CEOOK COUJRTY. Itei From the Colanas. - Prineville Mews. of tne The themnntetr 10 Prineville hss regis tered the heat at 9S to 100 in th shade, ti the' alter doom of each day fur several days Toe evenings and mornings, however, are pleasantly cool. A. R. Chase brnneht a pack load of what is aarjuoaed to be gold-bearing quart! to town one day thia week. The rock is from hit ledge on Bear creek, and it is the inten tion of Mr. Chase to have it assayed. We asked a man the other day the every day question, "What do yon know?" His reply was, "I don't know anything." afterward learned that the man had not read a newspaper in three weeks, and we knew then that he bad told us the trnth. j About noon on Thursday of this week Sam Com p ton lost about eleven tons 01 wheat hay by fire. Bow the fire originated no one knows; bat as the hay was stacked near the pnblic highway, it is believed that . some one in passing dropped a lighted cigar etla in the hay by the roadside, which ig sited it and caused the destruction of the stack. . A-somewhat novel outfit with a novel team passed through Prineville one da this week. A horse and steer were har nessed together and were drawing a wagon on which was an extended bed.' Inside wat an apparently contented family, some dogs a tove,cooking ntenails and bedding. They had the western feyer and will not stop, 01 course, this side of the Pacific ocean. There has been considerable discontent, not to say ill feeling, lately in the western part of town in regard to the water supply with which to irrigate the gardens. Some have put in flumes, ditcheB, etc., and others who have done nothing, it eeem, attempt to gobble all the water. At any rate that's the way our inlonnant puts it. There is evidently enough water for all when taken by turns, but not enough to serve all ai ouce. On Thursday morning of last week a daughter of J. T. Faulkner, of 'Paulina, had the olna bone of ber left arm dislocated at the elbow jiiut by falling from a cart. She, with two others, was on her way to school in the vehicle named. The horse tumbled and fell and the occupants were thrown out with the result stated. The other children were not bnrt. Mr. Faulk ner was obliged to come all tbe way to Prineyille with his daughter, a distance of about 70 miles, to get the injured member replaced by a physician. Oi Sunday mori' . ing Dr. Belknap reduced the dislocation and the young lad) is getting along nicely. Wasoo Hews. Wasco. Or., August 28, 1891. Editor Tnas-HonKTAuma: Business mighty lively here now. Mr. Fred. Hurley, oor popular barber, - hat just received a first-class black walnut, plush-finished barber's chair, so that here after anyone and all passing this way may have tbe pleasure of a rest in the new . chair while our tonsorial artist proceeds to -trim him np and put nim through a process of general renovation. Miss 'Fiora Hartly, sister of Mrs. Dr. Igingtou, has jnst arrived from the east. Still they come. More room yet. Mr, Frank Watkins came near having an accident upon our streets to day. VY bile driving through with a load ofr wheat, hay' ing s x horses and two wagons, the line re' . fused to operate and perform its (unctions, and the leaders turned suddenly round, and befoie they could be stopped had broken the coupling of tbe front wagon aud nearly upset the trail. Several of our citizens ap peared upon the scene at that time and as sisted him to extricate bis horses, wagon, etc.. from tbe seeming wreck. But fortun ately there were no breakages of any conse quence. - Tbe front bolster was broken a little and he was compelled to unload and reload his wheat. Reporter. ' Wasco. Or , August 81, 1891 Tbe roads are being cot np already by the wheat teams. VVbeat is finding its way to market very rapidly. Good - crops and good price brine; prosperity and happiness. Several st our citizens made a trip to . Moro yesterday. . The boys all report a good time. Tbe Observer force set np - tbe lemonade and cigars in royal style ,-. and for which tbe bovs will feel grateful. ; E. M. Sbutt,of the Observer,' was -in onr city Saturday evening and Sunday. F K V. Hopkins, the genial lepresenta rive of Staver & Walker, was in onr burg last-Saturday looking after tbe interests of the firm. J. M Cummins, ot tbe Newt, visited CJolarnhas, Wash , yesterday. "Grandma ' Waite. mother of Mrs J. McPberson, of this place, has been quite ! sick for tbe past tew days. We hope -. ber illness wiil be. of short duration. Sheriff Leslie made a trip to Gilliam county on business last wees. .. Rev. J. M Dt-Dnison preached big fare well sermon last night, lie goes to con ference to-morrow. Mr. Deonison is a '? good man and an accomplished speaker. v-and it is to be hoped be may be returned. The ice cream sociable last Saturday night at tbe school ball for tbe benefit of the Sunday school was quite a success There was a good attendance and tbe re ceipts amounted to some S23. - - Tbe board of equalization meets to-day to aojun toe assessment roil. jur. f rea t uriey openea up bis new btrber snop with a large trade last Sat- nraay. The case oF State ot Oregon vs. Frank Ferrier comes up before Justice Leslie to morrow. Mr. John Dingle bag about recovered from bis recent illness aad is around and ' able to attend to budness again. Reporter OEEGOU WEATHER BUREAU. Central Office Portland, Oregon: Crop Weather Bulletin No. SS. for vxeh ending Saturday, Auqutt 29, 1891: -WESTERN OREGON. -. The temperature has been above the . average, the maximum ranging from 90 to 100 degrees on the 26th, 27th and 28th. No rain fell daring the week. . Wheat is all cat and much of it threshed -, In every section the yield has been above the expectations of even the moat sanguine, The wheat is of excellent quality. Oats u ... .... 1 i : i .1 T . . . . - have been injured slightly by rast in parts . ot Marion county. Hop-picking has al ready began. Ia some sections tbe crop has been damaged by lice, while in others a good average crop will be picked. Fruit is ripening rapidly ana is plentiful, in curry heading, and the fourth crop of alfalfa has been cut. Each crop averaged, in stalk, 22 . incnea in lengto. - .t . . EASTERN OREGON. Continued hot weather, with maximum temperature of from 90 to 105 degrees, have prevailed. Mo rain fell; the sky has been clondless, with smoke appearing in the at- motnhere. The weather has been slightly iujanoas to tne . corn crop, out favorable to trait. . melons and to harvesting... Fruit aud mel ons are ripening rapidly and are very plen tiful. The wheat is nearly all cat west of the Bine mountains, and considerable has been threshed; all reports tend to show that it is turning oat much better than was expected. " In Wasco and parts of Sherman comity spring and fall wheat is somewhat shrunken. - In. Gilliam,' Morrow and Uma tilla - counties the wheat crop as a whole was never better. . Harvesting is in pro gress east and south of tho Ulue mountains; Union county, especially, has a tine crop of cereals, but all counties have crops above the average. Smut - is found in the wheat in sections of Grant county. Prices are about 20 per cent, higher than last year, with an npwsrd tendency. Farmers are happy and prosperous times prevail throughout Oregon. . . ' . B. S. Paoue. Observer U. S. Weather Bureau. Tie 0. and . T. Sued; Walla Walla 81 At Pendleton W ednesday salt raa commenced by Charles Johnson, of New York City, against the Oregon and Wash ington Territory railroad company for 912,399 65 damages. Tbe plaintiff alleges in his complaint that Jnne SO, 1890, he was engaged at Near York by tbe defendant as general superintendent ot the company, with headquarters at Centralis, for at least one year, from August 1, 1890, to Augast 1. 18V1. with a salary of $2,200. In con- so sideration of his resigning the position he then held as general superintendent of the Santa Fe Southern Rulroad Co., and ac cepting the one tendered, it was agreed that be wonld be engaged continuously at an advance I salary after the hrst year. 1 t,r iMiinpHiiV alo nawil tht 1 ciic"l" wmilii tm la.UKil aumiuucil.lf Mi. JjIiuOU a engagement in this position. Ha was ready to " assume bis duties, hut it appears wss honneed" before becoming superintendent. as he avers that the defendant issued no circular a- d refused to put him in posses ion of the office.. H asks $10 000 for damages to bis character, as a railroad man by reason ot tbe company 1 action, tbe sal' ary of $2,200, the expense of $115 for his trip from Santa Fe to New iork, and $84.65 money expended at tbe company's instance in all 12.d'J9 bo. Daring Stage Bobbery. Long Creek Eagle. Wednesday morning about 10 o'clock, the stage en route from Cuovon City t L:og creek was held op near the head of Beech creek, within one quariir of a mile of tbe ranch if R 6 Frakes, 10 Lower Fox Valley, and relieved of th letter sack containing the registered mail. W. Silsbce related tbe circumstances surrounding the sff-tir to an Eagle re porter as follows: He said that be was earing the K U X rakes rsocn, od the nead of Beech creek. whn ho hear! tome one riding wry la t in his rear who spoke something to him. Again he heard the cry of "halt" out not thinking of a robber, gave do heed to the command flie third time the rohber cried "Halt, or I'll shoot you!-' This time il--!iee stopped and looked around, when behind him was a masked man on horseback:, having a .Winchester rifli; leveled upon bim. The robber demanded him to brow out the letter 8ck. which he did, and the robber iben asked it be hid auy exires8 matter on board. The driver re ulied that he bad not, whereiii,on the robber ordered Siisbee to diivon. Sils bee started bis team off on a walk, nay tug no attention to the robber. Tliip gait not being swift enough, tho robber s id: "Dive up faster, or I'll thoot the, deil out of you 1" The driver whipped op, and when ime distance away, be looked bad; and the man was fast disap pearing through the timber. - Si'sbee spread tbe news of the robbery when be entered Fox valley, and a posse of men set oat after the thief. When the news reached Long creek several men set out to join tbe body in searching the woods. The robber was riding a sorrel horse and had evidently rode some dig tance, as the animal was wet wi'h sweat. Little or no description conld be given of 1 be robber, ouly that be used a white handkerchief or a hour sack tor a music. Later As we go to press, we learn that tbe mail pouch has been found. It only contained two registered letters, one lor Long Creek and one for Ritter, these being the' only letters that were disturbed. It is not yet known whttbir anything of value was taken from these letters, but it is the general - opinion that the robber obtained little or nothing as a recompense lor bis trouble. The robber is being pursued, and at one time the posse were so naar that the gallop of his animal could be distinctly beard. The pursuing patty ba?e a well founded clae to tbe robbery, which will likely be die closed to tbe Eagle's readers id tba fu ture. Drv fir wood S'i.ftu ner cord : flrv manle wood $4 per cord. For sale by J. O. Baldwin. 12aug2i The Behead Eastern Oregon District ' Agrtealtaral Society. 8PEED PROGRAMME FOB FAIR OF 1881 - TCESPiT. 8KFT- 2J, 1891. RACK No 1. Running- Saddle hone, stake S6 en trance, $50 added. Fire to enter; three to start; catch weights. Tbe officers of the society to have the right to rejtct any entry that in their judg ment does not strloJy constitute a saddle horse. 1111 mile oaan. Raos) Nn. a, Tro'tine- -Yearling stake. S10 en trance, f 60 added; $5 payable July 1, 1891, when stake clae- s and entries must be made; ualance of entry due Sept 21, 1891. Half mile dash. it acb Mo s. Trottint; Two- ear-old class, mile beats, best two in three, pa se of $75. WEDNBSDAT, BUT. 28. 1891. Race No: 4. Runninc Inl nd Kmnlr. stake for two-year-olds, 120 entrance, $76 sddei; slO pavahle 8ept, 1, 1191, ben stake close andentiia mupt be made, ba auce of entry due Sept. 21. 1891. Colts to carry 110 pounds, fillies and geldings 107p-und. ljon thoroughbreds allowed ten pounds. Half-mile dash. Raca No. B. Runninr Three-eighths of a mile and repeat. Purse of $100 Racs No. 6. Trotting Gentlemen's roadrtera, stoke $6 ent ance $60 added. Five u .nter. three to stars. To be driven by the i wner to road cart, half mile heats, three in five. TBuasDAi ,srr. 24, 1881. Race No. 9. hunulnr Half mils dash, nurse of $100. Racb No. 8. Trotting Three minute class, mile heats, three in five, purse of $100. - - XIDAT. BUT. 26, 1891. ' Race No. 7. Running Half-mile and revest. pnrbe of $150. . - Race No. 10. Trotting 2:40 clan, mile heats, two oest in nve, puree oi izo. - SATlaPAT, sut. 23, 1891. Race No. 11 Running Three-quarters of a mile handicap. Entries close dept. 24, 1891, with pay ment ni eo. meigni announcea z p. m. oept. . Acceptance of w Ight and balance of entrance money due bv 9 p. m. same d y. I'urse of $126, Rce So. 12. TroUiug Free for all, mile heats, best three in fire, purse of 9176. ' Race No. 13. - Trotting Three-year old class, mue neais, nest inree in uve, purse or atuu. , CONDITIONS. Eligible only to horses owned and located in the second insunct, uregon ana suiciutat county, Washington, prior to April 1, 1891. Entrance in all purse races, ten tier cent, of the amount of the purse; four or more to enter, three to start. All entries in trotting races not otherwise speci fied to close with the secretary at Tbe Dalles, on epc l, vsai. ah tntnes in running races not oth erwise specified close with tbe secretary at The iiaues e p. m. tne nignt Deiore tne nu-e takes place. No monev given for a walk-over. Entrie. not ac companied by the money will -not be recognized. jiominations to be made in writing, giving tbe name, age, color, sex, sire ana asm (it known and when not known that fact should be stated) and colors of the owner. This rule will be strictlv en- xorcea. . ... In case the purses above given do not fill with four complete entries, the board has the power to reduce the amounts of the purses as in their judgment seems nroptr. i ne noata n&s ana reserves tne ngnt to postpone races in ca e of inclement wea her. Any horse distancing tbe field shall be entitled to first and third moneys only. In all races, not otherwise specified, money to be aim ica u, ai, ana lu per cent, oi tne parse. All running races to be gov rned by the rules of the Pacific L&at Biood Horse Association. All trotting races to be. governed bv the rules of ine national trotting Association. M-Srnd to J. O. Hack. Seer' tar u. The Dallem. Oregon, and obtain blank upon which to make lotu- emnet. - . J. U. HACK, JAS. A. VARNET, - Secretary, . President OLD GERMANIA," UOiNOVATU'roprictor. . Keeps constantly on sale the best Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. Columbia -Brewery Beer on Draught. -The fiopst brands of Imported and Do mestic Ulnars a specialty. au7-aldy - EUGENJi- Kelt season begins on Monday, tbe 21st dav of peptemoer, isvi. Tuition, tree. Four Courses: Classical, Scientific Literarv. and a WHin uifiiaii mum, in wiucn muni is no Minn, Greek. French or German. The English is pre eminently a Business course. For catalogues or otner lniormaooo. auaress J. w. juuhson. J17-2in .. President. NOTICE. - A IX persons indebted to J L Thompson, will XX please can ana seme ana save costs. J. L. THOMPSON. The Dalles, Aug 8, 1891. wlm STRAYED. ' ' - i ONE SORB EL. BALD-FACED HORSE, about 16M hands high, ears inclined to lop; branded M H. oonnecte 1. on left hin. Will nav reward of ior return oi none or anr inromsuon leaning to nis reooTorj. Aaarass U.S. siuauan. augis-lm . .. 7pe Psiles, Or. NOTICE. rpO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. - All persons knowing- themselves indebted to the late 'h .rl-s IS liunliam are h reby r qu -sted tn se t'o the uiule'sig- ed. a-lraim-tr.irix. tmnivil ..11 v. All accounts not settled within toe next sixty nays win dq piaceo witn atornes tor collection. JIR-. LIDa DUNHAM, Adm'x Estate Cmrles E. Dunham, dee'd. Dalles City, Auk. 29, leal.. notice. rj ALL WHOM IT If AY CONCERN': That the firooda now iu in possession, belonginur to Arthur Bran-ion, as security for 10, will fee told on we lu of AUkfU-K, wttnouc payment is mane ALfcX HUGUKK1N The Dalles, Or., July 16, 1890. LOST. At Cascade Locks, cmntv warrants a follows: No 38$. Ckv-s 80. ell, AU. 12, 1890, J. V. Atwell. Jin. 45, Class 30, S1.70, Aug. 12. 18U', J . K. Atttell; Ho 1790, Class 31, $1.20. AUK 1'A 1890. F Aiwell. J. F. ATWfcLL. 13 p - " Cascade L' cks. NOTICE.- After thirty davs the accounts cine the late flrra ot Fmit-t & V ilsoi' wil- be p'actd in the hands of an attorney tor collection. C. M. FOvTs. 1HS I'ALLX. JU1 ZZ. 1BV1. TAKEN UP By the subscriber, re idinjr oe mile south vent of thr city, one red cow with vihiie bl ots about t'ec. loth. The owner can have tne amj ov proving property and p.iing chutes foi this advertisement. 11U1 U. liUiUfLLU BEN. WILSON, (Successor to Fonts & Wilson.) 219 AND 221 SEl'OND STJiEET. Wines, Liprc. and" Gears ''United We Stand" And nthei choice brands of Whisky Imported Wines KEY WEST CIGARS. ' Also W nes and deer, mportel aud domestic I. C. NIGKELSEN TJRALER IN The most complete stock of Musical Instruments to be found in the city. QUICK SALES and SMALL PROFITS. BRICK BUILDING. Corner of Wasutneton anJ ThtH Streets. WOOD WANTED. C BALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT d the county clerk's office. The Dulles. Oregon. for 40 cords of goon, sound, dry wood, to be deliv. ered ended in the alley at the rear of the Wasco county court noose. Proposals for oak, fir, ash or solid fir slab wood will be considered. . Proposals must be sealed and endorsed "Proposals to Furnish Wood." The county commissioners reserve the right to re ject any or all Dds. 8 da will be opened Thursday, Sept. 10, 1891. By order of .O.N. THORNBURY. County Judge. J. JJ. UttO?BH, County Clerk. 22augSs CHRISMAN BROTHERS, (Successors to F. Jaylor ) , Proprietors of the GITY PvlARICET Tfairtl Street, Dealers in all kinds of Meat. Hams, Bacon and Sausage always on hand. dfc31dtf JOHJS7 SMITH. Tonsorial Artist, No. 91 Second Street. (Charles Gilgard's old stand, Second St.) He has opened a barber shop, and will shave and cat hair in the latest style of the art tor tbe nsoal prices. Mr. Smith is well-known to onr citizens. having been in the employ of Mr. Charles t razier for several months, and needs no recommendation. . ao8-dwlm H. STONEMAN, The Leading 1 14 SECOND STREET, A0J0IN1NQ FACAN'S. Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. COLUiim PACKING CO., (Cor. Court and Third Sts ) Cured Hams and Bacon, Drie"d Beef s ' and Tongues And tbe best Beefsteaks Mutton Chops and Teal ijuuets ui hu maraer. . ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY sTFresh Vegetables on Sale at the Lowest Prices. J. "'2V. IAUEIii, yAGON MAKER -AND- GENERAL JOBBING Third Street (lllchell's Planing Mill). Carriage and Wagon Painting Done. Work executed on short notice. WAwCO j6jAT,OOIS and EUREKA RESTAURANT F. W. L. 8KIB3E, PROP. k High Gradeof Wines, Lienors & Cigars T -TT-XT.P.tT.r'-C PUT UP FOR L.U .11 .V;.n .i.JTRAVELERS Cor. Second and Madison, near aasenirr depot. , . mv4d- rutUBim, vicgvu. a. a, . m umiuui). arauj. Branch School : Capital Bus. Ooumr, Salem, Oregon. sjtuum sjvuisajEi Ui H stiL s,Mavaa. Bttsiness, shorthand. Tyfitw itinjr,Peumamskit and Enrtisk Depmrtmemtt JrIn eeesion throagbout the year. Student admit- ; ted at anr time. Cataiogao Irom either ecbooi, free. n HI ttm. m sVcsd iMMrirsMlatotirrlRWlhicorworl. B H I I BE I if npMlr and boaormbl. by tbM of Fl I I U W wither tex. TOiing oc oid, and bt tbalr m ownlomliaM,wbmrarioeriic.Atij VII mm m on ran d Um work. EMqrtolewnt. W lWnldi orwytsilnc- Wo Mart yoa. No ttsk.'Toa oao davottj yoor spar sosaoau. or all your time to too work. TbU la an cntinJj mw load, and briaga wtMUltrtitaJ aaccaaa to avorj workor. BaaHnaaw ar aajaJaa; from m to tWpryoakaad apwanU, ana raaoora iiui uDtrknot. Hieunmua yoa plor" it and taaok ytn rHfc-E. Ko apace to cxBlftJa lv CitifillnH ffUM. rtVUVM fCO.Attftl(Za Fall Stationery Boot ana snoemaKer. Land Notices NOTICE FOR PUBLI ATIOS. - Land Ot ee at Vancouver, Wash.. July 10,1891. Notice her-bv given that thefollowiiir.named settlers have tiled notice of thei intention to m ike H'-a pr -of in upp rt "t ti ir r-sne -t ve dtiuim aid tht "aid pr..f wili be u ade tiefore W R. nninr Cuti.mis.i- i er t nited 8tares Circuit ourt lor dis trict of VVaj-hi-iwfc-n, ac Uoldendale, ft'ashingion, on August SI. 1891, viz.: J lines R. Pittman, homestead entry 8816, for the south-east quarter section 13, town-blp 3, noithof range 18 east, w M.. who names the following i -nesaei to p ove his co tiouous residen upon and cultivation of said laid. viz : J.'hn C. Bern , hria lan Brlrigefartner, George O. Lin t-ay. Michael R .thruck, ad of HartUnd P. u. Washington. John C. Berry, homestead entry 8317, for the frac tional southwest qua. ter section 7, township 8. north of range 14 est, W. M-. who names the fol lowing w-'tneroes tn prove his continuous residence up n and cultivation of said lund, viz.: James R. Putnian, Christian Bridgefarmer. Oeoige O. I.indi9.v and Michael Rothrock. all of Hartlund. P. O. w'asbin-.'ton. G onre G. Lindsay, homestead entry No. 8279, for thi- sou 'i-al quattrr srctiuii 15 township 3. mirth of rmge 13 east, W M. He numns the fol.owiiu ajnr.neaties to inivj hi continuous re..enue upun and cultivation ot Haid ani, v:z : John ci. Berrv. J.imcs R. Putman, Christian dririgefiirmer and Michael t;othrock, all of Hart land P. u. Washington. Christ an Bridzefarmer. homestead entry No I 7981, f-T the w.uthcast qu rter se tlun 9, townshli UN., R 13 east. W. M. He names the following witnesses to pp.vo his continuous reoiuencu up .u and cnltiv.ition of said lan l, viz.: Prter H. de la C"Urt, J .men R. Putman. John C. Berry and Angno Campbell, all of tla- tland P. l'. Wash. Peter H. de La Court, homestead entry No. 8120 for tne north half northeasi qu-irter and nortn half eorthwest quaru r sectimi 27, township 3. north ol rtnire 18 east, W. M He names the kd ow ng wit- i&e to prove his t.-ontiiiuous resiuence upju ant- cultivation of said law?, viz.: John C. Sim', George G. Landsar, Christian Britigefarm. r, Hartlaud P O. W ash., an I Kelso B. brooks, of Goldendae, Wa,h . Jotl., GliOGUEG VN. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Oftick atTue DiM-rs, Ok., Auguit 10, 1891. Notice is hereby given that the lollowing.nameo settler ha tiled notice ol - his intention to make fiiia oroof in supDort of his claim, and that said prool will be made before the Keviater and Reixlver of th U. S. Land Office at Tne talles. Or., on Sept. 2;, 18U1, viz: CHESTER W. E.MEKSOU, Hd No 1-07, tor tne NJi t.W, -EJ NWJ and 8WJ NEti, Bee 20. Tp I H. R 15 E W M. lie unmet the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, sai land, viz: Jweph C. Egbert, James Hurst, i-iaac Young H-iriin aksta, all of The u hes. nr. auglt JollN W LEWIS. Register. NOTICE FOB. RE PUBLICATION. Land Office At Tna Dalles, or., August 8, 1SU1. Notice is hereby given that the following nameo settler has filed notice of his intention to makt final proof in support of his claim, and that saic proof wilt be made before the register and rcceivei of the U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on Sept. 2i, 1SW1, viz: JOSEPH R. HALL, Hd. 1907. for the bE'4, Sec 26, Tp 1 N, R 12 11. Ha names the following witnesses to prove hit- continuous residence upon and cultivation of saiu land, viz: J aeon uont, iiiram t;nittenaen, E v league, a Walters, all of Tbe Dallas, Or. auglft JOHN W. LEWIS. Register. Legal Notice. PROPOSALS FOR Flour, Bran and Chop Feed. D". 8. IN 111 AN -ERVIOE, 1 WARM SPRINGS AOEKCV. OREGON, ' July 22, 181. I Sealed nropisala. endorsed "Proposals for Flour. uran and . nop n eed," and addressed to be under- siunea at warm prlngs, crook oonnty. Oregon, fcontraeior to furnish warehouse facilities), will be received at this agencv until 8 o'clock P. M. of FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1801, For furnishing and delivering at The Dalles, Oregon about 50.010 lbs Fiour, 80,000 Sis Bran and 50 000 tt s of Chop Feed Feed must be cf clear Barley and Oats, fresh ground and of good sound grain. Flour must be what is known ai straight full stock, of good a. itwd wheat; grown in the section of countrv conturuous to the pi ee of delivery; 60 pounds of wheat to be ground down to 42 pounds of flour. No patents taken out Samples of not less than 10 ths must be furnished by biddeis. Delivery to be made in such quantities sa may be required. Tbe right is reserved to reject any or all bids or any pan ot any bid if deemed for tbe best interest of the service. Bidders mntit state tpecificAlly in their bids tbe pr prsed price of each article offered for de- iitery uoaer a contract. CERTIFIED CHECKS. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or diafc upon s me United States depository or solvent National Bank in the visinlty of the resi dence of the bidder, made payable to the order of tne Commissioner i f Indian Affairs for at least five per cent, of the amount of the proposal, which check or drait will be forfeited to the United 8 ateg in case anv bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fai I to promptiT execute a contract witn good and sum dent sureties; otherwise to be retained to the bid der. Bids accompanied bv cash in lieu of a certi fied chi-ok will not be consideied. F"r further par- ucutars apply to J. v. Lut;ft,t!.3r, liyzD-st u. a. Indian Agent. Sheriff's Sale. Br virtue of an execution, and order of sale issued out of tbe eircoit court of tbe state of Oregon, for Wasco county, on the 24th day of July. lUfil, In th. suit wnerein me solicitors- iioan ana Trust tym pany is plaintiff, and J amen Booth, Mary Booth.. W. ' Mc lure, barah II. McOlure, D. O Alter, Ada Alter, naipn notrers. juna n itoifera. tin r.mtKXlv. J. at. Tavlor. Daniel Grid ey, F. F Hall and John w . r ruucia are derendan a, to no directed, com mandi. a-me to make sal. of the lands in said eve. cu.ion, and order of sale, described to-wit: Those certain pieces and parcels of land in Masco connty, state of Oregon, known and described as the ear half and the east i.alf ot the southwest quarter of section io an 01 section 19, tne ease nail 01 section 17, and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter ol section 32. all in township 1 north of range 14 east of the Willamette meridian, situated In Wasco ounnty, Oregon.. I hive thia day levied upon una Tana, ana on Saturday, the 5th day of September, 1891, At the honr of S oVlock, p. m., at the court bouse' door in Wasco couutv. stale of Oretr n. I will sell said land and all the right, title and Interest which said defendants ha I thereUi on the ' 25th day of r eoruarv. 1001 tine oate 01 toe morurae. aescriDed in tne complaint lu said suit) or have since acn aired at public auction to the highest bidder thereto to sausiy uie juogmeni, interest, ttoraer B lees, costs ana aisDareements in said suit, tu-wit: S2.317.00 and interest thereon from tne 18th day of November, 1880, at the rate of six per cent, per antium. Com pounded semi-annually at the rate of 8 per cent, par annum on S2UO0 thereof, and at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum on ewu tnereor, ana tne iurtner sum of $ 00 attorney fees, and costs and disburse ments taxed at 853. 7. Dated this 4th day of-August, 1891. O L. CATES, 8aug6t Sheriff of Wasco Co., Oregon ! Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. TN TH3 COUNTY COURT OP THE STATE OF 1 1 Oregon for the County of Multnomah. Id the matter ox tbe estate of Michael Little de ceased. Notice Is hereby given that undei and bv virtue of 1 anorderolsaip.duiy niadeandenteredor record in tbe i (,'ountv Court ot uie State of Oregon for tho Couuty ; vi juuicnomoo dv hod. i. j. juoreiana. aiuaue cnerti- of. on tbe 6th day of August. 191. the under iirned. C. W . Lomler. administrator of .the said estate. ill nell at pul lic auction to the huhest aud btsi bidder at the front door t the county court houoe in Dal ten City, county ef Wanto aud State of Oregon, at tbe l nuur oi iu o ciock a. jloi uie 23d day of September, 1891, the following described real property, situated in the county of Wasco and state ol oretron, to-wit: Tbe nortb one-naif of tbe oortbeast quarter of sec tion thirteen, in townit two n rtb, of range ten east of the Willatuett meridian, for cash paid at tbe aav oi sate, in unitea yoia coin, or one-naif ash down aud tbe balant.e in one year or lest, se cured by a mortgage on the above described real property oy the purchaser of such property. Administrato - of the estate of Michael Little, de ceased. W. L. Ncttino. Administrator's Attorney. Dated August 141b, 1891. - augl5-6t SheriiTs Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COUKT OF THE STATE OF JL Orejron for Wasco County. John Prall, PlalntlC, O E Baard. Administrator of the Estate of N. W. Harper, deceased, delendant. By virtue of an execution, dulv issued out of the above-entitled court, in the above cause, on the 14th day of July of 1891. Upon a decree rendered in said ause on the 11th day of July of 1891, in favor ol tne above-named plain Lin and airainst the defend- ,ant above named for the sum hereinafter mentioned. mnicn decree, among; einr tnini-s, ordered the sale of the lands hereinafter described, to satisfy said Bum?, i nia levy upon ana win sen Oil Saturday, August 22, 1891, At the - court bouse aoor in Dalles dry. Wasco county, Or., at the hour of 2 o clock p. m. of said day at public auc ion to the biu-hest bidder for cash in nana all the followinfr-descried mortgaged land to-wit: The west half of be northwest quarter of section 28, to whip 1 south, range 1& east W M., being and situated in Waco county, Oregon, to sa isfy tbr sums of $211.50, with interest therton from s id 11 ih day ot July, 1691, at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum and the further sum of $25 as costs of suit and accruing hereon. Dated this 16th day of July, 1861. . - If. Li. UATES, Sheriff of Wasco Couutv, Or. NOTICE. BIDS WILL BE RECEIVER, by the Prineville lrrieation Company for the dijreinar of a ditch oue metre and 26J rods long', amount of earth to be moved. 27,000 cubic yards. Bids will be received un til the 28th dr of AuftiuU Work to commence the 15th day of September, 1891. raiansfiijUA inniUAiiun auffl5-lm - PerT A. Urxn, Sec., rnneviiie. jrooa uoonty, v regon. Dissolution Notice. XT OTI0E is hereby given that the partnership .Li heretoore existing between O. M. Fimts and Ueojaaam wiisonunaer ine urrz name oc stoats & Wilson, is this day dlsaolred by mutual oonsent. All debts owing- to said linn will be paid to O el Fonti. and all bills owing by said fine will be set tied by Benjamin Wilson who will continue the bna- messacueoiasuun. - a tvura, BKN WILSON. The Dalles, July ,,1891. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! DR. E. C WESTS TfFRYE ANI BKMN TREAT ME NT, a snaraiittd speciticfor HysterU, Dizzinei., Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neum'jfia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused b the use of alcohol o tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental depression, Sof teniae of the Itrdin, resultinir in insanity and leaning to iniserj'. decay and denth, Preranture Old Ajre, Bir renness. Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntan Losses ami Spermatorrhoea caused by ove -tXerttoi of tun brain, seif-ahtise or over-indu genoe. Eacl cutains ne month's treatment. 1 a oox, oi ix boxes for 5 not h ' nail prepaid on receipt ut price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each or-'er received by u for six box'-s. accomnani-d with So. we will send tin pun-li&Her our w.ittcn guaimtee to refund th money if the :rH:itment does not i ffei-t a cure. Guar iiitees l. lll onlv bv UUKKLEY Si HOUUHTuK Sole Agents, ITS Sec nd i-treet. The Dalles, Or. $500 Reward ! WE will pay tho abovo reward for any case of I.i mplaint. Dyspepsia, feick Headache. Indigestion. C .tipation or Costivjness we cannot core witn Wes Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strict i-omplii-d with. They are rnrety Vegetable, and nev fall to give satisfaction. S igar Coated. Large boxe containing 30 Pills, a cents. Beware of counterfei and Imitations. Tho genuine manufactured only L HE JOliit C. WESX COUPAITX, CHICAGO. ILL. Bl kel.-y A Ho ifhtou. Sole Aifeuts, Second treet. The Dalles Or - Ask my agents for W. L. Douglas Shoes. If not lor snle in your plnce nek your dealer to send fnr cninlogne, secure the anencv. aud o-ct them Tor von. tar TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. WHY L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE cENfeERM EN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEY? It Is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made of tbe best fine calf, stylish and easy, and because ice make more shoes of this graae man any or ner manujacrurer, it equals nana Kfiwprf nhrtpR nnfttinir from tUAHi tn C.()Q. fie OO Genuine Haud-sewed the nnest calf 4 Jm shoe ever offered for $5.(M; equals French lmportea snoes wnicn cose irom 5.1 1 to i:ja. ft- m Afl Hand-Spwed Weir Shoe, fine calf. 4 stylish, comfortable and d arable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; same grade as custom-made shoes costing from $.0U to 6&00. fl O t0 Felice 8heef Farmers, Railroad Hen 90i and Letter Carriers all wear them; line calf. seamless, am 00 la inaiae, neavy uiree aoies, exien inn tvWfl. OnA nair will wear a vear. 4 fine calft no better shoe erer offered at mm im pnee; uoe ixuu wiu cuui who want a shoe for comfort and servioe. CO and 93.00 Workinvrman, shoes i&mbw are very strong and durable. Those who nave given them a trial will wear no other maxe. nAVol 8400 and $1.73 school shoes are DUID worn by the boys everywhere; they sell on then1 merits, as the Increasing sales show. I mWIao 83.00 Hand-sewe shoe, best MUlvo Don goto, very atyllaQ; eqi 1miAi-attAi-l sruwaai (a-Kllnar tram mA.(Mi tn atfl.Od. LAdlee' XM aad $1.73 too Cor Ulsaes ara the bes4 fine Doogola. 8ty Ilaih and d arable. Daatten See that W. L. Douglas name and riee are stamped on the bottom oi eaon shoe. VY. As. WVVtAlMFh UnwiWisj J.Freiman,AUTbe l)alles,0r. To Yoi! Free to all Brides ! 7VT0TICB ig hereby snveo to all tbe readers of this paper and all tbeir friends an acquaintances throughout the United Btates and Cannd that THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whose address and 10 c-nw to pay postage is sent to the publisher wuojD one year irom tne oate oi ueir mamatTe. Persons sending for this present are requested to cna O'py oi a paper conuuuintr a nouce oi weir marriage, or some other evideuee tht shall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to tho magazine uncer toe above oner. Address, "THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt. raia GEEMAIIA, CHAS. STUBLING, Prep. New Vogt Block, Tbe Dalles, Or. Wines, Iipors and Cigars. All brands of Imported Lionorv, Ale and Porter, JaixJ reniuD nej nen cigars Ainuuneoi CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. TTT n ti 11 I VYlSfiTTian 4V; KutlAr. (Bnccessors to J H. HcDonoogh & Co.) DEALEB8 IN Choice Wines. Liquors. AND CIGARS. None bat the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperanoe drinks o all Kinus. corner ot uourt and second streets. THE DALLES, OREGON. W. H. NEABECK, PROPRIETOR OF THE Granger Feed Yard, THIRD STREET. (At Grimes' old place of business.) Horses fed to Hay or Oats at the lowest possible prices Good care iriven to animals left In mv care. as 1 have ample stable room. Give me a call, and I will guarantee satisfaction. - JuzOU W. 1 NEABECK. F. W. BOLD. HATNER. BOLD&HAYNER At Thompson's old stand, 193 Tnird St. BUCKSMITHINC OF ALL KINDS DONE NEATLY AND CHEAPLY. WOOD-WORK ef all kinds, repairing and miking anyming, irom a wnedoarrow to a carriage. HORSE-SHOEING A SECIALTY. mv4d-w H. GLENN. Is again at his old stand and has on hand ? FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, node to oraer. OT Contracts for all kinds of buildings taken at the lowest figures. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. JA1V1ES WHITE'S LUNCH COUNTER. In eonn action with my Fiult Stand, on 8e?ond St.. near tbe oorner of alaulson, Ihaveopenoi a-lunch counter, and can serre to customers sandwiches' Diss feet, oysters, coffee and tea. This Is conveni IS THE Housekeepers ent to tbe passenger depot. Have lio Oalifocut orange cider, sad the best apple dder. oo&i . PRINCIPAL ?0mi EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTE AT THE DALLES. B E. LYTLE, - - - Asrent UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEAN, Portland to Naa Pranriwo. 0" San Francisco Leains; Stes.ship Wbart land, at 10 P M.. as folium: Port Veeon 'Mle Eder ..June Oregon tale Columbia ' 'njton row 2 Cj'.-ijtijre must be checked eilher at Ash St., rtnrjnir he &dy, or bv the V C. B. Co. No unchecked uitsajje will be received on the Steamers Man ('ranristo t I'urtiaiul. To Portland Leaving fcpearSt. Wharf, Kan Fraucisoo at 10 A. 41. as ( Elder Jure 4 Oretton v.... " 8 -Stitte , 12 Columbia 16 )r-Kou - " 20 State ' 24 oiumbia 28 The company reserves the rUht tt change steam ers or sailing date without f-.irtlier noiioe. For rutes, tidicw, bci-th reycrvatioi;s, tt. , wll Oli r address any iick-t aent of the Uuiun Paviilc ys ein. c:. S. MELLE.T, T. W. LEE Gen Tntliic Uatuucer. Gen. i'ass Agt FROM TERMINAL OH 1NTER! ;11 111-STS Tnn orthern Is the lino to take ro ALL POINTS EAST iSil SCGTIL It Is the Dinintr Car Route. It runs Thr- ugh Ves- tibuied Trains Every Pay m the year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OP CARS. Composed, of Rising Cars unsurpassed, Pullman urawing uoom eueepers of tAtest Equipment TOTJRIST SLEEPINO- OAHS, est that can be constructed, and in which accom modations are both Free and Furnlahed lor holders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. ! A Continuous Line connecting with All lines, Affording Direct and Un- ' . interrupted Service Pnlman Sleeper reservations can be secured In ad vance tnrouirn any axent 01 tne roao. TUDniinil TIPITCTO To and from all points innUUlin IIUKt lOln America. En ir land ard Europe can be purchased at any Ticket owce of s uompany Full Information concerning- rates, time of trains, ntes and other details furnished on application to y agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenirer Agt., No. 121 First street, cor. Washington, PORTLAND. OREGON. L; A. S. Cathcart, GENERAL DRAYMAN 8k, -AITD DEALER IS- ALL KINDS OF WOOD. Pianos and Furmtnre moved with tbe sreetest care. Kesidence, opposite tbe warehouse of Bros., on Second street. Office iBC. , whh M . r-Ub Maier & Benton, corner Third and I Union streets. Orders left at either place will receive prompt attention. decSltt THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FIRST STREET. FACTORY NO. 105. PfADQ f tn& Best Brands manufsct- UI JI1I1U ur ured. and ordeas from all paitf or the country nlied on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAB has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home manafactoaed article increasing eyery day. dec24dy-tf A. ULPJCH & SON.' If yon want THE BKST, buy ALLEN'S NORTH ER N CUOWN SEEDS ! If the merchant von deal with does nnt keep them, send to ALLEN direct. He pays the postage. Beautiful Catalogue sent tree. Address E. W. ALLEN. 171 Second Street, PORTLAND, OR BBKiaSEIIEKS ... TILE CEZEBBAZED . SMITH & WESSON m ' REVOLVERS The Finest Small Arms Erer Manufsct a red." niMiDiftv LU Jf n WE m EXCELLENCE el WORKMANSHIP snd CONVENIENCE In 3 I naniNO aiul SsrFTV. B Beware of cheap iron imitations. 9 Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to j 1 SMITH 4. WESSON, B SPBIXQEIELD, XA8. MmiMsmiwmswmmimmmm t9M Oktekestei EaslUk ! rEfirSYROYAL PILLS SFViV ufi. Unn nilakla. Laeica a Dnnul ax (JUdkMUr BfUtk Dim-, mmUMtmdlmlUmiaMtmeaa eaUS wlik Was nseoa. TeJn At Drasciatfl. r taai 4a, la Maaras aaruoaiars. iiinMMii teller I IWr adlea Ucur.Oj i Thl In li i Tiiaslisl"! ." -r-i asHsy FOR SALE. CHOICE LOT of Brood Hares; also a nun- wu l of Geldlnzs and Fillies br Kockwood. Jt Planter, Oregon Wilkes and Idaho Chief some sUndard bred. Also tn- -e One rount; stallions bv ttockwooa, Jr., out of nrat us mares. rnr prates a o terms eau oa or aa areas eitner J. W. Condon or i. B. Larsen, The Dalles, Or. mchU-dwU arfl Splpejs & Klncnsly. -TH Leadings Druggists, 129 Second Street, The Dalles. Oregon. LOUIS PAYETTE. (Mic.essor to Payette 4 Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I . AND WAGON-MAKER. Corner Second and Madison Sta. Ml work work In iron or woo done In the neatest manner. Anytuiiitr in the wigin line, from a wheel burr w to an oninious, made or re, aired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machineo e paired fui and workmanlike mana.-r. in the most skill mch21d BUNNELL : BROS., 190 Third Street. PIPE WORK. PIPE AND TIN REPAIRS Sl. Specialty. MAINS TAPPED WITH PRESSURE ON. Oiiposite Thompson's B'arksmith Slioc END FOR OUR CATALOGUE. aRCE3 ATLAS-ENGINE WORKS, INOtANAPOLIS. INO. EAST END SALOON, Hear the Old ktiot Building, SMond Bi., The Dalles. Or. Always on haad the) Best Wines, JLiquors, and Cigai's. A. Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager.Beei on draught. Charles F. Lauer, Proprietor of the Third St. Poultry and Fish Market, Will always keep on sate , Puget Sound Fish, Chickens, Turkeys, Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco and Curars. Leave vour orders, as ther will receive DromDt tention. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK, Washington Btreet, Viet. 2d and 3d The Best of Wines, Lienors and Cigars ALWAT8 ON BALK N. B. WHYERS, PROPRIETOR. j. a iaeben, Dealer In all kinds of i Hay, Grain and Feed, At bis old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. The highest Cash Pries paid for Sheep pelts. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THK DALLES, OREGOA. JOHN PASHEK, MERCHANT t TAILOR. THIRD STREET, Second Door from corner of Washington. LL GARMENTS CPT BY MADISON'S LATEST l BYSTluM, and a lit guaranteed in ererr case. Repairing a d cleaning done auicklv and on the most reasonable terms Making ianta is mv spec ialty, and I always guarantee a goodflt. My nriees re uie most reasonaoie. (uiecuo gPIICHTNGEB BROTHERS. . wnoiesaie ana itetaii iieaiers in Fine Confectionery, Nuts, Fruits, Tobacco. Ctxara, Etc Proprietors of the quaki:r dairy. Nos. 76, 7 an 0 ocond Street, The Dalles, Ogn. PAUL KREFT. tic F&inter & Eqqsd Desorator. 0 Tlio DaJlcB Oregon. House Painting and Decoratinar a spedUty, No I interior sod chp work done; boi au o. lastina work at the lowest price s enop Aajouuna; uea front urncery, imra street, i G. NOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUIIDER. Plans and specifications tor buil.ling fur-i-hed. Will do all kinds of excavation ad ((railing. All orders left at pnatottiiH; box 12! mrl3 JAS. FERGUSON, Goods hauled with the eraatest oara to all parts of tbe city od abort notice. Leave orders with Fiah & Bardon. t -1 5 1 m I I ka AAA. OPEBH EICBBIE General - Expressman ! WHOLESALE Hartae, Iron. SjeelaM Farm Macleiy. SOLE ACENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. - Tbese Machines tn too well kuoirn to need eommeat. Thousands of Caxmari hare need tnem and ipeaJc of them with praise. They are the only Earreatlnc Hachlnes that -will give ENTIEE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTON'S The most Effective and Successful Grain BUCK EYE steel frame TWINE-BINDERS. tWTht Featara that distinaulhes this fn-lne-Bindcr is th. Lishtnett of Draft, eomblnd with tta umorainaijr eireninn ana I'urauiuty. 1 lie umner on. yet known. W. hive two styles, th. Elevator recommended or hundreds of patrons. SGHUITLER FAEI I1G0N3, BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS. BUCKEYE AND SUhcRIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. CORBIN DISC HARROWS. HODGES-HAINES HEADERS. HAISH BARB iVI.l: "SEND FOR CIRCUl Or to . N. CHANDLER. Funeral The TJnderslgTied has Added to his Business a full line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Eosewood Gaskets, Burial Boles and Shrouds. Trimmings 'of ail descriptions at tin. Lowest Prices and owns the Heat Eleerauat Bejsure eas f tk soeuatalEul wish all th latest Impraraaaents. NO DELAY IN TILLING ORDERS. : Plare f BnalnFMit. la Nielsen's Block, oorner Third and Washington streets. Place of Kes)HlBe Foorthsiet,aornsrel Wsabinatoa. Can b sea at sA hears of th d and night. ia29tf PRINZ & NITSCHKE Furniture and Carpets. liTHE LEADING : Best Stock and Heeond Htveet, FISH & -DKAXXR8 IN- Sioves, Funaces, GAS PIPES, PLUMBERS -:o: We are the sole agents for tbe RAMONA COOK. 8TOVE, whioh has tire satisfaction or monxy refunded. Cor. Second and Washington streets. The Dalles H. CLOUGH. CALL AIVD SEE The Hoosier Fence Machine The only machine that gives a cootinuoue twist to the) wire. Ia operation at THE PACIFIC Stntnsr, Durable, Neat, and Cheapest Fence in tbe world, BEST FENCE MADE. CLOUGH The One Price Cash House,' COR. SECOND AND COURT STSm J. P. McOEMT. -DEALER I IV- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &o. Agent for tie Bntterick Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, CHAS. E. iDTJIEM, THE DALLES, OREGON, DEALER DRUCS, MEDICINES Toilet Articles. Pam Bran ly, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. niysicia. tits' Prescriptions a. .Specialty. THE POSTOFFICE STOBE, Besides leading beyond dispute in now carries TKJN ClOIMT Embracing all the latest popular pieced. ; Recent additions make oar line of Kne Tablets the most complete) in The Dallw. We confidently iartt oota pirisoo of goods and pnoes. r , xi"ir A T . .mSeeMdaadlOT-lOSWaaUng Al. T. ilOIiAlN. I1J.D0DD&C0. Friit, First ani Yine Streetx, PORTLAND, - OREGON. DEALERS IN STAR TRACTfOH ENGINE, Combination for Threahinf and Cleanlnf er constructed. is 1,1 th. Ajpl tiv pattern, in. oaiy rswij suoosssnu Binder and th. 1' I'lauorn tiorm Binder both sxosllwt soth Dooro riows, Deere Sulky Plows, Carriases, Fhxtons, lop Buggies, Agent. The Dalles, Or WIL MICHELL, UNDERTAKER AND Dii'eotor. WM. MICHELL. ' UNDERTAKERS. Lowest Prices. . The XHUJes, Orofron BARDON, Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE and no equal, and guaranteed to give en A. LARdEN FENCE WORKS. , P0MPS,k ' & : XAREN, : Proprietors, Tho Dul lot. Oreiron. IN- AND CHEMICALS, Periodicals and Taper Books, a line of MUi-JO