of business trips here. He has one failing, however, and that is be is little too fond of whiskey for his own good. Public sympathy is all with Cunningham and it was well for Hooker that he was promptly arrested by County Assessor Timms, of Grant county, who was detailed from Canyon City to act as deputy sheriff at the Waterman races. A Breezy Day. To-day was by far the most disagreeable of the fair. The wind blew over the grounds and into the faces of the occupants of the grand stand and whirled clouds of dust over the race course. The stroug luogeil pool-sellers could hsrdly make their voices audible, and the announcements of the judges were drowned in the fury ot the wind-storm. It was just the least bit chil ly, too, and overcoats, in some instances, took the place of dusters. There was a fair attendance of ladies who busied themselves a- portion of the time in suppressing unruly skirts, which tbe wind seemed determined to make visible. THE RACES. The trotting race, continued from yester day, resulted in a victory for Helen T.. and was a genuine surprise to all interested. Only two days bi-fore the horse fan away, and it was thought she was in bad condi tion and was only entered to make good the race. This afternoon she won two straight heats ; time respectively. 3:29J and 3:24$ Parole won the half-mile dash in 52 sec onds ; Hastings second, Herald third and Lady J enks fourth. Cendleton parties are preparing to con struct an irrigation ditch along the McKay creek region. One of them says that "there is enough water in McKay creek at the junction of its two forks to irrigate a large body of land. As an irrigation proposition, the prospect offered in this enterprise is the finest I ever saw. About 30,000 acres of comparatively level land may be coyered by the company's canals, and the cost of apply ing the water will be nominal, such a natu ral plan is offered for a system of irrigation. Nature had built for the purpose of reser voir a basin containing 127 acres. It is es timated that this entire basin may be tilled with water to an average depth of twenty two feet by a dam fifty feet high. Natural routes for the ditches are also at hand. A fine body of farming land lies south of Pen dleton and is tributary to that city. When irrigated its productiveness will be enor mous, and the benefit to that city incalcul able." Card of Thanks. Wo most earnestly desire to extend our greatest apareciation to the relief com mittee, md to our many friends who have so kindiy aided us in our time of need. ' Tours in remembrance, Mb. aot Mrs 8. L. Young. Bneklen Aruica Halve. The best salve in the world for cntt bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum,, fere, sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains corns, and aU skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Snipes & Kinersly. East Oregonian: A distressing accident happened near the machine shops Mod day forenoon. J. L. Fuilurd's ynung eon, aged about twelve years stumbled over the tumbling shaft. His left tbnmb was caught in some wav and bis arm wound around the" rod. The thumb was torn from bis hand and with it a piece of ten don about a font in length. He suffered also a compound fracture of his fore arm, both bones sticking through the flesh, and a comminuted fracture of the arm above the elbow, the hones being badly crushed and splintered, and the flesh lac rated. Pysicians were gammoned aod did every thing they could for the young sufferer, who is now doing as well as could be expected. Tbe arm will not be ampu tated unless it is found impossible to save it, which there is some hope of do ing. -The Union Pacific System bave sale excursion and single trip tickets of all classes, to all points, which are sold at reduced rates daily for regular trains Siul-octl ONB ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Jbiidneys, liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy ol its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ec ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities' commend it to all. It is for sale in oOc and $1 bottles by all leading druggislu Manuiactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FAANOISCO, CAL. 10UISVILLE. KY. MEW YORK. H.t THE DALLES, PORTLAND & ASTORIA - Navigation Company's ELEGANT STEAMER, REGULATOR Will leave the foot of Court street every morning at 7 o'clock for Portland and Way Points. Connections will be made with the fast steamer. DALLES CITY, At the foot of tbe Cascade Locks. For passenger or freight rates, apply to the agent, or purser on ooaro. S. It. BROOKS, - - - Agent Board of Equalization. rPHE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION for Was JL County will meet in the court house in Dalles City Monday. October IB, 1891. and will continue in session one week. J. IS. BAKNETT, 8ptl9 Assessor for Wasco Co. pIlDCC Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, kill n til Hoarseness. Whoonino Coush. Crnun. Sore Throat, Asthma, and every affection of the Throat, Lungs and Chest, including Consumption. Speedy and permanent. Genuine signed " L Butts." JAS. FERGUSON, i Goods hauled with the greatest care to all parts of tbe city on short notice. Leave orders with Fish & Bardon ' Genera Expressman Legal Notice. Dissolution Notice. XT T1CE Is hereby given th the partnership i heretofore existinsr n.tween C. At. tMuts aud Benjamin Wilson, under the tinu name of Fonts & Wikun, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debt owing to said firm will be paid to CM. Fouti, and all bills owing by said fine wilt be set. tied by Benjamin Wilson who will continue the bus inens at the old stand. C M FOUTS, BEN W ILSON. The Dalles, Jul) ,'.1891. Administrator's Notice. , "VTOTICE is hereby given that at the regular term XI of the county court for Wasco county, State of Oregon, held in the court house in this city during September, the undersigned was appointed adminis tia.or of the estate of 11. Diamond, decease !. All bit's due the said decease'!, will be collected by th undersigned, and all debts owed by the deceased should be presented within six months from this date. C M. FOl) TS, Administrator of estate of M Diamond, deceast d The Dalies, Sept. 18. 1891 Notice to Contractors. POROS LS, endorsed "Proposals for Extending Water Mains " will be received at the office of the Boa-d cf Water Commissioners of Dalles City until 2F.M., Monday, September 23, 1891. for dig e ng and refilling 3,000 lineal feet of trench In the streets of Da les City. For laying 3.000 feet of cast iron pipe and appurtenances, aud for hauling and distributing the same. Profiles and specifications an be seen at the o ee of the Board. The riuht is reserved to reject any or all bid'. sepl7 C. L. PHILLIPS, secretary. Dissolution Notice. T O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that the partnership heretofore i xistmg between Messrs. Bmd ana Havner in me hltcksoiith and wagon making business in Tbe Dalles is this dav dissolved by mutual consent F. W. Bold will continue the business in his own name, and ill pa ail debts owed by thefl.m and collect all bills due the Brm. F. W. B Ll, aW28 A. U.HAYAEK. FINAL NOTICE. T O WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: AP parties knowing th-mselvea indebted to the unders gned, either by book aocount or n te, arc re quested to call and )ry the same immediately, as ail claims n t paid in thirtt days will be handed to a lawyer for colli ction. MacEACHERN & MacLEOD, sl9 Office, 134 Second St., The Dalles, O-e. Land Notices .NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Offics at The Dalles, Okkooh, September 8. lHM. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his inten tioa to make final pro -1 in support of his claim and that sai'1 proof will be- made before the register and receiver at Ihe wiles, Or., on October 8, 1891, viz: jessie t. Copland, Homestead No. 8664 for the W KEJi and E M NW H, Sec. 23, Tp. 2'N, R 12 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Alexander J. Anderson, George Halyor, Henry Yan Bibber and Ernst Frederick, all of The Dalles, Or. (sl2) JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lass Office at The Dalles, Oregon, August 29, 1891. Notice is herehv given that the following-named settler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLa said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of tne U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on O tober 28, 1891, viz: JOHN E. BARNETT, (Hd. No. S659,) for the nw Sec. 13, T 1 s, r U e, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resijence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James J Woolery and John M. McCulIy. of Boyd, Ogn., Robert GUiiraitb aud Elijah W. Trout, of Ihe Dalles, Ogn. ug4 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, wash., September 23, 1891. Notice is hereby gi en that the following named settler has filed notice nf his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar. Commissioner United Slates Circuit Conn, district oi Washington, at Goldendale, Waah on November 7, 189., y z: Leon W. Curtiss, Homestead Entry No 6837 for the NJ of NEJ and N)4 of NWJ See 4 Tp 3 JN ol K is fast w si. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of, Paid land, viz: Peter Agedius, Thomas M Gilmore. William D Gil- more and A a uurtiss, ait oi ine vajjes r u. ur, julS JOHN D. UEoGHEGAN, Register. LOST. rpHE FOLLOWING-NAMED ARTICLES WERE 1 ta.1rn imm the residence of lira McDonald, on Second street, during the late fire, and have not since been found: walnut extension uiniiur laoie, Diniiig Chair and Rocker, two Hair Mattresse and Feather Bed. Rosewood Eitrht dv Clock, an Oaken Refri iterator, a larpe Ctaromo and three Family Por traits, a corner Bracket, and also two Singet Sewing Card to the Public. AVING DISPOSED of my entire stock- of gro ceries, provisions, and good will, to Messrs. Chris tti an A Coreou, of this city, I cheerful v recom mend them as worthy of the same confidence -o kindly bestowed upon me. While retiring lrom the grocery business, I wish fo express my heartfelt gratitude to my many friends and patrons for the.r liberal support and t leasant Dimness reiatio a our ing these many years. And 1 bespeak for my suc cessors the same kindly treatment from a generous public. sepii-w4t ueu. nutit. TAKEN UP. CAME TO MY PLACE about a year ago. A small brown mare, branded (A) on left shoulder, Owner can haye same by Sep5-imo J. M. LEDFURD. Wamic. Or. NOTICE. Ijlo ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: That the goods now in my possession, belonging to Arthur Brandon, as security for $10, will be sold on the 1st of August, without payment is made ALEX HUGUENIN The Dalles, Or.. July 16. 1890. No. 62, MAIN STREET. Nearly Opp. TTinatllli House. The Only First-Class Short Order House -IN THE CITY.- OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Oysters in eyery style. All kinds of came in season, hpacial rates to sup per parties. WELL. S. GRAHAM. Proprietor. L. P. OSTLUND il( Will furLish drafts and estimates on all buildings. uweiUDKS and stores. Mr. Ostlund is a Dractical mechanic, and tbe Dlans araiteo Dy nun wiu prove artistic, cneap ana aura oie. MAIER & BENTON, Successors to A. Bettiugen RETAILERS AN1 JOBBERS IN Hardware, Tinware, WooienwarD, AND GRANITE WARE. A complete line of Hearing and Cook Stoves, Pumps. ripe riumDers ana steam fitters' supplies; also a complete stock of Carpenters', Blacksmiths' and Farm ers Tools, . AND SHELF HARDWARE. All Tinning. Plumbintr and pipe work will be done on snort notice. SECOND ST., THE DALLES, OR Chlekeater'S Eacllsh MaauS Braa I ENNYROYAL PILLS a ..r .1-... rriimhla. i.mr. .V Drasgh Sir QleiW 9nt Ki .momA Avai In Kxtd and 60U BtetaUisI M. Mtiad wiu. Dine nbooa. 1ak tfkM SMiMdaRMraMwbBM. iMmnAimilntiMM. ltDimuu.rMdl. In Ramps ft particular. lealimcitU and KnUef br Uullea," Itur, t us JTssm Asst. rOhi sWntflasariDluisiiu. Cootractor and Builder PUB GROCERY, Northwest Cor. Second and Washington Sts. HI I MS, PROP'S. Successors to George Ruch. The Cheapest Place IX THB DALLES FOR Ml Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We respectfully solicit a share of the public pat ronage, and -ha 1 end-avor to give entire satisfac tion to our customers both old and new. "OLD CERMANIA," OO Second. St. C. DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on sale the best Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. Columbia Brewery Beer .in Oranglit. Thp finpst brands of Imported and Do mestic Cigars a specialty. an7-91dy JOHN PASHEK, -Al SO CLEANSING and REPAIRING, IS NOW LOCATED AT 77 Second Street, Where, out of a few remnants of cloth he saved out of the fire, he will MAKE SUITS CllPER THAN EVER. Would be triad to see all his old patrons. THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FACTORY NO. 105. n IO inn of the Best Brands nianufact 01 iHllO ured. and ordeas from all paits of the country filled on tbe shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home manutactuaed article is increasing every day. dec24dy-tf A. ULRICH & SON. THK- GEBMAMA, CHA . STUBBING. Prop. FOR TBE PRESENT AT SO second treet. Wines, Uquors and Cigars. All brands of Imported Lienors. Ale and Porter, and jenoii e aey west uigars. a ran line 01 . CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. CHRISMAN BROTHERS (Successors to F. -'ay lor.) Proprietors of the CITY MARKET Third Street. Hams. haDd Bacon and Sansige always on drn31d&wtf jig A LOOM . i and EUREKA RESTAURANT F. W. L. SKIBBE. PROP 1 HLjh Grade of Wines, Liquors & Cigar? L :U:N :C:H :E S-FvSSI Cor. Second and Madison, near aaaengr d- pot. mv4d- C. W. ADAMS, The Artistic Shoemaker Is now located at 77 Second Street, Next to SchutzJustice Office. tfe pairing a Specialty. He has s-ved som of M b at leather out of the fire and will make tbe neatest boot or shoe of anyone in tbe citr. (Third year In Portland). All Chronic. Nervous, Blood, Skin, Private and Wasting Diseases Quickly and permanently cured. Dis eases of men, all ages. Sufferers rrom the effects of youthful indiscre tions or excesses of middle life. Loss " J" . x unci wiu JKCiuvt;, Physical and Nervous Debilitv. Stricture. Impedi nf "CnAHn. Dn.aB " .1 ments to Marriage, Liver, Kidney, Bladder and Rectal Diseases. Relief at once. They cure all Diseases of Women. Consultation free. Charges ctnuwimoie.' vorea guaranieea. DRS. COLE & CO., I3Z and 134 Third St, Cor. Alder. PORTLAND, OR. Vratchmakep and Jeweler. At Ullrich & Son's Cigar Factory, Comer Main and Court Sts All kinds of Watches repaired with neat ness and dispatcb. St. Mary's THE DALLES, WASCO CO., OR. First-Class Boarding School for Girls, Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. The fall term upeos Sept. 7th. For pnrticulars aauress auglo-lm -SISTER SUPERIOR. FOR SALE. ONE DOUBLE-HOU b K of ten rooms, nara nn iahed; complete aa two bouses ot Ave rooms each. He-, with vter and other conveniences, in quire at this office. ; r- ' MERCHANT TAILOR si ijjjmMs to .a XiTj PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH T r 1 1 re i) alleh. E E. LYTLE, - - - Affent. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEAN, Portland to San Francisco. Fn San Francisco Leaving Stes-mhip Wharf Port land, at 10 P M., as follows: Oregon.... June 1 State " 5 Elder " 9 Oregon ... " 13 State " 17 Columbia " 21 Oregon.... . " 25. SUte 2 Rpargage must be checked eithsr at Ash St., during the day, or bv the U C. B. Co. Mo unchecked taggage will be received on the Steamers Nan Francisco to Portland. I- Portland Leaving Spear St. Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. M. as follows: Elder June 4 Oregon " 8 Stele " 12 Columbia " 1 Onvoa " 20 State " 2 Columbia " 28 The eompanv reserves the right to change steam ers or sailing date without further notice. For rates, tickets, berth reservations, etc. , call on or address any ticket agent of tbe Union Pacific sys tem. C. S. MELLEi, T. W. LEE Gen Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass Agt FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS THK- Northern Pac. RAILROAD Is the line to take TO ILL POINTS EAST AND SlUTH. It is the Dining Car Route. It runs ThrougbJVes- tibuled Trains Every Day in tne year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARS. ComDOsed of Dining Cars unsurpassed, Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers of Latest , Equipment TOURIST SLEEPING OAR3. est that can be constructed, and In which acconv modations are both Free and Furnished tor holders of First or Second class Tickets, and) . ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Un interrupted Service I'ulman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad vance through anv auent of the road. rUDrtllPU TlOlfCTC To and from atl points InnUUun llljlLIOin America, England &rd Europe can be purchased at any Ticket office of s Company Full information concerning rates, time of trains. utes and other details furnished on application to y agent, or . A D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Art., No 121 First street, cor. Washington. POHTLAND. OREGON. (Cor. Court and Third Sts.) Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues And tbe best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Teal Cutlets in the market. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY 49-Fresh Vegetables on Sale at tbe Lowest Prices. - - lepagw JAMES WHITE'S LUNCH COUNTER. In connection with my Fiuit Stand, on Second St., near the corner of Madison, I have opened a lunch counter, and can serve to customers sandwiches' pigs feet, oysters, coffee and tea. This conveni ent to the passenger depot. Have wo Caluonu orange eider, and the best apple cider. no2S J. IV. WAGON MAKER -AND- GENERAL JOBBING Third Street (Michell's Planing Mill). Carriage and Wagon Painting Done. Work executed on short notice. LOUIS PAYETTE, (Successor to Payette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER. Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in iron or woo done in the neatest manner. Anything in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery repaired in the most skill fill and workmanlike manner. mcnziav F. W. BOLD. HAYNER. BOLD&HAYNER Blacksmiths a.ni Wagon-Makers At Thompson's old stand, 193 Tnird St. BLAGKSM1THINC OF ALL KINDS DONE NEATLY AND untAPlT. WOOD-WORK sf all kinds, repairing and' miking anything, from a wheelbarrow to a carnage. HORSE-SHOEING A SECIALTY. m 4d-w Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. G. JSfOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and specifications tor building fur nished. Will do all kinds of excavating and eradinflr. All orders should De lert atpostomce doz 322 uov.13 rotllio.oO a year ia brine; triad by John fi iuudnin.Tiur.KiY.jit work for as. It coder. jrva mar out make as mucb.but we can teacli vonanickly bow to earn from S la IO a dar at tbe atart. and mere aa Ton ro on. liotb sce, all ag e. In any part of America, you can eommence ai noma, giv inr all tout time .or anare momenta onlr to tlte work. All U new. Great pay bX'BK for cvrry worker. We atart yon, furnishing; rerytbine;. EASILY, 8P2ILT leaned. FAiri lCULABS FKEE. Addreaa at once. siiBwa m iv.( rviiaaiiw. aus GO TO COLUMBIA Fl W. S. ORAM, Prop., FOB YOUR CANDIES -AND- Tropical Fruits, Nuts. CIGARS and TOBACCO. Goods warranted fresh and of fint-class quality. Can furnish any of these Goods at wholesale and retail quantitias. 104 Second Street. THE DALLES, - OREGON. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! DR. E. a WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT MENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache. Nervous Prostration caused b the nse of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental depression, Softenins of the Brain, resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Bar renness, Loss of Power in either sex. I nvoluntar Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by overexertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-imlu'genoe. Each box contains one month's treatment. SI a box, or ix boxes for to ont b - -nail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX EOXEH To cure any case. With each order received by ut for six boxra, accompanied with 85. we will send the purchaser our written guarrntee to refund the money if tbe treatment does not effect a cure. Guar antees iwued nnlv be BLAKELEY ft HOUGHTON, Sole Agents, 176 Second street. The Dalles, Or. $500 Reward ! WE will pay the above reward for any case of Liv Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion. Co stipation or Costiveness we cannot cure with West Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions arestrictl: complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and neve fall to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large boxes containing SO Pills. S5 cents. Beware of counterfeit: and imitations. The genuine manufactured only O) TEE J0HK C. WIST COMPANY, CtUCAOO, ILL. Blakeley & Houghton. Sole Agents, Second Street. Tbe Dalles Or Ask sn Mental far W. Li. BongluBlioM, ! If net for anl in roar place r lae mmm voiir aeaier ie vena lor caia.iotEet mouv Kne 8ao7f mna vet them lor you. Or TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE., WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE CENtfrviEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE HONEY? It Is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of the best fine calf, stylish and easy, and because toe make more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer, it equals band sewed shoes costing from $4.00 to $5.00. fie OO Genuine Hand-sewed, the finest calf fsa uiue over uuereu lor o.uu ; equaia r reum OO HandaMwfd Welt Hhoe. fine calf. i stylish, comfortable and durable. The best snoe ever onerea a. mis price ; same i tom-made shoes costlnir from $6.00 to $ CO 50 Police Htaoei Farmers, Railroad Ken OO and Letter Carriers all wear them: tine calf. seamless, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edge. One pair will wear a year. CO 30 fine calfi no better shoe ever offered at ZI mi m this price ; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. tT 2S and 82.00 Warkl no-man's shoes are very strong and durable. Those who nave given mera a unai win wear no outer mue. PaVO' 82.00 and 81.7.5 school shoes are DVT O worn bv the bova everywhere: thevaell on then merits, as the increaslnir sales show. I oHifio 93. uu uand-sewef snoe. oesc kwU Ivw Dongola, very stylish; equals French imnnrtAil ahnna rvuttintr f mm mllA trt t 1ML . Ladies' 2.30, 82.00 and 81.75 .shoe for Hisses are toe best one vongoia. styusn ana auraDie. Caution. See that W. L. Douglas name and price are stamped on the bottom ol each shoe. W. I. DOUGLAS. Brockton. Mass. J. Freiman,Agk. The Dalles,0r. THE GREAT PORTLAND WITH ITS WORLD OP WONDERS, OpsSept 17, 1890; Closes Oct 17ih. . Music by the GREAT ZAPADORES BAND - From tb. City of Mexico. Art from tha great masters oi Europe and America, valued at a quarter million dollars. Won ' derful Electrical Adaptations in . full operation. Splendid Series of Mineral Exhibits. Every Department filled with tbe novel and interesting IN ART, SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. A greater number of exhibits than ever be- -fore presented upon tbe coast. THE STOCK DEPARTMENT Made a prominent feature. $5,00 SIN PREMIUMS The largest display of Fruit and the flne-t exhibit of Agriculture ever maae in tne raciuc Northwest ALL MANUFACTORIES IN FULL MOTION. EVERYTHING NEW. NO DEAD EXHIBITS. The Exposition of Expositions. Admission as usual Greatly Reduced Rates for round trip on au passenger lines. To- Yonnc V Free to all Brides ! "VTOTICE is hereby inven to all the readers of this il paper and all their frionds ant acquaintances tnrougbout tne united btates ana canaaa vnat THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whose address and iu cnts to pay postage is sent to uie puoiisner within one year from the date of their marri&tre. Persons sending for this present are requested to send copy oi a paper containinur a nonce oi tneir marriafre. or some other evidence that shall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to tha , magazine under tne above oner. Ad areas, 'THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro. Vt. BUNNELL : BROS., 190 Third Street. PIPE WORK PIPE AND TIN REPAIRS V. Speolalty. MAINS TAPPED WITH PRESSURE OH. Opposite Thompson's Blacksmith Shop H. STONEMAN, The Leading m snoemaKef. 1 14 SECOND STREET, ADJOINING FACAN'S Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. 1 Ganay jcloiy Industrial Exposition Housekeepers BOQI Sniped Kinersly, -THE Leadings Druggists; 129 Second Street The Dalles, - - Oregon J. H. LARSEN, Dealer in all kinds of Hay, Grain and Feed, ' At his old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. The highest Cash Price paid for Sheen pelts. H. GLENN, Is again at his old stand and has on hand iL x ivd: is, FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMEKa Tmks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, made to oruer. 3T Contracts for all kinds of building taken at tbe lowest figures. If you want THE BEST, buy ALLEN'S N ' .'.'iTo'Jv'" SEEDS ! If the mCrchant you deal with doea not keep them, send to ALLEN direct. He pivs the postage. Beautiful Catalogue sent free. Address E. W. ALLEN. 171 Second Street, - PORTLAND, OR Kf0 FOR OUR CATALOGUE awo PR'CCQ ATLAS-ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS. INO. piHlIllslllKailiiBiaiilHIIIiHIBlIBllIIBIIUsllllll H . . THE CELEBRATED . jj 1 SMITH & WESSON REVOLVERS; M The Finest Small Arm Ever Manufactured. B. SB Kill i.qiro:- . -j reflect. tor s aftftiioanv niiDADll I TV EXCELLENCE 1 1 WORKMANSHIP and CONVENIENCE In s ininiuCiuiciccTV B RewlK of cheat, iron imitatinn S 1 H Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to 1 - SMITH & WESSON, 1 SPRINGFIELD, MASS. BIilsi;n!BI!l!B!ll!B!!!H:!a!!!!a:!i;si;i!;H J.O. MACK. WHOLESALE Liquor Dealer FRENCH'S BLOCK. Seoomd Street. The Dalle THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Born, and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 18. THK DALLES, OREGON. Charles F. Lauer, Proprietor of the Third Si. Poultry and Fish Market Will always keep on sale Puget Sound Fish, Chickens, Turkeys, Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco and Civars. Leave your orders, as they will receive prompt tentlnn. EAST END SALOON, Near the Old Hint Building-, Second St The Dalles, Or. Always on hand the Best Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. A Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei on drauirut. W. H. NEABECK, PROPRIETOR OF THE Granger Feed Yard, THIRD STREET. (At Grimes' old place ot business.) Hones fed to Hay or Oats at the lowest possible i prices Good care given to animals left In my care, I as 1 have ampta stable room. Give me a call, and I will guarantee, satisfaction. Wiseman & Butler, (Successors to J. H. IlcDonough & Co.) DEALERS IN Choice Wines. Liquors, I AND CIGARS. None but the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance clnnRs of all kinds. Corner of Court and second streets. THE DALLES, OREHON. HENRY L.KUCK, -Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery. Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, THB DALLES, - - - OREGON All Wnrlr Uuarauteed ta tilve 8 a raeflon For Sale or Lease. O EVENTY-FTVE. feet of (rround fronun; on Sec- Apply at this office. O ond street, between reaerai ana uuigDiin. KYI N t& .......... si?V mirrrf.n WHOLESALE Harilware, Iron. Steel afl Farm Maclery. SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE ' BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. These Machines are too well kuown to need comment. Thousands of farmers bar used tbem and apeak of them with praise. They are the only Harresttni Machines that will give ENTIEE SATISFACTION to the purchater. 1 MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, ' AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE, The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threahl&c and Cleaning Grain ver constructed. BUCKEYE STFJURAME TWINE-BINDERS. CVTh Feature that distinguishes this Twine-Binder Is tho Lightness of Draft, combined wlthlts Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Bin Jer is of the Appleby pattern, the only really suoosjsful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and the Platform Binder both exoeUens soth recommended by hundreds of patrons. SGHUTTLER FARM I1IMS 1 Carriages, Phaetons, Top Bngfles, BUCK-BOARDS. FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUfcRIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. C0RBIN DISC HARROWS. HODGES-HAINES HEADERS, HAISH BARB WIRE CTSEND FOR CIRCULARS Or to E. N. CHANDLER, Funeral Ijjrootox. The TJnderBisrried has Added to Ms Business a full line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Rotes and Stonls. Trimmings of all descriptions at tie Lowest Prices and owns the Host Elegant flearee eas of the mountains with all the latest improvements. NO DELAY IN FILLING ORDERS. ' IMare of BuHiness. In Nicaelsen's Block, corner Third and Washlnirton streets. rlnoff of t:'em1"B" Foi-th reet, corner of Washimrton. Can be sen at all hours of the da and nurht. PRINZ & Furniture THE LEADING Best Stock and Second Street, H. CLOUGH. CALL AND SEE The Hoosier Fence Machine The only machine that givee a couMdhous twist to the wire. Io operation at mTTii t a XTriTn TTIVTT TTT f n TT O Strong, Durable, Neat, and Cheapest Fence In the world. BEST FENCE MADE. CLOUGH : & : LARSEN, : Proprietors, The Dalles. Oi-eiroo. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., J -DEALER IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and bnoes, flic. A gent for the Bnerick Pattern , also for tne Hal Bazaar Dress Forms, . (HAS. I. THE DALLES, DEALER IN- DRUGS, MEDICINES fue XOliet BOaps, xrusrjes, vomus, trie i criuuit-rjr uiiu ciaucjr Toilet Articles. Pore Branly, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Iliysicia.ns Prescriptions a Specialty. THE JOSTOFFICE STOBE, Besides leading beyond dispute now carries T:iN CK.T MDHIC Embracing all the latest popular our line of Viae Tablets tbe most complete parison of goods and prices. 142 second and iv-iua tvasnington streets L. RORDEN & CO., -WITH A FULL Crockery and Glassware FOR THE PRESENT WILL BE FOUND AT J. Frieman's Boot DQDD & CO Fust ana Vine Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. DEALERS IN Agent. The Dalles, Or WM. M1CHELL, UHDBBTASBB- AND WM. MIOHELL. NITSCHKE and Carpets. undertakers. Lowest Prices. The uaiies, wrfflpo" A. LARSEN 1)1' MI AM, OREGON, AND CHEMICALS, in Periodicals and Paper Books, a line of . pieces. Recent additions make in The Dalles We confidently invite com M. T. NOLAN. LINE OF- and Shoe Store.