TELEGRAPHIC. KUIs A. Policeman. - San Fkancxsco, Sept, 11. Late last night officers at the branch police station on F a m and Fifilt streets . re siai .. d ' by a pistol shot fired just outside the door. Rushing out. they found officer Grant lying dead on tbe pavement with a bullet hole in his bead. A man was seen running away, and on being stopped they found be had handcuffs on bis wrists. The cuffs were afterwards found to belong to Officer Grant. Maurice B. Curtis. "Sam'l of Posen," tbe well-known actor, who shot and killed Police Officer ' Alexander Grant, ' who bad arrested him last night tells the following story of the affair. "I was at the Grand opera-house last night with my wile to see Bernhardt in 'Camille.' I left the theater about 10 o'clock to go to tbe Tivoli theater with William Kre- ling, one ot the proprietors. We bad a - drink together, and I left bim to , return to tbe opera-bouse for my wile. When I reached the corner of Third and Mis sion, I was suddenly tumbled into the gutter and after that I remember nothing only somebody pulling and jerkiDg me about DDtil I found myselt in a wagon witn nandcons on my wrists. When Curtis - was taken to jail last night be appeared to be under tbe influ ence of liquor, and incoherently told of bis doings during the night, protesting that be wag innocent of the murder. Tbe place where tbe officer arrested Cur tis is some blocks from tbe station-house, but the shnotincr nr.nnrrpd within half a block of the station, and within hearing of a number of policemen. Grant was -killed immediately, tbe bullet entering the middle of the forehead penetrating the brain. He was 38 years of age and bad been on the police lorce about five years. - He was well liked by bis brother officers, many of wbom were unable to control tbelr grief when be was brought to the station dead. Curtis, who is known throughout the United States from tbe character of "Sam'l of Poscn" in a play which was created for bim. has resided tor tbe past two or three years at Herkely. Ualif. He bad acduired consid erable property through the profits ac- . cruing from bis success as an actor and erected a large hotel at Betkely, which bas since been converted into a seminary. He began life as a call boy at tbe Califor nia theater in this city, gradually work ing Lis way up through minor roles to the position of a recognized actor in comedy parts. Tbe pistol with which tMe shooting was done was found in the street near the scene of tbe tragedy. A. Domestic's Suicide. Spokane, Bent. 13. Bessie Black, a domestic employed in the familv of Dr. Hughes, on West Second street, commit ted suicide this afternoon by shooting herself through tbe heart. Tbe tragedy was a great surprise to tbe family. Mrs. Hughes asked tbe girl to water the chick ens, and she complied. . A shot was heard - and on Mrs. Hughes rushing out, the : found that tbe girl bad laid down upon the floor and sent a buUet through her heart from a revolver belonging to Dr Hughes. The body was taken to tbe morgue, and her relatives in Idaho were telegraphed of tbe tragedy. Dr. Hughes knows nothing of tbe motives that led to tbe suicide, further than tbe girl bad two suitors, and was supposed to be engaged to one ot tnem. it is tnongnt ' toat a young carriage painter named Chambers, wbo is now in , Portland, bad some influence in the tragic death of Miss Black. She said that she was engaged to him, and also to another young man in Canada. A day or two ego she received a letter irom Chambers, wbicb seemed to depress her very much. Home time ago she threatened to kill herself and bought laudanum for that purpose,- but was prevented by Dr. Hughes. On the Volcano's BrlsK. Berlin, Sept. 12. Tne leading politi cal developement of the utek bas been tbe practical- adhesion of tbe Italian Prime Minister Bndini to tbe policy of Lord Sailsbnry, tbe English premier. ' The sultan of Turkey's new bias in tbe direction of favoring Russia, as instanced . Dardanelles'affuir, will now have to bear tbe weight of tbe counter influence of Austria and Italy, and probably Germany, for it is stated that Herr von Radowitz, the German ambassador to the porte, at an audience with tbe sultan Wednesday, urged a favorable bearing to be given to tbe view of Great Britain, and through his representations. Sir William White tbe British ambassador to Turkey, was given an audience by -the saltan yester day. Tbe gravity of the situation is in tricated in a summons calling the envoys of- the port at Vienna, Berlin, St. Petersburg and London to Constant! noplo. Tbe French ambassador, Count of Monet Bello, wbo was on tbe eve of presenting bis letters ot recall to tbe sultan, bas been instructed by bis gov ernment to remain at his post in order to prevent tbe sultan, under pressure of other diplomats, from weakening aud breaking bis resolutions. The latest in telligence from Constantinople indicates the continuous success of Franco-Russian diplomacy in Turkey. The sultan bas offered a place in tbe ministry to Chakir ' Pasba, a declared paitisan of tbe Russian alliance and known to be tbe foe of Eng land and itbe dreibuud. Tbe foreign office here regards England's difficulty with complacency. Lord Salisbury's oucitations lor. diplomatic aid foices England into a closer union with tbe triple alliance, and thus tends in tbe - direction of bringing about a formal compact between England and Germany, Austria ana Italy. - Uitnerto Lord Balis- . bury has rejected all overtures looking to .cngiana s oecoming a party of tbe Orel bund compact A Hamburg correenon dect publishes an ' article on tbe Dar danelles incident and makes tbe state ment that Russia is preparing a coup by which she will seize tbe Bospborus. Tbe report which circulated in diplomatic circles credits England with an intention te- seize and fortify Tenedos and other islands at tbe month of tbe Dardanelles, in tne event ot a lauure to tstablis re newed entente with tbe porte. The Post points ont bow tbe triple alliance may be drawn into intervening against Kudini committing Italy to an active arme 1 sup port oi England. - ; A Frlsbtfal Heath. San Francisco, Sept. 11. Schoonei General Banning arrired from Flint's island to day witb a cargo of cocoanuta. ; Her commander, Captain Spring, reports tnat wDlte loading tier cargo the vessel was twice blown ont to sea by severe etorms. On eaoh occasion about 100 natives were ou board, and they hastened asnore in canoes. The second time sev eral canoes were capsized, ana tne occa pants were thrown into the water, which warmed witb sharks. Out of thirtv-one natives who were thrown into tbe water I eight were killed and eaten iy sharks and one man bad bis leg bitten off below tne knee. . London, Sept. 10. Copenhagen ad vices bring a report that, netwitbstanding tbe strict watch kept upon tbe move ments of tbe Chilian war vessel Presi- dente Pinto, she eluded tbe vigilance of tne autnonties and successfully snipped bcr guns,, thus accomplishing the object of ber visit. Accident on tne Union Pacific In Colorado. Denyeb, Sept. 13. Passenger train No. 314, bound for Denver, on tbe Gray mount division of the' Union Pacific, was wrecked this morning at 11 o'clock, near Beaver Brook station, and twenty three passengers' were injured. Five of them will probably die. Tbe train was late and running very rapidly. When round ing a sharp curve tbe express car left the track, and rolled down a nrteen-teet em bankment. ' It was followed by the mail and two . passenger cars, one of wbicb ' tamed over twice before reaching the bottom. The train was loaded witb pas sengers, many of wbom were Knights of i'jtnias, woo were returning irom mo state convention, which was held at Asnen last week. When the news rprlipfl G"'Pn f wwlin" 'ruin w I iil.i-d ( in., nun wa .- at in- ti u 11 ert Pruiu, an enipioje of the road, attempted to board the engine. In doing so bis revolver fell from bis bip pocket. Tbe hammer struck a stono and the wea pon was discharged. Tbe ball took effect in his body, making a wound which will result fatally. Those seri ously injured in the wreck were left at Golden in tbe bands of physicians, while those not badlv hurt were brought to this citv and taken to their homes and the hospitals. Neither Afllrms Xor ueniea It. Tacoma. Sept. 13. Ever since the robbery of the Fidelity bank by Secre tary Albertson all sorts of rumors as to tbe amount taken have been in circula tion, none of which could be veribed, as the officers of tbe bank refused to talk. The report that; itlbertson got away with $1,000,000 in securities is ridiculous, n the bank never bad that amount in its vaults at any one time. To night Presi dent Wal!ace refuses to affirm or deny the story, solely because the trial of tbe Seattle Albertson comas ud in Justice Sharp's court to-morrow, and he does not wish to say anything to prejudice the case. Legal Notices. PROPOSALS fJoUT. Brail and ChoP Feed, I ' c V. 8. INDIAN SERVICE, ") WARM SPRINGS AGENCY, OREGON, J Jnlv 22, 1891. ) Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Flour, Bran and 1 hop Feed." and addressed to be under- sinned at Warm bnrines. Crook county, Oregon. (contractor to furnish warehouse facilities), will be received at this agency until 8 o clock r. M. ot FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER IS, 1891, For furnish inz and delivering at The Dalles. Orec-on about 50.000 lbs Flour, 30,000 lbs Bran and 50 000 It s of Chop Feed Feed must be f clear Barley and Oats, fresh sronnd and of good sound erain. Flour must be what is known ax straight full stock, of good sound wheat ; grown in the section of country contiguous to the place of delivery; 60 pounds of wheat to be ground down to 42 pounds of flour. No patents taken out. Samples of not less tban 10 lbs most be furnished by bidders. Delivery to be made in such quantities as may be required. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or any part of any bid i.' deemed for the besi interest of the service. Bidders must state specifically in their bids tbe pr- posed price of each article offered for de livery unaer a contract. CERTIFIED CHECKS. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or diaft upon some United States depository or solvent National Bank in the vicinity of the resi dence of the bidder, made payable to the order of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs lor at least nve per cent, of the amount of the proposal, which check ot 4 raft will be forfeited tb the United States in case auf bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fail to ,if amptir oxecute a contract with good and sum cient sureties; otherwise to be returned to the bid- d r. Bids arwmnanied by cash iu lieu of a certi- nid creek will not be consideied. For further par ticulars apply to J. j. liLiUbbi, at u. S. Indian Agent. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an fiecution. and order of sale Issued out of tbe circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, on the 24th day of July. 1891, in the suit wnerein the solicitors' Loan and Trust Com pany is plaintiff, and Jame9 Booth, Mary Booth.. W. f. McLlure. Sarah H. McClure, D. O Alter, Ada Alcer, Kalp! Rogers, Julia N. Rogers, Uri Embody. J. St. Taylor. Daniel Grid ey, F. F. Hall and John W. rrancis are defendants, to me directed, com manding me to make sale of the lands in said exe cution. and order of sale, described to-wit: Those certain pieces and parcels of land in Wasco ccunty, state of Oregon, known and described as the east half and the east l-alf of the southwest quarter of section IS. all of section 16, the east half of section 17, and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 22. all in townshin 1 north of range 1 east of the niUamette meridian, situated in Wasco eounty, Oregon. I hive this day levied upon uus lana, ana on Saturday, theStb day of September, 1891, At tbe hour of t o'clock, p. m., a the court house door in Wasco comity, state of Oreg n. I will sell said land and all tne right, title and interest which said defendants had therein on the 25th day of February, 1887 (the date of the moranure described in the complaint in said suit) or bave since acouired at public auction to the highest bidder therefor to satisty tne judgment, interest, attorney s fees, costs and disbursements in said suit, to-wit: 82,317.00 and interest mereon xrom the istft day of November, I860, at the rate of six per cent, per annum. Com pounded semi-annually at the rate of 8 Der cent, rtar annum on 12000 thereof, aud at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum on $317 thereof, and the further sum of SOO attorney fees, and costs and disburse ments taxea at vt&.w. . Dated this 4 tb day of August, 189L D L. CATE3. SaugHt Sheriff of Wasco Co., Oregon Sheriff's Sale. "IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF.THE STATE OF 1 uregon lor wasco county. John Prall, Plaintiff, vs. C. E Bayard. Administrator of tbe Estate of N. W. Harper, deceased, defendant. By virtue of an execution, dulv issued out of the above-entitled court, in the above cause, on the 14th day of Jnly of 1891. Upon a decree rendered In said cause on the 11th day of July of 1891, in favor of the above-named plaintia and against tbe defend ant aboye named for the sum hereinafter mentioned, wnicn decree, among other things, ordered the sale of the lands hereinafter described, to satisfv aaid Duuio, a uiu lev j upuu auu will sell UU Saturday, August. 23, 1891, At the court house door In Dalles City. Waaco county. Or., at the hour of 2 o'clock r. m. ol said day at public auc ion to the highest bidder for cash in nana aU the following-described mortgaged land to-wit: The west half of rbe northwest anarter of section 28, toanship 1 south, range 16 east W M., being and situated in Waeco county, Oregon, to satisfy the sums of 211.60, with interest therton from a id llih day of July, 1891, at the rate of 8 per cent, per niiuum tuiii tne lunner sum oi as costs ox suit ana accruing nereon. Dated this 16th day of July, 1891. 1. L. CATES. Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. Adinininistrator's Sale of Real Estate. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon for the County of llultnomah. in the matter of the estate of Michael Little de- Notice is hereby given that undei and hv an order of salr,duly made and entered of record in the uunLV uourt OI we Estate or ureiron for tho l.n.f pi Multnomoh by Hon. J. C. Horeland, Judge there in, on toe ota aay or August, ltui, the UBdersigned, C. W. Lomler. administrator of the said mttj. u in sell at DuMic auction to the hiitheat and )imu hlMa at cne irons aoor oi tne county court bouse in Dalles City, county ef Wasco and State of Oregon, at the uvui w svv v vw;b a jax.Jl uits , 23d day of September, 1891, the following described real property, situated in the county of Wasco and State of Oretron, to-wit: The north one-half of the northeast quarter of sec- uuu ujirbeeu, in townfeoip two n'rtn, or- range ten east of the Willamette meridian, for cash paid at the dav ot sale, in United Slates gold coin, or one-half cash down and the balance in one year or leas, se cured by a mortgage on the above described real property oy me purcnas-r or sucn property. C. W. LOMLER. Administrator of the estate of Michael Little, de. W. L. NsTTOTO. Administrator's Attorney. vitea August 11th, 1891. augl5-6t KOTICE FOR JlE-PUBUCATlON; Lahd Omca Ar Tn Dalles, Or. " Ammiit ft. Iftm. Notice is hereby riven that tbe following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make nnsi prooz in support "oi nis claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the C. S. land office M The Dalles, Or., on Sept. JOSEPH H. HALL, Hd. 1907. for the SJ 6EJ, Sec 26, Tp 1 N, R IS K W M. ' He names the following witnesses to nrovn hia wluuuiw rwuruce upon ana cultivation of said aou, via: Jacob Obnst, Hiram Chittenden, E C Teague, A t.ucra, air ui iae Laues, ur. "gia JOHN W. LEWIS. Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. . Laud Optics at Ths Dalles, Oregon, Amruat 29. 1801. Notice is hereby riven that the followint..nnm.i settler his filed notice of his intention to make firmi proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wm uv uuMia wiuro cue negister ana rteceiver of the U. S.. land office at The Dalles. Or., on O. toher IQA1 ... . ' ' - ' JOHN E. BARNETT. (Hd. No. 3659,) for the nw 4 Sec. 13, T 1 s, r 14 e, He names the followinir witnesses to nrnvn ; cuuuuuuus rewuenve upon ana cultivation of said lano, viz: James J. Wooiery and John M. McCullv. of Bwrt Ogn., Robert Gilbraith and Elijah W. Trout, of The liuies, vgu. aug JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. JTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lahd Omcs at The Dalles, Or., Aufftut 10. 1KS1 Notice is 'hereby given that the followimr-namiid settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis daim. and that said nmn will be made before the Register and Receiver of thj u. . utna omce at Tne uallea. Or., on Sent. ev vHESTEH W. EMERSON. Hd. No. 1707. tor the N NWV. 8 El UWl and W1 .1.7, on. fiu, ijiin, nio A n a. He names the following witnesses to Drove his 1 continuous resiaence upon, ana cultivation of, said land, viz: Joseph C. Egbert, James Hurst, Isaac Young, auuwu tfoKoua, Ml ui luo isauea, ur. augic juhn w LKWis, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . : Lahd Omca at The Dalles, Oresoh, September 8. lttai. Notice is hereby given that the f jllowinr -named 1 settler has filed notice of his intention to make final Eroof in support of his claim and that said proof will s made before the Krister and receiver at Tbe vaues, or., on uctoDer its, itl, yiz: . JESSIE T. COPLAND, Homestead No. S664 for the W U NEW and E U NW U. See. 28. Tn. 2 N. R M E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resiaence upon, ana cultivation or, said 1 jia, via: Alexander J. Anderson. Oraras Salvor. Hanrv Tan Bibber and Ernst Frederick, all of The Hallaa. w. I" ' Jurifl rr. AiiiVTAo, xtegister. The (Second Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society. SPEED PROGRAMME -FOR FAIR OP 1391 TrKSDAY. BBPT- 22, 1891. Rack No 1. Kuitnu ir Saddle nor, stake So en trance. $50 added. Fire to enter; three to start; catch weights. The officers of tlie society to have the rurht to reject any entry that In their iudjr ment does not strictly. constitute a saddle horse. Half mile dash. Kacb No. 2. Trottinjr Yearling stake, 10 en trance. S50 added: S6 payable July 1. 1891, when stake closi s and entries must be marie; of entry due Sent. 21. 1891. Half mile dash. Kacb No 8. Trotting Two-year-old class, mile heats, best two in three, purse of $75. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 23, 1891. Rao No, 4. Running Inland Empire stake for two-year-olds, $20 entrance, $76 added; $10 payable Sept, 1, 1891, when stake closes and entiles must De made, Balance oi entry due sept, 21, isui . uoi w to carry 110 pounds, fillies and geldinxs 107 pound. non-thoroughbreds allowed ten pounds. Half-mile dash. Rack No. 5. Running Three-eighths of a mile and repeat, rurse oi iuu : Racb No. 6. Trottinsr Gentlemen's roadsters. stake 15 entrance $50 added. Five to enter, three to start. To be driven by the t.wner to road cart, half mile heats, three iu nve. I1IUE8DAT,SEPT. 24, 1891. Racb No, 9. Running Half mile dash, purse of $100. Rack No. 8. Trotting Three minute class, mil heats, three in five, purse of $100. FRIDAT. SIFT. 25, 1S91. Racb No. 7. Running Half-mile and reyeat purse of i50. Racb No. 10. Trotting 2:40 class, mile heats, tw 0 best in five, purse of $125. SATURDAY, SKIT. 28,1891. Racb No. 11- Running Three-quarters of a handicap. Entries close Sept. 24, 1891, with ment of $5. Weights announced 2 p. m. dept. 25, Acceptance of weight and balance of entrance mnev due by 9 p. m. same d:iy. Purse of $125. Racb No. 12. Trotting Free for all, miie heats, best three in five, purse of 1 175. Racb No. IS. Trotting Three-year-old class, mile heats, best three in five, purse ot iuo. CONDITIONS. Eligible only to horses owned and located in the Second District, Oregon and Klickitat county, Washington, prior o April 1, laL Entrance in all mirse races, ten per cent, of the amount of the purse; four or more to enter, three to Htart. All entries in trotting races not otherwise speci fied to close with the secretary at The Dalles, on ept 1, 1891. All entries in running races not otn- ,186 specmea Close wisn toe secrcutry Alio Dalles 6 D. m. the nurht before the race takes place. No money given for a walk-over. Entriei not ac- comrjanial bv the money will not be recognized. Nominations to be made in writing, giving tbe name, age, color, sex, sire and dam (if known and when not known that fact should be stated) and colors of the owner. This rule will be strictly en forced. In case the purses above given do not fill with four complete entries, tbe board has the power to reduce the amounts of tne purses as In their iudirment seems wontr. ine hoard nas ana reserves tne ngm to postpone races in caee of inclement weather. Any horse distancing the field shall be entitled to nrst ana tnira moneyB only. In all races, not otherwise specified, money to be divided 70. 20. and 10 per cent, of the purse. All running races to De governed Dy tne rules oi the Pacific Coast Blood Horse Association. All trotttnsr races to be governed by the rules of the National Trotting Associathtn. t-WSend to J. O. Mack. Secretary. The DaXUn. Oregon, and obtain blanks upon which to make your entries. 1. O. MACE, JAS. A. YARNEY, . Secretary, - - President. Dissolution Notice. VT OTICE Is hereby given that the partnership i.1 heretofore existing between C. M. Fouts and Benjamin Wilson, under the firm name of Fonts St Wilson, is tins day dissoivea Dy mutual consent. All debts owine to said firm will bo paid to C. 11. Fouts, and all bills owing by said firm will be set tied by Benjamin Wilson who will continue the bus iness at tne old stand. u m fouts, BEN WILSON. The Dalles, Jul) ,1891. . Dissolution Notice. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that tbe partnership heretofore existing between Messrs. Bold and Havner in the blacksmith and wagon making business in The Dalles is this dav dissolved bv mutual consent. F. W. Bold will continue the business in his own name. and will pay all debts owed by tbe firm and collect all mils due tne arm. r . w . tsubu, aup28 A. O.HAYNER. FOR SALE. A CHOICE LOT of Brood Mares; also a nrur er T of ueiaings and J-uues Dy Kockwood, -Jr , Planter, Oregon Wilkes and Idaho Chief some standard bred. Also tb- -e fine young stallions by kockwooo, jr., out or nrsv us mares. For prcies and terms eali on or address either J. W. Condon or J. H. Larsen, The Dalles, Or. mctU4-dwtt NOTICE. T O ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. All persons knowinir themselves indebted tn the late Charles E. Dunham are hereby requested to set- .0 WIUI kll(J UllUUnUEUGU. MimirmmTT IHDBM1I. ately. All accounts not settled within the next sixty wyn wui ue pjaceo witn attorneys lor collection. 1UK.-I. LIUA DUMriAM, Adm'x Estate Cnirles E. Dunham, dee'd-. Dalles City, Aug. 29, 1891. notice. TIDS WILL BE RECEIVED by tbe Prineville XI miration uompanv lor the dieirinir of a ditch one metre and 200 rods long; amount of earth to be moved, 27,000 cubic yards. Bids will be received un til the 28th day oi August. Work to commence tho inn aay oi September, 1891. -K1jNCV1LLE IRRIGATION CO atwltt-lm Per T A. Din. Sec.. Prineville, qrook County, uregon. LOST. At Cascade Locks, countv warrants as follows tin ass, uiass so, li, Aug. 12, 1890, J. K. Atwell; No. 645, Class SO, 81.70, Aug. 12, 1890, J. F. Atwell; No., uass ar, ti.zu, Aug. 12, isuo, J. r, Atwell. J. P. ATWBLL. 13ap . Cascade Locks. NOTICE. rjV ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: - That the goods now in my Dossession. belumrintr to Arthur Brandon, as security for $ 10, will be sold on tne in or August, witnout payment is made. ALEX HUQUEN1N The Dalles, Or., July 16, 1890. STRAYED. VNE SORREL. BALD-FACED HORSE, about J 16 bands high, ears inclined to lop; branded jn n, coonecte i, on leit nip. WHi pay reward of $6 for return of horse or any information leaning to uw rewvory. Aaoress u. B. HUKUAN, augis imo The Dalles. Or. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to J L Thompson, will XX Jiimutt) can ana settle ana save costs. J. L. THOMPSON. ine Dalles, Aug 8, 1891. . wlm TAKEN UP. I AME TO MY PLACE about a year ago.: A small J Drown mare, branded lAl on left ahoulder. , . , branded v8 ' on left hip. Owner can have same by taking her away and paying all charges. sepo-imo j. M. ledfoud, Wamic.Or. TAKEN" UP By the subscriber, residinar one mile win throat nf tne city, one red cow with white spots, about Dec 15th. The owner can have the same by proving iHupci vv uU inyuur exunres lor iDii aaverostjipent. liul . . W. BIRGFELD NOTICE. After thirty davs the acconnta due the laiA firm n Fouts & Wilson will be placed in the hands of an attorney ior collection. C. M. FOUTS. Tub Dalles, July 22, 1891. FOE SALE. One double house, new. hard-flniqhefi. mmnTffti, .. two houses, with live rooms each, and each with water. Will sell fur (2,M cash. Inquire at this uiuco. w-siz NOTICE. ALL THOSB INDEBTED to me are requested to come forwaad and settle immediately. - . BEN. AILSON. FOUND. A BUNDLE OF GENTLEMEN'S Clothim nw. -c continiiiff of OTercoftt, under-coat and vest. The owner can nave the same by proving property and For Sale or Lease. SEVENTY-FIVE feet of ground fronting on See ond street, between Federal and Laugblin. Ap Laughun. Ap-1 ply at this office. Old Iron Bought. Mr. J. H. Larsen will nav the IMai nrin. u win huu loiuamuiif iu muj tn cue eunauiKS sinoe the tire of last Wednesday. Bi will ri.. tki. iron on tne vacant space on (Second street, between ne Dries ana rrame warenousesot Hon. Z. r .Moody. $3000; A. TEAK T lntenhkbui. Mch anr SUily intalllsni penom of siibw . wm rem WHO, ana MO, Iter ioatraetkm. will work imim.i..i. Ttarlmhtiiawii.niallil wliiifim ilm,ll, twin. i.i i i the slbmnoa or carpUrneaM w blob job can earn that amoonfc, Ko maaey for ie nulo mjtt fal u aboTo. BajllrandoDjekir learaod. I deairo but ooa worfcar from Mea dlMriet oreooarr. I A I "J bow pwura wiw omptojIDCBI a Urn BuanDer.wbo an attkf mi SSOSS a rearoof a. It's VKW and HOI. I Ik. Full i.rtlwW, Bm fca?.. n. a l.l.Ear " a . i ATTENTION On and ftr th' riate ar price ti-r hi- ks ut"-d in the (juli.ic to liuois will b as .oiiows: First Reader.." $ 20 Second " SO Third " .' 50 Fourth " 70 Fifth " 90 Comolete Speller 20 Arithmetic No. 1 30 Arithmetic No. 2 60 Elementary Geography 00 Comprehensive Geography 1 25 sill s Grammar uu Mental Arithmetic 25 Barnea' Complete LfOtona 60 Bripf History of the U. 8 1 00 Birnes General History 1 60 Steele's Pnyeiology and Hygiene... 1 00 These o rices are for cash with order. Parties ordering by mail will add ten per cent to these prires for postage. E. JACOBSEN & COMPANY, 162 Second St. The, Sept. 11, 1891. LOUIS PAYETTE, (Successor to Payette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER. Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in iron or wooo done in the neatest manner. Anything in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery ic paired in the most skill ful and workmanlike manner. mch21dw i On and after this date our price for books used in tbe public schools will be as follows: First Reader : ? 20 Second " 30 Third " 50 Fourth " 70 Fifth " 90 Complete Speller 20 Arithmetic No. 1. . 30 Arithmetic No. 3 60 Elementary Geography 60 Comprehensive " 1 25 Sill's Grammar 60 Mental Arithmetic' 25 Barnes' Complete Lesson? 60 Brief History of U. 8 1 00 Barnes General History 1 60 Steele's Physiology and Hyg'ene.. 1 00 These prices are for cash with order. Parties ordering by mail will add ten per cent, to these prices for postage. P0ST0FFICE STORE, 142 Second and 107 9 Washington St. The Dalles, Aug. 31, 1891. COLUMB1 A. CANDY FACTORY, W. S. CRAM, Prop. (Successor to Cram & Corson.) Manufacturers of the finest French and Home-made CANDIES In Tbe Dalles. Also tbe best ICE CREMI anil WATER And dealer in Tropical Fruit; Nuts Etc. Fresh Oysters Served IN EVERY STYLE. 104 Seeond Street THE DALLES, 08. JOHJST PASHEK, MERCHANT TAILOR -ALSO- CLEANSING and REPAIRING, J IB NOW LOCATED AT 77 Second Street, Where, out of a few remnants of cloth he saved out of the fire, he will MAKE SUITS CHEAPER THAN EVER. Would be glad to see all his old patrons. Maier & Benton, Office, corner Third aod Union Sts. CORD WOOD I Besc quality of Fir and Oak on band. All Orders .filled promptly. Don't forget that We are in the Ice Business! EUGENE. Nert season beuins on Monday, the 21st aav September, 1891. Tuition, free. Four Courses: Classical. Scientific. Literarv. and a short EmrUsh course, in which there is no Latin. ureeK. rrencn or uennan. Tne English is pre eminently a Business course, r or catalogues or utner imormation. aoarese J. w juuflHus. yl7-2m President GO TO COLUMBIA W. S. OEAM, Prop., -FOE TOUR- CANDIES, Tropical Eruits, Nuts, LluAKS and l UBAttU. Goods warranted fresh and of first-class quality. Can furnish any of these Goods at wholesale .. ana retail quantities. -104 Seoond Street. THE DALLES, OREGON. 320 Reward. sold ntoh. Waltham Biveraide. 18-ka rat. will receive the above reward by leaving the same at uus otnee or at airs. t. ttaiawin s. it was toss last Wednesday upon the streets ot The Dalles. J JUtOt.4.. JHALdJWUI. . important n-a j.. f-i rjiiTiiui unvimuiA; H HUE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, Washington street, bet. 2d and 3d Tbe Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS ON 8ALE. N. B. WHYERS, PROPRIETOR. BEN. WILSON, (Successor to Fouts & Wilson.) 219 AND 221 SECOND STKERT. Dealer in Wm, Liquors and Cigars 'United We Star And othei choice brands of Whisky IMPORTED WfNES KEY WEST CIGARS. s7 Also W nes and iieer. .uported aud domestic it OLD GERMANIA," 90 Second St. C. DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on sale the best Wines, Liquors, AIVI CIGARS. Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. The finpst brands of Imported and Do. mestic (jigars a specialty. au7-91riy Wiseman & Butler, (Successors to J. H. McDonough & Co.) DEALERS IN Choice Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. None bnt the best brand? of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Court and second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. H. STONEHAN, The Leading ana 1 14 SECOND STREET, ADJOINING FACAN'S Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. (Third year In Portland). All Chronic, Nervous, Blood, Skin, Private and Wasting Diseases Quickly and permanently cured. Dis eases of men, all ages. Sufferers from the effects of youthful Indiscre tions or excesses of middle life, Loss of Enenrv. Power and Memory, Physical and Nervous Debllitv. Stricture. Imoedi- n sVf-IA rina. lirlnaw Kll4.1nw onrl Rectal Diseases. Belief at once. They cure all Diseases of Women. Consultation free. Charges reasonable, cures guaranieeu. DRS. COLE & CO., 132 and 134 Third St, Cor. Aider. PORTLAND, OR. CHRISMAN BROTHERS (Successors to F. Taylor.) Propnetori-of the CITY MARKET Tliirtl Htreet. Hams, ' Bacon and Sausage always on hand. dec31d&wtf OIV ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken : it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, JLiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its nation and truly beneficial in its effects, its manv excellent niinlitipp commend it to all. It is for safe in oOc and $1 bottles by all leading druggisti maouiaciurea omy Dy tne CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP. CO. ' 8AH FHANCI8C0, CAL. L0UI8VIUE. Kf. HEW YORK. M.I CITY BAKERY -AND- Second and Union Streets. A. L. NEWMAN, Proprietor WANTED SALESMEN Local aad Traveling;. A roe4 Cfeaaee; Dent fllsa It I Ton need no capital to represent a reliable firm that war rants nursery stock firatiaas and true to name. work all tbe year, and rood pay weekly to energecio men. Apply quick, statins; age. L. L. MAT as CO., Nurserymen, Florists aad Seedsmen, St. Paul, sunneaoi. junliMwkiy OLCGmm Dnarlantl Aaaann A a iteaaiwma Dala BrmDch 8cbool : Capital Bus. College, Salem. Oregon. Business, Shorthand. Tjfitmritinf, Prrnmamkif, and English Departmntt aa-in session wrougnoiu tne year. Btnaents aamlL l at any time. Catalogue from either school, free. Bnnjf Utile fotiuo. hare bora madf'sU work for ua, bjr A una Pagr. Austin, TmsU, and Juo. llonn, Tolsulo, Ob to. idM eat. Otban ndoinr mwsII. Why oi jroar ote rmrn over . uw m utMith. Ton can do ths work astd lira at tsotoe, wkfltvTcr yon in. Een b. rnnera an easily caminff from & to IV a day. A II tftm. W show yon bow and start yon. Can work In spare lima or all the ttoM. 11 If motiey for work er. Failure, nnkmowa antonf tbttn. NEW and wonderful. Psrtirulars (nm. , Bax ft 0O PorUBOd, Mv1ai BOOI snoemaRe y; ITs-l f4 S mi HEALTH IS WEALTH ! DR. E. a WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT MENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dlizincjs, ittnvuunons, fits, .Nervous Aieuraigia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused bv tbe use of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental depression. Softening of tbe Brain, resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay ana aeatn, rremacure uiu Age, car renness. Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntcr Losses and Spermatorrhoea caused by overexertion ot tne Dram, seil-anuse or over-indu gence. Each box contains one month's treatment. 91 a box, or six boxes lor 5 ?nt 3 ' oiail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by n lor six uoxts, acvumuauira wun o, we will sena the purchaser our written guarrntee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure, flimr. Lantees issued only by BLAKELEV & HOUGHTON, Sole Agents, 176 Second street. The Dalles, Or. $500 Reward ! WE wtil pay the abore reward for any cane of Ltv Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion. Co stlpatlon or Costtveness we cannot cure with West Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions arg-trictl complied with. They are purely Vegetable, aoVev fail to give satisfaction. Sugar Coated. Larg ,ixe containing 90 Pilta, 2S cents. Beware of counWHelt and imitations. The irennine manufactured only Ic JOUH C. WEST COMPANY, CtUCAGO, ILL. Blakeley ft Honirhton. Sole Atrents. Second street. The Dalles Or To Yonng Housekeepers Free to all Brides ! NOTICE is hereby given to all the readers of this paper and all their fri nds an 1 acouaintancea throughout the United States and Canada that THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year ss A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whosi address and iu ct-nis to pay postage u sent to tna publisher within one year from the date of their marriage'. Persons eendinsr for this present are reo nested to send copy of a paper containincr a notica of their marriage, or som other evidence that sltall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine under the abore offer. Address, THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, VL IT 19 THE IPEAI. MEPICTTSr. It rouses the Liver and Kidneys and &!rmi::c.'' c ires Hdache, Dyspepsia, creates an Ai tile, Ptirifies the Impure Blood, and rrunutrt o arry tcA evc7FtTlier8, 91a bottlo : siz tor f BUNNELL : BROS., 190 Third Street PIPE WORK. PIPE 11 TIN REPAIRS Specialty. MAINS TAPPED WITH PRESSURE OH. Opposite Thompson's Blacksmith Simp JOHN SMITH, Tonsorial Artist, No. 91 Second Street. (Charles Gilgard's old stand. Second St.) He bis opened a barber shop, and will shave and cut hair in the latest style of the art lor tbe nsnal prices. Mr. Smith is well-known to oar citizens. baring been in the employ of Mr. Charles Frazier for several months, and needs no recommendation. au8-dwlm C. W. ADAMS, r Is now located at 77 Second Street, Next to Schutz Justice Office. KcDalrinc a fSDeeialtw. Be has saved some of his best leather out of the fire and will make the neatest boot or shoe of anyone in the citv. Charles F. Lauer, Proprietor ot tne Third Si. Pooltnr and Fisl. Market. Will always keep on sale Puget Sound Fish, Chickens, Turkeys, Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco and Curars. Leave your orders, as thev will receive nromnt KOUUfl. .and. EUREKA RESTAURANT F. W. L. SKIBBE, PROP. A High Grade of Wines, Liquors k Cigare T .TT.TvT .H.J .V .? PUT TJF FOR Jl .U .11 .j.LL .i .OTRAVELERS Cor. Second and Hadison, near assonirpr depot. mv4d- EAST END SALOON, Near the.Old Hint Building;, Second St. The Dalles, Or. Always on fcsuad thst Best ArVines, JLiiquox-s, and Oisra.xs. A Pleasant Evening Resort Colombia Brewery and Imported Lager Beet on dran? at. J. TV. LAUER, WAGON MAKER - -AND- - GENERAL JOBBING Third Street (MicheU's Planing Mill). Carriage and Wagon Painting Done. Work executed on short notice. Pioneer Grocery, GEO. RTJCH, Proprietor. Northwest corner of Second and Washington Bts. ine cneapest place in Tne uaiies lor All Kinds of Groceries, FLOUR CRAIH WIUOW WISE, ITC. ble. TaaRes The weak Strong. i!yWi!rrlWWaJr'l.' IW " m mi I is is j-ui i lneArtistichoemake THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FACTORY NO. 105. PlfADO of tn0 Tiet,t Brands mai:uract UlUHnO nred, and ordeas from all paiis of .the country filled on tbe shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day. dec24dy-tf A. ULRICH 4 SON. Snipe'Kinerly, Leadings Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon. J. H. LARSEN, Dealer in all kinds of Hay, Grain and Feed, At his old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. The highest Cash Price paid for Sheep pelts. H. GLENN. Is again at his old stand and has on hand FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT Tanks of all sizes, from 1(W to 40,000 gallons, made 10 oraer. Contracts for all kinds of bnildines taken at the lowest fipures. If you want THE BEST, buy ALLEN'S nooiin SEEDS ! If tbe merchant you deal with does not keep them, send to ALLEN direct. He pays the postage. Beautiful Catalogue sent free. Address E. W. 171 Second Street, ALLEN. - PORTLAND, OB Abbe bit asrenta Tar w. 1.. TlnnvlaH SVhw If not for sale fn year Blace suak year dealer to send for catajoaaet aeeare She imeocy, saa ses tnem lor yon. tW TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE c.N?eERM EN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WQflUI FOR THE MONEY P It la a seamless snoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet: made of the beat fine ealf. atvllah and easy, and because sue suae mots akoes of tAlt oraae wan any otAer manHTaerwrer, lc equals nana. sewed shoes costing: from niJOQ to SS.QQ. ser w umsise nsisewed, uw mat can HfStm shoe ever offered for (3.00; eq rials Frencn Sffl shoes which cost from SS.00 to .13.00. OO Hnad-Hewrd Welt Saoe, One ealf, strlish. comfortable and durable. The beas shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as cus- tam-maae aaoes oosnna irom se.uu so ay-urn E su ronce etaaei ranners, Hauroaa Men rfe and Letter Carriers all wear them; fine calf. etUBless, smooth inaide. heavy three soles, ezten- imriVHv. I alon ' une pair will wear a year, $2. O fine calfi no better shoe ever offered at this nrlce: one trial will nonvincA thoM wot wani a snoe zor comiorr ana service. CO US ssd S.e Warklnna 23 aad are Ten are very strong and durable. Those wbo bave Biven them a trial will wear no other mika AUel arc.vo ana 9J.7 J scnooi snoes am DUJO worn bv the bovsevervwherai thev sell on their merits, as tbe Increasing sales show. a affiae eif.trw ntiMewM snoe, nest muiso IMngola.eTystynsh:eqnalsFren I uonirolATverviitvliiih: ma: bnported shoes oosttng from UN to VM. l.aHl.i St.Xft- S.A mm l Hisses are the best fine Dongola. 8tyu&h and durable. l'aatloa. See that w. u. Douglas' name and nrtoa are suunpea on tne oonom ox eacn snoe. W. L. OOUQLAS. Brockton, Kass. J. FmmaiiAgt. The Dalles.Or . BCPD FOR OUR C ATA LOGO Eko PR'OCS ATLAS-ENGINE WORKS, 'N&t&r&fL&O US, IN9. oiaiHiiiiaiiiHiiiariiHfaxBiLiasiiHsa . THE CELEBRATED . SMITH & WESSON fREVOLVERSl ! The Finest Small Arms Ever Manuftcfered. i n i iH - i "-' I for anminapv nilDlDIl ITV I EXCELLENCE of ! la.nDkfilAa.CUia sa- CONVENIENCE In LOADING and SAFETY. Beware of cheap iron imitations, Send for Illustrated Catalogue asd Price List to SMITH A. .urej;nu SPRINGFIELD. TtTA S :!!iBiiiiHisi!ii:axH:iL'K'!a;mi; I. O. MACK. WHOLESALE Liquor Dealer FRENCH'S BLOCK, Second Street. - The Dallea THE DALLES MJ r"hl Ck Xi UrkYlr O lllCtl U1C Tf Ul JVD) I C. J. Smitli, Prop'r. Buy at Horpt and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Cox 218. THK DALLES, UKEGOK. L. P. OSTLUND ill Will furnish drafts and estimates on aU buildings. dwellings and stores. Mr. Ostlnnd is a practical mechanic, and tire plans drafted by bim will prors arusuc, eneap ana dura Immmi Contractor and Builder sr - j- v m.n iw v, WHOLESALI Harflware, Iron. Steel and Farm Maclery. SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. These Hachlnea axe too well known to need comment. Thousands of farmers hara . used tnem and speak of them with praise. They ax the only Earreitlntr Kachlnei that will glre ENTIRE SATISFACTION to ths purchaser. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE, Tne most Effeotive and Successful Combination for Threshing; and Cleanlnf -' Grain ,ver constructed. BUCKEYE STEELERAME TWINE-BINDERS. OThe Feature that distinguishes this Twine-Binder h the Lightness of Draft, combined with Ua Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is ot the Applebv pattern, the only really suoosssftd one yet known. We hare two styles, the Elevator BinJcr and the Platform Binder both exoelieos both reoommended by hundreds of patrous. . . SOMTTLER FARM I AUOHS, BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS . AND SEEDERS. C0RBIN DISC HARROWS, HODGES-HAINES HEADERS. HAISH BARB WIRE "SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Or to E. N. CHANDLER, J IPuLri.G'xr&Ll The Underelgned has Added to his Business a full line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Gaskets, Burial Robes and Shronds. Trimmings of all descriptions at tne Lowest Prices and owns the 9l08t Elegant flrane cant of the srjonntaias. with all the latest Improvements. NO DELAY 3CN PlSMie of Baal-sees, In Nickelsen's Block, corner Third and Waahinton suests. Place Of Refltdeace Fourth s net, corner of Washington. Can be s-en at all beurs ot the da and night. PRINZ & Furniture THE LEADING - Best Stock and Second Htreet, H. CLOTJQH. CALL AND JLJJLVy JULVVrJAVX X Tbe only machine that gives a coctinuout. twist to the wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC Strong, Durable, Neat, and T T7 C"T T? T7 A. T DUO 1 IJCINJJ. IX1JtLJ n,. CLOUGH : & The The One Price Cash House, . COR. SECOND AKD COURT STS., , P. IcIIEMY, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Aent for tte Merict Patterns, also CHAS. E. " THE DALLES, OltEGON, -DEALER DRUGS, MEDICINES JTine Toilet soaps, urusnes, -uotuos, eta ireriamery ana rancy Toilet Articles. Pare Brandy, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. THE P0ST0FFI0E STOEE, Besides leading beyond dispute in now carries TICKi Embracing all the latest popular oar line of Kido Tablets the most complete Dtrisoo of soods and prices. wAra a a nist srarr t lz spcona ana iu-iuh wasninKton streets Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. iarCash adranees made on consignment. G. NOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Pisns and specifications tor building fur nished. Will do aU kinds of excavating and Trading. AU orders shonldbe left at postoffice box 322 novl3 J. P ft t ujit t, First ana Tine Streets, l1. OREGON. 0CALER3 IN Deere Plows, Deere Carriagss, Fluetonsi Sulky "Plows, Top Baggies, Agent, The Dalles, Tip! DDI a w Or UHSBBTASSB -AND Dii'ector. FILLING ORDERS. WM, MiUililiLilj. 9 NITSCHKE and Carpets. UNDERTAKERS. Lowest Prices. N - The Dalle, Oreayo n A. LARSEN 1TJL LL JJL JLl J FENCE WORKS. Cheapest Fence in tbe world. T7 TV JT A TM? LAR3EN, : Proprietors,1 Dalles. Oregon. IN- for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, DMIAI, IN- AND CHEMICALS, Periodicals and Paper Books, a line of MUSIC pieces in The Recent additions make Dalles. We ooDfideotly invite com M. T. NOLAN. n . -txiii:- GEEMAIIA, CHAS. STUBLING. Prop. New Vogrt Block, The Dalles, Or. Wines, Lipors and Cigars. All brands of Import! Liouora, Ala and Porterjand aouususj nci n n vi(aaXsK A IUU UDt W CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Draught.