A War Episode. The battle was on, and the blue and tbo gray were at each other's throats. It was at OiiiDesville. and the Federals were getting the worst of the "fight, wntes Wallace P. Keud. The heat of an August sua beat fiercely- down upon the long lines of glittering steel melting away in tbo fiercer heat of war. On the right the earth trembled under tbuoucnng hosts of charging cavalry; on the left the men in b!ue hoard their bones crash under the leaden rain like gluss in a hailstorm. Over all rose the sulphurous cloudst, belched forth by the deep throated guns whose terrible roar ehook the rock-ribbed lulls. . As the ranks of blue, shattered and shaken by the shower of shot and shell, slowly rolled back, a Federal colono! waved his sword over his head in the vain attempt to rally his men, and then staggered and fell on the blood stained grass. The fallen officer was a man of ttnking apociirancc. His grand face and form caught the attention of the rushing J legions of gray, and the men unconscious ly sweved aside to avoid trampling him down. Desperately wounded, the colonel paiufully crawled to a tree, and reclined pgainst it with the life current flowing fiom the bullet hole in bi breast. His iinxious eyes looked into the stern faces of the Confederates as they charged on ast him. In another moment his face brightened. . "Bob!" he shouted, "Bob, don't you know me?" General Toombs, riding at the head of his brigade, heard the familiar voice. He rode up to the tree, and glanced ut the speaker. -"Good God!"' exclaimed the general, "it is Fletcher Webster Daniel Webster s son!'' In an instant Toombs was kneeling by the colonel's side. He placed the help less man in a moie comfortable position, and gave him water from a canteen. ", "He is iny old friend," he said to a stall officer, "poor Fletch Webster-r-Damel , Webster's son--stay here with him I . must go to the front." General Toombs mounted his horse, and charged on with his brigade to annihilate the rest of Webster's regiment. The first lull in the fray brought the Georgian back to the tre3. "And so wc meet as enemies," said Webster, returning the other's sympath etic hand pressure. "Never!" replied Toombs. "Daniel's son must always be my friend. Just now -we must fight out our differences, but there are happier days' ahead for both." "My wound is mortal," said Weosttr, " sadly." "God bless you, old friend, for your kindness. Gentiemen, I thank you War is a bad thing." Again the general took leave of the sufferer and returned to the front, leaving a surgeon behind min. The Confederates cared for their captive with brotherly tenderness, Out it was of . no avail. ; Weaker grew the dylag man s puise and more fitful his hee.it throbs. Quick lv, and with a smile on bis face, be passed awav. He whispered a message for his loved ones, and said: "Tell Bob I loved him God . bless him!" Fletcher Webster was dead the hope and gix-ry of a proud father the ideal soldier of New EusUod this was his end dead on the battle field with the sorrowful lace of his ioemen bending over him. : "A true man and a brave soldier," said General Toombs that night as he wiped ,. away a tear. "Let us send him through the liac3 with the honois of war." It was done. Fletcher Webster's dead body was sent with an escort to the Fed eral camp. A lunera! cortege accompan ied it to Boston. It lay in state in old Fancuil Hall, and all New England ' mourned his loss. : War is a bad thin"! ' ' This Remedy Is a pleasant, safe, aud sure cure for conghs, colds, aud all throat aud luug affections. HANCFACTCEED BT I. n tSrtl FtFM firnckfnn fiat .Wholesale by Snipes & Kinersly. Retail bv all DruEUts. FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS NORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Is the line to take TO ALL Poms EAST AND SOT. . It is the Pinirvr Car Route. It runs Thiugli Ve- liomeu ir-uis e-vcry uay la tiic year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO., (N ) CHANGE C F CA3F.) C)mpo3cd of pin:nj Cars unsurpassed, rulLi.cn lraw.ry por.ni bieepnt ot Jatesfi Equipment. . TOURIST SLEEPING OAB3, Best that cun 12 con3tracte1, an J in which accom- intwiatioro are both free and Furnished lor hutdera if First or Second -class Tickets, aud ELEGANT DAY COACH E:. A Coiitinnj1 is Line olefins with All Lines, AiTo.dins Direct and Ln- in'e.'rdi'd Vi IIV.l Puluun &'cep er reservations car. be secured in ad vance through any a:ent of the road. TinrdrrU TiniCTC- To and from all points ISIiiULun illnAblDin America. EnL'lnnd a:d r uiepe c n be jrurciu'.sid at any Ticket office t,f tins ucm any Full infi rmation concerning rate', time of train). routes and otr.cr details furnbhc-J o:i application to any ag&it. or A. D. CHARLTON, ' A i; tant General PiS3nirer Agt , Ko. 1:11 First st-eet. cor. Waybill ;ton, . FOhTLAND, OKfcGsjN. GBRMANIA CHAS. STUBLING, Prp. Vioes. Liquors and tors. All hrandc of Imported Liouors, Ale and Torter, and gtnui-JC hey Wezt Cigars. A full line ot CALIFORNIA W1FJES & BRANDIES. No. 90 Secor.d streti. The Dalles, Or. STIiAYED. nc roan pacing pony, oranJcu i 'n lert nip. l.ie to ).Lt seen ato it tiirca ni! cs westoi i L - liter. A rewu-.l ( ib ill be given to liruriug the pony at Uooo v staoin. ii, W. WELLS. kCridje, Or. April "., 139J. . apr5-tf CUPID'S HARNESS. Most Tromen naturally look forward to matrimony as their proper sphere in life, but they shoulil constantly bear in mind that a fair, rosv face, bright eyes, and a healthy, well-dcv-eloppd form, are the best passports to a happy marriage. All those wnsting dis orders, weaknesses, and functional irregulari ties peculiar to their sex, destroy beauty and attractiveness and make life miserable. An uiifniliiitr specific for these maladies is to lis found in Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It i3 the onlv medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a. positive roarantee from the manufacturers, that it will giva Eatisfaction in every case, or money will be re funded. This guarantee has been printed on. the bottle-wrappers, and faithfully carried out for manvr years. $1.00 per Bottle, or Six Bottles for J3.00. Copyright, 1668, by -WORLD'S Dis. lira. Asslr. SR. PIERCE'S PELLETS Purely UogeSable ! Perfectly Harmless I TTNEQUATJED AS A MVER PtLL. Smallest, Cheapest,' Easiest to take. One tiny, Suipir-coated Pellet a dose. Cures Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa tion. Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all de rangements of tho Stomach and Bowels. ti cents a vial, by druggists. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH AT THE DALLES, VT. C. ALLAWAV, - Ticket Agent. LOCAL TIME TABLE. Union l r2c Railway 'tPaclflcJ (Di vision. KATBOU.Sl. AKRl K. 1:20 a. m. 10:45 a. id. 11:10 p. m 6:10 a. m UtP.RT. No. 2, Overland Flyer No. 4. Limited Fast Mail.... N . 22, Freieht Ko. 24. " No. 28. " 1:30 a. ra. 10:55 a. m. II 40 p.m. 6.45 p. m. 4:15 p m. DKCAIIT. 2:40 p. m. 2 40 a. m. 3:45 p m.l WK8TB0CXD. AHK1VB. No. 1, OTeriam-' Fly r No. 2, Limited Fist Mail No. 21, Freight No. 23. No. 25. " , No. 27, " 2 20 p. ni 2:30 a. m. 11:50 a. m 12-20 p. 111. 11 :50 p. m. 11:15 p. m 10.1:. a. m 6:30 p, m u:45 a. m. 7:40 a. m. Main Line, Nos. 1 aud 2, "The Overland Fiver,' carry through Pullman Sleepers, Colonist Sleepers, Free Chair Cats and Coaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St Louis, St. Paul or Chicigo. . Main F ine, Nos.-8 and 4, "The Limited Fas Mall," carry Pullman Dining and Sleeping Cars be tween Portland an i Chicago. Dailv. IXCUKSISS RATES. Bound trip tourists' tickets to Cascade Springs on sale at the wharf boat at 2.53, good goinz on date of sale, and for return passage up to and including Sept. 30. 13.00 Commencing on Saturday, June 7th, and contin uing each succeeding Saturday until September 30, IbOO. excursion tickets will bs sold The Dalles to Cascade Locks and return at the rate of $1.50. The Dalles to Hood Itiv.r and return. SI. Tickets good going and returning on the steamer 2). & Baker only ou date of sale. WM. MICHELL, UNDERTAKER, Wishes to inform bis many friends and the public generally tnat ne nas removca mg undertaking rooms tOj nickelsen s new brick CORNER Til I ROLAND WASHINGTON, Where he carries a full stock of everything used n thai business L m Orders bv dispatch, express, mail or in person promptly attended to and satisfaction gnarantetd. Can tie seen any hour of the day or night at his residence, come r Fourth and Washinirtou, or place of busiuess. F0UTS & WILSON, 219 AND 221SECOXD STREET. -Dealers in- fm, Lipors and Cifars. "Med We Stand" And othci choice brands of Whisky. Imported Wines KEY WEST CIGARS. t3? Also Wines and Beer, imported and domestic. rS ACCOUNT (F FAILING BOPIUf TIGOR I and to r tluce care, 1 now off jr for Hale a por tion or an oi ny pi, ndid llancn nerr .r.-kineville. Oregon. It c .sixts f 66) acres of the lest soil, and ti ely watered. 400 acies now under cuitivatio: 2b0 now in gr.du. Will Sell ij Trac':s b Suit It is one of :he many fire farms In Sher ran county Adcreas HA1HX IVrlUK, myl5wk'ytf Erski i-vi;ie, ). THE are those put op by i aiiiiir inn wwi l ' Who are the largest Seedsmen in the WOrklal D. M. Fekkt & Co's Ttliistrated- Dcrintive and Priced SED AlJHUAti tor 1090 wm oe mailed raaa to an ap- 1 pucants, and to last season s customers. , using Garden, flower or tuui Seeds snouid send lor it. Address . D. M.FERRY & CO. DETBOIT, MrCH. Eureka Restaurant. THM BUIL1INO IS FOR RENT AND THE F xture? taereiu for sile. Apply to ZZneht bU. WILLIAM i. $888. TisMs E 1 Umt) 0N SALE viinpnijx to TiT. REMOVALNOTICE FARM FOR SALE Land Notlcos- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Omct at Tus Dallss, Oreoos, May 23, IBW0. Notice is hereby eiven that the followinsr-named settler has Sled notice of his intention to make final proof in 8'irport of bis claim, and lhat aaid proof will be made before register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on July 15, 189C, viz: James Payne, of Mitchell, Oregon, DS No. V103 for the w hf nw qr and w hf sw qr of sec 22, township 11 s, r 22 east. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence U',n and cultivation of said land, viz: . R F Nichollas, T E Janrs, W II Sasser, A M Rob etts, alt of Mitchell, Oregon. JuIlN W LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laso Oftics at Tns Dalles, Okboox, May 6, lssiO. Notice is herebv given that the following--named sctll r has filed notice of liii int niton to make final pro f in auport of his claim, and that said proof will be ma le before the Roister and Receiver of the IT. 8. Land Offlce at The Dalles, Or., on July 18th. 1890, viz: Henry R. Mteed. For the ne'4. Sec. 33. Tp. 5 S, R 16, E W M. He names the f llowin witnessf s to prove his continuous residei.ee U(on, and cultivation of, said lau 1, viz: R. R. H nton. Henry Schadewitz, Geor0'e J. Dyer, Wm. Uall. ah if Bike Oven, Or. maylO JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Office a . Tns Dallks, Or., ikpri! 17, 18GO. Kotice is hereby iriven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said pro"f will be made before the register and receiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on June 18, 1S90, viz: John Ilynn, Hd 1835 for the E bi NW and SW H NW Sec SO.TplNRHE. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: . James Benson, Joel O. Koontz, W . H. W llhains, Geo. Patterson, all of The Dalles, or. plU JOHN W. LEWIS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LANf Office at Tub Dalles, Oregon, May 5, 1890. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on July 18th, 1890, viz: George J. Dyer, Bake Oven, Or., DS 70J5, for the w tvH, Sec 35 Tp. 5 S, R 18 E, nw of tec. 2, and ne4 nt, be 3, Tp. 6 S. R 16 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: K. R. Hinton. Henrv Schadewitz, Henry E. Steed, Wm. Bill, all of BJse Oven. Or. inaylO . JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Office at Tub Dalles, Or., A mil 29. 1890. Notice is'hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will b made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregou, on July 8, ISM. viz: frank V. I.eibleiu. For the SE 54 NE Ji E y, SS and SW H SE J of S.C-20T2-SK 13 E WM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resiuence upeu auu giuuibuuu w bmu land, viz: Husrh Baxter. Leo Rondeau, both of Eincsley, Or. Ernest Haage, Boyd, Or., Dwiiel Lc Due, Dufur, Or. JOtLN w. LiUWlH, liegister NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Office at Toe Dalles. Or., May 17. 1890. . Notice is hereby given that the following-named se tier has filed notice of his intention to make com mutation final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register aud ueceiver at ine isaues, on rfuiy , low, i. GEORGE WILLIAMS, Hd. Com 3081, for the EK SW, and lots 3 and of Mac -At- To. 5 S. R 16 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ana cultivation oi, saia laud, viz : - A. W Fanrher.'of The Dalles: Oransre Bntton, of Bake Oven; George Murton, George Thompson, of The Dalles. maj2 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd fficx at Ths Dalles, Okrook, April 25, 1890. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make fiual proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Jne 26, 1690, viz: Harion C. A dams. DS for the S of NWJ4 of Sec. 28, Tp. 1 N, R IS E, He names the following witnesses to prove his con. tinuous residence upou and cultivation oi saia lano, viz: Orlando Morgan, Robert Mcintosh, Seth'Morgan, w. A. Miller, all oi xne Danes, uregon. apr26 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 14. 1890. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settlei has filed notice of his intention to make fina proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made Deiore tne register and receiver at ine Dalles, Oregon, on Jul? 12, lBtfU, viz: Slartin Reeder, of Bake Oven, Or., D S No. 6972, for the NW& of Sec. 21, Tp. 6 S, R 16 E. lie names the following witnesses to prove bis continuous residence upon awl cultivation oi, saia land, viz: Geo. Von Boratel, John Nachter, Adam Lohr, Theo. Von Borxtel, all of Bake oven, or. mvl7 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Office at The Dalles, Orboox, Mar 6. 1890. Notice is hereby riven that the following-named settler bis filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLat said proof wui oe made nerore tne Register ano receiver oi cne u. 8. Land omce at ine uaiies, nr., on jury ivw, 1890, viz: John Jlesplie, Wasco county. Or., Hd. Ap. 1226, for lots S and 4, DUiwnw, sec. a, ana lot o, in ec. 14, ip N. R 12 E. W M. ' He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation oi, said land, viz: George A. Liebe, John L. Thompson, George Munger. Wuliam L. Urovf s, all of i he Dalles. Or. maylO JOHN W. LEWIS Register. A CHALLENGE T WILL PUT CP $000 TO RCIi TIM MURPHY against Joe Dandy, one-half mile dash, or five eighths or three-ouarier mile dash. Weurht for aire. aud the race to bs run according to the rale of the Pacific Coast Blood Home Association. This will be a purse of $1,200, and the race to be run on ibe 4th of July , on the track oi tne district association, near this city. Play or pay. Half the amount- (300 must be deposited in The Dalles National Bank on or before the 5th of June as a forfeit. j. h. Mcdonough, The Dalle), May 22, 1890. JB. CROSSES, Auctioneer, Washington St. bet. Main and Second. The Dalles, Oregon. Regular Auction Sales! of Real Estate, household Furniture and General Merchandise. Wednesday and tSatnrdav.il A. 31. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY TJRAAXSIIIPH. San Francisco to Portland. JUNE, 1890, To Portland Leaving SpearSt. Wharf, San Francisco. at lu A. u. as louows: State '. June 1 Oregon " 5 Columbia " C State " IS Oregon 17 Columbia 21 State " 25 Oregen " 29 The company reserves the right to change steamers ar sail ng days. 3TNo freight will be received on morning of sail ing, except fruit and Vegetables, and these will not be taken after 9 a. m. OFFICES IN EAR FRANCISCO. General Office. No. to Market ftreet. Ticket Offices, Nos. 1 and 211 Montgomery street. GDODALL, PERKINS & CO, agents? Portland to San Francisco. Jl.vs, 1890. To San Francisco Leaving Stes.ihip Wharf Port land, at 10 r. n., as louows: Columbia. .June 2 State " 6 Oregou 10 Columbia " 14 State " 18 Oregon. 22 Columbia 20 Sttte " 80 - Baggage must be checked either at Ash street dur iug the day, or by the U. C. B. T. Co. No un checked baggage will be received on the steamers. PORTLAND OFFICES. Ticket Office, First and Oak streets. George S. Ta lor. Ticket Agent. C. S. MKLLE.V, T. W. LEE. Gen. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt KATES OF PASSAGE, (including me tnd berth Cabin, 10 00 Steerage, 9S 00 Round Trip Unlimited 0 00 A Perfect Face Powder. R DBEfU A IU t C Hywi"i tntx W bblll n v oruiiiui 'Apr DilUinCD Hsrai MUb I U II U k n 1 u Daw. IwialMa. IXu ruarf. BU b llngAlila, BLAKELLY & HOUCHTCN AND G. E. DUNHAM. the LA ItS I rtKrUiYlt exquisite cttast. FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA Blgr p Is acknowledge the leading remedy for JBonorrlHBst A elect. The only saie remedy for AoeorrhossorWbites. I Drescribe it and fool safe 'n recommending it to ull anfferera, ' A. J. STOKEK, M. DECATtTBL TfJ- SI4 by Drantota. rBIC' 810 '. S .cures lnV I M X1to6DAY8.J 3j MtiumautA ani to W V lTHEEaWCHEIII''i PS. BcmiuTi,Q.f"B V X. V.B.A. AS SNIPES tl K1NER8LEY, The lies. Legal Notice Citation. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Wasco. In the matter of the estate of Nathan W. Harper, deceased, citation. To Joseph Harper, heir at law and devisee, and to John Prall, mortgagee, non-residents, and to all others unknown interested in said estate. trect- "it appearing to the judge of this court, by the petition of O. E. Bayard, executor of the last will and testament of said deceased, prayinff for an order if sale of real estate belonging to said estate, thrt it is necessary to sell the whole of said real estate, to pay the debts outstanding against the deceased, and the debts, expenses and charges of administra-tion:-You,and each of you are hereby cited and commanded to appear before the said court at the court room thereof in Dalles City, in said counts-, on Monday, the 7th dav of July. 181)0, at 10 o clock in the forenoon of said day, to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be granted to the tai.i executor to sell the following described real estate belonging to said estate the s-une being all the red estate belonging to said deceased to-wit. The west half of the northwest quarter, of section 23 in township 1 south, range 15 east, W. M.. sit uated in s-iid county of Wasco, and containing 80 acres of land; together with all and singular the tenements and appurtenances thereto belonging. And it is further ordered, thit copy of this uta tion be published, at least, four successive weeks in the Timks Moustaixekr, a weekly newspaper of gen eral circulation, published at Dalles City, in said county. Dated May 27, 1890. ' ' CALEB N. THORNBURY, Couuty Judge. NOTICE. Application for Liquor License. TO ALL PERSONS WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. mlKR NOTICE. THAT THE UNDERSIGNED X will apply to the County Court of Wasco county. State vl Oregon, weanesuay, iujy m jwnAiui i im-nsp tn Mil BDirituous. milt and vinous liquors in lesa quantities iban one gallon, in Falls Precinct, in said County of Wasco, for the period of six months, and here to annex hi petition which he will present to said Court at said time, J. K. Hill. To the Honorable Coun'y Court of the County of Wasco, State of Oregon. The undersigned residents of, and legal voter of Wasco, Sate of Oregon, do hereby, respectfully peti tion and pray tnai saia uoumy ijurt snau griuib license to J. E. HILL, to sell spirituous, malt and vinous liquors in said Falls precinct, in less quanti ties than one gallon for the period of six months. J. W. Morrison, H. L. Curran, K. Hardwick, 8 J Dryden, J B Guyette. C A Stewart, P F Martin, M L Ilogau, D H Jones, SG Miller, J M McNaughton, Harv Stokes, C E Miller, C M Carlson, J F Attwell, Oil J Strass, N Weber, P N Trana. Wm. GooLbly, Kenneth McKenzie, Perry Marin, Thos F Hope, Robert Black, Win Black. E D Monaghan, Ale Watt, John J Flaherty, Pat Sullivan, Geo Gardner, J W Attweal, G S Henry, A G Hill. C F Candiana, Roup Christof , Chandren ghedlamter, F P Acl, Alex O' Toole, H Wiechs, B Clark. Administrator's Sale. NOTICE is hereby inven, that in pursuance of an order ot the Connty Court of Wasco countv. duly made and entered therein on the 5th day of may, it&u, in tne niawer oi in esrace oi rnfene m. Dunham, deceased, ordering, directinir and author- izine the underaitrned administrator of said estate tj sell the real estate hereinafter described, belonging to' said esta'e, the undersig-nftd, as such adminis trator, will rail at r iblic auction to the highest bid der for cash in ha.iu, on Saturday, July 5, 1890, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said dav, at the court house door of said county aud state, the following described real estate, to-wit: A strip or parcel of land 33 1-3 feet wide and 100 leet deep on uie ease sine oi ios no. ii in D.'oeK AO. 6 of Laugh in's bluff addition to Dalles City, Wasco county, star ot urexou, together with tne improve- ments uiereon. a. m. muiireu., luneS Administrator. Executrix' Notice. "VTOUCE is hereby triren that, br an order duly niaae ana enterea on tne iutn oav ot nay, 1800, the unders:gned was appointed by the County Court of the State of Oieeon, for Wasco county, the exe utnx of the last will and testament of James Jd. Taylor, deceased. All persons bavins: c'aims against the est-tte of said deceased are herebr noti tied to present them -with the proper vouchers to me at tne omce oi Mays s Huntington within six monens rrom tne aate nereoi. 6AIIAH A. TAYLOR, Executrix of the will of James M. Taylor, de ceased. Dated May 10, 1890. may!7-6t Administratrix' Notice. Notice is hereby given that the underaitrned has been appointed administratrix of the estate of w. L Graham, deceased, by the Honorable, the County i'ouri oi tne county or n asco, Btite oi Oregon. All accounts against the estate must be presented to uie unuersignea at ner resiaence in uaiies city for payment, accompanied by the proper vouchers. wiuun six monins irom tne aate oi tnis notice. MRS. CARRIE F. GRAHAM. Administratrix of the estate of W. I. Graham, de ceased. The Dalles, May 10, 1890. Administrator's Sale. "VTOTICE is hereby iriven that I will, in pursuance 1 1 ol an order of the Honorable, the Countv Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Wasco, in we mailer oi tne estate oi jonn T. btorrs, deceased, heretofore made, rendered and entered on the 23th day of June, 1890, at the court house dooi in Dalles Citv. Wasco county, Oresron, at . the hour of 2 o'clock p. x. of said day, sell at public auction to the highest bid der for cish in hand, lot No. tea (10) in block No. one (1), in Trevitt's addition to said city, belonging to said estate, to satisfy the claim i against the same. FRANK MENEFEE. maylO-Tt Administrator. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE OF VARY B. BOYD, DECEASED, late of the County of Wasco and State of Oregon. Notice is hereby given that leters ot administra tion in the above entitled case, have been granted to the undersigned by the Honorable County Court of the state of Oreeron. for Wasco countv. this 13th day of May, A. 1, 1890. All persons indebted to the said estate are hereby notinel to come forward and make immediate payment. All parson holding claims against the said estate are hereby notified to pre.-ent them to the administrator. Drooerlv veri fied. J. G. BOYD, Administrator. - The Dalles. Or., May 13, 169J. myl7-6t Dissolution Notice. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the pa'tuership X heretofore existinir between G. B Welch ar.d Geo. Smith, under the firm name and style ot Welch b Mil 1th, has been dissolved bv mutual consent. Mr. bmith will pay all indebtedness and collect all bil s due the firm, and will contiuue in business at the corner of Eighth and Union atreots. G. B. WELCH, mayl9 GEO SMITH. A WEAK MAN Can now cure himself of the deplorable results of early abuse, and pert ctly restore his vigor and vi tality by the Great Australian Remedy. The re markable cures of hopeless cases of Nervous Debil ity and Private Complaints are everywhere stamping out quackery. The Medicine, a physician's gift to sufferv humanity, will be sent free to those af flicted. Address, Da. M. B. TAYLOR, lmarlyw 809 Market Strreet, San Francisco. IMPORTANT ! CJEXD ME YOUR ORDERS FOR THE TRUE IJ oiArtLti liUlih.. Pubhshcd bv tha onlv . , u : . o : i , . J uwuiium ouiiuijtt . runs H. ANLACF, , , The Dalles, or. Corner 4th ani Lincoln St . O. Box 156. Jau7-dfcw FOE RENT The UDPer floor Of NInkn'en' hrink Thn nuin hVl now flriUhed U 50x65 feet: is the heat lio-htcri an 1 must cettra:ly located in the city. For par ticular,! apply to I. C. MCKELSEN, comer Tl.trd aaa w8ninton streets. marlfitf-dv NOTICE. Any per 03 wishing: to purchase flour at tha Til 1. mood Mill can do ao in lota not less than S bbte. ; .iu w wurei, siiDjeci 10 alteration. Term tncuy C18U. A. H. CUKTISS. prep. NOTICE A LL those having bins against the firm of Lawlor i X uroa. woute i 1 nrtsunt thrm Kithin tha n uuny uays to uapt. 11. Anlaun, as jinnee or the nrm. d&Wlm Th Di lei, Miy 12, 189. COWS HERDED. All Citizens desirous of havincr thir mw, hfrAnA xr m ana alter the nrst of March can do so by apply. ingatthest,b!eof (V. H. Butts, where particulars aud terms will be made known. febn For City Marshal. T HEREBY annonnc- mself u a candidate for re-election to the olfire of Citv Morshal. suhlect to tne wish of the voters at the coming city election. mines nty. .tune a. lbuo. K. V. GIBON3. For City Marshal. JTAKE tills rr port unity of announcing myself a candidate lor city Marebal at the coming muni cpa' election, subject to the vote cast at that time. Dalles City, June 4, 1890. JOHN QUIMyuN. For City Recorder. U EJECT to tht. rotes which will be cast at the coming city election 1 hereby announce myself as a candidate for City rlecorder. Dalles City, June 4, 1890. H. AKLaUFF. For City Recorder. I HEREBY announce myself as candidate for City Recorder, subject to the votes cast at the next municipal election. GEO. O. KNAGUS. . Dalle City, June i, 1890. Sniped Hncrfly, -THE- Leadings Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon. C. N. THORNBURY. T. A. HUDSON. THORNBURY & BON, INSURANCE Eoziesr to Loan on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all hinds oj Land business be fore the IT. S. Land Ojfi.ce. Rooms 7 and 8, up-stairs, U. S. Land Offlce building, THE DALLES, OREGON. FRUIT I SHADE TREES SMALL i! HUITS, VINES EVERGREENS, SHT UBS, ROSES, ETC. The Earlieet Strawberry known, CLARKE'S :: SEEDLING1 Also, the EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry- a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens JA.MES A. VARNEY, Prop. The Celebrated French Cure, wtorcu!eed "APHRODITINE Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of nervous disease, or any disorder ot the generative or gans of either .. . .-I.,,,! BEFOhE isnitr from the Mr I firf . exccs.-ie use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, or tiiroiiuli Youthful indiscretion, over indulg ence, &c, such as Loss ot Brain Power, Wakeful ness, ileariue: down Tnius iu the Buck, Seminal Wenkuess, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al emissions, incorrncen, juzziness, ncna aieiu orv. Loss of Power and Impotciicy, which If lie- elocted ottou lend to liremiitiireold ncretrid insan ity. Price fl.OO a box. 6 hosps for Jo.ctO Seut by mail on receipt oi price. A WUITTKN 5U AltANTEB forevery KM order, to refund tho money if a l"eniiiieii cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently cured bv Afhroditinr. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO WESTERN BRAKrir. BOX 2T PORTLAND, OR BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON. Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DAIXES, OBECiOX. O. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FARUHER. THOMPSON & FARCHER, General Blacksmiths, Near Mint buildmcr, Second St. Horse-Shoeing and General Jobbing a opetaaaiy- Prices reasonable and to suit the times. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. y Cash advances made on consignment. THE DALLES Marble ' Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THK DALLES, OREGON. CAUTION IS W. I,. DoD(la' name and urice are stamned on the bottom, If the dealer cannot supply yon. end direct to factory, enclosing auveruaea price, W. L. DOUGLAS CUAC FOR gnwt CENUEMEN. Fine Calf. ITeav-r Iced Grain and Creed. moor Waterproof. iuhie in 1 lit wortfi. Mammi nil 5.0O GENUINE HAND-SEWED SHOE. SJ4.00 HAMI-SEWKU WELT SHUK. S3.50 POLICE AND FARMERS' SHOE. mz.blt K1I KA VALUE LALr &IJUE. & 82 WORKTNOMRN'8 SHOES. Hi, OO and 81.75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. All made in Congress, Button and Lace. $3&$2 SHOES ladIIs. B1.7S SHOE FOR MISSES. Boat Material. Best Style. Beat Flttlnc, W. L. DouKlag, Brockton. Maas. Sold by J. Freiman,Afft,The Dalles,0r. east end saloon, Near the Old Hint Buildin?, Second St, The Dalles, Or. Always on hand tit Dest Wines, Liquors, and. Cigars A. Pleasant Evening Resort Colombia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei on drautrbt. L. EORDM & CO. REMOVED TO VOGT BLOCK Three doors west of the corner of J Second and Fed ral dtreetc. J. E IABSEN, Dealer in all kind, of ' Hay, Grain and Feed, At his old stand, Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE The highest Cash Pries paid for Sheen paitai or money refunded. mm CSS? The New Umatilla House, THE DALLES. OREGON HANDLEY & SINKOTT, Proprietors, THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables Ticket and Bajjwje Office of the UNION PACIFIC Railway Company, and Office of tht Western Ulon Tehifraph Company, are in t Hotel. TRACTS DEPART FROM THIS HOUSE AT 12:10 Pi M FOR WALLA WALLA 2:40 P. M. PORTLAND Tents, Wagon Covers. AT THE, Country Orders Promptly atended to REMOVAL I Removed to 276 PEALEB IN Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, DecorationSj ARTISTS MATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc, Oil Paintings, Chromos B. P. FITZ DEALElt XVI Wagon-Makers' and Groceries. E-Sole Agent fo tho IMPROVED MONARCH Washjny 41achlne,-e call and see H00SIER FENCE MACHINE, 0NLT that gives a continuous twist to the wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC gtrong, Durable, Neat, and the H B. REED, THE DALLES, 7L.W. 1 Gener Commission and Forwarding Men 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STREET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) S I uonsiffnmenTS Prompt Attention to tnose who The Highest Price paid in Cash Fine Spanish On sale at Tbe Dalles Stock Yards a cLoice lot of SPANISH MERINO RAMS These are noted for Constitution, Length of Staple. Size of Carcass, surface free from wrinkles; a Heivy Fleece, and uniform in quality. Bred and imported from California by FRANK BULLABD, of Woodland, Yolo County, California. B. FflRLEY & HP, Successors to L D. Frank rieccas Wholesale and Batail Dealers Leather & Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings Etc, s and mm OLD STAND. marU-td REMOYAL ! and 278 Second St., and Steel Engravings. GERALD, AGRjr-DLTDRAL MACHIBEBY, ..JIR.U. 'I.!. HUH UHIM H HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Blacksmiths' Stock. FENCE WORKS, Cheapest Fence in the World Proprietor. OREGOtf. MnnnliniiilirfA IrJlllldli. MDI3D, t tt 1 J . Jl II ooiiciT3ea i favor mo with their patronage. for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc. Merino Earns. BARKY, Agent. PRINZ & HOJLEHAL.E Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates oi tne celebrated EMPIRE MILLS. which enables us to sell Furni tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will tiaravrood bent Chairs, each 7S et Cane Rockers s 9 no Ash Bedsteads ro oven-wire Mattresses n lounges 12 00 VT CaLL AND FISH & DEALERS IN- Sloies, Fuma MS OPES. PLUMBE1S We are the solo agents for the Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE and RAMONA COOK STOVE, which haa no equal, and guaranteed to give en cire satisfaction or money refunded. Cor. Second and Washington streets, The Dalles. THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, VX. KELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, a Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 an Grcgorio "Vineyard Co. Agency, All Wines and Brandies The Best Wines, Liquors Try the best remedy for Bm Immm. lees? lall SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, - - - PROP'R, -:-Columbia Brewery Beer,:-: AND JTOU rtALli- ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, the very best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ' . . . , The One Price Cash House, ' COR. SECOND j P. McIIlRIT, DQAIiEB IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods;; Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Bntterici Patterns, also for tte Hal! ?a?aaj Dress Forma, tA A & & A - Funeral The Undersigned has Added to his Business a full line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Gaskets, Burial Robes and Shrouds. Trimmings of all descriptions at tho Lowest Prices and owns tt) 9lQ8t Elegant Hesurse eaut of the uionutaliia with all tbo laWX UnprovuniPnti. NO DEI AY IN FILLING ORDERS. PI are of ItOHinrMK. Third street, three doors east of OUkus, ilacall later k Co's agricultural war . house, aud adjoining his Planing Mill and Wagon Shop. Place Of Uesidence. Fourth street, corner and night. ja2tf A. ft WILLIAMS a Co, SUCCESSORS TO LATE FIRM E. vIjNGATE Ac CO, eneral Merchandise! A COMPLETE LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, 'Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. Orandall DEALERS Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpets, Mattings, Parlor TToa.d.erta.nsLxiS' a Specialty. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc. ante (oun&at all hours of the dap er night at their place of ImHnett, Wcuhingto ttrat, too doors north from Second. Aiyn of Hed Liyht. X. 0. 1TICHELSE1T Has removed from Second street to Third street. The Leading House for BOOKS, : STA1WEBY : AND : 31USIC. t3 All mail order filled satisfactorily and promptly, and correspondence chwfullj autwor , NITSCHKE, AM KKTAir. Convince the Most Sleep tic al Hcd-loungcs Ash bedroom Seta . . Ilrnstiels Cari;ls, per yard . liiirrain Carpets, do ..1S 00 .. is ot 76 2e BARD ON, ; COODS, PDMPS, &c. Burfmndv 83. Zinfardel 84, Riesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret, Guaranteed Strictly Pure and Cigars Always on Sale. Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." AND COURT STS., WM. MICHELL, ETAESR AND- of Washington. Can be fen at all hours of the day :o: WM. MICHELL N ' HACKS AND BUGGIES & Burnet, IN Ornaments, Window 8 hades, Etc. A.