.THE MAN WHO OAB'T AFFOBD IT. ' ' . ' H. C. DODGE. 1 lurrah for the man who is able to say . . In a manly, unblushing and sensible way, ,v I cannot afford it," when tempted to buy AVhate'er will distress him when payday is nigh. 'V Hurrah for the man. " Though' his waywe v neglect, -, He has our profoundest, sincerest respect; v To him be ever a friend or a foe Unchecked admiration we all have to show. , And well he deserves it. . He teaches the way - Of boldly ignoring what people may say JfcOr think in a matter which only concerns The one who, for reasons, extravagance spurns. -" , We honor him tiuly though seedy his clofhes; We love him though little of fashion he shows; . - '.'-..We trust him" unquestioned though poorer than clay; .. We pray that our children may grow in his - . . way.- . And isn't he happy! Just look in his face; Of care or of worry there isn't a trace. " -His conscience is clear. A11 the riches on earth ' .:, , Tan't give him the joy that doing is worth.. - No statesman, no ruler, no great soldier brave Is prouder than he who is nobody's slave. "... "I cannot afford it." All praise to the man Who fearlessly says it and lives on that plan. CEOOK COTJITTT. Items Called From the Columns of the Oehoeo Jteview, Harvest is in full blast, and farmers are generally jubilant over the returns they are getting for their year's work. Last week Frank Hampton, The Dalles beef bnyer, received 200 head of steers here from Sandtrs Logan and B. F. Allen. The cattle- were driven to Deschutes bridge to be weighed. At that - place he pays 2 J cents per pound for the cattle. The recent count made by the census enumerator showed the population offrine ville to be 530, and that of the precinct to be 823. Prineville) has no kick to make as her population is fully as great ar anybody had estimated it to be. Prineville now has an office to giye away, the office of recorder having become vacant by the resignation of M. H. Bell. Some aspirant for official honors should take ad vantage of thisTjpportunity to secure a po sition both" of honor and emolument. ' First come, first served, bat don't all speaks atr once. As yet it is impossible to tell what the ruling price will be in this section for grain after harvest, though it is entirely governed yvjnipply and demand, there only being local uiarket, the prices will probably not be very high, as there will most likely quite an abundance of all kinds of grain ex- cept wheat. - In most cases men become feeble and averse to work when they crow old, bnt with Frank Nichols it is different. Frank is so old that he never bas anniversaries any more, though last week with the assistance ol one man he built a quarter of a mile of wire fences dug the post-holes, set the posts and stretched the wire in one day Can any country boast of a centenarian who can do this? - . About one o'clock last Monday afternoon three stacks of hay, containing about fifty tons, were destroyed on 8. R. SIsyton's ' place, three miles above town. The fire was set by Roy and Johnny Howard, sons of J, W. Howard, and grand-sons 'of Mr, Slayton, who were playing near4he bay building bonfires of feathers which did not born rapidly enough to suit them, and they " replenished the fire with hay from the stacks. The fire soon spread and caught in in the stacks, and the little fellows tried to pnt it out bnt were unsuccessful and ran to - the bouse, some hundred yards away, and ; gave the alarm. The men working in the hay field near by saw the ' flames soon after they were kindled, bnt by the time they ' reached the stacks tbe fire bad gained snch ..headway- htt they eonld not control it, and . their attention was turned to saving tbe barn which was near the stacks. The barn was saved though by extreme effort. The . loss sustained by the tire is estimated at .between 5600 and $800. The hsy destroyed was of excellent quality and more yaluable than ordinary hay. - "- - CHOP-WEATHER BULLETD? HO. 21 -T' Ortqon Slate Weather Bureau in ee-opera- ' r tion until U. S. Siynal Service, central office. - Portland, Oregon. For week endimj Aug, ' -2,1890: - ':. ; .The temperature has been below the aver age for the week and has ranged from 4a to 90 degrees. Except a lew lecal sprinkles along. the coast and a sprinkle at - Walla WtomTju July 31st, no rain is reported to ' have fallen in tne state. The days have been cloudy or partly cloudy in the morn' ings, and the afternoons have been cloud' less. ' - ' - ine cool partly cioaay .weather, was very favorable to harvesting operations which have, continued during the week. ' The weather-conditions have also been favorable .to the crops not yet matured and to the ripening of fruit. The wheat and oats -are generally yielding better than was expected. The hay crop was much larger than was ex pected. The hops continue -to be most promising. As , was - expected the peach crop is poor. The apple yield will be fair. The codlin moth has done considerable in. jury. Plums and prunes will Lo especially plentiful. The grapes give promise of an abundant yield and vineyards are reported to be in a healthy condition and thriving. Tbe yield of .corn wiU not be np to the average on account cf the dry weather wben seeded and cool nights during grow ing f eason. " .... AYtwat yields of 40 buthels per acre are j-epjrted from various localities. Senator Ji'T. Hatch, McCoy, Polk county, ruports: - ? -'f horl K:-tv.IirAA' u-l,;..t. ,.kA..A - forty and one-half bushels per acre. This - may be considered an indication of what snmmer-.'silow wheat will average in this locality." From the Willamette valley general reports as to yields have not been recorded. :, The numlicrof bushels per acre front Eastern Oregon will" average well. Wasco, Sherman, (Jilliaui aud Morrow counties have very srticfaciory crops. To Umatilla tc the west" of Pendleton the wheat is poor;., some wilLnot yield over ten bushels per acre. To the north and I east cf Pendleton it will average fully 32 bushels per acre. . Union county will aver age from ' 30 to 40 bushels per ' acre. The most satisfactory reports are received from all counties. J ' B. S. Pagoe, " " . Observer U. S. Signal Seryice. Asst. Director Oregon V. B. The-Experiment Station. " Lexington Budget. ' Tbe Oregon experiment station, at Cor- vsliis is one of the most valuable state in : stitutiona, and tbis paper has long advo cated the establishment of a branch station in Kattrn .Oregon, preferably in Morrow ccontv. Such a station here would be of incalculable benefit to the farmers of the .. whole region. The matter was earnestly ' nrgeU upon the management cf the station st Corvnllis, not only tbrouKU the columns o; toe liudijit but by letter, and wa were "nisuretl'tbflt tffarts wOdM be made to estab lish sab sti'.ijiis in both Eastern and Sonth Tn Oregon. It seems novr, however, from le'ters of I'rof. E. Giiuim in the Corvallis Timit, that funds -lii.h shouIJ have been riuvuteJ to experiinflut ftation pnrposes hava bun uatd lor the tolle;-', thus almost tlesUoyioj? tbe naefolueisf the station and preventing the estab(jehmentof sub-stations. This misuse of the funds is charged to Wal lace Nash, secretary ot the board of regents, and as Prof. Grimm hacks up his statements with facts and figures, Mr. Nash's conduct should be rigidly investigated by the board. The man who would thus cripple that insti tution and retard the progress of practical and intelligent agriculture deserves the strongest condemnation of every farmer in the state, especially in this newer portion where farming is yet in its infancy and the capabilities of the soil but partially under stood. GEAET COUJTTY. Items. From the Columns of the Can-"- j yon City Mews. Diphtheria is prevalent on the upper South Fork, and several deaths have oc curred over there from the dread lisease. 11 easels have gone up the creek not Salt creek but Canyon creek. At Bob-Neece's place three or ' four children are afflicted with the beautiful speckled disease. Ex-sheriff Gray returned home last week after an unsuccessful chase of the escaped horse thieves. He had riddttn over a large portion of the Umatilla Indian reservation, and is still of the opinion that tbej are con cealed somewhere on the reservation. The carcasses of so ' many cattle and bones which died last winter and were left nnburied or unbnrned are responsible in a great measure for the scourge of diphtheria in different portions of the country. The wonder is that some more fearful scourge has not been the outgrowth of the polluted atmosphere in the vicinity of decaying ani mal carcasses left lying where they bit the dust in the deep snow. Lei i Robinson who is peddling through this county met with an accident at Spanish Gulch the other day which bruke biin all up. He was driving across a ditch and fell from the wagon, which ran over him. Med ical aid wu called Irom this city, ana JUevi is getting along fine. When the drivtr fell from- his perch the team ran away and wandered about all night with the harness and front wheels of the Tea eon attached to them. Dry goods and "clodings" were scattered from yesterday tp breakfast. A bashful fellow clle l on his girl on the South Fork and they both sat on the sofa, st opposite ends. After a silence of consid erable duration, evidently spent by each in hard thought, she summoned np enough courage to ask him what lie was thinking about. He, honing to please her, replied: I was thinking uf the same thins; yon were. &he, turning rounrj, replied; -i 11 slap yon on the mouth if you try it." Onr informant did not stay to see if be tried it. Country People Taken in by Sharpers. Yamhill Reporter. A few weeks since an agent of the Ran som Electric Guest Call Co. visited tbe bas inets houses ot the town soliciting adver tising space on a call board or dial to be furnished by the company to be placed in tbe office of the Cook hotel. 1'hia being something new and quite novel in its work ings, a number were induced to subscribe for space, and signed what was represented to be a contract by which they were to pay the company two dollars pet year for five years for each adyertisement. During this week another agent of the same company appears in town having with him these con tracts. . To tbe surprise of the subscribers. it transpires that instead of signing con tracts as they supposed they bad done, they had signed and fully executed due bills acknowledging an indebtedness of ten dol lars each to this company. Some refused to pay the bills when they were first pre sented, but upon further consideration con cluded to pay np and charge themselves with ten dollars of experience. Surely electricity moves in a mysterious way its wonders to perform, and the memory cf the "K. E. G. C. Co." will long be cherished in tbe minds of some of onr business men with fond regret. These sharpers have many different games, snited to the diiterent local ities and classes of people they chance to be among One tavonto swindle, which is often quite remunerative to them, is to can vas tor advertisements which they insert in obsc ure eastern papers at prices which the local papers would blush to ask. And yet it dees seem as though grown-up people should not be so easily fooled. The Knights of Pythias. Glacier. - Waucoma Lodge, No. SO, K.of P., took formal possession of their new hall last Saturday night, and celebrated the occa sion by a public- installation. Tbe car pets, except . those for the diss, did not arrive in time, but the hall was tastefully furnished, and is a credit to the lodgo. and its owner, Mr. Middleton, who built it lor their use. Grand Chancellor Com mander Irvine wss present and conducted tbe installation ceremonies; at the close of which an excellent supper was serve J. More than a hundred persons were pres ent, and a large , delegation from The Dalles which intended to visit tbe lodge unfortunately missed tbe train. A very pleasant evening was passed, and the amount of good things that went begging lor somebody to eat tbem was simply immense. - Waucoma is a thriving, pros perous, energetic lodge, and a credit to the order.- - It has doubled in its list of of new members since it started, Febru ary 22nd, and is still adding rapidly to its membership. Modest Sandwioh Vendors. A lot of men were playing poker at Del- monico's the other night, gays the Brooklyn Kaqle. The party got a little hungry and j ordered some candwiches. Tbey came a small, but appetizing plate; also tbe bill, S14. Shortly afterward a quiet gentleman asked the waiter ;o pass him another sand wich. "All gone, sir," was the reply. The qniet gentleman beckoned to the water and said in a confidential way: . "All gone?" . "Yes, sir." "Go down stairs and order some mo; How many, sii!" "Well," said tbe gentleman, thoughtfully glancing at the bill and the empty plate, as I'm hungry, I should say about $2000 worth." Special Excursion to Salt Lake City. Oa Tuesday, Joly 29th, low rates will be in effuct for the round trip between Union Pacific points and Salt Lake City, giving all an opportunity of visiting the great metrop olis of Utah and indi.'gmg in the luxury of salt water swim at the celebrated Garfield Beach; making a daylight trip through the beautiful Cache Valleyjand enablitg pas sengers to view the magnificent scenery of the Smke river. Tickets, detailed time ofj trains and gen eral intormatmn can be obtained upon ap plication to any ticket aent of Union Pa- fic system. ' T. TV. Lek, 'GenT Pass. Agent. ?ure for Piles. itching Piles are known by moisture like perspiration, producing a very disagreeable J itching after getting warm. This form well as blind, bleeding and protruding piles, yield at once to the application of Dr. Bosanko's Pile Remedy,, which sets directly upon the parts affected, absorbing the tumors, allaying tbe intense itching and etleotine a permanent cnre- all cents. Ad dress The Dr. Bosanko Medicine Co., Piqua, O. Sold by .Blakeley & Clark. AViila Walla Joinal: Last Saturday at.erooon th2 residence of Mr. Burs on Eifrt Main street was eotered some person with a thitving lutent I nd pirste conflued himself to one roo r-, where he confiscated a tro'd watch valued at 40 aod a puiss to which was attached a gild neck cbaio, all belong ing (o Mrs. Buys. The purse was emit', but til chain was highly valued at a keeps ike. Mra. Bays, it ho was a'one at tbe ti.Dc, had just stepped oat into tbe yard, returninr in about 'five mi notes. As no one saw the thief, txa pt a neigh bor's tjirl, w.io noticed a man coming i at of the I o i. e, and the being nnab'e to identify hirr, it is doubtful whether the tbief will ever be captured. MADE AH IMPBESSIOff. A Hat That Went Through the Times tresis. Los Angeles Times, July 27. As the swift "Presto" perfecting press of the Times was thundering along yes terdav morning, a rat. who had not a proper appreciation of - the art preserr- ativej or who had lost bis presence of mind or bis reasoning powers hence bis rat-iocioation or bad taken a sudden fright, made a jump for the whirling, clattering mass of machinery, and in less than a second bad "uoue to press." Just bow or when he paesed through the type and impression cylinders is not known. because the press made no sign of a kick. but all at once there wss a tremeodoos smell of rat id the press room, and a sheet that came out had on it a map of the recent conflict, lo say that the rat wag spread out thin don't express it. He was easily a font and a half broad by Iwenti-one inches in length and con tinued ""to the eighth page. It was in lact the greatest spread" that anything has had; in the Timet for a week or two and was a decided "scoop" for the press. Pressman Crawford was panic stricken when he saw the lllnstrated rut edition come from the press, and be . stopped operations at once and made a thorough examination ; but not a cog or spring was out of whack. Tbe rat bad simply jumped against the great inevitable and nothing remained of him but an impres sion. Tbe tragedy has a moral, which is obvious to the observant. Haw Fat a Locomotive Can Travel. " Electrical Review. In reeard to tlio much discussed question us to the rapidity with which a locomotive can run, some Interesting officii! figures have been given- by Mr. Streton, an eminent English engineer, showing briefly that the highest speed ever accurately tcken was with a Bristol and Exeter broadgange engine, having nine-foot wheels, and which was, as long ago as 1853, officially timed at a speed of just over eighty miles aa hour tor a short distance, this occurring in the case or a falling gradient and with a light load. He aUo distinctly asserts that this speed is the maximum that can possibly be obtained with locomotives of the pres ent type, tbe cause ot this being, he declares, that at such a speed as that tbe resistance ot tbe air, tbe back presure in the cylinders, and n.c friction altogether have become so great that tbey absorb the wbole power of tbe engine, while the pressure on tbe wrong side of tho puton becomes gieatly increased by tbe fact that tbe exhaust steam cannot be got out of tbe cylinders fast enoogb. "W. W. Statesman: A vigilance commit tee has been organized in Lincoln coun ty for tbe pnrpose of catching and hing ing horse-thieves. A regular organized band of horse-thieves are now operating m that county, and nearly every day re ports are in circulation ot farmers who I have lost valuable animals by this gang. JENKS SHEAR. Jertlra had m. muter dream tha other nfa-riL. e tooufnt ne saw a pnze-ngnterr ring-, ana tn tho middle of it stood a doughty littra tbampion who met and deliberately knocked over, one by one, a score or more of big-, burlv-lookinar fellows, as ther advanced ta the attack. Giants as tbey were in size, tbe valiant pigmy proved more than a match for them. It was all so funny that Jonks woke up laugmngr. ag accounts lor tne orcam oy the fact that be had just -co mo to tbe conclu lioo, after trying nearly every big, drastio i on too market, mat .narcea I'leautnt native Pcliets. or tiny 8uirarcoiited Qranulcs, easily " knock out" and neat all the big pills hollow 1 They are the original . and ouly genuine Little Urcr Fills. Beware of Imitations, which contain Pol tonous Minerals. Always ask for Dr. Pierce's reliefs, which are i.itue sugar-coated Pills, or Aiiu uiiium is rail u ics. uuu sa maoae X SICK HEMCliE' Bilious Be ataebe, XHzalnoas, Coustlpa. tiou. India-estion. BIN lone Attacks, and all de- , ranfemcnts of the stomach and bowels, are promptly relieved and permanently cure4 bv the use of Dr. ' Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. They are rently laxative, or strongly eatuarac, aocordine- to size of ddke. Smallest. Cheapest. Easiest to take, oen is a nai, Dy arugg-iiia. i Oearrlakt, 1888, by WOtxn'3 DilPiUMst UsDJ 1CAL AstnciATnox, Proprietors, . O CHTLDREIT ENJOY STUDY When they can be easily cared of coughs aud colds by using HOLDEN'S ETHEREAL COUCH SYRUP. ' It's as pleasant as honey to the taste, and . much quicker than many of the disagree- . ' aoiecompouuancommoiiry soic cue ana si. MANUFACTURED BY I. J). nOLDEX, Stockton, Cal. Wholesale by Snipes & Klnersly, - Retail hr all Drngtdsts. Is the oldest and most Dooular sdentlfle and mechanical paper published and has the laraest circulation of any paper of its class in tbe world. . Fully Illustrated. Best class of Wood Rnitrav. Inirs. . i'uDllshed weekly. Send for iipecimen. fnce Sd a year, r our niontns- trial, a i. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERQ Edition of Scientifio American. W A. snat araofBMnU Each tsaos fcontalns colored iltbotrraphtc plates of country and city resideo. ces or public buildinns. Numeroai engraving's, . and fall plan and npeclflcationi for the oae nf iucbaflt?onLemDlAte buHdinir. Price f20 a reac 2& eta. a oop. iiLNN A CO., PUBLISH KBB. marbeeeenr . ed by apply- . tog to MUSS I A Co.. whs bare had over experience and have made ore 1 1 cat ions ior American maa iw - elizn na tun fa. Send for Handbook. Corre- pondaace itrictly confidential. TRADE MARKS. Tn mm Tnnr mark IS not registered In the Pat ant Office, apply to Hush A Co and procure Immediate protection. Send Xor Handbook. rnPTRlOIITS for books, charts, mans. tc quickly procured. Address H.GKK tfc CO., Patent Solicitors. Gikiul Ornca; tsi Broxdw.it, K. X. II 111 I fV.LJ I A H40 years 100.0UO app nuruay jaw.MnnasinMaMWHMM. i8B she DiriyJ ' (ND FOR QUI TAtOQiHao PRICES ATLAS' ENGIME WORKSi IN0IANAP0LI8. INO. Xiand Notices UOTIOB. TJ. S. Laxd Orncs, at Tus Dalus, Or. June 25. 1890. Complaint having been entered at this office by j Basil Delore against John Vt mums lor aoanaoninir hi homestead entry. No. 1588. dated June 26, 1800. upon the of fee. 12, Tp. 5 8, B. 12 E, in Wasco county, urejfon, wun a view to tne utiivimt wu w said entry; the nid parties are hereby summoned to appear at this offic on the 6th day of Au-rust, 1890, at ID o'clock A. M.. to rearmed and furnish testimony concerning said alleged abandonment. jv5 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Oraci at Tits Dalus, Oa., July 11. 1890. Notice Is' hereby given that the following named pettier has Sled notice of hie intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on August 19. 1800. viz: WM. S. WOODCOCK, Hd. App. No. S223, for tbe KWJ, Sec. 20, Tp. 1 S, P la K w M lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation or saw land, viz: Ed Doyle, Wm. Doyle, Charles Doyle, Ben South well, all of The Dalles. Or JOHN W. LEWIS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIO N. Land Jitics at The Dalles, Okkoos, July 8. 1890. Notice is hereby elven :hat the following namea utttir hu sled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register ana receiver at toe Dalles, Oregon, on Au-just 23, 18u, viz: WM. J. KERR, Hd. App. No. 1351, for the SEJ KWJ. WJ SWJ4. and NE1 SVil4, Sec. 10, Tp. 4 S, R. 15 E W M. n nuiwt flif fnllnwhiir witnesses to Drove his con tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Adalor Pereault, Chas. A. Buckley, Henry Pere- eult. Fred Jones, all of Gran taiiev, or. Ju!12 JOHN W. LfcWIS, Register FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS NORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It Is the Dining- Car Route. It runs Thrrngh Ves- tibuled Trains every fay in ine year io ST. PAUL. and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARS. Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed, Pullman Equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING OARS, B est that can be constructed, and in which accom modations are both t ree ana rurnutnea lor holders uf First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line, connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Un- inteiropted Service. Fuhnan Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad vance tnroufrn any agent oi ine roaa. THROUGH TICKETS MS W ard Europe can be purchased at any Ticket office of this uornany Pull Information concerning rates, time of trains. routes and otner details furnished on application to any agent, or .cV. JJ. Ul-I ft 1-H-ii. UJ.N, Assistant General Passerxrer Agt-, No. 121 First street, cor. Washington PORTLAND. OREGON. FOUTS & WILSON, ' 219 AND 221 SECOND STREET. . Dealers In Wines, lipors and Cigars. "United We Stand" And other choice brands of Whisky. Imported Wines AliP i KEY WEST CIGAES. I3PT" Ako Wines and Beer, imported and domestic. dw 1GERMANIA CHAS. STTJBLING, Prop. Wines, Lifluors and fa. All brands of Imported Liauors, Ale and Porter, and genuine Key West Cigars. A full line ol CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. No. 90 Second street. The Dalles, Or. for $alc A.T A. BARGAIN I GOOD FARM, SITUATED THREE MILES north o IDufur, containinir 320 acres deeded land, and one quarter section railroad land, all under lence. mere are 2du acres in wneat, no in bat ley, ana ou sue farm are two aweuing nouses, one Darn - two wina-mius. AN ABUNDANCE OF WATER I for all purposes, farmlrur implements, plows, har- l and drills all new. It is the best farm in that portion of the county, aud will be sold cheap. For icnu nurture st uus omce STAGE NOTICE.. QN AND AFTER JULY 1, 18U0, ' Daily Stages To and From Gol- dendale - Will leave the Umatilla Boose every morning at 7 dendale at 1 P. M.. arrivino- at Tbe Dalle, at 8 i M . For rreicht and nassaa-e sduIv to tbe oronrietor at qis siaoie, or so onver at uinalllia nouse. Junva-dv K. B. HOOD Proprietor. A WEAK MAN Can now core himself of tbe deplorable results of eany aouse, ana pen- cuy restore rns vuror and vl. taiity oy ine ureal Australian Keniedy. The re- marsaoie cures oi hopeless cases of Jiervous Debil. ity aud Private Complaints are everywhere stampina out quackery, 'ine ateaictnc, a pnyatcian s Kittrto snnenrg nuinamty, wiu oe sent free to those af- nicteu. Address. Dr. M. B. TATLOR. lmarlrw 809 Market Strreet, San Francise Big O fs acknowledeed tne leadinir nnuj a .ovrraosa sk tileec. The only sate remedy for - I prescribe it and feel VMMl,ht fa 'n huw.w. It 1. i "Mwn.wic." "t,. uj mi Eunerers. A. J. tTUMR. M. D- csviti ny EirutztLiMMMm SNIPES KIN RS LEY.The Dal . PAUL KREFT. Artistic Painten and . House Decorator, i ate araviiea, urcatasi. Boose Pain tin? and Decorating- a Special tr Nl inferior and cheap work done; but good, lasting work at tne lowest prices. Buop adjoining postotnee on oecona street. COWS HERDED. AU citizens desirous of hsrintr their coin herded ' from and after the first of March can do to by apply in? at the stable of H'. H. Butts, where particular! aaa ierm wiu ne maac raowo. ieoi7 NOTICE, ANY PERSON WI9HINCL. TO PURCHASE F oar at tu Diamond Mills can do ao in lots of not less thaa 6 barrels. Price, at per barrel, sab ject to alteration. Terms strictly cash. . - . .. . A. D. CUETISS. Protuietor. Eareka Kestaiirant. tnHI8 BDTLDrSO 18 TOR -REST AND THE I Rxttares therein for sale. -Apply to" 1?SB,Ji " ; - v.J ,.ulu- W'UlilSaVl, ; s Farm f Cnres In fei lTo4DAY8. m i ti.uaaiMd do. t. Tfj w.wsw4i,u ar nafj totsasKlBtw,tnsl Iiegal Notice Sheriff's Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon for Wasco county. A. Sutton, plaintiff, vs. Frank Huot, Jane Huot and Joseph H. Sherar, defendants. By viTtue of an execution, duly issued out of the above court in the above cau-eon the 2d day of Suly, 1890, upon a decree rendered in aid cause on the 13ih day of June, ISH0, in favor of the above plaintiff sua against the above named defendants for the. sum hereinafter set forth, which decree among other things ordered the sale of the lands hereinafter described to satisfy said sums, I did on the 11th d&y of July, 1890, duly levy on said lands, and 1 will on Saturday, the 10th dav of August, 1890, at tbe hour of 2 o'clock P M. of said day, at the Court lions door in Dales City, Wasco county, Oregon, se!l at public auction U the highest bidder for cash all the following desciibed mortgaged lands, to-wlt: The north one-half (iNH)ot the southwest quarter (SWJ), the southeast quarter (SEJ) of the southwest quarter (SW4), and the southwest quar ter (SW'4) of the northeast quarter (NEK) of section number thirty-two (3i). in toa-n.-hip number o .e (I), nonh of rauge number fourteen (14) east. Also the south one-half (SK) of the southwest quarter (SWJ), in section thirty two (32), in town-hip one (ll, north of range fourteen (14) east, and the north one-half (N of the northea t quarter (NfcJ) of section six. (0), fn townfhip one (1), south of range fourteen (14), east of the Willamette meridian, in Wasco county, Oregon, to satisfy the sum uf 5,893.70, with interest thereon since June 18, 1890, and 4S 50 Ousts of said suit and accruing costs herein. Dated the 11th day of July, 1890. D. L, CATES, Sherriff. Sheriff's Sale. IX THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon fur Wasco Cou ty. M. A. Moody, plaintiff, vs. Mrs. S. C. Hagan. d fend nut. By virtue of an execution issued out of the bOTe court in the above ewe on the 25th day of July, 1890, upon a decree rendered in said cause en the 6th day of June. 1690, in favor of the above plain- tin and atrainst tne aeienaans lor uie sum Herein after net forth, which decree ordered the sale of the land hire:nafter described to satisfy said bums. I did on the 10th day of July, 1890, duly levy on said land, and I will on Saturday, the lGih day of August, 1890, at the Court House door in Dalles City. Wasco cottiuv, Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. H. of said day, rrll at public auction to the highest bid der fur cash in hand the following described mort gaged land, to-wit: The southeast quarter of sec tion 36, township 2 south, range 13 east, Willamette meridian, in Wasco county, Oregon, and the appur tenances thereunto belonging, to satisfy the sum of $442.33, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum since June 6, 1890, and attor ney's fees, together with ihe further sum of $25.30, costs of -uit and accruintr costs Dated this 12th day of July, 1S90. D. la. CATES, Sheriff. SUMMONS. In the Jnstice's Court for tbe Precinct of East Dalles, State of Oreiron. Wasco county. W. H "Moody and Z. F. Moody, partners doln business under the firm name of W. H. Moody k. Co. Plaintiffs, vs. P. L. Birch, Pefencant. To P. L. Birch, the above named defendant. In the name of the state of Oreiron. you are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action within ten days from the date of the service of this sum mons upon vou, if served within this county, or if served within any other county of this state then within twenty days of the service of this summons upon you, and if served by publication theu on the 18th day of August 1890, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, and if you fail to appear and answer as above required the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of 811.05 and for tnetr eosts ana aisoursements or tins action. This Summons is published in Thn Dallbs Tuiss- Moi KTAiNtsR by virtue of an order duly made by me this 3rd day of July, ism a. it. inuMfsun, Cjly7t Justice of the Peace. Administrator's Notice. IN the matter of the estate of John T. Btorrs, de ceased. Notice is hereby (riven that I have filed my final account in the above estate, and that in pursuance of an order of the Honorable, tbe Couuty Court- of Waso county, Oregon, duly made, rendered and n tered in said estate, on the 8U day ol July, 1890, Tuesday, the 2d dav of 8entember. 1800. at tbe buur of S o'clock P. M, of said day, at, the Court Bouse in tba County Court room thereof, in said county and state, is the time and place fixed by said order for the bearing of objections to said report, if any. And all interested parties will please take notice accord. Burly. r'UANK UENEFEK, July ii, van. ot Administrator. Dissolution Notice. n and Geo. A. is hereby civen that the partnership heretofore existing between Alexander Scott so. A. Hamilton, doing business under tbe firm name of Boon t Hamilton at Grass Valley, Sherman County. Oregon, is dissolved by mutual consent. Alexander Scott will pay all indebtedness, and will assist in colleetine; all accounts, notes e;e., due tbe late firm. Tbe business will be carried on as usual at the old stand under the firm name of Scott si Co., who will, carry a full stock of general mer chandise. ALEXANDER SCOTT, GEO. A. HAMILTON. Grass Valley, Or., July 6, 1890. . Executor's Notice. VT OTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned has 1 1 been duly auDointed bv tbe Countv Court of the State of Orteon. for Wasco countv. in Drobaba. sole executor, with the will annexed, of the estate of William Harman, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and re quired to present them to me, with tbe proper voocuerB wiereior, as my cmoo in u lies miy, Ore gon, wiuim six menus irom tne date of tnis notice. Datea June zi. iso. , UKOKUK KUCH. Executor, with the will annexed, of the estate nf William uarnian. deceased. lunzl Administrator's Notice. ATOTICE is hereby given that the nndersigned JA bas been duly appointed admlnitrstor of the estate of T. D. Crois, deceased, by the County Court iur nwro muniy. -nil persons-navi no; rjaims against tbe estate of (aid deceased are notified to C'ent the same with proper Touchers to m at my ae in Dalles City. Oregon, within three months rmm ine aate nereei. J. h UKObii. imea July x, isao. jyg Dissolution Noticef NOTICE is hereby given that the nartnerahip heretofore existing under the firm name and style of Hansen Co., in the contracting bust- nes, nas necn aissoiveu oy mutual consent, air. Ostlund will collect all moneys due and nay all bills. Ik 1. OS1L1W11, The Dalles, July 29. 1690. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. A LL COUNTY WARRANTS registered prior te XX July 12, 1887, will be paid if presented at my vrace. inusren rcues irom ana alter this aate. The Dalles, July 15, l&iO. GEORGE RUCH. eaf urer of Wasco Coanty, Or. ON ACCOUNT OP FAILING BODILY VIGOR, and to reduce care, I now offer for sale a por tion or all of mv Splendid Kaneh near Erskinevilla. Oregon. It consists of 660 acres of the best soil, and nneiy watered, sou acres now under cultivation; zw now in grain. Will Sell in Tracts to Suit It is one of the many fine farms fn Shsr vrsn county Address flATHAJI WU11E, maylSwklytf Erskinevilla, Or. SHEEP RANCH FOR SALE. 169 Acres Seeded Land, 360 Acres Bail Eoad Land and 80 Acres School Land. A fine farm ot 1C0 acres of deeded land, 360 acres of railroad land aud 80 acres of school land with good spring, situated nine miles sonth of The uaiies. and about one mile from the forks of Mill creek, county road to the place. Fifty acres sowed ui grain tnrown in wilo uie place, rrlce, SIHOO. Apply to - LALKA BlMlIu, . lljul The Dalles, P. O. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THE DALLES, OREGON. STOLEN T71ROM tba premises of ths snbserTBer, residing at 1 tsakeoveii. three 4-vear-oId horst: two fi-vur. olds, branded on left nunc 8. H. One of the S-vear- uus m unuiuea wiui . on Itll siae. SOBeward HI be paid for tbe information leading to the re covery ol toe sand.- SOL. HOCSER. - Saaeoysfi, Jtme 23. levO. srjnngs - STRAYED. One roan pacing pony, branded T on left hip. The pony was lass seen aoout inrea mum wast nf Th LAlles last winter. A reward of 85 will be riven to any who uouvjnuy uie pony as noon a staoie. n. w. WELL BheraTs Brtd?e, Or. April S, 18a aprft-tf G. NOWAE, . CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER. Plans sn-i snecifications for buildimra fii rajsbej. win ao all kinus or exesvatinr and STadiac. All ordurs should be let t st i ice bos 322. - ily&dawtf To Cattle Buyers. - AHOK-BBED HERD OF GRADED DURHAM Caul for sale alt ages. Quite a band ou be bourht in t':e near neighborhood.. A ddress runs niruu, ' Falls City, Potk OouotyOr. JlylBt FARM FOR ALE Guaranteed capable of placing la embankment 1,690 to l.SOO cubic yard of earth in JO hours with 6 teams and 3 mrn, or of loading; 600 to 800 wagons of 1 yards each In the same time, at a cost of D cent per cubic yard. F. C. AUSTIN MANUFACTURING CO., CHICAGO, ILL. ZEE. 3?. GEEGOET SAN- FRANCISCO, PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH WT ' THE DALJjES. W. C. A1XAWAT. - Ticket AgenU LOCAL TIME TABLE. Union Paclfle Railway vision. Paclfle ! SASTBODND. ARaiva. DEPART. No. 8, Overland Flyer So. 4. Limited Fast Mail.., No. 22, Freight No. 24. " , No. 28. " 1:20 a. m. 10:45 a. m 11:10 p. m 8:10 a. m 8:45 p m 1:30 a. m. 10:55 a. m. 11:40 p. m 6:45 p. m. 4:15 p m. WSSTBOUND. RKITS DEPART. No. 1. Overland Flyr No. 2, Limited Fast Mail. No. 21, Freight No. 23, " No. 2S, " . No. 27. " 2:20 p. m 2:30 a. m. 11:50 a. m 2:40 p. m. 2.40 a. m. 12-20 p. m. 11:50 p.m. 11:16 p. m 10.11) a. m 6:30pm u:45 a. m. 7:40 a. m. Main Line, Nns. 1 and 2, "The Overland Flyer, carry through Pullman Sleepers, Colonist Sle pen, Free Chair Cars and Coaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Paul or Chicago. Mam line, Nos. 3 and 4, ''The Limited Fas Mail," carry Pullman Dining and Bleeping Cars be tween Portland an j Chicago. Daily. xcussien sates. Bound trip tourists tickets to Cascade Springs on sale at the wharf boat at 2 60, good going on date of sale, and for return passage up to and including Bent. 30. 1890. . Commencing on Saturday, June 7tb, and contin uing each aueoeediog Saturday until September 30, 1890. excursion tickets will be sold The Dalles to Cascade Locks and return at tbe rate of $1.50. Tbe Dalles to Hood River and return, SI. Tickets good going and returning on tbe steamer D. & Baker only ou date of sale UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEAN, Columbia, Willamette and Snake Rivers. Schedule of Union Pacific steamer on following routes, in effect during July, 1890. , IortIaad t San Francisco. TO San Francisco Leaving- Stesahlp Wharf Port land, at io r. au, as iouows: Oregon July Columbia " State " Oregon " Columbia " State " Oregon " San Francisco to Portland. Tu Portland Leaving Spear St. Wharf, San Francisco, . at 10 A. at. as iouows: Columbia .July State Oregon. i Columbia....... State Oregen. Columbia. State ssasiDB bovt sTaaaaa r. s. soma. Leave Portland ou Tuesdays and Thursdays at 8 a. m., and on Satuidays at 1 p. ro., arriving at Astoria at 2 p m. and 830 p. m. Arriving at Uwaco at 8:30 P. m. and 8:30 n. m. Keturainic leave liwaco n Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. ui and Sunday at 6 p. m.,amvmg at Astoria at :w a. m. ana :wp. m. Arrive in Portland at p. m. on Wednesday and Friday, and t a. m. on Monday. ' , rOBTLAKB AUD ASTORIA BOOTS. Steamer Telephone leaves Portland daily except Tuesday at 7 a. m., arrives at Astoria at 8 p. m. Str. S. G. Reed leaves Portland Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdava at 6 a. m.. arrives in Astoria at 4 p. m steamer K. K. Tnomps-tn leaves roruana aauy ex cept Sunday at Bp. m strives in Astona at 3 a. m. Steamer R. H. Thompson leaves Astoria daily ex cept Monday at 7 a m . , arrives in roruano at s p. m. Steamer 8. G. Reed leaves Astoria oa Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 6 a. m., arrives in Portland at 6 p.m. Steamer Telephone leaves Astoria daily except Tuesdays at 7 p. m., arrives in Portland at t a. m. - Steamers T. J. Potter, R. K. Thompson and a. u. Reed leave Ash street dock; steamer Telephone leaves Alder street' dock, Portland. Steamers T. J. Potter, R. R. Thompson and a. G. Reed leave Union Pacific dock; steamer Telephone leaves Wilson fc Fisher's dock, Astoria. Til 8 SALLBS BOCTB. Leave Portlana dally except 8unday at 6 a. m., ar rive at The Dalles at 6 p m. Leave Tbe Dalles daily except Sundays at 7 a m., srriye in Portlanb at 5 p. a. ' UWIFTOa BOCTB. Leave Binarla on Wednesdays andSatcrdavs at 2 p. m., arrive at Lewiston on Thursdays and Sundays at 11 a. m. Leave Lewiston on Mondays and Fri days at 1 p. m., arrive at Kiparia on same day at S p. m. TAHHILL BOOTS. Leave PorUanl on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days at 7 a. m., arrive at Dayton on same day at t p. m. Leave uayton on luesaays, xnursaays ana oat urdays at 6 a. m., arrite in Portland at 8 p. m. ooavALLis Borra. Leave Portland on Mondays aad Thursdays at 6 a. m arrive at Corvallis on Tuesdays and Fridays at 3 a. m. Leave Corvallis on Tuesdays and Fridays st 8 a. m., arrive at Portland on Wednesdays and Sat urdays at 3 p. m. The company reserves the rhrbt to change steam- era or sailing date, without further notice. f or rates, tickets, oertn reservations, etc., can on or address any ticket agent of the Union Pacific sys tem. C. S. MELLEN. . T. W. LEE. - I Geo. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt H WM. MICHELL, UNDERTAKER, Wishes to inform his many friends and thetpablio generally that he has removed his undertaking rooms to j NICKELSEN'S NEW BRICK CORNER THIRD AKD WASHINOTOK, Where be carries a full stock of everything- used a mat Dasmess, Orders bv dispatch, express, mail or in person promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Can seen any boar cf the day or night at his residence, eorne r Fourth -and WashineUiD, or place of business.. A Perfect Face Powder. ineeM a ijsTa-i-va. BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON AND ' C. L DUNHAM. ' m LATEST PERFUKE mows. cba.t. FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA REim MICE! S-f?v 4.' Sc CO. CALIFORNIA. Snipes & Kiner$ly, -TBE- Leading rnggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon. C. N. THORN BURY. T. A. HUDSON. TnORABURY & HUDSON, ire, INSURANCE 2voi3Le3r to Hioaia. on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all kinds oj Land business be fore tlte U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8, up-stairs, U. S. Land Office building, THE DALLES. OREGON. FRUIT I SHADE TREES SMALL "FRUITS, VINES EVERGIiEENS, SHJ. (JBS, ROSES, ETC. The Ear fleet Strawberry known, CLARKE'S :: SEEDLING! Also, "tbe EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry- a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens, JA.MES A. VARNEY, Prop. J G. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FARUHER. THOMPSON & FARGHER, General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St HorsawShsMing sad Generavl Jobbing . a Specialty-. Prises reasonable and to suit the times. Denny, Bice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. E7 Cash sdvanoss made oa eonsijrnnient, Tbe Celebrated French Cure, Warranted U ApURnnlTINF" or mo;ie to cure ni s.iiw. . reiuiioea. refimUi Is Solo on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE lo onro any form ot nervous disease, or any disorder ri the generative or- cnus of either wt, HtrOkt is us: from Uie Mr ILK en-cone use of SUmulauts, Tobacco or Opium. oriuroutfn you until iiiniseretion, over mains eucc, Ac, such as I-oss of Brain fower, Wakelul uess, Bearinc down Paius iu the Bank, Seminal Weakness. Hysteria. Nervous Prostration Nocturn al emissions. Iacorrno&a, uizziiiess. wens uenv ory, IMS of Power and Imnotency, which If De- elected olteu lead to nrematureoid see a'iu insan ity. Price f 1.00 a box. 6 boxes for S5.00 Bent oy man on receipt oi price. A WHITTEN GUARANTEE forerery 5.0t order, to refund tho money if a I'.rnisnent cure Is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and voun?. of both sexes, permanently cured by APHRoniTiNK. Circular free. Address TtfE APHRO -MEDICINE CO, -- . VISUM ItRsOTTH. BOX 27 . POETLAND, OB BLAKELEY A HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR THK DAXiL,RH. VKEGOS. EAST END SALOON, Near the Old Hint Building, Second 8t, Tba Dalles, Or. - Always on lutnd tha BestWines, Lion or s. and Cigars. A Pleasant Evening Resort Colombia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei 1 on draught. J. H. LAESEN, Dealer in all kinds of Hay, Grain and Feed, At his old stand, 8eoood street.. HAY AND CRAIN FOR SALE. The highest Cash Price paid for Sheep pelts. ' Charles F. Lauer, Proprietor of the Thiri S..?oiiltry&iid Fish Market, Will always keep on sale Puget Sound Fish, , Chickens, Turkeys, Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco and CUrars. Leave your orders, as they will receive prompt IKUUUU. a. a. mom lias opened A CHOICE ASSORTMENT Staple & Fanc: Groceries, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Fruit, OonfecUonerv. Ac. which he offers at reason able prices. A share ot the publio patronage is re specUuilr soU xted. .f ' T . Nickelsen Elect, 3d and Wastiugton PRINZ & NITSCHKE, WBOLESALE AKO KKTAIL Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are nappy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates ol ttte celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni tue and Carpets at prices lath erto unknown in Ore-ion. A. Pew of Our.Quotationa will Hardwood bent Chairs, each .75 cts Cane Rockers Ash Bedsteads , W oven-wire Mattresses Lounges , or cal t 8 00 . 8 60 60 . 12 00 FISH wm. GAS PIPES, PLUMBERS' GOODS, We are the sole acents for the Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE and RAMON A COOK STOVE.-v.Lich has no equal, and guaranteed to give en tire satisfaction or money refunded. ' :o: Cor. Second, and Washington streets. The Dalles. ssssssssssssssssssasssssasa THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, AJiy. KKLLER, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 an Grcfforio "Vltaeyard Co. AH Wines and Brandies The Best Wines, Liquors Try the beat remedy for., ' H. CLOUGH. . A. cam. and see H00SIER FENCE MACHINE, 0NLT MAC?m that gives a continuous twist to the wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FENCE WOEKS, Strong, Durable, Neat, and the Cheapest Fence in the World, CLOUGH & LARSEN, Props. THE DALLES, ' OREGON. - , r The One Price COR. SECOND j.?. -DEALER IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Bctterict Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, Fu n era! The TJndersUrnorl has Added Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black,' White, French Berl and Eosewood Caskets,- Burial Robes and Shrouds. Trimmings of all descriptions at tho LovestFrlces and owns the Host Elegant Hearse east of the monn taiaa with all the latest improvements. ' ' NO DELAY IN FILLING ORDERS. Flare Of Bnalneaa, In Nloatlsso's Block, corner Third and Washlnjrtoo streets. Flare Of Residence. Fourth street, earner of Washington. Can be sees at all boors of the day and nignt. Ja29tl A. M. SUCCESSORS TO LATE FIRM E. INGATE fe CO. nor al Met ehandi A COMPLETE LINE OF Dry Goods, Groceries, . Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. CHAS. E. 1)1. XII AM. THE DALLES, OREGON, -DEALER DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Comb Etc. Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles. Pure Brandy, Wines &i Liauors for Medicinal Parposes PHYSICIANS' PBESOBIPTIONa A SPECIALTY. - i - ' Convince tho Most Slteptlcal: Bed-lounges . .16 00 .. 26 0(, 76 U Ah Bedroom Sets Brussels Carpets, per yard . Ingram Carpets, do BARDON, -:o:- Burgundy 83, Zinfandel 84,' Riesling 83, Hock 83, TaWe Claret. "Agency. Guaranteed Strictly Pure and Cigars Always on Sale. ; Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." Cash House, AND COURT ST&, WAT MTflTTTCTT, Iff u-saw j.iai m-.m m-my 1JID1ETAII1E.' DDijrctODr- , to his Business a foil line of . . DEALERS IS Furnaces, gauges, WUt IcIIlMT, WM. MICHELL. WILLIAMS 1 Co, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HACKS AND BUGGIES IN-