Eepoit of Committee on Origin of Ee . : cent Piies. The Dalles, Sept. 15, 1801. To J. O. Farley, chairman of citizens' meet - inif, and to Uu- citizens of Dalies City: e, your comumcea appuimeu iu iuca ticate the origin of the several distressing tirea tchmh have recently occurred in our cityj and to-lnqoire into the many reports of attempted fires, which have teen in cir culation since the tires, beg leave to report: We have made inquiries as to five re ported fires and two alleged attempts to set fires, ai.d find that the report that three seoarate fires have been set at the Catholic church is wholly without foundation; no attempts have been made, so far as we can learn, to born the Catholic church, or any bnildint; connected tnerewitn. me report that the house occupied by J. M. Smith had bee'u set on fire is wholly untrue. We were informed that a fire had been eet and extin guished under the China washhonse ast west of the Baldwin restaurant. Upon in vestigation we found that this report arose out of the attempt of some person who de sired to rob the China house to induce the . occupants to leave the building. The occu pants of the building declare that no fires have been discoyered about the building, and that the person who warned them of the fire was, as they believe, endeavoring to get them out in order to pilfer. The report that combustible materials saturated with oil had been placed in a sbed adjoining the premises of M. T. Nolan proved to be un true. A small quantity of bark-chips and splinters with a small piece of cotton cloth waa found piled on a grainsack in such a shed, appearing to be the work of children. . There was no oil abont it.aud we do not be- r. lie ve they were the materials of an incen diary. The report that the barn on the premises formerly occupied by Mr. Ben Snipes had been saturated with oil was . without any foundation; upon examination of the premises we found no evidences ef l .i uu fcuere. We have carefully inquired into the : origin of all the four recent fires. We find that the fire of September 2 started either -. in the basement of F. W. L. Skibbe's house, or under the house of J. H. Larsen; there had been no fires in either of these houses - for some weeks, and none in the Skibbe (innsa mnnA aniMnrr. f !i Q fnnn1ifinn nf fhfl Larsen house was so enclosed as to prevent access under the house; the basement to the Skibbe house was open and cloar of all . easily combustible materials. The persons : .1- V, n AianntraraA hi lira nnrt I'.'ul'P uruf: in the Skibbe bouse, believe that the fire orig inated in the basemen of that house, but ; detected no evidence ofincendiary work - other than that there was a, fire; to odor of burning oil was detected iu the smoke; the fire occurred just at a time when many persons were most likely to be about the buildings, and there is nothing that iudi- wirea L1IU u tui, ULU t. no .UU null. V 1 uu . . ' ' cendiary; we are unable to ascertain what caused it, - unless it was from matches " -i a. i i i : 1 I . aroppea mrougn carelessness or carrieu. uy rats or mice. So far as we can learn there were no attempts made on the 2d to set fire, and believe that all the fires which occurred On that day came from the one fire in the Skibbe or Larsen bouse. The fire which occurred on the 5th inst. at the fair grounds commenced in the first or second stable from the east side. These two stables were unoccupied and were not locked. They contained more or less of straw and dry manure and when the nre started it burned slowly, there being about fiv minnton from time it WAS first seen before it was of sufficient extent to attract 'particular attention, and even then it was not supposed that the stables were on fire. No strangers or suspicious persons were seen abont the building during the day or evening, and men who were connected with 1L. 1 . 1. .,11 n ........ but) Bbauiea nci6 auuuu iiicic l.u a vc.j short time before the fire. In our judgment " the fire originated from a cigar or cigarette , stub dropped by some one about the stables . during the day or evening. We find that the fire in Mr. J. T. Peters' stable commenced in the basement of the - staoie; tne mam pari oi me Darn was usea as a store house for boxing materials and a - small amount of hay, and was kept securely InnlrArl1 7kT nnn tiorl Kuan in tIiiq nArtinn j vs - v u 'J wuu uuu twu u uuio put muu of the building after 3 o'clock of the day of the fire, and the nersons who were list known to have been there had no fire "with . them. The basement, which extended un- been used as a stable and contained more or less straw and dry manure and a consider able amount of sawdust. For the past few . months it had not been locked, but was ac cessible to anyone desiring to enter; the portion of town where it is situated we find is a rendezvous for tramps and Indians, and i : r 1,1, .U-. , , I, ' frequently seen about this stable. During the day many strangers had been in the city, particularly that portion of it. The fire was not discovered until well under ' headway, and those first there discovered no evidences that the fire had been inten tionally set; there is no evidence that any Taiavi TrrrvtT t I. aim nnit mntivo tl Vinrn elin jwisvu nuuiu uu v w nmu j iuu bj w uuiu iii v building. The testimony as to the origin of the fire in the rear of the Michelbaeh block is very conflicting; some of the witnesses who claim to have seen the fire before the alarm ' was sounded locate the fire wholly in the upper portion of the closet, while others ae clare that it was wholly confined to the , lower part. A lamp was kept burning every night m the npper closet, and the fire may possibly have been caused by tbe explosion of this lamp. The fact that the timbers in the lower portion of this closet were more nearly burned off than they were above in dicates that the fire originated below and near the ground. There are many circum - stances connected with this fire tending to ' show that it was of incendiary origin. We a.inat u i. . . 1,. f ... 1. Bugou Mian iucbc viibuuiabdubco ui; iuiiiici and - carefully investigated by someone skilled in detectiye work. Had any of the first three fires occurred at another time we believe there would have been no serious suspicion that they were of incendiary origin; we can find no motive for the Betting of these (ins. Th city has been well guarded, and the (;reat anxiety and alarm of the citizsn, while natural under the circumstances, we think was unnecessary and was occasioned largely by the many false reports of fires and at- . tempted fires; more care in ascertaining the correctness or incorrectness of such reports would rave allayed the public uneasiness and apprehension. - Respectfully submitted. - '. B. S. Huntington, Geo. W atkins, Thos. S. Lang. - "Grand Dalles." Chicago, Sept. 13, 1S91. Editor Times-Mopstaisber: Will yon please answer a woman's en quiries. What is the standing and reliabil ities of the Inter-State Investment & Im provement Co., and of property or lots in "Grand Dalles" Wash., owned or operated by one Kev. O. D. Taylor? Is stock in this Company at par and is it safe investment? Are lots in "Grand Dalles" worth from $100 to $400 each, and will it be safe to buy them? Does this Company own and operate two fish wheels near The Dalles? Your answer may save or lose my property. M. A. As regards lots in Bockland, North Dalles or Grand Dalles they are not sought at any price, and we doubt whether the choicest would bring $100. The scheme from the beginning has been one, of the most fraudulent land booms that was ever originated in the northwest, and tbe pile of rocks and sand on the north side of the Co lumbia riyer has never possessed a single J atnr;.l facility to build up a town of any importance. The Dalles, on the Oregon side, has many natural facilities for a great commercial and manufacturing center; but the north side none whatever. As these fraudulent misrepresentations of the bnrren north bank of the Columbia are injuring our own pwpects.our board oi trade should publish the facts in the case, and not be held responsible for any nefarious land booming project. Kditor. OPENING OP THE PAIE. A Stsff Rceer.e and I.iKtit A I tendance, Hat Soaie ioo(l Karen. From Tuesday's Daily. The first day of the fair opened not very auspiciously. In the afternoon the wind blew furiously, arising to its greatest height about 4 o'clock, and during the half mile dash, match race The attendance, as is Usually the case on the opening day, v. ts light. Rice Xo. 1. Half mile di-h, sadille horse. Entrees,, bv C. Wiug fiel.l; Lizzie Swift, by E L B.iynton; Dolly Virik-n, Dean ' MeElroy; Butterfly. A. J. Wall. Butterfly first, L zzie Swift pecoml, Dandy' third. Dohy'.en bolted and threw her rider hefore the first mrter post was reached. Time 55 seconds. No. 2. Quarter mile d'lth. Entries Mamie S., T. J: Strickland ; Frank Hast ings A. J. Swift ; Harold, Walter McDou aid. The result was Hastings 1st, Mamie S 2d ; time 25 second;;. Ia this race th horses were about evenly matched, comin under the pole neck and neck. No. 3. Half-mile daBh, match race, 100 a side. Eutries Redly by Swift, Pay-da by Trappiere. Payday 1st, Redly 2d ; time, 52 seconds. Fayday took the lead from the start and trained steadily, coming under the wire 75 vards ahead. No. 4 Three minute class, mile heats best three in five. Eutries, Bill Rooney by Button and Banker bv Tilden. First heat Bill Rinnev first. Banker second Tim 3:09. Bill Rooney wa3 the betting favorite bnt Banker proved a close second, losiug the heat by a neck. Owing to the lateness of the hour the remaiuing heats cannot be given until to-morrow. Arrested for Embezzlement. East Oregonian. A sensation has been created at Pendle ton by the arrest of D. B. Watson, late bookkeener and collector of the Electric Liirht and Power company. He left th employ of the company August 24th, an took a position with Hamilton & O'Rourk in Adams. It is charged that instead of straightening ud and explaining his book and accounts and turning them over, he took them to Adams, together with the kevs of the company. When the books were returned and checked up by the com Danv. thev were found iu a badly mixed condition end a shortage was discovered an amount not yer made public. Watson was then telephoned, but failed to appear until Deputy Sheriff Johnson was sent to Adams and otheially notified him to go Pendleton. The deputy and Watson ar rived Wednesday evening, and as Watson was ill. he was takeu to" the Golden Rule hotel, where he explained to the officers of the company that the inaccuracies were due to errors, and it them was a shortage n wouM make it good. Ihe company was satisfied with hid explanation, and it was understood that the matter would be settled the next day. Wednesday morning C Wade called at the hote.1 and found thai Watson had left on the morning train for Huntington. A telegram was sent to Baker Citv and he wss arrested there and taken back to Pendleton, where an examination will be given nim. '. . . ' ' Dealings In Eealty. Sent. 22 Marv D. Axe to Matilda C Rogers: lots 3 4 and 5 sec 4, lot 5, sec 5. lot 10, tec 8, lot 1 and nw M of n 4 sec 9 all in tp 1, n r 13 east; $1 00 Sept. 22 Eva .1 Spicer and husbaud to Matilda C Rogeis; lots 3 4 5 s 4, lot 5, sec 5, lot 10, sec 8, lot 1 and nw 14 sec 9 tp 1 n r 13 east; $1.00. Sept. 22 Bert Rogers to Matilda C Rogers ; parcel of land in sec 5, sec 8 n 13 east; $1 00 v . Sept. 22 Laura E Birgfeld and hus band to Matilda C Rogers; parcel of land in sec 4, sec 5 and sec 8, tp 1 a r 13 east fl.00. - Sept. 22 William T Rogers to Matilda C Rogers; land adjoining above; $1.00. Belief for the Sufferers. Fayetteville, Ark., Sept. 14, 1891. Editor Times-JlocsTAiNRKa: I send draft for $10 to be used for the benefit of the needy sufferers from the re cent fire in your city. I suppose the Times-Mountaineer is get ting no a subscription list, and I want the money delivered to the regular relief com mittee. If there is no relief committee, please deliver the money to Mrs. S. L. Brooks for needy sufferers. Mrs. tills and 1 send our deepest sym pathy tor you all in your dreadful calamity, lours laitbtuliy, R. H. Willis. BncKIen Armca Halve. The best salve in the world for cot: bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, feve, sores, tetter,- chapped hands, chilblains corns, and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles, or no pay required, it is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. for s Ue by Snipes & Kinersly. For Sale. Two bed-room sets of spring mattresses, and a Apply at this office. furniture, two cooking stove, Notice. All those indebted to me on book or other account are requested to come forward and settle the same. sptl4 Chah. J. Stdbling. The Union Lodging House was not dam aged by the fire this morning. There are eood, safe rooms in that building, which are for rent. NOTICE. ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. All persons knowinsr themselves indebted to the late Uharles uuntiam are hereby requested to set tle with the undersigned, administratrix, immcdi ately. All accounts not settled within the next sixty ays win oe piaceo witn atiomes ior collection. MKS. LIDA DUNHAM, Adm'x Estate Cnirles E. Dunham, dee'd. Dalles City, Auir. 29, lSill. Card to the Public. H A VINO DISPOSED of mv entire stock of gro- Chrisan & Corson, of thia city, I cheerfully reeom raeud them as worthy of the same confidence to kindly bestowed upon me. While retiring from the grocery business, I wish fo express my heartfelt ifratituue to my many irends ana patrons tor their liberal support ana pleasant business relations dur iif? these many years. And I bespeak for my suc cessors the same kindly treatment from a generous public. sepzi-w4t UKO. KUl'tl. WANTED SALESMEN Local and Traveling. A Ciood Chance; Don't JMIbh It! Tou need no capita1 to rep esent a reliable firm that war rants jjurtery stock first-class and true to name. Work all the year, and rood pay weekly to energetic men. Apply quick, stating age. L. L. MAY & CO., Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen, St, Paul, Minnesota. junl3-4wkly Old Iron Bought. Mr. J. H. Larsen will . pay the highest cash price for Old Iron remaining in uny of the buildings since the tire of last Wednesday. Ho will re eive this iron on the vacant space on Second Street, between the brick and frame warehouses of Hon. Z. F.Moody. NOTICE. ALL THOSE INDEBTED to me are requested to come forwaad and settle inline! lately. BEa. VV1LSUN. f ft GOO. GO year b being made hj John R. Goodvrin,Trojr,N.Y.,at work for tu. Header, you may not make at much, but wa can teacb yon quickly bow to earn from ft& tt $10 a day at tbe start, and more aayoa go ou. Buth Mxes, all apres. In any part of America, tou can commence at home, riv ing a)i your thne,or spare momenta only to tbe work. All ia new. Great oar SI KB for every worker. We atart you, furnishing rerytuing. EASILY, SPEEDILY learned. PAltTICULARS FREE- Add reai at once, SlliSOJf CO.. rOftTLAAD, MAUiltV CHRISMAN BROTHERS, (Successors to F. Taylor.) Proprietors of tho Tliix-cl Street. Dealers in at. Hams, hand. Bicoa and Sausi2;o always on dec31d&tf LOUIS PAYETTE, (sucjeor to Payette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH ! AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts AH work work in iron or woo done in the neate-i manner. Anyttii'W in the wjoli line, from a wheelliarr w to an oumiuus, made or rej uireu. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. PlmvsanJ nrichtner.v lepaireJ in the most skil fui an J workmanlike niana mch21J' El EiifE! OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, Washington street, bet. 2d and 3d The Best of Wines. Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS'ON SALE, fi. B. WHYERS, PROPRIETOR. . .' (!&ode hauled with the greatest care to all parts of the city on short notice. Leave orders with Fish. & Bardon Legal Notices. Notice to Contractors. "TiROROSALS. endorsed "Proposals fjr Extendi! L Water Mains," will be recehed at the office of- the Boaid cf Water UomiuiBsiimers of Dalle City until 2 P. M.. Monday. Seutemaer 2i, ISM. (or diif- fr ng and renlliutr 3,i00 lineaPfeet of trench in the streets of Da les City. For laying 000 feet of cast iron pipe and appurtenances, and for hauling and distributing the same. Profiles ana specifications can be seen at the o n':e of the Board. The riL'ht is reserved to reject anv or all bid. sepl7 C. h. PHILLIPS, Secretary. For Sale-At a Bargain! The Mission gardens, greenhouses, slock and h.xtures. I aav prepared to offer a rare bsrgain, owintr 10 a change of residence. For terms enquire upon the premises or of A. N. Varney at the land office. JAMES A. VARNEY; Administrator's Notice. "VTOTICE isJierebv civet) that at the reeular term JN of the county court for Wasco county, State of Oregon, held in the court house m this citv during September, the underpinned was appointed adminis trator of the estate of M. Diamond, deceased. All bills due tha said deceased, will be collected by the undersigned, and all debts owed by the decer.sed should be presented within six months from this date. C. II. Fours, Administrator of estate of M. Diamond, deceased. The Dalles, Sept. 18, 1891. Dissolution Notice. X OTICE is hereby given that the partnership i heretofore existing between C. M. Pouts and Benjamin Wilson, under the fire name of Fonts A Wilson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owinir to said firm will be paid to C. M. Foutj, and ail bills owing by said firm will be set tled by Benjamin Wilson who will continue the bus mess at tne oia stana. ujuruuia, BKN WILSONv . The Dalles, Jul ,1891. Dissolution Notice. mo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Thists to certify that the partnership heretofore existing between Messrs. Bold and Havner in the blacksmith and wagon-making business in The Dalles is this dav dissolved bv mutual consent. F. W. Bold will continue the business in his own name. and will pay all debts owed by the firm and collect all bills due the firm. t . w . bulii, auf28 A. G.HAYJ.EK. Board of Equalization. rnHE BOARD OF EQUALIZATION for Was J. County will meet in the court house in Dalles City Monday. October 19, lb91, and will continue in session one week. J. E. BARNETT, uptl9 " Assessor for Wasco Co. FINAL NOTICE. mo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Al parties knowing themselves indebted to the undersigned, either bv book aocount or note, arc re quested to call and pay the same immediately, as all claims not paid in thirty davs will be handed to a lawyer for collection . 819 . Office, 134 Second St., Tbe Dalles, O-e. Land Notices NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Thr Dalles. Oregon, August 29, 1891. Notice is hereby iriven that the followine-named settler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLat said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on O tober 28, 1891, viz: N JOHN E. BARNETT. " (Hd. No. SC59,) fur the nw tf Sea 13, T 1 s", r 14 e, n. ju. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: James J. Woolerv and John M. McCullv. of Bord. Ogn., Robert Gilbraith and Elijah W. Trout, of 'I he Dalles, Ogn. aug4 JOHN w. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offick at Thk Dalles, Orkqoh, September 8, 191. Notice is hereby iriven that the fjHowioir-nanied settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof jn support of his claim and that sai'1 proof will be made before the register and receiver at Ihe ualles, (Jr., on October 28, 1891, viz: JESSIE T. COPLAND, Homestead No. 3664 for the W 'X NFM and E A NW , See. 23, Tp. 2 N, R 12 E. lie names the lollowia; witnesses to prove ma continuous residence upod. and cultivation of. said land, viz: Alexander J. Anderson, Geortre Halvor, Henry van .uiDuer ana .rn8t freaenctt, ail oz The jaiics Or. (812) JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. TAKEN UP. piAME TO MY PLACE about a year ago. A small j Drown mare, branded (A) on leit shoulder. branded u 1 on left hip. Owner can haye Bame by taking her away and paying all charges. oepj-imo j. ai. L.E.uf ukl, wamic. ur. TAKEN UP By the subscriber, residing one mile southwest of the' city, one red cow with white spots, about Dec. 15th. Toe owner can have the Bame by proving property and paying coarges lor cms advertisement. lii ui W. BIRGFELD NOTICE. T 10 ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: That the roods now in my possession, beloncinjr to Arthur Brandon, as security for 10, will be sold on the 1st of Aiu?ust, without payment is made. ALEX UUGUEJNiN. The Dalles, Or., July 16, 1890. NOTICE. After thirty davs the accounts due the late firm o Foute & Wilson will be placed in .the hands of an attorney for collection. C. M. FOUTS. TUB UALLKS, JUly Z2, ISU1. TOR SALE. ONE DOUBLE-HOUSE of ten rooms, hard fin ished: complete as two houses of five rooms each. New, with water and other conveniences. In quire at this office. JAS. FERGUSON, General Expressman Ask my agents Tor W. L. Douglas Shoes. If not tor sale in yoar place ask yonr dealer to send for cataloffuet secure the nvency. and tret them for yon. (7-TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE..! Sf WHY IS THE W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE centPeWn THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE HONEY? It is a seamless shoe, with no lacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made ot the best fine calf, stylish and easy, and because ve make more shoes of this grade than any other manufacturer. It equals band sewed shoes costing from 84.00 to 85.00. OK OtMicnuiuo Hand-sewed, tho finest calf tPSJm shoe ever offered for $5.00; equals irench imported shoes which cost from S8.0i)to 812.00. ffiyi OO llanl-!ev-ed Welt Shoe, nne cair, stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from to 89.U0. eo 50 Police Shoci Farmers. Railroad Men 90i andLetterCarriersallwearthem; nneculf, seamless, smooth inside, heavy three soles, exten sion edge. One pair will wear ayear. (BO 50 fine calf: no better Bhoe ever offered at 9. this price; one trial will convince those who want a shoe for comfort and service. ffiO 23 nnd S'2.00 Workiimmon's shoes are very strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear no other make. nnVel .00 and 81.73 school shoes are DOlb worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on their merits, as the increasing sales show. I arl AC S3. 00 Hand-sewed shoe, best Ld UIC9 Dongola. very stylish; equals I rench imported shoes costing f rem 84.00 toSSJM). ladies' '-i.SO, Sri.00 and 81.75 shoe for ' Hisses are the best fine Dongola. stylish and durable. C'aotion. See that W. L. Douglas- name and price are Poboofh sh J. Fieiniaii,Agt..The Dalles,0r. (Third year iu Portland). All Chronic, Nervous, Clood. Skin, Private and Wasting Diseases Quickly and permanently cured. Dis eases of men, all ages. Sullerers fiomtheeflectsof youthful imlisere ktious or excesses of middle life, Loss of Knenrv. Power and Memory, Physical and Nervous Debility, Stricture. Impedi ments to Marriage, Liver, Kidney, Bladder and Rectal Diseases. Relief at once. They cure all Diseases of Women. Consultation free. Charges reasonable. Cures guaranteed. DRS. COLE & CO., 132 and 134 Third St., Cor- Alder. PORTLAND, OR. TH GE EM All A, CHAS. STUBLING, Prop. FOR THE PRESENT AT 86 Second Street. Wines. Lipors and Ciprs. All brands ot Imported Liauors, Ale and Porter.Jand genuine Key West cigars. A iuu une oi CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. Watchmaker and Jeweler. At Ulliich & Son's Cigar Factory, Corner Main and Court Sts- All kinds of Watches repaired with neat- " ness and dispatch. F. w. BOLD HAYNER. BOLD & HAYNER Blacksmiths ani Wagon-I At Thompson's old stand, 193 Tnird St. BliCKSMITHINC OF ALL KINDS ; AND CHEAPLY.- DONE NEATLY WOOD-WORK ef all kinds, repairing and making anything, from a wheelbarrow to a carnage. : HORSE-SHOEING A SECIALTY tn 4d-w Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. (Cor. Court and Third Sts.) Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried and Tongues Beef And the best Reefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Veal cutlets in tne marKet. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY 4Fresh Vegetables on Sale at the Lowest Prices. eoave I JiLMHiO VV 11 J. JJi to LUNCH COUNTER. In connection with my Fi uit Stand, on Second St., near the corner of Madison, I have open&l a lunch counter, and can serve to customers sandwiches pigtf feet, oysters, coffee and tea. This is conveni ent to the passenger depot. Have lio Caluorni orange cider, and the best apple cider. no20 Wiseman & Butler, Choice Wines, Liquors. AND CIGARS. None but the best brand? of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Uourt and second streets. THE DALLES, OREGON. H. STOIEMAN, The Leading anil II 1 14 SECOND STREET, ADJOINING MEAN'S Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. w. H. NEABECK, PROPRIETOR OF THE Granger Feed Yard, THIRD STREET. (At Grimes' old place of business.) Horses fed to Hay or Oats at the lowest possible prices, uooa care iriven to animals left id my care. as 1 have ample stable room. Give me a call, and I will iruarantee satisfaction. Ju20tf W. H. NEABECK. HENEY I. KTJCK, -Manufacturer of and dealer In Harness and Saddlery, second Bb, near aiooay 8 warenoase, THE DALLES, - - ORE qpN All Work afaetlon ttuaranteed to dive 8a S3000 A TEAR t I undertake to trrieffv teach aoj fairly jntelltfnt pfraon of either fxt wbo can reaa ana wnu, ana who, after instruction, will work indutrioaaljr, how to earn Threo TkMiu4 Dollars fMrhiftMJrowB .ocsJitica.whert9rertbeTUTea win also hunlab the aitnaxioD or emp toymen iat which ytm can earn thatamoont. Kookhm tor me onleaacvcoeaaniiaa above, tasiijand qoicklr learned. I deaire hot one worker from eech district or county. I fcavo already tauitt and provided with employment a lam Bomber, who are making over fSOOO a yeareath. It'a PE W ana Wm E r uu raniauin r n, Kid. aaarai u oucf . BOO snoe TO lZ PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTI THE E. E. IVYTLE, DALLES Agent UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEA., Portland to San Kraneispo.' To San Francisco Leaving Stea.jship Wnarf Con laud, at 10 P M., as follows: Orctron June State Elder Oregon State - Columbia 1 regon .. Steta , Bssrgage must be checked either at Ash St., during the day, or bv the U .C. & B. Co. No unchecked baggage will be received on the Steamer9 San Francisco to Portland. To Portland Leaving SpearSt. Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. M. as follows: F.lder June 4 Oregon " 8 State " 12 Columbia " 1 Oregon ' 20 State " 24 Columbia " 28 The eompanv reserves the riirht to change steam ers or sailing dates without further notice. For rates, tickets, berth reservations, etc., call on or address any ticket agent oi tut union i-ucmi; sys tem. C. S. IIELLEN, T. W. LEE Gen. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass Agt FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS Northern RAILROAD Is the line to take TO ILL POINTS EAST AND SMITH. It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Thrrugh.vee- tibuled Trains isvery nay in tne year to st. PAULand Chicago. (NO CHANGE OF CARS. Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed, Pullman "Equipment TOUKIST SLEEPING CARS, est that can be constructed, and in which accom modations are both f ree and r urnisned lor holders of First or Second class Tickets, and, ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Un interrapted Service Palman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad vance inrougn any agent oi tne roao. TUDPIIOU TinifCTG To and from all points InnUUUn llulVtlO in America. Ene-land ard Europe can be purchased at any Ticket office of s uorai-any Full information concerning' rates, time of trains. utes and other details furnished ou application to y agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agt., No. 121 First street, cor. Washington, POKTLAND. OREGON. Northwest Cor. Second and Washington Ste. "S. J Successors to George Ruch.J The Cheapest Place IN TBB DALLES FOR All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW WARE, ETC. We reuoectfullv solicit a share of the public pat- rouBu, igu ruau vuueavur w give Biiure Btttuiw tion to our customers ootn oiu ana new. (inin nrnnfl a in a jj ULU UtillVlAMA, 90 Second t. C. DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on sale the best Wines Liquors, AIVD CIGARS. Columbia Brewery Beer on Dranght. The finnat brands of Imported and Do mestic Cigars a specialty. ao7-91dy JOHN PASHEK, nn mi i v MEKlllAJN -ALSO CLEANSING ani REPAIRING, 13 NOW LOCATED AT 77 Second Street, Where, out of a few remnants of cloth he saved out of the fire, he will . m SUITS PHPHPFR THiN FVFR I L'UllM V11U-11 ULV 1U.UI MJ I Would be glad to see all his old patrons. : WASCO gALOOPI ......and EUREKA RESTAURANT F. W. L. SKIBBE, PROP. A High Gradejif Wines, Liquors & Cigars T rT.M.P.U.P.CPUTUPFOR lJ.U.Xl .U.ll .JJ.JTRAVELBRS Cor. Secoud and Madison, near assengor depot. mv4d- s THE DALLES, WASCO -CO., OR. First-Class Boarding School for Girls, Conducted bv the Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary. The fall term opens Sept. 7th. t or pnrncuiars address - auffl5-lm SISTER SUPERIOR. G. NOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and specitications tor building fur nished. Will do all kinds of excavating and grading. Ail orders should be left at postomre box 322 novl3 Fac. PIONEER ErROCEni TAILOR Muddy HEALTH IS WEALTH! l DR. E. C. WESTS NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT MENT, a truaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache Nervous Prostration caused b the use of alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental depression. Softening of the Brain, resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Bar renness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Ixsses ami Spermatorrhoea caused by over-exertion of the brain, self-abuse or over-indu gence. Each box contains ne month's treatment. 1 a bx, or -ix boxes for $5 nnt b - nail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by u for six tox'-s, accompamt d with So, we will send the purchaser our wi itcen guarmtee to refund the mom v if the treatment does not effect a eure. Guar antees is-aed nulv bv BLAKfcXEY & HOUGHToN, Sie Agents, 175 Sc-ci-nd street, T!ie Dalles, Or. $500 Reward ! WE will pay the above reward for any case of 1 Join plaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion. C -ti pat ion or Costiveness we cannot euro wltn We, Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions arestric compiird with- They are purely Vegetable, and nev fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Large bov containing 30 Pills, 25 cents. Beware of counterfei and imitations. The genuine manufactured only t. THE C. WEST COMPANY, CfiiCAQO, ILL. Blikeley & Huuhton. Sole Aients, Second street,. The Dalles Or GO TO COLUMBIA W. S. OEAM, Prop., -FOR TOUT.- CANDIES, Tropical Fruits, Nuts, CIGARS and TOBACCO. Goods warranted fresh and of Brat-class quality. Can furnish any of these Goods at wholesale and retail quantities. 104 Second Street. THE DALLES, - OREGON. THE GREAT PORTLAND WITH ITS WORLD OP WONDERS, 0ps Sept. 17, 1890; Closes Oct. 17Ui. Music by the GREAT ZAPADORES BAND From the City of Mexico. . Art fmm the jrreat masters of Europe and America, valued at a quarter million dollars Won derful Electrical Adaptations in full operation. Splendid Series of Mineral Exhibits. Every Department filled with the novel and interesting ART, SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. IN A greater number of exhibits than ever be fore presented upon the coast. THE STOCK DEPARTMENT Made a prominent feature. $5,000 IN PREMIUMS The largest display of Fruit and the finest exhibit of . Agriculture ever maae in tne f-aciac Korthwest. ALL MANUFACTORIES IN FULL MOTION. EVERJTTHING'NEW. NO DEAD EXHIBITS. The Exposition of Expositions. Admission as usual-. Greatly Reduced Rates for round trip on au passenger lines. To tas . Free to all Brides ! "VTOTICE is hereby iriven to all tbe readers of this paper and anheir friends and acquaintances throughout tne United states and Canada that THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whose address and 10 cents to pay postage is sent to the publisher within one year from the date of their marriaire. Persons sending; for this present are requested to send copy oi a paper containing a notice 01 their marriage, or some other evidence that shall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine under tne above oner. Address, ''THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt. THE DALLES Cigar Factory, I'lliST STREBTl'. FACTORY NO.. 105". PIP A DO of the Best Brands manufact- UlUnnO ured, and. ordeas from all paita of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home manufactuaed article ia increasing eyery day. dec24dy-tf A. DLRICH at SON. BUNNELL : BROS., 190 Third Street. PIPE WORK. Specialty. MAINS TAPPED WITH PRESSURE ON. Opposite Thompson's Blacksmith Shop C. W. ADAMS, Is now located af 77 Second Street, Next to Schutz Jus'.ice Office. Kepalnng a Specialty. He baa sired some of his best leather out ot the fire and will make the neatest boot or shoe of anyone in the eitr. EUGENK Next seasoo be&ins on Hon day, the 21t day September, 1891. Tuition, tree. Four Courses: Classical. Scientific Utcrriy. and a snort EngiLBD oeurse, in wtucn tnero ts no uicin, Greek. French or German. The English is pre eminently a Business course. For catalogues or other information, address ... J. W juumhom. yl7-2m President. uana Ind ustria 1 Exposition Hods The Artistic Shoemaker Snipes Kinersly, -THE- Leadings Diiiggists, 129 Second Street Tho Dalles, - Oregon. J. E LARSEN, , Peakr in all kinda of Hay, Grain and Feed, At his old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. The highest Cash Price paid tor Sheep pelts. H. GLENN. Is again at his old stand and has on hand FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEM EN 1 Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, made to order. L3T Contracts for all kinds of building taken at the lowest figures. If you want THE BEST, boy ALLEN'S N "SS&HP I" SEEDS ! If tbe merchant yon deal with does not keep them, send to ALLEN direct. He pays the postage. Beautiful Catalogne sent free. Address E. W. 171 Second Street, ALLEN. PORTLAND, OR HMD FOR OUR CATALOGUE AND PtVCCS ATLAS-ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS. IND. ii:a:iiH;ii!a;!K;!H!iiMiiiiB!n;:;!Bi:i!a!iiiai!! mm . . . . TUJE CELEIlRA TEI . . . j SMITH & WESSON j REVOLVERS; B The Finest Small Arm Ever Manufactured, j Unrivaled B for C MM .AIIIDRPV - " nilDADII I TV EXCELLENCE I WORKMANSHIP and CONVENIENCE In s LOADING and SAFETY. 9 Beware of cheap iron imitations.! g Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to j 1 SMITH & WESSON, SPRUfaETELI), MASS. J.O. MACK. WHOLESALE Lifluor Dealer FRENCH'S BLOCK, Second Street. . Tho Dalle a THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Hon"! and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THE DALLES, UREOQNL L. P. OSTLUND ilt Will furnish drafts and estimates on all buildings, dwellings and stores. Ur. Ostlnnd is a practical mechanic, and the plans araitea uy mm win prove artisuc cneap ana aura Die. Charles F. Lauer, Proprietor of the Third St. Faoltry asi Fish Market, Will always keep on sale Puget Sound Fisb, . Chickens, Turkeye, Also, f revisions, Candies, Tobacco &nd Ciinrs. Leave tout orders, as they will receive prompt Senuon. EAST END SALOON, Near the.Old Hint Building, Second St The Dalles, Or. Always 00 hand th ' Best Wines, Liiquors, . and Cigars. A Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei on draueht. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. tyCash advance made on eonslRnmenl Snug Ilttl fortunes hurt been tnade at work for ua, by Anna P"g, Austin, S Texas, and Juo. Bonn, Toledo, Ohio. Vcut. oiheraanaouiffaaweii. tiij KiwC your Soma earn over vtwu.vw month. Tou ran do tne work and live jit ItiHue, wherever you are. Even be f ginncia are entilr eaminir from $5 to tflOadfiv. All area. Wrbow you bow and start you. Can work l-t ;nv time or all the lime. Big? money for work- N KW and wnnderful. rartiru Inn frea. mi fcan heernd at ourSPWIineorw., r rapidly and honorably, by tho- eiibrr sex. vounir or olri, and in tli-i own localities, lirrrver th-y livr. A ny one can do lb woik. LUsv to learn. fit We furnish everrthinc We start tou. Xo risk. You an drvo'e your spars nomenis, or all your time to the work. This is au entirely new lead,and brings wonderful success to every worker. Becinnera are earning- from $S& to S&O petveek and upwards, and more after a little experience. We can furnish yon the eni- n oymentand teaca you milk, ao space k expnun For Sale or Lease. SEVENTY-FIVE feet of ground fronting on Beo ond street, between Federal and Uuigbhn. Apply at this office. ' Jii.-w aSar 1 rj - On.r.ntflarl Contractor and Builder - WHOLESALE Hardware, Iron. Steel anil Farm Machinery. SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHiHCTDH AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. These Machines are too well known to need comment. Thousands of farmers bar used them and speak of them vrllh. praise. They are the only Harresttaf Machines that will give ENTIRZ SATISFACTION to the purchuar. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTiOTS STAR TRACTION ENGINE, The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain ver constructed. BUCKEYE STKUBAME TWINE-BINDERS. sVn Feature that distinguishes this Twine-Binder is the LightneiJ ot Draft, combined with Ma Bxtoaordinsry Btrength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, the only really niooMsful one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Bintler and tne Platform Binder both exoaUeut both recommended by hundreds ot patrons. SGMTTLER MM ADDIS BUCK-BOARDS. FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. COR BIN DISC HARROWS. HODGES-HAINES HEADERS. HAISH BARB WIRE "SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Or to E. N. CHANDLER, The UnderBlgrned has Added to his Business a full line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Eosewood Caskets, Burial Robes and Shrouds. Trimmings of all descriptions at the Lowest Prices and owns the Host Elegant Bearse emit of the noantalM with all the latest improvements. NO DELAY IH FHXING ORDERS. Flare of Business. InNlckeIsen'i Block, corner Third and Washington street. PlaeV of ItCBidenee Fourth t reet, corner of Washimrton. Can be seD at ail hours of the d a ana mgnt. ja29tf PRINZ & Furniture THE leading Best stocK ana Second Street, L. RORDEN & CO., -WITH A FULL LINE OF- Crockery and Glassware FOR THE PRESENT WILL BE FOUND AT . A. Bettingen's Hardware Store. I H. CLOUGH. CALL AISI SEE The Hoosier Fence Machine The only machine that gives a continuont twist to the wire. Ia operation at THE PACIFIC Strong, Durable, Neat, and Cheapest Fence in the world. BEST FENCE MADE. CLOUGH The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., , P. IcINEMT, J -DEALER I IV- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and bhoes, sc. Agent for the Bntterick Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, . CHAS. E. THE DALLES, rf DEALER IN- DRUGS, MEDICINES xine iouet ooaps, rsoea, ionius, eic jreriumery ana rancy Toilet Arties Pare Brandy, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Tliysici&ns' Prescriptions . Siecialty. THE POSTOFPICE STOBE, Besides leading beyond dispute in now carries TEN CENT 1 Embracing all the latest popular onr line of Fine Tablets tbe most complete in pvuon of goon iand price.. ....... TIT m wit ak ivi second ana ivt-iw vvasnington street, jix. x iiviiAiis T i- rf Tirpt 3ii Vino ?rnoot IP PORTLAND, OREGON. DEALERS IN Deere Flows, Deere Sulky Plows, I Carriages, Phatons, Sop Buggies, f;1 V?' "- c. ?55 Agent, The Dalles, Or WM. MICHEL1, UNDERTAKER AND-r- WM. MICHELL. NITSCHK.E and Carpets. undertakers. Lowest trices. The Dalles. Orego n A. LA.R3EIT FENCE WORKS. & : LARSEN, : Proprietors, The Dttllos. Oreeron. DUIHAI, OBEGON, AND CHEMICALS, Periodicals and Paper Books, a line of MUSIC pieces. Recent additions make The Dalle, We confidently invite oom