itMW.ii .OREGON WEATHER BUEEATJ. ' Cek&aL Office Portland, Oregon. Crop . Weatlier Bulletin, No. 22, for week ending Saturday. Auqvst 3, 1891: . . , KASTEBN OBEOON Veather The temperature baa been con- " u i u i . i k BAaon ok the year. The weather has been cloudy or partly cloudy and peueral shower pre vailed ion Thursday aud Friday, ranUig-pho from M of an inch at The Dalles, .07 of an inch at Heppner, to .33 of an inch at Baker City. In the Blue mountains in Union, Wallowa and Baker connties snow fell on the night of the 5th. The temperature wag so cool that fires were necessary in the bouse for comfort. Crops The rains delayed harvesting and threshing for two days. No damage was done to the wheat by the rain, though it did some damage to the hay crop east and south of the Blue mountains. In Wasco county, from Dufur to The Dalles, the wheat is shrunken and the yield is pocr; hMi smut is to be found; in other sections thelwieat vield'is good. In Gilliam county : there is some rust. In Morrow couuty the , wheat is yieldirg even better than Has ex pected. In Umatilla county the yield is better than for many years. Wallowa, " Union, Baker, Crook, Grant and other in terior counties have excellent prospects. B. S. Pauce, Observer U. S. Weather Bureau. GILLIAM COUNTY. Items From the Columns ot the Con dan tlobe. The Gilliam county board of equalization will meet at Condon on August 31st. The Gilliam county Teachers' Institute wilf hold a three days session at Condon next week. Allen Bamsey, living on Thirty Mile, was seriously injured a few days ago by horse falling upon him. . Stanley Coffin, of Arlington, and Miss Anna Wenner were married at - Silver CreAj Ohio. Aueust 4th, and are now on the bridal tour. "K O. Tobey will realize over 40,000 baehels of wheat from his farm on Schuttler Flat. The crops of Gilliam county in 1891 will be the largest in the history of the county. William Lee, who came to Gilliam couu ty some months ago from Iowa and then left for the Sonnd country, has returned to Gilliam fully convinced that it is one of th best sections in the country to live in. Moro News. , ,- MoKO 0r- August 8, 18?1 EJitop Tulkh-Moustaikkkr: : Harvesting is in full blast in Sherman ' county. 8pring-60wn grain is somewhat shriveled, but fall-sown will make a good crop. : M. D. Gage never entered' the BautUt Church during bia four months' sojourn ' in the vicinity of iloro and so, ol cuurets, bad no farewell sermon to preach, as slated by the Moro Observer. '. The weather has been very damp this week, and there was quite a win-i no , rain storm, accompanied with hal, tuun dec and lightning, on Wednesday; but have; not beard of any damage as a re sulk,' . - (? There is but very little sickness in this Dart ot the country at present. Earuett Moore is having quite a severe attack of lima fever, but is in a fair way to re covenias be is under the skillful manage' . ment of Dr. Hill. . Elder Trumbull, district missionary for Eastern Oregon, visited the Baptist church at - Moro, and preached for tbe church tbe last Sunday and Sunday evening in July, and tbe nrst Sunday - and Sunday evening in August. Tbe coueresrations wtre good sized and collection of about $20 was taken for Elder Trumbull to apply to the mission wojkh ! His sermons were greatly en joyed ty tbe members of tbe cburcb and - others, as there bad been no preaching at . tbe Baptist cburcb since he went away last March. Correspondent. Wasoo News. Wasco, Or., August 10, 1891. IF- Editor TniXS-MocsTAUBaa: . , Y.'C Brock returned yesterday from a trip to The Dalles. ' Tos. Marsh returned- to day from a laipt9,lhe capital city.- . J. M. Cummins returned from a short visit jjs:Goldendale yesterday. Tfti6 court mill continues to grind out its grist of justice. So mote it be. The "Sa polio" mac and his trained horses were here to-day. He seems to have done pretty well. Ji. large delegation of Wasco citizens v jujlhe committee from Portland ai Degljvies yesterday. Prospects favora - -ble. V ' - " For ff 1DS time we have had an eye : on Neit?kor B ggs watermelon paten.' . unions will soon be ready for use, and oh' what a time we will ba7e. SoH onr-arner8 are through head '' inr-iin'' tne num 6t tDe threshing ma cvne will soon be beard upon our bills, jy-liaterrtbe sbnek of the locomotive in carrying off our grain. . 1 Isaac Stern, traveling represeota' v of the Portland World, is in town, fl is taking views of the principal enter prises, establishments, etc. (our artif t i--. doing the work tor him) and will make a ecneraf write up of the town. ' . Real estate is beginning to . Five lots were transterred in Wasco lat-t - week, i tTbia is undoubtedly tbe place to 7" invest. Wasco is the present county seat, will be tbe permanent county set, and before another year passes over our V heads will be a railroad tewD. .:' : , ' Repobtee. 0T3 . . ; All from Eastern Oregon. Governor Pennoyer haying received a communication from the governor of Utah, requesting the appointment of thirty dele gates! from the state of Oregon to represent . this state at a convention to be held at Salt Lake September 15th to the 17th, ' which is called to consider matters per-,- . taming to the reclamation of the arid lands pf f ho; Wat, and petition congress to cede to each state and territory all such lands fer the purpose of reclamation ana for the - support of 4he " public schools, to-day ap- .-.pointed- -thirty delegates, all being from 4astern Uregon. the delegates are as toi lows: Hugh Gourlay, George B. Morgan, The Dalies; J. H. Cradlebauxh, Hood River; V. H. Brock, Wasco; C. M. Cart wnaht, 'Geo. Barnes, Prineville; H. 11. Heudi'it'ts, Fossil; H. C. Condbn, Arling- . ton; I. B. Rinehart, Canyon City; J. H Hamilton, . Hamilton; W. C Hale, Link- ' villeai Geo. Chandler, I. B. Bowen, O. M. . Dodson, F. R. Mellu, Baker City; Henry Blackman, Heppner; J. M. Bentley, O. S. Jackapn, Pendleton; N. Pierce, Milton; CkrlirWalters, Athena; J. W. Shelton, W. JSOiiPt, Union; B. W. Hodman, Telo caset; G. W. Webb, La Grande; I. H. Hol land, H. P. Napsten, Vale; W. Miller, Bnrnes; C. A. Coggswef), Lakeview; J. F. JohnsoD, E. W. Barnes.. Wallowa. " Wait Tor Sandy Olds. Another gamblers war has broken out in Portland' and the green cloth fraternity are - greatly exercised over the new condition of affairs. Alei Ohles, . a Swedish gambler, seems to have taken tbe place of the once notorious Emil Webber, and finding bim salf shut , out from following bis vocation (fet poBce immunity has started a war of rfctajfefcicn on his more favored fellow sports." It will only be short time before Sandy Olds will be released from his obli gations to the state, and when he returns IvPortlaad bis services may be in demand to rid the metropolis of tne meddling unie now disturbing the serenity of the garnb- g fraternity. - i SI TTtnin. Jennie M. Parker, of Astoria, wife .Parker, proprietor of the Astorian, on Monday while bathing at Wh 8 Clatsop beach. In company with i. W. Dunn and wife she was out in the surf when the strong current began to sweep them out when an unusually huge breaker swept Mrs. Parker from them, and the last saw of her sbv ti ated over a huije wave. A bg excursion came down from Astoria in the morning, and fully 1000 people were on the beach a moment after the accident hap pened. The . drowned woman's husband and family were on the beach at the time of drowmug, and seiaoin is wnueseu sauiier BiHUb luuu tuai tri.i .n s over alt beholders when the news was con- veveri to the father and motherless children. Mr. Parker had just came out of a bathing tent, preparatory to joining his wife in the surf, and when he learned the dread news he seemed stunned and dazed ana Doweu down with a sorrow the greatest that mor tal ever knew. He walked to aDd fro on f.h beach, loakim! out on the cruel waves that had taken from him a wife and help' mate of more than ordinary worth. Dealings in Eealty. Auz. 10 Jane A Erwiu to Orrin S Wand; lots 19 and 20 in block 6 in Erwin and Wat son's first addition to Hood River; S15. Ana. 8 Josech Southwell and Emma Southwell to Suefert Bros, company; lots 1, 2. 3 and 4 and S'. of Ki and 4 oi KWi sec 24. T 2 N, E 14 east; and lots 2, 3 and 4 sec 19, T 2 N, K 15 east: $2000. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the JV-ianeys, iiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem eflectuallv. dispels colds, head aches and levers and cures naDituai constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and rc certable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is lor sale in ol'c and $1 bottles by all leading druggi3u u Manuiactured only by tne CALIFORNIA FIS SYRUP CO. 8AN FilAHOISCO, CAl, LOUISVILLE. KY. AT Y0!K. . ' Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Bronchitis, umniniii. Whoooino Couah. Croup, r. Tkit Atihmn. and everr affection of the Throat, Lungs ana unesr,in:iuumK vuiiDunipiiu"; UpcCQjr ann prnnwir""- "'a'" " nm" CHRISMAN BROTHERS; (Successors to F. Taylor.) Proprietors of the ' CITY MARKET Third sStre Dealers io all kinds of Meat. Hams, hand. Bacon, and Sausige always on dec31d&wtf J. TV. WAGON LAI i ir. I , MAKER -AND GENERAL JOBBING Third Street (llichell's Planing Mill). Carriage and Wagon Painting Done. Work executed on short notice. - TnrtlflnH Orpffnn. A. P. ArmstrOl Branch School: Capitai Bgs. College, aiaSE, Oregon. tfame courses of uoy, shm. &ates or tuition. Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship, and English Departments In session throughout the year. Students admit ted at any time. Catalogue from either school, free. r , . , " CRS KnrlUh IMasBOa' Brand. rEriNYROYAL PILLS yTKtX aarr .Inn rIlftblA. LADIES D nutria for ChicMitir Btous in-. mmAnamA in KmI and Gold meUOlio nit, MftM vltb blu flbDon. i K . .k. r.nm J IIW ItftltlfM tmMeauiimUtatuma. At Drsnitta, or end 4s Id tampa fot MrtleaUn, tettmonwto nd "KeUef IW LAdle," n Ittur, by retam MsiL 10,CH0 Tcstimonimia. Jfamm Papr. Pklladmv, Fay WANTED, A YOUNG GENTLEMAN DESIRES TO COR respond with one or more young ladies, be tween tbe ages of 18 and 25 years, with a view if proper arrangements could be made of matrimony. He ia Grood -looking, of steady habits, and of mar riageabie age, but is living' in a neighborhood where gentlemen are plentiful and girls are scarce. Pho tographs will be exchanged, if desired. Address 'W., care TntK8-MouxTAixsit&. my20d&wGm FOE SALE. A CHOICE LOT ot Brood Uares; also a nnrrter of Geldintrs and Fillies by Rock wood, jt , Planter, Oregon Wilkes and Idaho Chief some standard bred. Also three fine young stallions by fiockwood, Jr., out of fiist-class mares. For prcies aid terms eail on or address eitb er. W. Condon or J. H. Larsen, The Dalles, Or. mchU-dwtf NOTICE. (Jo ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEKM : That the srooda now in my possession, belungin to Arthur Brandon, as security for $ 10, will be sold on the lit ot August, without payment is made ALEX HUGUENIN. The Dalles, Or., July 16, 1890. LOST. At Cascade Locks, county warrants as follows: 388, Class SO, 11, Auk. 12, 1890, J. F. Atwell; 545, Class SO, H1.70, Aug. 12, 1890, i. F. Atwell; No No. No. 1790, Class 31, l.aj, aujt. 12, lew, J. r. Atwell. J. F. ATWBLL, 13ap " . Cascade Locks. TAKEN UP By the subscriber, residing' one mile south-vest of the city one red cow with white spots, about Dec. 16th. The owner can have the same by proving property and paving charges for this advertisement, ljul W. BIRGFELD NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to J L Thompson, will please call and settle and save coats. J. L. THOMPSON. The Dalles, Aug 8, 1891. wlm LOST., ON JULY 10. 1S91, a Silver Watch on the lower road Koitur from The Dalles to Lower Fifteen Mile. Finder will suitably rewarded by notifying Mrs, W. A. Obar, or leaving tbe watch at this office. The watch is valued hixhiy, owing to it being her deceased husband's property. . lyH NOTICE. After thirty days the accounts due the late firm of Fouta tt Wilson will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collection. C. M. FOUTS. Tni Pallbs, July 22, 1891. J"! -7 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., July 10,1891. Vntira is herehv Driven that the followinif-narood settlers have filed notice of their intention to make flna' prxiof in support ot th ir respective claims and tb't naid proof will be made before W. R. Dunbar - : -. : L-. "I. 1 fnvlllb ljmmis-ii'ner uuiku ouvics inuuiu trict of Waehinxton, at Goldendale, Washington, on Auirust 31, 1891, viz.: James R. Putruan, homestead entry 8316, for the south-east quarter section 13, townibip 3, north of rane 13 east, W. M., who names the following i: nesse) to p ove his continuous residcn e upon and cultivation ol sani iana, viz.: John C. Berrj', Chris lun BrmirelarTner, ueorgo u. Lindsay, Michael Rithrock, all of llartlaud 1'. O. Washington. John C. Berrv. homestead entry 831", for the frac tional southwest quarter section 7, township 3, north of range 14 east, W. M.. who names the fol lowinz witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: James it. rutman, innsiiaii jrii--i;viMiiiui, George O. Lindsay and Michael Rothrock, all of Hartland, P. O. Washington. fir onre O. Lindsav. homestead entry No. 8273, for ttti. RotitwegL auartdr section 15. township 3. north of ranee 13 east, W. 1L He names the following witnesses to prov ni i concinuuua rc3iucui.-u uuu and cultivation of said land, viz.: , , John O. Berrv, James It. rutman, tnnsnan Bridgefarmer and Michael ilothrock, all of Hart- land P. O. Washington. PhHat'ian Rridrafarmer. homestead entry No. 7981, for the southeast quarter section , townsnip !. R 13 east. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resiuence upju and cultivation otsaid land, viz.: Peter H. de l a Court, James K. Putman. John C. Berry and Angno Campbell, ail ot iia-tianu r. u. wasn. ptr H. rle La Court, homestead entry No. 8120. for the north half northeast quarter and north half northwest quarter section 27, township 3, north of range 13 east, W. M. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz.: , . . ' John C. Berry, George o. Lanasay, Lnnsiian Bridirefarmer. Hartland P. O. Vtash.. ana Nelson B. Brooks, of Goldendale, Wash . .1 Ulli UWlrnwAJDi ftCKiabv. KOTICE FOS PUBLICATION. Lano Oftics at Vancouver. Wash., June 20. lbUl. Notice is hereby given that the following-named ii., has Atari nntiiHi of hi intt ntion to make nnal proof in support of nis claim, ana unu saiu pruui will be made bffore W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United States Circuit Court, distiict of W .Ellington, at uoldenaaie, v asn., oa August x;i, ioul, CHRISTIAN BRIDGEFARMER, No. 84. under Section 3. For feiture Act, Spt. 29, 1S90, for the Nfci, bee 9, Ip 4 N, R13EWM. He names the following witnesses to prove nis continuous claim to, and cultivation of, said laiui. viz: Peter H. de la Court, William Van Vactor. James Hinneli and Angus Campbell, an oi tiartiana r. u Washington. Also PETER H. D La COUET, Pnni,ui ntinlimtion No. 86. under Section 3. For feiture Act. 29, 1890, for the SEJ of NEj, and PI nl KKi. Sec -27. Tu 3 N. R 13 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous claim to, anu cultivation ox, Baia iana viz: Nfion R. Brooks. G Jdendale P. O.. Washington Christian Brulirefarmer. Melville M. Warner, Kobt. Struthers, Hartland P. O.. Washington. jun27 JOHN D. GEOOUEUAN, Regibt r. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxo Orncc at Tiik Daliks. Oreoos. July S. 1891 "NntiA is herehv piien that the f jllowiotf-named settler has filed notice of his iutemion to make final wwJ In Bimnnrt of hia claim and that said oroof will be made before the register and receiver at lhe Dalles, Or., on August it), 1891, 1 tz: FRANK L. JOHNS, Homestead No. 35341, for the se qr sec 27, Tp 1 ,N, range 13 east W il. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: W A Allen, S Crei jhton, T F Gray and H W Steel, all of The Dalles Oregon, jyll- JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. 'NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., July 10, 1891. Kntira ia h.rehv imen that the following-named oottl.r hu IiImI nntim of hia intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made beforo W. R, Dunbar, commissioner United States Circuit Court for Diitnct oi washing- ton, at Goldendale, Wash., on August 2a, isJ, viz: WILLIAM H. HENNECK, Unmnitead Kntrv No. 8275 for the se or 8W qr, shalf se or and ne ur se fir section 27, township 4 north He nnmcs the following witnesses to prove Ms continuous residence upon, and cultivation Of, saiu laml via Joseph Daffron, Frank R. Reynolds, James Ellard anu iionn uanron, an ot uio postumue, itmiuurwu T18 JOH-N GiiOUiil!.UA.N. Kegister Iieeal Notices- SherifiTs Sale. By virtue of an execution, and order of sale issued out of tbe circuit court of tbe state of Oregon, for Wasco county, on the 24th day of July. 1H91t in the suit wherein the Solicitors' Loan and Trust Com pany is plaintiff, and James Booth, Sfary Booth,, W. f ilcJure, Sarah U. McOlure, D. O Alter, Ada Alter, Kalph Rogers, Julia N. Rogers, Uri Embody. J. M. Taylor, Daniel Grid'ey , F. F Hall and John tV. Francis are ("eJendan s, to me directed, com utartdi g me to muk sale of the lands in said exe cu.ion. aud order of sale, described to-wit; Those certain pieces and parcels of land in Masco county, state of Oregon, known and described as the east haif and tiie east i.aif cf the southwest quarter of section 15. all of section 16, the east half of section 17, and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 22, all in township 1 north of range 14 east of the Willamette meridian, situated in Wasco county, Oiogon. I hive this day levied upon tiiis land, and on Saturday, the 5th day of September, 1891, At the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m., at the court house door in Wasco couuty, state of Oregon, I will sell said iand and all the right, title and interest which said defendants ha I therein on the 25 til day of February, l&tf (the date of the mortrajre described in the complaint in said suit) or have since acquired at p iblic auction to the highest bidder therefor to satisfy the judgment, interest, attorney's fees, costs and uisburvements in said cuit, t -wit: $2,317.00 and interest thereon from tbe ISth day of November, 1890, at the rate of six per cent, per anuum. Com pounded semi-annually at the rate of 8 per cent, par annum on 2000 thereof, and at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum on $317 thereof, and the further sum oi $ 00 attorney fees, and costs aod disburse ments taxed at $53.97. Dated this 4ih day of August, 1891. D L.CATES, 8aiig6t Sheriff of Wasco Co., Oregon Sheriff's Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF urecon for Ware o Comity. John Prall, Plaintiff, vs. C. E Bajard, Administrator of the Estate of IT. W. Harper, deceased, defendant. Bv virtue of an execution, duly issued out of the above-entitled court, in the above cause, on the 14th day of J nly of 1891. Upon a decree rendered in said cause on the 11th day of July of 1891, in favor of the atovenamed piaintin and against tbe defend ant above named for tbe sum hereinafter mentioned, which decree, among othrr things, ordered the sale of the lands hereinafter described, to satisfy said sums, I did levy upon and will sell on Saturday, August 22, 1891, At the court house, door in Dalles City, Wasco county, Or., at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m. of said day at public auction to the highest bidder for cash hi hand all the following-described mortgaged land to-wit: The west half of northwest quarter of section 28, toanship 1 south, range 15 east IV M., being and situated in Wasco county, Oregon, to satisfy the suing of $211.60, with interest therton from s id llih day of July, 1891, at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum and the further sum of $25 as costs of suit and accruing herenh. Dated this 15th day of July, 1891. D. UCATE3, Sheriff of Wasco County, Or. Dissolution Notice. - OTIOE is hereby given that the partnership JM heretofore exisdnsr between C. M. Fouts and Benjamin Wilson, under the rra name of Fonts It Wilson, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to said firm will be paid to C. M. Fonts, and all bills owing by said firm will be set tled by Benjamin Wilson who will continue the bus iness at the old stand. C M FOUTS, BEN WILSON. The Dalles, July 2, 1891. . County Treasurer's Notice t " : - All county warrants registered prior to April 3, 1888, will be paid if presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. The Daixes, Or., July 8, 1891. : Geo. Ruch. i Treasurer of Wasco County, Or. I. C. NICKELSEN CI rg, DEALER IN . The most complete stock of Musical Instruments to bu found in the city. QUICK SALES and SMALL PROFITS. BRICK BUILDING. Corner r.f Wasuington anil Third Mreets. BUNNELL : BROS., 190 Third Street. PIPE WORK PIPE AND TIN REPAIRS .A. Specialty. MAINS TAPPED WITH PRESSURE OH. Opposite Thompson's Blacksmith Shop LOUIS PAYETTE, (Successor to Payette & Friend.) THE LEADING BLACKSMITH ! AND WAGON-MAKER, Corner Second and Madison Sts. All work work in iron or wool done in ths nearest manner. Anythinif in the wajron line, from a wheelbarrow to an omnious, made or repaired. Horse-Shoeing a Specialty. Plows and maphineiv tepaired in the most skill mch'21dw ful and workmanlike manner. JOHN SMITH. Tonsorial Artist, No. 91 Second Street. (Charles Gilgard's old staud, Second St.) Ha his opened a barber. shop, and will shave and cut hair in the latest style of the art for the usual prices. Mr. Smith is well-known to our citizens, having been in the employ of Mr. Charles Frazier for several months, and needs no recommendation. uu8 iKvlin Wiseman & Butler, (Successors to 3. II. McDonough & Co.) DEALERS IN Choice Wines, Liquors, AND CIGARS. None bat the best brands of Liquors and Cigars on sale. Temperance drinks of all kinds. Corner of Court and Second streets, THE DALLES, OREGON. F. W. BOLD. HAYNER. B0LD&HAINER Blacksmiths anl Wagoa-Makers At T'iompaon'8 old stand, 193 Tnird St. BUCKSMITHIHC OF ALL KINDS AND CHEAPLY." DONE KEATLY WOOD-WORK ef all k'nds, repairing and -miking anything, from a wheelbarrow to a carriage. HORSE-SHOEING A SZCIALTY. mv4d-w and EUREKA RESTAURANT ..W. L. SKIBBE, PROP. A High Grade of Wines, Liqaors & Cigars L:U:N:G:H:E:S-FZIgi Cor. Sccoud and Madison, near" assengT dpot. rov4d-w W. H. NEABECK, PROPRIETOR OF THE G-ranger Fet5d Yard, THIRD STREET. (At Grimes' old place of business.) Horses fed to Hay or Oats at the lowest possible prices. Good care given to animals left In my care, as 1 have ample stable room. Give ma a &dl. tfhd I will iruarantee satisfaction. . 1utf W. II NEABECK. FERGUSON, General Expressman ! Goods hauled with the-greatest care to all parts of the city on short notice. Leave orders with Fish & Eardon. H.STONEMAN, The Leading - 800t ana SloeiRuL 1 14 SECOND STREET, ADJOINING FAWN'S. Repairing Promptly and Neatly Done. (Cot. Court and Third Sts.) Cured Hams and Bacon, Dried Beef and Tongues And the best Beefsteaks, Mutton Chops and Veal Outlets in the market. ORDERS DEUVEREDTOANY PART OF CITY 4-Fredb Vegetables on Sale at the Lowest Prices. je5d&w Andrew Telarde, mm m over. . The Dalles. Address; Lock Box 181. G. NO WAR CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. - Plans and specifications tor building fur nished. Will do all kinds of excavating and grading. All orders ahouldbe lief t at postoffioe box 322 ' - novl.3 . - H ; EUGEUNlii. : Nert season begins on Monday, the 21st day of September. 1691. - Tuition, free. ' " " '" . Four Courses: Classical, Scientific, Literary, and a short English eourae. in which thero is no Latin, Greek. French or German. The English is pre eminently a Business course. For catalogues or other information, address J.W. JOHkSON. v Jyl7-2m . President. IK TO AXiL PRINCIPAL POMS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH THE DALLES. - E. E. LYTLE, Agent, LOCAL TIME TABLE. Union I'acllle Hallway Pacific IM visioa. Table, Paeifle HoUn-ey Tims EABTBOfSd. So. 2, Fast Mail No. 8, Atlantic Express . 1:00 a. m. 1:10 a. m. 11-20 a. m. 11:10. m. WRSTBOUNlt. Xo. 1, Nn. 7 Fact Mail T ci si c Kxprcss.. 4:f5 a. m. 4:40 p. in 5:05 a, m 4:60 p. m. Main Line, Sos. 1 auil 2, "The norland Fiver,1 mm- fhrnm.h Pullman f leroer. Colunist S!e"lerf kV.. rhnir and roaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha. Kansa City, St. Louis, SL Pul or Chicago. Main l ine. Sos. 3 and 4. "Thfl timited Fas Mail," cany Pullman Dining: nd Sleeping Cars be tween Portland an imeoKU. Daily. UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCKA', Portland to Snn Fraiu-iwo. To San Francisco Leaving- Stea -whip Wnart Po land, at 10 P M., as foilows: Oregon. Stale Eider Oregon State Columbia June State ' 2 Besrjrage must he cheeked either at Asli St., durin; the da, or bv the U C. ft B. Co. No unchecke. baggage will be received on the Steamers. Man Francisco to Portlunn. To Portland Leaving SpearSt. Wharf, San Francisco. at lu A. a. as louowu: Elder Oretfuu State Columbia Oregon State Columbia June The cmpaiiv reserve-, the ritflit to change ere or sailing iJte witnuuc limner notice. For ratea, tiykotrt, twrtn reservations, ew., can cn ot addrurffl any uk.!t a;t?nt of tht Union Pacific sys tem. t S. MFLLEiS, T. W. LKK Gen. Traffic Manager. Geu. Pass. At FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS Northern Pac. RAILROAD Isltlie line to take. 10 ALL POINTS EAST AND SCDT1I. It is.tho Dining- Car Route. It runs Thrr.ugh;Ves tibuled Trains Every Day in the year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARS. Composed of Pining Care unsurpassed, Pullman Drawing1 Room &teeers of Latest Equipment. TOURIST BLEEPING OARS, est that can be constructed, and In which accom modations are bot h Free and Furnished lor holders of First or Second class Tickets . andi ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line connecting with All Lines Affording Direct and Un interrupted Service Pulinan Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad- vance through any agent of the roa-J. THROUGH TICKETS S'iffl ai d Europe can be purchased at any Ticket office of s company dill information concerning rates, time of trains. ates and other details furnished on application to ' agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agt., No. 121 First street, cor. Washineton, POKTLAND. OREGON. A. S. Catlicart, GENERAL DRAYMAN, -AITD DEALER IN- ALL KINDS OF WOOD. Pianos and Furniture moved witb the oTppfpat rare. Residence. ODDOsite the warehouse of Pilloon Bros., on Second street. Office with Maier & Benton, corner Third, and Union streets. Orders left at either place will receive prompt attention. dec31tt THK- GERMAOTA, CHAS. STTJBLING, Prop. New "Vogt Block, Tho Dalles, Or. Wines, Lipors and Cip. All brands of Imported Liouors, Ale and Porter.and g-en owe Key vt est uigata. n iuu CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES Milwaukee Beer on Drauqht. J. & L. KNEBEL General Blacksmiths aod Skibbe's old Stand south of Wasco Saloon. WUI lo Any Wood op Iron Work in the Best mechanical Manner. - Horse-shoeing a Specialty Ah 1 hene men am practical mechanics, they desire work from the public a test of their skill. Ail warranted. $3000; A TT!AB 1 I vnAtrtake to briefly teach an tairl Intclliarnt pnoa of either who can read and write, and who, after inatrnclion.will work indtutrionaly, ' kn. to Mm Three Thonsand DellarB a !.... tUfown .oMiiiiM whtfRrrr tber UveJ will alao fornUh the situsUloD oretnploymentit which yon can earn that amount. no asoney tor me ooieaa aucceaaim uNiauuuun.x. ia.fiw.1 I Airm but one worker from erck dial net or count T. I ha,re already taurht and proTidedwith employinenl a hrn Bomber, who are making over SSOOO a year each. It a NEW and SOLEH. Full particalan FREE. Addreaa at once. HEALTH IS WEALTH ! Tin V. C. WKOT-8 NERVE AND 6KAIN TI1EAT- MENT, a ruarantcd siieciflc for Hyuteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neuralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration caused b tlie use ot alcohol or tobacco. Wakefulness, Mental depression, Suftenine of the Brain, resultiug in insanity and leading to misery, uecay and death, Premature Old Age, Bar retinead, ioas oi rower in eaiw oa, iihwuhwij Losses and SiierniHtorrhoea causea oy over-exeruon of tlie brain, self-abuse or over-indulgence. Each box contains one month's treatment, il a box, or -ix boxes for $3 nnt b -nail prepaid on receipt of price. WE GUARANTEE SIX BOXES To cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxts, accompanied with S3, we will send the purchaser our written guarrntee to refund the nisnev if the treatment does not i ffect a cure. Guar antees issued only bv BLAKELEY & HOUGliTuN, bole Agents, 175 Seccnd street, Tne Oalles, Or. . $500 Reward ! WE will pay the above reward for any case of Llv? Complaint. Dyspepsia, Mck Headache, Indigestion. Cor stipation or Costiveness we cannot cure wltn West'. Vegetable Liver Pills, when the directions are strictly complied with. They are purely Vegetable, and neve, fail to give satisfaction. Bngar Coated. Large boxes, containing 30 Pills. Ss cents. Beware of counterfeit and imitations. The genuine manufactured only BJ SHE J OHM C WBSI COotPAHY, CHICAGO, ILL. Bbkeley & Houghton. Sole Asrents, Second -treet. The Dalles Or Auk my naents for W. 1. Donelas Shoes. If not tor sale in your place ask your denier to send for catalogue, secure the agency, ana get mem lor yon. B3T TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. -a L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE GENTLEMEN THE BEST SHOE IN THE WORLD FOR THE MONEi ? It is a seamless shoe, with no tacks or wax thread to hurt the feet; made ot the best fine calr, stylish and easy, and because we make more shoes of this Qraae man anu oiner tux'iii im:iuiti, ciuu uuu- ,V..a AnD.nn fmm .1 I! tl ft DA. T - nil Genuine Hand-sewed, the finest calf 99a shoe ever offered for tA.OO; equals treucli Imported sooes wnicn cost rrom s.i to i.uu. r, m nn YVoIr ShnR. line calf. 94a stylish, comfortable and durable. The best shoe ever offered at this price ; samegrade as custom-made shoes costing from t6.00 to $9.00. nn 30 Police Shoe; Farmers, Railroad Hen ira ana Jjetteruarnersuii wear uicm. seamless, smootD inside, neavy tnree soieo. eicu- Jr.. i in i. rial, will w.rinir. at O 30 fine calft no better shoe ever offered at JPafia this price; one trial will convince those V... .nt a Bhna trtr nrhmtnrt. null nprvlce. gr;r as and 82.00 Worktngman's shoes Da a ore very strong and durable. Those who have given them a trial will wear no other make. HOVB mnni hvtha hov everywhere: they sell on their merits, as the increasing sales show. m ---av IIHUUnr CU aur, u- L,CiaiC?9 Dongola, very stylish; eqiiaisFre akAAo nnal nofmrti MA ill ti KhJll. L.Rdiea' ' W.VV ana' Vi Qika that. w. t.. DnuslAA name and Drlce are stamped on the bottom of each shoe. W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton. Mass. J. Freiman,Afft..The Dalles,0r To Youn Free to all Brides ! "it nTlCE is herebv mven to all the reaaera oi mis i paper and all their fri-nds and acquaintances T.-.i a i. iT: J (nn.Ha that THE HOUSEHOLD Will be Sent One Year as A WEDDING PRESENT To every newly married couple whoso address and 10 Cfnts to pay postage is sent to the publisher within one year rrom toe oaw oi Kieir euurriMtu. Persons sending for this present are requested to send cpy of a paper oontaiuintr a notice of their marriage, or some other evidence that slall amount to a reasonable proof that they are entitled to the magazine unuer tne a&ove ontr. Auurea. "THE HOUSEHOLD." Brattleboro, Vt BEN. WILSON (Successor to Fouts & Wilson.) 219 AND 221 SECOND STREET. Dealerlin Wines, Lipors aod Cigars United fe. AnJ othel choice brands of Whisky Imported Wines key west cigars. ' Also W ncs and Beer, m ported and domestic THE DALLES Cigar Factory, FIRST HX,X1I0'1 FACTORY NO. 105. PIP A DO of 11,0 Best Brands manafact UlUnllO ured. aDd ordeaa from all paits of the country filled on the shortest notice. The reputation of THE DALLES CIGAR has become firmly established, and the de mand for the home mauufaotaaedarticle is increasing eyery day. dec24dv-tf A. ULRICH & SON. "OLD GERMANIA," OO Second St- C. DONOVAN, Proprietor. Keeps constantly on sale the best Wines, Liquors, .A3SI CIGARS. Columbia Brewery Beer on Draught. The finest brands of Imported and Do mestic Cigars a specialty. an7-91dy JOHN PASHEK, MERCHANT $ TAILOR, THIRD STREET, Second Door from corner of Washington. ALL GARMENTS CUT BY MADISON'S LATEST SYSTLM, and a fit guaranteed in every caee. Bepaitin? and cleaning done quickly ud on the most reasonable terms. Making pame is myapec ialtv and I always guarantee a (foodfit. My prices re the moat reasonable. 6decd0 Sim little fortunes liwbnindat work for , by Anna AuHn, iiu, ntl jito. noon, iowuu,wi.i. See cut. otherredolnrwell. Why iot your Sonie earo oer w. w uonth. Ymicaudo the work Ddllva lut Iionie, wliTtvcr you ere. Even ginncrs ere cnnr carninir ilOadiiy.Allafre. We khow you bow nd nrt yon. Cmn work In pare time er ail th time. Big; money for work er. Failure unknown amoDr lhn. NKW and wonderful. Perticu Ittis free. H.llialletcfe Co..ox 00O lurtlaud, Maine t OOOO. 00 year It being made by John B. Goodwlo.Troy.N.Yt work for na. Header, yon may not make ae much, but we can teach you quickly bow to earn from t CIO a day at tbe start, and more at you go on. Both aezea, all age, lu any part of A in erica, you can commence ai uonn, gw inv nil cour limeH- enare momenta on It to Ute work. All la new. Great nay SI KK for every worker. We atart you, fumUhinr eTerrthtn-. EASILY, 8FEE1HLY learned. rAKTlCULAltS FHEE. Addreaa at once, WHY IS THE Stand Snipes &Kinersly, -THE Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon. JOS. T. PETEBS & CO. -letileirs in- Buildin: Material OP ALL KINDS. myl5wtt SEIO FOR OOP. CA'rAI.OCOMO P3"CE ATLA WORKS, . IUD. 3 5 tA5 bsr c;-DS for ieoi ffi gJK 9 Ct.n.:.u.M.;v.-r CSO illu-rr..tlcns ni:i cc-crotl plates. Tbe o:-l ov.c i-Ni .!u-'l illifitratt: KV l'RTHli; l;l SF.UDS, IXJ. t.:i Ki!' y I tAXTs.TItUE TO ?:AT;itii. FREE on nr-T!licari:u. tow Preiirlit'S to t!:o V'e6t. E So. tirrn, Brasfea ficodwin Co. fi eeea tirowors, g:;:2:i;:Bi:;:B.:;;&::::E::i;si:::Hiii:a;;;:a;!;'is:ii!Hiiiin M THE CELEBRATED . j GM1TH & VESSON . IHEVOLVERS! K The Finest Small Arms Ever Manufactured.! Pi fnr I U DURABILITY, B EXCELLENCE ci WORKMANSHIP and rm CONVENIENCE in r I namui? tmml c a rrtv n Purari of phsarrirnn Jmitntinna B Send for Illustrated, Catalogue and Price list to g SMITH 4. WESSON, SPJll-YGJ'ItLZ), MASS. If you want THE BEST, buy ALLtN 0 GHOWN SEEDS I If the merchant yon deal with does not keep them, send to ALLKN direct. He pa ys the postage. Beautiful Catalogue sent free. Address E. W. HXE!. 171 Second Street, - PORTLAND. OR, EAST END SALOON, Hear the' Old Mint Building, Second St, ' The Holies, Or. Always oa hand tbe Best Wines, Liouors, and Cigars. A Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beet on draupbt. J. H. LARSEN, Dealer in all kinds ot Hay, fain and Feed, At his old stand. Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. The highest Cash Price paid for Sheep pelts. JAMES WHITE'S LUNCH COUNTER, Tn mnnnrtinn with niv Fiuit Stand, on Second St. neax tbe corner of Madison, I have openo t lunch MiinfM. r mn frve to customers sandwiches4 Dies' feot. ovstera, coffee and tea. Tbi u conveiii- r n. . . .1 n.n. ..Ka naltfnr.ii orange cider, and the beet apple cider. no2ti OPjEICKINGER brothers. Wholesale ana Ketaii Dealers in Fine Confectionery, Nuts, Fruits. Tobacco, Oizara, Etc Proprietors of the QUVltlOlt DAIRYi Noa. 76, 7 an 80 coond Street, The Dalles, Ogn. G. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FARUHEH. THOMPSON & FARMER, Genera! Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St Horse-Sliojiiig and General JobMag Ok speouuij Prices reasonable and to suit the times. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy ai Home and Savs Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THE DALLES, OEEOOK. Denny, Bice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. Cash advances made on consignment. HH B Loca i""1 t raveling. A Coo Chnoce; Won't Hif It! You need uo capital to represent a reliabU arm that war rants nureery stock Crat-clssa and true to name. Work all the year, and (rood pay weekly to cneriretie men App1 quick. Blating age. L. L. MAY & CO . Nu sen men, tiori-ts and Seedsmen, St. faul. lUnnewts, JulMwkly -a Leadm i$si m v a Mlmmmmm vwMaMmmrri hi m sm WHOLCOALE Hardware, Iron. Steel SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHINGTON AKD HORTHERH IDAHO FOR THE . BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. Tbese Machine are too well kuown to neai commont. Thouaanda of farmer hY) used them and speatt oMhsm with praise. They ara the only Harvesting machines that will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. . . MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER, AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION ENGINE, The most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Craia ver coastructsd. - BUCKEYE steel FRAfiH TW1 N E-BIN DERS. OThe Feature thrt . Gxtraommsrv strengtn no unnuwiiy. 1110 umwr ' one yet kno-n. We have two stvles. Ilia Elevator recommended by hundreds ot patrous. CJniTTTtpmTTj'D PAT3M TTTA finTJ3 DUliUllUlJib A'iUtm. Hil.UUAi:J BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING - BUCKEYE AND AND C0RBIN DISC HARROWS. 'BIN DISC HARROWS. . . ' HODGES-HAINES HEADER?, -HAISH SEND FOR CI FsCU LA RS.a Or to E. H. CHANDLER. The UnderBlsned has Added Metallic, Cloth-covered, Berl and Kosewooa uasneis, Burial Robes and Shrouds. Trimmings and owns the Most elegant Hears, eswt f the mountains with all th. latest improvements. NO DEIAY II? FILLING ORDERS. Place of Butslness, In Nicielsen's Block, oorner Third and Washington street. Place of Residence. Fourth reet, corner of Washington. Can bo s'en at all hours of the day ndnilfht- t, wivi. miuniiiijju. PRINZ & NITSCHKE, Furniture and Carpets. THE LEADING UNDERTAKERS. Best Stock and Lowest Prices. Second Street, FISH & BARDOI, -DEALERS IN- Stoves, Fupses, We are the sole agenU for the Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE and RAMONA COOK STOVE, which baa no equal, and guarcnteed to give en tire satisfaction or money refunded. :o: Cor. Second and Washington streets. The Dalles H. CLOUGH. CALL XlSI SEE The Hoosier Fence Machine The only machine that gives a continuoue twist to the wire. Io operation at THE PACIFIC FENQE WORKS. Strono-, Durable, Neat, and Cheapest Fence in the world. .BEST FENCE MADE. CLOUGH : & : LARSEN, : Proprietors, Tlie XalIos. Owcon. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., - J. P. IcIIIMT, 'DSAXjSK in- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Bntterict Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, CMS. 1. DTOHAI, THE DALLES, OREGON, -DEALER IN ' DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, etc. Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles. Pure Brandy, Wines and Liquors for Medicinal Purposes. Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. - THE POSTOPFICE STOEE, Besides leading beyond dispute now carries Embracing all the latest popular nnr linfl of Fine Tablets the most complete ar is on of goods nd prices. 142 Second and 107-109 Washington Sti?: and Vine Streets, " - OREGON, DEALERS IN id Farm laciery. J- - f rwl.ic-Blndcr U the t.inhtno.3 1 of .JSSsri 'r ".'! .n..iit ki burner nu u.a i-uiuorui nmuoi Deere Plows, Deere Sulky Plow Canines, Phaetons, lop JsugpoB, ffiffigfe.jif t&h&Jjt l Agent. The Dalles, Or WM. MICHELL, r iUSDEBTAKHB AND o his Business a full line of Black, Whits, French of all descriptions at tne Lowest races ar-r- w l tT TT Tlao Inllow, Oregon. o: A. LARSEN- in Periodicals and Paper Books, a line ui pieces. Recent additions mako in ino um- vvu-uvuw, ,u..v wui W-M. T. K NOLAN. Pies, "A- t " s' ' t X Si 7 c Z " i n i 't J J 2: