The Hew Mines. I . Eight Mile Creek, Aog. 30, 1891. Editor Tisss-Moiiiruissxa: ' " If you' grant us space in your valuable ' paper we 'will try and give your rasny r-n1 r-Ktb1 p-r v n i'- 'r r'- ' 'I f g.i licnio -u r.vor. As in.-c is always mure or - less excitement in the finding cf new mines, so the finding of this mine was attended with the usual excitement. Having beard ramora of old men finding gold and silver-bearing quartz in abundance In the "vicinity of Hood river and Mt. Hood, jour bumble servant and a number of others took the fever in a bad form, and tbe fever ran so high that on August 20th we lett Eight ' Kile for the new diggings on Salmon river, on the other Bide of tbe Cascade mountains. . Tbe part; waa made up of the following gentlemen: W. J. David son and brother in-law, McGrcagor, of Minnesota, tbe latter being an old miner of Lake Superior silver mines; and Cnas. ' D. Doyle, Dan Doyle, and Joe Sberwin, another old miner of fame. With a two horse wagon and good . camping outfit we left Eight Mile Aug. 20th, and at 10:30 o'clock in tbe morn ing arrived at tbe busy little town of Dufur, where we took on Mr. Sberwin with bis mining outfit, consisting oi . picks and shovels, pans, guns and am munition. We-learned while here that A. J. McHaley and son were also pulling in tbe direction of the mines, having started three hours before. The trip to Kingsley wag rather warm and dusty, through a busy country, with here and there reapers and headers rais ing an immense dust, in their efforts to cut down the golden grain, of which tbey have a bountiful supply. For fear of wearying your readers. I will pass over the remainder of the trip and describe to the bst of my ability, tbe camp. It is on tbe farm of Mr. Welch, an old bnnter who has lived here many years, Salmon . river is a beautiful stream, although at this season of the year very low. - Here a great many people from Portland and vicinity camp during the warm months, Here is where they bring, in the two pound trout and the plnmp little pheas ant. From here we took a zigzag trail to tbe prospective, mines, continuing for two hours over logs and boulders and thick brush. Finally our guide Btops short lor a moment and gazes across the river, indicating by bis looks that the " new El Dorado is at band, and the next moment be is staggering across a couple ' of cedar poles thrown over la waterfall , and the only means of access to and from tbe mines on the other side.. It is with amazement we look across and benoid a bluff of decaying quartz or a red color on i top and blue underneath, assaying $85 to tbe ton. No wonder we were paralyzed in trying to cross. Indeed, I came" near falling into the precipice below, and perhaps would have done so if one of our number bad not told me to lookup. But. how can you look up with millions under your feet. LOld Joe Sberwin, who ws yet behind, snatched tbe rifle from my band while I cooned it to the 'other side. Looking np I saw J McHaley sitting on" a ledge 50 feet above, singing, 'The Heathen in His B!indness,V but I don't think be meant anything personal. We can't say as to . tbe possible richness of the ore at this time. In looking around we see an old miner washing dirt in a pan by tbe river- - side, being fully satisfied with the colors be receives. Retracing our steps, we ar rived at camp at 4 o'clock the 23d, and borne again the 27tb. ' W. J. D. ' Wasco Hews. -Wasco, Sept 7, 1891. Editor Tma-HousTAiifiisR: Ex Judge O. M. Scott is in town. Stanley's (treat exhibition museum and circus has been exhibiting in town the last two days. a Where they are from and whither they are going is hard to say. Tbe exhibition is not very extensive, bat- to many persons haying neyer seen exhibitions of this kind it wonld be worth seeing. The museum consists of two Japanese monkeys, a raccoon, an Australian black bear, two Brazilian lions and an animal said to be part dog and part sea lion.' Tbe performances with the bear and lions were very good. The negro scene in some respects was quite funny. - Joe Hart in his Irisb songs aDd ? dances wonld natnrally make one feel very much like laughing right ont. The jngsgler in his' part of the exhibition was an expert. He is a good performer and wonld be a credit to a larger show than Prof. Stanley's. AU together the entertainment was rather good. ' . , Up to last Saturday, sixteen deeds have been filed for town property in Wasco.since the Observer went to .Moro. Only five deeds have been filed for Moro property during the same time. This shows which way the . wind blows. Mr. Fnlliam is busy hauling lumber for . bia furniture store. ' He will soon have same erected and well stocked np with all kinds of goods in the f Arnitnre line. County court meets to-day to receive the assessment roll. The assessor will ask for further time, owing to the delay 10 getting the mortgage record from. The Dalles. . ' Reporter. - Love and Lions, ' Millie Carlotta, is the name of the "lion queen," who is seen in the circus ring of the Adam Forepaoga Shows, surrounded by five monster lions, all as free from restraint ' as when roaming in African forests. There is a tiDge qf romance in connection with her adopting the profession of a "lion queen." -She is the daughter of a German merchant residing in South Africa. Several years ago, Col. Boone, the now famous lion train er, was an ivory hunter, in the country . where Miss Millie lived. Meeting him at her father's house, she accepted him as her lover, greatly to her parents' disgust for it ': was their intention that she should marry a very wealthy merchant of tbe place. So the fair Millie and her ivory hunter lover, did what many others nnder similar cir cumstance have done eloped, and marned. , Her husband then qnit searching after ivory and became a lion hunter and trainer. Returning after a somewhat prolonged ab .sence to the place of residence of his wife's parents, he gave an exhibition of his trained lions, nnder an assumed name. Afraid to leave his wife at the hotel, during the time he was performing the lions, he prevailed upon ber to enter tbe cage with him, ar rayed in a fancy costume, so that no one wonld recognize her. She did so, and no barm resulted to her from tbe lions; but a former lover and townsman who was pres ent detected her, notwithstanding her dis guise. Everybody admired her heroism; her parents relented and thenceforth she deter mined to become a "lion-queen," " Those of our readers who attend, the Adam Forepangh Show, which is to exhibit bere on Wednesday afternoon, September 16tb, will have an opportunity of beholding Carlotta and ber husband in their wonder ful exhibition of trained lions all let loose in the circus ring. Scrofulous eruptions, such as pimples, discoloration of the- skin, especially on face,- are caused by impure blood and" will disappear rapidly by using founder's Oregon Blood Purifier. - jun OREGON "WEATHER. BUREAU. - J - Central Office Portland, Oregon. Crop Weather Bulletin, No. 26. for week ending Saturday. Septn.Der 5. 1S91: " WKSTEKN" (KKO'iS VVtaiiitr Worn., ciuutiiaa ueatliei'. with a smoky atmosphere ' has prevailed during the week, with fog at night and early morning, the latter more especially near to the coast. No rain has fallen. ' Crops Harvesting of cereals is abont over, except the late-sown oats and barley. Threshing is finished in many sections. The yield of cereals ' has been unusually large. The quality is good; fully an average or more, except in localities where some smut prevails, to no great extent, however, in any place. Clackamas county reports wheat yields of 39 bushels per acre anl Yamhill county 36 bushels in large fields. Most counties have large yields in well-cul-tivatea fields of from 35 to 45 bushels per acre. Hop-picking is in progress. The hop lice have done considerable damage. In some yards fully 50 per cent, of the hops have mould on them, in other yards no mould or lice have been found. The hop crop of Oregon was estimated to be 30,000 bale, but since the picking has com menced it has been found that, based on he above- estimate, there will not be over 20,000 bales at the most of first-grade hops. Fruit of all kinds and melons are very plentiful; canneries and fruit dryers are working to their fullest capacity. EASTERS OREGON. Weather Warm weather with a smoky atmosphere has prevailed. No rain has fallen. The latter part of the week has been cooler. Crops Harvesting operations are well aloDg. In many sections most of the cere als have been cut and much of it threshed. ' In Umatilla county, especially, harvesting and threshing are nearly over.- In Union county harvesting' is in full operation; in this county considerable smut exists. In Sherman and Wasco counties, while the yield has been good, especially in the for mer, yet in many sections of both counties, the berry is sbrnnken. Morrow county has as good or a better crop of cereals than she ever had before. Smut exists in parts of Grant county, though the yield is very good. In Gilliam county most of the wheat is in sack and smut in the wheat is to be found in parts of this connty also. The frnit is ripening nicely and is very plentiful. The corn is doing very well Some of it is rather small, though on the whole it is a good average crop. B. S. Paoue, Observer U. S. Weather-Bureau. ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrnp of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro juced, pleasing to the ' taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in oOc and $1 bottles by all leading druggistu manmacrarea oiuy Dy me CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AN FHAN0ISC0, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. HEW YORK. N.f CHRISMAN BROTHERS, Successors to F. Taylor.). Propnetors of the . CITY MARKET Third Street. Dealers in all kinds of Meat Hams, Bacon and Sausage always on hand. , dec81d&wtf JOHN SMITH. Tonsorial Artist . Mo. 91 Second Street. (Charles Gilgard's old stand, Second St. Ue liis opened a barber shop, and will shave and cut hair in tbe latest style of the art tor tne usual prices. Mr. Smith is well-known to our citizens. having been in the employ of Mr. Charles Frazier for several months, and needs no recommendation. au8-dwlm THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'ri Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THE DALLES, OREGON. H. STONEHAN, The Leading Boot ann snoemaker. 1 14 SECOND STREET, ADJOINING FACAN'S. i Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done, you want THE BEST, buy ALLEN'S NOKT II E li 2N GltOWJN SEEDS ! If the merchant you deal with does not keep them, send to ALLEN direct. He pays the postage. Beautiful Catalogue sent tree. Address E. W. ALLEV, 171 Second Street, PORTLAND, OB Dissolution Notice. T OT10E is hereby given that the partnership JM heretofore existing between C. H. Foute and Benjamin Wilson, under tbe firm name of Fonts & Wilson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owinir to said firm will be paid to C. M. Foot, and all bills owing by said fine will be set tled by Benjamin Wilson who will continue the bus iness at tne oia suna.- C M FOUTS. BEN WILSON. The Dalles, Jul) ,51891. STEA.YED. ONE SORREL. BALD-FACED HORSE, about 15H hands high, ears inclined to lop; branded M H. coonecte 1. on left hip. Will pay reward of B6 for return of horse or any information leading to bis nooTory. Address . O. 8. MORGAN. auglb-lm The Dalles, Or. Important Annoimcement ! On and after-this date our price for hooks used in the u'lic srhonls will ! Fri Roller $ 20 Secoud " 30 Third 60 Fourth 70 Fifth " 90 Complete SpeKer 20 Arithmetic No. 1 80 Arithmetic No. 2 60 Elementary Geography 60 Comprehensive " 1 25 Sill's Grammar 60 Mental Arithmetic 25 Barnes' Complete Lessons 60 Brief History of U. S 1 00 Barnes General History 1 CO Steele's Physiology and Hg:.ene. . 1 00 These prices are for cash with order. Parties, ordering by mail will add ten per cent, to these prices for postage. P0ST0FFICE STORE, 142 Second and 107 9 Washington St. The Dalles. Aug. 31, 1891. A. S. Catlicart, GENERAL DRAYMAN -AITD DEALER IS- ALL KINDS OF WOOD. Pianos and Furniture moved with the greetest care. Residence, opposite tbe warehouse of Filloon Bros., on Second street. Office with Maier & Benton, corner Third and Union streets. Orders left at either place will receive prompt attention. dec31tf. OPEBfl HCIJ1! OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, J Washington street, bet. 2d and 3d The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigars ALWAYS ON 8ALK. N. B. WHYERS, PROPRIETOR. EAST END SALOON, . McDonald Bros., Props. Tbe Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Second Street near tt mint. -THE DALLES. OREGON COLUMBIA ICE CO. (104 Second Street, icei ice: ics i Having over 1000 tons of ice ou hand, we are now prepared to receive orders, whole sale or retail, to be delivered ' through the summer. Parties contracting with us will be furnished ice through the entire season, without advanoe in price, and may depend that we have nothing but pure, healthy ice, cot ora mountain water, no slouch or slush mds in it. Leave orders at the Columbia landy Factory,-104 Second Street. .. r " W. S. Ceam, Manager gPEICHJtNGER BROTHERS. Wholesale ana Ketaii Dealers in Fine Confectionery, Nuts; frntts. Tobacco. Cigars, Etc Proprietors of the QUAKIOR DAIRY, 76, 7 an .0 ccond Street, The Dalles, Ogn. Nos. WOOD SAWED. 1 will start tbe steam wood saw Septem ber 1, 1891. I will be prepared to cut, split and pile all the wood in town at rea sonable rates. Leave orders at P. O. box 356. J. C. Meins. NOTICE. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED by the PrineriUe Irrigation Company for the digging of a ditch one metre and 260 rods long; amount of earth to be moved, 27,000 cubic yards. Bids will be received un til the 28th day of August Work to commence the 15th day of Septemtx 1891. PRINEV1LLE IRRIGATION CO, augis-ini PerT A. Urkk, Sec.. . Prineville, Crook County, oregon. The Beeend Eastern Oregon District Agricultural Society. SPEED PROGRAMME FOR. FAIR OF 1S91 Tuesday, ssrr- 22, 1891. Racs No 1. Running Saddle horse, stake $5 en trance, 850 added. Fire to enter; three to start; catch weights. The officers of the society to have the right to reject any entry that in their judg ment does not strictly constitute a saddle horse. ii an mue aaan Racs No. 2. Trottm -Yearling; stake, 10 en trance, 50 added; 85 payable July 1, 1891, wben stake closi s and entries must be maHe; oalance of outry oue oep&. zi, isui. nan mue dasn. kacb no 3. Trottiog Two-year-old class, mile neatg, oess two in snreeurse of S75. WKDNK8DAY, B&T. 23. 1891. Racs No, 4." Running-Inlmd Empin stake for iwo-year-oios, pzu entrance, 90 aaaed; siu payable Sept, 1, 1891, when stake cluees and entiics must be made, balance of entry due Sept. 21, 1891. Colts w carry 110 pounus. nines ana ifeJdinus 107 nound. non-thoroughbreds allowed ten pounds. Half-mile aasn. Raci o. 5. Runnine Three-eisrhths of a mile ana repeat, rune 01 viuu 1 Rack No. 6. Trotting Gentlemen's roadsters. stake tb entrance $50 added. Five to enter, three to start. To be driven by the owner to road can, half uiiic umia, umv ut live. ' THURSDAY, SEPT. 24, 1891. . Raci No. 9. - Kunuirur Half mile dash, mirae nl 8100. . . Raci No. 8. Trottinar -Three minute elan miin iica lb, hiiw in uvv, pimevi 91W. rRIDAY. SEPT. 251891. Rack No. 7. Running Half-mile and nvt purse-of $150. Raci No. 10. Trottintr 2:40 class, mile heata. tio oest in nve, purse oi izo.- SATURDAY. SEPT. 26,1891. Racs No. 11. Runnine Three-ouarters of a mile handicap. Entries close Sept. 24, -1891, with pay ment of $5. Weights announced 2 p. m. Sent. 25. Acceptance of wdght. and balance of entrance money duo Dy 9 p. m. same day. Purse of 8125. Raci No. 12. Trotting Free for all, miie heats, nest torec in nre, purse oi 910. Raci No. 13. Trotting Three-year-old class, mile heats, best three in five, purse ot 8100. COXDITIOKS. Elidible only to horses owned and located In the second District, Oregon and aUickitat county, Washington, prior to April 1, 1891. Entrance in all pane races, ten ner cent, of the amount of the purse; four or more to enter, three to start. All entries in trottitur races not otherwise sneei. tied to close with tbe secretary at The Dalles, on Sept. 1, 1891. All entries in running races not otn erwise specified close with tbe secretary at The Dalles 6 p. m. the night before tbe race takes place. T No money given for a walk -fiver:" Entries not ac companied by the money will not be recognized. Nominations to be made in writing, giving tbe name, age, color, sex, sire and dam (if known and when not known that fact should be stated) and colors of the owner. This rule will be strictly en forced. 1 - In case the parses above given do not fill with four oomplete entries, tbe board has the power to reduce the amounts of the parses as in their judgment seems proper. liifc poara nas ana reserves tne ngni to postpone races in case of inclement weather. Any horse distancing the field snail be entitled to first and third moneys only. - - In all races, not otherwise specified, money to be divided 70, 20, and 10 per cent, of the purse. All running races to be eovrrned by the rules of tbe Pacific Coast Blood Horse Association. . All trotting races to be governed br tbe rules of the National Trotting Aasociatfon. ' far-Stnd to J. O. Mack, Secretary, Tkt Dattet, Oregon, and obtain Hanks upon vhieh to make your entries. - i. O. MACK, JA8. A. TARNEY, . . . Secretary, . President. Legal Notices- PROPOSALS FOB Flour, Bran and Chop Feed U. S. INDIAN J-ERVICE, ") WARM SPRINGS AGENCY, OREGON, July 22, 1891. Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Flour, Bran and Chop Feed, and addressed to 'he under signed at Warm bprirars, Crook county, Oregon, (contractor to furnish warehouse facilities), will be received at this agoncv until 3 o'clock P. M. of FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1891, For furnishing and delivering at The Dalles, Oreiron about 50,000 lbs Flour, 80,000 lbs Bran and 60.000 lbs of Chop Feed. Feed roust be of clear ilarley and Oats, fresh ground and of good sound train. Flour must be what is known a straight full stock, of good sound wheal; grown in the section of country contiguous to the plce of delivery; 60 pounds of wheat to be ground down to 42 pounds of flour. No patents taken out. Samples of not less than 10 tt-s must be furnished by biddeie. Delivery to be made in such quantities as may be required. The riiflit is reserved to reject anv or all bids or any part, of any bid if deemed for the best interest ot the service, .bidders mun state tpecincAlly in their bids the pr pesed price of each article offered for de livery under a contract. CERTIFIED CHECKS. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or diaft upon a me Uniied States depository or solvent National Bank in the vicinity of the resi dence of the bidder, made payable to the order of the Commissioner f Indian Affairs for at least five per cent, of the amount of the proposal, which check o -rait will be forfeited to the United S ates in case auf bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fail U jfDmptlv execute a contract with good and suffi cient sureties; otherwise to be returned to the bid der. Bids srTomnanied bv cash in lieu ofacerti- fitdcJ'Ckwiil not be considered Ft further par ticulars apply to J. C. LUCRE Y, o-at i. a. Indian Agent. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution, and order of salf Issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for Wasco county, on the 24th day of July 1891, in the suit wherein the Solicitors' Loan and Trust Com pany is plaintiff, and James Booth, Mary Booth., W. V Mc lure. Sarah H. McClure. D. G Alter. Ada Alter, Ralph Rogers. Julia N Rogers. Url Embodv. J. M. Taylor Daniel Grid'ey, F. F Hall and John W. francis are oefendans. to me directed, rora- mandi. g me to make sale of the lands in said exe- cu.ion. and order of sale, described to-wit: Those certain pieces and parcels of land in H asco c unty, state of Oregon, known an described as the eas half and the east l.aJf i-f the southwest quaiter of section 15 all of section 16, the east half of section 17, and the northwest aoarler of the northeast quarter of section 22. ail in township 1 north of range 14 east of the Willamette meridian, situ.ited in Wasco county, iriegou. 1 ntve this day levied upon this land, and on Saturday, the 5tb day of September, 1891, At the hour of 2 oVlock, p. m., at the court house door in Wasco couuty, state of Oreg n, I will sell said land and all the right, title and interest whi. h said defendants ha I thereto on the 25th dav of February, 1887 (the date of the mortgage described in the comp.aint in said suit) or have'since acouired at public auction to the highest bidder thereto to and disbursements in said tuit, fci-wit: 82,317.00 and interest thereon from tbe 18th day of November, 1890, at the rate ot six per cent, per annum. Com pounded semi-annually at the rate of 8 per cent, par annum on 82000 thereof, and at the rate of 8 per cent.. per annum on 8317 thereof, and the further sum of $-i0O attorney fees, and costs and disburse ments taxea at sd3.7. Dated this 4th day of August, 1891. D. L. CATES. 8aug6t Sheriff of Wasco Co., Oregon Sheriff's Sale. TH THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF X Oregon for Wasco County. John Prall, Plaintiff, vs. C E Bayard, Administrator of the Estate of N. W.! Harper, deceased, defendant. By virtue of an execution, dulv issned out of the above-entitled court, in the above cause, on the 14th uar 01 jury 01 lowi. upon a decree rendered In said cause on the 11th day of July of 1891, in favor of the above-named plaintifi and against the defend ant anoye namea lor tne sum Hereinafter mentioned, which decree, among other things, ordered the sale of the lands hereinafter described, to satisfy said sums, 1 aid levy upon and will sell oa Saturday, August 23, 1891, At the court house door in Dalles City, Wasco county, Or., at the hour ot 2 o'clock p. m. of said day at public auc ion to the highest bidder for cash in hana all- the following-described mortgaged land to-wii: . - The west half of he northwest quarter of section 28, toanship 1 south, range 16 east w" M., being and situated in Wasco county, Oregon, to satisfy the sums of 8211.60, with interest tberton from s id 11th day of July, 1891, at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum and the further sum of 825 as costs of suit ana accruing hereon. Dated this 16th day of July, 1891. D. L. CATES. Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. Admininistrator's Sale of Real Estate. TN THE C0D5TT COORT OF THE STATE OF I Oretron for the County of Multnomah. In tbe matter of the estate of Michael Little de ceased. Notice Is hereby given that undei and by virtue of an order of salr,duly made and entered of record in the County Court ot the State of Oregon for the County 01 jnaitnomon oy lion. j. v. sioreuuia, uuae tnere- nt An tha Af h nan a 1 ....., 1 L(ll .V. 1 1 C. W. Lomler, administrator of tbe said estate, will sell at pul'lic auction to tbe highest and best bidder at the front door nf the county court house in Dalles City, county ef Waseo and State of Oregon, at the nour oi iu o ciocx A. iu.01 tne 23d day of September, 1S91, the following described real property, situated in the county of Wasco and State of Oregon, to-wit: Tbe north one-bait of the northeast quarter of sec tion tnirteen, in townnin two n rtn, oi range ten east of tbe Willamette meridian, for cash paid at the day of sale, in United trold coin, or one-half cash down and the balance in one year or leas, se cure! or a mortgage on tne a oove aescnoea real property oy tne purcnas-r oi such property. C. W. LOMLER. Administrator of the estate of Michasi Little, de- GWHU. W. L. Norms. Administrator's Attorney. - Dated August 14th, 1891. auglo-5t TICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Offics at Thi Dalles, Ob., August 10. 1891. Notice is. hereby given that the following-named settler has filed-notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof win oe maae oeiore tne uagister and Receiver of thj U. S. Land Office at The Dalies. Or., on Sent. i AOfi, via CHEbTEK W. EMERSON, Hd. No. 1707, tor the N NW, SEi NWJ ana SWJ NEK, Sec 20, Tp 1 N. R 16 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resiaence upon, ana cultivation OI, said lanu, viz: Joseph C. Egbert. James Hurst. Isaac Toumr. nvuii waaana, ail oi ine uaues, T. augu juujn w Lewis, Register. NOTICE FOE RE PUBLICATION. Land Ofyics At Tub Dalles, Or., Aiurust 8. 1891. Notice is hereby riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said j prooi win ne maue oeiore tne register and receiver of the U. S. land office at Tbe Dalles, Or., on Sept. JOSEPH R. HALL, Hd. 1907, for the S SE& Sec 28, Tp 1 N. R 12 St W M. - He names the following witnesses to prove his wuunuouF resiaence upon ana cultivation oi said land, vns: - Jacoo Obrist, Hiram Chittenden, E C Teague, A v aiiera, au or xne Aiaues, ur. - augis JOHS W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE. T 10 ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. All persons -knowintr themfrelvM Indnhtivl to th late inaries c Liunnam are hereby requested to set- wo wiui uie unuersignea, aammisxratrix, lmmeai ately. All accounts not settled within the next sixty vuv- win ue piaceo witn attornes lor collection. MR. L1DA DUNHAM, Adm'x Estate Cnirles E. Dunham, dee'd. Dalles City, Aug. 29, 1891. Dissolution Notice. T 10 WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that the partnershin heretofore existing between Messrs. Bold and Havner in the blacksmith and wagon-making business In The naiies is tnis aav dissolved by mutual consent. F. W. Bold will continue the business in his own name, and will pay all debts owed bv tbe firm and enlii-t an oiiis aue tne arm. - . w. HOLD. aug28 . A. U.HAYHER. FOR SALE. A CHOICE LOT of Brood Mares; also a nuirer of Geldings and Fillies by Rockwood. Jr Planter, Oregon Wilkes and Idaho Chief some standard bred. Also tb' "e fine youDtr stallions br nwKwouu, sjr., out oi nrsi iss mares. For Drciea and ternis eali on or address either J. w. uond on or J. H. Larsen, Tbe Dalles. Or. mchl4-dwtf LOST. At Cascade Locks, county warrants as follows: No ciass ou, 11, Aug. iz, j. r. Atweii; io. M5, Class 30, 91.70, Aug. 12, 1890, J. F. At well; No. lw. Class 31, i.2U, Aug. IX, 4. f. AtwelL ... i. r. ATWELL, 13ap Cascade Locks. NOTICE. 10 ALL WHOM IT MAT CONCERN: That the (roods now in my possession, belumrfnar to Artnur Brannon, as security- ior siu. wui oe sola on toe 1st oi August, wunous payment is made. The Dalles, Or., July 16, 1890. NOTICE. After thirty days the accounts due the late firm of Fonts ft Wilsop will be Placed la tbe bands of a attorney for collection. C M. FOUTS. TAKEN UP Br the subscriber, raridi nar one mile south arrat -of ue cay, one rea cow wita wmw spow, bww vvc lata, xne owner can nave us same oy prwring property and paiimr chaives for this aareraaemenk lnl . W.BIBGFELD. THE GREAT PORTLAND Industrial Exposition WITH ITS WORLD OF WONDERS, Opens Sept. 17, 1880; Closes Oct. 17lli. Music bv the GREAT ZAPADORES BAND From the City of Mexico. Art from the jrreat masters of Europe and America, valued at a quarter million dollars. Won derful Electrical Adaptations in full operation. Splenic id Series of Mineral Exhibits. Every Department filled with the novel and interesting1 ART, SCIENCE AND INDUSTRY. IN A greater number of exhibits than ever be- fore presented upon the coast. THE STOCK DEPARTMENT Made a prominent feature. S5.000 IN PREMIUMS The largest display ot Fruit and the flne-t exhibit ot Agriculture ever midtt in the facinc Northwest. ALL MANUFACTORIES IN FULL MOTION. EVERYTHING NEW. NO DEAD EXHIBITS. The Exposition of Expositions. Admission as usual- Greatly Reduced Rates tor round trip on all passenger lines. -mihz- GE EM All A, CHAS. STUBLING. Prop. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. Wm, Liquors and Cigars. AU brands of Imported Liouors, Ale and Porter, and genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FIRST STREET. FACTORY NO. PP A DO f tle Best Brands manufact UlJniiO nred. and ordras from all pai ts of the country tilled on the shortest notice, Tbe reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become hrmly established, and the de mand for the home mannfactoaed article is increasing eyery day. dec24dv-tf A. TJLRICH & SON, Snipe$ & Kinerly, Leadings Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon J. H. LABSEN, Dealer in all kinds of Hay, Grain and Feed At his old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE The highest Cash Price paid for Sheep pelts. p!Hi!!Bi!!!!K!!iBI!:!SXa!!i;HQl!H:::!B!!;!H!:D! j Trrnr CEXiEBSAXMO g i SMITH & WESSON j REVOLVERS ! The Finest Small Arms Ever Manafactared.B I UnrivaledO ! ,.i ACCURACY, . EXCELLENCE of UADVIiAIICUIB niiusun itv iiuiinmnnunir smllM CONVENIENCE in LOADING and SAFETY. Beware of cheap iron imitations.! Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to j . SMITH & WESSON, SPRINGFIELD, SCABS. ! ;i!:B;!iiB:i!!Bi!a:!!:a:!!:si:!::a;!!:a:!!:a:i!iS:!i;siii!i IT 13 THE IPEA.I, MEDICTTfK. it rouses the Laver and Kidneys and Stomach -urcs Headache. DvsDensia, creates an Ami. iite, Purines the Impure Blood, and - Makes The Weak Btrong. ma amawiwi'isiM 5 : - ti everywhere. Sis bottle t six frvr iPfe Cklehaatera EuIUk Bfaaawd Bran. PENNYROYAL PILLS m G-v oriritinavivvciiiM JBK. Birr, slsran relialala. ladiu lit Dragfiit for ChieMSMtsw'm MngtiMh Dil nsn irmnsT in km sna uMBCituin Kmzm. mta with bio ribbon. Take a. skftksuM. ftdAt daniu suhsfifis Hons ad tmitntitmM. Ai Drvggiata, r mb4 4b W JJf la tumpa tor narttealara, I O "Relief fcrtidlee," Uav, by retmra SfalL 10.000 TestlBMelala. Xmm Pmmw. ' If ' rauauai rm Portland. frpcmn. A. P. Artnamnar 'Prin Branch School : Capital Bub. College, Salem. Oregon. Business. Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, and Eugiish Departments Xgrln session throoghout the year. rongnoui ue year, araaents admit Catalogue from either school, free. S3000 A. YEAR t IvBdertaketobrfcff I teach anj fatolj intelligent peraon of either es. who can read and writ, and who. I after inatrnrtion, will work iBdwtrlonslT. ' how to Mim Thvaa - Hii. I Veartatheirowa .caMtia.whTrthT Hre.I will alea lintdi tb sitnation or employmenMit which you can earn that amount. no moner ior meonieaa meceaatni aa ibtrre. EasUy and qnlchly learned, f deaire bat one worker from tech diitrictoreanntv. 1 hare already taurht and nroidcd with emnlovmrat km Bomber, who are mahins OTer S4O00 a vfareach. It'sBfEV' and HOIIl. Vull tmrUcalare FR EE. Addfeas at one. ts. .aaK..v iux asv, AUVItua, 1 SUMIfc Snuff llttl roHnacshabeniiuidat wont ior aa, by Anna nt, Aualln, i ami jmo. Ltonn, lolsMo, Uhio. emu OlberBand(iaa;aawll. VVIiy nat roul Horn rtrn ovar S 600.00 a Luoutb. Tom can do lb work and lira Bt home, wherever 70a ara. Evan be Krfoncn are rnHy eamlns from S& to flOaday.AII aires. Weabow yo haw and atart yon. Can work In prv tlma er all ilm rime. Big moo ft for work . era. Failnrv unknown among: ihrn. NG V () WdllllsrAll ParlUnlaH fra. B.HaUlett A. Cat.v Box b HO IM-siamct, Msilve MONEtI rean banrnn atoarKEWIIneofwork. rapillr aud bunorablT. br tbo of ' citbrr ei. youug or old, and in their 1 own localitira.n br rvrer they lira. Any on can do the work. Eaav to Inru. W torniah avcrythlnr. W atart too. Ko risk. Ton can devota yoar apara moBMota, or all your time to tbe work. Thia la an ontwajy new iaaa jum onnaa wonacrnu aacecaa to arary worKar. BaKiBBjara ara aaralna; from 9& to S50 perreek and apwarda, and aaaraaftara lltUa axpenanea. We can furnish 70a tb em ployment asd teach yen r KICK, ho apaeato explain bar. Full VAfJTED SALESMEN Local and Traveling. A. Cod Ckises: Usnt Ml It! Ton need no capital to reoresaot a reliable firm that war nuts nuraerr stock first-class and true to name. v ors: au tne year, ana gooa pay weeaJr to enerfrecle Apply qoica, statins; age. u. U MAX as a-J 11 - y V v AVt aBLea 1 1 BEN. WILSON, (Successor to Fonts ft Wilson.) 219 AND 221 SECOND STKEET. Dealer Jn fines, Liquors and Cigars "United We Stand" And othei choice brands of Whisky Imported Wines KEY WEST CIGARS. ' Also W net and lieer, oportel and domestic W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE and other special ties Tor Gentlemen, Lnil lea. etc.. are war ranted, and so stamped on bottom. Address W.lliOLGLAS. Brockton, irlass. Sold by H. GLENN. Is again at his old stand and has on hana FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMEKT Tanks of all Bizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, made to oraer. I3T Contracts for all kinds of buildings taken at the lowest b mires. (Cor. Court and Third St i.) Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Bee and Tongues And tbe best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Teal i;uueu in tne maxuet. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY 49Fre3h Vegetables on Sale at the Lowest Prices. JAMES WHITE'S LUNCH COUNTER. ' In connection with my Fiuit Stand, on Second St. near the ooruor of Madison, J have open! a lunch counter, and can serve to customers sandwiches pigs' leet, oysters, contse and tea. This is conveni ent to tbe passenger depot. Have alio Oaliiorni orange elder, and the sest apple ader. no26 PAUL KREFT, Artistic Fainter Ss Sousd Becorator. Tllo Dalles, Oregon. Honsa Paintlne and Decorating s specialty. Inferior and cheap work done; but good, last: work at the lowest price s Shop Adjoining Bed ront Grocery, Third street. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. Cash advance made on oonsfcninent. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTK THE E. E. LYTLE, - . Agent. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEAN, Portland to S;aa Francisco. To San Francisco Leaving; Steamship Wharf Port land, at 10 r M., as louows: Oreiron. Jnns State " Elder " Oregon " State " Columbia . " ' Oreiron . " State 29 Bseiraffe must he checked either at Asb St., durini the day, or bv the U. C. B. Co. No uncheckei baggage will be received on the Steamers . Han jTraneiseo to Portland. To Portland Leaving SpearSt. Wharf, San Francisco. at iu A. M. as louows: Elder June 4 Oregon " 8 8tate 12 Columbia . " 18 Oregon " 20 State 24 Columbia " 28 The company reserves the rieht to change steam ers or sailing dates without further notice. For rates, tickets, berth reservations, etc. , call on or address any ticket agent of the Union Pacific sys tem. C. S. MELLEj?, T.W.LEE Gen. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass Agt FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS Northern Pac. RAILROAD Is the line to take TO ILL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dining- Car Route. It runa ThroughJVes- UDmed Trains verr vy in tne year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. , (NO CHANGE OF CARS. Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed, Pullman is rawing rtoom aieepers 01 iaus Equipment TOURIST SLEEPING OARS, est that can be constructed, and in which acoom monauons are both Free and r urnisbed for holders of First or Second class Tickets, and. ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continaons Line connecting witn All . Lines, Affording Direct and Un interrupted Service- . Pulman Sleepnr naervatiooa can be secured in ad. ranoe Uirouijh may. aent of the road. TUDnilPU TIPIr-CTO To and from all pointa InnUUUn IIUKtlOlo America, EnKUod ard Lurope can be purcbaaed at any Ticket office of euompany Foil information coneernimr fatea, time of tralna, ntea and other detaila funucbed on application to j agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, - Aasiatant General Paaaener Afit.. No. 121 First atreet, cor. WaahinKton, -PORTLAND, ORQOK. $51" yUDlES BROS., 190 Third Street. PIPE WORK PIPE AND TB REPAIRS MAINS TAPPED WITH PRESSURE ON. Opposite Thompson's Blacksmith Shop Wiseman & Butler, (Successors to J ,H. McDonooh & Co.) DEALERS IN - Choice. Wines, Liquors. AND CIGARS. None bat the best brands of Liouors and Cigars on sale. TemperaDco drinks of all kinds. Corner of Court and Second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. LOUIS PAYETTE, (Successor to Payette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER. Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in iron or wootl done In the neatest manner. Anything: in the waponiine, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery ic paired in the most skill- 1 111 ana workmanlike manner. mchzldw Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. F. W. BOLD. HAYNEE. BOLD&HATNER Blacksmith d hpAth: Ai Thompson's old stand, 193 Tninl St BUCKSMITHIHC OF ALl KINDS AND CHEAPLY.- DONE NEATLY WOOD WOEK at all kinds, repairins; and miking anjuuna;, irom a wneeinarrow to a carnage. H08SE4HOEING A SECIALTY. mT4d-w W. H. NEABEGK. UETOR OF THB ' Granger Feed Yard, THIRD STREET. (At Grimes' old place of business.) Hones fed to Hay or Oats at the lowest possible prices Wood care Riven to animals left m my care, . as 1 have ampin stable room. Give me a call, and I will sruarantee satisfaction. ju20tl W. H. NEABECK. and EUREKA RESTAURANT P. W. L. 8KIDBE, PROP. A High Grade Wine?, Liqaors & Cigars L :U :N :C:H :E :S -FJvSRI Cor. Secoud and Iladison, near assenerr denot. xnved-m EAST END SALOON, Rear the Old Hint Bnllding, Second St, Tb. Dalies, Or. Always on htuid the Best "Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. A Pleasant Evening Resort Colombia Brewery and Imported Lager Beet oa draurbt. Charles F. Lauer, Proprietor of the Will always keep on sals Puget Sound Fish, Chickens, Turkeys, Also, Provisions, Candles, Tobaceo and Curars. Leave tout orders, aa thev will .receive prompt tention. J. O. MACK, WHOXJEAJLJS Liquor Dealer FRENCH'S BLOCK, Seoomd Street. - Tbe Dallea to row ouh cataloqucawd pb'cis atlas engine works, G. KOWAK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. I Plana and specifications tor building fur nished. Will do .all kinds of excavating and eroding. All orders lett at postomce box 322 dovIS J. TV. WAGON LAUER, MAKER - - -AND GENERAL JOBBING Third Street (Wchell'a Pinning Mil!). Carriage and Wagon Painting Done. Work executed on abort notice. JAS. FERGUSON, Goods hauled with the greatest care to all parts of the sty on abort notice. Leave orders with Fish & Bardon. BUNNELL arriiiiWi-if aai'i i.sTaa'' WHOLESALE Hardware, Iron. Steel anil Farm Macieir. SOLE ACENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. TbM KAohlnts Are too well kuown to need comment. Tbouaands of ftrmart bar nssd them And speak of them with praise. They are tbe only HArreitlnc Hachtnei that will give ENTIP.K SATISFACTION to tbe purchAser. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTMAN'S Tb notfe EffectlTe and Successful Combination for Throthlng and Cleanlnc Grain ,ver constructed. BUCKEYE steelframe TWINE-BINDERS. t3Tho Feature that diatinailhes tills Twins-Binder is the Lightness ot Drill, eombhMd with ke Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder t t tho Aj.pVhy pattern, the only really suooessrul one yet known. We have two MvIm, the Elovator Hinder aud the Platform Binder both axoellent koto feoommended by hundreds of patrons. SDHUITLER FARM'WAGOIS, BUCK-BOARDS. FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPcRIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, ' COR BIN DISC HARROWS. H0DGES-HAINES HEADERS, HAISH BARB WIRE "SEND FOR CIRCUL.An5t Or to E. N. CHANDLER, n. Tf The Underelffned has Added to his Business aj?ull line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Eobes and Shronds. Trimmings of all descriptions at the Lowest Prices and owns tbe aioat Elegant fleane east of the mountains with all the latest improvements. I m-r-k out a -w-r VT ' I u umjx a x FlAMS of Business. In Nickeken's Block, cornw Third and M'ahlngton strreta. Place Of UetKldeaee Fon.-th s roet, corner of Waahitwton. Can bo vea at all hours of the day and night. ja29tf PRINZ & Furniture THE LEADING Best Stock and (-Second Street, FISH & -DEALERS IN- Stoves, FupeMaip, GAS PIPES We are tbe sole agents for the I RAM0NA COOK STOVE, which has no equal, and guars u teed to give en tire satisfaction or money refunded. ' v Cor. Second and Washington streets. The Dalles H. CLOUGH. CALL A3SI SEE The Hoosier Fence Machine The only machine that gives a continuous twist to the wire. Id operation at THE PACIFIC StroDgr, Durable, Neat, and Cheapest Fence in the world. - - BEST FENCE MADE. CLOUGH The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS.. - J. P. McIIEMI. -DEALiEK IN- -pi i t i "pv i Foreign and Domestic J)ry doods, XI a La aliu vap( uuuts auu uuucd, u.u. Agent for tie Bntterick Patterns, also CHAS. E. THE DALLES, OREGON, -DEALER DRUGS, MEDICINES Jfine Toilet boaps, tfrusDes, uomos, eta i'ertumery and t&ucy Toilet Articles. Fare Brandy, Wines and Liquors ' for Medicinal Purposes. rtaysicians' Prescriptions a. Specialty. THE POSTOFFICE STORE, Besides leading beyond dispute in now carries TEN CENT ! Embracing all the latest popular oar line of Fine Tablets the most complete in pwison of goods land 1 prices. x second bbq ivt-ivu uasmngwn otroeta. nvauui 1I1IIDM. F i -iii, First and Vine Streets, ' - OREGON. a was a -. a a a DEALERS IN STAR TRACTION ENGINE, Deere Plows, Deere Carriages, Phaetons, Bulky Plows, Top Bugiies, Agent, The Dalles, Or ixmr innniiTT TIT1P. Til5 A K P. n f my ws bbi mm m ma mm AND )TT T TUTn fT TmTCT C i m x WM. MICHELL. NITSCHKE and Carpets. UNDERTAKERS. Lowest Prices. The DaJJes, Orearou BARDON, v Celebrate'd TRIUMPH RANGE and :o: A. LA.RSEN FENCE WORKS. & : LARSEN, : Proprietors, The Drill)!. Orojron. for tne Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, DMHAI, IN- AND CHEMICALS, Periodicals and-Paper Books, a line of MD8IC pieces. Recent additions make The Dallea. . We confidently innte com ,f m tt1T. A V