i l . I I CEOPrWEATHER Oregon Slate Wealter Bureau in coopera tion xcith U. S. Signal Service, central office, Portland, Oregon. For iceet ending July 10, 1S0O: In the western portion of the state the temperature was below the normal; in the central portion about normal; in the eastern portion above the normal. Temperatures of 90 or more occurred in Umatilla, Baker and Malheur comities. In Western Oregon the temperature was below 83 and above 46. Generally partly cloudy weather pre vailed; no rain is reported to have fallen. The weather conditions have been ex tremely favorable to growing crops and to " harvesting operations. The hay crop has - about all been housed and it has been more than was anticipated; both quantity aBd quality are about an average. Late wheat is filling well, the meshes are quite large, and the berry large and plump. The spring wheat will make a much bett r crop than was expected. Early wheat harvest is in full blast and the yield is fully an average or more so The entire wheat crop of Ore gon this year bids fair to be larger than - ever before. ' Thousands of acres in Uma tilla and Union counties will average from 32 to 40 buBhtls per acre. The averega number of baaho's of wheit per acre, will generally be secured, this together with the ' increased acreage will produce the increased yield. Barlev. rve and oats are promising good yields. The weather has been cool for corn, though in Wasco county it is doing very well. In Benton county some varieties of early peaches are ripe. In .W.ksnn ennntv the second crOD of at falfa is being cut and the yield is unusually heavy. About Hardman, Morrow county, grass hoDoers are doing considerable damage. Sweet corn, peaches and melona are now ' being shipped from The Dalles. The nlum and Drone crop is large. The codlin moth is doing damage, ea pecially in the Willamette valley. Spray ine the trees is proviuz beneficial. From every section of the state come re ports of good crops. B. S. Paock, Observer U. S. Sisnal Service. Asst. Director Oregon W. B, Pound DeadV Monday afternoon, Mr. H. A. Toen. nies commonly known as August Schmidt was found dead in his house near the railroad track. He was lying down in his bed, with a newspaper grasped in his right band, and spectacles over his eyes, as he died while reading. For over a year he has complaired of pain in the region of his heart, at times being almost unbearable. He was a molder by trade, and worked for Mr. John Lewis for years while he con. ducted the foundry in this city, for some time he has expected to die snddenly,and had ren nested Mr. Jaa. Fisher to call at his house every day and watch for such an emergency. Last evening Mr. Fisher went ' to the house, where Toennies lived alone and boarded himself, and found him aa de scribed. ' Mr. Toennies was a man oi con ' siderable intelligence and great information but was yery cynical in his ideas 'of life. He was a native ot Austria and aged 67 years. The following is the verdict of the coroner's jury at the inquest held over the remains yesterday. We, the jury that was duly sworn and impanelled to inquire into the cause of the death of the body of H. A. Toennies, who was found dead in his bouse, have come to the conclusion from the evidence of Dr. Doanethathe died from natural causes. We found on examining his clothes 60 cents in coin. . J. Dohertt, Ness Simokson, J. H. Haducy, J. T. Osborne, P. Thebien, L. Payette. Supervisor of Census Kelly gives the following as an estimate of tbe popula tion of some Oregon towns, as shown by the censes returns received at his office Roseburg, 8300; Eugene, 8300; Salem 7200; Oregon City, 3200; McMinnville, 1400; Grant's Pass, 2250; Jacksonville, 1200; Corvallis, 2200; Ashland, 2700 Illllsboro, 1600; Albany, 7000. Coaching evenings. parties are very popular these orc ENJOYS Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem enectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy. of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste, and ac ceptable to, the stomach, prompt in - its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in t0c and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FSANC1SCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. KY. k?W Y01K. N.Y. I. D. K OLDEN, Stockton, Cal. Who'esals by Snipes Kirwslv, Retail hr all DraggUts. STAGE NOTICE. QS AND AFTERIJCY 1, 18J), Daily Stages To and From. Gol dendale Wi'l leave the Umitilla Doom every mo-ning at 7 o'cliick, arrivin . at Coldendale at 11:3"; leave Gol Uoidale at 1 P. M., airirincr at The Dalles tr H. for Ireifcht an I !-; "Pply to the proprietor at nil !Ubl, or to driver at I niatilla House jjii2S-dy Jt. B. HOOO Proprietor. STKAYED. One roan paving pony, branded T on lei. kip. The ony waa I art wen ahont threeTnilea west of The la!:. last w.nt.r. A reuan! of ." will he given to i ny oue delivering the puny at iloni-a triable. ' H. W. WELLS, berar's Utilize, Or. April S, 1S90 apri-tf bulletot ho. 19 1 : mmsmmmmmmmmsmmmmi -WOMEN AND MICE. Thn TMmn whv a woman is afraid of mouse is a profound mystery indeed. It baa never been very clearly proven that ahe is. lint vunfl women are constantlr In sucb iirnniiiL Irritable nnnriition that the aliffbteSt thine- annoys and startles them. Tbe cause of this unfortunate state of affairs is usually some functional derangement: some di tress- Ins or painful irregularity, some derat ..nr. n rwiiiiar weaknesa incident to ki nr. it mRV be due to Inflammation, ul coratlon or displacement, of some of the pelvic viscera, or to other organic lesions peculiar to her sex. From whichever cause t may arise, lir. Pierce's FavoriU Prescrip tion is a vntitir remedu. so certain in its tfi?rntiv thiiIu that its manufacturers sell It, through drua-pists, under a guarantee of its giving satisfaction In ; every ease, or money paid for it will be promptly re funded. As a soothing and strengthening nervine, "Favorite Prescription" is une qiiRlcd and is invaluable in allaying and sub duing nervous excitability, irritability, ex haustion, nnistration. hysteria, spasms ana rtmr 1 1 ifhvMi n o. nervntIM ITDlDlOmS COm- roonlv atten.lnut upon functional and organio disease of tbe womb. Tt induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de spondency. ConjTlglit, 1883, by WOBXD'S DO. Mft ASS'X. m. mm pellets fi&sssz Laxative, or Cathartic, according to alia OX dose, by Drugo-ista, 35 cents a viai. Legal Notloes- Sheriff's Sale. IK THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon for W aseo amnty. A. button, plaintiff, va. Frank Huot, Jane Huot and Joseph H. Shercr. defendant!). By virtue of an execution, duly issued out of the atiove court in the atiove cau.- e on the 2d day of Su!v. lKiKi. num a decree rendered in aid cause on the'l&h dy of June, 1U0, in favor of the above plaintiff arid against the above named defendants for tlit sum hereinafter bet forth, which decree among other thiiurs ordered the sale of the lands hereinafter aeacnitea o muiy mu sums, w the lllh day ul July, 1890, duly levy on said land, and 1 will on rjaturaav. me ioui uav oi auubi, itxxt t. t h hmir of S o'eloclc P. M. of Bald dav. al . 1 .. tt IInH. It, IkllMl'StV WxJWO COIlntV. lllC VUUl "o " ' . . Orriron. aed at public auction U tlieHgnest bidder fcr caidi all tbe following described mortgaged lands, n.lt- Th. iM.rth one-half flof the southwest quarter (SWJ), the anutheaat quarter (SEi) of the HoutnweHl quarter tor. 5a, auu ui, Buununw. M,uu ter SW'4) of the northeast quarter CKiff section nuu-ber thirty-two (32), in towntbip number o-.e 0), nor h of rarure number fourteen (14) east. Also the ih one-hidf (SVil of the southwest Quarter (SWJa), in section thirty.two (32), in township one (1), north of ranee fourteen (14) east, and the north one-naif (NMlof tbe northea t quarter (NKJ)of section six 6), fn townfhip one (IX south of range fourteen (14), east of the Witlamet meridian, in Wasco county, Oregon, 10 satisfy the sum of fl3.70, with interest thereon sines June 13, 1800, and 48 60 costs of said suit and accruing ousts herein. Da-.ed the 1Mb day of July, 1890. . D. L. CATE8, Sberriff. Sheriff's Sale. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF Oregon for Wasco Cou ty. M. A. iloody, plaintiS. vs. Mrs. 8. C Hagan. de fendant. By virtue of an execution issued out of the above court in the above cuise on tbe 25th day of July, 1890. noon a decree rendered in said cause sn the 6th day of June, 1S90, in favor of ttu above plain tiff and acainst the defendant for the sum herein after Mt forth, which decree ordered the sale of the bud hereinafter described to satisfy said turns, 1 aia on the 10th day of July. 1880, duly levy on said land and I will on Saturday, the 16th day of August. 1800, at the Court House door in Dalles City. Wasco county. Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. of aaiddav. .ell at sublic auction to tbe highest bid der for cash in band tbe following described mort gaged land, to-wit: The souUieast quarter of sec tion 36, township 2 south, range 13 east, Willamette meridian, in wasco county, uregou, ana tne appur tenances thereunto belonging, to satisfy the sum of 8442.33. with interest thereon at the rate of 8 ner cent, ner annum since June 6. 1890. and attor ney's fees, together with the further sum of $25.30, costs of tuit ana accruing casts. Dated this 12th day of July, 1890. D. L. CATES, Sheriff. SUMMONS. In the Justice's Court for tbe Precinct of East Dalles, State of Oregon. Wasco county. W. H. Moody and Z. F. Moody, partners doin business under the firm name of W. H. Moody & Co. Plaintiffs, vs. P. L, Birch, liefendant. To P. L. Birth, the above named defendant. Id tbe name of tbe state of Oregon, yon are hereby reouired to appear and answer the comnmint filed against you in the above entitled action within ten daya from tbe date of the service of this sum mons upon you, if served within this county, or if served within any otoer county 01 in is state men within twenty days 01 tne service 01 tn summons upon you, and if served by pubneation then on the lhth day of August 1890, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, and if you fail to appear and answer as above reouired tbe plaintiff i will take judgment against you for the sum of $11.05 and for their costs and disbursements of this action. This Summons is published in Tua Dallks Tihbs Mou.ntainrxr by virtue of an order duly made by me uus 3rd day 01 July, isu. A. B. THOMPSON, 5j!y7t Justice of the Peace. Administrator's Notice. f N the matter of the estate of John T. Storrs, de- I ceased. Notice-is hereby given that I have filed my final account in the above estate, and that in pursuance of an Older of the Honorable, the Conuty Court of Wasco county, Oregon, duly made, rendered and n tered in said estate, on tbe 8th day of July, 1800, Tuesday, tbe 2d day of September, 1890, at the hour of 3 o'clock P. M, of said day, at the Court House in the County Court room thereof, in said county and state, is the time and place fixed by said order for tne hearing of objections to said report, if any. Ana all interested parties will please take notice accord. ingiy. riuHa MtntrtE, July 17, 18SU. ot administrator, Dissolution Notice. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the partnership 11 heretofore existing between Alexander bcott and Geo. A. Hamilton, doing business under the firm name of Scott & Hamilton at Grass Val:ey, Sherman County. Oregon, is dissolved by mutual consent. Alexander Scott will pay all indebtedaess, and will assist in collecting all accounts, notes etc.. due the late firm The business will oe carried on as usual at the old stand under the firm name of Scott Co.. who will carry a full stock of general mer chandise. ALEX AN LiER bCOTT, GKO. A. HAMILTON. Grass Valley. Or., July 5, 189). Executor's Notice. OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has 11 neen ouiy appointed Dv tne ixiuniv court ot tne State of Oregon, for Wasco county, in probate. sole executor, with the will annexed, of the estate of William Harmaii, deceased. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified and re quired to present them to me, with the proper vouchers tnereior, at my cmce in i lies cny, Ore gon, witnin six months from tne date of this notice. Dated June 21. 1KUU. UEOKUK KUCti. Executor, with the will annexed, of the estate of r uuam Barman, deceased. unzi Administrator's Notice. 'VTOTICE is herety givtn that the undersigned 1 has been duly annointed admii-i trtor of the estate of T. D. Croo, deceased, by the County Court tor Haco county. ' All person, haviiur claims against the estate of taid deeaased are iiotinnd to E resent the si-.me with pro, er vouchers to m- at my ouae in Dalles City, Oregon, within three months frni the date litres. J. H. CROSS. Dated July 2, 1890. jyi Dissolution Notice. VTOTICB la hereby given that the partnership 1 heretof re ej.fntntr between Bennett & Wi son in the practice of law i dissolved. The undersigned will continue humueas iii the Schanno build iiiir. at the corner of Second aud Couit Mroct. June 21, isw -uj A. 8. BENNETT. COUNTY TREASURER'S MICE. ALL COCNTY WARRAXT3 registered rrior to July 12, ls7, will be paid if presented at my mce. Jiitere-.t ccwea Ironi and after this dite. The Duller, July IS, ISM). GEORGE RCCH, Treasurer of Wasco County, Or. STOLEN takeoveii. thrtM 4-year-old hurk; two 6 j ear- id, biauden vn it-It rumr s. II. One of the 5-year- olds U branded with on left side. 30 Reward Will be mid for tbe Information lending to -the re covery of the nand. HoU UOUSKR. B'keoven. June S3. 1!K). wjui.28 A WEAK MAN Can now cure hi nine If of the deplorable results of early abuse, am) perl ctly restore hi xigor and vi tality by the Great Auntraliao Kt-medy. The re markable cure of hopeless cases of jServous Debil ity and Private Cmnplaints are everywhere stamping out qiuckery. Ti e Medicine, a physician's icift to suffenrg humanity, will be sent free to those af flicted. Address, Dr. M. B. TAYLOR, Imarlvw 809 Market Slrreet, 8an Francisc J. B. CROSSED, Au.-tionoer, Wi shlBKtaa St. bet. Jtalo ad HreonA, The Dallea, Oregon. Rct-ular Auction Balesl of Real Estate, hoiisebold Furniture and General Merchandise. Wednesday ud tjsttgrdar. 11 A.B. NOTICE FOR J?CBUCATION. Laud Orncs Al Tns Dam.cs, Oa., June 12, 18!)0. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler bas filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalles. Or., on July 29, 1S90, viz: DAVID SCOTT, D S 5446, for the NEJ, Sec. 12. Tp. 6, R 17 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vu: A. R. Wilcox, Daniel Crowley, George Baxter, F. W. Silvertooth, all 01 Antelope, Or. junl4 JOHN W. LEWIS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Office at Thk Dallks, Or., June 6. 18U0, Notice is hereby (riven that the followinnained settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Rejii-t rand Receiver of toe United States Land omce at xne iaiie, w., Julv 21, 1890. vn: EDMON'D HASSAFIN, D S 67, for the swVi neJ4. e nv and ne s Vi a? o n Q D 17 I? He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said bind, vis: . ... W. P. Kelaer. of Antelope Or.; J. D. w ilcox, W . F. Guyton, Caspar Grassli. of Kent, Or. jiuie7 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOH PUBLICATION. I. AND OlFICS AT TlIS DALLES, OS , June 12. 1890. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler ha tiled notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof .,.:n i Vfor thn Reirister and Receiver of the U. 8. Land Office at The lalles. Or., on July 28 1890, viz: ISAAC M. DAVIS, D S 6031. for the XWK , Sec 8, Tp 4 S. E J3 E W M. uA ...n. ,h. fiina-inv witnesses t urove hu continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: ' t al. liriver, r. r t.iianui, . 7.nniwRlt all of Warnic. Or. junl4 .- r JOHN W. LEWIS' Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laso cmc at The Dalles, Oheoos, juiv o, law. Notim is hereby eiven ihat the followiug nameo settler has filed notice of his intention to make final nOTtf In cmninrL nf his claim, and that said proof will be made before the reaiwer and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on August S, law, viz: WM. J. KERR, Hd. App. No. 1351, for the SEJ NWJ. WI SWJ4' and NEi SWJ, Sec 10, to. , r.. i: a w .u. nf..nM ih. fiiiinwinir witnesses to Drove his eon tiouous residence upon and cultivation of said land, Adalor Pereault, Chas. A. Buckley, Henry Pere-H ault. Fred Jones, all of Grass Valley, or. jullS JOHN W. LEWIS, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Office at Tns Dalles, Oa., . Julv 11. 1890. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make Anal proof in support of His claim, ana was saiu proo. Will DH DIWM uwure fc 1 Dalles, Oregon, on August t. isou. WM. S. WOODCOCK, Hd. App. No. 3223, for the NWJ, Sec 20, Tp. 1 S, R. 13 E W M Be names' the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said tkl Doyle, Wo. Doyle, Charles Doyle, Ben South well, all of The Dalies. r . . JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. JJOTLTIOE. TJ. S. Lasd Orrics, at The Dau.es, Oa June SS. 1890. Complaint having been entered at this office by Bazil D'Clere against John Williams lor abandoning .; i No 1S8S dated June 26. 1890, upon the 8E!4 of fee. 12, Tp. 6 8, K. 12 B. in Wasco county, Oregon, with a view to the canoellat on of said entry; the said parties are hereby summoned to .t thlm nfn! Ml th. 5th OSV Of AtUTUSt. 1890, at 10 o'clock A. U., to respond and furnish testimony J concerning said alleged aDanaonment. -jrt JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS NORTHERN PACIFIC RY Is tbe line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH, It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Ve. tibaled Trains Ever; Day in the year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO NO CHANGE OP CARS. Composed of Dining Cars urvtraroaased, Pullman 1iaWlEg 1VUUUI OIWJCIO Ul JHWe Equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING OARS, Best that can be constructed, and In which accom modations are both Free and rurmanea tor holders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continuous Line ectk with Al Lines, Affording Direct and Un interrupted Service. Palman Sleeper reservation! can be secured in ad vance uirouffQ any agent vi hm rcas. a TUDniinil TIPIfTTC To and from all pomta-t innUUUIl HUntlUH Amenca, England ird Europe can be purchased at any Ticket office of tms company Full information concerning rates, time ot trains. routes and otner details furnished os application to any agent, or Assistant General Passenger Agt , No. 121 First street, cor. Washington PORTLAND, OREGON FOUTS & WIISOI,, 219 AND 221 SECOND STREET. -Dealers in- fines, Liprs anil Cigars.- "United We Stand" And othei choice brands of Whisky. Imported Wines KEY WEST CIGARS. ' Also Wines and Beer, imported and domestic d&w GBRMANIA CHAS. STUBLIKO, Prop. Wines, Liprs and fa. All brands of Imported Liauors, Ale and Porter, and genuine &ey nest cigars, a rail line ox CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. No. 90 Second street. The Dalles, Or. A Perfect Face Powder. ssi DKrr-tsj iMie kt-i i-r. JsTACE POWDER, rsr Okie. IMa'srukwb EM4 kjt llranUi, knrmsafcta. BLAKEIIY & HOUCHTON AND C. E. DUNHAM. wt LATEST PEKFUME exquisite cba.ta FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA fS p is acknowledged ths leading remedy for Ooaorrboea ak Ctleet, The only sure remedy for lieaeorrkoeaorWhites. I prescribe it and feel lTHEEliCHEt!'Pn, to nfl sufferern asciirii,u sr jbj a. i. bTONEK, M. D . Decatur. Dj. Sold by nrasrsriata. SNIPES s: KINEBSLEY.The Dal . STRAYED. C1AUE TO MT PLACE, near Nansene, one Sorre I Mare and one itlack Horse: both branded with unknown brand. Owner can nave them by callinar and paying; for wintering of same, and for advertis ing, nil. kubinsun, junzi lmo ansene P. O., Or. COWS HERDED. All citizens desirous of havimr their cows herded from and after the first of March can do so by apply ing at the stable of W. H. Butts, where particulars and terms will be made known. febl7 NOTICE. Any person wishing to rnrebsss flour at the Dia mond Hills can do so In lota not leas than 6 bbra, ; nrice tt JW per barreL snblect to alteration. Terms strictly cash. - A. H. CURT1S8, prop. firsts r Jrbam ln"t Jto5DAY8. Jm usraDtMd ot w n WWW catua Strietara. Sfci.. so -fir -t NEW Baaranteed capable of placing; In embankment 1,000 to 1, BOO cubic yardtoj . TJ, i tli B teams ind 3 mrn, or of loading BOO to 800 wagons of 1 .mTat . c..t of cents per cMc yard. F. C. ADSTlS MANUFACTUBING CO., CHICAGO, ILX. TT T. GEEaOET SAN FRANCISCO. lll TO -AXjTj PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH AT TIJJE3 DA.UL.Eiii. W. C. A1J.AWAY. - Tleltet Agent. LOCAL TIME TABLE. Ilaioa Faclfle Bailway vision. Pacific DI- IA8TBOVKD. ARRIVE. DEPART. Na 2, Overland Flyer No. 4. Limited Fast Mail... No. 24, Freight No. 24, " Na 28, " - 1:20 a.m. 10:4ft a. m 11:10 p. m. 0:10 a. m 8:46 p m. Man. 10:55 a. m. tl:40 p. m. 6:45 p. m. 4:15 p m. WESTBOUND. ARRIVE. DEPART. No. 1, Overland Flyer No. 2, Limited Fast Mail No. 21, Freight Na 23, " Na 25, No. 27, " 2:20 p. m 2:80 a. m. 11:50 a. m 2:40 p. m. 2.40 a. m. 12-20 p. m, ll0p.m. 11:15 p.m. lu.io a. m 6:30 p. m iuho a. m. 7:40 a. m. Main Line, No. 1 and 2, "The Overland Flyer, carry through Pullman Sleepers, Colonist Steppers, Free Chair Cars and Coaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Paul or Chicago. Main Line, Nos. 3 and 4, "The Limited Fas Hail," carry Pullman Dining and Sleeping Cars be tween Portland an i Chicago. Dailv. - nctnuies BATES. Bound trip tourists' tickets to Cascade Springs on sale at the wharf boat at 92 53, good going on date of sale, and for return passage up to and including Sept. 39. 1890. Commencing on Saturday, June 7tb, and contin uing eaim succeeding Saturday "until September 30, 1890, excursion tickets will be sold Tbe Dalles to Cascade Locks and return at the rate of il.50. Tbe Dalles to Hood River and return. SI. Tickets good going and returning on the steamer D. & iJotrr only ou date of sale UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. OCEAN, Colombia, Willamette and Snake Rivers. Schedule of Union, Pacific steamers on following routes, in effect during July, ibhu. Portland to San Francisco. To Sao Francisco Leaving Steamship Wharf Port land, at 10 V. XL, as follows: Oregon July Colombia ' ' State " Oregon ' 6 8 12 16 20 24 23 Columbia " State " Oregon " San Francisco to Portland. To Portland Leaving Spear St. Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. at. as toiiowa: Columbia July State " Oregon " Columbia State " Oregen " Columbia. " 8tate " SEASIDE ROUTE STEAMER T. 1. POTTER. Leave Portland ou Tucsoavs and Thursdays at 8 a. m., and on Satuidays at 1 p. m., arriving at Astoria at 8 p. in. and 8.30 p. m. Arriving at Uwaco at 3:30 P. m. and 8:30 p. m. Jtetuming leave Uwaco on Wednesday and rnaay una m., ana nunaav at o n. in arriving at Aatona at Ai a. m. ana D. m. Arrive in Portland at 4 p. m. on Wednesday and Friday, and 2 a. m. on Jdonuay. PORTLAND AND ASTORIA ROUTE. Bteimcr Telephone leaves Portland daily except Tuesdav at 7 a. m.. arrives at Astoria at 8 P. m. Str. S. 6. Becd leaves Portland Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 6 a. m., arrives in Astoria at 4 p. m. steamer K. K. rnompson leaves ronrana aauy ex cept Sunday at 8 p. m., at rives in Astoria at 3 a. m. Steamer R. K. Thompson leaves Astoria daily ex cept Monday at 7 a m., arrives in Portland at 3 p.'m. Steamer S. O Reed leaves Astoria on Mondays, Wed nesdays and Fridays at 6 a. m., arrives in Portland at 6 p. m. Steamer Telephone loaves Astoria daily eicept Tuesdays at 7 p. m., arrives in Portland at 4 a. m. 8teamt.rs T. J. Potter, K. K. Thompson and s. u. Reed leave Ash street dock; steamer Telephone leaves Alder street dock, Portland. Steamers T. J. Potter, K. K. Thompson ana s. u. Reed leave Union Pacific dock; sieamer Teleph.ne leaves Wilson at Fisher's dock, Astoria. THE DALLKS ROUTE. Leave Portlana dally except Sunday at 6 a. m.. ar rive at The Dalles 5 p m. Leave The Dalles daily except Sundays at 7 a m., arrive in Portland at 6 p. m. LEWISTOS ROUTE. Leave Riparia on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2 p. m., arrive at Lewis ton on Thursdays and Sundays at 11 a. m. Leave Lewiston on Mondays and Fri days at 1p.m., arrive at Kiparia on same day at 3 p. m. TAMUILL ROUTE. Leave Portlan 1 on Mondays. Wednesdays and Fri days at 7 a. m.. arrive at Dayton on same day at 2 p. m. Leave Dayton on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat urdays at 6 a. m., arri.e in Portland at 3 p. m. CORVALUS ROUTE. Leave Portland on Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a. m., arrive at Corvallis on Tuesdays and Fridays at S leaye corvallis on Tuesdays and trrldavs at 8 a. m., arrive at Portland on Wednesdays and Sat urdays at 3 p. m. The com pan v reserves the rurht to chanze steam ers or sailing dates without further notice. ror rates, ticite's. nertn reservations, etc.. call on or address any tick -t agent of the Union Pacific sys tem. U. 8. MELLEN, T. W. LEE. Gen. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt The Celebrated French Sure, "APHRODITINE" SSSZ Is Sold os a. POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any form of nervous disease, or any disorder nf the genera lira or gans of either lw. BEFOKE isine from the AFTER exciivivu use of stimulants. Tobacco or Opium, or through youthful iudiscretioit. over indulg ence, such as I .oss of Drain Power, Wakeful. liess. Hearing ilotvu Pains in the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emission. Ixsncorrhnea, Dizziness, Weak Men ory.Lossof Power and linpotency, which If ne glected often lead to ircmatureollac;eajd insan ity. Price 11.00 a box. 6 boxes lor fd.00 Scut by mail on receipt of price. A WUITTENOUATtANTEE tnrevcryfSOt order, to refund the money if a leriiueiit cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently cured by Aphroditinr. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTERN iir.ANCH. BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists, 80LE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES. OREfiOX. n N ACCOUNT OP FAILING BODILV IGOR, mis to reduce care. I uow offer for sale a dot- tioo or aJl of my Splendid Ranch near EntkineviJle. Oregon. It consUta of 60J acres of the beet soil, and finely watered. 400 acres now under ciut. ration; 260 now in grain. ? Will Sell in Tracts to Suit It Is one of the many fine farms in Sherman counts Aouress saiuah whiie maylSwklytf ErskinevUle, Or. Eureka Restaurant. rpBIS BUILDING IS FOR RENT AND THE I Fixtures therein for sale. Apply to zzmcnt uw. wii.i.maia. FOR ALE AMI ERA TJIXCIiERS Sc CO., A.gembs, CALIFORNIA. Snipe$ & BoerSly. -THE- Leading Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon C. N. THORIiBURY. T. A. HUDSON. THORNBURY & HUDSON, WriteFireXife andAcciden INSUKANCE Money to Loan on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all kinds oj Land business be' fore the U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8, up-stairs, U. S. Land Office building;, THE DALLES, OREGON. FRUIT i SHADE TREES SMALL BRUITS, VINES EVERGREENS , SH UBS, ROSES, ETC The Earliest Strawberry known, CLARKE'S " SEEDLING Also, tbe EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry- a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens. JAMES A. VARNEY, Prop, G. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FARUHER. . THOMPSON & FARGHER, General Blacksmiths ' Near Mint building, Second St. Horso-ShOding and General Jobbing a. apeexsmy. Prices reasonable and to suit tbe times. Denny, Eice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. IVCash advances made on consignment. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THE DALLES, OREGON. EAST END SALOON, Near tho Old Mint Building;, Second St., The Dalles, Or. Always on band tbe Best ArVines, Liquors, and Cigars. A Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei on draught. L E0BDEN & CO. REMOVED TO VOGT BLOCK Three doors west of the corner of Second and Federal streets. J. E LABSEN, Dealer In all kinds of Hay, Grain and Feed, At his old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. .The highest Cash Price paid for Sheen pelts. Charles F. Lauer, Proprietor of the ThirdSLFanltryand M Market, Wilt always keep on sole Puget Sound Fish, Chickens, Turkeys, Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco and Clears. Leave your orders, as they irlll receive prompt Mention. A. A. BEOTO Hu opened A CHOICE ASSORTMENT Staple & Fancy Groceries, . WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, Fruit, ConfecUonerr. ate, which he offers at reason able prices. A abre of the public patronage is le spect fully soli ated. - Nickelsen Blcck, 3d and Washington MENEFEE & SON, 432 Second Street, The Dalles, Or. AGENTS FOR D. M. Osborne & Co. Harvesting Machinery, Advance Threshers, Engines, Dingee-Woodbury Horse Powers, Randolph Headers, Osborne Binders, Reapers, Mowers and Hay Rakes. Full Line of Extras and all Kinds of Harvest ing Machinery. Machinery Sold at Portland Prices With Freight Charges Added. Call or send for Catalogue and Price Lists. : Tents. Wagon Covers. AT THE OLD STAND. Country Orders Promptly atended to marM-td REMOVAL ! JfST REMOVAL ! Removed to 276 and 278 Second St., ID- "v7" E3d--wz:d.r3, IiEALER IN Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTISTS' MATERIALS, Oil Paintings, Chromos and Steel Engravings. MOULDINGS AND PICTURE FRAMES, CORNICE POLES, ETC. FAFEBS THI3VI3LI33 ID i macisco SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT, F. PROPRIETOR, KEEPS OX COLUMBIA BREWERY BEER, AND ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, tbe Tery best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Z3. w. mmvs Generl ComiiiMon and ForwardiDg Merclian 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, - (Adjoining Railroad Depot) Consignments Solicited ! ! Prompt Attention to those who favor me with their patronage. The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc The New Umatilla House, THE DALLES. OREGON HANDLE? & SmNOTT, Proprietors, c ' i THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. Free Omnibus to and from the Fire-Proof Ticket and Baggage Office of the UNION TX7 . . rr. ft 7 Western union i wyrapn Mne Spanish On sale at Tbe Dalles Stock Yards a choice lot of pmbh. HEBiHo mm. Tr, or a nnforl fnr (Innonl ntmn Tnntti nf fitU R,,o nf H..o 8nrface free from wrinkles; a Heavy Fleece, and uniform in quality. Bred and imported from California by FRANK BULLARD, of Woodland, Yolo County, California. . It FJRLEY & FBHJiK, Successors to L D. Frame deccas Wholesale and Retail Dealers KarnessanflSaofliery Leather & Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings Etc. i mil DRAUGHT- FOR SALE t Hotel Safe for the Safety of all Valuables PACIFIC JlaUway Company, and Office oj the l rr.j.i company, are c utct. Merino Earns. BABRY, Agent. PRINZ & NITSCHKE, WHOLE8ALR AXD KKTAIL Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates of the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni tue and Carpets at prices liith erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will Hardwood bent Chairs, each 76 ct Cane Kockers S S 00 Ash Bedsteads S 60 Woven-wire Mattresses 60 Loungts U 00 tTC&LL ANI FISH & -DEALERS IN- 8ones Furnaces CAS PIPES, PLUMBERS' GOODS, PUMPS, fit We are the sole acenU for the Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE and RAMONA COOK STOVE, which baa no equal, and guaranteed to give en tire satisfaction or monty refunded. Cor. Second and Washington streets. The Dalles. THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, VT. liELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 an Gregforio Vineyard Co. Agency. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strietly Pure. Tho "Rdst. Winfia Linnnrs flnrl CWmra Alwnva nn Rnlfl. Try the best remedy for IT. CLOUGH. A. LARSEN. call and see H00SIER FENCE MACHINE, 0NLT MACHIN that gives a continuous twist to the wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FENCE WORKS, BEST FENCE MADE Strong, Durable, Neat, and the Cheapest Fence in the World, CLOUGH & LARSEN. Props. THE DALLES, OREGON. The One Price Cash House, cor. second and court sts., J. P. IcINEKFY, Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, && Agent for the Buttericl Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, Funeral The Undersifftied has Added to his Business a full line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets, Bnrial Robes and Shronds. Trimmings of all descriptions at the Lowest Prices and own tbe Host Elegant Hrmrae east f the mountaUna with all th latest Improvements. NO DELAY IN FILLING ORDERS. ' Flare of Bnsjlneaa, In Nlcitlsen's Block, ootnw Third and Washloifton itrteta. -Plaee of Besideaee. Fonrth street, corner of Washington. Can be aen at all botrn of the day and night. j WM. MlUUbiljlj. A. M. WILLIAMS 1 Co., SUCCESSORS TO LATE FIRM . E. INGATE & CO. General : Merchandise!: A COMPLETE LINK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUOEBAKER WAGONS. CHAS. E. THE DALLES, OREGON, DEAL EE UJ DRUGS, MEDICINES AND CHEMICALS, Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Comb Etc. Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles. Pore Brandy, fc and Liprs for Medicinal Purposes PHYSICIANS PBESOBIPTIONS A SPECIALTY. - l - 1 Convince the Moat Skeptical: Bed-lounges 15 00 Ash Bedroom Sets A 26 00 Brussels Carpets, per yard 76 Inirraiu Carpets, do St Xi3J TJHI-C1 BARD ON, :o:- -:o:- Burgundy 83, Zinfacdel 84, Eiesling 83, ' Hock 83, Table Claret Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic" l WM. MICHEIL, VNS&BTASEB AND Dit'ector. HACKS AND BUGGIES DUMAM, Ranges