The niari'ii Cnrca. -.' ... '- Col'tmbian, April 27th. . . The steam schooner, Louis Olsen, from Tillamook for Portland, loaded with lumber . tied up at Flavel's dock last night. Cap tain Jnhnuon had on deck a couple of black bear cubs, one about a month and the other six weeks old. They were canght at Tilla mook and will be presented to the owner of the veasr-1 it Portland. They are mia- .- chitons little fellows and when turned . loose on deck make things lively, lester itav one ut down in a backet of blue paint, while the other decorated himself with pink paint, and together they daubed np the yessel and lumber beautifully. Dr. Green, of Portland, was a passenger up on the vessel. Hs had with him a baby " seal about three days old. It was about - foot and a half lone and covered with " beautiful coat of fur. The doctor will keep it alive if possible by feeding it milk trom "bottte Pa co Mill soon have a chamber of com merce. "TheMf vs a frejj who lived to a spring', ' Be caught such a cold he could cot sing." Poor, unfortunate Batrachlan ! In what a - aad Dliarht he must hare been. And vet hifl misfortune was one that often befalls gingers. -Diauy a once cuneim voice among tnose wno ; fce'ong to the " genus homo " is utterly spoiled 'by" cold In the nead," or on the lungs, or both combined. For tbe above mentioned u croak er" we are not awaro that any remedy was f ever nevisea; out we rejoioe co enow that au ' human sincrers may keeD their heads clear an.l Ihrosti in tune by the Uuoiy use of Dr. Sturc'a utuarrn itcmooy ana nr. fierce a uoiacn Med ical Discovery, both of which are sold by ortitrg-iuts. Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy cures tbe worst cases of Catarrh In the Head, no matter of - now long stanamg, wnuo lor au laryngeal, bronchial, throat and lunor flfTpft.inns Tir. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is posi- . urw uucquwm. k i nine Lnw worst linger .. tag coughs and builds up" the flesh and " strength of those who have been reduced t jcaaticg diaeawi. It is guaranteed to bezant or cure in all diseases for which it is recommended, if taken in time and given- a uur trim, or money paid xor is reiunaea. t Copyright, U8S, by Wobld's Dis. Man. Ass's. Dr. PIERCE'S PELLETS ! regulate and cleanse the liver, stomach and . bowels. They are purely vegetable- and per- fectly harmless. " One a Dose. Sold by druggists. 8S cents a rial. AMERICAN MARKET. J. II. Hermans, DBALBB HI SALMQNr WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Fresh Salmon pecked in ice for shipment to any part o; the United States. apri-d&w JB. CROSSEN, , Atutioneer, - Washington St. bet. flaln and Second, The Dalles, Oregon. . Bee-olar Auction Sales of Real Estate, household - Furniture and General Merchandise. Wednesday and A.M. ANNOUNCEMENT! m tit a- ornncoTrntf np uiiuV CtV THE - sC .M!V7TfflT "HifBl - . "Y ' X voter" f this county I hereby annonnee my '"V ' j wdlingnew in ' intention to become an independent . "- akSJidhlatcicr :ie offica of County Clerk subject to - - the wishes I dra vote's of the county. aplgdl JAMES M. HCNTISGTON. Cows Jlerded. AU citizens desirous of having their cows herded from and after the first of March can do so by apply ing at the stable of W. 3. Butts, where particulars and terms will be made known. feb!7 TO .AT.T.i PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTK AT THE DALLES. W. C. AtllWAT, - Ticket Agent. LOCAL TIME TABLE, Union Faciae Kail way, vision. Pacific Ii- - BABTBODKD 7 ROM TIIB SALLSS. Express No. S leaves. ; - 1:30 a. Lim tad Fat Mail. No . leaves 10:55 a. Freight No. ?4 leaves.. -.. '.' 6:iS a. m. - 22 " lzae p. m WESTBOUND FSOM THB SALLSS. 'Exwess Ko. 1 leavis.. . 8:45 p. m. Limited Fast Mail, No. 3, leaves. 2:40 a. m. Freurht No. 27 leaves 8:30 a. m "21 " 12:30 p.m. Main Line. Nos. 1 and 2. "The Overland Fiver," earrv throush Pullman Sleepers. Colonist Sleepers, Free Chair Cars and Coaches, between Portland and Denver, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Paul or Chicago. Main I hia. Nos. S and 4. "The Limited Fas Mail," carry rnllman Dining and Sleeping Cars be tween Portland an . imcago. Daily. - ' . NOTICE.- -. J state convention union rarcv oi urezon. utotd City, Or., April ton and loth. (From stations in Oregon.) U. At. Miller, secretary, wm sign cerun-cates.-' - - -- - Passengers paving full fare goinj will be returned at one-fiftn tare on Csrtiflcates signed by tha deer tarv of the meeting. WM. MICHELL, UNDERTAKE K, Wishes to inform his many friends and the'public neuerullv that ha has removed h t undertaking rooms to NiOKELSEH'S HEW BRICK CORNER THIED AND WASHINGTON, Where he "ti a full stock of cve-j thing used n that business Orders bv dismit. h, "express, mail or in rason imjmptiy attended to and satisfaciion guaranteed. Can be seen anr loir . f tre iVy or nifcl.t at his re-ideoca. rue r Fourth an J Wtthinifton, or place of business. REMOVAL"- NOTICE IiSund Notices - NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tos Dallss, Orkgoh, April 2, 1890. "Kntr- la hArphv ' enven that the fullowirur-named settlei has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and tnat said prooi will be made before the retrikter and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Mai 17, 1690, viz: Jiinraj I'nrtintcaini', P S 5929. for the NE!4 SW!$, NS4 SE!4, and SE4 of &E, bee 34, T 4 8, It 12 E. He names tne following witnesses w prove uw continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Eugene Damonrs, O. W. Lucas, J. II. Ledford, Al bert Savage, all nf Warnic, Or. Anv rternon who desires to Drotest acrainst the al- Iflvim-e of ruch nrnof. or who knows of anv sub- stan tial reason, under the I: w and the regulations of the Interior Department, why tuch proof should not be allowed, will ne given an opportunity ar we aonB meutior.ed time and place to cress-examine the wit nes es of said claimant, and to ofier e"idcnce in re buttal of that suhmitted by claimant. ai.5 F. A. McDONALD, Register. NOTICli FOR PUBLICATION. Laxd Officb atThb Dalls. Or., Auril 2. lisdO. Notice is hereby given that the following-named aftt.r Iihm filn.1 lioticn nf his intention t make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof win bo maqe Deiore itegister anu xvcceivct aw D.ilej, Or., on May 17, 1890, viz: t'.uitene DaiuonrH, n a rum lnr h SUV W Tn 5 S. R 12 E. lie names the folmwinj witnesses to piove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said lauo, viz : Jmies Biiriingame, O. W. Lucas, J. M. Ledford, Albeit Sa-aire, a.i oi warnic, ur. a,.v rw.r.nn irlu fliKirei to nrotcst nniDBt the al lowance .f such proof, or who knows of any sub stantial rias-n, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowsd.will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place io cnss-e" n esses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in re buttal of that submitted by claimant, apis F. A. McDONALD. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Omcs at Thk Dalles, Or., Aiwil 17. 18C0. -v..t; tm hnrohr ff-ivrn that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said will h mmlft before the register and receiver of the U. S. land orEoa at The Dalles, Or., on June 18, 1SS0, viz: John Kyan, Hd 1S35 for the E 54 NW and SW NW Sc 30, TplNKI4E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz: Jcmee Benson, Joel G. Koontz, W. H. Williams, Geo. Patterson, all of The iiaiies, nr. Anv n.MMi arhn riAMires to nrotest aiTUnSt the 3 I lowance of such proof , or who knows of any sub stantial reason, under me law anu fcms n-guifciwi , Via l,,torinr Hf-nartment. WllV feUt-h DfOOf Should not be allowid. will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned lime and place so cra-Aauiiiio witnetEe of said Claliuanuna wuitriwriiw tu i. buttal of that i ubmitted I y claimant. api9 JOHN W. LEWIS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Thk Dalles, Orfoon, March 18. 1S90. Notice Is hereby given that the following named bihm haa filial nntiffi nf his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wi:l be maue oeiore uiu i iw-i ,uu iikcitci w, u U. S. land office at The Dalles, Or., on May 6th, 1890, viz: . Kamael Hasban, rs. 6681, for the E. NW!, Sec 5, Tp. 2 N., of R, HE. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, (aid land, viz: Amos Root, Charles Phil ips, William Johnson, James Esterbrook, all of Hosier, uregon. mch22 F. A. McDONALD, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Office at The Dalles, Oiieqos, April 25, 181-0. Kntim is herehv given that the following named sett'.er has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the reiwter and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on J -ne 2(1, lbUO, viz: Ainrioa C Adam DS for the SU cf NWVX of Sec. S8. To. 1 N. R 13 E. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his con tinuous lesidence upou and cultivation of said land, viz: ... Orlandi Morgan, Robert Vclntosh, Seth Morgan, W. A. Miller, ail oi Tne uanes, tiregon. aprie JOHN W. LEWW, Register. F0UTS & WILSON, 219 AND 221 SECOND STREET. Dealers in Wines, Liauors and Ciprs. "United fe Stand" And othei choice brands of Whisky. Imported Wines KEY WEST CIGARS. Also Wines and Beer, imported aud domestic. d&w : THIS GER MANIA CHAS. STUBLING, Prop. Wines, Lipors and Ciprs. All brands of Imported Liouors, Ale and Porter, and genuine Key West Cigars. A full hue of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. Jfo. 90 Second street. The Dalles. Or. UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, San Francisco to Portland. hav, 1890, To Portland Leaving SpearSt. Wharf, San Francisco, at 10 A. M. as follows: Columbia. Hay state " Oregon " Columbia ' State " Oregon Columbia ' State June 1 The com pant reserves the right to change steamers ar 8uung days. 5TNo freight will be received on morning of Bail ing, except Fruit and Vegetables, and these will not ne taken alter a. m. orncEs in sax Francisco. General Office, No. 10 Market t-treet. Ticket Offices, Nos. 1 and 214 Mjntgoniery street. GOODALL, PERKINS & CO, agents? lortl; I to San Francises. HAT, 1690. To San Francisco Leaving Steamship Wharf Port land, at 10 P. as follows: State - May Oregon........ ' Columbia. " State " Oregon " Columbia " Stale " Oregon " B -ggage must be checked either at Ash street dur iug the day. or by the U. C. & B. T. Co. No un checked- baggage wili be received on the steamers. PORTLAND OFFICES. Ticket Office, First and Oak streets George S. Taylor, Ticket Agent. C.S. MKLI.EN, T. W. LEE. ' Gen TratHc Manager. Geu. Pass.Agt RATES OF PASSAGE, (including me tnd berths Cabin, $16 00 titeeiage. Si 00 Round Trip Unlimited, ...... 30 00 CAUTION Take no shoes nnless IV. I Jlouglns' name and nrlcA &re Htamned on tne bottom. If the flealer rannot supply you, sent! direct to favtory, eucloslns; advertised price. W. L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE CENTLEMEN. Xlna Ralf. Heavw Traced flrain and Creed moor Waterproof; '".". - nest in ine worm. Amnim on S.OO GENUINE HAHD-sEWUD SHOE. 84.00 HAND-SEWED WELT SHOE. - 83.50 POLICE AND FARMKBS SHOE. S2.BO EXTRA VAI.CK CALF SHOE. 2.25 S2 WORKINGS! KN-8 SHOES. 2.00 and S1.7S BOYS' SCHOOL SHOES. Aft made in Congress, Button and Lace. $3&$2 SHOES LADisfs. S1.7S SHOE FOB MISSES. Wtmmt WBtarlal. Hot Rrvlat. Raafs Vlttlnsf. W. 1 Douslas, Brockton. Uasa. Sold by J. Frciman,i gt,The Dalles,0r. Legal Notices- SUMMONS. In the Circuit Coart of the State of Oregon, for Wasco county. M. A. Moody, plaintiff, vs Mrs. S. C. Hagan, de fendant. To Mrs. B. V. wagan, oeienoant; In the name of the State of Ore on, you are hereby n,,irwt tn inimtr and answer the complaint of the -k...,, nm.:l nlnintiff. filed airainst vou in the above entitled suit in said court, onor oeiore m um t of May, 1890, tnat Doing tne nrei oav oi trie regular Ar ;.i Mitrt fnllnwiu? the cxniration of six consecutive weeks' publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear anil anrwer, the plaintiff will .hr to the eouit tor the relief prayed foi in his complaint filed herein, to-wit: for a decree against you for the sum of 8435.88, bearing interest at the rate of ei'-'lr. per cent, per annum, for the sum of $100 as attorney's fees, for the . costs and disburse ments of this suit, and for the foreclosu e rf that certain mortgage executed hy you jointly with your husband, John H Hagan, now deceased, on the 29th day of August, 18S7, to B. Wistar Morris, on the southeast qu'rier(K) of section No. thirty-six (30) in township No. two (2). south of range thirteen (13) east of the Willamette' meridian; containing one hundred and si ay (100) acres and situated in Wnsco county, State of Oregon; which land was owned by mo ..a vonr (eoarate DroDertv. and included by you in said mortgage, with other lanus belonging to your said husband. S:ud mortgage was executed by you and our husband as aforesaid to secure the pay ment oi five c rtain promissary notes amounting to 0 0 0 aid tne interest wereoii, ueanjiiawsu u wi lows: Note fo. one, ,000; note No. two, S1,0 0; note No. three. 81,000; note No four, 1, 000, and note No. five, 82,000, with inUrest tiiereoa at the rate of eight per cent per annu n,a d the interest to be paid on said notes quarterly, wiav me uu-i wiv..s ... ,),. wfait. nf the naid Jubn II. Hairan.deceased, included in said mortgage totecuie the payment cf said notes and interest thr on, was sol" at admin istrator's sale by the order of the County Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco ct.uuiy , in probate, and tbe proceed of said sale and the whole thereof was applied on said notes uyuiuerm nroceeds mid in full, said notes designated as Nos. thntn nnil fnur. And a rjortion of noto-N-i five, there still remaine I a balance unpaid on said note No. five, and interest ther on at the rate of eight per cent per annum, amounting to the sum of 8435.8iatthe date of filing the compla nt in thii suit, for which sum this suit is brought, and for the foreclosure cf said mortgage to the extent of the sale of your land hereinbefore described, included by you in raid tp.ortgage,and the proceeds of such sale to be appli d to the paym-nt of said balance unpaid on said note No. five; and said note No. five provides that in case suit tbuuld be inst tuted to coiUct the same or any portion thereof, that you would pay 8100 as reasonable attorney's fees in said sui', each of said notes being signed Dy vou, me ueienuaut; Mrs. S. C. Magan, and payable to the order of b. Wistar Morri-: s-iid note desiirnated as note No. five and the said mortgage securing the payment tnereoi, were uuiy wunsierreu uiu assiud m piaiu tiff for value, before the commencement of this suit And you will further take notice that such decree will provide for and dire t the sale of your sail herein described mortgaged premises belonging to you to satisfy the amount of said balan e still due and unpaid on said note No. five, now owned by plaintiff, and secured by said mortgage and amount ing to 8435 63. i-rintipal and interest, to the date of filing the complaint in this suit, together with 8100 as reasonable attorney's fees as provided for in said note No. five, and the costs au 1 cirfhursements of this suit, and for such othet rebel as may be equita- hl You will also take notice that this snmmons is serve 1 un- n vou bv publication, in pursuance of an order of the Honorable E. 1. Shattuek, Circuit Judge of the Fourth Judicial District of ire btate oi Oreirou. of data Auril 7th. 18). directing the publi cation of the same iu the Timbs-Mountai.vskk for six successive weeks. OONOON & uoiniw.', April 7, 1890. Att'ys for Piaiutiff. &prl2-t SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. Tbe Solicitors' Luan and Trust Company, plaintiff, T8. James Booth. Mary Booth. W. K. MoClure, Sarah H. McOuire, D. G. Alter, Ada Alter, Ka'ph Rogers. Julia IN. Kegera, ln buiDooy, j. w, xay 1 r, Daniel Grid ley, K. K. Hull and John W. Fran cis, ueicnaaiiu. To James Booth. Mary Booth. W. F. McCIure, Sarah H. McCluie. K i. Alter. Ada Aittr, ttaipb Kogers, Julia N. Hcwjern, Uri Eiubotly, J. W. Tuylur, Daiiied Grid ley, H. E. Ua 1 aud Joun W. Francis, the above named dereuda'iw: In the namo of the State of Oresron y u and each of you are hereby required to be and appear in tbe abuve named court and auawer the complaint filed against you by tbe above n -med plaint ill in the bove entitled action, witb'n ten days from the date of tbe service cf tnw. punimons upon ou, u uie same is served iu Wasco county, S-aie ot Orogn; if the same is fterved up.n you iu uny otlier county in said state, then within twenty das trom the date of the service of the same upon you; and if the same is served up'-n you by publiuiU n, then you are re quired to appear And answer by tbe first day of tbe term of sal I court following the expirntion of tbe time prescribed in the order fur publication thereof, to-wtt: by tbe 2tfth day of May, 2800. And if Tou fail to to answer, judgment wid be taken against you for want thereof, aud said plaintiff wjlj apply to the said court for the r lief demanded in tne said complaint, which is' fur judgment against s?id de fendants, James Booth aud Mary Booth, for 92130 and interest on 92000 thereof at the rate of six per cent per annum, compounded semi annually at the rate of citrbt per cent per annum from July 1, 1889; aud interest un 910 thereof from July 1, 18S3; on tftfO thereof from January 1. ltt&v, aaa on you tnereoi from July 1, 18&f, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and for $200 attorney's fees and costs and disbursements; and for a decree forever barring and foreclosing all of said defendant of all interest in the land hereinafter described, and lore closing tbe mortgage giveu by said James Booth and Mary Booth to said plaintiff on the 25th day of February, 1887, to secure the sums aforesaid upon those par eels of lan 1 in Wasco county, State of Oregon, known and described as the east nau ana tne ease nail oi the southwest quarter of section fifteen (15), all of section sixteen (10). the east half of section seven teen (17). and the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-two (22), all in township one (1) north of range fourteen (14) east W. M., con taining 14UU acres more or less. Ana oraenrg saia 1 nd sold aud the proceeds thereof applied to the payment to plaintiff of the sums aforesaid, aud for general relief. The date of the order of service by publication in this suit is March 2, is . u. a. uriuw, March 29, 1890. Plaintiff's Attorney apr5-mayl7 SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco County. The Solicitors Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff, vs. James Booth, Mary Booth, W . If. McCiore, Sarah B. McCiure. J. O. Alter, Ada Alter, Kalph Kojjers, Julia H. luxrers, In lunDoay, J. w. Tay lor, Daniel Gridley, K. E. Ball and John W. Fran . cis, defendants. To James Booth, Mary Booth, W. F. McCIure. Sarah II. HcClure, O. O. Alter, Ada Alter, Kalph Rogers, Jul'.. N. Kofrers, Un mbody, J. w. Taylor, Daniel Gridley, E. K. Hall, and John W. Francis, the above named defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon you anil each of you arc hereby required to be and apt-ear in the above named court and ai swer the complaint filed against you by the above named plaintiff, in the above entitled action within ten days from the date of tbe service of this summons upon yeu if the same is served in Wasco county. State of Oretron, if the same is served upon you in any other county in said state, then within twenty days from the date of the service of the same upon you. and if the same is served upon you by publication then you are re quired to appear and answer by the first day of the term of said court following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order for publication thereof to-wit: by the 26th day ot Hay, 1890, and if )Ou fail so to snswer judgment will be taken against you for want thereof. Aud said plaintiff will apply to the said court for the relief demanded in said com rj lain t. which is for judgment against said defendau s James Bootn anu alary uootn xor zizo ana interest- en 2000 thereof st the rate of six per cent, per annum eompounded semi-annually at the rate of eight per cent, per annum from July 1st, lbcO, and interest at tignt per cent, per annum on aou tnereoi irom Jan. 1st, 1889, and on K0 thereof from July 1st. lSbS); and for 92C0 attorneys fees and costs and disburse ments. And for a decree foiever barrinar and fore closing all of said defendants ot all interest in the land hereinafter described, and foreclosing the mort gage given by said James Booth and Mary Booth to said plaintiff on the 25th day of February, 1887, to secure tne sums aforesaid upon tnose parcels of land iu Wasco county, State of Oregon, known and de scribed as tbe southwest quarter of section four (4). tUe north half of section nine (9), and the northwest quarter ol section seventeen i.i7, all in Town&nip one (0, north of range fourteen (14) east, W. M., containining 610 acres mora or less. And ordering said lands sold and the proceeds thereof applied to the pa.vmeut to plaintiff of the sums aforesaid and for general relief. The date of the order for service by publication in this suit is Aiarcn '., lttttu. u. is. tit-run, il arch 29, 1890. Plaintiff's Attorney. a;io-nrl7 CITATION. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the county oi wasco. . In the matter of the estate of Phoebe M. Dunham, deceased Citation. To Mary O Cnstman, Clara R. Speddcn, George lladdox and Chares B. Dunham, heirs at law of Pr.oe"w M, Dunham, deceased, greeting; In the name of the State of Oregon, you are berebv ciuu ami required to apj ear in the County Court of the tiute of Oregon, for the County cf Wasco, at the court room thereof, at lailes citv, in saia county, en Monday, the 4th day of May, 1890, at 10 o lock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cau.-, If auy there be, why an order should not be m-de authorizing tbe adminifttratr of sold estate to sell the lo.lowing described real esWte h&lonsnng to said t8tate, to-wit: A strip or parcel of laud 83$ feet wide and 100 feet de- p of the east side of lot Ho.' 11, in -block No. 6, of L'gblin's addition to Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, situated on the bluff, together with the tenement and hereditaments thereto belonging, to pay the claims against said es tate and the expense of administering the same. Witness toe lion. C. N Thornbury, Judge of tbe seal said County Court, with the seal of said Court afflxxl, this 3d day o' April, A. L U90. Attest: GEO. U. THOMPSON, Clerk. api6-0t By J. M. Hcktwotos, Deputy. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for the State oi Oregon, for the County of Wasco, 88. Annie J. Fitzgerald, plaintiff, vs. Kate Couhig " Mrs. D. H. bearers and William Snvder, Jr., de fendant?. Te Kate Couhig, Mrs, D. H. Seavers and William Snyder, Jr., defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon, you and each of vou are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in tbe above entitled action wiihin ten days from the date of the service of this sumuuons uron vou, if seived within this county; or if served within any other county of this state, then within twenty davs from the date of tbe service of this summons upon you; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed tor in her com plaint, to-wit: the partition of the life estate of William Smder in parts a one-third part) of lots 8 and 9 of block one or Dalles City proper fronting about 26 feet on Main street on the n-rth side there of and bounded on the west by the property owned by the late O. S. Savage. Tliis summons is served upon you and each of yon m pursuance of an order dulv made herein on the 9th day of April, 18C0, by Loy al B. Stearns, Judge of the Fourth Judicial District of the State of Oregon. w . Lais hill ass mats a HcxnuoTov, . apl9-7t . Attorneys for Plaintiff. NOTICE. Ar.v rjtram wishing to purchase flour at the Dia- rnnnd Mill can ao so m iwa m . . prW S4.00 per barrel, subject to aJteraUon. Terms ktrjctl eashT A. H. CCET16S, prop. . J . 1 . . I . I. C 1.1.1- . FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS ttik NORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Is the line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dining Car Route.. It runs Thriugh Ves- HDU1CU Trains every uay in me year vu ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARS.) Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed, Pullman llrawmg Kocrn aieepers oi i.abebb . Equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING OARS, Best that can be constructed, and in which accom modations are both Free and Furnished lor holders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Coatinaj is Line onectiiu with Ali Lines, Affording Direct and Un inlerrupted Service. Pulman Sleep er reservations can be secured in ad vance through any agent of tbe road. - THROUGH TICKETS ".'a8 ard Europe ui he purchased at any Ticket oliiec of this Com..anr Pull information concernin? rates, time of trains, routes and otuer details furnished on ajiplication to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTCN, Assistant General Passeneer Agt , No. li!l r irnt street, cor. Washinston, PORTLAND, OREGON 0. D. TAYLOR, Washington Street, in rear of French & Co's Bank building. THE DALLES. - OREGON. -THE New Zeland Insurance Co. Is one of the Best in the World Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho ol the Mutual Benefit Life InsiiranceCo. OF NEWARK, N. J. ' aid policy holders, sin ea organization, $92,812,907.06 ! Assets, market value S40.KK0.C4 14 Surplus, N. T. standard 5.5 1,12 81 One of the most solid companies in the .United States. AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon Territories of Washington and luano. MONEY LOAN. NOTARY BUSINESS Before starting on a Journey, get an ACCIDENTiTICKET. Only 25cfor $3000 Insurance. Loaning Honey foi non-resident a specialty. 8 per cent, net guaranteed to lenders. O. r. TAY LOB HENET L KUCK, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, THE DALLES, - - OR G All Wort Unaranteea to ive Sat is faction H. GLENN, Is again at his old stand and has on hand L I 2 FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT. Tanks of all sixes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, made to order. 3T Contracts for all kinds of buildings taken at the lowest nrrores. Faler's Eolden Female Pills. For Female Irregular 1 ties: nothiuglikethem on the market. Never fail. Successfully used by prominent ladies monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. . SURE! SAFEI CERTAIN! Don't be humbugged. Save Time. Health and money ;take uo oth er. Sent to any address, secure by mail ou re ceipt oi price, fi.00. Address, THE APHRO MEDICINE COIflPA!.,. Western Branch, J3ox27, POKTLANb, OK FOR SALE B7 BAKELY & HOUGHTON. Thompson's Addition -TO- DALLES CITY. Now Ready for Sale on Easy Terms. -Now is the timejto buy while PRICES ARE LOW. This tract bas been surveyed and platted in acre tracts with convenient streets aui avenues and so arranged that purchasers can tret one block or rev- eral acres in a body.. The jautl is comparatively level, sou excellent, water easily ODtaineu, location pleasant, oeautiful and easy to access and joins the city lmmeaiateir on tne ease Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds: FOR SALE BY ; The Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For articulars apply at the oXce of the Company rooms and 8, Land Office Builiing, The Dalles, Or. COME AND SEE TBE PROPERTY. THORNBURY & HUDSON, apSdawtf Eeal Estate Agents CITY BAKERY -AND- Second and Union Streets. A. L. NEWMAN Proprietor Eureka Restaurant. Xai BUILDING IS FOR RENT AND THE Fixtures therein for sale. Apply to " Knieht . GEO. WILLIAMS. PAY UP. ALL ACCOUNTS DUE THE UNDERSIGNED must be settled on or before 11 T 1, 1890, or the; will bt placed for collection. E. BECK. FAMILY GROCERIES Sniped Kinersly, -THE Leading Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon, C.N. THORNBURY. T. A. HUDSON, THORNBURY & HUDSON, INSURANCE 2sEo2ae37- to Loan on Beat Estate,. Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all hinds of Land business be fore the U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8, up-stairs, U. S. Land Office building, THE DALLES, OREGON. ' FRUIT! SHADE TREES SMALL FRUITS, VINES EVERGREENS, SH UBS, ROSES, ETC The Eiriieet Strawberry known, CLARKE'S " SEEDLING! Also, the EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry' a valuable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens, JA.ME3 A. VARNEY, Prop. The Celebrated Frencli Sure, "APHRODITINE" fKZ Is Sold oh a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any (m m of nervous -diseusc, or any disorder r the generative or gans of either BEFOl.C ' isincr from the AFTER exr,:s.-ivu HHP nF sriinulnlitn. Tfilincco or Onilim or through youthful indiscretion, over indiilg aiifi .l-r Kintli as I nit nf Urin Power. Wnkotul uess. Hearing down Pains in the Buck, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria. Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emissions. Incorrlio?a, Dizziness. Weuk Slem ory, Lnssnf Power and Irnotency. which If ne glected often lend to premature old nee and insan ity. Price SI. 00 a box. 6 boxes for S3.00 Scut by mail on receipt ot price. A WKITTEN GUARANTEE forevery J5.0C order, to refund the money if a I'eriiianent cure is not effected. Thousands ol testimonials from old and youug, of both sexes, permanently cured bv AriiEontTiNB. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO WKSTKKN T1KANCH. BOX 27 POETLAND, OR BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR THB DALLES, OBEKOS. G.T.THOMPSON. A.W. FARUHER, . THOMPSON & FARGHER, General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St. Hone-Shoeing and General Jobbing a apeciaiiy Prices reasonable and to suit the times. The Dalles Lumbering COMPANY, Successors to THOS. JOHNS & CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. The Daixk3, - - Oregon, SBALBaS IB ALL KIKDS Ot ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Material Shingles, Fence Posts Lime and Hair. itairurACTuitBRS or DOORS, WINDOWS, BLINDS Orders from abroad receive prompt attention. PIONEER-.-GROCERY, GEO. RUCH, Proprietor. Northwest corner of Second and Washington sts CHEAPEST place in The Dalles for all kinds of GROCERIES FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW-WARE, Tnankful for favors tn the past, I would respect fully solicit seontinuance of the same. GEORGE RUCH Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. ty"Cash advances made on consignment. THE DALLES Marble Works, - - - . C. J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freiglds and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THK DALLES, OREGON. A WEAK MAN Can now cure himself of the deplorable results of early souse, ana peirctiy restore n is vigor and vi tality by .the Great Australian Remedy. The re markable cures of hopeless cases ot Nervous Debil ity and Private Complaints are everywhere stamping out riuackery. The Medicine, a physician's Rift to suffering humanity, will be sent free to those af flicted. Address, Dr. M. B. TAYLOR, lmarlyw 809 Market Strreet, San Francisco. -BRA1XDS- . -OF ALLEN GRANT, Eagle Valley, near Antelope Ewes have sauare croo on rieht ear and split on left. Wethers reverse. Horses and cattle branded "R. G." Have sold my horses and cattle, but not my brands. ...... A Perfect Face Powder. E Ittatallinil vniugi BLAKELEY & HOUGHTON AND C. L DUNHAM. : m LATEST PERFUME exquisite cn..f FREEMAN S HIAWATHA The Hew Umatilla House, HANDLEY & SINNOTT. Proprietors, THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of ali Valuables Ticket and Baggage Office of the UNION Western Telegraph uompany, are tn e Hotel. , TRAETS DEPART FROM THIS HOUSE AT 12: lO P M FOR WALLA WALLA 2:40 P. M. PORTLAND Tents, Wagon Covers, AJV THE OLD STAND. Country Orders Promptly atended to marls -td REMOVAL ! . Bemoved to 270 -rEALER IN- Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTISTS MATERIALS, Mojildings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. Oil Paintings, Chromos E. P. FITZ Wagon-Makers' and fS-Sole Ajrent for the IMPROVED C. E. DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician. SOLE AGENT TOR ?CTACif oc GLASSES PAT? JULYIS 1679. . Svery Pair PnTchaserl Gaaraatced. ' r 1 1 tt STATIONERY AND CIGARS Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicina uses. Prescriptions com pounded at all hours. . call and see H00SIER FENCE MACHINE, 0NLY MACHiifB that gives a continuous twist to the "wire. In operation at THE PACIFIC FENCE WORKS, gtrong, Durable, Neat, and "the H B. EEED, THE DALLES, 7L. W:M Gener'l Commission aad Forwarding Merchant, 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STBEET, (Adjoining Railroad Depot) 1 . .. . Oonsigriments Solicited ! ! Prompt Attention to those who favor me with their patronage. The Highest Price paid in Cash THE DALLES. OREGON .. . . . PACIFIC Railway Company, and Office oj the FflRLEY I FBHJIK, Successors to L D. Fbank deceas Wholesale and Retail Dealers Leather & Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings Etc. v REMOVAL I and 278 Second St., and Steel Engravings. GBK ALD, AGRjqjLTORAL MACHINERY, 3, HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Blacksmiths' Stock. MONARCU Waahirur Macfaine.-t Keeps in stock s full line ot Razors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES, . PERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, Trusses, Hlioiildei BraoeSi Ohest Protectors Cheapest Fence in the World. Proprietor. OREGON. for Wheat, Barley, Etci Etc. Harnessantisaaciiery SchuUler s and Tusular Asle Wagos PRINZ & WHOLESALE Furniture & Carpet Dealers. ' Are happy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates oi the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni- tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will Hardwood bent Chairs, each ....76 cts ... 00 .... 8 60 .... 60 .... IS 00 Cane Rockers Ash Bedsteads Woven-wire Uattresses Lounges ..... vr call and FISH & -DEALERS IN- Stoves, Hmm, Ranges, We are the sole agpnta for the Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE and RAMONA COOK STOVE, which has no equal, and guaranteed to give en tire satisfaction or money refunded. Cor. Second and Washington streets, The Dalles. THE. 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, AT. IvIi:LlL.Ti:rt, Proprietor. Port 81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, , Mountain 83 au Gregorio Vineyard Co. Agency. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pura The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try the best remedy for Dyppepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." Sai Fsaaeiseo Be? lall SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEM KE, - - - PROP'R, Ii.T:Ei?a5 ON DKAUGIIT ' ' ' -:- Columbia Brewery Beer, :-: . AND TOU tSALK, ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. , . Also, tlie iery best Imported Wines,: Liquors and Cigars.' - The One Price Cash "2 . COR. SECOND ,1. P. Me DKALEB, IN- Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. . : Agent for the Bntterick Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, , . The Undersigned, has Added to hie Business a fall line of ' . Metallic, Cloth-covered, Black, White, French Berl and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Robes and Shronds. Trimmings of all descriptions at'the Lowest Prices and owns ttia Mo$ tHeffant Hrarse eat t the moan tains withU tb , latest improrement. NO DEI AY IN FILLING ORDERS. Place nf Baanaena, Third street, three dears east ot Qibons, alaesJlister k Co's africaltural fan bonse, and adjoining- his Plaulng Mill and Wagon Shop. , t ... Place f BesidMCC. Fourth street, oomer of Washington. Can be laen at all boon or the day t WM. MICHELL. ;1ILLIAMS ' SUCCE880R8 TO XATsT FIRM- .. . , , . , E. UNGATE :&--c6;SJt' General Merchandise I i I'. - A COMPLETE LINK OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC 17 Dry Goods, ' ;; ;V ; Groceries, : j Hardware, : r . Iron and SteeL Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS ' HACKS AND BUGGIES. DEALERS IN Fine Upholster ed Goods ' Furaitare, Carpets, Mattings, Parlor ' XTn.d.extalsins' a- Specialtsr. ' ; Coffins, Caskets, Burial Robes, Etc ' . ( an be fount at all hours of the daytr night at their plat of Inuintu, Watkingto ttrtit, ttno doors north from Second. . tiyn of Red L iylit.. ' 'Hairemored bom Seeoodstrost to BOOKS, : STAIMEUY.: AND : MUSIC. tr All mail orders Oiled satisfactorily and proarpttY, ud oorrerBoadenot chwrtulljr nsere , NITSCHKE, AND HETA1 ti Convince the Most Skeptical: Bed-lounges 15 00 Ash Bedroom Seta 26 00 Brussels Carpets, per yard 7b lntrraiu Carpets, : do 26 BEd cjm i -i Ja !9 BARD ON, -:o:- Burgundy 83, Zinfapdel 84, Hock 83, r Table Claret. AMD COURT STS., " ' l M RU" J AVit MICHELL. UIDERTAKER AND ' ' ' Ornaments, Window Bhadee, Etc. ..... Js Jh Third street. The Leading Hons for