A PROHISIXU FlXAXCItn. We bought our little Billy boy A little bank of tin; A pretty little thing it was To put his pennies in; And many a penny, all of us, The little fellow gave; Our object being laudable. ' To leach him how to save. Time came when we concluded that The bank that we had bought Should surely full of pennies be,' And open it we ought. The opening of the affair Was made a great event. But we were rather startled when We found there not a cent! And little Billy then confessed, With some degree of pride. He'd tapped the bank and caimly spent The money all outside. At first we all were grave, then glad ' For he had made It clear, That he was of the stuff to be A modern financier. Merchant Traveler. Land Notices NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. - Land Omci at Tbb Dallis, Orkoos, Mav 14. 1890. Notice is hereby (riven that the following-named settlei has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hia claim, and that said proof will be made before the regiuter and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Jul 12, 1K, viz: Martin Reeder, of Bake Oven, Or., D S No. 6972, for the NWJi of Bee 21, Tp. 6 8, B 16 E. He names the following; witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi, saia land, viz: Geo. Von Borstel, John Nachter, Adam Lohr, Theo. von Bomtel, all oi Bake uven, ur. myl7 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. Who W ill Find It. Tillamook Headlight. Id the year 1820, it is reported that a Spanish vessel came into Kehalem bay with - a large amount of treasure on board con sisting of six boxes of Spanish money, each box requiring six men to move it, and the total value was $1,500,000. The captain being a pirate and closely pursued, put into Nehalem bay, and finding it a lonely ' place agreed with his crew to bury the money and valuables on a certain side of the river near where a small creek put in, and between two certain trees. ' They each agreed with their captain by a binding ob ligation that they would never reveal the place where the treasures were buried, with a penalty of their lives, unless all were agreed, and to share the treasures equally. In the year 1S52, one of the survivors. whose life was saved by a man at that time living near Portland, afterwards on a deathbed made the above confession. Some 70 years has passed away and still thiatlarge sum of money lies buried in the shady nook of the Nehalem. Last week the old man came to town that this con fession was mado to, and quietly wended his way toward the majestic Nehalem in pursuit of the long hidden treasure. This is not the only man that is in search of these buried treasures, bnt for several years past, men haye come to Tillamook county, and in the vicinity cf the Nehalem have dug large boles and tunnels for the same purpose. Time no doubt will reveal many hidden misteries. Bnt who will find the hidden treasure on the Nehalem river? 17 A CODY MEET A EOBY tVn rpsiilt la n collision, whether "comma Him1 tho rvs" or not. Life is full of collis ions. Ve are constantly colliding with some body or sometbiiirr. If it isu t with our neighbors it is with somo dread disensrs that " knocks lis off tho track " and priliaps dis ables us for life, women especially u seems, bnfA tt Iwir the hnint nf more collisions and nCirtlons than mnnkind. Jn all cases of nervousness, bearing-down sensations, ten derness, periodical pains, sicfc hcadacne , con gestion, inilamrrmtion, or ulceration and oil foinnlo irroirulnritics" and "weaknesses," Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription comes to tho rcscuo of women as no other medicine I 'docs. It ie the only medicine for women, sola by drufrgists. under a posui ve gcornuifo, from tlio manufacturers, that it will griva satisfaction In every case, or money paid for It will be refunded. See guarantee on bottle- wrapper. Copyright, 1888, by Wobld's Dis. Med. Ass'. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lake Orricz at Tuk Dalles, Oregon, Mav 5. 1890. Notice is hereby given that the following; named settler has filed notice nf his intention to make final prool in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver oi the C. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on July 18ti, IStO, viz: George Dyer, Bake Oven, Or., PS 70 )5, for the wl4 sw'4. Sec. 35 To. 5 S. R 18 E. nwli of Sec 2, and neU ne'i. Bee Ue names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: K. R. Hinton, Henrv Scharfewitz, Henry E. Steed, We d ll. all of B-ike oven. or. may 10 JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. Or. PIERCE'S regulate and cleanse tho liver, stomach and bowels, j.uey aru purely icmuw ' , , i".' fectly harmless, no a Itosc Sold by Irugffista. 83 cents c vial. FARM Fun SALE When TeuUerfeet Are Dangerous. Kansas City Times. "The man to be feared for the trouble that be can make in the west is not the 'dead abet' who has killed a dozen men," said an old timer from Arizona at the Midland last night, "nut the yenng blood, a combination of the cowboy and the tenderfoot. Tbe former is usually quick, cool and level headed, and when be shoots be shoots to kill. Tbe latter is in a hurry to get into a right and will never listen to reason or common sense. The moment be gets into trouble be thinks that bis duty is to draw a revolver and commence shooting. He may probably hit the man he is trying to kill. lie is like tbe fool-friend that we are constantly praying to be delivered from. His ca pacity for mischief is unbounded, but bis plans for getting out of a scrape are never matured and are sure to fall through. I don't object to taking a band in a fight when a lot of experienced men are on tbe ground, but when a lot of greenhorns commence shooting I 'don't object to bnnting up a new location' OK ACCOUNT OP FAILING BODILY VIQOR, ni in rwlnnA rare. I now Offer for Kile a Por tion nr ll nf m v Kill, ndid Ranch near Entklneviile. Oregon. It consists of 68 1 acres of the scat soil, and finely watered. 400 acres now under cultivation; 260 now in grin. Will Sell ia Tracts to Suit. Ills one of the manv flue farms in Sher man counts'. Address NATHAN WHITE, mayl5wk!ytf - Erskineville, O'. FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS the NORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Is th: H ie to take TO A'L PwIXTS EAST AND S CDTH. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Orrice at Tui Dam.es, Oreoon, Mav S. lb90. Notice 1. hereby given that the following-aimed settler has filed notice of his int ntion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Rijrister and Receiver of the L S. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., on July lain, 1890, viz: Henry E. Steed. For the nel. Sec 35. To. 5 S. R 10. E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said lanil, viz: R. R. H nton. Henry Schadewitz, George J. Dyer, Wm. Ball, all cf Bake uven, or. maylO JOHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ILasd Oitick at The Dalles, O., A mil 29. Ib90. NAti'M iiTr.erebv riven that the followinir named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at me Dalles, Oregon, on July 8, lbuu. viz: J-'rank V. L.eiblein, For the SE U NE V EKSEVi and SW H SE 1 of 8eC SiO I t K 15 IS W Al. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upeu ana cultivation oi saia land, viz: Hul-Ii Baxter. Leo Rondeau, both of hinirsley. Or., rnest Usage, Boya, ur., vuniel Lrf wuc, uuiur, ur. juua w. ixnut, uewscer, It is tre Dining Car Route. It runs Thr-ugh Yet- l.o.led Trains tvjry imj ia tne year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (SO CHANGE OF CARS.) Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed, Pullman Drawii g Room Sleepers oi Latest Equipmeut. TOURIST SLEEPING CABS, Best that can he constructed, and in which aw.m modat:ons are bo-rh Free and Furnished lor holders of First or Second. ' class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Continn; is Line connecting with All Lines, Affording Direct and Fn in'eirnpted Service. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Thi Dalles. Or., April 17, 18S0. Notice is hereby riven that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said orouf will be made before the register and receiver of the U. 8. land office at The Dalles, Or,, on June 18, 1890, viz: Hd 1835 for the E 'A NW and SW KW J Sec 80, TplNRHE. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: James Bensin, Joel G. Koontz, W. H. Williams, Geo. Patterson, all of The Dalles, Or. pl9 JOHN W. LEWIS. Rezister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lass Office at Tub Dalles, Okkqos, April 25, 1(490. Notice is hereby given Shat the following namea settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on J jie 2A, 1S90, viz: aiariOTi C. ACamn, DS 'or the BY, of NW of Sec. 23, Tp. 1 N, R 13 F. H j names the followinir witness 38 to prove his con tinuous residence upou and cultivation of said land, viz: Orlando Morgan, Rohert Mcintosh, Seth Morgan, W. . Miller, all of The Dalles. Oregon. aprzj JOHN W. LtWIs, Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 0, 1890. Notice is hereby eiven that the following-named Bf-ttliirbis filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tLat said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the V. a. Land Office at Tfie Dalles, ur., on July lutb. 1800, viz: lonn jueapiie, Wasco county. Or., Hd. A p. 1226, for lots S and 4, and s!4 nfc Sec. 3, and lot 6, in Sec. 11, Tp. 1 N, R 12, EWIL lie names tne following witnesses to prove nis continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said ana, viz: George A. Liebe, John L. Thompson, George Hunger, vi uiiam u. uroves, all oi The Dalles, ur. mayiu jum vt. ulttis, Kegister. PRINCIPAL POITS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH AT THE DALLES. W. C. AL1.AWAY, - Ticket Agcut. LOCAL TIME TABLE, roion Pacific Railway Parlfle Dl Tiolon. EA3TB0CXD FROM THE DALLES. Express No. 2 leaves 1'30 a. in Liin.ted Fa-t Mail, No 4, leaves 10:5Sa. m Freight No. 24 leaves 8:45 a. m. 22 " 12:30 p. m WESTBOUND FROM THE DALLES. Express No. 1 leaves 2:45 p. m Limited Fast Mail, No. 8, leaves 2:40 a. m Freight No. 27 leaves 8.30 a. m " " 21 " 12:30 p. m Main Line, Nos. 1 and 2, "The Overland Fiver,' carry through Pullman Sleepers, Colonist SIC' pers. Free Chair Cars and Coaches, belween Portland and Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, Su Louis, St. Paul or Chicago. Main ' ine, Nos. 3 and 4, "The Limited Fas M dl," carry Pullman Dining and bleeping Cars be tween Portland an Chicago. Dailv. EXCUBSISX RATES. Round trip tourists' tickets to Cureade Springs on sale at the wharf boat at 2.SD, good goini: on date of sale, and for return passage up to and including Sept. 30, 1890. MOM NOTICE! RE SiWWyjhe Hew Umatilla House, Leading THE DALLES, OREGON HANDUEY & SLNNOTT. Proprietors, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon. C.N. THORN BURY. T. A. HUDSON. TBORXBCRY & BCDSON, INSURANCE THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. Eo23.c3T to X-oan. on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Witt attend to all lcindt oj Land business be fore the U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8. np-stairs, C. S. Land Office building, THE DALLES, OREGON. FRUIT I SHADE TREES SMALL FRUITS, VINES EVERGREENS, SII UBS, ROSES, ETC. Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables Ticket and Baygaye Office of the UNION PACIFIC fiailicay Company, and Office of th. Western Ut.lon Telegraph Company, are in e Hotel. TRAEfS DEPART FROM THIS HOUSE AT 12:10 P. M FOR WALLA WALLA 2:4.0 P. M. PORTLAND WM. MICHELL, undertaker! Wiiea to inform bis many friends and the public generally that he nss ren ovei n8 undertaking-1 corns to NICKELSEN'S NEW BRICK CORNER THIRD AND WASHINGTON, Where he carries a full stock of everything; used n that business. Orders bv dispatch, express, mail or in person promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Can oe seen any hour of tbe day or night at his residence, corns r Fourth and Washington, or place of business. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, STEAMSHIPS. The Eiriieet Strawberry known, CLARKE'S :: SEEDLING! Also, the EVERGREEN", ever-bearing strawberry- a valuable acquisition or money refunded. Mission :-: Gardens, JAMES A. VARNEY, Prop. The Celebrated French Cure, wwu'reei "APHRODITINE" Is Sold ok a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any form of nervous disease, or any disorder 'if the generative or Kiuis of either BEFOl.E isine from the AFTER exo .-v ne use of Stimulants. Tobacco or Oliium. or through youthful iudiscretiou. over indulg ence, such as l.ns of Brain rower, v nuetui nexs. Hearing down Pains in the Bark, Remittal Weakness. Hysteria. Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emissions. Ittcorrhoea, ltizziness, Wenk Mem ory, Ixwsof Power and Iimmtcticy, which If ne glected nrten lead to pretnatureohlagt'a'td iusnn' itv. I'riceJI OO a box. 6 boxes for Sj.uu Scut hv man on rweipi oi price. A WIHTTKN Uli AltANTEE forevery order, to refund the money if m I'ermniieu cure is not elTefited. Thousands of testimott from old and youne. of both sexes, pernianently cured by ArHRoniTiNtt. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTEBK BRANCH. BOX 27 PORTLAND, OE BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES, OREKOS. PET & MIIK, Successors to L D. Fbim deceas Wholesale and Retail Dealers PRINZ & NITSCHKE, WHOLESALE AMD It ETA I ti Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are nappy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates oi tne celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us lo sell Furni-l tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. iailiMia1aa&aSftafci3 A TwiWaW I .. A Few of Our Quotations will Convince the Most Skeptical: Hardwood bent Chairs, each Cane Hookers Ash Bedsteads Woren-wire Mattresses Lounges , tr Call ..76 cts , t 00 . 60 50 . is oo AND Bed'lounfres . Ash Bedroom Sets Brussels Carpets, per yard . Ineraiu Carpets, do , IJH 1 11 15 09 . Si Ob U FISH & BARDON, -DEALERS IN- Stoves, Furnaces. Ranges, GAS PIPES, PLDMBEItS' GOODS, PUMPS, ic :o: We are the sole asenta for the Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE and RAMONA COOK STOVE, which has no equal, and guaranteed to give en tire satisfaction or nio&t-y refunded. -:o:- HarnessaiiflSanaiery Leather & Shoe Findings, Tents, Wagon Covers. Carriage Trimmings Etc. AT THE OLD STAND. Coontrr Orders Promptly a tended to marlJ-td REMOVAL REMOVAL I Removed to 276 and 278 Second St., TiEALER IN 5 Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall PJpers, Decorations, ARTISTS MATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. PArEnS TRIMMED X-'JEE. G. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FARUBER. Oil Paintings, Chromos and Steel Engravings. . u .. - Kill TStwc This Remedy Is s pleasant, safe, and snre rnre for coughs, colds, and all throat and lung affections. MANUFACTURED BY I. D. HOLDEN, Stockton. Cal. Wholesale by Snipes & Kinersly. Retail bv all Dxnz lsta. Pulman Sleeper reservations can be secured in ad vance tnrougn any agent oi tne road. TUQMIPU TIPIfCTO To and from ail points inaUUUn IllmCIOin America, England ard Europe can be purchased at any Ticket office of inis uonv anr Full Information concerning rates, time of trains. routes and ottier details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, As istant General Passemrer Art . No. 121 First street, cor. Washington. PORTLAND, OREGON. HENET L KUCE, Manufacturer of and dealer In Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, - - . OR All Work ti fa1 Ion Uuauraiiteed to Cilve Sat. St-'; flolM Gold si ir&tcA la thm world. I t BiffickecDor. V r- I and fmts' size, with work tand ci sea r equal value, i OneJPerson in each lo- -:::r can aecare one free. together wtlb our laie andval nabl line of Iloasebold nanplee Taeae samples, aa 11 as the watch, wa arad VMk. and after too ham kent tnern m yrmT Dome tor Z9 montos aoa inown mem w inoa who nuaave called, they become roar own property. Those who write at once can be euro of receirlne; the W fitch i4 .trtmriUc We thiv all eTDren. frHrhf. Me. Addn 3l A Perfect iiegal Wotloea- . gan Francisco to Portland, w IOdA ormrnTi-iATC! ' OUiU.AlAVriO Ti. Portland LeavinirSnearSt. Wharf. San Francisco. at lu A. At. as iouows: Columbia. May 4 ...... a i. . . ,t. n... . n . ., BU1W... " in uw circuit vkjuh, lor tne oiate oi uregon, lor tne l Qreiron . ... " 12 wiunty oi nasco, ss. Columbia " 16 Annie J. Fitzgerald, plaintiff, vs. Kate Couhi? I state 20 Mrs. D. H. beavers and William Snvder, Jr., de-I Oregon " 2 fendacta, I Columbia " 28 T9 Kate Couhig, Mrs, D. H. Seavers and William State June 1 Snyder, Jr., defendants: The company reserves the right to change steamers In the name of the State of Oreron,you and each or sailing days, of vou are hereby required to appear and answer 3TNo freight will be received on morning of sail- the complaint filed against you in the above entitled ing. except Fruit and Vegetables, and these will not action within ten days from the dte of the service be taken after 9am. of this summons upon vou, if sei ved within this .,, T-, D.-riarv. county; or if served within any other county of this , ,.,;.' t m state, then within tweutv daia from the date of the General Office, No. 10 Market street. Ticket service of thu summons upon you; and if you fail so Offices, Nos. 1 and 211 Montgomery street w answer, ior want tnereot, tne piaintia win apply G0ODALL, PERKINS ft CO, agents? Tl 1 ! i n f. trt. wi f - t.lio nartitinn rl thm lifd oo,. f j. nf William Snider in parts fa one-third narti of lota 8 I .Portland to San Pranciseo and 9 of block one of Dalles City proper fronting I w. inan 1 .1, , Oft f.. mi U.in afM.t. An ,h. Dwlu ,kdM I AOW. o and bounded on the west by the property owned To San Francisco Leaving Steamship Wnart Port b the late O. 8. Savaee. . land, at 10 P. M., as follows: This summons is served upon you and each of you State May 1 in pursuance of an order duly made herein on the Oregon ' 6 9th day of April, 1890, by Loyal B. Htearos, Judge of Columbia. " 9 the Founh Judicial District o tbe State of Oregon. State " 18 W. Laia Hihb asd Mats ss Hbntikgton. Ortwon 17 apl9-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff. I Columbia " 21 State " 25 r 4 aXi a j .a j. " AUmilllS LraiOr S OUie. Baggage must be checked either at Ash street dur ing the day, or by the V. V. a B. T. CO. no un checked baroaa-e will be received on the steamers. Nuiiuk is nereDy given tnax i will, in pursuance of an order of the Honorable, the Countv Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Wasco, in I Portland orncss. the matter of the estate of John T. Storra, I Ticket Office, First and Oak-streets. George S oecessea, nerecoiore maue, renaerra and I mvior. Ticket Agent. entered on tho 28th day of June. 1890. I C. S. M ELLEN. T. W. LEE. at the court house dooi in Dalles Citv, Wasco I Gen. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass Agt couniv, uregon, at tne nouroi oeiocK p. m. cf RATES OF PASSAGE, (including me md bertli der for cash in hand, M No. ten (10) in block Ko Sa Trio nnlimitid 55 00 n T in 'IVovltf's arlriitinA rn nr, iii M klnn..I .. I r " ' to laid estate, to satisfy tbe claim atfainnt the earn . FRANK M E1S tFEE. maylO-Tt Admiuist ator. THOMPSON & FARGHER, General Blacksmiths, Near Mint bnildinir, Second St. Horso-Shoding and General Jobbing a opeciaAiy. Prices reasonable and to suit the times. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. E3FCash advances made on consignment. B. P. FITZ GERALD, tl Mercki AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, Schutiler's and Tulsular Asls Wagons Genera THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL Dlacksmiths' Srocli. ITSole Agent for the IMPROVED MONARCH Washing Machine. "S Wagon-Makers' and Lock Box 218. THE DALLES, OREGON. C. E. DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician. CAUTION bottom. If the d end direct to factory, price. Take no shoes unless W. It. Donflu' name and nrlfie are itamiMd on the If the dealer cannot supply yon. rosea Face Powder. BaBEaxKvaar- m "Antr nniunrii Hue runucniif POISOM HarnlMi ENO FOR OUR CATALOG U E and PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS. INDIANAPOLIS. I NO. p i fr- sa fauia Admlnktratir's Notice ta CreJitors. vaht to rrnrj mim ta prrnpnn hi? 1UiV 13 lLUll 1U UDiJtft DI, lafcsk. allnwmirteed not tog are those putrrp by VA-tTir?J ff U.M.FtRRYdtCO. S m Who arc thelarsest Seedsmen in the worbrm I mAjJ K D. M. Ferrt & Co's H Inmtrated, Descriptive and Priced I SD ANNUA I L for i8go -will be mailed FREE to all ap. M ML plicants. and to last season's customers. M It is better than ever. Every person m using Garden, Flcrwtr or Fitld M Seeds should send for it. Address AW D. M.FERYiCO. AT sOETHOiT, MrCrKT larlslMe. Voa'srukwfc buul bj UragfimU, LLAKELtY & HOUGHTON AND C. E. DUNHAM. the LA I to I rLnrUiHE exquisite cna,te FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA JV O fa acknorrledzed "a leatiiner remedy for t JSO!,,cea Gleet. i ne only sine remedy for 1 D resort be it and feel safe in recommending it A. J. STONER. M. Tl - v svrncrsn.fa. atl PBU' Cier kAirLb & h..ERSl-tY, Tte lies. AMERICAN MARKET. J". II- Hermans, SALMON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. To all whom it may enncern: Notice is hereby viven that the undersigned was on the 21st day of April, 1890, by the Countv Court of the tstate of Ortrgou for Wasco county, dnly ap pointed administrator of the estate of W. C. Tarltun, deceased. All persons having claims airtinst said estate are therefore required to present them prop erly verified to me at my residence in Bake Oven precinct in said ceunty within six. months from toe date hereof. Dalles City, Or., April 22, 1S90. H. C. HOOPER. apr26-6t Administrator. Administratrix' Notice. North American Review. Notice is herebv eiven that the undersimed has been appointed adniinietmtrix of the estate of W. L Graham, deceased, ny the Honorable, the County Court nf the ounty of Wasco, Stite of Oregon. All accotin s aainat the eatate must be presented to the undersigned at her resilience in Dalles Citv for payme"t, accompanied by the proper vouchers, i within six months from the date of this notice. ' MR. CARRIE . GRAHAM, Administratrix cf the estate of W. I. Graham, de ceased. The Dalles. May 10. 1800. Administrator's Notice Fresh Salmon picked in ice for shipment to any par the Unind Citaws apr2-d&w COWS HERDED. All cit:zens d -.irons of having their cows herded from and after the flit of March can do so hy apply ins at the sthie of VV. H. Butu, where particulars Eareka Eestaurant. THIS BUILDING Fixtures therein 22mcht IS FOR KEXT AND lor sale. Aimlv to GEO. WILLIAMS. TBE THE- - OPJ ENJOYS Both trie method and results when Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts fently yet promptly on the Kidneys, aver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale id oOc and $1 bottles by all leading druggists. Juauulactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. 8AM FSAHCI3C0, CAL. ; LOUISVILLE. Kf. . HEW YORK. H.I. GERMANIA CHAS. STUBLIJTG, Prop. Notice is hereby iriven that the undersigned has been, by the county court of Wasco County, state of ureimn. duly appointed administrator of the estate of H. L. Waters, deceased. Therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me with proper vouchers at my omce in uaues city, lu said county of Wasco, wiium aui uiuuMi. iruiu bill. uaie. Dated at Dulles Citv, Hay 3, 1890. i W. 8. MYERS Administrator of the estate of H. L. Waters, de ceased smytw Dissolution Notice. XTOTICR is hereby (riven that the pa-toershlo JJ1 heretofore existing between G. R Wlnh mH Geo. Smith, under the firm name and si vie of Welch Smith, has been dissolved by mutual consent. sir. t-rmui win pay all indebtedness and collect all bils due the firm, and will continue in business at tne corner ox cigntn and union streets. G. B. WELCH, may 19 GEO. SMITH. County Treasurer's Mce. Arrangements have been m de for tho coming; year whicu will maintain for tbe Hetikw its un rivalled position amontr periodicals, and render ii essential to every reader id America who desires X keep abreast of the times From month to month opiCH of commanding interest in every field of hn man thought and action will be treated of in its pages by representative writers, whose words and names carry authority with them. The forthcoming volume will be signalized by the discussion of questions of high public interest by the foremost men of the time, notably by a contro versy on Free Trade and Protection in their bearing upon the development of American Industry ami Commerce between the two mnst famous living statesmen of England and America, THE RIGHT Off. W. E. GLADSTONE and HON. JAMES G. BLAINE. This discussion, embracing; the most important contr buttons ever made to an American periodica, will begin in the J inuary number. It is a significant fact as showing the unparal leled popularity and usefulness of this periodical and its wide influence upon public opinion that the circulation of the North Ahiricas Bancw is greater than that of all other American and FngiiTh reviews combined. Subscription price, postage prepaid, t5 a year. enclosing auve ' 1 l-5ri- 'jtSY SOLE AGENT FOR f l r i t ii r GLASSES PAT?JUiri2ie7a. Sverjr Paip Pniehassil Oaajraatoerl. Seeps in stock a full line of Bazors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES. PERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, TniKoiPS, fejthoulclei Braces, Chest Frotfictora W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Fine Calf. Heavv Lnced Grain and Creed. moor Waterproof! jseKE m me world, riaminfl 111 SS.OO GENUINE II ANII SEH EI) 8HOE. 84.00 IIAMt-SJK WKI WKLT SHOE. 3.50 POLICE AM) FABMEKS" SHOE. S J.SO EXTRA VAI.ITE CALF SHOE. S2.25 & 82 WORKING MEN'S SHOES. 2.0O and 81. 75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. All made In Congress. Button and Lace. $3&$2 SHOES lafd.1s. 81.75 SHOE FOR MISSES. TtMC TVTwtT-lill. KHt Rrvltf.. ICaf VIMwim. W. ! Douelas, Brockton. Unas. Sold by J. Friman,Ast.,The Dalles,0r. EAST END SALOON. Near the Old Hint Building-, Second St, The Dalles, Or. STATIONERY AND CIGARS Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicina uses. Prescriptions com pounded at. all hours. . - call and see HO OSIER FENCE MACHINE, 0XLY ink that gives a continuous twist to the wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FENCE WOEKS, Cor. Second and Washington streets. The Dalles. I THE 0R0 FINO. WINE ROOMS, AD. KELLER, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 Burgundy 83, Zinfardel 84, Eiesling 83, Hock 83, Table- Claret. an Gregrorio "Vineyard Co. Agency. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." San Tmmmm Bear lall SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, - - - PROP'R, Ii.KEJPeS OIV DRAUGHT -:- Columbia Brewery Beer, :-: APiE FOR ALI2 , ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, the very best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. J The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STSL, . P. McIIEEIT, 'DEALER IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, t Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, && Agent for tne Bntterick Patterns, also for tne Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, Fn ti eral WM. MICHELL. qM UNDERTAKER AND ID t eotor. The TTnderalirned has Added to bis Business a full line of Metallic Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Robes and Shronds. Trimmings of all descriptions at tne lowest Prices and owns th Host fcUegaBt Hearte east ff th bouUIm with all U latest improreineBUi NO DELAY IN FILLING ORDERS. Plsuft of BUMlnrMS. Third street, three doors ssst ot Oiboos. Mscslllster A Co's ssrrieultors wsrs boose, sod sdJoiniDK his Planlns; Mill sod Wscon Shop. Place of- Besudeaee. Fourth street, comer of Wuhirurton. and Dijrut. jaSStf Can b arsn si all hoars of the day WM. MICHELL. A. M. WILLIAMS & Co., - SUCCESSORS' TO LATK FIKM- Always on hand the Best Wines, JLaquors, and. Cigars. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, A Pleasant . Evening Resort I Colombia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei oo aranpbt. Wines, Lipors and Cip. All brands of Imported Liauors, Ale and Porter, and genuine Key n est ugars. A lull line of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Ko. 90 Second street. The Dalles, Or. LL COCNTT WARRANTS REGISTERED r prior to June z, lt7 will be paid it nresentad at my office. Interest ceases from and after this GEO. HUGH, Treasurer Wasco Conntv. Tbe Dalles, April 18, 1890. . , aplOwSt STRAYED. One roan pacing pony, branded T on left hip. The pony was last seen about three miles west of The LAiies last winter. A reward or S5 will be iriven to any one delivering uie pony at uooa s staDle. 3 East Fourtei nth Street, New Tor F0UTS & WILSON, 219 AND 221 SECOND STREET. Dealers in Wines, Liprs and Cigars. " United h Stand" L BORDEN & CO. REMOVED TO VOGT BLOCK j gtrong, Durable, Neat, and the Cheapest Fence in the World. H B. REED, Proprietor. THE DALLES, OREGON. And othci choice brands of Whisky. ibree doors west of the corner of Second and Fedrral dtreeb. Imported Wines I KEY WEST CIGARS. Also Wines and Beer, imported and domestic. d&w Sherars Bridge, Or., April 3, 1800 apra-tf NOTICE. Any persoa srlshin mood MM can do s price $40 per bar re rictly cash. to purchase fl Mr at the rija in lots not Iea than 5 hbls : subject to alteration. Terms A. H. CUST133, prop. Co. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants resristered prior to Junes 18S7. alsv warrants No. 1485, 1466 and 1467 of the same date will be paid if presen'ed at my office In u rest ceases from and after this da'e. The Dalles, May 9, 1890. O0. RUCH. 'treasurer nieco ttnnty,ur. T B. CROSSES. s 'i Auctioneer, WashlnctoD sr. bnt. naln aad Meeood. . . The Dalles, Oregon. . . Reirular Auction Sales of Real Estate. Household Furniture ana ueneral Merchandise. : IVedneBday and kJaturday, 11 A. H. J. H. LABSEN, Dealer In all kinds of Hay, Grain and Feed At his old stand. Second street. S. W. MKOdDDDH, Generl Com and Fnrwamin UUU. X VI I I WM. VUxJ en HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. The high et Cash Price paid tor Sheep pelts. ff 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot.) Consignments Solicited!! Prompt Attention to tnose who favor me with their patronage. The Highest Price paid in Cash for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc. DE. WIIVGATE Sc CO.' general Merchandise! A COUPLETS UNB Or FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. HACKS AND BUGGIES. DEALERS IK Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture. Carpets, Mattings, Parlor Ornaments, Window Shades, Etc. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc on ie found at sU kourt of tkt ttVif or night at tkeir place ef tntrineu, Wuskingte street, tw doert ntrtk jrvm seem, atyn oj etea aiyac HO-iTICCEZB: Has remored front Beeond street lo Third street. The Imillnf House for BOOKS, : STATIONER! : AND : MUSIC. tr All mail orders CJlvd saUsfactorilj and prompUr, and eorrespendwos ohjwfullj annrsr. .