CEOP-WEATHEE BULLETIN NO. 10. Oregon Stale Weather Bureau in coopera tion with U. S. Siijnal Service, central office, Portland, Oregon. For week crtdimj May 17, 1S90: The temperature rose agiia in Jforepart of week and fell in latter part. Temperature of from 80 to 88 degrees, occurred in all parts of the state. For the week it has been above the normal. Frost occurred in eections of Wasco, Sherman, Gilliam, Mor row, Crook, Grant, Harney, Malheur, Lake and Klamath counties on the 8th, 9th and 10ih, doing damage to vegetation and ten der plant'. Rain fell in the wheat districts of Eastern Oregon, in Southern Oregon and along coast on 7th and 10th, doing great good to all vegetation, except in eections of Wasco, Sherman and western Gilliam coun ties, where, as in the Willamette valley, the rain was very light. , In these latter sec tions rain is badly needed. The mornings have been more cool and cloudy, and these features have helped crops along. Fall and early spring sown wheat are growing finely. Lite spring wheat will cot germinate properly without more rain Oats, barley, rye corn and doing very well. Vegetables are becoming very plentiful, but for all rain iB needed, especially in the Wil lamette valley. Fruit prospects continue ood. Grass is growing nicely, the peach crop is the only one that is now sure to be short. If the codlin moth is controlled, the apple nd pear crop will be good. From most every correspondent comes the desire . for rain. In Washington county every r. ; nMirino vn nil? 1 v' f!ntworms are lUIUfi AO " "'ft 1 J injuring the onion crop. In Clackamas county cherries and peaches promise large yields. In Yamhill the wheat crop will be good without more rain, and fruit will be auunaanc. xa juanuu ius urjr umiw mjuriug the crops. Fruit will be plentiful in Polk; wheat is doing well and bop crop will be an average one. In Linn fall wheat looks fine. Spring wheat is uncertain. - Fruit plentiful, except peaches. Gardens doing well. In Benton wheat on loose, mod erately well drained soil, growing well. On low nndrained land, wheat has made but little growth and needs rain. In Lane some rain fell on the 10th, which was very bene ficial. Grass growing rapidly and crops fine. In Douglas, rain of past ten days has been very beneficial. Crops very promis ing. In Jackson, farmers re preparing to mow alfalfa. Fruit has escaped frosts and danger from them is now past. All crops promising. In Wasco, more rain badly needed, but crops promising. Grass good. Kain on 10th moistened soil two inches deep. In Sherman and Gilliam crops doing . i . t r ' t - . ici well. Stock fattening np. In Morrow, prospects were never better for crops. Thunder on 7th. Kain was very beneficial. In Umatilla and Union, the rain was very beneficial. Crops growing finely; excellent prospects. Fruit plentiful. In Crook, Grant and interior counties rain fell last week. Frosts did some damage. Hay and grain crops flattering, and fruit will be very plentiful. B. S. Pague, Obseryer U. S. Signal Seryice. Asst. Director Oregon W. B. CROOK COUNTY. Items Cnlird From the Column the Ochoeo Iteview. of Win Page left last Saturday for Harney City to give himself up and demand trial for killing Bill Brown. Prineyille baseball players practice nearly every Sunday. They expect to play a match game with the Willow creek nine ere long. Messrs. R. Barnes and A. B. Webdell now learn that the report of their having lost all their horses in the Malheus conntry was incorrect. They lost heavily, but it was not a total loss by any means. The first of the week Win. Templeton arrived here from Albany, having crossed the Cascade mountains by the Santiam route on horseback. He reported snow from Cache creek to Snow creek varying in depth from one foot to twenty feet. Capitalists inform ns that as soon as the location of a railroad through Prineyille is assured mey wiu inaugurate ueruu.. iumus tries here that will require the outlay of hundreds of thousands of dollars, and put more money in circulation than there has been for years.' Reynolds Bros, expect to start to-morrow . for Kebiaska with the mutton sheep they have bought in this county, amounting to something over 10,000 head. The average price paid for these sheep has been 2 50 per ..head, making 40,000 they have distributed amon,' the sheep raisers of the county this season. Last week Gottfried Brose's attorneys, Geo. W. Barnes and M. E. Brink, presented a petition to the county court asking that he be admitted to bail. After duly consid erias the matter the court determined to deny the petiticn, bail hiving be:n refusi d at the October term ot circuit court, at which time Mr. Brose was indicted for innrder in the second degree for killing Shields Looney. As a result Mr. Brose will be compelled to remain in the custody of the sheriff until next term of circuit court which jviil be held in October next. HASCFACTURED BY I. D. HCLDEM, Stockton, Cal. Of? ss!a by Snipes & Klnsrsly, Retail liv all Dm; ists. TB. CROSSES, , Aujt'oceor, Wajshinsrton St. bet. Alain aad siecond. The Dalles, Oregon. Recrnlar Auction Sa!es of Real Estate, Koiisaliold Furniture and General Merchant! Wednesday and Saturday. 11 A. 31. 3i SEND FOR OUR CATALOGUE no PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS. INO. 'WTO mm "AGE CANNOT tVITHEIl nE3, remarked an old pentlema, as bo gazr-d fondly upon the comirly little woman bjr hit side; "but frankly," he continued, "at one time I wes afraid cosmetics would. The silly little woman, in order to appear youthful, p!nter3d her face with different varieties of wuitewfub, yclent balms,' 'creams,' 'lotions,' etc." " Vca," Interrupted the little woman, " 1 did, until my skin became like parchment and o pimply ami coarse." "Well," said the listener, "What do you use now?" "Use," was the reply, "nothing but common sense and Dr. Fierce's Golden Medical Discovery. Common sense toll me that If my blood was pure, liver aefire. appetite and digestion good, that tun ontwanl womau would take on the hue of lieaitii. The ' Discovery ' did all those thimrs and actually rejuvenated me." If you would possess a clear, beautiful complexion, free from blotches, pimples, eruptions, yellow spots and roughness, use tho "Golden Med ical Discovery." It is guaranteed to do nil that it is claimed to, or money paid for It will bo promptly rcfuudod. Cepyrlsfat, 188 by TVobxd's DI3. Man. xss'H. OFFEREE) for an incurable case of Ca- j&jf i.irrti in the Head by tbe Iiroprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy. By ta mild, soothing and healing properties, it cures the worst cases, no matter of now long ftandinj-. By druggists. W cent. Both the method and results -when Syrup of Figs ia taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys tem effectually, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever pro duced, pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its eSecis, its many excellent qualities commend it to all. It is for sale in oOc and 81 bottles by all leading druggists. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN fRANCISCO, CAL. LOUISVILLE. HY. YOltK. N.Y. J0TJTS & WILSON, 219 AND 221 SE30KD STREET. Dealers in Wines, Liquors and Cigars "ltd We Stand' And othel choice brands of Whisky. Imported Wines AND KEY WEST CIGARS. tCT" Also Wines and Beer, imparted aud domestic. fS ACCOUNT OF FAILING BODILY VIGOR. V and to reduce care, I now offer for Bale a por tion or ati 01 ny apienaia r-anen near ursKinevuie, Oregon. It consists of 60J acres of the best soil, and nnr y waters,!. 400 acres now under cultivation ZCC no i in grma. . Will Sell in Tracts to Suit. It I one of tbe many fine farms in Sfcer - an county. AUUruSS AATMAA WH11', mayl5wk!ytf Erskineville, O'. IROil TERMINAL OE 1NTER10E POIKTS THE m iiy. Is the Use to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AN3 SOUTH. It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Yes- H -, 1 J T- c, . i ... : .i 4uu.u ""o i-Tcij xjj iu urn jrcar uj ST. PAUL and CHICAGO (0 CHAXGE OF CARS.) Cjfh posed of pining Cars unsurpassed. Pallman uiuwirp uorim a;eej-era oi L.atest Eqaipme-.t- TOTOIST SLEEPING CARS, Dest that can be contructel, and in which accom- uiuutibiuuB aru wi n rieeano r urnuned or boiders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Cont'naj is Line cmicctim with All lines, AfTo: (ling Direct and Tn m!;t.d Z&m. Fulmon !ceprr rcnervfttions crs be secured In ad vance through any aent of the road. Tm3nHr-U TIPtfCTQ ToandfromanPo!nfs innUUtI ISUlVCldin America, En K land ard am be purchased at any Ticket otfice of 11113 HUT FnU information concorninar rates, time of trains. routes and ot er details furnished on application to 1.. L. UHABLTON, As ietant General Passeneer Apt , No. 121 lint street, ear. Within .ton, Foh'TLAND, OREGON HEUEY I. KUCK, llinufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St,, near Moody's Warehouae, THE DALLES, - - . OR G All Wcrk CSaaraateed to Give Sat-faction El a as THE B J are those put up by D.M.FERRY&CO. M Who are the largest Seedsmen in the world. D. M. Fkkrt & Co's Illustrated, Descriptive and Priced I SD ANNUAt I M for 1890 will be mailed FREE to all ap- M M plicants, and to last season's customers, m It is better than ever. Every person M using Garden, Flower or Field J Seeds should send for it. Address D. M. FERRY 4 CO. LW t sW DETROIT. UQH.mW FARM FOR SALE Laud Notice- SUMMONS. In the Circuit Conrt for the State of Oregon, for the County of Wasco, Be. Annie J. Fitzgerald, plaintiff, vs. Kate Couhig Mrs. I. H. Beavers and William Snyder, Jr., de fendants. T Kate Couuig, Mrs, D. H. Seavers and William Snyder, Jr., defendants: In the name of the State of and each of you are hereby required to appear and answer the cotnpiaint flied a?ainst you in the above entitled action within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon vou. if eel red within this county, or if served within any other county of this state, then within twenty das from the date of the seryice of thij summons upon you; and if you fail so to answer, for waut thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wit: the partition of the life csUte of William Su J der in parts (a one-third part) of lots 8 and 9 of block one of Dall. s Citv proper f rontinR about 26 feet on Main street on the n rth side therc o and hounded on the west by the property owned bv the late o. S. Savoire. This summons is serve 1 upon you and each of you in pursuance of an order duiy made herein on the 9th day of April, ISflO, by Loyal B. Stearns, Judge of the Fou-th Judicial District o the Sate of Oregon, w. Lair Him. asd Mats & Huktiotos, apl0-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff. Min'iMslratjr's Notice ta Creators. To all whom it may concern: Notice is hereby civen that the undersigned was on the 21st day of April, 1890, by the County Court of tbe State of Oregon for Wa?cl county, duly ap poiuted administrator of the estate of W. C. Tarlton, deceased. All persons having claims against said est-tte are tnerefore required to present them prop erly verified to me at my residence in Bake Oven precinct in said ceunty. within six months from the date hereof. Dalles City, Or,, April 22, SOO r. ROOPER, apr26-6t Administrator. Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given that tho undersigned has reen, by the county court oi vi asco wouuiy, stare oi Oregon, duly appointed administrator of the estate of H. L. Waters, deceased. Therefore, all persons havinff claims ain!QSt said estate are 1 ereby notified to present the same to me with proper vouchers at 1 ,. . , . 11 lll.i. : . A . lL'nnnA mv omce in ianes , i .wu wmiv w uow, within six months from this date. Dated at Dalles tit, Way 3, 1890. W. S. MYERS. Administrator of the estate of H. L. Waters, de ceased 3my4w Administrator's Sale. "VT OTICE is hereby given that I will, in pursuance XM of an order of the Honoraole. the County Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Wasco, in the matter of the estate of John T. Storrs, deceased, heretofore made, rendered and entered on the 28.h day of June, 1390, at the court house dooi in Dalies Citv, Wasco county, Oregon, at the hour of 3 o'clock p. u. of laid day, cell at public auction to the highest bid der for cash in hand, lot No. ten (10) in block No one (1), in Truvitt's addition to said city, belonging to said estate, to satisfy the claim airainst tbe same. - FRANK MEJSEFEE, may!0-7t Administrator. Administratrix' Notice. Notice is hereby given that fhe undersigned has been appointed administratrix of the estate of W. I. Graham, deceased, by tbe Honorable, the County Coon of the County of Wasco, Stite of Oregon. All accooms against the estate must be presented to tbe undersigned at her residence in Dalles City for payment, accompanied by the proper vouchers, within six months from the date of this notice. MRS. CARRIE F. GRAHAM, Admin'stratrix of the estate of W. I. Graham, de- The Dalles, May 10, 1800. Teachers' Examination. VTOTICE is hereby given, tha. for the purpose of XM making an examination of all personr who luiy off- r themselves as candidates for teachers of the schools of this county, the C umy School Super intendent therrcf will bod a t uhlic examination at The Dalles, in the County Court room, on Wednes day, May fcith, 1891, commencing at li o'clock M. Dated The Dalles, May 17, 1899. A. C. CONNELLY, County School Superintendent. Dissolution Notice. NOTICE is hereby g yen that the pa-tnership heretofore existing between G. B Welch and Geo. Smitb, under tbe firm name and style of Welch & Smith, has beeu dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Smith will pay all indebtedness and collect all bils due the firm, and will continue in business at the corner of Eighth and Union streets, G. B. WELCH, maylO GEO. SMITH. County Treasurer's notice. ALL COUNTY WARRANTS REGISTERED prior to June 2, 18S7 will be paid it presented at my office. Interest ceases from and after this date. nuvii, Treasurer Wasco County. The Dalles, April 18, 1890. ap!9w3t Co. Treasurer's Notice. All county warrants registered prior to June 3, 1887, also warrants No. UG5, 1468 and 1407 of tl same date will be paid if presented at my office. In terest ceases from ana alter tnis date. The Dalles, May 9, 1890. GEO. RUCH. Treasurer Wasco County, Or. Legal Notices. NOTICE FOE PUBLICATION. Land Offici at Tin Dalles, Obkgox, May 14. 1890. Notice is hereby given that the foliowing-named settlei has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tliat said proof will be made before the register and receiver at lhe Dalles, uregon, on Jul) lz, lsuu, viz: Martin Herder, of Bake Oven, Or , DS No. 6972, for the NWJ4 of Sec. XI, Tp. 6 a, It 16 He names tie following witnesses to prove bis continuous resilience upon ana cultivation oi, said land, viz: Geo. Von Borstel, John Nachier, Adam Lohr, Theo. von Borvtei, an oi cane uven, ur. myl7 JjHN W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lasd Offics at Thk Dallss, Oregox, May 6. 1890. Notice is hereby given that the foliowing-ncmed settler has filed notice of his int ntion to make final pnxf in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the V. S. Laud Otfice at The Dalles, Or., on July 18th. isuu, viz: Henry K. Steed. For the ne'i. Sec 35. Tp. 6 S. R 16. E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resiuence upon, anu cultivation oi, said lan: I, viz: R. R. H ntnn. Henry Scbadewitz, George J. Dyer, nra. ixui, an ci uaae oyen, ur. inaylO JOHM W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Lakd Office at Thk Dalles, Ohkgos, Anril 25. 1890. Notice is hereby given that tbe following nameo settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on J-ne 211, 1890, viz: Ulu Won C. A dams. DS for the S of NWJt of Sec. 28, Tp. 1 N, R 13 E. He names the following witnesses to prove bis con tinuous resiuence upon ana cultivation OI said land, viz: Orlando Morgan, Robert Mcintosh. Seth MorcMn. . n. iuugi, ail oi a lie uancs, uregnn. apr26 JOHN W. LtWIS, Register NOTICE FOl PUBLICATION. Lasp Offics at Thb Dallks, Oregon, Mav 5. 1890. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wi!l be m ide before the register and receiver of the v. a. lana omce at lUd uaues, ur., on July 18tn, low, viz: Qpetrga J. Dyer, Bake Oven, Or., DS 70)5, for the wSi swU. Sec 35. Tp. 5 S, K 18 E, nwU of Sec 2, and neU ue', sec 3. To. 6 8. R 16 E. rje numes tne following witnesses to prove his miiii .i us iwiucuw ujuii Kiu vuiuvauuu OI, FUIU lauu, viz: R. R. flin ton, Henry Sehadewitz, Henry E. Steed, win. Dm, ail oi xoKe uven. ur. maylO JOHJ) W. LEWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or. April 17. 1800. Notice is hereby given that the following uamed settler lies filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said pro-if will be made before the register aud receiver ot the U. S. land otfice at The Dalles, Or., on June is, lovu, viz: jonn icysn. Hd 1835 for the E Yk tiW JsJ and SW KW Sec ou, ipinnHiu Be names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of laid Land, viz: James Bens in. Joel 6. Eoontz. W. H. Williams. ueo. raiiersou, ail oi ine ianes, n. pia juua w. lewis. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oreoos, May 0. 1890. Notice is hereby eiveu that tbe followinsr-named littler his filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support -of his claim, and ttat said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver of the V. a. Land omce at ine Dalies, ur., on July 19th. Is90, viz: Joiin jnetipiie, Wasco county. Or.. Rd. Ap. 1226, for lots 3 and 4. and sH mK, Sec 23, and lot 5, in Sec 14, Tp. 1 A, K lis, ej w Ja. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resideuce upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: - Geonre A. Liebe. John L. Thompson. George Munger, William L. Grove, all of The Dalles, or. mayiu juud w., ttegister. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. LA5D Office at The Dalles, Or. j April 29, 1890. Notici is hereby riven that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in t-upport of his c!aiin, and that said proof will be made before the register and -receiver at Tbe Dalles, Oregon, on July 8, 1&90, viz: Frank V. libleln. For the SE V NE E U SE and SW X EE J of S e 20 T i K 13 K W M. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence open and cultivation of said land, viz: Hiwh Baxter. Leo Rondeau, both of Kinzsley. Or.. Ernest Haage, Boyd, Or., Daniel Lr Due, Dufur, Or. jvtwt w. ur. win, seguter. S - PR1BC1PAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH yvT THE W. C. A1X1WAT, - Ticket Agent. LOCAL TIME TABLE. TJcion ; PsciSe It nil way Pacific. 1I- Tiwion. EASTBOCSD FROH THE DALLES. Express No. 2 leaves 1:30 a. m. Limited Fx Mail, No 4, leaves 10:ooa.m. rreigl.t No. 24 leaves.. 6:45 a. m. . 22 " 12:30 p. m WESTBOUSD FEOM THE DALLES. Express No. 1 leaves 2:45 p. m. Limited Fast Mail, No. 3, leaves 2:40 a. m Freight No. 27 leaves 8:80 a. ni. . .. 21 1-2:30 p. m. M.inlin. m 1 2. "The Overland Flyer," ihrnnnh PiiUmnn sleeners. Colonist Sle pers. Free Chair Cars and Coaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Paul or Chicago. Knm 3 and 4. "The Limited Fas Ml," carry Pullman Dining and Sleeping Cars be tween Portland an unicago. Daily. NOTICE. State Convention Union Party of Oregon, Orearon City, Or., April 9th and 10th. (From stations in Oregon.; u. AU juuier, secretary, wm 0111 wn.m Passengers paving full fare going will be returned at one-nun lare on ceruueates muia uj tary of the meeting. 1L WM. MICHELL, UNDERTAKER, Wij'iesto inform bis many friends and the public gji.erally that he hi s removed his undertaking looms to NiCKELSEN'S NEW BRICK CORNER THIRD AND WASHINGTON, Where he carries a full stock of everything used n that business. Orders by dispatch, express, mail or in person promptly attended to and satisfaction guaranteed. Can be seen any hour of the day or night at his residence, corne r Fourth and Washington, or place of business. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, San Francisco to Portland. mat, 1800, ngSpoarSt ) A. M.aal To Portland Leaving Spear St. Wharf, San Franciaco, at 10 A. M. as follows: Columbia, May 4 State. 8 Oregon Columbia State Oregon Columbia State . " 12 . " 16 . " 20 . " 24 . " 28 . June I The company reserves tbe right to change steamers or sailing days. C-jTSo freight will be received on morning of sail. Ing. except Fruit and Vegetables, and these will not be taken after 9 a. m. OFFICES IS BAN FRANCISCO. General Office, No. 10 Market street. Ticket Offices, Nob. 1 and 211 Montgomery street. GOODALL, PERKINS & CO, agents? Portland to San Francisco. HAT, 1890. To San Francisco Leaving Steamship Wharf Port land, at 10 P. M., as follows: State Oregon .... Columbia... State Oregon Columbia... Suite Oregon. ... . May Baggage must be checked cither at Ash street dur ing the day. or by the U. C. & B. T. Co. Ho uo checked baggage will be received on the steamers. PORTLAND OFFICES. Ticket Office, First and Oak streets. George S. ia lor, Ticicet Agent. C. S. MEL LEX, T. W. LEE. Gen. Traffic. Manager. Gen. Pass. Agt RATES OF PASSAGE, (including me uid berth.' Cabin, $16 00 Steerage, 8 00 Round Trip Unlimited 30 00 GBR MANIA CHAS. STUBLING, Prop. Wines, tips and Cigars. All brands of Imported Lionors, Ale and Porter, and genuine jvey west uigara. a iuu line ox CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. No. SO Second street. The Dalles, Or. AMERICAN MARKET. J. Ill Hermans, -DALER IN SALMON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Fresh Salmon rocked in ice for slriDment to anv par e the United States. apr2-d&r All citizens desirous of havine their cows h erded from and after the first of March can do so by apply ing at the stable of W. H. Butts, where particulars and terms will be made known. febl7 STRAYED. One roan pacing pony, branded T on left hip. The pony was last seen about three miles west of The Lalles last winter. A reward of S3 will be given to any one delivering tbe pony at Hood's stable. U. W. HtL.1.3. Sherar's Bridge, Or., April 3, 189 J. aprS-tt Eureka Restaurant. mHH BUILDING IS FOR RENT AND THE L Fixtures therein for sale. Apply to ZZaicnt CEO. WILLIAMS. A Pcjfoct Faco Powder. B AGE POWDER. iiT BLfiKELlY & i HQUGHTCM C. E. DUNHAM. TKE LATEST FtliFUSlS exquisite cbast. FKEEniAn S HIAWATHA fig O b acknowledge the leadina; remedy for Lonorrlloe Aeieet. The only aate remedy for Maeorrhaea or Whites. w -r i prescribe it and feel I TiiEEY!0ME"iL'fl9. to all sufferers. n,JTua 1U. Sold br nrnsrsriata. SNIPES ft K1NERSLKT, Tt-i Ilea. REMOV NOTICE rearm JrCnres In TiJ IToSBAYS. VM V owuintiiiiitUJK Z Snlpe$& Kiiier$ly, -THE- Leading Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon. C.N. THORN BURY. T. A. HUDSON. THORXBURY & HUDSON, INSUKANCE 2voaa.e3T to Loan on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all tinds oj Land business be fore the U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8, tip-stairs, U. S. Land Office building, THE DALLES, OREGON. FRUIT I SHADE TREES SMALL "FRUITS, VINES EVERGREENS, SHr UBS, ROSES, ETC The Enriieet Strawberry known, CLARKE'S :: SEEDLING! Also, the EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry- a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens, JAMES A. VARNEY, Prop. Tbs Celebrated French Cure, Wurrnntod (( A DUDOniTI WC" or money toeure MrnilUUi iitk refunded Is Sold oh k POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any lorm ot nervous disease, or nny disorder r( the generative or guns of either BPCl-lLC ini.i., Irn.r. tha AFTER cuv wnfiiifr Mr- - evt use of stimulants, Tobnwo or Opinm orthroutrh yoiitliful indiseretiou, over indulg- ,, X n ,iinl. I nM Af Rniill PilttPf. IVflkelul' uess,' Rearing down Pains in the Bank, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, tiervous rrostratioii iiiM-uiru- ol If,,ii.Uiii. 1 nllfj.rrlirofl- ItizZlllOKS. Wenk Mellt ory. Loss of rower and linpoteney, whieh If ne- i .. r i .... I .... , I ... ..i-.iiuiiHiri.nli1 n i'.i ii "nl i 11 im- ity. PrieeJI.OO a box. 6 boxes lor jo.U0 Sent by mail on receipt oi prire. . . a wifittvn ATT A VTF.F foreTerT5.0a order, to refund the money if a I'ermaiieiit cure is not effected. Thousands ol testimonials) from old and young, of both sexes, permanently cured bv Aphropitini!. Circular free. Addresi THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTERN BRANCH. BOX 27 PORTLAND, OB BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES, OBEGOS. G.T.THOMPSON. A.W. FAROHER. THOMPSON & FAROHER, General Blacksmiths Near Mint building, Second 'St. Horse-Sbo9iiig; and General Jobbing a specialty Prices reasonable and to suit the times. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. EsyCssh advances made on consignment. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THE DALLES, OREGON. CAUTION rice are H tamped on tbe bottom. If the dealer cannot supply yon. end direct to factory, encloains advertised pries. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf, Heavy Laced Grain and Creed- moor Waterproof. llABt In t h icnrlil TTTnmfTl Ilia 8S.0O GENUINE HANU-SKWKD SHOE. 84.00 HAND-SEWED WK1T hHOK. S3.60 POLICE AND FAKMKKS SHOE. 8.60 EXTRA VAI.UE CALF SHOE. K2.2K L S2 WOltlCTIVmWF.N'S SHOES. 2.O0 and SI. 75 BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. $3&$2 SHOESlafd,?3. 1.7S SHOE FOR MISSES. Beat Material. Best Style. Beat Fitting, VI. a Douglas, JBroouoa ioaaa. tan bj J. Freiman,Agt..Tbe Dalles,0r. EAST END SALOON, Near the Old Hint Building, Second St, Tbe Dalles, Or. Alwaya on hand the Best Wines, JLiqvioxs, and Cigars. A. Pleasant Evening Resort Columbia Brewery and Imported Lager Beei on draarbt. L WWW & CO. REMOVED TO VOGTT BLOCK Three doors wesc of the corner of Second and Federal dtreeto. J. H. UHSM, Dealer in all kinds of Hay, Grain and Feed, At his old stand. Second street. HAY AND GRAIN FOR SALE. The highest Cash Price paid for Sheep pelts. The New Umatilla House, TEE DALLES. HANDLEY & SINNOTT, Proprietors, THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. Fres Omnibus to and from the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuables Ticket and Baggaye Office of the UNION yyestern ur.ion l eugrapn company, are in e nux. TRAEfS DEPART FROM THIS HOUSE AT 12:10 Pa M FOR WALLA WALLA 2:40 P. M. PORTLAND Tents, Wagon Covers, Carriage Trimmings Etc, ATT THE OLD STAND. Country Orders Promptly a tended to marll-td REMOVAL ! REMOVAL ! Removed to 276 and 278 Second St., ZD- .EcL-w-SL.rd.r3, -TiEALER IN- Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, AKTISTS MATERIALS, Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. Oil Paintings, Cliromos E. F. FITS DEALElt IN Wagon-Makers' and Blacksmiths' Stock. Groceries . -Sole Agent for the IMPROVED MONARCH Washine; Machine.-S C. E. DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician. SOLE AGENT FOR ?tCTACif0 GLASSES PAT! JULY IU 1879. Every Pali Put chased Guaranteed. "M V U "' 1 J 1 STATIONERY AND CIGARS Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicina uses. Prescriptions com pounded at all hours. CAM. AND SEE H00SIER FENCE MACHINE, 0NLT MACHINK that gives a continuous twist to the -wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FENCE WORKS, gtrong, Durable, Neat, and the H B. HEED, THE DALLES, Gener 1 Commission and Forwarding Mefdiant 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, . (Adjoining Railroad DepoL) Consignments Prompt Attention to tnose who The Highest Price paid in Cash OREGON i PACIFIC Railway Company, and Office of the PEI I FIJI, Successors to L D. Fbank rtecon Wholesale and Retail Dealers Leather & Slioe Findings, and Steel Engravings. GERALD, at. AGRIULTDBAL MACHINERY, Schuttlefs and Tuhlar AskWagon HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Keeps in stock a full line of Bazors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES. PERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, Trusses, Hlioulder- Braces, Chest Protfictors Cheapest Fence in the World. Proprietor. OREGON. Solicited ! ! favor me with their patronage. for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc. General PRINZ & NITSCHKE, WUOLESAI.R A.M ItKTAIL Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are happy to announce to the- public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates ol the celebrated which enables us lo sell tue and Carpets at prices hith - arpets at prices erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will Hardvrood bent Chairs, each. . , ...75 ct .. i 00 ... S 60 W ... 12 00 Cane Hookers Ash Bedsteads Wovcn-wire Mattresses Lounges ur call and FISH cfc - DEALERS IN- GAS PIPES, PLUMB We are the sole asifnts for the Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE ond RAMONA COOK STOVE, which hna no equal, aud guaranteed to give en tire satisfaction or money refunded. Cor, Second and Washington streets, The Dalles. THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, Jl.T. KELL.ER; Proprietor. Port 81, Siierry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 ? Grcfjorio Vineyartl Co. Agency. All Wines and Brandies The Best Wines, Liquors Try the best remedy for a jr meisco mm mil SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, - -- PROP'R, Ii.rcms$ OiN DRAUGHT -:-Columbia Brewery Beer, :-: A3NI JTOR, ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, the very best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND CQPRT STS.. J. P. McINEMY, DEALER IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &a Agent for the Bnttcrick Patterns, also for tho Hall Bazaar Cress Forms, Z ill"" Funeral MaMMMSsaMsaasMSMiwaMMMai. a ...p mm m . m The Undersigned has Added to his Business a full line of Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Robes and Shrouds. Trimmings cf all descriptions at the Lowest Prices and owns tha Most Elegant Hear eaxt of tbe mountains with all ths latest improvement. NO DEI AY IN FILLING ORDERS. Place of Ilnitinena. Third street, throe doors east of Qllions, Uacallistar s Co's agricultural war. hoase, and adjoining; his tinning Mill and Wagon Shop. Place of ltesidence. Fourth street, corner ol Washington. Can be seen at all hours cf the daj 112" WM. MICHELL. M. ILLIAIS II SUCCESSORS TO LATE FIKM E. UNGATE &c CO. mml MrjliailliS A COMPLETE LINE OP FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. HACKS AND BUGGIES. DEALERS IN Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpeta, Mattincs, Parlor Ornamenta, Window Snadea, Etc T7"33.d.erta, a, Specialtsr. Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc. i be found at oil eur of the dayornijht at their place oftxtfineu, Waihingto street, hro door. aor( rout Second. Myn of Bed Light. Eai removed from Second street to BOOKS, : STATIONERY : AND : MUSIC. kW All null orJers filled iatlrfactorily and promptly, and eorrer nondeno chsertullj mmr . Purni-VfSr3 2Si Convince the Meet Sceptical: Bed-lounges f 16 00 Ash Bedroom Sets ii J Hru.eU Carpets, per yard "i lntrrain Carpels, da 6 uh i ix ix2J BABDON 9 US' GOODS, PUMPS, dc. Burgundy 83, Zinfardel 84, Riesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret. Guaranteed Strictly Pure and Cigars Always on Sale. Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic" lill WM. MICHELL, AND Xi3 'eotor. & Co., Third street. The Leading House for