4 fc' : i - r-. i f M MOTHEE'S ; UNAVAILING LOVE. , Mke. Clings to Her Children to Have - Tliera frani Drowning, Only -: Beeened After Both Have pied in Her Embrace. - - Last evening ' wl listened to the most . .pathetic story, of, maternal affection to which ' we ever heard. Yesterday morning about 8:43 the D. S.Baker arrived opposite Hood River, and Capt. cNulty .blew the whistle to make the landing. Soon thereafter the captain's attention was called to an inverted ooat, to which a small Indian boy was cling ing, and the upturned face of an Indian woman floating in the river with a child . "clasped in her right "arm. The boat . drifted ashore and the boy was rescued ' by persons on the bank, and the captain lowered a boat to- - proceed to take the wodibe And child out of the water. On - taking them out the woman was found - to " be alive, though nearly completely exhausted by the. effort of keeping the . chird on her arm ; above the surface of i the stream," and,' strange ' to say, she was . grasping the dress of a little girl in the left nand. Every effort was made to resnscitate the children, but to no pur pose, as tbey were both dead when taken from the nvfr. . . : The kind-hearted captain, assisted by ' passengers, were determined that the heart-broken mother should see her chil dren alive after ber heroic effort to pre vent them from drowning; but they were ' 'dead, and, although only a squaw, she had clung -to ber boy and girl, when, by so doing, she. bad imperilled ber own life.'t Can a better exemplification of ma ternal affection be shown among civilized .. .... . .. people tn an in is exasapie oi a savage Indian in the wilds of Oregon? OE00Z rCOUNTY. Items From the Colnmnn . Oenoeo Kevlew. or the The Misses Welch, wo have been yiait- ' ing their aunt, Mrs. D. W. Claypool, on Ochoco, left last Monday for their home in Tbe Dalles. Miss Jessie will return to take tbe position of teacher of the intermediate room m Prineville public schools at the be- 'ginning of the fall term, on Sept. 21st. Milton Belcher, of Bridge creek, who was in town Wednesday, said tbe wheat crop . on that side of tbe sjonntain will be first: class, there having been no rust to injure it, He thinks considerable wheat from that (aide will be brought to the Pnneyille mills -s.&denaa the new machinery is pat in op- titationi . I Last' Tuesday Charlie Elkins, while cut ting iron on a foot-power machine, got two of his fingers too near the knife of the ma chine, and as a resnlt mourns the loss of about one-sixteenth of an inch of the fin gers. It was rather disagreeable to part with a portion of his fingers, bnt tbe wound causes him but little trouble. " Last Sunday Vps Belkuap gave a practi eat illustration of tbe method he adopts in working a balky horse.. He . started to town and had gone but a short distance when his horse, belief ing in an equal divi ion of labor, refused to go, whereupon Ves quietly alighted and stoically took bis poai tiori n the lead, and the last we, saw of him hf waa still lir that position, making slow - bat sure progress. " . On Tuesday an immigrant train, consist' , ing of about twenty persons, five -wagons and a dozen horses, passed through town en ronte fo Multnomah county. They were from Minnesota and North Dakota, and had been on the road since the first of May. They bad gone through about all their worldly possessions, farming in Minnesota and Dakota, and came to Oregon to make a new start. They were in pretty bard cir cumstancee, but if tbey are made of the right kind of metal will pull through all right in Oregon. - - James Connor, of Sisters, arrived here last Wednesday morning, bringing the news that Theadore Boswell, a young man who was herding his sheep on the head of Tuma low creek, in the Cascade mountains, had shot himself and had died from the -effects of the wound. The circumstances connected with the accident, so. far as Mr. Connor could gather from the party who brought the news to Sisters, are about as follows: About 3 o'clock Monday afternoon Mr. JJoswell sat down on a log, and the pistol he was carrying fell out of the scabbard, striking on the hammer was discharged, the ball striking him hi the right hip and ranged up through his back, coming out between the shoulders. .,- Mr. Spencer, who was tend ing camp, found Mr. Boswell about 6 o'clock and did. what he could to alleviate the wounded man's sufferings until II n piir. it n, ,fn game to his relief. deceased except that of age, and with bis Zaer, who lives near isaceoven, was engfcged in the sheep business, and was running his sheep in this country during the snmmer. - ' . . i ' ft Teachers' Institute. 7 The following programme of tbe Norma! County Institute was rendered Monday evening t.1 . tbe once . school . bouse at 7:30 o'clock,' ' As the personnel of this programme consists of the lest talent, we can bespeak a very pleasant entertainment for those who attend: ,t ". . Piano Solo Selections from "Lucre tia Bonria. - . v-.i.-....,....'...MiwHoli:ster Ad draw of Welcome w. H. Wilson Response. r.. 7. Aaron Frazier Wen '-xTeleo oie To-niehtf'. . . By Club Paper-''Lar.gnage Lessons". ....atiw 8. V. Cooper a ..pvi. niiuugiii rjiumj - Miss Melissa HUT Corset Sole "Ave Mana." with niano accom paniment by Miss Hollister ...J.P.Benton Ado roes "How to Get .Parents Interested' in - SsfaooW .. .. .a. a GUbert uioe wno comes uenr-..r - Abt By Alia Club. The follpwing is the programme pre pared for Tuesday evemng : . , , -v Music -l Know a Bank."..... ......GleeClub "Teactunir that is Outside of Books."..... Miss Mary E. Frazier Muaic Bong . ........Primarr Class 'Lavja? tbe Foundation, -Miss Gertrude Meyer wiiiic uanaoun ana uuitar uuet. yOraded Scboola in Wasco," ..terry A. Snyder r js usic aoog.i. .t-rioiai-)' ciaM i "Tbe Two Great Lessons" ....Aan.n Frazier Huaic "On tbe Wves, Aiki Clud OEE&OIT WEATHEE BUBEAU. X.--' r' ' W : 1 ( Central Office Portland, Oregon. . .Crop I ' ' Watfker uUetmi:y'o:24,fpr$eek ending . : Saturday. Auqust 22, 1891: , . ' - WESTEBJT 0BEG0N. t , Kai fcfl.on nigbt of 17th nd on tbaSth IUfH(lllBt.Mll.:.P'''MW a 1ov.noiru and Josephine counties, ine rain did no damage to grain, ,but delayed harvesting and threshing tor one day. Winter wheat is all cut and most of it threshed. -.Spring. grain ia being cut. Gram is yielding better - than was expected in every county, tiity , six bushel per acre rrom lo acre celd u reported from Yamhill county. Hop growers expect to gather j fair cropv. In. Douglas, - aTackson and Carry counties the Brat crop of 'figs are over and the second crop is now , setting;. Early peaches are about over, and ; tbe second crop will ,be- ripe, oext week, Fruit drying is ia progress. ' KASTEBN OREGON. Baia fell in most conntias on the 19th and . 20th, varying from a sprinkle to. 14 of an iacb, '. The temperature bas been above the v ayerige and- rosfej towards close of week, t nntil to-day it ranged froui 90 to 106 degrees. V There was no damage done by' tbe rain I', : though harvesting operations were delayed for about one-half a day in various localities. Winter wheat is generally all throned, aDd considerable of the spring sown grain has also been threshed, except east of and south of the Bine mountains. - All reports indicate tne yield to be above the expectation of the farmers, except in parts of Wasco county, where the hot weather, in, July did some damage. In some parts of Union county, rust is observable in this county harvesting operations are just beginning. In Sherman, Morrow and Umatilla counties yields of from 30 to 40 bushels an acre are commonly reported. Frnit 'and mellons are plentiful and largehipments are daily made. Wheat prices have an upward tendency and except contracted wheat, few farmers are selling. ; V- B. S. Pacue, Observer U. S. WeatherBureau. ' GEAJTT COUNTY. Items From the Columns of tne .Long Creek fcacle. , A gang of Frenchmen, of Walla Walla, are developing - claims near Greenhorn City. ' Tbey are opening up some val uable property. ' R. E. Porter, the mill man of Prairie City, has ordered lull roller process ma chinery for his flouriosr mill of that place. Mr. Porter has shown considera ble enterprise in this matter, having at least $10,000 invested in tbe mill prop erty. S. W. Crecson, of Hcppner, was robbed ot bis gold watcb and $75 in money while en route from Portlaud to Pendle ton last week. Some shark caught him napping, and possibly beiag a profes sional at the business, relieved him of tbe valuables named. The road companies and settlers of Harney valley are lawing over tbe title of property Jn tbe county. It is gener ally understood that the road companies have not complied with the laws. Tbere fore,they are liable to lose their property. Superintendent Bonbam says there are ten teachers now. holding a license to teach in Grant county who wero no? in attendance at the teachers' institute, hve of whom were excused. He says be fears something has happened to the other five, as tbey would not neglect to important a part of their duty. 0. S. Miller, proprietor of the Monu -mental mi'je, in Greenhorn, recently made a visit to Portland, with a view of making arrangements with Portland par ties interested ia the mine, toward open ing op their quartz miil lor general cus tom work. Tbey have a twenty stamp mill of tbe latest improved machinery. The mining fraternity are acxions to bave him succeed in the matter. THE ADAM P0EEPAUGH SHOW. Its Founder and Its I'erpetautor. The great Forepaugu Sliow was founded by Adam Forepauch, and his name is as firmly associated with it as that of Horace Greely, who established the New. York Tribune, is with the journal which. he con ducted for so many years. Tbe name "Forepaugh" is a household word, from ocean to ocean, from border to border.. - It has always been a synonym of all that was meritorious in the show world It is a priceless trade mark that has never been lessened in value by chicanery. -It Has but one translation It . means a good show pure,' clean and respectable. For almost thirty years it has traversed thous ands npon thousands of miles its aim to instruct as well as to amuse other idols of the spangled world bave risen to fill; but the great, the grand, old Forepacgh Show has outliyed them all. . It has been truly a 'survival of the fittest.." It was a stalwart in our father's days. It is a very giant now, overtowering, all-powerful, larger, more at tracting, better thau ever before during its time-honored existence. 'Old friends are the best." Character and reputation are not gained in a day, but most grow. The past of the Adam Fore paugh Show opens a warrant for its future, and it can well afford to stand upon its merits and its unassailable record. - The newcomer is bnt an . experiment, tb greed of gain may inspire exaggeration, pledges joay be kept, and they may not, enyy may engender slander; but sn exist. ence of more than a quarter of a century. has proven to the public that the great Forepaugb Show is a truthfully advertised exhibition, and that it always fills the bill. Mushroom concerns with mercenary ends may assault the old monarch of amusement enterprises; but it is too sure of pnbhc favor, too firm in the hearts of the people to fear the result. The management of the Forepaugh Show understood that energy and enterprise, not ease, won the day. Therefore no expense is too large, no risk too great for it to assume, It ia worthy the patronage of the entire community everywhere, and when its mam moth pavilions are reared here on Vednes- ay, Sept. 16tb, it is safe to predict an im mense attendance. The afternoon perform' ance will be the only one given, as there will be no night show. Wasco Hews. - Wasco, Or., August 21, 1891. Editor TlME8-M0CTiTAiKRER: Too process of- hauling off wheat bas already .began. . Several loads , bare passed . through town, en route to the river,. ... . V. C. Brock went to Tbe Dulles yester day on business. He will return this evening or in tae morning. . ' W. M. Reynolds is busy grinding ont the poluen rrain. His new spnarafnr works like a charm, and bis employers wilt bave good work done this. year. -- The case of Pierce vs. Catchier came before Justice Leslie last Wednesday. Legal work flows in so briskly that it keeps tbe sheriff rustling nowadays. ' Tbe board of school directors of school district No. 7 are looking for a painter to treat oar fine school bnilding to an other coat of paint. ' " ' Mnrcbie "Bros.' have purchased the thoroughbred stage coach from W. M. Bornett and are painting -It up. - It will be added to tbeir large stock ot convey ances in the livery business. A full cirps of teachers has been em ployed and school-will open about Octo ber 1st for a six months' tour. The railroad iscoming, teware of tbe cars while Jbe bell rings or the whistle sounds 1 - - - - Several cases bave been commenced in the circuit court of late. ; From present indications court will last four or fife days next time. - - Bo r.arefal what you eat and bow you eat at this time of year or you may have summer, complaint. It vou . get into neighbor; Biggs', watermelon patch too soon 'you will be sure to have it. Bet then tbe doctors Beers could fix you up in no time. J. F. Belsbee, of Monkland, was in town to-day. . He will thresh at an early date. ? " '' . . ; - Beading is nearly- finished "in these ber split parts. The grait is yielding better than was expected. : " ' " ' Reporter. ' ENJOYS . Both the method and results vrhen Syrup of Figs is taken ; it ia pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Jiidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the ays tern effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt id its tion and truly beneficial in its effecto, its many excellent qualitie? commend it to all. It is for safe ln oOc and $1 bottles by all lending druggistii Manufactured orly by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FiiANOISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. MFIV YORK. N.V Legal Notices. SherifTs Sale. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF X Oregon for n asco county. John Prall, Plaintiff, vs. O E Bajard. Administrator of the Estate of N. W, Harier, deceased, defendant. Br virtue of an execution, dulv issued out of the above-enritird court, in the above causa, on the 14th day of July of 1891. Upon a decree rendered in said oause on l he lllh day of July of 1891, in favor of the above-named plaintiff and against the defend ant above named lor tne sum neremniter mentioned, which decree, among oth, r things, ordered the sale of the lands hereinaf t r described, to satisfy said sums, I did levy upon and will sell on Saturday, August 22, 1891, At the court house ooor in Dalles City, Wasco county. Or., at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. oi said dav at Dnblic auc ion to the highest bidder for cash in harm all the following-described mortfraired land to-wit: The west half of be northwest quarter of scctrbn 28, toanship 1 south, range lo east W M., being and situated in Waco county, Oregon, to satisfy the sums of $211.50, with interest therton from s id 11th day of July, 1891, at the rate ot 8 per cent, per annum and the further sum of t25 as costs of suit and accruing hereon. Dated this 15th day of Jnly, 1891. D. L. CATES, Sheriff of Wasco Cuuntv, Or. PROPOSALS - FOR flour. Bran and Chop Feed, O. 3. INDIAN" SERVICE, ) WARM SPRINGS AGENCY, OREGON, V Jnly 22, 1891. ) Sealed proposals, endorsed "Propo als for Flour, Bran and 1 hop Feed." and addressed to he under signed at Warm tprintcs, Cmok county, Oregon, (contractor to furnish warehouse facilities), will be received at this agency until 3 o'clock P. M. of FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1891, For furnish in it and delivering at The Dalles. Oregon about 50.0 K) tbs Flour, 80,000 it Bran and 60 000 Its of Chop Feed. Feed must be of clear Barley and Uat8, iresn grouna anu oi gooa sound grain, raour must be what is known a straight full stock, of good sound wheat; grown in the section of countrv contiguous to tho pi ce of delivery: 60 pounds of wheat to be ground down to 42 pounds of flour. No patents taken out Samples of not less than 10 lbs must be furnished by bidders. Delivery to be made in sucb quantities as may be required. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or any part, of any bid if deemed for the best interest of tne service, muuers must state i-pecuniauy in cneir bids the pr posed price uf each article offered for de livery under a contract. CERTIFIED CHECKS. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified check or dtaft upon s me United States depository or solvent National Bank' in the viciuity of the resi dence of the bidder, made payable to the order of tne Commissioner oi inaian Anaira lor at least nve per cent, of the amount of the proposal, which check or dralt will be forfeited to the United 8rates in case any bidder or bidders receiving an awa-d shall fait to promptly execute a contruci wan gooa ana sum cieiit sureties; otherwise to be returned to the bid der. Bids accompanied bv cash in lieu of a certi fied cht-ck will not be consideied F"r further par ticulars apply to f. v. Lutfttr, livzd-ot u. o. inaian Agenc Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution, and order of sale issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon, for wasco county, on the Z4tn day or juiy. isui, in tne suit wnnreiD tne solicitor? tioan ana mist uom pony is plaintiff, and James Booth, Mary Booth,, W. jr. Jaciiure, saran ti. Mcciure, v. u Aiier, Aoa Alter, Ralph Rofrers, Julia N. Rogers, Uri Embody, J. 3d. Taylor, Daniel Gnd'ey , F. F Hall and John w. tranos ore acfendan's, to me directed, com- mandiKtr me to make sale of the lands in said exe cution, and order of sale, described to-wit: Those certain pieces and parcels of land in Wasco county, state of Oregon, known and described as the east half and the east i.aJf nf the southwest quarter of section lo. all of section lo, the east half of section 17, and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 22. ail in township 1 north of range 14 east of the Willamette meridian, situated in Wasco county, Oregon. I hive thm day levied upon tnis J an a. ana on Saturday, the 5tn day of September, 1891, At the hour of 2 oVlock, p. m., at the court house door in Wascq comity, state or ureg n, I will sell aid land and all the right, title and interest which said defendants ha I therein on the 25th day of February. 1887 (the date of the morttraire described in uie compiaint in said suit) or b are since acquired at public auction to the highest bidder thereto to satisfy the judgment, interest, attorney's fees, costs ana aiSDursemente in saia suit, to-wit: 9z.317.uu and interest thereon from the lota day -of JNovember, iguu, at tne rate oi six per cent, per anbura. uom pounded semi-anunally at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum on zuuu wereoi, ana at tne rate or o per cent, per annum on $317 thereof, and the further sum oi v w attorney lees, ana costs and disburse ments taxed at Dated this 4ih day of August, 1891. D L. CATES. 8aagCt Sheriff of Wasco Co., Oregon Admininistrator's Sale of Real Estate, Oregon for the County of Multnomah In the matter of the estate of Michaei Little de- Mot ice Is hereby riven that undei and by virtue of an oraer oi saiouiy maue ana entered oi recora in tne county court ot tne state oi Oregon for tne county or uuitnomon dv lion. i. u. Aioreiana. juaae tnere- .of. on the ttth day of Auirust. Ife91, the underriirned, C. W. Lomler, administrator of tbe said estate, will sell at puMic auction to the huihest and best bidder at the front door of the county court houe in Dalles City, county el wajtto and State of Oregon, at the nour oz iu o cioca a. m.oi tne 23d day of September, 1S91, the folio wine described real property. sHuated in the county oi wasco ana state oi uretron, to-wit: The north one-half of the northeast quarter of sec tion tmrtecn, in townhii two n -rth, or range ten east of the Willamette meridian, for cash paid at the aav-oi saie, in united aiaiea gold coin,. or one-naif cash down and the balance in one year or les. se cured by -a mortgage on the above described real property oy the purchaser of such property. Administrator of the estate of Michael Little, de ceased. - W. L. Nuttiko. Administrator's Attorney. Dated Augiirt 14th, 1891. augl5-5t County Treasurer's Notice All county warrants registered prior to April 2, 1888, will be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after'this date. The Dalles, Or., July 8, 1891. UEO KUCH. Treasurer of Wasco County, Or." Dissolution Notice. OT10E is harebv riven that the Dartnerahio heretofore exUtinz between O. M. Foutii uid Benjamin Wilson, under the Aim name of Fonts A Wilson, is this dav dissolved bv - mutual consent. All debts owing to said firm will be paid to C. M. I'outi, and all bills owin by said firm will be set tied by Benjamin Wilson who will continue the bus iness at the old stand. C M FOUTS, " DKN WILSON. . The Dalles, July 2, 1831. ; TOR SALE. A CHOICE LOT of Brood Mares; also a nun-ier of Geldinm and Fillies by Rockwood, jr. Planter, Oregon Wilkes and Idaho Chief some sttndard bred. Also tb fine youuif stallions by liockwood, Jr., out ol first ua mares. For prcies a. id terms eali on or address eitbor J. W. Condon or J. H. Lareen, The Dalles. Or. mchl4-dwtf TAKEN UP isr tne subscriber, residing one mile southwest of ciw, one rea cow witn wmte qwts. about Dec. 15th. The owner can have the same by proving property and paying charges for this advertisement. : liul- . W. BIBOFELD. WOOD. SAWED. keep 1 will start the steam wood pays free. 1, 1891. I will be nreDareri tn t and pile all the wood in tn.u .t rea sonable rates. Leave orders at P. O. box 356. - J. C. Meins. 171 Land Notices- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., July 10,1891. Notice U hereby given that the following-named settlers have filed notice of their intention to mike fina' proof in pupp -rt of th ir respective claims and that iaid proof will be iiiade before W. R. i. unbar Commiiwi'-ner United States Circuit ourt for dis trict of Wathiaatisn, at Uoldendale. Washington, on August 31. 1801, viz.: Junes R. Putman, homestead entry 8316, for the south-east quarter section 13, township 3, north of range 13 eaet, W. M., who names the following wit nesses to p ore his co tiouous residen e upon and cultivation of said land, viz : John C. Berry, Chris ian Bridgefarmer, George G. Lindsay, Michael Kothrock, all of Ilartland P. O. Washington. John C. Berry, homestead entry 831", for the frac tional southwest quaiter section 7, township 3, north of range 14 east, W. M.. who names the fol lowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upvn and cultivation of said land, viz.: James R. Putman, Christian Bridgcfarmer, George G. Lindsay and Michael Rothrock, all of Haitian d. P. O. Washington. Choree G. Lindsay, homestead entry Xn. 8270, for the soui west quarter section 15. township 3, uorth of range 13 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to proves hU continuous resilience upon and cultivation of said land, viz : John'O. Berrv, James R, Putman, Christian Bridgefanner and Michael Kothrock, ail of Hart land P. O. Washington. Christ an Bridgefarmer. homestead entry No 7981, for the southeast qu-rter section 9, township 3.N., R 13 east. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upn and cultivation of said land, viz.: Peter H. de la Court, Jumes R. Putman, John C. Berry and Aogno Campbell, all of Ha- tland P. O. Wash. PeterH.de La Court, homestead entry No. 8120 for tbe north half northeast quarter and north halt northwest quarter section 27, township 3, north ot range 13 east, W. M. He names the lohow-ng wit negsed to prove his continuous residence upuu am' cultivation of said land, viz.: John C. Berry, George G. Land say, Christian Briogefarmer, Hart I aud P. O. Wash., and Nelsoi B. Brooks, of Goldcndaio, W;ih. .um. UKUUiiEii as , Register. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Omen at TnE Dallka, Or., August 10. 1891. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler baa filed notice of bis intention to make finai proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will De made before tne ttetnster and Receiver of to. U. S. Land Office at" Tbe Dalles, Or., on Sept. 2i, 1891, viz: CHESTER W. EMERSON. Hd. No. 1707, tor the N SW!4, sEJ NWJ and SWJ KtK, sec zu, in 1 . K IS IS N u. He names the following witnesses to prove his Mtuwujuua lusiucuuv upuu, aim vuiuvuuuu ui, guu i&na, viz: Joseph C. Egbert, James Hurst, Isaac Young, .uarun jaK&ua, au oi i ne Ltaues, or. augU JOHN W LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR RE PUBLICATION. Land Ofpick a Tnn Dalles, Ob., Aiuust 8. 1891. . Notice is hereby Given that the following named settler fass filed' notice of his intention to makt final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before tbe register and rcceivei of the U. S. land office at The Dalies, Or., on Sept. zz, iKfi, viz: JOSEPH R. HALL, Hd. 1907, for the S'A SE14, Sec 26, Tp 1 N. R 12 EWM. He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation of said lanu, viz: Jacoft Obrist, Hiram Chittenden, E C Teague, A Walters, all of The Dalks, Or. augl5 JOHN W. LEWIS. Reirister. G. JSTOWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and specifications tor building fur nished. Will do all- kinds of excayating and grading. All orders should be left at poatoffiee box novl3 Portland. Oregon. A. P. Arrastront?. Prin. ' Branch School: Capital Bus. College, Salem, Oregon, i oume courses oi siuay, same raves oi iuuion. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting; Penmanship, and English Departments i ffdrin session tnronenout tne vear. studeitH admit- ted at any time. Catalogue from either school, free. Ctl eh ester's Encllah Dlamoad Brail. Pennyroyal pills Orfylaal an unly iMnnine. sarc lwji reliable, ladies aafc i Drncgirt for Ckickaster a KrujliMh Dia-A smond Bnmd In Ked and Gold metaltioV bzes, aealed with bine ribbon. Take 1 turns and imitations. AtDragsiiti,ereend4& in Uunpl for particular, testimonial an4 " Kelief for Ladlea," letter, by rctr r hml iitaiiuu inumgniui. nam raver. 7hlpheiitrCtiaMlral Oo, Mi dUea Bqnare, ! rwiieii i rmr BUNNELL : BROS., 190 Third Street. PIPE WORK. PIPE AND TIN REPAIRS MAINS TAPPED WITH PRESSURE ON. Opposite Thompson's Blacksmith Shop W. H. NEABECK, PROPRIETOR OP THE GraDglYard' (At Grimes' old pla ot business.) Hones fed to Hay or Oats at the lowest possible prices Good care iriven to animals left In my care, as 1 have ampbt stable room. Give me a call, and I will guarantee satisfaction. ju20tf ' ' W. H NEABECK. A. S. Cathcart, GENERAL DRAYMAN -AND DEALER IN- ALL KINDS OF WOOD. Pianos and Furniture tnoved with tbe greetest care. Residence, opposite the warehouse of i n loon Jiros., on Second street.' Office vitb Maier &T5enton. corner Third and Union streets. Orders left at either place will receive prompt attention. decant s PEICHINGER BROTHERS. Wholesale and Ketau Dealers in Fine.Confeetionery, Nuts, Fruits, Tobacco. Clears, Etc - Proprietors of the QTJAItlOIt DAHIY, Nos. 76, 7 an 0 ccond Street, The Dalles. On. To You . Free to all Brides ! "VTOnCE is hereby civen to all the readers of this il paper and all their fri.nds ann acnuaintanra. fcuniuicuouii uis unitea otases ana banana that K E H O U Sf HOLD ".. Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whos- addresB and 10 cents to pay postage is sent to the publisher within one year from tbs date of their marriage. Persons sending for thin pisent are requested to send epy of ft paper cuntaming a notice of their marriage, or some other evirfe-.ne that sluill amount 'z a reasonaoie proof that they are entitled to the magazine uncer tne aoove oner. Address, "THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt If yon want THE BEST, boy ALLEN'S NORTUKR GKOWJN IS the merchant vou deal with does not them, send to ALLEN direct. : He the postage.: Beautiful Catalogne sent . Address E. W. ALLEN. . - POETLAND, OB. Second Street, - III, Housekeepers LOUIS PAYETTE, (Successor to Payette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in iron or wool doite in the neatest manner. Anything in the wagon line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnibus, made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and machinery lepaired in the most skill ful and workmanlike manner. mch21dw F. W. BOLD. A. . HAYNER. BOLD & HAY NER Blacksmiths and Wagon-Makers At Thompson's old stand, 193 Toird St BUCKSMITHINC OP ALL KINDS POKE NEATLY AND CHEAPLY. WOOD-WORK of all k nils, repairing and miking anything, from a whd lbarrow to a carriage. HORSE SHOEING A SECIALTY. mv4U-w GOLDjUBm PPi CO., (Cor. Court and Third SU) Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues And the best Beefsteaks. Mutton Chops and Veal Cutlttd in the nwket. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY 43"Fresh VcgeUblos on Stile at the Lowest Prices. je5d&x Goods hanled with the fjreatat care to all parts of the city on short notice. Leave orders with Fish & Bardon, SALESMEN Local and Traveling. A Good Ch:ine; Io't &iH ttl You need no capital to represent a reliable firm thai war rants nursery stock first-chss and true to name. Work all the year, and uofxl pay weekly to f nerjretie men. Apply quick, statins nprc L. h. MAY & CO., Nui fiery men, Florietjcnd Seedsmen, St. Paul Minnesota. jul3-4wkty NOTICE. A LI, perrons inilebtod to J h Thomp-on, will please call and settle and save costs. Li. xiiiMiraua . The Dalles. Au? g, 1S31. wlm STRAYED. ' fNE SORREL. BALD-PACED HORSE, about 154 hands hrh. ears inclined to lop; branded M H, cxnncte i, on left hip. Will pay reward of 95 for return of horse cr any information lea-'injr to his recovery. Address O. S. H OKU AN, augiS lin The ballet. Or. notice. After thirty dav the accounts due the late firm of Foutrt & Wilsor will be placed in tho hands of i attorney for collection. O. W. 1 OUTS. T hr UALLKH, July 2:1, 1391.' LOST. At Caecade Locks, county warrants a follows: No 3S. Claaa SO. 11. Aui;. 12. 1890, J. F. Atwell; No. 645, Clasa 80, SI. 70, Aug. 12. 1890, J. P. Atwell; No. lvuo, Class 31, ti.zu, auk. iz, lsw, t. t. Atwell. J. f. ATW ISap Cascade Locks. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commission. Lock Box 218. THE DALLES, OREGON. It ni n nms n a in i 11 . ULU litMVlAlM, 90 Second t. c- DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on sale tho best . Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. Columbia Brewery. Beer on Draught. The finpst brands of Imported and Do mestic Cigars a specialty. an7-91dy JOHN SMITH. Tonsorial Artist, No. 91 Second Street. (Charles Gilgard's old stand, Second St.) He his opened a barber shop, and will ahave and cat hair in the latest style of the art for the usual prices. Mr. Smith is well-known to onr citizens. having been in the employ of Air. Charles Frazier for several months, and needs no. recommendation. auS-dwlm Wiseman & Butle (Successors to J.-H. McDonough & Co.) DEALEKS IN Choice Wines. Liquors, AND CIGARS. : None bat the best brands of Liquors and SK rfSSSSS ks of all atraeta. THE DALLES, OREGON. JAMES WHITE'S LUNCH COUNTER. In connection with mv Finit Stand, on Second St.. near the corner of Madison, I bare openo I a lunch counter, ana can serve to customers sandwiches' pigsr I est, orners, coffee and tea. This is convent. en to uie passenger aeoot. Havn una c&lifnmi orange aaer, and tbe nest apple cider. co26 I - C. NIGEELSEN DEALER IN The most complete stock of Musical Instruments to be found in the city. QUICK SALES and SMALL PROFITS. BRICK BUILDING. Corner cf Waanington and Third Streets. PAUL KREFT, Mistic Faint.r & Ecuse Ppsoritor, ' Tile Dalles, OreKon. D House Paintin? and Decorating a specialty. N interior and cheap work done: bat iroed. lastinar . J AS.' FERGUSON, General Expressman ! work at the lowest price's Shop Adjoining Bed rent Grocery, Third street,' P' ' TO ATjti PRINCIPAL POM TS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH i..T DALLEH. THIS E. E. LYTLE, Agent LOCAL TIME TABLE. Union Paeifle Hallway' Pacific Di vision. Railway Time Table. Cnlon Paeiflp SAHTBOONd. - AHnlVR. DEPART NO. z, Fast Mail 1:00 a. m. 1:10 a. m. So. S. Atlantic Express 11:10 a. m. 11 "20 a.m. WBSTBOUNll. ARkiV'K. UKPART. N-j. I, Fat Mail 4:f.5 n. m. 5:P5 s, m Xo. 7, Vacih'e Kxpress ::0 p. tn 4:.:0 p. m. Main Line,' i'.fi. 1 and 2, "The Ovtrland Fiver,' carry through Pulhrun Sleepers, Colonist S.'e'-pers, Free Chair Cars and Coaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, St Faul or Chicago. Main ' iuo, Nos. 3 and 4, "The Limited Fas M iil," carry Pujiinan Dining ani bleeping Cars be tween PortlanTan . Chicago'. Dailv. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Portland to Sr.n CrcirUro. To San Francisco Leavin? St..i-h; Wtwf Port land, at 10 P II., as foll ows: Oreffon June Stalo " Eider ' Orearon ... SUttt Columbia ' ori-tron . " StHe Bpfiflraf,'e must be checked cither at Ah St. the day, or bv theHJ C. St B. Co. Xo uu baggot'o will be received on tiic Summers, Han frtnfisco to lrtlaut. To Portland Leaving; SpearSt. Wharf, San Franei6C0 at 10 A. M. as follows: F.ldcr June' 4 Oregon 8 State ' 12 Columbia 16 Orenon " 20 State " 24 Columbia 23 The company reserves the right to than steam era or sailing dates without further notice. For rates, tickets, berth reservation, etc. , call on or address auy ticket aircut of the Union Pacific sys tem. C. S. HELLED, - T. W. LEE Gen. Traffic Manager. Oeu. Pass Agt FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS fJnrlliprn Par UI IIIUI II I QUl 11AILROAD fclthe line to take TO ALL POLMS EAST AND SOUTH. It Is the Diriintr Car Route. It runs Through Ves tibuled Trains Every Dny in the vear to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. NO CHANGE X)F CARS. Composed of Dinmir Cars unsi lurpassed, Pullman of Latest Drawing; Keom Sleepers tquipmeit. TOURIST SLEEPING OARS, est that can be constructed, and in which accom modations are bot h Free and Furnished lor holders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Contifluons Line connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Un-1 interrupted Service Pnlman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad vance tnrougb any agent of the roa-i. TUPnilPU TIPlCTC To and from all points innUULin llUlVtlOin Ameria. Emruuid ard urope can be purchased at any Ticket office of s iftHnpanr Full information concerning; rates, time of trains, utes and other details furnished on application to y agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passentrer Apt., No. 121 First street, cor. Washington, PORTLAND. OREGON. C. N. THORN BURY. T. A. HUDSON. . THORNBCRY & HUDSON, Write Fire, Life & Accident INSURANCE d-bnersr to XJoaia. on ReaTEstate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all hinds oj Land business be fore tne U. a. hand Office. Rooms 7 and 8, up-stairs, U. 8. Land Office buildingr. TBE DALLES, OREGON. ; J. IV. J V TT i : 1 WAGON MAKER -AND - GENERAL JOBBING Third Street (Hichell's Planing Mill). Carriage and Wagon Painting Done. Work executed on short notice. and EUREKA RESTAURANT P. W. L. 8KIBBE, PROP. A Bigh Grade of Wines, Liquors & Cigars L:U:N:C:H:E:S TRAVELERS Cor. Secoud and M&diaon, near txsaengfT df pot. mv4d-it H. STONEMAN, The Leadio); m SfioemaRer. 1 14 SECOND STREET, ADJOINING FACAN'S. Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. HRISMAN BROTHERS, (Successors to F. Taylor.) , Propnetora of the CITY MARKET Tliit-tl Street. 1 600 Hanaa, band. Bacon and Sausage always on dec31d&wtf ' Snipe$&Hnersly, Leadings 129 Second Street, The Dalles, - . Oregon. JOS. T. PETERS & CO. -Dealers in- Buildin Material OF ALL KINDS, mylSwtl CKO FOR OUR CftTALOQUEano PR'CEC ATLAS -ENGINE WORKS, -COS 1391 ;;u3ivf-r i.it ltitts:j-Ailonfc v c: Lire', jiiares. Tho onh nr." i vi.I! hivi iliiii.lia'-tiir EV KRYTHIXO in SEEDS, in;r.!V;ni.'-J",TJAXT.TIi:i.'. i jS.plicj--.tloa. T.o-,v i'reigUt 3 licte-t ta I he V."ti.t. Pbn&floodnlsCo. cd Crcwers, iii::B!!!!Bi;;:H:;a:;is:;s::iiB;ii;H;!iHXHXig ZEE CELEBBATED . . j SMITH & WESSON .-REVOLVERS I ! Tho Finest Small Arms Ever Manufactured. ii i ir4 - "" 'i c l-errect. H ACCURACY, - nllDADIl I TV EXCELLENCE of WORKMANSHIP and CONVENIENCE In i LOADING and SAFETY. M Beware of cheap iron imitations.! B Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List toj y SMITH & WESSON, H SPMINOFIEIM, MASS. I H. LARSEN, Dealer in all kinds ot Hay, Grain and Feci, At bis old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. The highest Cash Price paid for Sheep pelts. EAST END SALOON, Near the Old Hint Building;, Second St, The Dalles, Or. Always on hand tho Best Wines, Liquors, ixncl Cigars. A Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery arid Imported Lager Beei on draupbt. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. BEN. WILSON, (Successor to Fouts & Wilson.) i 219 AND 221 SECOND STKEET. Dealerjin Vines, Liquors and Cigars "United We Stand" And othei choice brands of Whisky Imported Wines KEY WEST CIGARS. AIm W nes ant lieer, ?n ported aud domestic the GEEMAIIA, CHAS. STUBBING, Prop. - New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. fcs, Lipors and Cigars. All brands of Imported Liouors, Ale and Porter.and Rename Jvey west cigars. A u nne ol CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FIRST STREET. FACTORY' NO. 105. piOinQ of the Best Brands mannfact Ul JftilO a red. and ordeaa from alt parts of the country tilled on tbe shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR haa become firmly established, and the de mand for the home manafactuaed article ia increasing eyery day. dec24dy - tf A. ULEICH & SON. LCV ia29tf ISS t mmmM WHOLESALE HardwareIron. Steel and Farm MaeMnery. SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHi.NCTOH AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. These lUchlnei are too well kuown to need comment. Thousandt of farmew hare need them and weak of them with praise. They are the only Harreunt Machines that will give ENTIE3 SATISFACTION to the purchaser. . MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTOH'S The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleanln Grain .ver constructed. buckeye ijsametvvine-binders.' aThe Feature that dMlncuMies this rvlnc Bindcr i? the Lightness ot Draft, comb nu JJ Extraordinary 8trenrth and Durability. The Binder is of tl.e Applrhv pattern, the onlv r5 uJr'll one yet known. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and the Platform Uiuder both xoeiiom mm recommended by hundreds of patrons. SGHUTTLEE MM IA&0NB, BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUhcRIOR. DULLS AND SEEDERS. CORBIN DISC HARROWS, HODGES-HAINES HEADE HAISH BARB "SEND FOR CIRCULARS. Or to E. N. CHANDLER, Agent, The Dalles, Or Mm Tho TJndersLsmed has Added Metallic, Cloth-covered, . i i i- isen ana nosewooa aseta, Burial Bobes and Slirouds. Trimmings and owns the Host Elegant Hearse eaat of the mountains with all the latest unproTements. I NO DELAY IN Viae ofRri'irts. In Nloaelaen". Block, corner Third and Waahlnirtoa atreeta. ' .' Vl-r ot Besidenve. Fourth a net, comer of Washington. Can be cen at all hours ot the da, PRINZ & Furniture THE LEADING UNDERTAKERS. Best Stock and Lowest Prices. V Kecond Ktroet, PISH & -DEALERS IN- Stoves, FLinaces. Daqges, GAS PIPES, PIIIIBIS COiS, f l)MPS,k . :o: We are the sole agents for the Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE and RAMON A COOK STOVE, which has tire satisfaction or money refunded. -:o:- Cor. Second and Washington streets. The Dalles H. CLOTJGH. CALL. AISI SEE The Hoosier Fence Machine Tbe only macbioe that gives a continuoiu twist to the wire. Ia operation at THE PACIFIC Strong, Durable, Neat, and Cheapest Fence In the world, BEST FENCE MADE. CLOTJGH & : The The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., . P. IcIIEEIT, J -DEALER IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and (Japs, Hoots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Bntterid Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, CHAS. E. DUNHAM, THE DALLES, -DEALER DRUGS, MEDICINES rine jouei ooaps, rrusoes, uomos, eta i'erfum pry and Fancy ' Toilet Article Pure Bran-ly, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purpose hysioiants Prescriptions ix Snecialtv THE POSTOFFICE STOEE, Besides leading beyond dispute in now carries TJK1N CEM' Embracing all the latest popular pieces. Recent additions make our l.neof F.ne T.bleta the moat complete in The Dalle.. We confidently invito com arison of goods and prices. ' invito com 142 Secobd and 107-109 Waahington Street-, M, T. NOLAN, MM Fot.ManaYinBStrfifits. , --"-I pohtland. - . Oregon DEALERS IN - STAR TRACTION ENGINE, Dcero Plows, Deere Sulky Plows, Carriages, Pltsetons, lop Buggies, TtTTi r "S f TTTTHT T " rnyjnmw, ;,r.n- u-'S--? 3 UNDEBTASEB. AND to bis Business a full line of Black, White, .French j rt l i- ' of all descriptions at tho Loiest Price. FILLING ORDERS. WM. MICHELL. NITSCHKE apd Carpets. The T)ji.11-n. Ortttroia. BARDON, no equal, and guaranteed to give en- A. LARi EN FENCE WORKS. LARSEN, : Proprietors, Dill 1m. Orcarona- OREGON, IX- AND CHEMICALS Periodicals and Paper Books a line of " ' 31USIC