1 wo Trains lmly Hetween Portland and Spokane Falls. Effective May 11, IS90, the Union Pacific System will establish two daily trains be tween Portland and Spokane Falls. Pull man Palace -Sleepers anil Kecliuing Chair cars will be rnn between Portland and Spokane Falls without change. This new arrangement will afford both local and through passengers additional and unsurpassed - facilities. Tickets, detailed time of trains, and general information, can be obtained upon application to any ticket agent of the Union Pacific System. T. Lke. Gen'l Pass. Agt., Portland. U - GUARANTEED. The only medicines sold by dnifrgists. under - a positive guarantee from tbeir manufact urers, that they will do just wbat is claimed for them that is, benefit or cure in all cases of diseases for which they are recommended, or tbe money paid for them will be promptly wifiiTiftori nrR Tir. Piprefi'n wnrld-fnmed ana cincs, manufactured by World's Disntnsarjt J&eaicai Association, or rmunio. . x. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures all diseases arising- from a torpidtor deranged liver, or from impuro blood, as Dyspejisin, or Indigestion, Pimples, Blotches, Eruptions, Salt-rheum, Tetter, Erysipelas, and Scrofu lous Sores and Swelling. Consumption, or' Lung-scrofula, is also cured by this won derful remedy, if taken in time. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is the wrnrM-ffimpfl rpmedv for all thoso chronic weaknesses and distressing derangements ecrt common to Amejncan women, it is a most potent, invigorating, restorative tonic, or strength giver, imparting tone and vigor to the whole system. As a sootbintr nervine it is uncqualed. Sec guarantee printed on the bottle - wrapper and faithfully carried out for many years. j . . Copyright, 1SBS, by WORLD'S DIS. MXD. ASS'K. OFFERED for an incurable caso of Ca. tarrb in tbe Head by the ' . acurcw the y long gtjnriing. By druggists, SO eents. FROM TERMINAL OB INTERIOR POINTS NORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Ves- tibuled Trains fcvery my in uie year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARS. - Composed of tHning- Cars unsurpassed, Pullman Equipment. ; TOURIST SLEEPING OAKS, Best that can he constructed, and in which accom- modali on s are botn t ree and r arnwiiea lor holders of First or Second - class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A (Minn, is Line connecting with All - Lines, Affording Direst and Un . interrupted Senic?. Pulman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad vance thromrn any aent oi the roaa. TUDnilf'U TIPIfCTO To and from all points InikUUun llbntlO in America, England ' ard Europe ctn be purchased at any Ticket oibce of -mis uora;any Full information concerning rates, time of trains. routes and other details furnished ou application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passencrer Act , No. 11 t irst street, cor. Washington. - KlKTLAXD, OREGON. Both the method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant ana retresuiug to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly ou the Kidneys, Liver and Bowe's, cleanses the sys tem eaectnauy, dispels cold3, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Synip of Figs is the omy remedy oi its Kind ever pro- aucea, pleasing to tue taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is tor sale id ot)c and $1 bottles hy all leading druggists. Jiianuiactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN F3ANCISC0, CAU LOUISVILLE. KY. tlv YOK. H.t. 3i SENO FOR OUR CATALOGUE.I.O PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS. INDIANAPOLIS. INO. IMPORTANT! 1RVD MB AOUR ORDERS TOR THE TRUE STANLEY BOOK. Pdjl.shcd ly th onlr ff are those put up by D.M. FERRY 6tCO. W Wlio are the largest Seedsmen in the world. g 7 D. M. Fbkrt & Co's B B Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced B SDAiINUAt, & for x8go will be mailed FREE to all ap- M plicants, and to last season's customers. Mf It is better than ever. Every person M f. using Garden, Flawr or Field 0 Seeds should send for it. Address ' v D. M. FE3RY & CO. JF aw autiorizid ScribiKrjtcns. ... F. AXLAUF, Civ ner 4th ni Linco'n St ., Tin Dal'es. nr. P. O. litiX 156. junT-diw SrKAYED. One real pecimrpory, brrnded T on left hip. The pour was last scci bo'it three miles west of The lilies lasi w'u'er. A rewini of S5 a ill be given to any o-ie deliver nj the rony at Hrod's sJaMw. II. W. K ELLS. " tlerji's Bridge, Or. April 3, 1693. apr5-tf &M3' TO AT-Xs PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH AT THE J W. C. A IX A WAY. - Ticket Agent. LOCAL TIME TABLE. I'nion raclile Railway vixion. rarltte Ji- KABT BOUND. ARM'S. DEPART. No. 2, Overland Flyer..... No. 4. Limited Fast Mail..' No. 22, Freight So. 24, " No. 28. " 1:20 a. ni. 10:45 a. in 11:10 p. m 0:10 a. m 3:15 p. m 1:30 a. m. 10:55 a. m. 11-40 p. m 6:45 p. m. 4:lo p in. DKI'AKT. 2:40 p. m ESTBOt'KU. ARRIVE. No. 1, Overland F.y r No. 2, Limited Fast Mail. No. 21, Freight..... No. 23. No. 25, . " No. 27, " 2:20 p. m 2:30 a. ui ll:a. m 2.40 a. m. 12-20 p. m. 1 1:15 p. m. 10 .lb a. ni lirfUp.lll. 10:45 a. m. 6:30 p m. 7:40 a. m. ' Main l ine, Nos. 1 sad 2, "The Overland Fiver,' crry throiu b Pulhrau Sleepers, Colonist Sle'pera, Free Chair t'aiaand Coaches, be: ween Portland and Denver, Omaba. Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Paul or Chictgo. Main ' in". No. 3 and 4, "The Limited Fas SMI," carry Pullman Dinine and blecf injt Cars be tween Portland an Chicago. Daily. TXCVK8WS RATES.' Rrund trio tourist' tickets to Cu'cade Spring on s-ilo at the wh-uf boat at 3 53, good goinit on date of sale, and f r returu passage . up to and including Set. 3i). 1890 Commencing on Saturday, June 7th, and contin uing each succeeding Saturday until September 30, 1151)0, excursion tickets will bs sold-The Dalles to Cascade Locks and return at the rate of 31.50. 1 he Da les to Hood Kiv r and return. $(. Tickets eood golu and returning on the steamer J). S. Baker o:iiv on date oi sale. t UFtlON PACiFIG RAILWAY STKAMSniPS. Han Francisco to Portland. JL'.VE, 1390, To Portland Leaving SpearSt. Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. U. as follows: !tato treiron; .....Juue 1 5 (S Columbia Stale 13 invjcon Columbia 21 State i. " Oreicen " 29 The company reserves the right to change steamers or sailing days. XSTKo freight will be received on mornin? of sail ing, except Fruit and Vegetables, nd these will not be taken after 9 a. m. OKFICRS IN BAN FRANCISCO. General Office. Nn. 10 Market street. Ticket .Offices, Noe. 1 and 211 Montgomery street. G30DALL, PERKINS & CO., agents? Iortland to Spn Francisco. jrxs, 1E90. To San Francisco Leavinsr Stes.ship Wharf Port land, at 10 V. 41., as louows: Columbia. Jwns 2 State " 4 Oregon " ' to Columbia " H State " 18 Oniron " 22 Columbia " 28 State....; " 80 BacrKasre must be checked either at Ash street din ing the day, or by the U. C. ft B. T. Co. No un checked baggage will be received on the steamers. . PORTLAND OFFICES. Ticket Office, First and Oak streets. George S. Taylor, Ticket Agent. V. . 41&L.LEN, 1. W. L.E.C., Gen. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt RATES OF PASSAGE, (Including me ind berths jaoin, io ou sseexage, o w Bound Trip Unlimited 30 00 WM. MICHELL, UHBERTAKEK, Wishes to inform his many friends and thefpublic generally mux ne nas removed ms undertaking1 rooms to j NIGKELSEN'S NEW BRIGK CORNER THIRD AND WASHINGTON, Where he carries a full stock of everything used n that business, . . Orders by dispatch, express, mail or in person I promptly attended to ana saasxaction guaranteed. Can be seen any hour of the day or night at his residence, come r Fourth and Washington, or place of business. ON ACCOUNT OF FAILING BODILY TIGOR, and to -reduce care, I now offer for sale a por tion or ail oi mv splendid, jtancn near .rsKinevuie. Oregon. It consists of 6o0 acres of the best soil, and nnely watered. 400 acres now nnder cultivation; ZOO now in grin. Will Sell in Tracts to Suit It is one of the many fine farms in Sherman county. Address NATHAN WHITE, mayl5aklytf Erskineville, O". Wrotcion of Water Work DIALED BIDS will be received by the Watei kl CoounUsion of Dalles Citv until Julv 17. 1890. f r the conitrnction ot a pumping system of water works a? prr sfeoncancn in cue nanos oi ine aec 'etaiy of the VVater Commission. Bids will also be i considered where tbe plans and specifications are furnished by the bidder. The right reserved to re ject any and an bias. M. r. in o law. recrerary oc vtater tomra ssinn, The Uatles, Or. iMieu ine uaiies. ur.. June J 4, lWh STOLEN FROM the prrmiscs nf the eubscriber, residing at Bakeoveii. three 4-vear-o!d hors.a: two &-var. olds, branded on Icftnunp S. H. One of the 5-year. uius is urunueu wiui M on leil Slue. &50 Reward Will be paid for the information leadinsr to the re covery oi ine nana SOL,. ilUlibfc.lt. a Keoven, June 22, 1890. wjun28 J is. CHUSbEIf, Anjtioneer, Urshtncton tt. bet. Main aadtteeond. The Dalles, Oregon. R'gnar Auction Sales of Real Fatate, household r urinuire anu uenerl Alercnandise. Unendav and fa'urday. H A. 31. C0VS HERDED. All eilizdis desirous of l aving t"ieir rows herded ir m ai!U alter tne nrst ot Mnrch can do so by apply, ingattheat.hloof W. a. Butts, where pariicu ars iu irrmsi in maue Known. leoi WANTED., .4 Y rXU il.KS OVE!t 21, WUO HAS THE y s un in him to make a good bus ness man. nn -u. a. .," aiuiUHinub Block, Portland. urej.'or. Jlmlt NOTICE. Any persoi wishing tj purchase flmr at the Di mund Mill can do so in lots not less than S bb pru Ki.ou per birr.d, subject to alter itiox Term trictly cash. A. H, C L it TBS. prop. 7!'? O Is acknowledged ine leailinv mmoHv m uvwrmuornjice. v- orescnDO Hand feel TKEEwNSCHEMi-i'Pfy to ah snfferers. SB) A- J. 1STONEB, M. D, ... Dkcatur. fir. BOIt by nranrista. SNIPES &4CIKEBSLEY, The lies. REiMOVAL NOTICE! FARM FOR SALE ! ios7aYs! Land Notices NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tui Dallks, Okfoos, April 25, 1890. Notice is hereby liven lhat the fellowiug namea settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and trat said proof will be made before the register aud receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Jne 2fl, lbtw, viz: Slarloa C. Adams, DS for the S of NW! of Sec. 28, Tp.'l N, R 13 E. He names the following witnesses to prove nis con tinuoui, residence ujioii and cultivation of said land, viz: Orlando Morgan, Robert Mcintosh, Sctli Morgan, w. A. Miller, all oi ine uaues, uregnn. apriO " JOHN W. LtWIS, Register KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ohpics at Tim Dallks, (Jr., June 6. Ib90. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said proof will be made before the ReiM r and Receiver of tue Unite I States Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on July 21, 16!X. vit: ED1I0ND HANNAFIN, D S 6257, for the sw4 nej. e nw4 and neJi swX. Her 1. To. 5 S. R 17 E. Ha names the following witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: W. F. Kelsey, of Antelope Or.; J. D. Wilcox, W. F. Guy ton. Caspar Grassh, of Kent, or. June7 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOli PUBLICATION. Laso Omci at Tub Dailks, Or., June 12. 1890. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler ha tiled notice oi lii intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Reidster and He-fiver of the U. S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on July 23, 1SS0, viz: ISAAC M. DAVIS, nannoi for tt-nKWi. Sec 8. To 4 S. R 13 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ana cultivation oi, saia land, viz: F. M. Driver, E. N. Chandler, R. B. Driver, J. Zumwalt, all oi warnlc, ur. junU JOHN W. LEWIS Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Office at Tur Dallfs. Or., May 17. 1890. Notice is hereby given that tbe following-named seuler has filed notice of his -intention to make com mutation final proof in support cf his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at ine iranes, on juiy iz, tow, vis; GEORGE WILLIAMS, Hd. Com. 3081, for the E SW4, ftnd lots 3 and 4 of Sec. 30. To. 5 S. R 16 E. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon, ana cultivation oi, saiu land, viz : A. W Fanrher. of The Dalles: Orange Bntton, of Bake Oven; George Murton, George Thompson, of Th9 Oalles. mav2l JOHN W. LEWI? Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION, Laisd Optics At Tns Dalles. Or, . . June 12. ISM. Notice is hereby given that the following uamed. settler has filed - notice or nis intention to m; final nroof in support of his claim, and tliat Droof will be made before the register and receiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalies, Or., on July 29, 1890, viz: DAVID SCOTT, D S 5446. for the NEl. Sec. 12. To. 6. R 17 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A. B. Wilcox, Daniel Crowley, Geerge Baxter, F. w. suvertooro, an ox Anieiope, ur. junl4 JOHN W. LEWIS. Register. ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laud Office at The Dalles, Or., April 29, i860. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on July 8, 1890. viz: Frank V. Irfiblein. ' For the SE V NE EliSEli and BWUSEi of &C20T23K 13EWM. He namea the following witnesses to nrove bis continuous residence upen and cultivation ol said land, viz: Hugh Baxter. Leo Rondeau, both of Kingsley, Or., Ernest uaage, lioyu, ur., mniei Le imc, uuiur, ur, juuji n. L&nui, itegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Optics at Tbe Dalles, Oregos, May 6. 1890. Notice i" hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his int ntton to make final pro. f in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made ntiore tne K agister ana Keceiver or tne U. 8. Land Office at The uaues, or., on July lain. 1890, viz: Henry ti. rdtieeu. For tbe ne. Sec 35. Td. 5 S. R 16. E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said lanit, viz: R. R. H.nton. Henry Schadewitz, George J. Dyer, Wm. Ball, all cf Bake Oven, Or. mayio JUttM w. uswia Kegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tue Dalles, Oreoon, Hay 6, 1890. Notice is hereby given that the following-name settler his filed notice of his intention to make fins proof in support of his claim, and tLat said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the IT. 8. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on July 19th 1890, viz: Wasco county. Or.. Hd. Ad. 1226. for lots 3 and 4. and nU ov'i. Sec 23, and lot 5, in Sec 14, Tp. 1 N, R12E.WM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: - George A. Liebe, John L. Thompson, George Munger, William L. Groves, all of The Dalles. Or. niaylO JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tbe Dalles, Oreoob, Hay 14, 1890. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make fina proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles,-Oregon, on July 12, 1890, viz: Martin Beeder, of Bake Oven, Or., D S No. 0972, for the NWJa of Sec 21, Tp. e 8, R 16 E. He names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of,said land, viz: Geo. Von Borstel, John Nachter, Adam Lohr, Then. Von Borxtel, all of Bake Oven, Or. - mvi7 JSUN w. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Laxb Office at The Dalles, Oreoox, Ha; 23, 1890. Notice is hereby given that the followinsr-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before register and receiver at The uaiies, urejon, on juiy lb, lKX), viz: James Payne, of Mitchell, Oregon, DS No. 7108 for the w hf nw qr auu w in w qr ui sev zz, ujwnsmp 11 s, r zz east. He names tbe following witnesses to prov. his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: K r Mcnollas, r E Janes. W H Sasser. A M Rob. crui, uiui juitcutu, iregon. johjm v lewis. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ' Lasp Omci at Thk Dalles, Oregon, Mav &. 1SSXL Notice is herebv given that the followine named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the reeistcr and receiver of th. V. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on July 18th, George J. Dyer, Bake Oven. Or.. DS 7006. for the wA mvV. & 35 Tp. 5 8, R 16 E, nw of Sec 2, and aeyt ae4, oec- , 1 O 9, XV ID Ed. lie names the following witnesses to nrove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: K. K. mnton, Henry Schadewitz, Henry E. Steed, t, ui. n ni, au oi mute uven. ur. a10 JOHN w. LEWIS Register. TOUTS & WILSON, 219 AND 221 SECOND STREET. Dealers in iLiprs and Ciprs ''MM fe Stand" And othei choice brands of Whisky. I imported Wines ASD KEY WEST CIGARS. r3? Also Wines and Beer, imported and domestic. d&w -THK GERMANIA CHAS. STUBLING, Prop. , Liquors and Ciwrs. All brands of Imported Liauors, Ale and Porter, and genuine Key V) est Cigars. - A lull line of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. No.' 90 Second street. The Dalles, Or. A Perfect Face Powder. REEMAN'S-; ACE POWDER. laiMlliU. IMa'srafc; boMkUnttiats. BLAKr2Er&,DH0UCHT0H G. L DUNHAM. LATEST PERFUME exquisite cba.f FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA Eureka Restaurant i Tb THIS BUILDING IS FOR RENT AND THE Fixtures therein for sale. Armly to saancnt GEO. WILLIAMS. Legal Notices- NOTICE. Application for Liijaor License. TO ALL PERSONS WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. TAKE NOTICE, THAT THE UNDERSIGNED will apply to the County Court of Wasco county. State -jf Oregon, U'educsday. July Oih ISO", for a I icense to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in less quantities iban one gallon, in Falls Precinct, in said County of Wasco, for the period of six months, and here to annex his petition which he will present to said Court at said time, J . K. Hill. To the Honorable County Court of the County of Wasco, State of Oregon. Tbe undersigned residents of, and legal voters of Wasco, 8:ate of Oregon, do hreby, respectfully peti tion and pray that said County Court shall grant a license to J. E. HILL, to sell spiritU'ius, malt and vinous liquors in said Falls precinct, in less quanti ties than one gallon for the period of six months. J. W. Morrison, H. L. Currao, K. Hardwick, S J Dryden, J B Guyette. C A Stewart, P F Mania, il L Hogan, D 11 Jones, SG Miller, J M McNaughton, Ha-rv Stokes, U E Miller, C M Carlson, J F Attwell, Oil J Straus, N Weber, . -FN Trana, Wm. taoolably, Kenneth MuKenzie, Perry Marin, Thos F Hope, Robert Black, W m Black, E D Monagban, Alet Watt, John J Flaherty, Fat Sullivan, Geo Gardner, J W Attweal, G S Henry, A G Hill. C F Candiana, Roup C'hristof, Chatidren Shedlumtcr, F P Acl, Alex OToole, 11 Wieclis, B Clark. Citation. In the County Court of the State. of Oregon for the County of Wasco. In the matter of the estate of Nathan W. Harper, deceased, citation. . To Joseph Harper, heir at law and devisee, and to John Frail, mortgagee, non-residents, and to all others unknown interested in said estate. Greet' injr: It appearing to the judge of this court, by fthe petition of C E. Bayard, executor of the last will and testament of said deceased, pray ine for an order of sale of real estate belonging to said estate, that it is necessary to sell the whole of said real estate, to pay the debts outstanding against the deceased, and the debts, expenses and charges of administra tion: You, and each of you ere hereby cited and commanded to appear before the said court at the court room thereof in Dalles City, in said connty, on Monday, the 7tb day of July. 1890, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be granted to the taid executor to sell the following described real estate belonging to said estate the same being all tne re u estate Deionging to sal a deceasea to-wit Tbe west half of the northwest quarter, of section i3 in township 1 south, ranire 15 east. W. At., sit uated in said county of Wasco, and containing 80 acres of land; together with all and singular the tenements and appurtenances thereto belonuinir. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this c ita- tion oe puDiisned, at least, four successive weeks in the TiMKS-illocsTAiNBKR, a weekly newspaper of i?en- era. circulation, published at Dalles City, in said county. Dated May 27, 1890. CALEB N. THORNBURY, County Judge. Administrator's Sale of Real Estate. NOTICE is hereby given that under and by virtue of an order of tbe County Court of tbe State of Oregon, for the county of Wasco, duly made and entered therein ou May 5. 1890, in the matter of tbe nnai estate or Kutmnda Wallace, deceased, tne un dersiirned administrate r of said estate will, on Fri day, the 11th day of July, 1690, at the hour of 2 o clock V. jU at the ccuit bouse door in Dal.es City, in Wasco county, Oregon, sell to the highest bidder therefor, upon the following terms, viz: One half casbinhani and one half to be paid on or before one year vith 8 per cent, interest and taxes, secured oy mortgage, the following described ,real estate, situated in said county, and belonging to said estate; Commencing at a point 30 rods south of tho quar ter section corner common to sections 34 and 27, township 3 north, range 10 east Willamette merid ian, unning thence west 10 rods, thence north 20 roas, menca west 4t rods, inence north 10 rods, thence west 16 rods, thence south 10 rods, thence west 18 rods, thence north 1 rod. thence west 18 rods. thence north 9 rods, tbenco west & sods, thence south 20 rods, thence west 15 rods, thence north 3 rods, thence west 30 rods, striking a point on the west line 17 rods south of the corner of sections 27, 28, 33 and 34, thence south 143 rods to the south west corner, thence east 160 rods to tba southeast corner, thence north 130 rods 1 1 tbe place of begin ning, containing 148 acres, more or less, and being situated in Wasco county, Oregon rttttAfl at TWllna nnn,hls lMh J.. n wuue, low. u. v. rAAiUM, Administrator of tbe estate of Ruthinda Walls ce, ueceasea. funis Administrator's Sale. NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of an order ot the Conntv Court of Wasco countv. duly made and entered therein on the 6th day of stay, in tne matter of tbe estate of. Phoebe M. Dunham, deceased, ordering, directinir and author. hung the undersigned administrator of said estate to sell the real estate hereinafter described, belonpiiur to said, estate, the 'Undersigned, as such admiuis. iiaior. win sen at nunne auction to uia highest hin der for cash in hand, on Saturday, July 6, 1890, at x,- w mi niu lureuwu ui saiu uav, sfc tne court house door of said county and state, the following described real estate, to-wit: A strin or narcel of land S3 1-3 foet wida and lrn feet deep off the east side of lot No. 11 in block No. 6 of Laughlin's bluff addition to Dalles City, Wasco cuuoiy, oca dc or ureKOn, together witn sne improve' uieuui tnereon. A. .n. THU-MFSO., 1une3 - Administrator, Administrator's Notice. ESTATE OP MARY B. BOYD, DECEASED, late of the County of Wasco and State of Oregon. Notice is herebv given that latent of adminiatra. tion in the above entitled case, have been granted to uic uiiucbjumi ay He nonoraoie iwuniy lourt ol tbe Btste of Oregon, for Wasco eountv. this 13th day of May, A. D. 1899. All persons indebted to tne saia estate are hereby notified to come forward asd make immediate payment. All per.-on holding claims against the said estate are hereby notified to preeenc inem to ine administrator, imnwwlv vprl lied. J. Q. BOYD. Administrator. The Dalles. Or., slay 13, 1893. myl7-6t NoticeFinal Account. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned. Executrix of the last will and testament nf j D. Capps, deceased, baa. fi'ed her final account in add estate, and that Monday the 7th day of Julv. 1880, at two o'elock, P. M., of said day at the Oountv- uuww in vuica v.iby, uregoo. nas neen ap. yvMuvu ma bin, iiuie uu piace ior neanng oojectlons why said account should not be allowed and said es tate settled. AU persons interested in said estate will then and there appear and show cause, if any there be, why an order shall not be made allowing said account and delating said estate fully settled. . NANCY CAPPS, . DiTtJR & Watkiks, Executrix. Attorneys for Estate. une7td Administratrix' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned' has been appointed administratrix of the estate of W. L Graham, deceased, by the Honorable, the County Court of the County of Wasco, Sttte of Oregon. AU accounts against the estate must be presented to the undersigned at her residence In Dalles City for payment, accompanied by the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice. - MRS. CARRIE F. GRAHAM, Administratrix of the estate of W. 1. Graham, de- The Dalles, May 10, 1890. Administrator's bale. NOTICE is hereby given that I wUl, in pursuance of an order of the Honorable, the County Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Wasco, in the matter of the estate ot John T. Storrs deceased, heretofore made, rendered and entered on tbd 28th day of June, 1890 at the court nouse dooi in Dalles Citv, Wasco county, Oregon, at the hour of 2 o'clock r. u. of (aid day, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash in hand, lot No. ten (10) in block No. one (1). in Trevitt's addition to said citv. hnimnn. -5ouve, w miuij buo ciiuuis against tne me. . Iiuoa MK.NKrEK, mayl0-7t Adnilnishator, Executrix' Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that, by an order duly made and entered on tbe 10th day of May, IsHO, tbe undersigned was appointed by the County Court of tbe State of Oregon, for Wasco countv. the exerutnx of the last will and testament of Jima ai. layior, aecaisea. Ail persons having claims hcwuh mic csv ia3 m via oecem.ea are nereoy not! fled to present them with the proper vouchers to me at me omce oi aiavs tin t ngton within montns irom cne uate nereoi. SARAH A. TAYLOR.. Esecutriz of the will of James M. Tvlnr H. Dated May 10, 1890. ayl7-6t Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby g ven that the paitnerahip heretofore existing between G. B Welch and Geo. bmitb, under tbe nnn name and style of Welch ft bmlth, has been dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. bmith will pay all indebtedness and collect all bills due the firm, and will continue in business at tne corner ol fcagbtn and Union streets. G. B. WELCH, ma 19 GEO SMITH. Executor's Notice. 'VI OTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned has 1 1 been duly annoiuted bv the Countv Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco county. In probate, sole executor, with the will annexed, of the estate of William' Harman. deceased. All uersona havinir unuuis aKaiuai. nu estate are nsreoy notineu and re quired to present them to me, with the proper vouchers therefor, at my efflce in Dilles City, Ore gon, witnin six mutns irom tne aate oi cms notice. uateu June zi. ISM. GEORGE KUCH. Executor, with the will annexed, of tin ostaca nf nuuam tiannan, ueceasea. junzl Dissolution Notice. VT OTICE is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between Bennett ft Wilson in the practice of law is dissolved. The undersigned will continue business in the Schanno building, at the t-orner of Second and Court streets. June 21, 1890--dy A. 8. BENNETT. 1 NOTICE. HE FIRM of W. H. Moody Co. have sold out their entire stock of goods. All tboM indebted to the late firm will please come and settle the asm. at the old stand. W. H. MOODY CO. - The Dalles, June 20, 1890. .. .. dftwtf Sniped Klnersly -THE- Leading Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon C. N. THORNBURY. T. A. HUDSON, THORNBURY k HUDSON, MeFi INSUKANCE ILone37-: to Loan on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Witt-attend to all kinds oj Land business be fore tne U. S. liana UJfice. Rooms 7 and 8, np-stairs, U. 3. Land Office building. THE DALLES, OREGON. FRUIT i SHADE TREES SMALL ftUITS, . VINES EVERGREENS, SH' UBS, ROSES, ETC The Earliest Strawberry known, CLARKE'S - SEEDLING Also, the. EYERGREEN, ever-bear-lpg strawberry - a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens james a; yarney, Prop, The Celebrated French Cure, "APHRODITINE" tKZ Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any form of nervous disense, or any disorder ni the generative or gans of either BEFORE ising from the AFTER exci-sMve use of stimulants, Tobneco or Opinm ortlirough youthful indiscretion, over indulg ence. &c. sueh as Loss of Brain Power. Wnketui ness. Bearing down Pains in tho Back, Seminal W enkuess. 1 1 rsteria. Nervous Prostrnt on Noetnni' nl Emissions. I-euoorrhcea. Dizziness, Wenk Mem' ory.Ixissof Power and Impotency. whieh if ne glected often lend to premiitureold sgeiriu insan ity. Price thOO a box. 6 boxes for 13.00 Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WltlTTKN GUARANTEE forevery I5.0C order, to rehnid tho monev if a l'ermaiieiit cure- is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently cured bv Aphroditink. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO VKSTESH RRANCH. BOX 27 " PORTLAND, OE BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists - SOLE AGENTS FOB THE DALLEN, OBEGOS. G. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FAEGHER, THOMPSON & FARGHER, General Blacksmiths Near Mint bnildinjr, Second St. Hone-Shoeing and General Jobbing a Bpeoiaiw. Prices reasonable and to suit the times. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. dp-Cash advances made on consiirnment. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THE DALLES, OREGON. CAUTION Take no thoe niileM W. I. Iaclas name and nrlrai bm srA.vnMteTl An t.hsfe bottom. If the dealer cannot supply yon. end direct to faotorv. encloalnK a&lvertlMMl VV. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Fine falf- Hpnvv Luwl Arsln liul rnMuL moor Waterproof; SS.OO GENUINE HAND-SEWED SHOE. n i-r,t. w f. if r.l.l shoe, g3.S0 POLICE AND FARMERS' SHOE. S2.SO EXTRA VAI.UE CALF SHOE. .2S & S3 WORKINGMEN'S SHOES. S2.0O and S1.7S BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES All made in Conirress, Button and Lace. $3 & $2 SHOES LAFoigs. 1.75 SHOE FOR MISSES. Best Material. Best Style. Best Flttlns. W. L. Douslas, Brockton. Msms. Sold by J. Freiman.AgU The Dalles,6r. EAST END SALOON, Near the Old Hint Building, Second St., iuc xnuies, ur. Always on band tbe Best Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. A Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beet on draught. L. B0BDEN& CO. REMOVED TO VOGT BLOCK Three doors west of the corner of Second and Federal dtreets. J. H. LAItSEN, Dealer in all kinds of Hay, Grain and Feed, At hi old itand, Seoood itreet. ' HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. The highest Cash Price paid for Sheep peltai ' A YANKEE CITY UNDER SOUTHERN SUN. TALLAPOOSA, 1,200 FEETiABOVE SEA LEVEL. In Temperature of Climate, the Italy of America. In Manufacturing, the coming Pittsburg of the South. In elevation, the Pike's Peak of the Piedmont Range. Id Healthfulness, tie Sanitarium of tlteWorld. The present Mecca for Northern Investors and Settlcis. TWO MONTHS' RECORD IN LOCATING INDUSTRIES IN TALLAPOOSA. Oct. 15, 18S9, contract signed nace. Oct. 23, 1889, contract signed for erv Nov. 1. 1889, contract signed Plant Nov.. 15, 1889, contract signed Factory Nov. 25, 1889, contract signed "Works J Dec. 1, 18S9, contract ' signed Works 50 hands Dec. 9, 1889, contract signed for Cotton Hosiery Mills. .150 hands Dec. 12, 1889, contract signed for Pressed Brick Works, 25 hands Dec. 25, 1889, contract signed Dec. 31, 1889, contract signed Jan. 10, 1890, contract signed Company. 50 hands Jan. 17, 1890, contract signed for Tallapoosa Reclining Chair Company. 75 hands Jan. 29, 1890, contract signed for Tallapoosa Cigar Fac tory 25 hands Total. And an Augur Factory, Woolen Mill, Car Works and other large manufactories under negotiation. Most of the above contracts are now under construction, and all to be running within three months from date. With those industries now being completed, OVER 900 OPERATIVES will be employed in manufacturing in Tallapoosa, Ga., which, on the usual basis of computation (one employed for every five of popu lation), will support, a population of over 5,000 persons, while the present population of the city is but 2,500. (Majority Northern people.) THE ADVANTAGES OF TALLAPOOSA For a Northern settler are: Mild, pleasant winters, cooler sum mers than in the North, perfect healthfulness, wonderful mineral springs that have cured hundreds of cases of rheumatism, kidney and urinary troubles, dyspepsia, consumption and kindred dis eases; pure freestone water, high elevation, Northern society, (the largest Q- A. R. Lodge in the South, in proportion to population, and first Women's Relief Corps organized in the State), free schools and low taxation. Y EXEMPT FROM TAXATION FOR TEN YEARS Free site and other liberal inducements offered to manufacturing industries locating here, where we have cheap cotton,' iron, coal and timber in abundance. Now is lie Time to Locate or Invest in Tallapoosa, Ga., before the advance in prices that will surely follow the great in flux of manufacturing establishments now locating here. BUILD ING LOTS ARE ADVANCING RAPIDLY,' and will double in value before the end of the present year. Send for prospectus of the city, terms and price list of build ing lots, copy of Tallapoosa Journal, and full information, or come and see for yourself the truth of the statements we make. If not found as represented, your expenses will be paid by this company, besides liberal compensation lor your time. Aaaress Tallapoosa Land, Mining and TALLAPOOSA, GA. H. CLOTJGH. call and see HO OSIER FENCE MACHINE, 0SY cm that gives a continuous twist THE PACIFIC BEST FENCE MADE! Strong, Durable, Neat, and the CLOTJGH & LARSEN, Props. - THE A LLES, OREGON. Mne Spanish On sale at The Dalles Stock Yards a choice lot of SPflfiJSH MERINO RMS. These are- anted for Constitution, Length of Staple, Size of Carcass, surface free from ' wrinkles; a Heavy Fleece, and uniform in quality. Bred and imported-frora:' Calif ornia by FRANK BULL ARD, of Woodland, Yolo County, .California. for completing Iron Fur .150 hands Cotton Mill and Bleach- iov nanas -a -for Edison Electric Light 10 hands for Jeans and Overalls 50 hands for Foundry and Machine 50 hands for Soap Manufactory for Tallapoosa Distillery, 25 hands for starting Glass Works.100 hands for lallapoosa Uabmet 910 hands A. LARSEN. to the wire. In operation at FENCE WORKS, Cheapest Fence in the World Merino Earns, R BAEBY, Agent Manfg Co PRINZ & NITSCHKE, WHOLESALE AMU KKTAIL Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates of the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni-i tue and Carpets at prices kith erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will Hardwood bent Chain, each 75 et Cane Rockers I 8 00 Ash Bedsteads S 60 Woven-wire Mattresses 50 Lounge IS 00 tr call and FISH & -DEAXER8 IN- Stoves, Furnaces. Haws, GAS PIPES, PUIIiB GOODS, PilPS, it. We are tbe sole agents for the Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE and RAMONA COOK STOVE, which has no equal, and guaranteed to give en tire satisfaction or money refunded. Cor. Second and Washington streets. The Dalles. THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, Ajy. KELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 an Grcgorio "Vineyard Co. Agency. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strietly Pura The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. . Try tbe best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." ill Francisco Beer Hall SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, - - - PROP'R, -:-Columbia Brewery Beer,:-: AND JTOIl 8ALK ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also.the Yery best Imaorted Wines, Liquors The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND J . P. -DEALEIl I IV- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Butterlci Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, Funeral The Undersigned has Added to his Bnalneas a fall line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Robes and Shrouds. Trimmings of all descriptions at the Lowest Prices - imd owns the Host Klegant il (ane cant f the mono tains with all U latest improremfnte NO DEI AY IN FILLING ORDERS. PIsre nf HnmnroB. Third street, three doors east of Olbons, VacalJ later fe Oo"s agricultural Wars house, and adjoining- his Planing Mill and Wagon Shop. Place of Beatdenee. Fourth street, comer of Washington. Can be e'en at all hours of the day IT WM. MICHELL. A. M. WILLIAMS & Co., SUCCESSORS TO LATE FIRM WINGATE Ac CO. eneral M,erc A COMPLETE LINE OF Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. Or5L23.Ca.Lll DEALERS IN Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Parlor Ornament, Window Shades, Et. -CTrLd.erta,"ki ng a Specialty. Coffins, Casket, Burial Robes, Kte. an 6. found at aU koun of tk dap ornigM at their plat ofbiutntu W-uXingU ttrtt, tm ioort north from Second. Styn of Red LifkL Has removed from Second street to Third street. Tbe Leading Bouss for BOOKS, : STATIONERY : AND : MUSIC. tr All mail orders tilled saUsfactorlljr nod promptlr, and eorrarpondsoos chssrfulljr answer. . - - ' Convinoo the Most Skeptical: Bed-loungca 15 00 Aih Bedroom Beta U 00 Bruala Carpers, per yard 75 lnicraiii Carpoia, do it Hiaii us it tjat BARD ON, -:o:- -:o:- Burgundy 83, Zinfandel 84, Riesling 83, ; Hock 83, Table Claret. AND COURT STS., WM. MICHELL, UNDERTAKER -AND 33ixooto2r- FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC HACKS AND BUGGIES. & IcHEMI,