Ml : PHOTKCTIOX . In dainty little parlor on an uptown street, In dimly-lit cerner on a very narrow seat, Y on know tne rest. In books and arts the maid was versed, In law and politics the lad was first. ; "Of course 111 tell yon the tncks." , He said, "of what they call dry politics." "This is protection," said he in haste. Placing his arm around her waist. "Free trade, yon know, is more like thir," He gave and took from the maiden a kiss. Then a rattling noise around them ran, As the shaking of shot in an old tin can. And Johnny CSDH6 from beneath with a grin "And this, he cried, "is American tin. 5Tou know the rest. - OK A gVlilEB 1AY. A beautiful maiden. Heading a book; A picturesque landscape, A babbling brook. A nan with a kodak - In secret prepares To picture tke maiden, As she sits, unawares. Ber two strapping brothers Were chancing to pass, Saw the man with the kodak, And also the lass. They rolled up their Bleeves, Threw off bat, coat and vest; The man pressed the button, Xney did the rest. -Puck. GBAHT OOUUTT. Items From the Columns of tne Lone Creek Eagle. Jap Griffith, son of E. W. Griffith, for merly a resident of this place, was acci dentally shot In the brakes of the John Day last week, by his herder. "Didn't know the revolver was loaded." ; A wound in the left leg was the extent of I the injury. . The discovers of - gold on Soldier creek, fonr miles west of Harney, con sisting of quartz and placer, bids fair to create a little fever, for it is now evident ' that there is gold to be found in paying quantities. Miners of ezpenence say the placers will pay f 10 or $12 per day and expenses to the man by sluicing. ' " While the Union Pacific has spent over $8,000 in prospecting the Butter creek coal fields, they appear to still have faith that coal in paying quantities exists in that section. A new force of men have again been employed by the company who are now at work on Butter creek, some distance from the former scene of action. Tbey have discovered a 13-inch : vein of superior coal, and are sanguine that farther developments will bring to light the existence of greater quantities. High excitement, we learn, prevails on Cottonwood, brought about by the dis covery of gold by J. R. Brown, a resident of that section of Grant county. The Eagle is unable to learn whether it was placer diggings or a quartz ledge that created the great stir, but as traces of gold have been discovered in that sec tion in years past, we are led to believe that it is placer ground that has been discovered. However, the excitement is high, and several parties left their har vest fields to prospect the ragged section of Cottonwood. V 0EBG0B" WEATHER BUREAU. Central Office Portland, Oregon. Crop- Weather Bulletin, 2To. 23, for week ending Saturday, August IS, 1891: -. EASTERN OREGON. No rain is reported to have fallen. The temperature haa been about tbe averace; the maximum temperature ranged from 85 to 92 degrees. There haa been more than - tbe ayerage amount Of clouds, though the afternoons have generally been cloudless. . Frosts occurred in parts of Klamath county on the 9th. There is a serious lack of harvest hands in most sections. Heading and threshing are in full progress. The wheat is turning out even aboye . the expectations of most farmers. The quality is generally above the ayerage. ' Prices to-day u Pendleton for wheat are 65 cents for blue stem, and 64 cents for club, clear of the sack. Many farmers in this section sold their wheat last ' year at from 52 to 55 cents per bushel. In ' Sherman and Morrow counties the yield is most satisfactory, also ' in parts of Wasco county. In Union county some heading was done" this past week, but it will be in full operation next week. In Klamath county, which appears to be a natural county for rye, there is rye eight feet high and volunteer oats that will yield nearly or quite 50 bushels per acre. - Through the stock country a large hay crop was secured ' and stock are generally in prime condition. This year promises the best all-around hat- vest on record in Oregon.: B. S. Paous, . Observer U. S. Weather Bureau. "Wotemis Springs Items. . r . Wetews, Wash., Ang. 11,1891. Visitors at the springs have been quite ' numerous lately and hunting, fishing and drinking soda water are in order.". ; . . At all hours oi the day the ban? of the shotgun can be heard resounding thiough the canyon. Squirrels, grouse and pheas ants are falling by dozens. There are several bears fooling around in the vicinity of the springs, but to-morrow a party of Nimrods will start out "loaded for b'ar," and well, the bears need not feel ' very much alarmed. - ' Tbe' Klickitat , river has a- somewhat ' milky look these warm days. A part of this stream heads in the glaciers of Mount Adams; hence the whitish appearance'' of the water. A suspension bridge across the Klickitat ; has just been completed.--The length of this bridge is about 140 feet. The width is foar feet. The floor hangs about twelve feet above the water and is swung from two 1 L r i. : u i r EUIO uiitr Ul W1UUU Ui 1U0UI3 Ul MIX with, what looks to be, almost no support. Some haye to drop on their hands and knees before they ' get half-way across and " - "coon it" the rest of the way."" ""Bat" it is a big improvement upon the old method of ' - crossing to the springs by means of a boat. " The greater part of the work on this bridge ' Wifl done by Mr. George Champie. ' : -V - "1. N. K." Life-Saving Dy a .new Het&od. "If yon should be tempted to give me ; alien of bread will yon kindly batter it only on' one sidef suggested gentleman of leisure with whiskers on the seams of his coat, chronicles the Detroit Free Press, as . lie stood at the kitchen door of a suburban : : residence just as tbe ann teas getting tired yesterday afternoon. ' ' - Vlf you're not Oat of the gate and around the corner before I count nineteen, the most . ferocious bloodhound this aide of tbe Rocky t-ZSonntHUia ' H butter you on both aides." ' said the wonian, who had a hot flatiron in , her hand and waa perspiring like a leaky v garden bose. "There it goes again," said the loafing r delegate of the Stoveminders Union, as he got ready to dodge the dog; "there it goes - again 1 If I was a common tramp I wouldn't object, bat for a man who baa saved sixteen lives and placed his own life in jeopardy" Tbe woman with the flatiron softened, nd soon the life sayer waa worrying him. self around a hunk of beefsteak- as big as his foot and was smiling away round to his wen. . "Poor man!" said the woman, "tell me all about it." As the last mortel of beefsteak disap peared he gauged the distance to the front Kate and said: "I think there were sixteen. There may have been seventeen or fifteen. They were all back here in the woods dying" "In the4 woods dying" "Yes-um. They were all back here in the woods dying for a drink, don't you see, and I had two bottles of whisky and I saved their" It took the woman a good half hour to find, the hot flatiron in the grass, but as tho life saver moseyed down the road he was saying big words and coqneting with a rubic triangle on toe back ot his necK. The report that Chinese are entering the Btate of Washington by way of Skagit riyer is continued. Tbey pass along the Cana dian Pacific to Fort Hope, about thirty miles from the headwaters of the Skagit, reaching the riyer by an old Indian trail, from whence to the bound is good canoe navigation, with only four or five portages. The Chinamen are assisted in their voyage by the Indians. Entries Close. The two-year-old running stake and all trotting races close September 1, 1891, for I par district fir. Don't overlook it. En ter your horses in time. ydlaaw Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken: it is pleasant and refreshing to tho taste, and acts ently yet promptly on the Kidneys, aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem enectuaHy, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tne taste and ac ceptable to, the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in oOc and $1 bottles by all leading druggist!!. .rvianniactnred only Dy tne CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. - 8AM FHANC.ISCO, CAL LOUISVILLE. KY. MEW Y03K. N.Y. ninmiiMtfliiilinmiilMiii.itinmiiHnv ' DOCTOR Pills are a Positive Cure for Sick: Headache, Blllouaeea, and! Oaastlpattea. Small, leas.S at aa a favorite wltk the. ladle. Bold in England for Is.. lXd.. in America (or S6e. Get' ACKER'S j PURE I PINK Dll I C them from jour Druggists, or; send to w. u. muuku vu 46 west Hues way, Tare. WAgCO S AliOOlV and EUREKA RESTAURANT P. VT. L. SKIBBE, PROP. A High Grade of Wines, Liquors k Cigars L :U:N :C:H :E SSf 1 Cor. Second and Madison, near assengor depot. mv4d- II. STONEMAN, The Leading 1 14 SECOND STREET, ADJOINING PAGAN'S. Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. G. NWAK. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans and specifications tor building fur nished. Will do all kinds of excavating and grading. AU orders shouldjbej.left atpostoffice box 3'2 novia WANTCI1 SALESMEN snlNl I C U Local and Traveling. A Good Chance: Don't Miss It! You need no capital to represent s reliable firm that war rants nursery stock first-class and true to name. won all tne year, ana good pay weekly to energetic men. Apply quick, stating age. L. L. MAY & CO., Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen, St. Paul. Minnesota. . ul3-4wkly County Treasurer's Notice All county warrants registered prior to April 2, 1888, will be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. . - . Thb Dalles, Or., July 8, 1891. Geo. Ruch. Treasurer of Wasco County, Or. Dissolution Notice. "Vi OTIOE is hereby given that tbe partnership XX heretofore existing between C. M. Fonts and Benjamin Wilson, under the firm name of Foots & Wilson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to Bald firm will be naid to C. M. Fouta, and all bills owing by said fine will beset- uea Dy rtenjamin wuson wno will continue tne bus iness at we out stana. UMIOUTS, BKN WILSON. The Dalles, July 8,1891. - . FOR SALE. A CfTOICE LOT of Brood Mares; also a nun-Mr XL or ueiaings ana runes Dy Kockwood, Jr., Planter, Oregon Wilkes and Idaho Chief some standard bred. Also three fine young; stallions by isocKwooa, jr., out or nrat-ciass mares. For prcies and terms eall on or address eith er w. uonaon or.j. v. larsen, rne Dalles, Or. - mciuft-awu 4- . r NOTICE. rIO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCIiRN: That the goods now in my possession, belonging to Arthur Brandon, as security for (10. will be sold on tne in oi August, witnout payment is maae. ALEA UUUUUfllN. The Dalles, Or., July 16, 1890. TAKEN UP By the subscriber, residing one mile southwest of tne city, one rea cow witn wmte spots, anout Dec. 16th. The owner can have the same by proving .property aaa paying cnarges ior ints advertisement. llul i . --.(.. ----- w. JBlKUfiilA) LOST. At Cascade Locks, county warrants as follows: Noi 388. Class 80 11. Auk. lz, IKK), j. r. Atwell; No. 645, Class 30, fl.70, Aug. 12, 1890, J. F. Atwell; No. 1790, Class 31, C1.2U, Aug. ix, usuu, J. r. Atwell. J. F. ATWELL, Uap . Cascade Locks. NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to J L Thompson, will XX. please can ana settle ana save costs. . L. THOMPSON. The Dalles, Ant; 8, 1891. wlm NOTICE. " After thirty days the accounts due the late Ann of routs a Wilson will be placed in the hands of an attorney lor collection. i;. at. ruu ia. Tub DaLLBS, July 22, 1891. - -. . FOE SALE. f HEAD OF GOOD HOUSES, broke to work. O Will sell at reasonable prices for cash or good Land Notices. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., July 10,1891. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settlera bare filed notice of their intention to make final proof in support of their respective claims and that said proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit court for dis trict of Washington, at Goldendale, Washington, on August 31, 1801, viz.: James R. Putman, homestead entry 8316, for tho south-east quarter section 13, township 3, north of range 13 east, W. M., who names the following wit nesses to P'Ove his continuous resides e upon and cultivation of sa'd land, viz.: John C. Berrv, Christian Bridgefarmer, George O. Lindsay, Michael Rothrock, all of Hartland P. O. Washington. John C. Berry, homestead entry 8317, for the frac tional southwest quarter section 7, township 3. north of range 14 east, W. M., who names the following- witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: James R. Putman, Christian Bridgefarmer, George G. Lindsay and Michael Rothrock, all of Hartland, P. O. Washington. George G. Lindsay, homestead entry No. 8279, for the soutwest quarter section 15, township 3, north of range 13 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: John C. Berry, James R. Putman, Christian Bridgefarmer and Michael Rothrock, all of Hart land P. 0. Washington. Christian Bridgefarmer, homestead entry No. 7921, for the southeast quarter section 9 township 3 N., R. 13 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: Peter H. de La Court, James R. Putman, John C. Berry and Angno Campbell, all of Ha-tland P. O. Wash. Peter H. de La Court, homestead entry No. 8120, for the north half northeast quarter and north half northwest quarter section 27, township 3, north of range 13 east, W. M. Ho names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: John C. Berry, George G. Landsav, Christian Bridgefarmer, Hartland P. O. Wash., and Nelson B. Brooks, of Goldendale, Wash . JOHN GEOGHEGAN, Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Lure Omu at Vancouver, Wash., June 20, 1891. Notice "Is hereby given that the following-named settler has Sled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. It. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit Court, distjict of Washington, at Goldendale, Wash., on August 15, 1801, viz: CHRISTIAN BRIDGEFARMER, Purchase application No. 84, under Section S, For feiture Act, Sept. 29, 1S90, for the NEJ, Sec 9, Tp 3 N, R 13 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous claim to, and cultivation of, said land, viz: , , Peter la, Court, William Van Vactor, Jajjes Hinnell and Angus-Campbell, all of Hartland P O , Washington. Also PETER H. D La COURT, Purchase application No. 86, under Section S, For feiture Act, Sept. 29, 1890, for the SEJ of NEJ, and EJ of 8E$, Sec 27, Tp 3 N, R 13 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous claim to, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Nelson B. Brooks, Goldendale P. O., Washington; Christian Bridgefarmer, Melville M. Warner, Kobt. Strutters, Hartland P. O.. Washington, i Jun27 JOHN D. GEOGHEGAN, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., July 10, 1891. Nntice is hrrebv p-hen that the following-named k settler nas tueo notice oi nut inienuon w mane " proof in support of his claim, and that said pr win oe mauo oeiore n. xi, iuuoar, wtujuiwfiH United States Circuit Court for District oi wasmng ton, at Goldendale, Wash., on August 28) 1891, viz: WILLIAM H.HENNECK, -.. nnnuutimd Entrv No. 8275 for the se or sw or. shalf ae or and ne or se ar section 27. township 4 north nf mno-A 1 9 .jwt W M . . He nnmes the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, and cultivation oi, saia land, viz: Joseph Daffron, Frank R. Reynolds, James Ellard and Joan uanron, all oi uto poscomue. nwuiuKwu. yiy ; JVllA UMfUlliUA;i, jii;iow;i NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tub Dulles, Oregon, July 8. 1881. Notice is herebv riven that the f jllowine-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final i roof in support of bis claim and that said proof will le made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on August 26, 1891, viz: FRANK L. JOHNS, Homestead No. 35341, for the se qr sec 27, Tp 1 N, range IS east W M. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said fund, viz: W A Allen. S Crefehton. T F Gray and 11 W Steel, all of The Dalles Oregon. jyll- JOHN w. Ldswis, register. NOTICE FOR RE-PUBLICATION. Lahd Oftici At Tns Daubs, Or., Auzust 8. 1891. Notice !a herebv riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of Ins claim, and that said nraof will be made before the register and receiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on Sept 22, 1891, viz: Hd. 1907, for the SJ4 SEX, Sec 28, Tp 1 N. 12 iws. Re names the following1 witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi saiu larwl VI. Jacob Obrist, Hiram Chittenden, E C Teague, A Walters, all of The Dalles, Or. - - augla Juan w. .lewis, uegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Omca at Thb Dallies, Or., August 10. 1891. Notice Is herebv given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver 01 tn j U. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on Sept. 22, 1891, via: Hd. No. 1707, for the NJ NWVC, SEi NWJ and SWJ HEX. ec 20, Tp 1 . li ID B W H. Be names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ana cultivation or, saia land, viz: Joseph U. Egbert, James unrst, Isaac noung, Martin Jaksba, all of The Dalies, Or. auglc . juujn w LSniD, register. JOHN SMITH. Tonsorial Artist, No. 91 Second Street. (Charles Gilgard's old stand, Second St.) He has opened a barber shop, and will shave and cot hair in the latest style of the art for tbe nana! prices. Mr. Smith is well-known to our citizens, having been in the employ of Mr. Charles Frazier for several months, and needs no recommendation. au8-dwlm W. H. NEABECK, PROPRIETOR OF THE Granger Feed Yard, THIRD STREET. (At Grimes old place of business.) Horses fed to Hay or Oats at the lowest possible prices. Good care iflven to animals left in my care. as 1 have ample stable room. Give me a call, and I will guarantee satisfaction. JU20U W. U. fllSABEUli. COLDfllBIB PACKING CO.. I (Cor. Court and Third Sts.) j Cured Hams and Bacon. Dried Beef and Tongues And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Teal Cutlets in the market. ORDERS DELIVERED TO ANY PART OF CITY J-Fresh Vegetables on Sale at the Lowest Prices. JAS. FERGUSON, 1 Goods hauled with the greatest care to all parts of the city on snort notice. Leave orders with Fish & Bardon. PAUL KEEFT, ! Artistic Fainter & House Decorator Tlxo Dalles, Oregon. House Painting and Decoratinz a specialty. N inferior and cheap work done; bat (rood, lasting worn as tne lowest price's Shop Adjoining Bed Front Grocery, Third street G. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FAKUHEB. THOMPSON & FARGHER, General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building,' Second St. Horse-Shoeing and General Jobbing Prioes reasonable and to suit the times. Andrew Velarde, HOUSE MOVER. if W- .The Dalles. Genera Expressman! Legal Notteea- PKOPOSALS FOR Flour, Bran and Chop Feed, U. S. INDIAN SERVICE, 1 WARM SPRINGS AGENCY, OREGON, V July 22, 1891. J Sealed proposals, endorsed "Proposals for Flour, Bran and Chop Feed," and addressed to the under signed at Warm Springs, Cinok county, Oregon, (contractor to furnish warehouse facilities), will be received at this agency until 3 o'clock P. M. of FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1891, For furnishing and delivering at The. Dalles. Oregon about 50.000 lbs Flour, 30,000 lbs Bran and 60.000 fbs of Chop Feed. Feed must be of clear Barley and Oats, fresh ground and of good sound grain. Flour must be what is known as straight full stock, of good Bound wheat; grown in the section of countrv contiguous to the place of delivery; 60 pounds of wheat to be ground down to 42 pounds of flour. No patents taken out. Samples of not less than 10 lbs must be furnished by bidders. Delivery to be made in such quantities as may be required. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids or any part of any bid if deemed for the best interest of the service. Bidders must state specifically in their bids the proposed price of each article offered for de livery under a contract. CERTIFIED CHECKS. Each bid must be accompanied by a certified cheek or diaft upon some United States depository or solvent National Bank in the vicinity of the resi dence of the bidder, made payable to the order of tne Commissioner of Indian Affairs for at least five per cent, of the amount of the proposal, which check or draft will be forfeited to the United States in case anv bidder or bidders receiving an award shall fail to promptly execute a contract with good and suffi cient sureties; otherwise to be returned to the bid der. Bids accompanied by cash in lieu of a certi fied cheek will not be consideied. For further par ticulars apply to J. C. LUCKEY, jly25 3t U. S. Indian Agent. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an execution, and order of sale issued out of the circuit court of the Etate of Oregon, for Wasco county, on the 24th day of July, 1891, in the suit wherein the Solicitors' Loan ard Trust Com pany is plaintiff, and James Booth, Jlary Booth,, W. McUlure, Sarah H. McClure, D. G Alter, Ada Alter, Ralph Rogers, Julia N. Rogers, Uri Embody, J. M. Taylor, Daniel Grid'ey , F. F. Hall and John W. Francis are defendants, to me directed, com manding me to make sale of the lands in said exe cution, and order of sale, described to-wit: Those certain pieces and parcels of land in Wasco county, state ot Oregon, known and described as the east half and'the east .a!f of the southwest quarter of section 15, all of section 16, the east half of section 17, and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter cf section 22. all In township 1 north of range 14 east of the Willanette meridian, situated in Wasco county, Oregon. 1 hve this day levied upon this land, ua on Saturday, the 5th day of September, 1891, At the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m., at th court Aousi door in Wasco comity, state of Oreg m, J .will se said land and all the riirlit. title and interest 'whiel said defendants had t her em on the 25th davW February, 1887 (the date of the morteage described in the complaint in said suit) or have since acquired at public auction to tbe highest bidder therefor to satisfy the judgment, interest, attorney's fees, costs and disbursements in said suit, to-wit: 82,317.00 and interest thereon from tbe 18th day of November,. 1890, at the rate ot sue per cent, per annum. Com pounded semi-annually at the rate of 8 "per cent, per annum, on (2000 thereof, and at the rate of 8 per cessirfsr anmweoh $317- thereof, and the further aim S2O0 1 attorney fees, and costs and disburse iuLtaxed' at"S53.97. jKtte&this 4th day of August, 1891. uv , D. L.CATES, ' 8aug6t Sheriff of Wasco Co., Oregon -j- Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. T J Oregon for the County of Multnomah. In the matter of the estate oi Michael Little de ceased. - Notice is hereby given that undei and by virtue of an order of salr,duly made and entered of record in the Countv Court of the State of Oregon for tho County of Multnomoh by Bon. J. C. Morelaiid, Judge there of, on the 6th day of August, 1&91, the undersigned, C. W. Lomler, administrator of the said estate, will sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder at the front door of the county court house in Dalles City, county ef Wasco and State of Oregon, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M.ot the 23d day of September, 1S91, the following, described real property, situated in the county of Wasco and State of Oregon, to-wit: Tiiejorth one-half of the northeast quarter of sec tion thirteen, in township two north, of range ten east ot the Willamette meridian, for cash paid at the day of sale, in United Slates gold com, or one-half cash down and the balance in one year or less, se cured bv a morteage on the above described real property by the purchaser of such property. Administrator of the estate of Michael Little, de ceased. W. L. Kuttino. Administrators Attorney. Dated August 14th, 1891. auglo-6t Sheriff Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon for Wasco County. John Prall, Plaintiff, vs. C. E. Bayard, Administrator of the Estate of N. W. Harper, deceased, defendant. Bv virtue of an execution, dulv issued out of the above-entitled court, in the above cause, on the 14th day of July of 1891. Upon a decree rendered in said cause on the 11th day of July of 1891, in favor of the above-named plaintifi and against the defend ant aboye named for the sum hereinafter mentioned, which decree, among other things, ordered the sale of the lands hereinafter described, to satisfy said sums, I did levy upon and will sell on . Saturday, August 22, 1891, At the eourt house door in Dalles City, Wasco county. Or., at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. ot said aay at puDUC auction to tne nignest bidder lor cash in nana all the following-described mortgaged land 10- wis: The west half of the northwest quarter of section 28. toanshin 1 south, range 15 east W M.. being and situated in Wasco county, Oregon, to satisfy the sums of $211.60, with interest thereon from Said 11th day of July, 1891, at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum and tbe further sum if (25 as costs of suit ana accruing nereon. Hated tms l&tu aay 01 July, m 1. D. L. CATES, Sheriff ef Wasco County, Or. Wiseman Butler, (Successors to J.H. McDonough & Co.) -DEALEBS IN . Choice Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. None bnt the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all Kinds. Uorner of (Jonrt and Second streets. THE DALLES, OREGON. I. C. NICEELSEN DEALEB, IN , books, notions The most complete stock of Musical Instruments to be fonnd in the city. QUICK SALES and SMALL PROFITS, BRICK BUILDING. Corner of Wasuington and Third Streets. BUNNELL : BROS., 190 Third Street PIPE WORK. PIPE AND TIN REPAIRS Spooialty. MAINS TAPPED WITH PRESSURE ON. Opposite Thompson's Blacksmith Shop CHRISMAN BROTHERS, (Successors to F. Taylor. .- Proprietor! of the CITY MARKET ' THird Street. Dealers in all kinds of Meat Hams, Bacon and Sausage always on decSld&wtf hand. J. IN". LAUER, WAGON MAKER i - - -AND GENERAL JOBBING Third Street (MicheU's Planing Mill). Carriage and Wagon Painting Done. Work executed on short notice. 1st PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH THE E. E. LYTLE, Agent, LOCAL TIME TABLE, Galon Pacific Rnllway' Pacific Ii- vision. Railway Time Table. Union Pacifle BABTBOUNd. No, 2, Fast Mail No. 8, Atlantic Express . 1:00 a. m. 1:10 a. m. 11-20 a. m. 11:10 a. ni. WBSTBOUNll. No. 1, Faet Mail No. 7, Pacific Express. . 4:55 a. m. 6:06 a, m. 4:60 p. m. 4:40 p. m. Main Line, Nos. 1 and 2, "The Overland Flyer,' carry through Pullman Sleepers, Colonist Sleepers, Free Chair Cars and Coaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Paul or Chicago. Main Line, Nos. 3 and 4, "The Limited Fas Mail," carry Pullman Dining and Sloeping Cars be tween Portland an i Chicago. Daily. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCFAN, Portland to San Kr&acji To San Fncjacq.-Leavine t To San FwiBSCOj-Leavine i?Wl p "Gipt 10 -W--a J OrewcaM ...7isT' .June ;StatT..;.Si .7,.....VJr-" " racrps.......... ...... (36ulnj!a . . AjT. . . . .S " jC-T "- fcegon State.. " I'-i Baggage m the day, orb' either at Ash St. rfr? B. Co. No uncaocEi baggage wfU be r7 n the steamers, r ToTorfC LaSpifSHiafi Sir flrantt . ' '.ejft KT jiO A. if. as follows: Elders. JftTT. Oregonl 8tate Columbia. Oregon. ......... State. ...v. Columbia... .... . ..Jure The com pan v -J'1'- 10 change steam em or Bailing- dates V 3SHmirther notice. For rates, tickets, Wth reservations, etc. , call on or address any ticket agent of the Union Pacific sys- ' tern. C. S. f ELLEN, T. W. LEE. Geu. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt 1 from terminal on interior ioint3 Northern Pac. RAILllOAD Isithe line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Throogh'.Ves- uomea "Arams avery xmy in tne year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO, (NO CHANGE OF CAES. Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed. Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers of Latest Equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, est that can be constructed, and in which accom modations are Dotn r ree ana r unnsliea for holders of First or Second, class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. 1 Continuous Line connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Fn interrnptcd Service Pulman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad vance uuougn any agent ox the road. TURniinu TinirrTC ? nd " pto liuiUUUll liUltLiU in America, noguaia acd Europe can be purchased at any Ticket office of jorapany Full information concerning; rates, time of trains. ntes and other details furnished on application to y agens, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passensrer Airt.. No. 121 First street, cor. Washington, PORTLAND. ORKQON. A. S. Catlicart, GENERAL DRAYMAN, -AHD DBATEB IN- ALL KINDS OF WOOD. Pianos and Furniture moved with the greetest care. Residence, opposite the warehouse of Filloon Bros., on Second street. Office vith Maier & Benton, corner Third and Union streets. Orders left at either place will receive prompt attention. decSltt -TH1 GE EM All A, CHAS. STUBLDTG, Prop. New Vogt Block, The Dalles, Or. Wines,' lipre and Cigars. All brands' of Imported Lianors, Ale and Porter, and genuine &ey west tngars. A run une or CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Milwaukee Beer on Draught. J. & L. KNEBEL General Blacksmiths aod iap-1 Skibbe's old Stand sooth of Wasco Saloon. Will lo Any Wood or Iron Work the Best Mechanical Manner. Horse-shoeing a Specialty As these men are practical mechanics, they desire from the be pub ted . , iblic a test of their skill. All work warrant Ml Cklakaatn'a KmrlUk MmMi BnmC rcririYROYAL pills 4BV HsaISBB OTIJIWimii ram. mU rittt MOM fibbOB. Tskft tkr. tmfmttUmitnm'mUtitm- y nn av Mrunlin. tatteoatab BUef IWr udlea," fa Utut, y vetmn r mMM. IV.VWw ..ill II.,, ...i mr ... fv;.::; CMOS an: HEALTH IS WEALTH ! DR. E. a WEST'S NERVE AND BRAIN TREAT MENT, a gii&ranteed specific for Hysteria Dizziness, Convulsions, -Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused b the nse of alcohol or tobacco, Wakefulness, Mental depression. Softening of the Brain, resulting in insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Premature Old Age, Bar . renness, Loss of Power in either sex. Involuntary Lossee and Spermatorrhoea caused by oyer-exerti tin of the brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. ".Each dox contains one monin g treatment, il abox, or six boxes for $3 3nt b.'mail prepaiion receipt of price. '.- $ WE GUARANTEE SEX BOXES To cure any case., With each order received by us for Bix boxes, accompanied with $5, we will send the purchaser our written guarrntee to refund the money if the treatment does not effect a cure. Guar antees issued only by BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Sole Agents, 175 Second street. The Dalles, Or. $500 Reward ! WE win pay tbe above reward for any case of Ltvei Complaint, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Indigestion. Con- bin. . I rn a- W.ItMWM WA rUBot AllMI Wltft West's Vegetable Llrer Pills, when the directions arestricN?' ' compiled with. They are purely Vegetable, and never. fall to give satlsractlon. Bugarixraea. utvawn containing so Pills, S cents. Beware of counterfeits and imitations. Tbe gennine manufactured only by TUB JOHN a WEST COiUPASY, CHICAGO, ILL. Blakeley & Eousnton.. ole Agents, Second. Street, The Dalles Or . , Ask my agents for W. I. Douglas SrS If not rfor sale in your place , ask. ; dealer to send Tor catalogue, seenn agency, and set them for von. tTTAHE KO SUBSTITUTE. THE L: DOUGLAS ." ("a Oil ' FOR OO-OnUCiCENttEIVIEN t JST SHOE IN THE. WORLD FOR THE HONEY? nn3 -r the beat flue calf, stllstr? iuw we-muee more nots or mi to 1 tne f manufacturer, n equals oana- A,A 0 p" HjEind-sewesif the finest calf liiimTT tst 1 mill o.iaio fcUaJ' tr. P mimr?., Jo'TTortable and durafThe best 8Biever offered auOis price. Bsraae as cus- tm-mnde Rhnes costlnir from Jtft'.(tf) to stdul). 4; i j Police 8hoi Fanners, Railroad Uen 4wi ana ienrL;arriersaii weariyem; uu ctiii, seamless, smootl -Inside, heavy three soles, exten-' An aHca fnir. nalp vlll VAar BVMP. C O 50 fine calf po better shoe ever nTered at ij mm m mis price; one uiiu wm cuuviuch uimte who want a shoe for comf. rt and sendee. US and WorklnKinan'fc shoes err mtraa ana aura Die. inose wno .ui a trial will ar no other make. Uj worn by the jots everywhere: tbey sell abb, it!.UM una it . scnooi snoes are on their merits, as tbe increasing sales show. I AfliAo 83.00 Hsnd-sewed -shoe, best ka M Iv9 Dongola, yerv stylish; equals French importea snoes cosher rrom s.uu so ;o Hisses are the best fine Dongola. Stylish and durable. Caution. See that W. L. Douglas' name and price are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. I. DOUGLAS, Brockton. Mass. j. Freiman, Agt. The Dalles,0r. To tai Free to all Brides ! "VTOTICE is hereby jriven to all the readers of this JlI paper and all their friends and acquaintances tnroavnout tne united states ana uanaaa tnat THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as a wedding present To every newly married couple whose address and 10 cents to pay postage is sent to tbe publisher witnin one year from tne date oi t-ietr inarriacre. Persons sendine for this present are requested to send codt of a nauer containing a notice of their marriage, or some other evidence that shall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine unaer tne a Dove oner. Aoaress, "THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, VI BEN. WILSON, (Successor to Fonts ft Wilson.) 219 AND 221 SECOND STREET. Dealerjin Wines, Lignors and Cps i "United We AnJ othei choice brands of Whisky , Imported Wines KEY WEST CIGARS. Also W nes and Beer, m ported and domestic THE DALLES wj FIRST STJEtEEn FACTORY NO. io5. CIGARS 1 the Best (Brands manufact ured, and ordeaa from all paits of tbe country tilled on tne shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become hrmly established, and tbe de mand for the home mannfactnaed "article is increasing eyery day. dec24dy-tf A. ULRICH & SON. JOHN PASHEK, MERCHANT t TAILOR; THIRD STREET, Second Door from corner of Washington. A LL GARMENTS CUT BY MADISON'S LATEST XX. SYSTLM, and a fit guaranteed in every case. Repairing ana cleaning aone quicaiy aua on uie most reasonable terms. Making pants is my spec ialty, and I always guarantee a KOodflt. Mr prices re the most reasonable. - - ooecw 330OO A TCAKf I undertake to briHH teach any (airly intelligent penon of either after ioatrnctioa, will work indutrionsir. how to earn Thro ThesuW Dllar a KI. Tf uu can icbbu Btnu nnM.anu wou. V Mr in their own .ocaliti.whrerer they llve.1 will also furniih the which 70a can earn that amount. No moiMT for ma unteu aocceaaful aa above. Easily and qoickir learned. I desire but one worker from each district or coaaty. I have already tsufrht and provided with mployment a larr Bomber, who are making over 83000 a year each. It's AT JEW nd HULIU. run paructuars i n wmxi-m Aoatetf oncs P. W. BOLD. HATNEE. B0LD&HAYNER blacksmith and Wap-Mito At Thompson's old stand, 183 Tninl St BLACKSMITHINC OF ALL KINDS DONE NEATLY AND CHEAPLY. WOOD-WORK ef all kinds, repairing and making anything, from a wneeioarrow to a carnage. HORSE-SHOEING A SECMLTY. mvd-a LOUIS PAYETTE, (Successor to Payette 4 Friend.) . THE LEADING BLACKSMITH I - AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work In Iron or wood done In the neatest1 manner. Anything tn the wagna une, from a wheelbarrow to aa omnibus, made . or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty Plows and machinery repaired In the most sk Jl- ful and workmanlike manner. ma - 7 WHY IS Stand Cigar Fact Snipes &Kinei;sly, -THE Leading- 129 Second Street. The Dalles, Oregon. J0S.T.PETEBS&C0. ; -IJeiiloi-s in . Buildms: SEND FOR OUR CATALOCUEano PRCt3 ATLAS-ENGINE WORKS. N3!AAPOLIS. HO. r2 BTriH srr'ffa'.-rl 'Mkccri CATALOGUE op RIOTER Hf! GROWN TESTED a la vsinaiaiiii '4 ssr?rss pob isoi fiataimovcT 6f.O lllustratioml a,nd ft colciTrl il.ites. The only ie M-lplh'heil llliiitiatliiR EV-I I5UlL.!JS:i!i;M'r,A"TS.TRUIi I TO NATCKI;. KltKU onf nppliciltion. Low IrciEUti Seod Growers, -9 HrtXE.lPOI.IS, . H!S7. iillK lllHIIUBliliKUH!:!!! THE CELEBl SMITH & REV0M3RSI The Finely- '. 9mtCi HanirfartnMul. SJ B The Fine; Unrivale CONVENIENCE I LOADING and SAFE 1 Beware of cheap irjonmitationc.l Send for Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to j SMITH & WESSON, S BPItlXGX'IELn, MASS. tmmmmmmmmmssm If yon want THE BEST, bay III rillO NORTHERN O GKOWJN SEEDS! If the merchant you deal with does not keep them, send to . ALLEN direct. He paya the postage. Beautiful Catalogue sent free. Address E. W. ALLEN. 171 Second Street, - PORTLAND, OR. EAST END SALOON, Near tbeOld Hint Building, Second 8t, The Dalles, Or. Always on lutnd tha Best "Wines, JLilQUOrS- i and Cigxirs. A Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei on drauf at. J. H. LAKEJN, Dealer in all kinds of Hay, Grain and Feed,, At his old stand, Second street. v HAY AND QRAIN FOR SALE. The highest Cash Price paid tor Sheep pelts. JAMES WHITE'S 1 mini 1 nniiiiTrn Lunun uuui 1 tn. In connection with mr Fiuit Stand, on Second St near the corner of Madison, 1 have opened a lunch counter, and can serve to customers sandwiches' pigs' feet, oysters, coffee and tea. This is conveni ent to the passenger depot. -Haye vlio Californl orange cider, and tbe best apple cider. noa gPEICHINGER BROTHERS. Wholesale and Ketall Dealer in Fine Confectionery, Nats, Fruits, Tobacco, Cigars, Etc Proprietors of the QUAKiai DAIRY, Nos. 76, 7 an 80 ccond Street, The Dalles, Ogn.. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Leek Box 218. THE DALLES, 0REG01T. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston, ly Cash adrancea made en consignment.' "OLD GERMANIA," OO Second. St. C; DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on sale the best Wines, Liquors, LND CIGARS. JBrewcry Beer onTnsoffLL i I fl 1 fS i;-'?Vj(f t'v?K recommend eg py Hundreds of patrons. T Vm-r m WORKMANSft rtfXBAf 7t ' f J f).H Lli J tiXyxMJ . Steel SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHINGTON ' ' '. r WHOLESALE I' . i BUCKEYE MOWER: AND REAPER. Tbese Kachlnes are too well known to need them and speak of them with Machines that wlU gve-. ENTIRE R YtpTINC THRESHER, AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION w - i The moat Effective and Successful ' Grain ier 01 trxr rri crcci rntMr PUVrLIL olll rn.Hini: VV IlilL DllilCinM a9Tue feature that distinn'ulshes this Twine-Blndcr is the Lightness of Draft, combined with .. Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, the only really sucerwtv one yet known. AVe have two styles, the Elevator by hui BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR;SPf!WG MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. CORBIN DISC HARROW.. HODGE S-HAINES'HEApERS, ' HAISH BARD WIRE. "SEND FOR CIRCUL.ARS.ia Or to E. IT. CHANDLER, 1 FxjLi.x'gtl The Underelgned haa Added Metallic, Cloth-covered, Berl and Kosewooa uasnets, Burial Robes and Shronds. Trimmings and owns the Host Elegant Hearse eat of the mountains with all the lateat improvement. NO PE1AY IN I riaee of Business, In Nickelsen's Block, Place of Reendene. Fourth reet, comer TIT WM. MICHELL. PRI-NZ & Furniture THE LEADING Best Stock and Second Street, FISH & -SEALERS IN- Stoves, Funaces. We are the sole agents for the RAMONA COOK STOVE, which has no equal, and guaranteed to give en tire satisfaction or money refunded. Cor. Second and Washington streets. The Dalles H. CLOUGH. CALL -AJNX SEE mi tt in rrin h AACti at H JLJUV OJ.UVWXVX JU . 1 the pacific Strong, Durable, Neat, and Cheapest Fence in tbe world, BEST FENCE MADE. CLOUGH The One Price Cash House, . COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., , p. icimiT, j Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Butterici: Patterns, also CHAS. E. THtE DALLES, OREGON, -DEALER DRUGS, MEDICINES Qrva ra Ptmohaa sT!imlka . Toilet Articles. Pare Brandy, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. THE POSTOFFICE STORE, Besides leading beyond dispute in now carries TEN CENT Embracing all tbe latest po oar line of f ine Tablets tne most uison of eoodi and pnoe. IVi secona ana hi : Frcnt, First and Tine Streets, W a sh-l I BtJr j - , VIIMWWll DCALER3 IN ' . : ' . .y. aM Farm lacleii '.if' ., AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE : ; need comment. Thousands of farmer) praise. They axe the only Harrsst SATISFACTION to the purchaser. runii'p Combination for Threshing;' and Cleaning Cleaning ERS constructed. - j - i an tvi r- f I rvi r IT I Biuiler and the Platform Binder both exooUenteoii Deere Plows, Doere Carnages, Fluetons, Sulky Plows, Top Buggies, Agent, The Dalles, Bri: WM. MICHELL, UlTDEETAI'xER AND Plreotor. to his Business a full line of Black, White, French of all descriptions at tne Lowest Prices FILLING ORDERS. . . . . . corner Third and Washington street. of Washington. Can be fen at alt hours of the day N ITSC H KE and Carpets. UNDERTAKERS. Lowest Prices. Tlie Salle. Oregon BARDON, -:o:- Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE and :o: A. LARS EN HT i flnJA v oiniTi : : 1 mt m m . VJJLVV JL.IXU V1XXJJL fence works. , pomps!!. ' & : LARSEN, : Proprietors. Tlio XaIlAci. Oregon. for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, WKSm, IN- AND CHEMICALS, oti Pnefn . 1 rx Periodicals and Paper Books, a line oi - MUfsIC T-"1. -JJJi! . 1 xiuctjut uuuiuons maKti lalles, We confidently invite com TV NOLANS Address; Xock Box 181, notes. - jiys - 4. v. jatAaa.