The Dalles times-mountaineer. (The Dalles, Or.) 1882-1904, June 14, 1890, Image 2

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Senator Stanford has modified liis
stand he did on this question when
there was such a pronounced opposi
tion, and believe he is following the
traditions of the party more closely
on the question of finance than tho&e
who have opposite views. The Re
publican party has received the com
mendation of the country for its sound
financial policy m the past, and, if
Und-loan scheme, says the S. F. Bul
letin. The amount of money to be
advanced by the general government does rUB wil.j after 8ome vague notion,
is not to exceed OU per cent ot the it win enfjoraef in the future. The
value of the land, exclusive of the im- treasury bill provide3 sufficient coin
provcuients. lne land is, m all cases, ac to 00 lll0 i,RjnesB of the country.
arid at)y more than this is inflation;
which will eventually result in great
suSeriug sad depression iu trad
Secretary W'indoui, one of the ablest
financiers in the nation, fully explained
the matter, arjd showed that if free
coinage was adopted thero would be
a constant drain oE $10,000,000
:old annually to purchase bullion
in toreign countries. ft course,
this bill would benefit silver mine
on tiers, by increasing the demand for
the bullion, and consequently enhanc
ing its value. But the wage-earner
would be forced to work the same
hours a day for Lis money as he does
now. The free coinage of silver wili
to be agricultural. There is a hope
held out that a like privilege may be
extended to municipalities. The in
terest is to be 2 per cent per annum
and the loan is to run for twenty
years. In this scheme of land banking
the local assessor, not subject to the
authority of the United States, how
ever, plays an important part. He is
converted, in a sense, into a controller
- of the federal treasury, for it is on his
valuation that the money is to be ad
: vanced.
The owner of agricultural land can
do much better in one respect under
our present financial system than he
could if Senator Stanford's bill should
become the law. He can borrow more uot increat!e the price of wheat or of
than 50 per cent of the value of h:s labor, as these are governed by the
land. The chances are that be can idW Gf 6upply and demand, which
borrow 75 per cent of the value of the I uever vary. . .We must produce less
land and improvements. But he can- diminish the competition in the labor
not get the money, at 2 per cent per market, and be assured of good crops
annum, nor can he secure a loan for I hefore the distress of which such coni-
,. twenty years, except by renewal Mu- psint is made will cease.
. mcipalities which nave the power to
issue long bonds say to run for forty 1 We read the editorials of many in
years the kind of securities of which I terior papers, and they claim a Demo-
capitalists are always in search, can cratic victory as the result oi the re
now borrow money nearly on as fav- cent election. This putting it mild'
orable terms say 2J and 3 per cent, !y is a mistake. The Republicans
R3 those proposed by Senator Stan- have gained one state official state
ford. viz. 2 per cent. The benefits of trasjrer and the election of the rest
the scheme, if practicable, go far es of the state ticket by an increased ma
; agricultural lands and municipalities I jority. Oregon is more Republican
' ere concerned, do not, therefore, ap- to-day than it was in 1888, as facts
Dear to be quite so sreat. after anal v- and figure will demonstrate. It is
sis has been brought into play. true that Hon. D. P. Thompson was
But in the abstract land never made defeated for governor; but if Repub
and will never make a sure basis for licans in Multnomah county had sup
any sort of money. The roason is the ported the state ticket he would have
' simple one that it is not readily con- been elected. Further, if there were
vertible. Many a bank has gone to I no Union party, and the issue had
pieces because it loaded up with too I simply been on the national issues be-
much land, upon which it could not at tween the two parties", the majority
once realize. It is not seen why for the ticket would have been the
banking on land, even if attempted same as that given to 'Hon. Binger
by the United States, should differ in Hermann, 8000. Mr. -Hermann
any respect from private banking on is the representative - of national
the same principle. In his advocacy Republicanism in Oregon, ' and his
cf the measure Senator Stanford said I vote is a safe criterion by
. that it was absolutely original in con- I which to judge the strength of the
- ception. Land banking was set up iu I party. In 18S8 he received 7400 ma-
the early days in Pennsylvania" and I jority; two years previous he received
proved a dismal failure. It was tried less. Tbi. is indisputable 'evidence
in England and was 'speedily aban- that the Republican party is growing
doned, because of the difficulty above in numbers every year, and in 1892 it
stated. The senator is understood to will poll a much larger vote. There
have stated, however, that it was I is no reason for Democracy to be joy
never tried on the scale which he sug-1 ful, except Gov. Pennoyer represents
gests. I it wholly, and if he does it is well the
-.. The argument appears to be that a I fact should be known
principle is varied by extension. But
that is something that could not tie I Municipal 'elections are different
easily established.. If the principle from state or national. There is no
proved to be vicious in the smaller I politics whatever in the former, and
area of the colony of Pennsylvania, every property owner should consider
there is no reason to suppose that it the best interests of the city before he
would be successful when applied to casts his ballot. Men interested in
the whole of the United States. Be-1 certain schemes for their own benefit
sides the senator probably forgot when may present projects for their own
he was making the statement the aggrandisement; but before these are
French assignat, which came very near endorsed they should be carefully
liis proposed land-money. But the in- analyzed and the fact should be ascer-
lierent weakness of the 'project is found tained whether they are for public
. in the assumption that this money or private weal. Those who live in
based on land is to be subject to none The Dalles and o ma property here
of the vicissitudes which overtake cic- have higher 1 motives than "colJ-
culating media. blooded business propositions to
There is no statement of the m an consider. The cf ' their
ner in which the proposed paper money families and protection against fire are
is to be liquidated, or in what i It the I of greater urgency than the mere "cold
holler of land money-paper can only blooded business" phase of the ques-
get another piece of paper ia liquida tion. We need water to drink a pure
tion, the fiat money business would be element; we need it"' to quench the
again revived. If the government flames of incendiarism, -and there has
'liquidated this land-money in gold and been already too much dilly-dallying
silver when asked, it would simply be in the matter. Citizens protect your
a purchaser of land at exorbitant homes and vote for the best interests
TEE WATER QUESTION. confirmations strong as proofs of Holy
Writ." Any plank in a platform is
For the past two years our citizens believed in full, and no questions are
have had the question of a new water asked. This is not the case with Re
supply before them, and the matter publicans. Every proposition made
has been discussed in all its various by the party receives the most careful
phases. Long years before this sev- scrutiny, and if not suitable is not
eral of our prominent residents saw upheld. By reason of this discrimina
te necessity of a new system of water- t,on Republicans are liable to be led
works, and strenuously advocated astray by any idea having the sem
some action in this direction; but blance of morality, or the better
the mattter did not come to a vote ment 0f the human race They are
until 18SS, when a municipal election progressive, and cannot be bound to
was held for the adoption of an t0 anv 0jd idea which received the
amended charter, providing for in- sanction of their fathers twenty years
curring an indebtedness of $50,000 ag0) anj some of the descendants of
and the selection of three water com- old-line Republicans have forgotten
missioners. The ballot was almost the issues of a quarter of a century
unanimous, there being only twenty- ajr0. They have joined with Deoic
two votes against the proposition. As crats in the greenback, prohibition and
soon as the bonds were placed on the other movements, whose only ten
market, an injunction was issued dency is to defeat the Republican
against the council and sustained in party, and give victory to the oppos-
the courts. At the meeting of the ing organization. If we had the same
legislature in January, 18S9, an shackles upon adherents that Deruoc-
amended act was passed, increasing racy has, Hon. D. P. Thooipsou would
the bonds of the city to $100,000 and have been elected governor, and the
providing for four more commissioners, victory of June 2d would have been a
As soon as action was taken iu the mat
ter, another injunction was served,
which, upon a hearing before J udge
Bird, was dissolved. The commission,
then, under direction of the common
council, hired competent engineers to
... . . i .
survey a practical route, mat water
could be brought to the city by gravi
tation. After several days spent ex-
aminmg the Lesctiutes river una me
streams near the headwaters of Mill
veritable Waterloo.
We shall soon have the official fig
ures of our population, and - after that
there will be no "opportunity for real
estate boomers to distort facts. The
census enumerators are doing their
work carefully, and are taking the
name, age, occupation, etc., of every
inhabitant, whether he or she be Mon
golian. Indian or African. Aside
creek no feasible plan was reported from the number of people in the
without at an exDense of somethinc United btates in the census jvm
furnish valuable information regard
ing nationality and physical condition
of residents. We are satisfied Oregon
will be entitled to two representatives
as his American cousin.
over 200,000. During the time these
preliminary surveys were being,
negotiations were entered into, with
the old water company, for the pur-
nlinDii nf lont. o n rl tllA loWPKfc
I ... ... iiiT-1.1 jnfr lnilT n w ,i n.,,... InnJ.n . 1. I
figures given were 550,000. Mayor ot population, and the people or r.ast- j - , .e-ug .uuiuV
meeting ern Uregon will be graunea to oe
undoubtedly be the grandest exhibi
tion ever given on the American con
tinent. That city has the youn
tive blood of the giant west :
commercial veins, and will al
lead in everything it undertakes.
will be jotted down.
facts regarding our population.
engaged in showering fulsome com
mendations upon Mr. B. Goldsmith
chairmain of the state central commit
luded Union party in Oregon.
senate. With a tariff and silv
passed by a Republican congress
iug the first year of a Rppul
administration more will have
accomplished than during twelve
of Democratic supremacy.
Bill and his Wild West Rho. '
is something mercurial in the Anglo
xoung authors will take no en
in the lower house from the increase I couragement from the fact that every
Moody called a mass
of citizens last Monday night, and
submitted the question to them.
After a discussion of the various
projects, there was almost an unani
mous vote in favor of tho pumping
receives ten times as much matter as
But, there is always room
accorded the privilege of a representa- t can use,
tive of their interests in the halls of at the top.
sf-kn nia(a I hia nrtll hA no CrnrtrX pfTPPr.
of the census of 1890. for which we TELEGRAPHIC.
should be thankful.
New York, June 11. Baron Wredc,
the Swedish nobleman who spent thirty
years in Siberia, is now in New York on
nU way home to Sweden, after un absence
nlan Trio notinn tf thn rnnnpll lARt
. ... . , j I Ihe Louisiana lottery :s receiving
night is given in another column, and ...
ui: r , xrt- adverse criticism from nearly every
ii i t . m j i I iicwHuaucr iu luc iuuurv. nuu i uir
nll h hAarl.ilv pniinrAPfl. I r r
The urgency of a new system of """""'J U5um of thirty-two years, be having been sent
water works will uot be Questioned B"-s -""y i into exue in io. ie was implicated id
The supply is not adequate, and the
quality is very deleterious. There is
fully one-half the city with a meagre as a scion of one of its oldest families,
such system of gaining money is per- lnto exile in 1857.
niciou3 in its effects cannot be doubted, the plot against the Czar Alexander II,
When wealth is accumulated by any and he tells an interesting story of his ex
game of chance it divorces the moral perience. He was conspicuous in Sweden
I an a airn .if nna .f it. '.1.1. ... 7:1
. .. . I sentiment of a community from the ij . s. I
supply for household purposes, ana I natiu8 muucu a wsieroi me gorcroor ot
some without any at all.
basis principles of honesty, and will J- Ostergothland. The
baron entered the
-r. - .
a : c navy in bis vouth. and it was while
past three or four years some valuable , v . . . serving as a first lieutenant that he joined
improvements have been made in the the P60?1"- The true thPOry' and the in a conspiracy to kill the czsr. Most of
southern part of the city, on the upper
bench, and these residents, by reason
of the altitude, cannot be reached by -the
present system. In case of fire
these citizens, who help pay our taxes,
would have no protection whatever for
their property.
In the discussion of this water ques
tion, all these matters have been con
sidered. The commission have acted
in the best faith toward the citizens,
and were favorable to water by grav
itation and purchasing the rights of
The Dalles Mill and Water Co. Trey
have done everything possible to ac- j
complish these objects, and what has
only one upon which any community the conspirators were officers in the army
can rest, is that an equivalent should ISVu
oe given ior an money, jjui we ao opera house at St. Petersburg while tho
not believe, aside from the lottery or czar was attending the pertorinance. The
, .... , , . design was betrayed, and all the con-
chance' principle involved in the jrator4 Were , 8i. f ...
Louisana scheme, that there is any For nearly thirty yeais the baron labored
game of robbery carried on. We always J" the m5oes' uJ?Ul fbout a Jear ag0' wheu
It A ira rltofinn n f Ann nuir) a ww en Ah eihoma I t
unto uiquuu vtuauvVU sauv ouvu ov.uiuv bDUUl Ol8 IftlC OOulC
and always shall, on general prinsi- "Siberia, though of immerse propor
pies, believing that the object of every " t .Ze,8 thul Q 80
r . " J ' average not over b fteen prisoners escape
one having the welfare of the people annually, and of tbese many perish ot
at heart should be, that every ourjger ana coia, or are eaten by the
dollar earned should be an honest roUnd much of the country. Iu some
one and represent labor of some cases the mines ure leased to English cap
kind. Ualists, who pay the prisoners a mere
pinnace, Bmouniing to aoout ten cents
per day. Their condition is most deplor
able, and the stones related by the
The central location of this city and
been the result? The best terms they it3 adaptability to control the trade of American Kennan and the English een
can make with the old company are a jare portion of the interior is dem- tleme.n who have visited the place do it
$50,000 for their rights, and then be- onstrated every day For the cast J T" . "5 miea "nd
; ' . mi. tv ii onstraiea every aay. jor ine past young pirls are captured and forced to
hind this is the lease of The Dalles two weeks wool has been harvested, marry Cossacks, who are obliged to be
Lumbering Co., for the use of the fln(i Wp W thrnnaod onr mrlrpt. mar"ed- The prisoners are fed on im-
.u . pure meat and vegetab es. and die raDidlv.
water for the next seven years, and from all portions of the country. The One cannot subsist in tbs mines more
possible litigation from other sources. Dalles handles more wool and wheat thau fifteen years, owing to the treatment
If the commission purchased the pres- direct from the producers than any L.L'T: late.,czar " mucl'
ent system what would they receive in city in the country, and this prestige monarch. Another class of prisoners are
consideration oi nan tne amount or tne I w;u continue if our business men ex- l"uB cooviciea oi minor ouenses, and
sale of the bonds Only an made- ert 8nffil;ient enterprise to take -d- I iSSiSSS gL "2
quate supply at most, and one which vantage of the opportunities presented, noblemen are treated best and have a
could not be increased to the capacity -with an open river and railways to comPra,,e'y ey time, although they
There is hardly a summer the interior this city would be second nicatio "w,t GmT w
i - .
only to Portland in population, com- are 0Ter 300.000 in the mines and prob-
merce and manufactures. -
S CANDIDATES. g i i J 3 . g . e .
? 1 3 3 J J j ?. -s s g a s g
g For Congrats I
Binder Hermann i 80 11 8 If K4 25 75 4 ' 28 4(1 71 2!) fill 0- 1H in iiuj
Robt. A. Miller 17 25 32 12 176 247 34 ii i $ Is ! f i4 lJ
Jamc A. Bruce o ii 31 12 18 82 4e 1 20 6 1 51 6 'I I sa5
g For Gorenwr "- " 8 siJ
David P. Thompson...! 27 10 f2 1? 196 172 50 S4 25 3fl 75 2-' 3i 90 at 12 SBi
1 Cl'St!' 41 S1 K 2,1 476 s2 w 47 37 36 85 87 14J K 18 1447
Oeo. W. McB'ride. i 30 1C 82 lfi 215 21? 61 42 40 75 2J S: T. t in inw
Wm M. Ton.end...d 10 25 35 1S1SJ23I 4(. 2? it t ? 23 87 22
t Nathan Pier v u 8i 10 It 8. 42 1 20 i IB 6' ir in
For Statt. Treasurer u 10
B Philip Metstban l 30 If 81 us 2-; 210 6' 4' 2f V 7'. 2f 51 V 19 ir ou
G. W.Webb r, m 25 33 8 17i! 247 411 21 38 2 25 It 23 9? 27 M 84
E. F.Walker u 26-32 10 21 8. 4..... 20 . 1 s fc. to 10 Us
For Supt. Ptih. iwr'n- " 1 10
t i ?i? S? 2 S g f g I! S lTt
Frank C.Baker 1 TO If 82 2f 220 215 Gr 42 2f 4f 75 So GO 8e 43 10 1051
, JohnOBrien... 0 4' 67 4 1! 260 20C 50 41. S. 3 2! It 80 154 37 13 ll5u
For Stiprrine Judge
ltobcrt S. Bean 1 45 19 86 ir 24. 221 (11 4J 2T V 75 2B 65 111 i 12 1117
'. PrV'AMDM-' ' 402 28 ' U 2J ii!' M 20 'iS
1 W.H Wilson.. 26 f5 47 2 ?08 24 6" 31 17 3 7J 2P 40 UP 41 1 041
1 .Dufur..... d 46 26 74 If 23 .244 47 45 46 ST 21 14 30 85 33 19 W6
Joint Iteprttenlaticts - . . -
Geo. W Johnston r 37 1' 104 1 204 237 S- Hi H 37 f 3 47 9' 43 10 naa
? O. McCov S, 0 75 If 205 23:' 54 ST 27 S 6" 37 85 S5 lb W?
8 Bennett 27 . 25 25 l: 203 2:if. ft- 2: 37 31 24 If i M. 87 15 Si
R. H. Guthrie d II K 21 5 174 227 39 1-, 3." iu 2-1 8- 29 r S4
Jhn Medler u 32 3; 10 2; 85 4: 11? ( 7 5!' 9 p
3 E- Darniel u 8 30 6 17 71 35 .... 17 ... 4 " 6 51 4 1 om
For Count i Clerk 11 260
9 Hugh G.urlay........i 2P 9 72 1( 150 147 4C 44 2" 3( 5 29 37 76 47 10 S30
1 J-B.Crowen d 10 22 25 1 212 301 49 2f f SI' SO t 35 90 24 ii ijs
1 J Klley 33 36 15 20 106 40 .... 13 ... I .. .. 6 64 7 ?
For Shenf '
Theodore Cartwnjjlit. .r 1( 12 70 16 171 185 46 ST 28 3f ' 2-' 27 67 43 10 Rj
1 ? ft!?; d 26 20 2y 8 177 258 45 25 Sf SO SO 1C 42 111 20 11 Vti
1 J. E. McCormick r St 34 14 2i 124 49 1 2 ... t .. 7 56 13 ii Im
For Treasurer - "' "
1 GeorjfH Ruch 1 46 27 81 34 270 245 54 45 2S Sf 8T 25 54 1 02 40 l-j 1170
B H. C. Nielsen d 26 37 31 It 179 221 40 22 35 Si 21 13 24 106 29 15 844
B For Ansemur
John E. Barnett 1 2T 8 ?0 14 195 194 51 3f 27 4C 6C- 2:1 48 8t 47 10 904
H. M Pitman ( & 26 7' 12 189 254 40 24 37 23 14 25 86 25 i 895
P.P Underwood t 25 32 12 19 86 41 1 17 ... e .... t 64 6 io S23
For Supt. oSchooU 1 !a
0 Troy Shelly 1 Bf 12 72 19 202 ISO 57 4f 2 41 67 2 4! 144 42 10 l4S
Aar. n Fraiier 15 26 41 10 196 27c 37 21 36 27 2; IS 26 62 2S 13 844
I,W- Allen o 8 49 1 ' ti 4C 1 14 ... t 6 29 8 W 248
For Surveyor
' .EJ-SharP-1 73662!-26e22f643 29446f26 55 104 4l 9 II4S
r. Brown 0 2i 25 4t: 17 175 245 41 2S. 35 26 21 li 23 91 29 21 854
J For Couimtxtitmrr
Frank Kincaid 1 27 14 74 !4 20' 2X) 64 9C IS lfi 74 2f SO f9 6 10 904
Ji-Dr- Dv?VeT 6 H ,T 2ti J! lft "247 41 4C 52 16 10 90 71 1- 892
- W'con"-11 M 44 " 17 6 66 2 1 82S
1 JJmJ4ichU 36 8 32 257 21S E4 4 29 38 09 26 54 KB 19 1138
W"n I ' 2R' 4' ? af' 8 ,s 854
for Infants and Children.
intochndTOtha I C-ort ctiro, Colic. OoiKWpaUon,
irocommend it aa lopertor to any proscription I Boor 6tomacn. Diarrhosa, Eructation,
knows to me." H. JL Aschib, M. D , I Kills Worma, givea aloep, zi promotes U
Ul Bo. OzXord SL, Brooklyn, N. Y. WitEuxiou, medlcalloa.
Tm CDo-ac Cohpaht, 77 Murray Street, K. T.
Meadow lawn Farm
C 13. DURBIN. Iroi.
1 liave lor the Reason's trade 300 Spanish Merino Rams,
wh'ch will be sold to suit '.he times. Call and examine stock,
which can be branded and left until breeding season free. '
ma 24 5mo
Antelope, Wasco county, Oregon
Staple aw Faiicy Dig M,
Mi and Boys' Clothing, Hats and Caps, k, '
Fine Toilet Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Etc.
Perfumery and Fancy Toilet Articles.
Are daily arriving and will lie sold at oor well
known low prices.
Full assortment always on hand, and at
We especially call attention to our Urge stock of
T Sr. T Ann si 11 'a TVTaw Ynvlr filiAncf
Which for PIT AND WORKMANSHIP an, no well and
favorably known througoul the United Ktateg.
Pure Brandy, Wines and Liauore for Jledicinal Purposes. m Prices arethe Same as in Hew York City.
An inspection of our New Good ii respectfully solicited.
check an outbreak, if meditated. Exag
gerated rumors scared a number of ex
posed settlers, and io response to the
representations of danger the governor
dispatched to Miles City for arms and
Governor Too!e said this afternoon that
he bad officers at Miles Citv who did not
seem to share in the fears of trouble there.
There arc soldiers enough to cope with
any Indians meditating mischief io Cus
ter county. The opinion here is that the
Cheyennes will be kept in control without
Imported English Shire Stall'on,
Having pui
HAWKE, he will
hixnt Mile creek,
day. and Saturdays, uid at W. L. Ward', on Mon
days, Tuesday and Wednesdays.
Charges for the season, 320.
No. 142, LORD HAWKE (6087). Brown, foalad
1S83. Bred by Mrs. Coward, Womersley, Ponte
fract, H rkshire. . Imported 1S88.
Sire. Kinir of the Valley (3174): he hr Devonshire
Lad (595); he byConquenr (538); he by Herliord
Doors, Win
vaonnty0Thaayri,1 aows " 10ul amgs, r lutea t-asiugs ana Kosettes, Turned JJannis-
tcra uiiu uewu i usis, iiuuae r umisuiiigs, Diore r ronis, tjmce
Fittings, Counters and Shelving in the latest designs, Hough and
Dressed lumber of all grades, Cedar Shingles and Fence Posts.
Special reduction to builders for the season of
Fish and Fruit Boxes and Packing Cases; Dry Fir, Pine, Oak
and Slab Wood. Cheapest in the city. Leave orders .at office.
Two Trains IHaly Between Portland
and Spokane Fulls.
Effective May 11, 1890, the Union PaciBc
tweenr building formerly occupied by Win. Tackman & Co., No. 67
, - ; uam oy waxworc (aaoj; ne dv waxwora ('JZTzi: I Wntthino'tnn Krrppt. ' -
man Palace Sleepers and RecIiniDB Chair he by Black Le(l). I W asnmgion Direei. a
cars will be run between Portland and
figures. If on the contrary it could
only liquidate ia the lands which it
accepts as security, foreclosures would
have to be constantly gome; on.
, When the government got - well
loaded up with mortgages on ag-
. ricoltaral lands and municipal
ities, there would be nothing to pre
vent the organization of a party calling
for tho cancellation of all the mort-
gages. The beneOcent government
. which had advanced the paper money
could easily enough be pictured as a
of The Dalles.
The city election, which takes place
next Monday, is a very important one
for The Dalles. Several members
the council will be elected, and prop
erty-owuers and citizens should be
careful in the selection. There ia the
most urgent necessity that a new sys
tern of water-works should be inaug
urated, not as a "cold blooded business
proposition," but as a matter of life
and health to our families and pro-
ravenous monster and money-lender I tect'on to our property. Nearly one
vhicb proposeJ to devour a patriotic na" tne Clly 18 without an adequate
and confiding people. water supply, and no more time should
History tells us that as a creditor be wa8ted on the matter- The funds
!. TTnltorl Sltnt l.oo nrt kr. o r Vuaie ftOQ elPDS SliOUlU t)6
uw uiwu aj ita w sitau asv at v-.u mm uuu I
taken immediately to begin work. It
has been suggested that the council
advertise for bids forthwith for the
construction of water-works, and the
cheapest and quickest plan be adopted.
We ltelteve this is tbi most advisable
method, and we hope that some such
plan be adopted.
cess, liie lending ot money in any
form Las never been its strong suit,
It parceled out a lot ot money once
among the bia'.es. it is carrying along
now that debt as an asset of the treas
ury to the confusion some times of its
accounts.. It is true that it has never
asked that the money should be paid
back. . It ia quite evident that if it
ui, no response would ba returned.
The- federal government advanced
money to the Pacific railroads and as
everybody knows is having quite a
time in getting it, or any portion of
it, back. In the meantime it has had
io pay a large amount of the interest,
If all the farms and all the towns of
the country should be given a like
chance it is not seen how general bank
ruptcv could be avoided. It is not
easy to imagine how prosperity could
be secured by getting away with our
benevolent uncle oam. Ani au mat in JtJoston. when a guest wants
is here advanced is outside of the con- I whisky straight and a dish of beans he
ntitutionil question altogether. There holds op' four fingprs and w iggles his
has yet been no convincing argument thumb. In Dublin they call for home
put together showing that the federal rule, and in London thev denominate
government has the power to go into I it British disintegration. Not with
the business of general money-lend- standing all these different names the
ing. liquid tastes the same and has like
effect nnnn imhifiprn
- Slue position ot senator .uoipn
against free coinage of silver, although
. ooDOsed to the views of western ben-
.:t1 l )--. I K 1
atom, wm ua cuuuiocu vj a luigc yvi
ion of the Itapublican party in Ore-
The city election, which will be
held in a few days, is an important
one, and every property-holder
should exercise the createst care
that none but the best men are
elevated to positions. We need
water-works and other improvements,
and every voter should see that none
but the best qualiBed should be
elected. The ballot cast uiav insure
ihe growth and prosperity of the city,
and it should lie deposited only after
the most careful discrimination.
Emperor William thinks that Bis
marck Las oatlivajj his usefulness.
The boy-emperor may yei learn the
lesson that bid heads are the best gnd
rtr lJ .t.i . i'n nnnol it T.l t . .
gOH. - e are gisa lust uie aeumur i vuuumi, viu my are not
:wasuffieient!y courageous to take the the most active in war.
that water is not scarce, even for
household purposes, without taking
into consideration, protection against
anly 200,000 wandering about the country
ami suuu "ulcere ana nnoiemen. '
oaroD wreaes escape was made in a
peculiar manner. He made a friund of a
sea captain while at a port on the Caspian
sea and hidden under a pile of raw hides
He went to
exam- of some svstem of water-works. Everv ?nLn. HDln, ."ence to Uanion, Tokio
I I Ann Nan N'ranouiA
tire. Ihe hill residents would The expression at the mass meeting
be in no better condition than I Monday night leaves no doubt that
they are now. . It is the opin- our citizens desire an early completion was carried out of port.
engineers who have exam- nf anm mgm nf rt.rt Cochin, Chins, thence to
0 , "J " w.w.- v. w T J I 1 O T7, . . r .
ue stopped a lew
ion of engineers who have
.u i:... x. . i i I .. . . " u
'uou " "J! "a"" " PP'7 resident of The Uailes, who has the days wi-h bis country men in Chicago, and
reach the upper bluff would require the health of his family at heart, is in
expenditure of a quarter of a milliont terested in this matter, and it makes
and even then it is confidently stated little difference whether he is a tax-
that the water can not be procured from payer or not Mr. Nolan, tho sec
Mill creek. The farmers along that retary of the commission, has the
stream have riparian rights which can figures of all estimates by pumping or
gravitation, and the only question to
be decided is, which is the most avail
able and can be placed in operation
the quickest -
not be infringed, and for this reason
Dalles City can cot take water above
them and in any manner lessen the
supply. The quality is horrid, is pro
ductive of disease and death, and
families have left the city on this ac
count and sought homes elsewhere.
After this caretul consideration of
the matter, some of our best citizens
have come to the conclusion that city
water, owned and controlled by the
municipality, is of, the most urgent
necessity, and the only feasible way is
by pumping from the river. If water
could be procured by gravitation, there
is no tax-payer who would not favor
it; but for over a year the commission
have worked arduously to mature some
plan and have been unsuccessful.
They have worked honestly, with a I This is the season of the year whep
prejudice in favor of gravitation, I boy and girl graduates imagine their
end there is no possible plan of getting I province is to reform the human ra:e,
an adequate supply except by pumpinsr. I and they think this can be accom-
Some of the largest cities procure their I plished in a few years. After they
water by this method, and the Coluni-1 have battled with the ills incident to
- I
bia is fed by melting snow, conse I human life for a short time they will
quently furnishing as pure element as realize that their mission is not so easy,
any river in the councry. Our fanii- I and reformation such an agreeable
lies need good water for health; the hill task
residents need it for household purposes
Old New England, which was set
tled centuries ago by English Puritans,
is being depleted by emigrations to
the west, and feeling the necessity of
new blood she is welcoming to her
shores immigrants from Sweden and
Norway. The stalwart blood of the
north is a desirable accession to our
population, and we wish we could in
duce some of them to come to
Oregon. This foreign element would
give our people pome good practical
lessons in thrift and industry.
and protection against fire; and shall
we delay another year or two in at
tempting some impossible gravitation
scheme or in purchasing the rights
which are not granted away to the
flume company or impaired by
In the Jennets-if iller Magazine
persons srs warned against sitting
cross-legged, because of inelegance and
liability to paralysis by diverting the
blood from the leg through pressure,
As a principle of gracefullness un
rlnclitcrllv this is correct, but when
property owners on the banks. of Mill I . . . , ,
creek of The Dalles Mill and Water . ,, ,-, ... . .
' I Rtraivht. soldier like cosition is out of
Go, at a fabulous price? . ..
w .lrl "
The Itepublicaa party originated in I & Democratic house passed the cen
the idea of loosening the mind from pp; j 88 bjll, and it was signed by a Demo-
htical serfdom, and it is only reason j cratic president If the questions are
in any manner annoying jthis should be
able that the adherents should follow
every new "ism. Witn UemocraU
their politics, in a measure, becomes
their religion, and "trifles light as air,"
when enunciated by the party, "are
laid to the vagaries of a Jemo.cratic
it was just a year on tlieJ4th of May since
he escaped on the vessel. He hopes that
bis safety will be secured until be can
reach Sweden, as be has powerful friends
there who will protect him.
Albast, June 12. For about two
years Graut Aurnspaugb has resided with
bis family, consisting of his wife and two
children, seven miles north of Lebanon,
having rome there from California with
his father's family and brother. A sister
of ilr8. Aurnspaugb has been residing at
the home of the family fur some time
Several suspicious CTCumatances led Mrs.
Aurnspaijgh to believe ber husband was
being too intimate with ber sisler, and ihe
resolved not to permit it any longer. She
secured a revolver tor the purpose of
briugiug matters to a crisis.
About 3 o clock this niornmg, missing
ner uusoanu irom ine lieu ana Hearing a
noise in ber sister's room, she hastened to
the room and entered, when she found ber
kister sitting in btr husband's lay in
chair, both in their night clothes, present
iug a spectacle tnat was very humiliating
to the wrongea wile,
Producing the revolver, she aimed it at
ber husband and fired, bitting bim in the
bicast, and be fell to the floor while ber
Sieter ied from the room and out into the
vard. when she beard another shut. Mrr.
Aurnspaugh. pla'c'ec) be revolver at her
Deaci apt ended tne tragedy, tjlie died in
a short time- Mr- Auro?paugh lived sev
eral hours, and coplpssetj to aboye
fact before several neighbors aqcj men
a T 1 .. f . nr ..
irom iaoapon. justice waiter was
called, and with a coroner's jury, found
iub iaui suumauusuy as sittieu.
Liter particulars of the shooting show
that Mrs. Aurnspaugb shot her husband
while he was asleep. The wile had found
ner sister and husband in conipromisino-
conaitir.n tne morning beiore. one had
upbrairiid ber tister aliout it, when the
guilty couple taunted her with threats of
running off together. The wife, goaded
p desperation, waited till her husband
was asleep in the early morning and ahot
inm, tpen shot berseir. rbeir babe lvin!
n i tie ueq w; uninjured, fuetsihfer ran
into t'je roum pn hearing fhe shots, acc)
found both ijjinf,
Helena, Mont., Julb H. The reports
of threatened Iudian hostilities in Eastern
Montana are largely sensational. Ao ac
count received bere implicated the Chey
ennes in the depredation on cattle herds.
Tne only murderous crime committed was
the killing of Homer T. Ferguson, fore
man of the Ramsey Cattle Company May
0. " The guilty Indians were surrendeied
and jailed, awaiting trial at Miles City,
and the recent movement of the baud of
Cheyennes led lo the suspicion that tbey
were making ready Io go on the Warpath.
Tbe military took prompt measures" to j
Spokane Falls withont chanee.
This new arrangement will afford both
local and through passengers additional and
unsurpassed facilities. Tickets, detailed
time of trains, and general information, can
be obtained upon application to anv ticket
agent of the Union Facitic System.
T. W. Lee.
Gen'l Pass. At., Portland. -
A Safe Investment.
Is one which is guaranteed to bring vou
satisfactory results, or in case of failure a
return of purchase price. On this safe
plan you can buy from our advertised
druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Dis
covery for c kinsumpiiou. It is guaranteed
to bring relief in every case, when used
for auy affection of throat lungs or chest.
such as consumption, inflammation of
lungs, bronchitis, astbm, whooping
cough, croup, etc , etc. It is pleasant and taste, perfectly safe, and can
always be depended upon. Trial bottles
free at Snipes & Kinersly's drug store.
Grand tiara by Holiest Tom 11102): he br En sr.
! land's Herj (758); he by Derbyshire Hero (582); he by
ierDyaire irav; ne oy iwoyanire Lrig-ffou sj. .
Parties wishing pssturace can be accommodated
at my farm or al ward's farm for reasonable cbantes.
Tbe bes; ot care will be taken ot animals, but no
responsibility for damaees will be assumed.
LORD HAWKE won the 100 premium at Hexam
in March, 1888. Ttw price paid for LottD HAWhB
aprs-w A. J. HoHALET.
432 Second Street. The Dalles, Or.
Liquor Dealer
Administrator's Sile of Real Estate.
VrOTICE is hereby givee that under and by virtue
Chicago is displaying her usual en-
ChlldreiiCry for Pitcher's Castorla.
of an order of the Countv Court of the StntA
w unsjwii, w his count, oi n asco. amy maae and rj a ci J TV 1
cntercd therein on May 5. 1890, in tbe matter ot the I tUget fc0 1111(1 f ISO,
Anal Mtj.tA.rf Rnthlnrfa Watta W 1 IV. I O 1
dirsifrnad sdmlnistrat r of said estate will, on Fri
d -y. the 11th day of July. It60, at the hour of 2
o'clock p. H.. at the cturf house door (a balies City,
in Waaco oounty. Orogron, sell to ihe highest bidder
therefor, upon the following: terms, vu: One b&lf
cash in ban 1 and one half to be paid on or before
one year rith. 8 cent, interest and taxes, secured
by niortrare. tbe following described real astiLtii.
situated in said countv, and belongiug' to said estate:
Commencing at a point SO rods south of the quar
ter section corner comm n to sections 34 and 27,
township 3 north ranare 10 east Willamette merid
ian, aiming- thence west 10 rods, thence n rth 20
rods, thence west 43 rods, thence north 10 rods,
thrnce west 16 rods, thence south 10 rods, thence
west 18 tods, tlieice north 1 rod, thence west 18 rods,
thence north 9 rods, thence west 6 .oris, thence
south 20 rods, thence west IS rods, tbence north 8
rods, thence west 30 rods, striking a point on the
west line 17 rods south of the corner of sections 7,
2S. 33 and 34. thence south 143 r..l ti the ,tK
Witt corner, tbence east 160 rods to the southeast
M. Osborne & Co. Harvesting
Machinery, Advance Threshers,
Engines, Dingee-Woodbury Horse
- Powers, Kandolph Headers,
Osborne Binders, Beapers,
Mowers and Hay Bakes.
Third St. Poultry and fisl Market, Full Line of Extras and all Kinds of Harvest
iriff Machinery,
Second Street. - - The Savll
CharleS F. Xauer,
Proprietor of ths
Will always keep on sale
chickens, Turkejs, Machinery Sold at Portland Prices With Freight Charges Added.
Also, Provisions, Candies, Tobacco
and Cursra.
Leave your orders, aa thsy will receive prompt
-Call or send for Catalogue and Price Lists,
corner, thence north 130 rods t the place of beg-in-Ding,
containing 14S acres, more or less, and beine;
niiuwu in nasco c untv, uresron.
Dated at Dalles Citv. Oremtn. this 19th tvn
June, 1SB0. o. F. PAXION.
Administrator of the estate of Uuthinda Wallsce,
deceased. unl2
Second St., East End,
Has been refitted throughout with the
And ia now mimufacturing t
fiOOD ti 0
Front, First and Tm Streets.
LaxD Ornca ai Td Dsllis. Oa.,
.June 12, 1800.
Notice ia hereby riven that the following named
.settler has filed notice of bis intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that aaid
prctf will be made before the register and receiver
nf tbe V. 8. land office at The Dalles, Or., on July
29, 1890, viz:
D 8 5446, for ths NE, Sec 12, Tp. , R 17 E W M.
He names tbe foliowiu&r- witnesses to nmv his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of said
lana, vu: .... ,
A. it. Wilcox, Daniel Crowley, .George Baxter, F.
pa . oiivcrMiubu, ail ux onusiope.-ur.
JunU ' JOHN w: l-EWia. Eeelster.
Best Keg and Jottled Beer
and Porter
In Eastern Oregon.
Mr. Buchler always alma to adopt che latest brew
ing apparatus and will furnish his customers bee
equal to aay n n market: U
Iao Ornc. Af Tim dixhs, o.,
June 12, 189a
Notice is hereby given that the fallowing-named
settler has tiled nqtipa of bis intent'.on to make final
proof in support of bis claim, and that said nronf
will be made before the Reviiter and te.ver of (he
i. o. uanu vuice ai xnn A.aiies, ur., oa July 118.
laao. via: i
DS6091 fort'eNWK. Sec. 8, Tp4S, R13EWM.
He name the following witnesses to prove his
wiiuiiuinu nsiucuce uuon. anu cuiumtuin oi. nm
uimi, viz:
F. II. Driver. E. N. Chandler. B. B. Dr'.ver. J
Zumwalt, all of Warnic. Ur. .
unl4 . JOHN W. LEWIS Register.
V stuff in him to make a srod liti nM mn
Adorcss E. y." Bultnoma Block, Purtlaud.
Mannfactnrer of and dealer in
DAN. BASER, Proprietor.
The Best of Wines, Liquors and Cigan
always on hand.
Kret Lunch every evening.
iliik Cows and YouBgStoek
Hardware, Iron. Steel ai Farm lacleiy.
Theie Machines' are too well known to need comment. Thousands of farmers hare
- - need them and ipeak of them with praise. They are the only Harveitlnr
-' jUachlnee that will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. -
Tbe most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning
Grain ever constructed,
VJS.IlJJrn 'ii TlnrBinder ' the Lijfhtnera of Draft, combined with it
ExtnonllMry htrengtb and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, ths only really suoomshd
"r1: yha ", ty,m' E,ev"or Binder and the Platform Binder-boih Moilent-both
reoonuneDdea by hundreds of patrons.
SiiHITTTIiKR VhM WM1)M ? m suik7piows,
Carriages. Phaetons, lop Buggies,
Harness and Saddlery, Good Milkees.
Second St., ami Moods Warehouse,
All Work ttaaraatee U GKe Sat.
fsvetlesi '
J. P. Matlock.
E. P. FITZGERALD, Agent. The Dalles. Or.