B.ta ur Inform U" u . A Cant in jaier est-raiies tlst 75,00) ' people die every year la CLina by fire an 1 flood. One-seventh of the coal mined is lost from being broken up too fine to be burn ed with probe. Postage stamps of all issues since the beginning ot the civil war, are good, and may safely be used for postage. Dr. John S. Yoang, the register of vital statistics in Brooklyn, estimates the pop ulation ot the city at 859,612. The heaviest sun weighs 135 tens; is 40 feet long and 6 feet in diameter. It will shoot ten miles. Krupp made it for Kasssa. The capitals of the new stttes are: Montana. Helena; North Dakota, Bis marck; South Dakota, Pierre; Washing ton, Olympia. Once upon a time the seas were inhab ited by no less than 867 different species of sharks, while to-day only aboal sixty varieties are known. In the Unite! States there are 43 draf and dumb institutions caring for 5,743 in mates, 30 for the blind with 2,178 pupils ana 11 caring for 1,731 idiots. Four fifths of the platinum that sup plies the world 13 obtained at two mines at Nishne-Tagilsk and Gore-BIagodat, in the Ural mountains, Siberia. This country has 100,000.000 aens, exclusive of Alaska, still open tor settle ment, bat ou some of it only a gopher or a woodpecker can make a living. The "surplus", of women in Massachu setts has an additional interest when it is understood by the Boston Transcript's ex uinnatioo that unmarried women have $29,000,000 in the banks of the state. According to recent figures, the people of this country are longer-lived than those of Europe.. In this country IS persons out of every 1,000 die each year. Id England the average is 20 and in Germany 26. The grand can von of the Colorado is ' (imply the channel of the river worn by the aGtion of running water to a depth of five or six thousand lect. The sides are perpendicular cliffs, fifteen miles apart. The current has a tremendous velocity over cascades and rapids. The desert of Sahara is slowly becom ing inhabitable, with the aid of science. The lower Sahara is an immense basin of artesian waters, and the French are form ing fresh oases with skill and success, so that the number of cultivated tracks' is increasing rapidly. After a period of thirty years, forty-three oases have lS'OO inhabitants, and 120,000 trees between one and seven years old, and 100,000 fruit trees. Kate Chase Spra.ue. This woman who sweeps by in the gay crowd on Broadway was a famous beauty ' in her day. Slie is still good looking. Her lace is a trifle stouter and. there are wrinkles on her brow and crow's feet in her cheeks, but it is still a face that would be noticed in a crowd. It is Mrs. Kate Chase Sprugue. This once famous beauty, who weilded moie power in American . politics, perhaps, than any other American woman has ever done, is going down the hill of life in a quiet easy way. She - comes to New York occasionally to visit . friends, but her home is in Washington. She is no longer tbe gay butterfly of fashion, and does not have the dash that made her so mu h talked about in ante bellum days. Her lite In tbe national . capital is a simple one. There is none of ' the luxury at Edgewood that character , ized her life during her fathei's career. 'But she is happy, nevertheless, for her children are growing up around her; her old friends are still true to her and she looks on calmly at tbe progress of events .-' -with a smiling face. The White House has passed out of her mind forever. It was an idle dream at best. But there is ' sunshine at Edgewood such as ttis woman could never have found had she become tbe wife of a President of tbe United States. "But Don't Say Anything About It." Tbe woods are full of journalists who - have bad a full measure of just such aid (?), in tbe way of gathering news, as is here described by tbe Spokane Review; "If there is one thing more than another that causes newspaper men to wonder at the "wherefore of tbe why," it is found in the disposition shown by some of their . ". friends to give them a good item, in all its details, and then conclude with an explicit injunction against the publication of the same. Wbat is tbe value of news to a journalist if be can not print it? Tbe -. chances are always that if these well meaning friends would only keep away, the reporters would run down their items - withont assistance. In that event there would be no obligation ot secrecy, and the newspaper could print tbe news. On two occasions within the past month tbe Be viae bas withheld important items, in tbe interest of contemplated public improve ments and for the public welfare, only to see them published by a guerilla sheet whose editors teeua to take delight in Dreakinar laitn with their informants. The Review wants no news at the cost of broken faith. It can keep its word and print a good newspaper, the best in this . great state. He Was peratehed. Various jurors were waiting before the ' Judge, as is tbe custom at every term of court, to be excused fiom service, A ' meek-looking man came up in bis turn and asked that be might be let cff. "You can't get off without a good puse," said the judge. "I have a good reason "You must tell it or serve." said tbe Judge. ' VBur, your Houor, I don't believe the other jurors would care to have me strve. Why not? What's yoor excuse?" "Well I "(hesitating). 'What is it? "I got the itch." "Mr. Clerk," said Judge Kelly.qnickly, "scratcn mat man's name out." , Declined with Thann... Bellingham Bay Reveille. W. 3. P.: Your apiing poem, com- roeming: "Hurrah f tr the soldier, the noble old soldier. The moss-covered soidier that humr in the a'ell! The shot and the shamrock, tbe sword and tbe gun. STOCK, The whiz of the canteen and wild rebel yell," is declined with thanks, as ve are carry ing only a small amount of life insurance. Try the Express. We have too many psptrs here. K A NUFACTtTOQ BT L D. HOLDEN, Stockton, Cal. Wholesale by Snipes & Kinersly, J. RetaU It ( 11 Drag lata. -THE NORTHWESTERN CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC, MINIilAPOUf, MLKN. Piano. Organ, Voice. Theory, all Orchestral snd Bond Inatraments. Modern Languages. Elocution. SPMIAL GOLD MEDALS for progress In Piano. Organ and Voice. VALUABLE FREE CLASSES. Strongest corps of Teachers in tbe WhL Si to SI? fop 90 iMuAm. Pnnlla rprflivaH at ana CHAJtUS H. MORSK. Director. "WHAT MEDICINES ARE HOST CALLED FOB 1 " asked th reporter of an old inigglgt "Dr. Ptorcc'a preparations," he replied. "They ar sold under a positive guar antee that tber will, in every case, give satisfaction, or the riioner is promptly re funded. His Favorite Prescription, for all those chronic weaknesses, nervous and other derangements peculiar to women, is used with unfailing success. It cures weak back, bearing-down sensations, irregularities and weak nesses common to the sex, and being; the most perfect of tonic medicines builds up and strengthens the entire system. Tbe de mand for it is constant, and I am conversant with scores of cases cured by it." Returning after a fow moments' absence, the venerable wieldur of tbe pestle remarked, the number of sarsaparillas and other, so called, ' blood medicines ' is legion ; but Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery outsells them all and it is the only blood-purifier out of the many which I am obliged to keep upon my shelves, that is sruarauteed to benefit or cure in all cases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it is refunded." " In the line of Pills," remarked the old gen tleman, "the little Sugar-coated 'Pellets' put up by Dr. Pierce lead all others, both in amount of sales and the general satisfaction they give my customers." Copyright, 1883, by Wosufi Dn. Mas. Ass's. OFFERED for an incurable ease of Ca tarrh in tlto Head br the proprietor of Dr. Safe's Catarrh Remedy. B it mild, sootfainT and healin? properties, it cures the wont coses, no matter of now Jong ftandiag. Bj dmggiatM, fO oenta. - X.and Notices- ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Officx at The Dalle, Oregon. April 2, 1890. Notice is hereby Given that the following-named scttlei has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at Ihe Dalles, Oregon, on Mat 17, ls90f viz: James Unrlingome, D S 58S9. for the NEK SW4, Ntf SE& and SE of E4, Sec Mt Tp 4 8, R 12 K. lie iua.es the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Eugene Damon rs, O. W. Lucas, J. IL Ledford, Al bert bovage, all of Wamic, Ur. Any person who desires to protest against the al- i lowance of such proof, or who knows of any tub eta!) tin' reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, why tuch proof should not be allowed, will be (riven an opportunitv at the above mentioned time and place to crSH-examine the wit- nej es of said claimant, and to oner eiaence in re buttal of that submitted by claimant. , aj5 F. A. McDONALD. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Ofpicb at Tiik Dallfs, Or,, April 2, 1300. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention t make final proof in buppurt of his claim, and that fttid proof will be made before Register and Receiver at 2 he Dalles, Or., on May 17, 1890, viz: Kugeiie Damoers, D S 6402, for the SW4, Sec 6, Tp 6 8, R 12 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon, and cultivation of, said lami, viz : Jmie Burlingtme, G. W.Lucas, J. 31. Ledford, Albeit 6a aire, a, ui Wamic, Or. Any per on w!h e'emre to protest apainst the al low itue of suirh proof, or who knows of my sub stantial nas n, under the law and the re gulations of tiie interior IVptrtment, why tnch proof should no; be aixiwwi.will be given au opportunity it the above mentioned time and place to crow-e- amine the wit netists f said c aiinunt, and to offer evidence in re buttal of th.;t submitted hy claimant. apl5 V. A. McDONALD. Register. NOTICE FCU PUBLICATION. Lakd Officx at Tub Dalles, Ob., April 17, l&O. Notice is hereby given that the following named Settler bas filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver of the U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on June 18, 1890, viz: John ityan. Hd 1835 for the NV and SW NW Sec oo, ipinfiitr.. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said umu, viz: lames Benson. Joel . Koontz. w. H. Williams. Geo. Patterson, all of The Dalles, Or. Any person who desires to protest against the t 1 lowance of such proof, or who knows of any sub stantial reason, under the law and the regulations of tne interior department, wny turn prooi snouia not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the i aoove mentioned time and place to cross-examine tne witnesses of said claimantand to offer evidence in re buttal of that t ubmitted by claimaut. apl9 JOHN W. LEWI3. Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Laxp Ofpicb at Tab Dalles, Okeoox, March IS, 1890. Notice is hereby given - that the following named settler bas filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., ou ilay 5tb, 1S90, viz: Namnel Husband, - S. 6651, for the E) NWfc. See. 6, Tp. 2 Jf., of E. 12 E. He names tbe followinsr witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of, said land, viz: Amos Root, Charles Phil ins. William Johnson. James Esterbrook, all of 11 osier, Oregon.' mciizz t . a. itclWAAUU, Kegistar. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Ofticb at Thx Dalles, Ohkoos, April 25, ltfiiO. Notice is hereby siven that the followiu? namea settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Jne 20, 1&90, viz: Marien C. Adams, DS for the 8 of NWS, of Sec 28, Tp. 1 N, R 13 E. He namea the following; witnesses to prove his con. tinuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Orlando Vorean. Robert Kclntoah. Beth Damn. W. A. Miller, all of The Dalles, Oregon. apr2ti JOHJj W. LLWIS, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Omcz at Ttis Dalles, Ob., April 29, 1890. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver at The Dalles, Ore2ou, on July S, 1S90, viz: FranK V. Lciblein. For the SE 14 HE ii E M SB U and SW it SE 1 of 8c20T23Kl3 6Wll. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lana. viz: Hu-h Baxter. Leo Rmdeau. both of Kinzslev. Or.. Ernest Uaae, Boyd, Or., Uvuiul L Due, Uufur, Or. jiiam w. LCWIN, Register. Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been, by thecouuty court of Wasco Countv. state of Oregon, duly appointed administrator of the estate of rl. It. Haters, deceased. Therefore, all persons having claims against said estate are I.erebv notified to present the same to me with nrooer voucnera at my omce in imiiea mty, in said comity of Wasco, within six months from this date. Dated at Dalles City, May S, 1890. W 8. MYERS. Administrator of the estate of H. L. Waters, de ceased 3iny4w AMERICAN MARKET. T. 11. Hermans, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Fresh Salmon packed in ice for shipment to invr oar c the United btatea. apr2-dtfckv A'l citizens desirous of htivinsr their cows herded I from aud after the first of March can do so by apply 1 ine at the 8t-'tb:e of W. H. Butts, where particulars aud ternu milt be made known. febl7 STKAYED. One roan facing pony, branded T on left hip. The pony was fast seen about three miles west of The Lallcs last w-ntf r. A reward of 35 will be eiven to any one delivering tne pony at tiood s stable. ii. w. r-LUS. Sherar's Bridge, Or., April 3, 189). aprS-tf Dissol ntion IVoticc. Nxtics is herrhy t:cn that the nartnershib here tofore exist ins; betwe- a C. P. Ljuer and J. N. Lauer hi been dijf'ved by mutu 1 onusent. Mr. C. F. Lauer v 11 ceutinu the business, and will collect ail debts due the late firm and pav all liabilities. C. F. LAUER. The Dalles. April 4, 1 N. LAUER. apr5 5t B. CROSSED. Au.-tioneer, WjutlilntTtoo 8C bet. flalo mad Mecond, The Dalles, Oregon. Begular Auction Sa'es of Seal Estate, Hodsehold rurniture and General Merebaodiap. Wednesdav and Matardav.lt A. II. said pr5-6t NOTICE. Any perva wishing to purchase flour at the Dia mond Mill can do so in lots not leas than 5 bbls. ; I rice two per barrel, sithject to alteration. Terms ttrictly casta. a. H. CL'KTISS, prop. seu cor liegal Notices- SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Wasco county. M. A. MuodT. plaintiff, vs Mrs. S. C. Haean, de fendant. To Mrs. 8. C. Hagan, defendant: In the name of the State of Ore on, yon are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the above named plaintiff, filed aeainst you in the above entitled suit in said court on or before the 2Gth dar ot May, 18IK), that being the first dar of tbe regnlar tern; of said court following the expiration of six consecutive weeks publication of this summons, and if you fail an to apprar and answer, tbe plaintiff will apply to the c uit tor the relief prayed foi in his complaint men nerein, lo-wit; lor a uevree kui you for the sum of 8435.83, bearing interest at the rate of ei'jh per cent, per annum, for the sum of 3100 as attorney's fees, for the costs and disburse- mer.ts of this suit, and for the lorcclosn e f that certain mortgage executed hy you jointly with your husband, John II Hauan, now deceased, on the 29th day of Auuat, 187, to B. Wistar Morris, on the southeast qu'r er (K) of section ino. thirty-sue (3) in township No. two (21, south of range thirteen (13) east of the Willamette meridian; containing one hundreJ and si -tv UfcO) acres, and situated in Wasco county, State of Oregon; which land was owned by you as your separate property, and included by you nrbntge, with otner lanos Belonging to your said husbaud. bald mortgage was executed by you and vonr husband as aforesaid to secure the pay ment of fire c. rtain promixsary notes amounting to rtJ,0L0aid the interest thereon, designated as fol lows: Note fto. one, 8 ,000; note No. two, 1,0 0; note No. three, 81,000; note No four, Sl.OuO, and note No. five, $2,000, with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent, per an nun, a- d the interest to be paid ou said notes quarterly; that the land belong ing to tbe evtaie of the said John II. Hugan,deceased, included in said mortgage to teem a the payment f paid notes and in Wrest tocr on, was suM at admin istrator's sa.ie by the order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county, in probate, and the proceed of said sale and the whole thereof was applied on said notes by order of said court, which proceeds paid in full, said notes designate! as Nos. one, two, three and four, and a po.tion of note No five, there still remain e 1 a balance unpaid on said note No. five, and interest ther on at the rate of eight per cent per annum, amounting to the sum of $435.b8 at the date of filintr the complaint in this suit, for which sum this suit is brought, and for the foreclosure of said mortgage to the exteut of the sale of your land hereinbefore described, included by you in t-aid mortgage,and the proceeds of sucn sale to be applied to the payment of said balance unpaid on said note No. five; and said note No. five provides that in case suit hhould be instituted to cull vet the same or any portion thereof, that you would pay 8100 as reasonable attorney's fees in said sui, each of said notes being signed by vou. tlie defendant, Mrs. 8. C. Uaan, and payable to the order of B. WiBtar Morrie; said note deshmatad as note No. five and thu said mortgage securing I he payment thereof, were duly tranbferred and a&iugiien to plain tiff, for value, before the commencement of this suit. And you will further take notice that such decree will provide for and d.re t the sale of youraaiJ herein described mortgaged premises belonging to you to satisfy the amount of said balan e slid due and unpaid on said note No. five, now owned by plaintiff, and secured by said mortgage and amount ing to 435 88. rincinal and interest, to the date of filing tne complaint in this suit, together with 8100 as reasonable attorney's fees as provided for in said note No. five, and the costs aul oUbursemeiits of this suit, and for such othei relief as may be equita ble. You will also take notice that tlt-fr summons Is served upon you by publication, in pursuance of au order of the Honorable . D. fctjattuek, Circuit Judge of the Fourth Judicial District of lle State of Oregon, of date April 7th, 1810, directing the publi cation of the tarn a in the Timbs MoLNTAiNEta for six successive weeks. CONDON CONDON, April 7, 1800. . Att'ys for Plaintiff. aprli-Ot SUMMONS. In the Circuit Cour. of the State of Oregon for Wasco Countv Tbe Solicitors Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff, vs. James Boolh, Mary Booth, W. F. McClnre, barah H. McClure. 1. O. Alter, Ada Alter. Halph ttogers, Julia N. Koirers, Url Embody, J. W. Tay lor, Dan el Gridley, IS. E. llall and John W. Fran cis, defendants. To James Booth. Mary Booth. W. F. McClure. Sarah 11. McClure, D. CI. Al er, Ada Alter, Kalph Rogers, Jul a N. Rogers, Uri Embody, J. W. Taylor, Daniel Gridley. E K. lla.l. and John W. Francis. tbe above uaiued defendants: In the name of the Slate of Oregon you and each of you are Lereby required to be and ap. ear in the above named court and answer the complaint filed against ou hy the above named plaintiff, in the aouve entitled action withiu ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon .u it tbe same is served in Wasco county. State of Oregou, if the same is served upon you is any other county in said state, tben wiibin twenty days from tne date of the service of the same upou you, and if the same is served upon you by publication then you are re quired to appear aud answer by the first day of the term of saiu court following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order lor publication thereof to-wit: by the 26th day ol Ma v. lhUO. aud it ou fail so to antiwur judgment will be taken agahiHt you for! want increoi. Aud said plaiutin will apply to the said court fur the relief demanded in saiu complaint, which is for judgment agaiustBaid defend.ui s James booth and Mary Booth for $2129 and interest en 2uO0 thereof t tbe rate of six per cent, per annum compounded semi-annually at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from July 1st, ltetf, and interest at eight per cent, per annum on $00 thereof from Jan. 1st, 18S9, and ou e0 thereof from July 1st, 18S8; aim ior vzuu attorneys lees ana costs ana disburse ments. And for a decree foiever barring and fore closing all of said defendants ot all interest in the land hereinafter described, and foreclosing the mort gage given by said James Booth and Mary Booth to saia piaintin on tne 25th day of February, 1887, to secure the sums aforesaid upon those parcels of land in Wasco county, State of Oregon, known and de scribed as the southwest quarter of section four (4), the north half of section nine (), and the northwest quarter of section seventeen (17), all in Township one (I), north of range fourteen (U) east, W. M., containining 640 acres more or less. And ordering said lands sold and the proceeds thereof applied to the payment to plaint:!? of the sums aforesaid and for general relief. The date of the order for service by publication in this suit is March :9, l&u. C. B L'PfON, llarch 29, 1890. Plaintiff's Attorney. ai5-mavl7 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. The Solicitors' Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff, vs. James Booth, Mary Booth, W. F. McClure, oaran a. Mcumre, u. u. Alter, Ada Alter, Kalph Rogers. Julia N. Rogers, Uri Embody, J. W. Tay 1 .r, Daniel Gridley, E. E. Hall and John W. Fran cis, ueienaancs. To James Booth, Mary Booth, W. F. McClure, Sarah H. McClure, t. O. Alter, Ada Alter, Ralph Rogers, Ju.ia N. Rogers, Uri Embody, J. W. Taylor, Daiiied Gridley, E. E. Ha 1 and John W. Francis, the above named defeudaits: In the name of the State of Oregon yon and each of you are hereby required to be and appear in tbe above named court and answer tbe complaint filed against you by the above named plaintiff in the above entitled action, witbin ten days from the date v un. aerviev ci Luis summons upon you. If the same is served in Wasco county. State ot Oregon; if the same is served upon you in any other county in said state, then within twenty days from tbe date of the service of the same upon you; and if the same is servea upon you by publicati.-n, then yon are re quired to appear and answer by the first day of the term of said court following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order for publication thereof, to-wit: by the 26:h day of May, 1890. And if tou fail so to answer, judgment will be taken against you for want thereof, and said plaintiff will apply to the said court for the rrlief demanded in tne said complaint, which is for judgment against said de fendants, James Booth and Marv Booth, for 92130 and interest on S-JUOO thereof at the rale of six per cent per annum, compounded semi annually at tbe rate of eight per cent per annum from July 1, 18S9; and interest on $10 thereof from July 1, 1888; on $60 thereof from January 1. lXRu. rl from July 1, 188U, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and for (200 attorney's fees and costs and disbursements: and for a decree forever hurrino ui foreclosing all ol said defendant! of all interest in the land heninaf ter described; and foreclosing the mortgage given by said James Booth and Mary Booth to said plaintiff on the 2&th day of February, 1887, to secure the sums aforesaid upon those par eels of lan I in Wasco county, state of Oregon, known and described as the east half and tbe east half of tbe southwest quarter of section fifteen (16), all of section tixteen (16), the east half of section seven teen (17), and the uorthest quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-two (22), all in township one (1) north of range fourteen (It) east W. M., con taining 1400 acres more or less. And orderirg said 1 nd sold and the proceeds thereof applied to the payment to plaintiff of the sums aforesaid, and for general relief. The date of the order of service by publication In this suit is March 29, 189 . . C. B. UrTON. March 29. 1891). Plaintiff's Attorney. apr5 mavl7 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for the 8tate ol Oregon, for the County of Wasco, as. Annie J. Fitzgerald, plaintiff, vs. Kai rvmhlo- Mrs. D. H. liearers and William Snvder, Jr., de fendants. Ta Kate Couhig, Mrs, D. B. Seavers and William cnyaer, jr., attendants; In the name of th. Rtat nt n.. vnn ..j . of vou are hereby nnninvl an .nntt . ...i tne complaint filed airainst von in th .W. j.iitiH action within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon too, if set red within this county; or if served within sny other county of this state, then witbin twentv data from tha ri.ru nf th. ot win summons upon you; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wit: the partition of the life esUte of William Sntder in uarta i. nn.thirH rwt t u.,. a and 8 of block one of Dalles City proper fronting wu itci, un jiAin street on tne n rta side there of and bounded on the west by the property owned by the late O. 8. Savave. This summons is served noon von and ivh of m in pursuance of an order duly made herein on the wtn aay ot April, 1890, by Loyal B. litearna, Judire of the Fouth Judicial District of the State of Oregon. "a mu, A.1D MATS HONTUtOTOS, api-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff. CITATION. In the County Court of the btute of Oregon, for the I t ' County of Wasco. I In the matter of the estate of Phoebe If. Dunham. To Mary O Cmtman, Clara R. Spedden, Oeorge Haddox and Charles H. Dunham, heirs at law of Phoebe H. Dunham, deceased, greetinir: In the name of tlie State of Oregon, you are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the Bute ot Oregon, for tbe County of Wasco, at the court room mereui, at ii&uea city, in saia county, en Monday, the 4th day of Hay, 1896, at 10 o'clock in tbe forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be made authoi bring tbe administrator of said estate to sen tne louowing aescriDea real estate belonging to said estate, to-wit: A strip or parcel of land S3 feet wide and lOO feet deep of the east side of lot No. 11, in block No. 6, of Le'ighlin'a addition tu uanea uiiy, naco county, uregon, situated on tbe bluff, together with tbe tenement and hereditaments thereto belonging, to pay tbe claims against said es tate and the expense of administering the same. Witness the lion. C. N. Thornbury. Judge of the - bsal said County Court, with tbe seal of uourt amxad, this Sd day of April, A. O 1890. Attest: UlSU. il. TUUMr-SUK. Clerk. By J. M. HuxniioTos, Deputy. Dissolution Notice. From tbe 1st dar of AiriL 1890. the bniinesa r latiomnip exutin? between J. A. Anderaoa and nr. I at run xvwnaena, nas neen uiaroivva or mutual sent. - spr7-d4w CHAS. BUTLEfi. Fort Townsend, Wash.,IAprfl 1, 1890. - MTiciets ON SALE PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTK yvT TIIE DALLHS. W. C. AILAWAY, - Ticket Agent. LOCAL TIME TADLE. Union Pacific Railway Purine DI (vlslon. ABTBOOSD FROM TUB DALLES. Express No. 2 leaves 1:30 a. m. Limited Fa-t Mail, No 4, leaves 10:r.5a. m. Freight No. 34 leaves 6:45 a. in. - 22 " 12:30 p. m WESTBOCSD TBOM TUB DALLItS. Express No. 1 leaves 2:45 p. m. Limited Fast Mail, No. S, leaves. 2:40 a. m. Freight No. 27 leaves 8.30 a. m. " 21 " 12:30 p. m. Main Line, Nos. 1 and 2, "The Overland Flyir," carry throuvh Pullman Sleepers, Colonist Sleeptrs, Free Chair Cars and Coaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, SL Paul or Chicago. Main l ine, Nos. 3 an! 4, "The Limited Fas Mil," carry Pullman Dining an 1 Sleeping Cars be tween Portland and Chicago. Dailv. NOTICE. State Convention Union Party of Oregon. Oregon City, Or., Aptil th and 10th. (From stations in Oregon.) G. M. Miller, Secretary, will sign certifi cates. Passengers paving full fare going will be returned at one-fiftb fare on certificates signed by the Secre tary of the meeting. And Eas Electrified the World By the announcement of his safe return to civiliza tion. His adventures and discoveries have been GRAND, WONDERFUL. MARVELOUS. The world bas seen nothing like them before, his thrilling ad ventures, marvelous discoveries, daring exploits, as tounding Drivations. wonderful trip across the Dark Continent. HOW HE FOUND EMIN BEV every thing will be included, from his first entrance into Afrio to the present time. Everybody wants the new GENUINE STANHY BOOK! From Stanley s own writings sud dispatches, over 400 of the grandest and most wonderful MEW N- UKAVllNUE Alia jhakk,u rLA i tus ever seen in book of travels. It has been eag-ttrly awaited, and will be more souirht after, make more money for the agent and make it easier than any book issued for the past fifty years. p I TTTIAV I Old and unreliable accounts of Sttn uAL) 1 1 Jl ! 'eT' travels are being published. Ijo nub ue ueceiytni vy uiu wiukb, re hashes and battered plates. We announce this to pr tact our agents and the public against tbe numer ous, jrorthlees, so-called Stanley Books ill of which are simply o!d books that have been in use for years, and are now being offered as new books, with a few pages of new matter added. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE ! Teachers, Young men and Ladies, Ministers, Farm era. Mechanics and Clerks can easily make from 5 to (2 per day. No experience required. Canvass ing outfits n..w read v. Bend immediately for illus trated -circulars and terms free, or to secure an agency at once, send $1 for the outfit and you shall le served first. Money refunded if not satisfactory. Address THE HISTORY CO., 723 Uarket street San Francisco, Cal. NOW IS TRE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE North American Review. Arrangements have tjpen made for tbe coming year which will maintain for tbe Review its un rivalled position among periodicals, aud render it essential to every reader lo America who desires to keep abreast of the times. From month to month topic) of commanding 'interest in every field of hu man thought and action will be treated of in its pages by representative writers, whose words and names carry authority with them. The forthcoming volume will be signalized by the discussion of questions of high public interest by the foremost men of the time, notably by a contro versy on Free Trade and Protection in their bearing upon the development of American -Industry and Commerce between the twa most famous living statesmen of England and America, THE RIGHT HON. W. E. GLADSTONE and HON. JAMES G. BLAINE. This discussion, embracing the most important contr buttons ever made to an American periodical, will begin in tbe January number. It is a significant factas showing the unparal leled popularity and usefulness of this periodical and its wide influence upon public opinion that the circulation of the North AMsaicax Review is greater than that of all other American and English reviews combined. Subscription price, postage prepaid, 95 a year. THE NORTH AMERICAN REVIEW, 3 East Fourteenth Street, New York. . UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, Baa Francisco to Portland. MAT, 1890, Tu Portland Leaving Spear St. Wharf, San Francisco, I Miva.a.u louows: Colombia. May 4 State. Oregon 12 uoiumoia " 16 State ' 20 tiregon Columbia.......... , state 24 28 June 1 The com nan, reserres the right to change steamers in i i.uig uy.. 7Na freiorht will li. nui.i cul m. mn:.,. II ' tig. except Fruit and Vegetables, and these will not I ks to Iran afroF O m I be taken after 9 a. m. orncss is bas raascisoo. Qeneral Cfflce, No. 10 Market street. Ticket! voices, nos. I ana zil stontgomerjr street. OUODALL, PERKINS & CO agents? Portland to San Franelgro. MAT, 1890. To San Francisco Leaving Steamship Wharf Port land, at 10 P. IL, as follows; 8tate May Oregon Columbia. State Oregon Columbia 8tate ,,, Oregon Baggasra must be checked either .t a.h trt Hn,. lag the day, or by the U. C. & B. T. Co. No un cnecaea oaggsge will be received on the steamers. rORTLAKD OFFICES. Ticket Office, First snd Oak streets. George S. AKCUt. C. S. MELLEN, T. W. LEE. Gen. Traffic Manager. Gen. Pass . Agt KATES Or PASSAGE, (including me tnd berths isoin, eio uu steerage, S 00 Round Trip Unlimited. DO 00 F0UTS & WILSON, 819 AND 221 SECOND STREET. : Dealers In i Iipors and Cigars, MjqpJJ' TO ALL STANLEY IS BACK r ltd We SU" And othei choice brands of Whisky. Imported Wines KEY WEST CIGARS. Also Wines and Beer, imported aud domestic. d&w S.'i Solid Gold Watch.' Sold rorSlH.jucU Ui.lr. fc. U wau k la UM worU. Smf UaMfcMfMT. W.r- TaaMO. Heavy eulMl Uold imwiaf run, Bulb Udia laadfaata'slairluiweriu an cum Mjaal nlea lUMPenoaaaeack to. toeeOMr aril ear tanraadal. akl. Bat of nMasebetld Sauaaade. Tkoaaanptaa. a. well aa tha wattfc. am im BB aa. aad after mm kava kn I tkam ta roar hen. Ibr amiiaa aad aaawm Dam t ttoaa , . wa wmr ww, aw mm naai. j www i . arhe write at MM eaa b. Mr. wf raaal.wi Mrf mUM ST. M 1 mmml Mri a arwawtrTbo.. riar tbe Watch tail. Ma. Adataal mj.-9 m9M aawa arawiiaiawaj Sniped & Kiner$Iy, -THE Leading Druggists, 129 Second Street, The Dalles, Oregron. C. N. THORNBURY. T. A. HUDSON. THORXBURY & HUDSON, rriteFire5LifB andAccident INSURANCE Money to Xjoarto. on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all hinds oj Land business he fore the U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8. up-stairs, U. S. Land Office building, THE DALLES. OREGON. FRUIT I SHADE TREES SMALL BRUITS, VINES EVERGREENS, SH UBS, ROSES, ETC. The EiriieEt Strawberry known, CLARKE'S " SEEDLINGI Also, the EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens, JAMES A. VARNEY, Prop. The Celebrated French Gure, eJ"APHR0DITINE"' Is Sold on a. POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of nervous disease, or any disorder ol the cencrativd or gans of either BEFOhE isine from the Mr 1 CrC ex'i-&ive use of Stimulants. Tobacco or Gpinm. or through youthful indiscretion, over ltmuig eucc, Ac., such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakelul ness, Bearing down l'nius in the Hack, Seminal Wciikncss, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emissions. Iucorrho?a. Dizziness, Weak Mem ory, Loss of Power and Impoteni'v. which If ne glected often lead to premniiireoldngenud insan ity. I'rioe 11.00 n box. 6 boxes for $5.U0 Scut by mail on weipt of price. A WKITTKN OU AISAXTEE forevcry ?50t order, to refund the money if a I'ermaneut core is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently cured bv APHBoniTiNR. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WBSTEBN BRANCH. BOX 27 PORTLAND, OE BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggisls, SOLE AGENTS FOB THE DALLES, OKESOS. G. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FAEGHER. THOMPSON & FAROHER, General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building. Second St. Horse-Shoeing and General JoVbing a specialty Prices reasonable and to suit the times. The Dalles Lumbering COMPANY. Successors to THOS. JOHNS CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. Tns Dalles, ... Oregon. DEALX&8 a ALL KIKDS Or . ROUGH AND . DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Material. ALse x Shingles, Fence Posts Lime and Hair. HAHDTA0TUBU8 Of DOORS. WINDOWS, BLENDS. Orders from abroad receive prompt attention. Denny, Rice & Co. Wool Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. EVCash advances made on consignment. THE DALLES Marble Works, C. J. Smith, Prop'r. uy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. THE DALLES, OREGON. Lock Box 218. A WEAK MAN Can now cure himself of the deplorable results of early abuse, and perfetly restore his rigor and vi tality by the Great Australian Remedv There. markable cures of hopeless eases of Nervona iVhil. ity and Private Complaints are evervwhera atamnintr out quackery. The Medicine, a physician's gift to suff enrg humanity, will be sent free to those af flicted. Address, Da. M. B. TAYLOR, lmarlyw 809 Uarket Strreet, San Franetawx. -BRANDS- OF ALLEN GRANT, Eagle Valley, near Antelope Ewes have square crop on right ear and split on left. Wethers reverse. Morses and cattle branded "R. G." Have sold mv horses and -cattle, hut nnr ray uranus. A Perfect Face Powder. AGE POWDER. ""SI" laaaasle. iWl rukaC aw ki branlata. BLAKELEY & HOUCHTON G. E. DUNHAM. WE LA ItS I rtKfUM EXQUISITE Cha.to FREEMAN'S HIAWATHA w m-9 mm irm m mm rw -THE QER MANIA CHAS. STTJBLING, Prop. nr money refunded. ic rrae fro Wines, Liguors and Ciprs. .renuineWShn dOTI 1 gTI TTI ftTI tlR SOUCited!! CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Prompt Attention to those who favor me with their patronage. mi i . . -"a- wa oi i i uri i T 1 TTa TT1 1 No. 90 Second street. The Dalles, Or. l i The Flew Umatilla House, THE DALLES. OREGON HANDLEY & SINNOTT. Proprietors, THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuablts Ticket and Batjgaye Office of the UNION PACIFIC RaHxray Company, and Office of the Western Uh'jm Telegraph Company, are in e Hotel. TRAINS DEPART FROM THIS HOUSE AT 12:10 Pj M FOR WALLA WALLA 2:40 K M. PORTLAND Tents, Wagon Covers, AT THE OLD STAND. Country Orders Promptly atended to marl4-td REMOVAL I Removed to 276 and 278 Second St., ID. ",s7vr. Edwards, -IiEALEE IN- Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTISTS Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. PAPERS ra.TJVTlVIEP POFLXZXI. Oil Paintings, Chromos E. F. FITZ DEAljEIt IN "YVagrois-lVIaliers' and Gr 2? o o BSole Agent lor the IMPROVED C. E. DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician. SOLE AGENT FOR r r a pat? july isj 1679. Hlionltler Bruces, -very Pall- Put chased Gnaraataed." CllCSt I'rotectors STATIONERY AND CIGARS ?ure Wines and Liquors for Medicina uses. Prescriptions com pounded at. all hours. cau. aud see HO OSIER FENCE MACHINE, 01fLY machiiij! that gives a continuous twist THE PACIFIC gtrong, Durable, Neat, and the H B. BEED, THE DALLES, H." IF. rl 391, Gene Commission and Forwarding Mercliant 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, (Adjoining Railroact Depot.) ne lllgneSt ITlCe paid, in KJ&8Q. FBRLEY & FRBIIK, Successors to L D. Fbask deceas Wholesale and Retail Dealers Leather & Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings Etc, REMOVAL I MATERIALS, and Steel Engravings. GERALD, il ! Merchandise AGRJULTDRAL MACHINERY, Schuttliir's and Tubular AsIeWagons HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL Blacksmiths9 Sroclr. r O S . MONARCH Washing; Machine.-et Keeps in stock a full line of Razors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES, Harnessaiiasaaafery mm oPERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, to the wire. In operation at FENCE WOEKS, Cheapest Fence in tho World. Proprietor. OREGON. MD)(D)ID), IOT Htieat, JJanej, XjIC, XilC. PRINZ & NITSGHKE, W HOLES A1.K Al KKTAIL Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are nappy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates ol the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni- tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will Hardwood bent Chairs, each 75 eta Cane Kockers 2 00 Ash Bedsteads 8 60 Woven-wire Mattresses 50 Lounges 12 00 C-W CaLIi A.IV PISH & -DEALERS IX- loves, Furnaces. Ranues. MS PIPES, FIMBEIS' GOODS, PIMPS, St. :o: We are the sole agents for the Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE and RAMONA COOK STOVE, which has no equal, aud guarantied to give en tire satisfaction or niott-y refunded. Cor. Second and Washington streets. The Dalles. THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, .AJD. IiIi:LLTi:XT, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, Mountain 83 an Grcgorio "Vineyard Co. Agency, All Winae onrl Rpanrlino 1X11 ITX1IUJ UtlVi UUtUUlUJ The Best Wines, Liquors Try the best remedy for Saa Fmciseo Beep Idl SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, - -- PROP'R, I4.KE17S O.N XItA.XJGirr -:- Columbia Brewery Beer, :-: AND FOU fSyA.HU ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, tne very best Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS., . P. IdPMT, J -DEALER J IV- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, && Agent for tne Bntterick Patterns, also for tne Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, Funeral The TJnderslgTied has Added Metallic, Cloth-covered, Bert and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Bobes and Shrouds. Trimmings and owni the Most ftUeffant Hearse east f the BiOHnUitns with all tha latest improvtuwnto. . NO DELAY IN PI are of IfUMlnrNM. Third stmt, three doors honse, sad sdjolniDK bis Flailing Mill and Waft-oa Sliop. Place of Itesudcnce. Fourth itnet, corner and night. i WM. MICItKijIi. A. M. WILLIAMS & Co., SUCCESSORS TO LATE FIRM IE. UNGATE Ac CO. e ri era I A COMPLETE LINE OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, , Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. Crandall DEALERS IN Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpets, Hattlogt, Parlor Tin.derta.lsn.rig' a Specialty Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc. ante found at aU hours of thtday er night at their plac laNlCE Has remored f.xm Seeond street to Third BOOKS, : STATIONERY : AND : MUSIC. All maU orders filled satiafactorily and prompUr, - mm. Convince the Most Skeptical: Bed-lounpe Ash Bedroom Seta Brussels Carpets, per yard Inirraiu Carpets, do 15 00 , 6 0b lit . . S6 HKK UH!H BARDON, -:o:- Burgundy 83, . Zinfardel 84, Riesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret. (lnnvoiniaai Qfrinflw Pnro VJIUUlUilltVVU kJUllUliJ A uiu and Cigars Always on Sale. Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." TO MICHELL, VHDBBTASEB AND DiJ'ector. to his Business a fall line of Black, White," French of all descriptions at tne Lowest Prices FELLING ORDERS. mjt of Glbooa. MacaJlUter si Co's africuliuraJ wax of Wasblnirton. Can b sen at all hours of the day HACKS AND BUGGIES. & Burnet, Ornaments, Window Shades, Eta. of burinen, Washington strut, tv doors north ml. street. The Leading House for and oorrefpoudeno. chieriull answer. , Merchand ise J