. ladiea, sad for the Ladies. ' A woman may not have an agreeable disposition simply because slie dresses sweetly. Tbiuk of the sugar-coated pill and tremble. lime. Patti bas made a contract to build at ber castle of Craig y Nos, in Wale, a winter garden covered with glass, , 104 feet long and 70 feet wide, witb a high curved rocf 45 feet high. A-piece of pink coral, thiity feet long and nine inches in diameter at one end, witb branches projecting about four feet en all sides, was recently obtained on the coast of Japan. Its value in a prepared state would be about $15,000. It is said that a large portion of the plumes worn by the ladies who attend tbe bueen's drawing-rooms are hired from a shop which makes a business' ot renting out plumes. The feathers are worth from H to $10, and the rent of them is $2.50 lor each occasion. Two women were elected to the council of Middlesex county, England, but the council chairman declared that tbey coo id neither be admitted nor excluded, because toe law was mute on tbe gentler sex, and, a) settling the point, the two women took seats of their own accord in tbe council chamber. . The wife ot Count Wa'dersee, one ct tbe nobles who stands very high in the estimation of Emperor William, is the daughter of James Lee, once a prominent New York grocer. She is a beautiful woman, and while travel icar with ber father in Europe some years ago met and married irin.ee .Frederick, of Sculeswig- Ilolstein. wbo was about fifty years her feaior. He lived but a short time, and later on sbe was married to her prcseLt husband. ASLEEP ON TUB TRACK. A little child, tired of play, had pillowed his head on a railroad track and fallen asleep. The train was almost upon him when a passing Dtranger rushed forward and saved him from a boniblo death. Perhaps you are asleep on the ' track, too. Too arc, if you are neglecting the hacking cough, -the hectic flush, the loss of appetite, growing' weakness and lassitude, which have unconsciously crept upon you. Wake up, or the train will be upon you I Consumption, which thus insidiously fastens its bold upon its victims while they are un conscious of its approach, must be taken in time, if it is to be overcome. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has cured thou sands of cases of this most fatal of maladies. If taken in time, and given a fair trial, it fa gnsu-aotecrl to benefit or cure in every ccse of Consumption, or money paid for it will be promptly refunded. For Weak Lungs. Spitting of Blood, Short ness of Breath, Bronchitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred affections, it is an effl cieut remody. I Copyright, 1SSS, by WOULD'! DIS. Mid. AaS'JC REWARD EEBaE3SE23 offered for an incurable case of Catarrh in the Head, by the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. umy ou canto. Bold by druggists everywhere. PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH AT THE DALLES. W. C. A1X.AWAY, - Ticket Agent. LOCAL TIME TABLE, VaUoia PeITe Railway, Pocifie I- ilsloi. iastboukd prom raa DAiiUts. ' Express No. 2 leaves 1:30 a. m. 'Limited Fast Mail, No. 4, leaves.. 10:56 a. m. Freicht No. S4 leaves 6:45 a. m. " - " 22 " 12:3U p. m- - wasTBOtrsD noil ins eau.es. 'Express No. 1 leaves 2:45 p. m. 'Limited Fast Mail, No. 3, leaves. 2:40 a. m. Freieht No. 27 leaves 8:30 " "21 " 12:30 p. in. Main Line. Nos. 1 and 2. "Tbe Overland Fiver. carry throush Pullman Sleepers. Colouist Sle-pers. Free Chair Cars and Coaches, between Portland and enver, Omaha. Kansas City, St. Louis, St. Paul or - cmcago. Main Line. Nos. S and 4.' "The Limited Fas Muil," carry Pullman Dining; and Sleeping Cars be tween roruancl an 1 cnicago. Dailv. NOTICE. State Convention Union Party of Oreiron. Oretron City, Or., April th and 10th. (From stations in vn-xon.) u. M, Aimer, secretary, win sign certin catca. Passeneers pavinsr full fire troinsr will be returned at one-fifth fare on certificates aLrned by the Secre tary oi tne nieeunr. FOUTS & WILSON, 219 AXD 221 SECOND STREET. -Dealers in- W ices, tips and Cifars. We Stand " , And othei choice brands of Whisky. Imported Wines KEY WEST CIGARS. ' tW Also Wines and Beer, imported aud domestic. JB. CROSSES, . Auctioneer, Washington St. bet. Alain suia Second, The Dalies, Oregon. Beirular Auction Sales ot Ben) Estate, Household r umiture and General Merchandise. Weunesdav and Hatnrday.lt A. 31. -THE GERMANIA CHAS. STUELING, Prop. 1$500 MTiets "United Wines, Liquors and Cigars. All brands of Imported Liauors, Ale and Porter, and genuine Key West Cigars. A full line of CALIFORNIA WINES & BRANDIES. No. S9 Second street, ThetDalles, Or. CITY BAKERY -AND- FAMILY GROCERIES $3 Second and Union Streets. A. L NEWMAN, Proprietor. Ill J. Land Notice. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Ths Dallrs, Okegox, April 2, WHO. Xotioe Is hereby irivcn that the tullowintr-named settlei bos filed notice of big iutoution to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be inadfl befure tbe register and receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on Ma) 17, 18M0, viz: Jamrs liarllnsnme, I) S 59S9. for the WE SW4. S SEX, and SEf of bE!i, hec 34, T. 4 S, 11 1 2 E. He names the following witnesses to provo bis contiuuous residence upon ana cultivation of, Said land, viz: Eugene Damonr.-, O. W. Lncas, J. M. LeJford, Al bert Savage, all of Warnic, Or. Any person who desires to protect against the al lowance of rucb proof, or who knows of any sub stantial reason, under the bw aud the regulations of tbe ntri-r Demrtinent. wiiv such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time ana place to uross-examine tne wit nes es of frtid rl.tinunt, and to offer e"ideuce in re buttal of lh.it bubmitud by claimant. a,.5 K. A. AiclxiK ALD. Register. KOTICK toa PUBLICATION. Land OrricK AT-Tnit Pauks, Ortoos, March 18. lb'.K). Notice is hrrnbr given that Ihe following named seUicr lias iiied notice of his intention to mane final prooi in support ol hid claim, and that said roof aiil tie in ide before the register and receiver of the t'.-s. tauu omce at ma uaues, ur., on Aiay am, lsuu, viz: Numuel liaottan.1. 1S. GUI. for the EA. N1VJ4. See. 5, Tp. 2 N , of R. 12 G. lie n:imes tbe following witnesses to prove his contuiU' us reatdence upan ana cultivation of, said land, viz: Amos itoot, diaries Phil ips. William Johnson, James rtet oiooit, an oi uosa-r, ui-egon. mch'ii F. A. McIjuMaLD, Register. KOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. . Laxb Office at The Dallfs. Or., Apri: 2. i860. Kotice is hereby given that tbe followiuv-namcd settler has Sled notice of his intention to m ike final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof Z.n K ..i.. i .....1 It.,; ..... , 'rk. Mill WJ 1U.M40 U.K'IG l.K'01 HI. U X.W...b. W u Dalles, Or., on May 17, IbiX), viz: liutene IinonrH, D S 6402. for the SW. Sec 6. To 5 S. R 12 E. lie names the following" witnesses to prove ha continuous resideuce upon, and cultivation of, said lauu, viz: J mum Barliname, O. W. Lucas, J. M. Ledford Albert S.i'iuro. Ail ot Wan tic. Or. Any per on who desire to protest aj-ainst the al low uioe of such proof, or who knows of my sub atanttal rias n, under the law and the regulations of the Interior iJeiurtment, why tuch proof should not he allow!, will be .riven an opportunity at the above men cio neu time ana place to cross-exam ine me wit nesses of said ciaimint, and to offer evidence in re buttal of that submittal by claimant. apl5 F. A. McOONALD. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Tim Dalles, Or., April 17. 1800. Notice is hereby (riven that the following named settler bas filed notice of hid intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the renter and receiver of.the U. S. lani office at The Dalles, Or., on June 1, UDO, viz; John It j' an. Hd 1835 for the Vt NW & and SW 2iff Sec 3U, lpi n It 14 . lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J.nieti Benson, Joel G. Koontz, W. H. W.lUains, Geo. Patterson, all of Tbe Dalles, Or. Ai.y person who desires to protest against the i 1 lowance of such proof, or w ho knows of any sub staniial reison. under tbe law and the regulations of the iutai. or department, whytuch proot should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the aboe mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimantand to offer evidence in re buttal of that feubmitted ly claimant. ' aLl9 JOHN W. LEWIS. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Lakd Offick at Tub DaltaBs, Or., March 15, 1690. Nolice is hereby eiven that the following named settler bis filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said pro-if will 1 a made before the register - and receiver at The Dai 1(8, Oregon, on April 29, 1890, viz: 1 inll t. Haddaiiiaii. DS 7' 5 for the SW IS" El Wv4 'and SE1 SEV Sec IS Tp 2 tR 14 E lie names me lonowin? witnesses to prove nis coi.t.i unus residence upon and cultivation of said Jarid viz: liti Htuiin Rotbwav. v. illiam Robinson. Oliver bouraid, Joseph K.nibou, all of Dufur, Or. r. a. JucuOiXALU, ttetTiSter. Sale tf UEtlaiiuei Go Is 03 Account of Advances, Stop, E!c. Nc CTICE IS HEREBY GIVES THAT THF follcwine articles described in UiB schedule htreto annexed, teiny property stored for one year w.aiier,iDii rtoiaiiiiuir uncimiura. win oa soia at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, on Saturday, the zutn day or April. A. u. 18V0. com- mencicfr at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m., at Moody's Stornpe and Forwarding Warebouat , Second street. Trie Danes, umron. Only to much of each parcel or lot thereof will be sold as will satisfy all chanres scainst the same for advances, storage ana other necessary expenses: SCHEDILK. Mrs. Charles Parker. 1 organ and stool: James ua'iiep, 1 tahie; Charles Klein, l roll beddui&r; V. s. Conks, 1 set harness; Halstead & Uinsnaw, 4 pack ages hardware; 9. a. rlendric z concentrators; H, Stellinir, 2 plows; U. Kroebbe, 1 plow and 1 drill; J. L. Thompson, 4 packages sawed fellows; J. M. ftoiin, 1 header wheel. Clarence Barnett, 1 cise mer chandise; J. W. Johnston, 1 case merchandise; h. Hayten, 1 bundle manilla paper; Johu Lentitz, 1 hutter br x, N. P. Wheat, 1 box meichandise; John tLonng, l pump and nxtures. Z. F. MOODY. Storage and For ware inir Merchant. J. B. CROSSEN, Auctioneer. feb22-apr26 NEW CITY BRIDGE. THE FOLLOWING RESOLUTION PASSED TIIE Council: It in hereby declared that notice be tren inviting1 sealed proposals tor tne construction of a (rood and substantial bridge across Mill Creek on Ninth street. Each proposal to he accompanied with plans, specifications and diagrams. That said notice be (riven by publication in tbe Tihss-Modm tainerr and Wasco Sun, newspapers in Dalles City, Oregon, for two successive usues of said papers. That said propals be filed with the recorder on or before April iuui,lfeth), and tiiat alter an award snail have been made, the contractor to be required to enter into a written contract and execute a good and sufficient bond to the city in doub e the amount of I nis propisai. uy order ct tne common c mncit ot uaiies c.ty. OEO.'H. KNAGGS. ap&aplO Clerk. Guardian's Notice. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointeu bv the County Court of the State of Oreiron. for Wasco county, in probate, truardian of the person and estate of Otis S. cavdge. Junior, a minor. All persons naving claims avuinst sol 1 es tate f nd minor are bercbv notified and reouired to present them to me at the law office of Condon St Condon, in Dalles City, Wasco county. State of Ore tron. witn proper voucners tnereior. . Dated at Dalles City, Or., March 6. 1899. z. r. suuui. Guardian of the person and estate of Otis s. Sav age, Junior. mens Administrator's Notice Notice is hereby given that 1 have been appointed administrator of the estate of James J. Rutherford. deceased, bv the Honorable, tbe County Court of Wasco county, Oregon. All persons having claims asrainst saiu estate ore notmeu to present tnem witn the proper vouchers to me at my plar-e of residence in The Dalles, in taid county arid state within six months from the date of tins notice. O. J. Lb. WIS, Administrator. Datd The Dalles, U irch 23, 1893. apr5-4w Cows Herded. All citizens d isiroua of havinir their rows herded from and alter the first of March cm do so by apply ing at the stable of W. H. Butt?, where uarucuiara aou tenus win o maae kuowd. lebl? ANNOUNCEMENT! AT THE SCGGESTION OP MANY OF THE voters of this county I hereby announue mv w.lhn?ness and intention to become an inde!ndrnt candidate lur the otnee of County Clerk subject to tuc winuea oi ure vowb 01 me couniv. apl8d&wtd JAMES M. HUNTINGTON. Dissolution Notice. From tbe lat dav of At ISO), the hiulnefm r-- lati nship extatinir between J. A. Anderjoii and mv. self at Port Ton-eiid, ha been dissolved bv matual coriMent. apr7-d4w CHAS. BLTLEK. Port Townsend, Wah., April 1, 189X CAUTION Take no vhoes nnlevs W. X. Ionfflas name and nrice are Htamned on the Dot coin j i tue ieaier cannot auppiy you. enu uirea to lavcory, tancioams L. DOUGLAS $3 SHOE FOR GENTLEMEN. Fine Calf. Heavy Y.acod firaln and Cmd, nuwr vvaterproor. jjest in tne world, icxnmine nis 8R.0O GE.VtTINE HAND-SEWED 8 HOB. S4.00 HAND-SEWED WELT SIIOK. S3.BO POf.ICR AST FARMKRiP (sIIOK. S3.SO EXTRA VALUE CALF SHOE. K2.2S A 82 WORKIVRMFIi'S KHIIFS. S30 and Sl.TS BOYS' SCHOOL SHOK8. .au niaue in onKress, tsutton ana Lace. & $2 SHOES laIs. SI. 75 SHOE FOR MISSES. ItMi MniPFtnl. TtMt Rm Y7lfr1sv. aavvruaea MJm aWMaiWBt OIWsVWU JUMBt CViU Uf Freiman, gtThe Dalles,0r. Legal Notices. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon, for w asco county. Jl. A. Mood), plaintiff, vs Mrs. S. C. Haean. de fendant. To Mrs. S. C. Hagan, defendant: Iu the name of the State of ore . on, you are hereby reouired to anoear and answer the -complaint of the above named plaintiff, filed against you in the above entitled suit in said court on or rxiore thu zuili dav of May, 1890, that buin the first day of the regular term of sail court following the expiration of six consecutive weeks' publication of this summons, and if you fail so to appear and answer, tbe plaintiff will apply to the emit tor tbe relief prayed foi in his complaint filed herein, to-wit: for a deer e against you for the sum of $.35.88, bearing interest at tbe rate cf ei-rh; per cent, per annum, for the sum of 4100 as attormVs fee. fr the costs and diahurse itieuts of this suit, and for the forecloMiterf that certain mortgage executed by you jointly with your husband, Johu H llatran, now deceased, on the 2Uth day of August, 18s7, to I. W iatar Morris, on the southoasi qirncr ) of section No. thirty-six (3T) in township No. two (-. south of range thirteen (13) east of the WiiJam ttu meridian; containing one hundred and si-ty (160) acres and situated in Vtsco county, State of Oregon; which land was owned ny vou as vmir penarate un inert v. and included by you in said mortgage, with other lanuH belonging to our said hutiliand. KuiU nnrtg::gd was execuU-d by you and tour husband as aforesaid to secure the pa ment of five c-. rtaiu pnHiiisaary notes amounting to tj,000 a. d the interest thereon, designated as fol lows: NoteAo. one. d .000: note No. two, M.O 0; note No. three. 1 .000; note No four, 1,0U0, and note No. five, $2,000, with int -rest thereo.i at the rate of eight per cent, per aiiuunita d the interest to be paid on naia notes quarterly; tnai tne ianux oeiong inc to the eota e of the said John U. Hgan.deceased. included iu said mortgage to ecuie tbe payment cf aid notes and interest th r on, was sol" at admin iterator's sale by the order of the County Court of the State of Oregou for Wasco county, iu probate, and tbe proceeds of said sale and the whole thereof was appliea ou SJiu nuws uy orucr ui saiu cuuru, whihi proceeds paid in full, said notes designate'! as Nos. one, two, three and four, and a portion of note N i five, there still reinaine! a balance unpaid on said note No. five, and interest tlicr on at the rate of eight per cent per annum, amounting to the sum of $4:i5. bS at the date of filing- the complaint in this suit, for which sum this suit is brougnt, and lor tne foreclosure cf said mortgage to the extent of the Bale of your land hereinbefore described, included by you in -aid mortgage, and the proceeds of such sale to be apnli d to the aym'iit of said balance unpaid on said note No. five; and said note No. five provides that in caiw suit houlU be in.it tuted to collect the same or any portion thereof, that you would pay $i00 as reasonable attorney's feus in said sui, each of said notjs being signed by you. the defendant, Mr. S. C. Hagun, and payable to the order of U. Wis tar Morri; said note designated as note No. five and the said mortgage oecuriug the payment there--f, were du!y transferred and aligned to plaiu tiff, for value, before the commeivement of this suit And you will further take notice that such decree w ill provide for aud dire t the sale of your saii herein described mortgaged premises belonging to you to satisfy the amount of said Lalan e stiil due and unpaid on said note No. five, now owned by plaintiff, and secured by sai-J mortgage and amount ing to $435.tiS. I riniipal and interest, to the date of filing the complaint iu this suit, together with 9t00 as reasonable attorney's fees as provided for in said note No. five, and the costs au1 disbursements of this suit, and for uuch otbci relief as may be equita Lle. You will also take notice that thi) summons is served upn you by publication, iu pursuance of an order of the Honorable E. 1. Shattuck, Circuit Judge of tbe Fourth Judicial District of the State of Oregon, of date April 7th, directing the publi cation of the same in the Tijies-Moistainker fur six successive weeks. CONDON & CONDON, April 7, 1600. Att'ys for Plaintiff. aprlH-Ot SUMMONS. In tbe Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Wasco county. The Solicitors' Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff. vs. James liootft, Mary ifooth, w. t . McUlure, Sarah U. McCiiire, D. G. Alter, Ada Alter, Ralph Rimers. Julia N. Rogers, I'ri Embody, J. W. Tay 1 r, Daniel Gridley, K E. Ilall and Jhn W. Fran cis, defoiidants. To James Booth, Mary Booth, W. F. McClure. Sarah U. McCluie, I. O. Alter, Ada A-Ur, Kalpb iaogers, Ju ia N. Rogers, Uri Embody, J. W. Taylor. Danied Grid ley, E. E. Ha 1 and John W. t'rancis, the above named defeuda its: In the name of the State of Oregon y u and each of you are hereby required to be and appear in the above nam.d court and answer the complaint filed against you by the above n-imeJ plaintiff in the pove entitled action, witn n ten days from the date of tb. service cf this summons upon jou, if the same is served in Wasco county, 8 are ot Oregon; if the same is se'-ved upon you in any other county in said state, then within twenty dajs from the date of the service of the same upon you; and if the same is served up.-n you by publicatt n, then j ou are re quired to kppear and answer by the first day of the term of sal i court following the expiration of the time prescribed in the order for publication thereof, to-wit: by the 26lh dav of May, 1890. And if vou fail so to answer, judgment wi'l be taken against you for want thereof, and said plaintiff will apply to the id court for tho r lief demanded in the said complaint, which is for judgment again tspid de fendants, James Booth a:id Mary Booth, for 21 30 and interest on $2000 thereof at the ra'e of six per cent per annum, compounded semi annually at the rate of tiirht per cent per annum from Juy 1, 1S89; and interest on $10 thereof from July 1, 1SS8; on $00 thereof from January 1, ISciU, ajd on $ou thereof from July 1, at the rate of eight per cent per annum, and for $200 attorney's fees aod costs and disbursements; and for a decree forever barring and foreclosing all of said defenuanti of all interest in the land heninafter described, and ion closing the mortgage given by said James Booth and Mary Booth to said plaintiff on the 25th day of February, 1887, to secure the sums aforesaid upon those par cels of lan I in Wasco county, State of Oregon , known ana aescnoea as tne cast nan anu tne east nan oi the southwest Quarter of section fifteen U5). all of section sixteen (10), tho east half of section seven teen (17), aud the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-two (22), all in township one (1) north of range fourteen (14) east W. M., con taining nuu acres more or less. And oraenrg said 1 nd sold and the proceeds thereof applied to the payment to plaintiff of the sums aforesaid, and for general relief. The date of the order cf service by publication in uiib uuit in Ainrcn zv, ion . J. d. u riui", March 29, 1890. Plaintiff's Attorney. apn may it SUMMONS.' In the Circuit Court of the State of Oretron for nascoiaunty. The Solicitors Loan and Trust Company, plaintiff, n. dunes sooin, aiary nootn, w. r . aicuiore, Sarah H. McClure. D. O. Alter, Ada Alter, Kalph Koiters, Julia N. Hovers. I'n Embodr. J. W. Tay lor, Daniel Gridley, E. E, Hall and John W. Fran cis, defendants. To James Booth, llarr Booth. W. P. UcClura. Sarah H. McClure. D. O. Alter, Ada Alter, Ralph iuigon, rfujtan. ruifrcrs, in junoouy, J. w. Taylor, Daniel Gridley, E. F. Hall, and John W. Francis, ue uvie imiucu ueieuuanui; In the name of the State of Oregon you and each oi you are nereoy required to oe and appear in the above named court and answer the complaint filed against you by the above named p'aintiff, in the above entitled action within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon yeu if die same is served iu Wasco county. State of Oregon, if the same is served upon you in any other county in said state, then within twenty days from the date of tne service of the same upon you. and if the same is servea upon you ny publication then you are re quired to appear and answer by toe first day of the term of said court following the expiration of tbe time prescribed in the order tor publication thereof to-wit: by the 26th day of Hay, lt90, and if jou fail so to answer judgment will be taken against you for wuufc mereoi. aua saia piainun win apply to the said court for the relief demanded in said complaint, which is for judgment against said defendan s James Booth and alary Booth for 2120 and interest , n 12000 thereof at the rate of six per cent, per annum eompounuea senu-annuaiiy at tne rate or eight per cent, per annum from July 1st. 1889. and interest at eigm per cent, per annum on 500 thereof from Jan. 1st, 1889, and ou 60 thereof from Julr 1st. 1SK3: auuiurezw aiEomes lees ana costs ana aisburse ments. And for a decree foiever barring and fnr closing all of said defendants ot all interest in the land hereinafter described, and foreclosing the mort gage given by said James Booth and Mary Booth to said plaintiff on the 25th day of February, 1887, to secure uie sums aioreaaiu upon tnose parcels of land in Wasco county. State of Oregon, known and da. ecribed as the southwest quarter of section four (4), the north half of section nine (9), and the northwest quarter oi section seventeen (17V. all in Tnivnul.i,, one (1), north of range fourteen (14) east, W. 11., containining C40 acres more or less. And ordering said lauds sold and the proceeds thereof applied to the payment to plaintiff of the sums aforesaid and lur general renei. The date of tbe order for service bv publication in wis ui. is aiarcn .V, laiu. j. a. trtuft, Alarm zu, usuu. FlaiutuTs Attorney. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for tho State of Oregon, for the Mjuiibjr 01 fiasco, as. Annie J. Fitzzerald. plaintiff, ts. Katu CmihiV airs. v. a. beavers and William Snyder, Jr., de- ICUUllULa. Ts Kate Cnuhiir. lira. D. IT. Reaver, and William snyuer, jr., defendants: In tbe name of tbe State of Omron. mn .nH irh of vou ara hereby required to appear and answer uie euuipiain. uieu ajrainst you in tne above entitled action wiihin ten days from the date of the servije of this summons upon vou. if seived within tin. county; or if sen ed within any other county of this sf'-t, then within twenty das from the date of tbe ei-yice oi mi. summous upon yuu; and if you fail so n uawcr, nir want tnereot, uie plaintm will apply to Uie court for the relief prayed for in her com plaint, to-wit: the partition of the life esUte of Wlllium Kinder in parts fa one-third nart) of lot. H muw . ut uiucK uuo ui utuitm t.iiy proper iroiilllijf about 26 feet on Main street on the n.irth aide there of and bounded on the west by the property owned by the late O. 8. Savace. lhls summons is served upon vou and each of vou u uuisutturo ui mil oruer uuiv maul. MMn nn ttia 8th day of April, 1890, by Loyal B. Stearns, Judge of tbe Kou-th Judicial District o' the State of Oregon. . niiu Mv aiara ct n l'.ntimjtos, ap!9-7t Attorneys for Plaintiff. CITATION. In the Comity Court of the Stote of Oregon, for the vounty ui w asco. In the matter of the estate of Phoebe M. Dunham deceased - -Citation. To Mary O Cnstman. Clara R. Soedden. Oeonra .wins anu vjiim ica n. m neirs at law oz Phoebe M. Dunham, deceased, greeting: . . 'In the name of the State of Oreiron. von are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of tie owe oi uregon, lor ue uounty of Wasco, at the court room thereof, at Dalles City, in said county, en Monday, the 4th day of May, 1890, at 10 o'clock: in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any there be, why an order should not be made authoiizins; tne administrator of said estate to sell tne following described real eat-ite oeloneinB to said tstate, to-wit:. A strip or parcel of ' laud 33 feet wide and 100 feet deep of the east side of lot Ko. 11, in block No. 6, of Laughlin's addition to uane city, wa co county, uregon, situated on the bluff, together with the tenement and hereditaments thereto belonging, to pay tbe claims against said i tate and tbe expense of administering the same. Witness the lion. C. N. Thornbury, Judge of I BUL.j said County Court, with the seal of said Court affixed, this 3d day of April, A. 1880. Attest: ubu. 11. muBreuM, Ulerlc apr5-6t By 1. Jl. 'Hustlnoton, Deputy. Dissolution Notice. Notice is hereby siren that the nartnerahlb here tofore existing between C. F. Lauer aod J. N. Ltuer has been dissolved by mutuil consent. Mr. C. F. Lauer will continue the business, and will collect all aeDis due tt.e late nrm and pay all liabilities. C. F. LAUER. The Dalles, April , 1893. N. LAUEJt. apro-ot FROM TERMINAL OR INTERIOR POINTS THE NORTHERN PACIFIC RY. Is tbe line to take TO ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. It is the Dining Car Route. It runs Through Ves tibuled Traius Every Day in the year to ST. PAUL and CHICAGO. (NO CHANGE OF CARS.) Composed of Dining Cars unsurpassed, Pullman Drawing Room Sleepers of Latest Equipment. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, Best that can be constructed, and in which accom modations are both Free and FumUhed lor holders of First or Second class Tickets, and ELEGANT DAY COACHES. A Coatinw is Line c nnectin? with All 0 Lines, Affording Direct and Un- irieiruptcd service. Pulman Sleep er reservations can be secured In ad vance through any agent of the road. TUDflMPU To and from all points IIII1UUUI1 I lUIiLIU In America, c.nglano ard Europe can be purchased at any Ticket olfice of mis iJomt any Full information concerning rates, time of trains. routes and ot.'ier details furnished on application to any agent, or Jl. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agt , No. 121 First street, cor. Washington PORTLAND, OREGON. 0. D. TAYLOR, Washington Street, In rear ot French Jk Co's Bank buildinfr. THE DALLES. - OREGON. -THH New Zeland Insurance Co. Is one of tbe Best in the World Also managers for Oregon, Washington and Idaho of the I Mutual Benefit Life InsuranceCo. OF NEWARK, N. J. 1 aid policy holders, sin ce organization, $92,813,907.06 ! Assets, market value ... . Surplus, N. Y. standard. 5,512,129 31 One of the most solid companies in the United States. AGENTS WANTED for the State of Oregon Territories of Washington and Idaho. MONEY LOAN. NOTARY BUSINESS Before starting on a Journey, get an ACCIDENTriCKET. Only 25c"for $3000 Insurance. Loaning Honey foi non-resident a specialty. 8 per cent, net guaranteed to lenders. O. r. TAYLOK HENBY L KUCK, Manufacturer of and dealer in Harness and Saddlery, Second St., near Moody's Warehouse, TBE DALLES, OB All Work Uuauranteed to tsive Sat- srar.ti on H. GLENN, Is again at his old stand and has on hand FINEST BRAND OF ENGLISH CEMENT. Tanks of all sizes, from 1000 to 40,000 gallons, made to oraer. ar Contracts for all kinds of buildings taken at the lowest fipures. Fakr's Golden Female 'Pills. For Female Irregular ities: nothingllkethem on the market. Never aft Successfully used illyt t lai oy prominent ladles monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't be humbugged. Save Time, Health, and money ;tuke no oth er. Sent to any address. secure by mail on re ceiptnt price, fi.00. Address, THE APHRO 1HEDICIHE COMPANY. Western Branch, Box 27, PORTLAND, OK' FOR SALE BY BLAKELY ft HOUGHTON. Thompson's Addition -TO- DALLES CITY. Now Ready ftr Sale on Easj Terms, Now is the timejto buy while PRICES ARE LOW This tract has been surveyed and matted In acre tracts with convenient streets aud avenues and so arransed that purchasers can get one block or sev eral acres in a body. The lan. I is comparatively level, soil excellent, water easily obtained, location pleasant, beautifid and easy to accea. and loina th. ar umiiKUMKiY on uie ease Title U. S. Patent. Warranty Deeds. FOR 8ALE BY The Dalles Land and Improvement Co. For articulars apply at the office of the Company ms - and 8, Land Office Building, The Utiles, Or. COKE AND SEEfaTHE PROPERTY". THORNBURY & HUDSON, apGd&wtf Real Estate Agents mm QXDOi 8CNO FOR OUR CATALOOUCasio PRICCS ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, inUiHIlArVUSa inO, Eureka Restaurant. mHIS BCILDINO IS FOB RENT AND THE Fixtures therein (or sale. Apply to Xxmchti GEO. WILLIAMS. Sniped KtocrSy, -THE- Leadings -Druggists, 129 Second Street The Dalles, Oregon. 0. N. THORN BURY. T. A. HUDSON. THORXBURY & HUDSON, ire, INSURANCE Money to ZLioan. on Real Estate, Chattel and Personal security. Will attend to all linds oj Land business be fore tlie U. S. Land Office. Rooms 7 and 8, np-stairs, U. S. Land Office building, THE DALLES, OREGON. FRUIT I SHADE TREES SMALL BRUITS, VINES EVERGREENS, SIP UBS, ROSES, ETC The Ear fleet Strawberry known, CLARKE'S " SEEDLING Also, tbe EVERGREEN, ever-bearing strawberry a valaable acquisition Mission :-: Gardens, . JAMES A. VARNET, Prop. The Celebrated French Cure, wSrLed "APHRODITINE" Is Sold ok a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of ucrvous disease, or any disorder nt the generative or gans of either BEFORE isinir from the AFTER exrcsMe use of stimulants. Tobneco or Opium or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg ence, tc, such as i.oss ot Jiram rower, tvnueiui less. Bearing down Pains tu the Back, Seminal enkness. II vsteria Nervous Prostration Norturu- al Emissions, lncorrlioea. Dizziness. Weak Mein ory, J.ossof Power and Iinpotency, which if ue elected often lead to lirematnreoiti agentm insan ity. Price 1.00 a box. 6 boxes lor 15.00 Sent by man on receipt oi price. A WKITTEN ;i ATCANTKK forevery5.0t order, to refund the money if a 1'ermaiieiit cure is not effected. Thonsauds oi testimonials from old and youne, of both sexes, permanently cured by Aphrooitinr. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CU . WESTKKN RRANCH. BOX 27 PORTLAND, OE BLAKELEY &. HOUGHTON, Druggists, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE DALLES, UREUON. 0. T. THOMPSON. A.W. FARUHER, THOMPSON & FARCHER, General Blacksmiths, Near Mint building, Second St. Horse -Shoeing and General Jobbing st opeoisucy Prices reasonable and to suit the times. The Dalles Lumbering COMPANY, Successors to THOS. JOHNS fc CO. MINT BUILDING GROUND. Ths Dalles, - Oregon. DKALKSS IS ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED Lumber and Builder's Material. ALS Shingles, Fence Posts Lime and Hair. MAsTtrVACTDBKU OF DOORS. WINDOWS, BLINDS. Orders from abroad receive prompt attention. PIONEER-.-GROCERY, GEO. RUCH, Proprietor. Northwest corner of Second and Washington Its CHEAPEST place in The Dalles for all kinds of GROCERIES FLOUR, GRAIN, WILLOW-WARE, u. Toankful for favors In ths past, I would respect fully solicit a continuance of the same. GEO RGB RUCH Denny, Rice & Co. Wool & Commission Merchants 610 Atlantic Ave., Boston. tVCash advances made on consignment. THE DALLES Marble. Works, C..J. Smith, Prop'r. Buy at Home and Save Freights and Agents' Commissions. Lock Box 218. THS DALLES, OREGON. A WEAK MALT Can now cure himself of tfie deplorable remits of early aonse, ana pen-cuy restore nis vigor and vi tality by ths Great Australian Rfniedy. Ths re markable cares of hopeless cases of Nervous Debil ity and Private Complaints are everywhere stamnimr out qaackery. The Medicine, a physician's (rift to suttering humanity, wiu be sent Ires to those at fated. Address. Da. M. B. TAYLOR. Imarly sr. 809 Market Strreet, San Francisso. -BRANDS- OF ALLEN GRANT, Eagle Valley, near Antelope Ewes have square crop on rirfit ear an 1 sf. lit on left. . Wethers reverse. Horses and cattle branded 'R. G." Have scld my horses and cattle, but not my brands. NOTICE. Any r-eroo wishintr to rorcfaase flour at the DU mnod Mill can do to in Iota not leas than 6 bbla. ; price t4XO per larreL subject to alteration. Terms tdricU &h. A. H. CU&TISS, prop. PAY UP. LL ACCOUNTS ICE THE UNDERSIGNED i must be stttl'd cn or before Hay 1. 1890. or they will be placed fir A Uei.ion. . BECK. - The New Umatilla House, THE DALLES. OREGON HANDLEY & SHYNOTT. Proprietors, r - i THE LARGEST AND FINEST HOTEL IN OREGON. Free Omnibus to and from the Hotel. Fire-Proof Safe for the Safety of all Valuablbs Ticket and Baggage Office of the UNION PACIFIC Railway Company, and Office oj the Western UuUm 'Telegraph Company, are in e Hotel. TRAINS DEPART FROM THIS HOUSE AT 12:10 PJ M. FOR WALLA WALLA 2:40 P. M. PORTLAND Tents, Wagon Covers. AT THE OLD STAND. Country Orders Promptly a tended u REMOVAL ! Eemoved to 276 -LEALER in- Paints, Oils, Glass, Wall Papers, Decorations, ARTISTS Mouldings and Picture Frames, Cor nice Poles, Etc. -XJEXlXf3 THIMMED FREE. Oil Paintings, Chromos R P. FITZ Wagon-Makers' and Groceries. ty Sole Afrent tor the IMPROVED MONARCH Washine; Machine. C. E. DUNHAM, Druggist and Optician. SOLE AGENT FOR cc GLASSES. PAT! JULY IS 1ST. Every Pstiv Porolistswcl Oaarsiatcted. STATIONERY Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicina uses. Prescriptions com pounded at call and see HO OSIER FENCE MACHINE, OIiLY c that gives a continuous twist THE PACIFIC gtrong, Durable, Neat, and the H B. EEED, THE ALLE3, 7L W. M1(D)(IDI1D, km'l Commission and Forwarding Merclian 391, 393 and 395 SECOND STREET, (Adjoining Railroad .DepoL) Oonsigrnments Prompt Attention to those who The Highest Price paid in Cash FJBLET ft FBfl)I, Successors to L D. Frank deceas Wholesale and Retail Dealers JaipagSalen Leather & Shoe Findings, Carriage Trimmings Etc, marM-td REMOVAL Z and 278 Second St., MATERIALS, and Steel Engravings. GERALD, AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, SchutUcr's andTuhhrAsIeWagons, HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL. Rlaclcsmiths9 Sroclz. Keeps in stock a fall line ot Eazors, Knives, Scissors, PATENT MEDICINES. GenuR lerchandise oPERFUMES, SOAPS, SPONGES, RUBBER GOODS, fc?lioiiltler" I3iuces. Cliest Xiotectois AND CIGARS all hours. ' , to the wire. In operation at PENCE WOKKS, Cheapest Fence in the World. Proprietor. OREGON. t . Solicited ! ! favor me with their patronage. for Wheat, Barley, Etc., Etc. PRINZ & NITSCHKE, wholesale: ad iiktail Furniture & Carpet Dealers. Are nappy to announce to the public that they have succeeded in procuring the special jobbing rates ol the celebrated EMPIRE MILLS, which enables us to sell Furni- tue and Carpets at prices hith erto unknown in Oregon. A Few of Our Quotations will ITardwood bent Chairs, each 76 cb Cane Kockers $ 2 00 Ash Bedsteads S 50 Woven-wire Mattresses 50 Lounges IS 00 (TCAlili AND frllI-J US I'd FISH & -DEALERS IN- tones, Furnaces, names, GAS PIPES, PLCMBERS' GOODS, PUMPS, & We are tbe solo asenls for the Celebrated TRIUMPH RANGE and RAMONA COOK STOVE, which has no equal, and guaranteed to givo en tire satisfaction or niont-y refunded. Cor. Second and Washington streets, The Dalles. THE 0R0 FINO WINE ROOMS, AD. I JLIEIi , Proprietor. Port -81, Sherry 81. Muscat 83, Angelica 83, ' Mountain 83 nil Gregorlo "Vineyard Co. Agency. All Wines and Brandies Guaranteed Strictly Pure, The Best Wines, Liquors and Cigars Always on Sale. Try the best remedy for Dyspepsia, "Dandelion Tonic." ssi F rancisco gee? SECOND STREET BETWEEN UNION AND COURT. F. LEMKE, --- PROP'R, Ii.T:Era ON DRAUGHT -:-Columbia Brewery Beer,:-: AND ITOn e$AX.li: ALL KINDS OF BOTTLED BEER. Also, the .iery lest Imported Wines, Liquors and Cigars. The One Price Cash House, COR. SECOND AND COURT STS.. , P. McHlMY, J -DEALEH IIf- Foreign and Domestic. Dry Goods, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, &c. Agent for the Bntterick Patterns, also for the Hall Bazaar Dress Forms, Fun &TEkIL The Undersigned has Added Metallic, Cloth-covered, , Sen and Rosewood Caskets, Burial Robes and Shronds. Trimmings sod owns ths Host sHlejcant Hesurae eant of the mountains with all tbs latest improTamrat. NO DELAY IK Plarft stf Bsnuaesia. Third street, three doors boose, and adjoining his Flaning Mil) and Wagon Shop. Place S)f KesUdeaee. Fourth street, corner and night. A M. WILLIAMS & Co., 8UOCESSOB8 TO LATE. FIRM E. vINGATE Ac CO. en era Merchandi " A COMPLETK LINK OF F0RKIUN AND D0MB8TI0 Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Iron and Steel. Farm Implements. STUDEBAKER WAGONS. Crandall DEALERS IN Fine Upholstered Goods Furniture, Carpets, lUUkiKS, Psxlor TTnd.erta.TTi ng a, Specialty. Coffins, Caskets, Buriil Eobes, Etc an b found at aU hours of ths dap or night at their plae jrom seama. aty Ess remored from Second street lo Third BOOKS, : STATIONER! : AND : MUSIC. tW All mall orders filled satlsfactorU and pronpUr, - ii r Convince the Most Slceptloal; Bed-lounges Ash Bedroom Set. Brussels Carpets, per yard . Ingram Carpets, do . flS 00 , ib 00 20 J BARD ON, -:o:- Burgundy 83,. Zinfardel 84, Eiesling 83, Hock 83, Table Claret WM. MICIIELL. -UNDBBTASSB AND IDii'ector. to bis Business a full line of Black, White, French of all descriptions at the Loiest Prices FILLING ORDERS. east ot Olbons. Ilaoalllstsr k (Vs asrricultaral war of Washington. Can be ssn at all hours of th day HACKS AND BUGGIES. &'Buret, Ornaments, indow Bhades, Etc of frusinsat, Washington strut, two doors north k aw M.yn. street. Ths Leading House (or sod sorrsf fiondeBos efalertullj snswer . Id!